#sociopathic fucktard
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thegaiyaa · 6 months ago
You don’t realise how much someone holds you back until they’re no longer in your life. Some people cling to control, spinning lies and wasting time, keeping others from moving forward. As long as they have power over the situation or people, true growth and peace remain just out of reach for the victims.
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laconiclolita · 2 months ago
so i wanted to say nicole is a cunt. she let emily kill herself. she actually should have been thrown in prison for that shit. she didn't report someone who had told her they were planning on murdering someone (as suicide is the killing of oneself and it's illegal. bc it's literal fucking MURDER!!!!) which is a crime. she could have talked emily out of it easily or gotten her thrown in the psych unit and threatened to stop being friends with her if she didn't stop talking about killing herself while she was in there. like nicole really is a fucking sociopath, bc this is how they act. completely self-centered, egotistical, destructive, uncaring. they just love to hurt people and don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. and that's how nicole is. she's a fucking sociopath.
fuck her. i still love nicole. she's my baby 🍼😙 🐣. but fuck her, man. she didn't give a fuck about emily. either that or she's too retarded to even know how to throw some schizophrenic fucktard into the psych unit. she couldn't even do the bare minimum.
i think the only reason that she didn't let jeffery shoot up the school (optionally, you see again how she is a complete sociopath) is bc he makes her little kitty wet. She probably has a crush on him and lets him pipe her while she's skipping school.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year ago
I'm soooooooo glad you're losing followers. Finally people are seeing through your facade as self proclaimed know it all who thinks she can keep getting away with your racist and homophobic takes because you string together big words😂✨✨ Also you're nearing fourty and you're this dumb and entitled lmaoooooooooo
Had to pull out that dictionary to figure out what I was talking about, huh, sweetcheeks? It's okay, it's not your fault you're like this. Our education system's in the shitter, and now so are you. And why, exactly, does it make you 'sooooooo glad' that I've lost followers? Do you get off on other people's misfortune? That makes you a sociopath. Congratulations, you're well on your way to becoming a serial killer. Next you'll be fucking corpses. Of course, your heard brain mentality makes you incapable of thinking for yourself. You're one of those people, aren't you? The ones who hear someone else say something and just automatically assume it's true without it ever entering your sputtering brain that maybe you should look into it yourself before forming an opinion. Yeah, of course you are. Like they say, a lemming, which watches its equally brain dead brethren hurl themselves mindlessly over the cliff, and you happily follow suit, wondering, as you plummet to your ignominious death, what you did wrong, never knowing because thoughts more complex than the need to eat, shit and sleep never enter your hollowed out skull.
Also, I gained as many followers as I lost, soooo... All even's out in the end, baby. Weed out the fucktards and gain a bigger and brighter audience.
Also, also, how old are you? 12? I might forgive your inability to comprehend anything over a 5th grade reading level if you're only 12. But any older, and it doesn't bode well for your future. Have fun with finding out just how fast 40 comes up on you. You'll wonder what happened to all that time you thought you had, and you'll realize, (maybe, with an IQ like yours, nothing is guaranteed) you've done nothing with your life but stalk strangers on the internet, jerking off to the hate messages you send because no one in real life would want to touch that with a ten foot pole.
Have a great day, shitbird.
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alastairisdead · 4 years ago
I still want minicodfan
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Oh, that one. Yeah to be honest I just thought it was the same shade he's always subtly thrown at the sociopaths SC fucktards for tormenting him for 4 years now. Whatever, craps think everything is about them anyway, fine by me if their brains explode over Chris's existing.
Well, maybe. Chris knows xD But the f... I mean, the haters were glowing on twitter how it was about them and I’m like naaaaah, dude is not apologizing, just doing his things.
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thegaiyaa · 6 months ago
It’s unbelievable how far some people will go just to instill fear. I’m doing my best to stay neutral, letting the cruel words roll off, but it’s so so so exhausting. My loved ones and I have every right to live freely, yet he acts like a God demanding worship and control. It’s suffocating.
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years ago
A thought I had about Delphini:
We all know that Tom Riddle was a sociopathic murderer, likely because he was conceived through the abuse of a love potion. His mother didn't love his father, she just wanted to bang him, and Tom Riddle Sr. was tricked into bed because of the potion. This lead to Voldemort being born and becoming a psycho.
But as far as my research has lead me to believe, Delphini wasn't born of a love potion, and I like to personally believe there was no potion involved. I just don't think Bellatrix would have manipulated the Dark Lord like that first of all, he would have slaughtered her had she tried, and do we really think he would've been fooled by a tiny love potion? I don't think so.
We know Voldemort is incapable of love because of how he was conceived, but Bellatrix, according to Rowling, Bellatrix did in fact love Voldemort (take that info as canon or not whatever floats your boat). So the way I see it, Voldemort slept with Bellatrix to solidify her loyalty through manipulation, nothing more, but she loved him through it, so Delphini for all intensive purposes was conceived naturally with at least one parent feeling love through it.
This leads me to believe that had Delphini been raised right, with the right kind of people, then she may have well grown up into a very lovely woman. She went crazy because Lestrange was a fucktard, she was neglected and isolated entirely as a child, she was desperate for love, for family. You may recal that what she wanted most through the play, was to simply have her parents back. Sure she mentioned power, but when it came down to it, she was just a lonely girl who missed her father.
And this makes it even more fucked up that she was sent to Azkaban. That place is known to make people go insane, so if she wasn't crazy now, she's definitely going to lose her mind there. Yes she killed Craig and I want her to face the consequences of torturing Scorpius, but hey, Grindelwald killed and tortured people and all they did to him was put him on fucking house arrest. He committed lowkey genocide but Delphini kills one kid and it's off to prison???? She was just a kid, rehabilitate her! For fucks sake!
She shares a lot with Harry: both parents killed, grew up without proper parental figures, isolated and neglected and abused. The only difference was Harry attended Hogwarts but Delphini didn't. If she'd been allowed to go to Hogwarts, maybe she would have turned around better. And she's essentially Teddy's age, so she'd be in her cousin's class! She'd have family, actual family!
Look I'm just really upset about Delphini!
ALSO, A THEORY: Delphini has light-ish hair, and I read a theory that all the Black family members who turned their backs in the traditions had distinct differences in common Black family appearance. Sirius and Regulus had pale eyes, Andromeda had brown hair and light eyes, Narcissa was blonde.
Delphini has light hair. Given the right circumstances, she could have been so, so good.
I also have a theory/headcanon that Delphini is some amount metamorphmagus, but nvm that.
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hoe-for-daddywise · 7 years ago
I love the hypocrisy of these fucktards that came here to bitch about us wanting to fuck Pennywise. It's ok to want to fuck other fictional villains but fucking Pennywise is suddenly going too far?? "HE'S A CHILD MURDERING CLOWN" Yeah, and characters like Negan are murderous, narcissistic sociopaths and are far more likely to exist than a sewer dwelling eldritch horror. :| Yet he's got fans calling him "Daddy". Call those people out on it and they'll cry "BUT HE'S FICTIONAL!!" smh
The most accurate fucking post I've seen in my life 👏🏻🙌🏼🙏🏽👌🏾🤙🏿 Congratulations; I literally love you. Anon, whoever you are, I appreciate you. If only other accounts saw it like you do tumblr would be a much better place.
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sydneylovespizzaaa · 5 years ago
A Rant: onision is a predator
I’ve been enthralled in the deplatforming of a known predator by the name of onision on YouTube for years now. Finally, steps have been made to achieve this. I am completely disgusted that a human being can go after impressionable girls by using his “fame” so he can manipulate and ultimately humiliate them to his audience of other underage and impressionable girls. He uses the most basic sociopathic manipulation tactics to achieve his goal of dominating people. His whole career is based on being a grade A asshole. The fact that he has young kids in his home while he does such provocative and disgraceful acts is absolutely intolerable. I am outraged that he has been able to go on this long. The trauma he has invoked in so many young girls lives is fucking disgusting. How can a predatory pedophile be able to captivate such widespread hate and YOUTUBE JUST LOOKS THE OTHER WAY?!? he is an unfunny, fucking moron who is IN HIS THIRTIES WITH CHILDREN ACTING LIKE A DAMN FOOOOOL?! this makes me so scared for my little sister to be able to have access to people like him. Thank fucking god the FBI is investigating such a piece of horseshit. We need to deplatform predators and pedaphiles like him. I am sick of people abusing their power to undermine girls just to gain sexual gratification. I will say it again, IT IS DISGUSTING. Chris Hanson is doing gods work by finally shining light to a broader audience about the fucktard named onision. I stand by the survivors. Do not stop talking about this until he is off the internet and away from girls. Fuck you @onision and fuck your husband for going along with all of the awful and illegal shit infront of your children. Shame on you. Fuck you onion boy.
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I’m starting to think they are going to make Kara’s end game some random character - exactly what I'm saying with all my asks. My guess is they're testing the waters with reporter dude as possible endgame and maybe msclockwatcher is right after all and Mon El is only coming back next week to give closure to karamel because Chris isn't interested in returning probably. He doesn't need not want this shit show or sociopathic SC fucktards tormenting him, not when he has better things to do.
What Chris wants, Chris knows. Don’t think anyone forced his ass to come back for an ep, and it looks like he at least enjoyed filming it. And no one, I think, was betting he was coming back to be a regular, most of us thought he was or not going back or just for an ep or two, like Jeremy. 
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mammabearof6-blog · 8 years ago
Whether this is true or not, I am not sure, I don't follow politics for one nanosecond. We are all going to hell in a handbag and I have so much going on in my life right now, I just don't follow. I am however a little scared about the state of our healthcare system. As all of you already know I work in a pharmacy and the things I have seen would triple blow your mind. I, however, being a type 1 diabetic who will go into DKA in less than 24 hours without insulin, is a little miffed at the eating comments..I am quite frankly, offended!! First and foremost, I am not a candy and bon bon eater, I over indulge on chips, I mean like way more than the average person. Also, I do not do it while I am sitting on the couch all day, I have a fucking fouton, you jackass!! The white house can not even report the facts properly. If this is true about this whole diabetics don't deserve healthcare because we like to over indulge or whatever he is shooting off at the mouth, I just want everyone to know, I have had a good run. I haven't really done everything I wanted to in life because I was too busy being a couch potato, pun intended, not taking care of my pancreas properly. I mean there are only so many times you can punish your pancreas before it decides to say fuck you, you know what I mean!?! For fucks sake people of the white house you are right, how much can I possibly expect from my pancreas?!?! I mean after all it is the drug companies who invented diabetes in the first place. So clever is your team of highly educated, a term I use loosely, drug companies to place blame on the innocent. "Us," you know the riff Raff diabetics love poking ourselves everyday just to stay alive and be tortured by your voice and face everyday, you narcissistic, sociopathic, pieces of shit!!! Just for shits which has actually turned into diarrhea at this point, because I have consumed so much candy while writing this and grins...is narcossism a pre existing condition? What about being a sociopathic piece of shit, preexisting? I fell asleep when the list was scrolling on my TV, it was so long. Actually, now that I think of it, I believe I saw breathing on the list. Please by all means correct me if I am wrong. I know, dare I ask, of course it is not pre existing, silly goose, we protect our own up it this house...the white house!!! Good to know, thanks for the heads up!! I have to go, the microwave just beeped!! My stick of butter is melted for my large tub of 🍿!! Toodles P.S. I want my headstone to have WIFI!! P.S.S Keep up this shenanigans and your little herd of fucktards will be the only ones left to hang out with each other!!! P.S.S.S Please don't forget the WIFI, I really want people to come visit me!!! Ok. Bye for real this time
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sureenink · 8 years ago
I post a webcomic online, and I posted a page this week that has a lot of controversy with it. I had the character call someone a “backwards fucktard” and was told that it was wrong because it was insulting a person’s intelligence. But... well...that's sort of the point, isn't it? To call something "stupid" is to insult a person's intelligence. Calling someone "retarded" or a "fucktard" is doing just that. That's actually why someone recently had an argument over Tumblr over the word "stupid" as being terrible and derogatory as well. I do, absolutely, understand that people tend to use the term to insult people's intelligence, but... well... that's exactly what Juri is doing here, isn't she? She's saying "Wow, someone is really willing to murder a person over something like transgenderism? Are they idiots?" She literally is insulting their intelligence. I guess that's where I struggle to see the issue with it, though. If I were to say "that person was stupid" people would be like "Yeap". If I were to say "OMG, that person was retarded" suddenly now I'm being derogatory towards divergent people. However, I don't really see a difference besides the fact that one is what you use wen you feel someone was doing something really stupid and absolutely deserves to be called out as such. In the aspect of Jordan, well, was he not an idiot for trying to murder someone over something like transgenderism? Being that she is angry and using intense cursing, it would stand to reason that she'd use a word bigger then simply "What kinds of backwards idiot would do something like that?" Do you see the difference in the phrases when I put it like that? In one instance, she seems calm. In the other instance, the one I'm trying to portray, she's so far angry she isn't thinking, isn't really controlling her language, etc. The simple fact does stand that she's meant to be obscene and offensive there. Every other word in her statement is an obscene word. However, is our generation not the one trying to make obscene words not be considered as such? We're the ones who are trying to make "fuck" and "damn" normal, every day language that people use. So, would it not make sense to note this as simply a moment where the character is using obscene words because she's so angry? All of that said, though, while I still don't really understand (it seems really contradictory to me to call one type of obscene word "obscene" but another type of obscene word "okay"), I am still willing to fix this scene if the need be. To do so, though, I need a phrase that can be used to portray the exact same raw emotion, the exact same level of obscenity. Personally, having had a sheltered life, I really don't know much in the way of cuss words (having just learned some like "cunt" within the last year, so you can see how really far behind I am on my knowledge of cusses). However, this is another thing that really begs a big question to me. As you stated, the term "retarded" is used in a derogatory manner. I've also recently learned that "transsexual" is now also a derogatory term, despite, again, being the scientific term for the issue (even my doctor, who I see ever month and knows my situation, uses it when talking to me). As well, I've heard people say that "psychopath" and "sociopath" are also derogatory terms. As I look at this, I start to realize that, as our race and language evolves, we're using words to mean new things. That's why these words are "derogatory". However, our generation is, again, the ones trying to end that idea. The reason curses like "damn" and "shit" are hated is because, truthfully, they are derogatory. Plain and simple "to fuck" is to have sex. To use it in any other manner is... well... the same as "retarded". To say a neurodivergant person is "retarded" is, well... correct. "Mental Retardation" is the term for that particular string of neurodivergance. However, when used to refer to someone who is not, suddenly it's "offensive" in the exact manner that it's "offensive" to the older generation to say "fuck". My point is... well... everything can be derogatory in the end. Literally everything a person can say can be misconstrued and be derogatory wen used in the incorrect manner. We, as the younger people, need to have this revelation and to understand it. We, as the younger generation, need to understand that if we call words "obscene" and "derogatory" we are no worse than the generations before us. Should we all return to using the word "thou" because the word "you" is derogatory in relation to old 1300s language?
Please tell me if I’m completely off base here and wrong, because I really want to know and to understand. I’m really just trying to figure out what is okay with the words we use today but not okay with the new curses we are inventing. I know I’m not popular, I know no one ever usually answers these questions, but this is perfect “Tumblr bait”, because you people love to argue on here about this or that, and that’s what I’m trying to do, to create an argument that will result in me being more informed in my life. So please, 100 people that follow me (not counting porn blogs), please help me figure this out?
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Ugh, sorry Peggy, I feel responsible now for asking you to turn it on before so I could talk to you directly, though I thought you'd turn it back off. Yeah, I'd just leave asks off for good, the nutcases frothing at the mouth still AT A CHARACTER WHO LEFT THE SHOW won't have peace till they terrorize everyone who likes Mon El, karamel and Chris. Sociopathic fucktards never change.
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