#social media activism
urb4nglitch91 · 4 months
March of "The Faithful"
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
This is your daily reminder that you’re allowed to love things that are problematic.
Celebrities/movies/artwork/fictional characters.
As long as you acknowledge the not-so-great things about them, there’s nothing wrong with stanning something that wouldn’t pass a purity test, bc irl there’s nothing and no one that would entirely pass one. Don’t let chronically online folks who get a dopamine high from feeling virtuously superior to someone they’ve never met convince you you’re a bad person because the thing you enjoy isn’t morally perfect.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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muffinlevelchicanery · 5 months
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kesarijournal · 2 months
Unmasking the Puppeteers: How U.S. Government-Funded Analysts Shape South Asia's Narrative
In the swirling world of geopolitics, the narratives we consume often come from voices we trust. But what if those voices, presenting themselves as independent experts, are subtly tethered to the very governments they discuss? It’s time to pull back the curtain on two of the most influential American pundits on South Asia, Derek Grossman and Michael Kugelman, and expose the hidden strings of U.S.…
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andythecorsair · 2 months
If all of your activism is on social media, you're not an activist. You're just a slightly younger person yelling at clouds.
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Rita Edochie Stands Up for Controversial Activist Very Dark Man - But Can He Be Trusted? Seun Kuti Says "I Have No Reason to Fear" While Miracle OP Slams "He Had No Right"
Controversy Alert! Rita Edochie defends outspoken activist Very Dark Man amidst backlash from others, but can he be trusted? Read the full story and join the debate! #VeryDarkMan #RitaEdochie #Controversy"
Nollywood Veteran Rita Edochie Surprises Fans with Passionate Defense of Very Dark Man, But Not Everyone is Convinced” In a shocking turn of events, veteran Nollywood actress Rita Edochie has come out in strong support of controversial social media activist Very Dark Man (VDM). In a lengthy Instagram post, Edochie praised VDM as a “great activist” doing “marvellously well” and urged the public…
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katsinspats · 3 months
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Thematically appropriate comic for Make a Terrible Comic Day!!
I saw the original post this morning and it made me get out of bed to make something, so thank u Pseudonym Jones mission accomplished
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gemini--witch · 9 months
Social media activism is important, actually
Background: I'm a 30-year-old mother attending university. So, I'm a nontraditional student. The vast majority of my fellow students are traditional students, meaning they went right into college straight out of high school, and are consequently no older than 22. Which means they're all on the younger end of Gen Z. Overall, I love Gen Z. Y'all are some of the funniest people on the planet, you're radical and intelligent AF, and I really feel for you having to grow up in the hellscape that is climate catastrophe and late-stage capitalism, so I really am against any kind of class warfare bullshit.
With that being said.
In my last class of fall term (incidentally a short story genre class, but the fun part of university is getting to apply fiction to real life in order to deepen our understanding of it), our class got into a spirited debate about the merits of social media in terms of being exposed to the nitty gritty of world events, such as what's happening in Gaza. Many of my fellow students held the opinion that all the videos of Gaza genocide (and other atrocities against humanity) are just trauma porn and people should stop scrolling and actually do something about it if they care that much because social media doesn't actually help anything at all.
In part, I agree. Doomscrolling in itself is not helpful to anything. They're not wrong there. And for a hot minute -- because I care about other people's opinions and when there are that many people disagreeing with me, I take the time to think through everything for a few weeks afterwards to see if I was really wrong -- I questioned my instincts. I know that sometimes I'm awful at communicating my ideas out loud and in person. I'm so much better at writing things out. But after really sitting on this topic almost constantly for a solid three weeks, I've finally formulated a strong opinion.
Social media activism is fucking important.
Does doomscrolling help anything? No. But the entire reason why the world actually CARES about the Palestinian's plight right now is because of social media! Because of people on the ground filming what's happening and blasting it for the world to see!
One fellow student said that people shouldn't have to view trauma porn in order to care about others. That's the sort of idyllic view that I would have had at 18. It would be WONDERFUL if people could see genocide and corruption and evil where it exists and automatically take a stance against it and have a huge, collective outcry. But even before social media existed, that sort of thing simply did not happen on a big, collective level without activists first getting the dirty, awful imagery and information disseminated to the mass populace. I mean, by 1970 most of the general population of the world didn't even remember Palestinians resided in Israel. The propaganda machine was (and is) loud.
In 2023, most of the earth's residents are too consumed with simply getting by in the dystopia of their own countries to think about atrocities without them being blasted in their face on their preferred social media. Even people in the middle class are too stressed to think a lot of the time. So many of us are experiencing a mass feeling of helplessness, and social media activism gets us out of our own heads and helps us care about someone else for a change.
Yes, we can't stop at doomscrolling. I of all people understand how doomscrolling and posting on social media can make the brain feel like it actually did something big and it's so easy to just stop there. Yes, we have to move on from the screen to signing petitions and carrying signs and sending angry emails and phone calls to our representatives and donating money to mutual aid if we have the privilege to do so.
But the first step to being part of the solution is first being aware of the problem. And as hard as it may be to see, "trauma porn" is often the first door into awareness for a lot of people, especially white people. I totally get people who are directly affected by the atrocities not wanting to see the videos and pictures of it on social media (for example, one student in my class has family in Gaza). But for people not directly affected, they need reminders that it's still happening, in order to keep the momentum. It's too easy to be swept up in the tide of distraction and hardship and survival in everyday life, and forget that we have values of freedom and mutual compassion on a global scale. Social media activism helps us remember.
tl;dr social media activism is an important doorway for people into IRL activism
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rusticfurnace · 3 months
GHOSTSOAP // "you sweet fucker" MINICOMIC!!!
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urb4nglitch91 · 4 months
One Evil Or The Other
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andriahh · 1 year
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trc twitter au ✨
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 5 months
I'm going to tell you something that will be very hard to believe, but I swear to god it's true.
I know someone who, on THE DAY OF Biden's inauguration learned for the first time that we were about to have our first female Vice President.
This was a full adult person who had not heard about Kamala Harris until THE DAY OF the inauguration.
Somehow, not one person on their Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok FYP had mentioned Kamala Harris.
Our algorithms are DIFFERENT. There are a lot of people in your life, probably more than you think, who do NOT know about the genocide in Palestine. They have NOT seen videos from journalists on the ground. They do NOT know how many people have been killed. They do NOT know about the starvation and famine. They do NOT know about the schools, hospitals, and refugee camps that have been bombed. They do NOT know about the mass graves.
I understand the frustration. I understand the bewilderment. I understand the anger.
Remember that the motivation that YOU feel is based on what YOU have seen, what YOU have read, what YOU have given the time and mental/emotional space to learn about.
Not everyone has done that. If that makes you angry, do something about it. BUT REMEMBER YOUR GOAL. Your goal is to increase the attention, money, and aid going to the people in Gaza. Punishing people for having an algorithm that's not exactly the same as yours does not achieve that goal. Start with education. Conversations. Providing resources. Sharing opportunities for aid.
It is not your job to punish. It is your job to provide. It is your job to funnel your frustrations productively, because your efforts are in service of the people of Palestine, not your own ego.
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yuveim · 6 months
Seven WCK humanitarian aid workers killed in Israeli strike, including Palestinian, Australian, Polish, British and U.S./Canadian citizens
"The WCK team was traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle." "The seven killed are from Australia, Poland, United Kingdom, a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, and Palestine."
(USA) Find your representative | United States House of Representatives
(UK) Find your MP | UK Parliament
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lonicera-edulis · 6 months
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A little gift art for @lordoftherazzles with 'Dragonhearted' themed fellas.
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whatevahwhatevah · 8 months
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Sorry for disappearing again, have some more kyman
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