#socratic method and business
mollywog · 10 months
Characters and Berries in The Hunger Games
Gale -> Blackberries
He plucks a few blackberries from the bushes around us. “And may the odds —” He tosses a berry in a high arc toward me.
In folklore blackberries are associated with bad omens. They can also symbolize haste and remorse. There’s a 1966 poem Blackberry-Picking by Seamus Heaney about growing up and loss of innocence.
Madge -> Strawberries
When we finish our business at the market, we go to the back door of the mayor’s house to sell half the strawberries, knowing he has a particular fondness for them and can afford our price. The mayor’s daughter, Madge, opens the door.
Strawberries often symbolize purity, passion (fuel for Gadge and Kadge shippers), and healing (Madge delivers the Morphling after Gale’s whipping).
Rue -> Unfamiliar Berries
I roll an unfamiliar berry in my fingers. “You sure this is safe?”
“Oh, yes, we have them back home. I’ve been eating them for days,” she says, popping a handful in her mouth. I tentatively bite into one, and it’s as good as our blackberries. Taking Rue on as an ally seems a better choice all the time.
These berries are never identified, so bear with me here…
We know Peeta mistakes nightlock (also not identified) for Rue’s berries, but that nightlock is toxic and Rue’s are edible. We also know Nightlock berries are dark (the dark berries glisten in the sun) and Rue’s berries are round (I roll an unfamiliar berry in my fingers), so two potential options are Elderberry or Blackcurrant.
In pagan traditions Elderberries are associated with Faerie realms - (fitting for the magical wisp of a girl who wore wings to her interview.) They heal; and are associated with breaking curses (Rue’s death has forced me to confront my own fury against the cruelty, the injustice they inflict upon us.)
Despite health benefits, in the middle ages Elderberries began to be associated with grief and sorrow.
Blackcurrants are often associated with protection (Here it’s safe, here it’s warm Here the daisies guard you from every harm)
They are also associated with gathering courage, specifically before going on a solitary journey.
Blackberries (bad omens) are referenced in the description of the taste of Rue’s berries.
Regardless of the berry, they also reinforce Katniss’s decision to take Rue on as an ally (Taking Rue on as an ally seems a better choice all the time.)
Peeta - Nightlock
My father’s voice comes back to me. “Not these, Katniss. Never these. They’re nightlock. You’ll be dead before they reach your stomach.”
Nightlock is likely based on two real ones: Nightshade and Hemlock.
Unsurprisingly, toxic Hemlock often has negative associations, however it is also associated with Socrates. Socrates was convicted of impiety, but refused to renounce his beliefs; Hemlock was his chosen method of death which could be viewed as either rebellious and/or a noble sacrifice. “Scholars surmise that Socrates conceived of his death as a freedom of his soul from the unreasonableness of humanity and the confines of his body.”
Nightshade has been suggested as the poison used in Romeo and Juliet (fitting for the star-crossed-lovers) and Macbeth (poisoning that lead to a civil war)
Thank you to @wistfulweaverwoman for assistance researching! Other interesting [x][x][x]
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gothicprep · 5 months
i remember having a conversation with a friend almost 10 years ago about how some areas of tech are *technically* innovating, but building towards nothing. the example they used was smart refrigerators. is your life any easier now that you can tweet on your fridge? probably not, but oh well, the option is there.
over the years, I feel like I’m constantly coming back to this. I do it when I see useless features advertised in cars. I do it when businesses adopt things like slack. this dumb 2AM car conversation is going to follow me to my grave. all of this stuff can’t answer one question: “why?” and if the socratic method or 3 year old can bring the entire premise of your invention to its knees, it’s not a good invention. I don’t know what else to tell you.
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birlwrites · 1 year
As I want to know everything about your version of the black family, I'm going to ask you about the personalities of Pollux, Arcturus, Irma, Melania, Alphard, Cygnus and Druella. And if you have headcanons of the black family. I really liked Orion in the last chapter, they usually make him very invisible in ff.
okAY SO!
re personalities i'm just going to do all of them in the order you listed them for simplicity's sake, here goes:
pollux: kinda struggles to find a sense of purpose in his life (WOW starting off uplifting ajfskhgkjdf) - he's spent so much of his life just having... nothing important to do? he's a spare in a cadet branch. both he and alphard are older than arcturus and yet arcturus is the heir and pollux and alphard handle that differently. dude needs some hobbies. he did a lot of teaching bellatrix dark arts and he is fiercely proud of her, he also just needs to like. take up gardening or something afjslgkhjskdf
arcturus: i think of him as being intensely charismatic and very stubborn - voldemort doesn't know how lucky he was that orion didn't grow up into a carbon copy of his father because tom riddle's efforts to take charge of slytherin would NOT have gone well if he were up against a mini-arcturus afjslkghjksdf (orion is a) abt 2 years younger and b) didn't feel the urge to jump into the ring). he's not competitive because he's confident that there's nobody who could possibly compete with him, but that doesn't mean he's going to hesitate to quash what he sees as disrespect. heavy user of the family magic, and we know how that goes for him, but on a lighter note, was very serious about being the head of the *family,* not just lord black - he was the driving force behind getting the extended family to spend summers at black manor and he'd be absolutely fucking pissed to see the state of house black now
irma: irma's just vibing, she is also purposeless (woooooooooo), living vicariously through bellatrix's stories of death eater life, pollux and irma are very happy people who definitely aren't bored at all, irma's never fantasized about stabbing someone with a fork
melania: very warm and also very intense. the sort of person who you meet for the first time and then an hour later you're making plans to start a business together selling enchanted furniture and putting all the profits into funding a culinary school. you don't even know how you got onto this topic. you've never cared about culinary school in your life. you also can't tell if she's joking. this particular scenario is more an example than anything that has actually happened but like - she has a way of making people feel very close to her. intense but not severe. like ginger beer
alphard: sometimes feels like the only sane person in the family. everyone else seems to be absolutely incapable of chilling the fuck out for one (1) single second, and without arcturus and melania around to enforce order things have just gone to shit and two of the kids are disowned and BELLATRIX IS A DEATH EATER and just in general what the fuck is happening??? on a lighter note, alphard spends a lot of his obscene amounts of leisure time (and money) on commissioning art and music. he's an especially good person to know if you're trying to make it as a painter or sculptor because he might let you use his house as a venue for a showing and invite his wealthy friends with huge houses that need decor and with the alphard black stamp of approval you'll probably sell basically everything
cygnus: i've talked about cygnus in some other posts but i don't feel like hunting for them rn ajflkhsgljdf. cygnus likes chess and the socratic method and books that take two people to lift. he's levelheaded, occasionally to the point of aloofness, and he had to deal with twins andromeda and bellatrix age 2 (and teenage andromeda, bellatrix, AND narcissa) so he's pretty unflappable. once he had to talk bellatrix out of murdering andromeda's ex-boyfriend ok he can handle anything. has been talking to regulus about books ever since regulus learned to read. he and orion are both at fault for baby regulus learning how to create an inferius because regulus really REALLY wanted to read a book with a very shiny cover (on a high shelf) and cygnus and orion looked at each other and went 'yeah ok sure why not' and that is how elementary necromancy, volume 4 ended up in regulus's hands
druella: grew up a rosier in a cadet branch, which was basically a free license to do whatever she wanted as long as it didn't look serious. she got very bored, married a guy who was The Opposite of that, and now spends a lot of time gleefully exchanging acerbic bits of gossip with cassiopeia and walburga. and bellatrix! she used to pride herself on being an attentive mother who actually spent time with her children, then andromeda straight up ran away 😬 oops. also i'm deciding rn that she played quidditch - seeker for slytherin! (she wasn't enlisted in 'talk bellatrix out of murdering andromeda's ex-boyfriend' because she would have been like bella that would be very irresponsible and dangerous. here's how we're going to humiliate him publicly--)
i have lots of headcanons but this post is already very long and idk how to like, mentally sort through my headcanons to pick out the ones to state here ajkghsjlgksdf
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erasofphilosophy · 7 months
Socrates' Philosophy: A Legacy of Questioning and Self-Discovery
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Socrates' philosophy, like the barefoot gadfly he was often called, continues to challenge and inspire thinkers even today. Unlike his contemporaries who proclaimed definitive answers, Socrates adopted a unique approach – he questioned. Through relentless inquiries and thought-provoking dialogues, he ignited a fire of intellectual curiosity, urging individuals to examine their beliefs and embark on a lifelong journey of self-discovery. This blog post delves into the core principles of Socrates' philosophy, explores his enduring legacy, and examines some of the criticisms surrounding his methods.
A Life Dedicated to Questioning: Unveiling the Socratic Method
Born in Athens around 470 B.C.E., Socrates dedicated his life to philosophy. He wasn't content with simply accepting information; he craved deeper understanding. This pursuit led him to develop the Socratic Method, a revolutionary approach to learning that emphasized questioning and dialogue. Imagine engaging in a conversation where every statement is challenged, every assumption is dissected, and every idea is rigorously examined. This is the essence of the Socratic Method, a method that continues to be employed in various fields, from education and law to therapy and business.
Cultivating Virtue: The Path to a Fulfilling Life
Socrates' philosophy extended beyond the pursuit of knowledge. He believed that true happiness stemmed not from external factors, but from cultivating virtues. These virtues, such as wisdom, courage, justice, and piety, were considered essential for living a good life. He advocated for virtue ethics, a philosophy that emphasized the continuous development of these virtues through self-reflection, learning, and striving to do the right thing.
Beyond the Known: Glimpses into Socrates' Metaphysics
While Socrates' philosophy primarily focused on ethics and epistemology (the study of knowledge), he also hinted at potential views on metaphysics, the study of the nature of reality. Scholars suggest he may have entertained ideas about the immortality of the soul, as evidenced by Plato's portrayals of Socrates engaging in discussions about the soul's potential separation from the body.
A Legacy that Endures: The Impact of Socrates' Philosophy
Socrates' philosophy left an undeniable mark on Western thought. His students, Plato and Xenophone, became philosophical giants in their own right, building upon his foundation and shaping the course of philosophy for centuries to come. The Socratic Method continues to be a valuable tool for fostering critical thinking, self-reflection, and open dialogue. Even in the age of information overload, Socrates' emphasis on questioning and self-examination remains more relevant than ever.
Criticisms and Enduring Relevance
Socrates' philosophy is not without its critics. Some question the potential for manipulation inherent in the Socratic Method, where the questioner could potentially steer the conversation towards a predetermined conclusion. Others raise concerns about the method's reliance on the expertise of the questioner and the risk of leading someone down the wrong path.
Despite these criticisms, Socrates remains a towering figure in the history of philosophy. His legacy reminds us to embrace the power of questioning, challenge our assumptions, and strive for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Whether you're a seasoned philosopher or simply curious about living a meaningful life, Socrates' philosophy offers timeless insights that continue to spark thought and inspire generations.
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ramrodd · 12 days
MAGA propaganda decoded: Obama’s fave historian shreds Trump tricks with...
The criitical historic method of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction is the most compelling platform supporting MAGA propaganda, Post Modern Historic Deconstruction represents the rejection of Hegel by anti-war campus radicals after the occuption of Columbia University in 1968 as a method to elevate the civic derilection of draft dodgers, both liberal and conservative, to the epitome of moral courage, intellectual honesty and civic virtue within the ethical context of Ayn Rand's Virtue of Selfishness. The rationalization for the rejection of Hegel is actually the rejection of Clausewitz, which represents the paradox of brute force as a rational instrument of State especially as it was being employed in Vietnam to turn back the criminal invasion of the Republic of Vietnam by the godless commie cocksuckers of Hanoi, The existentially unachored nature of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction allowed the anti-war movement to blame the conflict on Aermican imperialism as the actual source of their displeasure, the military draft of the Johnsom Administration required to confront the actural Communist imperialism that proved successful, in the end, Since then, Post Modern Historic Deconstruction has become the ethical basis of the Liberal campus Politically Correct cancel culture, which has been successfully hijacked by Newt Gingrich and Project 2025 to advance their agenda of constitutional sabotage and the political coup attempt of Janaury 6. Post Modern Historic Deconstruction distorts the democratic conversation by being existentially unanchored, which was origianlly resisted by the right wing as being an example of applied relativism, The Fascists were exactly correct, but since then, have embrace the advantages for casting political opponents and prorgams in terms of moral equivalence campaigns for either the politics of personal destruction or fallacious political agendas, such as Supply Side economics  and the current Fascist manifesto, Project 2025. Here's the thing: any system of inquiry that allows Bart "Giggles" Ehrman's premise that the Gosple of Mark is derivative of Pauline Theology to be taken seriously as a cogent literary construct allows a convicted criminal like Trump to be a serious candidate for federal office. The solution , of coure, is to restore Post Modern Literary Deconstrucion as the dominant paradigm in the academe of Liberal Arts. By rejecting Hegel, the default paradigm of inquiry is dialectical Marxism, which necessarily rejects the Moral substance of the Socratic Equity of secular rule of law (Bill of Rights) that anchors democracy. Jesus's submission to the Cross is a divine endoreseent of Socrates's cup of hemlock and the Talking Cross of the Gospel of Peter is a divine endorement of the Repubican structures of Rome's separation of Church and State, The singular difference between the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible is the Roman Republic.   Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, as employed by the authors of Project 2025 dating back to Ft. Sumter,  undercuts the basis of the Declaration of Independence by rejecting the Equity dimensions of the social contract for the elite strata of white executives that Elon Musk and George Gilder in Wealth and Poverty posits as the natureal rulers of any society. The extent of the moral confusion that is generated by Post Modern Historic Deconstructiion is that Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Valerie Jarrett are captive of the business model of the University of Chicago simply from residence in Chicago. The University of Chicago has the same authoritarian academic culture as the University of Berlin in 1938 and the Public Choice school is, like the Federalist Society, a mechanism of the Fascist economic objectives of Porject 2025, which is to say, the constant sabotage of the neo-Liberalism of the New Deal/Eisehnower's 1956 Presidential Platform, Nixon/Mohnihan Affirmative Action and Reagan's New Federalism leading to the Green New Deal of the Starchip Capitalism necessary to sustain a lunar colony as imagined in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Supply Siee Economis is a Marxist construct identical to Soviet Marxism. Post modern Historic Deconstruciton is a is a method of revisionist inquiry that rests squarely on the mechanisms of the dialectical Materialism of Marxism,  Bill Contion and Biden/Harris have been the only fitful defenders of Hegelism democratic structures. And Bill Clinton produced a balance budge in spite of the Fascist subversion of Newt Gingrich.
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adypy-00 · 2 months
The Evolution of Legal Education: Trends and Future Directions
Under all the thinking that goes into creating any law, it is the belief in legal education that has shaped many great nations. As we enjoy this freedom given to us by our democracy, it is our responsibility to understand the evolution of legal education, its trends, and future directions.
Legal education has gone through a significant change over the past few years, with the effect of shifts in society, technological innovations, and transforming pedagogical philosophy. As the legal picture continues to change, then the methods and approaches used to educate future lawyers also need to change. In its response, this article delves into the key trends shaping legal education and explores the future directions that may influence this field.
Historical Context
Conventionally, legal education follows a uniform structure, one that is characterized by a heavy emphasis on case law, doctoral analysis, and the Socratic way. Students spend most of their time reading judicial opinions, learning to apply legal principles to circumstantial situations, and being involved in classroom debates. This approach is effective in teaching critical thinking and analytical skills, which leaves students unprepared for the practical stages of legal practice.
Modern Trends in Legal Education
1. Experiential Learning
One of the remarkable shifts in legal education is the move towards experiential learning. Recognizing this need for practice-ready graduates, many law schools now allow students to have practical experience by working on live cases under the supervision of experienced advocates. Simulation courses, which mimic real-life scenarios, have become famous, providing students with a safe environment to develop their practical skills.
2. Interdisciplinary Approaches
This complexity of modern legal challenges often needs knowledge that stretches multiple disciplines. Thus law schools are offering programs that have law with subjects like business, technology, health care, and environmental science. This trend shows the understanding that lawyers should be well-versed in many fields to navigate the multifaceted legal challenges.
3. Technology Integration
The way technology has revolutionized every aspect of legal practice, legal education is no exception. The law schools are integrating technology into their syllabus to prepare students for a tech-driven landscape. This involves teaching legal research with advanced databases and exploring e-discovery tools, as well as understanding the implications of AI in law. The online learning environment and virtual classrooms have earned importance, offering flexible and accessible education options.
4. Global Perspectives
In the interconnected world we live in today, understanding international legal systems with cross-border issues is important. Today many law schools offer courses in international law, comparative law, and global legal studies. The exchange programs with foreign institutions offer students opportunities to study abroad and have a broader perspective on the legal arena.
5. Emphasis on Ethics and Professionalism
Ethical behavior and professionalism are the roots of the legal profession. Modern legal education plays a strong role in ensuring that students not only understand the law but know their responsibilities as legal practitioners. The courses on legal ethics, professional responsibility, as well as pro bono work are integral parts of the syllabus, implementing a sense of duty and integrity in future generations of lawyers.
Future Directions
1. Adaptive Learning Technologies
The use of adaptive learning techniques, tailors educational content to a particular student’s needs that is expected to grow. These technologies provide personalized learning experiences, helping students master difficult legal concepts at their own pace. Thus by identifying areas where students struggle, and offering resources, adaptive learning can enhance the overall educational experience and improve outcomes.
2. Increased Focus on Well-Being
The cut-throat nature of legal education and practice can take a toll on mental health. Future legal education models are likely to place great prominence on student health, incorporating stress management workshops, and resources for mental health support. Thus recognizing the importance of a healthy work-life balance, law schools will create environments promoting academic success and personal well-being.
3. Expansion of Online and Hybrid Programs
Law schools offer online and hybrid programs that combine in-person and virtual instruction. These courses offer greater flexibility making legal education available to a wide range of students, including working professionals and those with geographical constraints.
4. Continued Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are crucial to the future of the legal profession. The law schools will go on to implement strategies to recruit students from diverse backgrounds. The inclusive curriculum addresses the issues of race, gender, and social justice that will be important in serving lawyers to serve a diverse society.
5. Collaboration with the Legal Industry
The closer the collaboration between law schools and the legal industry, the higher the focus on educational outcomes with industry needs. The partnerships with law firms, corporations, and government agencies offer students with practical insights and real-world experiences. Thus joint initiatives make sure that a co-designed course, mentorship programs, and industry-led seminars ensure that legal education is responsive to the evolving demands of the profession.
The transformation of legal education shows the dynamic nature of the legal profession. As law schools adapt to these new challenges, they must balance the need to teach foundational legal principles with the essence of preparing students for a complex and rapidly changing world. Thus by embracing learning, interdisciplinary approaches, technology integration, global perspectives, and a commitment to ethics, legal education will continue to produce skilled, adaptive, and socially responsible lawyers ready to meet the demands of the future.
When you think of Legal Education, the School of Law at Ajeenkya DY Patil, Pune (ADYPU) holds prestigious recognition as a BCI-accredited institution, making it the best choice for students who want to pursue legal education in India. Adhering to BCI’s standards for academic excellence, infrastructure, and faculty, ensures that the students are qualified to practice law in India. ADYPU delivers personalized instruction in analytical thinking, writing, drafting, teamwork, and negotiation, providing legal education for success in the dynamic world of legal affairs.
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somyatransblog · 5 months
Unlocking Global Markets: The Uses and Best Practices of Document Translation for Business Expansion
Explore the vital role of document translation in global business expansion. Learn about key strategies and best practices for effective translation, enabling companies to break into new markets and thrive on a global scale. Read more
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findinginga · 8 months
I Have Never Done This Before...
...so now what?
At the conclusion of my meeting with OPM and, now armed with a little glimmer of knowledge regarding Inga, it was well past time to learn more. Admittedly, I had no clue as to where to begin. I mean, I have never engaged in this sort of relationship in the past. I was also fighting the immediate and overwhelming urge to confront Ingeborga with what had been shared with me. I thought it better to resist this knee-jerk response as an aggressive interaction could merely cause a complete cessation of contact.
This highlights another trait empaths share and this is a dogged determination to understand what is underneath the surface once our instincts have been poked. The cognitive dissonance created with Inga's announcement that she was obtaining new passports to support her desired name change was still troubling me.
I have always enjoyed research...
After some consideration, I reflected upon a Socratic maxim producing the self admission that I did not even know what I did not know. Before proceeding, I needed to educate myself a little more. How does one track a person in another country where privacy and confidentiality laws may differ significantly from those in the USA? Pondering this, I realized that if Inga was engaged in something illegal or morally suspect, it was highly unlikely her focus was limited to me. In short order I learned about reverse image searches and sifting through the many agencies or services offering (for a fee) to uncover the truth about anyone, or other such hyperbolic advertising claims.
I began looking at social media sites to locate any of these using Inga's actual name or variations. However, most enlightening from the outset were a series of reverse image searches using photos Inga shared or were attached to the dating site profile to which I originally responded. I was flabbergasted by the number of dating sites that were returned in these searches bearing an account for Inga. Inga's profiles were largely similar in content with the exception of her residence. Her place of residence varied from Sochi to Pskov.
What did not change from profile to to profile was her marital status. In all cases, Inga claimed to be unmarried. These searches also yielded the additional benefit of different photos and it was clear that Inga was active on these sites as newer photos would be posted. It would not be possible for her to shrug these off as old profiles that she long ago abandoned. These photos would take me to dating sites with photos of Inga in Paris or of Inga in Cabo San Lucas. Using this methodology, I was able to uncover an Instagram account as well as several Russian-based social media sites.
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No, really? What is your real name?
Instagram and the Russian sites proved to be the most enlightening. Inga utilized many surnames on the Russian sites with a couple of these highlighting her hobby or business as a boutique jewelry designer/manufacturer. These sites contain many examples of her work along with multiple contact methods including Viber and Telegram. I mention these two internet-based platforms to point out that Inga and I had been communicating exclusively via our respective Google email accounts. Despite my attempts to telephone Inga directly from time to time, these efforts were seldom successful. Inga would attribute this to difficulties telephoning Russia or claims that her mobile phone carrier was not the most reliable. Inga also insisted that she could not receive SMS messages from me. What is important to understand in this was the the clear need on the part of Inga to control the method of communication. Despite her having access to such vehicles as Skype, Telegram and Viber, she never offered these as an alternative to email.
Okay, now I get it!
Based upon the surprise findings shared with me by the OPM consultant that Inga was actually married, one of my research goals was to find direct evidence of a marriage. Inga shared with me that her mother and her uncle were both professional level photographers and Inga fancied herself in the same way. I had hoped that the reverse image hopscotch in which I was engaged would take me to a site with photographic evidence of Inga's marriage. While I did locate a few photographs of Eva on the social media sites of mom and uncle, there were no wedding photos of Ingeborga.
I began to focus more upon the bothersome fact that Inga had previously announced her plan to change her passports and other official documents to adopt, what she claimed, was the maiden name of her mother. Pouring through posts on one of her VK.com accounts I came upon a troubling message left by Inga's brother. While not detailed, there was enough to infer that Inga had suffered a significant life event. This, of course, raised many questions in my mind; however, there were no additional posts to provide more context or additional detail.
Amazingly, as I continued to read messages posted to her account, I came to two posts from a man with the same surname as that Inga had just assumed. The posts were a couple of years old. One was announcing the sale of an automobile and the other the sale of an apartment in Sochi.
Finally, my eureka moment?
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xatskee · 10 months
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20231214):
“Anda tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan hari ini dengan metode kemarin untuk menjalankan bisnis esok.”
Era disruptif telah mengubah teknologi atau metode yang relatif baru menjadi usang begitu cepat. Yang dirasakan sudah best practice hari ini menjadi so yesterday esoknya. Menarik pesan Rektor IPB, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, “Fokuslah pada Future Practice, bukan pada best practice. Fokus pada best practice hanya akan menjadikan kita sebagai follower, sedangkan fokus pada future practice akan menjadikan kita sebagai leader.”
Karena itu, seorang pimpinan dituntut menjadi inspirator dan tulang punggung bagi para staf yang dipimpinnya untuk senantiasa mendorong dan menjaga dinamika perubahan yang ada di masa mendatang. Anggap saja mereka adalah anak-anak yang menjadi tanggung jawab kita. “Janganlah kalian memaksakan anak-anak kalian mengikuti jejak (cara) kalian, karena mereka diciptakan di zaman yang bukan zaman kalian,” begitu kata Socrates yang dikutip oleh Ibnul Qayyim dalam kitab Ighatsul Lahafan.
#You #cant #do #today #job #with #yesterday #methods #and #be #in #business #tomorrow #focus #on #FuturePractice
Telegram channel: https://t.me/x_QoTD
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Bob Dylan and The Teacher in Transition
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All I needed to know about life adjustments came from THE songwriter of our age …
From just one lyric, if’n you want to know.
Like a lot of teachers, I often posted valuable pearls of wisdom on my classroom walls with the intent of inspiring the young minds of my students. Some were very clearly stated with the message apparent for a quick dose of pep, motivation and dedication. Other quotes were strategically planned to illicit a, “huh?” The best one; that created the most confusion; that made not knowing the meaning of yon quote completely unbearable was a lyric from the classic song “Its Alright Ma,”* by the master songwriter of the twentieth century: Bob Dylan.
The thought provoking, challenging, intrinsic introspective line from the song was as follows; “he not busy being born is dying.” Deer in the headlight eyes often turned to me upon reading this lyrical magic with the plea, “Mr. Rich, what-does-that-even-mean …it’s making my head hurt.” I paraphrase, but I got the sentiment spot on that much I’m certain. I, being a master of the Socratic method, would draw the knowledge out by asking strategic questions designed to enlighten and to drive them crazy. “What do you think it means, what does it mean to you, is Dylan being literal, what do the words symbolize or represent, what is Dylan trying to say;” were just some of the questions I would ask. Eventually, they would determine the meaning or I would just give up in exasperation and just tell them. Before I move forward, you get the meaning don’t you dear reader? You know the deep significance of the lyrics …right? Right? …(sigh)
I digress. To not put too fine a point on it, I think and thought, that Dylan was telling us that life is constant change and the person busy being born adapts to the ever changing and challenging rocky road of life and perseveres in the face of it. It was my classroom so my opinion was non negotiable. That dude busy dying …well, he has more than likely rolled up into the fetal position and like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, murmur to themselves, “there’s no place like home,”** (i.e. I can’t handle change). A revolting position to adopt, but hey, what cha gonna do? One can’t deny that this lyrical line of logic is pretty damn universal in any of the life obstacles we face during our sojourn on the earth.
It’s been my discovery that major life changes, let’s say a teacher retiring after thirty years, has got to be willing to reinvent themselves or allow themselves to be reinvented …or you’ll end up doing the fetal position, murmuring thing. Preparing for a life change like retirement will reveal that almost every aspect of daily life changes and you my friend are in charge of managing these alterations …uh, daily. Be willing to break the mold, change directions, alter your mindset …and any other overused cliché to keep your life exhilarating and lively and free from the busy dying thing. (subtle reference to the Dylan lyrics) Be willing to break routine and not be intimidated by the prospect of creating your new reality based a non conformed day to day existence. Let everything be new; you can do it! Just think of how you adapted to huge life changes in the past: getting married, buying a home and having kids. Those monumental changes were often by choice and some not; but they all came with high stakes for all involved. It’s for you now, be busy being born!
*Dylan, Bob; “It’s Alright Ma;”Bringing It All Back Home; Columbia Records; March, 1965
**Baum, Frank L.; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; George M. Hill Company; May, 1900
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malstermonkey · 1 year
Difficult conversations
More often than not a conversation is deemed “difficult” because we approach it from the perspective of trying to convince somebody that they have done wrong by us..............and there’s the issue because right form the outset it is trying to show somebody that they are in the wrong -- sadly it is one of the worst traits of humans to deny that this possibility exists and when a conversation to convince another of their mistake is to be had, the off is “instant defensiveness”. Can we solve this?
Can we get another human to see and understand that they have done wrong (to/by us?). The answer is yes, but to achieve that aim our approach has to be radically different.
Let’s say that I’m relatively new in a senor role  and I need to have a conversation with my boss about how his last decision/action has me feeling like I’ve been left out to dry. The normal approach is to make him aware of how you feel and hope that boos-person is an empathetic, sensitive leader who will recognise this & both apologise and make amends. It has worked, in my experience but, in the main, just leads to an unsatisfactory outcome for both sides and, often, taints the working relationship going forward.
The radical shift of perspective which is required is to step away from the approach of showing boss-person what they have done wrong and, instead, make boss-person realise it instead -- where realisation comes in the form of insight and understanding where, as we know from our own experience, this is most powerful when it comes from within me (self-realisation) rather than being told by another (I’m rubbish at being told what to do, in fact I’ll often do exactly the opposite, no matter how much I actually harm myself with it).
Effectively this means that achieving the outcome you need from a difficult conversation is that you need to suggest/put the idea in boss-persons head and then have them believe they came up with it.
Why? Well, most boss-people are egocentric shits who rarely accept straightforward and honest feedback anyway: which I get, the kind character who has the determination and drive to set up and start a business is hardly ever a particularly fine CEO of that selfsame business (when it’s a going concern & the task is now not about survival but about subtly balancing loads of different drivers, interests, skills, ambitions etc etc) -- they are radically different skill sets.
And how does this process of “suggestion” practically work? Simples -- you ask for help!
Begin the conversation with “I need some help........” or “I’m a somewhat confused.....” or “I don’t understand how this (process or whatever) works......” -- doing this creates an invitation to participate in a process of elucidation/education (and, by gosh, show me somebody who doesn’t want to teach!)...........
The next step in this process is that when the inevitable contradictory explanation is offered you go real simples -- “.......so, help me out (and sorry for being a little slow on the uptake), when we (always talk about we, it depersonalises the conversation) aid we would do this, but then, when a client wanted that, our default position is to always do what the client wants?”
Always start every question where boss-person recognises that yours is the innocent enquiry as it comes from a place of confusion, lack of clarity etc etc......and then your follow-up should be one of clarification & seeeking elucidation....
This goes on for so long as it takes boss-person to realise that there is an inconsistency in their behaviour at play and allow them to own it..........it’s classical stuff and actually has a name, “the Socratic Method”!
So, does this feel a little compliant, almost as if you’re somewhat de-basing yourself? After all, the harm has been done you you but boss-person.........well, the answer is all about the mind-change you have to effect: at the end of the day your focus should be on what you are trying to achieve, in other words, on the outcome. The outcome here is that you think it is important boss-person understands that there is an issue he which you feel needs resolution..........and with resolution you will feel better, so does it really matter how you get there (the process)?
Last point: have a think about how undermined you really are by the boss-person: could it be that, given how you are still feeling your way in this company could it be that your issues carry within them an element of lack of confidence on your part and that, therefore, you are being a little too sensitive? Secondly, everybody else in the business will have experienced similar behaviour from boss-person & will therefore not attach a heap of importance to it.........hence, I’m carefully trying to suggest that before the DC (difficult conversation) is had we need to make sure we’ve been tough on ourselves & fully squared off the part we bring to the sitch......
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How to Educate Your Children | Jeff Sandefer | EP 336
Peterson draws upon his extensive research and relatable real-life experiences to illustrate how to develop attainable goals for intimate relationships, meaningful friendships, and your career. Transform the chaotic potential of the future into actuality — with a vision. 
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Jeff Sandefer discuss the k-12 education machine, its origins and failures, and how the Acton Academies are making leaps to correct the system. 
Jeff Sandefer is an entrepreneur and Socratic teacher. He started his first business at 16 and graduated from Harvard Business School. Jeff has started and runs many successful companies, his most recent being Sandefer Capital Partners, an oil and gas investment firm with several billion dollars in assets. He has also started multiple academic programs and schools, such as the Acton School of Business, whose students were named the “most competitive MBA’s in the nation” by the Princeton Review. This has since extended into k-12 with the Acton Academy, a cutting-edge program that blends a one-room schoolhouse, the Socratic Method, and 21st-century technology to empower each student to change the world.
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ramrodd · 16 days
Apologist Exposes "Invincible Ignorance" of Bart Ehrman's "Philosophical...
 I can testify that Bart "Giggles" Ehrman is no Hegelian: he's committed to the ciritical historical method of Post Modern Historic Deconsstruction like his gay buddy, Dale Martin, and, like John Dominic Crossan, is a Marxist along with the entire Jesus Seminar. That's the point of Post Modern Historic Deconsctuction: the rejection of Hegel by the anti-studend radical draft dodgers after the cooupation of Columbia in order to elevate their dilatory response to national service to the epitome of intellectually honesty, moral courage and civic virtue, a conceit carelully nurtured by Jimmy Tabor, among others, who continues to conduct the subversive agenda of the Weather Underground.   In support of Giggles I must say that William Craig Lane doesn't have a clue what Hegel, Hume, and Kant are all aobut. The fact is that N.T. Wright's version of Pauline Theology is purely the dialectical synthesis of Hegel in spite fo the fact N.T. Wright claims he rejects Hegel. He's a child of the 60s and came into his career in scholarship just when Post Modern Historic Deconsctruction was being imposed on the academe of the Free World by the American student radicals with what has become the Political Correctness of the Liberal campus cancel culture that has largely been hijacked by Project 2025, I mean, the only way you can sustain the thesis that the Gospel of Mark is, in any manner, derivative of Pauline Theology is to ignore Tertullian's citation from Roman archives, in Latin, that Tiberious acted on an intelligence report from Pilate regarding the Jesus Folloers politica movement the Roman soldiers dubbed "Christians" in 33 CE, the year astronomy indicates is the year of the crucifixion. A characteristic of Marx is the constaant discovery of contradiction in the narraive. That's the basis of Giggle's business model based on apostasy. William Craig lane is the other side of the theological fascism of Calvin from the Jesus Seminar as a Pro-Life Evangelical and an honored voice of Christian Nationalism  This debate is the bullshit that was going on at Indiana University between 1065 and Nixon's election. tom Wright was a folk singer in that era, I was too, We were both preparing for a Christian vocation, him becoming N.T. Wright and I was preparing for a career with the Liberaation Gospel of the Green Berets. I went to Vietnam on the basis of Hegel and the League of Nations: he would have gone on the basis of his version of Pauline Theology and Socrates. The bouandary between the Episltes of Paul and Hebrews represent the contrast between the Stoic culture of Hebrews to the Epicuriean cultue of Israel. The dimensions of Honor in service to Duty are Instant Obedien and Self-Discipline. That is the context of N.T. Wright's version of Pauline Theology: the Liberaaion Theology of the Green Berets and Pope Francis. The Jesus Seminar version of Pauline Theology, which is only possible within the context of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, essentially endorses Pope Benedict's restoration of the Roman Inquisition, German Calvinism=style. Cornelius as a proxy for the military philosopy of the Italian Regiment of the Roman Republic anticipates Clausewitz, who is able to harmonize his experience with Napoleon and the history of the 10th Roman Legion Josephus hung out with growing up and after he switched sides. He was the executive editor of the staff report regarding what the 10th Legion had in its files and the three day conversation Cornelius had with Peter about the details of Acts 10:34 - 43. that he endorsed and sent off to his direct report in the Italian Regiment, Theophilus for his review, Theophilus already had Pilate's original euangelion and and cond expand of that Tiding of Joy, the covenant of the Talking Cross, as to just exaclty what the fuck is that all about, Palestie? That's how written Christian literature got started and the excluded vere, Mark 15:28 tends to validate Robyn Faith Walsh and Dennis MacDonald's thesis regarding the cannon as a literary project. Especially Mark. I believe John Mark's editorial staff added that detail which connects to Revelation and the Mark of the Beast. I think John Mark added the parenthetical clause in Mark7:19. The thing is that all the Christian Scholarship that really got started with The Late Great Planet Earth is largely headed into the ozone but if you reoreint your understanding of Pauline Theology congurent with N/T/Wright, it will ignite a Spirutal Renaissance of the Liberation Gospel of George Washington. Hume is why the benefits of Free Will includes atheists like Hume. I began doing business with Soviet business executives for the State in 1975 and they were authentic Marxist atheist. Three was nothing there where I'd expect to find Jesus. Hume was like that. His atheism isolated the properties of perception in much the same intuitive manner Newton isolated the kenetic properies of gravity. It never occurred to him to employ his own rules of evidence upon his lack of interest in the supernatural. Being able to think like an atheist is essential to the scientif method, It's why Free Will is. And Hegel is right on top of that. He rejects Calvinism because it violates Free Will, The TULIP doctrine is a post hoc justification fo buring Michael Servetus at the stake. The "Love thy Neighbor" is the ethical sanctuary for the atheist in the Christian Shema of Mark 12:29 - 31. There is nothing more Hegelian than Jesus's upgrade of the Moses Shema of  Deuteronomy.
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saginthesun · 2 years
What is the Socratic Method, and how can you use it?
Critical thinking is promoted effectively through the Socratic style of instruction. It gives educators a chance to question and debate the opinions of their pupils.
This is often accomplished by posing open-ended questions to the students and requesting deliberative replies. The answers to these questions are not a verdict but a place to begin further investigation and analysis.
A teaching strategy known as the Socratic method includes asking students questions and paying close attention to their answers to spot any misunderstandings or areas of confusion. This method may be used in various situations, including the classroom and the business, and has several advantages.
One of its most important features is that this method encourages individuals to acquire data from multiple angles. People must master this ability to learn about a subject and comprehend its subtleties.
The Greek philosopher Socrates is credited with creating the Socratic method, which is still used today. It is often used in schools and universities to develop student's analytical abilities.
The Socratic teaching approach may significantly aid students' ability to think critically. They may discover answers to complex situations using this approach.
The Socratic method uses a question-and-answer style to encourage pupils to reflect on their principles and beliefs. Professors that wish to maintain class concentration and promote discussion might utilize it.
Teachers in scientific and technology subjects who want to encourage critical thinking in their pupils may also utilise it. They may learn novel approaches to issues and provide creative solutions.
Since it may be difficult, you should be familiar with the Socratic method before attempting to teach it in a classroom. It also helps to practice posing and responding to inquiries to get the hang of it.
The Socratic method is an excellent strategy to motivate pupils to participate more in their education. It raises new questions and encourages critical thinking abilities.
Also, it helps pupils develop their ability to think fast, which is crucial for their ability to function in various settings and circumstances.
The Socratic technique is advantageous because it enables pupils to comprehend a subject's intricacies. Thanks to this, they will be able to make better judgments in the future.
The Socratic approach may be used for a variety of topics. It may be used, for instance, to investigate moral and ethical questions in a philosophy class or to talk about legal concepts in a law class.
Critical thinking abilities may be effectively taught to pupils via the Socratic method. It allows them to find holes in a statement and aids pupils in developing their arguments.
The Socratic technique does have certain drawbacks, however. For starters, some kids could find it daunting. This is particularly true if pupils need help to voice their ideas in front of the class.
The Socratic approach depends on questions intended to guide students to a specific topic rather than on student responses. This enables instructors to involve students and motivate them to acquire new ideas.
Students who use the Socratic technique must also be prepared and focused. This is crucial for law students, who can be subjected to a judge's rapid-fire questioning.
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cheapcourses · 2 years
Planning & Scripting Your Successful YouTube Ads How To Use “Socratic Dialogue” to right away establish your dream buyer and crystalize the proper YouTube viewers for your enterprise. ​Uncover Our Non-public $200M YouTube Advert System – A 4-Step framework that virtually writes the advert FOR YOU… (Inside a day, you possibly can craft a sequence of profitable YouTube scripts!) How To Flip 1 Foundational Script Into 5-10 Completely different Creatives… (By no means run out of concepts or advertisements once more!) The Secret Behind “Unicorn” Ads: How To Create An Advert That Withstands The Check Of Time and Stays Worthwhile For Months On Finish Producing Your Video Why extra authentic-style movies are the proper launching pad to your first marketing campaign… (consider that you simply want Hollywood-ESC gear and manufacturing? Effectively, to your shock, one in every of our best-converting advertisements – which ran for over a yr – was me holding a $120 gimbal and strolling round an workplace!) ​Uncover the key manufacturing method to creating highly-profitable YouTube Ads with minimal gear and expertise – get your video produced and edited inside a day! Monitoring & Account Setup How To Speed up Your Advert Set Up So You Can Launch Inside A Week! ​Borrow The Thoughts Of A “Tech Genius” And Bullet-Proof Your Advert Account By The Time You Have Lunch How To Strategically Set Up Conversion Tags Inside Your Marketing campaign So That You Can Optimize Successfully… (most enterprise house owners go away their accounts on FIRE by mistakenly establishing their account with flawed strategies) Viewers & Analysis Focusing on Uncover Our Coveted Viewers And Key phrase Analysis Process: The ‘Ninja-Like-Focusing on Secrets and techniques’ As soon as Reserved For Our Most Non-public Shoppers Can Now Be In Your Palms. How To “Ethically Hijack” your competitor’s viewers by putting your advertisements in entrance of their movies! (Leverage their huge platforms for a rocket launch expertise in progress!) Launching Your Campaigns Lastly…. Expertise Our Revolutionary Alpha-AI YouTube Advert Launch System In Motion: How To Attain the RIGHT viewers with the RIGHT message, on the RIGHT time, so for each $1 you set into advertisements, you acquire the very best likelihood of pumping out $3-$5 proper again proper out. (With a few of our consumer’s campaigns producing a 10X Return!) Optimizing Your Campaigns Our Superior 7-8 Determine Hyper-Development Methods: The Exponential Development Roadmap That Launched Our Firm Previous $10M+ With YouTube Ads Uncover Our In-Home “YouTube Ads Guidelines” – How To Instantly Pinpoint & Resolve Optimization Factors So Your Ads Carry out ABOVE KPIs YouTube Retargeting Little-Recognized YouTube Advert Retargeting Methods To Eradicate Objection & Doubt From Prospects … and switch “misplaced leads” into extra income! The Notorious Omnipresent Machine: An Introduction To Changing into The Go-To Resolution In Your Trade… How To Develop into High-Of-Thoughts And Instantly Acknowledged By Your Prospects)
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Socratic System and Business
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Socratic System and Business
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skillset for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
  As each of you develop your own process of business development, adapting the thinking and behavior components of the Melvin Feller Business Development Process, you realize that asking questions is the first and most critical skill to master. Understanding Socratic learning, Socratic questioning and the Socratic Method is invaluable in developing your questioning and qualifying skills.
 Questioning with a Purpose
 When employing the Socratic Method you enter into a conversation or discussion with another person. It's a process in which each individual assists the other in finding answers to relevant questions. Socrates taught in this manner, because, despite his many claims of ignorance, he understood better than those with whom he spoke, that it was not enough to simply gather or learn facts or  intellectual data. He taught that to truly know to seek insight you must work towards understanding. If the question "What?" leads us to realize what the prospect needs intellectual information concerning what we do or do not know, then the question "Why?" leads us to understand our prospect's world in a more full and fundamental manner.
 Questioning "Why”, allows us to experience on a more personal basis the cause of the "What" (i.e. pain). Also, the prospect's ability and willingness to articulate the "Why" of his situation increases to a greater degree his understanding of just What is driving his need to act.
  This discussion method facilitates the prospect's quest for assistance, since you are requiring them to acknowledge issues on their own. It forces them to consider the value of what you may have to offer, and gives them their own reasons for supporting their opinion.
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  What Are the Toosl for Discovering Truth and Cause
From our experience, we find this method of dialogue is a powerful tool and effective means by which adults learn. It is best utilized andmost efficient when we develop a list of the questions to ask, and prepare for discussion with follow up questions and subsequent reversals. Through this process each party is challenged to think and search for truth and cause together.
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The value of this process is that in finding the limits of our knowledge, we not only discover our ignorance, but we learn more about what little we already know. In his quest to understand the mysteries of the universe, Albert Einstein may have said it best, "The important thing is not to stop questioning."
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 Melvin Feller MA Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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