#som kpop
worm-priest · 6 months
Something I really want to see is a kpop girl group with more traditionally masculine members. I want to see a REAL girl crush concept
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chibiloona · 2 years
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✰ twice matching icons !! ◞
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mellometal · 2 years
Here's a playlist I made on Spotify of every single K-Pop idol, group, and soloist who are openly LGBT that I could find. If I find more, I will update the playlist with that artist's work added in. If I don't find any other openly LGBT K-Pop artist's work and I do happen to find songs that have LGBT themes instead, I will update the playlist with those songs.
Would anyone be interested in a playlist with openly LGBT J-Pop artists too?
This playlist includes the following (so far):
Harisu, the first trans female idol in K-Pop. She's the OG. She was an entertainer during first gen. It's only appropriate that all of her music is here.
Choi Han-Bit, a trans woman who was formerly from the second gen girl group Mercury. She's a singer, actress, and model.
Lady, the first and only girl group made up of all trans women. They're from early second gen and were fairly short-lived. They were inspired by Harisu.
Maman/Magolpy, the first openly LGBT idol ever. She's a lesbian. Maman got kicked out of the entertainment agency she was under due to her coming out. She has not been active in the music industry since 2015.
Jiae, a soloist formerly from the girl group Wa$$up. She's openly bisexual.
Som Hein, a soloist from School Idol. She's openly bisexual.
Holland, a soloist. He's openly gay. He's probably the first idol you picture when you hear "LGBT idols in K-Pop." He's the best known one on this list.
Marshall Bang/MRSHLL, a soloist. He's openly gay. He's another fairly well-known LGBT artist in the K-Pop industry.
Aquinas, a soloist. He is openly bisexual.
LIONESSES, the first and only boy group (so far) made up of all men who are openly LGBT. All the members are hidden except for their leader, Damjun. Kanghan, one of the members, is a drag queen.
QI.X, the newest one on this list. The first group in K-Pop where all the members are openly genderqueer. All the members, aside from JiGOOK (who uses he/they pronouns), use they/them pronouns.
The only openly LGBT artist in the K-Pop industry that I couldn't find on Spotify is Kwon Do Woon. He's a Korean trot singer who's openly gay. He came out during his tenth anniversary. Do Woon was the first active celebrity to come out as LGBT since Hong Seok Cheon, an actor who came out in 2000 and is still the most prominent openly gay celebrity in Korea.
The playlist is linked here! Enjoy!
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shiroselia · 2 years
Inget offence till Maria för hon är ju rätt gullig ändå men gud vad jag är trött på “Never give up ballader”
Liksom oavsett backstory Är hon tråkigaste låten i startfältet vilket är exakt vad det är
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magikbitch · 2 years
Song recommendations?
this is what i've been listening to the most lately
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pookietsunoda · 2 months
The Evolution of Red Bull's YouTube: A Parasocial Deep Dive
To explain this insane media crit essay I accidentally started, I was wondering to myself why Formula One seems to have a lot of personality-driven social media promo content. Some people have commented that the drivers are marketed a lot like Kpop stars (or pop singers or influencers generally), where relatable media content builds up an audience that gets emotionally attached to the celebrity as a person, not just their work. I wanted to trace the roots of this style of content and see how it evolved, using Red Bull as a case study because of their current strong social media presence and my hypothesis that their status as an extreme sports sponsor assisted them in making content focused on individual athletes.
Abstract/ Summary: Red Bull's earliest videos in the early 2010s largely do not focus on the drivers as people and are mostly montage-type content with occasional formal interviews. Then, Daniel Ricciardo begins to treat the camera in a more friendly and casual way, giving himself a greater sense of relatability/ seeming more accessible to fans. Red Bull correspondingly begins to feature more silly and unscripted content, which intensifies once Verstappen joins the team and begins riffing off of Ricciardo. We see a growth in personality-focused and "challenge" type content with banter towards the end of Ricciardo's time at Red Bull, which continues with Gasly, Albon, and Perez and brings us to today. Currently, YouTube provides a seemingly casual and relatable look at the drivers, largely through humorous challenges, and feeds our expectations that drivers are accessible and come off as authentic to us as fans.
I started with Red Bull because they seem to have their social media content game on lock, with high budget and creative video challenges that also do a good job at showcasing the personalities of their drivers. I theorized that the reason they excelled at this social media marketing strategy was because Red Bull (the energy drink brand) sponsors a lot of extreme athletes, who are in solo sports or sports with very small teams-- thus, it would make sense for them to promote their sponsored athletes with personality-focused content. (This turned out to probably not be true, but we will get to that.)
Part (Multi Twenty) One: The Old Men
During this time period (early 2010s), any driver-focused videos are pretty short and often more focused on visually appealing montages. Mark Webber and or Sebastian Vettel will be filmed doing some fun activity and then maybe speaking to a reporter about the outing in a relatively polished, professional manner. The premise of these videos is similar to the content we see today-- ex. Seb shears a sheep, Mark and Seb have a beach filler episode-- but the way they are edited is much different. The drivers' interactions with each other are not included in the video, and there is not much focus on their personalities.
The most popular videos at this time are glossy stunt type content. There are also more quotidian things like simulator runs, news interviews, and track walks. Also some wacky highlights include a random pop music video and cringe parody martial arts short-- of which Vettel is in both, for some reason. But this disproves part of the hypothesis-- Red Bull did not start making personality focused content. Their experience as an extreme sports sponsor likely gave them experience in making stunt videos, but not content focused on driver personalities.
Part 2: 2 Dan, 2 Furious
The style of content doesn't immediately change when Ricciardo joins the team in 2014, beyond him getting roped into doing a bunch of travel vlogs, which are also more on the slick montage side even though he does get to crack some jokes at times. More cool stunts, more media interviews. When Daniil Kvyat arrives, the style of content shifts a little to focus more on the interactions between the two drivers, ex. the 2015 season preview and some shorts. There are also early inklings of the sillier modern content with some challenges and a sketch.
Then comes... the 2015 Christmas video, the first of many Red Bull Christmas videos. This one is unabashedly silly and also seems largely unscripted, representing a pretty clear break in content style. Crucially, we hear and see the drivers talking and interacting with EACH OTHER instead of just talking to a reporter off to the side, which is honestly a huge reason why today's silly driver content is so enjoyable and seems more authentic. Kvyat does a pretty traditional, scripted-sounding holiday greeting (which, fair enough, English isn't his first language and this is in line with most of the previous marketing videos), but Ricciardo is very casual and tells the camera among other things to have a "pimpin' good time"-- like a friend, rather than a formal acquaintance. Much more in line with today's style of content except it's shorter. However, this style is not initially popular, gaining only 34k views-- way less than stunt content from the same time like the F1 Car vs Rugby Team matchup that gets 2 million views.
Part 3: Rise of the Unserious Kings
By 2016, Ricciardo is very comfortable with the camera and being goofy, eventually with a smooth faced, slightly feral baby Verstappen in tow. The channel starts experimenting with silly short-form challenges that include some seemingly genuine reactions. In this travel video, they include clips with audio of Ricciardo joking around to people they meet, and Ricciardo even talks directly into the camera, saying he's not sure if he's supposed to say this, but pokes fun at himself for sweating with nerves over some air turbulence.
DANNY RIC IS POSSIBLY THE NEXUS BEING OF THIS STYLE OF CONTENT. (And the *pairing* of Ricciardo and Verstappen changed Red Bull media marketing, if not that of F1 teams in general.)
Ricciardo has begun not only relating directly to the camera, treating it as proxy for the fan viewer, but consciously trying to give it (and therefore us) an "unfiltered/ authentic" look into his own life and the lives of F1 drivers. He relates to the camera/viewer in a much more personal and friendly manner, acting like we are his friends and building that parasocial connection. Even in more conventional video types like explaining racing kit, Ricciardo is casual and humorous, a style that seems to garner lots of views for these videos (the racing kit one is at 1.5mil).
The previous more formal style of video, whether drivers talk to an offscreen interviewer or into the camera, gives us more distance-- treating viewers as strangers who should be treated with respect but are not owed intimacy. Ex. this short clip of Max in 2016 after his maiden win with Red Bull: he talks to the camera and speaks directly to fans, but in a more formal way. (Not saying this is bad! He's basically a kid and this is what most driver content was like up to this point. Besides, we as strangers do not necessarily deserve to know everything about a celebrity!)
Additionally, the pairing of Ricciardo and Verstappen seems to be a comedy gold mine. (How many clips of these two being chaotic have you seen?) Max may not seem quite as comfortable talking directly to the camera, which makes sense because it's kind of awkward. However, it's a lot less intimidating to be casual and silly to another flesh and blood person, merely in front of the camera-- especially if that person is Danny Ric who is going to give you material to riff off of. (Thus, why interactions between drivers are so generative of authentic-seeming, personality based content).
Max takes to the assignment of matching Ricciardo's energy with enthusiasm. Take, for example, the durian-opening challenge and the biking track tour (featuring Max making a bunch of silly vrooming noises as he speeds ahead of Daniel). The 2017 Christmas video shows how well Max and Daniel riff off each other, letting viewers see that Max has a silly personality as well ("Ki ki ki!!" "Aye aye aye!!" *Max dabs on the camera* *they throw fake food at each other and cackle*). During 2018, Red Bull starts solidifying the style of personality-focused challenge content that makes up much of their channel now, though it's interspersed between travel content without much talking and some more glossy stunt/ travel videos.
Part 4: A.D. (After Daniel)
After Daniel's departure, this challenge style continues with Gasly and then Albon. Red Bull also starts pulling in people from Toro Rosso to do crossover challenge episodes on location where they compete against each other, like much of today's videos on the Red Bull main channel. Ex. Albon and Kvyat face off against Verstappen and Gasly in a set of lumberjacking challenges in Canada, including a good bit of back and forth banter, which turns out to be a pretty popular video (1mil views).
Videos from Max and Alex's driver pairing era are almost entirely focused on their kind of chaotic interactions with each other. The challenges are higher production value but also silly in concept, such as the two designing their own custom box carts, allowing them to show off their artistic skills (or lack thereof) and name them stupid things. The 2019 Christmas video is also a gem. I haven't watched a ton of videos from this time, but it seems almost entirely absent of the the montages to background music or formal interview style from previous years. There is still of course some glossy stunt content, like the famed zero gravity pitstop.
And then covid! After which the content is split between the Oracle Red Bull Racing channel and the Red Bull main channel. The racing specific channel has the same news interviews and sim runs peppered with some more lowkey challenges and videos focusing on individual drivers, whereas the more famous high-effort and locationally themed videos are on the Red Bull main channel. (Ex. this 2021 Austria-themed video of Verstappen and Perez versus Gasly and Tsunoda partaking in many silly activities, including wearing lederhosen and boat racing, overseen by Red Bull's resident Darth Palpatine-esque figure Helmut Marko.)
Today's F1 promo content largely aims to give viewers a more goofy and "unfiltered" idea of what the drivers are like as people, allowing people to get more attached to specific drivers and form parasocial connections with them. Yet it was not always so! We don't start seeing more dialogue-heavy videos that strive to provide a more casual and "authentic" look into the Red Bull drivers until midway through Daniel Ricciardo's career as he starts treating the camera like a friend, seemingly giving us backstage access to what the drivers are "really" like. Through a more casual style of speaking to viewers and a focus on interactions between drivers, Red Bull social media is able to provide an avenue for drivers to show a more casual and relatable side to themselves.
Red Bull's previous focus on highflying stunts, travel montages, and limited or formal instances of driver dialogue portray the drivers as larger-than-life badasses who live big and ultimately unknowable lives to us commoners. This newer, more intimate style of video tries to do the opposite-- yes, the drivers live these crazy lives, but they put their pants (or racing suits) on one leg at a time too! They are unserious and relatable and (seemingly) knowable to us, allowing us normal people to get attached to them. You must first be known in order to be loved, and if fans love your drivers, it's good for business!
This shift largely seems to mirror the decline of celebrity mystique and the rise of celebrity relatability. Ex. Beyonce's been famous since the 90s and is (as is her right) private about her personal life, which in part fuels her idol status but also is frustrating to some of her fans. Meanwhile, younger celebrities like Selena Gomez or Emma Chamberlain built their brand off of being chronically online and (seemingly) unfiltered.
Future directions of study-- comparing other teams' channels. Danny Ric may have been partially to blame for Red Bull's shift in content, but I would like to do a deep dive into other teams as well.
Note: I put "authentic," "real," etc in quotes because at the end of the day, we are still strangers seeing a piece of media and do not actually know what public figures are actually like as people! Also disclaimer, I'm not really a fan of Red Bull as an institution given their questionable response to Christian Horner's misconduct allegations-- this investigation is more out of them being a good case study.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 5 months
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 6.9k
Includes- Som much sex, oral, pussy eating, blow job, deepthroating, throat fucking, cum eating, semi public sex (getting caught), dacryphilia, dirty talk, wall sex, floor sex, cock riding, sex from behind, missionary, rough sex, slow sex, tummy bulge, choking, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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Yoongi POV
Walking into the dressing room, I find my best friend across it, whispering with Hobi
I roll my eyes as I walk towards her
I've been looking for her for ten minutes
She wasn't answering her phone and now I see why
"You really giving me a hard time?", Hobi says to her as I get closer
They're both so engrossed in their conversation they don't see me coming
"It was a one time thing Hobi", she answers
My curiosity is piqued
What was a one time thing?
He snorts, "Right. That's why I slept over and we kept fucking right?"
Shock enters my system at his words
They kept what?
Did he say fucking?
What the fuck, they slept together?
"That's why you were crying, begging for my tongue over and over, coming in my mouth again and again", he says, "Because it was a one time thing"
She was begging for him?
No way
An insane amount of jealous explodes in my veins
"Look Hobi, yeah you're good ok. And I'll admit it, no one has gone down on me as good as you ok"
He is not better at oral than I am
I'm the king of oral
I've never gotten any complaints, in fact all I've gotten is praise and begged to keep going
There's no fucking way he's better
No way
"And you did fuck me really good. But that's all it was. Sex. And I'm not sure it would be a good idea for us to keep fucking"
"Why not? I'm attracted to you and you're obviously attracted to me. I know what it would be. Just sex. A friend's with benefits thing. I'm game for it"
Friends with benefits?
When the fuck did he think of that situation?
"Friends with benefits?", she repeats
No, not happening
He can't have her
He can't
Lately my feelings towards her have changed
To where I see her more than a friend
But as a fuck buddy or a girlfriend I haven't figured out yet
But I want to be around her all the time, spend time with her
And if she does this friends with benefits thing with Hobi then I'll never know
But there's one thing I know for sure
I can eat her out and fuck her better than he ever could
"Let me know", he says to her then leaves, going towards a makeup artist
She shakes her head, then turns to me, jumping when she sees me a few feet behind her
"Oh hey Yoongi", she says nervously
And I make up my mind
"I have to talk to you", I say
"Oh, yeah ok", she agrees
"Come on"
She follows me out of the dressing room and I go into the first empty room I find
She enters and I take a breath as I close the door
"You slept with Hobi?", I ask, turning around
Her eyes widen, "You heard"
"I mean you guys were talking about it in the middle of the dressing room and you weren't exactly whispering"
"I uh...yeah. I did"
"Uh last week"
Just last week?
Where the fuck was I?
"Why didn't you tell me?"
She shrugs, looking down, "I don't know. I guess I was worried you'd be mad"
The thing is I'm not mad
Or maybe I am but at the moment the biggest thing I feel is jealousy
"I heard him...brag about his skills"
Her face turns red, "Yeah, I didn't know he was a bragger like that"
And it's now I decided to take the plunge
"I can do it better than him"
Her eyes snap to mine, complete shock in them
"I can do what he did better", I say, holding eye contact, "I can eat you out better. I can fuck you better. I can make you feel better"
Her mouth drops, "What the hell Yoongi? It's not a competition"
But it is
Hobi unknowingly started a competition because of my feelings for her
If I didn't have feelings for her, I wouldn't care if she slept with him
But I care
"I can show you I'm better", I tell her
"I..uh...I....uh..", she trails off, "I uh...I don't know if we should do this"
She's hesitating but she wants to
If she didn't she would of said no immediately
"Do you trust me?"
She looks at me sharply, "Of course Yoongi. That's not even a question"
"So trust me now"
She hesitates for a split second, then nods, "I do. Ok"
Her words sink in and I stride right to her, crashing my lips against hers in a searing kiss that takes my breath away and lights a fire inside me
Her arms move around my neck and it feels so right
I move my arms around her, pulling her as close to me as she can get, my tongue against hers, my body screaming for hers
As I kiss her, I undo her jeans, slipping my hands under the waistband of them and her panties
Breaking the kiss, I kneel down on my knees, pulling everything off her, my eyes on her small pussy
So pretty, fuck
"Yoongi, oh fuck", she moans when I lick her small clit, feeling it spasm
Fuck, I like that
Pushing her legs open, I push my tongue on her, licking up her cunt slowly, feeling her on my entire tongue, taking in how she tastes
And fuck she's good, so sweet, like fucking candy
How she tastes this good I don't know but I'm glad she does
"Yoongi, oh my fucking god", she moans as my tongue continues to pleasure her
I move the tip of my tongue up in-between her slit, her swollen lips parting for my tongue, her juice all over my mouth, dripping down to my neck
"Mmm", I moan, moving one of her legs over my shoulder, pushing my face deeper into her cunt, my tongue flying up and down
My god, I can't get enough of eating her cunt
It's just everything, the feel of her, the taste, the scent, she's intoxicating
Circling her hole, I tease her, feeling her legs shake under my hands, hearing her cute whines
Dragging it out a few more times, I finally plunge my tongue in her cunt, the immediate clenching sending pleasure down to my hard cock
Licking out of her hole, I run my tongue all the way up, flicking her clit when I get there
"Oh my god, Yoongi!"
Chuckling, I run my tongue down and wiggle back into her pulsing hole, moaning into her
Her hand snakes down to my hair, grabbing a fist full as she moves her hips, fucking her pussy on my tongue
I'm so here for it, gripping her ass hard and I move my tongue all over her- in her hole, between her swollen lips, over her clit, everywhere my tongue touches I lick her
Rolling my tongue over her clit again, she moans, "There Yoongi"
I press my tongue against her pulsing clit, massaging it as her shouts of pleasure fill the room
I'm enjoying this so much, it's actually insane
I don't think I've ever liked going down on someone as much as I do right now
Sucking her clit into my mouth, I tug and play, her pussy gushing all over me, drowning me and I love it
I slurp on her clit like my life depends on it, reveling in the constant throbs against my tongue
"Yoongi", she moans, my name sounding so pretty in her voice
Her hand tightens in my hair, her hips desperately snapping into my face, her legs trembling
I don't stop and the next suck has her screaming my name, coming hard
Dropping my tongue down, I shove it up her cunt, letting her cum around it while I use my fingers to rub her clit
"Yoongi, oh my god. Yoongi!", she whines, her pussy clenching my tongue over and over
I can't wait to feel her clench my cock like this
I swallow all her sweet cream, sucking around her hole to make sure I get it all
My mind is blown at how good her cum tastes
I mean it's cum
Shouldn't taste as good as this
Only when she finishes do I pull my tongue out and lick her cunt clean
Pressing my lips to her skin, I kiss up her body, sliding my hand on her cunt, playing with her clit
She shudders against me as I reach her neck, pressing peck after peck to her skin
"You taste so good", I whisper in her ear, burying my fingers in her and starting to move in her tight cunt, "So fucking sweet, like candy"
She moans and fuck, I can't get over how pretty it sounds
"Gonna wanna eat your pussy everyday", I tell her, loving how her body shivers against me, her hand grabbing my arm to hold on, "Gonna let me?"
Moving my thumb to her clit, I play with it while I fuck her with my fingers
"Yes", she whimpers
"Good girl"
Pressing on what I think is her spot, she cries out in pleasure, her hand squeezing my arm harder
Found it
"After you cum on my fingers, I wanna stuff you with my cock"
She makes a soft squeaking sound that's so cute
"I want this tight cunt around my cock. Want these swollen lips wrapped tightly around me. Wanna make your pussy cream around my cock"
"Fff..fuck", she moans
I keep moving my fingers, making sure I press on her spot every thrust in
"Wanna make my best friend cum for my cock", I say lowly
"Oh god"
I smirk as my thumb presses harder into her clit, her pussy throbbing tighter
"Gonna let me fuck you?", I ask
"Yes!", she yells, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Good girl"
Driving my fingers in she moans my name, coming
She floods my hand with cream and I keep fingering her through it
Then I pull my fingers out of her and look in her eyes as I shove my fingers in my mouth, sucking her cream off them
She gapes and I just smirk as I lick her cream from my palm
"Told you I loved the way you taste"
She just nods, her cheeks so red
"Gonna fuck you now"
She nods wordlessly again
Undoing my belt, I kick off my shoes and get my pants and boxers off, so ridiculously excited to be inside my best friend
She pulls my shirt off me, throwing it on the floor as my hands lift her up, her legs wrapping around me
She reaches down between us, aligning my cock to her hole, as she begs, "Please Yoongi. Fuck me. Want you to fuck me"
I can definitely do that
Moving closer, I push into her tiny hole, the pleasure of her stretching around me so fucking intense
"My god, you're fucking tight", I groan, slowly moving inch by inch inside her, her pussy sucking me in slowly and latching on tightly
"Mmm so big Yoongi", she cries, her head leaning against the wall, "Fuck your cock is so fucking big"
I smirk because yeah it is
Never had a complaint about my cock before
Shivers run down my back as I get all inside her, her soaked cunt throbbing so fast around my length
"Fuck Yoongi", she murmurs, her legs tightening around me, "God, your cock fills me so good"
"Yeah well your tiny cunt took me so well baby", I smirk, "Pulling me in like you wanted me inside you"
"I did", she moans, "I do"
"Good jagi. Want you too", I answer, pulling her shirt up and off, her bra following
I eye her big tits, moving one of my hands around one boob, squeezing softly
Pulling my cock out, I slam back inside, her moans fueling me to go faster
I get a fast hard pace going, splitting her cunt wide open, wrecking her
Her pussy takes me perfectly, clenching down as I move back in, her hands plunging in my hair, pulling as she cries out in pleasure
It feels so fucking good and I live for the way her cunt is pulsing and drenching my cock
Thrusting in, I slam into her spot, her pussy gushing juice out, her body arching off the wall
"Yes, there! Oh fuck! There", she cries as I indeed make sure my cock hits her there every single stroke
"Feels good?", I ask
"Yes", she nods, her body shaking in my arms as I fuck her tiny spot relentlessly
"Oh god, oh god", she chants, her eyes wet, a few tears escaping down her face
And that does nothing but turn me on even more
I move my hands up her back, pulling her right against me, her soft sweaty skin against mine, holding her tightly as I increase my thrusts, fucking her hard
And she just cries for more, asking me to go harder
"Yeah baby, cry for my cock", I urge her, watching the tears fall down her face, "Am I fucking you that good?"
"Yes!", she sobs, clinging onto me tightly
"Mmm yes jagi. Let me see those tears. I love it. Crying on your best friend cock, begging to fuck your sweet pussy harder"
"Yes, yes, yes", she whimpers
Fuck, I never had a girl want me this much
Never had a girl cry for me like she's doing
Never had a girl as wet as she is
"Fuck, listen to how wet you are for me. Listen to how good your sweet pussy takes your best friend's cock"
"Mmmhmmmm", she moans, her fingers twisting in my hair, the nails of her other hand digging into my shoulder, pleasure radiating off her body
"Sounds so pretty", I murmur, listening to the arousing sounds
I can listen to that all fucking day
"Yyy..Yoongi", she stammers, her body shaking with each stroke, her pussy impossibly tight around me
"Yeah jagi?", I ask, the pleasure so fucking intense, so goddamn good
"I...I....", she babbles, her eyes closing, her sobs more frequent
I know she's close
I can feel her
"Gonna cream my cock baby?", I tease, listening to her whimpers, "Decorate my cock with your cum?
She bites her lip, nodding
"Good girl", I murmur in her ear, "Cum around my cock baby. I want to feel this little pussy lose it"
"Yoongi!", she shouts, coming at the next thrust in
Her pussy spasms uncontrollably as she clings onto me, pleasure like I never felt before tidal waving into my body
I gasp, the bliss so much I have to try hard to keep standing as she screams my name over and over, her body shaking hard against mine
I've never felt like this from a girl's orgasm
And I'm immediately addicted
Once she finishes, I kneel down on the floor, laying her on the carpet
I can't stand anymore, not after that pleasure
And I need to feel it again but I don't think I can take another of her orgasms without falling
Pushing her legs to her chest, I resume pounding into her little pussy
"Yoongi", she cries, her hands gripping my forearms so tightly
"I need you to cum again", I tell her, watching her swollen pussy lips petal open for me each time my dick slides inside her
"Yeah", she whimpers, taking the pounding I'm giving her, her pretty body soaked in sweat
Leaning down, I lay my tongue on her stomach and lick up to her neck, her sweat tasting so fucking good
I think anything on her will taste good
"So good baby", I smirk, sitting back up and destroying her little pussy
She whimpers, her eyes on mine
"Oh my fucking god!", I hear
Snapping my head up to the door, I glare at Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung, standing in the doorway, each one with shock on their face
When the fuck did the door open?
"Get out", I growl, stopping but still buried inside her, her begging for more
"I..uh..the shoot", Jungkook starts, his eyes wide as plates
"Yoongi! Don't stop!", she cries under me
"Oh my god", Tae mutters
"Get out!", I shout, making them jump
"Sorry!", Jimin yells, grabbing the door handle and slamming it closed
"Yoongi", she moans and I forget what happened, continuing thrusting into her
Her pussy is so messy, cream all over my cock, a thick ring of it around my base, driving me fucking crazy
"Fuck, look at you creaming my cock like this", I tell her, mesmerized, "Pretty little cunt swallowing my big cock so eagerly"
She nods, moaning, "Feels so good Yoongi. Fuck, more"
"I'll give you more", I growl, driving my cock deep in her hole, "I'll wreck your pussy until I'm the only one you want inside you. Until my cock is the only one you crave"
She nods, her tears so fucking pretty
"Oh yeah, that's what you want?"
"Yes", she whines, "And...and ..and"
"And what?", I demand, "Tell me what you want"
"I wanna swallow your cum", she whimpers
God, that's the dirtiest thing she's ever said to me and it's such a turn on
"Yeah baby?", I smirk, fucking into her harder, my cock throbbing, "Wanna suck my dick?"
She nods, gasping, "Please"
"Ok jagi", I agree, "Cum for me first then you can suck me off"
"Ok. Ok", she whines, more tears streaming down her gorgeous face
Burying inside her again, I hit her spot and watch her tiny hole spasm around my cock as she climaxes
"Yes baby, yes", I groan, ecstacy slamming into me as she screams my name, her pussy working my cock good
I keep moving, fucking her through it absolutely loving pushing through her tight cunt
When she finishes, I pull out, watching my cock and her hole stay connected through a string of her creamy cum
Fuck that is something I've never seen before and can get used to seeing
Moving next to her head, I grab her hair, moving my cock to her mouth
She does, letting me push my cock in, her mouth sucking immediately, pleasure running up my spine
"Yes baby, fuck"
She sucks desperately, spit all over the place, her hand moving around my cock not in her mouth, jerking me off at the same time
"Fuck you're mouth is so good", I praise her, watching her push down on my cock more, her sucking driving me crazy, "You gonna take all of me?"
She nods, her gorgeous watery brown eyes looking up at me as she bottoms me out, choking around my length
I pull back a little so I don't hurt her but she shakes her head, going down again
Her throat spasms around my shaft as she swallows repeatedly, sending sparks of pleasure up my spine
"Ccc..can I fuck your throat?", I choke out, so close
She nods, keeping her mouth open for me
Holding her in place by her hair, I pull out then thrust back in, moaning from how utterly good it feels
I move over and over, her throat taking me just as good as her pussy does
I feel small sucking sensations every time I bottom out, awed that she's still blowing me
I watch her as I throat fuck her, listening to her moan around my dick
"I'm gonna cum", I groan, right there, "Gonna swallow all my cum for me?"
"Mmm hmm", she nods want in her brown eyes
That drives me over the edge and I bury my length and spurt my cum down her throat, the ecstasy feeling amazing
True to her word, she swallows eagerly, again and again, milking my cock desperately
"Joanne, fuck, yes good girl", I groan
When I finish, she stops, letting me pull out of her mouth
She closes her eyes, breathing hard
I sit next to her, running my fingers in her hair, breathing hard myself
This was seriously the best sex I ever hand
And my best friend gave it to me
Mind blown
After a minute, her eyes open and she struggles to sit up
I help her, her eyes slowly moving up to mine
I smile at her bewildered look, then lean down and kiss her
I don't know why I'm doing it, it just feels right
Breaking away, she says, "I think you're really late for the photo shoot"
I chuckle, "Yeah. Guess I should get going"
She nods
I stand up then help her up and we start the task of getting our clothes back on
Right before we're about to leave the room, I stop her
For some reason I don't want to be apart from her
I don't think about it as I ask, "Wanna come over after the photo shoot?"
She raises her eyebrow but smirks, "Yeah"
Then she walks out of the room
Ok then
I smile as I follow her
"Off now", she demands between kisses, her hands pulling at my boxers
As soon as I parked my car and we got into the apartment we're all over each other
It wasn't even a second inside before our lips were glued to each other's
We somehow managed to get into the living room, clothes strewn along the path we took
She drops my boxers and I step out of them, then start pulling her panties down
Kicking them off, she bangs her leg into the coffee table, groaning in my mouth
"Are you ok?", I ask, as she sinks to the floor, her hand against her calf
Kneeling down too, I move her hand, seeing a bruise already forming
"Who cares?", she says, on her knees and pulling me back to her lips
Ok well if she doesn't care then I guess she's ok
I kiss her eagerly, just wanting to be back inside her
"Lay down", she says, breaking away from me
"Uh-", I start
"Lay down", she says, pushing me back, "I want to ride your dick"
Oh well ok then
I lay down, moving my legs under the coffee table
She immediately climbs in my lap and I'm hit with her gorgeous body that I neglected to look at before
I was too busy feeling and looking at her cunt
But goddamn her body is fucking gorgeous
With huge boobs
She spreads her legs wide, her feet flat on the floor, her hand holding my dick up
Her hole is already leaking, some of it dripping to my tip, turning me on so much more
She aligns me to her hole, sinking down on my head
"Fuck", I moan, watching her sit more and more on my cock, the familiar tugging of her pussy so good
As soon as she bottoms me out, she's already moving, sliding up and down my dick, throwing my entire body into bliss
"Yes fuck", she whines, bouncing on my cock so hard, her boobs jiggling so much
Her arms move behind her, her elbows on the coffee table as she leans against it, riding my dick like no one ever has before
Her tight cunt is creaming my cock so much already, it's all over my lap, not just my dick
Her legs are spread so wide, I have an amazing view of her hole splitting open as she takes me back in, her swollen lips wrapped beautifully around my length
Her head falls back, her bounces so fast, hard as she moans so erotically
"Yes, yes, yes. Fuck yes Yoongi. Oh my god Yoongi"
Hearing her moaning my name is such a fucking turn on
I want to hear it over and over, her voice so beautiful calling me
Her chest is heaving, beads of sweat trailing down her body towards her tiny pussy
She picks up her head, looking at me, lust in her eyes, her sweaty hair clinging to her body
Fucking ethereal
The sound of our skin slapping each other mixes with the loud squelching sound her drenched cunt makes when she takes me back in, making pornographic music sounding in the room
Add her moans to that and it's something I can listen to forever
"Yoongi!", she yells, "I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum"
Somehow her bounces become more rapid, more wild, her cunt clenching my cock in a vice grip
"Can I cum on your cock?", she cries, "Please, wanna cum on your cock"
"Yes jagi. Fuck, cum for me", I shout, wanting to feel that ecstacy again
"Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi!", she screams
Her body stiffens and shakes as she orgasms, squirt pouring from her cunt like a waterfall, completely soaking me
Her screams are beautiful and watching her cum is amazing as pure pleasure slams into my body
"Oh fuck", I moan, her cunt pulsing hard around my cock
"Again", she cries, as she finishes
Slipping down my dick, bottoming me out, she grinds against me, my head rubbing against her spot, "Again, Yoongi again"
"Yeah baby. Go ahead", I urge her
Her hips move quickly, hypnotically in a circular motion and I can't take my eyes away from her
As she grinds on me, her cunt spams hard around my cock, sending spikes of pleasure through my body
"Yes, yes fuck", she murmurs, her eyes closed, leaning back as she moves, "Fuck such a good cock. So fucking fat, so big. So fucking hard"
My mind explodes hearing her talk about my dick
"You like my cock jagi?", I ask, leaning up on my arms so I can sit up slightly and watch her better
"Love your cock Yoongi. Fuck, opens my pussy so well", she moans, her circles getting faster, "Love having your cock inside my pussy"
"I love being there", I assure her
Her fluttering around my length is getting faster, she's close
Leaning forward, I press my fingers to her clit, feeling it throb as I rub
"Yes, oh god", she cries, soaking me more
"Cream my cock baby", I murmur, "Make a pretty fucking mess"
"Yoongi!", she yells, tightening so much, her head leaning back, exploding all over me, bliss filling me
Her movements stall as she cums but I keep moving my fingers, rubbing her clit to keep her coming
Her cream leaks around us, the sight fucking mesmerizing
"Oh god Yoongi. Yes Yoongi"
Her body relaxes when she finishes, lifting her head and looking at me in amazement
"Good?", I ask
"Amazing", she breathes
Pulling her to me, I crash my lips to hers, kissing her wildly
She throws her arms around my neck, her fingers moving in my hair, pulling as she kisses me back
"Need to fuck you", I murmur between kisses
"Yeah Yoongi. Fuck want your cock so bad"
Oh fuck yeah
Pulling her off me, I maneuver her around, getting her to face the table on her knees
Shoving her down on it, I get behind her, shoving my cock inside her waiting cunt
"Yes fuck", she cries as I bottom out, her hands squeezing the edge of the table hard
Pulling my cock almost all the way out, I shove back inside, hitting her spot
"More Yoongi!"
I move quickly, thrusting into her warm pussy over and over, the feel of dragging in and out of her cunt so intense
"Fuck this pussy is perfect", I murmur in her ear, "Swallows my cock so easily. Throbs so greedily for me"
"Yes Yoongi", she whimpers, taking the pounding I'm giving her
Moving my arm around her, I press against her lower stomach, feeling it bulge everytime I fuck into her, driving me crazy
"This pussy takes my cock so deeply", I murmur, "Wants me all inside"
She nods, breathing hard
"You were made for me", I tell her, lost in the pleasure, lost in her
"Yeah Yoongi. I was", she whimpers
Pulling her back against me, I take her hand, moving it to her stomach, making her feel my cock move inside her
"Feel me fuck you jagi", I murmur, keeping my hand on top of hers, "You feel how deep I am inside you?"
"Yes", she shivers, "Fuck, harder Yoongi"
"Harder baby?", I tease
"Harder. I can take it", she groans, leaning her head against my shoulder
"I can fuck you harder baby but you have to cum for me"
"Yes, I will. I promise"
Touching her legs, I spread them wider, speeding up my movements and force, her dripping cunt leaking everywhere
She moans in my ear as I look down, her pretty neck on display and I get a sudden urge
Sliding my hand up her body, I wrap it around her neck, her pussy squeezing the life from me just as that moment
"Mmm is this what you want?", I tease, "You're pussy got so tight as soon as I grabbed your neck"
She moans wordlessly, her eyes closing
"Want to be choked?"
"Yes", she whispers, making my cock throb in excitement
I've done this before with other girls and I know I'm not going to hurt her
I know it's going to feel good for her and she's gonna cum so intensely
"You've been choked before?", I ask
I'm surprised at that, "By who?"
Jealousy floods my body at his name
She nods
"Did he feel as good as me?", I growl
"No...no", she moans, tears running, pleasure all over her face, "Nnn..nobody fff...feels as good as you"
"Did his cock feel as good as mine?"
"No! Fuck no!", she shouts
"Did he fuck you as good as I am?", I demand, slamming into her with each word
"Nnn....oh god Yoongi!", she cries, pleasure hitting me hard as she cums suddenly
Her hands grip my arm, her nails digging into my skin as she rides out her orgasm on my cock
When she finishes, I continue fucking her spot, growling in her ear, "Who fucks you the best? Don't fucking lie to me"
"You do! Oh god you do"
"Are you lying?"
"Nnn..no! Yoongi no!", she sobs, "You're the best. Fuck you're the best!"
"Damn right"
"Please", she cries, "Wanna cum"
"Again? You already came so much. Such a greedy cunt"
She nods, "Wanna cum on your cock. Want ..want .want...."
"What jagi? What do you want? Tell me"
"Want you to cum deep inside me", she wails, shocking me, "Please Yoongi. Wanna feel your cum in my pussy. Please"
"You'll get it baby", I promise her, "First you have to cum around my cock one more time"
She nods, hiccuping, "Ooo...ok. Choke me please"
I comply, squeezing her neck as I pound into her sweet pussy
Letting go, I let her breath then choke her again
Her cunt tightens, pulsing so hard, making me groan in pleasure, "Yes fuck. Good pussy"
Loosing my hand, she breathes, then I cut her air off again, pushing through her tightness, feeling each throb acutely against my cock
Her body shakes against me, her nails digging into my arm as she cums, feeling her pussy crying cream
When I let go of her neck, my name breaks the silence as she screams
Her orgasm throws me head first into my own, ecstasy washing over me as I shove my cock deep into her and cum inside her
"Joanne! Fuck jagi!", I yell, feeling her cunt milk my cock as unbelievable pleasure overtakes me, stars bursting in my vision
I've never fucking cum this hard before, my body is fucking shaking
We ride the pleasure together, holding her against me
When we finish, she slumps against me, her head leaning back on my shoulder, her forehead against my neck
I breathe in heavily, keeping her against me so she doesn't fall over
Pulling out, I maneuver so my arm is around her back and my other is under her legs so I can pick her up easily
Standing, I carry her to the bathroom
"Jagi, can you sit up for me?", I ask her as I put her on the sink counter
"Hmmm?", she murmurs, her eyes opening
"Sit up for me baby?"
"Oh, ok", she answers sleepily, sitting up
I still hold on to her because she's swaying but I'm able to reach a hand towel and run it under water
"Open you legs for me baby", I ask her
When she does, I move the towel between them, cleaning her up
I wet my hand and run it through her hair to wipe away some sweat
Taking another towel, I wipe her face, her neck and her chest
When I finish cleaning her up, I clean myself up while still holding on to her
I smile when I look at her, her eyes closed as she sways softly
Pulling her back in my arms, I pick her up again and carry her to my room
Putting her in my bed, I move the blanket over her
"Where... Yoongi...where are we?", she asks, her eyes opening tiredly
"In my room jagi. You're gonna stay with me tonight ok?", I tell her
She nods so sleepily, "Are...are you gonna hold me?"
I smile
Most definitely
But I don't want to seem too eager
"Do you want me too?"
She nods, yawning, "So much. Always want to be in your arms"
I'm shocked hearing her and I wonder if she knows what she's saying
Or if she's just babbling because she's exhausted
I don't know for sure but it sounds as if she's thought about me as more than a friend too
I lift her face to mine, her sleepy eyes gazing into mine
Without thinking, I lean down, pressing my lips to hers
Her hands slide slowly up my chest as she kisses me in the softest, sweetest kiss I've ever had
I fall into her kiss, into the feel of her soft lips against mine
It's everything I didn't know I needed, didn't know I wanted
And I want it with just her
When the kiss ends, she snuggles against me, her head slotted under my chin, her face against my chest
I just smile as I wrap one arm around her, keeping her against me
I run my fingers in her hair with my other hand, feeling the soft strands fall through my fingers
Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I say, "Night Jo"
"Night Yoongi", she murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to my chest
I smile widely as I continue to play with her hair
And it's in this moment, holding her in my arms, cuddling with her that I realize I'm utterly in love with her
It wasn't during sex or eating her out or even hearing about her and Hobi that made me realize it
It's now, in the feeling of how she belongs in my arms, in the feeling of wanting this every night, wanting her next to me every night, in the feeling of not knowing a better way of spending my night than with her that I know I'm in love
And I know, I'll do anything to be with her
Absolutely anything
"I love you", I whisper, fully expecting her to be asleep
"I love you too Yoongi", she murmurs, not opening her eyes
Instead she cuddles into me more and within minutes she's asleep, soft snores coming from her
She has no idea how she just rocked my world
No idea
And I can't wake her up to ask her about it
She's exhausted and she needs sleep
I just hope that I can fall asleep soon so I'm not tortured with thoughts of what will happen tomorrow
Fingers slowly run in my hair, feeling good as I wake up
I slowly open my eyes, her gorgeous face filling my vision
She's looking at me so lovingly and when she sees I'm awake, she smiles her gorgeous smile
It takes my breath away
She moves closer, kissing me softly
I kiss her back, moving my arms around her, holding her right against me
Her hands move into my hair, her leg going around my waist to get as close to me as possible, the kiss getting heated
Her wet pussy is rubbing against my cock, making me hard
Sliding my hand down her body, I feel her skin tremble against my fingertips
Getting to her ass, I squeeze, pushing her against my dick, my head slipping into her hole
Her hips move down, taking me more inside her and I take that as a cue to move
Pushing my hips forward, I sink into her tight pussy, opening her up on my cock
I slide all the way in, my head against her spot, her body shivering against mine
I pull out then slip back inside her so slowly, feeling every inch of her spreading for me
She moans in my mouth and I swallow it willingly
As I thrust softly into her, I move her on her back, going on top of her
Her hands move to my back, pulling me down, her soft skin flush against mine
Her legs open around my body, letting me thrust into her easier
"Yoongi", she moans between kisses, the sound of my name so pretty in her voice
God, I'm going to want to hear that all the time
I move just a bit faster, still going slow, feeling absolutely everything so acutely
Every clench her pussy does on my length, every gush of juice, every suck pulling me inside her, every inch of her spreading around me
I feel every tremble of her skin, every soft kiss, hear every moan, feel her fingers digging into my back, clinging to me
Her hips move, rolling into mine, meeting my strokes and taking me in deeper
My head hits her spot every thrust, my pelvis rubbing her clit with each move, her pussy getting so tight each time I go in
"Mmm baby", I murmur, both of us moving together, "Feels so good"
She nods, "So good"
I'm in so much pleasure it's insane
I had no idea that slow sex could be so blissful
But of course it's with her
I wouldn't want to feel this way with anyone else
Only her
"Yoongi", she murmurs, so close, her cunt gripping my cock in a vice grip
I am too, the pleasure incredible
Her arms move around my neck, her fingers in my hair, her forehead against mine, both of us breathing hard against each other's lips
I drive my cock into her as she meets me, going in fully
Her body arches as her pussy throbs uncontrollably around my cock, coming all over me as she whimpers my name
"Yoongi! Yoongi!"
Ecstacy tidal waves over me, stars blasting in my vision as I spill my cum inside her
"Joanne! Jagi, fuck"
God, it feels so fucking amazing
When we finish, I look down at her, her eyes are already on me
Her fingers bunch the back of my hair, her head lifting, her lips against mine again
I fall into her kiss, wanting her in my arms forever
"Yoongi", she murmurs between kisses, "I love you"
Happiness washes over me as her words sink in
And I realize that she was telling me the truth last night
She really loves me
"I love you Jo", I answer between kisses too, "I love you so much"
She breaks the kiss, looking at me so lovingly
"Do you mean it?", she whispers, "Because I don't think I could take it if it's just something you're saying in the moment. I have been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't mean it then tell me right now"
I had no idea that she's been waiting for me
She's had other boyfriends, I didn't think she saw me that way
She never showed me any indication of her having any feelings for me
I didn't know I had feelings for her until recently
But I love her and I'm not letting her think I don't love her
"I mean it Jo", I tell her, "I started having feelings for you recently. As more than a friend. But it wasn't until last night that I realized I'm completely in love with you"
She hesitates, "Was it because we had sex and then you realized it?"
I shake my head, "No baby. It was when I was holding you last night. When I realized how perfect you fit in my arms, how good it felt to hold you. When I realized that I want you with me every night. That I want nothing more than to spend all my free time, all my nights with you. That's when I realized I'm in love with you"
She smiles softly, "I'm in love with you too Yoongi. For a stupidly long time"
I run my fingers in her hair, "I'm sorry I took so long to see you jagi. But I swear, I will make everything up to you. I promise I'll show you how much I love you everyday"
She smiles nodding, "I promise I'll show you how much I love you too naekkeo"
I smile widely, so utterly happy I have her love
Pressing my lips to hers, we settle back into the bed, arms around each other and just kiss
We're not getting out of bed anytime soon
And I wouldn't have it any other way
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cheolaholic · 11 months
ring of love; csc (04)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
a/n; so… i missed out my upload timing for the past few weeks… i got so busy with going to dance lessons, going to cupsleeve and kpop dance events and job hunting 😵👊🏻 but now that i've calmed myself down, we're back to uploading !!
smol edit: realised i forgot to add the taglist at the end hsjcndksn
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when you started middle school, coincidentally you attended the same one where seungcheol is a high school senior. it eased your anxiety, but it lingered and seungcheol took notice as he walked beside you. “first day of school anxiety kicking in?” he asked, throwing an arm over your shoulder, “don’t overthink it, alright?
“i’m here, pup. but, remember that you need to stand up for yourself too, alright?”
nodding your head, seungcheol smiles as he gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “and if anyone decides to pick on you while i’m not around, just remember what i taught you, okay?”
over the past few months, before the school year started, seungcheol had offered to teach you a few self defence moves, alongside some sparring moves. your parents were worried when they saw you spar with seungcheol, seeing how the older boy had flipped you onto the cushioned mat of the studio. but, the boy assured them he was teaching you all this so that you’re able to defend yourself in the event he isn’t there with you.
“but, won’t she be all bruised up from all this?” your mother asked.
“mom, i’ll be fine,” you reassured her as seungcheol pulled you up onto your feet, “i need to be a big girl!”
as you both reached the gates of the school, seungcheol arm left your shoulder as he shoved both his hands into the pockets of his pants.
“ready for your first day, pup?”
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you didn’t like it here.
everyone was staring at you as you sat in your seat, causing your anxiety to spike. or maybe it’s all in your head and it’s just the imaginary audience kicking in. either way, it doesn’t ease the summersaults that were performing in your stomach.
when the school day started and the teacher had you introduce yourself to the class, you can only hope that lunch break arrives sooner so you can go find seungcheol - to which you did as soon as the lunch bell rang.
you ran up the stairs of the other school building, trying your best to ignore the possible stares from the upperclassmen - you just need needed seungcheol right now
when you reached the floor, a few upperclassmen that were standing in the hallway turned to look at you - and you froze.
as the staring continued, you took a few steps back, your fingers fidgeting with the hem of your skirt while tears began to well up in your eyes and your breathing quickened.
maybe it was a bad idea to come to this building. maybe it was a bad idea to look for suengcheol. maybe-
your head shot up, coming face to face with a concerned seungcheol. “pup, what happened?” seungcheol asked, placing a hand on your head, lightly petting it in an attempt to calm you down. you wanted to answer him, tell him what was wrong, tell him that the unfamiliar environment was spiking your anxiety.
but, you couldn’t.
“yo, seungcheol,” another student appeared next to the boy, slinging a hand over his shoulder. “who’s this cutie?”
when the student looked at you, seungcheol heard your breath hitch and at that moment, he  only had one objective in mind.
getting you to a quieter and less crowded area.
“sorry, baekho,” seungcheol spoke as he gave the boy an apologetic smile, “i’ll be eating lunch with ___ today.”
he then leads you out of the building, his hand holding yours as he brings you to the track field of the school. sitting you down on one of the bleachers, he tells you he’ll get some food for the both of you and that he’ll be back soon. as you sat on the bleacher, you continued to fidget with the hem of your skirt.
minutes went by and you felt your breathing steady, seungcheol had returned with a bottle of water and two lunchboxes. you both ate in silence, the older boy occasionally gazing over to check up on you. when you set the now empty lunchbox aside, seungcheol lightly rubs your back.
"feeling better, pup?" he asked in a soft voice, "is it still bad? do you want to go home?"
you shook your head. “come on, pup,” he spoke again, “i need you to talk to me. i may be able to know how you feel, but i’m not a mindreader. i can’t figure out what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
“i-it’s… i-i don’t know…” you couldn’t form words. you can’t help but feel pathetic - being so dependent on seungcheol that you can’t go a mere half day in a new environment without his presence beside you.
seungcheol lets out a small hum as he leans on his hands, looking up at the sky, thinking.
a few minutes later, he sat back up straight, his expression telling that he’s got an idea.
the older boy took off his nametag and took your hand, placing it in your palm.
“here, take this. you have a pattern of needing emotional support items.”
you stared at the nametag and looked at him, cocking your head to the side in confusion.
he chuckled at your response, his hand moving to pat your head.
“you depended on your strawberry pillow throughout kindergarten, your unicorn water bottle throughout elementary.”
your face flushed in embarrassment as seungcheol mentioned your unicorn water bottle.
it was a gift your grandparents had gifted you at the start of your elementary school year and you refused to part ways with it until you reached the age where bright, flashy unicorn water bottles don’t really appeal to you anymore. but, it still held a special place in your heart.
“but, won’t you get in trouble for not having a nametag?” you asked him, worried about the disciplinary actions he’d have to face since it was part of the dress code.
seungcheol shrugged, “i keep an extra in my bag, so it’s no problem.”
he then checked the time on his wristwatch.
“come on, pup. i’ll walk you back to the building and meet you at the gates after class, okay?”
as you both walked, you felt butterflies in your stomach from seungcheol’s kind gestures.
“hey, cheollie..?”
“thank you.”
“anything for you, pup.”
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it wasn’t unusual for you to be a target of bullying in the school, considering how close you were to seungcheol - it was something a lot of the girls, both lowerclassmen and upperclassmen, did not take a liking to.
it also wasn’t unusual for seungcheol to do his best to protect you.
do his best as in, try to always be there but most of the time he can’t as he might have basketball practice or his friends dragged him away before he was able to head over to where you were.
and unfortunately, today was one of those ‘most of the time’ days.
“just because seungcheol lets you cling onto him, means he’ll want to date you,” the upperclassmen girl spoke as she slams you against the locker, her hand holding a tight grip on your shoulder while your back stings from the harsh impact against the metal object. “who do you even think you are to always show up at our building?”
the other students crowd around you and the upperclassmen, curious and of course, nosy as to what the ‘confrontation’ is all about.
“hey,” she gritted out, pulling and slamming you against the locker once again, a soft whimper escaping your lips, “are you deaf or something? i’m talking to you!”
seungcheol… please… please help me…
an audible slap noise was heard - a burning sensation was felt on your right cheek while the other students gasped.
“i said, i’m talking to you! do you not know how to answer!?”
you don’t remember what exactly happened, but you do remember reaching your limit and fighting back. when you pushed the upperclassman away, glaring at her while telling her to stop picking on you just because she was jealous you were close to seungcheol, she decided to go rougher.
shoving you against the locker once again, she pulled at your hair and her grip was so tight, you could feel a few strands of hair being pulled out.
“say that again,” she hissed, eyes full of anger, “fucking say that one more time…”
"i said stop it!" you cried out, pushing at her to try and get her off you. "it's not my fault i'm close friends with seungcheol! and what makes you think he'll like you when this is how you act!?"
"why you little-"
"get your fucking hands off her!"
you felt the upperclassman get pulled away, a pair of hands coming to cup your face and lift up your head.
your tear filled eyes met seungcheol's that were filled with anger and worry. "___, are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, one hand brushing the strands of hair away from your face.
turning around to face the girl, anyone close enough to the front or center, could see the fury on seungcheol’s face. “what the fuck do you think you’re doing, heemin?”
“i-it’s not what it looks like!”
“not what it looks like? are you fucking kidding me!?”
“i don’t like how she’s always with you! is that wrong!?”
“yes! ___ did nothing wrong and yet you’re assaulting her, all because you’ve decided to have this weird claim on me!”
seungcheol felt you grab his blazer, tugging on it a few times - a silent beg for him to stop and get you away from the area.
taking a deep breath to calm himself down, seungcheol spoke up in a deep, calm yet intimidating tone, “if anyone lays a finger, even on one single hair on ___, you all answer to me.” he then grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the crowd. as he lead you away from the area, you quietly called out his name.
“i’m sorry you have to always save me…”
seungcheol stopped in his tracks, frowning as he turns to look at you. “what’s there to be sorry about, ___?”
“aren’t you tired of having to come and defend me from messes like these?”
“___, i care about you. i would rather die than know you’re being bullied, but decided to just sit on it.”
it felt odd to have someone other than your parents care for you. and it doesn’t really help your growing feelings towards the older male in front of you.
seungcheol took a step forward, cupping your face and tilts your head up to meet his eyes.
“look at me, pup. do you trust me?”
sniffling as you nod your head and seungcheol felt his heart sank as he sees your tears escape your eyes. wiping away your tears with his thumb, he gives you a gentle smile.
“then trust me when i say, as long as i’m here, no-one can hurt you.”
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you remembered how you met your first and probably only friend in middle school. it was right after summer break when your homeroom teacher announced a new transfer student. however, you weren’t paying attention; just staring out the window, wondering when the school day would be over.
it was during lunch break, as you were about to go find seungcheol that the new transfer student approached you.
“hi!” she greeted cheerfully, glancing at your nametag, “___, right?”
you looked up at her with a blank look, her looking back at you with a bright smile. when you nod your head, she reaches out a hand and introduces herself. “i’m aki, kim aki! i’m your new classmate!”
“nice to meet you, aki.” you responded in a soft voice.
“do you want to have lunch together?”
her question caught you off guard. someone wanted to eat with you?
aki looks at you with a smile on her face, waiting for your answer. too scared to reject her, you nodded your head and her smile widened.
cheollie: pup, i got dragged away by baekho
cheollie: something about needing me to be his wingman
puppy: oh...
puppy: well, the new girl asked me to join her for lunch
puppy: so i guess it’s fine?
cheollie: oh?
cheollie: is my puppy finally going to have a new friend?
cheollie: i’m so proud
puppy: wow, you’re dramatic
cheollie: don’t scare her off, okay?
puppy: what is that supposed to mean?
cheollie: pup, have you seen your resting face?
puppy: …
puppy: i hate you
cheollie: take care, alright?
cheollie: i’ll see you at the gates when school is over
puppy: alright
“i heard you’re very close to one of the upperclassmen,” aki said casually as she takes a bite out of her rice ball, not noticing how you tensed up. “what was his name again? choi seungjoo? seungchae?”
“...seungcheol…” you corrected her, your voice quiet, “his name is seungcheol…”
aki notices your tense demeanour and immediately assures you that it’s not what you were thinking. “i’m just curious. i was told by a few people to stay away or that if i were to ‘chase after seungcheol’, you’d be an obstacle i’d have to overcome.” she laughs it off and leans forward a little, lowering her voice a little. “you don’t have to worry, though~ between you and me, i think you and him look cute together.” when aki notices the faint blush that paints your cheeks afterwards, a grin spreads across her lips. “i knew it! don’t worry, i won’t tell~”
instead of feeling uneasy, you felt… comforted by aki’s presence.
maybe having another friend might not be such a bad thing after all.
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one thing you’ve come to realise about aki as the friendship blossomed is that she is the complete opposite of you - both of you would be the typical extrovert-introvert duo dynamic. in contrast to you spending your weekends staying at home either reading your books or just surfing the web, aki would be spending her weekends going to the city parts in daegu shopping, cafe-hopping; even busking as revealed during one of her visits to your home, she enjoys singing and occasionally busks with the buskers she befriended.
she also dresses differently where her clothes just showed her personality - colourful, patterns, accessories and different shoes for each outfit. whereas you preferred to dress simple - until one weekend, aki had dragged you out to myeongdong (with seungcheol tagging along since your parents had tasked him to watch over you girls and he had a driving licence to drive the three of you to and from).
seungcheol watched quietly as aki dressed you up during the shopping spree, occasionally complimenting you whenever aki finished and needed a third opinion. by the end of the weekend, you had a whole new wardrobe and an entire collection of makeup which aki would both teach and help you out with.
“um, are you sure that stuff will wash off?” your voice filled with uncertainty as you watch the small tube of glittering liquid she calls an ‘eye glitter’. “babes, i’ve put this on my eyes thousands of time so, trust me when i say this is safe and washes off.” aki assures you as she starts applying it onto your eyelid.
instructing you to keep your eyes closed, she began to use a hand fan to fan at your face to dry the substance. “how are you so good at makeup at thirteen?” you can’t help but ask. in your eyes, aki’s makeup talents was up to par with those makeup artists for models and idols. when you feel the fanning stop, you open your eyes and aki had the biggest grin on her face.
“my mom is a model and my dad is her makeup artist! so everything i know, i learnt from them and a couple of youtube videos!”
“whoa… is that how they met?”
“yeap! mom had a gig in japan, dad was the makeup artist the company hired and it was love at first sight.”
swiping the lipstick applicator across your lips, aki’s grin widens as she grabs a mirror to how you the finished look. you looked at your reflection in awe, amazed by aki’s talents.
“oh! i also got something for you!”
digging through her bag, she pulled out a bracelet with a little black ghost charm, taking your hand and fastening it around your wrist. as you stared at the bracelet, she lifts one of her hands, revealing a similar bracelet but instead of black ghost charm, it was a white ghost charm.
“i was in the city the other day with my parents and saw these matching bracelets! the little ghosts are so cute, and look!” placing her hand next to yours, the ghost charms clink together, as if they’re holding their little ghost hands.
“they stick together! just like the both of us, best friends!”
her statement caught you off-guard.
you had given a thought to your friendship with aki. it was similar to the friendship you had with seungcheol, minus the crush, obviously. you had considered aki to be a close friend of yours, but you hadn’t expected her to call you her best friend. noticing your reaction, aki’s smile faltered a little and that was the first time you’ve seen a hint of sadness in her.
“do you… do you not like it..?” aki asks, her hand slowly pulling away from yours. “i-i’m sorry, i just… i just thought that…”
you immediately shook your head, hands flying to grab hers. “n-no! i do like it!” you rushed out, “i just… i just wasn’t expecting you to get me this… or even call me your best friend…”
aki blinks once.
then twice.
and proceeds to burst out laughing.
“why wouldn’t i?” aki questions, wrapping her arms around you, engulfing you in a tight hug. “sure, i have a few other friends to hang out with. but, neither of them share the same bond you and i share! i could maybe even top your friendship with seungcheol!”
“hey now, don’t go stealing my puppy.”
turning both your attention to the door of your room, you and aki come face to face with seungcheol, his figure leaning against your doorframe.
“your puppy?” aki gives you a teasing smile, noticing the blush on your face when the older male refers to you as his puppy. “i’d like to see you try and take ___ away from me!”
“you’re on, brat.”
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taglist (unable to tag a few ㅠㅠ)
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwoo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock @kwonhoeshi @minhui896 @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ru-lin @deobiforever @belladaises @cheoliekkuma @duskunt1ldawn @hyneyedfiz @marshmallowshouse @ak6ko @chwevernonlover @jejuboo-s @tsukinluv @atinytinaa @gyros-cum-sock @soupbinlily @jungwoos-luvr @ener-energy @watermelon-sugars-things @cyberpunkhwx @ddaengpotate @nightwingsrobbinhoods @chaerrylov3r @joshuaahong @wonussmile @uliceeeeeeee @wonwoo24 @shinetogether17 @simplejihoon @luvkpopp
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tiny-pretty-sana · 8 months
ceo!jeonghyo | headcanons
pairing: jeongyeon x jihyo warning: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni a/n: everything takes place in the push and pull universe
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after everything that happened, jeongyeon makes sure to text or call jihyo whenever they go on a date or have sex. sometimes it's messages letting her know she's home and sometimes it's just memes, but jihyo knows why she does it and she couldn't be more grateful.
it has taken them several dinners at the same restaurant, late-night conversations accompanied with some wine or beer depending on the occasion, pillow talks on jeongyeon's bed, calls on sleepless nights and text messages at any time of the day, but they are finally dating. 
their relationship is official, but secret until they know what to do when it's time to go public (if they do not get caught first).
it's a secret to everyone but nayeon, she was told the day after the fight she witnessed between the two of them.
besides nayeon, sana and mina have their suspicions which they have obviously shared with momo because they are afraid of losing the extra money they get for their spying work.
jeongyeon was the one who told everything to nayeon. They made the decision by playing rock paper scissors and jeongyeon won, but when she saw that jihyo started to cry because she lost. she gave her another chance and switched from rock to paper quickly to let jihyo win.
jihyo has never regretted being so impulsive as she is at the moment. maybe the fact that they are interesting public figures for the press is more her fault and not so much the fact that they are the ceos of the country's most important companies.
a year ago a magazine contacted her offering her an interview and a photo shoot. she has never really been interested in that part of the business, so she turned it down. but when she saw jeongyeon on the cover of that same magazine the following month she pulled some strings and secured a cover and a feature story in vogue magazine. 
they did a great job and the photos still go viral from time to time, especially among certain sectors of female fans of the kpop groups they manage, but the price to pay is to be recognized in public even by people who aren't aware of their corporate work in tech. 
this doesn't stop them from meeting up for coffee, going to each other's companies, going on dates away from the city center, playing golf and taking the occasional short trip to nearby countries.
they both love to travel to remote places, take walks holding hands discreetly and enjoy the sense of privacy and anonymity that these places give them.
their favorite part of these little trips, besides this feeling of freedom, is trying new food.
their busy schedules don't allow them to see each other as much as they would like to, but they have already given up their workaholic schedules and are taking more vacations than ever.
in addition, jihyo has started staying frequently at jeongyeon's house.
on lazy days, which are the few days they can eat at home, jeongyeon cooks, jihyo helps her, they clean up together, and they play video games until late at night.
once jihyo got so angry, convinced that jeongyeon was cheating at the game, that she called her driver in the middle of the night and went home.
the next morning she was sorry and showed up at her office with her favorite food and one of the most expensive lego sets on the market.
jihyo loves to arrange plans with jeongyeon and always tries to adjust them to her girlfriend's mood as she is a more introverted person.
if jeongyeon prefers spending a day at home she makes sure to buy snacks, food, a video game or whatever jeongyeon asks for. she doesn't care if it means canceling a reservation at an exclusive restaurant or losing the money for the reservation at a luxurious spa.
there are days when jihyo gets too stressed out and the only thing that helps is to text jeongyeon who doesn't hesitate to pick her up and just drive around while they are quietly enjoying some background music.
their love languages are acts of service, spending quality time and of course, bickering.
jihyo tends to be more expressive and does not hesitate to let jeongyeon know her feelings through words or displays of affection. 
jeongyeon, as jihyo often calls her to tease her, is such a tsundere. she is not as vocal and would rather tease her or pull away when jihyo is going to caress or kiss her on the cheek, especially if they are in her office or around nayeon.
as their relationship is progressing jeongyeon has learned to receive compliments and displays of affection, she is still not very vocal, but from time to time she leaves her notes or cards where she expresses herself better.
jihyo has been keeping all those notes and letters along with some tickets, cards and other small things that she takes as souvenirs of her dates or trips. 
while jihyo loves to give expensive and luxurious gifts like designer clothes, jeongyeon usually gives more practical gifts like the set of knives she gave her after cooking at her girlfriend's house for the first time. 
when they are in private and in intimate moments they both love to cuddle and jihyo is most of the time the big spoon. 
once jihyo jokingly said that nayeon would love to know that and jeongyeon threatened to hack her company if that information came out of her room. 
when jeongyeon is sick or feeling down she gets so clingy and jihyo hates herself a little bit because she loves this side of her girlfriend.
when it all got sorted out they agreed to take things slow, but after a week they just couldn't keep their hands to themselves.
but you can't blame them, they're trying to make up for lost time and they have a lot of things to try. and neither of them couldn't stop thinking about that first night they spent together.
they're both switches but jihyo is more dominant and jeongyeon is more submissive.
jihyo doesn't mind giving or receiving, as long as she's in charge.
jeongyeon doesn't enjoy leadership and being in charge of so many things and people at work so she's more than happy to let jihyo take control in bed. and well she's such a people pleaser, especially when it comes to jihyo. 
it actually caught jihyo by surprise to find out during one of their conversations that jeongyeon used to consider herself a service top. it actually didn't really surprise her that she enjoys pleasing her partners. once or twice jeongyeon has even cum untouched just by eating her out, but she was more surprised because she is so good at receiving.
she feels really lucky to be one of the few people who have been able to see jeongyeon being a whining mess under her.
to no one's surprise jihyo is more vocal than jeongyeon during sex, she really loves dirty talk and she's so good at it. she's also loud and although at first she always tries to keep her composure once she lets herself go she will scream jeongyeon's name loud and clear, it doesn’t matter if anyone can hear her.
jeongyeon is not as vocal, in fact she only speaks when jihyo asks her something and asks her to use her words. she is quite silent but she definitely gets more whinny and sounds much sweeter and needy than jihyo.
jeongyeon would rather use her mouth for other purposes. over time for jihyo, her girlfriend's oral fixation it is more than obvious. she loves to have her mouth busy with anything from her girlfriend's lips, her fingers, her nipples or her cunt to a dildo.
that last one has made jihyo discover a few things about herself.
since the first night they spent together, jihyo’s favorite thing is enjoying the view of her girlfriend kissing, licking or sucking with her beautiful lips glistening with saliva, her juices or her cum. that image she was sucking on her finger and the eating her out while looking up at her drove her insane.
and jeongyeon seems to enjoy it as much or more than she does. but the day jihyo had her sucking off her strap while on her knees… that image altered her brain chemistry.
for jeongyeon it has also been an experience that has awakened many things in her and made her curious about things she had never imagined before. she loves to worship every corner of jihyo's body with her lips, her tongue and occasionally her teeth. especially her breasts and she loves to be between her legs. 
another of jeongyeon's favorite positions is having jihyo sit on her face, it's not something new but she can't get enough of it. 
they are both willing to try new things, but jihyo is usually the one who dares to bring it up, always testing the waters first, as she knows that sometimes jeongyeon can feel a little overwhelmed since she is the one who has been testing her limits and stepping out of her comfort zone.
jeongyeon has discovered many things with jihyo that she didn't even dare to fantasize about before, but her girlfriend makes her feel so comfortable and safe that sometimes she has dared to ask for new things.
one of those things was having jihyo use the strap on her, something she had never tried before because she was always the one wearing it. now it's one of her favorite things, she likes it so much that just seeing jihyo wearing it makes her ruin her boxers.
on one of her romantic escapades jihyo was feeling bold and went out packing. when she hugged jeongyeon from behind and she noticed it, jeongyeon swears that she had never been turned on so quickly before. 
jihyo tortured her throughout the day and wouldn't let her call a taxi to go back to the hotel, besides that she made a reservation at a restaurant and made her dress up while she was wearing a dangerously short dress and heels making her notice it just in the perfect spot. 
the image of jihyo in heels while wearing the strap is a recurrent one when jeongyeon gets off. 
jihyo prefers wearing the strap, but sometimes she asks jeongyeon to wear it for her and loves to ride her while jeongyeon sucks and plays with her tits. 
in bed jihyo always calls jeongyeon "baby", "good girl", "pretty girl" or "babygirl".
depending on the day and the mood the two of them are in, jeongyeon calls her "baby" or "m'am", although she has blurted out "mommy" on some occasions. the first time it happened jeongyeon blushed and died of embarrassment but jihyo came right away.
another new thing they've tried is jeongyeon riding jihyo's thigh and sitting on jihyo's face. for the second one jihyo had to beg her, because she insisted that jihyo is too petite. jihyo assured her that she was more than capable to handle it and even tried to flex her muscles while they were naked on the bed, so jeongyeon ended up agreeing because she found it adorable (and because she was dying to know how it felt).
lately jihyo has been curious about seeing jeongyeon wearing a collar and leash.
after spending an hour riding jeongyeon's face and losing count of how many times she made her cum. jeongyeon completely shy and blushing, told her that she had been thinking about eating her ass for a while, but as soon as she said it, she turned bright red and asked her to forget about it.
jihyo assured her that she didn't have to be embarrassed because she knows that she has tried many new things that even if she ended up liking them more she did them out of her desire to please her. after that and a little talk, jihyo admitted that she didn't know how to feel about it but she would think about it.
jihyo knows her girlfriend won't disappoint her if they try it, but she's worried about being in such a vulnerable and exposed position.
the truth is that she hasn't stopped thinking about it since then, and the idea is becoming less and less intimidating to her.
both of them take aftercare very seriously. sometimes it's jihyo who takes the lead in this part and sometimes jeongyeon, depending on which of the two is less exhausted. 
jihyo always makes sure to ask jeongyeon how she feels, if she liked it, if there is anything she didn't like so much or if she would like to repeat this or that. she makes sure to let her know how good she has been and how well she has taken it, she showers her with compliments especially when they have explored with the degradation kink which is not one of their favorites, but they enjoy it from time to time. 
she also cleans her up, gives her water or brings her snacks to bed before she falls asleep.
jeongyeon tries to use words more and more especially at aftercare time, because she knows that despite the facade she tries to show jihyo sometimes just needs to hear words of reassurance and sometimes being babied, even though she never admits it. 
she always gives her water and sometimes tea when she has screamed a lot and before she goes to sleep she makes sure she goes to the bathroom to clean herself up, a moment she uses to put on clean sheets at full speed when things get too messy.
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mirkcalla · 3 days
alerta de vídeo muito boooom!!! botei na tv, mutei o som e botem pra tocar minha playlist de girl group de kpop enquanto fazia, me motivou muuuito, dancei até um pouco mais depois!! em 30min, mais de 4 mil passos e 200kcal queimadas! <3 (ゝω・´★)
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not-goldy · 1 year
Jikook sexual liberation ish time? Meaning you feel like they’re not committed to monogamous relationship?
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What has sexual liberation got to do with monogamy?
Are we perhaps, high? Whatever you took, I want som
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If anything, I think it means I think they were sexually repressed before. That's pretty obvious you know💀
The concept of sexual liberation is founded on the ideas and conditionings of society that restricts people's sexual expression, ideas that s3x is wrong and sinful and people who have it ought to be ashamed. Liberation in this sense is freeing oneself from those restrictions, the stigma, and shame we internalize and associate with their sexual expression.
For Kpop idols, they are forced to repress those feelings in order to maintain a pure innocent and almost childlike facade. Anything beyond this is met with instant slut shaming and often treated as a scandal for an idol to even say that they are dating as a result of this.
For instance, Park Jimin had to apologize to his audience before giving a performance because a bunch of ladies were going to hover over him as part of the performance.
I'm not a Pink cadet but those girls especially Lisa has been receiving some heavy backlash for her sexy dances and short shorts lately.
Kpop fans enjoy sexualizing idols but hate it when idols sexualize themselves.
Jimin pointed out how it was weird for them to give sexual performances as kids but how now it suits them as they are grown- and yet it is at this grown stage in their lives that people expect them to restrict their sexual expressions. The irony of it.
Jimin wants to be licked and sucked and fucked and there's no shame in that whatsoever. He's not a slut for wanting to experience something as primal as an orgasm.
Namjoon is branded sexist and misogynist for singing about his desires- I admit he could have chosen better words for that but still. Let's not pretend we weren't mad he was expressing his sexual desires for women. Choice words aside, we were going to drag him anyways💀
Jungkook wants to fuxk. It don't make him a fuxk boy.
They should all be free to sing and talk about sex without feeling a need to apologize for it.
They are not kids anymore.
That's what I meant by sexual liberation in case that wasn't clear.
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xolilith · 2 years
Before Midnight - Jung Jaehyun
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n/a: olá! gente, essa é inspirada na forma que normalmente acontecem os filmes dessa triologia? é só uma conversa normal 👉👈 talvez eu faça outros nesse molde porque eu acho interessante!
Era eufemismo dizer que ser manager de um grupo de Kpop mundialmente famoso era cansativo. Era cansativo e todos os adjetivos possíveis que existem sobre também ser desgastante. Ainda mais no meio de uma tour como acontecia nos últimos meses.
Eram raros os momentos em que você podia respirar e ouvir os próprios pensamentos. Porém, durante aqueles dias em que estavam passando por seu país de origem, você resolveu se dar pelo menos algumas horas de férias.
Sentou-se na cobertura do hotel, a paisagem desenvolvida e luminosa de São Paulo enche seus olhos, fazem par com o som aconchegante e intenso da sua playlist de Jazz/Blues. Você tem uma taça e uma garrafa de vinho que recém fora aberta e uma vasilhinha redonda também jaz no seu colo, cheia de algumas frutas como uvas, ameixas e morangos.
Respira fundo, fechando os olhos ao sentir a brisa quente do verão brasileiro. No entanto, entreabe-os outra vez ao sentir a presença quieta que se põe ao seu lado, desvia sua atenção aos olhos castanhos que a olham tímidos.
– Jaehyun-ssi... – Murmura, alarmada ao vê-lo ali. – Tudo bem?
– Sim, tudo bem... Eu posso me sentar aqui? – Aponta para a outra cadeira ao seu lado.
Você assente com a cabeça, ajeita a postura.
– Desculpa, eu não queria atrapalhar seu momento sozinha.
– Tudo bem – Você garante, oferece das frutas e vinho, que é negado educadamente. – Sem sono?
– Sim. Acho que é o fuso horário.
– Entendi.
– E você, tá gostando de estar em casa?
– Muito, mesmo que parcialmente em casa.
– Eu sinto muito. Deve ser horrível ficar tanto tempo longe de casa, e mesmo tão perto, você não pode ir.
Você da de ombros, não era grande coisa afinal.
– Ossos do ofício. – Responde, simples.
Ficam em silêncio, enquanto outra música recomeça.
– Etta James. – Jaehyun afirma, ao escutar a voz potente e irônica de I want to make love to you. – Eu adoro ela. – Fita seu rosto. – Não imaginava que gostasse desse tipo de música.
– Que tipo de música você acha que eu gosto?
– Hm, algo como Pop.
– Eu gosto de todo tipo. Adoro a Etta porque as músicas dela me fazem sentir num dia chuvoso e solitário.
Você esclarece.
– Pura melancolia.
– É... – Confirma, rindo. – Mas eu também adoro Chet Baker. Acho que é o contrário dela, apesar de ser, basicamente, quase o mesmo gênero.
– Não mesmo! – Exclama desacreditado. – O Chet Baker é um dos meus favoritos. E você tá certa. Enqunto a Etta traz um sentimento intenso, um tanto quanto triste e, às vezes, irônico. O Chet baker é suave e aconchegante.
– É um equilíbrio perfeito... – Concorda. – Eu tinha visto em alguns dos seus vlogs esse seu gosto pelo blues.
– Você assiste aos meus vlogs?
Dá de ombros.
– Faz parte do meu trabalho conferir.
– O quanto você me conhece, então?
– Eu nunca disse que conhecia. – Responde, rápida. – Tudo que eu sei sobre você é o que você mostra aos fãs. Isso não é conhecer alguém.
– Você tem um ponto.
– Ainda mais você. – Pontua. – Você é muito... – Franze o cenho, pensativa. – Ah! qual seria a palavra? – Pergunta a si mesma. – Reservado. Um dos mais reservados do grupo. Um enigma.
– Um enigma? – Indaga, surpreso e você murmura em concordância "Aham". – Eu não acho que eu seja um enigma. Okay. Você pode fazer qualquer pergunta pra mim agora.
– Você quer que eu te conheça, então?
Indaga, risonha. E obtém uma resposta rápida e assertiva.
– Quero.
Aperta os olhos na direção dele. Porém sorri, presunçosa.
– O que você teria sido se não cantor? – Reitera. – Por que cantor?
Ele gargalha, joga a cabeça para trás.
– De todas as perguntas, você quer saber isso? – Assente. – Quer dizer, você não considera o caminho artístico um bom caminho?
– Não é isso. – Ri, um pouco envergonhada e se retrata – É só que o caminho artístico é como um tiro no escuro, não basta só você se achar talentoso, as outras pessoas também tem que te verem da mesma forma. E pra ser sincera, você é muito talentoso, Jaehyun. E o que eu quero saber é só se além de ser um artista, você nunca cogitou outro caminho.
– Eu queria ser um pai. – Responde, simples.
Você estala a língua no céu da boca. Ri.
– Sem essa, Jaehyun.
– É sério! Eu queria ser um pai, um marido. Acho que eu sempre admirei a forma como o casamento dos meus pais funcionava, como eles me criaram. O companheirismo entre eles me fez desejar me sentir assim com alguém também.
Você escuta com atenção e em silêncio. Assente com a cabeça, compreensiva.
– Você nunca pensou em ter alguém assim?
Jaehyun quer saber.
– Eu? Bem, acho que durante um tempo eu pensei em como seria amar alguém assim, e dividir uma vida, e ter filhos. Mas eu perdi boa parte do encanto e não vejo mais uma vida assim como algo incrível ou essencial. Na verdade, eu não espero encontrar alguém com que eu possa dividir uma vida.
Jaehyun assente com a resposta. É compreendida. O silêncio recai, ao passo que vocês bebericam o vinho, e você mastiga alguns morangos.
– Mas não é solitário pensar dessa forma? A maioria dos humanos tem a necessidade de amar.
– Eu nunca disse que não queria amar. Eu só não quero dividir minha vida, ou ter filhos, mas eu amo. Até demais, inclusive.
– Eu não imaginaria isso de você.
– Tá vendo? Você também não me conhece.
– É... – Sopra uma risadinha com seu tom divertido. – Mais uma coisa em comum.
Em silêncio, observam o começo do cair do outro dia. Meia noite é o que você vê no visor do celular ao ver a hora. Murmura num gemido cansado "já é tão tarde"; fita-o.
– Nós deveríamos ir descansar.
Jaehyun diz. Levantam-se, caminham até a saída do terraço. Uma breve despedida antes de se separarem e, antes de se afastarem, você vira-se.
– Ei! Jaehyun!
Ele aproxima-se outra vez, as mãos no bolso da calça. Encosta-se na parede para ouvir o que você tem a dizer.
– Tem um cantor, brasileiro, que é bem parecido com seu estilo.
– Qual o nome?
– Tim maia.
– Tim Maia? – Repete, com o sotaque forte, como se tentasse gravar o nome.
Você assente.
– Isso. Tim Maia. Você não vai se arrepender.
– Eu tenho certeza que não. – Sorri, acentuando as covinhas; acena com a mão antes de começar a se afastar outra vez. – Boa noite.
– Boa noite, Jaehyun.
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badelulu · 1 month
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Heaven knows
PinkPantheress ▪︎ album / 2023
[MY SOTY's] Ai essa querida! Uma das minhas mais novas faves atualmente, pink a senhora sabe fazer um som, ne.
Assim cada faixa tem muita coisa. Beats de kpop e vários outros estilos atuais e muita coisa Y2K, que ela ama (e eu também old). BPM acelerado outra marca da diva, perfeito pra uma ondinha bem vibes kk.
Voz impecável e o que falar da estética dessa era (sério, muito linda mona - a pomba memorável -). Tem duas das minhas songs mais ouvidas no último ano.
faves ✨️: Capable of love, Another life, Nice to meet you, Mosquito
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daemonwritesstuff · 5 months
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A/N: Hihi! I finally got this out! I’ll be working on your other one soon, I’ve been really busy lately since schools almost over and I’m trying my best to get more matchups out, enjoy! and these are shorter due to how many fandoms there are.
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ SUKUNA RYOMEN!
I really adore this pairing so much 😭❤️ innocent gf x cold-hearted bf (expect he’s not cold-hearted towards his gf aka you).
He really adores your style, it’s probably the reason why he got attracted to you in the first place, he is probably willing to do spa days with you to make you happy if you’d like because he’ll (actually) burn the world down if you’d ever like.
He likes that your smart! You’ll always understand his jokes and be able to come back at him with jokes as well. He also enjoys hearing you sing, he’ll secretly watch you do plays if you ever do them.
I feel like he would go roller skating with you and almost falls but catches himself so he doesn’t get made fun of by his beloved, he will SPOIL you on dates, trust.
[ TBHK ]
You pulled hanakos twin brother huh… that’s very nice, anyways I feel like this pairing is also very unique and perfect, he gets super curious about you when he first meets you, he also teases you for being very naïve.
But he doesn’t mind whatsoever, he thinks your really cute, he loves playing with your hair a lot, he really adores any soft pink or pastel colors on you, he thinks you look good in anything!
He would do amusement park dates with you for SURE, but he’s very energetic so you’ll have to do your best and catch up with him, hopefully that won’t be too much of a big deal for you.
He will buy you so much taro milk teas and kitkats whenever you want, he’ll probably steal those from people but it’s out of love <3 I also think he listens to kpop too, just mostly girl groups like newjeans, gidle or like red velvet.
This pairing is so, so SOOO cute!! he’s super gentle and carrying towards you, he’s always protecting you from hurting yourself or if some bullies ever start picking on you.
He’ll be there for you whenever you start zoning out and pointing out to whatever you were doing or tell you what you might’ve missed, also you guys listen to music a lot together!
he’s in love with your style! especially your coquette kind of look, he thinks pink suits you really well then anyone else, you guys also go out to get boba tea or go to any mexican restaurants for burritos!
As for what I said, he’ll give you a lot of gifts and provide all the love languages you want, he’ll always hold hands with you if you ever need it, he’ll also be there to reassure you and call you sweet names <3
This may be surprising to you but I feel like he would be the best pairing for this one! He’s very understanding of your ADHD and will help you however he can.
He’s very attracted to your style, the way you present yourself, your personality, basically everything made him fall for you, he loves seeing you in pink and will compliment the shit out of you!
I think he’ll give you a lot of gifts, usually small ones and big ones for anniversaries, birthdays, etc, he also loves watching you help people, he feels warmth whenever your being nice to people and him
he would dance with you! and he also loves hearing you sing, you sound so divine to him, power couple here.
I think he would like you so much, platonically AND romantically, he thinks your better than the rest of your classmates, your also really chill like him, he’ll tease you maybe here and there but it’s just playful.
he’ll snap you out of whatever you’ve been dreaming of, he’s your body guard for sure, a free one actually, it’s cute how naïve you can be so he’ll probably want to protect you at all costs.
he’ll go out with you to anywhere you’d like! I can see you guys having lunch dates or going to relax somewhere and talk about each others interests while drinking boba tea <3
He’ll definitely roller skate with you! Honestly, he’s pretty good at a lot of things so he’s be happy to do anything with you!
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ DABI
I think he would like having you as a partner so much, your very comforting towards him, like a cozy fire.
he loves how nice you are to him, even if he doesn’t show it through his emotions but he’ll show it through his love languages which would be gift giving at the most, later on he would start to get comfortable with cuddling you.
He supports your dreams of becoming a teacher! He’ll support any dreams you have and he’ll be there for you 100% of the time, he believes in you and you believe in him, you are his rock.
I promise I didn’t match you with him because your a theater kid 😭 but also you just suit him really well! he finds you very entertaining and also you brought a lot of light into his life when he was in the dark.
you bet he’ll spoil you, he’s the king of hell and he’s very rich, like REALLY rich, he’s the leader of hell anyways so why not use that money for his loved ones? he’ll take you to get boba and he’ll take you to amusement parks as well, including his own amusement park!
He also has some trouble of expressing his feelings, if took him a little while to come out of the hole to even say that he’s fallen for you…
He’ll also be zoned out at some points too, it’s just a thing he’s had for a long time now, so it’s now something you both can relate on! you guys are the best couple frfr !
He would love you so much!!! seriously though! he may be worried sometimes since he cares about you and wants the best for you so he’ll help you with your ADHD and other problems.
he spoils you with gifts so much, and he runs on coldness a lot so if you ever cuddle try not to complain about him being really cold against you.
he’ll definitely take you for picnic dates! and he’ll possibly take you out to go see fireworks and watch how your eyes watch in amazement and twinkle.
he also loves the way you dress! his dark style and your feminine style really clash together so well, he’ll carry you bridal style or give you piggy backs, he’s very tall and strong.
( ^ω^ ) JING YUAN
He’s been really interested in you ever since you interacted with him, you looked so cute and petite in his eyes and he knew he had to keep you!
he’ll bring in a lot of snacks and drinks for you, you also sit on his lap while he works on paperwork or you’ll just be in his office while he prepares for his next mission to wherever, he loves it whenever you hug him and kiss him.
he’ll also bring you back to reality whenever you zone out and tell you to go take a break for a little while, he cares about you as well and doesn’t want anything bad happening to you.
He also likes seeing you roller skate around anywhere and also likes watching you dance as well and will possibly pull you into a slow dance.
He really liked you since the beginning of when you came to the school, you looked super cute to him and he doesn’t look down on you that much, mostly just teasing though.
he’s a very lazy person ngl, he likes any sort of cuddling with you, you guys also take naps with each other a lot, just being in your own little worlds with each other.
will also buy you snacks and drinks, or fast food! that’s his other way of showing you his love, if you ever go outside he’ll roller skate with you and take you to any amusement park close to you guys.
your style is so cute to him! please put any accessories on him and tease him!! he’ll be very flushed when he wakes up or realizes he’s been bedazzled, fluffy couple hehe.
((((;゚Д゚))))))) BELPHEGOR
He really likes your energy, your the least annoying than his brothers are, he can chill with you a lot since you aren’t that much of a annoyance to him at all.
He also loves how naïve you are, and how you zone out at times, he’ll tease you but he doesn’t really mind, you guys definitely take a lot do naps together.
you guys also have takeout a lot, even though Lucifer says how unhealthy it is but you guys don’t really give a fuck anyways, you guys also go outside a lot too, but it’s relaxing and it’s just a picnic and he’ll watch you roller skate around the park.
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dollechan · 8 months
são oito da manhã e eu tô sem nada pra fazer então vou fazer uma lista de alguns dos melhores álbuns de ggs do kpop 🤷🏻‍♀️
• Pink Tape - f(x) quem nunca ouviu esse álbum OUÇA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL, ele é praticamente uma bíblia de como fazer um ótimo álbum de kpop, simplesmente icônico desde músicas ao conceito, ele é um daqueles álbuns que vc vai ouvir e vai parar em outro lugar, um outro universo, um universo mais divertido e colorido, Step andou para que ETA podesse correr. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Signal, Pretty Girl e Shadow
• The Perfect Red Velvet (Repackage) - Red Velvet preciso dizer mais alguma coisa? é o red velvet, apenas isso. esse álbum é a representação perfeita de como fazer um álbum de r&b e ainda colocar diferentes detalhes e estilos. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Perfect 10, Moonlight Melody e Look
• REBOOT - Wonder Girls quer voltar pro passado que você não viveu? ouça o reboot, sério, não tenho nem mais oq falar só sei que esse álbum é maravilhoso dms e é uma ótima experiência. recomendação de músicas do álbum: I Feel You, Rewind e OPPA
• Mix&Match - LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE se você vive numa pedra — ou só n gosta de gg — vc provavelmente nunca ouviu a preciosidade que esse álbum é, ele é tipo uma pérola, n sei explicar mas é como eu vejo esse álbum, uma pérola. ele te leva pro mundo do oec, do loona, te deixa numa realidade totalmente paralela ali e vc fica fascinado. esse álbum é a perfeita representação do dreampop, é isso, nós amamos dreampop. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Uncover, Sweet Crazy Love e LOONATIC
• <ↀ> - TripleS LOVElution bem recente comparado aos outros álbuns da lista, o TripleS é particularmente um grupo bem recente, mas mesmo com uma discografia pequena elas já tem músicas de muita boa qualidade e eu diria que o som delas lembra até um pouco o loona (detalhe: elas são produzidas pelo mesmo produtor do loona, ent eu vejo similaridades). é um álbum pra vc se jogar, tem músicas pra vc dançar q nem louca (tipo Girls' Capitalism, e eu amo o clipe dessa música) e tbm pra vc dar uma relaxada (com Seoul Sonyo Sound). é um álbum que já está no meu coração e um grupo que já estou de olho tem tempo. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Seoul Sonyo Sound, Speed Love e Black Soul Dress
é isso amores, um xero 😘
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clnlbt · 1 year
Favorite Kpop Songs of 2023 (January-June) Part 3
Minnie - Villain (Cover)
Mijoo - Movie Star
Kihyun - Full Moon (OST)
Hweseung - Fight On (OST)
Colde - After everything
Kard - Icky
Kard Jiwoo x Somin - Fxxk You
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Jay Park x Zion.T - Candy
Jackson Wang x Ciara x XG - Left Right
Colde x Lee Chanhyuk - Heartbreak Club
(G)-IDLE - Queencard
(G)-IDLE - Allergy
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Twice - Hare Hare (Japenese)
Le Sserafim - Unforgiven
Oneus - Erase Me
Oneus - Unforgettable
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iKon - U
Enhypen - Bite Me
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BTOB - Wind and Wish
BTOB - Day & Night
BTOB - Moon Ride
BTOB - Medley Dingo
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CIX - Save Me, Kill Me
N.Flying - Blue Moon
N.Flying - Tree
Yena - Wicked Love
Kiss of Life Haneul - Play Love Game
Han Seungwoo - Dive Into
Kim Sung Kyu - Small Talk
Jay - Paradise
Kang Daniel - Wasteland
Kang Daniel - SOS
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Som Chamchi - Moonlight
Young K - Rose Blossom (Cover)
B.I x Big Naughty - Dare to Love
Purple Kiss Na GoEun x Ireh - Yoasobi
Kiss of Life - Bye My Neverland
P1Harmony - Jump
P1Harmony - Love Me For Me
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Stray Kids - S-Class
Enhypen - Sacrifice(Eat Me Up)
NCT Dream - Broken Melodies
Ateez - Bouncy (K-Hot Chilli Peppers)
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SHINee - Hard
SHINee - Identity
SHINee - I like it
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Hi-Fi Un!corn - DoReMiFa Soul
Hi-Fi Un!corn - Over The Rainbow
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WEi - End of the day
FT Island - I (Taeyeon Cover)
TNX - Kick It 4 Now
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