#somebody who isn't me because i don't know what naruto is
yellowocaballero · 1 year
all these naruto references make me wonder how things would go if vash and knives met zetsu. lmao
I don't know what you're talking about and I don't know what a Zetsu is and isn't Naruto that thing on ramen I've never read it in my life why do people keep sending me Naruto asks when I don't know what Naruto even is is this funny to you guys pretending that I know what Naruto is when I have no idea what you're even talking about so I have no idea why you sent this ask twice I'm being publicly harrassed -
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
not to come trudging into your inbox unwanted, but is there a word for the phenomenon where like, a protagonist meant to be like, an underdog and societal outcast evolves into The Only Real Person over the course of the narrative because the author is so dead set on making the main character a hated little meow meow but also always right and the only valid arbiter of justice?
I don't know if there's one word specifically for that, but at risk of tvtropesification I would describe this as a phenomenon that can happen multiple ways with slightly different flavors.
Type A: What Do You Mean I Have Traits?!
Example: Danny Phantom.
Basically this is distinguished by being present from the absolute start. We are supposed to believe Danny (or Timmy, FOP does this too) is a Total Loser, but, actually, nobody seems to have a problem with him besides Dash and the series never seems to struggle to think of kids who have it worse than him in the social pecking order.
At this point, the Uncool-Ness of the protagonist is essentially a fig leaf. You can also often see this with "everyman" protagonists like the fantasy hero who comes from a small countryside town but will never have any sort of qualities people might look down on as "rural" or "a country bumpkin". See also: the Sky High variant where the hero has to relate to and move within the underdogs but crucially is ultimately revealed to not be an underdog at all by having the most conventional powers at all.
The underlying problem to type A here is it is written with the goal of relating to the lowest common denominator. It assumes that a character being successful, motivated, driven, is unrelatable... but also, someone being a "real" loser who is actually disabled or poor or has actual unglamorous consequences is not relatable either. So you get an upper middle class perpetually single guy with one (1) bully who hates him and one (1) girl who's Tragically Out Of His League (but is also dying to jump his bones) and this is passed off as actually just the safe, generic, reliable guy! perfectly ordinary. And just for YOU, audience, because this is what we think you are: a loser with no reason for it.
(suffice to say I do not care much for this type of everyman writing.)
Type B: The Backstory Creep
This is more common in long-running series, especially manga with their production model encouraging a bit of seat-of-pants-ing. Basically your character actually starts out a real everyman who could be somebody. A good example of this type I'd point to is Luffy from One Piece.
Yes, Luffy has a power uncommon to his setting, but the Gum-Gum fruit isn't lavishly unique among devil fruits; it has its strengths and drawbacks. There are even ways that ordinary people have an advantage over devil fruit users. So Luffy is just a particular promising rookie who we like because of his personality.
Then... it turns out Luffy's dad is famous but somehow nobody before this point has assumed a Monkey D. Luffy is related to the notorious Monkey D. Dragon. And then it turns out Luffy's grandfather is also famous... and then we get into the implications of the Will of D and Gol D. Roger.
You can even do this if your characters already HAVE an obvious connection but it gets worse. Consider also Naruto, and how it's baldfacedly obvious from the start Naruto is Minato's son, considering he looks like a younger Minato with whisker marks; later installments of Naruto decided to make his mother not just an amazing badass but also that the Uzumaki name was attached to some amazing legendary ninja clan, which... people more into the series than me have pointed out this makes really upsetting context out of an early fight where a character who is meant to be wrong argues that all victory or loss is based on who is a superior being, and Naruto argues back that if a nobody like him can defeat his opponent, then it's proof this is wrong and free will is important...
...but never mind that, we can give our hero an entirely unforeshadowed Badass Secret Legacy!
(did I mention both of these variants really like to shit on adopted parents? because of course adopted parents can't give you Proof Of Badassery in your genetics.)
A big part of what I think is wrong with both of these, is that it basically tries to have its cake and eat it too. Your character is powerless and likable and struggling, except they succeed amazingly and have cool parents and all these connections! Your character is dominating and godlike except they're such a rookie underdog they are not responsible for their power at all, and don't have to face any consequences or concerns related to being an overpowered monster.
The more honest way to field it, is that if your character is a luckless street urchin, let the narrative treat them that way. Let them have consequences of it that aren't just pretty or flawless. If your character is glamorous and powerful, let the narrative treat them that way. Even in relatively trivial ways, this kind of power-but-not-actually can create weird vibes.
To pick on Frozen, a film I otherwise actually enjoy a fair bit of- Anna's love of chocolate in the time period of the setting definitely marks her as an aristocrat used to a life of leisure and imported fineries. She has beautiful dresses to wear. None of this makes her evil. But the way the film gives her chocolate is supposed to make her feel like a Relatable Underdog, which... frankly, feels like gilding the lily. Anna's perky disney-standard songs come with some of the most heartbreaking lines. We see that she nearly gets killed in childhood and then loses her memory of the incident leaving her to an experience of extreme loneliness that creates a people pleaser who falls head-over-heels for the first person to actually make time for her and agree with her at all.
We don't need to hear her having the tee-hee indulgence that just like you, folks, she wants to stuff chocolate in her face!
(we also will not, incidentally, depict Anna as plus-sized even though for her time period and setting, her being built like a viking bride would both emphasize the various gags- and serious bits!- where she is obviously very strong, but would also make sense as culturally speaking the idea of thin as the ideal body is a recent innovation and Disney can afford to give body diversity to its heroines. Nor will we actually consistently depict Anna with a large appetite.)
She's so relatable, we see her waking up and her hair is gross and messy!
(we will not ever again see her in any sort of unglamorous look the entire film including while she's dying of a curse and her styles are just as fastidiously tidy as Elsa's, distinguished only by more severe lines on the latter... until she goes to her ice queen design)
So funny, she talks about being gassy in one scene!
(we will never depict her farting.)
And this is trivial stuff. There's one line about gassiness. This could be emphasizing not that the problem is fart joke but the problem is Anna has zero filters, which is fairly consistent throughout the film in both dramatic and comedic areas. I could say something a lot worse about the plot hole that Anna is clearly not meant to be a classist person (she does not treat Kristoff badly and he speaks freely to her early on) but the castle obviously has guards and servants... that somehow did not impact Anna's loneliness, even though their parents are dead and Elsa is obviously not sticking close enough to Anna to prevent her from being friends with them. To the point in For The First Time In Forever Anna is dancing actively around the servants but she isn't talking to them and they aren't reacting to her.
Doylistically, this is just because the servants are setpieces. This is vastly overthinking it and I'm not in their target audience. But I think this comes back to the same thing you're talking about, anon:
An awful lot of writers are very uncomfortable admitting their protagonists have any form of power or privilege that they might need to have a more complicated relationship with than just a "spoiled princess must be humbled" moral.
Even when it's a boring, mild form of power like "everyone does not hate me at school" or "I am allowed to sometimes be lucky"
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littlemonstert-blog · 2 months
Explaining What I Shouldn't have to...
My Aynalsis
People act like this explanation came out of nowhere when it was literally right in our faces.
Since there only so many panels I can add i might even do a mini part 2
Yes Naruto reasoning for his crush on Sakura was because his rivalry with Sasuke.
Let's started from the beginning where the author set of the dyanmic between team 7.
This is how
Had it from the very beginning
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"Sakura a cute girl i like alot" like this is it. So basically from the start from what we know she's cute. That's it
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then introduce sasuke already we seen they already know each other.
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People tend to "call cap" like there isn't a whole ass chapter explaining the ONLY reason why he even liked her in the first place. Chapter 3
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" All I want is for you to acknowledge me." Naruto really took this up as a competion to go out of his way to make Sakura dislike Sasuke.
He did in certain ways at time saw sakura a trophy in a competion.
How did people take this seriously. A immature boy who grew up without parental guidance.
Chunnin Exams
Chapter 37
For somebody who as a crush on Sakura he much more worried about Sasuke having the attention then rather Lee who's blowing kissing & asking her out on a date.
"Always Sasuke"
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Forest of Death
Chapter 57
Don't even get me started on the forest of death that the real kicker for me.
in the dream sequence we finally get to see how Naruto wants to one up Sasuke & Sakura as the trophy
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And when Naruto wakes up not asking about her injuries but... about her hair.
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Chapter 74
Ya' know this could been a true moment between the two, but Naruto doesn't really care. Always turns to be comedic relief nothing to take seriously.
(This is how sum up there 'moments" could have been romantic but ends up as a joke because the author never takes them seriously.)
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Naruto vs Gaara
Chapter 129
'What are we suppose to do?"... Now, thats not something you say when the girl you like is in danger of dying.
It took Sasuke throughout this chapter to remind him to do something.
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In contrast with other characters there's no questioning what to do. Naruto does two things; will get super mad and go berserk if you mess with Sasuke or Hinata regardless of what point you read in the story
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After the Tsunade arc
chapter 172
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Now, people say he was sad because how Sakura ran up to. No form this panel Naruto sees that Sasuke was at peace that why we get that "sasuke..you..." he's been through then decides to leave.
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If naruto was all that upset about it we would have gotten a flashback to the scene. But then here we are again with Naruto & Iruka eating more concered if Sasuke will become a chunin chapter 172
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Then went back to see sasuke smiling as if nothing happened
Even after this to prove my statement he still wants to check on Sasuke & his wellbeing chapter 173
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The promise
chapter 183
Seen people say Naruto was truly heartbroken during this. Which is not true Naruto always knew Sakura has feelings for Sasuke. If it was that they would have had a flashback to the hospital scene. In truth Naruto understands her too and is hurt because he cares about Sasuke leaving too.
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After Pein Arc
In this scene it just shows us how they just incompatible they are. Never being able to console each other ( other then when it comes to sasuke) when it comes down to it. Naruto needs cheering up to & I understand Sakura needs it as well because Tsuande is her teacher.
Naruto never paied attention when Sakura has been feeling down unless it possibly about Sasuke.
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If it isn't Team 7 mission related or Sasuke what do they honestly talk about? I've never see them bond about anything else. When it comes down to it there friendship has always been rocky.
The kage summit arc
The Promise
Chapter 457
What we've all been waiting for
Here we have it brought up again the conversation between Naruto & Sai
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Couldn't keep his promises... Not only did he not answer the question we have the next time when it's brought up again.
Chapter 470
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"Doesn't matter about the promise." I want to save Sasuke for my own sake."
Naruto telling her it doesn't matter if there a promise between them and if he never made he still chase after Sasuke....
Then what the hell is it then? This just tells us that his "feelings" for Sakura are shallow as hell and fading.
After this it's never brought up again. Normally if the girl you love did a fake confession like this be heartbroken & could never see them again.
But, Naruto acted as if this nothing ever happen. It's never brought up again.
If he really wanted Sakura wouldn't he have ask his mother advice/tips on this?
Looking back
Chapter 693
you have Sakura confess again right in front of Naruto & he isn't even fazed nor cares by it.
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Chapter 691
At the end Naruto still doesn't even mention her to his father at the end.
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At the end of it Naruto still doesn't know a damn thing about romance or girls. Why would he? Honestly an orphan at birth will be ignorant to certain situations. Just look at how long it took for Naruto to understand Sasuke.
but the question is when did Naruto start to grow up & mature?
I'd say it the time Jiraya died that when he truly grew up & matured.
May revise when I feel like it.
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cruyuu · 1 month
I agree being a Sukuna fan is pretty hard since a lot of G fans are too toxic. I also feel bad for Gege since G fandom always downplay other characters and arcs Gege made for other characters
Reminds me of Homer with Poochie who wanted EVERYTHING to be about Poochie lol
Being a fan of any character in this fandom that isn't a popular one is an experience, anon, I'll tell you that. Finding people who are more open-minded towards discussing those less-talked about characters or that share your opinions is even harder, lol.
Still, this is the first fandom I've been in where I have a hard time connecting with it at all because man, this fandom really struggles with objectivity and being at peace with where the story currently is. I had to walk away from the bird app because of the way I was tired (and frustrated) about people continually making theories about a dead character's comeback with 0 evidence and being dismissive of the current plot. Like outside of Yuuji and Sukuna, Higuruma is also one of my favorite characters, and even though I don't talk about him much, I'm at peace when it comes to his death. I don't consider it a waste nor do I consider that he could've been more developed. I accept canon and the role he played in the story, because I realize he is just a side character and this is not a story about him. If I want to see a story about him, I could just write one.
I genuinely have no problem with people loving characters nor being insane over their faves (I do that too) but it becomes tiring when you're met with 487283737 posts of the same thing over and over and over again while looking for analyses related to the current going-ons in the plot. Like Gojo had been dead for some time to the narrative yet the fandom still refuses to let him rest even though he found peace in death and I find that ironic because they won't accept his actual characterization, paint the author as a hater (even tho he created him so that argument makes no sense) and believe they know him best, even better than the author. Do they? Are they truly his fans if they can't accept what canon is telling them or fans of a version of him which never existed in the first place? Like real fans accept the fact that he's dead and are not arguing everything in the story is about him. I know that because one of my friends loves him a lot (he's his #1) yet he doesn't belittle anyone, nor does he hate Sukuna and is still keeping up with the story. Normal fans do still exist, even though they are a rarity in this fandom.
I also feel bad for Gege because people are still hating on him simply because he doesn't do what is common in shonen works. If those people are dissatisfied with his writing, then why not just read a work which will satisfy their cravings or write a story they wish to read? Why not read Naruto, a classic shonen where nobody ever dies, everybody gets to shine and has about half a story dedicated to the side-characters and gives them development? It's everything they've been looking for in jjk, and yet they're still reading jjk, expecting it to deliver these tropes which exist in other shonen and then get disappointed when it doesn't. Just because it is marketed at such, it doesn't mean it'll be a copy or a ripoff, or for that matter, that it will follow certain rules or tropes applied to shonen. Every story has its own rules and deserves to be treated as such.
As somebody who had started reading jjk with 0 expectations, I am actually quite enjoying the wild ride that is jjk.
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Prompt: Angst
The moon was full when Kaguya knelt down in the grass above Hokage Rock. She did her best to stifle a yawn, the adrenaline still running through her veins.
Out below her lay Konoha, with all the lights turned out and peacefully asleep. A dark, yet quiet village, happy to rest under the watch of the Hokages of the past and present. All Kaguya had was the moon in the heavens above, its glow making her stand out. Despite her best efforts, she shivered as the memories came flooding back. All the power in the world, and right now she felt more vulnerable than those blissfully unaware of their status.
"Hard time sleeping?"
Kaguya turned her head to see Asura's reincarnat-Naruto. His name was Naruto. She had to remind herself of that every time she looked at him. Yet sitting there with his legs dangling over the side of the monument, acting and looking much younger than he actually was. Well, it was impossible to NOT make the comparisons.
"I don't blame you. I get nightmares sometimes as well," he said nonchalantly. The Goddess didn't respond, keeping her face neutral like she always did. Carefree or not, it didn't feel right to trouble him with her concerns. He had enough on his plate as Hokage after all.
Naturally, keeping quiet just caused Naruto to shuffle a bit closer to her. "Look, I can tell when something's bothering somebody. And it looks like something's eating at you right now."
A sigh escaped her lips. "Your concern is appreciated but isn't needed. My struggles are my own, as are yours. We all have to face them in our own way." What she didn't say was how she felt she was losing hers. Why, it was staring at her in the face high in the heavens right now.
The young man beside her was silent for a moment, gazing up at the moon above them. Then he shrugged. "You know why shinobi always fight in teams? Cause nobody should fight alone. We always need somebody watching each other's back. I mean, I get what you're saying about facing your struggles head on. But it's not like we can't use all the help we need."
"My Clan probably would disagree with you there." And probably berate me for being weak as I am, she bitterly added mentally. Otsutsukis were supposed to be independent, all powerful. Never relying on each other so the burden does not crush others. She wasn't strong enough. Twice she'd been felled by offspring with puny chakras. And who was she to talk about it? She was the one who tried to cast the world into Infinite Tsukuyomi. Truth be told, she shouldn't even be torn up about this. The pain she felt was her failure and punishment. Why should anyone else suffer because of her?
She leaned back a bit, conscious about how visible her face was from the side. Kaguya didn't want him to see broken she was. The shadows of her tresses at least gave her some comfort.
"This is about when you lost to us, isn't it?"
"It's nothing. You won and did what needed to be done. I lost. What more is there to be said?"
"Why have pity for me then? Why care about how I feel right now? You can say all you want about forgiveness, but that doesn't change the fact about what happened. Maybe it's easy for you to forgive, but for others, that's a lot more complicated."
"Kaguya, you're sounding exactly like Sasuke was when we were neck and neck before he left the Leaf."
...for once, the Goddess was silent. Naruto talked quite a bit about his "rival". Despite falling into the same cycle their ancestors had condemned themselves to, they were making an effort to try and break it. As well as could be expected of course. Fact was, Indra's reincarnation wasn't that welcome here outside of family and his closest acquaintances.
"I didn't see it before, but I do now," he continued. "He beat himself up over not being the best. Not that I could blame him for wanting to be the best. When you've got a vendetta against your older brother, you kind of need to push yourself that hard. It didn't make what he did right and it sure wasn't healthy, but I could at least understand it."
"But you just said it wasn't healthy. Isn't that a sign of weakness on his part?"
"Well you can't exactly label anyone entirely good or evil. Trust me, it's not healthy." Naruto leaned forward, as if looking into the distance. "Everyone I fought had a reason to be that way. Sure, I can't necessarily forgive every last one of them. There's some things I can't look past. But if I don't understand why, then what's that say about me? Could I look myself in the mirror and assure myself I'd never end up like them? Or accept that I could and do what I can to make sure it never happens on my watch?"
Kaguya sighed. Yes, he was like Hagoromo. Beneath all the silliness, there was a kernel of wisdom. Poor thing. He wouldn't last one second amongst her kind.
But it wasn't like she had any more left to lose. "...every time I look at the moon, I remember when I was sealed."
Instead of getting a verbal lashing to match the one in her mind, Naruto just motioned her to continue. "Imagine if you had your own chakra turned against you. Imagine being crushed by untold amounts of rock and stone to the point you're at the very core of a celestial object. Imagine that death isn't a release since your body keeps trying to heal itself, causing yet more pain. And then the fact that you believed that you'd be trapped in that agony until the heat death of the universe. Alone, with all the hate and rage burning in your heart eating at everything you thought you were." Kaguya shivered despite her thick robes. Even just talking about it was enough to put her on edge.
"I know I deserved it, but-"
"No, it's okay. You've...got more right than most."
Kaguya glanced over, seeing Naruto bowing his head and looking forlorn. "Don't get me wrong. We did what we had to do, but...hearing it coming from you is something else."
He remained silent, as if unsure what to say. Kaguya had the mutual feeling. Was her former enemy showing sympathy for her sealing? That wasn't right. She deserved it. She was the one that threatened the world. So why was she being shown kindness? Her arms came together, her sleeves trying to wrap herself in a hug.
"...why?" she asked.
"I mean...you are talking to somebody who had a fox sealed inside him when he was a baby. If anybody knows anything about being sealed, it's me."
"Oh. Right." The Goddess had to remind herself that her "children" went through the same thing. Maybe not to the same degree, but somewhere along the same lines.
"Trust me. Kurama was just as pissed as you were for a long time when he was sealed," Naruto explained. "But he eventually came around. And this was the guy who wanted to kill me ever since I was born! I mean, if we could come to terms with each other, why not you and I?"
Kaguya honestly hadn't considered that. From what she knew, the Nine-Tailed Fox did sound like her when she was angry at being sealed. Or being used as some tool for others to exploit. Hell, Madara did try to exploit them both at one point or another.
"Look..." Naruto placed a hand on her shoulder, the warmness seeping through her kimono's layers. "Sometimes we do a lot of stuff that, even if we admit we were justified, leaves us wondering if things could've ended up differently. Then we decide if we really want the same thing to happen again. It's like you said. We live with our choices. They hurt, but it doesn't always mean we can't learn something from them."
The Goddess blinked, before looking at the moon. She let out a dry chuckle, feeling bested by another child. Maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn't. She didn't know. What she did know was that every night, she was going to get another reminder of what she had done and what she went through. And yes, she had wondered time and time again if things could've ended up differently. Perhaps that moon never needed to exist in the first place.
Yet the moon was unchanging. Static. Just like her. And looking across Konoha, she couldn't help but think of the vast chasm between herself and the humans. How could they know? They haven't lived for thousands of years. If they'd been as long lived, would they still be that hopeful?
Kaguya wasn't sure. And she didn't know what truth hurt most. The naivety of the mortal, or the ignorance of the immortal.
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rinseveryday · 1 year
Hello! I have so many thoughts and theories in my mind, especially I want to ask you the one. What do you think about the Demon King Rin? In the last chapter we saw how all pieces of the puzzle is coming together....
Hello! Thanks for the ask! I also have so many thoughts, please ask away anytime.
Massive spoilers for chapters 139 (138? I don't remember) and above!! Putting my response under the cut because it is long :> Like, I had to sit down for over an hour, long.
Demon King Rin my beloved boy
You know what's funny about life is that I fell in love with him way back in 2013, and he ended up becoming exactly my type of character 10 years later. I kept up with the series, but I discovered my tastes through other media so it was a huge shock to me when Demon King vigilante Rin shows up in canon. I was/am OBSESSED with the anti-hero or jaded hero types, like Daredevil and Deadpool just to name a few (I had a Marvel phase) as well as serieses like Devilman and Chainsaw man on the anime side. A monster with a human heart, bonus points if they live in a world that doesn't accept them. Now why am I talking about other shows? (Bc I wanna, that's why)
Well, Blue Exorcist didn't start as an adult rating, morally gray, anti-hero series did it? It was a fun, cliché Shonen show for teens set in an academic setting with all the typical school festivities and classmate crushes you can expect. Kinda different than Daredevil. But it's slowly been creeping towards darker, more serious topics over the years because Katoh's specialty lies in her ability to twist clichés into her own thing. AoEx's plot runs a lot deeper, and more sinister than your typical devil shonen manga. I still see a lot of theories about AoEx that still think it'll follow a Shonen plot, though, where the end will be a big fight against Somebody and then they'll all go home, become exorcists, and move on.
But really, Katoh's already said that Rin is a character that, if she's not careful, becomes real dark, real fast. I bet she had been wanting to add an anti-hero plot to the story for a while. He's no Naruto. He is the fox.
And so, newsflash! Rin's biggest antagonist isn't a demon. It's himself. Not demon!Rin, but Rin, as a whole. The plot isn't anywhere near being finished. Right now he's not the Blue Exorcist quite yet. He's a guy (level of humanity questionable) wreathed in the flames of a demon god. The day where he must choose between Assiah or Gehenna, is coming closer.
We see in the timeskip chapters a world where the current day has become Rin's tragic anti-hero backstory. Where he made choices that led him away from his human allies. Where he chose to embrace his demonic nature and fight against the corrupt human organizations.
I used to think that someone else was leading Rin, using him as a puppet leader of a resistance with his friends kept away as blackmail. Because how could Rin be so organized as to lead any sort of resistance right? Did his friends die which made him go rogue? What did Paku see? Was it related to Rin's reasons for becoming the Demon King?
However, now with the things Rin brought up in the most chapters, I don't know. I still find it hard to believe Rin would lead anything, but maybe he was just doing his own thing and the demons followed on their own *shrug.* If Rin's friends were still in the picture, he'd go to the ends of the Earth to get them back. So that leaves us with either a) they're dead or b) he chose to leave them.
People wear masks to hide. He doesn't need to hide his identity because his flames give it away so... Maybe he's hiding from shame.
His face went from sad to blank when he realized Paku was around. Rin Okumura? With a blank face? Our Mr. Wears his heart on his sleeve? Dude who cries from manga and slaps his knee when he laughs?
The blank face is a coping mechanism, just like the mask. He's probably disassociating so he doesn't have to deal with the painful memories she brings. Memories of his friends... Memories of being human.
Which brings us to the question, What did Rin remember when he woke up? I have a feeling he never reconciled with his demonic nature in that future, which led him to be at odds with exorcists. (RIP Malchidael Miku, you were too annoying to live). He probably didn't see the same future Mephisto did, but considering he does have all the same powers Satan does, he definitely saw Something.
Rin is right in that he was wrong to cage his so-called "demonic side." Or, if you read the raws too, he called it the "demon me." Everyone has anger and violence and desire and scorn in them as part of their survival instincts. That's not even a purely "demonic" thing. Rin forces the embodiment of those feelings, demon!Rin to yield and stay put. He doesn't understand why demon!Rin lashes out so strongly nor why he wants to take over.
Uhmmm sounds real healthy right? *Checks watch* demon!Rin should be back any chapter now~ It really begs the question, is demon!Rin the evil one for wanting to break out? Or is human!Rin the evil one for forcing demon!Rin to keep seething in jail?
Going back to the topic, it seems that Rin doesn't want to become the Demon King this time but he also isn't sure what to do. He knows he needs to do something about his burning questions and he knows the key to truly taming himself lies in knowledge and understanding. He has only caged himself, and has yet to reach Yuri's level of taming. Demon!Rin will come back. He'll always be there to protect Rin when he needs him the most.
While I sure love me some villain and anti-hero AUs, I do hope my beloved Rin Gone Wrong to stay in those chapters. He deserves a happier True Ending than becoming a Demon King 🤧
Well, there's some of my thoughts on Rin as Demon King and the plot. This got super long and was actually longer before I cut out all the unnecessary rambling.
Tl;dr he scares me
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kiigan · 6 months
NAME: Theia
PRONOUNS : she/her or they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord please! It's faster and it's easier and it has a lot of extra functionalities for both chatting and roleplay. I don't mind the tumblr DMs but they are very unreliable and more than once I've experienced not being notified that somebody messaged me or vice-versa.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Itachi, basically. However, on discord I've dabbed a bit at writing Kimimaro, Temari, and Rock Lee mostly for fun with friends. And I suppose I should mention I also write muses in other fandoms? Though the Naruto hyperfixation has been real as of late, but yeah, I also have muses in Star Wars, Fullmetal Alchemist, Resident Evil, and several Final Fantasy games.
BEST EXPERIENCE : I would say it's that moment you look at a reply from your partner and 1) you are in awe at their writing and portrayal and wondering how did you get so lucky to write with someone so talented, and 2) you can't wait to get to replying back, no matter how long the thread may be, and in fact you find yourself having so much fun with it and getting so engaged that you easily write back twice as much.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Uhhh I would say it's probably to feel that my partner isn't as invested as I am. For example, if we agree to plot but I'm the only one suggesting ideas and coming up with scenarios, and all I get back is short replies or something generic like "I'm okay with anything". Or if we have a ship together (doesn't even have to be a romantic ship) and I'm the only one coming up with headcanons and sharing stuff that reminds me of our muses. By all means, we don't need to talk/ plot/ roleplay every single day! I get very busy myself and sometimes go radio silent. And, as someone who's autistic, trust me that I know very well the feeling of being socially awkward. But roleplay is a partnership and requires mutual investment. If I start feeling like I'm the only one excited about our muses and plots, that's gonna make me feel like I'm annoying you and, in turn, that's gonna be the fastest way to make me withdraw from it.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I have recently confirmed that my muse type is Tall and Handsome and Full of Trauma, and occasionally also full of eye gore. But also I am very drawn to "accidental" heroes, heroes that are heroes not out of a prophecy but because, within their limitations, they choose to do what is right and what is needed. And I am also very drawn to big brother figures?? A lot of my muses seem to end up adopting orphans and/or raising other people's children lmao.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I prefer plotting because, from my self-experience, non-plotted interactions get dropped far too easily (either by myself or by my rp partners). That said, I am also a big fan of letting the muses talk and choose what they want, even if it may go against something previously plotted. And I don't think this is incompatible with memes? I do love memes and they are super good for breaking the ice between people who never wrote together! And also super good to provide new scenarios with which to plot and develop upon.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I have the tendency to write a lot, so I'd say long replies? Which doesn't mean I'm not interested in short ones! Especially because, sometimes, my brain is too mush to handle the long stuff so it's nice to have short ones to get some writing done. I just find it that, with muses like Itachi who rely heavily on introspection, it really is easy for me to get into it and write a lot more than originally planned.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Whenever my brain is not dead from work, I guess. As of late, it's been a lot easier for me to write during weekends for this reason. I care a lot about my replies and I don't like to give back half-assed stuff, so really the best time is whenever I can sit down, relax, blast some music, and get to writing.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I am definitely a nerd like Tachi and his perfectionism + obsessiveness come from my own. We are also both introverts and we both often occasionally have... trouble to keep a normal conversation going lol. And, honestly, we are both idealists.
tagged by: @fightaers & @fighterbound ♡ tagging: if you're reading this you're tagged by default~
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necronatural · 1 year
for the send me a character ask game: madara (&if you’re willing to do another one izuna)
I always love hearing what you think about them!
Of course no pressure :-)
First impression: The incredible ice-cold neutrality I had to Naruto villains by that point cannot be underestimated
Impression now: YEEES BROTHER PROBLEMS YEEEEES YOUR FUNDEMENTAL PERSONALITY AT ODDS WITH YOUR LOVED ONES. It's so awesome his brother wanted peace but because he didn't trust Hashirama or the Senju Madara just threw it all away once he fulfilled his brother's dreams. Go king fuck up everything. The Uchiha don't even like you anymore
Favorite moment: That world war fight where he used his sharingan to fight a whole army. I'm sorry that shit was hot as hell
Idea for a story: I know I already wrote Madara getting doublecucked fic but what if it was from Madara's point of view. Wouldn't that be so funny
Unpopular opinion: A lot of fanfics posit it's Uchiha culture to be covetous of your family and so on but I think Madara as an individual has severe control issues and codependency from family trauma. I think he's tender enough to want to do better but definitely the type of guy to Yellow Wallpaper somebody. He did do that. To Obito. Also I think if you genderbend the characters you should leave Madara as male because almost all his behaviour is informed by his male chauvinism and I think he would not do the things he did if he were a woman. Madara is without a doubt a misogynist (You Will Never Understand A Warrior's Bond flavour) so don't forget that either
Favorite relationship: I have special yaoi favourites where I smile and laugh and clap at stupid fujoshit yaoi interpretations. Madatobi isn't one of them though. If they aren't being toxic and insane at each other it's not them and it repulses me. I don't care about topping or bottoming only mind games. Fluff reserved for Hashimada. I like Hikaku having a one-sided psychosexual obsession with him since adolescence but no one understands me
Favorite headcanon:
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First impression: O...lore [thinks about what this means for Itachi's motivations because that is his narrative purpose]
Impression now:
Favorite moment: It was really funny how the anime added a line about how smug he was about the power of the sharingan and then Tobirama immediately utilized all the Sharingan's weaknesses to kill him. Way to kick a nothingdude while he's down
Idea for a story: In 2021 this is the only thing I was capable of doing
Unpopular opinion: Aro/Ace Izuna... And not only aro/ace but insane about it because he lives in feudal japan as a political entity who is sexy. Technically this is headcanon but the difference here is that I don't like it when anyone disagrees with me on this one. Tobizu is my NOTP
Favorite relationship: Platonic Tobizu wins for fucking ever!!!!!!!!!! Also I'm so obsessed with the idea of him as Kagami's post-grad sensei who sucks ass. He makes chuunin and studies under Tobirama and is like They Give You Guys A Curriculum?
Favorite headcanon: They're a romantic tobizu shipper but I believe everything Hinomori posts forever. Go into their gallery and know joy. Oh my god. Just remembering their posts makes me so sentimental. ⬇️frowing up
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Sorry Izuna's is small but you have to understand 1. he doesn't real 2. anything that is real to me I wrote 300k words about
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amostimprobabledream · 7 months
You're on!
Coyote Starrk
SMASH. Have you seen him? He's gorgeous! Also he's the number one Espada, so y'know. The power. Also I like his voice and he has a surprisingly sad backstory for a 'villain' character.
Barragan Luisenbarn
Him old and not in a hot dilf-y way. Pass.
Tier Halibel
Smash! She's gorgeous and dignified, and she's probably the least likely to accidentally (or purposefully) kill you.
Ulquiorra Cifer SMASH SMASH SMASH. C'MON FUCK ME, EMO BOY! Ugh. He's so rude and cold, and his character development is so good. Those pretty green eyes and the smooth voice. He's so fine.
Nnoitra Gilga
Pass. He's scary. I WILL say, though, I do think Nnoitra is a really well-written villain. He perfectly encapsulates what it means to be a Hollow, especially in his backstory with Nelliel and fight with Kenpachi. I do kind of hope Kubo brings him back for the Hell Arc like he did with Syazel.
Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez
LIGHT OF MY LIFE. FIRE OF MY LOINS. DO YOU KNOW HOW DOWN BAD I AM FOR THIS MAN? I literally started watching Bleach just for him. I was on a Naruto forum one day and somebody had a fanart of Grimmjow as their signature. I was like, "WHO is that fine man???" and the rest is history. I've loved him since like 2006 and he's the origins on my Junichi Suwabe fixation and one of my major villainfucker influences. Icon. Everything about him is so fucking cool, the god-tier design, the voice, the fights. Wow.
Anyways, Smash. <3
Zommari Leroux
Pass. His design is cool but then his fight with Byakuya immediately yeeted any cred he had out the window. Also he had barely enough screentime to leave any lasting impression. Szayel Aporro Granz
I can never spell this fucker's name. Anyway, Pass. Again, his character design isn't bad but the flamboyant evil nerd thing is off-putting to me. He kind of reminds me of one of those villain Pokemon team admins you fight midway through the game.
Aaroneiro Arrururie
Pass. The only time this man jar thing is hot is when he's wearing Kaein Shiba's face. And same with the Zommari issue, you never get a sense of who he is as a character because his screentime is so limited. (Another character's surname I had to google because I forgot it.) Also he lost to Rukia.
Ew. Pass. -
Since the Espada are so hilariously divisive (half look like greek gods and the other are straight-up abominations), I'll include the ex-Espada for fun.
Luppi Atenor Pass. I'm sure the extremely androgynous look is someone's thing, but personally I like my male characters a bit more rugged. Also his personality was kind of lame and his fight with the lieutenants was nothing to write home about. Nelliel Oderschwank
PASS. I could write a literal essay on how much I dislike her, but in the interest of brevity I'll say this - her design is fantastic but that's all she's got going for her. The bitch has two personalities and both of them suck, hyperactive toddler or condescending and holier-than-thou.
Dordonii Soccacio Pass. He's so forgettable I had to google what his last name is. I don't think his design is bad but I don't really remember him except Ichigo whooped his ass and then he got drooled on by Nel.
Cirucci Sanderwicci
Smash! Goth chick solidarity ftw. It's a shame such an amazing design was given to a minor character because I love it, she's easily as pretty as Halibel but unfortunately since she had one fight and got stomped by Ishida I think the fandom forgets her. Also I like her name, it's that classic Kubo balance of being goofy but kinda cool.
Gantenbainne Mosqueda
Pass. It says something about how forgettable you are as a character when Kubo didn't even bring him back as a Mayuri zombie, instead Charlotte got revived just for being popular. (L for all Barragan's other fraccion.)
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raveneira · 1 month
Hello, have you seen the interview? If you did, well... I'm speechless, like is it frr...... This cosplay thing is so dumb and goofy, and I don't know what to say now.... Is it going to get redeemed? (Plus idek for who I'm reading this manga for, like they destroyed the characters fr)
No no same, its beyond questionable if whats been said is legit
Like Boruto is purposefully Sasuke 2.0? and he does it because he likes it? when we said Boruto was literally trying to become Sasuke we weren't being entirely serious because most of us believed Boruto would be his own character and that this was just a weird Sasuke phase he was having, but to actually say no he really is trying to become this man? even acting like him intentionally? so Borutos change in personality is confirmed to not just be the natural progression from the hardships he's gone through, but because he is purposefully putting on his best Sasuke impression? holy shit thats next level...
And Sarada...ffs the girl cant even shop for clothes without making it about Boruto, you would think she would represent her Idol Naruto who she thinks is dead instead, especially after she hit Shikamaru with this hard line in the very first chapter
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'My role model is lord 7th, not you.'
Could've fkin fooled me, but I guess the death of her idol she claims to be following his footsteps wasn't good enough for her to honor, Im guessing all of this was just for show then too.
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But at least she has her dad right? surely she'd wanna rep her dad who she threw into the lions den to be hunted down along with her friend right? her dad she awakened her Sharingan for out of pure joy of just finally getting to meet him? her dad that not a day went by that he was gone she didn't ask when he would come home?
SURELY she would wanna represent her missing father right? nope not him either, and don't even try saying the Uchiha earrings are her tribute to him, she literally wears the Uchiha symbol on her danm back foh, you know they ain't got a danm thing to do with her tributing Sasuke.
But who does she pays tribute to? Boruto....unfkinbelievable
No seriously that is actually unbelieveable at how Ikemoto really perceives her character, from the moment he's taken over the writing full force Sarada has had zero personality of her own, motivation outside of Boruto, thoughts outside of Boruto, autonomy outside of Boruto, hell now not even her own fkin choice in fashion outside of Boruto
We thought Boruto's obsession with Sasuke was weird but Sarada's with Boruto isnt that far behind it because wtf? Boruto's not even dead and you reppin him before Naruto who actually is to your knowledge? your dad is being hunted on the run right next to Boruto at YOUR request and you don't rep him? but you rep Boruto? Istg if Sarada was rockin a IX tattoo on her face and a tokyo revengers style jacket cuz she missed Kawaki NOBODY would think that shit was cute or sweet, they'd find it weird as hell and rightfully so because of how its executed
Like thats not her husband, thats not even her bf, thats not even somebody shes confirmed to have romantic feelings for, its not in tribute to a dead loved one, this is literally her just shopping for a similar Boruto jacket which is weird as hell just like Boruto shopping for an EXACT Sasuke style cloak is weird as hell, wtf is with Ikemoto and giving characters the most weirdest and creepiest obsessions?
And before anyone tries to argue this isn't creepy lemme put it into perspective, even if you argue Sarada likes Boruto, lets say she does, now picture this, imagine a girl or a guy likes you, you don't know they like you, they never confessed to you, your not together, you are just really good friends, then something big happens that makes you have to leave for 3 years, and when you finally come back the first thing you see is that girl or guy wearing your clothes
You cannot in all honesty tell me you wouldn't be weirded tf out, hell imagine your on the reverse end and the first thing you see when they return is them dressed up as and acting exactly like your father, YOU WOULD BE WEIRDED TF OUT.
So lets not pretend what Boruto is doing is cute and wholesome cuz it isn't, its fkin creepy, and don't pretend what Sarada is doing is cute and sweet either because its not, its fkin creepy.
This isnt me being biased because of no dumbass shipping differences, if Kawaki had come back in fresh Naruto clothing I'd have said that was fkin creepy as well, because it is, its creepy, this is not normal, its not like Gohan in the slightest who was just admiring Piccolo but still wore his own clothes, had his own identity and personality, and wasn't obsessed with him, THAT was an actual HEALTHY admiration, but the bs Boruto and now Sarada is pulling? straight unhealthy obsession and creepy behavior.
Again, imagine a close friend of yours trying to literally become your dad to the extent Boruto has, would you not be creeped tf out?
Now Imagine a close friend of yours suddenly wearing your same style of clothing after not seeing them for a long time, would you not be creeped tf out? I must emphasize this is not a bf/gf or a spouse, this is just your friend suddenly dressing like you when they've never done that before and their sense of fashion isn't even remotely similar to yours, be honest, would you not find that just a little bit OFF?
Only in Boruto would Sarada see Boruto completely Sasukefied and not question it, and only would Boruto see Sarada wearing his style of clothes and not question it, but thank god for Kawaki being the only realistic character in this sequel who pointed out how fkin weird it is.
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Like Im sorry even tho this is fiction that is a HUGE elephant in the room you cant possibly not address, but only in Boruto would you see them do just that.
Aanyway Im glad its confirmed now that Ikemoto is the one writing and not Kishimoto like majority of us already knew, it would've been really disappointing if Kishimoto was the one massacring their characters like this, but Im glad our intuition was right that no matter how bad Kishimotos writing may be at times it was never THIS bad.
Im not even a fan of Boruto's but even I think its tragic and ridiculous what Ikemoto has done to him, Sarada too, its actually insane how night and day the writing is from when Kodachi was writing and after he left, they are like two completely different stories when you compare it now, so the reveal that yea once Kodachi left Ikemoto has been writing full time isn't a surprise because it showed without it even having to be said, thats how you know the writing quality had to be BAD anytime you could immediately tell something was off.
Kishimoto/Kodachi's vision was vastly different than Ikemotos, that much is VERY apparent, and hey Im all for letting him have some creative freedom since Kishimoto did hand him the sequel but there's creative freedom, and then there's just doing whatever tf you want with someone else's legacy just because Kishimoto is too uninvested in this sequel to stop him.
Its honestly sad seeing Kishimoto and Kodachis vision be trampled on like this just because Kishimoto rightfully has no interest in this sequel and therefore doesn't invest a ton of time and effort into really overseeing the story and direction, he just looks over what Ikemoto writes, maybe comments on some things, but gives him the greenlight regardless because this is IKEMOTOS sequel, because had Ikemoto not had taken on doing the sequel himself Kishimoto had no intentions on doing it, he said he was done with Naruto for now and he meant it, so you cant even blame him for not being that invested in the story and what happens because he said from the very beginning this isn't what he wanted, so it makes sense he's leaving the story primarily done by Ikemoto with just some minor input here and there and thats it.
All this could've been avoided if higher ups just respected Kishimoto's wishes about not wanting a sequel, but instead we get essentially Naruto GT.
I cant answer for you, but the only reason Im still reading atp is because I've invested so much time into it already that I might as well finish it, its my unwritten rule that if I get far enough in something that I should just finish it regardless of how bad it is. The reason I stuck by as long as I did before I reached this point was because I wanted to see how my faves, Sarada, Kawaki, and Mitsuki would develop, I wanted to see what caused the FF, and I wanted to see the interesting future Sarada and Sasuke were supposedly gonna have.
But now? Im just here to finish what I started, Im not enjoying this manga anymore, Im not optimistic about it improving, Im just gonna see it through. This doesn't mean I suddenly hate my faves nor or that I hate Boruto in general, no, let me be very clear.
I hate IKEMOTO'S Boruto, Kishimoto's was fine, Kodachi's was fine, Ikemoto's is abysmal.
Honestly with this confirmation you could pretty much say this really is Naruto GT since its not written by the original creator, Toriyama also had some mild involvement with GT but it wasn't a canon sequel to DBZ since it was mainly created by someone else, so you might as well call Boruto Naruto GT atp cuz thats how tf it feels and tbh? I'd welcome that because at least then, like GT, we don't have to acknowledge it as a official sequel and canon events that happened after Naruto that completely destroyed its legacy, it can just exist as a non-canon 'what if' scenario.
Ngl tho but it is hella weird that Ikemoto's vision is a heavily sexualized Sarada obsessing over a guy and her entire life revolves around him, and some weird chad protag Sasuke clone all the ladies want gary stu power fantasy is a weird hill to die on as a writer If Im bein honest, that sounds like a weird self insert fanfic just sayin.
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mickey10213 · 2 years
I saw a post on Twitter recently where it basically stated that it was kind of like Orihime's ( from BLEACH ) Love confession about falling in love with the same person in five different lifetimes, but it was about Hinata being in love with Naruto in every different lifetime that the series has produced.
For example, OG series Hinata is in love with Naruto. In road to Ninja the meaner version and more outspoken version of Hinata is in love with Menma, that world's more stoic and aloof and straightforward version of Naruto. Even in the movie when he's not that same stoic personality as the original Menma to her is, she still likes Naruto with his more bubbly personality. And then finally with OG Naruto again but with the Infinite Tsukuyomi, with it being her dream it makes sense that she and Naruto would be together in them but also she has Neji and Hanabi there which is really cute cuz she loves her family.
Now the observation I made with Sakura is that she is not the same. Which is something I realized with her personality. I think the reason she likes Sasuke is because he's so indifferent towards her and no offense but I think she's the biggest pick me girl in the universe of Naruto. What I mean by that is that in OG Naruto, of course, like many other girls she is in love with Sasuke -- the bad boy who is standoffish to everyone. In road to Ninja, who takes over that personality trait? It's not Sasuke anymore. Sasuke is a goofy pervert and womanizer who is actually attracted to Sakura, and she's down for it until she sees his womanizing ways. The person her road to Ninja alternate likes is the person that adopted Sasuke's cold personality, which is Menma, that universe's Naruto. Now we don't get to see her Infinite Tsukuyomi dream due to plot armor, but you can be pretty damn sure that it involves her being with Sasuke just like how Hinata's involves her being with Naruto, and Ino's involves Sasuke and Sai fighting over her.
Anyway, what we can gather from this is like what I said. Sakura most definitely does not only like Sasuke for his looks but she mainly likes the personality of someone who admittedly treats her like shit. And I never read her novel but judging from the things I've seen from her novel, it kind of reinforces that. Sakura likes a challenge and the reason I say she's a pick me is because of that whole stigmatism that pick me girls all think that they can quote unquote fix him. That they can change him. She doesn't want someone that's going to cater to her and shower her with love like maybe Rock Lee and Naruto would do. She wants someone who, and her words in the Sakura novel, she can wear down and basically beat into submission AKA force her love on someone until they reciprocate it. Which is what she did to Sasuke. No I'm not going to sit here and say Sasuke never cared about her because he did. She was part of his team and she was part of his family that he made through team 7. But I don't believe for one second he turns into this simp and completely changes his personality for her given all the material we have that isn't novels that retcon a lot of things.
Anyway that's my point. Sakura is a pick me girl who's attracted to personalities of indifference and standoffish behavior who she believes she can make love her. She's the girl that wants the guy that everybody wants but he doesn't want anybody but her. It's no wonder kishimoto once described her love as nothing but an obsession. Cuz let's be honest, given who she is and what we've seen, does anybody really think that Sakura would give up if Sasuke chose another girl to be with?
I mean we've seen it in The Last that when Hinata thought that Naruto had feelings for somebody else due to not only his fan club but also the fact he was wearing his mother's scarf, which she didn't know about, she was ready to allow him to be happy even if it hurt her. For crying out loud, the entirety of the Naruto series she was friendzoned And even smiled after her confession when watching Sakura hug him. She does not show the personality traits of someone who is inherently jealous. Even Ino and Karin gave up their love for Sasuke, albeit Ino is a bit of a stretch because she moved on long ago before him and Sakura became a thing. Karin on the other hand selflessly helped out the woman who gained the affection of the man she loved and continues to support him and his family despite still holding strong feelings for him. I honestly don't see the same being said if it were reversed roles and Karin was the one who ended up with Sasuke and Sakura would be left to support. The only way I see her supporting that relationship is for personal attention from him, cuz like I said she is a pick me before pick me even became a thing.
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
re: utopia, one thing that i personally find funny is that a popular CN gacha game (damning words when it comes to taking me seriously, i know) just had an arc where the antagonist was a guy following Order that wanted to put everyone into a collective hallucination where everything would be perfect (obv without the opportunity to grow as a person Ever, but well, at least everyone is Satisfied), and him being a jesus figure that would suffer for everyone's sins and be aware of the dream/control it. (man i wonder if they had a naruto rerun while writing penacony)
i really liked it, but i did not anticipate that i'd get two cakes due to my favourite writer tackling similar themes (well they do be as old as time)!!!!1!!!1 and i think that you're really good at getting your point across — you once said that writing a fic is kinda like a dialogue with yourself to you, if i'm not mistaken —, and i always have to clear my glasses after reading your works because they get covered in dried little tear dots from my eyelashes, and what im saying is that im excited to do so again. it sounds stupid. thank you for sharing your work, im incredibly excited to see you unravel the narrative knot into heartstrings. yellowocaballero going to ascend to moirahood on national tv in 2035, keep your eyes peeled, everyone!
anyway sorry for blabbering so much i hope this didn't come across as comparing (though you'd be better obviously) i just crack up every time i think that you got around to writing naruto fic when that arc dropped. the timing is great. prophets of the new age receiving a beam of light telling us about personal growth and lifted jesus allegations. if i ever see you writing fic for honkai star rail or genshin or whatever it's going to be both too soon and the greatest thing i've ever read in that fandom. stay funny (not an obligation or a threat, you can be unfunny if you want, but i don't think the universe prepared for that opportunity. it'd flop into itself like a wet tissue)
Oh, literally I downloaded Star Rail because I was interested in some of the stuff I heard about it. Played it a little and never picked it back up again. I should, I'm just awful about phone games! Not ADHD enough. Maybe I can watch a playthrough...?
I love nice life parallelism. I do think the themes of "the bad guy wants everyone to be happy" is inherently kind of interesting, because it inherently raises a lot of questions - why is he a bad guy, if he wants to be good? What about his plan makes him a bad guy instead of a good guy? What delineates a bad and good guy, anyway? How did this guy get so turned around that he thought badness was good? If handled well, it's inherently a rich character. If badly, then it's just kind of nonsensical and goes against its own messaging.
The "well, the bad guy is right, but since he kills people about it that invalidates his own point" approach is always boring and conformist, but it can be surprisingly hard to shake. I don't think Obito, Madara, and the Ame 3 are 'bad guys who are right morally but with bad methods' - I think they're good people who are so deformed by their world that a hugely destructive evil scheme is the closest they know how to come to goodness. By that logic, Obito had to be written as...deformed. Very much so. But that was what made him so interesting to explore. How do you un-deform that? Is that even possible? When we put him on the good guy team, is he genuinely a good guy who overcame his warped nature, or is he just a warped person doing good guy things? FWIW, I think a big difference between the HSR character and Obito is that what Obito can't partake of this Eden because he thinks of himself as somebody who's far too late to save (also, isn't God/Jesus all about Free Will?)(Calvinists DNI).
I don't think this story gets too sad...it's just too nuts...but, of course, you have to feel sorry for Obito. He wants to change the system that ruined him, but as the evil created by that system he still can't fully see the very important thing that he's missing. We've seen him shy away from the thought already - if only a perfect world can create good people, how the hell do you explain Naruto? As the reader, we want him to be helped. We continue reading in the hope that he will be helped. Thanks for the ask, I really should find some way to consume HSR.
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madara-fate · 2 years
I've been following you for more than 5 years and I really like how you defend Sakura Haruno. But these days you strike me as somebody that tries to hang onto the smallest of characterizations. Boruto is a monthly manga and although it doesn't offer as much dynamism and story as Naruto did, it's to expect not seeing your all time favorite in it if you're a long-time fan of Naruto.
(I'm sending you this ask as a Mitsuki fan. My favorite character has been forgotten and done horribly in favor of Kawaki and I didn't expect this from Kishimoto, the man that created him and wrote a spin-off for him.)
Seeing a previous ask of yours, I don't think is bad to say that there and other characters much more important to the story than Sakura and it's not that bad to say that Sai or Ibiki are currently offering us so much more than her.
I actually have seen it myself and so have many Boruto readers. She's just not needed right now, or, rather, she is, because in this arc Kawaki has needed medical attention (and Naruto too in the past arc) but unfortunately she wasn't drawn in any panel these past 3 years; which is pretty fishy and weird considering Ikemoto shows how important medicine is.
It feels to me like medicine is so important and a key element in Konoha, but Sakura is not. Sakura, who is the head of the Medical Department, who directs the hospital, who is the main doctor or Konoha and who founded the mental health clinic in Konoha and Suna. Sakura is the face of medicine in Boruto (Shizune and Tsunade are retired and with no panels) for goodness sake. So it feels very off and sketchy, like Ikemoto doesn't like her...?
I saw you saying that you wouldn't bother to elaborate and keep saying that "Sakura is still working in the hospital" or "A hospital always has patients", etc. I agree with you, but that doesn't tell me anything as a reader. Why would I need to keep telling people that Sakura is important when, in fact, she as an individual is given the worst treatment in the manga? The hospital is important, I reiterate that, and your words of "a hospital always has patients", but if the patients are in the hospital in the manga and Sakura isn't in the scene, then what's the point? It's so frustrating that her job is more important than her as the worker.
I remember an ask saying "who is more important in Boruto Ino or Sakura" and you answered Sakura. I agree with that too, in my opinion a village can't survive or thrive without medical treatment to keep it healthy and ready to do missions. But at the same time, I feel discouraged because it's so obvious in the manga that Ino is very much more important and Ikemoto always has something to do for her, even if it's replacing phones or giving her the sensing role that her family never had. That's how you use a character in my opinion, her family was never leading the Sensing Unit but she was given that to write her in the manga and give her importance.
Sakura...it's not like she's useless or unimportant or anything, she's not. She's probably in her house tending her housewife activities or maybe in her hospital office. She's just gone when Kawaki, Boruto and others need her. It's so stupid. They don't draw her there when it's so freaking clear she is needed.
Sakura can do much more than just heal a few people. She can use her knowledge of things, her scientist side, her experience, she can fight, she can go on missions...
I see the importance of Ibiki above hers in a lot of chapters. Ibiki was working with Sai in interrogating members of Kara and the claw marks, besides, he was there when Kawaki and Boruto came back from their fight.
I see the importance of Sai above hers in a lot of chapters. Sai is always with Shikamaru and Naruto, even when I feel like the ANBU really is useless (there are no members now that I think about it). He was also there when Boruto and Kawaki came back from their fight.
I think it all translates into "who is drawn each chapter", "who knows about what is going on in Konoha" and even "who are the five exclusive people who know about that's going on". Sady, Sakura doesn't fit in any of the 3 and hasn't fitted since Kurama passed away and the Rinnegan was destroyed. And I seriously don't understand why.
Sakura is gone since chapter 44 and where currently on the way to chapter 76. That's almost half of the story, it's nuts.
I see Sumire and Katasuke talking about medical procedures and prosthetics and I feel like they put them there to avoid putting Sakura.
I think the writer hates Sakura, hates Mitsuki and doesn't even know what to do with Sarada. But the Sakura hate boner is obvious.
Okay, please listen, because I really meant it when I said I was tired of this topic.
But these days you strike me as somebody that tries to hang onto the smallest of characterizations.
I'm not hanging onto anything, it's other people who are hanging onto the original Naruto series and acting as though Sakura should have anywhere near the same plot significance that she once did. All I'm doing, is acknowledging the fact that she's not a main character anymore, and therefore, the fact that other characters sometimes have more plot significance than her is not a noteworthy observation, nor is it something to hate on the authors about. Sakura is a side character now, and the sooner people learn to wholeheartedly acknowledge that fact, the better.
My favorite character has been forgotten and done horribly in favor of Kawaki and I didn't expect this from Kishimoto
Mitsuki has not been forgotten about, he's still part of the series. But have you forgotten the fact that the very first scene of Boruto centred on Boruto and Kawaki? Kawaki's plot significance in the series was shown from the very beginning of the very first chapter, so I really don't know why people constantly act as though he usurped Mitsuki or Sarada's place, or as though his major role in the plot came out of nowhere, because it was foreshadowed from the very beginning of the series.
Seeing a previous ask of yours, I don't think is bad to say that there and other characters much more important to the story than Sakura and it's not that bad to say that Sai or Ibiki are currently offering us so much more than her.
Saying that Sai or fucking Ibiki is generally more important than Sakura (because that is what those people were saying), is silly. The mere fact that Sakura is not playing much of a role in this current arc, does not negate her overall importance to the plot. I'm sorry for my bluntness Anon, but at this point my tolerance for this topic has completely gone and I'm left with nothing but irritation.
I saw you saying that you wouldn't bother to elaborate and keep saying that "Sakura is still working in the hospital" or "A hospital always has patients", etc. I agree with you, but that doesn't tell me anything as a reader. Why would I need to keep telling people that Sakura is important when, in fact, she as an individual is given the worst treatment in the manga? The hospital is important, I reiterate that, and your words of "a hospital always has patients", but if the patients are in the hospital in the manga and Sakura isn't in the scene, then what's the point? It's so frustrating that her job is more important than her as the worker.
Here's the bottom line Anon - If you think that Sakura should be featured more in the story, then fair enough. I also wish she was featured more, and l've never said otherwise. The only issue I've ever had, is when people make ridiculous comments like how Sakura is now "irrelevant" because she's not featured as much as X, Y and Z in this current arc. And how Sarada has now been "replaced" by Kawaki despite the fact that she most definitely hasn't. People are constantly making these asinine and untrue claims, and blowing things way out of proportion because apparently, Sarada and Sakura have to be front and centre at all times, and if they're not, then they're either irrelevant to the plot, or they've been replaced by those who are.
People are constantly hounding me, acting as though I myself don't want Sakura to be more involved, when I've never said this. Of course I want her to be more involved - I've said a plethora of times, how much I want them to bring back the topic of finding out the origins of the Byakugou Seal, because I feel that could be a very interesting arc. However, all I've said on the matter, is that Sakura's currently limited involvement does not equate to her plot significance suddenly vanishing, and I really wish people would stop jumping to conclusions on this topic, because it really is fucking annoying.
Sakura...it's not like she's useless or unimportant or anything, she's not.
That is literally all I've said. That has literally been my point every single time people have brought this topic to my attention. So I'd really appreciate it if you and everyone else could please stop sending me asks on this and acting as though I don't think that Sakura has had a disappointingly small role in Boruto so far, because that's not true at all. She has had a disappointingly small role, I've said this multiple times. However, when people like yourself jump to conclusions such as how the author must "obviously" hate Sakura and Mitsuki, just because they're not appearing as much as you'd like them to, then yes there's a problem there, and the mere fact that I'd probably also have to explain why, already makes me not want to elaborate, because honestly the answer should be obvious.
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azurelyy · 2 years
!!Azurelyy’s 100 Supporters Event~!!
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I’d like to thank all of you for 100 supporters! This blog has helped me through a lot of personal shit and I want you all to know that each and every interaction, follow, comment, etc. means so much to me! This event is to celebrate you all and is my way of saying thank you. <3.
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Okay, now that the mushy stuff is over with... On to the fun!
I have fluff and smut dialogue prompts from a collection of my favorite movies/tv shows/books! You may choose any prompt with any character from: Naruto, Avatar the Last Airbender, FMA Brotherhood, Kingdom Hearts, or InuYasha (so long as they aren’t on my will-not-write list, found in my rules).
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- This event will last from July 28th, 2022 - August 31, 2022. This is a celebration, after all! 
To participate, you must send in an ask/message me and indicate your request is specifically for the event.
You must choose a line of dialogue from the list AND the character to go with it. Please specify if there is anything else you want (ie. specific setting, a specific trope/kink, or if you have a preference on whether the char or reader says the dialogue line you chose.)
The requests will be posted on my own time. I will try and get to all requests before the end of the event on August 31. 
Please make sure to specify gender for Smut requests. I mainly write f!readers, but can do m!readers if requested. Gender neutral smut requests will be implied only (how the character feels, etc. without specific descriptions).
These requests will (hopefully, this is me we’re talking about) be shorter than my usual requests. I am hoping to keep these as drabbles that are 1.5k words or less!
Once a prompt is chosen, I will cross it off. If you choose one and it has been taken, I will allow you to pick a new one - if you want!
All requests will be tagged under “azurelyy.100event”
You have to follow my rules.
Have fun! Thank you guys again for 100, and I hope we can celebrate more milestones in the future <3.
Fluff Prompts:
“Don’t forget: I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”
“So, it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really, really hard, and we’re gonna have to work at this every day. But I wanna do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me. Every day.”
“I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
“It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together, and I knew it. I knew it the first time I touched her. It was like coming home, only to no home I'd ever known. I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car, and I knew it. It was like magic.”
“I’ve fallen in love. I’m an ordinary woman. I didn’t think such violent things could happen to ordinary people.”
"Love isn't patient, and kind, and humble. Love is messy, and horrible, and selfish, and bold. It's not about finding your perfect half. It's the trying, and reaching, and failing."
“I can't see anything I don't like about you.”
"I am done being scared, and I am done keeping secrets. I love you."
“But mostly, I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”
“Why me?” “Because you saw me when I was invisible.”
 "I've come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours."
"You're late." "You're stunning." "You're forgiven."
"As you wish."
"I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else."
"I'm the exception..." "You are my exception."
"Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I’m scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you."
“I can’t remember anything without you.”
“You had me at hello.”
"What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon." 
Smut Prompts:
"I wish I knew how to quit you."
“Now, try your best to stay calm.”
“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.”
“You must forgive my lips... they find pleasure in the most unusual of places.”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught.”
“You should be kissed - and often - and by someone who knows how.”
“Take me to bed or lose me forever.”
“Either you have feelings or you don’t.”
“Oh, how we’re going to hurt each other.”
“The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield it.”
���Tonight, I will make you mine.”
“I desire you. I burn for you.”
“I need to taste you.”
“What are you doing?” “Making you feel really, really good?”
“I need you... do you feel how I need you?”
“Will you be quiet?”
“Where did you learn to kiss like that?”
“Beg for mercy. You can’t have it, though, not yet.”
‘I didn’t say I wanted an apology, did I? I said ‘Bite me again.’“
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Heyy!(You might see me a bit often because of random thoughts I have in the middle of the night, just a heads up)
So I've come to the conclusion that if you hate Sakura, it's either because
You don't like seeing yourself onscreen (like those people who say that she could've been written differently, or better as they intend).
2. You've had real life experience with someone like her, so seeing her selfish attitude reminds you of those moments, idk...
Or there might be more reasons, like generally you dislike selfish people.
To be fair, everyone can be selfish. But I think the reason I hate her so much is because of her attitude.. I mean, hitting your friends is kind of common. Since It's Shonen, it's more common to hit your friends, yes?????? But she does it so often that it's very irritating to watch. It's considered to be for comic relief or whatever, but I see it as a way of increasing your anger. No seriously.. Every time she hits Naruto, I get so angry. ESPECIALLY after Naruto fought off Pain. The guy was exhausted, but NOOoO! Sakura chan's gotta add that extra hit because YASSSsSs.
I hated her at the start of the series, through finish, but all I found myself doing is detest her even more as it continued. She supposedly cares for Naruto, but in order for her to wet over Sasuke, even for a little bit, "Let's get closer to the Akatsuki, you know, the group that recruits people like Naruto because it gives us a chance to see Sasuke kun!!!!!" - Sakura
There's nothing wrong with liking somebody, having an obsession is whatever I guess.. But even those who are crazy in real life don't go so far to break so many boundaries(well, I guess some do)... Sasuke doesn't like being touched, but this girl always tries to get close to him. And we all know how uncomfortable he is whenever she does that. SS stans finna be like "B-But Naruto also gets in his personal bubble!!!!", calm down. Sasuke himself voluntarily gets close to Naruto, and he isn't uncomfortable like he is when it's Sakura. That's just facts.
Wanting to know if you and your crush have something in common is completely understandable, you're tryna get close to them. What I learned from her is that, don't assume things.. If you wanna know if your crush has the same interests as you, it's preferred to just question the topic.. But nah, this girl's gotta hit real deep. "He acting like that 'cause ain't nobody gonna nag him" Like, girl are you okay?? Do you not even care to know more about your crush before talking about He AiN't GoT nO pArEnTs????? HER stans saying that she was stating facts. HUNNY, IF YOU HEARD SOMEONE TALK ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT, I'M SURE TO HELL THAT YOU'LL BE HURT.
Okay, so let's say that Sasuke likes, idk pineapple pizza but Sakura hates it right?? So like, she change herself to please him because, desperation for every girl to envy her. She'll say, "Oh! That's cool me too!". Even if in general they had some common interests, he still wouldn't like her because, she's manipulative, selfish, dishonest, and overall crazy.
One thing I hate a lot about her is how she uses people like a toothbrush like @captnjacksparrow said in one of her posts. I've somewhat had that type of friend. When she first came, obviously she didn't have any friends, so I decided to befriend her. It was cool. But then she got into that group. I didn't have a good feeling, but was still glad she made more friends.. Nah because right after that it was as if we never talked to each other. I tried communicating with her but nope.. In Naruto, Sakura and Ino Kind of represent that, just to a more extreme level. First of all Ino is way too forgiving, no.. Way too generous. Sakura ended their friendship over some boy who never once gave a single squat about her, tried everything in her power to make Ino jealous of her, idk, and brainwashed Salad talking about how Ino tried to woo Sasuke kun, like she didn't do that either. But Ino still accepted her as her friend.. If it was me, I'd laugh and walk off. Sorry not sorry, but then I'll feel guilty-
She cuts people off after she gets what she wants like
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Nobody cares about her or Salad's existence to visit. But wait, Naruto's always got her back, he cared! Oh, he has duties and does not even communicate with her anymore.. Yikes 😬😬😬 What about Sasuke, he's her "husband" surely he cares.. Oh, he also does not care.. Double yikes 😬😬😬 What about Lee! For sure he cares, he literally had a crush on her! Oh, Lee is living his best life with his son and training… Triple yikes 😬😬😬 What about Lady Tsunade and Kakashi! For sure they keep tabs on her!!!! Oh, Tsunade is retired and does not care enough to talk about her, and Kakashi is living his best life with Gai… Quadruple yikes 😬😬😬
And with all that, I believe Sakura is by far the worst female character I've ever encountered. My opinion will not change. Before getting into the anime, I saw fan arts of Sakura and I was like "She seems pretty strong! I think I'll like her." My opinion did a whole 360 after I got into Naruto.
Thanks for reading the most random rant ever.. Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything!!!
She said everything :D
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darlingsdontdie · 5 years
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for @randomaccforlurking - thanks for your patience, i loved writing about this so I hope you enjoy!
if somebody asked kurama what first made him like you, he'd tell them it was your fire or your inner strength or your cunning, or something else equally intimidating, but in reality, it was the kind way you treated him. naruto was the first human to treat him with respect, but you were the first human to take it a step further - the first human to be interested in him for his own sake
he's more direct than other yanderes - kurama doesn't have any interest in the intricacies of human ways. when he decides you're his, he'll find you and tell you directly. when he feels like your friends and family are encroaching on his territory, he'll tell you they're annoying and to get rid of them
at the same time, he's a total tsundere. he isn't used to caring and being cared about so when pressed to explain why he protects you, or spends time with you, he'll say something about how "irritating" it would be to replace you, or how he finds you "tolerable"
he vacillates wildly between the two behaviors, sometimes mid-sentence. "you're too ridiculous and pathetic to survive on your own, so if anyone bothers you, let me know and i'll destroy them and everything they've ever loved."
one day he gets a good look at you and realizes that you're a pretty little thing, just his type. from then on, the same directness/denial dictates his flirtations. "i am a creature far beyond you in years, power, and prowess - you should be flattered such a being has offered to grant you a place in his bed"
at first, you assume both of these are just part of his strange attempts to cheer you up after a long day. you consider the two of you friends, as funny as that sounds. and it does sound funny, because to literally everyone outside of you, naruto, and sometimes team 7, he's a terrifying enigma
kurama either cares about people or he doesn't. he parses his affections very sparsely and selectively, and those who receive it, receive it in full force. so, strangely, he can acknowledge to himself that he's willing to kill for you before he realizes how he... feels for you
and he does kill for you. often. with great, open pleasure. thankfully, there are enough actual threats to you in a world of shinobi that he doesn't start in on those that just irritate you
at first.
but the world is getting safer, and there are others, humans who understand you intuitively in ways kurama could never hope to, humans who find you interesting and fun to be around, and he knows exactly how right they are and it makes him seethe
on the other hand, there's also those other humans, somehow even more despicable, the ones who don't know their place, such weak, bitter creatures that shouldn't even look at someone like you, let alone insult you with such poor treatment
he takes it out on you at first, with vitriolic words and cold looks, but the confusion and hurt in your eyes quickly puts an end to that. it wouldn't help anyways - you clearly aren't the problem. it's the others
so. he starts getting rid of the problem. and word gets around. he's smarter than to be obvious about it. his security in the village is too fragile as it is. he starts with threats, and if they're too stupid to adhere to his demands, he's a powerful being, physically and politically. he has them disappear, on missions, far outside of the village. when searching, all they can hope to find is a small mangled chunk of bone or a tattered piece of blackening flesh. animals, they suggest with creased brows, trained hounds, or feral wolves? when naruto glances at him, he licks his lips and shrugs
you won't live forever, you note one day with a shrug and a laugh. it's true, and always has been, but it sends him reeling. you're going to die one day - you will, and he'll be left alone again. alone and alive for who knows how long without you? he thinks of all those years he lived before you. maybe that's when it starts to dawn on him that his interest in you is beyond friendship, beyond carnal, beyond normal
either way, this is the moment he decides you're not going to die. he's one of the most powerful creatures the ninja world has ever conceived, and immortality itself has been brushed by plenty lesser. no one will take you from him - not even time itself
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