#solar light trap
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kisanofindia · 1 year ago
ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप: कैसे कीटों से करे फसलों का बचाव? जानिए क्या रहता है दाम
बिना कीटनाशक के कीटों का खात्मा
उत्तराखंड में किसान और कंपनियां मिलकर जैविक खेती या नेचुरल खेती को प्रमोट कर रही हैं। ऐसे में कंपनियों की ओर से कई ऐसे Agri-Equipment बनाए जा रहे हैं, जो किसानों की मदद करेंगे और फसलों को किसी तरह का नुकसान नहीं होगा। ऐसा ही एक Agri-Equipment है ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप।
ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप (Automatic Solar Light Trap): फसलों को कीटों से बहुत हानि होती है। कई बार तो किसानों को कीटों की वजह से फसल बर्बाद होने के कारण भारी नुकसान उठाना पड़ता है। इसलिए ज़्यादातर किसान इससे निपटने के लिए केमिकल युक्त कीटनाशकों का उपयोग करते हैं, लेकिन ये कीटनाशक पर्यावरण के साथ ही फसलों की पौष्टिकता को भी नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं।
ऐसे में जैविक खेती को बढ़ावा देने और कीटनाशकों के दुष्प्रभाव से निपटने के लिए उत्तराखंड की कंपनी सारांश एग्रो सॉल्यूशंस (Saaransh Agro Solutions) ने एक अनोखी मशीन बनाई है। ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप, जो बिना किसी केमिकल के कीटों का खात्मा करके जैविक खेती में मदद करती है। क्या है मशीन की ख़ासियत और कैसे ये काम करती है, इस बारे में कंपनी की डिजिटल मार्केटिंग टीम से जुड़े सौरभ कुमार ने विस्तार से बात की किसान ऑफ़ इंडिया के संवादादता सर्वेश बुंदेली से।
बिना बिजली वाले इलाकों के लिए उपयोगी
सौरभ कुमार कहते हैं कि ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप में ऐसी कोई चीज़ नहीं है, जो फसल को नुकसान पहुंचाए। इसमें सोलर पैनल लगे हुआ है। इसके कारण बिजली न होने क�� स्थिति में भी ये काम करता रहेगा और किसानों की फसल कीटों से करेगा।
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ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप मशीन की ख़ासियत
सौरभ बताते हैं कि इसमें 10 वॉट का सोलर लाइट पैनल लगा होता है, जो इसके अंदर लगी बैटरी को चार्ज करता है। इससे रात के लिए बैकअप तैयार हो जाता है। मशीन में लगी ब्लू कलर की यूवी लाइट कीटों को अट्रैक्ट करती हैं और जब ये नज़दीक आते हैं तो मशीन के आगे लगी प्लेट्स से टकरारकर नीचे बॉक्स में गिर जाते हैं। इस तरीके से बिना किसी कीटनाशक के किसान कीटों से छुटकारा पा सकते हैं।
सिर्फ़ शत्रु कीट पर हमला
कुछ कीट फसलों को नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं, जिन्हें शत्रु कीट कहा जाता है, जबकि कुछ कीट फसलों के विकास के लिए ज़रूरी होते हैं। सौरभ कहते हैं कि ऑटोमैटिक सोलर लाइट ट्रैप मशीन को सिर्फ़ शत्रु कीटों को खत्म करने के मकसद से ही बनाया गया है। ये कीट शाम 6 से रात 10 बजे के बीच ज़्यादा एक्टिव होते हैं। इसलिए मशीन से अटैच सोलर हीट लाइट अंधेरा होते ही अपने आप जल जाती है और सुबह बंद हो जाती है। इससे शत्रु कीट को नियंत्रित करने में मदद मिलती है।
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फसल के हिसाब से एडजस्टमेंट
सौरभ कहते हैं कि हर पौधे की लंबाई अलग होती है जैसे बेल वाले पौधे फैले होते हैं, जबकि फलों के पौधे लंबे होते हैं। ऐसे में फसल बेल वाली या पौधों वाली है या बड़े फलों के बड़े पेड़ है, उस हिसाब से मशीन की ऊंचाई को एडजस्ट किया जा सकता है। मतलब कीट जिस हाइट तक उड़ते हैं, पैनल को एडजस्ट किया जा सकता है।
आगे सौरभ कुमार बताते हैं कि पैनल की फेसिंग दक्षिण दिशा की ओर होगी और इसे कहीं भी रखा जा सकता है। सौरभ कहते हैं कि कुछ लोगों को लगता है कि सिर्फ़ धूप होने पर ही पैनल काम करता है, मगर ऐसा नहीं है। धूप नहीं इसे रौशनी चाहिए और ये रौशनी से ही चार्ज हो जाती है।
और पढ़ें.....
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thesecrethistori-an · 5 months ago
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Again: bit of self accountability because I really need to make progress with my thesis
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So far:
Achieved nothing
Want to finish reading this nightmare of a source in Russian and move on to other materials (every day I thank god for Google lense translator because I couldn't do this without it)
Hopefully transfer my old Obsidian notes into my master document
In my ears, surprisingly:
In my head: as always as of late, despair
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thevoidisvoid · 7 months ago
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If this is not the most terrifying but inspiring photo I've ever managed to taken then strike me where I lay.
I wish the sun looked like this constantly, but then again I like seeing the moon
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
dipper got his grunkles' knowledge on murder
mabel got the tools to commit (her bare head and the ability to wield weapons)
see, dipper might talk a big game, but i don't think he'd be down to brawl, at least not easily
mabel, though? mabel can and will kill a man
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nasa · 1 year ago
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Astronomers used three of NASA's Great Observatories to capture this multiwavelength image showing galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508. It includes X-rays recorded by the Chandra X-ray Observatory in blue, visible light observed by the Hubble Space Telescope in green, and infrared light from the Spitzer Space Telescope in red. This rare galaxy cluster has important implications for understanding how these megastructures formed and evolved early in the universe.
How Astronomers Time Travel
Let’s add another item to your travel bucket list: the early universe! You don’t need the type of time machine you see in sci-fi movies, and you don’t have to worry about getting trapped in the past. You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your home! All you need is a powerful space-based telescope.
But let’s start small and work our way up to the farthest reaches of space. We’ll explain how it all works along the way.
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This animation illustrates how fast light travels between Earth and the Moon. The farther light has to travel, the more noticeable its speed limit becomes.
The speed of light is superfast, but it isn’t infinite. It travels at about 186,000 miles (300 million meters) per second. That means that it takes time for the light from any object to reach our eyes. The farther it is, the more time it takes.
You can see nearby things basically in real time because the light travel time isn’t long enough to make a difference. Even if an object is 100 miles (161 kilometers) away, it takes just 0.0005 seconds for light to travel that far. But on astronomical scales, the effects become noticeable.
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This infographic shows how long it takes light to travel to different planets in our solar system.
Within our solar system, light’s speed limit means it can take a while to communicate back and forth between spacecraft and ground stations on Earth. We see the Moon, Sun, and planets as they were slightly in the past, but it's not usually far enough back to be scientifically interesting.
As we peer farther out into our galaxy, we use light-years to talk about distances. Smaller units like miles or kilometers would be too overwhelming and we’d lose a sense of their meaning. One light-year – the distance light travels in a year – is nearly 6 trillion miles (9.5 trillion kilometers). And that’s just a tiny baby step into the cosmos.
The Sun’s closest neighboring star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.2 light-years away. That means we see it as it was about four years ago. Betelgeuse, a more distant (and more volatile) stellar neighbor, is around 700 light-years away. Because of light’s lag time, astronomers don’t know for sure whether this supergiant star is still there! It may have already blasted itself apart in a supernova explosion – but it probably has another 10,000 years or more to go.
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What looks much like craggy mountains on a moonlit evening is actually the edge of a nearby, young, star-forming region NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula. Captured in infrared light by the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this image reveals previously obscured areas of star birth.
The Carina Nebula clocks in at 7,500 light-years away, which means the light we receive from it today began its journey about 3,000 years before the pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built! Many new stars there have undoubtedly been born by now, but their light may not reach Earth for thousands of years.
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An artist’s concept of our Milky Way galaxy, with rough locations for the Sun and Carina nebula marked.
If we zoom way out, you can see that 7,500 light-years away is still pretty much within our neighborhood. Let’s look further back in time…
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This stunning image by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features the spiral galaxy NGC 5643. Looking this good isn’t easy; 30 different exposures, for a total of nine hours of observation time, together with Hubble’s high resolution and clarity, were needed to produce an image of such exquisite detail and beauty.
Peering outside our Milky Way galaxy transports us much further into the past. The Andromeda galaxy, our nearest large galactic neighbor, is about 2.5 million light-years away. And that’s still pretty close, as far as the universe goes. The image above shows the spiral galaxy NGC 5643, which is about 60 million light-years away! That means we see it as it was about 60 million years ago.
As telescopes look deeper into the universe, they capture snapshots in time from different cosmic eras. Astronomers can stitch those snapshots together to unravel things like galaxy evolution. The closest ones are more mature; we see them nearly as they truly are in the present day because their light doesn’t have to travel as far to reach us. We can’t rewind those galaxies (or our own), but we can get clues about how they likely developed. Looking at galaxies that are farther and farther away means seeing these star cities in ever earlier stages of development.
The farthest galaxies we can see are both old and young. They’re billions of years old now, and the light we receive from them is ancient since it took so long to traverse the cosmos. But since their light was emitted when the galaxies were young, it gives us a view of their infancy.
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This animation is an artist’s concept of the big bang, with representations of the early universe and its expansion.
Comparing how fast objects at different distances are moving away opened up the biggest mystery in modern astronomy: cosmic acceleration. The universe was already expanding as a result of the big bang, but astronomers expected it to slow down over time. Instead, it’s speeding up!
The universe’s expansion makes it tricky to talk about the distances of the farthest objects. We often use lookback time, which is the amount of time it took for an object’s light to reach us. That’s simpler than using a literal distance, because an object that was 10 billion light-years away when it emitted the light we received from it would actually be more than 16 billion light-years away right now, due to the expansion of space. We can even see objects that are presently over 30 billion light-years from Earth, even though the universe is only about 14 billion years old.
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This James Webb Space Telescope image shines with the light from galaxies that are more than 13.4 billion years old, dating back to less than 400 million years after the big bang.
Our James Webb Space Telescope has helped us time travel back more than 13.4 billion years, to when the universe was less than 400 million years old. When our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope launches in a few years, astronomers will pair its vast view of space with Webb’s zooming capabilities to study the early universe in better ways than ever before. And don’t worry – these telescopes will make plenty of pit stops along the way at other exciting cosmic destinations across space and time.
Learn more about the exciting science Roman will investigate on X and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months ago
Instead of burning fossil fuels to reach the temperatures needed to smelt steel and cook cement, scientists in Switzerland want to use heat from the sun. The proof-of-concept study uses synthetic quartz to trap solar energy at temperatures over 1,000°C (1,832°F), demonstrating the method’s potential role in providing clean energy for carbon-intensive industries. A paper on the research was published on May 15 in the journal Device.[...]
Glass, steel, cement, and ceramics are at the very heart of modern civilization, essential for building everything from car engines to skyscrapers. However, manufacturing these materials demands temperatures over 1,000°C and relies heavily on burning fossil fuels for heat. These industries account for about 25% of global energy consumption. Researchers have explored a clean-energy alternative using solar receivers, which concentrate and build heat with thousands of sun-tracking mirrors. However, this technology has difficulties transferring solar energy efficiently above 1,000°C.
To boost the efficiency of solar receivers, Casati turned to semitransparent materials such as quartz, which can trap sunlight—a phenomenon called the thermal-trap effect. The team crafted a thermal-trapping device by attaching a synthetic quartz rod to an opaque silicon disk as an energy absorber. When they exposed the device to an energy flux equivalent to the light coming from 136 suns, the absorber plate reached 1,050°C (1,922°F), whereas the other end of the quartz rod remained at 600°C (1,112°F).
“Previous research has only managed to demonstrate the thermal-trap effect up to 170°C (338°F),” says Casati. “Our research showed that solar thermal trapping works not just at low temperatures, but well above 1,000°C. This is crucial to show its potential for real-world industrial applications.”
Using a heat transfer model, the team also simulated the quartz’s thermal-trapping efficiency under different conditions. The model showed that thermal trapping achieves the target temperature at lower concentrations with the same performance, or at higher thermal efficiency for equal concentration. For example, a state-of-the-art (unshielded) receiver has an efficiency of 40% at 1,200°C, with a concentration of 500 suns. The receiver shielded with 300 mm of quartz achieves 70% efficiency at the same temperature and concentration. The unshielded receiver requires at least 1,000 suns of concentration for comparable performance.
17 May 24
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daydreamcloudshiding · 1 month ago
#6 Astrology Observations
People with 2nd house stellium are generous but also protective with their resources. Like the more you show them that you want/need their help, the more they will withhold it from you
People with prominent Leo placements in natal chart have such sensitive ego, like the moment you make them feel like they are less important, they will remember that sh*t forever
Although, ironically, Leo placements are really good in boosting someone else's ego as well
Aquarius people are the funniest people I've ever met. They can be so loving and caring but in a light-hearted way
Prominent Saturn placement in composite chart have feel like one of you will be looked up to, almost like a parent or teacher. This also works in synastry chart
In my experience, Virgos always have that selfish streak about them. Makes me want to kind of gatekeep certain things from them lol
In my life, a lot of Sagittarius women fell for Cancer men so much??? It's weird though, because I always perceive Sagittarius women as this ambitious, freedom-seeking, and sometimes even reckless in their emotional expression. But they ended up baby-ing these Cancer men
North node conjunct Chiron in composite chart is very karmic and hurtful, at least that's my experience. It's like the universe will forced the both of you to grow and change, face your deepest fears and even the worst version of yourselves.
Mars in 8th house composite: The Jealous Couple. The moment some b*tch tried to touch / talk to their significant other inappropriately, all hell breaks loose. Just don't. Even the most chill couple I know just won't sit quietly, they will fight with you. And don't get me wrong, this isn't about one person gets jealous of the other. It's both. Both of them have this attitude towards the relationship
Lilith in 1st house composite, both become each other's sexiest and darkest fantasies
I feel like a lot of people are obsessed with 8th house synastry. People actually imagined it to be this hades/persephone type sh*t where one person is obsessed with the other -reminds me of those creepy booktok girls who fantasize about getting kidnapped by handsome dude. While in real life, 8th house synastry can be so emotionally abusive and the worst part is, not one person in this person meant any harm or even have the obsessive qualities before this relationship. Which is why some people talk about this placement as if the people in it is "losing themselves", because they do might be changed, but not always for the better. Or at least, these people will be the worst version of themselves before they get better. In real life, if you have s*icidal tendencies or depression, this type of relationship can trigger you so much. Oftentimes, this person that you have 8th house synastry with represents both your insecurities and desire
There's something about Pisceans that somehow seems like "the perfect victim" with how passive and innocent they are, only later people discover how they hate feeling trapped or abused in anyway. The moment they feel slighted, they will remember it forever however due to their somewhat light-hearted and dreamy nature, they seems to forget about it so easily but they aren't. It's only a matter of time before they leave. Somehow, some way, with their passivity, it seems to others that they will just "accept" whatever treatment from others, but then you notice with time, they will be withdrawn and avoid you little by little. Piscesan reminds me sooooo much of Sagittarius (and yes both are ruled by Jupiter, which represents expansion) so the idea that they're this harmless, passive, innocent little baby who will stay there no matter what is so not true. They will avoid confrontation and will not argue with you about how wrong you treated them, but they will find an escape route
Sagittarius women really out there being the baddies and somehow fall for questionable men 😃
Venus in 7th house in the Solar Return Chart does not always means that you will find love that year. It could also means that justice will be in your favor
Those people with placements that aligns with your mercury sign can help balance your mental health
I'm not even sure if I've written this before, but all water signs are equally vindictive. They don't ever forget sh*t you did to them, especially the girls
Scorpios, especially the males, are attracted to dark, dangerous personalities, probably because in some sense they recognized that characteristics within themselves. However, once they become the said victims of those dark personalities, they will become too spiritual/religious, or further affected their narrow-mindedness (if they are already narrow-minded) and those who aren't narrow-minded initially, they will start to become one. They can even turn hateful. This is because in my opinion, like most water signs, they are can be prone to naivety. They genuinely thought that these dark personalities will do harm to others, but somehow not to them because they too recognized these characteristics in them. But these dark personalities, or just messed up people are not picky about their victims, they just victimize anyone in their way. This can create power struggles in the relationship or make the relationship too transactional because Scorpios will want to overpower the other, and would rather stay in this relationship (until they win the war, or get even, revengeful, etc) than to just stay the f away from these toxic relationships. This can create harmful patterns in their behavior where future relationships with others/new lovers will be filled with manipulations and "tactics" rather than sincerity
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novaursa · 2 months ago
The Cold Embrace (2/2)
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: As time passes, snow begins to melt.
- Paring: velayrion!reader/Cregan Stark
- Note: @missisjoker So, here is the second and last part straight from the oven that was being baked all night. I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you guys like this conclusion of this two part story.
- Rating: Explicit 18+
- Word count: 8 000+
- Previous part: 1/2
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @daeryna @melsunshine @21-princess @jellybeanstacey0519 @strengthandstay @anne-mary-1d @lovelyteenagebeard
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The crisp chill of autumn clung to the air, painting the landscape of Winterfell in muted shades of orange and gold. The sun had dipped lower in the sky, and the days had grown shorter, yet despite the changing season, little had thawed between you and Cregan Stark. The cold inside the walls of Winterfell seemed to mirror the tension that still lingered between the two of you, each day marked by stilted conversations and, more often than not, sharp exchanges.
Today was no different.
"You speak of duty as if it’s something noble," you spat, your voice tight as you stood across from Cregan in the courtyard, your cloak billowing in the wind. "But this—this life you’ve trapped me in—it’s a cage. You call it honor, but what is honorable about ripping me away from my family?"
Cregan, his expression as hard as the stone walls surrounding you, stood tall, arms crossed over his chest. The northern winds blew through the yard, stirring his dark hair as he met your gaze with his own unflinching one. "A cage? Is that what you see this as? I have given you more freedom than many would expect from a lord. You come and go as you please, and I have not demanded anything of you that you have not been ready to give."
"You think freedom means letting me roam these cold, barren lands?" you shot back, your voice rising. "I am a dragon, Cregan, not some northern wolf content with howling at the moon. I am bound to the skies, to fire and wind, and every moment I am here, I wither. You cannot understand that."
His jaw clenched, his eyes darkening with frustration. "I have done everything to make this a home for you," he said, his tone dangerously low. "But it’s clear that nothing will ever satisfy you. You’re too busy yearning for something you’ve lost to see what is right in front of you."
You scoffed, turning away from him, your steps hurried as you walked toward the godswood, needing space, needing air. "There is nothing here for me but snow and silence," you muttered, though you knew he heard you.
Cregan watched you go, his heart heavy as the weight of your words settled in. He stood there for a long moment, the wind tugging at his cloak, his expression unreadable. Inside, however, there was a storm brewing—a storm of disappointment, frustration, and something else, something deeper that he had been trying to deny for months.
Finally, with a heavy sigh, he turned and made his way back into the keep, his mind racing with thoughts he could no longer ignore.
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In the warmth of the solar, the fire crackled in the hearth, its light casting flickering shadows across the room. Grand Maester Kennet sat across from Cregan, his wise old eyes studying the lord with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
"You’ve been quieter than usual, my lord," Kennet said, folding his hands in his lap. "Something weighs heavily on you."
Cregan leaned back in his chair, staring into the flames. He had kept his feelings bottled up for so long, unwilling to admit to anyone, let alone himself, how much this situation had affected him. But now, with the distance between him and you growing each day, the burden felt too great to carry alone.
"She doesn’t want to be here," Cregan said quietly, his voice rough with an emotion he rarely let show. "No matter what I do, no matter how much I try to make this place a home for her, she only sees Winterfell as a prison. She longs for Dragonstone. For her family."
Kennet nodded thoughtfully, his expression sympathetic. "It is not uncommon for one to yearn for the place of their birth, especially when it’s been taken from them. The Princess... she is like her mother, strong-willed and fierce. The North is a different world for someone raised among dragons and fire."
Cregan exhaled slowly, leaning forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees as he rubbed a hand over his face. "I know that. I’ve known it since the day she arrived. But... there’s more. It’s not just that she can’t find a place here." He paused, his voice dropping, as if the words themselves were difficult to admit. "I care for her, Kennet. More than I thought I ever would. When Jacaerys first came to me, he spoke of her with such passion and admiration. He told me stories of her strength, her spirit, how she was a woman who could stand beside any man, even one like me. And I believed him. I admired her before I even met her."
The Maester listened in silence, his brow furrowed in thought as Cregan continued.
"And when she arrived," Cregan went on, his gaze distant, "I saw it. Everything Jacaerys said was true. She’s fierce, and proud, and... gods, she’s beautiful in her own way. But she looks at me like I’m the reason for all her misery, like I’ve taken something from her that she can never get back. She’ll never see me as anything but the man who keeps her from the life she wants."
Kennet sighed softly, shaking his head. "Love is a complicated thing, my lord. You cannot force it, nor can you expect it to bloom in a place of resentment. The Princess... she is grieving the life she left behind. She may yet come to see what you offer, but it will take time."
Cregan’s eyes flickered with doubt as he looked at the older man. "Time may be something we don’t have. The war brews in the South, and her family is at the heart of it. She feels trapped here while her brothers and mother fight for the throne. I’ve heard her speak of it—how the North is no place for dragons, how she feels as though she’s losing herself in the cold."
The Maester tilted his head, considering Cregan’s words carefully. "It is true that the North is no easy place for a soul like hers. But perhaps... perhaps if you can show her that she can still be who she is, even here, she might come to find her place."
Cregan stood from his seat, pacing the room, the weight of his frustration palpable. "How can I show her that when she refuses to let me in? Every time we speak, it turns into an argument. She doesn’t trust me. She doesn’t want to be here, and she certainly doesn’t want to be with me."
Kennet rose slowly, his hands resting on the table as he regarded Cregan with a calm, steady gaze. "Then you must be patient, my lord. If you truly care for the Princess, you will have to endure her fire, much like one endures the harshest winters. But winters pass, and even in the North, the snow melts. Perhaps in time, her heart will soften."
Cregan sighed deeply, staring into the fire once more. He wished it were as simple as waiting for the snow to melt, but as the days passed, he feared the rift between him and you was growing too wide to ever close.
He wanted you to see him, truly see him, not as the man who kept you here but as someone who could stand beside you, strong enough to weather the storm of your spirit. But until then, all he could do was wait.
And hope.
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The halls of Winterfell buzzed with an unusual energy, a hive of activity that Cregan hadn’t expected so soon after the summer's end. The brisk wind of autumn howled through the open courtyards, and yet the chill in the air was not the only sign that winter was approaching. Men and women rushed through the keep, arms filled with supplies, voices rising in quick, urgent conversation.
Cregan furrowed his brow as he observed the flurry of work. His bannermen and servants seemed to be following orders, yet none had come directly from him. His curiosity piqued, he caught sight of one of his men, Ser Roland, directing a group of stable hands with a sense of urgency. Cregan made his way over, his long strides carrying him across the courtyard.
"Ser Roland," he called out, his deep voice cutting through the noise. "What’s all this about? I don’t recall ordering preparations for winter just yet."
Ser Roland turned quickly, bowing his head in respect before answering. "Lord Stark, it’s not your orders we’re following. The Princess has taken it upon herself to make sure Winterfell is ready for the long winter ahead. She’s been directing the stores, making changes to the rations, and ensuring that all livestock are accounted for."
Cregan’s brow lifted in surprise. "The Princess? I wasn’t aware she had taken an interest in such matters."
Ser Roland nodded, his expression a mixture of admiration and confusion. "Aye, my lord. She’s had us reorganize the grain stores and instructed that additional salt be used to preserve meats in case the winter lasts longer than expected. She also had some of the women gather herbs and berries for medicinal stocks—said it’s something her mother did on Dragonstone. Even ordered new tunnels to be dug beneath the walls, should the snow block access to certain parts of the keep. It’s... impressive."
Cregan was silent for a moment, taken aback by the level of thought and strategy that had gone into the preparations. The Princess, who had made it clear she despised this place, was ensuring it would withstand winter’s cruelty. And yet, she hadn’t spoken a word of it to him. His initial surprise gave way to a grudging respect.
"And where is she now?" Cregan asked, his tone more curious than demanding.
Roland hesitated before answering. "The Princess took to the skies a short while ago, my lord. She went flying on Silverwing."
"Flying," Cregan repeated, his brow furrowing. It wasn’t unusual for you to seek solace in the skies, but the flicker of worry began to creep in. "And who accompanied her?"
Roland shifted, his expression turning sheepish. "Your son, my lord. Young Rickon went with her."
Cregan stiffened, his heart quickening at the thought of Rickon riding atop Silverwing. His instinct was to feel alarmed—to think of all the things that could go wrong with a boy so young riding a dragon, even one as gentle as Silverwing. For a moment, the image of his son, small and fragile, atop such a powerful beast made him want to storm out and demand answers.
But then he stopped himself. Rickon was not some fragile boy. He was his son, a Stark, raised to face the wild north and the dangers that came with it. And more than that, Silverwing was under your command, a dragon bound to your will. His mind raced with the desire to scold you for being reckless, but something held him back. Rickon had begged for a chance to fly, ever since he had seen the dragons for the first time.
"Thank you, Roland," Cregan said curtly, turning away from the bustling activity of the courtyard and heading toward the godswood where he knew you often landed with Silverwing.
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The cold air bit at Cregan's face as he walked through the open fields behind Winterfell. The godswood stood tall and silent in the distance, but it was the open expanse of land beyond it that caught his attention. There, just returning from the skies, was Silverwing. Her massive form settled gracefully on the ground, her wings folding in with practiced ease as you and Rickon dismounted.
He could see Rickon from afar, his small figure bounding toward the keep, his face lit up with sheer joy. As Cregan approached, he heard his son before he saw him up close.
"Father!" Rickon shouted, running full speed toward Cregan, his excitement bubbling over. "I flew, Father! I flew on Silverwing! She let me ride with her, and we soared above the trees! You should’ve seen it!"
The boy’s face was flushed with exhilaration, his cheeks red from the cold wind, and his eyes sparkled with uncontainable glee. He practically bounced in front of Cregan, his enthusiasm infectious.
Cregan knelt down, placing a hand on Rickon’s shoulder. "Did you now?" he asked, a small smile tugging at his lips despite himself. "And you weren’t afraid?"
Rickon shook his head vigorously. "No! The Princess told me not to worry. She said Silverwing wouldn’t let anything happen to me." His voice dropped to a near-whisper, eyes wide with awe. "And she didn’t. I felt like I was part of the sky. Can I go again, Father? Please?"
Cregan looked down at his son, his heart swelling with pride at the boy’s bravery. The initial urge to reprimand you, to accuse you of putting his son at risk, faded as he saw the pure joy on Rickon’s face. How could he take that away from him?
He stood up, his eyes drifting toward you. You were brushing snow from your cloak, your gaze turned elsewhere, as if trying to pretend you hadn’t noticed him approaching. But you had noticed. You always did.
For a moment, Cregan was silent, the tension between the two of you palpable. He could have said something. Could have warned you against taking such risks with his son. But instead, he let out a quiet sigh, looking back down at Rickon.
"You can go again," he said softly, ruffling the boy’s hair. "But only when the Princess says it's safe."
Rickon beamed and immediately ran off toward the keep, his excitement carrying him as fast as his legs could take him. Cregan watched him go, then turned his gaze back to you. You still hadn’t spoken, but your eyes met his, guarded as always.
"I should scold you," he said, his tone measured. "You had no right to take Rickon flying without asking me first."
You straightened, your chin lifting slightly. "He wanted to go. And Silverwing wouldn’t have harmed him."
Cregan nodded, but his expression remained serious. "I know. But he’s still my son. And as much as he may adore dragons, I need to know he’s safe."
The tension hung between you for a moment longer, but Cregan couldn’t help the way his heart softened slightly. Despite everything—despite the constant bickering, the distance between you—he could see that while you might not want this marriage, you cared for Rickon. The way you had taken him flying, giving him the one thing that had brought him so much joy, didn’t go unnoticed.
"Perhaps," Cregan added quietly, his tone softer now, "you don’t want me. But you will be a good mother to Rickon. I can see that."
For a moment, you didn’t respond, your expression unreadable. Then you gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. "I’ll keep him safe," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Cregan watched you for a long moment before turning and heading back toward Winterfell. The coldness between you two remained, but now there was a small crack in the icy wall that had stood between you since the moment you arrived.
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The cold air was sharper here, beyond the walls of Winterfell, biting deep into Cregan’s skin as he led his men through the thick snow-covered wilderness. The northern winds howled, carrying with them the scent of pine and frost, mingled with something far more sinister—the smell of smoke from a Wildling camp. They had been tracking the Wildlings for days now, ever since word came that a raiding party had crossed the Wall, attacking isolated settlements and stealing what little food and supplies they could find before winter’s full grip took hold.
Cregan’s blood thrummed with the familiar tension that came before battle. His breath formed clouds in the cold air, his grip firm on the hilt of his sword as he and his men closed in. They could see the crude campfires in the distance, flickering like beacons in the darkening forest.
"Stay low," Cregan whispered to his men, his voice barely audible above the wind. The Stark bannermen, seasoned and loyal, followed his command without hesitation. They fanned out in a loose line, their cloaks blending into the snowy landscape.
The Wildlings had set up in a small clearing, their crude weapons and fur-lined tents marking them as a desperate group. There were perhaps a dozen of them—armed with spears, axes, and the occasional rusty sword—but they were not to be underestimated. Wildlings were fierce, survivalists hardened by the lands beyond the Wall. This fight would be bloody.
Cregan motioned to his men, and in unison, they surged forward, the snow muffling their approach until they were nearly upon the camp.
The first clash came fast and violent.
Cregan’s sword met the steel of a Wildling’s axe, the sharp clang of metal ringing out into the frigid night. The raiders shouted in surprise, their camp erupting into chaos as the Stark men descended upon them. The Wildlings fought back viciously, their crude weapons swinging wildly, aiming for any vulnerable flesh they could find.
Cregan swung his blade with precision, cleaving through a Wildling’s chest, blood spraying across the snow like ink on parchment. He turned just in time to parry another blow, gritting his teeth as the impact jarred his arm. Around him, the sounds of battle raged—shouts, screams, the wet thud of bodies falling into the snow.
But then, something sharp and hot bit into his side.
Cregan gasped, stumbling back as a Wildling spear pierced his flesh just below his ribs. The pain was immediate and blinding, spreading like fire through his body. His grip faltered on his sword for a moment, but he didn’t let go. With a roar, he swung his blade in a brutal arc, slicing through the man who had struck him. The Wildling crumpled to the ground, but Cregan was already weakening, his vision blurring at the edges.
The fight continued around him, his men cutting down the remaining Wildlings, but every movement Cregan made sent waves of pain crashing through him. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stay upright, even as the blood began to seep through his furs, staining the snow beneath his feet a dark crimson.
At last, the battle was over. The Wildlings lay dead, their bodies scattered across the snow like broken dolls. Cregan’s men stood victorious, though bruised and bloodied themselves.
One of his men, Ser Vayon, rushed over to him, his face pale with worry as he saw the blood. "My lord! You’re wounded."
Cregan waved him off, trying to mask the severity of his injury. "I’ll live," he growled, though his voice was weaker than he intended. "But I can’t make it back as fast as the rest of you. Take the others and ride ahead. Get help."
Ser Vayon hesitated, his eyes darting between Cregan and the rest of the men. "We can carry you—"
"No," Cregan interrupted, his tone firm despite the pain. "I’ll slow you down. If you ride ahead, you’ll reach Winterfell faster. I’ll follow behind." His vision blurred for a moment, and he had to steady himself against a nearby tree. "Go. That’s an order."
Reluctantly, Ser Vayon nodded, glancing back at the other men. "As you command, my lord."
With that, they mounted their horses, casting one last worried glance at him before spurring their mounts and riding off through the snow. Cregan watched them go, the sound of hooves fading into the distance, leaving him alone in the quiet, snow-covered forest.
He took a few shaky steps, but each movement sent a fresh wave of agony through his body. His hand clutched his side where the blood still flowed, staining the white snow beneath his boots. The world around him tilted, and he fell to his knees, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He tried to rise, but his strength was failing, his body too weak to carry him any further.
Just as his vision began to swim, he heard a sound—a distant, high-pitched screech that cut through the silence like a knife.
Cregan blinked, his vision blurring as something massive appeared in the sky above him. He squinted through the haze of pain, trying to focus, and then he saw it—Silverwing, her silver-scaled body descending from the clouds like a gleaming specter. The dragon landed with a soft thud, her wings folding as she approached him, her eyes gleaming in the dim light.
Cregan cursed under his breath, trying to wave her off with a weak motion of his hand. "Go on, beast," he muttered, his voice slurred with exhaustion. "I’m not your rider."
But Silverwing ignored him, her massive head lowering as she nudged him gently with her nose. The touch was surprisingly gentle for such a fearsome creature, as if the dragon knew he was on the brink of collapse. She nudged him again, more insistently this time, her warm breath washing over him as if urging him to stand.
Cregan tried to push her away, but his strength was gone. "Damn dragon," he rasped, his body trembling from blood loss. "Leave me."
Silverwing let out a low rumble, her large eyes narrowing as if in disapproval. She nudged him one last time, and when he still didn’t move, she took matters into her own talons. With surprising care, Silverwing wrapped her claws around his body, lifting him effortlessly from the snow.
Cregan groaned, the world spinning around him as Silverwing took flight, the sensation of being carried through the sky both terrifying and surreal. His body was limp in her talons, the wind whipping through his hair as they soared above the treetops, Winterfell a distant shadow on the horizon.
His eyelids grew heavy, the pain in his side fading as numbness took over. The world below him grew smaller, the sky a dark blur above.
As Silverwing’s wings beat rhythmically, the wind howling in his ears, Cregan's consciousness began to slip away, the edges of his vision turning black.
The last thing he saw before the darkness claimed him was Winterfell’s walls in the distance, growing closer with every beat of Silverwing’s wings. Then, nothing.
Cregan Stark knew no more.
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The courtyard of Winterfell was a storm of chaos as you pushed through the throngs of servants and guards, your heart racing, breath short. The cold northern wind stung your face, but you barely felt it. All you could focus on was the sight ahead—Silverwing, her massive silver form crouched low on the snow, her head lowered protectively over a motionless figure sprawled at her feet. You shoved past a startled servant, your voice rising above the din of panic.
"Move aside!" you barked, pushing through the crowd until you finally reached the clearing where Cregan lay, blood staining the snow beneath him, his face pale and ashen.
Silverwing rumbled softly as you approached, her enormous eyes watching you, but she made no move to stop you. Her wings shifted, creating a barrier between the man she had carried home and the gathering onlookers.
Your heart leapt into your throat. The sight of Cregan—your husband, though it had never felt real until this moment—bleeding and unconscious before his own keep sent a surge of fear through you that you hadn’t expected.
"Where is Rickon?" you demanded, whirling around to one of the women standing near the edge of the scene. Rickon’s nanny stepped forward, worry etched on her face.
"He was playing with the other children when we heard the commotion," she said nervously, glancing toward Silverwing. "Should I—?"
"Find him," you interrupted quickly, your voice firmer than it had been in weeks. "Keep him away from here. I don’t want him seeing his father like this."
The woman nodded, clearly relieved to have something to do, and hurried off into the crowd. You turned back toward Cregan just as Maester Kennet knelt beside him, his hands moving with the steady calm of a man who had seen too many battle injuries in his lifetime. His fingers probed at the wound beneath Cregan’s furs, his face grim.
"Will he live?" you asked, unable to keep the edge of desperation from creeping into your voice.
Kennet didn’t look up, his attention still fixed on the blood-soaked gash. "The wound is deep, but he’s strong. If we can stop the bleeding and keep the fever from setting in, he has a chance. But we need to get him inside—now."
Already, several of Cregan’s men were lifting him carefully onto a makeshift stretcher, their faces pale with worry. You followed as they carried him toward the castle, your feet moving without thought. The icy wind cut through your cloak, but you ignored it. The only thing you could focus on was the sight of Cregan’s lifeless form being carried through the halls of Winterfell, his breathing shallow and labored.
As they reached his chambers, the men gently placed him on the large bed, stepping back to allow Maester Kennet to work. You hovered just beyond the bedside, your hands clenched into tight fists at your sides, helplessness gnawing at you. Despite everything—despite the constant arguments, the coldness between you—you couldn’t bear the thought of losing him like this. The stark realization struck you hard, knocking the wind from your lungs.
You didn’t want him to die.
For what felt like hours, Kennet worked over Cregan’s body, stitching the wound with deft hands and applying herbs to stave off infection. You stood nearby, your eyes never leaving Cregan’s pale face. He was so still, too still. The sight of him like this made the cold inside Winterfell seem even more unbearable.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kennet finished his work. The room was filled with the scent of medicinal salves and the sharp tang of blood. The old Maester wiped his hands on a cloth and turned to you, exhaustion etched in every line of his face.
"I’ve done all I can for now," he said quietly. "He will need time to heal, but whether he wakes or not depends on his own strength."
You nodded mutely, your throat tight with unspoken fear. "Thank you, Maester," you managed to whisper. Kennet gave a small nod, then gathered his supplies and left the room, leaving you alone with Cregan.
For a long time, you stood there, staring at the man who had become your husband, the man you had fought with, resented, and yet now feared to lose. His breathing was shallow, but steady, the rise and fall of his chest a small reassurance in the overwhelming uncertainty that hung over the room.
Without thinking, you moved closer to the bed, sinking into the chair beside him. Your hand reached out almost instinctively, and before you could stop yourself, your fingers closed around his. His hand was rough and calloused, larger than yours, but in this moment, it felt fragile.
"You stubborn, foolish man," you whispered, your voice breaking as you held onto him. "You always have to be the hero, don’t you?"
Tears stung your eyes, but you blinked them away, unwilling to give in to the fear gnawing at your insides. Instead, you lowered your head, closing your eyes as you prayed softly in Valyrian, the words flowing from your lips in a desperate plea to the gods of your ancestors.
"Grant him strength," you whispered, tightening your grip on his hand. "Give him the will to fight, to wake up."
The room was silent save for the crackle of the fire in the hearth, the warmth of the flames doing little to thaw the cold dread that had settled in your chest. You stayed by his bedside, refusing to leave, your heart pounding with every passing second.
Despite everything, you weren’t ready to let him go. Not yet.
And so, you stayed, waiting, praying, and hoping that Cregan Stark—your husband—would find his way back to you.
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Cregan awoke slowly, his mind swimming through the thick fog of pain and disorientation. The world around him was hazy, the room spinning as he tried to make sense of where he was. His body felt heavy, weighed down by a deep, aching fatigue that seemed to seep into his very bones. He blinked, his vision clearing little by little, and as the soft flicker of firelight came into focus, he realized he was back in his chambers, the familiar scent of burning wood and herbs filling the air.
It was then that he noticed her.
You sat beside his bed, your arms crossed, your expression a mixture of concern and irritation. The furrow in your brow deepened as you noticed him stirring, your lips pressed into a thin line that barely masked the relief you must have felt. Despite the heaviness in his limbs and the sharp pain that shot through his side with every breath, Cregan couldn’t help but find it almost... amusing. There you were, the Dragon Princess, always so fierce and untamable, looking as though you were about to scold him, even now.
"You're awake," you said sharply, though there was a tremor of emotion beneath your voice that gave you away.
Cregan tried to sit up, wincing as the pain lanced through his side, but before he could make much progress, you were leaning forward, pushing him back down with a firm hand on his chest.
"Don’t even think about it," you warned, your tone brooking no argument. "Maester Kennet said you shouldn’t move. Not unless you want to tear your stitches and end up back in this bed for even longer."
He lay back with a grunt, the faintest smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth despite the discomfort. "Well, I wouldn’t want to upset the Maester," he muttered, his voice gravelly from disuse.
You gave him a look that would have wilted lesser men. "You almost died out there, Cregan."
The smirk faded from his face as he looked at you more closely. There was something in your eyes—something raw and unguarded. The irritation, the frustration—it was all there, but beneath it, there was a depth of feeling that surprised him. You were angry, yes, but not just at him. You were angry because you had been scared. Scared of losing him.
The realization hit him like a punch to the chest, and for the first time in years, he felt something stir inside him. It was warmth, not from the fire in the hearth, but from the way you were looking at him—fierce and tender all at once. It had been a long time since anyone had cared for him in that way, and now, seeing it in you—the woman who had resisted him, who had fought him every step of the way—brought a strange sense of peace to his heart.
"You care," he said softly, more to himself than to you.
You scoffed, crossing your arms tighter as you sat back in the chair. "Of course I care. You’re my husband, for better or worse." Your tone was sharp, but the emotion in your eyes betrayed you.
Cregan couldn’t help but chuckle, even though it sent a sharp pain through his side. "I didn’t think you’d admit that so easily."
You glared at him, though the fire in your eyes wasn’t the same angry blaze he was used to. It was different now—softer, though no less fierce. "Don’t flatter yourself," you shot back. "I’m only here because Rickon can’t see you like this. He’d worry too much."
Cregan’s lips twitched into a faint smile. "So, you’re saying you’re here for Rickon, not for me?"
You opened your mouth to retort, but then you stopped, your eyes flicking away for a brief moment before returning to his. "I’m here for both of you," you admitted quietly, your voice losing some of its edge. "You were reckless, Cregan. Going after those Wildlings in your condition was foolish. What were you thinking?"
He sighed, his hand moving slightly to rest against his bandaged side. "I was thinking I needed to protect the North. To protect my people."
"At the cost of your life?" you shot back, incredulous. "Your people need you alive, not bleeding out in the snow."
There was a pause, and then Cregan gave a small nod, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that surprised you. "You’re right," he said, his voice low and steady. "I was reckless. But it’s what I’ve always done. I’ve always put others first. The North, Winterfell, my family... I didn’t think anyone would care if something happened to me."
The silence that followed was heavy, thick with the weight of unspoken things. You stared at him for a long moment, your expression softening, and for the first time, Cregan saw something shift in you. The walls you had built between you—the ice that had kept you at a distance—continues to crack, again a little more than before.
"I would care," you said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I may not have wanted this marriage, but I don’t want you dead."
The warmth in his chest grew, spreading through him like a fire kindling to life after a long, cold winter. He had known you were strong, had admired your spirit from the moment Jacaerys spoke of you. But now, seeing you like this—caring, vulnerable in your own way—it was more than he could have ever expected.
"I never thought you’d stay by my side like this," he said, his voice soft, his dark eyes searching your face. "But you did."
You looked away for a moment, your fingers tightening in your lap. "I stayed because I couldn’t leave you like that. No one deserves to be alone when they’re hurt, not even you."
He chuckled softly, wincing at the pain it caused. "You have a strange way of showing concern, Princess."
Your lips curved into the faintest of smiles, though it was laced with exasperation. "You’re insufferable, you know that?"
"I’ve been told," he muttered, still smiling despite himself.
The tension between you seemed to ease then, the space between you no longer as cold and vast as it once had been. Cregan felt it—the change, subtle but undeniable. And though he knew things wouldn’t be easy, though you would likely bicker again and clash as fiercely as you had before, there was something different now.
For the first time in a long while, Cregan Stark felt something stir inside him—a warmth, a sense of hope. He didn’t know what the future would bring, but for now, he was content with the knowledge that you were here, by his side, and that perhaps, just perhaps, you cared for him more than either of you had realized.
And that was enough.
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The godswood was bathed in the soft light of the late afternoon sun, the ancient red leaves of the weirwood tree rustling in the cool breeze. Cregan walked beside you, his stride steady now, fully recovered from his near-fatal wounds. It had been months since that day when Silverwing had saved him from death's grip, and in that time, the distance between you and Cregan had shifted. You still bickered, your sharp words clashing like swords, but there was something different now. Beneath the teasing, the arguments, there was a warmth that neither of you could deny.
"I still think you're insufferably stubborn," you muttered, your arms crossed as you walked along the path beside him. "Charging into battle like a fool—next time, I won’t be sitting by your bedside."
Cregan chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that made your irritation flare even hotter. "Ah, but you did sit by my bedside," he said, a glint of amusement in his dark eyes. "And I seem to recall you staying there for quite some time. Worrying about me, even."
You shot him a sharp glare, though it lacked the real venom it once held. "You should be thanking the gods you survived, not teasing me for caring whether you lived or died."
"I do thank the gods," he replied, his voice quieter now, more serious. "But I also thank you. You stayed with me, Y/N. I haven’t forgotten that."
The sincerity in his tone caught you off guard, and for a moment, you felt the familiar defenses you had built around yourself begin to crumble. You glanced away, your gaze falling on the gnarled roots of the weirwood tree, trying to ignore the way his words made your heart flutter.
"You’re still a fool," you mumbled, though the edge had left your voice.
Cregan stopped walking, and you felt him gently take your hand, pulling you to a halt. You turned to face him, and in the quiet of the godswood, with only the wind rustling through the leaves, you found yourself caught in his gaze—those deep, grey eyes filled with something you hadn’t allowed yourself to see before. There was no frustration, no anger—only warmth, only want.
"And you’re still the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met," he said softly, stepping closer. His hand reached up to brush a strand of hair from your face, the touch so gentle it sent a shiver down your spine despite the cold air. "But I wouldn’t want you any other way."
You opened your mouth to retort, to say something biting, but the words never came. Instead, you found yourself closing the distance between you, your breath catching as his hand cupped the side of your face. His thumb brushed lightly against your cheek, and the last remnants of the ice between you began to melt.
Before you could think, before you could stop yourself, your lips met his.
The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as though both of you were testing the waters. But the moment your mouths touched, the fire that had been simmering beneath your bickering flared to life. His hand moved to your waist, pulling you closer, and your arms wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss.
Neither of you spoke; there were no more words left to be said. The cold air around you seemed to disappear, muted by the heat that surged between you. His lips were warm and insistent, his body pressed against yours with a need you hadn’t known you could feel.
Without breaking the kiss, Cregan’s hands moved to the ties of your cloak, loosening them with deft fingers. You tugged at his own furs, pushing them from his shoulders, and soon the cold was biting at your exposed skin, but you didn’t care. And neither did he. The warmth of your body, of your fire, was all that mattered to him now.
Your cloak fell to the ground, forgotten among the roots of the weirwood, and Cregan’s hands were on you, pulling at the fastenings of your gown. You gasped as the cold air hit your bare skin, but his hands were there to chase it away, his touch rough and gentle all at once. You tugged at his tunic, eager to feel his skin beneath your hands, and when he pulled it over his head, you marveled at the strength of him, the way his muscles rippled beneath the scars and callouses of a warrior.
Before long, the two of you were bare to the elements, the cold air forgotten as he lowered you gently to the ground. The soft moss beneath you was cool, but the fire in your veins made it bearable. Cregan’s body hovered over yours, his eyes searching your face for any sign of hesitation.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice husky with desire, but still full of the respect that had always been there beneath your bickering. "I won’t force this, Y/N."
You stared up at him, your heart racing, and for the first time, you felt no resistance. No walls, no barriers. You nodded, your voice barely a whisper. "I’m sure."
With that, he kissed you again, slow and deep, as his body pressed gently against yours. His hands were everywhere—on your waist, your hips, trailing down your thighs, sending sparks of heat through your entire being. When he finally entered you, it was with a slow, deliberate tenderness, his eyes never leaving yours.
The brief flash of pain as he broke your maidenhead made you wince, but he was there, soothing it with soft kisses, his hand tangled in your hair. And then, as the discomfort began to fade, the pleasure took its place, warm and insistent.
You moved against him, your body finding a rhythm as you urged him on with the softest of moans, your hands gripping his shoulders, your legs wrapping around him. His breath came in ragged gasps, his control slipping as he gave in to the fire between you, the primal, unspoken connection that had been building for months.
The cold wind whispered through the trees, but it could not reach you. The warmth of your bodies, entwined beneath the ancient weirwood, was enough to drive it away. Cregan’s movements grew more intense, his lips never straying far from yours, his hands gripping you as though he feared you might vanish.
Your moans mixed with his groans, the air between you thick with the sounds of your love-making, the passion that had been hidden behind walls of ice and words for so long. Every touch, every thrust, brought you closer to a place neither of you had been before, and when the moment came—when your bodies finally reached the peak—you clung to him, your breath ragged, your body trembling with the force of it.
He followed you over the edge moments later, his own release marked by a soft growl that sent shivers down your spine. For a moment, the world seemed to still, the wind quieting, the godswood holding its breath as the two of you lay entwined, the warmth of his body pressed against yours.
Cregan didn’t move, didn’t pull away. Instead, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours as he whispered your name. You closed your eyes, letting the weight of the moment settle over you, your heart still racing from the intensity of it all.
And for the first time in what felt like forever, you felt truly warm.
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The day was crisp and clear, the sky a bright blue canvas that stretched out endlessly above Winterfell. Silverwing, her silver scales shimmering in the afternoon sun, stood in the godswood, shifting her weight restlessly, her wings fluttering with barely-contained excitement. You stood beside her, hands on your hips, grinning as you watched Cregan approach, his expression a mix of wariness and resignation.
"You look like you're marching to your execution," you teased, unable to hide the amusement in your voice. Silverwing gave a low, eager rumble, her eyes fixed on Cregan as though she sensed his hesitation and found it endlessly amusing.
Cregan, on the other hand, didn’t seem to share Silverwing’s enthusiasm—or yours, for that matter. He slowed his approach, eyes narrowing at the massive dragon before him. "I thought I was done with near-death experiences for a while," he muttered, giving you a sideways glance. "But here I am, about to climb on the back of something that could roast me alive."
You chuckled, stepping closer to him and placing a hand on his chest. "Oh, don’t be such a Stark about it. Silverwing wouldn’t dream of harming you—not as long as I’m here." You flashed him a grin, though you could tell from the way his jaw tightened that he wasn’t quite convinced.
"I suppose that’s supposed to reassure me?" he asked, glancing up at Silverwing’s massive head as she tilted it curiously toward him.
"Well, it should," you said, rolling your eyes playfully. "Besides, she likes you. Remember how she likes to nudge you? If a dragon doesn’t like you, trust me, you’ll know."
Cregan swallowed hard, his eyes flicking back to Silverwing’s gleaming teeth. "Comforting."
You laughed, grabbing his hand and tugging him closer to Silverwing, whose tail flicked impatiently behind her. "Come on, brave Lord of Winterfell. It’s not every day you get to ride a dragon. You might even enjoy it."
"I highly doubt that," Cregan grumbled, though he allowed you to lead him closer.
When you reached Silverwing’s side, you placed a hand on her flank, feeling the familiar warmth of her scales beneath your palm. The dragon lowered herself slightly, making it easier for you to mount. You turned to Cregan, your smile widening at the sight of him standing there, arms crossed, clearly trying to mask his discomfort.
"Up you go," you said brightly, giving him a playful shove toward Silverwing’s side. "Ladies first."
He shot you a look that could have frozen the Wall, but with a resigned sigh, he began to clamber up the dragon’s side, his movements careful and deliberate. You followed him, slipping easily into the saddle behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist to keep both of you secure.
"You’re going to want to hold on tight," you whispered into his ear, your voice laced with mischief. "Silverwing can be...enthusiastic."
"Great," Cregan muttered, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the saddle. "Just what I needed to hear."
Silverwing, sensing the shift in your posture, gave an eager roar, her wings unfurling in preparation for takeoff. The wind stirred around you, and you felt Cregan tense beneath your arms, his muscles coiled with nervous energy.
"Here we go!" you called out, laughing as Silverwing leaped into the sky with a powerful beat of her wings.
The ground fell away beneath you in an instant, the cold wind rushing past as Silverwing soared higher and higher. Cregan let out a startled curse, gripping the saddle with both hands as if his life depended on it, while you laughed, the exhilaration of flight filling you with a wild sense of freedom.
"Relax, Cregan!" you shouted over the wind, leaning into him. "You’re not going to fall!"
"I’d rather not test that theory!" he shot back, his voice strained as Silverwing dipped suddenly, her wings cutting through the air with effortless grace.
You couldn’t help but laugh again, leaning your chin on his shoulder as the dragon steadied herself, gliding smoothly over the landscape. "See? It’s not so bad, is it?"
Cregan didn’t respond immediately, though you could feel the tension in his body slowly start to ease as the flight became less of a frantic rush and more of a smooth ride. The wind was cold but invigorating, and beneath you, Silverwing hummed contentedly, clearly enjoying the chance to stretch her wings with both of you on her back.
"Alright," Cregan finally admitted, his voice quieter now, though still laced with reluctance. "Maybe it’s not as terrifying as I thought."
You grinned, tightening your arms around him as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. "See? I told you. You’re a natural dragonrider."
"Let’s not go that far," he muttered, though the corners of his mouth twitched upward in a smile.
For a while, you soared together in silence, the vast expanse of the North stretching out beneath you—white fields, dark forests, and the distant peaks of mountains all bathed in the pale winter light. Cregan relaxed more with each passing moment, his breath steadying, though he still gripped the saddle firmly. You could feel his heart pounding beneath your touch, but it wasn’t the frantic rhythm of fear anymore. It was something else—something closer to excitement.
After a while, you guided Silverwing back toward Winterfell, and as the dragon swooped low over the godswood once more, you couldn’t help but tease him again. "I think you might have even enjoyed that a little."
Cregan shook his head, though there was a faint laugh in his voice. "Enjoyed? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Princess. I’m still deciding if I’ll ever do this again."
You smirked as Silverwing touched down with a graceful thud, her wings folding as she lowered herself to the ground. You dismounted easily, then turned to help Cregan down, though he shot you a look as if to say he didn’t need the help.
"I’ll give you credit for bravery," you said, watching as he finally stood on solid ground again. "You didn’t scream once."
"That’s because I was too busy clinging for dear life," Cregan muttered, though his lips quirked in a smile. "But I’m alive, aren’t I? That’s something."
You laughed, stepping closer and placing a hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your palm. "You did well. Maybe you’re more suited for the sky than you thought."
He looked down at you, his expression softening as he rested his hand over yours. "Maybe. But for now, I think I’ll leave the flying to you."
You grinned, leaning up to kiss him softly. "Suit yourself. But you’re always welcome to join me."
Cregan chuckled, pulling you closer. "We’ll see about that. But if Silverwing’s happy, I suppose I’ll consider it."
Silverwing let out a soft, approving rumble behind you, and you couldn’t help but smile. "I think she likes having you around."
"Gods help me," Cregan muttered, though there was warmth in his eyes that told you he didn’t really mind.
And as the two of you stood there, with Silverwing watching over you, the cold air seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth of your shared laughter and the fire you had ignited between you.
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dandelionsresilience · 5 months ago
Good News - June 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $Kaybarr1735! And if you tip me and give me a way to contact you, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Rare foal born on estate for first time in 100 years
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“The Food Museum at Abbot's Hall in Stowmarket, Suffolk, is home to a small number of Suffolk Punch horses - a breed considered critically endangered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. A female foal was born on Saturday and has been named Abbots Juno to honour the last horse born at the museum in 1924. [...] Juno is just one of 12 fillies born so far this year in the country and she could potentially help produce more of the breed in the future.”
2. The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery
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“[Scientists] at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a way of creating an energy storage device known as a supercapacitor from three basic, cheap materials – water, cement and a soot-like substance called carbon black. [... Supercapacitators] can charge much more quickly than a lithium ion battery and don't suffer from the same levels of degradation in performance. [... Future applications of this concrete might include] roads that store solar energy and then release it to recharge electric cars wirelessly as they drive along a road [... and] energy-storing foundations of houses.”
3. New road lights, fewer dead insects—insect-friendly lighting successfully tested
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“Tailored and shielded road lights make the light source almost invisible outside the illuminated area and significantly reduces the lethal attraction for flying insects in different environments. [...] The new LED luminaires deliver more focused light, reduce spill light, and are shielded above and to the side to minimize light pollution. [... In contrast,] dimming the conventional lights by a factor of 5 had no significant effect on insect attraction.”
4. When LGBTQ health is at stake, patient navigators are ready to help
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“[S]ome health care systems have begun to offer guides, or navigators, to get people the help they need. [... W]hether they're just looking for a new doctor or taking the first step toward getting gender-affirming care, "a lot of our patients really benefit from having someone like me who is there to make sure that they are getting connected with a person who is immediately going to provide a safe environment for them." [... A navigator] also connects people with LGBTQ community organizations, social groups and peer support groups.”
5. Tech company to help tackle invasive plant species
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“Himalayan balsam has very sugary nectar which tempts bees and other pollinators away from native plants, thereby preventing them from producing seed. It outcompetes native plant species for resources such as sunlight, space and nutrients. [...] The volunteer scheme is open to all GWT WilderGlos users who have a smartphone and can download the Crowdorsa app, where they can then earn up to 25p per square meter of Balsam removed.”
6. [Fish & Wildlife] Service Provides Over $14 Million to Benefit Local Communities, Clean Waterways and Recreational Boaters
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“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is distributing more than $14 million in Clean Vessel Act grants to improve water quality and increase opportunities for fishing, shellfish harvests and safe swimming in the nation’s waterways. By helping recreational boaters properly dispose of sewage, this year’s grants will improve conditions for local communities, wildlife and recreational boaters in 18 states and Guam.”
7. Bornean clouded leopard family filmed in wild for first time ever
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“Camera traps in Tanjung Puting National Park in Indonesian Borneo have captured a Bornean clouded leopard mother and her two cubs wandering through a forest. It's the first time a family of these endangered leopards has been caught on camera in the wild, according [to] staff from the Orangutan Foundation who placed camera traps throughout the forest to learn more about the elusive species.”
8. Toy library helps parents save money 'and the planet'
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“Started in 2015 by Annie Berry, South Bristol's toy library aims to reduce waste and allow more children access to more - and sometimes expensive - toys. [...] Ms Berry partnered with the St Philips recycling centre on a pilot project to rescue items back from landfill, bringing more toys into the library. [...] [P]eople use it to support the environment, take out toys that they might not have the space for at home or be able to afford, and allow children to pick non-gender specific toys.”
9. Chicago Receives $3M Grant to Inventory Its Trees and Create Plan to Manage City’s Urban Forest
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“The Chicago Park District received a $1.48 million grant [“made available through the federal Inflation Reduction Act”] to complete a 100% inventory of its estimated 250,000 trees, develop an urban forestry management plan and plant 200 trees in disadvantaged areas with the highest need. As with the city, development of the management plan is expected to involve significant community input.”
10. Strong Public Support for Indigenous Co-Stewardship Plan for Bears Ears National Monument
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“[The NFW has a] plan to collaboratively steward Bears Ears National Monument to safeguard wildlife, protect cultural resources, and better manage outdoor recreation. The plan was the result of a two-year collaboration among the five Tribes of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition and upholds Tribal sovereignty, incorporates Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and responsibly manages the monument for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreation while ensuring the continued health of the ecosystem.”
June 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Word List: Sun
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beautiful words with "sun" to help illuminate your poem/story
Sunback - having a low-cut back for tanning and coolness—used of an article of wearing apparel
Sunbaked - heated, parched, or compacted especially by excessive sunlight
Sunbath - an exposure to sunlight or a sunlamp
Sunberry - the edible fruit of the black nightshade; also called wonderberry
Sunbird - any of numerous small brilliantly colored oscine birds (family Nectariniidae) of the tropical Old World somewhat resembling hummingbirds
Sunblind - awning (i.e., a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place as a shelter)
Sunblink - a glimmer of sunlight
Sunbow - an arch resembling a rainbow made by the sun shining through vapor or mist
Sunchoke - Jerusalem artichoke
Sundeck - the usually upper deck of a ship that is exposed to the most sun; a roof, deck, or terrace for sunning
Sunder - to become parted, disunited, or severed
Sundew - any of a genus (Drosera of the family Droseraceae, the sundew family) of bog-inhabiting insectivorous herbs having leaves covered with gland-tipped adhesive hairs
Sundial - an instrument to show the time of day by the shadow of a gnomon on a usually horizontal plate or on a cylindrical surface
Sundress - a dress with an abbreviated bodice usually exposing the shoulders, arms, and back
Sunfall - sunset
Sunfast - resistant to fading by sunlight
Sunfish - any of numerous North American freshwater bony fishes (family Centrarchidae, especially genus Lepomis) usually with a deep compressed body and metallic luster
Sunflower - any of a genus (Helianthus) of New World composite plants with large yellow-rayed flower heads bearing edible seeds that yield an edible oil
Sunglow - a brownish yellow or rosy flush often seen in the sky before sunrise or after sunset that is due to solar rays scattered or diffracted from particles in the lower and upper air
Sungrazer - any of a group of comets whose perihelions are very close to the sun and which are often destroyed by their close approach to it
Sunless - lacking sunshine; dark, cheerless
Sunpocket - solar trap (i.e., a garden or terrace so oriented as to take advantage of the sun while protected from cold winds)
Sunporch - a screened-in or glassed-in porch with a sunny exposure
Sunscald - an injury of woody plants (such as fruit or forest trees) characterized by localized death of the tissues and sometimes by cankers and caused when it occurs in the summer by the combined action of both the heat and light of the sun and in the winter by the combined action of sun and low temperature to produce freezing of bark and underlying tissues
Sunseeker - a person who travels to an area of warmth and sun especially in winter
Sunsquall - a large jellyfish
Sunstone - aventurine (i.e., a translucent quartz spangled throughout with scales of mica or other mineral)
Sunstruck - affected or touched by the sun
Sunup - sunrise
Sunwise - clockwise
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Word Lists
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777rare · 2 years ago
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Disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs,De@th, abu$e, bl0od,alc0hol, dru*gs,so please scroll if ur under 18+ and uncomfortable to read this content!
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Having Pluto in 12th house makes the native fantasize a lot about sex. Can also make the native go through a huge spiritual transformation.
Signs/planets in 12th house can show the frequent dreams you get when you sleep/what you fantasize about that year. (Also check which house is pisces over and check the planets under that sign or in that house.)
⬇️If these planets are placed in 12h/planets placed in pisces or 12h aspecting other planets(check the subjects of other planets as well if it's aspects by the planet in 12h) /under pisces or in the house pisces is over then the things you get in ur dream are :
SUN- light,happiness,fun,kids,celebrities,art,father,pregnancy
MOON- mother,water,home,emotional,waterbodies,beach
MERCURY- garden,pets,work,phones,books,siblings,technology,neighborhood,neighbours,school,friends,trees,greenery,nature
VENUS- money,food,luxuries,fashion,music,art,business,beauty,crush,lovers
MARS- war,abuse,death,nightmares,fire,blood,fighting,sex
JUPITER- college,trevelling,foreign place,exploring,teachers,ancestors,the divine,your guides
SATURN- public,elderly people,chains,traps,cages,prison,grandparents,parents
URANUS- technology,friends,surprises,rebellion,adventure,wings,angels,flying
NEPTUNE- Drugs,alcohol,fantasy world,unclear,mirrors,water,mystical stuff,escapism,feet
PLUTO- sex,intimacy,death,wealth,secrets,jealousy,pregnancy,nightmares,blood,sinister,murder,weapons
CHIRON- things related to your trauma,healing,could show hospitals,forests,nature,ancestors
Suppose you don't have any planets under pisces/in 12th house, Types of dreams can also be seen by which house pisces is over. Ex: having pisces over 5th house, 5th house ruler is sun so the types of dreams you get are all the subjects that are mentioned in sun⬆️ also check which planets that house ruler is aspecting, ex: pisces being over 5th house, ruler is sun so if sun is aspecting moon in SR chart, the types of dreams you get are all the subjects that are mentioned in moon.🙌🏻🌙
Mars in 4rth house/cancer natives can have a very tough time in their family life. Can also show lots of abuse or wounds connecting to your emotions. Family members or you can get pissed off on eachother often and most of the times for no reason at all. Lots of fights and arguments with family members. Anger outbursts. Mood swings. Short temper. Not wanting to be around or not feeling comfortable around family members, especially male family members like your brother, father, etc.💥🔥
Ascendant in fixed signs- being seen as /appearing :-
AQUARIUS- independent,aloof,cold,unordered,a rebel,unbothered,distant,unapproachable
LEO- boastful,confident,firey,active,angry
TAURUS- sensual,serious,bad bitch,charming
SCORPIO- mysterious,secretive,sexual,emotional,alluring,captivating,dark energy
Ascendant in cardinal signs- being seen as /appearing :-
LIBRA- beautiful,graceful,sweet,approachable,kind,popular
CAPRICORN- pissed,unapproachable,sensual,bossy,stubborn
ARIES- confident,outgoing,energetic, a fighter
CANCER- soft,loving,sweet,kind,trustworthy,emotional,caring,non judgemental
Ascendant in mutable signs- being seen as /appearing :-
GEMINI- supportive,casual,charming,mesmerizing,free spirited,two-faced
VIRGO- helpful,organized,pretty,charming
SAGITTARIUS- playful,fun-going, jolly,flirt,hot
PISCES- sensitive,soft,day dreaming,ethereal,fairy, a fantasy
This also applies to the MC but it's how others see you.ex: having Taurus MC, then sensual,serious,bad bitch and charming I'd how others see me.
Check the sign and planet over/in your 11th house..that's how you view friendships, communication and your future this year. It can also how your friendships are this year.
Ex: Capricorn over/saturn in 11th house - you could be more serious or mature when it comes to making friends. Can also show you love feeling independent or being alone on your own feet from friendships. Like you know, you feel like you don't need friends cuz you feel really independent. Not saying you'll have no friends at all. You will have friends but you crave independence from them. You dont want to depend on friends anymore. You can also be really serious about your future this year. Can be different if other planets are seated there too.
Always check if fama in in conjunction with personal planets. It can show exposure of that topic to the public or surroundings. Ex: I have fama conjunct moon last year and my emotional life got exposed because of myself due to some addiction issues and I told everything to the whomever spoke to me, I was like unconsciously spilling everything without even myself knowing.its messed up but yes, teachers, friends, most of the people know about my emotions now. I just hate it. And I'm okay now though. No more addiction🙌🏻
where scorpio is in your chart can tell you what do you get deeper into, have a deeper connection with or even have a deep curiosity to find out things in that area of your life, also powerful intense areas of your life that year (check which house it's over, planets under the sign)
Ex: I have scorpio over 9th house this year and I have a deep curiosity to learn about my ancestors, gods and goddesses, history, ditties, guides. I feel powerful in the areas of my ancestors, connecting with God's. Discovering dark knowledge of spirituality like witchcraft,etc.
Check where your capricorn is seated in your chart, which house it's over can show the area of your life, you are more independent, serious or structured. Even formal, authoritative and responsible.
Where your virgo is in your chart can show where you're picky, perfectionist, not easily convinced.
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Hope you all enjoyed today's post! Have a great day ahead!🏝💓
Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻
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foone · 9 days ago
So I've been reading up on the Dimensional Nexus Encyclopedia, and found some wild stuff in there I gotta infodump about.
First of all, did you know the name is wrong? It's not interdimensional at all! We're moving in space, not through different dimensions.
It turns out we're in one of those looping cosmologies where the whole universe just repeats if you go far enough. It's safely outside our normal light cone, so you'd never be able to tell normally, but that's what the Dimensional Nexus is for.
So the universe is the Prime Earth , and then if you go a couple hundred billion light years in any cardinal* direction, you'll find another Earth. But because of quantum effects, there's slight differences, and the farther from Prime Earth you get, the more slight differences compound on each other, and you end up with worlds that seem stranger and stranger.
And the "local group" is just the 258 Earth's closest to Prime (well, 257 + valentine) , as they're close enough to have humans on them. Past that, you get to dead worlds: there's an earth, it might have life on it, but there's no humans.
Most of these that have been surveyed have zero evidence of there ever having been humans on them, but there's a few that have human artifacts but no living humans. None of these seem to have died in recent memory, ie there's no nuclear winter planets, and the most recent one we see has humanity mostly dying out in the 3rd century PCE, and struggling along until the 11th century PCE when they finally go extinct. It's supposed (but unproven) that many of the artifactless dead worlds are just worlds where humanity (or the entire biosphere) died out so long ago that we can't find any surviving evidence of humanity, but they still did exist in some way.
Past them you get to Missing Worlds : there's no Earth there. You show up in the right position and there's just empty space. A few probes have been dropped in those worlds, and they have completely different solar systems (although one of them (loneluna) seems to have the same solar system, down to the moon still being in roughly the same orbit around the sun... But no Earth. That one is described by 9 out of 10 scientists as "creepy")
Anyway... So the Dimensional Nexus is run by the Prime universe but did you know they didn't discover the tech? It was actually the Bet world that first deployed multiversal travel tech. The Prime verse spotted it immediately and they ended up working together, because at the time Prime was researching the same stuff, they were just slightly behind. I've written about that contact before, in a world of friends.
Prime just ended up being the universe that set of the Dimensional Nexus. As we're always having to tell people, we're not the "space police", we're researchers. The primary goal of the Dimensional Nexus is to learn more about what universes exist and how things are going on them, because of the extreme risk of a war using this technology.
A properly equipped army could transport itself into your city. Sure you can use the DN tech to detect that invasion, but at that point it's already over, you've lost. They have commandos in the presidential mansion and soldiers occupying every street corner. Any attempted resistance would be bloody and short-lived.
So yeah, Prime was like "we gotta make sure there's not a Nazi Earth out there invading the multiverse". They teamed up with Bet and started the Dimensional Nexus to find out if they need to protect themselves and, if they do, how the fuck they do that.
The latter hasn't been promising. If we're not willing to take extreme measures like hiding off-earth and reshaping the planet to be a trap to travelers, about the only action you can take is "preemptive attack". You kill them before they have a chance to attack you. Like that old metaphor for interstellar war, it's hide and seek with missile launchers. As soon as you spot another 'verse with DN tech, you kill them before they kill you. Nasty warfare.
But the former has been promising. We've got no nazis worlds. The world's are all different in small to big ways, but none of them seem to be either:
1. Run by expansive fascist empires, or
2. on the verge of discovering DN tech
So the Dimensional Nexus is mainly watching and waiting and studying. We're trying to better understand how and why the different Earths are different, and we're keeping an eye on any scientists experimenting with doing a neutrino slingshot through neutron stars.
We also do a lot of death earth exploration these days. Up until '74 when valentine was discovered, we we're pretty sure there were only 257 worlds. valentine is in some kind of island of stability out in the dead worlds, and we don't know if that's because of the unique time shot going on, or if that's coincidental.
There is a bit of tendency for the current year on an Earth to be farther back from the Prime present, the further they are from Prime, but it's usually only a few decades at most, and even that wouldn't correctly describe valentine. They're in the 20s (ish: their timeline went chaotic so time tends to move sideways, not forward) but with how far out they are they should only be in like the 1980s.
Anyway the discovery of valentine changed things: we though there were no living worlds in the dead zone, turns out there's at least one, so now we gotta make sure there's not two. Thus all the exploring. We don't want to find out there's at least two worlds in the dead zone, valentine and jetpackhitler.
So yeah! Over the last 30 years since the Gravekeeper Mission started, we've cataloged about 78% of the dead worlds. We'll be done in another 10 years, and then the only worry is from something in the Missing Zone.
Oh for the record, your world (the reader) is 91verse. That's one of the middle earths (NO LOTR JOKES) where you're weird but not too weird. Like, you've still got dogs and English and capitalism, while the edgeworlds might not. (that time/distance thing is why it's still 2024 PCE for y'all, instead of 2118 PCE)
Also someone had asked about a previous post I made (indirectly. No computers in the Nexus, thanks to the temporal flux) how I knew some information: did I really go to Belgium and ask around until I found Ariana Grande on a farm with her husband?
No, of course not. I used our surveillance tech. One of the main things that's been done to watch for potential rivals in the DN tech arms race is build a lot of ways to spy on people in other universes. And specifically one major area of effort is doing cross-universe matching: you pick someone in one universe and find that identical person in other universes.
That way if there's some genius scientist in one world who has some neutrino-slingshot theories, we can quickly look them up in other universes to make sure they're not doing the same there. And it's very commonly misused by fools like me to see what a celebrity from this world is doing in others. It's always funny to look up the president or the best paid actor and find there's a universe where they instead are a kindergarten teacher.
It's a bit of a privacy invasion but the Dimensional Nexus is already the biggest privacy invasion in the multiverse (a term we still use despite it being wrong: there's only one universe!), and it's justified by those in charge that it's the only way to prevent an unwinnable DN war. We either invade everybody or we spy on everybody to make sure they don't invade everybody. Yeah. I'm just here for fieldwork, if you have a problem with it talk to the politicians who set up this thing.
Final fun fact: when the Dimension Nexus was set up, it was representatives of 5 earths: Prime, Bet, john1135, carshop, and blacksky. Because those are some of the first universes found, they're very similar... Right down to their leaders.
So there's 5 signatures on the declaration and THREE OF THEM are PM Thiers!
You should see the photo. It looks like a set of triplets setting up the worst boy band imaginable. (I can't sent the image with this post because of the no-computers thing)
* I do not have nearly enough time to explain what "cardinal" means in terms of multiversal geometry.
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overly-dramatic-artist · 3 months ago
On the Horizon - prologue
Hello friends! As per the voice of the people, the Wild West au is being written into a fic! I’m still building the world and some plot details, but here is a small little appetizer of a prologue! Thank you for all of the love and enthusiasm that you have shared with me about this au!
The memories of this town remain, like the grains of desert sand caught in the folds of leather boots and saddles. Nothing truly leaves this place. The plant may be plucked, but the roots that get ripped by the stubborn ground are trapped, not unlike the years spent in innocence under the scorching sun and surrounded by the unforgiving mountain range.
You pull on the reign, effectively halting the steed hauling your small wagon you sit upon, as you see the more defined structures of Aurora Springs come into view against the glowing sunlight that sinks lower against the purple mountains. There’s an ache in your chest, a tightness in your lungs as you breathe in the dry air, remnants of your past rushing forward like a dust storm, unyielding as the laughter of childhood wonder and honeyed words of your mother embrace your subconscious.
Her final letter sits in the tight space between your chemise and vest, over your heart and folded just as it had remained for the past 6 years.
And on the opposite side against your hip is your father’s holster and pistol, tucked discreetly into a deep pocket of your skirt.
A letter of love. An object of protection.
The only pieces you had left of your parents that had driven you to abandon the notion of mercy.
You had become a product of this desert, unrelenting and unforgiving.
Some things in life never change. The out of tune piano across the bar. The shattered glass window that has been long since in need of repair. The suede leather chaps Sun had worn for years. The casual look of disdain on his lunar counterpart’s face as patrons yap and jabber. And of course, the unfounded and quite frankly stupid belief of man that this time for sure he will win.
With a round of loud groans and laughs, Sun collects his winnings from the table, much to the anger of the drunk man who had refused to fold before losing everything.
“So sorry, gentlemen, looks like I win again,” the sunny automaton says, the faux-sympathy of his synthetic voice further riling his red-faced opponents.
The man with the heavily oiled mustache and britches two sizes too short frowns, spits at the floor and stands with a screech from his chair.
“You been counting the cards! Ain’t right for a cheater to win.”
“Come now, good sir, I renounce rule-breaking. If you truly thought me a cheat, you shouldn’t have played the game.” Sun tilts his grin towards the man before slowly standing to his impressive height, one hand cradling over the grip of the pistol in his leather holster. “But I suppose we could always settle this like proper men…?”
The glint of the low bar-lighting on the silver gun that hits the angered man’s eye is enough of an answer, and the loser leaves in a huff, stomping away from the table.
Not long after settling all bets and debts, the lunar and solar automatons leave, saddling up their horses roped in the stalls.
”No need wasting a gunshot for the sake of petty cash,” the dark one says, his red eyes reflecting on the black rim of his hat, stomping the last embers of his cigar into the ground.
“You of all should know I don’t take well to being called something so despicable as a cheater,” Sun playfully shoots back. “Besides, I could get a couple rounds more with what I won.”
Moon clicks his teeth at his partner, adjusting the rifle slung over his back before signaling with the reins for Astraea to start moving. The horse brays, leading Calliope to follow.
As usual, the lunar bot remains silent for the ride through town, keeping his gaze forward. Sun was good at filling the silence, or at the very least, making the pair seem slightly less intimidating to onlookers. Their line of work came with that deadly connotation, and they lived up to their titles, but a bit of charm and camaraderie was useful for keeping the townsfolk in good favor. A nod to the miners coming back from the canyons, a wink at the courtesans on the corner.
Passing one of the bulletin boards by town hall, Moon pulls the reins to a halt with a hum. Sun looks where his partner is fixing his eyes, an identical smile pulling his lips. On the rotting wood bulletin is a newly pinned poster. A wanted poster. With an intriguingly high priced bounty wanted alive.
“I was looking forward to a weekend fixing that fence in the east pasture…” Sun says, pulling the poster down, letting his fingers trace over the details of the pretty face printed in ink, “…but I can’t pass up such an offer.”
His lunar lover laughs with a shake of his head.
“Does it say where they last were?”
“Stormridge, headed west.” Sun passes the paper to Moon. “Could already be here in town.”
The red-eyed bot hums, pulling a cigarette from his coat pocket and lighting it with the exposed wire on his wrist with a hiss. He lets his systems take in the smoke, the tarry buildup caressing the roughness within his casing. With an artificial exhale, he looks back at his partner.
“I suppose we should go get those rounds then.”
Ahhhhhhhh!!! I hope that is enticing and intriguing for a beginning!
And for anyone who hasn’t seen this au before, here are some of my sketches for it 💖
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months ago
My house is on the migratory route for ducks. Every fall, and every spring, there's a bunch of noisy ducks flapping over my home, quacking their nightmare noises. There's poop, sure, but the bigger problem is all the lost sleep. Quack, quack, quack, all night long.
At first, I figured I would be a good global citizen about it. We're all part of the same ecosystem, and ducks have just as much of a right to be here as anyone else. As you have been trained to do with so many other things in today's world, I put up with it. I bought noise-cancelling headphones, I set up a noise-cancelling fan, and I hired a guy to play the cymbals all night in my backyard to scare them away. Nothing doing: it turns out the sound of cymbals crashing makes ducks extremely horny, and I had to find a new cymbal player, plus also settle with the old one in court for his (valid, but disgusting) workman's injury claims.
The next tactic was simple redirection. I put a kiddie pool in the dog park down the hill, filled it with water, and left a few loaves of dumpster-dove bread out to attract the fowl. This seemed like it would work great, until I remembered that the ducks are generally bright enough not to fall for a trap that involves getting eaten by dozens of hungry Schnauzers. Two-nothing, then.
Ultimately, I hit upon the right solution while doing something else entirely. There's a very expensive lake community a few minutes away from my house, and while I was there raiding their dumpsters, I noticed that there was a perfectly good pedal-driven swan boat in the trash. Some kids had set off some fireworks in it, so it was a little singed in places and melted in others, and surely no longer watertight. What it did have, though, was duckness.
With help from a gas-powered go-kart frame, a GPS unit from one of the self-driving delivery robots that I "accidentally" struck with my car to receive free burritos from, and about four nights of banging on it with a wrench, I soon had a duck decoy of a whole new kind. It worked better than I ever could have imagined, luring the ducks away from their prescribed flight path and directly onto the highway.
There's just one flaw: the go-kart ran out of gas about an hour into the trip. I went to go get it back, because I'll need it for the fall, but a protective swarm of vicious waterfowl surround their wounded-but-huge brethren at all times. It just goes to show you that electric cars are the future. If I had solar-powered this sucker instead, I bet I could have run it on the interstate for like a day or two before the accumulated poop blocked out the light.
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eddwardharrison · 1 month ago
[ALL OF THE INFO HERE ARE BASED ON REAL EPISODES. I can try to find them if asked for]
Silly Dawn actually re-inspired me to talk about this BECAUSE OH MY GOD THIS MAY BE MY BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH / THEORY
I have never believed for a SECOND that V4 Eclipse is just a “clone” of himself. AND I’LL EXPLAIN WHY.
1. Who is Eclipse, what is his character?
Eclipse was originally a single strand of code that was ripped from Moon identified as “Moon’s Malice” during their split. He was left inside of Sun’s head, and overtime as he grew into Sun’s head, he developed into a man known as Eclipse, hellbent on making the two’s lives a living hell for the pain he was suffering and for the abandonment Moon caused.
Eclipse in his V1 form had very goofy mannerisms and took after Sun’s personality quite a lot, this is because he was trying to mimic him constantly in order to be unseen by Moon or other suspecting characters. He also mentions he had no choice but to take after Sun’s form, as it was the only thing he was able to do. He had no power in controlling his identity, and soon enough its also explained he can’t control how he acts either.
He still makes conscious decisions, but they are all based on Malice. Despite a few light points in Eclipse’s character such as feeling guilt or hesitation, he is unable to fight any negativity and simply give into it. This is because he is only made out of ONE string of code which is Moon’s Malice as previously stated. He did not have to choice nor the mental ability to grow and learn as a person if it didn’t have malicious intention with it. He still gains knowledge, but he cannot learn emotions.
His tone calms down and his demeanor changes at the time Lunar is created, this is how he gets his voice that we know of today. This is because Lunar is a vent for all of his positive more maniac emotions caused by Sun’s infectious coding that rubbed off on him while he was trapped. This would get rid of all his bounding aspects such as manic acting and general silliness. It was purified and extracted without the malice aspect and put into Lunar to create a portion of his personality along with Moon and Sun coding. With this, he could think more about himself and focus better on his goals. He was much smarter this way and even better at keeping low without having to be on the front lines as an actor, an impersonator.
His hate, the only emotion he could truly feel for himself, is what drove him and he used it as his purpose. But, when the hate began to dwindle after attempt and attempt of killing the people who wronged him, he fell into a depression. He lost a purpose and decided to give into the star and possibly perish from it…until he saw what was to come. A foreseeable “armageddon” to be caused by Lunar.
This is the first time Eclipse ever truly expressed a new emotion — fear. He tries to warn Lunar, Sun, Moon, and even Solar. He goes as far as to say he was just going to hop universes. He never got this chance, Moon called him out for lying (which he was not doing) and killed him. Though Eclipse did not warn them the best, he does not know how to be genuine without cruelty. It is not something his code allows. Because he’s only one string of it.
He comes back numerous times, remaining as that same single line of code. Because he is bringing this string of code to different bodies, but without anything else, he is still bound to that single string of Malice code.
2. Ruin
When the family thought Eclipse was gone for good, Ruin enters the picture. He brings back Eclipse in an attempt to capture him and then gain the trust of the celestial family by doing so…which…it kinda worked. But Eclipse knew everything. But the others thought he was insane, doing nonsensical ramblings nobody could understand…which was ODD for Eclipse. When he speaks to the Creator, he explains how terrified he is.
He is in a constant state of terror and isn’t like himself, he knows he isn’t. Everyone explains to the audience that he’s a clone, he’s not the real Eclipse.
This is a fucking lie.
This show is littered with lies and misinformation. I have scanned through so much of them, especially when it comes to Eclipse. I do not study their words like many people do. I study their voices, their body language, and their voice actors. Yeah Davis you’re in my lore board buddy (/silly) I look at the voice actors and study how they act, the phrases they repeat, how they lie, how they push certain ideas forward, even looking at the characters themselves and dissecting mental illness’ from humans that have influenced the AI’s. (Ex: Eclipse’s Depression)
The only people. Who have ever accurately described Eclipse. Is Solar flare, and Earth. Solar Flare comes first. Not just because he was in Eclipse’s head (though that is the BIGGEST part), but also because THEY ARE BOTH PLAYED BY DAVIS. Davis knows everything about Eclipse, he knows what the character motive’s are and he has all the background behind-the-scenes lore that WE DON’T HAVE.
For example just like in the Solar Flare confronting Eclipse episode right before the Two Parter, we learn that Eclipse did care for Lunar. We learn that Lunar’s made of all his happy thoughts and emotions, and in his death we even learn that Eclipse did have true, genuine intentions. And then, Eclipse became afraid to die. But he was soon to accept death, and finally move on. He let go of all his dread and accepted the fact he needed to die.
Eclipse in his resurrection displayed a MAGNITUDE OF DIFFERENT EMOTIONS. ESPECIALLY FEAR. But he also showed many genuine anti-malice emotions as well. Fear, guilt, patience, generosity, sympathy, pity, all of that and more. It’s why he decided to help. Remember the first time Earth and Eclipse met? An insult massacre. Eclipse completely SNAPPED at Earth and wouldn’t give a single slip of kindness towards her. And now look at them. After Ruin remade him, Eclipse was suddenly a lot more…not necessarily kinder, but better. He was patient, and he was especially more /quiet/. He allowed people to speak for themselves more, he did not sling insults everywhere he went. Though, a few slip out here and there, they are not NEARLY as black and white as they used to be. He used to directly insult people for their intelligence, and nowadays he’s just a “fuck off” “leave me alone” “stop talking” guy. The difference is HUGE.
Okay, so if he’s in a clone, HOW IS HE GETTING HIS MEMORIES??
“Well, it’s said they’re all imported in a third person view perspective. “ you might say.
Yes, that is true. That is what actually happened. BUT. IT’S ALSO NOT THE WHOLE STORY. From a “third view perspective”, this would mean all the TSAMS episodes and TEALS episodes including him were imported into his mind. But if that’s the case, why does he remember things off-screen? When he’s by himself, not recording, and suffering. Details not given to us in episodes that appear when V4 Eclipse says them. I’ll tell you, it’s because he has his ORIGINAL MEMORIES TOO. A defect I cannot fully explain except with a shaky theory I will explain later.
If his memories are truly in a third person view, he would be like New Moon (now known as Nexus, but for past-tense speaking, it’s New Moon.) He would be utterly confused and only going off what the show gave him, and eventually he would pull out a new identity for himself such as Nexus did.
But he’s not. That’s the issue. We have seen him deal with REAL-TIME PTSD and lash out against the Sun that he currently resides in. You do not have PTSD from a third-person view memory. It is no longer YOUR trauma, it is someone else’s and therefore does not affect you. We saw this with New Moon’s lack of trauma of killing kids. Instead, he is actually simply afraid of letting his family down like Old Moon did. (how fucking ironic, huh Nexus?) This is a phobia, not PTSD.
Eclipse has PTSD. He still has his trauma. He is not a clone.
“So what’s your explanation? He was a single line of code— but now that he’s resurrected again with the ability to just learn and grow as a human being?? How does that work?? How is Eclipse alive and able to become a brand new person?”
Great question, me!
Because he’s not that single strand of code anymore.
He is not a PARODY. He is REIMAGINED.
A parody is the same song with a different voice, a different tone, a different artist. — a clone.
A re-imagine is the same artist, same melody, but advanced. It has grown, it’s been improved upon. — V4 Eclipse
Eclipse is his original coding with Ruin’s implanted coding that ALLOWS HIM to grow and learn emotionally and mentally. It even assists in his Depression as we see he gains new coping mechanisms in TEAPS such as working for anyone who asks. He did not nor ever consider a coping mechanism in his previous life.
Eclipse is not used to being able to grow, so his system freaks out. He doesn’t know how to process it because he has never experienced it before. Even as Moon, Moon only improved after separation. Eclipse experience full anixety and panic attacks simply because he can feel. It’s a lot to take in, and it’s especially harder when NOT ONLY HAVE YOU BEEN BROUGHT BACK FROM CERTAIN DEATH, but you’ve also don’t know what’s going on with yourself. He was told he’s just a clone, and yet he is experiencing all of this deflective evidence.
5. The plotholes.
Truthfully, this whole thing could be one large plothole, or a retcon, or something simply not yet explained. This is a forever-series, it’s going to happen. It’s for fun, and we should all be treating it as such. Their happiness matters over ours, we’re just here for the ride. But, my favorite part of this show is looking for these plotholes and making them all connect. Some plotholes are intentionally left there as well, for us to depict. Not because TSAMS is one big mystery, but it’s because all of these are human (ooc and ic for acting) interactions. They’re meant to be confusing and not connect, they’re all from different perspectives and different backgrounds. This is why dissecting them emotionally is SO IMPORTANT.
The only real plothole I can admit to this whole thing is this:
“How did Eclipse gain the behind-the-scenes memories? The things he experienced when nobody else was around, not even the cameras?”
I only have a theory for this one built entirely off of my own fiction. It’s called “The Memory Of Water.”
I remember this theory from real-life circumstances but I cannot find the source ANYWHERE. If someone recognizes this, let me know! The Memory Of Water is about how the water remembers everything history disturbs it with. Because Water has no form, it forms over everything. It remembers the fish that pass by, it remembers the plants that grow and die, it remembers disasters and blessings. Fishermen and boats, everything.
I have tied this in with a theory called “The Memory of Star Power.”
The Star is said to connect with the first person who uses it. Being technical, it would have been both Moon and Eclipse at the same time who’d be connected with it. Because they built it together when they resided in the same body before the split. Without that piece of info, it would be Sun or Eclipse. Sun for using Star Power, Eclipse for using The Star. Because Eclipse would be bound to it, I believe The Memory Of Water works the same way with him with Star Power. I am to believe it held his memories and upon his resurrection, the star power flooded memories into him very subtly bit by bit as time went on. This would allow him to have his memories once again and from a first-person POV.
He’s not the same Eclipse as in the way one could say “I am not the same person I was when I was a child.”
He is not a completely blank-slate clone.
He is still responsible for everything, but he has grown and is learning to be better. He finally has that ability and it is all thanks to Ruin.
As another piece of evidence, I genuinely don’t believe Davis would just allow Eclipse to be re-made and replaced again. I hope he believes just as much as I do how wrong that would be and just generally disrespectful to all of Eclipse’s emotional character. It’s the same thing with Moon replacing Eclipse with Solar. Moon’s actions were extremely lazy and disrespectful and I cannot bring myself to care about someone who brushes struggling people off to the side like that and replace them. I don’t think Davis would do this with his characters either especially having some idea of Davis’ personal issues.
I may have left things out, in all my long and winded rambles I do forget certain points and I don’t always come back to block up other plotholes I may have left behind. They’re always very messy…so I am sorry about that!! :(…and if you found any spelling erroe uh nuhhu nuh nokt yotu diddnt
But that’s just a theory!! A TSAMS THEORY!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪
…he’s right behind me isn’t he /JOKE
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practicalsolarpunk · 11 months ago
Hi, I've only just got into solarpunk and find it really cool.
I was wondering, what sort of simple lifestyle changes would you suggest to start with when trying to live in a more solarpunk/sustainable way?
Hi! So glad you're getting into solarpunk! We think it's pretty cool, too, and we're happy you're looking for ways to integrate it into your life. Since you haven't included anything specific about your situation or what you're interested in, this list is pretty general - if you want more specific ideas, feel free to send in another ask!
In the meantime, here are a few recommendations for getting started:
Grow something. Depending on your situation, you may not be able to put in a huge outdoor garden. But there are many plants that will be perfectly happy in a pot on a windowsill, and still others that are happy to grow in low-light situations. Find something that works for your space and get some hands-on experience with growing things. (If you have a window, I highly recommend herbs - many of them are happy in pots and there's something incredibly satisfying about eating things you've grown.)
Compost. Unless your space is extremely tiny, you probably have room for a small composting system. Some can even go under a sink or in a closet. See this post for a general discussion, this post for vermicomposting ideas, and this one for info on bokashi composting. Also check out our #compost tag.
Mending. Mending is a great skill to have. The life of most clothing (and a lot of non-clothing fabric items) can be extended dramatically with some basic sewing skills. I've made entire dresses and quilts and I still find most of my sewing is repairing and mending other stuff. We have a mending tag, but I also love YouTube for this. Searching "how to mend X" (e.g. "how to mend hole in crotch of jeans") gives you a bunch of awesome tutorials. You can get even more use out of things if you're willing to embrace visible mending.
Reduce energy use. Try to use natural light where you can. Set your thermostat high in summer and low in winter and use the principle "heat/cool the person, not the space." Flush the toliet with graywater by removing the p-trap from your sink and dumping the collected wash water into your toilet tank (or directly into the bowl if you have an American-style greedy cup siphon toilet). Experiment with solar energy. What you can do depends on your situation, but see what kind of options you have.
Integrate the 7 R's: There are more R's to sustainable living than just "Reduce Reuse Recycle". See this post for a primer.
Build community: One of the foundations of solarpunk is that it's about community. Even if you start out doing it by yourself, eventually you need a community to do bigger things. My favorite way to start is by meeting the neighbors. Taking over some food (cookies are great) and introducing yourself is a great way to open a relationship. We also have a community building tag for more ideas.
You can find even more ideas in these tags, depending on what you specifically want to do:
#apartment solarpunk
#dorms and small spaces
#community building
#fiber crafts
There's also some additional tips in this post and this post, which are earlier responses to similar asks.
I hope this helps! Followers, feel free to chime in with your best tips!
- Mod J
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