#solji bios
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moriwood · 1 year ago
Your bio is so real! I still listen to fire on repeat, the last chorus with solji's high note is just tew good!
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facts are factssssssss~ 🔥
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all4messy · 5 years ago
exid messy bios
^__^ ~~ 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐣𝐢'𝐬 kiss kiss 💋 chuu.<333
what vroom! vroom! vroom! vroom! remind me? #엘리 for sure.
please, protect my scared girl. 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗶, DONT worry✋🏻i'm going to protect you.🛵💨
𝐇𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍: he appeared in happy potter, it’s.... voldemort sunbaenim.
YES! 𝗷𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗵𝘄𝗮𝗻 is only 4 years old n she even confirmed..... she is my baby.👩‍👧🍼🧺
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mikrokosmcs · 5 years ago
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park solji - 17 años - 21/11/2002 - escorpio - estudiante de preparatoria fc: wang yiren
Nacida de una tercera relación que su madre tuvo, siendo la primera que realmente fuese considerada “relación sana”, por ende, podría considerarse que Solji fue nacida del amor y del respeto entre sus padres. Solji es hija de Park Jisoo, al igual que de un hombre de negocios de alto renombre en Corea, con demasiados billetes en los bolsillos como para ser contados.
Tiene dos medios hermanos, a los cuales adora como si fuesen sus hermanos de sangre y con quienes pasó gran parte de su infancia. Son mayores que ella por 1 y 2 años.
Solji tenía una relación muy estrecha con su padre, el cual siempre fue un hombre maravilloso y que se dedicó no solo a cuidar de ella, sino de sus otros dos hermanos y su madre. Incluso si Solji nunca pudo adoptar su apellido, ella siempre supo el gran amor que este hombre albergaba por ella.
A diferencia de sus hermanos, Solji no vivió realmente demasiadas carencias monetarias. Puesto que su madre ya tenía un poco de dinero guardado y su padre, no dudó en darle absolutamente todo desde antes de nacer. Aun así, siempre fue consiente de las grandes dificultades que todos tuvieron que pasar, y no puede más que admirarlos.
Su padre falleció cuando ella tenía 8 años, siendo asesinado por otros empresarios y hombres de dinero con la intensión de desmoronar el imperio que tenía. Aquella situación afectó de sobremanera a Solji, siendo de entre todos, la que más sufrió la pérdida del hombre que siempre veló y cuidó de ella. Gracias al gran corazón de dicho individuo, este dejó absolutamente todas sus riquezas a Jisoo, su madre y por consecuencia, a los tres hijos de esta que eran como suyos.
Tuvo que ir a terapia durante años, aun lo hace, aunque sea más para desahogarse cuando siente que todo es demasiado. Incluso después de 8 años del acontecimiento, Solji no logra superar la pérdida del todo y tiene días donde simplemente, no para de llorar extrañando a su padre.
Quiere ser diseñadora de modas, siendo una de las cosas que más le fascinan. Es una gran dibujante y desde que era pequeña, ha tenido gran ojo para todo lo relacionado a la moda y la buena costura. Desde pequeña, le pidió a su madre que le enseñara a cocer y tejer.
Suele llamar “TeTe” a su hermano Taekyung y “Binnie” a su hermano Soobin. Incluso con la edad que tienen, no dejará de hacerlo.
Tiene una relación muy unida con su madre, con quien suele salir de compras y con quien siempre habla de todo.
Tiene un minipig de mascota, llamado Cleo. No suele comer carne de cerdo por eso.
Es alérgica a las nueces.
Tiene especial fascinación por las cosas relucientes como joyas y las cosas adorables, su color favorito siendo el rosa.
Es bastante simple complacerla y hacerla “guardar silencio” si saben cómo llegar a su corazón, con osos de felpa, cosas bonitas y obviamente, dulces.
Aparenta eterna tranquilidad, pero en el fondo, es como un pequeño huracán. Tiene energía al por mayor, además de siempre buscar sobresalir en todo lo que haga. Es muy fácil que le guste algo y al final, termine moviendo su energía a otras cosas más interesantes.
Dependiendo de quién seas, Solji te tratará de esa forma. Puede ser bastante buena y adorable, o puede ser mala e hiriente si se le colma la paciencia, la cual no es mucha. Tiene gran tenacidad y fuerza de voluntad, que a veces por su propio sentimentalismo suele quebrarse por unos minutos. Le encanta el drama y sobretodo, hacerlo. No dura demasiado, luego de un rato estará fresca como lechuga.
Suele tomarse las cosas personales, también dependiendo de quién vengan. Su ego y sus emociones pueden ser fácilmente heridas también, cosa que le hace un tanto llorona. Suele siempre conseguir lo que quiere, puesto que nunca nadie le ha dicho que no, pero siempre intenta mantener la mente centrada y no dejarse llevar por su propia personalidad impulsiva; sabiendo que no conseguirá más que hacerse de enemigos de esa forma.
Suele ser bastante honesta si se le cuestiona sobre algo, no dudará en dar un consejo tampoco. Aun así, no esperes que endulce las cosas, si has pedido un consejo, será directa.
Es muy fiel y leal a quienes son sus amigos.
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m3ssy · 5 years ago
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like/reblog if u use <3
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newseas-archive · 4 years ago
top 5 personagens seus
nOVAMENTE terei que dividir, num dá não. AÇLKDAÇLSDK abaixo do read more vai ter um resumão deles, então fique à vontade pra checar! não consigo lembrar de outras personagens femininas que tive, aí vou ficar devendo uma... D:
askmeme: ask my top 5 of anything!
status: aceitando. ♡
chu sunyoul;
blaine sohn;
han dongyul;
marco antônio;
yo boknam.
hwang eunbyeol / bloom;
ryu solji;
seo ahreum / hope;
yo bokhee;
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chu sunyoul (21M): modelo que conseguiu bico de ator e viralizou depois de um discurso do diretor do dorama dizendo que ele tinha um talento nato e que era impressionante o quão bem ele se saía apesar de ter perdido a audição num acidente quando criança. talvez ele tenha uns probleminhas de atitude e é bem militante pela causa de pessoas com deficiência. :D
blaine sohn (20M): universitário e produtor musical nas horas vagas, um verdadeiro prodígio da música! ah, ele tem tdah também.
han dongyul (23M): filho adotivo de um casal que viajava muito e sempre levava o menino pra cima e pra baixo, aí ele morou em diversos países (brasil incluso!) e fala fluentemente algumas línguas. quando atingiu a maioridade ele encheu o cu de cana com um amigo e os dois decidiram virar camboys, agora o yul é top 5 do site +18 e obviamente vive uma vida dupla; das 7h até 20h ele é só mais um estudante de psicologia membro do coral da universidade, mas passando disso ele é o pinkystar, estrela de cabelo rosa do tal site. E O MAIS IMPORTANTE: ele é fãzasso da luísa sonza e odeia o whindersson nunes!
marco antônio (24M): meu bebê paraense que cursa medicina (sim, ele tem Amor Que Se Med <3 na bio do insta) na snu e tem um canal de stream onde ele literalmente topa tudo por view. extremamente crybaby e mó filhinho de mamãe, não sabe sair de casa sem pedir pra ela antes.
yo boknam (26M): solista cachaceiro que foi expulso da primeira empresa depois de assumir relacionamento com o produtor executivo do dorama que ele foi escalado pra fazer JUSTAMENTE pra afastar rumores de que ele era gay (ele é bi). sofre de transtórno pós-traumático e também já recebeu críticas bem duras quanto a isso, como se fosse culpa dele. OUTRO QUE TEM PROBLEMA DE ATITUDE, THO.
hwang eunbyeol / bloom (19F): delinquente mirim digital influencer que usa sua plataforma pra falar bastante sobre bullying (até porque ela sofreu bastante na escola por ser pobre) e foi trainee por uns... 5 anos? até desistir da vida de idol, agora ela tá se preparando pra entrar na faculdade.
ryu solji (20F): filha de uma ex-modelo - que sempre tentou ganhar o miss universe e passou a vida toda projetando seus sonhos falhos na filha - e de um ex-jogador de basquete de nível nacional. ela cursa artes cênicas e é membro do clube de dança da universidade, além de ser um bichinho assustado por causa de toda a pressão psicológica que ela sofria da mãe pra ser princesinha e etc. o pai a entendia bem melhor.
seo ahreum / hope (27F): solista que debutou aos 15 anos num grupo e foi submetida a muitas coisas que uma adolescente não deveria passar, incluindo sexualização exacerbada por parte da própria empresa. depois de vários surtos, hoje ela tá belíssima numa outra empresa que a apoia incondicionalmente e é bem sucedida, além de um ícone feminista pra jovens mulheres.
yo bokhee (25F): literalmente a versão feminina do boknam + hogwarts!au (ela é grifina). ela é bem mais responsável que o boknam, também é bi e é basicamente casada com o melhor amigo.
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red-radish-in-neverland · 5 years ago
I reall want to share this song with you, it's so beautiful I had tears in my eyes ❤️ please watch it 😊 I'll put the link in my bio
#georgehankim #laboum #redvelvet #redvelvetjoy #muzie #bada #baekzyoung #browneyedgirls #jeA #bizzy #superjunior #kyuhyun #ryeowook #yesung #ali #ailee #ohmygirl #yooa #yb #exid #solji #eunmeelee #tigerjk #tomorrowxtogether
#kpop #evergreentree2020 #covid19
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pd-lyla · 6 years ago
broadcast the boom boom boom
                         ❛ fazia alguns minutos que olhava-o de longe, projetando alguns possíveis diálogos na cabeça e com nada soando natural, ela dava meia volta e desvia-se para qualquer outro lugar que @pd-wenhao não estivesse. a face muito bem lembrada a recordava momentos nostálgicos que não necessariamente esperava lembrar naquela fase de sua vida. evitaria a situação se o susto em vê-lo tivesse sido exposto e não contido por conta das circunstâncias. de todas as coisas que preparou para o reality nenhuma delas constava reencontrar alguém de seu passado, principalmente wenhao. talvez ele tivesse participado de tudo que jamais retornaria; seu amor infantil e puro. os mil e um segredos bobos. não envergonhava-se de nada, mas fazia anos que não pensava no rapaz e, de repente, pensar nele era esquisito. dessa forma, decidiu evitá-lo e consegui por pelo menos umas duas horas. cruzaram olhares algumas vezes, fazendo-a desviar toda vez. 
                        na van que dividiram ela apenas acenou com a mão e murmurou um “hey”, no entanto o sono fez seu belo trabalho de evitar aquele diálogo que poderia ser ainda mais desconfortável na frente de terceiros, acabando por apoiar a cabeça no ombro de solji e cochilar.
                         o pensamento de que estava sendo infantil lhe ocorreu em certo momento, haviam crescido e amadurecido, aquilo não significava mais nada. ele deveria ser ainda um grandíssimo amigo e tudo bem, não é? não. na verdade, sim. huiyin só não estava preparada para bater de frente com ele daquela forma. nessa de se esquivar aqui e ali, deu de cara e do pior jeito de se dar de cara com alguém ao esbarrar com ele. o acaso, claro, o tão esperado acaso que fazia reencontrá-lo em um local tão... ugh, poderia ser em qualquer lugar, por que ali? se fosse para ser assim, como em uma comédia romântica ideal, deveria estar extremamente arrumada como no jantar que claramente fugiu dele invés de ser logo após de ter retirado a sua maquiagem e estar pronta para dormir. afastou-se imediatamente, olhando para o rosto que havia perdido contato; um significativo rosto. não se falavam pessoalmente desde que se despediram com um bei- — oi! — disse apressadamente, quebrando a linha de pensamento inapropriada. — digo, desculpa! por esbarrar em você, haoge. — mordeu o lábio com o apelido que deixara escapar e então sorriu sem jeito, decidindo que sair da frente dele era uma boa ideia para quebrar aquela proximidade e a troca de olhares que quase a fez parar de respirar. estava nervosa, o que era atípico, mas acontecia toda vez que o inesperado acontecia. afinal, o que melhor do que estar constrangida ao vivo?❜
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glasstouch · 7 years ago
fix/write bios:
 aimee, atlas, bellamy, dino, dominic, imani, joseph, juniper, ka’lila, lachlan, shane , victoria, winnie
6pm: iris, taemin, emmanuel, robyn, wren, juliette, mickey, kai, alex, demitra
eclipse: sunho, rowoon, solji, jordan, chaehwa, siana
new tags:
aimee, atlas, bellamy, dino, dominic, imani, joseph, juniper, ka’lila, lachlan, shane, victoria, winnie
6pm: iris, taemin, emmanuel, robyn, wren, juliette, mickey, kai, alex, demitra
eclipse: sunho, rowoon, solji, jordan, chaehwa, siana
make a starter call
clean out likes & start up queue
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greatskinandlife · 6 years ago
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I forgot to post this review on of circle lens which I wore for the Solji inspired EXID I Love You makeup. Most if not all Kpop idols wear some sort of circle lens in their music videos.  Check the review if you wanted to where I get the lens from. (link in my bio) The lens last 6months and the effect is subtle and pretty. #circlens #kpop #beauty #kbeauty #korea #beautyblog #asian #asia #rasianbeauty #influencer #instawow #makeup #makeuphaul #makeuptutorial #fotd #beautygram #뷰티 #인스타뷰티 #皮肤护理 #instareview #abbeatthealgorithm #canada #exid #lotd #lenscircle #geomedical @lenscircle @allurekorea @allure @instagram @teenvogue @cleomsia @marieclairekorea @voguekorea @voguemagazine  @vanityfair @marieclairemag  @harpersbazaarus @glamourmag @pinterest https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu8Ww5RHW80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13lx5ua6aykkr
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kpopbios2 · 6 years ago
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Country: South Korea
Agency: Banana Culture Entertainment, AB Entertainment, Tokuma Japan
Number of Members: 5 (3 Members Left)
Date of Debut: February 16, 2012
Average Age when Debut: 19.2
Current Members
Heo Sol Ji
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Also Known as: Solji
Year Born: January 10, 1989
Zodiac: Capricorn  
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist
Ahn Hyo Jin
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Also Known as: LE
Year Born: December 10, 1991
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Ram
Position: Main Rapper
Ahn Hee Yeon
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Also Known as: Hani
Year Born: May 1, 1992
Zodiac: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey   
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual, Face of the Group
Seo Hye Rin
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Also Known as: Hyelin
Year Born: August 23, 1993
Zodiac: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Position: Lead Vocalist
Park Jung Hwa
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Also Known as: Junghwa
Year Born: May 8, 1995
Zodiac: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Visual, Maknae
Former Members
Kang Hye Yeon
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Also Known as: Dami
Year Born: December 8, 1990
Zodiac: Sagitarius
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
Position: Lead Vocalist
Why Left: She had left to focus on her studies
New Agency: YNB Entertainment (Formerly) Bestie
Jeong Yu JI
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Also Known as: Yuji
Year Born: January 2, 1991  
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Ram
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Why Left: She had left to focus on her studies.  
New Agency:YNB Entertainment (Formerly) Bestie
Na Hae Ryung
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Also Known as: Haeryung
Year Born: November 11, 1994
Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Why Left: She had left the group to pursue a acting career.  
New Agency: YNB Entertainment (Formerly)Bestie
South Korea  
Studio Albums
Hippity Hop
Ah Yeah
Full Moon
I Love You
Re: Flower Project
Singles to Hit Number 1
Up & Down
Number of Awards Nominated: 20
Number of Awards Won: 13
Music Show Awards: 22
Music Bank- 2
Show Champion - 5
Inkigayo - 5
M Countdown - 2
The Show - 8
Video of their Debut: Whoz that Girl
Video of their latest: I Love You
Some information & Facts: https://kprofiles.com/exid-members-profile/
Youtube Links:
Whoz that Girl - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enrUVf_JTz8
I Love You - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAdmzjsFVQo
Bio Masterlist
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idolapps · 8 years ago
tbh,,,, this is so hard but probably day by day by t-ara!
NAME/ALIAS, PRONOUNS, TIMEZONE: el, s(her) pronouns, est timezone
RESERVATION: i reserved through ksxbitna!
FACECLAIM: heo solji
NAME/STAGENAME: woo gippeum / gigi
BIRTHDATE/AGE: feb 14th, 1988 / 28
j-soul / heart2heart / leader, main vocalist, keyboardist
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 170cm / 51kg
TRAINING PERIOD/JOINING YEAR: five years, 2002-2007.
her father is woo seojoon, famous korean-american music producer. 
gigi was originally lined up to debut solo, but chose not to due to her desire to debut in a group.
she’s praised for her language skills, being fluent in not only korean and english, but mandarin and japanese as well.
she claims that if she wasn’t an idol, she’d be a music producer just like her father.
rilakkuma is one of her favorite characters, and she owns a collection of plushes along with phone cases, and wallets with the design on it.
STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: gigi is an +OPPORTUNIST, leading her to take up every chance at promotion that she can get in order to turn it around to promote her group. though apparently, she’s a bit of a -DIVA behind the scenes, with a handful of rumors over the years about her yelling at staff and occasionally her fellow group members when frustrated. despite the speculation, her +CHARISMATIC PERSONALITY makes it hard for people to believe that she has the capability to be mean when she’s sweeter than sugar when on camera. as shown on heart2heart’s many variety opportunities, gigi is an -EMOTIONAL person that wears her heart on her sleeve, and any minor failures are taken as a personal flaw of hers. when it comes to her skills as an idol, gigi has earned quite a lot of praise of the years for her +VOCAL ABILITY, known for her husky tone and ability to belt out notes longer and louder than others. however, she falls flat when it comes to her -BAD DANCING, since she tends to lose breath easily and will focus more on achieving her notes rather than doing choreo with full effort.
chapter i.
you’re born with music in your soul, in the blood that pumps through your veins.
many of your younger years are spent in a recording studio, drawing on papers or browsing through dull magazines as your father takes a concept, turns it into a song, hands it over to someone else, then proceeds to break them down until it becomes something better. in los angeles, in new york, in seoul-- most times the person in the booth leaves in tears, yet they always come back, album after album. your father is a music genius, they claim, even if he’s so, so cold.
your mother says the same thing, but she doesn’t come back. the lonely nights and missed calls have taken a toll on her, and the last time you and your father return home to her, her arms are open wide-- one waiting for you, the other waiting to serve him divorce papers. it’s an uneventful ordeal on your end-- you go to school, sulk about in recording studios like usual, adapt and learn not to talk to your father nearly as much. you look just like her, you hear him mutter far too many times after he snaps at you.
your mother gains primary custody of you. your father convinces you to train under a korean entertainment company.
chapter ii.
does it really matter how well she does? we know she’s only here because her father bought her way in.
you overhear such words from a vocal trainer, and it makes your blood boil. you’re only twelve years old, with a light still in your eyes that quickly drains with each person that doubts you. in the beginning it’s a frequent occurrence, your name announced and followed by a scoff during practices and fellow trainees talking in a whisper, eyed focused heavily on you as you pass by. of course, it pisses you off. plenty of nights are spent crying hushed tears of frustration, but rather than send you running to the hills, it only motivates you. there’s too much to lose. you can’t go back to your father as a failure, and you can’t give your mother more ammunition to hate your father.
you have to make it. you’re born to be great.
every spare second of your days are spent in empty recording studios, bathrooms with decent acoustics, any area you can find to practice your vocals. trainees start to drop like flies, but you stick around, becoming known not for being woo seojoon’s daughter but for the bags under your eyes, the way you slide to the top on every ranking, the viciousness you display during competitions. no longer do people laugh when they hear your name-- now, they utter the three syllables with a sense of awe in their voice, and sometimes even intimidation.
chapter iii.
february 10th, 2007 becomes the best day of your life.
not only are you given spotlight, but you’re given leadership as well, something to go home and brag about to either of your parents. heart2heart becomes your life, with each member being an addition to your family, like a younger sibling or child that you’ve been sworn to protect until your last breath. not only are you the oldest among the group, but as far as you’re concerned, you’re the wisest-- you’ve seen plenty already of how the industry can mess with a person, turn them into the worst version of themselves all for the sake of fame. you’ve seen it in your father and how he turns away every person  that stays close for too long, and you’ve seen it in your friends, how desperate they became all for fifteen minutes of attention and praise.
you vow to do better than that. if not for yourself, then for your four girls.
chapter iv.
days turn into years, and a shot in the dark leads to their names in lights. heart2heart becomes bigger than anticipated, and so does your ego, along with the need to stay relevant and on top. any opportunity offered, you take it without hesitation: every variety lovecall, every collaboration opportunity, if people aren’t hearing of heart2heart, you’re making sure that they do. some call you selfish, claim that you’re nothing more than a greedy diva, but you turn a blind eye to their accusations, using the hatred as fuel to your fire to continue pushing on.
that’s always been your goal, to keep your head up and smile worn strong, even in the face of adversity. when your promotions slow to a halt, you don’t lose hope. when a member drops from the group to head on a different path of life, you continue to show her the same love she’s received for eight years straight. fans know you as the shining mama, even though your disposition is less than sunny behind the scenes as years go on. you’re tired, but you can’t let that show. you can’t give up now, not when there’s still so much to prove.
your chance on stage since heart2heart’s return from the states comes again, and you can’t be more ecstatic about it. there’s nothing stopping you and your girls, not even your company-- not when you’re at the front, driving them through every roadblock that pops up along the way. it may damage your shield in the long run but they’ll never know, and to you, it’s worth it as long as you can keep your group together for decades to come.
to be continued.
no one knows what the next chapter holds, but you can only hope for better days, a chance to rest your weary heart.
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greatskinandlife · 6 years ago
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I forgot to post this review on of circle lens which I wore for the Solji inspired EXID I Love You makeup.  Most if not all Kpop idols wear some sort of circle lens in their music videos.  Check the review if you wanted to where I get the lens from. (link in my bio) The lens last 6months and the effect is subtle and pretty. #circlens #kpop #beauty #kbeauty #korea #beautyblog #asian #asia #rasianbeauty #instagood #love #iggers #lifestyleblogger #bloggermalaysia #influencer #instawow #makeup #makeuphaul #makeuptutorial #beautygram #makeupart #뷰티 #인스타뷰티 #皮肤护理 #instareview #abbeatthealgorithm #canada #exid#lotd #lenscircle #geomedical #vscom #vsc @lenscircle @allurekorea @allure @instagram @teenvogue @cleomsia @marieclairekorea @voguekorea @voguemagazine  @vanityfair @marieclairemag  @harpersbazaarus @glamourmag @pinterest https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu8Ww5RHW80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z5i8ljzokvdm
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