#or how he went after cioccolata due to cioccolata being a monster
I am so sorry, but I have to rant a little bit.
To put in a bold disclaimer, this isn't going after those who have a certain way of viewing Giorno whether he be Jonathan 2.0 or Dio 2.0. People are going to have different viewpoints and that is perfectly okay by me.
I've seen more posts complain about Giorno getting turned into Jonathan 2.0, which is a somewhat justified take to have. But I don't think I've seen as many people complain of Giorno being turned into Dio 2.0.
But doesn't Giorno getting turned into Dio 2.0 also a disservice? I don't see as many posts complain about Giorno getting turned into a carbon, younger copy of Dio 2.0.
Giorno is supposed to be an anti-hero, the traits that come from Dio, yes. But he also has his good, heroic side from Jonathan as well.
And to see posts lambast just one aspect of flanderization concerning the good side of Giorno while seemingly ignoring the other aspect of flanderizing the bad side of Giorno is baffling to say the least.
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indigo-oni · 5 years
Cioccolata is more human, than you think.
Sooo, as a proper Cioccolata fan, I read tons of headcanons, seen tons of pictures and enjoyed them all, but most of it depicted him as a madman. Now, I tried my best to...dissect his personality. Despite being portrayed as a feral monster in the manga/anime, it's important to realize, that he is not like that all the time.
Cioccolata is a typical psychopath. Born with this twisted mind, he was destined to be a monster since his very childhood.
Any text beyond this point is just my personal thoughts and imagines about Cioccolata's backstory and current life.
I'll start with the backstory first. Cioccolata was born into a normal family, he may or may not have siblings. As a baby, he was pretty normal, his morbid curiosity started to show as he was about preschool age. He killed insects and inspected them. Later, around 10 years old, he went on to kill small animals like birds, mice, snakes or frogs. He cut them open and inspected their organs. Sometimes he even tortured them. His family didn't know about any of this. The first time he killed insects, his mother was angry at him, so he figured he would just do it in secrecy. His siblings were creeped out by him as a kid, but later in his life, he established a standard relationship to seem like a normal person. At school, he was silent and worked hard to know as much as he could. He didn't make any deeper friendships, maybe he went to a birthday party once and fed a chocolate cake to his friends dog to see, how it would react. He never went over to anyone else afterwords.
As a teenager, his curiosity spread to humans, as he relized that laws don't apply to him if noone realizes that he did a crime. He signed up to help in a home for elders, as they didn't have many relatives and their deaths would be the least noticable. He started to dissect the minds of his victims, mentally abusing them and making them feel despair, leading a number of people to suicide. He documented most of it, as he wanted to replay it and observe the details of these events.
After a few deaths, he decided to be a doctor, as it would allow him to inspect and experiment with humans even further. He studied hard and didn't make many connections, only when he needed something. He always only manipulated with other people and kept a very nice and formal facade to seem like a nice, sincerely good person. And the people fell for it.
The whole time he studied, he never hurt a person. Only after graduating and getting a full time job at the hospital, he finally started experimenting. His first steps were subtle, as to not alarm anyone, later he started manipulating his patients and his operation team to a situation where he would end up alone with his patient in the operating room. There, he would do experiments depicted in the anime.
At some point he realized, that...he felt lonely. The common idea about psychopaths is that they are just evil pricks with no liking for people whatsoever, but it really depends on the type of psychopath. And Cioccolata, from his words to Secco really looks like he sincerely cares for him. So, one day he was about to kill another person, he tried to make a pact with them. Secco would become his pet in exchange of sparing his life. Now he had a person that followed him and he could aim his affection towards. He was later fired from the hospital for the "accidents".
He was found by Diavolo and due to the nature of the gang, he finally shown his real nature. The boss and the gang were disgusted, but kept him as an ace up their sleeve, in case of emergency. That left Cioccolata with no real job, moderate pay from the boss and a lot of boredom.
Now, the current life of Cioccolata. He has a big house and likes to keep it clean. He also has a lot of plants, even having a section of toxic ones, from which he harvests poison to use in his experiments. He grows mold and bacteria, like anthrax, penicilin or streptococcus aureus. He spends his time cleaning his working room, caring for his experiments and experimenting with make-up. He occasionally gets jobs to torture people for information and maybe once a week he picks up a homeless person to experiment on them, because nobody will notice a homeless person dissapeared. He is a very clean person and stays groomed. He is fairly good at cooking. He cares for Secco, making sure he stays clean and heatlhy.
If he was about to get another person to show affection towards, he would probably not even show him his personality. He would prefer a person that is also a medical professional and shares a curiosity and need for experimenting.
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