#social network analysis pdf
asohel · 1 year
Node dalam Jaringan, Social Network Analysis
Dalam dunia social network analysis, konsep node dalam jaringan memainkan peran penting dalam memahami struktur dan dinamika yang ada. Sebagai dasar utama jaringan, node merujuk pada entitas individu yang membentuk network itu sendiri. Node adalah elemen dasar yang membentuk network, dan pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep ini penting untuk menguasai dinamika dan fungsi network. Berikut adalah…
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mywitchyblog · 2 months
Reality Shifting and Race Changing Explained: A Deep and Comprehensive Analysis of the Practice through the Perspective of a Person of Color.
Introduction :
Reality shifting, a practice where individuals consciously move their awareness to alternate realities or dimensions, has gained significant popularity and attention. Within this phenomenon, race changing—where shifters assume a different racial identity in their Desired Reality (DR)—has become a particularly contentious topic. Proponents of race changing see it as a way to explore different perspectives, foster empathy, and experience personal growth. However, critics raise concerns about cultural appropriation, identity integrity, and ethical implications. This essay will delve into the shifter's perspective and debunk arguments against race changing in reality shifting, examining the diverse viewpoints and underlying controversies.
Disclaimer : before interacting pls read the entire post carefully if you do not understand a part of it do not hesistate to tell me and i would gladly explain you in more details.
And as the title says im a person of color (POC) so i will give my opinion on the matter. I am lowkey (more high key lol) pissed that i see white people telling and talking about it as if they opinion is law its time you let people directly concerned by the matter speak on a subject that concerns them.
Taglist of people who might be interested in this post that i will update progressively i will also at the end provide a pdf version of the document if this post reaches 100 reactions if it reaches 150 to 200 i will also provide the one against age changing) :
@shiftinghoe @shiftersroom @leydenkilgore @jolynesmom @shiftinginferno @norumis @angelscatastrophe @thanossnap
My Age changing Post for those interested
Part I: The Shifter's Perspective
A-Immersive Nature of Reality Shifting
Reality shifting goes beyond elaborate daydreaming or role-playing. It's a full-fledged immersive experience where individuals become their "Desired Reality" (DR) selves entirely. This deep embodiment isn't just physical; it encompasses cultural, emotional, and even historical elements.
Shifters often perceive themselves with entirely different physical characteristics in their DR. This goes beyond appearance – they feel comfortable and familiar in their new bodies, experiencing unique sensations and abilities tied to their DR race. Imagine an East Asian shifter feeling their epicanthic folds affecting their vision or an Afro-Caribbean shifter experiencing the textures of their hair and the specific needs of their skin.
But it's not just physical. Shifters become integrated members of their DR culture. They might find themselves fluent in the language, complete with cultural nuances and dialects. They possess an intrinsic understanding of traditions and social norms, not just intellectually, but on a lived level. Family histories, community connections, and social networks become as real and meaningful as those in their original reality.
Perhaps the most profound aspect is the emotional and psychological alignment. Shifters report feeling emotions differently based on their DR cultural background. Their worldview, values, and beliefs shift to reflect their new identity, offering unique perspectives. Many even have a full set of memories associated with their DR life, from childhood experiences to major events.
Shifters don't just inhabit a new identity; they become part of a complex historical and societal narrative. They understand the weight of historical events that shaped their DR community and experience firsthand the societal advantages or disadvantages of their DR race. They feel a deep sense of cultural pride alongside the challenges and discrimination that may come with it.
For example, a Japanese shifter might not only speak the language fluently but also understand the intricacies of keigo and feel the emotional weight of concepts like "gaman" or "uchi-soto." They could have memories of local festivals, the excitement of catching goldfish, or the solemnity of a New Year's visit.
Similarly, a Latinx shifter might effortlessly switch between languages, understand the cultural significance of quinceañeras, and feel a deep connection to their abuela's traditions. They could have vivid memories of family gatherings filled with traditional foods, laughter-filled conversations, and the warmth of close family bonds.
This immersive experience allows shifters to see the world through a completely different lens, gaining insights otherwise impossible. In their DR, their new identity isn't a costume – it's as authentic and valid as their original self. This creates a profound sense of belonging and allows them to explore different aspects of identity in a meaningful way. This depth of experience is what proponents of race changing in reality shifting often highlight as a potential benefit.
B-Personal Growth and Empathy Development
Reality shifting, particularly when it involves changing race, offers a powerful pathway for personal growth and empathy development. Proponents believe this to be one of its most valuable benefits. Here's a breakdown of its potential:
Expanded Perspective: Shifters inhabit a different racial identity, gaining visceral, firsthand experiences. Imagine a Black shifter feeling the sting of racism, or an Asian shifter navigating the pressures of the "model minority" stereotype. This fosters a deeper understanding of racial dynamics beyond textbook knowledge.
Cultural Competence: Shifters become immersed in a new cultural context, enhancing their cultural competence. They gain insights into cultural nuances, values, communication styles, and nonverbal cues. For instance, a shifter embodying a Middle Eastern identity might understand the significance of hospitality, appreciating the cultural roots of seemingly excessive generosity.
Challenging Biases: The immersive nature of shifting exposes personal biases. Shifters confront and work through unconscious biases and stereotypes that may seem harmless from the outside, but feel hurtful or limiting from a different perspective. This uncomfortable process can be ultimately transformative.
Emotional Intelligence: Experiencing life through a different racial lens boosts emotional intelligence. Shifters develop empathy for the struggles and joys specific to different races, better understand emotional cues across cultures, and gain enhanced self-awareness through reflecting on their reactions in their new identity.
Social Justice Awareness: Shifters often report a heightened commitment to social justice and equity. Experiencing discrimination firsthand motivates them to become allies in their original reality. Understanding privilege (or lack thereof) associated with different races fosters nuanced discussions about systemic inequality.
Personal Identity Exploration: Race changing in shifting can prompt deep reflection on personal identity. Shifters might question aspects of their original identity, explore their cultural heritage and family history, and gain a greater appreciation for the fluidity and constructed nature of racial categories.
Linguistic and Cognitive Benefits: Shifters who become fluent in new languages experience cognitive benefits like enhanced cognitive flexibility from thinking in different linguistic frameworks and improved problem-solving skills as they navigate cultural and linguistic differences.
Artistic and Creative Inspiration: The rich experiences gained through race changing can serve as a wellspring of artistic and creative inspiration. Writers might create more authentic characters, while visual artists gain new perspectives on color, form, and cultural symbolism.
Professional Development: Insights gained through race changing can translate into professional growth. Shifters develop a stronger ability to work in diverse teams, enhance their cross-cultural communication and negotiation skills, and gain a deeper understanding that can be valuable in multicultural environments.
Healing and Trauma Processing: In some cases, embodying different racial identities has helped shifters process personal or intergenerational trauma. For instance, a shifter with a family history of racial oppression might find healing in embodying an identity free from that specific trauma. Conversely, embodying an identity that has experienced historical trauma might help shifters connect with and process their own unrelated traumatic experiences.
Part II: Debunking Arguments Against Race Changing
A-Cultural Appropriation
One of the primary arguments against race changing in reality shifting is that it constitutes cultural appropriation. This issue is complex and sensitive, requiring careful consideration.
Cultural appropriation involves adopting elements from one culture by members of another, often without a full understanding or respect for the original culture. This practice is typically characterized by a power imbalance, where the appropriating group holds more social, political, or economic power than the culture being appropriated. It also involves a lack of attribution, where the source of cultural elements is not acknowledged, leading to stereotyping and commodification of cultural symbols, often out of context and for profit.
Applying this argument to reality shifting, critics assert that when individuals assume a different racial identity in their desired reality (DR), they may trivialize the lived experiences of that racial group. They argue that such individuals might cherry-pick enjoyable aspects of the culture while avoiding its challenges and potentially reinforcing stereotypes or misconceptions about the culture.
However, several counterarguments challenge this perspective. Many shifters approach race changing with the intention of understanding and empathizing with different racial identities, rather than exploiting them. The immersive nature of shifting often involves a deep engagement with the culture, as opposed to the superficial adoption of isolated elements.
Moreover, cultural appropriation typically involves a dominant culture taking from a marginalized one, but in shifting, this power dynamic isn’t present. Shifters embody the new identity fully, integrating their experiences into the fabric of the DR, which can make their engagement more authentic.
Unlike typical cases of cultural appropriation, shifters often report experiencing both the positive and negative aspects of their new racial identity, including potential discrimination and societal challenges. This level of immersion extends far beyond wearing traditional clothing or using cultural symbols, as it involves a comprehensive engagement with the culture's values, traditions, and worldview.
Reality shifting is a personal and introspective practice, usually conducted privately or in small groups, rather than as a public display that might perpetuate stereotypes or commercialize the culture. This personal and nuanced approach differentiates it from more harmful forms of cultural appropriation seen in popular culture or commercial contexts.
Despite these counterarguments, there are still ethical concerns to consider. The ability to "opt out" of a racial identity at will is a privilege not available to those who live that identity full-time. There is also a risk of oversimplification or misrepresentation, even with the best intentions. The personal nature of shifting does not negate the potential for internalized stereotypes or biases to influence the experience.
Instead of viewing race changing in shifting as clear-cut cultural appropriation, it might be more accurate to see it as a complex form of cultural engagement. This practice has the potential for both positive outcomes, such as increased empathy and understanding, and negative outcomes, like reinforcing stereotypes or trivializing experiences. It requires careful reflection and ethical consideration from practitioners and might be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering the shifter's intent, approach, and outcomes.
The argument that race changing in reality shifting constitutes cultural appropriation could be seen as a false analogy fallacy, inaccurately equating the personal, immersive, and often respectful experience of shifting with the exploitative and superficial nature of cultural appropriation as traditionally understood. Some proponents suggest that, when conducted respectfully and thoughtfully, race changing in shifting could be seen as a form of cultural exchange rather than appropriation. This perspective posits that the immersive nature of shifting fosters genuine understanding and appreciation, with shifters often feeling a responsibility to respect and honor the cultures they embody. The insights gained can contribute to more meaningful cross-cultural dialogue and understanding in the shifter's original reality.
In conclusion, while the argument against race changing in reality shifting raises important ethical considerations, the issue is more nuanced than it might initially appear. The deeply personal and immersive nature of shifting, coupled with the often sincere intent of practitioners to gain understanding and empathy, sets it apart from more straightforward cases of cultural appropriation. Nevertheless, it remains crucial for shifters to approach the practice with respect, self-reflection, and a willingness to grapple with its complex ethical implications.
Another significant criticism of race changing in reality shifting is that it may lead to or represent a form of racial fetishization. This concern is both sensitive and complex, and warrants a thorough examination.
Racial fetishization involves reducing individuals to stereotypical racial characteristics, objectifying people based on their race or ethnicity, and exoticizing racial features or cultural elements. Often, though not always, it includes a sexual component. Critics argue that race changing in shifting might encourage shifters to focus on stereotypical or exoticized aspects of a race, leading to a superficial engagement with racial identity that is more fantasy than reality. This practice could potentially reinforce harmful stereotypes or racial preferences.
However, several counterarguments challenge this perspective. Many shifters who engage in race changing are not primarily motivated by sexual desire or attraction to stereotypical racial attributes. Their goal is often to understand and embody the full spectrum of experiences associated with a different racial identity, rather than to indulge in fantasy or stereotypes. The immersive nature of reality shifting encourages shifters to deeply engage with and appreciate the culture they are exploring. This process frequently fosters empathy and understanding, rather than objectification, as shifters report experiencing both positive and negative aspects of their new racial identity, extending beyond surface-level engagement.
Additionally, many shifters approach race changing as a means of personal growth, aiming to challenge their own biases and expand their worldview. This experience often leads to increased cultural sensitivity and awareness, rather than reinforcing stereotypes. In their desired reality (DR), shifters often experience a fully realized and complex identity that includes family histories, cultural practices, societal challenges, and individual personality traits, going far beyond mere racial characteristics.
Despite these counterarguments, it is important to acknowledge potential risks. Shifters might unknowingly bring racial stereotypes or biases into their DR experiences. There is also a risk of focusing on more "appealing" aspects of a racial identity while downplaying its challenges or complexities. The ability to "try on" different racial identities at will is a privilege that could lead to a form of racial tourism if not approached thoughtfully.
From a psychological standpoint, the experience of race changing in shifting could be seen as a form of identity exploration rather than fetishization. It serves as an exercise in perspective-taking and empathy development and provides an opportunity to confront and work through internalized racial biases.
Culturally, it is worth considering whether race changing practices in shifting might lead to more nuanced representations of diverse racial identities in media and art, foster more open dialogue about race and identity in society, or risk oversimplifying complex racial issues.
Ethically, shifters should be encouraged to reflect critically on their motivations and experiences, seek diverse perspectives and real-world knowledge about the races they embody in their DR, and be mindful of the line between appreciation and fetishization. The argument that race changing in reality shifting constitutes fetishization could be seen as a straw man fallacy, as it misrepresents the shifters' intentions and the nature of their experiences, reducing a complex and often empathetic practice to a simplistic and objectifying one.
Some proponents argue that race changing in shifting could help deconstruct harmful racial categories by highlighting the constructed nature of race, encouraging people to see beyond racial stereotypes, and fostering a more fluid understanding of identity. Comparing this practice to other activities, such as actors portraying characters of different races, virtual reality experiences designed to foster racial empathy, or imagining oneself in someone else’s shoes through literature or film, reveals that race changing in shifting may differ fundamentally from these practices in its approach and intent.
In conclusion, while the criticism of fetishization raises important concerns about the potential risks of race changing in reality shifting, a closer examination reveals a more nuanced picture. The deeply personal and often transformative nature of these experiences, combined with the typical intent of fostering understanding and empathy, sets it apart from more straightforward cases of racial fetishization. Nevertheless, it is essential for shifters to approach the practice with self-awareness, respect, and a commitment to genuine cultural engagement rather than superficial or stereotypical representations.
C-Race Changing is Racist
The argument that race changing in reality shifting is fundamentally racist is a serious allegation that requires careful examination. This perspective is based on several concerns: it may trivialize the real struggles and discrimination faced by racial minorities, allow individuals to "play" at being another race without encountering the associated societal challenges, perpetuate the idea that race is something that can be donned or discarded at will, and reinforce the notion that race is merely about physical characteristics or stereotypical behaviors. This criticism often stems from worries about cultural insensitivity, fears of minimizing systemic racism, and the historical context of racist practices such as blackface and yellowface.
However, this argument can be contested on multiple grounds. Firstly, many shifters engage in race changing not to mock or belittle other races but to gain a deeper understanding and empathy for those experiences. The immersive nature of shifting often results in increased awareness of racial issues and a stronger commitment to anti-racism in the shifter's original reality. Furthermore, shifters in their desired reality (DR) often experience life as an integrated part of the culture they embody, including facing discrimination and navigating societal challenges associated with that racial identity. This depth of experience goes beyond superficial engagement.
Additionally, race changing can lead to significant personal transformation. Many shifters report profound growth, challenging their own biases and increasing their cultural competence. These experiences foster a deep sense of connection and solidarity with different racial groups. Race changing could also be viewed as an immersive form of education about racial experiences, potentially offering more impactful learning than traditional methods.
Despite these counterarguments, it is crucial to acknowledge potential issues. Shifters have the privilege of opting out of their new racial identity and returning to their original reality, a luxury not available to those who face racism daily. There is also a risk of oversimplifying complex racial experiences into simplified narratives. Without proper reflection, shifters might misuse or misrepresent aspects of the racial identities they embody.
To address these concerns, shifters engaging in race changing should approach the practice with humility and a willingness to learn. Complementing their shifting experiences with real-world education about racial issues and using insights gained to actively combat racism in their original reality can help mitigate potential problems. Critical reflection on their experiences and motivations is also essential.
From a psychological perspective, race changing in shifting can be seen as a form of perspective-taking, which has been shown to reduce prejudice, an exercise in empathy development, and a way to confront and work through unconscious racial biases. Sociologically, it is worth considering whether widespread engagement in race changing might lead to increased racial empathy, contribute to a more nuanced understanding of race as a social construct, or challenge existing racial categories.
A comparative analysis with other practices such as diversity training programs, role-playing exercises in anti-racism workshops, and the concept of "passing" in racial identity reveals that race changing in shifting might differ fundamentally in its approach and intent. The argument that race changing is inherently racist may be seen as a hasty generalization fallacy, drawing broad conclusions based on limited understandings of shifters' experiences and motivations.
Some proponents argue that, when approached thoughtfully, race changing in shifting could be an antiracist practice by fostering a deeper understanding of diverse racial experiences, motivating action against racism in the shifter’s original reality, and challenging fixed racial categories. Considering how race changing intersects with other aspects of identity, such as gender, class, or sexuality, further complicates the discussion and could lead to a more nuanced understanding of intersectional identities.
In conclusion, while the argument that race changing in reality shifting is inherently racist raises important ethical concerns, a closer examination suggests a more complex picture. The potential for increased empathy, understanding, and antiracist action indicates that, when approached thoughtfully and ethically, race changing in shifting might contribute to combating racism rather than perpetuating it.
Part III: Community Dynamics : 
A. Shiftok Culture and Hypocrisy
The community of shifters on platforms like Shiftok has become a significant space for discussing and sharing experiences related to reality shifting. However, this community is often marked by striking inconsistencies in its attitudes and practices, particularly when it comes to race changing. These inconsistencies reveal underlying biases and a selective application of ethical standards within the community.
One of the most glaring examples of this hypocrisy is the community's disparate treatment of shifts involving fictional races versus real-world racial identities. Users enthusiastically support and celebrate shifts into races from popular fiction, such as elves from "Lord of the Rings" or Veela from "Harry Potter." These shifts often involve adopting stereotypical characteristics of these races, such as ethereal beauty or magical abilities, without any criticism. Similarly, shifts into anime characters, even when these characters are explicitly Japanese or of other Asian ethnicities, are widely accepted and applauded.
In stark contrast, when a user mentions shifting to experience life as a different real-world race - for example, a white person shifting to be Black, or an Asian person shifting to be Latino - they often face harsh criticism and accusations of racism or cultural appropriation. This double standard extends to cultural practices as well. Users might criticize someone for shifting to experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony as a Japanese person, calling it appropriation. However, they remain silent when shifters adopt fantastical versions of cultural practices, such as magical rituals in The Vampire Diaries Universe, which are often based on real-world cultural elements such as Hoodoo and Voodoo.
The inconsistency becomes even more apparent when considering shifts into races that face oppression or discrimination in their fictional universes. Shifting to be a Na'vi from "Avatar," who face colonization and violence from humans, or becoming a vampire who must hide from hunters and deal with societal prejudice, are widely accepted and even romanticized. These shifts often involve experiencing fictional forms of racism or oppression, yet they don't receive the same scrutiny as shifts involving real-world racial experiences.
This romanticization of struggle is particularly problematic. Users might enthusiastically describe the thrill of being a hunted vampire or the nobility of fighting against oppression as a Na'vi, while simultaneously criticizing those who wish to explore real-world experiences of discrimination through shifting. This glamorization of fictional oppression trivializes real-world struggles and reveals a lack of critical thinking about the implications of different types of identity shifts.
The community's acceptance of shifts into historical periods further highlights this hypocrisy. Shifting to experience life in different historical eras, which inevitably involves a change in cultural context, is generally supported. For instance, shifting to be a noble in Victorian England is rarely questioned, while shifting to be a person of color in modern-day America might be condemned. This inconsistency reveals a troubling bias in how the community views and values different cultural and racial experiences.
Perhaps the most striking example of this double standard is the widespread acceptance of shifting to become a Na'vi from the movie "Avatar." This shift involves taking on a completely different racial identity, often with spiritual and cultural elements inspired by real-world Indigenous cultures. Yet, this is rarely criticized, while shifting to be an actual Indigenous person would likely face significant backlash.
These inconsistencies in the Shiftok community undermine the credibility of criticisms against race changing and point to a need for more consistent and reflective ethical standards within the shifting community. They reveal that many users are more comfortable with the idea of exploring different identities and experiences of oppression when they're framed as "fictional," even though the immersive nature of shifting means these experiences are just as real to the shifter as any "real-world" shift would be.
This hypocrisy not only stifles meaningful dialogue about race and identity within the context of shifting but also reflects broader societal discomfort with addressing real-world racial issues. It highlights the need for the shifting community to engage in more nuanced, thoughtful discussions about the ethics of identity exploration, the nature of reality in shifting, and the responsibilities that come with experiencing different racial and cultural perspectives.
B. Judgmental Attitudes and Ignorance
The shifting community, particularly on platforms like Shiftok, often displays a complex web of judgmental attitudes and ignorance about the nuances of shifting practices. This creates a challenging environment for shifters exploring different identities, especially when it comes to race changing. (in this part and all the other parts of this essay, “real world”=CR aka this reality ik they are no such thing as the “real world” but for the sake of the argument i employed that term).
Many users within the community are quick to condemn those who shift into different racial identities, particularly when these involve real-world races. This rush to judgment often stems from a superficial understanding of shifting practices and a lack of empathy for the motivations behind such explorations. Harsh comments, gatekeeping behaviors, and in extreme cases, online harassment, have become unfortunately common responses to shifters who engage in race changing.
However, this judgmental attitude is starkly contrasted by the community's acceptance and even celebration of shifts into fictional races or non-human identities. This inconsistency reveals a deep-seated ignorance about the nature of shifting and its implications. Users often justify their acceptance of shifts into fictional races like Elves or vampires from various mythologies by arguing that since these races are fictional, they're somehow "safer" or less problematic to explore. This reasoning, however, fundamentally misunderstands the core principle of shifting: that all realities, whether based on fiction or the "real world," are equally real and valid from the perspective of the shifter.
This ignorance leads to a troubling double standard. Shifters who explore the experiences of fictional races facing discrimination - like the Na'vi battling colonization or werewolves hiding from hunters - are often met with enthusiasm. The community readily engages with these narratives of struggle and oppression when framed in a fictional context. Yet, when shifters attempt to explore real-world experiences of racial discrimination, they face harsh criticism and accusations of appropriation or fetishization.
This attitude demonstrates a lack of critical thinking about the ethical implications of different types of shifts. The community fails to recognize that from the perspective of shifting theory, the distinction between "fictional" and "real-world" races becomes arbitrary. The experiences of discrimination, cultural immersion, and identity exploration are just as real and impactful for a shifter whether they're embodying a Na'vi or shifting into a different human race.
Moreover, this ignorance extends to a misunderstanding of the depth and complexity of shifting experiences. Many critics within the community underestimate how fully shifters can embody and experience a different identity, regardless of whether it's fictional or based on a real-world race. They often fail to grasp the profound impact these experiences can have on a shifter's perspective, empathy, and personal growth.
The judgmental attitudes and ignorance prevalent in the community have serious consequences. They stifle open and honest discussions about race and identity within the shifting context. Shifters who feel judged may withdraw from the community or hide their experiences, limiting opportunities for collective learning and growth. The hostile environment can discourage exploration of different identities, potentially limiting the personal growth and empathy development that shifting can facilitate.
Furthermore, this environment of judgment and ignorance often leads to the mischaracterization of shifting experiences. Complex and nuanced explorations of identity are frequently oversimplified or dismissed. The potential benefits of respectful identity exploration through shifting are overlooked, while stereotypes about shifting and shifters are reinforced.
To address these issues, there's a clear need for more education within the community about the nuances and complexities of shifting experiences. Promoting a deeper understanding of the psychological and experiential aspects of shifting could foster more empathy and less judgment. Creating spaces for open, non-judgmental discussions about controversial shifting practices could help combat ignorance and promote a more nuanced understanding of the ethical implications of different types of shifts.
By confronting these judgmental attitudes and areas of ignorance, the shifting community has the opportunity to create a more inclusive, understanding, and supportive environment. This could not only improve the experiences of individual shifters but also contribute to more nuanced and productive discussions about identity, race, and the ethics of shifting practices. Ultimately, addressing these issues is crucial for the growth and maturation of the shifting community as a whole.
C-Understanding Morality and Multiracial Identity in Shifting
The concept of infinite realities in shifting brings about profound implications for our understanding of morality and identity, particularly when it comes to race. Each Desired Reality (DR) has its own unique set of morals and cultural norms, presenting a challenge when applying Original Reality (OR) ethics to these varied experiences. This moral relativism in shifting creates a complex landscape where what is considered ethically acceptable in one reality may not hold the same value in another.
The shifting community's approach to fictional races inadvertently highlights this moral complexity. Many shifters enthusiastically embrace identities like Na'vi from "Avatar" or vampires from various mythologies, often without the same level of ethical scrutiny applied to shifts involving CR races. This discrepancy reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of shifting itself. If we accept the core principle that all realities are equally real and valid, then the distinction between "fictional" and "real-world" races becomes very blurry to a point where said distinction vanishes since what is fictional in this reality is 100% real in that DR.
This paradox becomes even more apparent when we consider that many of these fictional races face discrimination, oppression, or complex social challenges within their realities. Shifters who take on these identities are, in essence, experiencing forms of racism or societal prejudice, yet these experiences are often romanticized or seen as less problematic than explorations of real-world racial discrimination. The Na'vi fighting against human colonization or Mutants from the X-men hiding from societal persecution are, within the context of shifting, as real and significant as any historical or contemporary struggle against oppression.
The romanticization of these fictional races raises its own set of moral questions. For instance, the glorification/romanticisation of vampire culture in shifting could be seen as problematic on multiple levels. It potentially trivializes issues of consent and power imbalances, and could even be construed as a form of necrophilia, given the undead nature of vampires (vampires are dead not alive ergo necrophilia in a way. This argument that I use is to further emphasize the hypocrisy of the shifting community since yall wanna talk about fetishization and romanticisation). This level of ethical scrutiny is rarely applied to fictional race shifts, despite the community's readiness to criticize CR race changing on similar grounds.
For multiracial shifters, this moral landscape becomes even more complex. A multiracial individual might choose to shift to embody only one aspect of their racial heritage in their DR, reflecting their sense of connection and belonging to that part of their identity. This choice doesn't negate their other racial identities but rather reflects the fluid and personal nature of racial identity itself. However, the community's inconsistent approach to race in shifting can create additional challenges for these individuals. They may find themselves navigating not only their own complex identities but also the arbitrary distinctions and judgments imposed by the community.
The multiracial shifting experience underscores the limitations of rigid racial categorizations and highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of race and identity within the shifting community. It challenges shifters to consider how their experiences across different realities might inform and expand their understanding of racial identity in their OR.
Moreover, the moral relativism inherent in shifting raises questions about the nature of ethical growth through these experiences. If a shifter encounters and adapts to vastly different moral frameworks across their DRs, how does this impact their core ethical beliefs? This moral fluidity could lead to a more nuanced and empathetic worldview, but it also risks ethical inconsistency or moral relativism taken to an extreme.
In conclusion, the intersection of morality and racial identity in shifting presents a rich area for exploration and discussion. It challenges our understanding of ethics, identity, and the nature of reality itself. By engaging with these complex ideas, the shifting community has the opportunity to foster more nuanced, empathetic, and inclusive approaches to race and identity. However, this requires a willingness to apply consistent ethical standards across all forms of shifting, whether they involve "real" or "fictional" races, and a commitment to deeper reflection on the moral implications of these profound experiences.
Conclusion : 
Ultimately, we can argue that race changing in reality shifting isn't inherently problematic and can, in fact, be a powerful tool for personal and societal growth. The ability to experience life from diverse racial perspectives has the potential to challenge deeply ingrained biases, foster genuine empathy, and contribute to more nuanced discussions about race and identity in our society.
However, we must tread carefully to ensure that these practices do not veer into appropriation or fetishization. This requires:
Approaching race changing with respect, humility, and a genuine desire to learn.
Engaging in thorough self-reflection before, during, and after shifting experiences.
Complementing shifting experiences with real-world education about racial issues and histories.
Being mindful of the privilege inherent in being able to "opt out" of a racial identity.
Using insights gained from shifting to actively combat racism and promote understanding in one's original reality.
Fostering open, honest dialogues within the shifting community about ethics and best practices.
Developing clear community guidelines that address the complexities of race changing.
By maintaining this careful balance, race changing in reality shifting can serve as a unique and valuable tool for promoting intercultural understanding, challenging racial prejudices, and fostering a more empathetic and inclusive society. As with any powerful tool, its value lies not in the practice itself, but in how we choose to use it. With thoughtful consideration and ethical guidance, race changing in shifting has the potential to contribute positively to our ongoing dialogues about race, identity, and human experience.
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communistkenobi · 7 months
im an undergrad student who was thinking about specializing in studying fascist movements in North America for my masters and ive really enjoyed reading your book commentary - you connect things that I'm not always aware of in ways that are really comprehensive and appreciate
Do you know of any researchers who are moving things on the topic right now (most of the books ive read are around 20+ years old, unfortunately)?
(sorry if any of this is unclear/grammatically incorrect/weirdly worded - I'm super sick rn)
thank you! I'm really glad to hear that :)
For contemporary writing, I'm currently working through some of Alberto Toscano's work - he has a really interesting article from 2021 on fascism from a Black radical/Marxist perspective where he summarizes various historical analyses of fascism from Black (particularly US) thinkers and activists. One thing I especially appreciate is that he complicates Aime Cesaire's formulation of fascism (i.e., "european colonialism come home") as incomplete when applied to settler colonial contexts, especially the United States - one of Cesaire's articulations of fascism is that (to paraphrase) "one fine day, the prisons begin to fill up, the Gestapo gets busy" and so on, and Toscano, working through Angela Davis and George Jackson, responds with (again I'm paraphrasing) "the prisons are already full! The Gestapo is already here!" etc. Toscano also has a new book that just came out in 2023 called Late Fascism, which explicitly addresses the current moment. I only have a physical copy of that so I can't share a pdf unfortunately, and I still need to get around to reading it lol.
These are also a couple random articles I found insightful:
Carnut (2022). Marxist Critical Systematic Review on Neo-Fascism and International Capital: Diffuse Networks, Capitalist Decadence and Culture War - does what it says on the tin
Daggett (2018). Petro-masculinity: Fossil Fuels and Authoritarian Desire - talks about car culture as a site of modern reactionary political movements, links climate denialism with (proto-)fascist movements
Parmigiani (2021). Magic and politics: Conspirituality and COVID-19 - this one does not mention fascism explicitly, but imo the intersection between new age spirituality, anti-vaccine sentiment, and qanon/q-adjacent conspiracies are pretty important to understanding contemporary fascist social movements, so I'd still recommend reading this
Finally, this isn't an article but I found this recorded lecture about the history of Qanon pretty interesting. I don't think the author gives particularly insightful answers on how to solve the problem of far right conspiracies in the Q&A portion but I found it to be a helpful summary
Otherwise I've been focusing a lot on decolonial scholarship more so than fascist scholarship - this is again guided by Cesaire's argument that Europe/The West broadly is inherently fascist. These works aren't contemporary, but you can look at this post for some of the readings I linked on decolonial scholarship if you want to go that route. Those are serving me more for theoretical frameworks to guide contemporary analysis, not analysis of contemporary events directly
also idk if I need to put this disclaimer, but just in case this leaves my blog: this isn't a full throated defense of/apology for everything in these articles, I'm not claiming they're sufficient to understanding the present moment, these are just some of the things I've been reading recently and have found helpful in some way or another. a lot of contemporary work I have read (much of which isn't linked here because I don't think its very good/do not have it on hand) focuses on populism and authoritarianism as central analytical terminology, which i think does a lot of work to exceptionalize and mystify fascism as a historical and political process/project originating from European colonialism & Western imperialism, but these terms are endemic to the field so you have to contend with them no matter what
good luck with your studies!
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midnightshaze13 · 11 months
I present to you this thread with very good studies, works, theses, essays and Final Degree Projects related to Taylor Swift that I have compiled. 📑🗂
They are in no specific order and I mention the languages in which they are written.
I'm starting the thread with mine. I'd love to see yours if you did one so please if it's not included down here and you feel like sharing it, feel free to add it!!
«Letters that are heard, words that are felt. Teaching of Literature and Literacy in modern songs: Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams and Carolina» by Irene M.Paredes
Language: Spanish and English
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«The key to storytelling: why Taylor Swift is one of the greatest songwritters of all time» by Borja Valladolid Araujo
Language: Spanish
Link and image:
Language: English
«Female lyrical voices vs. Patriarchal violence: a study of the use of images of death and resurrection in the writing of Sylvia Plath and Taylor Swift» by Alejandra Escutia Angulo.
Language: Spanish
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«The Representation of Gender Discrimination in Taylor Swift’s Music Video The Man. A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis» by Irina Montes Martínez
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«Translation of Taylor Swift's The Lakes song, analysis of dificulties and cultural references» by Petruta Andreea Gherle
Language: Spanish
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«Translation of the songs from Taylor Swift's Midnights Album» by Ainhoa María Martínez
Language: Spanish
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«Lesbian subtext and symbology in the lyrics of Taylor Swift's albums in relation to poems by Emily Dickinson» by Raquel López Romero.
Language: Spanish.
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«Examining the influence of the Romanticism movement on the works of Taylor Swift» by Inayah.
Language: English
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«How the lyrical trajectory of Taylor Swift's songs parallels the development of feminist discourse in popular culture» by Jenny Medlicott
Language: English
Link and image: (not working because the author limits the views)
«You Need to Calm Down: An Analysis of Attitudes Towards Women's Anger and the Role This Plays in Discouraging Political Expression in the Case of Taylor Swift» by Sarah Quinn
Language: English
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«Look what you made me do: a study of the individualized fan culture of Filipini Taylor Swift's fans» by Katherine Joy Victorio Tolentino
Language: English
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«Marketing strategy in the music industry in the era of social networks: the case of Taylor Swift» by Lisa Sioli
Language: Italian
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«The art of immersive storytelling in Taylor Swift and F. Scott Fitzgerald» by Joanne Waeber
Language: English
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«Look what you made me do: Swift's negotiations with an inherently sexist music industry» by Evie Chiles
Language: English
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«Love metaphors in the lyrics of Taylor Swift» by Ewa Lawrukiewicz
Language: Polish
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«I don't give a damn about my bad reputation: Analysis of the Branding, Performance and Pop Stars as defined texts found within Taylor Swift's reputation» by Mathew Panneton
Language: English
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«An Analysis of Meaning and Diction of Taylor Swift on the Red Album» by Rama Darmawan
Language: English
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«Taylor Swift and Swifties: Understanding para-social relationships within the fandom» by Lucy Olivia Hewitt
Language: English
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«Swifties and social media: the role of social media in Taylor Swift's relationship with fans» by Loren Wright
Language: English
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«Femininity Representation and Feminist Discourse: A Case Study of Blank Space Music Video by Taylor Swift» by Tian Hong
Language: English
«Celebrity, Music, and Public Persona: A Case Study of Taylor Swift» by Elaina K.M. Junes
Language: English
«Passed down like folk songs: an analysis of story and character in Taylor Swift's folklore and evermore» by Liv Shaw
Language: English
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This one I couldn't find the author just the picture on twitter
«'It's A Love Story'-Defining a 'Swiftie' and how Taylor Swift and her Fan Community Reform the Parasocial Relationship On Tumblr» by Chloe on Bachelor of Media
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researcher1008 · 22 hours
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Market Future Trends, Developments, and Growth Opportunities 2024-2032
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-energy-efficiency-for-commercial-buildings-market/request-sample
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Share by Key Players
Johnson Controls
Eaton Corporation
Carrier (UTC)
Schneider Electric
Fujitsu General
Emerson Electric
General Electric
Bosch Thermotechnology
Technovator International
Cylon Controls
Logical Buildings
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Segmentation
The report on Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment By Type
Energy Management
Segment By Application
Hotels and Restaurants
Retail Chains
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-energy-efficiency-for-commercial-buildings-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-energy-efficiency-for-commercial-buildings-market/buy-now
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mj2994-me-blog · 23 hours
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market
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High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-high-intensity-focused-ultrasound-market/request-sample
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market Share by Key Players
Chongqing Haifu Medical TechnologyPhilips HealthcareInsightecSonacare MedicalEdap TmsShanghai A&SChangjiangyuan Technology DevelopmentWikkonTheraclionAlpinion Medical SystemsMianyang Sonic Electronic Ltd.
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market Segmentation
The report on Global High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment By Type
Segment By Application
Prostate Disease
Uterine Fibroids
Bone Tumor and Soft Tissue
Other Diseases
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-high-intensity-focused-ultrasound-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-high-intensity-focused-ultrasound-market/buy-now
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dataexplosure · 23 hours
Almond Harvesters Market Market Growth Drivers, Restraints, and Key Segmentations 2024-2032
Almond Harvesters Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Almond Harvesters Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Almond Harvesters Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Almond Harvesters Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-almond-harvesters-market/request-sample
Almond Harvesters Market Share by Key Players
Flory Industries
Kadıoğlu Machinery
Coe Orchard Equipment
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Almond Harvesters Market Segmentation
The report on Global Almond Harvesters Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Segment by Application
Commercial Farms
Private Farms
Almond Harvesters Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-almond-harvesters-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Almond Harvesters Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Almond Harvesters Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Almond Harvesters Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Almond Harvesters Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Almond Harvesters Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-almond-harvesters-market/buy-now
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researchcompany · 2 days
Shovels and Spades Market
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Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Shovels and Spades Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Shovels and Spades Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Shovels and Spades Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-shovels-and-spades-market/request-sample
Shovels and Spades Market Share by Key Players
Grow Organic
Peaceful Valley
Spear and Jackson
Valley Oak
Bully Tools
Jones Stephens
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Shovels and Spades Market Segmentation
The report on Global Shovels and Spades Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
By Type
By Application
Shovels and Spades Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-shovels-and-spades-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Shovels and Spades Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Shovels and Spades Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Shovels and Spades Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Shovels and Spades Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Shovels and Spades Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-shovels-and-spades-market/buy-now
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me-amaraja · 2 days
Global Connected Cow and Farm Market Growth, Insights and Forecast by 2032 | Reed Intelligence
Connected Cow and Farm Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Connected Cow and Farm Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Connected Cow and Farm Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Connected Cow and Farm Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-connected-cow-and-farm-market/request-sample
Connected Cow and Farm Market Share by Key Players
JOSKINBauer Group (BSA)Evers AgroMajor EquipmentAgometerFliegl AgrartechnikVredoVeenhuis MachinesPel Tuote OySCHOUTEN MACHINESClaydon Yield-o-MeterBomech
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Connected Cow and Farm Market Segmentation
The report on Global Connected Cow and Farm Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Spring Tines
Segment by Application
Private Farms
Commercial Farms
Connected Cow and Farm Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-connected-cow-and-farm-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Connected Cow and Farm Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Connected Cow and Farm Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Connected Cow and Farm Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Connected Cow and Farm Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Connected Cow and Farm Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-connected-cow-and-farm-market/buy-now
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marketers12 · 15 days
The Future of Relational vs. Non-Relational Database Management Platforms
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Overview of the Database Management Platform Market
The Database Management Platform (DBMP) market is experiencing robust growth driven by the increasing need for efficient data management and analytics across various industries. As organizations generate and store vast amounts of data, there is a rising demand for advanced solutions that offer scalability, security, and real-time processing capabilities. Key trends include the shift towards cloud-based DBMPs, integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the emphasis on data privacy and compliance. Major players in the market are continually innovating to offer more versatile and cost-effective solutions, further fueling the market's expansion.
Database Management Platform Market Trends, drivers, and challenges.
The Database Management Platform (DBMP) market is shaped by several key trends, drivers, and challenges. Trends include the rapid adoption of cloud-based solutions and the integration of AI and machine learning for enhanced data analytics. Drivers of growth include the increasing volume of data generated by businesses and the demand for real-time data processing and scalability. However, challenges persist, such as ensuring data security and privacy, managing the complexity of multi-cloud environments, and navigating regulatory compliance. Companies must continuously innovate and adapt to stay competitive in this dynamic market.
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Market Segmentation:
By Data Type
First-party data
Second-party data
Third-party data
By Data Source
Web analytics tools
Mobile web
Mobile apps
POS data
CRM data
Social network
By End-User
Ad agencies
Database Management Platform Market Regional Analysis
Regionally, the Database Management Platform (DBMP) market shows diverse growth patterns. North America leads due to high adoption rates of advanced technologies and significant investments in IT infrastructure. Europe follows, driven by increasing digital transformation and regulatory requirements. The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth, fueled by rising technological adoption and a burgeoning data-driven economy in countries like China and India. Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are also expanding, though at a slower pace, with growing investments in IT modernization and infrastructure development. Each region faces unique challenges and opportunities based on local market dynamics and technological advancements.
Projections and growth opportunities.
The Database Management Platform (DBMP) market is projected to continue its robust growth, with expectations for significant expansion over the next several years. Opportunities for growth are particularly promising in areas such as cloud-based solutions, which offer scalability and flexibility, and AI-driven analytics that enhance data insights. The rise of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) further fuel demand for advanced DBMPs. Additionally, sectors like healthcare, finance, and retail are investing heavily in data management solutions to drive innovation and operational efficiency. As organizations increasingly recognize the value of data-driven decision-making, the DBMP market is poised for continued growth and technological advancement.
Summary of findings and recommendations.
The Database Management Platform (DBMP) market is on a positive trajectory, driven by the growing need for efficient data management and advanced analytics. Key findings indicate that cloud-based and AI-integrated solutions are at the forefront of market growth, while sectors such as healthcare and finance are major adopters. However, challenges like data security and regulatory compliance must be addressed. Recommendations include investing in cloud and AI technologies to stay competitive, prioritizing data security measures, and staying informed about regulatory changes. Embracing these strategies will position companies to capitalize on market opportunities and navigate potential obstacles effectively.
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nicole14yolo · 1 month
AI Image Upscaler: A New Era of Image Repair and Enhancement
In the field of digital image processing, image restoration has long been a significant area of research. With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, AI has become a crucial tool for image repair and enhancement. AI not only improves image resolution but also restores details and quality, reviving blurred or damaged images.
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AI image upscaler use deep learning and neural network techniques to convert low-resolution images into high-resolution ones. Unlike traditional image interpolation methods, AI-based super-resolution trains on vast amounts of high and low-resolution image pairs to learn the mapping between low and high-resolution images. The key models used include deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs). Through adversarial training between these models, AI can generate more realistic high-resolution images and make enlarged images clearer and more natural. Deep learning models effectively eliminate blurriness and noise that occur during the image enlargement process. Additionally, AI image upscaler can automatically process large volumes of image data with no manual intervention, which is crucial for scenarios that involve processing numerous low-resolution images, such as video surveillance and satellite image analysis. AI image upscaler technology is widely applied across various fields, including entertainment, healthcare, security, and remote sensing. It enhances the visual experience of images and videos and improves the accuracy and efficiency of image analysis in professional domains.
In everyday life, AI image upscaler have significant applications. Old photos often fade or get damaged over time. AI image upscaler can restore these low-resolution, blurry, or damaged old photos to high definition by learning from numerous high and low-resolution image pairs. Modern deep learning models like ESRGAN can effectively reconstruct image details, making restored photos clearer and more natural. Many digital photos suffer from low resolution or noise due to camera limitations or shooting conditions. AI image upscaler can significantly enhance the clarity and quality of these photos, bringing ordinary smartphone pictures up to a professional standard. Whether it’s travel photos, family gatherings, or pet pictures, AI image upscaler can provide a better visual experience.
In video streaming and home entertainment, low-quality videos often affect the viewing experience. AI image upscaler can enhance video clarity in real-time, providing viewers with higher-quality visuals. AI technology can also repair and enhance old home videos, preserving cherished memories. On social media platforms, high-definition images are more likely to attract attention. AI image upscaler can help users convert low-resolution social media images into high-definition ones, improving the overall visual appeal. Whether it’s personal selfies or life documentation, AI image upscaling technology can deliver higher clarity and quality.
Furthermore, in our daily work, we often encounter situations where documents are hard to read. This is where we need to enhance documents and text images, such as scanned books, handwritten notes, or low-resolution PDFs. AI image upscaler can effectively improve the resolution and clarity of these images, making text clearer and easier to read, thus boosting work efficiency.
As deep learning technology continues to advance, the effectiveness of AI image upscaler will further improve. In the future, we can expect more innovative algorithms and application scenarios. For example, integrating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies with AI super-resolution could provide users with a more immersive visual experience. Additionally, with the development of quantum computing and new neural network architectures, AI super-resolution is expected to achieve more efficient and precise image restoration and enhancement.
Overall, AI image upscaler represent a revolutionary image processing technology that has demonstrated tremendous potential and advantages in everyday image restoration. Whether it's repairing old photos, enhancing digital images, improving video clarity, or optimizing social media visuals, AI image upscaler can significantly enhance image quality and provide a better visual experience. As technology continues to evolve, AI image upscaler will play an increasingly important role in various fields, bringing more surprises and possibilities.
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robertemma27-blog · 2 months
Smart Card Market : Analysis of Upcoming Trends and Current Growth
The Smart card market size is projected to reach USD 16.9 billion by 2026, from USD 13.9 billion in 2021; growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.0% during the forecast period.
Major drivers for the growth of the smart card market are surged demand for contactless card (tap-and-pay) payments amid COVID-19, proliferation of smart cards in healthcare, transportation, and BFSI verticals; increased penetration of smart cards in access control and personal identification applications; and easy access to e-government services and risen demand for online shopping and banking.
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By Vertical segment, the smart card market share for telecommunications segment held the largest share of the market A subscriber identity module (SIM) card is a type of microcontroller-based smart card used in mobile phones and other devices. A SIM identifies and authenticates a subscriber to a wireless cell phone network. The telecommunications segment accounted for the maximum share of 42% of the smart card market in 2020. Expanding global mobile network and improvements in its infrastructure are boosting the growth of the market. In addition, COVID-19 led to an increased demand for connectivity. The current crisis provided a push to the trend of digitalization of business and private communication with cellular technology, along with the generalization of digital conferences. Moreover, the penetration of high-end SIM card technologies, such as LTE, 5G, M2M, eSIM, and SWP, is expected to augment the market growth in the coming years.
By Interface, contactless segment of smart card market is projected to account for largest size of the market during the forecast period A contactless smart card includes an embedded smart card secure microcontroller or equivalent intelligence, internal memory, and a small antenna; it communicates with readers through a contactless radio frequency (RF) interface. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) or near-field communication (NFC) communication technologies are primarily used for contactless smart card applications. COVID-19 is positively impacting the contactless smart card industry growth as the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments across the world are advocating the use of contactless smart cards for various purposes to ensure social distancing to contain the spread of the virus. Contactless smart cards provide ease, speed, and convenience to users. The contactless interface has become highly relevant in the current COVID-19 situation, especially for payment applications, as it facilitates safe and secure transactions without physical contact.
By Region, smart card market in APAC estimated to account for the largest size of the market. Smart card market statistics in Asia Pacific (APAC) is the largest market during forecast period. The robust financial system that is being increasingly digitized and government agencies incorporating smart chip-based systems for better monitoring of processes are propelling several APAC countries to adopt smart card solutions owing to increasing demand, specifically in the transportation, BFSI, retail, government, and healthcare sectors. Smart cards are used to purchase tickets in metros, buses, and ferries, among others, in several countries in APAC. China is projected to witness the highest demand for smart cards in the region owing to a large consumer base and the presence of a number of smart card manufacturers.
Properly implemented smart cards in all sectors have proven highly effective in combating thefts and fraud. Government projects, such as the Aadhar card in India, drive the demand for smart cards for use in a number of sectors. Moreover, security concerns, particularly within the public sphere, are also expected to fuel the growth of the market in APAC.
Top Smart Card Companies - Key Market Players Thales Group (France), IDEMIA (France), Giesecke + Devrient GmBH (Germany), CPI Card Group (US), HID Global Corporation (US), Watchdata (China), Eastcompeace (China), Inteligensa (US), ABCorp (US), and CardLogix (US) are a few major smart card companies in the market.
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researcher1008 · 22 hours
Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market Market Insights: Regional Developments, Top Players, and Future Trends 2024-2032
Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently published a new report titled ""Global Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market."" This comprehensive report delves into crucial aspects of the Bluetooth fingerprint scanner industry, offering valuable insights for both established and new market participants. It covers key factors such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing processes, advertising strategies, technological innovations, major industry players, and regional market breakdowns, among other important details.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-octamethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane-market/request-sample
Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market Share by Key Players
Dow Corning
Dongyue Group
Tangshan Sanyou
Shin Etsu
Hoshine Silicon
Shandong Jinling
Zhongtian Fluorine Silicon
The report also covers several important factors including strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, and the profiles of end users and target audiences. Additionally, it examines the distribution network, branding strategies, product portfolios, market share, potential threats and barriers, growth drivers, and the latest industry trends.
Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market Segmentation
The report on the Global Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market offers a thorough segmentation by type, applications, and regions. It details production and manufacturing data for each segment over the forecast period from 2024 to 2032. The application segment focuses on the different uses and operational processes within the industry. Analyzing these segments will provide insights into the various factors contributing to market growth and their significance.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment By Purity
Content 99%
Content 98%
Segment by Application
Silicone Rubber
Silicone Oil
Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-octamethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market has been thoughtfully compiled by examining a range of factors that influence its growth, including environmental, economic, social, technological, and political conditions across different regions. A detailed analysis of data related to revenue, production, and manufacturers provides a comprehensive view of the global landscape of the Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market. This information will be valuable for both established companies and newcomers, helping them assess the investment opportunities in this growing market.
Key Highlights
The report delivers essential insights into the Global Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market.
The report covers data for the years 2024-2032, highlighting key factors that impact the market during this period.
It emphasizes technological advancements, government regulations, and recent market developments.
The report will explore advertising and marketing strategies, examine market trends, and provide detailed analysis.
The report includes growth analysis and forecasts, with predictions extending up to the year 2032.
The report highlights a detailed statistical analysis of the key players in the market.
It presents a comprehensive and extensively researched overview of the market.
Buy Octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-octamethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane-market/buy-now
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mj2994-me-blog · 23 hours
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market
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Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-maternal-infant-care-equipment-market/request-sample
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Share by Key Players
GE HealthcareNatus MedicalAdvanced InstrumentationsAtom MedicalPhoenix MedicalJW MedicalDAVIDFanemDisonMedipremaCobamsWeyerMedicorDraegerMedtronicLowensteinVyaire MedicalAcutronicHamilton MedicalSiemens HealthcarePhilips HealthcareAnalogic CorporationBDFisher & PaykelSpacelabs HealthcareArjoHuntleighNeoventa MedicalFujifilm SonoSiteEdan InstrumentsIbis Medical
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Segmentation
The report on Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Thermoregulation Devices
Phototherapy Devices
Neonatal Monitoring Systems
Respiratory Assistance Devices
Segment by Application
Pediatric and Neonatal Clinics
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-maternal-infant-care-equipment-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-maternal-infant-care-equipment-market/buy-now
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dataexplosure · 23 hours
Worm Compost Market Market Sales, Trends, and Threats: A Complete Overview 2024-2032
Worm Compost Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Worm Compost Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Worm Compost Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Worm Compost Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-worm-compost-market/request-sample
Worm Compost Market Share by Key Players
Davo's Worm Farms
Kahariam Farms
Dirt Dynasty
Black Diamond
Sri Gayathri Biotec
Suman Vermi Compost
Garden Gold
Shijiazhuang Fada
Dilongli (Jialiming)
Shijiazhuang Shuotian
Urban Worm Company
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Worm Compost Market Segmentation
The report on Global Worm Compost Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
By Type
Sifted Through Screen
Not Sifted Through Screen
By Application
Horticultural Industry
Golf Courses
Home Gardening
Worm Compost Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-worm-compost-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Worm Compost Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Worm Compost Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Worm Compost Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Worm Compost Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Worm Compost Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-worm-compost-market/buy-now
Contact Us:
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researchcompany · 2 days
Organic Vegetable Growing Market
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Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Organic Vegetable Growing Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Organic Vegetable Growing Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Organic Vegetable Growing Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-organic-vegetable-growing-market/request-sample
Organic Vegetable Growing Market Share by Key Players
Plenty Unlimited Inc
Green Organic Vegetable Inc.
ISCA Technologies
Nature's Path
Agrilution Systems GmbH
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Organic Vegetable Growing Market Segmentation
The report on Global Organic Vegetable Growing Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Pure Organic Farming
Integrated Organic Farming
Segment by Application
Planting Bas
Organic Vegetable Growing Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-organic-vegetable-growing-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Organic Vegetable Growing Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Organic Vegetable Growing Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Organic Vegetable Growing Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Organic Vegetable Growing Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Organic Vegetable Growing Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-organic-vegetable-growing-market/buy-now
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