#some dolce fanarts too <3
cyellolemon · 2 years
More honeyworks fanarts!! they're more recent eheh
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amisbro · 5 years
UtaPri CD Rankings
I haven’t done one of these for a good while but what we are going to do here is a post that covers the Shuffle Units rankings and then the Mini-Album and Movie Single for HEAVENS. In this post we will cover all 6 Shuffles as one grouping and then the Album/Movie Single in another grouping so we don’t have that all jumbled up. For anyone that wonders how I do these it goes like this I use the Oricon Charts from Rank 1-30 and once I don’t see it on there its considered “off the chart” until it gets back on there.  There will be times when one pops back on the chart and those will be noted accordingly when they happen (and they do I will tell you now). READY... SET... GO!!!!
First up...Shuffle Units Up/Down/Up (Release Date:  12/12/2018) 12/11/2018 - #8 12/12/2018 - #6 (up 2 Spots) 12/13/2018 - #7 (down 1 spot) 12/14/2018 - #9 (down 2 spots) 12/15/2018 - #7 (down 2 spots) 12/16/2018 - #15 (down 8 spots) 12/17/2018 - #14 (up 1 spot) Egoistic (Release Date:  12/26/2018) 12/25/2018 - #8 12/26/2018 - #11 (down 3 spots) 12/27/2018 - #7 (up 4 spots) 12/28/2018 - #12 (down 5 spots) 12/29/2018 - #9 (up 3 spots) 12/30/2018 - #22 (down 13 spots) Feather in the Hand (Release Date:  1/16/209 1/15/2019 - #6 1/16/2019 - #5 (Up 1 spot) 1/17/2019 - #6 (down 1 spot) 1/18/2019 - #6 1/19/2019 - #6 1/20/2019 - #12 (down 6 spots) 1/21/2019 - #8 (down 4 spots) 1/25/2019 - #24 (first appearance in 4 days) 1/28/2019 - #14 (up 10 spots from the 25th) Reiji/Kira/Ren’s single (I forgot the name of it so this is what we go with.  Release date was 1/30/2019) 1/29/2019 - #7 1/30/2019 - #6 (up 1 spot) 1/31/2019 - #8 (down 2 spots) 2/1/2019 - #7 (up 1 spot) 2/2/2019 - #8 (down 1 spot) 2/3/2019 - #15 (down 7 spots) 2/4/2019 - #10 (up 5 spots) Colorful Spark (Release Date:  2/13/19) 2/12/2019 - #6 2/13/2019 - #7 (down 1 spot) 2/14/2019 - #5 (up two spots) 2/15/2019 - #10 (down 5 spots) 2/16/2019 - #12 (down 2 spots) 2/17/2019 - #16 (down 4 spots) 2/18/2019 - #12 (up 4 spots) 2/25/2019 - #24 (first time it appeared in a week at this point) Yamato/Cecil/Tokiya’s single (Release Date:  2/27/2019) 2/26/2019 - #15 2/27/2019 - #10 (up 5 spots) 2/28/2019 - #11 (down 1 spot) 3/1/2019 - #12 (down 1 spot) 3/2/2019 - #10 (up 2 spots) 3/3/2019 - #20 (down 10 spots) 3/4/2019 - #9 (up 11 spots ALRIGHT...what are we looking at here First off for anyone that wonders why I put the release date of the CD but then the debut is a day earlier on the chart...that is the way the Oricon posts it for me when I am looking at it.  It shows the result from the day PRIOR and not the day of...might be because I live in America but that is what it does here NOW FOR THE ANALYSIS! with the exception of “Egoistic” and the Yama/Tokiya/Cecil single ALL of them started off strong so that is a good average to work on...its the longevity that was worrying for me when I looked at these because of all of them “Feather in the Hand” (Masa/Myu/Eiji) and “Colorful Spark” (Nagi/Shion/Syo) are the two that appeared the longest on the charts but the debut spots were interesting to me With the exception of the one for Yama/Tokiya/Cecil ALL debuted in the top 10 but what happened after was the most interesting part to me I’m trying to figure out “Tokiya’s Curse” at this point...his shuffle I honest to God thought would do the best because of the fact that he was working with at least Cecil (Yama I admit was a wildcard) but it just really couldn’t get traction...yeah it got into the top 10 3 times with the highest being 9th at the end of the run but it really made me stop to think what could have happened...Egoistic I KIND OF have an idea Despite the fact that I see a bunch of Cosplays for him on twitter I think Eiichi still has a long road to go with the fanbase.  I’m not trying to blame Egoistic on HIM per se because we know that there are a lot of factors that go into these singles either doing well...or not! One thing I have thought about that contributed to the final shuffle “bombing” by the standard of not being a top 10 from the jump is to remember a few things 1.  “Anthem for the Angel” was coming out not long after this CD dropped AND 2.  “The Champion” for Manterou was coming out within this period and given how popular THAT GROUP is in the realm of HypMic it stands to reason that they are going to be able to put a sizable dent in the sales if there is crossover between the fandoms because most people will want to buy the CD from the group that won the battle season.  In this case I can wholeheartedly get WHY the last Shuffle didn’t do so well One thing we CAN say though (and this is interesting) is that WITH QN in the shuffle project it kind of helped the sales a bit because we have to remember that that foursome is arguably the most popular of the 3 units right now so it stands to reason that those fans would buy the CDs to support them.  I also wonder if within that group in Japan there are fans of QN that are very supportive of HEAVENS (actually from what I can tell on twitter there are fans of Syo that do a lot of HEAVENS fan art so I might have answered my own question there) I think one of the reasons that “Feather in the Hand” did well was because that threesome was arguably NOT going to be that big a “drama” (and that might have helped “colorful spark” in a way because the fanart just from the synopsis was actually very cute and it didn’t have as much drama as I was expecting to see based off of S2...honestly looking back on the Season 4 duets I still think Syo and Nagi should have been paired from the Jump but then who you would have paired Yama with would have been an issue...I’d of done Natsuki and Yama I think but that’s just me All in all though at this point (at least from where I sit) the Shuffles didn’t do “bad” and you could say this was a bigger success than say...the “Duet Project” and it was also interesting to see how with QN involved how much longer there was a song in the top 10 than without or at the very least in Tokiya’s case how much harder it was to BE in the top 10 But this is just the Shuffle Projects...NOW we get to Anthem and “Secret Shangri-La” FIRST...”Anthem” “Anthem for the Angel (Release Date:  3/13/2019) 3/12/19 - #10 3/13/19 - #8 (up 2 spots) 3/14/19 - #9 (down 1 spot) 3/15/19 - #7 (up 2 spots) 3/16/19 - #15 (down 8 spots) 3/17/19 - #19 (down 4 spots) 3/18/19 - #14 (up 5 spots) The Secret Shangri-La (Release Date:  4/3/2019) 4/2/19 - #8 4/3/19 - #9 (down 1 spot) 4/4/19 - #8 (up 1 spot) 4/5/19 - #8 4/6/19 - #10 (down 2 spots) 4/7/19 - #19 (down 9 spots) 4/8/19 - #11 (up 8 spots) 4/9/19 - #29 (down 18 spots) Alright...THIS IS INTERESTING Now looking at these we can look “half empty” or “half full” because these kind of results allow us to do that BOTH CDS MADE THE TOP 10 so that is a positive and Anthem nearly made a top 5 like “HEAVEN SKY” did so again that is a positive. Its another positive to say that NEITHER CD debuted high and then just plummeted like “HEAVEN SKY” did when that debuted at #5 and then fell off the face of all creation! A “negative” way to look at this is that neither CD made the top 5 (or top 3) so that can be looked at as a disappointment and it can lead to this question “what the hell is going on here?!” The best answer I can give you...and this is speculation can be attributed both to the popularity (or maybe perceived LACK of popularity) and maybe also the “timing”? Like okay (and we can do this with the shuffles too) let’s try this The purposes of the shuffles and the HEAVENS Movie Single (in my mind) should be to fill out what we hear in the movie.  I don’t THINK they are gonna do the full songs in the Movie so if that is the case then having the shuffles and the Movie Single out NOW is kind of “Bass Ackwards” because you might get disappointed if you don’t hear the full song.  Now if we assume the movie is going to be 3 hours or so then its possible but they might have other songs to perform outside of just the shuffles and the movie singles you know?  Heck...we MIGHT finally get to hear the solos for HEAVENS in the Movie when it comes to the S4 duets (I’m hoping against hope here because yes I am still salty “Dreamer” didn’t get played at 6th stage) so there is that It is interesting to observe this stuff as a fan.reporter because one thing I notice is on twitter there are A LOT of cosplayers/artists that do HEAVENS stuff and most are from the “country of origin” but maybe the group is still “too new” (I doubt that seriously) for them.  Like for HEAVENS right now they are in the “growing stages” where they have a radio show ,their own shop now and they are getting singles and so forth.  Like Broccoli is taking chances with them but I think for some (at least in the western fandom) they might not be doing ENOUGH which is the important thing to think about (and the whole thing with the movie poster is disrespectful af in my mind because it shows just how low on the totem pole they think of them but that’s my opinion). What is really going to be interesting is “Post movie” what will Broccoli do with them (HEAVENS) in terms of making them even MORE LIKABLE especially in the West where the fandom is predominantly STARISH or QN fans.  To me that is the struggle now. One thing that COULD have helped out HEAVENS is having the Dolce Vita game out now but its not so we have to figure out the next move to see what Broccoli is going to do here.  The reason I am focusing more on HEAVENS with this is because Broccoli pretty much as STARISH and QN locked in so they are fine but its figuring out where HEAVENS fits with the movie ,maybe Shining Live and any other projects they want to put them in.  I still think that during Season 5 they should focus that season on HEAVENS or give them a spinoff.  I’m mentioning out right a Season 5 because I think that might be brought up at the Special Talk on June 15th.  If it is and they reveal it I am thinking they might use that for a better primer for HEAVENS before the new game comes out.  I’m also thinking that that will be out BEFORE the 10th Anniversary and that might be used as material for the 5th season.  I’m stating this because right now I think the reason the Anime is in a standstill is because they didn’t have the content for it done...it might also explain WHY Season 4 was one of the hardest to follow because I think they wanted to have either Dolce Vita out BEFORE the season or something and it just got botched up.  Now where we are is a state of “fixing things” (Sorry...somehow went off on a tangent) The point is about the single and mini Album is that HEAVENS right now is in a weird place.  Broccoli needs to see the unit do well with CDs and while one top 3 and a top 5 from a CD about 2 years ago was GOOD they need to keep that momentum but its getting harder and I think one big thing that is happening is a lot of new projects or games coming out on mobile and people are investing in those and not purchasing the HEAVENS stuff...its a lot of things that could be happening but one thing is for sure right now HEAVENS is in a fight right now to remain in the universe and the fandom and its one I am watching hoping for a Miracle! Let’s see what happens next
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Name: Layla Dolce Rossi Age & Date of birth: 18, 15/11 Species: Human Gender: Cis Female Orientation: A soft and good lesbian Fandom/Original: Original, belongs to the same canon as the rest of my OCs!
CW for bio: Blood, body horror (maybe???), body modifications/experiments
Biography: Layla was born to her parents, Antonio and Mary, as the second of two children, but the first to survive long enough to go home. From birth, however, she struggled with an incredibly rare, incurable blood disease. There was no known cure, and she was given 6 years to live, maximum. However, help came in the form of the ‘Foundation of the Advancement of Humanity’, and an old acquaintance of Antonio’s. This acquaintance, a genius scientist, offered to help Layla however he could. With hardly a second thought, her by-then desperate parents agreed, and let the scientist, Omari, do what he could to save her. He stopped the disease, for certain, but at a cost. The process involved a process similar to dialysis, on a larger scale. He entirely replaced the blood in Layla’s body with a very similar one, but the process was flawed, leaving Layla to need constant transfusions of blood (and yes, I’m fully aware I’m fudging the science here, guys). After watching her, Omari decided to make the process more instant, and modified her mouth so that one of her front teeth was replaced with a thin needle that ran directly into her veins. (He’s responsible for sending her all the donated blood she needs a month, which is usually around 5 350ml units - yikes). Apart from this ‘complication’ (as Omari played it off as), she was cured. She wasn’t frail any longer, and she had the strength she’d not had for a lot of her life so far.
After all this, Layla’s life was less eventful. At about age 5, she met her best friend, Naz, and they spent much of their time together. In between school and playing pirates along the seafront that their houses backed onto, they helped out at Layla’s parent’s sweet shop. As they grew up, Layla found herself developing a crush on Naz, who didn’t reciprocate it, but it eventually faded and changed as they went up to university (where she studies Computer Science), and they found themselves in a queerplatonic relationship instead. Uni also brought her the chance to form a ‘biker gang’ who take it upon themselves to protect women and vulnerable people on campus. She comes into the story by meeting Salem, through Naz!
Appearance: Layla has wide, bright blue eyes and reddish-purple hair (naturally blonde) cut into a long pixie cut. As you can tell from the picture, she’s quite freckly, but her most defining feature is the scars on each side of her mouth. They aren’t hugely obvious, and fairly small now, but they’re from the various experiments she underwent as a child. She also has one tooth that seems out of place in an otherwise perfectly normal set - this one is a custom cap for her implant, and seems somewhat too rubbery in its appearance. Layla’s about 5′3″ and about average weight for her height.
Clothing-wise, Layla loves fairly ‘girly’ clothes, but she often sacrifices that for practicality to them. She’s often seen in pink leather jackets when she’s biking, and bomber jackets the rest of the time. Plain black leggings are her go-to comfort clothes, but she’s also fond of black jeans if she needs a little more warmth. She also has a penchant for scarves, and she’ll wear them whenever she can get away with it, and also loves Doc Martens. Whenever she can afford them, she’ll buy a new pair for her collection. To express her ‘girliness’ in her public clothes, she’ll often wear a cute pair of embroidered socks, but at home with Naz, she’ll be a lot more feminine.
Personality: If Piccolo is a ray of sunshine, Layla is something much brighter (I’d make a Trappist-1 joke, but that’s much smaller than our sun 😞). She is always optimistic, and sees the light not only in all situations, but all people. She’s extremely loyal and trusting, as well as easy to forgive anyone who crosses her. To make Layla hold a grudge would be next to impossible. She’s infinitely sweet, to the point where she even refuses to swear past “goshdarnit” or, if pushed, “heck!”.
Despite this, she doesn’t take nonsense from anyone. If someone’s harassing her or a friend (or even someone she doesn’t know), she’ll be the first one to take a stand, generally protecting the victim rather than taking on the harasser. She is extroverted, but often fairly shy, especially around girls she fancies (which happens cripplingly often). She’s also a leader, both in the literal sense (she leads the biker ‘gang’) and a more emotional sense, as she’ll often be the one rallying people to action and attention. Another facet of her personality is that she’s extremely comfortable with her body and sexuality; she doesn’t ‘own it’ per-se, but she’s certainly not afraid to say she loves who she is in all ways, except for perhaps her dependency on blood. That leaves a big :/ face in her book.
Favourite & Least Favourite things: Layla’s number one favourite thing is the funfair. She will go to every single one she can, and has skipped class on more than one occasion when it’s her only chance to see a new ride. She’s so much of a fan of one particular travelling funfair/circus that all the full time staff know her, and she has an on and off relationship with one of them. She also has a huge sweet tooth, which goes hand-in-hand with her parents owning a sweet shop. She also adores her motorbike, which was a gift from Naz when the both of them turned 18, but the most important thing to her is her friends. She’d do pretty much anything for them.
As for least favourites...? Vegetables and misogynists. 
Strengths and Weaknesses: Layla’s biggest strength is her optimism. She can always see, or be, the light that finds a way out of a bad situation. She’s also very digitally and mechanically minded, and likes to design cute little AIs and robots to do menial tasks.
Her weaknesses are fairly simple. She can become very physically weak if she goes long enough without topping up her blood supply, and at its worst, it can leave her bedbound. An emotional weakness of hers is actually also her optimism. It causes her to forgive easily, and sometimes, with some people, that’s not a good idea.
Additional notes: Fanart, as always, is welcome and encouraged! You can find out more about her on my personal, and feel free to ask me questions!
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amisbro · 6 years
Deep Dive:  Utapri Movie and beyond
So earlier today I was telling a friend of mine on twitter in @heavens-saved-my-life that I was going to be talking about UtaPri because its that time when we get closer to the start of all the chaos with all the big releases coming out and I have to start to think about WHAT is possibly going to happen soon. Now before we get started I must make mention of this The title is “UtaPri Movie and beyond” BUT we are going to start with the buildup FIRST and THEN get into the actual movie and beyond cos a lot of crazy s**t is about to go down for UtaPri and we need to really take hold of it Let’s get started
Alright so between NOW and the end of the year the big things that we already know are happening/coming out are as follows Shining Live’s 1st Anniversary around the end of this month QUARTET NIGHT’s Duet Dramas in October A Shuffle Unit MV CD set in November And the first Drama CD for Oto/Van/Ai on Van’s birthday no less...interesting time for his birthday to be sure! You will note that I omitted for now the “STARISH BEST” CD and the HEAVENS “Mini Album”.  I did that because as of now we don’t know when those are coming out but I think its safe to say that they are going to be sometime at the end of this year but its a matter of “When”.  It should also be noted that the QN event will be taking place in November as well so that is definitely something to think about when we look at how jammed up this year is with events and releases THIS however brings us to the Duets and thinking about the idea that ,with the releases ending February of 2019, that the Movie couldn’t be that far behind right? WELL... Something I have been thinking about recently is that Broccoli has had the project for Dolce Vita going LONGER than the movie coming up.  The game was announced at the 6th Anniversary with HEAVENS being revealed at the Anniversary before this one.  Now when you take into consideration also that ,at least for Western markets, the gamecards for the VITA stop production as of March of next year then things get interesting. Now...how would this effect the movie? One thing I keep thinking about is HEAVENS’ role within the game and the movie coming up.  The CDs are “trio” CDs and that could lead for some interesting potential given that they are going to be considered “drama” CDs. One thing I have wondered lately is this:  Are the CDs just going to be the song for the units and then the Drama OR...could they do this  Track 1 is the Trio song 2-4 would be a solo song for the members of the units track 5 is the drama then a couple more for the off vocals Another way they could do it (if they wanted to) would be like this Track 1 is the drama Track 2 is the main song 3-5 are solos 6-9 would be the off vocal versions. THIS is something I was thinking about for the CDs and if this is what they would do then I’m cool with it.  If they do just the “dramas” and the one song that’s fine too...but there is something I considered over the past few months IF (and I mean IF) they are using the CDs to do the the story and then the movie is the concert...that could be an issue.  The reason is that because the CDs are never sold with an English translation on the booklet (and this CAN be done...I own a couple of CDs that have the JP lyrics and the English or Romanji so its NOT like that can’t be done) then the fans are fucked unless someone LITERALLY buys each CD with the intent to translate all the dramas and even then by the time those get posted are you still interested in them? Now let’s talk about the game and why I was wondering about the track listing For at least the first two seasons the CDs had one song which was the insert for that character/group and the other was used for a game.  If I remember right the ones for S1 had songs from “Debut” in them and then 2000% was for one of the All-Star games...so far those are the only ones of memory I remember being used for games that were on the Anime singles.  If they are planning to have songs for all the characters in the game then you need to create a B-Side for each one of them UNLESS Brocc intends to use the songs from S4 for that purpose but then that would be weird cos you are using “old songs” to market for the game...see the problem? Now this is just Dolce and MLKingdom I’m talking here...we haven’t even DISCUSSED beyond that! Well before that we have to go over this as it pertains to HEAVENS 2019 is going to be a very interesting year for the group that you could argue SHOULDN’T be in the position they are.  They are a group that ,let’s be fair, WAS an Antag group in Season 2 that got beat ,should have disbanded but got saved, and then reappeared at the end of Season 3 cos apparently Shining and Raging were in cahoots the whole time up until all hell broke loose with the EiiOto episode.  Ironically THAT has become a pretty popular ship in Japan with all the fanart I see for them together (even the fem versions which is interesting). (and for anyone curious Yamato/Kira and Eiji/Yamato is apparently a thing over there too) The thing is that HEAVENS SHOULDN’T be in the position they are and even I can freely admit that.  Brocc has allowed them to remain long enough where they are gaining a following (at least on twitter) and now they have a store coming and their own radio show next year.  THIS makes me wonder Brocc’s plan with the series because you CAN’T just stop it after starting to give HEAVENS their own store and stuff now.  Maybe if they were kept as pure Antags and they were beat in S2 and gone I don’t think anyone would care but now the group is about 5 years old in total with 3 being a 7 member unit and getting traction.  THAT could have either BEEN in the plan from the start with them OR it could have been something that was pure accident...I’m very close to thinking the latter. HEAVENS’ future I think will be determined with their single coming up near the end of this year (and the possible concert for them after that) because if they start to really get traction in Japan (and Korea as well from what I have seen which shocks me somewhat) AND they can start to become more accepted in the West like STARISH or QN did then we have the makings for a genuine rivalry because you will have 3 very strong and healthy fanbases that want to see what is next for their groups. THIS brings me to “What should Broccoli do after the movie?” Let’s say the movie does well enough (and with three years production time it kind of better at this point) and Brocc sees that UtaPri is still being supported strongly at least Domestically in Japan (and to a lesser extent internationally) they might consider doing a “10th Anniversary season” for the Anime in 2021 which ,if they do, I would LOVE for them to do one season that is purely HEAVENS and no distractions and the reason is this IF we are to assume that this movie will be the “send off” for STARISH (and possibly QN and I am not sure about either right now) then it would be nice to see HEAVENS get a run on their own so we can develop them NOT as Antagonists anymore but more as people that want to establish their own identity and brand.  I think that is part of the issue Broccoli kind of has with them now is they are so stuck on doing things for them like they are STARISH or QN that all people might see them as internationally is “carbon copies: and that is what I want to see them get away from.  Show US that HEAVENS is more than just a “rival group” and show us what makes them special.  I think some of us kind of ALREADY know but some might still need convincing and I get it but how is going to be the important part. Do I think Broccoli has a plan for HEAVENS right now?  I do but what is going to be interesting because if they keep tying them to STARISH then they can’t grow as a group cos they will live in their shadow to be honest.  Now they have QN members to deal with and ,even though they stuck up for them at the Triple S, the idea that QN would want to see them “grow” would be an interesting development. Keep this in mind too In a good number of these its one HEAVENS member to a STARISH and a QN member.  The ONLY one that is different is the one with Nagi/Shion/Syo and its a very interesting thing there because the question I would ask then is this “What role will the QN members play in these dramas?  Are they the buffers between HEAVENS and STARISH members or are they going to side with their Agencymates?” I still think that it would be interesting for them to introduce a manager for HEAVENS and come up with some plotline where they get infatuated with Nanami and that could cause a unique bridge for Season 5 because ,if you want to keep it going, you could have now two separate things going with Shining and Raging offices going at it for the ultimate popularity...okay STARISH might win in the end in that season BUT as we know in the real world HEAVENS has beaten STARISH in the peak ranks before.  There are #’s to back this up. Again though everything I am going on is speculation.  I think for now its going to be interesting because of the fact that the “Drama CDs” are ending at the end of February so I’m wondering when you would air the movie?  One idea I had was in July because ,look it up, and its the 8 year Anniversary of Season 1 next year in July.  I think that would be a fitting bookend for the Anime for sure. OH...there is ONE OTHER THING I thought about recently While the Anime hasn’t been officially/publicly declared as “ended” I did recent;y think about this The month that the season STARTED in was October One thing I have noticed at times is that when some Animes air any other time of the year they usually are going to get another season.  Now...I looked it up and one of the last Animes I remember watching start to finish that has had a “definitive end” at this point is K Project because ,despite the OVAs that are coming out, there has not been a new season announced. For those of us that forgot K Project’s “final season” aired from 10/3/2015 to 12/26/2015...almost parallel to UtaPri no? The difference between K Project and UtaPri was that when they showed Adolf Weismann sitting in Shiro’s old apartment they basically said about K Project “Game Over” The thing is that at least made some kind of sense cos you got to meet JUNGLE in the Movie a little bit and we saw them TRULY get theirs in “Return of Kings” so that ending fit like a glove The end of Season 4 for Utapri for SOME might probably signify the end of the series (and if it is then fine I can live with it somewhat now) but the thing is with UtaPri there was no one that NEEDED to “get theirs” and in reality all the groups should have been allowed to be happy.  Okay we know what one of the final scenes for the season was with all of them singing “Legend Star” together but think about this from the perspective of a HEAVENS fan after watching your group get the crap kicked out them to a degree with the ending not so much being “happy” but one of those you reluctantly come to terms with cos you think eventually you get YOUR moment and you are happy with it. I think that is why I am reluctant to think Brocc is just gonna pull the plug on the Anime when it no doubt still makes them money along with their CDs...I defy you to show me that it doesn’t and if you can then great but right now I think its probably one of their more popular franchises so why can it?  If they think Classical Stars is going to blow up like UtaPri they MIGHT be setting themselves up for a cold dose of reality BUT we’ll wait and see. I think for a lot of fans (myself included) the day we have to accept UtaPri is “over” is gonna be hell.  Like when it happens we are gonna be in tears because of the fact that ,no matter what group you affiliate with or who your “best boy” is, UtaPri is going to be such an integral part in all of our lives that NOT hearing from any of the members of STARISH ,QN or HEAVENS would SUCK! What does Broc have in store for us after the movie in 2019?  Hopefully a lot more content musicwise and hopefully they keep expanding UtaPri because there is still A LOT of growth for it to have but they have to be willing to not pull the plug before it reaches its peak potential. Anywho I believe I kept you long enough.  I hope you all have a grand rest of your night and I will see you in the next post take care my fellow Princes and Princesses
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