#soft shouto
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caullie · 4 months ago
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The quietly munching SeroRoki corner…
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moodyvoid · 7 months ago
Touya, in the hospital with his family.
Rei: “Do you want to tell us about your time with the league?”
Fuyumi: “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Natsuo: “It was a part of his journey. Maybe he has something to say about it.”
Touya: “There really isn’t much to say. Shigaraki got me to where I needed to be, Spinner and Toga annoyed me most of the time, Mr. Compress was tolerable, and Twice…”
Touya, thinking about Twice, then thinking about all his memories with the league.
Touya: “… I wasn’t there to make friends.”
Shouto, staring at Touya silently remembering when he also “wasn’t there to make friends”.
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tadokorochann · 1 year ago
thinking about being Shouto’s girlfriend and slowly teaching him how to play video games in the UA dorms together during some downtime. Choosing something cute like Stardew Valley where you can play co-op. And asking him “hey, can we get married?” And for him to freeze for a second and then go “…I think we could. There are some technicalities to work out with my father and we may need to wait until our third year to get our license but we could definitely start our engagement and…” and he goes on and on about how he’d be happy to marry you but surprised you brought it up this soon, not that he minds because he loves you and is serious about you. Except he doesn’t realize you were talking about getting married in the game. Shouto took your words in their most literal sense, as he often does. So when you finally do correct him (after quite some time because he’s insistent on making sure he knows what kind of wedding decorations you’d like) he goes quiet, the tips of his ears turning completely red. But before he can begin to despair you give him a little kiss. Telling him that for now, you’d like to get married in the game, and focus on your relatively new relationship with him outside of it. But that, if he still feels the same way in a few years, you wouldn’t mind getting married in real life, too.
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empty-dream · 5 months ago
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"It's like a cold fire."
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caullie · 4 months ago
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Let me choose: Bakugou Katsuki / Todoroki Shouto
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andypantsx3 · 4 months ago
todoroki shouto the only man 2d or otherwise who deserves a blowjob
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leeyztb · 7 months ago
they look so good as pros 🙊
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hmperil · 7 months ago
! mha w quirkless s/o:
includes : midoriya , todoroki and bakugo
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midoriya : of course he’s extremely understanding of his s/o as he knows what it’s like to not have a quirk. he’ll always be respectful around you and make sure everyone else is as well, he won’t take any disrespect toward you. he’ll get really get really angry at bakugo if he tries to bully you like he did to him when they were younger, isn’t afraid to get physical if he doesn’t back off. if your ever feeling sad or insecure about the fact you’re quirkless he’ll always be there to comfort you and assure you that you’re the bravest person he has ever met, and that you don’t need a quirk to be a hero and help others.
todoroki : wouldn’t have the same understanding as midoriya but would definitely start trying when you two start dating. He never realised how hard it was being quirkless and the amount of shit you get from random people because of it. usually todoroki is a very calm and composed person but the second someone insults you he looses all of his composure, it definitely pisses him off that people make assumptions about you because of your lack of quirk and he will not hesitate to defend you - even if you are not present. he struggles to express his feelings, making it difficult to comfort people but despite that whenever you get sad or insecure because you are quirkless he will do his best to give you the comfort and reassurance that you need.
bakugo : yeah I think we all know how he acted when you first met him - at the start acting completely insensitive and underestimating you. though the more he was forced to hang out with you (because of mutual friends) the more he began realising how cool you actually were and maybeee developed a little bit of a crush. once you eventually get in a relationship he becomes very protective over you, if anyone says ANYTHING about you he will fiercely defend you - definitely getting physical sometimes… when your upset he isn’t the best with comforting you with words and instead shows you how much he cares about you with actions, even if it’s as small as ordering your favourite food or putting on something that you want to watch on the TV.
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nivea-ah · 2 months ago
There had been times, in Shouto's past, where he would sit on the worn tatami floor in the brief seconds of rest between training, and think of the future before him.
In his eyes, he would see an older Shouto, hair long enough to cover his scar, and a hero costume to completely cover up his left. He would think of a house, far away from him, nestled next to a beach, only meant for his mom, never for him to visit, for he could never allow himself to hurt her that way.
It wasn't a good future, but it had been good enough.
But, now, Shouto wakes up everyday to the shuffling of a strong arm around his middle, a promise of forever glistening in the band around the hand's finger, and Shouto can't help but feel foolish for ever thinking he would be happy in a future without his lover.
Shouto turns around to soft curls and warm smiles, to whispered 'I love you's and sleepy kisses. A hand smooths over Shouto's cheek, scars brushing against Shouto's, and all Shouto can feel is love, for the man in front of him, and for himself, too. Because he has learnt that as well, in the loving arms of his husband.
"I love you," he murmurs, enjoying the soft laugh he hears, and knows for certain that this is the best future he could have ever hoped for.
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yourteght · 9 months ago
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⟅22.05.2024 — foram nada mais e nada menos que CINCO HORAS editando essa capa (!) 5h de edição, isso é um pedido de emprego. Enfim, eu tinha uma sugestão do ary, um casal e celular para tentar criar algo, e nada saiu como eu queria: a capa nem ia ser rosa, ia ser verde com laranja rs. Ainda acho que pequei em algo mas eu não vou deixar uma capa me prender por muito tempo, vai essa mesmo sim!
E pior, lembrei que ainda fiz todos os pngs dos personagens dessa capa! O que eu tinha na cabeça? Nada, estava eufórico, ninguém pode me julgar :) eu gostei das cores <3
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harukakito · 10 months ago
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I hate the bnha fandom but i literally love Shouto's design. I'm a Todoroki stan, change my mind. So here you go some hcs of half n' half. ;]
He takes you to amazing dates.
Calls you baby or darling.
He always plays with your hair when he is bored.
Lots of cuddles from this man.
When you are cold you prefer to hold his left hand to get more warmer, and when you are hot you prefer to hold his right hand to get more fresh so Shouto gets confused with that and doesn't know which hand you wanna grab because he doesn't know when you are cold or hot.
He is a very loyal boyfriend.
He talks with you about his problems and insecurities, so you end up giving him head pats and you let him cry on your shoulder when he needs (everyone needs to cry sometimes).
Once he stole Endeavor's credit card and you two almost bought the entire mall.
Secretly he loves when you two pass the entire day together and he doesn't has hero missions.
Talks to Midoriya about who amazing you are.
Tiny soba dates all the time.
You two used to always study together.
Sometimes he spends a lot of his time just looking into your beautiful eyes.
He likes to give you good night little kisses.
When you make his breakfast he gets very happy and eats everything because he knows you spended your time and love in that.
Once a time you gave him a cat for christmas and said it was gonna be your son, he started crying silently with pure happiness.
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deathmetalmarshmallow · 1 year ago
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for Shoto’s birthday I gift to him a happy/normal childhood :’)
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years ago
hi, mango how are you? although it is highly unlikely, what if todoroki used his fire quirk to injure them but he didnt mean to and they're scared of fire? hope you have a great day<33
♡ Nightmares ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, characters are aged up, injuries and burns, injury comfort, mostly fluffy comfort, Shoto has nightmares 🥺
Summary: Shoto has frequent nightmares, but tonight he accidentally hurts you in his sleep while having one of these nightmares (Yan!Todoroki x GN!reader)
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Shoto would never hurt you, he never wanted to hurt you. You were precious to him. You deserved to be treasured. That was always his mentality when it came to you.
Shoto was subject to nightmares often, often times he would wake up and be able to calm himself down before going back to sleep. Most of them consisted of his childhood but the worst nightmares always had to do with you. His worst nightmares dealt with you falling out of love with him, or you getting hurt in some way.
You hum a bit at the movement beside you. Shoto slept with his arms around you, so it was strange that he had migrated so far away from you.
You sit up in the dark, turning to Shoto. You squint a bit, trying to adjust your eyes to the dark. You can hear Shoto muttering in his sleep, most of it is nonsense but the one thing you do hear is your name, he was having one of his nightmares again.
“Hmm, Shoto…” you mutter, softly placing your hand on his arm. “Shoto…” you mumble louder, shaking his arm a bit to hopefully wake him up. You could tell that his nightmare was escalating, his muttering was louder, he was sweating, his breath was even picking up.
“Wake up you’re dreaming” you say louder, shaking him so that he would hopefully wake up. “Sho-” you start, being cut off by a shriek. Shoto jumps up at your scream immediately turning to you, seeing tears in your eyes and you holding onto your arm with he had clearly burned in his sleep while having his nightmare.
“Darling, let me see it” Shoto says, watching you cry, trembling as you hold out your arm to him. God, he hated himself, how could he want to protect you from the world if he couldn’t protect you from himself!? Luckily it wasn’t to bad of a burn, but he could see you were shaken up.
“Fuck…” Shoto mutters, bringing his right hand up to your burn. He gently runs his hand over your skin, using his quirk to help sooth the burn. You hiss slightly at the feeling but it’s helping, the icy air feels like a cool blanket over your new burn. Shoto sighs, keeping his hand over your burn and cooling it off, you could practically see the pain in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, my love…” He whispers, looking into your eyes while still soothing your new burn. An injury that he caused, if he meant to or not.
“It’s okay, Shoto…” you whispered back, your eyes were kind and gentle despite the accidental pain he had caused you. “It was an accident” you whispered, a gentle smile on your face as you look into his teary eyes.
“I’m going to be okay, I know you wouldn’t hurt me…” you whispered, letting out a small sigh at the cold air he still puts on your burn. He looks at you, a look of adoration in his tearful eyes. He truly loved you, he would never hurt you.
“I love you so much, darling…”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: I can totally see him having nightmares 😭😭 Also I’ve been working on a lot of Miguel fics lately so I hope you guys like those because I have A LOT in the drafts)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years ago
holding Bakugou’s face in your hands and singing the cheesiest songs to him and watching him try to complain about everything even though he can’t help but love how everything sounds and how pretty your mouth is and admire how your lips curve around that one word. gets so entranced at the sight and sound of you, he doesn’t even realize how heavy his head has gotten in your palm, how low his eyes are, and how red his cheeks have gotten <3
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milkywayco · 1 year ago
Dabi, burning Shouto: Midoriya: Stop! You can't do that! Dabi: Mom says it's okay
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class1akids · 6 months ago
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Results of the quirk ranking poll
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