marble-whorentes · 2 years
me, your friendly neighborhood villain apologist: zuko was never evil he was just 16
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
random unwanted shit about ourselves
existing in our headspace is more like writing/reading a book than actually existing? idk how to explain it but its diff
why is rhett from rhett and link doing candy crush ads /distracted
one of our primary protectors is a factive of one of our former comfort youtubers, he's a huge advocate about introjects not being their sources
we are getting ready to start college!
we are tall and plus-sized and have lots of body image issues whoop
we are collectively a non-religious angel (we all experience phantom wings) and a fox-person!
tim wright is one of our trauma handlers and keeps accidentally becoming the older brother figure of other horror introjects lmao
stop calling tim a dilf he is fragile and will cry /lh -carson
we have five partner systems!
we find it easier to communicate online/through discord/etc than internally, and sometimes will randomly start teasing each other/arguing
we play-argue a lot, we act a lot like siblings lmao
found family our comfort
carson 🤝 noah 🤝 adam 🤝 probably someone else i cant think of would physically fight and murder their sources
we lov attenshion
one of our co-hosts can and will infodump about fast food jobs for an extended period of time
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
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i intended to just make the first one and then i kept going. enjoy these bugs bunny system memes
anti-endos dont even breathe at this post <3
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
To other autistic people, have you ever struggled to tie shoe laces?
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
we're endogenic, and i'm not sure what our most common role tbh a lot of us go unlabled but we have a fuckton of fictives? sorry if this isnt much help a
hey systems, plurals, collectives, etc., question!
what is your system origin/type if you know it and if your system has roles, what is the most common role you have? do you have a lot of members of the same or similar roles, or is everyone vastly different?
for example, our system is a mixed origin DID system and we are mostly littles and protectors. there are very few alters who fit into other categories, though we do have a few soothers, and socializers.
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
Speaking as a traumagenic OSDD system, endogenic systems belong in our community and are overall a positive force in it.
I would like to thank endogenic systems who are brave enough to be open about it for:
Helping to normalize multiplicity
Providing a transitional community for traumagenic systems who haven’t yet come to terms with their trauma to begin understanding what they’re going through
Providing plausible deniability to traumagenic systems who may not want to be open about their trauma
Standing up against gatekeeping
I know that the exclusionary voices can be loud, but please remember that there are still plenty of us who want you here. In my experience, in spaces I’ve been in, it’s frequently been endogenic and mixed-origin systems who have pushed hardest for accessibility features in those spaces, who have offered non-judgmental support, and who have introduced the concept of multiplicity to singlets in those spaces and thereby made it easier for me to talk about my own multiplicity.
One day I would like to live in a world where I can be open about my own multiplicity without facing questions about my trauma, without people acting differently towards me, without being doubted, and without being treated like there’s something wrong with me. I’d like to live in a world where I can talk freely to a therapist and receive help without fear of being institutionalized or medicated against my will. Gatekeeping will not get us there - respectability politics inevitably eats itself. We won’t gain equal footing with singlets by stepping on top of our comrades. Let’s all support each other not only because everyone deserves to be treated with respect, but also because we are stronger together.
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
“Average person has 3 people in their head” actually thats a statistical error average person has like 1 or 2 people in their head. Headmates Georg, a system of over 10,000 members, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
Anti-endo person was annoying so heres a depiction of us gently holding endo systems cause they deserve love
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
I have made a website compiling research on endogenics i find!
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
i understand that younger people can get swept up in discourse about not wanting to step on the toes of disabled people (DID, UDD, OSDD etc systems), but back in the day in the early 90s, the people paving the way and pioneering inclusive plural safe spaces were almost entirely endo systems. every single site about multiplicity from the 90s and 2000s focused very heavily on healthy and non disordered multiplicity and how DID (known as MPD back then) was valid and also a form of multiplicity... just not the ONLY one. they also helped dispell myths about DID, and gave links to accurate information about disordered plurality as well
there were people identifying as naturally and spiritually plural way, way before DID even got the name it has now, it's such a normal phenomenon that has numerous causes. sites like kinhost.org and Astraea's Web were all about discussing plurality without mentioning disorders, without passing judgment.
even so, the spiritual and natural multiplicity communities literally helped me realize i had DID. they gave me access to information about real people with DID like Truddi Chase and The Troops, and helped me research actual medical papers and documents. though a hard read, When Rabbit Howls helped me confirm that I also have DID... and I have only ever seen this book mentioned on sites run by non disordered systems. (lots of TWs for the book BTW please ask me or research before reading.)
we work best together. all system types make a great team. let's keep working together.
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
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(alt text:) this system contains subsystems
requests are closed for now
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
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(alt text:) this introject is transfem despite being a guy in her source
requests are closed for now
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
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(alt text:) this system is a crossover episode that no one asked for
requests are open :)
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
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<Alt Text:> This System’s Fictives Tend To Drift Away From Their Source
Requests Are Open! :D
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
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(alt text:) this fictive is from a slenderverse series and is okay with talking about source
requests are closed for now
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marble-whorentes · 2 years
welcome to our blog! we're the marble collective, we're polymultiple endogenic. our pronouns are they/them, lyr/lyric, mint/mint, voi/void
this is definitely not a secret blog so we can express ourselves comfortably lol. dont tell anyone shhh
uhh idk what else to put here so
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