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Between getting Covid and this chapter ending up twice as long as originally intended (I had very important things I needed to make sure were communicated, okay?), this took a hot minute to get out. But, I hope it was worth the wait, because after 128197 words... it happens. 👀 Here be a snippet right before it all goes down:
“You know that I’ve got a good memory, ma fen, you know that. I don’t forget things easily,” She was back to nicknames, it would seem. “Well, do you know what Garrett Hawke told me when he first arrived?”
Had she scooted closer? No, that was just the way the shadows cast across them from over the wall. Surely, there was no other explanation.
“Tell me.”
“He told me,” A snort. A snort! Mellan covered her nose with one hand and squeezed Solas’ with the other, eyes closed and face cast to the ground. “He told me, that my symptoms - oh, you won’t believe a word of this - that they mean, that I’m smitten with you!”
Solas’ eyes felt wobbly.
Ah, well--that was a new sensation. He wasn’t altogether sure he’d felt that before; not in a context like this, at any rate.
Give him the credit of maintaining his composure, the world within him shook with greater violence than a Titan fighting against the bonds of--
Is this how adolescents felt? Real, true, young people? Was it always so stifling hot?
“Oh, and Solas? Solas, the best part. You’ll find this funny,” Did she even realize he wasn’t laughing? Of course not, ragged hand covered giggling mouth and she hadn’t looked up to him once since she’d started. Was he to stop her? Let her continue? Did this manner of ‘announcement’ count towards that finish line he had promised he would meet her at one day? Was this the correct path?
Ironically, she was a balter from his own path, but an enrapturing one that left him dumbstruck with each new revelation of hers. Like an impatient reader he wanted to skip ahead just a few of her pages. Have her spoil the story and tell him what lay ahead.
“He said that,”
‘What comes next?’
“That you were a ‘lucky guy;’ that we were more than dear friends.” Another giggle and their shared fate was sealed. “As if, oh, my goodness, as if you were smitten with me as well!”
Mellan shook her head for a final time, before, at last, she raised it up to meet Solas’ eyes.
“But, that would be silly, wouldn’t it?”
She hadn’t actually thought much on what she expected to see when she opened her eyes. Perhaps a smile, a shared laugh, but not a stare. Not a look from her friend that held something deep and lurking just beneath the surface of murky waters.
Not something that made her wonder if the petname she’d given him of ‘fen’ was a bit too apt, and that if she moved too quickly, some emotion would snap; and oh, dear, Mellan was nowhere near ready for whatever that emotion might be.
“W-Wouldn’t it?” Had she actually spoke aloud, or simply thought the words? Mellan supposed she might have mouthed them, let them fan across her teeth. It took a real gulp of purest bravery for her to truly speak heartily again. “S-So, um, academically. Academically… my symptoms.”
‘Spirits, even my nose feels like it's on fire; I probably look like a tomato to him. Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut? Why couldn’t I just learn the blasted dance and be done with it all?!’
“Thought? Your thoughts?”
Peculiar, even by their standards, Solas held a single chuckle in his chest. Barely hiding his lip, he rested fingers upon it to shield the smallest smile as he turned to think.
“My thoughts,” he began, a twinge of well-measured mirth to his tone. “Are that Ser Hawke is far more attentive than I gave him credit for.” And that he could now confirm that he had been a right prick to the man, but that was neither here nor there at this point. 
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Mellan take a gulp for air, most likely absorbing the information he had technically-not-confirmed - and, therefore, was still following his own personal set of rules - but, also not at all denied. The blessing was that he knew she was smart, and that she knew precisely what he was getting at, all with his plausible deniability still perfectly intact.
He still was just as much of a prick, wasn’t he?
“A--hm,” She nodded, readjusting herself yet again, back straightening. Solas could see how her shoulders rolled back beneath her braids like branches beneath leafy willows, how her chest rose and fell across the skin exposed above her ill-fitting tunic. “I see. So, then, I suppose you are suggesting that Garrett’s observation was, ah, correct?”
“No, I am declaring it.” To him it was not a subject for debate.
Read the rest here on Ao3!
I hope you guys are excited and enjoy because holy moly I’ve been fucking amped for this jerhbuerbgueibguearburbygber I really hope it was worth the wait and this chapter is enjoyable D’x Love y’all!!
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What always intrigued me about the storyline with a romanced Solas is that Lavellan was so close to finding out the truth.
She must have had some suspicions before, but she never pushed him for the truth. She gave him time to open up on his own terms, to share when he was ready, which we know he almost did in Crestwood.
I wonder about the demons he fought in his head, the times duty came before love, while at the same time she made him question everything.
Such a tragic lovestory and no I’m still not over it it. :(
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kjthenbee · 16 days
God that Dragon Age: The Veilguard gameplay trailer looked absolutely AMAZING. The graphics, character designs, atmosphere, voice acting… all top tier.
And you better believe I 100% started sobbing when I saw Solas… I am not going to be well when the game comes out this fall :))))
Also this YouTube comment made me fuckin lose it whilst tears were still streaming down my face lmfaooo
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kitigai · 6 days
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bishicat · 16 days
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solas ahhh how i missed you
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seffie-jade · 6 days
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This would be hilarious to watch
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kcwriter-blog · 22 days
One thing I love about the morning after Fade kiss talk is that even though Solas knows he has made a huge mistake, he can’t stop himself from a cheeky little “Sleep well?” flirt. The whole conversation after that is basically him being sorry/ not sorry about the kiss. You can tell he is already in love but also that he must have been a real heartbreaker in Arlathan.
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mogwaei · 2 months
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[Codex: Crossroads]
Solas ⚔ Maelgwn
What part of the timeline could this be? Magic is strange in the paths between the looking glasses. Timelines blur and branch and blend. To the unwitting wanderer, this could spell their undoing and be forever lost.
But perhaps...it is not so terrible a fate to find another wayward soul to be lost with, within.
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sinizade · 13 days
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I noticed that I only drew Bellum and Solas a few times, so here's some more of them because I'm PERFECTLY NORMAL about Dragon Age 4
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rosieofcorona · 10 days
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What is the old Dalish curse?
May the Dread Wolf take you.
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meltingangels · 6 days
There are precisely two types of Solavellan shippers 🧐
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Soooooo after the new details that have been revealed about Veilguard, how do we all imagine a Solavellan reunion is going down? Trapped in the fade together? Lighthouse makeout sessions? A very sad mural dedicated to his Vhenan? My brain is infested with new headcanons.
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kjthenbee · 16 days
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my babygirl my princess my pathetic wet cat of a man my eggheaded dumbass i missed you so much
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freesidexjunkie · 7 months
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seffie-jade · 9 days
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We're coming out of the woodworks baby 😂
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pani-artz · 7 days
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I need Varric to mention Lavellan in this scene. I need wet cat Solas.
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