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hpcosmos · 2 years ago
300 runners gathered at the beautiful banks of the river Seine in the heart of Paris to take part in the h/p/cosmos Bengt Saltin Run. It was a great social event and our very pleasure to be sponsor of this fully booked happening! Congratulations to all participants – and of course to our fastest finishers wo did the 5 km in roughly 15 minutes! Thank you Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance and European College of Sport Science (ECSS) for the amazing on site organisation!
Sportex and ECSS are still in full swing until tomorrow evening and we are happy to welcome you at our booth 25!
Very nice to see the Bengt Saltin Run again. Reminds me on the same event during ECSS in Prague, where h/p/cosmos also sponsored the Bengt Saltin Run and I was able to be there.
Wish everybody a good time in Paris.
#socialrun #bengtsaltin #wearesportscience #sportex #ECSS #SportScience #hpcosmos
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runveganwankerrun · 2 years ago
Wed 28th Dec '22
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I know I'm getting my joy for running back when I'm looking forward to getting up on a day off to meet mates for a social run. Alarm set for seven hours from now. Time to sleep.
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jorcox · 4 years ago
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Love my morning 🏃‍♀️❤️ ☎️Jo Cox 07976 897 696 👩🏼‍🦱 The 1:1 Diet with Jo Cox, by Cambridge Weight Plan 🚚 UK deliveries 👍🏻 Free Consultations 🙌🏻 1:1 Support, Advice and Guidance ⏰ Flexible appointment times 🌐 https://www.one2onediet.com/consultants/28982/1/Joanne https://linktr.ee/JoCox #morningrunner #portisheadrunning #northsomersetrunning #nosuchthingasabadrun #lovetorun #loverunningoutside #countrysiderunning #ruralrunning #ruralrunner #roadrunner #northsomerset #runnersofnorthsomerset #runners_of_insta #runningmummy #runningmummies #runningmummiesofportishead #runslikeagirl #girlswhorun #ladieswhorun #socialrun #sociallydistancedrunnung #girlscatchup (at Portishead, North Somerset) https://www.instagram.com/p/COKJS46BeLD/?igshid=xb5nlxtqo5bh
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hatherletes · 5 years ago
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Lynsey and I chilled out after our showers after yet another rainy 121 run session. We forgot to take a selfie, so here is our smug 'n' warm after -pose. Lynsey has had the brunt of the weather to kickstart her sessions but has turned up determined and in fantastic sprits. Today we completed a "Lynsey's Leapfrog" session, (progressive intervals on a hill chasing me)! #coachinglife #coach #runcoaching #funandgames #makerunningfunagain #socialrun #hatherletes #womensrunninggroup #womensrunning https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ZKILVJuGf/?igshid=cx6a4ds4m64r
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eltatoodelgecko · 6 years ago
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Social Run "Samen door Borsbeek-Wommelgem-Mortsel", 't was een leuk loopje maar door 2 linkerschoenen heb ik maar een kleine 9 ipv 17km meegelopen 😃 #lopersvangent #lopeninborsbeek #socialrun #sportersbelevenmeer #NNRunningClub https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJmFsjhtSh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o14bklf78lsh
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lottahanski · 5 years ago
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Sunday runday! Over 60 runners joined the free @helsinkicityrunningday training run today and 25 of them in my 6:15 / km pacegroup! We had a 12 km run together after which I continued 10 more with @tuulitaskinen04. I surprised even myself! Good day after a horrific stormy day yesterday. • #funfunfun #running #trainingrun #momswhorun #instarunners #yhteislenkki #helsinkicityrunningday #helsinkicity5 #juoksu #juokseminen #laufen #löpning #jooks #socialrunning #morethemerrier (at Töölö Sports Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B87J-bMhJh8/?igshid=1s2jvxz33dsof
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benrunnerpants · 5 years ago
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Parkrun this morning, comfortable social run, a little faster than expected given I wasn’t pushing it. Slow start as at the back & the usual sprint finish. I again thought about running there & back (even used it an excuse not to go out Thursday night) however in the cold light of day I cried it off. Not feel overly guilty though. Want to get out for a 10km tomorrow in preparation for the rearranged Bournemouth 10 mile race next week. If it goes ahead of course! #running #runner #strava #garmin #run #lonelygoatrunningclub #parkrun #uptonhouse #poole #rundorset #runhappy #instarunner #runstagram #instarun #runnersofinstagram #runningcommunity #weightlossjourney #halfmarathontraining #workoutsnap #beardedrunner #fitness #baldbeardedtattooedandpierced #rebel #socialrun #myoddballs (at Upton Country Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9twd04HBvp/?igshid=120vqbexpolr6
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runveganwankerrun · 2 years ago
Thur 29th Dec ‘22
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That was great this morning. I can sometimes spend a whole day off in my pjs. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever, but it’s nice to have a reason to get dressed. This was TGG’s idea. He posted on our social media that we could meet at 9am for a relaxed forty minute run, twenty minutes out and back. That way, it doesn’t matter that there are varying paces, we all end up back at the starting point at the same time. Pace and distance are irrelevant. It works well in a group of such disparate abilities. 
Apart from getting a run in, the other important point is the social aspect of it. It was lovely to meet up with club mates after Christmas. And it was a good idea to warm up in a coffee shop afterwards.
It’s testament to my rising confidence that I’m enjoying social runs again. When I’m low, I find it intimidating to run amongst others. Not so today. It was all good. 
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meyerlemonplant · 6 years ago
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#socialrun #shoesandbrews http://bit.ly/2QP2mlg
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lottahanski · 5 years ago
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Silvia and I paced a training run (1 hour, 9 km, 7:05/km) at Pirkkola today. If you are interested, please join the free runs organized by @helsinkicityrunningday w/@craftsportswearfin every other week. Four groups running different pace help you to keep your speed right and motivate your run. Silvia was a silent partner (perhaps training mentally for @helsinkiminimarathon )😴 but I had 17 other runners to keep company with!🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️ I took them around my neighborhood and then into the forest. The Weather was not the nicest one, but we were an awesome group and all had fun! 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏼🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ #running #trainingrun #socialrunning #runningmom #runner #momswhorun #helsinkirunning #werunhelsinki #helsinkiliikkuu #kuntoilu #laufen #löpning #jooks #correr #juoksu #juokseminen #yhteislenkki #hcrdyhteislenkki #juoksurattaat #lapsetmukana #seurassaonvoimaa (at Pirkkolan Urheilupuisto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WNnYJhDAt/?igshid=1emfp8j3stilm
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instafashionfix · 8 years ago
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Onhan lenkkarit jo pakattu? Huomenna on Ellen ja Adidaksen juoksutapahtuma Kaivopuistossa. Te mukaan ilmoittautuneet, nähdään Kaivolla! 👟🤘#ellexadidas #adidasrunnersxelle #socialrun #runnershigh #ad
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niixsy · 3 years ago
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Hatfield Broad Oak 10k Road Race Jubilee Day! Amazing celebrations 🎉 #hbo #hbo10k #clublife #essex #runners #team #instarunners #instarun #run #runningmotivation #runstagram #harlowrunning #runnersworld #runchat #training #run #runforfun #swimruncycle #swim #cycle⁣ #roadrunning #triathlon #britishtriathlon #socialrunning #strengthandconditioning #cycling #swimming #coaching #track #tracksession #isagenix (at Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeatPWKN0tZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hpcosmos · 3 years ago
Last night, almost 200 participants of European College of Sport Science (ECSS) gathered at 10 pm in Maria Luisa Park in Sevilla for the traditional Bengt Saltin Run! The 5 km social and fun run took place under the patronage of Olympic finalist Ms Carolina Robles at perfect conditions of 31° and a light breeze.
The fastest finisher did the 2 laps of 2.5 km in an amazing time of 14 minutes! All runners finished the race and took part in the great ceremony.
Congratulations to all participants and a special thanks to Pablo de Olavide University of Seville for the amazing local support and setup!
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#socialrun #bengtsaltin #ecss2022 #sevilla #runaheadoftime
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runveganwankerrun · 2 years ago
Day of Rest
Sat 21st Jan ‘23
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I’ve decided to use Saturday as a rest day. It makes sense, even if it means that running at parkrun isn’t to be on the cards. If my long run is going to be regularly done on a Sunday, it’s best to be fresh for it. With that in mind, I volunteered at parkrun, instead of running. I ran an easy 6k yesterday before work. It wasn’t on Coach’s plan, but makes a fifth run in the week, once I’ve done the long run. That will make a decent week’s mileage.
There’s a social run planned for 9am tomorrow, a twenty-five minute out and back. If I do about ninety minutes before that, I could join in and get my 20k done. I’m not sure yet if I’ll do that. I might be in too bad a mood once I’ve run approximately nine miles to be amongst other runners :-D 
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jorcox · 4 years ago
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Loving my early morning sunrise 🌄 runs with this lovely bunch 🙌🏻❤️🏃‍♀️ ☎️Jo Cox 07976 897 696 👩🏼‍🦱 The 1:1 Diet with Jo Cox, by Cambridge Weight Plan 🚚 UK deliveries 👍🏻 Free Consultations 🙌🏻 1:1 Support, Advice and Guidance ⏰ Flexible appointment times 🌐 https://www.one2onediet.com/consultants/28982/1/Joanne https://linktr.ee/JoCox #sunriserun #portisheadrunning #northsomersetrunning #nosuchthingasabadrun #lovetorun #loverunningoutside #countrysiderunning #ruralrunning #ruralrunner #roadrunner #northsomerset #runnersofnorthsomerset #runners_of_insta #runningmummy #runningmummies #runningmummiesofportishead #runslikeagirl #girlswhorun #ladieswhorun #socialrun #sociallydistancedrunnung #girlscatchup (at The 1:1 Diet with Jo Cox) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNmHtx-habT/?igshid=1gmbuwn6ditl4
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Another great evening with friends! Share our group with your friends😀 http://bit.ly/PWRNORTHDALLAS #walking #dallas #trailrunning #beauty #friends #northdallas #run #socialrun #social #nature (at Watters Creek)
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