#some point i would like to do a fanfic of brax and the doctor meeting again after the time war in a pub
Hell-o, my local Brax guru! I have a question for you, my lady - I know that the audios with Brax feature pre the Time War and during, but are any set after? And I mean like, a good few centuries after? Did he believe that the Doctor destroyed Gallifrey, and did he even care?
Hello, there lovely anon!
There is Big Bang Generation by Gary Russell where the 12th Doctor meets Benny on Legion and tries to name drop Braxiatel or the collection every chance he gets and it’s glorious. (Please, go and read it. It’s such a fun and delightful novel and the doctor basically calls the white rabbit rubbish and Benny meeting another Scottish Doctor is brilliant. Also, Peter, Jack and Ruth are in this too!). 
It is known that Brax has been in contact with his future self so he knew the time war was coming. It was one of the major reasons why he set up the Collection (as shown in Gallifrey audios) and why he had helped to set the axis point up to search alternative dimensions of Gallifrey’s.  But there is no story set many centuries after the time war yet.
We have had Soldier Obscura which takes place in Gallifrey; Time War 1 boxset. But I’m really hoping Brax makes a return appearance in Time War 3 as Brax was such a strong point for the time war boxset.
Did he believe that the Doctor destroyed Gallifrey, and did he even care?
Brax has always cared about the Doctor. But he doesn’t wear it on his sleeve (like his emotions, he hides them. Emotions? WHAT ARE EMOTIONS). He hides it but he is proud to be the Doctor’s brother. (Especially in Empire of Glass/Theatre of War). 
One of my headcanons is that I think if Brax did survive the Time-War and he knew his brother would too. I think he would have been disappointed in him at first, bitter and angry at destroying Gallifrey but after seeing how scared Brax was in Soldier Obscura, I think Brax would come to accept why the Doctor had to do what he did to Gallifrey. Even if it took them both a long time to heal their relationship with each other.
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AU list - Accidental Marriage AU for Bernice Summerfield ( & her crew) pls?
AU List A-Z
@stillthesunkenstars and @devilfromthestars; may like this Benny/Brax ficlet ;) This was too long to do into a small prompt so kind of turned it into a small fanfic.
Bernice Summerfield woke up on the ground with a headache.
It wasn’t the first time she has been in this situation, no and it was not one she was proud to admit but she did not, in general, enjoy waking up on the ground. It was far from ideal circumstances and she groaned against the cold, cement floor before she opened her eyes.  
Gods, how much Draconian brandy did she drink last night? 
She winced, holding her head as she slowly sat up.  The room seemed to still be spinning and she blindly groped about her bed for her alarm clock that seemed to be ringing-or was that just the ringing noise in her head? She wasn’t quite sure but as she was groping about, instead of finding the alarm clock or the blanket, she found an ankle. An ankle that wasn’t Jason’s as she and Jason had well and truly been divorced and she was still mad at him for the Sunless situation.
She leapt to her feet in surprise, opening her eyes which did nothing to help nurse her hangover. There was a rustle on the bed and Benny managed to peak at who it was underneath the bedsheets.
Gods, please gods no-
“Ah,”  The voice drawled, showing no sign of a hangover. Of course, he wouldn’t. He was a bloody Time-Lord and they didn’t get drunk except on ginger. Bloody typical. “Gracious me.”
She cursed underneath her breath as she stumbled over her own feet and landed with an almighty crash on the floor. So much for her silent escape.
“Bernice-” Braxiatel started to say her name but it sounded too much like shouting in her ears.
“Quieter please Brax,” Benny winces, rubbing the back of her head. “Oh, my head. How much did I drink last night?”
“More than your usual amount I think,” Braxiatel comments as he sits up and oh no, he was naked from the waist up which did not help matters. “Somebody must have spiked my drink as well. My head feels fuzzy.”
“You think?” She retorts dryly as she uses the end of the bed to leverage herself up and sunk down on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to steady herself. “We’re going to suffer today.”  When was the last time she got serious hungover like this? It must have been back in her university days on Dellah at the very least.
“Go back to sleep,” Braxiatel turned back on his side, making room for herself. “Unless you prefer to sleep on the floor.”
“But-what are we even doing here Brax?” Benny protested, but she had to admit, she was still knackered. Her body felt sore and tired and her head-gods! It wouldn’t stop ringing.
“Never mind about that. It’s 6am in the morning.” He mumbled.
“Fair point,” She agrees and she reached down and managed to snag the covers, pulling the sheet and duvet over both of them as she got back into bed. “We’ll deal with this later.”
“Of course, Bernice.”
She pulled the covers over her head, closing her eyes shut tight and prayed that when she next woke up, this was all some kind of horrible nightmare.
Benny woke up for the second time that day and it was almost four in the afternoon and was grateful to find she did not end up on the floor again which was a nice but instead of finding her cheek against the cold floor, her cheek was pressed against a very warm torso, hearing two double heart beats in her ear. In fact, it seemed to be all her limbs had become entangled with Braxiatel’s other limbs. 
She blinked a few times, trying to adjust to what she was seeing in the darkness of Braxiatel’s bedroom.
Braxiatel’s bedroom?
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. 
Oh no. 
Thankfully, Braxiatel was still asleep on his side, almost looking peaceful as memories started to drift through her mind from yesterday. She wanted to throttle Braxiatel for being more responsible about this but she couldn’t blame him when this was her fault just as much as his and, truthfully,  she felt rather cosy and warm here, not wishing to move any time soon.
Braxiatel looked rather handsome in his sleep, almost well rested. It was unusual for Bernice to see Braxiatel with his guard down, especially after the Veronica incident. She moved to brush a hand through his salt and pepper coloured hair when she caught side on her hand, noticing a very recent addition of jewellery there.
There was a wedding ring on her hand. A very expensive, shiny and delicate looking ring.
“Oh bugger,” She groaned and she cautiously peeked at Braxiatel’s and sure enough, there was a ring on his hand that hadn’t been there before, matching hers.
As though Braxiatel could sense her staring at him, Braxiatel flickered his eyes open. “Bernice?” He asks, dumbfounded. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question,” She half-joked,  not knowing how to bring their situation.
“You’re in my bedroom. In my bed.”
Braxiatel looked at her suspiciously, sensing her staring at their hands and he glanced down, seeing their wedding rings. “Ah.”
“Ah indeed.” Benny licked her lips. “Surprise may be my middle name but I didn’t expect this kind of surprise.”
“Do you remember what happened last night?”
Benny began to stretch, wanting to loosen her sore limbs. “At a guess? We had that celebration Christmas ball. We got amazingly drunk on Draconian and Ginger brandy, got married somewhere and ended up in bed.” Her eyes widened and she poked his side as a memory flashed before her eyes. “You kicked me out of bed by the way.”
“How rude of me.” Braxiatel frowns, lines creasing his forehead. “I must have drunk an awful lot of ginger. That’s terribly unlike me and I don’t usually sleep for such long periods either.”
“Lucky you. Wait, really? That explains why  I never see the Doctor sleep.”
“Really. Time-Lord’s rarely have the need for it. Sometimes, they have power naps lasting for 30 minutes every couple of years but otherwise, we rarely let our guard down.” He manages to sit up, but thankfully, kept the bedsheet above his waistline. 
“Where did we get married?” Benny manages to ask, her mind still foggy. 
Braxiatel didn’t pause, staring at their rings as he took her hand in his. The wedding rings were antique and proper, that she could tell. Even when they were drunk, Braxiatel still had a taste. 
“Space Vegas,” He replies. “In one of their elope churches.”
“Tasteful.” She says, trying to tell herself that this was okay. Everything was going to be fine. This didn’t change their friendship. They could just go about to their daily business and ignore the fact they got married whilst drunk at some space vegas wedding venue. 
“This will be interesting to explain to Bev and the others,” Braxiatel mused, running a hand through his hair, trying to straighten it out. “Especially to Jason.”
“Yes, thank you for that reminder,” She groans. “Brax, tell me the truth. You have a better memory than me. What happened last night?”
Brax pauses, thinking. “You and I left the party after taking up a few bottles of Draconian and ginger brandy to my office. Then I woke up to find you on the floor of my bedroom.”
“This is all your fault.”
“Bernice!” Braxiatel says, exasperated. “I wouldn’t lie to you about this. I know just as little as you do which is frightening.”
Just then, his datapad ping and he reached over, finding it was from Bev Tarrant, his P.A. “Oh no.”
“What...?” Benny asks cautiously and she sits next to him, looking at the screen. On the screen, their wedding announcement had been made publically on their local news station and everyone was sending in their congratulations.  “Oh no. Wait, is that Bev sending you an  eggplant emoji next to a wedding ring?”
She could have sworn Braxiatel’s cheeks turned bright red as he hid the datapad. They both knew now they couldn’t hide their marriage. It was all out in the open and everyone knew. 
“First thing first, we need to find that marriage certificate,” Benny says, climbing out of bed. “And find out what happened last night so we can fill in the gaps.”
“Quite,” Braxiatel agrees, getting out after her, grabbing his robe. “We’ll have to search the place.”
“You don’t remember where you put it?” Benny asked in disbelief. Blimey, he must have drunken a lot if he couldn’t remember where he put an important document. That was very unlike Braxiatel. 
“Who says I had it? You could have had it,” He pipes up, heading to the bathroom.
That was true. Anyone of them could have the document and she put on the spare robe and began to search through his bedroom. And this was before she’s had any coffee. 
“Check my pockets,” Braxiatel suggests, poking his head around the door, the bathroom running hot water. “That’s where I usually keep items. Besides, if we got drunk and married at the same time, having a marriage certificate and putting it in my pockets would make sense.” He disappears back in the bathroom.
“Right, of course.” Benny rolls her eyes fondly and she began to rummage. She could do with another drink but it was four in the afternoon and she needed a desperate cup of coffee. She finally found the document just after Braxiatel came out of the shower, smartly washed and dressed as though nothing had ever happened, still wearing his ring. “Found it.”
“Good.” He nods, taking the certificate. “I’ll give you a copy.”
“Brax...” She licks her lips nervously. “This won’t change anything, will it?”
“It shouldn’t do. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I’m a human and you’re a Time-Lord.  Isn’t it against the law or something with your people?”
“Actually, no. It’s frowned upon, I admit that but times are changing and for the better back on Gallifrey. A slow, long road it is but whatever happens Bernice,” He meets her eyes, gently tilting her chin to look at him. “You are under my protection.”
“I don’t need protecting,” She says, but she was grateful for his support if it should come to that. “But thank you.” She chuckles. “You know, a Time-Lord and a human archaeologist, we make an odd pair, don’t we?”
“It’s almost as if it was meant to be,” Brax sang cheerily and presses the room service button, ordering coffee and some light lunch for the both of them. 
“At least I’m not a plant this time. But if I want to make it clear Brax.” She crosses her arms. “I don’t want to be added as part of your collection like you did with Veronica. I’m me. Your...best friend, now you’re wife. Not some rare artefact to keep in your personal collection for only you to see. Got that?”
Braxiatel nodded. “Oh Bernice,” He gives a soft smile. “You are so much more than either of those things.” He offers her his hand with the wedding ring. “Are you willing to give us a go?”
She couldn’t help but smile back. “That I am.” Sje says to both of those things and takes his hand.
A new beginning was about to start.
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