#soldier 76 ovw
ovwechoes · 15 days
Could you do some headcanons for if Soldier and Ana unwittingly picked up a sidekick during their respective vigilante phases? Like, picture if Alejandra from the Hero short was older and after being saved, insisted on following after Jack. How they'd try to shake the kid off their trail, until they somewhat prove themself. Little bonding moments on the field. But then the younger gets too bold and winds up hurt. Could they work past that, or would that be the last straw?
Sorry if this is maybe a little elaborate!! I hope it's in a fun way
Soldier & Ana With an Adoptive Companion: Headcanons (General) I'm happy to write these for you it's a really sweet idea & I love elaborate ideas it gives me a better idea of the direction to take with these things - thank you for the ask and they're under the cut, enjoy! (there's no questions with this post)
I can imagine Ana being the reluctant one, not wanting to bring someone under their wing incase they got hurt, with Jack being the one who's eager to teach them things that he had to learn the hard way.
Ana would've been the one to tell them no countless times, telling them to stop following her every time she saw them in the corner of their eye. Eventually, after some time, she would've set a trap for their follower. Nothing malicious, just made them follow her to somewhere quiet with privacy, waiting for them at a table with an empty chair for them. It would've been her chance to talk to them, understand why they want to be around her, and what will it take for them to leave. In the end, though, she would've ended up speaking to them about what she expects of them if they're coming with her, what to do if they get hurt, and where they're going for the day. Ana never expected it herself, not wanting to put someone else in danger, but her instincts couldn't stop her. They reminded her too much of Fareeha, and deep down she wanted this to be her chance to do what she couldn't before. But, it would take a lot more than just words for Ana to truly trust them and trust that they know how to handle themselves. So, she'd be the type to test them however she could.
Jack, on the other hand, wouldn't need much convincing. He would've said no, expecting them to walk away and leave it at that. He never expected them to follow him still, and wait to speak to him about their eagerness, their admiration for Jack's work in Overwatch, and how they want to learn from the best. Jack would've stayed quiet, listening in silence to their pleas to learn from him. It wouldn't have taken much for him to agree, though deep down he didn't want to at all. Jack saw himself in them, saw his own passion and eagerness in the Army before his enhancements. It made him want to be a father figure to them, almost, wanting to teach them everything that Jack had to learn the hard way through pain and injuries and loss. It was his way of passing his work along too, if anything happened to him that he couldn't see right now. He believes in Christianity too, in my opinion, though not as much as he used to when he was younger. So, Jack would've seen this moment as a way for his God to put him on a path he might not understand at the moment. As though it was supposed to happen, and Jack was happy to oblige to whatever this was.
Ana's main test would be to take them with her to Junkertown, and see how they handle themselves in the face of conflict. If they can't handle the brutality in Junkertown, they definitely couldn't on the battlefield. Plus, she wanted to test their resilience to things going south, their response times, and how well they can cope with failure - she wants to work with someone who's able to reflect on their situation, rather than linger on the guilt and sadness the end result brought about. Their companion wouldn't understand why they were there, in Junkertown's most violent bar, and what could've brought them there, but they were eager to follow and learn from Ana so they agreed to the mission. Ana told their companion that a random man, who Ana didn't know, owed her something, asking her companion to question them in a bar. When they did, it resulted in nothing short of aggression, a violent fight, and with Ana holding them on her shoulder, carrying them out as they groaned from their injuries. They tried to deescalate it once realising it was a test, truly they did, but Junkertown's inhabitants don't like to be accused of things they haven't done especially by someone not even from there. So, afterwards, Ana would've waited for their response, waited for how they reacted. She never expected them to say “next time, I'll make sure we've got the right person before going head in. I'll make sure I've got everything planned out before blindly following what you say". It was the perfect response to her, and it was all she needed to be able to trust their judgement, and she quickly tended to their wounds, explaining the situation with some guilt in her tone. It was a cruel test, but necessary to Ana and a learning experience for her newfound companion.
Jack's test would've been through seeing how their shooting was, how well they could hold a gun, and what their responses would be to landing shots. He didn't want someone by his side who relished in killing things, wanted only to shoot and enjoyed it a little too much. That would be asking for the gun to be turned on him, he believed, but he wanted to use it as a way to test their receptiveness to criticism. If Jack was going to mentor someone like himself, he needed to be able to see how well they responded to advice and critique. It would've been just in a forest close by to where they met, somewhere remote and known for it's hunting. He didn't want to attract anymore attention with gunshots, and it was hunting season, so it made perfect sense. When Jack finally found it, he used empty bottles and cans he found from teens camping out seasons before, lined them up a good few feet away from them, and gave his companion a sidearm after confirming they knew how they worked. It didn't matter if they didn't, he would've been happy to teach them. Jack explained the rules, explained what they needed to do, and watched as they missed their first few shots on the first bottle. It was a learning curve, Jack knew it was, and so he was already preparing his critiques before his companion beat him to the punch. It caught Jack off guard to hear their questions about what they were doing wrong, opening themselves to advice before needing to be prompted for it. This alone would've been enough for Jack to feel they could handle it, but there was still more to come from the test. As requested, Jack offered them advice, taught them the best way to hold the gun in a more stable position and how to line their target up properly. And with that, Jack's companion managed to land their first bottle, with Jack watching to see their response to the victory, to the feeling of landing a target and shooting something perfectly. Their companion just watched, and thanked him for the advice, asking if he could move onto the next target, which was somewhat further away. There was no fanfare, no need to push themselves too far, and they were following Jack's orders as he intended. It was all he needed to let him continue, watching and knowing that this companion would be the perfect candidate to hand over his legacy and his mission if anything happened to him.
Ana and her companion would've bonded over moments in their lives that defined them, like Ana's duel with Amelie, and things that affected their trajectory in life. It's important for Ana to feel as though she can trust someone enough to share things with them, and wanted to understand what lead them here, to this point and at her side. It was important for her, and it would've been the best way for them to bond away from their missions, inbetween tasks and agendas that would've went smoothly with her assistance. Jack, on the other hand, would've bonded with his companion through facts about the world, history especially. He has an affinity for history, loving to learn more about other countries' own history and facts from them. So, it's something he'd find common with his companion and he would spend lengths of time talking about American history whilst they shared their own facts and stats. It's fun for him, but another way he would bond with them (away from the battlefield) is tending to their smaller wounds, making sure that cuts or scrapes or bumps were kept safe from infection. It was his way of making sure they were okay, and the moments were used as learning lessons on how to avoid it, how to tend to their own wounds in the future, and what they could do next time if this happened again. It was the perfect way for him to teach and care for this companion, ensuring that they would be prepared over time in better ways than he was for the brutality of combat.
When something happened to their companion that was more serious than ever, Ana would've responded with guilt and a feeling that she had done something gravely wrong, that this was karma for her own actions in the past. Instead of leaving her loved ones, someone she thought she could count on was about to be stripped away from her, leaving her feeling as though she was Fareeha. It was painful for her, and it was something she couldn't handle in the moment as the guilt and shame overwhelmed her. There was nothing either of them could've done to prevent the situation, and she had to sit with her thoughts as she waited for their companion's surgery to end. Ana expected the surgeon to come back, bloody and draped in sorrow, explaining that they couldn't do more and they were sorry for her loss. When the opposite happened, and she managed to sit by their side as the anaesthetics were wearing off, she considered her options as they slept. Ana wanted to run, leave them behind with nothing more than a note attached to a bouquet of flowers, believing it was her fault. She almost did before they woke up, asked if she was okay, and kept smiling through the pain. It made her feel something she couldn't explain, and the need to run left her, only to be filled with a need to apologise to them. Throughout all the apologies, she was reminded over and over that it's not her fault, it's no one's fault, and that there was nothing that could've been done to prevent it. It's the beauty of combat, they'd reply, making Ana feel more comfortable with keeping them around, and making her realise that she needs to take more control in situations, make sure that at least someone can tell the story if something happened to her. Ana saw her life flash before her when the knife was thrown her direction, before being planted in the companion that stood in front of her, and she realised how little she had done for her companion, and how much was left to do for them.
Jack would've been heartbroken if something happened to their companion, even if the circumstances were similar to Ana's situation. He'd attempt to remedy the situation himself before turning to professionals, ultimately realising that this was out of his depth, out of his level of expertise. He'd try and take them to Angela, explaining that he had no other options whilst dodging the questions of who they were to him and what happened. He didn't want to talk about it, and all he wanted to do was keep them alive, keep them well enough to learn more and figure out what to do next. As they'd recover, Jack would be seen praying at their side, rarely leaving their room out of fear of something happening. It was incredibly hard for Jack, having to leave this in the hands of his God, and doing something he hadn't done in years. When they finally recovered, he'd be sat there, looking as though he hasn't slept in years. This companion was like a son to him now, and he didn't want to put them through more pain than was already felt. He'd offer them a way to out, a way to leave him and would reassure him that he wouldn't take offense to it, wouldn't want to put them through worse than this. His companion surprised him with a statement about this being all part of a learning curve, something he can use to better himself and become just as skilled as Jack. It made him feel more comfortable, happy even if you could say that without Jack denying it. To mask his feelings, Jack would joke that he couldn't shake them off even if he tried, right? To which his companion would agree, saying he's stuck with them now and he'll just have to live with him around now. It was a sweet moment, and it helped them bond even more and show how much trust they have for one another. For Jack, this was the moment that made him realise that his life's not just as fleeting, but his companion's was too, and he intended to give him experiences that couldn't be rivalled by a normal life. It's the least he could do, after his companion saved his life by taking the bullet intended for him.
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baron-rascal · 1 year
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the nimona r76 brainrot continues
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 6 months
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One more quick promo: I added my old 2016 ovw stickers back to my store for $1 each. I also have these old 2016 charms available for $8. :> It'd mean a great deal to me if you could take them off my hands for me lmao links are under the cut
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arthurroseart · 2 months
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Overwatch Pin Sets for Sale!!!
$6 for 6 pins! Each are an inch in diameter. Please DM me if you are interested!
USA only, apologies!
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kittysauce · 1 year
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forgot my signature oops BJRTHDAY PRESENT FOR MY FRJEND im ok to upload this he told me 🥖🥖🥖🥖
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noniez · 7 months
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kiruvry · 2 years
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hi im like. drawing half joke half serious au stuff so in the meantime take this i think
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okaedit · 1 year
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Biker 76 gay icons for request ☆彡
f2u ♡ interaction appreciated if saving
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equus-cowboyus · 2 years
they're important to me okay. gay overwatchers.
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reaper76 shitty mini comic to the lyrics of "taking what's not yours" by tv girl.... mwahahaha
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dxa1111 · 2 years
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teen cassidy aka he breaks his arm trying to impress hanzo on the swingset
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sprmrte · 2 years
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rotten soldiers
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ovwechoes · 2 months
DPS Boys & Headcanons!
It's finally arrived; each of the OVW DPS girls have plans to attend a concert, but who would they each go see? These are my personal headcanons (SFW)!
My post with my DPS female headcanons can be found on my profile! Any and all thoughts are welcome, and because this post is a littleee lengthy I've put it under the cut <3
Bastion: Bastion enjoys music, but not enough to bring him to a concert. He doesn't mind if Torbjorn or Brigitte invites him along, but he's too afraid of how busy concerts can be to attend incase it triggers his PTSD.
Cole Cassidy / Cassidy: Similarly to Ashe, he enjoys country music and would love to see artists such as Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Chris Stapleton. He would do anything to attend one of their concerts, even build his own time machine. He's not too picky though, and he's happy to see whatever band or whoever he can live as it's something he's always enjoyed (and probably always will, even if it's not with the deadlock gang anymore).
Genji Shimada / Genji: I can imagine Genji loves to indulge in music that blends classic japanese styles with pop, hip hop and jazz. He's an introvert by nature though, so it would have to take a lot for him to go to a concert and bring himself to see them with so many people around. Artists like Nujabes, Kitaro and Bonobo would most likely be at the top of his list for who he wants to see live. He appreciates artists who blend Japanese instruments with soothing rhythms and technological beats, it makes him feel as though he's seen through the music and it's something he values.
Hanzo Shimada / Hanzo: Alongside Genji, I can imagine he appreciates artists who are developing the sound of Japanese instruments and blending them with pop and other genres. However, I think he would lean more so towards traditional Japanese performances; it would bring him back to a time when he was younger and more innocent, and it would remind him of his life before the mistakes and choices he made changed everything. He would do what he could to watch Taiko Drumming performances live and to feel the music pound through his feet. I can imagine that he would also aim to go to musical adaptations of Japanese movies, like studio ghibli ones, to enjoy the musical aspect in person. It's something that would calm him and quiet the thoughts that plague his mind and remind him of his guilt.
Jamison Fawkes / Junkrat: I can imagine Junkrat is the type to listen to every genre; if something tickles his brain in the right way, he loves it. He especially would love punk rock, like The Offspring and System of a Down, but also anarchist artists who have politically charged lyrics like Rage Against The Machine. He'd do anything to see them live, and would probably pickpocket everyone there with him.
Gabriel Reyes / Reaper: Reaper is old school, he's an old man. He likes his metal music and his dark, moodly classics, such as Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot, Korn and Tool. He would be the type to stand in the crowd and watch the mosh pits happening, without really doing anything other than tapping his foot and drinking. He appreciates the music of course but in his own way that scares everyone off around him.
John Francis "Jack" Morrison / Soldier: 76: Jack's taste in music is definitely influenced by his upbringing in Minnesota; he loves blues, jazz and gospel music despite not being entirely religious (or as religious as he used to be, before the soldier program). As such, he would definitely try to see Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, and Count Basie at least one last time before anything happened to him and prevented him from doing so, even just for old time's sake and for nostalgia. He views them as traditional American musicians, and would do what he could to see them live (if he has the chance to of course).
Torbjörn Lindholm / Torbjörn: Torb would be the type to enjoy classic rock and alternative folk music; it's something you'd hear in his home constantly while he works. He's at an age where he's been to enough concerts, and doesn't feel the need to anymore especially when he has more work to complete with undoing the harm he believes he's caused (via the omnic wars). If he was asked if he could see anyone in an alternate universe without any limits, he would struggle to pick between Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Sabaton and Buddy Guy.
I hope these are accurate and if you have any opinions, please send them my way! My asks are open to anything and everything overwatch related <3
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baron-rascal · 1 year
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so i watched nimona and it was so r76 coded i think i got possessed cuz i haven’t drawn for fun in months
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year
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Misc assortment of doodles... that's soldier 76 in the right of the bottom one LMAO i never draw him;;;
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monsestudio · 2 years
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With Christmas right around the corner (and since Thanksgiving doesn’t count I guess)…
Here’s the complete Holiday Overwatch Series I made!!!
Which is your favorite? I’m torn between Cole, Hammond, and Brigitte.
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doomedtoxicyuri333 · 2 months
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more liliana and marco stuff…. 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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