#some parts did not line up correctly so i had to rearrange them myself
yosukeburger · 9 months
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Sepia’s Phantom Thief and Real-world counterparts.
Pieced them together from Twitter user VeskScan’s Google Drive!
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fyeah-bangtan7 · 3 years
BTS' Jung Kook on 'Dynamite,' Loving ARMY, and Learning From Ariana Grande
"During the training years, I'd wait until the other guys had fallen asleep so I could wash up by myself in the middle of the night," says the singer
We’ve known each other for so long,” J-Hope recently told BTS’ youngest member, Jung Kook, 23. “And I love how you haven’t changed at all.” More than any other member, Jung Kook grew up in BTS; he was only 15 when the group debuted in 2013, and he’d been famous for years by the time he graduated high school, with the other members attending the ceremony. With formidable singing and dancing skills, he’s always been a born pop star, with multiple agencies trying to recruit him as early as 2011. Since then, he’s more than fulfilled his promise, playing a key role on BTS’ biggest songs, including “Dynamite.” In a conversation from his label’s Seoul headquarters, where he wore a plain white sweatshirt with a matching white mask and a black bucket hat, he discussed making “Dynamite,” his vocal evolution, his Ariana Grande fandom, and more.
On the recent Let’s BTS TV special, I thought it was really beautiful when you were surprised with the videos of ARMY singing along to “Life Goes On,” and it looked like you were moved as well. Did it remind you of how much you missed seeing fans in person? I’m a person that really loves to be onstage and really loved hearing from our fans, so when our tour got canceled in March last year, it was a bit of a shock and it was kind of hard to take in. The roar of crowds and of ARMY is something we loved. And when we do TV programs or promotions, it gets our heart racing and makes us long for it more and more. And as you said, on Let’s BTS with the “Life Goes On” performance, when we heard ARMY taking part through the internet, that reminded us of the actual roar of the crowd. It made me miss it even more.
How has it affected you to essentially grow up within BTS? I started my trainee years when I was growing up, and one thing I think is a real blessing for me is I got to meet these wonderful, nice, good six members. I think I matured into a really good person that can be loved by a lot of people. I’m really grateful for the fact that other members, the older members, have given me a lot of feedback, positive or negative. I’m really grateful to have met them.
Do you ever wonder about what you may have missed from ordinary life? It’s true I couldn’t spend a lot of days at school, but I think I gained more than I lost. I sometimes felt envious of all my friends hanging out or going on a trip. Maybe those are the things that I missed. But again, I think I gained more than I’ve lost.
Was this past year maybe a chance to live more normally for you? Just because we didn’t have a lot of work compared to before, or just because we couldn’t go outside, it really didn’t mean we had ordinary life. We still had to be cautious of our behavior. And just because we couldn’t go on tours, it didn’t mean we could stop improving. So I tried to discover new things and I think I spent a relatively busy time inside. But I did have some time to really rearrange my emotions, and I think I grew up as a person as well.
People call you “golden” because you’re good at so many things. But as you’ve said before, that comes with a lot of pressure, doesn’t it? People say that I excel, that I’m an all-rounder. Of course I excel in some areas, but I don’t think it necessarily helps to bask in those talents and gifts. You can only improve in a certain area when you really practice, when you really try, when you deep-dive into it. So I really don’t want to think myself as an all-rounder. I just want to keep trying and working hard. And of course I do feel pressure, but those pressures can also drag me to work hard and do best at what I do.
You had offers from multiple agencies, but you chose Big Hit because of RM. What did you see in him? I can’t clearly remember what happened at the time, but I just simply thought that RM was really cool. At that time, I really didn’t know a lot about being a singer. But when I saw him rap, I just thought he was really, really cool and awesome. And I believe maybe it was fate that drew me to him.
I talked about this with J-Hope as well, but it’s very interesting to look at the early style of BTS, both the clothing and the music, and see how it evolved. What do you think when you look back at those early songs and videos? When we first debuted, we had kind of fierce makeup, with our eyeliner and stuff, and dark outfits, fierce-looking outfits. At that time, our company was relatively small and we couldn’t put a lot of budget into the outfits. But now we devote a lot of time and we hold a lot of meetings to choose the outfits and the style that would go well with the songs and the album. So I think the visual aspect is really important. The song, the dance — every individual aspect is really important.
Can you share some memories of recording “Dynamite”? I thought I was getting these lines out correctly and pronouncing them well, but as we were recording and practicing, I realized there were still things I needed to work on. My pronunciation was not that good. My tongue just wasn’t loose enough to really get these English words out! But the more we practiced, the more we sang, the song became more familiar, and became more natural. So it was a good learning experience for me.
The song “Euphoria” is one of your best moments. I know it’s already a few years ago, but what do you remember about putting that one together? I specifically like “Euphoria” among many BTS songs because it has a voice that’s between a very young boy and a very mature man. And that’s why I had a tough time recording it. I had to translate those emotions into the recording, and I went into it thinking that I have lost my original voice and I really didn’t know how to sing. And I think those emotions I felt translated well into the recording. After listening to the whole thing, I was like, “Wow, I really did a good job.”
What other artists have given you something to aspire to? If there is one moment that really stayed with me, it was when we went on one of our overseas tours, and I had a chance to go to an Ariana Grande concert. I was really impressed by her stage presence. She’s a very small person, and the volume of her singing and what she was able to do was really moving, really impressive. And it just seemed like something I wanted to emulate and learn from. It made me want to develop and continue to grow.In general, I’ve tried to listen to a lot of different music. To really find the voice that I have right now, I listened to random music and just tried to sing along and learn how other artists sing.
The other guys have said that when you were young, when you first started, you were a little bit shy and introverted. What do you remember about that? [Laughs] During the training years, I’d wait until the other guys had fallen asleep so I could wash up by myself in the middle of the night. But I think time really solves everything. If you spend such a long time with the same people, it really affects your personalities. The other members had a lot of influence on me, and I could just feel comfortable because they are such good people. And they encouraged me to open up to them and mature into a good person.
Out of all these years so far, what has been the most mind-blowing moment? Topping the [U.S.] charts, being nominated for the Grammys, getting all those awards, were of course great honors and great experiences. But the best moment in my life, from when I was born until I die, is seeing ARMY from the stage. And that will never change.
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redrobinhoods · 4 years
illicit affairs | Chapter 1, Buzzcut Season
AO3 Link | 4,000 words (approx) | Chapter 2
Story Summary: Commander Fox thought that his only love would be the Republic. He certainly never thought that a small blue senator would change that. But if the Republic wants to make him a martyr, it should be for something he believes in.
“They can’t do that.”
“I’m afraid they can.”
“I won’t let them.” Fox shook his head incredulously and Thire bit back a laugh.
“I don’t think you have the authority to do that, sir.” The Chancellor had made the request himself.
“We have a perfectly fine atrium here-”
“Sir, there’s still blast marks on the wall from the bounty hunters.”
“- I don’t know why we need to host it in the Galactic Museum. Do you know how many sniper perches there are in just the main hall?”
Thire thought back to the holomap he had been looking at five minutes prior, before Fox had commed him in practical hysterics. “Last I checked it was seventeen.”
“Seventeen.” Fox slammed his hand down on the device before him and a holomap of the Galactic Museum flicked to life before them. Thire noted that some light renovations had been done in one of the exhibition rooms, he would have to adjust his current plan. “Seventeen perches in one hall and they want to take over the entire museum.”
“I’m sure that the 501st would donate some of their ARCs to our cause if you asked.”
“Thire, I’m considering it.” Fox groaned and leaned into his hands. “At this point we may as well comm Cody’s Bad Batch.” He’d heard that they’d ended up with one of the 501st’s ARC Troopers and had an expert marksman on the team. But any of them would have different uniforms than the Guard and the Chancellor had been prioritizing the Guard’s visual conformity as of late.
“You two do remember that we have authority over both the Senate Guard and the Red Guard, right?” Commander Stone walked in without knocking, carrying three mugs of caf. “Spread out the Senate Guard and our boys equally around the rooms and have a detachment of Red Guard at each of the entrances and around the Chancellor.”
“Yes, but the Senate Guard is incompetent and corrupt at best.” Thire gratefully accepted a mug from Stone.
“So are the senators.” Fox scoffed as he accepted the other mug from Stone. “Name an honest senator off the top of your head that’s not part of the Delegation of the Two-thousand, not that all of them are honest either.”
“Representative Jar Jar Binks of course.” Stone grinned as he leaned against the back of Fox’s chair.
“First, he’s not a senator. Second, don’t get me started, Stone.” Fox sighed and took a long sip of his caf, looking into it as if the answers would swirl to the surface. “We’ll mobilize the Blue and Red Guards. Thire, get me the optimal force placement by tomorrow morning. Stone, prep the bomb squad and get Sergeant Hound up to date. I want him on site. I’ll inform the Chancellor.”
“Another thing, Fox.” Stone brought out a holopad that he’d had tucked under his arm. “Chairman Papanoida has requested an additional security detail for the Pantoran Senator at this event.”
“Senator Chuchi, again?” Thire shook his head in amazement. “She’s going to give Amidala a run for her credits. Have you met the senator, Fox?”
“I’m about to. I’ll take three of the men and lead the security detail myself.” Fox took the holopad from Stone and placed it by his helmet on the desk.
“You’ll like her, she’s the one that dropped off those sweets last month.” Stone said, rising from the back of Fox’s chair. “Brilliant young woman, prime target for assassination.”
“I’m familiar with her file, Stone.” Fox closed the holomap and rose from his chair, followed shortly by Thire. “Let’s get this shit-show on the road.”
“Don’t let the Chancellor hear you call his gala a shit-show.” Thire said.
Fox shrugged. “Fine. Poodoo-parade.”
The members of the Coruscant Guard were fond of Senator Riyo Chuchi. She had always been nice to them, looked at them-not past them- when walking in the Senate halls, and took the time to remember their names and greet them. Commander Thorn had spoken very highly of her to Fox. But Thorn wasn’t here anymore. While Thire had risen to the occasion of his promotion, Fox was still grieving Thorn’s loss. The entire Guard was grieving all the brothers they had lost on Scipio. An entire squad, all because of one man. But that was how Fox ended up running the senatorial detail for Senator Chuchi. Thorn had usually been the one running the show on all protection details, but while Thire was adjusting to his heightened responsibility Fox had taken over some of Thorn’s duties.
Few senators would’ve been able to pick out the commander of the Coruscant Guard out of a line-up. Impressive, given that his was now the only truly unique armor in the Guard. Of course they’d heard about him, how could they have not? He was the most highly decorated clone trooper in the GAR. But the names and faces of clone troopers didn’t come easily to non-clones. That is why Commander Fox was surprised to be approached by an unfamiliar face as he walked from the offices of the Coruscant Guard to that of the Chancellor.
“Commander Fox?”
Fox looked up from the holopad that he used to avoid eye contact with the senators. “Ma’am?”
“Senator Riyo Chuchi, Commander.” She held out her hand and he took it. “I heard that you will be leading my security detail this weekend.”
“You heard correctly, Senator. Though very quickly.” Did he need to check his office for bugs? It had been two days since the last scan. Perhaps that was too long.
“I just passed Commander Stone.” She smiled softly and Fox understood why all of his guardsmen were charmed by her. He had been told that his and many of his brother’s eyes were golden in the right light, but her eyes were downright gold. He felt his breath catch in his throat and was glad that she couldn’t see his look of wonder through the mask. Fortunately, his training prepared him for high-stress situations, and he was able to regain his composure quickly.
“Of course, our local chatterbox.”
She chuckled. “Really?”
“No.” He smiled, and though she couldn’t see it he felt that his body language probably conveyed it to her. If she could remember the names of his men, then surely she could read their body language through the helmets.
She laughed again, then turned her eyes down. “I’m very sorry, but I must be on my way.” She looked up into the black visor of his helmet. “I look forward to seeing you this weekend, Commander Fox.” Then she was off before Fox could respond. Suddenly, the gala was not entirely a poodoo-parade, but a rather enticing event. It was Fox’s job to protect the citizens of Coruscant, but he had never really wanted to protect someone until now. He suddenly understood why beings owned pets or had children. He had now only known Senator Chuchi for a few fleeting moments, but he would give anything to ensure her safety. He didn’t set off again until her retreating figure was no longer visible in the crowd.
“How’s the crap-carnival going, Commander?” Jek asked as soon as the door closed behind Fox.
“It’s going well, Jek. Thank you very much for volunteering for Senator Chuchi’s security detail.”
“You ran into her didn’t you, Fox?” Thire was where he had been when Fox left. In the corner of the main office-space in front of a holomap of the Galactic Museum. Fox noted that it was now the updated one.
“Are you also volunteering, Commander Thire?”
“What did you think?” Thire leaned forward onto the table before him, eyes on Fox. Every guardsman in the room turned to look at their commanding officer. Fox look around at them and said nothing. “So, you too would throw yourself in front of a blaster bolt for her.” A light laugh, quickly stifled, broke out across the room. One of the men couldn’t muffle his laughter in time and found himself fixed by the blank stare of Fox’s helmet.
“Shut up, Thire. And thank you, Impulse, for volunteering. Thire you may surrender your position to another volunteer at any time if your presence is required elsewhere.”
“With all due respect, sir. I wouldn’t miss this for the galaxy.” Fox knew that it would be something that Thire was more comfortable with. Thire had yet to command event security and starting off with the entire Senate body was a little too much. Two commanders for a single senator’s security detail may have been overkill, but at least it would put them both on the floor.
The next few days were a blur. Commander Stone was placed in charge of event security, and while Commander Thire was part of Senator Chuchi’s detail he was also placed in charge of watching the floor. The Guard was rearranged, with more senior members being moved to the gala detail and more junior members being shuffled to fill the vacant positions for the time being. This was one of the upsides of the Chancellor’s new uniform rules. With an identical body they could rearrange themselves however they wished, and no one would know the difference. Thire, who had stuck with his regulation uniform despite the promotion, found it to be very convenient. He was becoming a fast favorite of the Chancellor, and the ability to swap himself in and out with his men as he pleased was agreeable to him. He still found it so even as he lined up with Jek and Impulse as they waited for Fox to finalize the Chancellor’s final security briefing. Without knowing his name or CT number, he looked like just another trooper in the detail. Tonight, it would allow him to run security on the senator and get a better feeling for the room than Fox would be able to, considering how his inverted armor would stand out from the trio of white. Though Fox would have a greater intimidation factor than he would. Altogether, Thire doubted that something could go wrong in the next few hours.
Riyo stepped back from the mirror to cast a final look over her appearance. Padme had been the one to pick out her dress, a full length light blue gown that fell over her skin in soft pillows of fabric. The folds that appeared to be formfitting concealed thick plates of body armor that covered her torso. Very practical, very Padme. Riyo tucked a stray hair back behind her ear, not that it would matter after the speeder ride to the gala, and ensured that she’d grabbed the right tube of dark purple lipstick for her purse. She felt very regal.
Her doorbell chimed.
Checking over the contents of her purse one last time, she nearly ran to answer the door. Opening it she found four clones standing before her.
“Commander Fox, Commander Thire, Impulse, and I’m not sure I’ve ever caught your name.”
“Jek, ma’am.”
“Nice to meet you, Jek.” She stepped out of the door, closing it behind her before setting off towards the apartment complex landing platform. “Thank you all for your protection. I believe that Chairman Papanoida is merely being paranoid, but I feel much safer with you here.”
“Always a pleasure, Senator.” Said Thire, falling behind her in the escort. “If you don’t mind my saying so, you look stunning tonight.”
She giggled. “Thank you, Commander. I didn’t know that clones ever considered looks.”
“You wouldn’t know if you only knew Fox, ma’am.” Jek said, looking to the right at his commander. “He’s regulation cut, a good boy. No tattoos or fancy hair.”
Fox looked left at Jek. “Tattoos are the mark of a clone with too much spare time. Are you trying to tell me you’re bored, Jek? I can pass that on to the janitorial staff if you like.  You wouldn’t imagine the things that they find in bathrooms. Could be useful to have a Guard member on the team.”
“With all due respect, sir. I’d rather lick the ground of the Undercity.”
From behind Riyo, Impulse spoke up. “I’m sure the commander could arrange that too! He could prepare your medical papers ahead of time.”
Riyo shuddered, though she was still grinning. Maybe having an escort for the night wouldn’t be as boring as she thought. “I’m sure medical would be preferable to cleaning up after one of Senator Orn Free Taa’s parties.”
Fox scoffed. “No comment.”
When they reached the speeder, Jek was the first one in. He held out his hand to Riyo and she took it, accepting the boost up into the vehicle. Impulse immediately followed her and the two clones took a seat on each side of her in the middle row. Thire and Fox still stood next to the speeder, and she watched Fox take off his helmet and hand it over to Thire before he ducked under the vehicle.
Thire caught her stare. “Additional anti-theft devices, ma’am. Makes placing undercarriage bombs harder, but you also have to turn the damn thing off.”
“Does the benefit outweigh the trouble, Commander?”
Fox popped back up, running a hand through his regulation hair, loosening a few curls. “Not at all, Senator.” She took in his face. As Jek had said, he had no tattoos, visible ones at least, but a few white lines of scar tissue crossed his throat. He looked tired. Fox took his helmet back from Thire and vaulted over the speeder door into the driver’s seat, taking a drink of water from a small canteen at his hip before putting his helmet back on. Thire sat behind her, facing backwards. Shielded on all sides, she relaxed. She had a feeling that the commander of the Coruscant Guard was what many beings called a ‘defensive driver’.
“Buckle up or be bucked.” Jek kicked the back of Fox’s chair lightly.
“That was one time.” Fox mumbled, pulling off the landing pad to join the lanes of air traffic.
“One time?” Riyo exclaimed.
“I saw our target and went for him, Senator. I assumed that any of my men would have the good mind to buckle up before going on a high-speed chase for a bounty hunter.”
“I almost died, Fox.”
“But you didn’t.” Fox made a sound as if he was going to say more, then turned his attention back to the traffic.
“Commander Thorn saved me, grabbed my ankle just in time.” Jek mumbled, the helmet vocabulator barely picking up the sound.
“I heard about Scipio, I’m sorry for your loss. He was a good man.” Riyo remembered him as the man who had once fully taken over her apartment with troopers after a threat on her life and personally installed security sensors on all her windows and doors. She’d ended up sleeping on the couch that night while he secured her bedroom. Afterwards, she had run into him often in the Senate halls, and always with a crack about how her window frame had never been the same.
Fox sighed. “He was the best of us.”
Thire was the first one out of the vehicle when they arrived at the Galactic Museum, followed shortly by Impulse and Riyo. She gratefully accepted his hand as she exited the speeder, heels and speeders never seemed to get along, and was followed shortly afterwards by Jek and Fox.
“You know the drill, Senator Chuchi. Enjoy your evening and pretend that we’re not watching your every move.”
“Thank you, Commander. I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy your company tonight.”
The gala was a beautiful event. Held in honor of the founding of the Republic, all of the Senators and well-to-do of the city had been invited. Riyo spotted many beings who she knew only by name or by reputation amongst the crowd. She was not the only one with an escort, and she found a little comfort in that she wouldn’t stand out for being accompanied by the clones. Though the clones themselves stood out. She caught more than one being staring at the red-armor commander at her right side, and she couldn’t help a small twinge of jealousy. She wondered if she could convince one of the boys to dance with her. Perhaps not Thire or Impulse, they seemed busy scanning the floor for threats, but she was sure that Jek wouldn’t mind and she wondered if she could even convince Commander Fox to take her out on the floor. Then she realized how much she would stand out for dancing with a clone, red or white, and how that could negatively impact their positions in the Coruscant Guard. Many of the beings here were the type that didn’t like to be reminded of the humanity of the clones and she didn’t want to bring their outbursts down on her companions. She stuck to the edges of the rooms instead, where she could find many more senators who were not comfortable with mingling with the rich in the middle of the floor. Here she found solace in discussing some of the exhibits with those she considered to be her allies in the Senate, and occasionally with the clones if she noticed something intriguing in passing. They wouldn’t speak to her unprompted but would gladly respond when spoken to.
Towards the end of the night the crowds thinned out and she and her escort walked freely through even the middle of the rooms.
“There was an exhibit on the ice formations of Hoth that I would like to see again. Would that be suitable, Commander Fox?”
“Yes, ma’am. If you take a right before the mock mythosaur there is a shortcut that we can take if it pleases you.” Of course he knew the layout.
She weaved her way through the remaining guests, noting that it was mostly senators in this room, and passed through the small passage that Fox had recommended. This hall, Natural Formations of Wonder, was mostly empty save for a small crowd gathering around the volcanic glass from Mustafar. Across the room, there was a temperature-controlled case containing the formations she wanted to see.
“I didn’t see ice until I was thirteen, you know.” She spoke as they crossed the room. “Pantora is marshy by nature. My father took me to Scipio with him when he served as the Pantoran Senator. I’d never seen anything like it before.”
“We can relate, Senator.” Thire spoke up. “Kamino, our homeworld, is oceanic. Fox thought that the Kaminii were lying about trees for the longest time.”
A huff of air that could have been part of a laugh escaped Fox’s vocabulator. “I’m still not too sure about forests.”
“You need to get out more.” Jek reached over Riyo to give Fox’s shoulder a light shove. “Breathe the fresh air.”
“Never heard of it.” Fox shook his head lightly and went back to scanning the room. Riyo felt a stab of pity for the commander and made a note that she would have to find a way to get him off-world with her somehow, if only so he could experience fresh air.
“Do you miss Kamino?” She ventured, keeping her gaze on the ice crystals before her so that none of the men felt that they were being put on the spot.
There was silence around her until Impulse spoke. “I don’t think any of us have that option, Senator.”
“Well, if you could be on any planet in the galaxy right now, which one would you choose?” More silence greeted her question.
“Naboo.” Thire said, breaking the tension. “It’s nice there. I don’t think that we clones view Kamino as you view Pantora, Senator Chuchi. It’s the closest thing we have to a home, but it’s not ours. Personally speaking, my home is my brothers. It’s not tied to a place. I don’t miss my homeworld because my home is always with me, waking up at the ass-crack of dawn.”
Riyo laughed, turning away from the ice. “I believe I am ready to depart, before dawn finds us here instead of in our beds.”
“As you wish, Senator.”
They started back across the room the same way they had spent the evening, Fox and Jek at her side, Thire and Impulse behind her. But now there was no crowd to push through, and no chance of one as the group admiring the Mustafarian glass had departed. Riyo let her gaze wander around the room, taking in the natural marvels one last time. Her attention was grabbed by the sudden turn of Fox’s helmet as he looked up into the catwalks of the vaulted ceiling. She followed his gaze, but saw nothing.
“Senator!” Fox stepped back, grabbed her by the elbows and pulled her to the ground. The force brought her to her knees, and her head was pushed down as Fox covered her body with his own. He pulled her in with his left arm so that she was pressed against him, fully shielded from behind. Jek knelt in front of them, rifle drawn over Fox’s shoulder as he scanned the room around them. It was silent. Riyo watched Fox slowly bring a pistol out from its holster with his right hand. Thire and Impulse swept through the room, with the former going up into the catwalks. They gave the all clear minutes later as Thire rejoined the group. Fox and Jek eased away from Riyo, and she sat up straight. Fox didn’t move from behind her, and she stayed put as the four guards continued to visually scan the room. Then there was a flash of movement on her right. The sniper was fast, but Fox was faster. His hand had never left her side, and now he brought her close to himself as he twisted his body down to shield her.
The was a whistle and a crack. Fox’s grip around Riyo’s waist faltered and the two crashed into the ground. Riyo couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her lips, and Fox pulled her closer to his body to continue to shield her, curling around and over her tiny form. Another shot rang out and Fox clutched her even tighter to his chest. Her hands clung to his arm as if the touch would save her life. Perhaps it would. Two of the men, she couldn’t tell their boots apart, moved to stand over her and Fox, rifles raised towards where the shots had come from. There wasn’t a third shot.
One of the men standing above them raised his comm. “This is Commander Thire requesting a medic in Natural Formations, Commander Fox is down. Activate Contingency Theta.”
“Get her out of here.” Fox mumbled. She could feel the vibrations in his chest against the back of her head as he spoke. His grip on her waist relaxed. Riyo realized that he had been hit.
“Yes, sir.” Jek said. With Impulse and Thire standing guard Jek reached down and pulled Riyo from Fox’s grip.
“No, we can’t leave him!” She protested. She tried to pull away, but Jek’s grip on her arm was strong and soon she was surrounded by plastoid as she was taken away. Between Thire and Impulse she could see the motionless form of Commander Fox behind them, a black hole burning between his shoulder blades, another at his waist. She let out a quiet sob at the sight.
“He did his duty, Senator; you must do yours.” Thire said as the three men swept her away from the room.
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What's your headcanon for how dates/time in the MU compare to Earth time? In season 1 the middle of summer for Bloom was almost back-to-school time for Magix, and Magix's semester break (S1E13) was in the middle of December (maybe? California has a pretty mild climate). And in S1E18 (4Kids version) Mitzi makes a comment that school isn't out 'this time of year' (Which could mean before/after Christmas, Spring break, summer, etc). But Bloom does go home for the summer, so there has to be...(cont)
(cont from 'Bloom does come home for the summer, so...') There has to be some point where the breaks line up in order for Bloom to go home to Earth from Magix and not be in trouble with the law. (There's also the age difference problem—Bloom's an Earth 16 (her birthday is December/January depending on the dub). If meeting Stella happened in the summer (July), she'd be 16 and 6-7 months old. Does that collerate with Magix/MU 16 when considering the time difference?)
*Throws the concept of time into a dumpster and sets it on fire before screaming into the endless void* Ahahaha, oh my gosh, The Winx Club operates outside of normal space time.
So we have two very set points of time that are pretty definitive within the first three seasons:
Season 1 episode 1: Bloom is in the early part of her summer vacation (based on the way she talks about the vacation period it hasn't been going on long). Bloom is from California (allegedly) and Summer Vacation/end of the school year starts around mid-June
Season 2 Episode 16: Hallowinx, this episode happens on or very close to Halloween, which is October 31st
I went through (using the Wiki to double check myself) and counted the “observable days” in each season and... well:
Based on the days we 'see' or at the very least can infer each season has to cover at the very least:
Season 1 (bare minimum) 7 weeksSeason 2 (bare minimum) 9 weeksSeason 3 (bare minimum) 5 ½ weeks
Now, reasonably we can assume that for every day we do 'see', there's going to be at least 1-2 days per season that we don't see.
Given the way the story paces itself, it's unlikely that the events take the full school year to complete, which is where we start to see a breakdown in chronological sense.
Realistically, even at the full 2 days to every 1, season 1 would still only take about 21 weeks to complete, putting the season final (episodes 18-26) in late November, right between the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays on Earth. (And therefore 113 likely around September which is early Autumn. No matter how you look at it episodes 117-126 (or at least 118-126) all happen in a very short amount of time, a few conjoined days at most.)
That makes sense, that's fine, until you look at season 2.
Season 2 starts with the new buildings being unveiled, the repaired Alfea. Repaired from the season 1 final battle.
Except that doesn't make a damn lick of sense, and here's why:
Episode 216 happens around October 31st, no getting around it, the observable days from 201-215 are about six weeks worth, or more realistically 12-15 actual weeks. Even if the school year at Alfea starts at the same time by Earth standards every year, (which is to say roughly mid-June) that's still only a 19 week window, so not that much of a stretch-
But here's a problem: that means that it took an advanced techno-magical civilisation 6-7 months to repair their school.
And then there's a few extra weeks in season 2 after Halloween for episodes 217-226 which, with 2ish weeks of observable days stretched to 4 or 5 puts the season end in late November early December. Again.
But moving on to Season 3 and it's week long summer vacation which is inexplicably “much shorter this year”. (That is what Flora actually says in at least 2 out of 4 translations (Cinelume and Rai I believe), the third is 'it will be over before you know it.'”
301-304 cover at least three days, but realistically given the mood, events and apparent pacing - no more than a week.
In 318, the phrase “the past few weeks” is used to refer to the events of the season thus far, and at that point we're at about three weeks worth of observable days, which in unseen days would put them more likely at four to six weeks. (I'd say just shy of two months at the most or they would refer to the time by months not weeks.)
There's no way I can turn the events that make them make sense unless we aren't seeing three years over three seasons of the show.
See, November is roughly mid year for Alfea – if their planetary/school year is comparable to Earth's – which puts the ends of seasons 1 & 2 around the semester break.
We don't really see any signs of extreme weather on Magix during the first three seasons, none that's natural anyway. Which means for all we know their winters are the long school breaks because:That schedule is just how it works out best across the many planets the students come fromorThe winters aren't conducive to learning because the days are so short so they do Winter Vacation instead of Summer Vacation, and place their midyear break of 2-3 weeks at the height of the Summer heat when no one wants to be in classrooms.
If that was true, then it means we could feasibly claim that at the very least seasons 2 & 3 take place in the same school year, that the shortened Summer Holiday is in fact the midyear break which is shorter than normal because they had to compensate for time lost to the Darkar crises.
(There is evidence to counter this I believe, references to coming back from the summer vacation at the start of season 2, but only in the 4kids version if I remember correctly? Which has the most deviation in its script because of the localisation and shuffling of footage, so... *shrugs*)
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Hell, if we really go for it we could fit all three seasons into the same year like I did with the Alt Con timeline (although it does still works if there's a gap between the 1st & 2nd season and Hallowinx goes in its normal place in the lineup as opposed to the rearrange I did with the schedule.)
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I'm sorry, I know you probably wanted something far more coherent (and prompt) but I just... can't make heads or tails of what the heck is supposed to be going on with the canon timeline.
At the very least I believe that when it comes to ages, we are getting the Earth equivalent, Bloom is an Earth girl and our (the audience) vehicle to seeing the Magical Dimension, even if nothing else, things would likely be translated into terms Bloom is familiar with.
I'm not sure how Bloom doesn't get in trouble with the cops, but there was that one scene in 213 when Aisha has to talk her way out of trouble with an officer. Mike being a fireman, he'd likely have connections with someone on the force who could help clear up the misunderstanding re: 'Bloom's truancy' since she's effectively going to a foreign boarding school.
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chrysalispen · 5 years
xix. all white with wreath and spray
AO3 Link here
splitting into two parts for length, the next part will be up in a day or two
 Aurelia’s booted feet crunched through the thin layer of powder snow as she adjusted the bundle of fallen wood on her back. Given the conjurers’ tenuous peace brokered with the elementals, the city’s inhabitants were rationing: they were to collect only those things which nature had already shed, and that bounty in itself was limited. Despite the fact it was mid-morning, the Shroud was as still and quiet as an open grave. 
Winter had come to the wood, and with it, the hardships borne of poor harvests across all of Eorzea. 
The forest’s predators, deprived of their seasonal food sources, soon became a common danger on the roads, and with the Greenwrath so newly quelled the forest was still volatile and hazardous. The city council had done as much to prepare the townspeople and the land itself for the cold months as they were able in the time they had, but their efforts had still fallen short and the outbreak of flux among incoming refugees had strained Gridania’s supplies further. Many people had been forced to winter in unfinished houses or had taken up with friends and neighbors in what space was available.
J’nehda’s ‘storms’ had more trouble yet to presage, so it seemed. 
“Are you not cold, Miss Conjurer?” 
She glanced over her shoulder. Keveh’to was shivering visibly, his tail wrapped close about one leg when he wasn’t moving, looking quite put out indeed. He had also drawn his shortbow, though either of them had yet to see any game worth the marking. 
“Hm? No, I’m well, thank you.” She wore a fleece-lined doublet, leather breeches, a pair of old cotton gloves, and knee-high doeskin boots beneath one of Miounne’s traveling cloaks - along with, of course, the ubiquitous oversized head covering intended to conceal her third eye. Overall, it was far lighter attire than the heavy parkas and thick boots most Gridanians had donned. “Do you want to borrow my cloak?”
He squinted at her as though she’d asked him to wear one of her dresses. “I’m fine too,” he said, somewhat defiantly. “Just…  not used to the snow, is all. We rarely get it this far south.”
“I suppose that makes sense.”
“Garlemald is very cold, I hear.”
“Yes, it is.” She bent forward with a soft grunt and dropped her bundle to the ground in favor of the medium-sized branch she’d sighted half-buried under snowfall and dead leaves. “We measure snowfall in fulms, rather than ilms. And it stays on the ground a good long while.”
“How long is ‘a good long while’?”
“Mmm... I should say usually around six, mayhap seven months- er, moons out of the year? ‘Tis longer on occasion, should the season prove particularly brutal.”
“Seven moons of winter?” Keveh’to echoed, horrified. “Seven moons of snow and ice--”
“Aye. And barely any light. And gales that could tear the skin off a gigas.”
“How do you survive it up there?”
“We almost didn’t.”
“By the gods, no wonder you lot want to spread out over the whole bloody star. I’d be keen on beachfront property myself if I lived in the depths of the fourth hell.” 
Aurelia began to laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
The Miqo’te’s consternation gave way to widened eyes and an embarrassed flush when he realized what he’d said. 
“Er. I- that... wasn’t the most, er... tactful... way I could have phrased that, I suppose. Sorry.”
She raised one booted foot and kicked the side of the branch. The blow dislodged a wet clump of white powder, shaking it onto the leaves below like confectioners’ sugar onto toast. 
“You’ve no need to apologize. The capitol is bloody awful. If I had my say I would much prefer Ala Mhigo. It’s hot as blazes in the summer, but at least you don’t run the risk of instant frostbite.”
“What is Ala Mhigo like? I hear the refugees talk about it sometimes when they think other folk aren’t in earshot. Curious. Like they don’t want none of us overhearing.” He fidgeted, hopping from one foot to the other, and she couldn’t tell if he was uncomfortable or simply trying to ward off the chill. “...You don’t have to talk about it either, you know, if you’d rather not.”
“In truth, I’ve naught of interest to share.” Aurelia shrugged. “There is precious little I could tell that you wouldn’t hear from the refugees and you’d learn more of their native land from them than you would from someone like me. Ala Mhigo was my childhood home but I’m the first to admit I saw very little outside my father’s villa, and that was by design, I'm certain.” 
“Mm,” Keveh’to said, absently. “Mayhap you’re right.”
A not-insignificant part of her hoped he was simply attempting to make conversation. She was reluctant to face the censure she was sure she would see in his eyes did he chance to speak to the refugees as she had suggested, but what else was there to say? Most of her memories of Gyr Abania were very personal and very limited. 
“...We should be getting back.”
“Do you need me to carry that?” he asked.
“I can do it.”
She cast him a brittle smile before lifting the branch and tossing it in the bundle with the others, then rearranged the hempen wrap so that the weight was equally distributed and none of the larger pieces would fall before folding the corners, grasping the fabric, and hoisting her burden back over one shoulder. 
They trudged back towards the city, the only sound to be heard the crunch of dead leaves and powder beneath their feet, before Keveh’to finally said, “Forgive me, Aurelia. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“I know you didn’t,” she said. “I am sorry. Perhaps I do feel a bit nostalgic.”
“For this?”
“Of course not, but... “ She adjusted the weight she carried on her back and paused. “...there are things I miss. Small things, you know. Luxuries that one takes for granted.”
“Such as?”
“My garden, for one.”
“Your... “ He trailed off, but she saw the light go on behind his eyes when she glanced back in his direction. 
The laugh she granted him was a light and silvery thing, spilling across the snow like a sunbeam. “You heard correctly. I had a garden back in Garlemald."
Aurelia would have said 'home,' did the utterance of that word not stick so securely in her craw. Garlemald was many things, but a home had never been one of them.
"A proper garden, then? Like with roses and such?"
"Yes. It belonged to my aunt, really. But she would much rather look at the flowers than grow them herself. I feel a similar sort of… I don’t know. Peace? Serenity? As close as one can get to those things when I’m about the woods gathering.”
“...all right, now I get it. I thought it was passing strange you would be as interested in botany as you are."
"But if you had a- ...but wait, how’d you have a bleeding garden ‘n all, if the weather’s like this all the blasted time?”
Aurelia shrugged as if the answer was obvious. “Magitek.”
“I don’t follow.” 
“There was a greenhouse on my uncle’s grounds. It had heat lamps set to cycle every eight bells, and an environmental control system that- …ah,” she stammered, seeing his blank and uncomprehending stare, “never mind.”
Keveh’to did not respond. Aurelia could feel his confused gaze still boring into her back as they continued up the hill onto the path. 
She flushed, thinking that of course her attempt at explanation would have made little sense to him. Most parts of the star had no access to magitek so it was still a rare and fantastic novelty without the Empire’s borders, and Eorzea’s smallfolk most certainly would not have access to such wonders. 
Even in Garlemald a self-sustaining greenhouse to preserve perennials was very much a luxury, one afforded only to the wealthy: usually, albeit not always, peers of the imperial aristocracy. But she had loved her aunt Marcella’s greenhouse. Its unique heating system had originated as a student project, one of many annual exhibition entries at the Magitek Academy. Quite often, winning projects were put to practical use whether by the government or by the creators themselves, and in this instance the student's work had been noticed by her uncle. He had gladly improved upon his prototype for the commission. 
Her uncle Janus had bragged that the unit was one of a kind because the young man had elected to join the imperial army upon completing his studies, no doubt to build weapons for the legions afield. ‘Twas hardly an uncommon story, he had said with a shrug. There was more profit - and personal glory - in innovating warmachina for imperial conquest than in customizing heating systems for a rich man’s rose gardens.
Aurelia could not take comfort in his explanation, saddened as she was. That a man capable of creating daily wonders for the purpose of preserving living things would be able to turn his obviously brilliant mind towards such callous and violent ends - it defied her understanding. 
As was the case with most of her recollections of her years spent in the capitol, even the relatively pleasant memory of her aunt's flowers was bittersweet.
“I… I think I’m a bit chilled after all,” Aurelia lied. She plucked the hood of the cloak from her back and draped it over her head until the top half of her face was all but concealed from view. Frost spilled forth from her lips in a white cloud. “Let’s hurry along. I’ve a mind for some tea.”
She swallowed back the harsh lump she could feel forming in her throat, unwilling to grant it any further leave for expression.
Miounne was waiting at the staff entrance upon their arrival: wiping her hands in the fabric of her apron, eyes fixed upon the pair. Aurelia shrugged the heavy bundle from her shoulders as if it were feather-light and raised a gloved hand in greeting. 
“Welcome back, you two. A decent haul this morning?”
“Decent enough.” She lifted the first branch from the top of the pile and dragged it to the stump they had been using to roughly cut the scavenged tree falls for firewood. “I know we’re a bit late returning, but the Sergeant thought he saw something fit for the stewpot. We’ll have this set up for you in just a-”
“Ah… one moment, if you please,” Miounne said, and Aurelia’s outstretched hand froze in the act of reaching for the wood-axe. “I’ll get one of the lads inside to cut the wood.”
“Not that I’m complaining,” Keveh’to frowned, dusting a thin layer of snow from his lapels, “but is there some reason why we can’t just go on and do it ourselves?”
“Your presence has been requested. Or rather, Aurelia’s presence has been requested. E-Sumi-Yan asked that I send you along to the Fane as soon as I could.”
...The guildmaster? 
Cautiously she studied the woman’s face. She didn’t trust unexpected summons of any sort, never had- but, she realized, Miounne was smiling. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be that unpleasant. “Did he happen to elaborate?”
“No, but I don’t doubt he will explain himself in full when you arrive.”
All… right then. She glanced at Keveh’to. 
“I assume he’s allowed to come along.”
“Of course.”
Few souls had braved the outdoors this morning- owing largely, Aurelia suspected, to the snow. This part of Eorzea was quite temperate, more so even than Mor Dhona, and snow was a rare enough occurrence that people tended to take to their hearths upon the slightest dusting of white upon the stones. 
In truth ‘twas less the weather she found refreshing than the empty streets. In the wake of the increasing food shortage the people of Gridania - already rather inclined towards isolationist behavior - spared few quests and even less coin for Miounne’s adventurers while treating refugees and prisoners of war with barely concealed contempt.
But tension aside, the city was as quiet as the forest. No one accosted or addressed them as they made their way down the snow-lined paths. The only sounds were birds and the soft rhythm of their breathing, and the quiet crunch of their footsteps upon ice and loose gravel. 
Even the Fane seemed all but deserted. The sight of the tree filled her with the same dread it always did - but there was a measure of relief as well, for Brother E-Sumi-Yan stood before the entrance holding a neatly wrapped paper parcel in his youthful hands.
“Good morning, Aurelia. Mother Miounne told me she had sent the two of you on your way,” he said, beaming at her. “Come, let’s sit and take tea here by the brazier. ‘Tis a most bracing morning, is it not? I'm afraid all I have in my larder at the moment is chamomile tea, but I was preparing to break my fast. Both of you are welcome to join me if you haven’t already partaken.”
There was chamomile tea with mint, and spiced frumenty, and even- to Keveh’to’s undisguised delight- venison sausages. E-Sumi-Yan speared three onto each plate alongside a small slice of tomato and three coarse-cut pieces of wheaten apiece. 
“Twelve,” the Miqo’te said, his voice trembling, “that’s real bleedin’ honey, too.”
She felt her mouth water as she stared at the plating. It was as much food in one sitting as either of them had had all week, and she suspected the guildmaster had been well aware of it.
“Where did you...” Aurelia began. 
“From my own cold pantry, never fear. I rarely have guests and eat very little on my own, but seeing as this is a special occasion I can hardly be stingy.” He gestured to the unadorned smooth stones about the brazier. “Please. Sit. Eat. I have a matter I must needs discuss, and by its nature, it concerns you both.”
Gratefully she began to dig into the meal, with Keveh’to doing the same at her side. She ate neatly and carefully, trying to make it last. After so long with only a small cupful of oats a day, the Guildmaster’s spread was like unto the feasts at her aunt’s dinner parties.
Her minder - possessed of no such sensibilities - wolfed down the sausages practically whole, his tail slapping cheerfully against the ground.
“What did you wish to discuss, E-Sumi-Yan?” she asked, curling her fingers around the warm teacup after a long and contented sip. 
The fresh-faced Padjal - who ate as carefully as she did, his attention to social etiquette equally conscientious - likewise balanced his cup upon his knee. “Your basic lessons have progressed with remarkable speed,” he began. “In truth, you have taken more quickly to mastery of your own aether than many who have spent the entirety of their lives beneath the Twelveswood’s boughs.”
Aurelia flushed despite herself. How long had it been since she’d heard genuine praise from anyone that hadn’t seemed perfunctory, or given under duress?
“I... thank you,” she said, unable to meet his calm grey eyes, and hastily took another sip of her tea. “It has been no simple task, as you know. I am sure I have much still and more to learn.”
“I quite agree. But I think it is time you continued your studies- in the field. I’ve a mind to send you to the Arbor. There are outlying settlements there in need of our aid.”
“Truly? I had not thought that any of the current Hearers would be willing to, er...”
His answering smile was serene. “Take you on as an apprentice conjurer?” 
“....Well, now you mention it, yes, precisely so. I realize the rank and file would have no idea, but the Hearers must surely know the truth. I can't imagine any of them would take kindly to a Garlean woman as an apprentice.”
“You are, unfortunately, correct in assuming that few would be willing. However, the individual overseeing the region where I would send you has little choice but to accept you.” 
Keveh’to scoffed. “That bad?”
“Bad?” E-Sumi-Yan laughed. “You misunderstand, Sergeant. No, this is simply a matter of life events necessitating a change. His apprentice is due to be wed in the next two moons and he is aging out of the field himself, and at present I have no other novitiates better suited for the position. I would have you assist him with the villagers’ needs as well as those of the forest. He will require aid whether he is desirous of your help or not.”
Aurelia grimaced. 
“I need hardly say this does little to inspire one’s confidence.”
“I do not doubt you will face difficulties initially. That said, I think you will ingratiate yourself to them in due time. Our people are insular and often slow to trust outsiders to the Twelveswood, that much I will allow. But they are not so foolish as to ignore a helping hand indefinitely. No matter the form it takes.”
With a sigh she set the cup back in its saucer and placed it in the empty place sitting on her left. It made a soft, chiming rattle against the stone.
“You are asking me,” she said, “to subject myself to their likely censure.” 
“Yes,” E-Sumi-Yan replied. He didn’t bat an eye, nor appear the least bit sorry for it. “I think it will not be as dire as you fear. Truly, this might even be a valuable lesson for all concerned. Yourself included. And you will have Sergeant Epocan there if-”
This time it was Keveh’to’s turn to flinch.
“No offense, Guildmaster,” he said. “Due respect and all that, but... you know full well how most of your folk feel about Keepers.”
“It will be made clear to the Hearer that you are there on an official assignment,” he said, in a tone that brooked no argument. The Miqo’te’s shoulders hunched defensively, but he didn’t retort. “At any rate, preparations are being made. The Elder Seedseer has given her authorization and asks that you accompany Aurelia to her new position. If the powers that be feel she is not a flight risk, I see no reason to delay the process.”
The woman in question had turned her gaze to the snow-covered clearing, watching two small sparrows clean themselves in the powder with a flurry of their little brown feathers.
“Well,” the Garlean said at length, once she realized all eyes were upon her. “Suffice to say: I have precious little if any say in this affair, being a captive audience in every meaningful sense. So, I will keep any further observations to myself. Should you believe my current skillsets might be put to better use elsewhere, then that is sufficient and I will abide by your judgment -- and that of the Elder Seedseer’s as well, I suppose.”
His small brow wrinkled at her reply, noncommittal as she knew it was. 
“Aurelia, this isn’t the army. You do have some say in whence you go.”
“Again, whether or not I might mislike the assignment does not factor into such matters. You have my compliance regardless.”
“Be that as it may-”
“Guildmaster, your thoughtfulness in asking for my input is appreciated, but you and I both know it is unnecessary.” Her slim shoulders lifted and dropped, as if the outcome made no difference to her either way. “I shall await orders.”
“I will send word along when all is made ready,” E-Sumi-Yan said at length. 
He did not speak his reservations aloud. That he sounded none too pleased warranted no comment.
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bl4cklabyrinth · 4 years
Documentary Film -Zenshin- Pamphlet Translation: Q&As
Disclaimer: Please do not retranslate my work into other languages, as my translation may not be accurate. I am no Japanese or English native.
Originally posted on my Twitter.
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Photo by Suzuki Kohei
We collected questions for the members from fans on Twitter from 2016.12.30 to 2017.1.13. We handpicked some questions from the bunch and answered them!
Which song hypes you up the most live?
Teru&Kid'z: Monochrome Effector!
Kid'z: I have so much fun playing it that I burst out laughing.
Nob: Probably Black Rail. Because it's the first song I have a bass solo in.
Hiro: Love Letter or Monochrome Effector. Love Letter is a ballad that isn't too heavy, it's just right. There's a J-pop feel to it that gently touches the hearts of the Japanese.
The line "Nothing is impossible, so you're not going to give up, right?" from Black Rail has helped me several times. Do you have a favorite lyric or a line you're emotionally attached to from a MFS song?
Hiro: I don't remember which song I used it in first, but I've come to like using the phrase "fall apart", and I've used it a couple of times after that in other songs.
Kid'z: I was just working on Tomorrowland and The Puzzle when I joined the band. They left a mark on me.
Teru: I love the line "I must say it, even though it won't reach you" from Still.
Nob: It's Saishuukai STORY for me. It's the first song that Hiro worked on the backbone of, and I think it was a turning point for him. It made an impact on me and made me feel that he was out there to win.
When did you decide to play music seriously?
Hiro: I started thinking about it and acting on it on my first year in high school, but it wasn't until my third year that it started to take shape.
Teru: I thought about it seriously probably on my third year in high school. When I was deciding on what course to take after graduation.
Nob: While at my job. When I was still working as a painter, I was coating a wall when I suddenly thought, ".....What the hell am I doing?" After that, I immediately said, "I quit." I met Sho-kun about three days later.
Kid'z: I started playing the drums when I was 3, but I think I thought about doing it for a living when I was in middle school or high school... But when I visited my parents' house the other day, I saw that I had written "I'll go to Tokyo and become a drummer" in my grade school yearbook. It came true, I thought (laughs).
A question for Hiro. Since Hiro was at the core of making the album ANTITHESE, what do you look for in terms of guitar, bass, and drums respectively?
Hiro: "Overwhelming personality". For each part, how will you rearrange the songs I made with only the basic chord progression and melody? How well do you think it will synchronize with my image? Those are what I'm looking for.
When you toured around the 47 prefectures last year, was there a place where you thought, "I want to live here~"? Also, is there another country you would want to live in?
Teru&Kid'z: Okinawa!!
Kid'z: Actually, I flew there about a week before the show. I've always loved that place, so I had a great time.
Teru: If we're talking about a country to live in, Japan is nice.
Kid'z: I think so too. To tell you the truth, I'm quite the clean freak (laughs), so if it's not as clean as Japan then it's probably not for me.
Nob: Fukuoka, Sapporo. The food is delicious! And Osaka. Its liveliness is amazing. I'm really dull (laughs) and I spend my time quietly during my off days, but when I'm not doing that I want to be in a place that's still bustling with people until midnight. Foreign countries are scary.
Hiro: I think Osaka and Fukuoka are good too. If we're talking about another country, America.
What do you always do before a show?
Hiro: Doing a simulation on the day of the show is a must.
Kid'z: Stretching, mental preparation in a place with no people. 
Teru: During the 47-Prefecture Tour, Hiro would slap me on the back before every show. It somehow gives me motivation.
Nob: I walk around the area all the time. Like what a track and field athlete does before the real deal. I do it on instinct to boost my spirits.
What do you think is the coolest thing about each member?
Teru: Hiro's voice, Nob's moustache, Kid'z' nose.
Kid'z: When Hiro sings, when Nob plays the bass, when Teru plays the guitar (laughs). Everyone's at their coolest when they're performing.
Nob: Hiro's face. Kid'z when he's playing the drums, and maybe how he looks like when he's driving. As for Teru... He would casually say a few striking words from time to time. Whenever that happens, I think "This guy's really solid".
Hiro: (thinks) Nothing really... Seriously nothing (laughs).
If you had a time machine, which would you rather visit, the past or the future? Also, what would you do there?
Teru: Future. I wanna see what I'll be doing 30 years from now.
Kid'z: Exactly the same as Teru. I want to ask my future self what it's like.
Nob: It's the past for me. I want to restart my life all over again, or to try living a different life.
Hiro: I'd choose the past too. It'd be nice to go back to the 90s, for instance, when music was selling like hotcakes, and see how well my own music would fare in that era.
A question for Teru. During the 47-Prefecture Tour, where do you think you had your best MC?
Teru: Well, Niigata left an impression on me. If I remember correctly, Kid'z was talking about things that didn't make sense during the MC, and I got seriously angry. That was funny, but it was in no way my best MC.
Please tell us your aspirations for this year!
Teru: I decide to take on a new challenge every year. Anything would be fine, even something small.
Kid'z: To do my best without overdoing things, probably. Because I pushed myself too hard last year (laughs).
Nob: I want to get rid of some neck fat, chisel my abs and train my body. And I want to be featured on a musical instrument magazine like Bass Magazine.
Hiro: To take things slow but get things done. I want to add more intensity to my current pace this year.
What's one song that changed your life?
Teru: For me, it's Ozzy Osbourne's I Want To Change The World. I heard the song while my dad was watching Ozzy's DVD and thought, "How cool, I want to start playing the guitar!"
Nob: Sigur Rós' GIósóli. The video also made an impact on me.
Kid'z: One by B'z. I've always loved B'z, but that song and its lyrics just hit me differently.
Hiro: I don't know if it changed my life, but I felt like my values have changed since I listened to TK from Ling tosite Sigure's music. It made me see things from his point of view, made me ponder on the meaning of the lyrics and interpret them myself, and had me yearning for approval and self-confidence. It was at that moment when I realized that there are ways of making this kind of music, and that I had another option in life.
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stellismsarchive · 3 years
𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌​:
“i do the same too.” her voice is soft, hopefully as reassuring to miyeon as it did to her own ears. “i…have parts of myself that i really hate and don’t want to show anyone else.” she confesses. “not even you. not even you, because you’re even more precious to me than anyone else, and so i don’t want..you to find out that ugly side of me.” why was she confessing things as though the roles were reversed, and it was miyeon that was the one that was drunk? her nose sours as miyeon declares her intentions to wait for her, a futile dream that she didn’t want to break apart for the younger girl as her fingers tightened against the cell phone, the bell of the bus chiming as she slipped out of the bus, her footsteps soft as she slowly made her way to the floor that miyeon lived in, tilting her head slightly as she inched her way past the lift landing.
“i’m outside your door.”
miyeon let out a sigh hearing alyssia’s reasoning. “maybe if i wasn’t drunk, but me saying no would be pointless. yeah, it hurts a little, but refusing to see you wouldn’t make the situation change for the better or make my feelings go away.” clutching the back of her head, the throbbing pain shot her a reminder of who she really is. “…actually, avoiding you would be because of other reasons, not because of this.” miyeon didn’t feel like she should elaborate further, so she left it at that. otherwise she might be walking down the painful path of memories, and she wasn’t ready to reveal that just yet. “but don’t worry about it, you’re too sweet to stay away from.” she liked to be around her small group of friends, so there was no doubt in her mind that this wouldn’t be the end of the line for them.
“you’re actually coming over in ten to fifteen minutes? that’s not enough time to do everything, but also too long until i can see you. that means i need to hurry.” miyeon replies, finally getting up from her spot on the floor and enters the room. “i sometimes sleep in the guest bedroom so i store a lot of my extra things here. some of my stuffies are in here, but they can easily be moved if you don’t want them in there.” she worked to fix the bed and rearrange her stuffed animals. “aly, even if it wasn’t because of me, it still made you upset. you were crying even- yuck, i’m definitely moving the photo albums. i don’t want to talk about something that causes you to cry, even if it was indirect.”
she thought over alyssia’s words, clearly ready to contradict what the other is thinking. “hm, i really don’t think there are better people out there for me. this just feels right, aly.” what miyeon felt for aly wasn’t something she had experienced before, and she didn’t know the words to fully describe her feelings. “oh, you’re hiding parts of yourself as well? then we’ll both try to keep them hidden, okay? then we’ll try our best to see each other the way we do now, no matter what happens. i can promise you that i’ll still be here for you, even when that side of you comes out.” miyeon knew what it felt like firsthand to lose people close to her because they didn’t want to deal with the emotional baggage she carried. “i’m normally good at controlling it, but sometimes there’s nothing i can do. from there, i just hope i don’t ruin things for myself. i don’t know if you heard about it, but my attitude scandal back in 2016 was mainly because of that.” that entire year had been stressful for her, but it was an important part of why she tried to remain positive most of the time.
“okay i’m coming.” miyeon hung up the phone and made any last minute adjustments to her attire. her hair was all over the place and her pajamas weren’t on correctly, but she didn’t care about looking perfect in this state. running to the door, she quickly unlocked the door and opened it with the biggest grin she’s had that night. “alyssia~” she cheered as she pulled the other inside, closing and locking the door right after. “i missed you so so much.”  she placed her hands on either of alyssia’s cheeks, her thumbs softly caressing the area beneath her eyes. “i can tell you were crying. remember what i said at the retreat? let’s be happy aly. i don’t want you crying over anything revolving me.” she removed her hands into order to wrap her arms around the older woman, pulling her in close for a hug. “even if the unexpected happens, you still have me at the end of the day, no matter what.” she rubbed alyssia’s back for a few seconds before releasing her hold, but it wasn’t long before miyeon went to hold alyssia’s hand for her own comfort.
for a moment miyeon forgets what she’s about to say, distracted by the fact that alyssia is came to see her at this time of night. she was filled with so much fondness for the other that it was overwhelming. “i’m really happy you wanted to come over. i already told you i hate being alone, so i’m just really really thankful for you. come on let me show you where you’ll be sleeping.” miyeon states, guiding alyssia. the dancer didn’t have people over that often, and having people sleep over wasn’t a common occurrence either. once she arrived to the room again, she let go of the other’s hand and turned. “i didn’t get to finish cleaning it up. some of my clothes are still in here, but this might be as good as it gets. we can hangout on the couch, which is my third bed, or in either of the bedrooms if you want?“ after all, alyssia was a guest. she should have some input in whatever they did.
0 notes
She just took a deep breath in when he started messing with her hair, closing her eyes and resting her forehead again him with a small hum, rather content with the feeling. Her grip on him let up some, and instead she grabbed her own wrist and left her arms hooked like that. She shuffled slightly to rearrange the jacket still balanced messily across one shoulder. Mind flashing back to her hat which she has left haphazardly tossed into his chair while she had walked to the door. But still, she didn’t move away and she didn’t open her eyes. Just enjoyed the feeling for a bit longer. If she didn’t want to break the silence settled between them, and maybe has the circumstances been a bit different, she would have been humming one of the songs she played on her harp.
Her attention was caught when he spoke and she was a bit caught off guard when she realized just how close he was. She opened her eyes though as she listened, nodding without realization of doing so at one point too- about her not expecting anything. But here attention was especially caught when he said she wanted to make her smile. The only words that agreed to form after that were in the form of a small and rumbling chuckle: “you’re a strange one, I think.” Before she curled her arms a bit tighter. Happy about what he had said up until then. We he continued, she tilted her head more twords his voice, as if to hear better. She could agree with what he said about the little sister part. That had bothered her to some extent and she really couldn’t deny it at all. Not that she had a reason to anymore. She listened to the rest of what he said though and when he was done she leaned into him again, thinking. Opening her mouth once she managed what she wanted to say. “The little sister thing did bother me a bit, but you didn’t know so oh well,” Kotonoe started, shrugging it off before continuing. “And I know it’ll take time to think about it- which is already more than I expected… I know you have to talk to him about it too…. Don’t go saying rejection is best though,” she chided quickly, knowing it was a hurtful thing to happen regardless. “But…. I’ll wait anyways. You heard me out. That’s all I could have really asked for.” She finished, a small and relaxed smile on her face. She really was just mainly happy about the outcome. And really, she thought what he said about it was a better option that was available. She just hoped he didn’t end up too hurt when he talked to Hajime. She stepped away when he pushed back, head tilted as she looked at him in slight confusion. She thought about protesting what he had said about her kindness, but decided against it, letting him speak more if he wanted. But she did give a smile, and the shake of her head that accompanied she was sure he might realize what she meant. She honestly didn’t think that at all. As far as she was concerned he deserved it. Maybe that was a bit bias considering it all, but true to her. She couldn’t help the absolute grin that stretched across her face when he sounded more like him, her smile too wide she thought, but didn’t care. She shook her head a little, trying to force the strands of hair back into place without fighting them much. But to no avail probably, not that she nodded. At the mention of food however her stomach let out a loud growl and she stood statue still in embarrassment. The red on her cheeks from his actions earlier now mingling with that embarrassment. The first thing out her mother however was actually something a bit more on the serious side, though simple. “Thank you.” And with a slight grin she looked back at him. “And maybe we could go eat too. Since my stomach decided to sign the song of it’s people.” She joked with a bright laugh. “I’m still paying.” She said, mind wandering into thought for a moment. “But really, thank you. Since we can stay friends at least.” She said once more as she looked up at him again.
Mitsuru was about to continue walking down the hallwey when he as well realized that Kotonoe forgot her hat back on the chair.  “We need to go back”, he said and turned around. “If we let your had there... well... I’m pretty sure that when we come back, it’s flat and full of cathair.... “ He laughed slightly. As he explained earlier, Kuu always managed to come to the control room, no matter if the door was closed or open. The Broadcaster couldn’t explain how, but Kuu was really good at getting in. The only thing that this cat couldn’t do good was coming back down from high places. He needed to get him from the top of the locker a few times when Kuu was just sitting these, meowing in fear of the height.... That cat really wasn’t all normal~
When Kotonoe first said he was a strange one, his face changed for just a second to a sad expression but almost instandly he smiles again.  “My parents always called me strange”, he explained quickly because he was sure Kotonoe caught on to the change of expression. “But I know you don’t mean it in a bad way so it’s fine~”  Once again, he petted her hair softly with a soft grin. It seemed to kinda get a habit of him but he didn’t mind. She really had soft and beautiful hair and it was nice to look at and touch.  “I’ll take back the little sister part then”, he decided softly and with a big grin he addad “Then maybe you are the gift from the gods to humanity?”  Mitsuru tried to hold back but he couldn’t. He bursted out in laughter. That line was something he once heard in a Video game and it was just so perfect right now. But thinking about this game, he really wanted to play it again and he actually thought about getting the consol he needed plus this game. If he remembered correctly, Hitoshi had both of it. That was where he first played it.  It was almost refreshing to see him in almost his normal state of mind again. It wasn’t also not hard to tell that the broadcaster felt a lot better and was nearly comfortable with the situation.  In the back of his head there was still a little guilty feeling that was chewing on him, but that was something he wasn’t able to fight out with himself right now. He would take his time for that right before he was going to sleep. Also he would think about Hajime more at this time.  “Sure if he’d reject me, it will hurt, no question about it...”, he confirmed, “But at least I’d know where I stand and I can move on... to be honest, I was hurting myself for a long time not talking to him. I mean, everything would be easier if I would know about his feeling... “ He shook his head and smiles again. “But that doesn’t matter right now. Let’s not talk about him anymore.”  The black haird man didn’t want to hurt Kotonoe by talking about Hajime and making her think there might be a possibility that the broadcaster and the Gorilla ended up together. She really shouldn’t have to take that burden.  She should rather think about happy things like food in his opinion. 
He walked back to the office with her to get her hat. “We’ll go to eat something right after we’re done here~”, he promised and opened the door again, just the right moment to see how Kuu was about to jump on the chair.  “See! I told you!”, he laughed and made a fef stept towards the cat just to hinder him on jumping and picked him up.  “Isn’t he cute?”, Mitsuru cuddled the small cat with the rather short legs, but in return he just got a paw right in his face.  “I love you too, Kuu”, he mumbled jokingly before letting the black furrball down again.  With a soft smile he turned back to Kotonoe.  “You really don’t need to thank me here”, he explained. “I’m just selfish because I don’t want to let you go~ I don’t think I could handle us being no friends anymore just because our feelings don’t match right now.” 
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Shadow of the Comet – A Friendly Little Town
Written by limbeck
So, here I am, in my not so austere room, getting to grips with the controls of the game. I can move with the arrow buttons, but only on four directions, which seems fair. Sometimes, though, you jump to the next screen by stepping at the wrong point.
Walking around the room, I notice that, as I pass close to an item, a line from my face to that object appears. Handy. I welcomed it with satisfaction at first, but I may reconsider, as it misled me into thinking that it works with all items. More on that later.
Look at my lasersight!
Fortunately, the all-keyboard interface is intuitive and not hard to grasp. You press O for objects in your inventory, U for using an item, G for getting. Even if you haven’t read the manual, you get the hang of it quickly. And that’s really it.
So, once I have perfected my baby steps, I explore the room and pick up whatever I can, which is BOLESKINE’s diary and a telegram from my provisioners. Reading the diary gives me my first clue: a 12-year-old boy had served BOLESKINE as a guide, so there is a chance he is still alive and can point me to the precise spot in the forest. Other than that, BOLESKINE clearly had a poor grasp of astronomy, not recognising the familiar constellations and just randomly inventing new ones.
The telegram was more annoying, because it said that I have to find my own photographic plates. This is critical to my mission, as Mr GRIFFITH really expects “spectacular photographs”. I hope this backwater town has a hardware store or something.
Request refund / STOP / Want speak to manager / STOP
Now that I have my first tasks, I am ready to head out to the outside world. First step is to head out of my room. I then explore the areas of the Doctor’s house that are available to me and notice some really impressive paintings around. The Doctor is not at home, so it is time to explore the town proper.
The immediate neighbours are an old barn-looking house with a bench and a locked door to the east, a forest without a guide to the west and a fancy house, also locked, to the south. The house to the south turns out to be the Mayor’s.
It’s good to be the Kin.. erm, Mayor
To the south and west of the Doctor’s house is the Pharmacy / GP’s office / hospital of the town. I see a guy with a white robe going in, so I decide to follow. Inside, I just catch a glimpse of him getting into his office, so I try to go in myself only to be stopped by a very unhelpful nurse, who is also the daughter of the busy doctor.
South of the pharmacy is the main square, which we briefly saw in our carriage trip. When I first visit, an old lady, Ms PICOTT is sitting alone, but says nothing of importance, so I leave.
One should never presume
Heading west, I arrive at the impressive (according to the description) Town Hall. The clerk in it is, as expected, unhelpful and does not let me see the Mayor, who is only accepting visitors for a few hours each week and only by appointment. I am starting to get really annoyed now. Why does nobody want to get out of their way just to indulge me? I am a visitor in their town after all. They should show some hospitality!
But I brought the forms for the animal census, and these fine leather jackets.
I decide to continue being nosy and I try the other door on the Town Hall building. Inside, it looks like a museum, with several exhibits from exotic lands. This is where I realised that my lasersight does not identify all the items that I can examine or interact with in a location. Instead, when I am close to something that looks interesting, I need to press L to examine it. So, before I continued, I went to all the other locations I had visited and furiously examined everything, but I mainly got background information.
A few minutes later, I am back at the museum, where I discover a lost page from BOLESKINE’s diary. It describes how the stars are really a pistol rifle shot away and closes with a quote from J.Keats: “Truth sleeps beneath appearance”. The remaining art is just flavour text, or so it seems for the moment.
Some of Parker’s lines have these “good lord” and “Oh my”, I suspect for added Englishness.
So, I continue into the door I can see to the north and into the Archives, where I meet the Master of Archives himself. He introduces himself as Tobias JUGG and he is the first person that seems genuinely excited to talk to me. Of course, true to the character of this little town, he already knows who I am. I ignore that and try to get in his good books, which I succeed by striking a conversation and proving my own love for books, by correctly recognising Shakespeare’s quote. I leave him for now and head to a nearby table, where a I search through a ledger and note down three names of men who were 12 years old when Boleskine visited. The names are Curtis HAMBLETON, William COLDSTONE and Thomas GREENWOOD.
Looking over my shoulder, JUGG confirms that all three of them are alive and gives me directions to their houses. I speak to him a bit more, engineering my responses so that they appeal to his love of literature and history. He appreciates that and invites me to his house for a chat later. He also says that he has a large library on local legends, which the locals believed in until recently. After that, he heads out and I leave the Archives.
I continue wandering the town and revisit some of the areas I was before. I notice that there is a couple sitting outside of the house to the east of Dr COBBLES house, which I now know belongs to one of the three people I am looking for. However, Mr GREENWOOD is deaf, mute and blind from an accident during his birth. This makes it very hard for him to be the one I am looking for. The other half of the couple is Miss PICOTT, whom we met earlier. She maintains her unhelpfulness and we move on.
Fortunately for you, he cannot see that smirk when you say that.
Some more wandering later, I arrive outside of the Dead Horse Inn, a name that seems oddly suitable to this town. Outside is Jed DONAHUE, who also knows who I am. News travel quickly in this part of the world. Not that they have to travel too far. Jed was complaining about…, but he didn’t offer anything else other than some more background. Inside the tavern, there is even more unhelpfulness. A group of card players in one table does not want to be disturbed, but is gossiping about RENATO, apparently a misled youth who doesn’t know better. The bartender is ruder than average and does not open up even after I pay an extortionist’s fee of $1 for his watered-down beer.
Dealing with customers: How not to
My little trek around the village then brings me to the post office. As I walk in, I see a map of the area and I hear some heavy object being rolled above. The lady behind the counter mentions that the DONAHUE boy (I presume Jed’s son) is sick and that she really has a lot of work to do. Clearly, she is only bothered by me and not by all the clatter right above her head. I leave.
Yes, like rearrange those mail sacks by the wall
Eager for some intelligent conversation, I head to JUGG’s house. At the entrance hall wall hangs a rifle, which, upon closer examination, turns out to be Lord BOLESKINE’s own rifle. I wonder how it ended up at the doctor’s house. However, despite his invitation earlier, Mr JUGG does not have any more insights to offer so I leave him alone.
Anyway, I keep exploring dutifully and I finally find the town’s general store. I enter from the south and I see the proprietor, Mr MYERS, dealing with a client. A hooded figure who apparently is in the business of direct parcels. He has left one with Mr MYERS, who informs him that another one he sent to some Mrs GUILDCHRIST was delivered successfully. I don’t know who that lady is, but I know the name the wooded figure goes by. HAMBLETON. To be fair, I was a bit careless at the time and I did not remember that HAMBLETON was one of the three people I was looking for. Anyway, the figure walks out, either on a limp or quirky animation, and I can speak to the shop owner.
Maybe townsfolk go to the general store for their mail because the post office is always “too busy”
I go directly to the point and ask for photosensitive plates, which he delivers with delight. Not only that, but he suggests trying them out first and, if they are not good any more, he will reimburse me. Now, that’s what I call good customer service.
Dealing with customers: How to
Loaded with my new plates, I head out from the north door and arrive at the square again. Heading west a few screens, I end up at the abandoned fishery that HAMBLETON lives in. Before getting in, I pick up a rope ladder, because who knows when I will need to go down a cave or something.
Inside, the place is a proper mess. My delicate British nostrils cannot stand the stench, but I persist nonetheless. The fishery has absolutely nothing of value, but I discover a loose floorboard used to hide moonshine and an old man sleeping on a pallet in a corner. As I creepily watch him sleep, I notice that his fingers are webbed, like a frog’s. I feel fascinated, and a bit lightheaded, but I compose myself and decide to speak to the old man.
Curtis HAMBLETON tells me that he indeed took Lord BOLESKINE in the forest, at a place with a cross. On the third day, BOLESKINE was painting / sketching when he saw a “thing”. I also learn of another name: WILBUR. He is HAMBLETON’s brother and probably very important. He apparently cursed CURTIS who ended up living in these squalid conditions. WILBUR is still alive as well and he says that in 3 days the comet will come back, and the THING as well. That’s just superstition, right?
After this conversation, poor Curtis goes back to sleep and I am left to think of my next steps, now that I have my plates and a potential guide that does not want to be a guide. I must also note that the Mr HAMBLETON I saw at the general store is most likely Wilbur, Curtis’ brother and he seems to hold some position of power in Illsmouth. I smell a cult, built on superstition and the old legends.
But we’ll have to find these out next time. I did not make much progress in the game, but I enjoyed walking around the town and familiarising myself with the locations. The outline of the city is logical and I never really felt lost, except for the time in the forest, which I assume was intentional. So far, the game does well in letting me play the stranger moving into a small, closed society, which doesn’t really like having anybody poking into its secrets. It may seem stereotypical, but it works. In the next post, I will try to get into that spot in the forest and get some photos taken.
Some other interesting locations that will probably become important later:
N. TYLER’s house is to the north of the pharmacy. It smells nicely of hot soup, but of course it is locked. Suspicious little town.
There is a well that is standing on its own, but I cannot interact with it at the moment.
The way to the port in which I arrived, is blocked by two burly guys.
The cemetary is a blast of fun, according to JUGG.
In the house south of Mr JUGG’s, I see somebody going in and moving on the top floor, snooping at me from the window. Yet, when I knocked, nobody replied.
There is also an abandoned mansion, with nothing to do.
END notes – CD ROM version
Somehow, addition of mouse control makes the game more frustrating. You do not click where you want to go and let the character find his way there. Instead, you hold down the left button and the character moves in the direction the mouse is with respect to him, but again only in the four main directions. You cannot mouse over items either, which makes me wonder why they bothered at all with adding mouse, other than to not seem backward. Outdoors, there is an option to go to a location using the map.
Time played: 1:30 Sanity lost: 1 (from seeing HAMBLETON’s webbed fingers)
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/shadow-of-the-comet-a-friendly-little-town/
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twatkcox · 6 years
[The Keihancarl Diaries: June 2-3, 2018]
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All right, this is going to be an awesome weekend! And best of all, it's right near my place.
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Of course, there are some things I wanted to do first before proceeding to the main part of a really awesome weekend, the Pinoy Otaku Festival: Ai 2018.
To be honest, I'm still nervous about going to an otaku event all by myself, just like the last time. Being the shy, introverted person I was, I somehow managed to check most of the event happenings as well as missing some of them.
June 2nd
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I decided on my favorite black fleece coat, my brown polo shirt, black fingerless gloves, and a pair of red socks. As much as I wanted to wear an anime shirt to an otaku event, I resist the urge since I'm not really keen on wearing all-black like the last time (all of my anime shirts are in black).
I left home early, but I decided to come to the otaku event later. For the next few hours, I’m dealing with a light to moderate rainfall, but luckily I didn't get wet.
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Anyway, let's start with the usual mall-hopping fare and a sip of caramel frappe at my favorite milk tea shop in Lagro. I'll definitely need to calm down first since I tend to get overexcited at the thought of going to an otaku event for the second time.
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I arrived at Fairview Terraces at exactly 2:00 PM. By the time I got there, a panel discussion Anime vs. Manga vs. Visual Novel vs. Light Novel is about to start. The panelists are asked about the first anime series they watched, as well as the first manga series/visual novel/light novel they read. They discussed the pros and cons of manga series adapted into anime and debating whether an anime adaptation is better than the original manga and vice versa (if I recall correctly).
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There was a cute intermission number with OO-kun and Chu Chu, plus highlights of some upcoming anime shows on Animax (POF: Ai 2018’s official media partner), some performances and other intermission numbers, another panel discussion May Forever Ba Sa Cosplay (English: Is There Love In Cosplay) and a game show Anime Game Challenge. As for the latter, there were groups of contestants who answer the questions from three categories: guessing the anime character, what title of an anime theme song being played, and guessing who's the seiyū (Japanese voice actors) of the characters featured in a series of different anime clips.
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There was also a singing game show The Otaku Singing Bee and another panel discussion about the issues within the cosplay community (Issues In Coscom).
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The Otaku Singing Bee features the theme songs from old anime shows like DNAngel, Yu Yu Hakusho (Ghost Fighter), Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, and Full Metal Alchemist.
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For the first part of the game show, the contestants must rearrange the words that appear on the screen, that is actually part of the lyrics that will follow soon afterward. The second part of the game show, they must guess the missing part of the song's lyrics. One guy really nailed the last part of Ghost Fighter's theme song, too bad I never got to record it on video. It was really fun, and some of the audience/event-goers couldn't resist singing the lyrics to the opening theme songs, even if they are about to sing the correct answer.
As for the latter, the panel discussion tackles about the issues cosplayers faced in the industry, like bullying/cyberbullying and crab mentality within the cosplay community.
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There was the announcement of those who will advance to the final round, and the first day of POF: Ai 2018 is over. I managed to upload some of the pics and videos, including selfies with some of the cosplayers.
June 3rd
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Same outfit, but with a yellow shirt and striped white/black/yellow socks. I arrived at around 2:00 PM, around the same time as yesterday.
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The second day of the event had singing competitions, cosplay competitions and the battle of the bands, with some performances, games, stand-up comedy, auctions, and panel discussions. I did have some additional selfies with the cosplayers too, some of the pics are uploaded to the event's FB page as comments to the cosplayers' posts.
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I did catch Who Wants To Be An Otaku, an anime-oriented quiz game, and the panel discussion on seiyūs or Japanese voice actors. There’s also the Cosplay Idol Finals, but I didn’t get to see much of it since I decided to take some time off from the event for a nice stroll in the adjacent malls and check out some of the shops as well. I then head back to the activity center an hour and a half later.
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It was already 6:00 PM and I'm starting to feel hungry so I immediately head to Yoshinoya at the mall's second level. I decided on a beef and mushroom bowl, which actually tasted like corned beef with mushrooms. It was okay. Cosplay Xtra already started by the time I head back to the activity center.
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I then decided to have a sip of fruit tea. Come to think of it, CoCo already has branches in SM Fairview and Fairview Terraces a long time ago, but I've yet to try out their drinks. And so I did, and I had a Passion Fruit Tea Burst. I have to wait for about 20-30 minutes before my drink is served since the line was pretty long and there were a lot of drinks to be served to the waiting customers.
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It was worth the wait, though I was wondering if the crunchy, tarty seeds from the passion fruit are edible. I eventually researched all about it, and it is indeed edible. I finished the drink inside the mall area.
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And there's the final part of the event, the Battle Of The Bands. Eleven bands participated in the event, each performing a cover of their chosen anime theme song and either a cover of an OPM song or their own composition. In between the performance, there was an auction of stuffed plushies and other items while waiting for the next band to perform. By the time the eighth or ninth band was about to perform, it was already near the mall's closing time (about fifteen minutes to 10:00 PM).
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Despite this, the competition continued until about a quarter past 10:00. The event finished at exactly 10:30 PM. By then, most of the mall's lights are dimmed and only a few restaurants and cafés are open. I got home at around 11:00 PM.
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During the two-day event, I only bought a few souvenirs at the event (a couple of button pins on the first day, and a handmade keychain on the second day) since I don’t feel like spending too much, considering the fact that I have a limited budget for the entire weekend.
Regarding my outfit... well, there's a possibility that I might get mistaken for a cosplayer (I wish I was one of them, but...) since my outfits often include black fingerless gloves and the black fleece coat. Some cosplayers wear gauntlets and gloves as part of the [character’s] costume like in the case of Noctis Lucis Caelum of Final Fantasy XV, so there’s no surprise that wearing my black fingerless gloves alone will make them assume that I was actually one of them. A couple of guys asked if they can have a selfie with me, but I politely told them that I’m not a cosplayer... with an awkward smile, of course. Maybe I might reconsider the thought of wearing them again in my future otaku event visits.
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They have the photo printing booth where you can have your photos from the event printed for free (I think you have to sign up first), though I never had any of the photos printed, which is a total shame on my part since that would serve as a wonderful remembrance of the event. Aside from that, there were stalls selling various merchandises, mostly anime-related stuff, and some food stalls as well.
There are also workshops too, one of them is the Baybayin Writing Workshop, where one can learn the ancient Filipino writing system. If you notice the unusual writing below the word Ai on the poster, that’s how the Baybayin script looks like.
The event is also helping out charities, mainly Hands Of GOD Charity Works.
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That concludes the two-day otaku event, and just like the last time (POF: Danketsu 2017), it was really fun. I had a lot of selfies with the cosplayers and it was really awesome! I’m definitely looking forward to the next POF event, in a larger venue. I’m hoping for the event to be held in either Vertis Tent or The Elements at Eton Centris, but then I wouldn’t mind going as far as MOA Complex just to experience the otaku vibe.
It sure was a really awesome weekend to remember. Until next time!
All pics are taken by yours truly, Keihancarl. Most of the pics are posted to my private Instagram account, @kcox105.
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