#software development projects
concettolabs · 3 months
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ds4u · 6 months
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Software development is the process of creating computer applications. It's cost may vary depending on the project’s complexity, the developers’ skills and experience, and the use of advanced technologies. In recent years, technology has evolved rapidly, leading to an increase in the cost of software development in the USA.
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izicodes · 2 years
Beginner JavaScript Projects
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POV: You’ve studied HTML and CSS, you’ve made some cool projects and now you’re moving on to learn JavaScript. If you're just starting out learning JavaScript, it can be helpful to have a list of beginner projects to work on in order to get your feet wet and gain practical experience. 
I’ve combined a list of 5 mini projects to be working on - some I have done myself! Don’t worry, for each project I've added a video tutorial that you could use as a reference to help with your own version of the project!
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Basic image gallery 📸
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A web page displays a grid of images and allows the user to click on an image to view a larger version of it. This could come in handy when making Tumblr themes 👀
The JavaScript side: Handle the user's clicks!
Video tutorial: [LINK]
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Simple to-do list app 📝
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A web page that allows the user to add, remove, and mark items on a to-do list.
The JavaScript side:  Manipulate the page's HTML elements and store the to-do list data in the browser's local storage!
Video tutorial: [LINK]
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Basic calculator 🧮
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A web page with a simple calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations.
The JavaScript side:  Handles user input, perform calculations, and display the results on the page!
Video tutorial: [LINK]
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Random quote generator 📜
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A web page  that displays a random quote from a predefined list of quotes each time the page is loaded or a button is clicked.
The JavaScript side:  Selects a random quote from the list and displays it on the page.
Video tutorial: [LINK]
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Simple rock-paper-scissors game 🎮
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A web page that allows the user to play a game of rock-paper-scissors against the computer. I did this project during my coding night classes! 😊
The JavaScript side: Handles user input, generates the computer's move and determines the winner of the game.
Video tutorial: [LINK]
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I hope this helps someone, it's really good to build projects as you're learning! JavaScript can be a bit tricky towards the harder concepts so it's good to have a good understanding of the basics, project building helps with that! Thanks for reading and have a nice day/night! 💻👍🏾
[⏪ previous programming post]
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hindintech · 9 months
Frontend Projects Ideas
1. E-commerce Website
2. Social Network
3. Online Learning Platform
4. Music Streaming Service
5. Real Estate Listing
6. Project Management Tool
7. Chatbot Interface
8. Job Board
9. Weather Forecast with Al
10. Stock Trading Platform
11. loT Dashboard
12. Voice Assistant Interface
13. Expense Report Generator
14. Augmented-Reality App
15. Interactive 3D Graphics
16. Blockchain Explorer
17. Machine-Learning Dashboard
18. Language Learning App
19. Financial Planning
20. Astronomy Viewe
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segfaulteddreams · 1 month
I was snooping around in the binary files for some ps1 games and I think the .bin files are basically just ISO 9660 file systems, or at least something super close to that.
This just means I could probably tweak HarvesterHarvester just a bit and it'll probably work to reconstruct file systems from ps1 games as well!
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frog707 · 3 months
Please hold
The project to convert my buildscripts to Kotlin is on hold because I have an EXCITING NEW PROJECT.
Earlier this month (June 2024) Mazhar Akbar drew my attention to his performance comparison between JMonkeyEngine and Godot on a physics-intensive workload. The comparison favored Godot by a large margin. I was skeptical at first, but gradually I became convinced that, in order to level the field, JMonkeyEngine needs a new physics engine, one based on Jolt Physics instead of Bullet.
So now I'm coding all-new JVM bindings for Jolt. Jolt is an open-source software project of some complexity (about 100,000 lines of C++ code), so this could take awhile. Please hold. But not your breath.
I'm having a blast!
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mockingcode · 1 year
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I'm moving on to a different project today! I am excited because for the first time I will develop a project with .NET core. Actually, I went to a 6-month course for ASP.NET and there wasn't much mention of core there, so I'm on my own in this, but I think I can do it.
This project I will do will be an income and expense calculator. People will see how much they spend and earn per month by entering their income and expenses and how much money they have, I will show them with a graph. Actually, I would like to make an online banking system, but I didn't want to push myself that much, but I'm always open to ideas! I will develop the frontend first and then create the database, but my database will be code-first and I will use layers for the first time in this project.
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starrynightjars · 1 year
goodness, i think i'm gonna have to make a post about project 2025.
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newcodesociety · 8 months
URL Shortner
Image Caption Generator
Weather Forecast App
Music Player
Sudoku Solver
Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
Password Manager
Stock Price Analyzer
Automated Email Sender
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texasthegreatdestroyer · 11 months
Creating Animated Wallpapers with 3D parallax (Gyroscopic parallax) Like Apofiss. (Adroid)
See this here??? Example Here. Do you wanna make something like this? Skip the colored text if you want to get to the meat of the information. Do you ever just see something really cool on the internet, and go "Hey! I mostly have the skills to do this! All I'm missing is a quick guide on how to achieve certain affects!" And then proceed to spend the next two days scrounging the internet for answers but find absolutely nothing? Yeah... That was me. I only just now figured out how to do it, and that was after giving up on this potential project twice. In my particular case, I saw a neat little wall paper running around by the artist Apofiss. I love this creator's work, and I think they do amazing stuff, but me being me and an artist, I like to put my own personal touches on things, and so instead of just buying a wallpaper, I have to put myself through the pain and misery of incorporating my own art into an animated gyroscopic live wallpaper. Considering if you're here reading this post, you might be like me, and hella annoyed that you've spent hours to even days researching this and haven't found a tutorial that actually helps but instead is a shitty app that barely scratches the surface and doesn't allow you to incorporate animated details into your images that you intend to use a parallax on, and it's likely also because much like myself, you may have been using improper terminology and not scraping far enough down into search engine as a result. What Apofiss created, and what you're trying to pull off is an animated wall paper with a Gyroscopic Parallax. It's not something that requires complex coding, but instead requires a third party app called KLWP (Not sure what the letters stand for, but I find it easy to remember the order they're in because they look like a condensed down spelling of Kool Whip.) Download App Here. This is the only app that I've found that will allow you to include gifs and videos into as layers to your gyroscopic parallax. Here's the video Tutorial I found that teaches you how to set up that animation. Video Here.
Also keep in mind that if you've reached timestamp 1:35 of the video, the video tutorial is 7 years old, so it likely has not been updated to allow animations at the time that person filmed the video, but I can assure you that it is an option. This is my own screen as of 11/5/2023 showing that you can add animated images, you just simply need look for it in the prompt when you go to add items.
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This^^^ is the same settings as this vvv
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Make sure that as you follow the tutorial, you use a gif instead of a regular images for one of the items that way you can see how the thing operates, and when you preview it, have fun tilting around your phone to watch that small little glimmer of hope flare up in your fragile, already broken little heart. Trust me. It's fullfilling. I can answer questions, but I'm still fairly new at this myself. I just wanted to put these resources out here, because it is hard to find a decent tutorial. Your best bet is just going to be to play around with the app yourself and see what you can do. I recommend that you do one of two things to help others who may be struggling with this as I have. 1. Spread it around to people who have asked these same questions and never got answers. 2. If this post sucks and you can make a better, more cohesive tutorial, make one and spread that around. This is Tex, yall have a wonderful rest of your day, and happy live wall paper making.
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benozandegilim · 1 year
Boost Your AI Projects with 600+ Advanced AI Prompts-Unleash Creativity! T-shirt Designs Prompts ai Art midjourney prompt, AI Generate
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ds4u · 2 years
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How Much Does Software Development Cost in 2023?
Software development cost has been on the rise for many years now.
However, there is no one answer to these costs as they can vary greatly depending on the project and its specific needs.
Generally speaking, software development costs will run anywhere from a few hundred dollars per hour to tens or even hundreds of thousands per project. But how do we estimate the cost of software development?
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izicodes · 1 year
2nd GUI Design | Old Web
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Saturday 29th April 2023
Another Old Web inspired GUI, specifically Windows 95/2000, I created today. I'm really having fun making these! I'm finding all of the GUI designs on Google and just recreating them.
Once I make a handful, I'll create an entire webpage inspired by what I have learnt! 😎👍🏾
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hindintech · 9 months
Frontend Projects Ideas
1. Portfolio Website
2. To-Do List App
3. Weather App
4. Calculator
5. Blog Website
6. Timer/Stopwatch
7. Image Slider
8. Quote Generator
9. Countdown Timer
10. Responsive Nabar
11. Contact Form
12. Currency Converter
13. Login/Register Form
14.. Interactive Quiz
15. Card Memory Game
16. Interactive Maps
17. Recipe Finder
18. Music Player
19. Social Media Profile
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mominsolutions · 11 months
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frog707 · 1 year
Meshes and Materials
I recently launched a software project to create a JMonkeyEngine model loader based on Open Asset Importer, also known as Assimp. (Assimp is a horrible project name, by the way, a lesson in the importance of choosing a good name.)
A typical 3-D model has 4 main pieces: meshes, materials, textures, and animations. I tackled meshes first, since my previous project (V-Sport) imported meshes from Assimp, and that was fairly easy. I believe mesh import to JME works now, though I haven't tested it extensively.
@Ali-RS has done projects with Assimp in the past. Back in July, he warned me that materials would be difficult, and I'm starting to see why.
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