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सर्दी के मद्देनज़र प्रशासन की तैयारी पर सवाल, रसद और उपाय समय पर पहुंचाने की मांग
सर्दी ने दस्तक दे दी है और इसके साथ ही ठंड से बचने के उपायों को लेकर बाजार में हलचल तेज़ हो गई है। खाद्य सामग्री, गरम कपड़े और अन्य सुरक्षा उपकरणों की बिक्री बढ़ गई है। लेकिन गरीब और जरूरतमंद लोगों के लिए प्रशासन द्वारा किए जाने ��ाले इंतजामों पर सवाल उठने लगे हैं। हर साल सर्दियों में प्रशासन द्वारा अलाव जलाने, कंबल वितरण और शेल्टर होम्स में रजाई एवं अन्य सुविधाओं की व्यवस्था की जाती है। लेकिन इन योजनाओं के क्रियान्वयन में अक्सर देरी और अनियमितताओं की शिकायतें सामने आती हैं। लोकल प्रशासन स्तर पर शीतलहर से बचाव के लिए मिलने वाली रसद और धनराशि के उपयोग में लापरवाही के कारण जरूरतमंदों तक राहत समय पर नहीं पहुंच पाती। सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता राजीव गुप्ता ने इस मुद्दे को उठाते हुए कहा कि कई बार सरकारी योजनाएं कागज़ों तक ही सीमित रह जाती हैं। स्थानीय सामाजिक संस्थाओं को पहल करनी पड़ती है ताकि गरीबों को ठंड से राहत मिल सके। गुप्ता ने मंडल आयुक्त को एक पत्र लिखकर निवेदन किया है कि शासन से सर्दी से बचाव के उपायों को शीघ्रता से लागू करने के लिए निर्देश दिए जाएं। साथ ही नगर आयुक्त और मुख्य विकास अधिकारी को ठोस कदम उठाने की अपील की गई है ताकि इस बार जरूरतमंद लोगों तक सहायता समय पर पहुंच सके। सामाजिक संस्थाएं और जागरूक नागरिक इस बात की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं कि प्रशासन इस बार सक्रियता दिखाएगा और शीतलहर के दौरान गरीबों के लिए राहत का इंतजाम समय पर सुनिश्चित करेगा। Read the full article
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Week 7
When creating effective content the first factor is understanding who your audience is. Without curating content for the specific audience it wont be effective. Take a look at previous content and analyze what did well and what didn’t. What content did the audience engage with the post? This is an important question to ask while trying to understand what will do well with your audience. Keep in mind that each social page will have a different audience. For example the audience on facebook and instagram mary vary greatly in what they like to see and engage with. You can use similar tactics between each page they may just be implemented differently for the audience.
Becoming a social organization plays a big part in effective content development and sharing. When a person is engaged and contributing to something they will likely check back in frequently. Allow and make a point to have engaging content on social media pages. An audience enjoys being heard and understood. As a business it’s important to hear customer feedback as well as owners answering customers questions.
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@socialorganism and @worm-boy-azazel for your block list as soon as possible, they're the same person and are going around harassing physically disabled people and evading blocks using an alt account. I don't know if they have any more alt accounts, but if they do I'm sure I'll be finding out soon.
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Acquire data of Civic And Social Organizations Companies In Brazil
Find detailed information on Civic and Social Organizations companies in Brazil, including Industry Contact data & Website - Industry, Contact data & Website Address, No of Employees, Sales Revenue, Founded Year, financial statements, sales and marketing contacts, top competitors, firmographic insights, etc.
For more information, visit our official page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hir-infotech/ or contact us at +91 99099 90610
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Elections In South Africa
It is Non-Profit Organisation dedicated to encouraging South Africans to vote in 2024 and take back their country. We encourage South Africans to support a coalition of independents and opposition political parties.
Elections In South Africa
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First Blog Post!
Hi! My name is Madison Krohn. I am a senior at Central Michigan University. I'm majoring in Entrepreneurship and double minoring in Visual Merchandising and Leadership.
I grew up in the thumb of Michigan in the country. Even though there weren't a lot of fashion opportunities in the area, I always loved fashion and the marketing side of it. Coming from a business oriented family, I learned the ins and outs of owning your own business and what it takes to become successful. With this quality- quite literally running in my blood, I soon wanted to aspire to own my own business. Therefore, I decided why not study how to do that! With this being said, my future career goals are to run and operate my own clothing boutique! Why not do something you love and make money while you do it!
During this class (BIS 315), I hope to learn about this new platform and how to use it for my future business and gather useful inspiration while doing it.
This link will take you to the Coach site on Pinterest. From what I gathered in our reading assignment, Coach does a great job at creating new market strategies and channels. They are consistently doing business to show their products value and social organization. It has advanced its defining characteristics with its brands name leading to be one of the best and most high achieving fashion brands.
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Do you support any causes? I am a big activist and recently I began tu support financially some causes I believe in. These are animal rescue organizations, Wikipedia, Story of Stuff, and Kids Rescue organizations. Share with us what do you support https://mymochilatrip.wixsite.com/home/questions -- Suporti vreo cauza? Eu sunt o mare activista și de curând am început sa ofer donații anumitor cauze. Organizații de animale, Wikipedia, organizații de salvat copiii. Spune-ne ce anume sprijini tu! https://mymochilatrip.wixsite.com/home/questions #suport #sprijin #donatie #organizatie #animale #copii #activism #Support #Causes #Activism #NewEconomy #AnimalRescues #NGOs #SocialOrganizations #ChangeMakers #OrganizațiiSociale #cauze #Beach #plajă #plasticIssue #ProblemădePlastic #HumansImpact #ImpactulUman #MMT #Responsibility #Responsabilitate #OwningOurActions #DeținereaAcțiunilorNoastre #ZeroWaste #DeșeuriZero https://www.instagram.com/p/B03tA-EIJ90/?igshid=651tfcum6ap1
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Online Community Building
After reading chapters 4 and 5 in the Social Organization, written by Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald, I learned a lot about effective principles on online community building with social media. I learned how to keep audience interested without overwhelming them, boost engagement, plan and post more visual content, use the unique features of each social media platform, and embrace your authenticity by capturing and posting photos of employees.
Hootsuite stressed the importance to keep your audience interested by, not overwhelming them with your content, but sharing a variety of content, such as questions, polls, and calls for user-generated content. Although it may be tempting, do not overwhelm your audience with self-promoting content. Hootsuite recommends to keep self-promotional content 1/3 of your posts and to focus on sharing valuable information with your audience. Followers may also be overwhelmed by multiple posts, which is why it is a great idea to use Instagram’s Carousel feature to post a combination of videos and photos from an event in one post.
I asked myself, what valuable and interesting information can my client share with his audience? My client’s expertise lies with painting and fixing vehicles. He has painted many unique items with car paint. a few items I recall include gaming controllers, bikes, light fixtures, doors, and more. It would be valuable to show our audience a step-by-step demonstration of fixing and/or painting something cool. I plan on using IGTV to post lengthy videos to Instagram.
As you know, visual content is a great way to boost engagement. Editing photos with text overlay and video enhances value and visual appeal to your posts. For example, Jamie Oliver does a fantastic job capturing the attention of his audience and boosting engagement with his posts. To make his content more visually appealing, he uses thumbnails and text overlay videos. Here is an example and link to illustrate:(https://www.instagram.com/p/CRvV7xKoH8l/)
Hootsuite said it best, “your audience is always eager to share, but it is up to you to engage them with the right questions!”
Jamie Oliver’s post captions seek engagement by asking the audience questions, inviting feedback, and asking them to share their own photos. He also invites his followers to use his own branded hashtag, which makes it easier to monitor others who are important to your business.
Hootsuite/Podium module 4 gave me helpful insight about growing an online community. Instead of sharing the same exact content to different platforms, it is best to personalize your content to fit the strengths and weaknesses of whichever social media platform you are using. When working with my client, the social media platforms I utilize are Instagram and Facebook. Our company’s Instagram is the major website that appears when you Google us. I prefer Instagram due to it’s simple layout and emphasis on photos. It has more options when it comes to editing photos and videos to bring a viewer’s attention to the eye-catching vehicles we have worked on.
I learned a lot about planning content to post. For example, Hootsuite said experts advise only 20% of your content to be promotional, and the rest to tell your brand’s story. Hootsuite also made the following excellent point: “posting photos of your company’s employees at work humanizes your brand and gives followers a behind-the-scenes glimpse of daily life on the job.” I plan to apply that principle with my client. I will take more pictures of employees working to post to our social media platforms.
Capturing photos of our team working has so many benefits. It is a great opportunity to show our authenticity to our audience, help our audience get to know us better, give our valuable employees recognition and motivation, and get customers more involved by tagging them in the post when our team is seen working on their vehicle. Another benefit is higher engagement because Hootsuite mentioned how a viewer’s attention is naturally more drawn to pictures with people in them and are more likely to engage with those photos. It is good to know since we typically post vehicle photos. It would be great to start capturing people in our photos. Our company recently hired a couple more employees. Posting a photo of our employees working would be a fun way to onboard them to the team.
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Creating Effective Content
This week’s Hootsuite module gave much insight into the many ways that businesses can post content onto their social media accounts. What most companies may not know, is that there is a strategic way of implementing content in order for them to reap a benefit. Posting content that aligns with a company’s goals and objectives is crucial when it comes to receiving a return on investment through social media. An effective plan should also be in place while ensuring the content reflects the unique reflection of the brand.
Type of Content
There are two types of content that the Hootsuite module discussed: created content and curated content. Created content is that in which is produced within the organization from scratch. This could be photos of product, videos with social messages, or blog posts. A key part of created content is to give the consumer a “call to action”. Suggesting they log into your website to check out a new arrival or asking the viewer to take a poll or leave a comment are easy ways to create a call to action. Curated content is content gathered from trusted sources that is relevant to your industry or brand. This type of content requires little resources and is a great way to grow within the industry. When I think of curated content I think of a quote or motivational message. The viewer gets a sense of realness beyond just showing what is being sold. Curated content gives your brand a personality.
Plan for Distribution
Now that we know what type of content we will be creating, a plan to put the content in place is extremely important. Being strategic in what is posted and where it is posted is essential. Your audience on twitter may be completely different than that on facebook, so sharing a blanket post to all social media outlets is probably not effective. Getting the right plan for distribution in place will take trial and error. Posting frequency should be tested, along with the time that posts are done. Do your posts perform better in the morning or the evening? A company should track all posts to determine which perform best. When some tracking is done, creating a content calendar for each week and each month is going to be a great tool. It is important to not plan too far ahead so that when big events arise you can make modifications. A weekly schedule will contain detailed information about posts including the type of posts, while a monthly calendar will show upcoming events and blog posts. Creating the best and most effective content will require some flexibility.
Effective Content = Social Organization
The creation and execution of content has everything to do with becoming a social organization. Creating consistent, cohesive messages about your brand will lead to engagement and help people feel good about your brand. Anyone can post to social media, but when done strategically and effectively it will lead to being a large part of being a social organization.
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Content Curation, Creation and Sharing Across Networks
This week’s topic of discussion is the Hootsuite Podium - Chapter 5: Content Marketing Fundamentals. I spent some time watching the training videos and taking the online quizzes this week and wanted to talk about some of the main take-aways I had regarding how to curate, create and share content across various networks.
Developing Effective Content
When developing shared content, it is important to keep in mind that there are two main categories: curated and created. Curated is content gathered from trusted sources relevant to your organization and created is content produced directly within your organization. Hootsuite recommends that companies try to use a 40% created, 60% curated, ratio as a rule of thumb when developing shared content.
Content curation is broken down in to an additional two categories: internal and external. External is finding trusted sources and content that resonates with your audience and then re-sharing it on your own networks. Companies also have to gather, evaluate and share content from within their organization. This is known as internal content curation. It is important to take created content from within your organization and repurpose it across various platforms.
Sharing Effectively Across Networks
When it comes to sharing internal or external content, there are a few “best practices” I learned from the Hootsuite Podium that I think are very helpful. First, grabbing a reader’s attention amongst all of the content being produced is crucial. One way to grab attention is to develop a strong headline or caption with every piece of content produced. A strong headline is generally very clear to understand and should be emotionally provocative in some way.
Another piece of advise I learned was to include some form of video, audio, or image in every piece of content that you create. It may be okay to occasionally produce content with text only, but if you choose to do that it is especially important to track the data to see how visuals are impacting engagement.
Along with using video, audio and images when producing content, it is also very important that you vary your content regularly. Posting the same type of content about similar topics can become repetitive and boring. Instead, using a mixture of questions, polls and calls for user generated content are all great ways to facilitate a conversation. The more conversation and engagement that happens the more your organization will become a “social organization.”
Becoming a Social Organization
The ability to effectively curate, create and share content across the major social media platforms is the key to becoming a social organization. Many businesses are not built to be social. They try to become social organizations the more they realize how effective social media can be for their business. By following the recommendations in Hootsuite and what I have shared above, your company can start becoming more of a social organization.
There is one company that I thought was a great example of a company that was basically built to be a social organization. That company is Dude Perfect. Dude Perfect started as a youtube channel that involved a group of college guys who filmed themselves performing trick shots with various athletic balls, discs, pucks, you name it. They have now grown their business substantially solely through social content. They produce content across various networks such as Snapchat, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram.
If you want to check out the Dude Perfect Youtube page or watch the Hootsuite Podium tutorials that I did this week, click the links below:
Dude Perfect: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRijo3ddMTht_IHyNSNXpNQ
Hootsuite Podium Chapter 5: https://education.hootsuite.com/courses/take/social-marketing-education/lessons/2540601-1-1-the-value-of-content-and-the-importance-of-a-social-media-content-strategy
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Developing a Content Strategy
Your social media content strategy should align with the organization’s content strategy. The four key components to a successful content strategy are research and analysis of current content reception, your target audience that is identified by the platform, a list of content specific goals and objectives, and plans for the distribution of your content. You must do this through research such as conducting a social media audit. Next, analyze the reception of the previously posted content in order to identify what the top performing content. Tailoring your content strategy to what is successful on each network is essential, meaning that you need to figure out what will work best to drive interest. For example, every Tuesday MP Nutrition posts on their profile and tells their followers to repost a screenshot on their story for the chance of winning a free shake. People love to have free things, so this is a really effective marketing strategy as it spreads the word about their company to their follower’s followers, and these people will check out their company and a percentage of them will follow.
Being a social organization correlates to the principles of effective content development and sharing because the content development and sharing because the content that is put out there represents the business and what it stands for. Looking at the content that an organization puts tells you a lot about the business and what they emphasize in as a company. The principles of potent content development needs to align with the strategic goals of an organization.
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On this Janmashtami, may all your wishes come true and may Nand Gopal shower his blessings on you and your loved ones!
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समस्त देशवासियों को ईद की हार्दिक बधाई व मंगलकामनाएं कोरोना काल के चलते देशवासियों से मैं यही अपील करता हूं की ईद का पावन पर्व अपने घर में ही मनाएं घर पर रहे स्वस्थ रहें ईद मुबारक हो। वीर सिंह गौतम (राष्ट्रीय सचिव) आशा की किरण जनहित फाउंडेशन #ashakikiranjanhitfoundation #foundermeenadevi #socialorganization #akkjf #वीर_सिंह_गौतम #puneetgautamji #वीर_सिंह_गौतम #veer_singh_gautam https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2DsSXF8QA/?igshid=tetiz7tx8qrw
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Lmao I'm the anon from before and I don't even know socialorganism. You probably won't believe that but lol whatever. They have more of a logical point on their blog than you do though anyway. Your post from a while back about the glasses thing showed up on my "for you" page. Ive never interacted with you before and I'm on anon because I've seen people get dogpiled and accused of "violence" for just passively disagreeing with someone in the cripplepunk tag. Don't worry though, I'm blocking you after this. I don't want your poorly informed bs opinions on my dash anymore.
I thought your reasoning didn't make sense, because glasses still fit the definitions you're giving. Your definition given also just outright excludes ambulatory mobility aid users because they can't still "move" without the aids. I actually know people IRL who call their glasses mobility aids and my question was motivated by that, yet these people don't exist in your world? Im sorry it's just really weird.
You also can't just say they aren't mobility aids if you don't use them or need them that way. It doesn't really back up your point. My friends who call them that cant move without them. It's like saying, "a cane isn't a mobility aid because you can limp without it! I can limp without my cane so that means all people can! You don't NEED it to move!" like that sounds ridiculous. That's what you're saying about glasses. That's what you sound like.
The people disagreeing with you are physically disabled, so it doesn't make sense that you think a word is being "taken" from physically disabled people by other physically disabled people to discribe something they have an experience with.
Like I'm sorry but I'm gonna trust my friend saying their glasses are just as much of a mobility aid as their rollator. If I listen to you, I ignore the way they talk about their needs, and making them change a word they use to discribe something is hard because they have autism. Who stands to be hurt more by that? It's more like you're taking it from the people who need their glasses to be respected and thought of as mobility aids because you're the one saying "you can't say this". the only one thinking it changes the definition is you. Your response to my message didn't make literally any sense.
You are genuinely such a loser. It's so obvious that you're the same person, I already saw you comment using this same alt account that you made just to continue a stupid argument that I want no part in.
Get something better to do than harassing brain damaged cripples with paralytic disorders and epilepsy. I already told you that I physically cannot handle much stress right now and you are endangering me. I'm gonna report you to Tumblr for block evasion and harassment anyway so have fun with that
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[Pameran Tunggal/Solo Exhibition] ——— Hafiz Rancajale “SOCIAL ORGANISM” ——— Galeri Nasional Indonesia (Gedung Utama) Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14 Jakarta Pusat - 10110 - Pembukaan Jumat, 25 Mei 2018 18.30 - 21.00 WIB - Pameran 26 Mei - 9 Juni 2018 10.00 - 19.00 WIB (Tutup pada 29 Mei 2018 & 1 Juni 2018) ——— National Gallery of Indonesia (Main Hall) Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14 Jakarta Pusat - 10110 - Opening Friday, 25 May 2018 6.30 - 9 PM - Exhibition 26 May - 9 June 2018 10 AM - 7 PM (Closed on 29 May & 1 June 2018) ——— Didukung oleh/Supported by: @forumlenteng @kemdikbud.ri @galerinasional ——— #hafizrancajale #socialorganism #forumlenteng #art #exhibition (di National Gallery of Indonesia)
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Foundation - Social Organisation Moto CMS3 Website Template. £122 ($159) #nonprofit #charity #communityproject #socialorganization #motocms3.https://website-templates.abwebset.com/moto-cms-3-templates-type/100041.html https://www.instagram.com/p/CEE_ObOBxxQ/?igshid=13gliatbdkqc0
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