#sol the acolyte x reader
juststoriesintheend · 2 months
II. The Lesson
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Pairing: Master Sol x gn!Reader
Chapter Content: some light Jedi philosophy, lightsaber sparring, mutual pining, first kiss
Word Count: 2.7k
《 [series masterlist] 》 《 I 》
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In an attempt to remain as cool, calm, and casual as possible, you’ve left your cloak in your room. You’d only have to take it off in the training room anyway, so you’re saving yourself the extra time and effort. Not that you’re overthinking things. At all. You’ve only re-layered your tunics and tabard half a dozen times, adjusted your belt twice that, and very nearly stepped out with only one boot. Whatever spell you had been under in Sol’s presence yesterday has completely worn off.
You arrive an hour earlier than you normally do, which is about fifteen minutes before Sol comes in with Jecki. If you remember right, Sol is done teaching the younglings by now and is off doing whatever it is he does in his spare hour between duties. While you’re a little deflated not seeing him right away, it’s for the best because his absence allows you focus and control. You can concentrate better on the saber, on your hands, on the slicing of air and the humming of the Force without him distracting you.
After some quick stretches, you unclip your saber and ignite it. The floor and nearby pillars reflect the light back to you, as well as a distorted image of your silhouette. A lifetime’s worth of muscle memory kicks in and your body is alive, thrumming with energy as your wrist twists, then your elbow, then your torso tilts and the saber swings in front, in back, in front again. Your wrist flicks and the saber swirls above your head, down behind your back, and finishes with a flourish at your side.
It feels like coming home.
Switching the saber from one hand to the other, you warm up your other side, copying your previous moments as precisely as possible even though it’s definitely your weaker side. This is the freedom you’ve been missing. You’ve been so fixated on Sol that it’s kept you away from the calm that saber work has always brought you – the repetition of the familiar, the Force as it flows through you, the shadows and highlights cast upon the walls as your saber arcs. Nothing could ever compare to this.
The saber flies into the air after you toss it. This is one of the fancier tricks you’ve seen some of the younger Knights and Padawans practicing, and you can already tell you won’t be able to catch this one properly, not without hurting yourself, so you jump back and flick the blade off with the Force. You fully expect it to clatter on the stone floor, and you’re hoping the fall doesn’t damage the casing or the kyber, but instead it… hovers.
It takes a millisecond to search the room for the source, and another to turn your head. Sol stands near the doorway with his arm outstretched, both eyes open and his face lightly furrowed in concentration. His attention flickers to you before refocusing on your saber, and it unexpectedly flies across the room into his open palm in the second it takes for you to catch your breath.
There’s something remarkably intimate about him holding this piece of you, something so vital to your being as a Jedi that you feel empty without it at your side. Still, if there were anyone you trusted to hold your saber, your very life, in their hands, you think it would be Sol. It just so happens that you also like to watch him hold it, whatever that means to the secret, affectionate creature that lives inside you.
“I’ve never seen you try that before,” he finally says. He starts for the center of the room, his gaze still focused on your saber as he rubs his thumb over the hilt.
You’re strangely breathless and you can’t understand why. “I was feeling adventurous. Saw some of the Padawans trying it the other day and, very foolishly, thought I should try it too.”
The corner of Sol’s mouth dimples into a crooked smile.
Wait, did he just say he’d never seen you try that before? He’s aware of the type of saber work you usually do? Heat blazes across your face at the realization, but Sol is too occupied to take notice, thank the Force. He continues to turn your saber over in his hand, though you’re not sure why. It isn’t so remarkably different from any other saber.
“Why did you think you would disappoint me?”
Your saber is returned, and you clip it back to your belt just to have something to do. “Well, I’m not a Master, for one thing. If I’m going to be sparring with you, I’d like to at least look like I know what I’m doing.”
“It certainly appeared that you did.”
You duck your head the moment he makes eye contact with you. Now that he’s finally here, your confidence wavers, and you know that your concentration will do the same the moment he begins to fight.
“What is it that makes you so unsure of yourself?” he asks with all the gentleness of a man who senses discouragement and knows it like the back of his own hand. “You are an accomplished dueler.”
If only he knew the magnitude of his question, he might choose to ask you something else. Huffing a breath out the side of your mouth, you start with a lazy, “Well, I–”
The air around you seems to vibrate, then electrify as Sol summons his own weapon into his hand and ignites it. He bears down upon you, and you know deep in your heart that he would never hurt you, but this knowledge does not override instinct. Your saber is in your hand without conscious thought, brandished and burning as his blade lands near the hilt. The junction where they touch burns white-hot, so starkly bright that it hurts to even look.
What are you doing? you mean to ask, but the words never come. You’re too enraptured by the flame of blue-white light reflected in his pupils to speak. How long have you spent watching him from afar, marveling at his skill, and now you find yourself on the receiving end of it? It feels unreal. It feels jagged and raw in the same way a cold wind off the sea does, exhilarating in some forbidden sense.
He retreats and you stumble back a step as your lightsaber comes to hang by your leg, still ignited but out of the way. It’s not proper form, but you’re too dazed to care. Sol spots this and advances again, giving you only the slightest margin for error as your blade comes screaming back into position to block him once, twice, three times before he backs up again.
“You react with instinct.” He begins to circle you with his blade extended toward your face. “Good.”
You feel a flash of irritation in your chest at this. While you’re certain (at least, you hope) he means well, this feels more like a Master testing his Padawan than a fellow Jedi electing to spar with you. You are not Sol’s Padawan and you’ve already fought to make your mark as a Knight, you don’t like feeling like a child again and certainly not at his hands. That’s not the kind of feeling you want from him.
“I don’t need a lesson,” you say as politely as you can, which isn’t very much at all currently.
Sol’s head tilts slightly in the way it always does when he’s considering something. “Then why am I here?”
Electric blue flashes across your vision as he slashes his way forward and you parry away. He’s not even giving you time to answer, let alone think, and you know it’s on purpose. Your Master’s used this trick on you several times, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it.
“Why am I here?” he repeats. He doesn’t even react when your blade swings past his shoulder and misses. “Why did you accept my offer?”
You swing again, agitated, and miss a second time, only to be pushed aside by an invisible hand so strong that it nearly knocks your breath from you.
Now that there’s some distance between you, you have a moment to think, to assess yourself, the questions he’s asking, and the answers you want to give. Sol, however, chooses not to give you that time. His arm extends, fingers splayed and palm open as that same invisible hand grasps you by the tabard and pulls. His wrist twists and you come flying into his hand like your saber had mere minutes ago. Instinct and fear kicks in again, and you find yourself forced to choose between freedom with no saber and close quarters defense in the amount of time it takes to decide to breathe.
Your saber drops to the floor, the blade disappearing into itself as you summon the Force to instead push yourself away from Sol and out of his grasp. The resulting blow is strong enough to knock you both off your feet, though you have just enough forewarning to brace yourself for impact. Cold, hard stone meets shins and knees, but you’re already up and recovering your saber. Sol isn’t far behind, but he’s clearly startled. Startled enough to have dropped his saber.
You are no Jar’Kai prodigy, and indeed, it’s been years since you’ve attempted to dual wield with any amount of seriousness, but you try now. It makes sense. It feels right. Sol’s saber is heavy in your hand, heavier and wider than yours, but it doesn’t fight you when you brandish it. His kyber sings a peculiar harmony with your own, as if they were exchanging greetings, embracing each other through the Force. It tickles in the back of your brain like a shot of spotchka.
Sol’s hand meets your wrist when you bring his blade down. The leather glove creaks under the weight of your blow, but his arm remains firm. Your other arm remains frozen mid-air as it quivers with the effort of resisting his Force. He’s got you pinned and while he can’t release you without putting himself back in danger, you can no longer land a blow on him without losing any ground. It’s a stalemate in its truest form.
You’re closer to him now than you ever have been before. His breath fans out across your face as it comes and goes in quick exhalations, and you find yourself wondering if you should’ve brushed your teeth again after lunch. If you’d known he’d be so close to you now, you would have.
“Why?” he grits through his bared teeth. “Why did you accept my offer?”
Something hotter than ice burns from your shoulder down to your wrist with the effort of fighting him. “Because I can’t focus,” you gasp. You won’t be able to hold on much longer. “Keep. Making mistakes.”
He presses his advantage until your arm shudders with enough strength to completely collapse. The saber is snagged from your hand as it drops and quickly redirected to spark somewhere near the column of your neck. There’s no real threat behind it. Sol is moments away from winning this round and your body is already tired.
“Let your instinct guide you,” he instructs, and though it burns to admit it, you know he’s right. “Don’t think. Feel.”
But that’s exactly what you don’t want to do, what you can’t do. Because to feel would mean to let the sin of your affection for him seep deeper and deeper into your bones until you can no longer draw it out like poison from a wound. To feel would be the most beautiful agony imaginable. To feel would be to dream of possibilities that can never be. You would rather not feel it at all, than to feel it and lose it in the end.
You shake your head. “I can’t.”
Sol frowns. He looks so beautiful bathed in the light of his kyber. “What are you afraid of?”
The blue saber deactivates, then your own, and the training room returns to normal, but your wrist remains trapped in the palm of Sol’s glove. He’s close enough now that the voluminous lower half of his robes fall around your knees, brushing your ankles as he adjusts his stance and leans further into you. Is this not everything you ever wanted?
“Tell me.”
And it’s the gentleness of this prompt that finally cleaves through your heart. You are, quite honestly, tired. Your heart and mind are exhausted from the burden of your guilt, from the knowledge that you are already so attached to a man you hardly know. You want to fight his inquisition, but more than that, you want to give in if only to find relief from the torment of not knowing.
With closed eyes and a trembling voice, you finally relinquish your secret. “Rejection. Abandonment.” Half-concocted visions of a future without the Jedi, without the Order or your Master or the life you’ve worked so hard to build, materialize behind your lids. All this because you tend to fall in love a little too fast? How is that fair? “Myself. I’m afraid of myself and what I could do to destroy my own life.”
Something knocks at the door to your mind. It is a familiar sensation, like the sound of boots on stone or a guiding command given between the sparking of saber blades, it burns golden-brown like the sun and the tunic on his chest, and it smells like incense from a far away planet, the incense you sometimes smell on his cloak when he passes you by. You let him in.
You think, at first, that sharing your mind with someone is a bit like a kiss. A gentle nudging of one mind against the other until both become one, pressing thoughts and feelings and vague ideas together like a mouth or tongue might go against your own. You think that it feels like the kind of intimacy you’ve always yearned for but feared you would never know. Then you realize that Sol is actually kissing you.
Shock ripples through you fast and hard enough to make your stomach simultaneously drop to the floor and catch in your throat. You can’t breathe, you can’t move, there’s only Sol and his lips and the blazing freedom of peace cutting through the noise that usually clouds your thoughts.
He withdraws far too soon, and it leaves your mouth tingling and bruised. Your eyes flutter open and are unsurprisingly met with the umber-blackened hue of his pupils. So close. So real. His chest heaves with the effort of… what, exactly? Does he suffer from the same strange side effect as you, the unimaginable urge to kiss him again and delve even deeper? Is he fighting to restrain himself as much as you are?
“I feel it, too,” he whispers, and his eyes drop to your tongue as it darts across the seam of your mouth.
“What?” You don’t even dare to dream, but what if…?
Sol swallows heavily. “The pull. You feel it like I do?”
The hand not grasping his lightsaber drops lazily against his sternum as you both shuffle awkwardly into more normal, non-battle stances. “I do,” you reply. “I have. For a long time.”
There is a soft rustling of fabric and breath as Sol takes a moment to clip your saber back to your belt – the feel of his fingers, even through his gloves, lingering on your belt will stick with you forever – and to gently pry his from your hand. Then he reaches for your shoulder and lays his hand there, his thumb rubbing a semi-circle into your collarbone.
“Is this what you were afraid of? That I would not return your feelings?”
The ease with which he sees through your carefully constructed walls before completely blowing them to pieces is startling. Not even your Master is quite this forward with you. It’s different, to be sure, yet oddly refreshing.
“Among other things,” is your bashful response, half murmured to the space above his shoulder.
“We must have the courage to say what we want, even if we are afraid.” His hand resettles upon your cheek and your breath rushes out of you in an instant. All you can think is Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol, the only prayer you’ll ever need. “Are you afraid now?”
“Then… I would like to kiss you again.”
When he smiles, you feel it curling up around your heart, a string that ties you to him, first knotted when he summoned your saber into his hand and now finished with a kiss.
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taglist: @wolffegirlsunite
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rebelscums · 3 months
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Devoted (Qimir x Padawan reader)
Rating: Angst | Acts like he’s not obsessed but he is | Light fluff
Summary: You were devoted, but no matter how hard you try, you never seem to be enough.
The fight was brutal. Each swing of a lightsaber had casted the dark night into colorful arrays of blue, yellow, green, and red.
“Master!” You yelled as you quickly stepped in front of him to take the graze of the green lightsaber that was aimed at him. Your side burned with pain, but that didn’t stop you from protecting your master.
“Go!” He used the force to push you out of the fight, “Find her!” Your master ordered you as you pushed back another Jedi by using the force.
You quickly fled the fight, knowing that he could handle himself. You focused on your task to find Mae… The person you considered a friend since she came into your life. Yet she still betrayed you… Your master… She…
She abandoned you.
That anger surged you forward as you spotted her trying to run into the dense forest.
“You were my friend!” You screamed with rage, using the force to knock down a tree in her path.
There was guilt heavy in her gaze as she looked back, but she didn’t stop in her effort to flee. She only jumped over the tree and continued on her path.
She didn’t try to explain to you why she chose to betray you and your master. She just ran from you.
Before you could follow her into the jungle, a young girl tackled you to the ground. You cried out in rage at the one who dared to stop you from confronting your friend. You struggled beneath the girl until you were able to find your footing just before she could cuff you.
You pushed who, throwing her off of you by using the force. You didn’t care that her back hit against one of the boulders, you could only hope that would stop her from attacking… Of course you were wrong. It seemed like you were wrong about a lot of things lately.
You quickly got to your feet and ignited your blue lightsaber just as she ignited hers. It was clear that she was surprised to see a lightsaber in your hands.
“Leave us alone.” You gave her a warning before protecting what was yours.
“Who did you take that from?” She spat with a righteous glare.
An uneasy feeling grew in your chest as your tears blurred the anger in your eyes, “Myself.” With a cry you rushed at the Jedi, anger filling your heart.
Saber clashed against saber as you evaded her every attack. It was clear that with each passing minute, Mae was getting farther away and your master… You dreaded the disappointment he would show you the moment you return to him empty handed… If you return.
You rolled away from the girl, using the force to push her back, but she got the best of you as you tried to get up. She used the force to send you tumbling back to the ground, your lightsaber being thrown from your hand in the fall.
With all her might ran towards you with her blade raised. Your heart stopped and you watched your life flash before your eyes, waiting for the moment her lightsaber would meet your chest but… That moment never came. It wouldn’t.
Not while he was around.
He would never allow you to die.
Not by anyone’s hands but his.
His movement was swift and fluid, gracefully done with a force of strength that had the girl scrambling to get her footing. But she was a fair fight, using two lightsabers to face your master.
They fought against one another with conviction and speed to the side that they were fighting for, but you could tell that he was running out of time. You could see it in the way the he kept glancing in the direction that Mae ran in.
You wanted to make him proud, make it easier for his mission and so you used the force to send a pillow of sand in the young Jedi’s face. It took less than a second before your master was swooping you up into his arms and leaping over the tree without any struggle.
“Where?” He demanded as he ran faster into the woods.
You closed your eyes and felt through the force. The strong attachment that you had to the force impressed your master, something that he only told you through the hum behind his mask. You tracked Mae with ease and open your eyes to tell him, “Forward. Then left.”
He slowed down and set you on the ground, “Keep up.”
“Wait! Master…” You spoke hesitantly before he could start running again.
“What is it dove?” He held his lightsaber ready to ignite it from any danger that could be heading towards us.
“Maybe we should leave while we still can?” You voiced your concerns, “She chose her side. She doesn’t want to follow this path anymore. How can we help someone who doesn’t want to be helped? We could just—ah”Before you could finish your throat was suddenly constricted by an unknown force.
He tilted his head down, a dark tint to his voice as he pulled you closer to him with the flick of his wrist and suddenly he was choking you with his bare hand, “I will have my acolyte and nothing can keep me from that.”
You struggled against his grip, “I am your padawan too.” You tried to gasp for breath.
“And you are never going to amount to anything more than that.” His words were harsh as he let go of you. You gasped for breath as he turned his back on you, “Let’s go.”
You nodded your head, a dull ache in your chest as you followed behind him.
It wasn’t too long after that you found her, his red lightsaber just missing her head by an inch. Your throat still felt sore but you had nothing to say as you stood behind your master. Your gaze felt tired, betrayed by the two people you trusted most.
Mae was quick to beg for her life, “Please forgive me master, I was weak.”
“You’ve always been weak.” He stated and you thought he would kill her or at least hurt her for her betrayal, but instead his saber sliced through her cuffs.
It made your heart ache in a form of jealousy as you took a step back to distance yourself. You felt an odd rift forming that you didn’t know how to mend.
As he lifted his light saber again, he was pulled back by Master Sol, the same master Mae was meant to kill. Who you sure was his padawan had appeared as well, the two targeting your master in two versus one battle.
Your mind was torn on helping the master who thought you to be too weak to be his acolyte or helping the girl who betrayed your trust.
Instead you chose yourself and the only other person you thought could care about you.
“Mae.” You called out her name as she attempted to flee.
“What is it?” She wondered with a confused look in her gaze.
“Did… Did Qimir bring you here?” You asked her softly despite the battle a few feet away.
“He did… I tied him up not too far from here. About ten clicks west.” Her brows furrowed even more, “Why?”
He must have a ship to get off of this planet. You thought. He could help you right? If your master didn’t want you then why were you here?
You didn’t answer her as the fight suddenly entered your direction and it was time for you and Mae to flee. Your footsteps carried you into the forest, the sound of lightsabers clashing echoed off the trees. Your master didn’t try to find you, intent on getting to Mae instead.
So you kept running with one thought in mind… Ten clicks west and he can take you far away from this place.
You were a few feet away before it felt like you couldn’t move. It was like the force tugged you back to him no matter how far you tried to run. “I can’t…” You whispered painfully out to the string that tugged you back to him, “Please.”
The feeling didn’t stop and you regretted glancing back because it only sealed your fate to him. With a frustrated cry you turned around and ran back sliding behind him just in time to block Sol’s lightsaber from connecting with his back.
“You protect him with a blue lightsaber… Why?” Sol asked in between the blows that were shared.
Because I never embraced the dark side, only him. You thought with a frown as you stared down at the color of your light saber. It mocked you, letting everyone see how you could never be his acolyte… How you could never be anything more to him than just a lovesick fool.
“I will protect him.” Always. You grit your teeth as you lunged at him again and again. Your movements were quick and delicate as you gracefully moved around Sol as if you were in a dance.
“You could be so much more than his puppet.” Master Sol tried to convince you, but it only made you angrier, “Cut your string to him.”
“I’m more than a puppet to my master! He cares for me!” You were almost yelling at him, tears of frustration filling your eyes. He is mine. I am his. He promised. You reminded yourself weakly.
“Then why would he take someone else under his wing? A master only has one padawan.” Master Sol said, “He replaced you because he could not see your potential.”
His words had you fault wrong enough for him to make his final move. You grunted as he shoved you onto the ground with the strength of his force.
“He…” Your voice broke as it trailed off into a pitiful whimper.
“He doesn’t protect you.” Sol spoke softly, “Stop fighting for him and come with me. You would make a great Jedi.”
“Do not twist her mind with useless words.” You master spoke.
It was then that Sol witnessed the fatal three stabs that were given to the padawan as your master came out victorious once again.
You craned your neck to see your master only now realizing that his helmet had be torn off from his head.
“Her allegiance to me is stronger than your former padawan.” His voice was clear, not filtered by his mask.
“Qimir…” You whispered his name just as Sol spoke.
“Jecki…” The anguish in Sol’s voice was clear as he mourned his padawan.
“Was that its name?” Qimir had asked, a cold tone to his voice. He didn’t particularly care as she was not his mission.
No, his mission voiced his name as well, “Qimir?”
“Hi.” He smiled at her with his usual bright tone that had you turning flush each time you saw him.
You thought maybe there could be something between the light conversation and jokes shared, but… You clenched your fists. Of course, it would always be her.
In only a blink of an eye Mae was in his grasp being choked while Sol’s lightsaber was directed at your neck.
“Directing your lightsaber towards an unarmed person isn’t very Jedi of you.” Qimir mused.
“Let her go.” Sol demanded, his threat was perfectly clear.
Qimir thought about it before answering, “Ah… I don’t think so.”
“She is no longer your acolyte.” Master Sol mentioned, “She has been trying to flee from your grasp, that should be answer enough.”
“She doesn’t have a choice in her life.” Qimir’s gaze darker as he looked towards Sol, “Not after she betrayed me.”
“You already have a padawan. Take her and leave Mae alone.” Sol suggested.
It made your stomach twist in knots. Was what Master Sol told me before just a lie then? A trick to throw me off guard? Your gaze darkened as you realized. He didn’t care for my wellbeing either.
“She is too soft… Too… What did you say? Too much like a Jedi to be the pupil I need. She wouldn’t make a good acolyte.” Qimir clicked his tongue at the word, but he smiled as he spoke lightly, “But she is loyal. The shining light to my darkness.” His gaze flickered towards yours, a possessive glint to them, “Aren’t you little dove?”
Your gaze fell away from his. You were tired of all the endless games. Of being used and taken advantage of by men who would toss you aside to get to their true prize... I want to go home. You thought as you stared as the small cuts on your hands.
“Why risk discovery? Why not run?” Sol questioned.
“Well…” Qimir pressed the blunt end of his lightsaber harder against Mae’s head, “I did wear a mask.”
“What do you want?” Sol wasn’t here to play any of Qimir’s games, not this time.
“Freedom.” Qimir shoved Mae to her knees painfully, “The freedom to wield my power the way I like. How I choose without having to answer to Jedi like you.” He explained.
“I want a pupil… An acolyte.” He pressed before shoving his lightsaber once again against the side of Mae’s head, “But this one went back on our deal.”
Qimir clicked his tongue with a sigh, “She exposed me. So, now I have to kill every singly last one of you…” He looked directly at Sol, “I don’t make the rules. The Jedi do. And the Jedi say I can’t exist.” It was then his gaze glanced down towards your direction, “They see my face, they all die.”
Your heart beat loudly in your chest at his words. Did that mean you as well? Would he kill you because you were too weak to be his pupil? Because you finally saw his face?
The silence was defeating, but Qimir was quick to fill the void, “Aw look at you two. Right back where you started.” He chuckled, “I should say the same about us, little dove.”
Sol pushed the light saber an inch closer to your neck. The betrayel in your eyes at both men held a thousand words that Sol would carry in his chest as he made a threat to take your life.
“I am giving you a choice. Your dove or your former acolyte.” Sol demanded.
Qimir’s gaze darkened, “Killing my dove would only destroy the Jedi code you hold so dear.” He bared his teeth.
“If it stops you… I will do what I must.” Sol pressed the lightsaber closer to your neck.
“I don’t need her. Do what you want.” He clicked his tongue and looked away from your rejected form, pitiful on the forest floor, “I came here for one thing anyways.”
Tears trailed down your face when he didn’t choose you. The rejection hurt more than the blinding heat settled near you. Of course he would choose you. Of course he would choose the girl currently frozen in his grip.
“Are you sure?” Master Sol asked one more time.
It was then that you could feel the heat of the lightsaber scorching your skin. The heat became almost unbearable as you were held in place, forbidden to move. A dark red mark appeared on your bare neck, causing you to cry out in pain.
“Fuck— Stop!” Qimir pushed Mae to the ground a stepped towards Sol with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“Hurt her and I promise I will tear you limb from limb.” Qimir ignited his lightsaber, the red glaring against his skin menacingly, “And I always keep my promise.”
It was in that moment that his helmet began to shake and you saw a yellow beam of light ignite behind him, “Behind you!” You yelled at Qimir and he quickly sprung into action.
He faced the Jedi knight Yord with quick movements, unfazed as he grinned at his impeding victory.
“You?” Yord asked in utter disbelief. You could see the shock on his face at Qimir’s reveal.
“Me.” Qimir grinned before spinning him around and snapping his neck, tossing him to the side without any strain.
Mae fled without a second thought towards the gruesome action and you were able to roll away from Master Sol. You got up and held your ground as you watched Qimir and Sol look at one another. With an angered cry Sol charged at your master and the adrenaline of today surged towards you as you went to your master’s aid.
However, you didn’t see Osha in the forest and the feeling of electricity suddenly shot through you causing you to hit your head against one of the trees. The last thing you remembered was Qimir yelling your name before you blacked out.
It was the feeling of a steady rocking movement that brought you out of your sleep. The familiar hum of masters— Qimir’s ship left you feeling at ease as you pulled yourself out of your daze.
“Good. You’re awake.” Qimir’s voice was clear as he walked towards your bunk, “Thought I lost you there for a sec.”
“Would you even care if you did?” You muttered. It was a slip of the tongue from the pounding in your head, but you felt good saying it all the same.
“You are in my ship are you not?” He answered plainly as he placed a glass of water beside you.
You watched as he grabbed a lock of your hair and admired it between his fingertips, “I should kill you, you know? You’ve seen my face, you know who I am.” He hummed, “But I know you wouldn’t hurt me. We’re connected.”
Tears sprung to your eyes, “Why do you keep me?”
“Isn’t that obvious?” He stood in your doorway glancing back at you with a half grin.
“You’re mine.”
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yandere-wishes · 2 months
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Didn't Mean To Say I Love You ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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⋆。‧˚˚ Yandere!Acolyte Men x Reader ˚˚‧。⋆
⋆ ˚。♡ 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝐿𝓎𝓇𝒾𝒸𝓈 ♡ ˚。⋆
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✩彡 Master Sol - Bittersuite | استاد سول
I can't fall in love with you.
He's choking on his guilt again. Scorching memories reciting hymns of fire and black smoke. He can not love, he can not pine, his romances always end in doom. End in bitter blood drenching stars and ghosts scattered across solar systems. Sol can not love you, he must not love you. You're safer out of his reach.
L'amour de ma vie.
He wants to be the one, etching galaxies across your heart and spilling stars into your bones with every kiss. Your smile dips his world in midday pink, all roses and sun blooms. Your voice trails after him, haunting halls and abandoned training rooms. Your name sticks inside his throat, sticky caramel abrading his tongue to be let loose. Love of his life.
Love so bittersweet.
There are other universes, he likes to think, where his mistakes are little and he has the right to hold you in his arms. You call out to him during missions, all epithets and formality, he longs to hear to say 'Sol'. just 'Sol'.
Longs to kiss you in the dark where his memories can't reach him. You're so bittersweet…
⭒⭒✮ Yord Fandar - Halley’s Comet | یورد فندار
I don't want it.
He chews on the thought of you, sour under his tongue. He watches you parry under the stars, saber humming orthodox hymns. He can spill lies from his lips like coronal rain. But the confession never sticks, he shouldn't want this, want you.
And I don't want to want you.
In his dreams he's more honest, leaving a galaxy of love bites across the vast expansion of your essence. Kissing the dark corners of your eyes and sucking tenderly on the pearls of your spine, open-mouthed when he reaches your nape. Curling fingers in the nebula of your hair. You sing his name so freely it has him seeing stars.
But you're all it takes to break a promise.
He kisses you, against the temple wall, drinking in your devotion like elysian ichor. The stars in your eyes explode, whispering tenets between each breath. He feels the force reverberating between your bones, holy, ethereal. This is wrong, fundamentally, spiritual, he doesn't want to want you…But he has to.
"I, I need you."
༻。。☾ Qimir - Bossa Nova | قیمیر
Love when it makes you lose your bearings.
His love is an asteroid field, cataclysmic and labyrinthine, always dodging bullets aimed point blank at tattered hearts. He's always caught wondering who's truly lost. You or him. Swimming through wandering stars and pretending it's just a force-willed romance. But love doesn't lie to keep one compliant. Caging you between quasars and stella novae.
Some information is not for sharing.
"Eyes down, you've not yet earned to see my face"
You obey, little lamb that you are. Eyes tracing the ebony of his boots. He wonders if he should tell you, grasp your chin, and force his mask off. Shatter your world with his eyes. But you're too cute like this, pining after your master and playing little lovers with Qimir. It's torture most sweetly, he traces the crown of your hair with metal instead of lips, whispering sabbath shibboleths into your head. His love is red in every way.
A lot can change in twenty seconds. A lot can happen in the dark.
The cave is pitch dark, hidden from prying moonlight. It's in the dark that Sith revel in the dark that they renew. Qimir knows some things can only be confessed in blood. That's why he pushes the jagged edges of stars between your lips. Apex of your throat in hand forcing you beneath him. You giggle stardust as he marrs your bones, kissing cuts and open wounds. He lets his mask slide off, to the tune of your heartbeat. Savoring its clank and all it entails. Your shock and fear taste delicious on his tongue as does your fruitless struggle. He kisses you again all passion and possession. He likes you better when you taste of horror and shattered realities.
"You belong to me..."
✧࿐ Torbin - Birds of a Feather | توربین
We should stick together.
You pull him through the temple, laughing as you run away from another angry master. Torbin follows lovestruck, he sees peace in your eyes, in your smile. Hears it in the candance of your voice. He kisses your knuckles when you beat him at saber practice and passes you heart-shaped sticky notes during lessons. He wants to be here with you forever. Together in an eternal blush.
 I'd never think I wasn't better alone.
He whispers your name between breaths, kissing each syllable. He traces your face in the stars, cursing the remote planets he's been sent to. He misses you, but the phrase is never quite worded right, his master can never know, never understand the rhyme behind his eagerness.
Home, home, home. He repeats the words with frantic reverence. Home is where the lights paint you in their heavenly glow. Where you hold his hand and kiss fireflies across his cheek. Home is you, it's always been you…
I'll love you 'til the day that I die.
You trace the scar across his eye, dejected. Torbin kisses the hollow of your palm, basking in your presence. He made it back to you, that's all that matters. Not the witches or the massacred planet. Not the disappointment of his master or Sol's new apprentice. You're the only thing that matters to him, the only thing that has ever mattered.
"Stay with me forever my love."
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Happy final week of the Acolyte!! It's been a great 7 weeks ~💜
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soobins--dimple · 2 months
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sunnymoonxx · 2 months
Sorry this isn't a request, just a question! What did you think of the latest acolyte episode?!
I genuinely liked it. Not gonna lie, I was excited to see Qimir and Osha, but i enjoyed it. I liked to see what really happened and why Sol felt so guilty. I love Sol and I understand why he did what he did but I'm really excited to see Mae's and Osha's reaction.
Also got this idea, when we had the first flashback, it showed us only what Osha remembered. I don't wanna say, but what if Sol was lying to Mae and this flashback also wasn't a full true. But that's just a stupid theory.
I think if we're gonna get S2, Osha will turn dark and stay with Qimir, be his apprentice, and Mae will turn light.
Also, read this somewhere, Osha just wanted freedom and be understood. That's why she went to the Jedi. She never felt understood in her family. And even Sol couldn't give her that, cause in this flashback we saw again, he switched their names. But Qimir always recognised her. The moment she went into his shop in ep2, he knew immediately that wasn't her. HE UNDERSTOOD HER
Something's gonna happen between Osha and Qimir and I'm ready for it.
Also, I'm betting Sol will die. Either next ep or in S2.
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iracundiias · 2 months
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[ turbulent waters ]
Master Sol x reader (gender neutral) warnings: Master/Jedi Knight Relationship, mutual pining, secret relationship, lust, canon-typical violence, head injury, force visions, light angst, arguing, teasing, inappropriate use of the force, an absolutely horny sol, praise, biting, fingering, sex (reader receiving but no parts specified), love confession word count: 7.6k summary: "You couldn't deny the way you felt for Sol, and wondered if he had felt the same way for you. Deciding to find out the truth if he did or not, you wanted things put to rest. You were almost expecting rejection, knowing how Sol wanted to abide by the Jedi Code. As you walked toward his quarters, you prepared for the sting of rejection and the ability to hopefully throw those feelings away, even though you knew you wouldn't be able to. That was what the plan was."
"These feelings and emotions were keeping you turbulent, uneasy, unfocused. You had to face them head on, and confront them. Most of all, you needed to tell Sol the truth about how you felt, and that you wanted more."
[read on ao3] [full index]
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marthajackson-blog · 20 days
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Things you can do if you want to #RenewTheAcolyte
1-Would You like to help us to sign the petition?
2.-If you want to you can write a letter and tell why you love The Acolyte
3.-Tell Disney in comments box here You want s2 help.disneyplus.com
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annmaximoff18 · 3 months
*talking on the phone*
Y/N: Remember how I said that Osha and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?
Sol: Yeah…
Y/N: Well, we’re in jail.
Sol: *hangs up*
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
Fandom Friday, 07/12: Fanfiction
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome to the second half of Fandom Friday.
Wow...it's hard to believe that we're getting to the middle of July, yet here you all are, still reading, still commenting, and just like all good Tumblrinas, still reblogging so that others may receive cool and interesting fanworks. It's because of your continued interest that I've made it this far into 2024, so. Let me first thank all of you for your attention and support, as I know my posts wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you all.
Second, before I let myself get too emotional here...I know we've got a list to get to, so here are my fanfic picks of the week. Enjoy.
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The Acolyte Fanfiction--By @cross-d-a
The Acolyte Fanfiction--By @jedi-qui-gon
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @my-head-is-an-animal
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @neyswxrld
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @stardustloki
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @jake-g-lockley
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good afternoon, and good luck.
@theweepingvulcan91 @libraryfordyslexics @olafur-neal @theunknownartist1 @bluedeedeedoop
@crazyinspirationaldreams @theosb0rnway @gun-roswell @melymigo @skellymom
@cinnamonsugar-pretzel @its-time-to-rise-above @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @universitysunflowers
@tazmbc1 @thegreenspectr @leos-multifandom-corner @badbatchposts @sharpasanaro
@tlmtwelve @thatflatfrog @nadjem-mari @leenabb104104 @ithillia
@difuf @rott1ngbra1n @saviinika @everybirdfellsilent @algo-o-nada
@botherdv @justhereforthesherlock @sportlover4life @aelfgiure @typewriters-and-love-letters
@maggie-dylan and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting fanfiction.
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wanderingjedi77 · 3 months
So the sol x reader will be up tonight for anyone who's curious. The next chapter of legacy of the force, the little sokabine fic where they adopt a kid will be up by Friday. I'm working hard to get my stories done for everyone.
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juststoriesintheend · 2 months
Distraction Masterlist
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A crush is no easy thing, and certainly not when the object of your affections is one of the greatest Force wielders of your generation. So when Master Sol himself asks you to assist him in training his Padawan, you can't help thinking he's made a mistake.
I. The Offer II. The Lesson
Series Pairing: Master Sol x gn!Reader
Series Content: some light Jedi philosophy, lightsaber sparring, mutual pining, first kiss
《 ao3 link 》
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rebelscums · 3 months
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All Star Wars characters belong to the Star Wars Franchise.
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Pt 1 | Pt 2
Prologue | Pt 1 | Pt 2 (Coming Soon)
Little flower
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yandere-wishes · 3 months
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"If you're not gonna join me" I'LL JOIN YOU PLEASE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. OH THE FICS I WILL WRITE ABOUT THIS!!!!!
And omg both him and sol were giving such yandere vibes it was so intense!! My heart can't handle this!!!!!! 😍🤯😭😍😭🤯😭🤯😍
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fhrlclln · 17 days
hi, same person from the forbidden obsession qimir ask, i forgot to mention that i feel like age gap would also go good with that,(legal ofc!) like he is just so down bad for her and she is just always so sweet to him and is only devoted to him.
and when osha comes into the picture, like they’re in the cave talking scene, reader just walks in mid conversation and is just like “master, you should be resting!” because she is also solely devoted to him and osha just in disbelief, shocked looking upon the dynamics of them and how they are so close. like ugh <3
devotion | qimir
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SUMMARY -> devotion is one word to describe his pupil, his sweet and caring devoted pupil. he would burn the world for her if she asked so, but he knew deep down what he was feeling was wrong. he couldn't help himself, could he?
qimir x acolyte!fem! reader
GENRE -> slight-nsfw
WARNINGS -> possessive!qimir, master-pupil dynamic (fucked-up ver.), mentions of age-gap (legal), sexual thoughts, he's literally downbad af, violence & blood.
WC -> 1.7k
a/n: gHADDDD I WANT A POSSESSIVE QIMIR AS WELL. this req has me drooling! hope you liked it, anonz!! <3
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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watching you fight for him has his blood going.
he watches you with hazy eyes as you bend down to swipe off a jedi that was attacking you from behind. your dual-saber is a sight to see of how you wield it with such precision all because of his teachings. you were aggressive in your offensive stance, placing no mercy upon the three jedis attacking you simultaneously. you defended yourself just like he expected you to, using your dual-wielded blade to block attacks while you would detach them to switch to massacring your opponents. all drop dead beneath your feet and a splatter of blood hits your cheek as your eyes darken. his heart beat loudly while he stood up slowly from where he was dropped by the umbramoths that attacked him, and your head immediately looked in his direction.
"master!" your eyes went from that menacing stare into a worried look. you switch off your sabers, tucking them back to your belt as you jogged towards him. oh, the way you call him master has blood rushing towards where he begged himself not to linger. he groans as he holds his hand up, and you stop before him.
"i'm fine." he grits his teeth as he adjusts his weakened arm, rolling it to ease the pain.
"you're not fine." you scold him, the ever-doting pupil you are. in this scenario, if someone else had said that to him, he might have just snapped their neck out of annoyance. but with you, he would always stay quiet and let you dote on him. it was his favorite thing you would do.
you stand near him, and your sweet scent envelops his nostrils. he lets out a long sigh when you touch his arm, but he winces when he feels a sharp pain. you immediately let go and he feels disappointed that your soft touch is gone.
"you need a bacta-patch, master. we should leave now." you suggested, and he stared at you for a moment, taking in your serene face that's splattered with jedi blood. he can't help himself but lift his weak arm up to swipe away the blood on your cheek despite the stinging pain.
"in a while, my acolyte." he says, and you stay silent, letting him caress your face. your eyes shimmer and he feels happy at that how you obey him. he still needs to find mae and the remaining jedi, sol, to kill in khofar. they had seen his face and his safety, especially yours is in danger. the thought of his other former pupil brings distaste to his mind. why couldn't she be like you? devoted only to him and him only. but he guessed that was what made you special... your devotion to him was his drug. and he will never let that drug be of another.
osha watches qimir bend down to taste the soup he's simmering in his cooking pot. she feels disarrayed, waking up in his home on this unknown planet he had taken her when she was unconscious. she thinks about taking his saber and killing him right here, but the only problem is you. his other pupil, she knows she should fear the sith before her, but his other pupil is what she fears the most as you had killed yord. snapping his neck with ease and carelessly dropping him to the ground that night in khofar. she pieced it together that you are severely loyal to qimir, and that loyalty and devotion frightens her.
luckily, you weren't in the cave yet. you had gone out to harvest some herbs and fish outside. if you were in the room, she might want to consider fleeing at the very moment, as qimir had said that she's apparently not a prisoner here. but she is curious about you more than your master... you look young, maybe a year or two younger than her and mae, and she wonders when did you became his pupil. she gathers the courage to ask the man before her.
"your other pupil... how old is she?" she asks him as he looks at her with a sudden serious look.
"why do you ask?" qimir raises a brow.
"just answer it." he stands up, defensive he is that osha's asking about you. of course, it was a harmless question, but he feels like a lot of people are asking about you these days, and it annoys him. first, it was yord, when you were beside him in disguise in the apothecary, the jedi knight had immediately been drawn to question you. he considered choking the jedi right there for how close he was to interrogating you. second, it was a random drunk local in the streets of olega, asking your name and striking up a flirty conversation. that made him almost punch the poor guy in the plaza. he didn't want anyone talking to you... you were his and he will keep that attention of yours to him.
"a year older than mae and you." he answers shortly, your age was something else that had him going crazy if his feelings for you were right. you are his pupil and he is your master. the lines blur at that for him for his strong emotions for you. but you are somewhere maybe 8 or 10 years younger than him. not that it was big deal... you are an adult.
"so she was your pupil first before mae?"
"yes." he smiles at that, remembering how you were the only pupil that had seen his face than his cortosis helm for how he had seen how loyal you are to him. "my only devoted one."
osha shivers at that, feeling like this master-pupil dynamic was something else. she can't help but feel pity for you that you are placing your loyalty to a cruel, sick-headed murderer like him. what was it that made you be like this to him? what did he made you see that you're devoting your whole life to a man, who clearly would kill anyone in his way.
"then why take me here? if you have such a devoted pupil." osha hardens her tone, skeptical of his intentions now. qimir shrugs, extending his hand out to give her a bowl of stew.
"mae and her would always train together. a pity that your sister betrayed us. she was very fond of her." her eyes widened at his answer. was that truly it? that he brought her here just for you? somehow, she feels like the most devoted one in the room between you and him is him.
"you are insane-"
"master? shouldn't you be resting?" your voice interrupts osha's insult towards him. qimir grins as osha takes the bowl from his hand, not wanting to meet your gaze. you had a scolding look on your face as you placed your basket on the side, heading towards him. he feels his chest swell with giddiness when you near him.
"i am." his tone is light and osha observes the moment before her. how close you are with him, it surprises her. you roll your eyes as you check the bacta-patch on his arm.
"i thought i said i would take care of osha." you pout at him and he stares at your lips. osha suddenly feels uncomfortable, seeing how caring you are to this monster she views him as, and he's clearly looking at you with much more than a master should look at his pupil. not noticing osha's uncomfortable gaze, there's a moment of silence wherein you just examine his arm while he stands there, a million of explicit images in his mind formulating from your touch. he almost wants to pull you in his arms how adorable you look right now.
his honey-dark brown eyes burns on you, he's actually amused how you don't notice him with how obsessed he is with you. that if you just say the word that you want the whole galaxy burning, he would do so for you. you were at his mercy, he would do anything for you... anything.
osha watches in her horror how his eyes are different all of the sudden. it's as if he wants to eat you alive- and maker, she doesn't want to guess another meaning of that. she gulps, standing up, interrupting your examination on his arm as you looked at her. his jaw ticks in annoyance as he throws a glare at osha for disturbing your bonding moment with him.
"i'm going to head out." osha places her bowl down and you nod at her. she quickly exits the room, feeling too uncomfortable to witness what just happened, even though it was just innocent in a manner.
"you scared her." you look to qimir. he grins, pulling you close to him. his annoyance fades away, seeing that you two are alone now.
"can't a man appreciate a woman's healing touch?" he teases and you blush at that. your oblivious nature isn't fooling him this time, he knows deep-down you know what he's feeling for you. and he hopes it would be reciprocated. his lips tickle your ear of how close he is, you stay silent, waiting for what he'll do next. his lips graze the tip of your ear and you place your hand on his lean chest.
"master... stop-"
"you were excellent in defending me. i should reward you." he cuts you off. "anything... just say anything and it's yours, my acolyte."
"i-" you don't know what to say when he's kissing the side of your face. "i want you."
his eyes turn dark and a malicious grin spreads across his charming face. you stare up at him, feeling his arms wrap around you. oh, the things he'll do to you.
"good." he says as he immediately surges downwards to capture your sweet lips to his. he devours you as you hold on his broad shoulders. the tent in his pants rubbed against your stomach makes him groan. your soft sighs of "master" and his name makes him feel like an animal in heat, and he cannot wait to devour you fully... he is yours forever and you...
his sweet, devoted, loyal pupil are his until the end of time.
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iracundiias · 2 months
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[ undisclosed jealousy ]
Master Sol x reader (gender neutral) warnings: fake/pretend relationship, there was only one bed, reader gets hit on, jealousy, anger, tearing clothes, slightly angry sex (reader receives but no parts specified), fingering, confessions, possessive behavior, biting word count: 5.0k
summary: Ever since you had become a Knight a few years ago, things had been… awkward, between you and Sol. There was always something there, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. You didn’t interact with him much since you weren’t his Padawan, but you knew of him and saw him a lot around the Jedi Temple. The times you did interact with each other, there was a clear sign of flirting between the both of you, but neither of you seemed to act upon it. You weren’t exactly sure what was holding you back, perhaps he wasn’t interested like he had claimed, or maybe you were looking too far into it. But you could always recall times of other people speaking to you and Sol almost looking a bit… jealous.
notes: humbly dedicating this to @slutcoded-mandogirl 🖤
[read on ao3]
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ofstarsandvibranium · 2 months
Dangerous Game: Part 1
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte (Biker AU)
Pairing: Qimir x F!Reader
Summary: A stranger on a motorcycle arrives in your small town and you can't help but be intrigued by him and this mission that he's set on.
A/N: uuuummmm have another qimir series i guess??? i'm gonna TRY to keep this to three parts. major emphasis on TRY.
Qimir Masterlist
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You sit across from your mentor, Sol, at the cafe downtown. He looks over your thesis while you anxiously sit across from him. Your hands are clasped in your lap while your knee is bouncing.
"It's good," he says after nearly ten minutes of silence.
"I'm sensing a but," you murmur, looking at him in anticipation.
Sol looks up, an expression on his face that says something along the lines of 'I'm sorry you have to make more revisions', "I don't think your connection to the material and the study is strong enough. There are some weak points that I've marked and think you should further build upon."
You let out a deep breath, "Yeah. Okay."
"You're almost there, Y/N. I have faith in you," he hands back your thesis.
"Thanks, Dr. Sol," you slump in your chair, looking at the notes he made.
The music and chatter in the cafe create a calming ambience for you as you skim through the notes. You occasionally pause to take a few sips from your vanilla latte.
However, your concentration and peace are broken when you hear a loud roar down the street. Your spot next to the window allows you the perfect few to see a motorcyclist approaching the sidewalk right outside the cafe. The bike is so loud the windows shake a little and then come to a halt when the rider kills the engine.
From the build, you can tell the rider is a man. He unmounts his bike, taking off his matte black helmet to reveal long black locks and an incredibly handsome face.
"Who's that?" you ask.
Dr. Sol looks up from his own paperwork and peers through the window. He makes a sound of distaste, "I don't know, but he looks like trouble." Your mentor looks away, going back to his work.
You? You continue to watch the stranger as he unzip his jacket and fasten his helmet onto his backpack.
As if feeling your eyes on him, he looks up, directly at you. Usually, you would look away, but there was something about this guy that didn't allow you to.
He smirks and gives you wink before swinging his backpack over his shoulder and heading towards the cafe.
"He's coming inside," you state to not really anyone, but yourself. But your voice has Dr. Sol looking up and over his shoulder as the stranger enters the establishment.
The stranger immediately looks your way, winks again, and then approaches the order counter.
Dr. Sol turns back to you and gives you a disapproving look, "Y/N, I know I'm not your parent, but I do advise you to be wary around people like him."
You can't help but roll your eyes at the older man, "Are you seriously judging someone from how they look?"
"The emblem on the back of his jacket," Sol points as the stranger orders from the counter. You see a smiling skull with a red slash going diagonally through it, "That symbol is from a gang a few towns over. They're bad news, Y/N. You stay away from him and anyone else associated with him."
He looks at his watch and sighs, "I need to head back to campus for a meeting. Will you be alright here?"
"Yes, sir. I can take care of myself," you wave off your mentor as he quickly packs and exits the cafe.
You go back to reading through the notes Dr. Sol made when you see movement in your peripherals. Just your luck, the stranger sits at the table near yours. The one right behind where Dr. Sol sat. This gave you the perfect view of him and it seemed like this handsome stranger knew that because he was already looking at you with a hint of a smirk on his lips.
He lifts his hand and gives you a little wave. Unsure if he's actually waving at you, you glance over your shoulder to see if someone was behind you. There wasn't.
You turn back around and he's chuckling. He proceeds to stand and walk over to your table, "Alright if I sit here?" he gestures to the empty seat across from you.
"Uh, sure, if you want?"
He sits with a grunt, setting his backpack under the table.
"You're not from here," you state.
He chuckles, "You are correct. I'm not. I'm Qimir," he holds his hand out and it stays there as you narrow your eyes at him. He slowly closes his fist and brings his hand back, "Alright. Not a handshake kind of person?"
"Why're you here?"
He cocks a brow, "Do you usually interrogate strangers at a cafe?"
"Only when those strangers are part of a dangerous biker gang."
You pique Qimir's interest. You can tell with the way his eyes brighten and his back straightens. He clasps his hands and rests them on the table, "So you know about us?"
"Well, not really. My mentor, the guy who was previously in your seat, told me you're a part of some dangerous biker gang from a few towns over."
Qimir leans back in his chair with a chuckle, now crossing his arms over his chest, "You small town folk with your small mindedness. Someone new comes into town and doesn't look or act like the rest of you, we're immediately labelled as dangerous and trouble. Typical."
"So you're not dangerous?"
He scoffs, "We can be, but only when necessary," he states with a smirk and you get chills. You're not sure if it's from fear or...something else.
You clear your throat, "Well, whatever you're here for, I just ask you not to cause any trouble. We're a peaceful town. We don't want any trouble."
Qimir scoffs again, "Peace is a lie. All of the people who runs these towns say they're the safest or nicest places. But they're usually run by corruption, deceit, and lies."
You become defensive, crossing your arms over your chest, mimicking his posture, "That's not true."
"It is. Many leaders use power, money, exploitation, and extortion to get where they are and stay where they are. Yet, they preach about keeping their towns safe and clean, when they're some of the dirtiest assholes out there."
"So is that why you're here? To expose these people?"
He shrugs, "I wouldn't say we expose them. It's moreso revealing the truth." he holds his hand out and grins, "Wanna join me?"
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