#soldier 24 x soldier 76
thesith · 7 months
— Marching Far Away
tech x reader, implied echo x reader (she/her pronouns)
this is a one shot (1.1k)
warnings: heavy angst, hurt/comfort, death, involves the stages of grief. slight canon divergence. S2 E16 SPOILERS
notes: this fic is in tech’s POV, so be aware of that as you’re reading!
mando’a translations: cyar’ika: darling, sweetheart; yaim’ol: return, homecoming; usen’ye: go away (very rude); ni su’cuyi, gar kry’adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum: i’m still alive, but you are dead. i remember you, so you are eternal (daily remembrance for those who have passed.)
the title is in reference to a mando’a saying, ny kyr’aduc, shi taab’echaaj’la, meaning “not gone, merely marching far away” in tribute to a dead comrade.
summary: tech watches you from afar after plan 99
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“There is no time, Wrecker. Plan 99.” I reached for my blaster - a weapon I’ve become most familiar with over my time as a soldier. Though I’m proficient in many weapons, my favorite is my mind - the most dangerous weapon of them all.
Wrecker groaned at my conclusion - presumably out of frustration. “Don’t you do it, Tech.”
I sighed, knowing this was the only way to ensure their survival. The odds of us all making it out in time is 24 percent - the odds of them making it out if Plan 99 is executed jumps to a staggering 76. I know what must be done, but do they?
“When have we ever followed orders.” I stated, precisely aiming my shot to sever the hinge prohibiting their escape. I watch Wrecker, Omega, and her eyes widen at my rash decision, though one that was most honorable in my culture.
The fall isn’t as… painful, as I’d anticipated. No statistic could lead me to the conclusion of how painful it’d be to fall from 200 feet up, let alone watch my comrades' reactions. The impact comes shortly after, leaving me in a less-than optimal state.
Crying; originating from sadness. A sound I’ve gotten used to over my solitary time. From my batchmates, my younger sister, and her. God, her, what I wouldn’t give to be back in my cyar’ika’s arms safely, not having to watch her suffering from afar.
The days after my passing were evidently rough for my crew, though it should not have been - I am a soldier, meant to be expendable. Though, if the roles were reversed and it’d been any one of them, my reaction would be one and the same.
In my previous research, I discovered that the first stage of grief is denial. After much observation, I see this to be correct. Between Hunter’s “I’m waiting for Tech’s yaim’ol,” and her constant whispers of this situation not being reality, this stage is confirmed. It is… painful, for me to watch as they put themselves through this unnecessary self-inflicted torture, but they must to find themselves to be happy again. This, I suppose, I am content with, as I long for them to be satisfactory and functional without me.
I’ve found that she spends much of her time alone, which is not the most optimal way to grieve. I believe she misses me, just as I miss her - an astute observation from the past two months of watching.
When Crosshair returned to my absence, I believe it affected him as well. Though he’s in the anger stage of grief. Whenever she attempts to check up on him, despite her own longing to be alone, he sends her away with “usen’ye!”. Though I wish for him not to speak to her in that tone, I comprehend that it is just part of who he is - the prodigal brother; my twin.
She’s opening up more to my brothers, which I find to be an incredible step forward. Echo has been a support system for her in my absence, which I appreciate greatly. Though I do sense some awkwardness, it’s to be expected. She does seem a bit perturbed with my decision, which I hope will curb soon. I do not wish her to see me in a negative light.
Echo has taught her the Mando’a phrase of remembrance, which she speaks daily, multiple times a day. The “ni su’cuyi, gar kry’adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum Tech,” falling from her lips in almost perfected Mando’a gives me pride - she is so intelligent, even in the darkest of times. I hope I will have eternal life, if only just in her memories.
She speaks to Echo about what she could’ve done differently to prevent the loss of myself - the answer being nothing. She’s punishing herself for my decision, one that had the best overall outcome for the group - though I’m realizing how this affected them as a whole and as individuals.
“What if I was the one to restore power instead? What if I took the risk of pulling him up? What if…”
Cyar’ika, nothing could’ve changed this outcome. Our deaths are all inevitable, some more imminent than others. All we can do, as living beings, is accept that.
I have never been more enraged than I was at the sight of Hemlock giving her my goggles. All of the progress she’s made seemed to melt away just at the sight of the broken lenses - it all faltered, just as she did in Echo’s arms. Though this is an unfortunate circumstance, I am glad she’s finding much needed solace in him - she understands that she is not alone.
She rests for most of the day, forgets to eat, isolates herself. All of the progress made has refreshed to what she was before, just from one object. Though Echo tries his best, there isn’t much he can do to motivate her - he can just watch as she withers away, just like I can. In the stage of depression, we are all rendered hopeless.
At night, I find her and Omega to be in an embrace - platonic cuddling for comfort, a healthy way of recovering. Her connection with my siblings has only grown stronger, despite the setbacks along the way. Her, Echo, Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Omega were learning to live without me, and it is not upsetting. I would find comfort in knowing they can go on with their lives and find happiness.
She seems to be prospering, which gives me a sense of pride. I am proud that she has overcome my loss, and continues to thrive with the help of her support system. Things seem to be looking up for my cyar’ika, which I have never been more grateful for.
Her strained relationship with Hunter has been all but mended, little to no animosity remaining between the two. With Echo’s assistance, she is beginning to complete the puzzle of her life once more, without my pieces in it. Though the puzzle may never be completed for her again, she is learning to live without them.
All I wish is for her to be happy, which comes about with the acceptance stage of grief. She is beginning to greet this new reality with a small smile, rather than tears more aggressive than the storms on Kamino.
Three years later, I am still observing her and my siblings, but I thought that was obvious. I acknowledge that I have and will always be a large part of their lives, but it is simply thrilling seeing their adventures and new lives - not as clones, but as free people.
She has come so far since that day, and viewing her with Echo gives me faith that even in the most difficult times, one can come through.
“Ni su’cuyi, gar kry’adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum Tech,” is still heard daily, and that is more than enough for me.
thank you for reading! check out my masterlist!
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ya-zz · 1 year
These are requested by you, anons and non anons. I try to get these to be between 1-2k words so it's fair.
I'll write pretty much anything as long as it's not incest, underage NSFW, bodily fluid kinks.
Please keep in mind that I do work full time so I will do my best to get these done as soon as I am able to.
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Tumblr ask 1 || SH Reaction - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (976 words)
Tumblr ask 2 || Meeting a Mage - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1793 words)
Tumblr ask 3 || Pranking Ramattra - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1620 words)
Tumblr ask 4 || Panic Attack - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1107 words)
Tumblr ask 5 || Fighting Feelings - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1827 words)
Tumblr ask 6 || Family with Cassidy - Cole Cassidy x Reader (gen) (1052 words)
Tumblr ask 7 || Fixed and Headpats - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1037 words)
Tumblr ask 8 || Sorry for Leavin' - Cole Cassidy x Reader (gen) (1524 words)
Tumblr ask 9 || Hatred - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1522 words)
Tumblr ask 10 || Arranged Marriage - Hanzo Shimada x Fem!Reader (1514 words)
Tumblr ask 11 || Fighting Feelings part 2 - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (2035 words)
Tumblr ask 12 || Flirting - Reaper x Reader (gen) (1457 words)
Tumblr ask 13 || Perverted Thoughts - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1511 words)
Tumblr ask 14 || Hacked - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1368 words)
Tumblr ask 15 || First Kiss - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1308 words)
Tumblr ask 16 || Breeding Kink - Ramattra x Fem!Reader (2099 words)
Tumblr ask 17 || Awkward kiss - Zenyatta x Reader (gen) (1321 words)
Tumblr ask 18 || Attempted Suicide - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1417 words)
Tumblr ask 19 || Retaliation - Reaper x Reader (gen/pos fem traits) (1770 words)
Tumblr ask 20 || Vibrations - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1619 words)
Tumblr ask 21 || Break-up and child - Hanzo / Genji / Cassidy x reader (gen) (assorted word count)
Tumblr ask 22 || Fear - Ramattra x Omnic Reader (gen) (1544 words)
Tumblr ask 23 || Praise - Sigma x Reader (gen) (1317 words)
Tumblr ask 24 || Playboy - Genji x Fem!Reader (1201 words)
Tumblr ask 25 || Bloodline - Genji x Fem!Reader [commission] (4831 words)
Tumblr ask 26 || Discipline - Ramattra x Fem!Reader (1891 words)
Tumblr ask 27 || Intruder - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1625 words)
Tumblr ask 28 || Change - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1029 words)
Tumblr ask 29 || Proposal - Genji x Fem!Reader (1061 words)
Tumblr ask 30 || Pikmin - Ramattra (1140 words)
Tumblr ask 31 || Ball-Jointed - Ramattra / Genji / Zenyatta x Reader (gen) (assorted word count)
Tumblr ask 32 || Suits - Hanzo and Genji x Reader (gen) (1098 words)
Tumblr ask 33 || Shelter - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1173 words)
Tumblr ask 34 || Permanent Shut Down - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1852 words)
Tumblr ask 35 || Winter Warmth - Ramattra x Reader (gen/male) (1102 words)
Tumblr ask 36 || Brat - Ramattra x Male!Reader (1615 words)
Tumblr ask 37 || Acceptance - Ana / Reinhardt / Soldier 76 x Trans FTM Reader (1665 words)
Tumblr ask 38 || Albinism - Ramattra x Reader (gen/female) (1381 words)
Tumblr ask 39 || Exhausted - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1722 words)
Tumblr ask 40 || Wii Sports - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1544 words)
Tumblr ask 41 || Pre-Match Interactions - Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Tumblr ask 42 || Take Me With You - Genji x reader (gen) (1334 words)
Tumblr ask 43 || Tipsy Touching - Ramattra x Fem!Reader (1619 words)
Tumblr ask 44 || Fixed the Broken ALT ENDING - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1707 words)
Tumblr ask 45 || Possessive - Ramattra x reader (gen) (1071 words)
Tumblr ask 46 || Christmas Eve - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1267 words)
Tumblr ask 47 || Kidnapping - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1264 words)
Tumblr ask 48 || Your Song - Lucio x Fem!Reader (1345 words)
Tumblr ask 49 || Endless Apologies - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1097 words)
Tumblr ask 50 || Meeting Mom - Junkrat x Reader (gen) (1337 words)
Tumblr ask 51 || Secret Admirer - Lifeweaver x Reader (gen) (1333 words)
Tumblr ask 52 || Take a Break - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1339 words)
Tumblr ask 53 || "I Want to help" - Ramattra x Omnic (1149 words)
Tumblr ask 54 || First Word - Ramattra x Fem!Reader (1772 words)
Tumblr ask 55 || Calm and Cold - Cassidy x Reader (gen) (1578 words)
Tumblr ask 56 || Break Free - Zenyatta x Reader (gen) (1200 words)
Tumblr ask 57 || Denial - Ramattra x FtM!Reader (1520 words)
Tumblr ask 58 || Hacked PT2 - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1348 words)
Tumblr ask 59 || Tangled - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1705 words)
Tumblr ask 60 || Hacked PT3 - Ramattra x Reader (gen) (1228 words)
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I wanna thank those who have requested. It has been such a pleasure to write for you!
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genji-centric · 8 days
Kinktober List
This will be the first year I'll be doing this! Now, these are what I have lined up, and on each 10th day, there will be themed fics because it is the month for it after all. Links should be added after each update or so. It might take a bit for me to figure everything out, so please be patient with me ^^
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Day 1: Size Difference - Reinhardt x F! Reader
Day 2: Choking - Moira x F! Reader
Day 3: Double Penetration - Ramattra x F! Reader
Day 4: Corruption - Genji x F! Reader
Day 5: Frotting - Soldier 76 x M! Reader
Day 6: Glory Hole - Reaper x GN! Reader
Day 7: Piercings - Junkerqueen x F! Reader
Day 8: Public - Venture x M! Reader
Day 9: Sex Tapes - Mauga x M! Reader
Day 10: Hunter/Prey - Werewolf! Ashe x F! Reader
Day 11: Sounding - Lucio x GN! Reader
Day 12: Blackmail - Sombra x F! Reader
Day 13: Mommy Kink - Mercy x F! Reader
Day 14: Threesome - Baptiste + Lifeweaver x M! Reader
Day 15: Aphrodisiacs - Moira x F! Reader
Day 16: Pegging - Hanzo x GN! Reader
Day 17: Free Use - D.V.A. x F! Reader
Day 18: Body Worship - Doomfist x GN! Monster Reader
Day 19: Watersports - Cole x GN! Reader
Day 20: Roleplay - 'Mad Scientist' Junkrat x M! Reader
Day 21: Master/Slave - Ramattra x GN! Reader
Day 22: Toys - Kiriko x GN! Reader
Day 23: Fem Dom - Widowmaker x F! Reader
Day 24: Thigh Riding - Juno x F! Reader
Day 25: Prostitution - Reaper x F! Reader
Day 26: Dry Humping - Tracer x F! Reader
Day 27: Somnophilia - Venture x F! Reader
Day 28: Birthday Lingere - Genji x F! Reader
Day 29: Face Sitting - Cole x F! Reader
Day 30: Period Sex - Vampire! Pharah x F! Reader
Day 31: Group Sex - Blackwatch x F! Reader
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innocent-cat · 2 years
your overwatch hcs are so good. your writing is top notch, thank you for doing these requests. would you be willing to do a scenario/hc list of the reader sitting with soldier 76 while he rides out an episode of chronic pain? thank you :)
I have no clue how to write this but im gonna try anyway \(°〇°)ノ
Chronically pained!Soldier76 x Reader
Warnings - Injury, cursing,
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"Emotionally, a pocket support.", Soldier76 x Reader
Soldier had already told you about his chronic pain before, so you were already constantly thinking about how you were gonna help him during a of need
OBVIOUSLY overthinking it helped you prepare for when it did happen and you were around
At first, you were confused on why he was breathing so heavily
"Jack? Honey, are you okay?"
oh my god it was happening hes having a stroke
Of course you panicked a little, trying to figure out what to do
You just kind of
made tea for him and did breathing with him
You low key just coil yourself around him and hold him
Rubbed his arm and breathed until he felt better enough to talk to you
he didn't really pull away from you though.
stayed there talking to you
just to assure you he's fine and totally not dead
"The tea. It's nice. Thank you."
yeah, he better enjoy your panic tea
You literally just held him with one arm and held his hand with your free hand talking to him until you guys fell asleep
i tried my best here mannnn
(EDIT: omfg i wrote this half asleep i didnt even realize that was a fucking reaper and soldier ship gif.)(2/10/24)
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flowergirlmiwa · 9 months
there's a small joke in a scott the woz video rhetorically asking if you can name eighty non-sonic sega mega drive / genesis games off the top of your head and I wanted to see how many I could do
1 virtua racing 2. Virtua fighter 2 3. Fatal labyrinth 3. Toy story 4. Aladdin 5. The lion king 6. The jungle book 7. Ms pac man 8. Gain ground 9. Madden NFL 10. NHL 95
11. World series baseball 12. Earthworm Jim 13. Earthworm Jim 2 14. Comic zone 15. The ooze 16. Altered beast 17. Golden axe 18. Golden axe 2 19. Shining force 20. Phantasy star 2
21. Phantasy star 3 22. Bubsy 23. Bubsy 2 24. Ghostbusters 25. Ristar 26. Dynamite headdy 27. Tommy lasorda baseball 28. Joe Montana football 29. Michael Jackson's moonwalker 30. Beavis and butthead
31. Streets of rage 32. Streets of rage 2 33. Streets of rage 3 34. That prerendered looney tunes game released really late 35. Kid chameleon 36. Alien soldier 37. Garfield caught in the act 38. Mega Man the Wily wars 39. Columns 40. Hang on
41. Space harrier 42. Fantasy zone 2 43. Super Monaco gp 44. Road rash 45. Frogger 46. Ren and stimpy stimpys invention 47. Theme Park 48. Batman revenge of the joker 49. Batman returns 50. Spider-Man vs The kingpin
51. Lightening force 52. Zero wing 53. Street fighter 2 champion edition 54. Super street fighter 2 55. Mortal Kombat 56. Mortal Kombat 2 57 mortal Kombat 3 58 ultimate mortal Kombat 3 59 clay fighters 60. There's a dragon ball z fighting game but like only one
61. Hook 62. Shanghai 63. Rocket knight adventures 64. Frank Thomas big hurt baseball 65. X-Men 66. X-Men 2 67. That Ronald McDonald treasure game 68. Ninja gaiden 69. Shinobi 3 70. Shadow dancer
71. Shinobi 2 72. That pitfall! reboot game 73. WWF raw 74. WWF WrestleMania the arcade game 75. WWF royal rumble 76. outrun 77. ESWAT 78. Ecco the dolphin 79. Ecco 2 80. Ecco jr!!
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hits1000 · 2 years
Top Songs of 1983 - Hits of 1983
Top Songs of 1983 - Hits of 1983 Top Songs of 1983 including: 1983 AC/DC - Guns For Hire, Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All, Billy Joel - Uptown Girl, Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart, Elton John - I'm Still Standing, Michael Jackson – Thriller and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1983 AC/DC - Guns For Hire 2. 1983 Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 3. 1983 Alaska y Dinarama - Perlas Ensangrentadas 4. 1983 Bananarama - Cruel Summer 5. 1983 Barón Rojo - Casi Me Mato 6. 1983 Billy Joel - Uptown Girl 7. 1983 Bob Marley & The Wailers - Buffalo Soldier 8. 1983 Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart 9. 1983 Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart 10. 1983 Corinne Hermès - Si La Vie Est Cadeau 11. 1983 Culture Club - Karma Chameleon 12. 1983 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 13. 1983 David Bowie - Let's Dance 14. 1983 Def Leppard - Photograph 15. 1983 DÖF - Codo (...düse im Sauseschritt) 16. 1983 Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands In The Stream 17. 1983 Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money 18. 1983 Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know? 19. 1983 Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue 20. 1983 Electric Light Orchestra - Rock 'N' Roll Is King 21. 1983 Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues 22. 1983 Elton John - I'm Still Standing 23. 1983 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 24. 1983 Frank Stallone - Far From Over 25. 1983 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 26. 1983 Freeez - IOU 27. 1983 Gazebo - I Like Chopin 28. 1983 Gonzalo - Quién Piensa En Ti 29. 1983 Irene Cara - What A Feeling (Flashdance) 30. 1983 Jimmy Cliff - Reggae Night 31. 1983 John Mellencamp - Pink Houses 32. 1983 José Cid - Portuguesa Bonita 33. 1983 Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) 34. 1983 Kajagoogoo - Too Shy 35. 1983 KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up 36. 1983 Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae 37. 1983 Lime - Guilty 38. 1983 Lionel Richie - All Night Long (All Night) 39. 1983 Madonna - Holiday 40. 1983 Masquerade - Guardian Angel 41. 1983 Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride 42. 1983 Mecano - Barco A Venus 43. 1983 Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance 44. 1983 Michael Jackson - Beat It 45. 1983 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 46. 1983 Michael Jackson - Thriller 47. 1983 Michael Sembello - Maniac 48. 1983 Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow 49. 1983 NEA - 989 Luftbalons 50. 1983 Nino De Angelo - Jenseits von Eden 51. 1983 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 52. 1983 Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 53. 1983 Paul Young - Come Back And Stay 54. 1983 Paul Young - Love of the Common People 55. 1983 Real Life - Send Me An Angel 56. 1983 Righeira - Vamos A La Playa 57. 1983 Robin Gibb - Juliet 58. 1983 Rod Stewart - Baby Jane 59. 1983 Rod Stewart - What Am I Gonna Do (I'm So In Love With You) 60. 1983 Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita 61. 1983 Slade - My Oh My 62. 1983 Spandau Ballet - Gold 63. 1983 Spandau Ballet - True 64. 1983 The Flying Pickets - Only You 65. 1983 The Kinks - Come Dancing 66. 1983 The Police - Every Breath You Take 67. 1983 The Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep 68. 1983 The Smiths - This Charming Man 69. 1983 Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now 70. 1983 Thompson Twins - Lies 71. 1983 Tino Casal – Embrujada 72. 1983 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 73. 1983 Tracey Ullman - They Don't Know 74. 1983 Trans-X - Living On Video 75. 1983 U2 - New Year's Day 76. 1983 U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday 77. 1983 UB40 - Red Red Wine 78. 1983 Vídeo - La Noche No Es Para Mí 79. 1983 Wham! - Club Tropicana 80. 1983 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1983, Best Jukebox 1983 Playlist, Late 1983 Non Stop , Top 1983 Non Stop, Mix 1983 Compilation, Best 1983 List, Late 1983 UK, Best 1983 Playlist, Best 1983 Non Stop, Best 1983 Video, Greatest 1983 Non Stop, Mix 1983 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1983 List, List of 1983 Mix, Top 1983 USA, Best Songs of 1983, Top Music 1983, Hits of 1983 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1983 #hits1983 #songs1983 #listof1983mix #hits1983 #bestsongs1983 #classic1983playlist #greatest1983nonstop #best1983list #best1983video #top1983mix #greatest1983video #mix1983playlist #top1983nonstop #mix1983compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzT6er00YIM
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therasslingrob · 2 months
How about a list chronicling all the flicks that I have seen in the cinemas? To start, most of my theatrical viewings have been in one of two cinemas, others have been frequented. The two theaters in question were the Regal Cinemas in Vestal, New York and Crown City Cinemas in Cortland, New York.
#1) Armageddon
#2) Paulie
#3) I'll Be Home for Christmas
#4) Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
#5) X-Men
#6) Pearl Harbor
#7) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
#8) Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
#9) Men in Black II
#10) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
#11) X2: X-Men United
#12) Finding Nemo (2x)
#13) Seabiscuit
#14) Freaky Friday (2003)
#15) Radio
#16) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
#17) Miracle
#18) Hidalgo
#19) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
#20) Spider-Man 2
#21) I, Robot
#22) Collateral
#23) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
#24) Christmas with the Kranks
#25) The Boogeyman (2005)
#26) Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
#27) War of the Worlds (2005)
#28) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
#29) Walk the Line
#30) Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
#31) King Kong (2005)
#32) United 93
#33) The DaVinci Code
#34) X-Men 3: The Last Stand
#35) Cars
#36) Flags of Our Fathers
#37) Eragon
#38) Spider-Man 3
#39) Transformers
#40) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
#41) I Am Legend
#42) Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
#43) The Express
#44) High School Musical 3: Senior Year
#45) Push
#46) Race to Witch Mountain
#47) X-Men Origins: Wolverine
#48) Angels and Demons
#49) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
#50) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
#51) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
#52) Avatar
#53) Twilight: New Moon
#54) Iron Man 2
#55) The Karate Kid (2010)
#56) Twilight: Eclipse
#57) Inception
#58) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
#59) Soul Surfer
#60) Thor
#61) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
#62) Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 2
#63) Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows
#64) Safe House
#65) 21 Jump Street
#66) Marvel's The Avengers
#67) Men in Black³
#68) Rock of Ages
#69) That's My Boy
#70) The Amazing Spider-Man
#71) The Dark Knight Rises
#72) The Watch
#73) The Campaign
#74) The Expendables 2
#75) Hit and Run
#76) Trouble with the Curve
#77) Looper
#78) Taken 2
#79) Argo
#80) Here Comes the Boom
#81) 007: Skyfall
#82) Flight
#83) Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part II
#84) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
#85) Jack Reacher
#86) Django Unchained
#87) Fast Six
#88) The Hangover, Part III
#89) Now You See Me
#90) The Purge
#91) That's My Boys
#92) Man of Steel
#93) Grown Ups 2
#94) RED 2
#95) The Wolverine
#96) 2 Guns
#97) Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters
#98) Kick-Ass 2
#99) Getaway
#100) Prisoners
#101) Captain Phillips
#102) Carrie (2013)
#103) Delivery Man
#104) The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
#105) Lone Survivor
#106) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
#107) Amazing Spider-Man 2
#108) Godzilla (2014)
#109) X-Men: Days of Future Past
#110) Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 1
#111) Ant-Man
#112) Star Wars: The Force Awakens
#113) Captain America: Civil War
#114) X-Men: Apocalypse
#115) Independence Day: Resurgence
#116) The Magnificent Seven (2016)
#117) Logan
#118) Beauty and the Beast (2017)
#119) Guardians of the 7, Volume 2
#120) Wonder Woman
#121) Spider-Man: Homecoming
#122) Justice League (2017)
#123) Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
#124) Avengers: Infinity War
#125) Tag
#126) Ant-Man and the Wasp
#127) Captain Marvel
#128) Avengers: Endgame
#129) Men in Black: International
#130) Toy Story 4
#131) Spider-Man: Far From Home
#132) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
#133) Jumanji: The Next Level
#134) Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
#135) Spider-Man: No Way Home
#136) The Batnan
#137) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
#138) Jurassic World: Dominion
#139) Thor: Love and Thunder
#140) Avatar: The Way of Water
#141) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
#142) Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3
#143) The Marvels
#144) Deadpool and Wolverine
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Uncle Sam I want you Social distancing poster ◆ D E S C R I P T I O N Original Uncle Sam pointing his finger at the viewer in order to recruit soldiers for the American Army during World War I now repurposed for the new social distancing campaign of 2020 to help save lives show Uncle Sam pointing his finger at the viewer in order to instruct them to stay 6 feet away Another great archival reproduction by VINTAGEIMAGERYX - more of our antique maps you can find here - https://ift.tt/h2X0Mxv ◆ S I Z E 16" x 20" / 40 x 50 cm 18" x 24" / 45 x 61 cm 24" x 30" / 61 x 76 cm 30" x 40" / 76 x 101 cm *You can choose Your preferred size in listing size menu ◆ P A P E R Archival quality Ultrasmooth fine art matte paper 250gsm ◆ I N K Giclee print with Epson Ultrachrome inks that will last up to 108 years indoors ◆ B O R D E R All our prints are without border. But if You need one for framing choose it in dropdown menu ◆FRAMING: NONE of our prints come framed, stretched or mounted. Frames can be purchased through a couple of on line wholesalers: PictureFrames.com framespec.com When ordering a frame make sure you order it UN-assembled otherwise you could get dinged with an over sized shipping charge depending on the size frame. Assembling a frame is very easy and takes no more than 5-10 minutes and some glue. We recommend purchasing glass or plexi from your local hardware store or at a frame shop. ◆COLOR OF PRODUCT- Please also note that, although every effort is made to show our items accurately and describe my products in detail, we cannot guarantee every computer monitor will accurately depict the actual color of the merchandise. Please contact us with any further questions or concerns about the color or size of any map before purchasing. ◆ S H I P P I N G Print is shipped in a strong tube for secure shipping and it will be shipped as a priority mail for fast delivery. All International buyers are responsible for any duties & taxes that may be charged per country.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Overwatch 2 Fans Have a Favorite One-Punch Man Skin, and It’s Not Even Close
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The collaboration between the video game Overwatch 2 and the anime series One-Punch Man has generated a wide range of reactions from fans. Some people think that Blizzard made a mistake by portraying Genji as Genos, while others seem to think that Kiriko's Horrible Tornado skin is so straightforward that it's just a base-skin recolor. Making Doomfist the show’s main protagonist Saitama was perhaps the only universally agreed upon decision in the collaboration, but now with all the votes in, we know exactly which One-Punch Man skin is the best. Using the infallible scientific measurements that can only be achieved by a 24-hour poll on Twitter, the Overwatch 2 team has finally and decisively determined the best Overwatch 2 x One-Punch Man skin in the game—Terrible Tornado Kiriko. https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1633543122780323840 Garnering 44.5 percent of the 62,803 votes, the Kiriko skin was leaps and bounds more appreciated by fans than the other heroes new cosmetics. Second place went to Doomfist’s Saitama, which had 29.2 percent of the vote. Genji’s Genos skin has largely been criticized by fans. While some have believed he doesn’t resemble Genos well enough, others have found that the obscure nature of Genji’s haircut in the skin is just a bit off. Related: You’ll never guess what Overwatch 2 x One-Punch Man collaboration skin didn’t make the cut Kiriko’s Terrible Tornado skin wasn’t above criticism either. Some fans appeared to be torn on the outfit because of how basic the look is, but in response, other fans on Reddit noted that the S-Class hero Terrible Tornado herself has an extraordinarily basic look as well. Outside of her glowing minty green hair, the One-Punch Man character has a completely plain black dress. The OW2 limited-time collaboration will last until April 6, and players can purchase three of the four collaborative skins in the game’s shop. The Mumen Rider skin for Soldier:76, however, can be earned for free by completing 24 games, and players can get a handful of other free goodies along the way. Read the full article
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sp00kworm · 5 years
A ‘Gastly’ Leader (Reaper76 Pokémon AU)
Warnings: None Apply, Mild Cursing.
Summary:   After the explosion, caused by Team Talon, Jack didn't know whether or not he was ever going to see his best friend ever again. They had both survived, but Gabriel was a broken man, his partner Pokémon dead and heavily scarred. The two finally make recompense and talk before they meet each other's new teams.
For someone that used to be so deep in battle culture, Gabriel sure knew how to avoid contact from everyone and anyone. Jack hadn’t seen his fellow Gym Leader since the accident, the Weezing that had exploded within the arena sending them both flying, injured and almost dead. It was an act of terrorism, and Talon were to blame for it. Both him and Gabriel were powerful and respected trainers. Removing them would have allowed for the organisation to encroach further into the hierarchy. Thankfully, both had lived, though only with the quick thinking of his Metagross. Protect had absorbed most of the damage and a barrier had meant they were only slammed through the walls and into rubble. Gabriel had mourned the loss of his Malamar, the killed in the explosion and rubble protecting Gabriel with a quick casted barrier, but unable to protect itself, and he’d not been seen since.
Gabriel had wandered the world for a long time, looking for a team of Pokémon that would be able to join him. A Duskull was all he had at first, before he found the rest of his ghostly team, each a misunderstood Pokémon from around the globe. Mimikyu was his most recent addition, or so Dr Ziegler had told him. He often returned to her for mild treatments regarding his scars from the blast, just as Jack did.
It was why he had finally given in and left his own Gym to go to visit Gabriel. Jack patted his Metagross, the large, four-legged Pokémon chuntering softly as it followed him through the ornate doors. He could feel the upset from Steelix and Bastiodon on his belt. They wanted to help him through the pitch-black gym to the ghost type leader. Skarmory and Scizor were quiet. He hoped they wouldn’t all begin to bicker in front of his long-time friend. The inside of the huge Gym was completely dark, and Jack squinted into the darkness before patting Metagross softly. The steel type Pokémon shuddered before light erupted from it’s eyes, the Psychic type abilities allowing for the both of them to see in the darkness.  He jumped when a ghost type screeched from the floor in front of him, and he raised his foot from it’s tail and black sheet.
“Mimikyu?” Jack tilted his head, squatting in front of the sniffling Pokémon. It was dressed in a strange costume, not the usual Pikachu outfits he saw in all the images. The black sheet was lovingly made, the head on it a ghostly skull with a hood, “Uhhh…Do you know where Gabriel is?” He asked, fixing the skull back on top of the Pokémon’s disguise. “Mimi!” It tittered before whipping around and screeching, the skull burning with red energy as a shadowed claw came out to swipe at him, teeth snapping near his face before the Mimikyu escaped into the black further along the gym path, laughing as it went, claws scrabbling along the wood as it rushed away. “Hey!...Stupid ghost types.” Jack muttered, looking at the rickety, solid wood bridges. Each was lit with a torch and he scowled before gently climbing on top of Metagross, the steel type whirring into life before beginning to plod over the bridges, the light in its eyes lighting the way before the both of them.
He met a few trainers on the way into the gym, but a quick flash of his gym leader ID meant he was granted passage, the trainers bowing out of the way, their ghost types floating freakily above, chattering and laughing at Jack as his Metagross stomped ferociously and plodded across the next bridge. They soon reached a large platform, Metagross lowering itself so Jack could stand on the sand. He blinked rapidly with a grunt as a light floated in the middle of the platform, taunting him closer. Jack approached cautiously, looking at the floor to avoid standing on any more Mimikyu’s. When he reached the light, it split into three balls and danced away before hovering over three gold encrusted coffins. Why in the world there was such theatrics, he didn’t know.
“Really…a fucking coffin selection?” Jack chuntered, feeling Metagross nudge his leg, the huge steel type clanking solidly behind him. With a sigh, he worked from left to right. He pulled the first one open and flinched as a face screeched at him, the evil looking Gastly screaming away with its tongue wagging. The middle one was simply empty and he sighed in relief. The final coffin rattled violently and Jack steeled himself before he opened it. A smog erupted from it before red eyes appeared in the lid, followed by a white, sharp toothed grin.
“COFAGRIGUS!” The Pokémon screeched as its arms snapped out to hold Jack in place in front of it. Metagross roared and stomped closer, intending to blast the thing with a sharp flash cannon before a face appeared in front of Jack. “Jack?” Gabriel’s face peered out of the coffin, confused, eyes red behind a theatrical skull mask, before he jumped out, patting the side of his companion Pokémon. The coffin Pokémon whined before it released it’s prey to its master, lid sliding back into place and arms wagging towards Metagross as it floated a little bit away from the two of them. “Gabriel?” He tilted his head, eyebrows raised in confusion, “Uhhh…What’s with the get up?” He pointed a finger at the leather trousers and coat, then at the skull mask over the man’s face, “Are those shot guns?”
Gabriel sighed long and hard through his mask before he shifted, one foot to the other, and grumbled, reaching his hands into his hood to undo his mask. The skull piece unclipped, and Jack smiled softly at the scarred face of his friend. “I know it’s been a long time, Gabriel. I just wanted…” He felt himself lose what he wanted to say, sitting back, Metagross pressing underneath him and sliding him onto his back gently. The steel type stomped one large metallic leg when Gabriel moved and the ghost leader snapped his teeth before he rolled his eyes. His own team would do exactly the same for him. The man sighed and pulled his hood back, revealing his scarred face completely. He heard Cofagrigus float a little closer and tried to muster a smile.
“I know. I’ve not even been back here more than six months. It feels weird being settled after travelling for so long. I’ve not spoken to people properly in a long time. Just my team.” Gabriel confessed, moving to sit on Metagross as well. The Pokémon settled without protest and eyed Cofagrigus as it’s smirk floated over it, hands coming to rub at the shiny surface of the steel type’s body. Metagross didn’t seem to like the fondling and stomped, rocking the two men sat on it’s back. Jack patted Metagross fondly before he smiled, “Its been a long time for us both. I started setting up foundries since you’ve been gone. Factories and manufacturing places. They all utilize natural steel type Pokémon. A Magneton runs one near here.” He was babbling, but Gabriel was smiling at him for it, nodding and listening to him prattle on about random steel types he had seen.
Jack was interrupted by a high pitched wail, and a rush of black rushing over the top of his Metagross, large claweds, shadow hands, pushing a Pokémon up and to sit in Gabriel’s lap. “MIMIKYU!” It screeched, and Gabriel’s dark eyes widened as he leaned down to the listen beneath the ghost type’s disguise. “Oh really? He did that?” He looked up at Jack with a smirk and the steel type leader swallowed softly before he looked down at the Mimikyu and glared. “Mimikyu scared me in the dark and I accidentally stood on her tail.” He confessed as Gabriel began to laugh, his fingers under the costume stroking his ghostly familiar softly. “She knows, don’t worry. She’s just complaining because you spoiled her surprise…and she’s upset you disliked her costume. I think it fits you nicely, you look great in the same thing as me.” Gabriel fixed the hood of his Mimikyu’s costume with a tut before he ran his hand over his circle beard and scratched the place above Metagross’ eyes. The steel type grunted but enjoyed the touch.
“I didn’t know you had a thing for ghost types, Gabe.” Jack confessed, “Will you show me your team?” He asked before hopping off of Metagross, “They all haven’t seen you in so long, and I can feel Bastiodon crying out to get a good petting.” He laughed and Gabriel smiled, wide and broad, before he nodded and stood from Metagross. “Sure thing. Come on. Out back I have my own place. You’ll have to watch for the Pumpkaboo…and Trevenant. He get’s ansty when people go near the Pumpkaboo patch.” Gabriel offered Jack an arm theatrically before they linked them, returned their Pokémon and moved out the back of the Gym. Gabriel made sure to leave a note of his absence in case of challengers before they left.
Gabriel’s house was imposing, all dark brick and stark white railings. Pumpkaboo floated joyously as they saw their master return up the garden path, flocking to the leather dressed man and tittering with excitement. Jack jumped as a tree groaned and a hand scooped the flock away from Gabriel’s feet. Trevenant’s red eye gleamed within it’s trunk before it groaned again and took the pumpkin creatures away. Gabriel waved as they went and wandered around the side of the house. A giant field and meadow were surrounded by a spooky looking forest, and Jack laughed at the surroundings before he clicked the balls on his belt and let his enormous Pokémon free.
“STEELIX!” “Meta…” “BASTIODON!” “Skarm-oh-reee!” “Scizor…”
Gabriel wobbled as Bastiodon launched herself towards him, her shield faceplate low as she thundered towards him, eyes joyful as she reared last second and kicked, pounding the floor as she danced around the man. “Hey there baby.” Gabriel cooed, reaching out a hand to gently pet the top of her ramming face plate. Steelix laid herself on the floor, eyes pointed at the man she once knew before she turned her face to the side and scooped Bastiodon out of the way. The two began arguing as Scizor and Skarmory greeted the man, Metagross thumping away into the shade. “I promise…They don’t usually fight like this.” Jack sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as Scizor and Skarmory moved to break up the bickering giants. “They’re still the cutest little things, no matter how big and tough they are.” Gabriel teased before he reached to his chest, flicking the Pokeballs out from there, then a couple from his belt.
“MIMIKYU!” “COFAGRIGUSSSSS!” “Dusknoir…” “Aegislash!” “SPIRITOMB!”
“And you’ve met Trevenant, but he tends to enjoy staying here rather than battling.” Gabriel gently reached out to let Mimikyu climb up his arm, Dusknoir stood behind him, belly open, ready to defend Gabriel, “Dusknoir…He saved my life. He was just a Duskull back then but we’ve never been apart since.” The ghost type tamer reached over to pat Dusknoir’s tummy gently with a smile, the Pokémon nodding subtly before he reached to take Mimikyu to see the others. Gabriel pointed at Cofagrigus, the coffin creature having hold of the little Mimikyu now instead. It was a warning to play nice.
“Your Aegislash is amazing! Look at the sword!” Jack’s blue eyes were wide as he watched the sword Pokémon.
Gabriel chuckled softly before he turned Jack’s head back towards him, “I appreciate it but eyes back on me metalhead.” He teased before he took the man’s head, “Thank you for coming to see me, Jack…It means a hell of a lot.” He confessed, his hood shadowing his face again.
“Thanks for letting me stay.” Jack shot back before he wrapped his arms around his best friend, “I’ve missed you Gabriel…More than I ever thought I would miss anyone.”
“I missed you too, Jack…I missed you too.” He sighed into Jack’s shoulder, “How about we catch up?” Gabriel grinned with white teeth before he clapped Jack roughly on the back.
“Pokémon battle?”
“Oh hell yes!”
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ya-zz · 1 year
These are also requested by you, anons and non anons. They get done between requests and work - whenever I have a spare few minutes to jot something down!
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Headcanon 1 || Confession and relationships - Sigma x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 2 || Cheering You Up - Reaper / Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 3 || Little Spoon - Genji x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 4 || I love you - Ramattra / Genji / Hanzo x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 5 || Submissive Ninja - Genji x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 6 || Newborn - Cassidy / Hanzo / Reaper (gen)
Headcanon 7 || Let Your Walls Down - Soldier 76 x Male!Reader
Headcanon 8 || Children - Ramattra // Child reader
Headcanon 9 || Adoption - Ramattra // Child reader
Headcanon 10 || Sign Language - Ramattra / Genji / Lifeweaver x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 11 || Secret Singer - Hanzo / Genji / Moira / Lucio / Ramattra / Zenyatta / Junkerqueen / Junkrat / Roadhog x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 12 || Medical Questions - Ramattra / Genji x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 13 || Weed Adventures - Genji / Hanzo / Ramattra x reader (gen)
Headcanon 14 || Period Blues - Ramattra / Genji / Hanzo / Mauga / Lifeweaver / Cassidy / Lucio x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 15 || Scarf Making - Ramattra / Hanzo / Venture x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 16 || Highly Safe - Venture x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 17 || Black Cat Orange Cat - Sojourn x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 18 || Tank tops - Hanzo / Cassidy / Genji x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 19 || Sugar Mommy - Venture x Reader (gen)
Headcanon 20 || Fighting Hearts - Venture / Mauga x reader (gen)
Headcanon 21 || Different - Lifeweaver / Hanzo x reader (gen)
Headcanon 22 || Together - Hanzo / Genji x reader (gen)
Headcanon 23 || Sensory Care - Ramattra x reader (gen)
Headcanon 24 || Talking - Zenyatta x reader (gen)
Headcanon 25 || Poseidon Ramattra x reader (gen)
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saphsilver · 4 years
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The Reaper’s Final Job Chapter 13: Jack
    “Congrats on the promotion, Strike Commander.” Gabriel turns around with a subdued smile. “It looked like everyone was eating you up in there. I’ll never understand how you can handle people the way you do, Golden Boy.” He finishes the rest of his champagne and adds the glass to the row of empty champagne flutes lining the stone railing.
    “Honestly, it’s a ‘Fake it Till You Make It' kinda thing. It does get tiring after a while, though.” Jack sighs as he approaches. “Enjoying the champagne?” He teases as he indicates the collection. “How many is that? Seven?”
    “If absorbing the alcohol faster than I can feel a buzz is enjoying it, then… Yeah.” Gabriel shrugs. “You have fun in there?” He asks quietly. “Everyone else seems to be enjoying you too.” He tries for a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
    Jack’s brow furrows as he notices.“What’s on your mind, Gabe?” He moves closer, but Gabriel looks around cautiously and keeps to a friendly distance.
    Gabriel lets out a soft sigh. “Don’t you ever want anyone else? This is what, your second real relationship? You could probably have any other guy you want, Jack. When I see you in there working your Golden Boy charm and how all those people worship the ground you walk on, I find myself wondering, ‘How the hell does a guy like that love someone like me?’” He sighs and looks at the flutes lined up on the railing. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I want you to be happy. And that I’ll support you no matter what you choose.” He looks Jack in the eye. “You’re gonna be high profile now. Being tied to someone like me might not play out that well for you in the long run... And this?” He pulls out a chain with a golden ring from beneath his uniform collar. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I shouldn’t have been selfish. I don’t wanna know what’ll happen if the wrong people find out we’re married.” He quickly tucks the ring back into his collar and looks around for prying eyes.
    “Gabe, how could you say that?” Jack seems surprised and almost hurt. He moves closer, but Gabriel points behind them and moves over again. “Oh right, sorry.” He looks back and stays where he is. “Look, I don’t know what’s making you think all of that, but that ain’t even close to what I think.”
    “I’m just being practical.”     “No, you’re just being full of shit, Gabe.” He lightly swats him on the arm. “I think you’re getting too into your head right now. Stop brooding for a second and listen to me, okay?”
    Gabriel grumbles, but Jack doesn’t give an inch.
    “How long have we been together?”
    “...Seven years in six days from now.” He grumbles after a few seconds.
    Jack smiles at him, looking impressed at the specificity. “And how long have we been married?”
    “A year in six days from now.” He grumbles again.
    At this, Jack smiles. “Y’know, that’s a lot of time to know I’m with the right person.” There is a tender look in his eyes as he speaks. “Gabe, I know what I signed up for. Back when you said you wanted to spend your life with me, you said your answer was good enough. So why isn’t mine good enough for you?” He moves closer so that their shoulders are touching. But this time, Gabriel doesn’t move away.
“It’s not that, Jack. It’s not that at all, I’m just…” he sighs, “I think I’m just scared for you. For us...”
Read chapter 13 here!
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archaeosaint03 · 6 years
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Old Soldiers
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“And they loved each other” So dear anny asked for a “war scarred reaper76” and nene delivered✨
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toastedkiwi · 3 years
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I posted 1,087 times in 2021
1024 posts created (94%)
63 posts reblogged (6%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 1,420 tags in 2021
#q&a - 378 posts
#chris evans headcanon - 169 posts
#chris evans x shy!reader - 164 posts
#roomies - 140 posts
#headcanons - 138 posts
#roomies headcanons - 135 posts
#chris evans x female reader - 77 posts
#chris evans - 76 posts
#chris evans x reader - 75 posts
#fluff - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 51 characters
#don’t tell me how to bc i don’t think i’ll make one
My Top Posts in 2021
Finally Home
Summary: Bucky comes home from deployment.
Pairing: Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
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“She bought your ass a cat tree?” Bucky whispered seeing his white cat on the top platform of the cat tree.
He’s just returned home from deployment a week earlier than he told you. He wanted to surprise you and the kids. Bucky also wanted to be there for the birth of his second child but he missed it by a few days. It’s also 2am.
1337 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 16:01:15 GMT
Summary: Chris is very late.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
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Chris knows he missed the birth of his first child by an hour. He was in New York for Jimmy Fallon while you were in Boston. He had to drive all the way back since the train already left for Boston and he believed it would take too much time to check-in, go through TSA, wait to board, board the plane, and then take off. So he drove himself and Scott back to Boston in a Prius rental.
1473 notes • Posted 2021-05-07 15:00:52 GMT
Actor On Model
Summary: Chris and you do a couples interview.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Model!Reader
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“Hi, I’m Chris Evans,” you said. “I’m an actor with the piercing blue eyes and rugged good looks.”
Your husband snorted which some tea went up his nose and you grinned.
“Are you good?” You asked leaning closer and taking the mug out of his hand.
“Totally,” Chris said as a producer hands him a towel and you put down the mug onto the little table. “We should do that again.”
See the full post
1575 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 15:01:14 GMT
Fun Size
Summary: you have decided to tell Chris that you know why you have small boobs.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Warning: boobies.
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“Chris, I’ve figured out why my boobs are small,” you said coming up to your husband who’s seated at the kitchen counter with his laptop open.
1854 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 15:02:49 GMT
New Dad
Summary: Chris is in the middle of an interview when his little girl starts crying.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
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Chris pulled the blanket over your sleeping form and pressed a kiss to your cheek. It’s been an exhausting day as you two have finally brought home your newborn baby girl. It was a long labor and in a mask nonetheless. It took over an hour to push out such a little thing (as well as the placenta but that was nothing). You didn’t have such a good time but the outcome was what you wanted and you clearly find it to be worth it. Chris will forever be grateful for you.
See the full post
2143 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 16:02:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hits1000 · 2 years
Top Songs of 1983 - Hits of 1983
Top Songs of 1983 - Hits of 1983 Top Songs of 1983 including: 1983 AC/DC - Guns For Hire, Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All, Billy Joel - Uptown Girl, Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart, Elton John - I'm Still Standing, Michael Jackson – Thriller and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1983 AC/DC - Guns For Hire 2. 1983 Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 3. 1983 Alaska y Dinarama - Perlas Ensangrentadas 4. 1983 Bananarama - Cruel Summer 5. 1983 Barón Rojo - Casi Me Mato 6. 1983 Billy Joel - Uptown Girl 7. 1983 Bob Marley & The Wailers - Buffalo Soldier 8. 1983 Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart 9. 1983 Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart 10. 1983 Corinne Hermès - Si La Vie Est Cadeau 11. 1983 Culture Club - Karma Chameleon 12. 1983 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 13. 1983 David Bowie - Let's Dance 14. 1983 Def Leppard - Photograph 15. 1983 DÖF - Codo (...düse im Sauseschritt) 16. 1983 Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands In The Stream 17. 1983 Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money 18. 1983 Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know? 19. 1983 Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue 20. 1983 Electric Light Orchestra - Rock 'N' Roll Is King 21. 1983 Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues 22. 1983 Elton John - I'm Still Standing 23. 1983 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 24. 1983 Frank Stallone - Far From Over 25. 1983 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 26. 1983 Freeez - IOU 27. 1983 Gazebo - I Like Chopin 28. 1983 Gonzalo - Quién Piensa En Ti 29. 1983 Irene Cara - What A Feeling (Flashdance) 30. 1983 Jimmy Cliff - Reggae Night 31. 1983 John Mellencamp - Pink Houses 32. 1983 José Cid - Portuguesa Bonita 33. 1983 Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) 34. 1983 Kajagoogoo - Too Shy 35. 1983 KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up 36. 1983 Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae 37. 1983 Lime - Guilty 38. 1983 Lionel Richie - All Night Long (All Night) 39. 1983 Madonna - Holiday 40. 1983 Masquerade - Guardian Angel 41. 1983 Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride 42. 1983 Mecano - Barco A Venus 43. 1983 Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance 44. 1983 Michael Jackson - Beat It 45. 1983 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 46. 1983 Michael Jackson - Thriller 47. 1983 Michael Sembello - Maniac 48. 1983 Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow 49. 1983 NENA - 99 Luftballons 50. 1983 Nino De Angelo - Jenseits von Eden 51. 1983 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 52. 1983 Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 53. 1983 Paul Young - Come Back And Stay 54. 1983 Paul Young - Love of the Common People 55. 1983 Real Life - Send Me An Angel 56. 1983 Righeira - Vamos A La Playa 57. 1983 Robin Gibb - Juliet 58. 1983 Rod Stewart - Baby Jane 59. 1983 Rod Stewart - What Am I Gonna Do (I'm So In Love With You) 60. 1983 Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita 61. 1983 Slade - My Oh My 62. 1983 Spandau Ballet - Gold 63. 1983 Spandau Ballet - True 64. 1983 The Flying Pickets - Only You 65. 1983 The Kinks - Come Dancing 66. 1983 The Police - Every Breath You Take 67. 1983 The Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep 68. 1983 The Smiths - This Charming Man 69. 1983 Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now 70. 1983 Thompson Twins - Lies 71. 1983 Tino Casal – Embrujada 72. 1983 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 73. 1983 Tracey Ullman - They Don't Know 74. 1983 Trans-X - Living On Video 75. 1983 U2 - New Year's Day 76. 1983 U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday 77. 1983 UB40 - Red Red Wine 78. 1983 Vídeo - La Noche No Es Para Mí 79. 1983 Wham! - Club Tropicana 80. 1983 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1983, Best Jukebox 1983 Playlist, Late 1983 Non Stop , Top 1983 Non Stop, Mix 1983 Compilation, Best 1983 List, Late 1983 UK, Best 1983 Playlist, Best 1983 Non Stop, Best 1983 Video, Greatest 1983 Non Stop, Mix 1983 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1983 List, List of 1983 Mix, Top 1983 USA, Best Songs of 1983, Top Music 1983, Hits of 1983 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1983 #hits1983 #songs1983 #listof1983mix #hits1983 #bestsongs1983 #classic1983playlist #greatest1983nonstop #best1983list #best1983video #top1983mix #greatest1983video #mix1983playlist #top1983nonstop #mix1983compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs-Xx0asYlo
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