virgo-dream · 2 years
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Here’s the finished drawing! I wanted to post it before all the decorating with washi-tape and stickers went in, just so you guys can see the drawing by itself :) again, a mix of comic dream x tv dream! gave him a lil aurora borealis coat, as a treat ✨
Materials used: Faber Castell EcoPencils Super Soft, Staedtler Mars Lumograph 100 Softlead pencils, white Posca marker with bullet shaped tip 0.7mm
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patcaps · 5 years
The Captain (part 1)
The Captain is such a nuanced and multi-faceted character and I just want to talk a bit about some of his moments in the show, because why wouldn’t I take the chance to talk at length about him? (I’ll tag all posts like these as Ghosts Meta so you can find them later if you like!) 
I want to talk about the more subtle moments, the ones you can watch over and over and never really get the full weight of them, and just discuss his character in general because there’s so much under the surface!
Talking Gets You Nowhere
First off, in episode 1, we see Fanny confess that her husband pushed her from the window and that’s how she died. Pat steps forwards to comfort her and say how it must have been a “terrible burden to bear” but he’s sure that now she’s shared it, she’ll stop falling from the window every night.
We cut immediately to the night time, with Fanny falling and screaming and Pat accompanying the Captain to see if Pat’s theory would work. It obviously doesn’t, and the Captain becomes very stubborn and frustrated over it. “You see Pat? What did I tell you. That’s where talking gets you: nowhere.” 
Because of the delivery of his line (the emphasis on the ‘wh’ in “nowhere” makes me laugh every time) and it following Fanny's umpteenth fall, we don’t immediately stop to think just how sad and telling that line is of his character. 
The Captain is essentially saying that he doesn't think talking about the things that burden you the most will help. He thinks it'll get you nowhere. We know from the show that the Captain is a repressed, closeted man who pines after men and (badly) attempts to cover up these glimpses at his sexuality. He’s a product of his time, the way things were when he was alive, and he doesn’t see how talking about him being gay will change anything. I hope that changes in series 2, and I hope we get a parallel of sorts of him perhaps just touching on the subject, with Pat in turn offering some words of support and comfort - we’ve seen him do this with both Fanny and Robin already, so it stands to reason he’d do it for the Captain.
Thinking about this scene more, the Captain being there at all to see if Fanny would fall or not suggests at least a small fraction of him thought it might actually work, or else he probably would have dismissed it and not bothered. Imagine him thinking, “Well she talked about her biggest secret, perhaps there’s something to what Pat is saying,” only to see it not work, and for Pat to turn around and say, “It was silly of me to suggest it, really. Lesson learnt.” 
That comment was probably the last thing someone like the Captain needed to hear, a man who thinks everyone is too soft and who thinks talking gets you nowhere. This casual dismissal from Pat is only reinforcing the things he’s been taught, the ingrained message he has in his own head. Damn it, Pat, that’s not the lesson you want to learn or pass on - it’s always healthier to not bottle things up!
Too Soft
Leading on nicely, the Captain calling the others “too soft” can be read as his hardened military self, the man who was a Captain who wouldn’t have wanted his men to be “soft” and is passing on that message to his fellow Ghosts (amongst whom he thinks he’s ranking officer), or it’s a message drummed into him from the people who shaped him growing up - parents, teachers, other adults, friends, anyone he idolised or had a big part of his development. 
The “softness” he refers to is emotional softness (Kitty liking Alison, missing her, and wanting her to stay), vulnerability, sharing both those things openly instead of hiding them away. Y’know. Things most humans need, at least sometimes, to be healthier and happier - it’s how we connect, it’s how we strengthen bonds, it’s how we share how we feel with each other. 
The Captain thinks this is a weakness, something to scold and chastise Kitty for. “You’re just like the rest of them, you’re too soft.” Talk about projecting there, Captain! How many times do you think he was told the same thing, and is now repeating it? *Slaps Cap* This bad boy can fit so much repression in him. Wow. 
A little part of the Captain’s development in this area came in 1x06 when he sought out the Plague Ghosts, initially to lead them as a sort of “rival” group and dominate the upstairs, but when they turned around and said they belonged there together, that they’d become family, a different lightbulb moment happened for the Captain and we saw him hum as he contemplated this. This saw him expose their graves in order to sabotage Alison and Mike’s plans, which kept them at the house just like the others wanted - a bit selfish, especially as his motivation was partly to get back into their good books, but a moment where he was truly scared he’d lose them and be outcast. Forever would be a long time to spend that way, after all. 
What pains me about this is that when it is revealed he was the person behind it all, Mary comments, “He’ll never hush about this!” which means she, and likely the others too, view this as a smug “I told you so” moment, that they never should have doubted his leadership, and whilst I’m sure that will be a nice boost to the Captain’s ego, none of them know about his trip to the boiler room that solidified his plans. They don’t know that he did it for them, as well as for himself, that he basically had a lesson in Ghost Family 101. Gah! 
Kitty Mirror
Going on from the “too soft” moment between the Captain and Kitty, this got me thinking that his projection onto her specifically might set her up as some kind of mirror (a storytelling technique using one character as a “mirror” to reveal more about another) for him, because Kitty is everything the Captain isn’t, essentially. I don’t necessarily think this was done deliberately, but there are certainly a few moments where it clicks even just as a coincidence.
Kitty cries openly, she’s not afraid to show how she feels whether it be happy or sad, she questions where babies come from (which basically leads to several conversations about sex, something I doubt the Captain would ever endure willingly). She asks for sleepovers and puts herself into Alison’s bed every morning - not good on the whole boundaries front, Kitty - but in this context of her comfort with her feelings, she’s a lot more at peace with herself than the Captain is. She makes no attempt to hide or cover up how much she loves Alison.
In fact, in the scene where the Captain approaches Kitty to get her to tell Alison about the basement levels, he asks her, “You love Alison, don’t you? And you want her to be happy?” to which Kitty agrees. It’s fitting that the closeted gay man was the one to ask Kitty if she loves another woman and have her agree, putting this into the reading that Kitty’s feelings aren’t just platonic. I also love the thought that of course he recognises another gay person when he sees one, recognises the same feelings in her that he’s felt himself for various men to different degrees.
I like that we go from the Captain telling her that these feelings make her too soft, to him asking her to use those feelings to help the woman she loves - to stop her from being ripped off by the company trying to buy the house to renovate. That’s quite a change - though yes, he does this to also manipulate Kitty into putting his plan into motion, and even though it did stop them being ripped off, it also stopped them from getting out. In any case, perhaps the Captain will continue to realise that being soft isn’t always a bad thing, that it can lead to happy(ish) results.
Bonus point is that the Captain appears in a mirror reflection in the opening credits, and his reflection appears cracked. I love it when things come together! 
Self-Conscious Captain
A contradiction to his “you’re too soft” accusation is that the Captain is quite a self-conscious man. He cares what people think. He cares if they view him as a leader or not, he is visibly affected and upset when he overhears the others mocking him (straightens his tie, stiff upper lip), and he even cares when Kitty mentions his ear hair, hand flying up self-consciously to check it. 
To add to his uptight, strict, and repressed tendencies, he is also full of insecurity about himself, his personality, status, appearance. He would have tried to reach perfection in his life, to be the best, to rise the ranks and be everything an officer should have been - he can’t let that go so easily, it seems. He can’t just snap out of that way of living, and I can’t blame him, especially on top of being dead. The man has some issues, just give him time to work through ‘em - though someone might want to give him a hand, he needs it. 
We also laugh at his reactions to vaguely suggestive moments on the show, at his “good lord” response, but this also lends to the fact that he is made uncomfortable by anything of the sort: Mary miming milking a cow, Robin missing eating bum - you’ll notice it’s gay innuendos specifically. Oh Cap. 
His Name
Both the viewers and the other ghosts only know him as “the Captain” and there have been theories as to why that is. One is that his manner of death means he consequently genuinely cannot remember his name, but it’s obvious he was a Captain and so that’s all he is known as. Another is that, in order to distance himself from the others and also rank above them, have power over them, he deliberately only has them call him the Captain and doesn’t divulge his name. 
Considering his issues with getting too personal or too open, it’s not a stretch to imagine him doing something like this. I’m not sure which one I think is more likely, because I honestly don’t know if I can picture his name suddenly being known, being used, being listed - it’s kind of more unique to have him just be “the Captain” - but I think it’s pretty in-character that he’d rather them call him Captain than his actual name. He can retain some semblance of control and also cling to that part of his life in death, true to his stubborn nature.
What we take away from all of this is that, at the core of his character, the Captain’s main obstacle is his lack of vulnerability. If they develop him along these lines, I expect we’ll see more emotional scenes from him, ones that will in turn connect him more to the other ghosts. 
That’s all I have to discuss for now, but I’m sure more re-watches will have me typing out more analyses of him or others in future! Man I love the Captain, come talk to me about him if you like!
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damnscribblingwoman · 6 years
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She's starting to come together. #MeggieDrawsThings #sketch #naturesketch #Ticonderogapencils #softlead #whale (at Cafe Adella Dori)
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Forbes Lists The Brightest 30 Young Romanians Under 30
Positive News Romania
Forbes Magazine has recently published the Forbes 30 under 30, which is a list that highlights the best entrepreneurs and leaders in the business world in Romania. Forbes Magazine publishes an international list every year and this year the Romanian magazine has decided to create also a list for Romania. The list contains exceptional individuals from diverse areas such as business, music, art, IT and sports. The magazine selects the individuals from hundreds of diferent categories. They are taking into consideration different factors such as the impact of individuals on the market, their creativity and their adaptability.
This is the list:
Alexandru Bogdan Moraru – Associate Macquarie Capital
Paul Lungu – Senior Manager Audit KPMG România
Paul Badea – CEO BADSI Ana Consulea – Founder Zexe Braserie Lucian Bădilă – Cofounder and manager of 5 to go Simone Tempestini –  WRC Junior World Champion, Raly national champion Alex Dadoo – Founder Maison Dadoo Tică Darie – Founder Made in Roșia Montană Alexandra Butmălai – Founder Fabrica de Experimente Petre Crăciun – Founder Hummingbird Bike Simona Crăciun – Founder Tort de bezea Marian Olteanu – Administrator Casa Olteanu Diana Cavallioti – Actress Ruben Perju – Founder Noah Iosif Harasemiuc – Founder Noah Alin Matache – Cofounder Ground Zero Beer Șerban Cazan – Musical producer HaHaHa Production Cristina Popescu – Vicepresident of Barclays Tudor Georgescu – General director of  Prodplast Simona Chimișliu – Founder of Cămara cu merinde and Associaton Zâmbete pentru toți Anca Drăgan – Professor at UC Berkeley
Vișinel Bălan – Activist Edmond Niculușcă – President of Romanian Association for Culture, education and normality Dan Lazăr – Cofounder Tennis Hero Carla Rebecca Georgescu – Cofounder Tennis Hero Andrei Morariu – Actor, Founder Optimef Beatrice Cord – NY Director Lateral Inc and Director & Partner Unfinished Festival Patricia Vlad – Head of Operations and Tutor Carfax Education Sabina Ciofu – Policy Advisor  for the EU Parliament Cătălina Ponor – Gymnast TECH Ana-Maria Udriște – Founder Avocatoo David Timiș – Manager of Atelierul Digital, Google Flavia Oprea – Product Manager ENTy, Project Manager Academia Cisco UPB Giorgiana Vlăsceanu – Cofounder of Codette Cristian Tamaș – Cofounder of Typing DNA Alexander Marcu-Stoica – Innovation Manager Evonomix Daniel Ilinca – Managing Director Cornerstone Technologies Internaional Matei Dima – Founder of BRomania și Managing Partner Global Entertainment Mihai Ivașcu – Founder and CEO Moneymailme Roxana Danteș – Founder and CEO Orbis Learning Daniel Teodoriu – Cofounder and CTO Accelerole
Elena Filip – Cofounder and CMO Accelerole
Laurențiu Ion – Digital Marketing Team Leader IBM
Teodor Cătăniciu – Founder Restart Network and Turing Society
Gheorghe Sârbu – Community Manager Innovation Lab Dan Cearnău – Founder Under Development Office Ioana Frîncu – Founder Under Development Valentin Maior – Cofounder Romanian IT Oana Bouraoui – Cofounder Romanian IT Ana Stamatescu – Digital Education Coordinator Asociația Techsoup Laurențiu Ion – Cofounder and CEO Intersect Sorin Moldoveanu – Founder Sir Ludovic Alexandra Roată – Cofounder Softlead
Doina Ciobanu – Blogger Dan Oros – Country Manager Bla Bla Car Ștefan Neculai – Cofounder Froala.com Diana Neculai – cofounder Froala.com Roxana Prisăcaru – Manager FTDS (antifraud) EY România Lucian Cramba – Founder FastOrder Claudiu Butacu – President  Solar Decatlon
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stiri-noi · 6 years
Regatta IT – Competiția de sailing pentru pasionații de tehnologie
Aflată la cea de-a treia editie, competiția de sailing dedicată iubitorilor de tehnologie a devenit un frumos obicei de vară destinat reîntâlnirii la malul Mării Negre. Pentru cei care știu ce înseamnă competiția, adoră logica, strategia și adrenalina, Marina Life Harbour Limanu, locul de desfășurare al Regattei IT este punctul de întâlnire pentru managerii, developerii, specialiștii HR sau de marketing din companii IT care au acceptat provocarea Softlead de a participa la cel mai nonconformist duel pe mare.
Regatta IT este gândită de către Softlead drept o modalitate de a aduce împreună pentru un weekend, 18 – 19 August 2018, într-un mediu relaxat și informal, profesioniștii din companiile de tehnologie, dar care nu au neapărat experiență și în sailing.
“Una dintre valorile Softlead este aceea de a inova, prin modelul de business care este singular pe piața din România, cît și prin acest eveniment, organizat pentru a cunoaște comunitatea IT din România într-un decor prietenos și relaxat” – Alexandra Roată, Managing Partner @Softlead.
150 de participanți din peste 20 de companii din București, Cluj, Iași și Pitești vor fi prezenți și anul acesta și vor afla ce înseamnă să navigi pe valurile Mării Negre sub un soare arzător de August, să te bucuri de o experiență outdoor inedită și în același timp să îți dezvolți spiritul de competiție. Cele mai multe dintre echipajele care revin la competiția de sailing au ales ca de-a lungul timpului să promoveze brandul propriu de angajator. Această promovare se face prin participarea propriu-zisă, cât și prin capacitatea de a consolida echipa în cadrul unui eveniment atipic, relaxant și care sparge tiparele în ceea ce privește modul de a petrece timpul liber cu colegii, dar totuși departe de birou, de a face networking, de a socializa, de a îți dezvolta noi abilități.
Companiile înscrise anul acesta sunt Roweb, Zitec, eSolutions, Ness Digital Engineering, AquaSoft, Netopia Payments Executor IT, PowerNet Consulting, Forcepoint, Stockberry, Dalex Consult, Softlead precum și reprezentanți ai altor 9 companii.
Partenerii si prietenii evenimentului sunt Answear, Domeniile Sâmburești, Aqua Carpatica, BookLover Society, SetSail NauticSchool, LifeHarbour Limanu.
Parteneri media: Digi24, Agora, PRwave, Business24, DoingBusiness, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Radar de media, România pozitivă, TechBox, Ziare.com, GoodNews, Portal Management, Transilvania Business.
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ebinazar-unique · 3 years
#ebinazarkey #ebinazarunique #viralshorts #trendingreels #reelsinstagram #popularhashtags #mainstage3 #softlead #brass #keyboard https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVUiEPCqPy2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stiri-noi · 7 years
Vant din pupa pentru companiile de tehnologie! - Business24.ro
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