#solid tracks all around 😩
goldennika · 1 year
Was trying not to cry to listening to Nap of a Star when it occurred to me that TXT must have been thrown for a loop when recording their debut album bc imagine being extensively trained in hiphop for years and then they make you record such a lullaby of a track that is Nap of a Star, along with Cat & Dog, all in one album 😭
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last-herondale · 6 months
Almost Pt. 3
Bucky Barnes x FemReader! (Steve Rogers x Femreader!)
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Angst, heartbreak, sadness
AN: Hellllooooo here is part 3! I will probably post part 4 later today. Initially it was all one piece together but I decided to break it up. This series took a turn that even I wasn’t expecting, but not to worry. It will still be a Bucky Barnes centric story 😁
Part 4
Ps. Sorry for breaking some hearts 😩
Enjoy! 🤘🏼
The last three months had been a blur. You hadn’t expected things to turn out as they had, by any means necessary. The plan was simple enough when it started. Leave town, keep busy, and try your best to not think about James Buchanan Barnes.
The first two had been easy enough to accomplish. The next mission that popped up, you were there as the first volunteer. You didn’t care about the destination. The farther away from New York the better, but anywhere was better than staying at the tower. The idea of being in such proximity to him at all times made your heart ache. The idea of being away from him hurt too, but out of the two options you decided that having some distance from it all would be the best thing for you.
So you were shipped off, along with Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson to some remote part of South America to track some reported movement of Hydra shipments. It was supposed to be a quick trip. Gather info, infiltrate the base, and destroy the cargo. Easy. Simple. 
But of course, you couldn’t be that lucky. 
You had to admit, during the mission your mindset had been a bit reckless… You were constantly itching for battle, something to do, bad people to hurt. Anything to keep your mind off of him… the memory of that night on the balcony when he had denied your heart. You felt shattered. Like a hollow shell of the person you were. You weren’t thinking clearly and you paid for it.
During the recon part of the mission, Sam was running flank around the perimeter from the sky while you and Steve scouted the area. They had gone over the plan with you at least a dozen times, and each time you assured them you knew what you needed to do. You lied and told them you were good. You were solid. And you tried to make that a reality. You tried to stay focused on the mission, but the image of Bucky’s face from that night kept interrupting your train of thought. The memories of that night and nights before. The longing, the ache from missing him… you didn’t see the trap until it was too late. 
Sharp barbed metallic wires entangled you in the thick underbrush of the jungle. The spikes wrapped themselves around you like a coiling snake, inching the thick barbs deeper into your skin. You were on the floor, a small sound of pain escaped your lips as the wire continued to tighten. Any sort of movement caused the wire to tighten even more, so you just laid there, hoping that Steve wasn’t too far behind.
Your mind thought of Bucky. You hated yourself for thinking of him now, but you did. You wished he was there. Even seeing him, hearing his voice, if this was the stupid idiotic way that you would die, at least you would have him there as you did. You felt drowsy all at once. The sky began to blur and everything began to feel fuzzy.
Poison. The barbs must have been laced with something. You felt your heart slamming against your chest as you lost the ability to scream, to talk, to cry…
Suddenly you felt the tension that was holding you release suddenly. Your body went limp on the ground as you tried to make out the shapes in the fuzzy world. You saw a figure above you, and the faint outlines of his golden hair. Steve. You felt yourself being lifted up in his strong arms. He was saying something frantically at you, but the world had just become one large echo. You tried to tell him. You used all of your strength, all of your will power to utter one word.
The world turned black and all sense and all meaning fell away.
You woke up in dim lighting. Your eyelids felt as if they weighed a thousand pounds, but still you were able to finally lift them. You had been brought back to some sort of small shack. The walls were wooden and the room was dank and small. You had been sitting on a rough couch. You looked down at yourself and saw that you were covered in bandages. Anywhere that the barbs had cut into, which seemed like the majority of your skin, had been covered with heavy set bandages that had an odd smell. You wrinkled your nose and groaned when you tried to lift your arm to remove one of the bandages.
“Don’t mess with them,” Steve’s voice came from behind you, “They have a salve on them that is counteracting the poison.”
You tried to focus your eyes on him as he came to sit on the opposite side of the couch. Your vision was still a bit blurry but you could make out the angry look on his face as he looked at you. You realized that this must be one of the safe houses that Tony had set up for this mission. The realization of failure sunk deep into your soul.
“Mm ssssorry,” you mumbled. You hadn’t gained control of your speech yet and you sounded very drunk.
“What the hell happened? You should have seen that trap a mile away!” Steve said angrily. He had his arms crossed, the shape of his muscles were highlighted in his black stealth wear.
You wanted to explain. You wanted to apologize for what happened. But your mind and your body were working at two different speeds. You felt hot tears of embarrassment fall down your face. Your chest began to heave a bit. It was all too much. You were failing Steve, you had failed Bucky, and somehow in every way you felt as if you had failed yourself. Nothing was going right anymore. You didn’t know what else you could lose before completely falling apart.
Steve’s face softened as he saw you cry. Tears continued to fall down your face and broken sobs escaped your lips. He knelt down in front of you and grabbed a leftover bandage from the table and began to gently wipe your face.
“Are you in pain? What hurts?” he asked, raking his eyes over your bandaged body.
“Everything… every…thing,” you sobbed.
Steve’s eyes widened a bit. He gazed at you for a moment and gave a small sigh. You weren’t sure if he understood. That this pain went deeper than the physical nerves. You had never talked to him about your feelings for Bucky, even though he was around a lot whenever you hung out with him. You averted your gaze from him, unable to bare the weight of his soft eyes. Steve pushed a strand of hair out of your face, wiped away the rest of your tears, and gently covered your body with a blanket.
“It’ll be okay. You will get through this,” he had said as he gave you medicine for the physical pain. You instantly felt sleepy after taking it, and allowed yourself to watch as Steve walked away from the couch and began working at the small kitchen table, typing away on one of Tony’s communicators. You watched him, feeling comforted and safe, as you fell asleep.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
“if you want to come you better beg” x prince paul cause i need this filth 😩👀
🥀Qualities of Mercy🥀
Prince Paul x Tsarevna // smut drabble - Bugger me sideways @usedtobecooler only the best for you babes crème de la crème - Prince Prick and some bratty behaviour culminating in angry!hate!fucking coming up. Also short? I don’t think I can write short drabble a about this man. I’m having a lot of feelings ok.
Some babes I know may want to see this @indouloureux @munsonswhore86 @heyndrix @lunatictardis @creme-bruhlee @callmeloverr @roanniom
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It’s an odd relief to see the signs of war increase with each gained mile, burnt out patches of land and artillery tracks wedged into the mud. Foul air, fire, and rifle smoke; it means you’re closing in on your goal.
It means you’re that much closer to your husband.
Foul boggy mud, and nipping winds that cut to bone. You’re rumbling your way along treacherous roads, ever closer.
The terrain is dismal. There’s not even any sweetly soft birdsong chirping from the trees. There’s no kind nature. There’s only war and man, and guttural cries of the wounded. A landscape drizzled with slanted misty rain. Stubby felled larch trees and splintered bark.
The soldiers encamped, look like misshapen beasts. Blood crusted black, and the wounded wearing filthy yellowed bandages. Eyes missing, limbs turned to stumps. Squatting and huddling in clumps in the woods. Shivering under canvas with pithy licks of orange campfires staining the air with spicy woodsmoke.
They watch the carriage pass with rapt fascination. But too cold to react.
You weren’t expected.
That fact is writ plain as day all over the face of the dirt smeared soldier who trudged up to the carriage window. The soldier on watch. Who’d been pissing up against as tree when you rolled up.
His eyebrows buoy in surprise as you drop your fur lined hood.
“My Lady-“ He rasped in surprise.
“Tsarevna.” Your second maid, Maricel, leaned forward and snipped. Voice like a barking hound. Just as dogged.
She was eternally bolshy and hard edged. Hated you not being given the proper due politesse as deserving of your rank. She took great offence to those who didn’t understand the severity of your position.
“I’m here to see my husband. Kindly take me to him.”
“I’m not sure he’ll want- he’s occupied with many important matters.“ He fumbles for an excuse.
Maricel’s words come locked in impatience.
“Are you suggesting the Tsarevna of Russia is unimportant?” She tests.
“No- I.”
“He will carve out the time for his wife, you dumb prick.” She points out. Rubbing her shivering hands.
“Now, now.” You scold her.
She merely rolls her eyes. Not frightened by you whatsoever. Just pissy cause she’s cold.
The solider shuffles on his feet. Breaks eye contact. “I’m not sure I have the authority to-“
“Are you going to make me repeat myself.” You warn. Ire threaded into every word.
You stare him down with slicing diamond eyes. Tips sharpened and designed to cut.
A look you’ve thieved and mastered from Catherine’s own brand of venom. Don’t budge an inch.
It’s enough to get him to snap his mouth shut.
“No. Uh. Of course. This way, Tsarevna.”
You clambered out that boxy royal carriage. Door encrusted in a golden crest. Dainty sky blue heel sinking into earth. Hem sodden and dragged with it in no time. Maricel follows you dutifully. Your guard dog.
“Cunt.” Maricel bites out at the solider as she shuffled after you. Trudging into the muck.
“Put your forked tongue away.” You suggest.
She moodily deigns to do as you say.
You fold your gloved hands. Pretty pearl buttons march along your wrists now seeming contemptuous among all this. You rub at them to spark up some warmth in your numb fingers, as you looked around for the cluster of carmine coated generals.
Slipping and staining your skirts with slodgy mud as you followed the dismal soldier who’d take you to him. Your heels slip up, your feet get bogged. The stench of this place is curdling your lungs. Burnt larch trees and smoke and decay.
You press on. Determined.
The men swim their their groggy eyes to you. This place is used to viscera and gummy black blood, and mud crusted ash.
By comparison you look like a chunk of pure silken teal sky, fallen to earth. Precious and spotless. A drop of stunning sapphire wedged into all this dirt and death.
You squelch your way through tents and surgeon tents where men lay gouged and exposed. Rotting alive and shivering under the canvas as they cried out to the chowder thick sky. Rain melting on their eyelashes.
The smoke cleared past you, drifting. And then your overly elegant shape comes moulded out the congealing blood and smog of his hell. Pearl buttons, satin, and floral petal perfume. A wrenching juxtaposition coinciding.
You see your husband. Through the cloth mouth of one of the larger tents. No mistaking those puddle eyes for anyone else. The white scratchy wig. The cut of his powder blue coat and red royal medals slashing blood.
He’s gathered with men around a map table staked out with battle plans. This fare is all simplicity. Battle for blood and the vicinity of conquering men.
This is a land shuttered to the gaze of your sex. Your kind do not come roaming here. Not noble women anyway. The generals of mild importance probably had their favourite whores fetched in, however.
You stand and his eyes travel at last to yours. You smile lightly.
His expression altered into bitterness. Eyes lost their walnut warmth. Jaw clenched. Mood spiked sour.
He told you distinctly not to fucking come.
Yet here you stand.
You meet his burnt umber gaze and the sparky fire flecked there, scalds you.
“Tsarevich.” You greet him. Breath whipped to silver. You’re standing in the misty rain.
Waiting to see what comes spat back.
The generals clustering him, all bow in confusion and politely bob their unkempt wigged heads.
Not Paul.
His jaw clenched. Expression stiff. Posture as rigid as a Siberian Larch.
You’re fucking in for it now.
You batted at the sopping stretch of canvas. Hurling it out the way. Rain crashes down into your sprouting feathered hat and onto your shoulders.
Every squelch of your step into the oozing mud came sharp. Striking as a gut punch.
He’s following, hot on your heels, and you want to turn around and swing a punch into the angelic cherubim face you’d missed all these lonely long eight months.
His anger set off your own. Silky black gunpowder meeting roaring flame.
He’s livid.
You stand in his quarters. His tent is this huge beast of a thing. Clean and comfortable. A room with a table and maps and trunks takes up one. Green and gold tapestries make the walls slightly more habitable. More sophisticated. A cut above the desolate forest and the miseries of the wounded.
An emerald velvet curtain shields off the area where his ornate downy bed must be. He was still a Prince after all. He’ll be among his men. But he’s not sleeping in a frozen bedroll in the muck like an animal.
He storms into this space behind you and slaps the canvas closed. Words snapping out his mouth, that flimsy tent walls and steadily dripping rain will not conceal.
“This is not a place for you. You’re not supposed to be here.”
You don’t twist back to him as you angrily shed your gloves. Ripping them off like it was your own skin.
“Heaven forfend. I travel for two days in an uncomfortable carriage in the fucking driving rain to come see my husband and this is the thanks I get?”
“I told you not to come!” His words stamp out his mouth. He stabs a finger in the air. Aiming it as you.
“A lovely welcome.” You stab back.
He’s toe to toe with you. Muddy boots. Those chocolate eyes are all bitter. Not skated in love. Cold as all this terrible mud you’re bogged into.
“I don’t need you here. I have enough to deal with on my plate as it is fighting these Turks. I don’t need my wife by my side whilst I’m engaged in matters of battle.”
You steel your wilful jaw and bathe in the burnt brown shadow of his scowl.
“I am your wife. I have been left rotting at court. In misery now you’re gone. I decided to come and see you. To be here, by your side. In sickness and in health and even in battle. I don’t consider that as an action that deserves censure.”
“Yes it fucking is. I don’t need you here.” He shouts.
The burn of tears stings at your chest. Rips at your eyes. The man you’ve missed and ached after for months now and this is his choice of words levelled at you. It’s cutting.
“Lovely.” You bite out. “Well then. I won’t waste my time loitering around for you to yell at me.” You grip your gloves and turn back to him.
“Fuck you, Paul. Good day. Go back to your warring, and muddy filth.” You finish acidly. Your throat is full of clotting fire. Your rage. In situ with your wounded pride.
You shove at his coated chest, dull gold buttons. Go to move past him. Wipe your boots on his fine rug floors on the way out.
Your ruined shoes stick on the spot. He’s banded a hand around your wrist. It tugs. Burns skin.
“Let go.” You seethe. Pull your arm. You don’t look at him. Jaw grit.
He does not.
You wrench again. It brings you closer to him. You snarl. He stills your arm.
You do meet his gaze. The glint of fire - raked embers - returns to his eyes.
“No.” He decided.
Oh, now he’s in for it.
Anger spumes out of you like raining cursed hellfire. He should be terrified. You are mighty. Goddess of war backed with wrath. Angrier than Ares. These men should cower under your golden gaze. Desolation writ into you so heavily they should run for the hills.
“Thought you didn’t need me? Why would the mighty Tsarevich need his dumb bitch of a wife at his side? Run out of good whores have you?”
It was too late for niceties.
“Just be quiet.” He snaps.
Stepping very close. Close enough to touch only he doesn’t. His eyes move to your mouth. His hand seeks for your waist. Reels you in.
You don’t want too. But you clam up. You want to rear back and swing your fist to strike him. Preferably with a knife.
“I have never known a woman as disobedient. Nor as wilfully stubborn as you are. It’s infuriating.” He snipes.
His breath warms your mouth. He smells like his woody spice soap and bitter brush of smoke, and sweat. Still Paul. Underneath all things.
“Good.” You snarl with a nod. “I’m glad to have been such an inconvenience.”
“Constant dagger in my side.”
“Fuck you.” You announce passionately.
“I have had enough of your inability to listen to my orders.” He comments.
“Tough shit.” You snark.
“Elegant verbiage.” He insults.
His gaze is swimming into something steel black and lethal. You hate how much you like looking at him like this. It almost makes him look intimidating and handsome.
At this point, you’re half desire, half pure lightning hot rage.
“Get back to me when I don’t want to stick a knife in your thigh. Maybe my vocabulary will improve.” You hiss.
You’re so locked and entwined with this man. Tug his strings and it’s sure enough to jerk some distant part of you, merely by extension.
“Are you wet right now?” He asks. Head tilting His lashes shutter his eyes as he scans you. From the dirt crusted hem, sweeping upwards.
Your mouth is dry as tumbling scorched sands. Clench your teeth to dust. Heart ramming your tonsils.
He spies that twitch in your face. “Am I to take that as a yes, Tsarevna?”
If looks could kill.
“I’m going to fuck you. I know how plaint and weak it makes you when I work that delicious cunt open with my cock.” He steps you back. Hands tugged in your dress. Leading.
“I will fuck every disobedient word and thought out that head. Wife.” He sneers.
He pushes you to one of the wooden columns. Shunts a breath out of you. Hands digging through your skirts. Searching for your pussy.
You rake your nails into the nape of his neck. Hope it stings. Pray it brings blood.
“Be careful what you wish for.” You warn.
He smiles.
He’s fucking you not two minutes later.
Naturally, it didn’t take him long. You succumbed way too easy. Melted like butter, really.
He’s slithered to the gaps in your armour and snuck beneath with all the cunning adroitness of a serpent. You detest it.
He doesn’t give you what you need. Of course not. He doesn’t make this easy. His actions are all dipped in mocking taunt and brat.
He splayed you open, and rubs the fat leaking head of his cock against your trembling pussy. Eight months of nothing your your own fingers and he’s making you sit and beg like a trained lapdog.
Slapping it to your clit and smiling when you lurch. Unwilling to feed the head into you just yet.
It’s fucking agony.
You’re ready to slit his throat by the time he rewards you with sinking to the hilt in one ramming surge of his hips. The anger dissipates - a little.
You soothe the rest of it by leaning up and gnashing your teeth into his neck. Clamp down hard- force him to fuck you harder.
He cursed when sliding into you. Mumbled wisely about how conflict always made you so juicy wet for him. He pulled back and taunted you with your own greediness for his cock. The shine of your arousal coating him all glossy. A pretty sight, that.
“Hear how wet you are my love?” He lurches and slams you. A sharp stroke that wracked every vertebrae of your spine.
The sounds that come keening from you make your eyes flick back into your head. Enough to make him more smug.
“Utterly filthy. Soaking.” He huffs in gasps. “Making wet patches on my bed like a damn harlot.”
“Can’t believe you. Hmm- fucking brat. Yelling at me for coming here.” You manage to gasp. Cheeks blistering hot with this anger spurned arousal. Nails clawed into the carved headboard.
A hiccup snags the back of your throat as he knees closer.
Pushes your legs almost crushed up to your tits. Your stays almost strangling you. You cry loud because of this new angle. Makes him punch a spot inside that almost aches.
“I think this cunt is more pleased to see me than you are.” He smirks. Hands with dirty nails digging into your thighs. Ten half moons socketed into your quivering flesh.
“Fucking hell.” Spews out your mouth. Unguarded. He’s severing every strong steel thread of your resolve.
“I’ll take that as yes.” He says. Hair falls choppy in front of his wild eyes. Tiger eyes. Frightful fierce. Hands clamped to your thighs. He spreads you and sits up to stuff himself deeper. Harder. Faster.
The noises he’s getting out of you are just growing and growing. Rising in pitch and volume. So much so you’re swirling your hips to him to get feedback off that friction. That burgeoning pleasure begins to slice mean into your belly.
“How you moan for me when I give you my cock. Never gets old.” He grins.
“Never too late to punish my disobedient-“ he huffs and fucks hard inbetween his words. “Petulant. Stubborn. Wife.” He insists with a playful leer.
He can tell by the wails how close you are. Enough to taste it now. That eye rolling pressure ready to snap.
His cock stretched you just right. Stabbed into the gaping cup of your womb. You’re so treacherously close to that blissful peak you go rigid trying to chase it down and let the sensation ruin you.
It was mind meltingly good. Close and looming closer. Heat wrapping your limbs and warping your mind to bend to him. Every atom of you trained for this pleasure to come-
He yanks his cock out of you so fast, you want to shriek.
That coal hot glow of orgasm withers and curls to ash. He’s back to slipping his fat head around your cit again. Smearing your cunt in a sticky taste he’ll find and devour later.
“You fucking-“ you glare up at him all blissed and edged. Cunt clenching on nothing but air. He smooths both his thumbs over your pretty and dripping pussy lips. Making you throb.
“If you want to cum, you better beg.” He insists.
“I could kill you.” You seethe. Words dressed in a growl.
He tilts his head. Teasing. “Yes?”
You yelp when his cock slams into you once more. Puff for breath. God fucking dammit.
“How about now?” He checks as he folds you in half, yet again. Cock rooted deep.
The start of a long night, to be sure.
Hours later, darkness wraps you up. Comforting tenebrous blanket. Candles are lit. Dozy gold and matte dark pours into the tent.
He has you food brought in as an apology.
Someone ducks in the tent with a tray of it. He pulls on his boots to go fetch it. Leaves you boneless on his goose feather plumped bed.
There’s a bottle of wine with dinner too. Not the best but you’re not complaining. Dry hard biscuits and a salty wedge of goats cheese was your lot in the carriage ride here.
There’s a thick milky porridge with creamy oats and nutmeg and warming spices. A slab of pink roasted meat glistening with fat and golden globs of plain boiled potatoes barely salted. Sided with some hunk of brown hardy bread smeared in greasy butter.
This food is hot and warm and fills your belly well. He feeds it to you.
It’s how he soothes. But it’s not the only way he wants to offer you comfort.
He gets naked and climbs under the covers. Always bathed you in limitless comforts and luxuries after a rough fuck. The calm sweetness after a raging storm of passion and stinging claws and slamming hate. When the blood has dried to rust, along with the nasty words.
He slips between your legs under the sheets to tongue at your cunt like it’s a juicy honeycomb treat that drips honey.
It’s dripping him.
He eats it out of you. You sigh all dreamy and elongate your neck back to pillows that smell like his shaving soap, to moan his name.
Slipping your nails over the short brown thorns of hair. Rake over his scalp.
You gasp his name and you know the soldiers will have heard the sound sneak out the tent flaps. You don’t care.
His tongue slithers and laps through your puffy sex. Fully nursing your clit with the curl of his tongue. Brushes through the tactile scratch of your curls there. He loves burying his nose in them.
When he’s done he slinks up from under his furs and sheets. Wiping his mouth in the back of his hand. Still a little bit of both of you combined is smeared wetly across one cheek.
It catches in the flickering murky light. Candles are spinning red gold in the dim. Rain is a steady pat on the tent roof.
You look down at him. His gaze is all warmth and tenderness again. A knowing smile slopes the corner of his mouth.
“Did you really travel all this way just so I could fuck you?” He asks all smug.
You smirk. “Got what I wanted, now didn’t I.” You dismiss archly.
But you both know it seats a little deeper than that. There’s definite skin both of you have sunk into this game. It might even be the gummy beating walls of your hearts involved.
“You do know you’re a walking fucking nightmare.” He tells you.
Slotting himself between your hips. Seeking to hold your hands as he rolls into you. Makes your cunt clench.
Your hand slips from stroking his hair, downwards. Vicing your cruel hand around his soft throat. His eyes blaze again.
“Don’t you dare fucking forget it.” You sneer.
He sends you home sore - five days after your arrival.
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queenofsquids · 1 year
Took the rats in the bathroom for the first time with me an R to get a little play time and they DISAPPEARED INTO THE TOILET BASE. Would have sworn the back of the toilet was smooth but NOOO it has an entire labyrinth inside the pedestal. Waited a while for them to come out, but when they didn't, I panicked. Adam came and got the side covers off and I was able to track them using those openings as peepholes and grab them all out. My old lady heart 😩
And I had spent like 20mins rat-proofing everything else. Double checking that I caulked around the pipes years ago, sealing off the floor vents, etc
I just KNEW in my soul that the toilet was solid all the way around. We JUST replaced it this year! I would have bet my life it was all one solid pedestal!
I don't think any rat bonding was accomplished. I think I scared them 😞
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decembermoonskz · 11 months
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+ stray kids : ROCK-STAR (樂-STAR) | my comeback review/thoughts °˖✧
time for another skz comeback hehehehehe i have some thoughts about the mv so i'll jot them down as well but we're talking album first! if you're interested click under the cut >:D
album ;
★ - favorite
!!!!! okay i love this song so much! it's a great intro!
i was getting a lot of maze of memories vibes ngl
the BEAT DROP THO :00000
i loved seungmin and jeongin's vocals
jisung and hyun's raps were my faves
chris doing the outro >>>>>
already i like it more than lalalala ngl but onto that one
the bass is so nasty /pos
i'm happy changbin opens the song hehehe
rap line really popped off fr fr
the pre-chorus is so heavenly 😩 i love it so much
the drop again is soooo good the key changing in the background is so satisfying hehe
HYUNJIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (start of verse 2)
kinda wanted seungmin's part to last a bit longer afterwards
jisung needs to chill /pos
kinda not a fan of the song format this time around but lix saying "oh shit" is so good lol
jisung doing the second chorus start is perfect
CHRISTOPHER FALSETTO IS KILLING ME (I will never get over that ever. you hear me? ever.)
the hype ending reminded me of a yg song highkey (ikon/treasure vibes)
overall good title track solid 8.5/10 for me
!!! oh! this is more upbeat than i expected!
jisung vocals!!!! >>>>>
jeongin 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
oh this is so uplifting.. 🥺🥺 heart feeling all warm and shit
OH HELLO THE SYNTH!!! i actually like it those really high synths sometimes bother but not this time
changbin!!! *head bops*
the pre-chorus feels really nice. like it's building up to something so happy and satisfying
the chorus is so cute tho!! 😭
hehehehe chris..... (read: FALSETTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
oh i like the switch up for the last chorus/outro
this one is so cute. very tmt vibes ngl it's so cute
👀 oh? (classic skz sirens)
HEY NOW! *starts jamming*
that intro tho was perfect
jeongin!!!!!!!!!!!???????? YOU DON'T GIVE A WHAT????? (are skz saying fuck it when it comes to cursing now LOL fuck yeah)
oh the message is awesome
hyunsung you better fuck that rap up
i love the embracing all my scars and imperfections
i knew felix would do the drop intro this time
the bridge has such a goof melody tho
vocalracha is killing it
CHRIS I WILL SCREAM (that intro to the drop is so hot i love that for chanlix)
oh i love that one so much
:: Cover Me
omg that first 10 seconds is so peaceful i love it
omg i'm kinda speechless. this song is so beautiful 🥺🥺🥺
my brain is so smooth for this song HAHA
that whole first section was so pretty i felt like i was being carried through it (if that makes sense)
chris has so many falsetto moments in this album and i'm loving it
"the sun will always be there waiting after the rain" damn i'm crying ig
i'm not usually one for ballads but this one hits so nicely
i think it has to do with that electric guitar in the back
hyun!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
omg him and chris holding those notes was so satisfying!!!
this is my new fave ballads they have (right next to waiting for us)
what? nooo i don't want it to be over 😭😭 that was so nice
need to see this in concert
:: Leave ★
changsung serenading with rap somehow i love this
i thought this would be the ballad (i mean it kinda is) but this has more chill than ballad omg
feels like a jisung song
the chorus is soooo nice
omg electric guitar again!!! it's so good the way they use it
oooh the second verse with minho is so nice yesssss
hyunjin better stop...
ah i almost that it was over but i was like "there's one more isn't there" lol
seungmin backup vocals are so good
that was so nice def a fave
:: Social Path Ft. LiSA (KR Version)
i wasn't sure how they could change much since it's a english predominant song but okay?
i'm very biased and don't like their language switch-ups most of my time but this one is okay
the lyrics sound fluid actually LET'S GO
LiSA vocals (i'm in heaven)
this is literally my dream collab you have no idea
my fave group and one of my fave vocalists ever they did this for me actually
i love the "now or never" melody so much still
i don't have that many thoughts about this one bc i liked this one before
the korean lyrics fit fine since there weren't that many to start with but this is an okay language switch-up imo (this is rare for me so know that's good lol)
:: LALALALA (Rock Version)
oooooo the pre-chorus is more intense instead of heavenly I LIKE IT
oh the drop feels so different ngl bc of the inst. it makes it feel like a diff song
oh seungmin's part after hyun is better in this version ngl the hits are nice
changsung raps >>>>>>
the guitars are so fucking good
the rock inst. + chris' voice is amazing
more caps in this version bc it's so hype
oh the hits with lix's la la la is so satisfying
hehe 24/7- anyway
this feels like this should be the live version (i hope it is)
OH! different outro i liked that outro more i think
overall i like the alterations in this version but i like the og more still
mv/performance ;
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so i'll keep it brief on the mv. it's not good for me. i love the color palette (browns and blacks are so so nice for me) but i really don't like it overall. they've had so many better ones imo.
it's just not for me. it kinda tainted my first impression of the song but i like it a lot more after watching music bank (i'm so excited for the studio choom)
it was a bit too frenetic and chaotic for me. it didn't go with the song that well and felt too random (a bus, a pirate ship and clowns? alien cg creatures too? too much and it doesn't go together). the editing for this mv was some of the worst i've seen for a skz mv and that's shocking to me bc they are so well-known for the editing of their mvs but i just really have no words for how messy it felt.
also the way the screen time for the vocal line felt so much more scuffed compared to the rap line tilted me a lot (i barely saw jeongin and chris in the mv and that bummed me out a lot).
overall i won't need to rewatch the mv that much. i am content looking at stayblr's gifs of the mv.
now as for the performance aspects, i really like the choreo and it really feels intense and hype. it's perfect for a concert which is always smth i think about in terms of them.
the chorus choreo is so powerful and i love the pre-chorus stuff it reminds me a bit of back door's pre-chorus choreo. like the vibes and stuff
the outro chorus choreo is so hype and it makes me bop my head as i watch.
tldr: i dislike the mv, but the choreo and energy are great!
final thoughts ;
i'm so happy my boys are back and they definitely did great with this one. is it better than 5-star for me? mmm i don't think so if i were to compare them i still love the 5-star album more. HOWEVER i really think the b-sides are amazing on this album. megaverse and comflex are so amazing and cover me and leave are so nice. i love when skz show their more gentle and softer sides in their songs since they're known for bangers. the mv nearly tainted my whole love for this cb tho so i'm def gonna overlook that. however skz never disappoints with bringing the hype energy and once again they've shown out with this comeback. they definitely made it rock (lol lemme stop). overall out of 10 i think this comeback was an 8/10 bordering 8.5/10 bc i really like the album itself. i can't wait for their next tour i need to see this stuff live >:)
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heavenmcde · 1 year
Panic. Every noise around him dissolves into a cacophony of fear, as the huge beast scurries away into the next hall. Acidic green eyes snap in every direction, trying to remember the closest exit out of the BSAA building...but it's futile. Every spot looks the same and those pesky cameras were everywhere. Grumbling to himself Raymon finally hears the booming voices of the scientists, demanding to find their " special patient". No time to waste. Taking a few steps back, it's not until he hears a small gasp from behind that the giant plant-like creature turns around. Disbelief is clear as day Raymon eyes the person in front of him. "Cla...aiire?" Why was she here? Why now? (nightlyvisitor, AYYYY LOOK AT THIS ANGST>;3 I had to send mutant Ray over, it's only right 😩) | @nightlyvisitor
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she'd only come here to drop of some details she'd gotten from her latest snoop , perhaps find chris or some other familiar faces while she visited . but it doesn't leave long before the alarm rings , sounding atypical of a fire alarm as all the civilians are urged to leave the building with haste .
claire didn't exactly consider herself a normal civilain .
she roams the halls , pistol held in her hands as she directs the other workers , non soliders , to safety , urging them to get out while she she could try and track down what was going on at the base . the redhead holds her gun up , spotting a large shape down the end of one hallway as she slowly approaches it , the assumption that one of the mutuated creates had escaped from the lab .
but it's much worse , a gasp falling from her lips as she realises this isn't just some usual monster she's come across before , hands shaking as the pistol stays trained forward for now .
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❝ r - ray ? ❞
disbelief fills her voice as he finally looks towards her , her name leaving his own lips in a distorted mixture of his own voice and something more sinister . what had happened to him ? how could this have happened to him .
❝ ray - it's okay it's me , everything is going to be okay . ❞ she lowers her pistol , putting both hands in the air in some sort of attempt to let him know that she wouldn't hurt him , that she was here to help him . ❝ god , what happened to you ? ❞
one step forward , followed by another one as the redhead tries to get as close to him as possible without setting him off , because as much as she wanted to believe , she didn't know how much of ray was still in there . ❝ let me help you , you need to get back somewhere safe . ❞
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
The Best of Butterfly Records 1990 Disco
Today I learned about Butterfly Records, an LA-based indie disco label that existed from late 1976 to 1980 that landed a solid bunch of hits high upon Billboard's dance chart throughout its unfortunately short tenure. And guess what? I don't have to come up with much more to set up this album because the liner notes do a pretty bang-up job of it for me already! Yay!
Butterfly Records was founded by A.J. Cervantes in the late seventies, in Los Angeles, California. They were the label with the erotic album jackets. Distributed by MCA, the first hit was "Chattanooga Choo Choo" by Tuxedo Junction [not a fan!], followed by Saint Tropez' string of hits, "One More Minute," "Fill My Life With Love," and "Je T'aime." Both groups were produced by W. Michael Lewis and Laurin Rinder of El Coco fame. From England came producer Blackwell with "Boogie Down And Mess Around." Also included in this compilation are Canada's T.H.P. Orchestra and Denise McCann who scored high on the dance charts. Lalo Schifrin's (of "Jaws Theme" fame) group Fire And Ice hit the charts with "Inferno." DJ Elton Ahi's group The Destination had a big hit with "Move On Up" as did Eloise Whitaker with "Don't Turn Your Back On Love." So here it is for the first time on one package: The Best Of Butterfly Records.
The elite disco production duo of Rinder & Lewis are on, like, half of this thing, and just about all their tracks are fantastic, except for two that try to be disco covers of super old-timey jaunts that end up sounding extremely cheesy to me. Also not mentioned in those liner notes is another production duo, Ian Guenther and Willi Morrison, two European guys who brought their Eurodisco knowhow to Toronto and started The T.H.P. Orchestra, an act that hit #1 in Canada with its cover of the "Theme From S.W.A.T.," and then signed to Butterfly to bring their music stateside. And I think the two T.H.P. Orchestra offerings on this comp might be my two favorites.
These liner notes are also selling Destination's "Move on Up Suite" short. It wasn't just a "big hit;" it's the only hit on this album to reach #1 on the Billboard dance chart. It's a medley of speedy Curtis Mayfield disco covers, featuring, of course, the iconic horn refrain from Mayfield's signature song, "Move on Up." It's produced by an Iranian disco guy named Elton Farokh Ahi, who also co-produced "Inferno" by Lalo Schifrin's one-off disco project, Fire & Ice, which also appears on here.
Speaking of Schifrin, the liner notes say that he's responsible for the Jaws theme, but that's simply false. The Jaws theme is by John Williams. Schifrin is responsible for a lot of iconic film and TV music though, probably most notably the theme from Mission: Impossible.
Anyway, with all that said about all of this excellent music, I still have a decently-sized bone to pick: The back cover of this album clearly states, "ALL FULL LENGTH EXTENDED VERSIONS," and that's simply not the case. Longer versions of a lot of these are on YouTube and none of these last any longer than a little more than six minutes. It's false advertising, plain and simple, and because of these odd and not full track lengths, I unfortunately can't find very many of these exact edits on YouTube, which explains the lack of links that are to follow 😩.
Still a great label retrospective though. Disco’s a huge blind spot for me and this helps to fill in a small piece of that huge gap with hits I knew absolutely nothing about beforehand 😊.
Saint Tropez - "Fill My Life With Love" Denise McCann - "Tattoo Man" T.H.P. Orchestra - "Two Hot for Love" Saint Tropez - "One More Minute" Bob McGilpin - "Superstar" Eloise Whitaker - "Don't Turn Your Back on Love" Fire & Ice - "Inferno" T.H.P. Orchestra - "Weekend Two Step" Destination - "Move on Up Suite"
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staysuki · 3 years
OKE WAIT IM ACTUALLY LAUGHING MY ASS OFF AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WOW HOW DID U KNOW IM SHORT HAHAHAHAHSHWGDGSHAHA HOW DID U KNOW THAT JUST FROM THE WAY I CHAT 😭😭😭😭😭😭 honestly i havent checked my height for the past 2 yrs ,, but i used a ruler and got 5 flat to 5’1 ,, i kept on repeating it everyday in hopes that it will change but i keeps going back and forth between those 2 and yes one inch is a big difference 😠 in my defense tho ,,, 5 is average for filipinos XD SO IM NOT SHORT???? maybe i am but 😭😭😭😭 ash reveal urs now ,,, and urs too 🍕 <333
🍕 youre making me blush,,, ilyt 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i love the ring ,,, here be my queen UwU 👑 ,,, ash this is for you 😗 -> 🏀🥖⚽️
i was a myday first before getting into stray kids bc of seungmin xd i saw a yt vid abt a kpop idol who openly and proudly admits that they are a day6 fan and i was like “woah ily now” . ive heard of them before from gods menu since it blew up like crazy and my pace which is 😎 i was actually surprised when i found out HE was from skz lol and then i saw a vid of seungmin singing stitches then that was when i decided to become a fan 😌👌🏻
btw would you 2 mind sharing how you got into skz? and what time is it there ,,, its late here about almost 12 am 😭😭😭
I listen to a lot actually! random songs from other grps,, depends on what spotify plays for me xd but im familiar with all the b sides and title tracks of skz, bts, day6, and enhypen! i suggest trying suggi and seori,,, they’re songs are so chillll
have you guys listened to eaj??
- bs
OK WELL I ASSUMED AS MUCH CUZ U SAID U WERE PEENOY AND I KNOW THAT WE R ALL SHORT. I appreciate 🍕anon saying I'm a solid 5'5 so why don't we pretend that that's true :^)))) (even though i'm only 5'3). I feel like 🍕anon is somewhere around 5'7 or smth like that 👀 just a guess. Also I'M the average height, ur short uwu JKJK
thank u i luv balls uwu
AND ALSO OMG, THATS EXACTLY HOW I GOT INTO SKZ TOO!!! Well, I saw hyunjin's very iconic tiktok viral video and then I was like "oh wow, cool concept" and then kinda forgot about it? And then I was just jamming to some day6 and then youtube auto-queued an skz song (it was awkward silence iirc) and then i followed that rabbit trail and i was like, oh! this guy likes day6!!!! and then i saw hyunjin and i was like oh!!! i saw this guy before!!!!! fun times.
and omg go to sleep, it's a weekday 😭
oooh as for other artists, i listen to mamamoo and bibi 💓. i haven't checked out Seori but ik Jae did a collab with her and I wanna listen to my king 😩💓
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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We pluck all the shit out , we happy , we enjoying each other, making each other happy , big tings a gwaan , we got big things poppin , we making moves, I'm saying this cause it's great af to say, I feel good af about it , and Tumblr wanna mess up real bad and stuff plucking that out , we getting through all that , Tumblr messing up , our love is strong and poppin af , universe got out back in every way , I'm happy and excited af and I know you are too , I'm saying this because I'm getting ready to get us into a session baby , I feel like you're holding back a little and I know you don't want to and I don't want you to either, our dreams/wishes are unfolding and yes been amazing af /it is amazing af , we're special /rare/sacred , spending the rest of our lives together , its natural to feel a little nervous , and anxious , it's okay 🖤🖤🖤🖤, I got you , and you got me, all we got and all we need , and we thrivingggg , we truly are , all that other stuff is an illusion , smoke and mirrors..etc and we plucking it all out , Tumblr messing up , we floating and soaring above life , muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤, and that's in regards to school as well ...etc that just means that we on the right track baby , we doing great , you doing great , Tumblr messing up , lighting this candle , Tumblr messing up , getting us into a meditated state , we should roll up too , doing so right now , tumblr messing up , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘🖤, you are so perfect , deep and slow breathing , counting down from 10-1 , some seeping music poppinnnn , some DMX , Tumblr messing up , one sec rolling this up , back 🖤🖤🖤, missed you 🖤, wraps my arms around you 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗, black floor both feet planted , bliss , https://youtu.be/9Ww-TQUeA3E
Seepinggggg , 😍😍😍😍, lays on your breasts , feel every feeling we'll seep into , Tumblr messing up , muah 😘😘😘😘, maxing and relaxinggggg , as we seep 😍😍😍😍, gazing at the stars , makes you some cider , whipped cream on top ahhhh 😍😍😍😍, the moon is shininggggg , 😍😍😍😍, grabs your hand and kisses it 😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , climbing down the ladder , we see this lantern , it's glowing , like a yellowish color , Tumblr messing up , we grab the lantern and walk into this room , its bright has tables about 4 scattered , the tables are white , the walls are too , there's a poster on the left /side wall , we sit down and get our orders together to eat , as we do we sit and laugh and talk about any and everything that comes to mind 😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , staring deep into your eyes , so gorgeous , we look around at the posters on the wall , pictures of nature ,Tumblr messing up , we get our food , feeding each other , we smile st each other , eating some poke , some mellow music playing , we jam out to it , after we finish we get some dessert , mochi ice cream , we get about 4 pieces of it , there's caramel , mint, chocolate , pistachio, mango, strawberry, we get a little mix , there's a machine that we can make some from scratch 😩😍, we should get one , we could make so many flavors , Tumblr messing up , and we can put our own touch on it , we eat the mochi feeding each other , after we're done we walking around hand in hand , smiling at each other , we find this little exhibit , its glass , lots of sculptures , there's some buildings made of glass , there's animals too , some of the glass is frosted , Sidenote we should get some frosted glass or make some , I think it would be decor , what you think baby? I think it would be nice 😍😍😍😍, we continue walking around smiling , muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘🖤, Tumblr messing up , we head to another exhibit , this one is a little fashion exhibit , there's clothes hanging from the ceiling , and modeling going down this runway , the runway is kind of a spiral shape , we watch the runway show , Tumblr messing up , we laugh and talk , I put my arms around you , they model sportswear and activewear , basketball shorts , windbreakers , tanks , allll different colors , and styles , we smile , having a good time , next up is , sweats , hoodies , loungewear , we take pictures and videos , I give you a hug kiss , we smile at each other , the music is booming and the models are moving along to it , the have kids and pet wear too , Tumblr messing up , after the show we look around some more , hand in hand swinging along ahhh 😍😍😍, we chill on the balcony, might breeze in the air , we stare at the stars , I stroke your hair , I love you so much 😍🖤, Tumblr messing up , we see some fireworks off in the distance , we gaze at them smiling , and pointing at them , there's a heart shaped firework we are amazed at , we give each other at big kiss , Tumblr messing up , we sit on this bench and have some hot chocolate , whipped cream piled highhhhhh😯😯😯😯😯, I get some and put it on your cheek and lick it off , we smile and giggle, we continue to talk about any and everything that comes to mind , Tumblr messing up , you tell me about your day , as I stroke your hair , the fireworks continuing to go off , we watch em as they do , we get off the balcony and walk around , right near the lake , the moons reflection on the water , Tumblr messing up , it looks so beautiful , there's vendors along the waterside, we see some handmade jewelry , they're made of wood , and some is made from like some metal pieces , and we buy a few , another vendor has some paintings , they're abstract , we look through em , and find one for our cabin , and then we look at more vendors , hand in hand smiling , there's clothes , crystals, furniture , all types of stuff 😯😯😯😯😯, tumblr messing up , we continue looking around , I give you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘, we see this light display ,
There's robotic reindeer and stuff , it's about 6 ft tall , Tumblr messing up , there's a sleigh and we get on it , flying up in the skyyyyy, the buildings look so small from up here , Tumblr messing up , I grab your hand and kiss it , I sing to you , you smile at me , I smile back , the lights from the buildings we look at , zooming through the sky , feeling like we can touch the stars, planets and moon , looking so beautiful , I look at you looking so beautiful , we head to our little cave , with the bioluminescent algae in there , glowing so beautifully , a real light blue , we have a little blanket in there , we lay down , there's this screen , we watch docs and shows on it , wrapping my arms around you , gives you a big kiss , bliss 😘😘😘🖤, we afterwards we play some Atari games , we laughing and giggling , playing around with the games , we nudge each other , Tumblr messing up , we play some frogger, pacman, a little donkey kong , we drink some herbal tea , Tumblr messing up , and continue to talk , and laugh , after playing the games we had out the cave , we fly around , soaring in the sky , hand in hand , doing flips and everythingggggg, tumblr messing up , laughing and smiling , We land back back near the water , we feel the midst of the waterfall , I grab your hand and kiss it , I love you so much 😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, Tumblr messing up , so beautiful , we get on our ATVS , racing each other , zooming , laughing and playfully talking smack to each other, muah muah muah 😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, we riding through our lit track ahhhhh , having so much fun , the lights light up the track , we speed through , muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋💋💋, Tumblr messing up , winding us down for the night
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Swoonssssssssssss 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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So sexy ahhhh😍😍😍😍😍😩, licks your face 👅💦💦💦💦💦💦, you make me so wet 👅💦💦💦💦💦, you are so yummy , I can't wait to taste you 👅💦💦💦💦💦, scrumptious , I love that look in your eyes baby , Tumblr messing up , you are so perfect , we are so perfect , we are made for each other, we complete each other , we are such a great team on every level , we're so raw ahhhhh 😩😍😍😍😍🖤, I love our relationship 💪🏾🖤🖤🖤🖤, I'm so happy and excited 😩🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, fireplace blazing
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Tumblr messing up , we stare at the stars , smiling at each other , I lay on your breasts ,
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Your eyes are so heavenly 😍😍😍😍, swoons 😍😍😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , your face ahhhh 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤, I gotta make another post for the images
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