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krystalia-productions · 2 years ago
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Solerno is an ass and none of you should like him
Commissions are open! Pinned at the top of my profile ❤
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the-font-bandit · 2 months ago
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Another faction cocktail!
A blend of Italian ingredients for a darkly bittersweet, deeply complex cocktail that would be right at home at the Cantori Diamond.
1.5oz (45ml) Averna amaro liqueur*
1oz (30ml) Orange liqueur (preferably Solerno Blood Orange if you can get your hands on it, otherwise Cointreau can substitute)
1.5oz (45ml) Dry Vermouth
1oz (30ml) Fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 dashes angostura bitters
Optional: Dried orange wheel for garnish
*You may be able to substitute another amaro (such as Amaro Nonino or Ramazzotti), but amounts will probably need to be adjusted since the sweetness varies. If it’s too sweet, try upping the lemon juice a little or reducing the amaro to 1oz (30ml). If it’s too dry, slightly increase the orange liqueur.
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker.
Add ice.
Shake well.
Strain into a cocktail glass
Optional: garnish with a dried orange wheel
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rex-rivetter-transcripts · 1 month ago
Rex Rivetter: Private Eye
Episode 11: A Case of Triple Indemnity (Part 5)
Note: I am not fluent in Italian, so feedback on the various (???)s is appreciated. What is there is what Google Translate tried to give me, so apologies if those aren't accurate as well. Various items with (???) are also open for feedback.
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts.]
Tonight and every Monday night, Downstairs Entertainment in association with Davey Boy Productions presents: Rex Rivetter: Private Eye. And now ladies and gentlemen: part five of Rex Rivetter: Private Eye in A Case of Triple Indemnity.
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw plays.]
REX (V.O.): The name is Rivetter. Rex Rivetter. License number 698753, issued by… oh, you probably already know the rest. A guy named Bennett walked into my office yesterday from the Transmutual Insurance Company. He’s catching some heat from the beneficiary of a policy his office wrote. The insured was one Vincent Scalati, formerly of Bel Air, now residing at Lot #314 at Holy Cross Cemetery. The heat was coming from his wife Carmen. It seems Transmutual had written in a Triple Indemnity Clause should Mr. Scalati meet an untimely accident. The payout? $225,000. With that kind of money, it’d be hard to find someone that wouldn’t snuff out Scalati’s candle. But he’d been shot in an apparent robbery outside his shop in the seedy part of town. Sure, it’s possible that it’s just a coincidence. Have I mentioned before how I feel about coincidence? I met with Carmen Scalati at her home yesterday. During our chat, there was a special guest appearance by… a man I know very little about. Later I met up with that man here in my office, and he told me he suspected something might be going on with Mrs. Scalati.
REX: That, Inspector, is why I’m talking to you!
LT. BURKE: It’s Lieutenant, Rivetter. 
REX: Lieutenant Rivetter? Hey… ah, I’m too tired to make that joke right now. Check back with me later. 
LT. BURKE: Up late last night, were you?
REX: I had a meeting with another client. Nothing related to this case.
LT. BURKE: Alright Rivetter, so what do you want from me?
REX: I was hoping I could call in a favor. I need more information on the Scalatis. Something’s… not right. 
LT. BURKE: “Call in a favor?” I would have to owe you one for that to happen.
REX: Well, there was that little matter at the university…
LT. BURKE: You’re already trading that one! I’m not sure if you’re aware, but typical protocol in a situation like this is to wait a few days before…
REX: What if I said “pretty please?”
[SFX - Chair wheels out as Burke gets up.]
LT. BURKE: Sorry Rexie, old boy. You’re on your own. But be sure to call me if you have anything solid on the Scalati murder.
REX: I think she’s having an affair with the gardener.
LT. BURKE: Seedy. But without any proof–
REX: “Seedy?” Gardener? C’mon, Lieutenant, you’re making this too easy for me!
LT. BURKE: Good day, Mr. Rivetter.
[SFX - Door closes. Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts.]
REX (V.O.): He’s right. Without something more solid, Transmutual will have to pay out on that policy. I suppose I shouldn’t care – it’s not my money – but my client paid me to get to the bottom of this, and if word gets out I shirked my responsibility, well… that’s just bad for business. I would say that I’m back to square one in this investigation, but that’s not true. Is there something that comes before square one? Because, that’s where I am. The only thing I have discovered is that Vincent Scalati used to work for the mob as a bookie. He was running numbers out of a curio shop and may or may not have been skimming, something the Italians don’t take lightly. Carmen Scalati and the gardener both know who I am and what I’m doing. They may or may not be involved, but they’d be idiots not to be looking out for me now, so trying to get any information from them’ll be next to impossible. Anthony Solerno might know something, but I’d have better luck getting the dead body of Vincent Scalati to talk than I would Solerno. A man was shot in the middle of the day, but according to Lieutenant Burke there are no leads, not even a single witness. It’s just… too perfect a crime. I’m missing something. Burke won’t help me, but yesterday there were cops staking out the Chinese massage parlor near Scalati’s store. Maybe they can shed some light.
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw ends.]
[SFX - Car engine start.]
I take a spin back over to Scalati’s Treasures, thinking about everything that had gone wrong so far in this investigation. The only real chance I have left of getting to the bottom of this is sitting across the street from the shop recently owned by the deceased. They’re there, alright. Same cops, same car, same parking spot.  
[SFX - Car door shuts. Footsteps.]
JIMMY (cheerfully): Hey, it’s the pie man!!
PETE: Christ, what do you want?
REX: I just came to check on my two favorite public servants.
JIMMY: Got any pie?
PETE: Shut up, Jimmy! Mr. Rivetter ain’t takin’ any food orders today. That’s right, Rivetter, I checked up on ‘ya. I called in your plates yesterday and got a full rundown on ‘ya. 
REX: Hm. Anything interesting?
PETE: Well you don’t run no curio shop, that’s for sure. You’re a Private Dick.
REX (disappointed): I don’t really like that term. 
PETE: And you’re stickin’ your nose somewhere where it don’t belong!
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts.]
REX (V.O.): Some guys are lucky at love. Some guys, it’s cards! (quietly, like he’s telling a secret) I knew a guy said he had perfect parking karma. He could find a spot on the busiest street in L.A. at rush hour. Me? I got a different kinda luck. Sometimes on a case when I’ve run out of leads, I catch a lucky break. Some would call it uncanny, maybe, or destiny. I just think that once in a while, the sun even shines on a dog’s ass. Of course, there’s a trade off. I’m terrible at making analogies. I’m worse at that than… someone who can… can’t make analogies. But as luck would have it, a brown Sedan pulls up outside the pie shop. And who should get out of the passenger side but my old buddy Mitch, a not-so-helpful waiter from yesterday. He gives me the eye and the driver peeps at me from the rear-view before pulling the brim of his green fedora down to cover his eyes. He leaves a little tread as he makes a quick right and disappears into traffic. I think it’s time for a slice of cherry.
[SFX - Entrance bell dings. Café ambiance.]
The apron Mitch ties around his waist does a pretty good job at hiding a solid frame. The little paper hat he wears covers a crew cut. He tries to saunter over to me but it looks like a march. I don’t know how I missed it yesterday - Mitch is ex-military. I’d know that angry look anywhere.
MITCH: Well if it isn’t the snooper!
REX: Hello, Mitch! Why don’t we have us a little sit-down?
[SFX - Utensils clatter. Rex grabs Mitch. Music swells.]
MITCH: Hey, what the–!! OOF–!!
REX (through wrestling Mitch, strained): Let’s take this conversation over to the kitchen here, and out the back door. I think we have some things to discuss!! 
[SFX - Rex slams Mitch into the wall.]
MITCH (angry): You’re makin’ a mistake, pal!
[SFX - Mitch grunts randomly trying to get away from Rex.]
REX: It’s not my first, and I’m sure it won’t be my last. 
MITCH: I wouldn’t be so sure about that. 
[SFX - more wrestling. Glass breaks in the background. Mitch grunts and exclaims as Rex starts punching him.]
REX (V.O., through punching Mitch): Maybe all the bruises I’ve collected over the last few days are starting to affect my mood! I start taking out my anger on Mitch. He’s capable of defending himself, and nine times out of ten this would be a fair fight.   
MITCH: Hey, what– EEK–!
REX (V.O.): Today, I’m not havin’ any. Tony Solerno’s gorilla laying me out, Lieutenant Burke’s hammer to my jaw at the police station, the cops’ love tap yesterday at the Scalati’s place. I’m tired of being other people’s punching bag. 
MITCH: Knock it off, Rivetter!
REX (V.O., seething with anger): Mitch nearly trips over a wino as he backs away from me. The guy grabs his paper-wrapped bottle and skitters down the alley on all fours. I almost feel sorry for him; he’s just trying to sleep one off. In the back of my mind I hear footsteps coming up on me and– don’t stop. I’m not me; I’m watching some schlub in a brown suit smacking a middle-aged soda jerk around in a back alley. Who knows what he’s done, but he prob’ly deserves it. We all deserve it. 
[SFX - Mitch grunts. Something impacts flesh. Music swells.]
Sharp pain explodes in the back of my skull and rushes through the rest of me. My knees buckle, and the world goes black. Last thing I see is the man in the green fedora, laughing. 
[SFX - Muffled, echoed laughter. Marching footsteps.]
It’s May, 1944. We’re in a camp outside of some Polish town I can’t pronounce. Red and I staged a boxing match as a diversion so some Canadian officer named Patterson can escape. Afterward I can’t tell which beating hurts worse — the one I got from the nineteen-year-old Scotsman or the one from the camp guards. Spent a few weeks and solitary getting half-rations, and getting questioned afterward by some German with shiny boots. I’m sure he told me his name, but I don’t recall. He hits like my sister.
MITCH: Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!
REX (out of it): The name is Rivetter. Rex Rivetter, er… Sergeant. Serial number 32307051.
MITCH: He’s gone off his rocker! How hard didya hit ‘im, Johnson?
JOHNSON: Not that hard. 
[SFX - Metal scuffs on floor.]
MITCH: Alright, that’s enough Rivetter. Playtime is over. 
REX: Did I get pinched? Why am I in these clothes, and… who is this guy and… why is he dressed like a soda–
MITCH: Alright, the lights seem to be comin’ back on. Let’s check who’s at home. [SFX - flashlight clicks on.] Hello, Rex. Remember me?
REX: Jerk.
JOHNSON: Heh, he remembers you alright.
MITCH: Watch it, wise ass. 
REX (V.O.): It’s coming back through the haze. Mitch, the guy pretending to be somebody he’s not. There’s a lot of that. Faces flash through my head like a high-speed movie reel. Bennett, the guy who hired me to find out if… Scalati and his wife, Anthony Solerno, the gardener…
REX: Mitch. You’re the soda jerk.
MITCH: I prefer Special Agent.
REX: Alright. Special Agent Jerk.
JOHNSON: [SFX - He laughs.]
MITCH: Hey Johnson, why don’t you take a walk?
JOHNSON: I’ll be outside if he gets too much for ‘ya.
MITCH: He’s cuffed to the chair – I think I can handle him.
JOHNSON: I was talkin’ to Rivetter.
[SFX - Loud boom as door closes.]
MITCH: Alright Mr. Rivetter, let’s talk.
REX: Am I under arrest for something?
MITCH: We’ll see.
REX: You’re no cop. What’s with the bracelets?
[SFX - Handcuffs jingle.]
MITCH: Just a precaution. You got a little violent. What? No witty retort?
REX: I’m saving it for later. So, you’re no cop. You said you were a Special Agent? A Fed?
MITCH: That’s right! Give the man a Kewpie doll. 
REX: I’ll settle for two aspirin tablets and the handcuff keys.
MITCH: We’ll see. Do you know what the penalty is for striking a Federal officer?
REX: A Kewpie doll?
MITCH: Not quite. Ten years in the Federal Penitentiary.
REX: Hm, I’d rather have the Kewpie doll.
MITCH: Undoubtedly. Sadly, I don’t think you have much choice in the matter. However, if you cooperate by telling me what you know about the Scalati murder, I might be able to work out something with my superior. 
REX: And they say you Feds don’t have a sense of humor. 
MITCH: Is that what they say?
REX: Not really, but I didn’t strike a Federal Agent. I punched a waiter in a pie shop. For your charge to stick, you would’ve had to identify yourself first. 
MITCH: Taking some night courses to become a lawyer, are we?
REX: I read it in a comic book somewhere.
MITCH: You’re a funny guy, Mr. Rivetter. 
REX: So I keep hearing! 
MITCH: Look, Rivetter. I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I work for the government. I’m one of the good guys. 
REX: Well, then it’s settled I guess. A representative of the government would never lie, right?
MITCH: You’re not the most trusting guy I’ve ever met. Let’s try this another way, huh? We’re working the same case, you and me. Johnson said you paid a little visit to Mrs. Scalati. Why don’t you tell me what you found out and then we’ll go our separate ways?
REX: Golly gee G-man, that sounds swell! Maybe if I cooperate I can get one of those nifty Special Agent decoder rings! 
MITCH: Well I could dump ‘ya in a dark hole, or maybe someone in Washington would be interested to know you’re a communist sympathizer. 
REX (V.O.): Images of the Hollywood Ten and picketers outside my office. Shattered glass, shattered lives run through my head. I don’t doubt Special Agent Mitch would carry out his threat. Sometimes to get along, you have to go along. 
REX: Alright, Mitch. Take off these bracelets and I’ll tell ‘ya everything I know. [SFX - Mitch gets up. Handcuffs loosen.] I would imagine you know as much as I do about this case. Vincent Scalati got himself iced. Whether it was because of the mob of some schmo that didn’t wanna pay up, or because his wife and the gardener are gonna use the dough to set up shop somewhere is anybody’s guess.
MITCH: Wait, gardener? What gardener?
REX: Luca, the Scalatis’ gardener? 5’7”, weighs in at about buck forty? Italian? Ringing any bells?
MITCH: Rivetter, the Scalati’s don’t have a gardener. Mr. Scalati did all the dirty work around that house. 
REX (appalled): What?
MITCH: Sure. We got all kinds of photos of them all over the place, digging holes, planting begonias… 
REX: Peonias. (Italian name for Peonies)
MITCH: What?
REX (getting quieter as he puzzles it): Peonias. “The rose without thorns.” In Italy they’re the symbol of… discretion. Cut straight from Mrs. Scalati’s wedding bouquet. 
MITCH: What are you going on about, Rivetter?
REX: You say you got photos of Scalati, any of them recent?
MITCH: Sure, somewhere in here… here we go! This one was taken about a week before the shooting. 
REX: 5’7”, 140 pounds…
MITCH: Yeah, he’s dropped some weight. Seems his wife can’t cook.
REX: “Can’t cook worth a damn.” [SFX - He scoffs.] Well, I’ll be.
[SFX - Metal scrapes on floor as Rex gets up. Footsteps. Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts.]
MITCH: Wanna clue me in on what you’re goin’ on about?
REX: Call your boss. Tell ‘im to send some guys over to the Scalati house – you’re about to solve your case, and I’m about to save my client a sweet lot of cash. 
REX (V.O.): Before I even get out the door, the G-man is on the horn. Call it ego if you want, but I’m dying to see the face on Vincent and Carmen Scalati when they find out their scheme has come unraveled.
[SFX - Door closes. Nightmare by Artie Shaw ends.]
[Whimsical music starts.]
[Greg and Randy 2016 Audioverse Award plug.]
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts.]   
GREG MCAFEE: And now, ladies and gentlemen, we return to Rex Rivetter: Private Eye in A Case of Triple Indemnity.
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw plays.] 
REX (V.O.): Vincent Scalati got ‘imself in over his head with the Italians. There was no way out of it for him and his pretty bride, so they cooked up a plan to disappear. Vincent took out an insurance policy on himself and paid extra for a Triple Indemnity Clause if an “accident” should befall him. They figured an armed robbery gone wrong would do the trick, and it almost did. If Tony Solerno hadn’t overheard them talking, if I hadn’t seen the before-and-after photos of Vincent Scalati, if I hadn’t heard from several people that Carmen Scalati couldn’t cook worth a damn, which forced Vincent to take his wife out for dinner and dancing instead of staying at home… a little exercise will do wonders for a man’s girth. The minute I pull up to the Scalati’s place in Bel Air I can already tell something is not right. There are two cars in the driveway: Carmen’s red deSoto and a chariot I’ve never seen before, but the guy standing next to it is a different story. Mickey, one of Tony Solerno’s gunsels. I recall now: I owe him a beating. 
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw ends.]
MICKEY: ‘Ey! I know you. Ain’t you that Private Dick? 
[SFX - Mickey laughs wickedly.]
REX: I don’t like being called that.
[SFX - Rex punches Mickey. Mickey's falls to the ground.]
REX (V.O.): Hopefully he’s better with his gun. The kid’s got a glass jaw. He falls in a heap like last week’s laundry. I should prob’ly take his Roscoe, but I gotta move fast now. Who knows what’s happening inside. Last thing I need now is to–
[SFX - Gunshot from afar. Music swells.]
That came from inside the house! 
[SFX - Footsteps on gravel. Wood breaks as Rex slams the door down. Music swells.]
It was like looking through a warped peephole. Yesterday at about this time I was standing inside the Scalatis’ living room. Mrs. Scalati and I had wrestled for a gun and it went off. Few seconds later a mysterious shadow burst through the front door. He stood where no light touched him and watched as Carmen and I tried to recover from the intrusion. Now it was my turn. Anthony Solerno stood where I had, but he wasn’t wrestling with Carmen. This time it was Vincent Scalati on the ground. They were unarmed and it was Carmen that held the gun. (quietly) Carmen Scalati, as beautiful as she was dangerous. Although, apparently not as dangerous with a gun. The looks on their faces was priceless!
SOLERNO (V.O.?): This looks like the cover of one of those pulp fiction magazines: a nice house, a finely-dressed woman with a smoking gun in her hand, two men fighting, and a shadowy figure in the doorway. All we need now is a catchy title like… [SFX - Music stinger.]
REX (V.O.): Can it, Solerno! I did that joke yesterday! 
SOLERNO (quieter than usual, surprised for once): Mr. Rivetter. You show up at the most unusual places.
REX: It’s a gift. I also get double my green stamps at the Piggly Wiggly.
CARMEN: Mr. Rivetter, you must help me! This man has broken into my home, and attacked me. If it hadn’t been for Luca, there’s no telling what–!
SOLERNO: I was merely attempting to broker a deal for the shop on–
LUCA: (???) deja vu!
REX: Close your heads, all of you!! That’s better. Now, if yesterday is any indication, we have less than five minutes to get this all sorted out before the cops get here.
SOLERNO: I do not wish to have any entanglements with the police. 
CARMEN: They will never believe the story, again about how–
LUCA: (???)
REX: I said quiet! I oughta shoot the lot of you, just on general principle. 
CARMEN: You wouldn’t!
REX: You willing to bet on that? What about you, Luca?? You understand wagering. What would you put the odds at that I wouldn’t just ventilate the three of you and go about the rest of my day? 
LUCA??: Not. Very. High. 
CARMEN: [SFX - she gasps.]
[Music swells.]
REX: Not very high at all. Tony Solerno, meet Vincent Scalati. 
CARMEN (alarmed): No!!
[Music swells again.]
REX: Vincent Scalati, Anthony Solerno.
VINCENT (slowly, surprised): How did you know?
REX: It was a lot of little things, but the first were these ribbons up here on your mantle. What kind of gardening club gives away awards to someone that has a full time weed-whacker? That got me to thinking that maybe Luca was more than just your hired help. Then it was the weight loss, and how genuinely in love Carmen here seemed to be with her late husband, and yet there were no tears when she talked about you. And she’d picked up with the gardener pretty quick! It just… didn’t add up.
SOLERNO (genuinely proud): Well done, Mr. Rivetter! I had never met Mr. Scalati, until now.
REX: There’s just one thing that bothers me: who was the stiff?
VINCENT: The stiff–?
REX: Sure, you had to have a body for the coroner’s report. Someone for Carmen to go down to police headquarters to identify. Who was he?
VINCENT: Oh, of course. He was a hobo, Mr. Rivetter. A boozehound by the name of Walston. I found him in the alley behind my shop. Quite often drunk. But one night, he didn’t wake up when I shook him. It was like… a godsend. I’d been looking for someone to rob my store and kill me, but… the few people I talked to thought I was joking, or I was trying to set them up. When I was taking out my trash that night and saw Sammy’s body, well… I called Carmen and told her what I was going to do. It took some persuading, but she agreed to play the… dutiful wife, and then collect the insurance. Then we could leave this place – we could leave the… family behind. I want to make it very clear: Carmen. Knew. Nothing. About my plan. She is innocent. 
REX: Innocent might be stretching it a bit.
CARMEN (saddened): So what are you going to do now?
REX: I’m going to let the authorities take over. The Feds have been watching Vincent for a while now. I expect he’ll do some time, and… so will you.
VINCENT: Please, Mr. Rivetter, I will take any punishment coming to me, but I beg you: let my wife go?
CARMEN: No, amore mio, we are in this together. We began this journey as husband and wife, so we will see it to the end. 
VINCENT: Oh, my beloved–
[SFX - Something crashes into the house. Music swells.]
REX (V.O.): I’m so focused on the scene in front of me that I don’t notice Solerno’s gunsel Mickey come up behind me. One of his eyes is swollen from the chin music I played for him outside. He’s wobbly, and mad. Not a good combination.
[SFX - Gun cocks. Sirens are quiet in the distance.]
[SFX - Three gunshots.]
CARMEN: [SFX - She exclaims.]
VINCENT or REX or SOLERNO or MICKEY: [SFX - Outcry of pain.]
REX (V.O.): We lay down a little Chicago lightning right there in the Scalati’s living room. Somehow, I escape unharmed. I can’t say the same for the gunsel, or Vincent Scalati. 
VINCENT: [SFX - He groans in pain.]
CARMEN (through sobbing): Sei la mia vita. Sei il mio amore, cuore mio.
[SFX (behind Rex’s monologue) - Carmen sobbing. Sirens fade in. Music shifts to calm guitar, then it fades out. Carmen’s sobbing fades back in.]
REX (V.O.): I can see at least three perforations. Vincent Scalati isn’t going to make it. He bleeds out right there on the rug before anyone can get a croaker on the horn. There’s nothing anyone can do. It’s a shame, really. Carmen and Vincent Scalati were… as deep in it as any two people I’ve ever met. They married as strangers, and somehow found a way to make the journey through their lives together work. There aren’t three couples in a hundred who could do that. I wonder what Vincent would’ve put the odds at. It’s like Carmen said: theirs was a love story, just not a fairytale. They say their goodbyes, and Carmen holds him until the cops have to pry them apart. She wails, and at one point it takes three uniforms to keep her from jumping on the gurney they use to wheel Vincent away. Italian women (???). I get the third degree from several of L.A.’s finest, but I’m in no mood for games, so I tell ‘em what I know. I came over to speak to Mrs. Scalati again about her husband’s murder, while I was there, some palooka burst in and started firing at us. I told ‘em he was speaking Italian and all I caught was that he was jealous about her and the gardener Luca. Alright, maybe I am in the mood for a little game. Anthony must’ve played the clean sneak, because I don’t see him anywhere around. No doubt I’ll find him scurrying around in the tin cans in my alley some night. But that’s a problem for another day. Miraculously, Carmen and I aren’t taken in for questioning. The cops grilled her, and she gave her answer from behind a lifeless haze. The detectives must’ve bought it. After all, her husband really was a goner this time. Maybe Mitch called off the dogs. Feds thought Vince was dead, and now he is. I’ll have lots of paperwork to fill out and I’ll have to explain how a gumshoe like me figured it out before they did. Maybe they’ll let this one go. In any case, it’s the end of an assignment, and I hadn’t gone to jail once! The wonders never cease.
CARMEN (less animated): So, what will you do now, Mr. Rivetter?
REX: I’ll file my report with Mr. Bennett. You should have the money in no time. 
CARMEN: The money?
REX: Way I see it, your husband was killed, in an accident. He was shot, just like the coroner’s report said. It just happened a few days… later. Nothing can bring Vincent back, Mrs. Scalati, and no amount of money will make the pain go away, but you sitting in a jail cell isn’t gonna solve anything either. ‘Sides, Transmutual isn’t hurting for money. Whatever they lose in this case they’ll more than make up for in the next one. Capitalism’s great that way. 
CARMEN: But… where will I go?
REX: Away from here, Mrs. Scalati. Far away from here. 
[SFX - Calm guitar fades out. Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts. Engine rumbles.]
REX (V.O.): Carmen Scalati is kneeling in her garden as I pull away from her house on Chalon. The sun has set and it’s started to rain. As my headlights flash across her garden, I can see her kneeling in front of the flowers that Vincent nurtured to grow from cuttings of their wedding bouquet. Her back is to me, but her shoulders convulse from crying. Her words echo through me again. “Our’s was a love story, just not a fairytale.” Sure, Vincent Scalati was a bookie for the mob, but he did it to make a home for his wife. Some folks just don’t get a break. 
There’s a bottle of Sunnybrook back in my office callin’ my name. I plan on getting good and drunk. And waking up sometime next year. 
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw starts.]
GREG MCAFEE: Tonight’s episode of Rex Rivetter: Private Eye starred Randy Coull (Rex Rivetter) and Rhiannon McAfee (Jenny McIntosh), and featured Charles Peters, Charley Miller, Kurt (???), Tyler Jiles, Rachel Bishop, Steve Murdock, Nick Young, James Steinburg, and Dave Rivas. It was written by Greg McAfee and is transcribed in San Diego, California. It was produced by Downstairs Entertainment, with recording, sound, and editing by Davey Boy Productions. The Rex Rivetter Theme ‘Nightmare’ by the Artie Shaw Orchestra is used by permission of Music Sales Corps. Rex Rivetter is directed by Rhiannon McAfee with vocal, sound, and technical direction by Dave Rivas. And if you enjoyed tonight’s episode please find us on the internet at www.dsentertain.com or on THE FACEBOOK or THE TWITTER. Tonight's episode of Rex Rivetter: Private Detective is brought to you in part by Davey Boy Productions. For sound design, private voice-over workshops, or to consult with voice over recording artist Dave Rivas about your project, visit www.daveyboyproductions.com. And be sure to join us next Monday night, same time and place, for Rex Rivetter: Private Eye. For Downstairs Entertainment, this is Greg McAfee speaking. 
[Nightmare by Artie Shaw fades out.]
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annairaleigh · 5 months ago
Every small detail my brain produces from my childhood allows me better understanding of who I am tbh. Remembering my obsession and repeated watching of Gold Diggers: The Race to Bear Mountain has me watching it rn at 31 realizing I was like
Completely in love Jody Solerno.
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samsdisneydiary · 6 months ago
Spooky Sips Arrive at Disney Springs This Halloween
Get ready to indulge in some hauntingly good drinks this October as Disney Springs introduces new Halloween-themed cocktails at several of its top dining spots. The Edison is bringing eerie elegance with their crafty creations: Blood Donor: A tangy mix of Espolòn Silver, Solerno, Aperol, and lime juice ($19) Zombie Jamboree: A rich blend of Casamigos Blanco, Licor 43, Amaro di Angostura, fresh…
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eld-posh · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Orthofeet Solerno Women's 8.5 Shoes Camel Brown Leather Orthotic Comfort Loafers.
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amazoniaonline · 2 years ago
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krystalia-productions · 3 years ago
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Say hello to Solerno
I have a problem i have way too many skeletons.
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acocktailmoment · 5 years ago
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Blood-Orange Cocktails !
1 1/2 cups fresh blood-orange juice (from 7 to 8 blood oranges), chilled
6 tablespoons Solerno or other blood-orange liqueur
1. Combine blood-orange juice and liqueur in a large pitcher. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Pour into test tubes or small glasses.
Source: Martha Stewart Living
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lightitupbottles · 7 years ago
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infamouslyjohnny · 7 years ago
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Cocktails on King Street are an experience. This cocktail had gold flakes with a mixture of Tiki and 70's vibes. 👌🏾🍍 Dropping Disco Balls Silver Tequila - Solerno - Blue Curaçao - Pineapple Juice 🍹⚱️⚗️ Created by @sheshakesandstirs at Proof on King. #proof #kingstreetdrinks #cocktailbandits #cocktails #drinks #charleston #bluedrinks #goldflakes #coupe #glassware #tequila #bluecuracao #solerno #cocktailsdaily #dailycocktails #pineapplejuice #milagro (at Proof)
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t3kitchen · 5 years ago
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I bleed 🩸 for blood 🩸 orange 🍊 Margaritas...how bout you?? ⁣ ⁣ 🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍⁣ ______________________⁣ ⁣ 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱 + 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗸 + 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ⁣ ______________________⁣ ⁣ #popupkitchen #cheflife #chef #craftcocktails #batchedcocktails #cocktails #beverageofchoice #eljimador #solerno #chefsofinstagram #foodchefs #stayhome #quarantine #foodfun #food #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodie #foodblogger #foodsofinstagram #t3kitchen https://www.instagram.com/p/B_351cKgzK1/?igshid=zp9rj1txdxuk
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ningjaeats · 7 years ago
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// it’s blood orange season and what better way to celebrate than with a couple of cocktails 🍹🥂 @solerno_bloodorange signature cocktails will be showcased at @capriccio.sydney from October 18 so check it out 😊 #ningjaeats #solerno #leichhardt #ningjaendorsed (at Capriccio Osteria & Bar)
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carlclone-246 · 3 years ago
Kocham cię misiu. Thank you for helping me get the confidence to even try. 2 more days and i start. You are awesome!
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mixergiltron · 2 years ago
My Mixes
As I said in my intro post,I've had a recipe published in Exotica Moderne:
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Mix #13 Corsair Punch
2oz Appleton Estate 8yr Reserve* 2oz orange juice 2oz pineapple juice 3/4oz lime juice 3/4oz grenadine 1/2oz orgeat
*Or your favorite Mai Tai rum.
It's a sweeter drink with plenty of vitamin C that goes well with pizza.
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I've also come up with a few others,and have some experiments in the works. Here's the ones that I've gotten to work so far.
Mix #4 Davy Jones Mai Tai
2oz Hamilton Beachbum Berry's Zombie Blend 1oz lime juice 1/2oz blue curacao 1/2oz orgeat 1/4oz simple syrup
Mix #5 Funk #44
2oz Lemon Hart & Sons 1804 1oz lime juice 1/2oz Solerno blood orange 1/2oz orgeat 1/4oz BG Reynolds Demerara syrup
Previously posted under "The Other Mai Tais" below. The Davy Jones is an upgunned Mai Tai with creepy coloring,perfect for a Halloween party. The Funk #44 is a sweeter,funked up Mai Tai.
Mix #14 Pirate's Parley
1oz Demerara rum 3oz pineapple juice 3/4oz lime juice 1/2oz apricot brandy 1/2oz orange curacao
Ok,this is a cheat. Tiki Bar TV had a drink called "Diplomatic Immunity" that used an ounce of Scotch. I'm not a Scotch drinker,so I subbed in Demerara rum,and it turned out good. Since I was pirating the drink,I 'pirated' the name(I give my drinks pirate themed names 'cuz I'm silly like that).
Mix #15 Black Beard's Ghost
2oz light rum 2oz orange juice 1oz lemon juice 1oz blackberry brandy 1/2oz orgeat
This has a berry-lemonade taste. Lemon juice messes with my tummy,so the orange juice and orgeat keep it citrus-y while taking the edge off the lemon.
Hope you like these!
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gayprilstevens · 5 years ago
tagged by @bethsaddys to share my ten favourite favorite characters (look we all know i will fuck this up so pls dont call me out for forgetting anyone)
quinn fabray
beth cassidy
waverly earp
kara (supergirl)
jane villanueva
rose tyler
kate messner
cameron post (from the book)
james cook
jessica, only child, illinois, chicago
i’m tagging @nico-and-karolina @nicoskarrie @drclara @hizziesaltzman @killcommander
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