#soft giorno
bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
An unexpected surprise
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His birthday was coming up, but he didn't feel anything about it. Not happiness, as most people feel when their special day comes up, not hatred, as it is a constant reminder of his birth, nothing.
Just pure emptiness.
Not that his life as the biggest man in Italy allowed him to relax, there was nothing but a constant fight between him and the cruel world he lived in.
Despite his young age, Giorno was a tired man.
He's been trying for at least 5 years, ever since he defeated Diavolo, to get rid of the drug dealers that lay carelessly around Italy. And he got rid of many of them, but they kept coming.
It wasn't an easy job, quite the opposite.
On his 20th birthday, after a long day, all he wanted was to come home and stay near you. He wanted to spend time with you, but he didn't have any expectations. The blonde knew your hatred for him. Why wouldn't you hate him?
Probably everyone does.
A sweet chocolate scent hit his nose and he was suddenly curious. Did you or the maids cook something? No, the maids were out of question. All of them should've gone home at this hour, their shifts ended.
"Shhh! Quiet, he is here!" He heard your soft voice as he was going up the stairs and everything went quiet. What was going on?
He didn't want to believe that you planned a surprise for him, yesterday you two argued so bad and it took all the power he had to not punish you, even after all the hurtful words you told him.
"Three...two...one..." Giorno heard Mista's (not so quiet) whisper and, when he entered, he was met with darkness. Still a little confused, he turned on the lights and then...
All of his close friends jumped from their hiding places and a very loud "Buon Compleanno!" (Happy Birthday) could be heard.
Then there was you.
You were standing with the brightest smile on your face, holding a (silly, if you asked him) decorated cake, on which he could read "Happy birthday, Giorno!" in your prettiest handwriting. He could see that it was baked by you, from the way it was iced and glazed and because it was a little uneven.
But that made it even more special.
While he was taking your smile, (oh, how much he missed your true smile), he didn't notice the amount of decoration placed around the house. All of them were handmade.
From hats to confetti, everything was handmade by you and his friends. Everyone helped in the making of a surprise party.
For him.
Giorno felt happiness rush through him, disguised as a shiver that ran down his spine. Without even realizing it, as the usual birthday song started to play rhythmically from everyone's mouths, a small tear fell down his cheek, followed by many others.
The whole room cooed at that truly rare sight as the blonde hid his face behind his palm. Giorno never cried, not in front of others at least. Nobody saw him cry. Not even Bruno.
"Oh, caro." you gave the cake to Bruno and rushed to give the young man a hug. It was a surprise to see his green eyes gloss with tears. It melted your heart.
You took his face in your palms, your soft hands caressing it, wiping away the tears that kept flowing down his now rosy cheeks.
"Why are you crying, amore? It's your birthday, we should be celebrating, not crying!" you said, pushing back all the memories of the countless moments when you were in his place, crying, desperately seeking his comfort. This wasn't about you.
Today was about him. You were going to leave all of the moments ever since he took you away in the past and make him happy. If you can't escape him, at least make some memories with the one you used to be so close with.
Maybe you could still be close, if you accepted his love. That's what you wanted two years ago, right? Smiling, you kissed his nose, giving him another hug.
"Come on man, we came here to have fun!" Mista said and Giorno laughed, wiping his tears away while looking around the room. All of the guys were looking at him in an awe, even Abbacchio had a look of sympathy in his eyes.
"You're right guys. I'm sorry for this, you just...surprised me. I never had someone organize a birthday party for me." he says after taking a deep breath and breaking the hug.
"Group hug!" you yelled and all of you jumped on the blonde, hugging him tightly.
Giorno smiled, hugging you all back. Well, at least trying.
He was so lucky to have them.
To have you.
take this drabble and be prepared cause i started writing again! 🫡
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
HngnGNhnngn thinking about. scarlet ribbons and how unused the members of bucciarati's gang are to being doted on. or just cared for in the slightest really. all of them have experienced being cast aside at some point or another. that's why your kindness shines through like blinding rays, engulfing them with warmth that makes them realize just how cold they've been all along.
for giorno, it's reminding him that he doesn't have to be the infallible don of passione around you. giorno giovanna wears so many masks that he sometimes forgets his true face — if such a fabled countenance exists any longer. he always needs to be three steps ahead of both his allies and his enemies. this habit would exhaust anyone else, yet he's so used to it by now, that the weariness is mistaken for normalcy. you maneuver past the cracks in his façade and remind him that a person still exists behind the innumerable walls he's built up. without your reminders, it's likely he would forget. it takes time and diligence on your part. however, piece by piece, he'll reveal to you a more vulnerable self than he's never shown anyone else. in the dead of night, he'll quietly admit his fears. you don't need to present him any solutions, you just need to listen, hearing him out and withholding judgment. the resulting lightness where heavy pressure once oppressed his chest amazes him. you amaze him. you become his lifeline as much as he's been yours.
for fugo, it's simply engaging in his interests. his enthusiasm for learning never disappeared. he's been shut down in the past, his ability to quickly grasp the most complex subjects at a young age earned no shortage of envy from his older peers. due to this, they never cared to engage him in conversation on academics. consequently, his mind is buzzing with things to say that he figured no one would ever care to hear. when you don't just inquire what book he's reading, but really dig in with some specific questions, he can barely contain his excitement. you might not understand astrophysics or quantum mechanics but the way he lights up at your genuine investment is beyond endearing. by the time he finishes his explanation, he'll flush, murmuring an apology for getting carried away on something you likely could care less about. you adamantly refute this claim. he's at a loss. especially now, as you scoot next to him, pointing to some term he briefly mentioned and asking if he wouldn't mind expanding on it further. he has to bite down on his lower lip to stop the toothy grin that threatens to overwhelm his features.
for bruno, it's asking if he's been remembering to take care of himself. whether or not he answers in truth is subject to chance, since he doesn't want to worry you. still, if he brushes off your concern, guilt travels through his system like a poison and is expelled only when he confesses that he can't remember the last time he slept for more than five hours. your worry transcends anything he expected. you don't just give him a sorrowful glance and murmur how unfortunate that is, no, you act. advocating for his well-being when he's always considered it a second-rate concern. you're beside yourself, flitting to and fro, making the necessary arrangements for him to properly relax. he offers the slightest resistance just to relish in the guilty pleasure of how indignant you get for his sake. it's adorable, you're adorable, and if his heart was anymore full with love, it might burst. he scoops you up once you've finished lecturing him for not attending to his health and insists you'll be his personal remedy.
(nara, mista and abba under the cut)
for narancia, it's enjoying a homecooked meal. the poor boy grew up food insecure. even now that he has a job and livable income, he still mostly sustains himself off restaurant leftovers and takeout. when you make a point of asking what he's had to eat so far that day and he responds with something like a bag of chips or a slice of cold pizza, he doesn't understand your aghast expression. from his perspective, that's a solid diet, considering he used to rummage through trashcans for scraps. when you're still in your roommate era with fugo, you go against his wishes and start inviting narancia over often. you've become acquainted with some folk willing to share the produce their gardening hobby yields. narancia is in pure awe at the sight of freshly squeezed orange juice and waffles made from scratch on the first morning you had him over for breakfast. gobbles it down despite fugo chastising his poor manners. narancia becomes a regular at your doorstep after that point, pitching in to help with groceries. you teach him how to make some staples and he eagerly soaks in the knowledge. he thinks you're an absolute beauty with your little apron, shining and radiant.
for mista, it's just being down to vibe. he's a chill dude with a curious mind. the other guys tend to groan when mista introduces his wild hypotheticals or strange questions, so when you reciprocate his enthusiasm, he knows he's found his soulmate. wants to propose to you right then and there. it goes both ways, too. you could chat for hours about the most inane things and he'd find it absolutely riveting. time flies by unnoticed when the two of you get together. the sun will be high in the sky when he asks you about aliens and it'll be night when you ask him which animal he thinks is the most catholic. it's no exaggeration to say you're his best friend. whenever he calls you, he does that thing where he twists the phone cord with his finger. he's smitten and he has no complaints. mista couldn't get tired of you if he tried, you both just gel together perfectly.
for abbacchio, it's showing up at his dingy apartment uninvited and breathing life into the desolate space. he doesn't even remember giving you a key. regardless, here you are, chastising him for his empty fridge and swearing that you'll shrivel up and die if he doesn't go grocery shopping with you. he rolls his eyes, calls you dramatic, yet concedes anyway. he always does if you're the one insisting. you're not exactly rolling in cash but you purchase little trinkets that make his home, well, a home. a framed picture of the two of you by the bay. a candle for the kitchen windowsill that has a scent you know he's partial to. matching frog mugs that he swears he finds unsightly (he doesn't). a welcome mat, an ornate mirror found at a thrift shop, this pink blanket that feels as soft as a cloud. abbacchio's particularly fond of that last one, since it smells like you. what used to be four walls with a roof is now this vibrant space that screams you at every corner. he might grumble about your unsolicited redecorating but he wouldn't have it any other way.
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its-stimsca · 5 months
hiii its me again. ive been sucked back into a special interest sooo uh .. may i humbly request a stimboard of giorno giovanna from jjba part 5? ideas/suggestions could be themes of gold, pink, and maybe a hint of blue or green, with stims related to ladybugs, plants/flowers, and/or frogs (or animals in general) in some way? thank u so much btw i love ur Boards 🫶
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sheila--e · 3 months
Trish is the strongest JoJo character on account of going through all of that shit PLUS looking like her abusive father and not killing someone or herself immediately after.
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leiandroid · 2 years
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yeenesm · 1 year
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saturn-s-moon · 2 years
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Decided to doodle the bfs again cuz I was thinking abt them and @planting-historians ' hc song hard sell thank u churo they're back in my brain !!
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dankovskaya · 1 year
Different thought but does every jojo's theme actually sound kind of the same or is it just that Giorno's theme is the only one I have in my mind so whenever I hear his I'm like Yeah they all sound like this and whenever I try to remember what any of the others sound like I'm like Well basically they sound like Giorno's but different.
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16thetower · 1 year
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joe joe's
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I am so sorry, but I have to rant a little bit.
To put in a bold disclaimer, this isn't going after those who have a certain way of viewing Giorno whether he be Jonathan 2.0 or Dio 2.0. People are going to have different viewpoints and that is perfectly okay by me.
I've seen more posts complain about Giorno getting turned into Jonathan 2.0, which is a somewhat justified take to have. But I don't think I've seen as many people complain of Giorno being turned into Dio 2.0.
But doesn't Giorno getting turned into Dio 2.0 also a disservice? I don't see as many posts complain about Giorno getting turned into a carbon, younger copy of Dio 2.0.
Giorno is supposed to be an anti-hero, the traits that come from Dio, yes. But he also has his good, heroic side from Jonathan as well.
And to see posts lambast just one aspect of flanderization concerning the good side of Giorno while seemingly ignoring the other aspect of flanderizing the bad side of Giorno is baffling to say the least.
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godborn · 9 months
           @romance-in-moonlight   /   continued from   here .
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    upon his being made aware that   trouble   has brewed around a japanese tourist with   unusual powers ,   giorno hadn’t hesitated to mobilize a team to not only   keep tabs on her ,   but to ensure no harm befell her   &   her family .   her status as a   non - threat   had been swiftly established ,   yet ,   her exhibition of   some special ability   has erected a glaring red target across her back   ━━━━   namely to a   rival organization   whose subjugation is an   ongoing project .   as it has been ,   they have had   no advantage over passione ,   &   giorno had calculated that he could tend to more pressing matters while his specialized forces   snuffed them out ,   but it seems they have elected to take a   new approach ,   &   that this extraordinary tourist has unwittingly become an   asset worth acquiring .
    after days of guarding her from afar   &   too many close calls for comfort ,   giorno has concluded he ought to   meet this woman   at last .   his connections at spw have since reported back with a name   &   other basic information ,   but as far as her abilities are concerned ,   a certain   elusiveness   shrouds her ,   &   given his own   intimate acquaintance   with the mysticism of fate   &   great spiritual power ,   giorno gets the feeling that ,   though this young woman lacks a stand ,   whatever gifts she   does possess   must be of the same   transcendental realm .    
    (   he’s also come to terms with the fact that ,   as an innocent bystander has now been implicated ,   he will have to take part in this fight .   as a positive ,   gold experience reqiuem’s   hand will make quick work of this   “  rivalry ,   ”   restoring order in napoli   &   southern italy as a whole .   )
    “   don’t worry about that ,   ”   giorno replies ,   gently dismissing her apology with an amiable smile .   “   getting involved with these types of happenings is my job .   truthfully ,   i should be the one to offer an apology   [   . . .   ]   ”   he speaks to her in rigid japanese ;   excessively polite ,   especially for a man with the   whole of the country   beneath his heel .   but giorno is less than concerned with   maintaining the appearance of power ;   by now ,   his enemies are   well aware   of what he is capable of ,   &   what a   fatal mistake   it would be to cross him .   “   things aren’t usually so chaotic here in napoli   ━━━━   &   it’s no fault of your own that you’ve been tangled up in this unruly mess .   ”
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    with his formal   expression of regret ,   giorno bows   ninety - degrees   ━━━━   the customs of his birthplace woven into his memory ,   even after all this time .   however ,   unaccustomed to the cultural display ,   the few men who had escorted usagi to him exchange   puzzled glances   before bowing their own heads ,   certain that if the   don   is paying respects ,   they ought to do the same .   
    as he raises his head ,   giorno takes note of their obedience   &   expels a few   muted giggles ,   gesturing for them to be at ease .   then ,   his attention returns to the woman before him ,   countenance phasing from   amused to dutiful   as naturally as shadows creep across the moon .   “   i’m sure you have a lot of questions about what’s been happening ,   &   i will answer you as openly   &   honestly as i can .   admittedly ,   i have questions for you ,   too   [   . . .   ]   but i suppose formalities are in order ,   first   &   foremost .   ”   an easy smile ,   nearly   demure   in its charming curve ,   shapes petal - pink lips ,   eyes as aquamarine as the   glittering mediterranean   bright with sincerity .
    “   my name is   giorno giovanna .   i wish we could have met under better circumstances ,   but regardless ,   it’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance .   ”
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They are so adorable, i mean look at those precious babies!! The song is so sweet 😍😍😍
Maybe is just them, they melted my heart 🩷🩷
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lovedeluxelove · 2 years
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he’s just really pretty
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sheila--e · 1 year
i understand that youre all being silly about it and I'm not criticizing that but. can you please talk about Sheila E. BEYOND shipping? cuz everytime I see any content of her it's like. ooc every time cuz she's either a shy silent girl or she's strong overtly rude and violent. and there's never any sort of character analysis beyond "omg... but she's pining??!!! omgg she is feeling looove..?!?" and it makes me mad cuz she's a gen great character
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Hey, what would you like for valentine's day this year? ( to Giorno <3 ).
"For...me?" Come to think of it, Giorno never did actually think about himself this time of year. Actually, he was thinking of what he could surprise Akira with.
"I'm not the type to really enjoy anything fancy, I just enjoy chocolates." Does that sound childish to ask for something as simple as a box of chocolates?
"Hm...I would like to go somewhere with you too. Maybe...A botanical garden?"
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notebook91286 · 2 years
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