"Who are you?"
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alexlesuagz · 2 years
Small Snippet of a Fanfic I’m working on! I hope you enjoy!
[TW: Mention of Drugs]
Feb. 13, 2018
10 more minutes until lunch.
Vicky raps her pinky against the desk repeatedly in anticipation.
Come on, damn clock, go faster!
She grabs her paper and scribbles some more answers onto her worksheet. It’s science, a subject she gave zero shits about, so she doesn’t care whether her answers are correct.
Once she finishes, she scratches her left cheek as she glares up at the clock, now continuously tapping her foot against the floor like it’s some belated kind of morse code.
8 more minutes.
She lets out a loud exhale through her nostrils as she puts her head down on her desk, her hands running through her wavy black locks.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots Chelsea, her best friend, giving her a small look of concern from the other side of the classroom.
Are you alright? Chelsea mouths.
Vicky nods quickly. I’m fine, she bullshits silently.
Chelsea looks back at her worksheet, and Vicky looks back up at the clock.
5 more minutes.
Fuck this. If she had to last another unbearable 5 minutes in Miss Goldfinch’s class, she was going to lose her fucking mind.
Also, it was 5 mere minutes, so why not just ditch? She thinks as her hand shoots up.
“Yes, Vicky?” Miss Goldfinch asks.
“CAN I USE THE BATHROOM?” Vicky exclaims in her best I-am-in-pain-and-I-must-piss voice.
Miss Goldfinch glances at the clock. “Vicky, dear, it’s 4 and a half more minutes until the end of lunch, can’t you just hold it in?”
Welp, that didn’t work. Time for the Trump card.
“I DON’T THINK I CAN, MISS GOLDFINCH.” Vicky says through clenched teeth.
Miss Goldfinch looks back at her and frowns. “What do you mean by that?”
Vicky walks up to Miss Goldfinch and whispers some words into her ear.
“Oh…OH…okay, then. Do you need anything?”
Vicky shakes her head rapidly.
“...Well, alright, then, go right ahead to the bathroom, and take your backpack with you if you must.”
“Thank you, ma’am!” Vicky shouts as she grabs her bag and power walks out of the classroom.
Great. Now that period 4 torture time’s basically over, now all I need to do is wait for…wait, what’s his name?
She pulls out her phone and checks her notes.
Julian Ramis “The Murderer Kid”
…Ah, yeah, him.
According to reports, the kid was arrested for murder around five years ago, which is why people tend to avoid him. However, she did not know everything that happened, and even information about the crime wasn't exactly what she wanted.
What she wanted was cannabis.
“Who’s that?” Vicky asks, pointing to the boy sitting alone at the less crowded side of the bleachers, typing on his laptop.
“Oh, him?” Chelsea asks.
“Yeah, beanie boy.” Vicky replies. “Is he a transfer or something? I haven’t really noticed him before until now.”
“Oh, no, he ain’t a transfer.” Chelsea responds, shaking her head. “That’s Julian Ramis. Apparently, dude, uh-”
Chelsea’s hesitating now.
“He what?”
“He, uh, ‘game over’-ed someone, like 5 years ago.”
Vicky could feel her eyes widen and her jaw drop. “Are you, like, serious about this?!”
“Yeah, like totes serious!” Chelsea exclaims as the two girls walk down the bleacher stairs. “Why else would he be so emo-looking?! Constantly smells of weed, too. I feel kinda bad for him, but at the same time, he’s like, really scary. Last time I tried talking to him, he immediately started getting high and mighty, calling me a ‘ginger, rat-faced bimbo!’” She shudders.
Of course, a guy who constantly smells of weed would have weed in his general vicinity, right?
Vicky rehearses her plan in her hand once again. Alright, once the bell rings, find Julian, drag him over to the gender-neutral bathroom, and force him to fork over the drugs. And if all else goes to absolute shit, then remember that one self-defense acronym!...What was that one acronym again-?
Oh yeah, ‘solarplex’, ‘instep’, ‘nose’, and ‘groin’. Alright, I’m ready.
When lunch comes around, the whole school grounds are open, so Vicky knew she had a lot of searching to do. However, considering where she had seen him the first time, she had a good idea on where he was going to be.
Sure enough, as Vicky clambers onto the bleachers, she spots Julian in the relatively uncrowded corner, eating a ham sandwich with one hand and typing on his laptop with the other.
He’s also hidden in the shade, like a true emo.
Vicky takes a deep breath in and exhales. Fuck it. Just introduce yourself and try not to get into trouble.
She walks over to Julian, who’s still too invested in his laptop to even acknowledge her.
What is he even doing, anyway? Writing fanfiction?
As quietly as possible, she looks over his shoulder to study his screen.
First of all, Chelsea was right, he does in fact smell like weed.
Second of all, what the hell is he even trying to type? “Rejected and despised by all, I walk a dark and tormented path, leading to despair…”
Julian suddenly shuts his laptop.
“You know I know you’re behind me, right?”
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sparrow-20 · 2 years
Kratos Zeuson
Status: Lost viginity (Bi)
Places for Sex: Anywhere really, he's not too picky where it is
Kinks: Hardcore, Tight bondage, From the back, Missionary, Riding
Turn offs: Extreme pain, Gods, Demeaning
🍆 size: 9"
Position: Switch
Underwear: Boxers
Details: Felxable with partner's choice as long as it has nothing to do with turn offs. He doesn't like being used and will literally rip you in half of consent wasn't agreed. Other then that you'll be waking up with sore legs after a fun night with him
Body Details: Two scars on his face and solarplex, weapon tattoos on his arms and hands along with a tribal tattoo on his torso
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knashingmawz · 21 days
the prev anon still hai how’s it goin lol
but Uhm yes that post is very Mecore but also your whole like. vibe and blog aesthetic and what you post about and all the stuff under your talking tag. just Uhm Yeah Man…….. you get it so fuckin bad. we are two sides of the same coin or whatever 😒
(^ the emoji is slash silly btw 👍)
hiya! holyshit twining ... we're like #twining through the solarplex, and whatever the forehead in science is called
we're like
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I GET IT!! I also love aroaceness and gore and blood and faggines and weirdness and being a wolf that bites things 🤝 I getcha nonny
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Sometimes I feel like I’m just stating the obvious. In fact, I have been called “an overpriced teacher of common sense” (by a trainer who asked the farm to explain to me that SHE is the trainer there and that the main barn clients were off limits to me, so we know what place that, “commons sense” comment was coming from). Unfortunately, even the most common of sense things can get thrown to the wayside when our patience wears thin or we feel the pressure of an onlooker. I feel there are closet wig-outters and peer embarrassment triggered wig-outters.
Here are two examples:
The potential "closet wig-outter"
I stood with a farrier once, who had been asked to pull front shoes off of a horse. I had been meeting all of the people and the horse THAT day. The horse was not standing stock-still, but was really not being bad either. After maybe two shuffles of sidestepping the farrier, the man stood up and quietly, yet meant to be heard, “Good thing people are standing here, because I’d be taking care of you right now, otherwise.”
Now, as the onlooker, I’m a deer in the headlights. The threat could have been all show, tough guy stuff, or this is the farrier that strikes your horse in the ribs with his rasp for his moving.
The man otherwise seemed like a nice person, but the impression was definitely left. There’s a saying I heard when I was a young adult, “Your reputation is like your virginity, you only get one shot at it.”
An example of the on looker pressure, peer embarrassment wig-outter might be at a trailer loading display of wills… so it’s believed.
There is a woman and her friend struggling to get a horse back on the trailer at an off-farm ride. The owner might be less in tune with their horse to understand that he is afraid of something in the trailer or about the trailer or even about GETTING OFF the trailer. (you’d be surprised how many horses actually struggle with getting OFF and that’s why they won't get ON)
Now, the struggle has drawn the attention of others. The embarrassment has risen in the owners solarplexes. Their chest feels hot and they feel all the pressure of the audience. Stage fright at it’s best. What happens next is all too common…
All sorts of predator behaviors start to come out. People try to SCARE the horse on to the trailer, they beat the horse…they even get a broom and try to SWEEP the horse into the trailer. Tempers get risen, and the horse gets attacked by a gang of humans.
Do you know that your horse was trying to tell you something in this trailer example?
Do you know that if the people “helping” were believing that they were giving both the horse and the owner an impromptu lesson, that the only lesson that horse got out of this session was HUMANS ARE VICIOUS!
Impromptu lessons should look a bit more like this...
Yesterday my baby Tucker got his second trim ever. He was great for the front and hind on the one side, then I turned him around to offer the farrier access to the other side (we were standing at Mommy’s stall for support) but upon approach to the second hind foot, Tucker tried to run past me to escape. Well, more like run OVER me, but the “escape” is the part that most needs to be understood.
Tucker has had this strange man grabbing and HOLDING his feet only ONCE BEFORE and months ago… He doesn’t have a clue what is going on, at the same time it seems like he should know this.
The panic was not at all inappropriate, he was scared. There is a whole, “Different eye different horse” thing going on as well… but that’s another topic.
Now, what I love about my farrier is that he just steps back. He allows me to HELP my horse. His body language doesn’t scream, “Let me show him.” He understands the value of the impromptu lesson for Tucker.
At first I tried to just circle him back to the spot, and my farrier attempted to approach again. Nope, same FEAR response. Again I tried to circle back and again he plowed me over. If I did the same correction ONE MORE TIME, I would have created a pattern (Another topic worth discussing) so I knew I needed a different explanation for Tucker to understand what is being asked of him.
Even with the perfect potential for someone to lose their cool, or take getting run over personal, this was a teaching moment and needed to be treated as such.
I stopped circling him back and instead asked him to THINK about something else he understands as something he was “taught”.
Sometimes that’s all it takes, is to connect them to another “lesson” they have learned, to get them into a mode of trusting in the lesson at hand.
So, I asked him to back up by a cue, not by just muscling him back. The first KNOWING step he took backwards, I paused to let him know that he was right. Then the next encouraged step back, he was given another pause. The third, forth and fifth steps he took with KNOWING and stood. When the farrier approached that next time, he was in a LEARNING frame of mind. Then as he was having his foot lifted, he was given the same praise he had grown to understand when he is learning something new.
Tucker didn’t even budge another inch for the rest of his mani-pedi!
Now, I could have wigged out and even felt pressure to get this horse to stand still, but as an Early Development Educator of these precious babies, I took the opportunity to EDUCATE him. Had I wigged out, I would have scared him about the procedure, the farrier and MOST OF ALL me!
The lesson he would have learned, had I wigged out, was “Humans are mean and unsupportive when I need them the most to make me feel safe.” 
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mikeldluffy · 8 months
Day in the Life of Luffy
9 AM : *asleep*
10 AM: *still asleep*
Sanji: *kicks him in the solarplex to teach him a lesson*
1 PM: *decides to fish for food instead but gets 4 fish bones in a row and manages to get only one little sardine which he later eats anyways*
3 PM: *punches 50 marines armed with guns sending them home crying to their mommies (literally)*
4 PM: *steals some of Chef Sanjis chickens and attempts to cook it on a flame but fails miserably and eats a whole chicken half cooked*
6 PM: *takes a little nap because he is the captain and argues with Zoro over a pillow*
7 PM: Hey Nami do u think we should get a musician?
9 PM: bedtime
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dalchiid · 1 year
I’m just waiting for the satisfying day when MC punches Jimin in the face… I need to see the downfall of Jimin 😭
Hoseok punching Jimin wasn't enough. It's time for Y/N to step up and hit him with a one two punch. Stab and jab his neck with her elbows 😂 Pull a Miss Congeniality and hit him with the S.I.N.G: Solarplex, Instep, Nose, Groin!
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jp-barbedwire · 2 years
Dr no matter wht is and feels like the mta station day and night time dragon.dll.exe
Dr feels like metal dragon.dll
Dr feels like rpk train dragon.dll
Dr is.mta sky dragon.dll
Dr is wht is tipo pila and rpk and ae.dll
Dr feels lik the word corolla.dll
Dr feels like r32gtr tru the heat and sun glares.dll
Drs heat feels like a r32gtr.dll.exe
Drs rivier feels like r32gtr.exe
Drs air flow is typo pila.exe
Drs wind air flow directional off is a 99 honda civic.dll
Drs solarplexes is a r32gtr.dll
Drs mindset feels like a 01 accord.dll
Dr heat waves feels like a 98 maxima.dll
Dr antena radio air waves is a dodge challenger.dll
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howie-el · 5 years
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Chakra bracelet @hd.artz #fashion #hdartz #clearQuartz #Amethyst #sodalite #malachite #citrine #carnealian #redJasper #bracelet #crown #thirdeye #throat #heart #solarplex #sacral #root #blocksBadEnergy #goodEnergy #royal #summer #style #creative #art #dowhatyouLOVEwhatyoudo www.hdartz.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B4IR6hpB1w-/?igshid=isijwoexuqu9
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kirythestitchwitch · 4 years
my mom looked very confused when she said that other countries were getting the hang of Covid better that the US
could it be
the socialized
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sincerelystranger · 4 years
authors note: three moments in Jiang Cheng’s 16 years without WWX
Rage is not the right word for what Jiang Cheng feels that first year.
Rage is too weak. Too clean. Too simple.
There’s something alive in Jiang Cheng’s veins that first year. Something that drives sleep and sense away from Jiang Cheng, leaving him empty of everything except this burning need to find something – anything – of Wei Wuxian’s and… and make sure that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
So, maybe he goes a little insane that first year.
Maybe that’s the year that people start making rumors, start saying things such as:
“Don’t mention the Yiling Patriarch around Sandu Shengshou – he’ll kill anyone who mentions him!”
“I heard he captured a rogue cultivator who dabbled in demonic cultivation and tortured him to death!”
“It’s said that if he knows that you have one of the Yiling Patriarch’s inventions, he’ll kill you and destroy your soul.”
These rumors aren’t necessarily good… but they do put him on the fast track to getting some goddamned respect from other clans. Or maybe respect isn’t the right word.
They call him crazy and unhinged… but also righteous and furious and strong.
(Son of the Violet Spider, they say, he got all of his mother’s poison.
They don’t mention his father.)
Some idiots actually come up to him and thank him for killing the Yiling patriarch…
They thank him.
Sandu creaks in his hands and Zidian crackles threateningly on his clenched fist.
This can’t be rage, he thinks as he watches the stupid cultivators run away from him.
Jiang Cheng knows rage.
Rage doesn’t hurt like this.
Jiang Cheng tries to forget. He won’t ever forgive – he doesn’t know how to forgive – but he tries to forget.
Because it seems unfair to his sister and his mother and his father to let this traitor occupy so much of Jiang Cheng’s head (and his heart).
That traitor doesn’t even deserve to be remembered.
He doesn’t.
He doesn’t.
And Jiang Cheng hates him.
Jiang Cheng hates him and hates him and hates him.
(Because hating him is so much easier than missing him and Jiang Cheng would rather cut off both his arms than admit that. It feels like betrayal to miss him, and Jiang Cheng can’t decide which part of himself he hates more: the part that can’t seem to forget him even a little bit or the part of himself that misses him so much that he aches.)
Jiang Cheng hates him and maybe Jiang Cheng hates himself a little bit too.
Because sometimes he dreams.
He dreams of hands, only a little larger than his, guiding him as he pulls his bow string. Dreams of an arm swung over his shoulder, pulling him into another half-baked, hair brained scheme. Dreams of…
“I’m never going to be able to cultivate my golden core,” Jiang Cheng rages, furious tears running down his face and onto his pillow.
The room is dark and quiet and Jiang Cheng feels humiliated by his tears and his inability to do anything right. He’s angry and embarrassed and a little bit sorry because he had said horribly mean things to Wei Wuxian earlier that day. He hadn’t really meant any of it, but he had been so angry because everything came so easy to Wei Wuxian and of course he’d develop his golden core before Jiang Cheng.
Of course.
Of course, but it still makes Jiang Cheng so irrationally angry and jealous and…
(It would have been so much better if Wei Wuxian was his real brother. Then Jiang Cheng wouldn’t have to worry about being the best and leading the Sect one day. He could just be happy for his brother.)
Jiang Cheng hears a soft sigh and the rustle of blankets as Wei Wuxian gets out of bed.
Just the soft sound of Wei Wuxian’s bare feet padding towards him is enough to make something loosen in Jiang Cheng’s chest.
Good. At least Wei Wuxian isn’t mad at him for what he said earlier. Jiang Cheng hadn’t really meant it anyway. He had just been…
“A-Cheng,” Wei Wuxian says, and Jiang Cheng stays curled away from him. His pride keeping him from turning towards Wei Wuxian even when he wants to.
Wei Wuxian just sighs again and climbs onto Jiang Cheng’s bed and curls up behind him.
He’s bigger than Jiang Cheng, because of course he is.
He places a hand on Jiang Cheng’s solarplex – where Jiang Cheng’s golden core should be.
“A-Cheng,” Wei Wuxian says again, “Breathe. Focus. Do you feel this heat here?”
Jiang Cheng nods, just a little.
“That’s your golden core – you already have it. So don’t be upset.”
Jiang Cheng breathes and feels the warmth in his chest. Feels it expand and contract with his breaths.
“If I have it, why can’t I activate a talisman?” Jiang Cheng asks, suspiciously, ever hesitant to be happy.
“You have to learn how to move this heat around your body,” Wei Wuxian says, and he moves his palm from Jiang Cheng’s solarplex up to his heart and down his arm to his hand. “Once you do it once, it’ll be easier to do it again.”
It… seems to make sense.
“Why does everything come so easy to you?” Jiang Cheng asks petulantly. Feeling relieved but still a bit sore and ornery.
“Because I think everything is easy,” Wei Wuxian says matter-of-factly. “Everything is so difficult to you because you think of everything difficultly. If you relaxed, I’m sure everything would come easy for you too.”
It’s the type of logic that only makes sense when it comes out of Wei Wuxian’s mouth and Jiang Cheng finds himself rolling his eyes.
Jiang Cheng’s eyes aren’t wet when he wakes from these dreams but…
But Jiang Cheng feels the ghost of something run down his arm and…
Maybe he would have an easier time forgetting that traitor if that traitor hadn’t…
Jiang Cheng puts a hand over his solarplex, breathes in and out.
Jiang Cheng only cries once.
Jin Ling is thirteen and he’s just won his first archery competition.
It’s… magnificent… and it should be a perfect day of celebration and pride but…
But Jiang Cheng is in the cursed Burial Mounds, frantically searching for, for something, because…
Because the moment Jin Ling had won, he had turned around to look for…
“He won, goddammit!” Jiang Cheng screams, feeling half out of his mind. “I taught him and he won and you’re the fucking traitor who killed his parents so tell me why the fuck I’m still searching for you?”
Why had the first person he searched for been him? Not his sister, not his father, not even the fucking peacock.
Jiang Cheng slams Sandu into a rock and doesn’t even feel a hint of satisfaction at the way it splits in two.
He falls to his knees and screams.
“Why am I always the one searching for you?” he screams, embarrassed and angry and… and aching. “Just once – just once – can’t you...”
And Jiang Cheng can’t say anything else because he can’t stop fucking sobbing and it’s embarrassing and he wants to fucking die.
He hates him.
He hates him.
He hates him.
“Can’t you just once…”
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zou-pa · 3 years
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nazthesilly · 3 years
fuck the system solarplex ugh
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sanjeevbabbar · 6 years
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The most important thing Reiki does is Detoxification of Body and Dissolving the energy Blockage..... Basics principles of Reiki #meditation #chi #mikaosui #japanese #chakras #healing #energy #connect #yoga #toxic #health #solarplexes #thirdeye #crown #rootchakras #instareiki #healthyfood #honesty #truth #love #spiritualism #peace #grandmaster #zen #ki #mantra https://www.instagram.com/p/BtABnuYgiio/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ia30nd9zokwv
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moniquevansteen · 5 years
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Snatch up this lovely little piece for the #artistsupportpledge before it’s gone! 185,- € (excl shipping) 🎨🎨🎨 This morning I read a beautiful text by visual artist @hollandnat . She talks about artist connecting people with that that they don’t even know they are missing: BEAUTY. 🎨🎨🎨 Acknowledging that beauty isn’t necessarily pleasing, that sometimes it can be a hit in the solarplex, or a tiny little voice. However, it’s that what reconnects with what is beauty to YOU. Let’s celebrate that!!! 🎨🎨🎨 I am so grateful that in days like these followers like you have helped me to get to 480,-€ in sales already. Will you help me to reach the goal of 1000,-€ so I get to help another artist? 🎨🎨🎨 Tag artists who have amazing art so I can go window shopping! (Yeayyyy!!!) . . . . . #artonwood #portraiture #portrait #artcollector #contemporarypainting #modernart #artshopping #100heads #portraitart #affordableart #art #fineart #lowbrowart #arte #popart #artdaily #dailyart #havengallery #artshare #spokeart #highfructose #beautifulbizarre #affordableartfair #popsurrealism #beautifulbizarremagazine #backlitportrait #backlit #portraitpainting #womaninart https://ift.tt/2QKAKPF
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arcenergy · 5 years
before i leave for college i wanna go back to that lady running that crystal shop and have my chakras and solarplexes aligned or some shit
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