#some things (cough cough s4 cough cough) are forcing out other important things (literally the entire rest of the show).
queerholmcs · 6 months
I know you can’t put all the unhinged quotes but I must adamantly protest the TAB pick not being “we don’t defeat them we most certainly lose to them”
dhskdhdkdhd ok rebs you do have a point—i concede it. but let's be honest, you're lucky every single one of those quotes wasn't from tfp. i was being so very brave about trying to maintain even a facade of balance there.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
The theme with “time” this season makes me think of the phrase, “wanting to turn back the clock.” And I then think of Will never wanting to grow up and wanting to go back to the old days of playing dnd in Mike’s basement.
And then I think of Will’s (speculated) reality altering bending powers. So could there be a possibility that Will may use those powers to “turn back the clock”?? Maybe rewrite how things happened? Maybe it would be after Mike’s “death” like you speculated earlier. Since he thinks Mike is “dead” he wants to go back, and that’s what he does accidentally.
ALSO, Hopper tells joyce that he was trying to runaway from his "past" trauma with sara- before he says that line in the letter about wanting to turn back the clock and then saying it's not possible to do so . (And that life life hurts you but eventually you get out of that cave and life goes on ). Similar to Will he wants to turn back the clock to better times, but a part of him isn't ready to accept his entire past/ the tra*uma that comes with that- in order to move on and heal for the future .
Like robin said about back to the future "he's stuck in the past .But he needs to get back to his time which is the future!"
I’ve mentioned  my time-theory many many many times- in relation to my DID theory.  even if my did theory is completely wrong (aka Will has powers so his alters/split personalities/innerworlds come to life)- 
We also see how memories are explored in a supernatural way in st - it’s not literal timetravel just El using her powers to explore tra*matic memories of others (Terry/Billy so far). Like NO TIME TRAVEL PLEASE-THAT’S JUMPING THE SHARK. I really don’t want it lol. XD I think hopper and Robin's lines allude to the theme that will be addressed: confronting the past/times that harmed you but overcoming it for the future because time goes on 'whether you like it or not '.
In reference to my time-did theory. Look at the st s4 movie inspirations. In ‘what dreams may come”  a guy explores a heaven like world influenced by a painter’s emotions/created via immagination.We also have the movie ‘inside out’ -which involves “memory islands” (distinct worlds based on a child’s memories) which are influenced negatively by the kid being depressed she moved to California. The characters traveling to these memory islands are constructs of  kid’s mind -and 1 of them also has a guide helping them explore the ‘memory islands’.  Welcome to marwen- has an artist (attacked for being perceived as gay) imagining an abstract world based off his art- where the characters he made experience their own adventures (loosely based off the artist’s trauma). ‘The cell ‘ has characters explore the mind of a guy whose father ab*sed him- and the different alternative fantasy-worlds they explore are based off his memories. The cop exploring these memory-worlds, was also implied to be se*ually ab*sed by his dad . Also,in  Inception a guy says he’s a construct of a guy’s mind ( the guy who created the dream worlds that are like alternate dimensions/levels- also hates his dad). And leo’s character says he needs to help him escape the many different levels of the dream world of the mind. Movies like inception, total recall, the cell, enter the void, wizard of oz, Peter Pan, hellraiser 2, dream warriors, bill & ted’s bogus journey, the labyrinth,and welcome to marwen, all allude to this: because they involve entering simulated abstract worlds usually created/based on happy& traumatic memories/fears. While truman show/matrix are more about realizing your reality isn’t real. While in bladerunner 2044/total recall it has the theme of false implanted memories… probably relating to hopper/el realizing they’re alters of Will’s-and their memories were technically created by him.
Something some DiD suffers have are “innerworlds” .When someone has DID there can be multiple “innerworlds” that are separate from one another (and look very different from one another) .And are usually very abstract worlds that are based on the child’s memories (good &bad) . These worlds are usually created at different times and almost act like alternate dimensions (and the inhabitants -npcs/alters of those worlds usually don’t interact with one another) . So they can almost resemble alternate dimensions like how Scott Clarke mentions “Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation.” Russia where Hopper is- is probably one of those innerworlds.
tw:ab*se/r*pe. In s2 Nancy asks Steve how his “grandpa’s time in the war is a metaphor for your life?” And steve compares the mf to the germans in the war. Dr owens mentions Will has ptsd like “ (vietnam) soldiers’, Hopper saying he had buddies like Will . “In the 70s there was a study that compared the post-traumatic stress symptoms in Vietnam veterans and adult survivors of childhood s**ual ab*se. The study revealed that childhood s**ual ab*se is traumatizing and can result in symptoms comparable to symptoms from war-related trauma.” Hopper isn’t actually in Russia -but in one of the innerworlds (after he jumped through the rift of the machine- into Will’s mind). We’ll see flashbacks but also present circumstances of his imprisonment echo Will’s past with Lonnie (if the movies indicate anything)- being starved, guards getting payed in order to let other prisoners  r*pe a gay prisoner (than claim incorrectly because of his sexuality he wanted it) , as well as a gang of sadist men who r**e others and a warden using that as a threat to be compliant , being thrown in a dark room of solitary confinement and starved when they didn’t obey the warden, the warden being religious, etc. And the American soldiers (in Vietnam) in the movies aren’t much better and do similarly horrific acts to civilians like r**e and bragging/ happily k*lling women, children, and the elderly. The drill sergant in vietnam calling them homophobic slurs & women, and chocking one of the soldiers with one hand (like the mf/russian), slapping one for not believing in christianity. Tying up a soldier in a bed , gagging him, beating him and saying “remember it’s just a dream.” Only praising them when good in fire arms.(movies : fullmetal jacket, papillon, shawshank redemption, platoon, welcome to marwen, etc ) . My assumption is flashbacks of his life-  hints about him being an alter -the boxes in the basement are “vietnam” ,“dad”, and “ny” (and these are the memories of his we’ll see).or after escaping the prison he’s stuck in diff innerworlds of memories. And some of the bad characters in said stories will also parallel Lonnie . Like how in  the s4 film ‘peterpan’- the young girl Wendy imagines netherland and the villain -captain hook- is based off her father ( in the movie they have the same voice actors/while in all stage productions the 2 characters are always played by the same actor). Similar to the other s4 film- ‘wizard of oz’ where the wicked witch of the west from the mythical land of Oz (is played by Dorothy’s real life mean neighbor in the real world/kansas).Or in ‘the cell’- all the alternate dimensions of the dream world that were created by a guy with a ab*sive h*mophobic dad -had the same actor play the villain in each very different dream dimension. ”Not sure if they’d use Ross Patridge (actor of Lonnie) in this way . But it would be very interesting if (In makeup) Ross played many negative people in Hopper’s life.  
Also, in  s2, Jonathan mentions Indiana writer Vonnegut- In his book ‘slaughterhouse 5′- Vonnegut begins the story of Billy (William) Pilgrim, a man who has “come unstuck in time”. (time ref of Hopper saying he wants to ‘turn back the clock.’ or’ runaway from his memories.‘It accounts of Billy Pilgrim’s capture and incarceration by the Germans during the last years of World War II (Hopper captured by the russians), and scattered throughout the narrative are episodes from Billy’s life with his dad, and his own wife and kids.Billy is forced to be part of the war and similar things against his free will. The moments start from his childhood when his father throws him in the water to teach him how to swim. He was unwillingly drafted into the war. Later, he is kidnapped by Tralfamadorians  (aliens that are implied to be caused by his mental health issues/trauma) against his will. Therefore, he realizes that this concept is just an illusion.in bladerunner 2044/total recall it has the theme of false implanted memories… probably relating to hopper realizing he’s an alter and his memories are technically ‘created’ . Like in total recall- the bad ass spy is told all his memories: his wife/ years of marriage,  his name, are just implanted memories. And she says “you’re life is a dream.” We also have ‘Arrival’ -the parent’s daughter died young cause of terminal cancer- and the mother later realizes time is also just a abstract construct (a thing she can experience differently than others), but she still finds meaning/happiness in those memories/times.
I also talked about how sarah as an alter could come back and the 2 would explore the “innerworlds” of Will’s mind together (you can read the details there). 
El and Will theory 
I’m thinking of the s4 movies and 1 matrix scene comes to mind that could be an obvious hint to Did (and Will’s importance). Mr smith (the suited calm villain/ who is a literal computer program of the matrix world -cough alter/npc of Will’s) kidnaps/ ties up Morpheus to a chair (like Will in s2), injects him with drugs in the neck ( like s3 steve/ will’s arm in s2).  Then Mr smith says as everyone leaves the room “I’m going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this prison, this reality or what you call it.” (grabs Morpheus’ head and glares) “ I need to get out of here! I need to be free! And this mind is the key.”(referring to morpheus).morpheus also translates to ‘god of dreams’. Also Morpheus was wearing head gear similar to El in s1/Will in s2 . or in 12 monkeys the guy sent to psych ward -starts believing he’s just “crazy” and says “i created a world with those people in it.” “It’s not real .I’m just mentally ill, like you said ” when you know- it is all real,cause of the supernatural angle involved. in 12 monkeys a patient even tells him the fictional world he created would dissappear once his mental health was in order.
Then there’s the El stuff.  Hellraiser 2- has a normal psych hospital, but the basement floor has an evil psychiatrist experimenting on teens to open a portal to another reality. assasains creed/dream warriors -  has the psychiatric facility be similar to the s1 lab with sensory deprivation tanks, cameras, solitary confinement in dark rooms.The doctor experiments on them- and forces a character to go into the memories of another individual (we know El has memory powers).The dr reveals how the character’s reality/whole life isn’t what they think it is (and that the memories they saw with their powers-was their past life and they are that person’s reincarnation) . Aka Will is the host- and El is an alter (alters can see memories of other alters/the host irl-aka billy/terry were also alters ).
In assasain’s creed there’s 2 psychiatrists- one bad / one who is good (but influenced by the bad dr). One dr annoyed at the lack of progress, says about the patient “he doesn’t want to remember his father.” While one dr doesn’t want to rush the therapy/ the other dr wants the patient to go back into his memories regardless of how it affects him. (which could be Brenner & maybe Owens referring to Will’s dissociative-amnesia and not remembering all the ab*se Lonnie did. And Owens not wanting to rush it/hurt el by making her go into said memories …but Brenner not caring.
also other hints : Cough s4 using the movie wizard of oz refs “we’re not in Hawkins (kansas) anymore”-hint at russia. David on instagram posting st stuff and captioning it with and quotes, pretending to be dorothy from the film. Hopper in s1 saying hawkins lab was “emerald city” (referencing El- it’s also why they reference El entering our world in ep 1 and the alice in wonderland song plays) . Murray says about the supernatural “no one wants to see behind the curtain” (what was behind the curtain in wizard of oz-was a wizard aka Will). Or you know right before Will sees the mf for the first time -a clock turns rapidly/ he  has goosbumps at the back of his neck. Which he later grabs/states  are from “memories” he can’t remember that are like a “dream”. 
If i’m right-not sure how much of this may happen in s4 vs s5, though. But I think something like this is possible.  For all we know-Will/El being trapped with Brenner while Hopper escapes ‘russia’ could be how the season ends? The timeline i’m a bit iffy about-tbh.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 6 years
Okay, let’s real talk about Voltron S8...
This is probably gunna be a long SPOILER FILLED rant so I’ll just leave it under the cut. But before I do that let me just throw out one truth bomb...
Though I know that’s not ALL that you hate about it, I’ll get to that later, but it’s the main that’s made this fandom so infamous. Look, I’m gunna be real here, I knew (we all knew) since the beginning that Allurance (Allura x Lance) was going to be end game. There was literally no other option (*cough*yes there was *cough*) other then for them to get together, it’s a very common and basic formula used for all romantic tropes in cartoons. When two people from the opposite sex so much as glance at each other in a semi-romantic way (even if it’s only just one of them) they WILL most likely get together. It’s just cartoon logic. This formula has been used time and time again so I wasn’t very surprised when Lance and Allura got together. Even when she still had that thing with Lotor I KNEW her and Lance were still gunna end up together, some how.
Now I have nothing against Allurance, I think it’s a cute ship and the moments they had together during S8 were nice but I just don’t like HOW they got together. This was obviously a rebound relationship for Allura because she was emotional and heartbroken and needed someone who loved her unconditionally. That being said I’m pretty sure Lance also knew this was a rebound relationship, they’re in the middle of war, emotions are high, and he was so in love with Allura that he was desperate to take what he can.
So does that make them bad people by forming a relationship in the midst of a war just to gain a little emotional support? No. In fact, it could of been a very interesting concept to play around with and help both characters grow. Lance could have seen that he didn’t need someone to feel whole and accomplished in life, while Allura could have healed from the heartbreak and come out a much stronger person. HER AND LANCE COULD HAVE EVEN BECOME CLOSER AS FRIENDS WITH MAYBE A HINT OF A RELATIONSHIP SHOWN IN THE FUTURE IF YOU’RE REALLY TRULY DESPERATE FOR THAT SHIP!!! But the way they got together was so...sloppy and rushed and forced. Nothing was natural about it because since the beginning the only one who has shown interest in a relationship was Lance. If Allura had also shown interest in wanting to be with Lance earlier on (even if it was during s3 or s4) they could of had time to develop into a more believable romance.
The reason people gravitate more towards Klance (Keith x Lance) was because it had believable chemistry that we liked. Be it platonic or other wise, Keith and Lance help were very important to each other for their growth throughout the series. It was a natural growth that was interesting to watch which is why people latched on to it even though we knew, deep down, it was never going to be nothing more. I know there’s this whole thing about “queer baiting” but let’s be realistic here, this is a cartoon show made for kids, run by a company who only confirmed Gobber (from How to Train Your Dragon) was gay in one interview and nothing else, and killed off Adam (Shiro’s supposed fiance) without even confirming in show that him and Shiro were even together. It was never gunna happen and we should all just get over it. The moments we got with them were only there to either move the story along or appease us and nothing more.
Okay so moving on, story wise it was alright, nothing spectacular but I found it interesting. Granted they diverged from their original story in S1 a whole hell of a lot but it was sort of interesting to watch. Sometimes seasons were very inconsistent with what has already been established but the overall plot was somewhat engaging. This season I thought was pretty decent enough, but the ending just...wasn’t as grand as I was hoping it to be. I mean the whole battle scene with Honerva was amazing but the ending after was just very...meh.
I’m just putting it out there now! There could have been a million different ways to execute this if really did want her to die but this just felt half assed! You know why? BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T NEED TO DIE!!! You’re just gunna put a character through all that suffering and NOT give her the happy ending she deserves? You know who SHOULD have died?
I have no sympathy for her, I have no sympathy for Zarkon, and I have no sympathy for Lotor! I don’t care that they have tragic, misunderstood backstories THAT STILL DOESN’T GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO DO THE THINGS THEY DID!!!
Don’t get me wrong, villain redemption arcs are totally valid in any other context but sympathy or pity for genocidal maniacs IS JUST SO MANY SHADES OF FUCKED UP!!! (ex. THE FUCKING DIAMONDS FROM STEVEN UNIVERSE).
So yeah, Honerva should of died, Allura should of lived, and many more things before this season could of been planed better. Also that ending scene with Shiro getting married I thought was pretty cute. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not really a TRUE form of lgbtq+ rep, it was rushed and probably a sloppy form of an apology for killing off Adam but I don’t think we should hate on it. It’ll only discourage other creatures in the future from truly making representation we deserve. Plus, I’m glad that Shiro was able to find happiness after all the shit he’s gone through! I thought all the little glimpses in to the future end cards were very fitting and nice. Well, all except foR LANCE!!!
Like, I’m glad he stayed with his family on Earth (I know a lot of people think he left to settle in Altea but checked back and am here to confirm that is NOT true) but did they seriously had to make him a farmer?!?! Yes, I wanted him to be with his family and stay on Earth BUT there is so much more they could of done with him! Pidge stayed on Earth with her family and made huge technological advances and you’re telling me Lance couldn’t have done something similar? I mean, I get that after all of it he’d want to spend time with his family and get away from the war and adventure of it all but there was still so much that needed to be done! Coran, Keith, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge were all still trying to bring together a broken universe because, as anybody could tell you, just because the war is over doesn’t me everything is fixed. And like HELL would Lance just take a seat while his friends were out there rebuilding! It is like a MAJOR disrespect to Allura’s memory! One that Lance has made very clear that he want’s to HONOR in the best way possible and the writers thought that him having a FARM was be best thing to do that?!
Okay, so after breathing for a moment, I have to say that I actually did enjoy this season. Sure, then ending of it was lack luster and the whole Allurance thing was cute but poorly done but other then that I really, really liked it. Could it have had a better send off? Yes. But the one that it got WASN’T the worst thing in the world and I would gladly watch Voltron all over again. In fact I’m going to because I like the show and it’s characters and even the shitty fandom it has. Sure, it’s flawed but so is everything else in life so there’s no use in crying over something that is over.
Either enjoy Voltron for what it is or just put it out of your life if it’s causing you that much misery. At the end of it all it’s just a show.
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violetrance · 7 years
When (if) Klance becomes canon and people say it was forced or came out of nowhere, what evidence would you show them [from season 1 to 4]?
There has actually been a lot of evidence but I’ll emphasise the really important ones:
Right off the bat, their bonding moment five episodes into s1 that was blatantly romantically coded
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Not to mention it parallels Shay and Hunk’s moment only a few minutes before, and we all know how Hunk feels about Shay
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The way Keith was acting towards Lance in the next episode too. The moment clearly touched him, and it was obvious he was very impatient and eager to move forward with Lance. Honestly the way he was acting, was pretty much like he developed a crush on him after the moment but didn’t know how to handle it hdddkjjj
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And the flirting in the same episode??
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This is literally the same face Lance made when he first flirted with Allura
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And Keith makes this face towards Lance on multiple occasions
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In s2, Lance’s obvious confusion as to who he’s jealous over, notice the difference in how he acts jealous towards Keith compared to how he acts jealous towards Matt
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His face talking about Keith? Whipped, and blatantly parallels the same expression he made when he’s talking about Allura, his canon crush
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*Cough* He’s bi-sexual *cough*
s3 was the holy grail of Klance and there were so many moments, but again I’ll just highlight a few that show their potential feelings for each other
Lance just talking?? And Keith looking like this??
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The amount of gay animated into that one frame is overwhelming, I screamed when I first saw it highkey. This is just not how you look at a friend lmao 
Some more important aspects are Lance going to Keith about his insecurities which he rarely does to anyone, not even Pidge and Hunk his close friends. Considering he hated him in s1 and could not see himself trusting Keith at all, this is a huge step and an obvious pointer that a lot has changed and still is changing between them
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Might I also emphasise that Keith and Lance are the literal epitome of the rivals to lovers slow burn trope, it’s so painfully obvious
And also Lance becoming Keith’s impulse control and stability?? Literally Keith was not listening to anyone, this whole episode. But Lance managed to calm him down immediately and he also went to him for comfort and reassurance
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Again rarely ever does Keith listen to reason with anyone except Shiro, so for Lance to do this multiple times in this season and he always succumbed to him is really important. 
Also another thing to point out is that the bedroom scene and the bonding moment scene rlly do parallel each other, and I believe that in both of those moments they both realized they had feelings for one another
Now s4, Keith left so there weren’t very many moments, but when he announced he was leaving the team, this was Lance’s expression
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Sad, torn, heartbroken, because as soon as they got closer, they ended up being torn apart before their feelings could be established (literally just like the bonding moment in different aspects). For Lance especially to look this broken over Keith leaving, when in the past he was perfectly fine wanting to leave the team without him, is so, so important. They’re leaving all of these open ends in their moments, that make me believe they might be touched on further in the future because their relationship is very slow burn. 
And also some of the things the producers themselves have said? Especially this quote here
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If Lance had to choose anyone, the only person who would bring him to a very different place than from where he started the series is Keith. Someone that he never wanted, but also didn’t realize he needed. Other than Allura, the only person who Lance could come close to displaying romantic feelings over is Keith (based on some of the evidence I showed above) and because there are so many parallels between them both. Their relationship has been slowly building since s1, and it’s obvious that Lance is going to have a sexuality arc too, and Shiro possibly being LGBTQ himself will guide/help him through it
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So if Klance does become canon, it’s either you don’t like the ship or are just plain ignorant hsjsjs, but there has definitely been solid evidence from the start that has potrayed the potential for them to be together
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lulusoblue · 8 years
UK FINALLY got to air "The Power Inside Her"
I’ll put my thoughts at the end of the post, for now enjoy some live commentary of my ongoing thoughts, featuring @onthespectrumwriting and tested & approved by @call-me-the-cooky-one
• intro so far: love Leo sitting nearby like the concerned bff for April’s sake “look your powers scare me but Donnie getting closer to mad scientist levels is scarier”
• lulu: OF COURSE THIS GOES WRONG spectrum: what did they expect to happen yes poke the big scary unknown force with a stikc great idea!!!!!
• lulu: *ties crystal of destructive power to a leash* bad crystal spectrum: i love raph’s solution to things
• April cuddling up to Leo = awwww now we know the writer’s true agenda; they were faking us out for Aprinardo all along i mean CUDDLING can’t be platonic and that isn’t worry on Donnie’s face, it’s JEALOUSY
• i have yet to see all the “Apritello” people say this episode has aside from them just basically interacting with each other and if it’s his concern over the crystal well then the show must be dropping hints for pairing her with every male in the main cast
• lulu: EEEEEEYYYYYYY MY PUCKHEAD GETS A SPOTLIGHT AGAIN get rekt TC spectrum: yo casey was AMAZING in this ep soak in the glory that is the trash child
• lulu: also just remembered Rahzar is still alive spectrum: somehow even though april killed him lulu: dude can get run over by a train and be fine later like that’s actually scary spectrum: yeeee puckhead can kick his ass tho lulu: he sure grilled Fishface that’s for sure
• lulu: *pokes the crystal with a stick literally instead of figuratively* “I think i’m beginning to get it now” get what that the crystal is bad? spectrum: its never said that donnie practices Safe sciencing
• lulu: April force choking Donnie is what I live for now spectrum: ha ha ha holy fuck donnie lulu: like it should be the go-to for forced romantic advances spectrum: donnie you poor sot
• Splinter being the one to first snap her out of it and not Donnie /clearly/ they’re shipping her with Splinter and we have to call out Nick for grossness ASAP WHY ARE THE PEOPLE SO BLIND
• also holy shit she’s turning into a dungeon boss
• lulu: oh look she’s crying Casey’s name while focusing on saving people IT’S CANON WHEN WILL THE BLIND SHEEP SEE?! (this is totally not me being a biased shipper because that would be hypocritical) spectrum: (oh obvs, but watch how she ignores him the rest of the ep) lulu: (fool, there is only Za-Naron the rest of the ep) spectrum: (i will see you in court on why that’s not entirely true) lulu: (and ignorance obviously means love if Apritello can get away with it)
• we are introduced to Za-Naron https://youtu.be/7jz7rFuZZZc all i am thinking watching this
• (poor casey has no grappling hook)
• me: don don’t say it Donnie: Give me the crystal me: oh my god YOU’D THINK HE’D KNOW BETTER THAN TO ASK FOR IT BY THIS POINT aaaaand donnie go bye bye
((at this point time difference takes a hold and spectrum must sleep, i venture onward alone))
• well April’s sad moment over Donnie didn’t last too long almost like there wasn’t enough time in the episode to really flesh out the seriousness of this arc
• Hun stares death in the face and laughs ajdbwjsndksnxek we need more 2012 Hun he’s such a confident ass
• “but what if April’s still in there?” Casey you are the only one allowed to properly emote in this ep, like relish your spotlight Case 👌 STOP ZOOMING IN ON CASEY’S WOBBLY LIP WE GET IT YOU FORGOT TO HAVE ANYONE ELSE BE SAD OVER THE SITUATION
• “HEY BEFORE YOU KILL ME REMEMBER HOW YOU ALREADY KILLED DONNIE” that’s what I’m getting here nothing that shippy and she only destroys he crystal after Leo reminds her /she’s/ the only one who can APRINARDO IS CANON CRY SHIPPERS CRY THE BASIC INTERACTIONS BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS DO NOT LIE
• finally she uses that tanto i was beginning to think it was an ornament with how little it was utilised
• “it was /all me/ in a way” oooooooooooooooo now THIS LINE why are people ignoring THIS LINE
• from now on all death will be referred to as Molecular Scattering it’ll be what the Shadow Realm is to the Yu-Gi-Oh dub
• Donnie just letting April flop onto the cement PFFFFFFFT
• Everyone but Splinter just keeping their distance
• “hey i know you guys are nervous about my powers since i kinda blew one of you up and bloodbended the shit outta Splinter and Raph but CHECK OUT THIS SICK MOVE” *levitates sword from her belt into her hand*
All in all I still enjoyed the episode. I really wish we had some more build up to Za-Naron, or maybe a two-parter for the conclusion of this arc. The boys could have emoted a little more, but I put that down to how much that had time for in the episode and not the writing team trying to make the death of a brother a “no biggie” for the rest of the team (again i really think this should’ve been a two-parter).
Honestly S4 is kind of cramped in terms of story. Space doesn’t feel as important, Karai VS Shredder doesn’t feel as important. IMO they should’ve made space take up the whole season, if only so we could explore it more or have the chance to build some urgency, then had S5 focus on taking down Shredder so we’d have more action there *cough*andShini*cough*. Of course, that would be more in an ideal world, where Playmates isn’t breathing down Nickelodeon’s neck and the writers have no fear of not being renewed for a sixth season.
I’m really hopeful that S5 is a little more focused. From what we’ve heard thus far it sounds like they’re going for more contained story arcs, a little like TMNT 2003 had with their various shenanigans and mishaps. ‘course I probably won’t be too bothered by anything at all so long as we get more Karai and Shinigami. *shakes fist* WE’D BETTER GET MORE KARAI AND SHINIGAMI
disclaimer: my comments on shipping do not necessarily focus on Apritello… mmmostly, i’m just an adult with extra salt who remembers how much one can read into things if it means making it about their ship. i did it with Digimon, i did it with Pokémon, shipping is just a big mess of stockpiling screenshots of your OTP standing within close proximity to me 😶
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