#or are we forgetting how he railed against polpo for killing an innocent old man
I am so sorry, but I have to rant a little bit.
To put in a bold disclaimer, this isn't going after those who have a certain way of viewing Giorno whether he be Jonathan 2.0 or Dio 2.0. People are going to have different viewpoints and that is perfectly okay by me.
I've seen more posts complain about Giorno getting turned into Jonathan 2.0, which is a somewhat justified take to have. But I don't think I've seen as many people complain of Giorno being turned into Dio 2.0.
But doesn't Giorno getting turned into Dio 2.0 also a disservice? I don't see as many posts complain about Giorno getting turned into a carbon, younger copy of Dio 2.0.
Giorno is supposed to be an anti-hero, the traits that come from Dio, yes. But he also has his good, heroic side from Jonathan as well.
And to see posts lambast just one aspect of flanderization concerning the good side of Giorno while seemingly ignoring the other aspect of flanderizing the bad side of Giorno is baffling to say the least.
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