#soh realm
telemna-hyelle · 6 months
Tellie, if all your Ravios were put in a band, who would play what instrument? Or who would suck at playing any instrument?
Ooooh excellent question!
What kind of band? is this a modern band or more of an orchestra, or something along the lines of do I think the Ravios canonically play music, and if so, what?
We'll get the two obvious ones out of the way first:
Ages plays the harp (of ages, to be exact) as a part of his adventure. If he was in a modern band, I think he'd play guitar.
Flame: in his adventure, he played the Flamecharmer, which is a magic flute that can control fire. So, he plays the flute! I can't really imagine him playing anything else.
Sea: he plays a mandolin. If he was in a modern band, he'd probably back Ages up on guitar.
One: i feel like he may play the panpipes. The micori might have taught him! If he was in a modern band, though, he'd probably play electric guitar, or perhaps be the percussionist.
Myth: i can't imagine he plays music. He might sing, but i think he would probably fulfill the role of conductor.
Sol: He plays the harp, too! I'm not sure what he'd play in a modern band, though. Nothing quite feels right. Not guitar. Maybe still harp?
Magic: He plays the piccolo! This would go for a modern band too.
Lorule: I think he can play the ocarina, but nothing more complicated than that. If he was in a modern band... he might play the banjo, or the harmonica, or the triangle XD
Swords: He plays the harp, too! I feel like he'd play trombone or french horn in a modern band.
Realm: I feel like he'd play the ocarina. Something small that he could easily carry with him. As for a modern band... maybe an oboe or clarinet.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Hi!! I'm kinda new here (I only started to play SoH last week and I'm doing different playthroughs, i haven't bought the alpha demo... yet 👀), anyway! I just wanted to drop by to tell you how much i love it. I'M LITERALLY IN LOVE HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE????
It is so so well-written, the worldbuilding is insane and I love how the new informations are brought to life ? I mean, it's never too much at a time, even the introduction of the characters (thank you so much for that btw bc it can be pretty confusing in some games or even books sometimes). The characters are all amazing!! The ROs, Caine, Zori etc like 🥹🤌
Speaking of Zori, I remember seeing an ask about the gift they wanted to offer to MC. Will MC ever find the gift Zori made for them ? Like randomly? Idk if we will ever have the choice to return in our village, where everything happened even though there isn't much to return to there anyway 🥲
again, thank you so so much for writing this if and sharing it with us all, this is a treasure in my eyes 🥹💕💕💕
Hi there, welcome to Shepherds of Haven and thank you so much for your very kind words! 🥹 MC won't be returning to the site of their hometown in this game, so they won't be finding Zori's birthday present, but that's not to say it's out of the realm of possibility for a headcanon! :) Again, thank you so much for your lovely message!
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grooviestsadpapaya · 1 year
Ooooo tell me about you zelda au because it looks very interesting if you don’t mind
Ofc! I have a pinned post that I need to update that does a meh job of summarizing the plot, but I’ll try to keep it brief :]
So like, Link, Sheik, and Bestir aka Babyganondorf have got a lot of problems to deal with,,, uhhh Sheik and Bestir are running away from the Royal Family and they’re also trying to prevent a war between the Hylians and Everyone Else (minus the Gorons, they’re chill). The Hylians have been really upset with the Gerudo because they think that they are harboring the Demon King (which kind of but not really) and everyone else has been defending the Gerudo. Really the Royal Hylians are trying to murder a child and everyone else is like “Hey! Stop that! Not cool!” Lots of drama that the comic will cover.
Sheik is like highkey strugglin. They got a burnt face because their mom didn’t like their hair color,,,
Link’s gotta deal with stupid stuff in the Chasms (yes I ripped it from TotK). Because that’s,, where he lives :] The Chasms in SOH aren’t like terrifying dark horrible places, they house the Twili. The reason they don’t live in the Twilight Realm is yet to be discovered *rubs hands together evilly*. Anyways Link aka Twilink is really sad. His wife was killed by his former colleagues when she was protecting his daughter and so he is now a single dad which is sad. He has to get his daughter away from his former colleagues because they are stirring up issues and trying to resurrect Demise or whateva. He. Bites peopl because he has parasite (It’s the Twilit Insects from TP. So basically SOH Link is like uhh Fyrus. He was a normal Hylian dude before he got fuckkn bited.)
There are also the Sages which are nothing like TotK they’re just band nerds.. Anyways they get killed by Yuga so they have to give their divine instruments to snot faced kids who are very lovely and nice,, and,, plagued by visions,,,
That probably makes no sense which is why the pinned post on my blog will brobably be better to check out :,] I wish I was better at explaining I’m sorry :,]
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fortesp89 · 2 years
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Digimon Realms
Story “Have you heard the rumors?” Strange creatures have begun to appear around Meguro City, tales of mysteries and adventure, of ghosts and yokai. Some believe it to be a new species that evolved without our knowledge, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. From another world, monsters made of data have materialized into the real world, they are known as Digimon. Four youths become wrapped up in this enigmatic turn of events as worlds collide, approaching down either a path of inevitable destruction or renewed hope.
60 episodes episodes 1-12 (Strange Creatures arc) rookie/champions debut episodes 13-22 (D-Brigade arc) ultimates debut episodes 23-39 (Lost in the Digital World arc) megas debut episodes 40-47 (Aegiomon Refugee arc) alt evos debut episodes 48-59 (Encroaching Darkness arc) episode 60 (Epilogue)
Tenya Nakamura (VA: Himika Akaneya): 15 years old. Tenya, while outgoing he tends to keep to himself most of the time. He believes that even if you should do good in life, one shouldn’t stand out too much among the crowd. Thinking that he can get through life just fine as is, his life is turned upside-down when he meets Sunarizamon. Digimon partner - Sunarizamon (VA: Daisuke Ono): A Digimon partnered with Tenya. Sunarizamon is curious of the world he now finds himself in. Polite and affable, Sunarizamon seems wise beyond his years. (Sunarizamon - Golemon - Vulturemon - Bancho Golemon)
Nao Fukuda (VA: Sayuri Hara): 16 years old. Energetic and cheery, Nao isn’t your typical girly-girl, she’s got a competitive streak a mile wide. She tends to like horror stories and isn’t afraid to show her love for it. Digimon partner - Ghostmon (VA: Junya Enoki): A Digimon partnered with Naomi. Ghostmon comes and goes as he pleases, he loves to spook people at night using hitodama floating in the air. Ghostmon and Naomi get along rather well. (Ghostmon - Ponchomon - Black Weregarurumon - Boltmon)
Himeno Matsuno (VA: Yumiko Kobayashi): 17 years old. Aloof and stand offish, Himeno tends to dress in more gothic tones in opposition to her upper-middle class background. Its hard for people to approach her during school, some believe she’s actually leaving behind curses wherever she goes. Digimon partner - Phascomon (VA: Ai Kayano): A Digimon partnered with Himeno. Hovering around Himeno like a bound spirit, Phascomon rarely speaks, only what sounds like muttering to no one. Its hard to know just what she’s thinking, but she understands Himeno without question. (Phascomon - Troopmon - Metal Tyranomon X - Rust Tyranomon)
Soh Watanabe (VA: Ryōta Suzuki): 18 years old. Lacking self-esteem and confidence, Soh just seems to blend into the background. He wants to change for the better but continues to have trouble coming out of his shell. Digimon partner - Dokunemon (VA: Yuka Iguchi): A Digimon partnered with Soh. Playful and and curious, Dokunemon follows Soh like a loyal pet, but that doesn’t stop Dokunemon from going off on her own when something’s piqued her interest. (Dokunemon - Snimon - Toropiamon - Lotusmon)
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The Digivice of the season is called a WayFinder Digivice (WFD), its comprised of the digivice and a wristwatch-like bracelet that the digivice can slide into in order for the Tamer use in tandem. When slotted into the bracelet, the WFD’s functions greatly expand. When a Tamer uses a WFD for the first time, touching the screen will scan the Tamer’s fingerprint, causing it to confirm/recognize and only recognize the person who touched it that’s worth enough to use the digivice. The bracelet acts as a hologram projected from the digivice for a variety of uses. Functions Channeling the emotional energy of the Tamer to: - Evolve an In-training Digimon into a Rookie Digimon or a Rookie Digimon into a Champion Digimon - Super Evolve a Champion Digimon into an Ultimate Digimon - Mega Evolve an Ultimate Digimon into a Mega Digimon - Protean Evolve a Mega Digimon into a comparable Mega Digimon and vice-versa through a specialized D-Card Displaying a Digimon Analyzer profile of any Digimon whom the partner Digimon is currently seeing Has built-in mapping and tracker functions that can: - Plot the locations of other nearby Digivices relative to the user as red dots on a simple geographical map - Detecting and reacting to the nearby presence of a Digimon, or to evidence that a Digimon has recently been nearby - Displaying a compass that points the user toward where their partner Digimon is Displaying a clock (can be customized) Can allow a human to read Digimoji
D-Card A specialized card that manifest when the heightened emotions of both Tamer and Digimon synchronize causing the WFD to glow with a blinding light and undergo a change in color. A card-like object is created that can be scanned to induce a Protean Evolution in a Digimon. The D-Card contains this power, after being scanned, the WFD stores the D-Card’s data for future use. Lesser D-Cards can also be used but are usually temporary to update the WFD’s stats or to upgrade the OS of the Digivice.
Protean Evolution Protean Evolution is a catch all term for an alternate evolution of the Mega stage depending what kind of evolution used which is unique to each Tamer that invokes its power. Bancho Golemon - Blastmon (Slide Evolution) Boltmon - HiAndromon (Blast Evolution) Lotusmon - Rafflesimon (Jogress) Metal Tyranomon X - Rust Tyranomon or Darkdramon (Dark Evolution)
Digimon Groups Witchnely - A group of Digimon that hail from a different system in the Digital World, forced to Earth, they seek to return to their world. They have little understanding on how the human world works, causing trouble without meaning to for society at large.
Olympus XII - A group of powerful Digimon that reside over one system in the Digital World, some believe this group has become inactive for some time, others believe that they hide themselves away. A lone Digimon is seeking this group out while allying with the Digimon of Witchnely; Aegiomon.
Seven Great Demon Lords - Seven powerful evil Digimon that wish to rule all systems in the Digital World, their influence is vast, many have been swayed under their control. They employ both the D-Brigade and Big Death Stars under their command.
Ten Legendary Warriors - A group of Digimon that live long ago in the ancient Digital World, said to saved it from destruction of Lucemon’s previous rampage. Though they perished in the battle, their presence still thrives in the Digital World with the gifts they left behind in their descendants.
Ogudomon - When each of the Demon Lords is defeated, their data is absorbed by the Gate of Sin, a back up plan if they were ever routed, that data would combine into the ultimate Demon Lord. Lucemon Falldown Mode’s plan was to use the Gate of Sin to increase their power and acquire X-Antibodies for themselves, but with him being the only one to acquire it and unable to master it before his defeat. His last action before his death is out of spite, destroying the doors to the Gate. Absorbing the X-Antibody’s power as well causes Ogudomon to retain some semblance of itself as to not become a mindless beast.
I still want to do some splash art of the main characters when I get the time but this was still a fun little project to do on the side.
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accidentalmistress · 2 years
The World of Noelle and Oraion
There was some interest in learning more about the N&O setting, so buckle up kids! Today's lesson is in geography with a brief foray into politics! Look, there's a map!
(Yes, I play Dungeons and Dragons, and yes, I am that kind of GM.)
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The Noelle and Oraion fics take place in the world of Vibrahnem (vih-brah-nehm), on the continent of Dryste (drīst, rhymes with heist).
This modestly-sized continent stretches across climate regions, from temperate in the north to subtropical in the south. The continent lies over a tectonic boundary; the southwestern part of the land is separated by a small mountainous ridge and some prominent canyons and valleys. Dryste has few active volcanoes, and earthquakes are very rare and very weak. The winds in this region are frequently calm, with large storms and extreme weather being very rare. The seas to the north and south of Dryste are rough, while the seas to the west and east are calm.
Dryste is split into three countries:
Merseheim (murs-hīm) in the north
Schorseau (skor-soh) in the southeast
Dolione (doh-lee-ohn) in the southwest
Capital Cities:
Merseheim - Onteburgh (ahnt-berg)
Schorseau - Abrynthe (ab-rinth)
Dolione - Valduja (val-doo-ha, sometimes bal-doo-ha)
Between Merseheim and Schorseau lies the island of Gewold (guh-vold or geh-wold, depending on region), which has been the source of much contention between the two nations throughout history. It is currently split between Merseheim control in the North and Schorseau control in the South.
The large island of Tymoor (tī-mor) lies to the north of Schorseau and is currently under Schorseauan rule. Tymoor and Gewold were once one unified nation, Londewynn (lond-win), but both were conquered by Schorseau after a bloody war hundreds of years ago, with half of Gewold having since been taken by Merseheim.
Noelle lives in the north of Schorseau, near a village called Chambelf (sham-belf). She is originally from further south in Schorseau, closer to Abrynthe, but was forced to leave after a certain incident...
Schorseau is governed by a pentarchy: five ruling houses share control of the country. Merseheim is ruled by a monarchy, with succession passed down through a royal bloodline. Dolione is a self-described technocratic state, with the ruling class selected from those with advanced technological and scientific knowledge.
Dolione is more technologically advanced than its neighbors (think Eberron), but keeps most of its secrets behind the mountains that serve as the country's border. The rest of the world is more your typical medieval fantasy: magic is fairly common, as are beasts and monsters, and adventurers form bands in search of wealth, fame, and glory. Most of the populace do not trifle with such things, however, lacking either inclination or aptitude.
Before I bore you all to tears with a massive infodump, that concludes our general overview of the world of Noelle and Oraion. Well, more Noelle's world. Oraion is from the Demon Realm, which requires it's own write-up, but that is a lesson for another time.
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yukinovabattery · 8 months
The Crucial Role of Battery Management Systems (BMS)
In the dynamic world of energy storage, Lithium-ion batteries have emerged as frontrunners, powering a vast array of applications from portable electronics to electric vehicles. However, behind the scenes, a silent guardian plays a pivotal role in ensuring their seamless operation – the Battery Management System (BMS). 
This article delves into the critical functions and significance of BMS in Lithium-ion batteries, unraveling the complexities that safeguard optimal performance, monitor cell health, and prevent potentially catastrophic issues.
Understanding the Essence of BMS:
At its core, the Battery Management System serves as the nerve center of Lithium-ion batteries. It acts as a sophisticated controller, orchestrating various functions to enhance efficiency and longevity. One of its primary responsibilities is to monitor the voltage, current, and temperature of individual cells within the battery pack, ensuring a harmonious balance crucial for sustained performance.
Optimal Performance Enhancement:
The BMS plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance of Lithium-ion batteries. By continuously assessing the state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) of each cell, it facilitates intelligent charging and discharging strategies. This not only enhances the overall efficiency of the battery but also contributes to extending its lifespan, a key factor in promoting sustainable and cost-effective energy storage solutions.
Guarding Against Overcharging and Overheating:
One of the chief challenges faced by Lithium-ion batteries is the risk of overcharging, which can lead to thermal runaway, a phenomenon where the battery temperature spikes uncontrollably. 
BMS acts as a vigilant guardian, implementing measures to prevent overcharging and the subsequent overheating of cells. By disconnecting the charging source when predetermined voltage levels are reached, BMS safeguards the battery from potential hazards.
Individual Cell Monitoring:
Lithium-ion batteries are an amalgamation of individual cells working in unison. However, variations in cell characteristics can occur over time, impacting overall performance. BMS steps in as a meticulous overseer, continually monitoring each cell's voltage, temperature, and capacity. This granular approach enables early detection of abnormalities, allowing for timely interventions and preventing issues that could compromise the entire battery pack.
Balancing Act for Longevity:
Over time, discrepancies in charging and discharging rates among cells can lead to imbalances, impacting the battery's overall capacity. BMS employs a balancing act, redistributing energy among cells during charging to ensure uniformity. This not only enhances the longevity of the battery but also maintains its energy storage capacity, a critical factor in applications demanding sustained and reliable power.
Challenges and Innovations in BMS Technology:
While BMS has proven to be an invaluable component, advancements continue to be made to address evolving challenges. Issues such as thermal management, accurate cell balancing, and real-time monitoring pose ongoing challenges. Innovations in BMS technology, including the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, promise more adaptive and efficient solutions to meet these challenges head-on.
Applications Beyond Consumer Electronics:
The significance of BMS extends far beyond consumer electronics. In the realm of electric vehicles (EVs), grid energy storage, and renewable energy systems, BMS plays a central role in ensuring the safety, performance, and longevity of Lithium-ion batteries. As the demand for clean energy solutions rises, the reliability of BMS becomes increasingly pivotal.
In essence, the Battery Management System stands as the silent hero in the success story of Lithium-ion batteries. Its ability to maintain optimal performance, prevent overcharging and overheating, monitor individual cell health, and ensure overall longevity positions BMS as a linchpin in the world of energy storage. As technology evolves and energy demands escalate, the role of BMS will continue to be paramount, fostering the advancement of Lithium-ion batteries as a cornerstone of our electrified future.
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chickenpeep77 · 9 months
Grumpy dragon friend story
A series of events taking place over many dreams.
A reoccurring dream character is a huge long blue dragon named Soh Mah Ku (so-MAH-koo). I asked him what his name was. Originally he lived in this secret hidden temple place (really cool. Columns and small decorative ponds and waterfalls and gardens and hidden caves and chambers and treasures.) on the other side of this twisty canyon behind the reoccurring school area in the dream. In later dreams the place behind the school became this field and Soh Mah Ku's home became a hidden cave off to the side. He's this grumpy elder dragon that was annoyed by us bothering him. I see him occasionally in dreams going forward.
In a later dream I, playing as Marx and Magolor, was in the field, that we weren't supposed to be in. We accidentally stepped in a spot that activated a WIP boss battle. It was a giant robot thing. Looked kind of like Mechanorimon. It was way over powered. We couldn't defeat it. We went over to the secret dragon cave and asked our dragon friend Soh Mah Ku for help. He coiled around the robot and had a fierce battle in which he destroyed it. He then yelled at us and flew away. Then people arrived to see what was happening and yelled at us for being there. We said we just wanted to visit our friend Soh Mah Ku. They laughed at us for claiming to be buddies with the ancient powerful elder dragon.
After that event, we didn't see him for many dreams afterwards. Eventually we found out that he had moved back to the dragon realms to recover. He doesn't live in the cave anymore and we don't ever see him again. Currently his cave is serving as a dragon nursery I think.
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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Once upon a time, before the Heroes Relics, there was a weapon coveted by all. 
A pair of blades, chained together by steel and fate, were fantastic to behold on the battlefield. However, what impressed onlookers more was its strange instinct for loyalty, not just to its partner blade but to its wielder as well. Only the strongest were fit to wield its power, and lords and kings waged war over its possession, but the weapon did not grant its allegiance lightly.
When Fódlan’s enemies first attempted to plunge the land into darkness, they sought this weapon’s power. A sage foresaw a devastated future and chose instead to shatter the weapon and seal its pieces into a rift in space. Centuries passed...
Melanthios and his Agarthan allies pioneered the creation of labyrinths - realms that exist between worlds - in order to one day search for the seal behind which the sage had hidden the weapon. Books as catalysts, they thought, would allow them to traverse the rift more easily, but what they discovered instead was that the fragments had another layer of protection. They had adapted to the labyrinth to become its characters, and did not trust the Agarthans’ presence. So they sought victims - or volunteers, they would say - blessed by Seiros herself to gather the pieces.
The plan worked, but barely. One by one, the fragments were led together, and Melanthios - with the aid of the Projectionist - snatched up all that he could. Confronted by the very victims who had led him to his prize, Melanthios’ escape was merely stalled, as each iteration was but an illusion. Except one.
The weapon, though incomplete, has fallen into the wrong hands. The sage’s prophecy lingers on the horizon...
                                                                      — Unscripted, end.
They First Dreamed of Electric Sheep. You find yourselves in the infirmary, safely tucked away in your beds. What scars and wounds you endured during your final battle have healed over, as though they were never there to begin with. The book is not so lucky--Melanthios' forceful intrusion into that world ruined its paper and binding, with only a few strings left to keep it all together. Time and research may allow this book's world to recover enough for mages to safely retrieve these weapon fragments, but there are no guarantees. If worse comes to worst, your memories will be all that remain of that place…
Divas Don't Write Love Songs. With a final performance that rocked the audience to its very core, you were able to steal the show from Melanthios and protect Delancey and Julian! Of course, with the studio torn apart by strange supernatural phenomena, it’s safe to say that Stairway to Stardom will be delaying its Season 7 premiere… As for Delancey and Julian, don't expect passionate kisses in the rain a la Mikolas Clarks, but the hardcore Julancey shippers on To-witter insist that there's something going on between them! While they are sad to see you go, such is the way of show-business, and Delancey and Julian wish you luck on your next endeavors. But before that, they insist on giving you a proper "graduation" ceremony, with one last dual performance with the Red and Blue teams!
Quiet Wood. The standoff against Melanthios at the center of the forest forced the rot to retreat, but destroyed the offspring of the sacred tree in the process. Dhanvi, devastated by the loss and the dead end to her quest for immortality, disappears into the forest with Jurou, puppeting Morgan, hot on her heels. Now freed of his divine duty as guardian of the holy tree, Ji can return to his ordinary life in Quiet Wood. Still shaken by the revelation that he was never human, and that Su - along with the rest of Quiet Wood - had always known that one day he would be called to duty, he looks to Kiragi, Celica, and Askr for support in the coming years. However, it does not take him long to regain his sunny disposition, and urged by Kiragi, he makes his confession to Lachesis by the start of the new year. Micaiah comes to succeed Soh as village priest, and Lucius and Linhardt, though their quest had met a dead end as Dhanvi’s had, return to Quiet Wood to champion an alliance with the spirits of the forest. The villagers beg for Arvis to stay and funnel in his wealth, but he chooses to part ways with Hushen and return to his estate empty-handed. After nearly dying, Leif makes the resolute decision to retire from the explorer life.
Edge of Eden. While Melanthios had been forced to make his retreat, the book itself was not spared the devastating consequences of the fight. You have been unceremoniously spit from its pages, wounds and all, among a dozen pages, torn from the binding and singed by fire. The end of the book is the worst for wear, both physically and content-wise, with none of the rebel-aligned characters surviving by the end.
Queen's Compass. Freshly minted captain of the True North Kai-Marik stands tall before his carefully mended ship. Though he'll be losing three (debatably) reliable crewmates, it turns out he'll be gaining at the least one in return: with Captain Yngvi's pending departure, quartermaster Rivenn can't find it in his heart to steer the Ichaival back to glory. He's never been much of a leader after all, he claims. While Cameron is ecstatic to have another handsome lad aboard the ship (Kai-Marik himself being less than thrilled but perhaps more open to the idea after recent experiences), they both carry the weight and memory of their dearly departed captain close to heart. She was the Queen, and they promise to bear news of her passing to the King so as to tie a neat little bow on this story. Joining them is new mascot Egg, who protects and threatens in equal measure as it demands to be kept fed no matter what. 
As for Kass... upon being flung from the book alongside the rest of you, he did what he does best and made himself scarce. 
Villainess. While Sir Sveinn mourns the loss of a sibling, His Majesty Emperor Kadrian mourns the loss of a fiancée - though with any luck he'll have rekindled an old friendship in the process. Sir Blake dutifully continued his job, rising to the position of Court Magician upon the former occupant's unfortunate passing. He worked diligently at helping to mend ties between the Fenrichs and the Artels. Alongside the witch's defeat, it's said everyone's favourite charmer Ilya Gray vanished... Perhaps they've found another kingdom to sweep off its feet. Finally, it is said that with time, Lady Meaghan and Lady de Vaux became what some might call 'a power couple,' although Meaghan spent much time helping Anabelle's heart heal from the loss of her two closest friends. She is a true hero now - a mantle one may not wear without the burden of loss. None of them will forget any of you.
Closing Procedures (please read carefully!)
The events of Unscripted are over and regardless of your performance in the individual stories, you have successfully freed all of the students who had been swallowed by and trapped within the books! Unfortunately, you did not prevent Melanthios (along with the Projectionist) from fleeing outright, but at least they did not get their hands on all of the weapon fragments they were after.
Time will not reset this year and will transition straight into the Great Tree Moon. For many characters, this will be the start of their second “real” year at the academy. Characters who did not participate in the event can choose whether to refresh their characters as new to the academy starting this month, or can continue to write them as if they have been here the whole time. Whichever makes the most sense for your muse.
You are free to continue any Unscripted threads, but you may not start any new threads based on the Unscripted settings. Unscripted posts will no longer count towards the grand prize requirement.
All event channels will be closed on September 7th, so save what you want from them before then.
Prizes and How to Get Them
Regardless of failures, you still managed to stave off a tragedy, so the church will reward you accordingly. Please read the following carefully before claiming your prizes:
All muses entering the event automatically received the participation prize described in this post. Please message the masterlist if you did not already claim it at the beginning. You will have until 9/14 to do so, but be aware that participation prizes not submitted alongside grand prize claims will be processed last.
Please send the masterlist an ask to claim your Grand Prize during the allotted days for your team (see below).
This prize package will be awarded to any muse who reached a minimum of 10 IC event posts.
Knowledge Gem: A special gemstone that grants a drop of knowledge to the user. (One free skill point towards the user’s skill of choice.) Please claim the gem first and then allot your skill points.
Two event-limited prizes from this list. (Your muse must have the corresponding rank to claim.)
And a special edition of the Book you spent the last month in: Quiet Wood: Carrying this book grants a moderate boost to Defense. Edge of Eden: Carrying this book grants a moderate boost to Dexterity. I Became the Villainess and Now I Have to Break Her Curse!?: Carrying this book grants a moderate boost to Resistance. Queen’s Compass: Carrying this book grants a moderate boost to Strength/Magic. They First Dreamed of Electric Sheep: Carrying this book grants a moderate boost to Speed. Divas Don’t Write Love Songs: Carrying this book grants a moderate boost to Luck.
If your muse participated in the final boss fight for their team, they will be granted a second Knowledge Gem, even if they died. Please claim this along with your Grand Prize.
9/1-9/2: Dedicated to activity skill point claims and participation prizes. This is if you are ranking up in a skill after placing your August activity skill point into your stats page. This does not include skill point ranks from the grand prize, so please wait on those. 9/3-9/4: Quiet Wood participation and grand prize claims.  9/5-9/6: Divas Don’t Write Love Songs participation and grand prize claims. 9/7-9/8: Queen’s Compass participation and grand prize claims. 9/9-9/10: Edge of Eden participation and grand prize claims. 9/11-9/12: I Became the Villainess and Now I Have to Break Her Curse!? participation and grand prize claims. 9/13-9/14: They First Dreamed of Electric Sheep participation and grand prize claims. After 9/14: Normal activity (activity points, class access/mastery, etc)
1) The submission period is from 12:00AM EST the first day to 11:59PM EST the second day. We at least need to receive it during this time frame. Use the clock in the Masterlist’s sidebar to doublecheck the date and time if you are not sure.
2) Team submission periods are only for muses within those teams. If you have a muse in Queen’s Compass, you can only submit your Queen’s Compass muse’s claims during the Queen’s Compass period. You cannot sneak in your second muse from Edge of Eden during that time. Untimely submissions will be deleted without comment, and we consider this message your warning.
3) During the Participation and Grand Prize claims period, we will also process skill claims if you are getting your personal skill or ranking up from the Grand Prize skill point. Please combine these into one message, this helps us out!
4) If you miss the period to submit your Participation or Grand Prize, you forfeit these prizes. Do not procrastinate.
5) If you miss the initial period to rank up after an activity point, or if you claim your grand prize but forget to rank up with the skill point, you’re fine! However, please wait until 9/15 before sending in these claims.
As always, please feel free to ask any questions!
- The House Leaders
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vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY THEY REMIND THEM OF: velvet gloves, rose petals, the purple rain soundtrack . With a slight resemblance to YANG JEONGIN of/the STRAY KIDS.
last name, first name: Soh Nuri alias: Baby realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Earth age: 23 gender: Male preferred pronouns: he/him species: Faerie occupation: Dancer at Cache sexual orientation: Gay any associated/owned businesses: none
skin color: tan eye color: brown scars: none piercings: back dimple dermal piercings tattoos: none hair color: Naturally light pink but dyes it different colors abnormalities: none horns/ wings/ etc: wings transformed form: iridescent wings with intricate black detailing sprout from his back.
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice / temperance
SAVVIES: sex, dancing, manipulating
Powers & Abilities: Empathy, Energy Manipulation, Absorption, Energy Barriers, Energy Blasts, Supernatural Condition, Malleable Anatomy/Shapeshifting, Spirit Physiology, Illusion Manipulation, Intangibility, Possession, Telekinesis, Teleportation.
Traits: +confident, - selfish
date of birth: 11/24/1998
date of death: N/A
crime record: Petty crimes such as theft in high school. Drug charges that disappeared
Soh Nuri was born to a loving mother and father. He was the youngest of four and was doted on by his whole family. The Sohs came from a very modest upbringing. The matriarch, Soh Jimin, was an educator. She lived to teach and her children were her life. Soh Kyungsoo was a man of few words and he was very well respected in their city. He’d been a police officer since he was in his mid twenties. The community held him in very high regard. Which was why it was such a shock to everyone when Nuri began to get into trouble. 
It started with little things. He skipped classes and smoked cigarettes under the bleachers. Then it became hidden drugs found in his bedroom. Sleeping with random guys and sneaking them out of his house at random hours of the night. He found out in his teens that he was attractive. He realized that it was easy for him to manipulate guys into giving him things that he wanted. Worked smarter not harder. 
It wasn’t until after he graduated that he started working at Cache. Dancing was something that he thoroughly enjoyed. The adrenaline that coursed through his body was almost as good as the high he got from the cocktail of drugs he went through on a weekly basis. For Soh Nuri, sex, drugs and money were all he worried about. He had his regular clients who loved to throw their money at him. Some wanted sex. Some wanted him to hang off of his arm. He was willing to do just about anything for the right price. 
The faerie lived a life where he felt that he didn’t care to fall in love or any of the fairytale stuff. If it happened it happened but he wasn’t on some quest to find his Prince Charming. He was on a quest to live his life to the fullest, doing whatever he wanted. He didn’t believe in rules unless they were being broken. 
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Nuri sighed, looking at the officer. "I was not there. I was at work. I made hella tips, tonight too." He smirked, leaning forward. "I'm sure you have better things to do than to sit here questioning an innocent man." He examined his manicured nails and looked around. "Maybe we should get my father in here? I'm sure he'd love to see me. I haven't seen him in a while."
At the mention of his father, the cop sat up straighter. "No need to bring your father into this. How about I just send you out with a warning?" Nuri grinned and shook his head. "No, I think I'd rather have my father involved. I really don't appreciate being questioned about things that I would never do." He said with a pout. "No, I don't think we need to involve him. How about we just forget that this even happened?" Nuri shrugged. "I mean, I do have to be at work. So, maybe we can brush this under the rug."
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pixiieeberry · 4 years
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I apologise it took me so long to post this save file 😖 It took me months to finish this save so hopefully it will be worth it. As I mentioned from my previous post, I didn’t renovate the lots myself but I have used (downloaded) builders beautiful creations in this save 😅 (sorry to disappoint you 😣)
I will list all the builders as much as I can, as they deserve all the credits. (Please I don’t want to have any misunderstandings 😖 I’m not taking their credits)
In this save:
There’s only ONE empty lot available (Windenburg).
59 Furnished empty houses. (including the house where Kiera is living). 
62 Community lots (labs, pubs, library, etc.).
16 Furnished empty Apartments.
6 University Housings. (Fletcher and Best of Friends included).
2 University Commons.
Original townies are still the same (I want their look to stay as it is 😅).
Work lots were updated.This includes the hospital, police station and the science lab.
Selvadorada and Granite falls were also renovated.
Caliente and Langraab family got a new baby in their family. I am not sure how it happened. I was thinking to remove the baby so the original family remain the same however, I think it’s too cruel to do that so I will just leave it. 😋
Download, instructions and credits are under the cut.
DOWNLOAD (simfileshare) || Screenshots of the save
How to install?
Please! Before anything back up your SAVE folder (\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves).
After downloading the file, extract the file and place it in the SAVE folder (\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves).
If you get a notification saying the file name (slot number) already exist, just rename the file to a different slot number (It shouldn’t be a problem. 😆).
Run the game and it should show up the pixiieesave in your Load Games.
And there you go, you can play and explore. 
When you download the file you might see my sim (Kiera) bald as the hair I am using for her is CC. 
Please like or reblog this post if you use my save file. Also, don’t hesitate to tag me. Thank you so much! 🤗 Also, don’t hesitate to message me if you encountered any problems thank you!
Below I’m going to list all the builders username in each worlds. Thank you so much!
lilsimsie, silrosse, whyeverr, enola86, peachesplace, simalien1, simlicy, penguinturtles9 and avelineyt. 
silrosse, lilsimsie and peachesplace.
silrosse and peachesplace.
silrosse and isandor.
hatsyyt, lilsimsie, ladybaccia, mi55artemis, famemonster3, avelineyt, simlicy, soh-e2, gracedocs, chrissieyt, laznye, amurillasaurus, peachesplace and sophsimss.
lilsimsie, madebycoffee, echova, brookehaz, peachesplace, simlicy, amitaliri, avelineyt and ladysmitan.
simlicy, silrosse and thesalatus.
ilevmom1, lilsimsie, heckstress17, mkaysimsquad, simmingmommy and ambrjet.
whyeverr, lilsimsie and silrosse.
lilsimsie, noodal92, avelineyt and whyeverr.
moonlightowl-es, doctorsimcraft, sumotea, whyeverr, 8pucka8, quaree and lilsimsie.
lilsimsie and silrosse.
catsaar, thewicked82, miraclebird, a-winged-llama, doctorsimcraft, wanderlustonline, simlicy, heybubbe and whyeverr.
chrissieyt, simmingmommy, sarahamina, tenzczowy. peachesplace  and desireesbuilds.
moonlightowl-es, devonbumpkin, simlicy, avelineyt and sathiny.
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telemna-hyelle · 8 months
Ravios! What are your opinions on your Hildas!
-Sky Floor
Sea: my brilliant goddess!!! The shining star of my life! Her piercing red eyes, her glorious voice, the way confidence and conviction radiate through her like a shining aura of--
Sol: *elbows him* I think we get it.
Sea: *sniffs haughtily* Well then, Sol, tell us your thoughts on your Hilda.
Sol: She has bad taste in boyfriends.
Magic: and I'm sure that's all your thoughts on the subject.
Sol: well, what's yours?
Magic: *awkward laughter* Ah, well, you know... she... she... *his face falls* she was really stubborn. Too stubborn for her own good.
*awkward silence. Sol looks regretful*
Ages *tactfully entering the conversation*: Vision was my best friend as a child. I may have been the one with the plan, but I couldn't have carried it out without her support. I'm glad to have her friendship to this day.
Swords: Sceptre is an inspiration! She dove headfirst into the War, determined to take vengeance on whoever tried to drag Lorule into this mess. I couldn't stand back and let her face it alone. And, well... *he blushes* we've gotten pretty close, I guess.
Flame: Frost is weird, but... a nice kind of weird. And it was really great to not be alone while travelling! Lava is scary.
Realm: Enka can also be strange. She's... not the same as she was a hundred years ago, but it's a good change. She... being a ninja looks good on her.
Myth: Well, well well! Sounds like someone has a crush!
Realm: as if you don't.
Myth: well, who's to say? She could just be a very good friend--
Realm: Fifty rupees that you'll be engaged before the end of the adventure.
Lorule: Can we put in bets for the exact length of time, or--
Myth: please don't, if Paint finds out she'll go ballistic.
*Lorule and Realm look shiftily at each other*
Ages: *coming to the rescue again* What about you, Lorule, anything you'd like to share?
Lorule: ...she's. She's nice.
*the other ravios watch in amusement as his face slowly turns red*
Magic *taking pity on his sucessor*: Well, is that everyone?
One: Ye--
Flame: But you haven't answered yet, One!
One: ...crap.
Sea: well?
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Hey, there! I wanted to applaud you for creating such a grand and amazing work of fiction. In Chapter 3 (or 4, I think) the first time MC meets Red, if you let him ramble on, he talks about the Worldwalkers and how they were able to visit different worlds which made me think, does the world we live in (earth) technically exist in the SoH-Verse? And since Red mentions there exists worlds which are identical to the current but with different made choices, does time travel exist?
Hi there, thank you so much for really kind compliment! 💖 (Also, if you've played the alpha build, the girls actually expand on this question in Chapter 6 as well!) Regarding your question, yes, because there's technically an infinite sea of worlds, some "closer" to Blest than others (for example, the Spirit Realm as well as Hael are close enough in proximity to Blest that they have overlap with each other) and some so unreachable and disconnected that they'd be impossible even for a Worldwalker to find except by pure infinitesimal chance, I've always headcanoned that Earth technically did exist in the same multiverse as Shepherds of Haven! In fact, a few of my earliest ever novels detailed what it would be like for expeditions from both worlds to make contact with each other! (But I wrote them when I was super young so the quality is 🤢) It's also implied that certain products arrived in Blest via the Worldwalkers ages and ages ago, like chocolate, so there's always the thin possibility that those "off-world imports" came from an Earth-like world themselves! (In this way, you could argue that all of the books I'll ever write technically exist in the same multiverse, just not in any meaningful way. XD)
Regarding time travel, though, no Mage has ever discovered how to perform real time travel in the way that we think of it, and the Worldwalker way wouldn't technically be time travel; you could visit the past of a world very similar to your own, just with some subtle difference you wouldn't know enough to notice, but it wouldn't be your world technically, it would still be theirs, if that makes any sense! Hope that answers your question!
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jabberwockprince · 5 years
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you’d think i’d be over SoH Book 4 by now but you’re WRONG - so let me shitpost to cope while I pretend these two dysfunctional gay feral men are okay, reunited and planning their spring wedding already. Also I don’t like how every book keeps ending with the ronin and one of their companions just straight up suffering for a cliffhanger like gIVE THEM A BREAK - NAO JUST WANTS TO HOLD HANDS , ,, 
anyway in exactly one year we’re gonna raid the spiritual realm or hell or wherever the fuck Jun is to bail him OUT - mark my WORMS
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shadowsofhiraeth · 5 years
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Shadows of Hiraeth is officially open for applications!
Long ago, five clans were formed...
Everyone knows the story of how the clans began-- a brand-new Starclan formed them from the heart of the battlefield after moons of bloodshed turned their fur into skies and their tears into stars. But lesser-known is the fear that arose in these new spirits once they discovered that they, like cats in the living realm, would not last forever.
To keep their beings from fading into nothing, they struck a pact with the living: power from Starclan in exchange for a cat that would remember them, keeping them from disappearing. This pact has gone on since then, becoming a tradition that the clans have upheld for generations.
Now, four clans remain, upholding their deal with their Ancestors to receive gifts from them. Shadowclan has been gone for moons, wiped out in less than a moon by sickness and something more. Their existence is now nary an old queen’s tale, a story about a clan that once lived within the harrowing Mute Forest. But what happens when the clans begin to see omens about this long-lost fifth clan, and how will they handle them? Has Starclan been hiding something all this time?
That is all to be found out in Shadows of Hiraeth, a discord-based Warriors RP!
...and now, they must seek the truth.
SoH was an rp set in the forest territories that ran in 2018 about what would happen if Shadowclan had been taken from the forest instead of Skyclan. Over the last year+, though, it has been developed into something entirely new and exciting! Cats now have Ancestors, and there is an all-new rank known as Readers. The lore is vast and there are loads of ways to have unique characters!
As this is a brand new RP aside from members who transferred from the old SoH, we have a ton of open high ranks! Please check out our info page to read about the lore and see what Ancestors/high ranks are open!
Also, if you are DM’ed about an error within your application, don’t panic-- there are a lot of details in the lore, so mistakes in the initial application will likely be common!
(If for some reason our site doesn’t work for you, everything you need to know can be found either directly on this doc or via links listed on it.)
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ropefizz-blog · 4 years
mel soh
apart of a comic i'm going to create: her friend, mel soh
after fleaing her family, okina len moves in with a spirit, mel soh in an "abandoned school". after sharing her spirit with okina; mel and soh wander through the "school" trying to enter an alternative realm, to escape the planet they stay on.
mel soh
a wandering spirit that offers rehabilitation to lost souls in an alternate realm where people can find peace and happiness. she came into existence when the excess energy of the universe was concentrated into her being, allowing her to pass through all realms and galaxies. she was even gifted her own (which was named 'it's not technically death?') realm which is only accessible to people who share her soul too.
age: 1116 (on earth) (immortal spirit until her spirit is fully shared)
she loves learning new things about her earth since she is not allowed to exit her school. she is only allowed to peep out her window on the third floor. (which she dubbed "the only portal")
she only accepts people who's souls are depleting and can give her pictures or trinkets from the outside world.
she tends to be gullible as she wants to know whatever she can before wandering off to a different realm.
she hates being touched and has sensory issues.
she wishes to live in her own realm but she must share all her soul before being able to help and care for the people she has shared her soul with.
her soul has a capacity of 73, each time her soul splits in half, half of her soul is sent to her realm while the other half is shared with the person she is helping, allowing them to pass through to reach her realm. once her soul is depleted she returns to her realm and from there she is reformed but unable to leave.
her soul is kept in the heart of her realm, the forest of gen, if her souls are destroyed by another spirit; she cannot reform and live with her people.
ask all you want :3
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Subsonic turbulence -- like the random and chaotic motions of air and water in our everyday lives -- is something we have only a limited understanding of. Our knowledge of supersonic turbulence, where shock waves and compressibility rule, is even more tenuous. In part this is because, although we can observe snapshots of supersonic turbulence in astronomical settings like the Orion Nebula shown above, we cannot watch it evolve. On these scales, features simply don’t change appreciably on human timescales. 
This has limited scientists to mostly numerical and theoretical studies of supersonic turbulence, but that is starting to change. Researchers are now building experimental set-ups that collide laser-driven plasma jets to generate boundary-free turbulence at Mach 6. Thus far, the observations are consistent with what’s been seen in nature: at low speeds, the turbulence is consistent with Kolmogorov’s theories, with energy cascading from large scales to smaller ones predictably. But as the Mach number increases, the nature of the turbulence shifts, moving toward the large density fluctuations seen in nebulae and other astrophysical realms. (Image credit: F. Battistella; research credit: T. White et al.; see also Nature Astronomy; submitted by Kam-Yung Soh)
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