#sobs only two chapters left i just want quiet time to finish it PLS
sugarpasteltmnt · 3 months
pspspspsps sorry everyone but probably no chapter this weekend as i will be traveling tomorrow and handling some work+family stuff for a few days ;w;
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chihirolovebot · 3 years
hey there, venus!! i hope you've been well these days, and if not, i hope things get better. remember to stay hydrated as per usual!
hmmm. for the kink meme... i'd be interested to see what kinks you think kiibo might have. maybe kokichi? but i think he seems obvious. also.... for yttd..... maybe reko
( additional yttd update: i have finished chapter 2 and have seen the endings for it. haven't started chapter 3 but already i am so attached to this cast it's unreal. i still want joe's gender. shin grinds my gears but i love him and his dynamic with kanna?? PLEASE THE WAY HE TRIED TO COVER FOR HER I'M GOING TO LOSE IT. i wasn't sure about nao but...a sweetheart. i adore gin and his silliness. alice is such a dork and he's a delight. and. not gonna lie reko's kinda. 👀 to me. idk )
take care of yourself, my friend. i care about you very dearly. <3
-☀️ sunshine anon
HEYYY SUNSHINE I MISSED YOU LOTS!! yttd chapter 3 is my favourite so far so definitely keep me updated omg!! shin is my third favourite character after sara and gin, then keiji and another character who isn’t in the game yet EEE <33 also yeah the reko thing is relatable i want her n alice so bad.
stuff under the cut, pls mdni :o
content: praise, sensory dep, brats/brat taming, overstim, toys.
biggest praise kink ever oh my god. tell him he's doing so good for you, tell him how good he's making you feel and you'll hear his fans go into overdrive. he loses the ability to speak, just stumbles over his response n hides his face in your neck :((
hm, i get the feeling he's like sensory deprivation, either on himself or his partner. on himself he just finds it exciting to be totally at your whims and mercy, and it makes his artificial nerves buzz, not knowing where the next touch is coming from. on you, he likes the trust it must mean that you afford him - and it helps him become less nervous when he doesn't have to look you in the eyes.
i deadass cannot think of a third this is the most vanilla character ever but its FINE bc hes CUTE <3
brat taming, on the receiving end. he purposefully makes you as mad as possible to get you to snap and fuck the attitude right out of him. he likes to have marks left on his skin - fingerprints on his wrist, crescents from your teeth in his neck and collarbone. he presses down on the bruises the next morning just to feel them sing.
power play, on both ends. i see him as a brat for sure but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to try switching it up every now and then - he has his bold streaks like everybody else, but he usually just views it as a drawn-out form of foreplay until you flip the dynamic back to the way it should be, all fired up and eager to reassert your dominance. all according to keikaku :)
overstim, giving and receiving. he's not sadistic, but there is something intensely satisfying in reducing you to a twitching, sobbing mess occasionally, listening to your breath hitch every time you gasp for oxygen. this is rare, though - it's more often that you'll be overstimming him, because it's generally the only way to get him to shut up for five minutes. only in the sensitive afterglow will he finally be quiet, pliant and vulnerable, shuddering breaths against your skin, clinging with trembling hands to your clothes weakly, allowing himself - if only for a brief moment - to be taken care of.
huge switch-leaning-dom energy. i think she'd be into phone sex because of the amount of time she spends touring with her band, n she hates to leave her poor baby unattended and unsatisfied for so long :(( she's a little coy at first, finds it embarrassing to talk about this stuff where her friends - or god forbid her brother - could overhear, but once she gets going she's letting slip the filthiest stuff so casually, guiding you through it with only a touch of impatience.
she's def into toys - she thinks it makes the experience more special when the two of you actually have a minute and some privacy to indulge, and she wants to make it extra special every time bc she knows it might be a minute before she gets to see you again. she's particularly fond of vibes and nipple clamps, attaching them oh-so-carefully just to teasingly flick at them, smirking at the way it makes your body jump, drinking in your whimpery little noises with a smirk.
hugely into seeing you wear holsters, straps or garters. something about the way they squeeze tightly around the flesh of your thighs, arms or waist makes her slightly insane. she won't be able to tear her eyes off you whilst you're out in public, and the moment you're behind closed doors (because she's definitely way too embarrassed to do anything in public) she's gripping so hard at your flesh that you're sure to bruise the next day, looking a hair's breadth away from sinking her teeth into you.
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ikenbar · 4 years
Mr Love: Ike’s Choice Ch2 Pt11 (end)
Warnings: The conclusion to a thrilling chapter, ANGST, FLUFF, death(?), slight cursing, slight spoilers for Chapter eight of the game? but it really isn’t anything. Just me throwing names around, fire, tension, pain, guilt, adorable moments with officer Gavin, sadness, Minor being a cock block, AaAnaaANd cliffhangers for chapter three!!
AS A HEADS UP: As I said, last part of chapter two. Since I am already finished with chapter three, there will be a post next Wednesday. bUuUt! To keep you guys on your toes (and bring more background to my lovely OC) I will be posting a couple of one shots before beginning the third chapter. It will bring light to things from Ike’s past and make more sense of her story. Those one shots will just be of my OCs. Nothing pertaining to the game. It’ll just make the experience of reading my fanfic more understanding and enjoyable. Ok, I’ll stop wasting your time. Enjoy the thrilling conclusion to Chapter Two!! :D
(Chapter two’s prologue, parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten here :))
((Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D))
Chapter two (end):
Part eleven:
The moon’s light warped above me as I came to. The world’s sound seemed to have been deafened as I seemingly floated in thin air. Muffled thudding came from all around me, threatening to burst my eardrums with the pressure it exerted. I took in a deep breath. 
Water filled my mouth. 
I struggled and held my throat. Finally getting a grasp of the situation, I quickly swam towards the light, pulling the water around me with great force. Skyrocketing out of the lake, I sucked in as much oxygen as I could. Coughing as sputtering as I did so. As the water in my ears drained the world around me gained its sound again. A roaring fire came from the warehouse in front of the lake. Large chunks of debris fell from the building and hit the water, causing waves that made it hard to stay afloat. What was I doing in the lake? Wasn’t I just… 
I gasped, dragging a wave of water into my lungs. 
Where was Gavin?
 “Gavin?!” I choked, whipping my head around to look for him. He wasn’t at the other end of the lake or on any of the floating debris. He wasn’t anywhere… 
Above land. 
I took a deep breath and dove back under the water. I opened my eyes and searched even harder. Everything was dark and murky. It was nearly impossible to make anything out. Until I caught sight of a large piece of debris slowly drifting to the bottom of the lake. 
Under it was Gavin. He was unconscious and his mouth was open but no bubbles came from it. 
The moment I saw him I propelled myself through the water, kicking and moving my arms wildly. Gavin had hit the bottom of the lake when I finally reached him. The debris was a piece of the wall that had been used as a door to that small, awful room. I grabbed the corner of the door, planted my feet at the bottom of the lake, and pulled. The debris was waterlogged, making it impossible to lift or move at all. I weakly let go and looked around. There was no other way to get him out of this.
I needed to lift the door.
I needed to save him.
Unwilling to leave him like this, I grabbed the door again. Using all of my power against the door, I grit my teeth and pulled again. The door snapped and broke into pieces, finally freeing Gavin from his watery grave. I threw the piece in my hands aside and held the freed Gavin in my arms. I pulled him close to my chest as I launched off the bottom of the lake and back to the surface.
I hit fresh air once more with Gavin securely held in my arms. With no time to delay, I slumped him over my shoulder and swam to the end of the lake. I calmed myself as I prepared to listen for his faith inducing heart beat… 
but there wasn’t one. 
I felt my heart stop. 
No. No no no. He can’t… I sped my pace in the water. He can’t. Not because of me. Please.
I finally reached the land and raced to place him safely down in the grass. I held my head next to his heart. 
I felt his mouth for air. 
Still nothing.
I cursed and positioned myself on top of his chest. I started compressing. One hit after the other, I’d pray that the next one would be the one. The one that would bring him back. Tears flooded my eyes as I stopped to hold his nose and pushed air into his mouth. Seeing that did nothing as well, I quickly got back up and started compressing again. The task was harder this time as the growing lump in my throat made it impossible to breathe.
Apologies flooded my head. Apologies for getting him roped into this. Apologies for the years we wasted fighting. Apologies for not recognizing him from the year book. Apologies for nearly killing him in the ring. I realized though that those apologies were confetti compared to the thing I needed him to hear the most.
“I forgive you.” I gasped as I held back my sobs into each compression, “I forgive you, Gavin. Please. I forgive you. I’m ready to be your partner again. To hear your nickname for me. To hear you make fun of me. To fly together again. To give you the second chance you wanted. Please, Gavin, let me give you a second chance. Come back. Pl-” 
Gavin coughed. 
Water came gushing from his mouth. He gasped for air. My breath hitched in my throat as I turned him over. I watched him take another breath. And another. And another. He opened his eyes. Tears of relief replaced the ones of grief I had as I closed my eyes and listened to him breathe.
“Bastard.” My voice cracked as I hit his arm weakly, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.” I ducked my head down and closed my eyes, struggling to compose myself as wave after wave of tears came flooding to me. Gavin did nothing at first, letting what just happened sink in. Then he moved to sit up. I pushed him back down. “Don’t.” I choked, finally wiping the tears from my eyes and straightening myself, “Rest... Please.” Before I could say anything more, Gavin gripped my hand and pulled at it weakly. I let him guide me to his side. I lay down next to him as he pulled me into a weak embrace.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered hoarsely, causing him to have to cough more.
“... I forgive you.” I squeaked as I clung to his drenched jacket. 
The sound of the burning warehouse behind me soon flooded back to my senses without me realizing it had gone away at all. Sounds of debris popping up from the lake came over the roar of the fire every now and then, and even police sirens could also be heard in the distance. Coming closer each minute Gavin and I lay there together. I didn’t care for any of that noise. I had my eyes closed and focused on the one sound that mattered to me the most. The sound of Gavin’s heart. Proof of him being alive. Proof that he was with me and only me. Proof of our second chance.
I clutched the bouquet of flowers and a shopping bag in my hand tightly as I raised my other hand over the door, hesitantly. It had been a week since the explosion of the warehouse had happened. Paramedics had arrived soon after Gavin and I had pulled ourselves together. The chief was there and pried for answers about the explosion. I was the one who gave him the story. I told him nearly everything on the ambulance, leaving out any information about my Evol and the other incriminating details. I decided against telling Gavin or the Chief what was on the wall in the room. If they had known, they would have kicked me off the case that had just barely lifted off of the ground. If I was the one being targeted I needed to know why, and I was going to be the one finding out.
When we got to the hospital they inspected me closely and told me I had gotten away with a sprained ankle, a few bruises, and scratches on my back and face, leaving an obvious scar on my cheek. Yet another to add to my collection. But it was nothing compared to what Gavin was prescribed with. 
He was forced to stay bed ridden in the hospital for two weeks, despite his objections to the idea. Despite his pleads to go back onto the field. Despite his begging eyes as he turned to me for help. I couldn’t meet them. I only insisted he followed orders. I’ll never forget the tone of dejection in his voice as he finally caved. 
I didn’t visit Gavin while he was there. I needed to work on building my walls back up again. I had almost lost Gavin because I was being reckless. I shouldn’t have let it happen and I couldn’t let it happen again. I also didn’t want to see him in the state of pain that I had left him in... that I had been at fault for. And I was terrified that he would hate me for how reckless I had been. And that he blamed me for almost killing him... that he didn’t want to see me anymore.... that our second chance as partners was left behind in that lake...
 I couldn’t avoid him forever though. My phone would ring nonstop from Gavin and, after I didn’t pick up, he would leave messages. A lot of messages. I tried ignoring it all but eventually, the calls were becoming bothersome. But it wasn’t the constant calling that made it troubling. It was when I spent my time waiting for the next one. Waiting for the voicemail. Waiting to hear his voice again. Soon, waiting for the calls from Gavin started affecting how I would work. Making me miss obvious mistakes in my reports and work slower than I ever had before. I tried convincing myself that I just needed a personal assistant, but then I realized I couldn’t keep putting off the get the inevitable. It was time I made a move.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the hospital room door. “Come in.” Gavin’s voice made my heart race wildly in my chest. The voice I had only heard from over the phone for a week seemed almost foreign to me in person. I shook my head and focused back to the matter at hand as I opened the door.
The room was quiet. The large window swept the back of the room was open and illuminated the white walls with a natural light. There were two beds. One was empty and the other was covered by a pink curtain that draped from the ceiling. A small television, that was mounted in the very back corner of the room, played the news quietly for the room’s occupant. 
It was talking about that story again. The story of the strange explosion at an old warehouse. The chief didn’t tell anyone we were involved. Just that the investigation was still underway. It gave Gavin and I the privacy we needed to heal both physically and mentally. I greatly appreciated the Chief’s consideration of us but still wondered how long he would be able to hide the truth, and how it would affect his reputation when the media finds out that not only was a civilian involved, but the head of an up and coming television company.
I closed the door carefully behind me and approached the curtain cautiously. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw it was from Gavin. I quickly ignored it. No use surprising him if he could hear me coming. 
My head spun with things I should say as I approached his bed. But my mind went blank when I saw Gavin for the first time in a week. The last I had left him, he could scarcely move without help or support from the paramedics. Now, he was sitting up, eyes glued to the phone in his hands. They were sharp, letting me know he got the rest he needed. And, though covered in bandages, it was obvious his attitude hadn’t changed. His expression was full of annoyance and tediosity. He was still the same Gavin I had always known. Though I wished he would just relax and let himself heal. I knew he wanted to get out of that bed and back on the case. I did too. But I would sooner strangle twelve orphans then to let Gavin get hurt again because of me. 
I opened my mouth to greet him, but I was quickly and rudely interrupted. “Unless you’re here to tell me I can be let off a week early, I don’t care.” Gavin grumbled, picking up the remote to turn off the television. Any amount of compassion I held for him flew out the window. My eyebrow twitched as I held my mouth open. Insults hung at the tip of my tongue. Oh how I could embarrass him right in that moment...
“... why won’t she answer?” Gavin asked, his tone shifting dramatically to one of desperation. I closed my mouth quickly. “Did I do something wrong? Were the calls too much? Maybe I should just go see her mysel-”
“Or maybe you can stay in bed and stop threatening to make your condition worse.” I snapped with vex on my tongue, “You know, just a thought.” Gavin’s eyes widened as he whipped his head to face me. His expression was one of pure shock as we locked eyes.
“Ike!” He gasped, dropping his phone onto the bed, “I thought-... You never-... Are you-...?”
“Are you going to finish any of those sentences or do you want me to?” I asked, raising an eyebrow and walking closer to his bedside. Though I had no intention of showing it, watching Gavin speechless to see me made me feel euphoric.
“I thought you weren’t going to visit.” Gavin finally settled on a sentence, “You never answered my calls.”
“They got increasingly harder to ignore.” I sat on the doctor’s stool by Gavin’s bedside.
“Why didn’t you answer them?”
“I… was busy.” I held back the guilt ridden expression threatening to push itself onto my face, “The funding got through from LFG so we are starting the production of our show.”
“Are you ok?” Gavin’s words seemed to be racing their way out of his mouth, as if he had been wanting to ask me these things for a long time.
“I’m fine. Nothing but a sprained ankle and… some cuts.” I bit my tongue. There he was, covered in bandages, and I got away scott free.
“You took most of the explosion.” Gavin said seriously, obviously not convinced by my words, “The chief told me you said were fine but you have a habit of hiding the truth.” I gulped, “I was worried sick.” His eyes drifted to something under my eye. He raised a hand to my face.
“Welp, no need to worry any more.” I rushed to say, dodging his hand, “I’m perfectly fine.” Gavin gave me a intense stare. “Really.” I emphasized. 
“... Good.” Gavin breathed and lowered his hand. I opened my mouth to ask him if he was ok but his eyes drifted to my hand, distracting me. “What’s that?” He asked.
“Oh.” I looked down at the flowers and the shopping bag, “I… got you flowers.” Gavin raised a teasing eyebrow. “Don’t give me that!” I rolled my eyes, “I wanted to make your room less… dreary.” My eyes fell at his bedside table where a batch of flowers already sat with a vase of water. They were large and extravagant and made my flowers look cheap. “I guess it wasn’t an original idea.”
“Don’t worry about that.” Gavin sighed and took my flowers from me, “That is from a buddy of mine. He tends to go over the top with these things. Your flowers are perfect. Thank you.”
“That’s just a nicer way of saying ‘not as cool.’” I murmured as Gavin replaced the flowers in the vase with my own. Gavin gave me an annoyed look and opened his mouth to lie again. I shoved the shopping bag in his face before he could say anything. “I also brought some soup.” I quickly said, pulling out a Tupperware bowl full of soup and a spoon, “It’s Bart’s cooking. I did promise I’d have you try it after all. It’s cold but-” Gavin took the soup and the spoon and opened it immediately.
“I’ll take it.” He sighed smelling the soup, “Anything other than the hospital food.”
“Wow.” I judged, folding my arms, “I didn’t know you could be so picky with food.”
“Normally I’m not. But after eating the same bland food for a week, you learn to appreciate what you had.” Gavin started digging in.It was obvious from the look on his face that he enjoyed every bite he took. A smile spread caross his cheeks. Unable to hold it back any more, I smiled as well. I was so glad to see he had been doing better… After... After all that pain I had caused him. 
My smile fell as I remembered the events of the week before. The shooting, the harsh words, the mistrust, the fight, the bomb, it all led back to me. He had gotten so hurt... he had died... and it was all my fault.
“I’m sorry.” The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them. Gavin stopped eating.
“For what?” His mouth was full of soup and obliviousness. I ducked my head and started playing with my hands in my lap, hoping to distract myself from the nervousness rising in my chest.
“For everything. I’m the reason you got hurt so badly. I’m the one who was reckless and set off the bomb. I’m the one who nearly beat you to death in the ring. I’m the whole reason this case exists in the first place.” The tears that I had been all too familiar with from the past week resurfaced, but this time, there was no alcohol to send them back. “I’m sorry… so so sorr-”
Gavin placed one of his big hands onto both of mine, making me look up at him, “Were you the one who called the hitman?”
“Were you the one who made the bomb?”
“No.” I was slowly catching on to him.
“Were you the one who blew up the warehouse?”
“... well kinda-”
“Ike.” Gavin looked at me earnestly, “None of this was your fault. You shouldn’t have been roped into this the way you have been, and I’m sorry that you were. But now is not the time to blame yourself. Now is the time to stop the person behind this from doing anymore damage, ok?” I nodded, feeling slightly better. “Besides, if not you, the hitman would have just found another Evolver to target.” I felt my heart jump. Images of what I had seen in that small room flashed across my mind.
“Right.” I looked down again. There was a moment of awkward silence. Gavin shifted slightly on the bed. I felt his calloused fingers scratch my skin slightly as he pulled both of my hands into both of his. 
“I’m ok.” He smiled reassuringly, “I’m healing quickly. I’ll be out in less than a week. There is no need to worry.” I nodded timidly. I went to remove my hands from his but our eyes locked. I felt the whole hospital room disappear from my peripherals as his amber eyes took in every last bit of my focus. I was the only thing reflected in Gavin’s eyes, as he was the only thing in mine. Deep in our stare, I could see the emotions that he had held that night we had alone together in my apartment. My heart beat sped up as that familiar sense of melting entered my chest. I was quick to shove it down but stopped as I saw Gavin lean toward me. I flinched slightly but Gavin had already rested his forehead onto mine. I watched as he started inspecting my hands.
“I was really worried about you.” His voice had dropped an octave, sending chills up my spine.
I sighed, slightly annoyed, “I-” I locked eyes on to Gavin’s. My annoyance vanished and was replaced with another emotion. One that I scarcely ever felt. “I… was worried about you too.” Emotions flew past Gavin’s eyes. He placed one of his hands onto my cheek. I closed my eyes and inadvertently leaned into his touch. I had missed that warmth. That gentle reminder that he was living and breathing. But, more importantly, he was living and breathing with me. I found myself wanting more of his touch. Craving it’s warmth. After a long moment, Gavin’s hand drifted to my chin, pulling it to bring my head to face him.
“You don’t have to worry anymore.” He nearly whispered, “I will always be by your side.” The air around us grew heavy with anticipation as I watched Gavin’s face inch closer to mine, his hand pulling at my chin to match his movements. I could feel his hot breath against my face as our noses nearly touched…
A loud bag came from the door, making Gavin and I fly apart. “Gavin!” A young male voice called from the other side of the room, “I’m back! And I brought you some quality food!” As his footsteps neared us, I jumped from the stool and away from Gavin. I saw Gavin's hand slightly hesitate to grab me but he stopped with a sigh. 
“What the hell, Minor?” Gavin said through gritted teeth. A young man with strawberry blonde hair appeared from around the curtain. He was tall, slim, and muscley challenged. He wore a coker, a purple shirt, black jeans, and a casual light gray blazer which brought out the glimmer in his brown eyes as he looked around the room expectantly. In his hands were a couple of bags of take out food and a drink holder with two portable drinks inside. 
We made eye contact. “Oh!” he exclaimed sheepishly, “I didn’t know you had company.”
“A knock would have been nice.” Gavin said harshly, causing the young man to cower slightly.
“Sorry, bro.” the young man muttered. He set down the take out bags on Gavin’s bed side and held out his hand to me, “My name is Minor. Nice to meet you, Miss...?”
“Bikira.” I said, taking his hand in mine and shaking it firmly. All the while trying to shove away what awkward feelings I had left. “Ikamara Bikira. You can call me Ike.” Minor smiled but that was slowly replaced by a look of confusion. 
“Wait.” he said slowly, coming closer to me and inspecting my face, “Ikamara?”
“...Yes?” I answered just as slowly, eyeing him suspiciously. Minor snapped his fingers and withdrew himself from me.
“I knew you looked familiar!” Minor smiled widely, “You used to go to Loveland High!”
“Am I the only one who remembers no one from that school?” I huffed and turned to look at Gavin. He shrugged. 
“Of course I remember you! Gavin used to… uh.” Minor’s eyes were locked on Gavin’s as he glared intensively at him, “Used to… share a class with you!”
“Gavin and I were two years apar-”
 “But hold on, the Ikamara I knew wore clothes twice the size of her. That suit looks almost too expensive to be yours… unless-”
“I didn’t steal it.” I derailed Minor’s train of thought before it took off, “This is just what happens when you grow up.”
“Would you quit interrogating her.” Gavin punched Minor’s arm, “She has her life together. Unlike some people…”
“Hey, I’m trying!” Minor pouted as he rubbed his arm, “Searching for a new job is harder than you think.”
“You’re... looking for a new job?” I asked, getting an idea.
“Yeah. To no avail.” Minor sighed.
“Well, today may be your lucky day.” I folded my arms as my professional side kicked in. “I may have a position for you at my company”
“You have a company?!” Minor’s words received another punch from Gavin.
“Yes.” I said, ignoring the scene that was being made, “The Ike ‘n Bar Production Company. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?”
Minor’s jaw dropped. So did the drinks in his hands. Gavin caught them swiftly, causing only a couple drops from the contents from within to escape and hit the bed. “No way.” Minor gasped, completely unaware of his surroundings, “You’re the Ike in Ike ‘n Bar Productions?!”
“No way!” Minor repeated, his tone becoming high pitched and squirrly, “I have been a fan of yours since your first episode of ‘Show Me the Honey.’ I even stuck around after the cliffhanger in season three! I don’t care what the forums say, that episode was brilliantly done.” 
“Thanks.” I muttered, beginning to regret bringing up the open position.
“What kind of job would I be applying for?! Props carrier? Script writer? Make up-”
“Personal assistant.” I stopped Minor before he could get his hopes up too high, “More specifically my personal assistant. I work in the office and could use some help with getting the small tasks done. It will be boring but-”
“I’ll take it!” Minor cut me off, still holding his large grin from the beginning of the conversation, “Anything I can do to help make the work of Ike from Ike ‘n Bar Productions easier, I’ll do it!”
“Then the job is yours.” I held out my hand again, “You can start tomorrow. Welcome to the team.” Minor eagerly shook my hand. He looked over at Gavin expectantly, face shining like the sun.
“You’re just lucky Ike was here.” Gavin rolled his eyes and looked back at his soup. Minor cherrily looked back at me.
“You won’t regret this.”
“I’d better not.” I said retrieving my arm to fold it again, “I fired a man last week for being neglectant in his work. Don’t go thinking being friends with Gavin will make me treat you any differently.” Minor gulped and nodded, still maintaining a somewhat confident smile. I looked down at the food Minor had brought. There were only two bags of food. As well as two drinks. I took this as a sign.
“Well,” I said, patting Minor on the back to move past him, “I should get going.”
“You’re leaving so soon?” Gavin asked, sounding slightly disappointed.
“I’ve got work I need to get back to. Besides,” I looked back, giving Gavin a teasing look, “You two have a lunch date and I would hate to be a third whee-”
“Stay!” Minor happily shouted, quickly grabbing my arm, “I can help make up for the lost work tomorrow! Besides, I’m not hungry! You can have my burger!”
“No, she can have mine.” Gavin said, shaking the bowl of soup in the air, “I owe her a meal.”
“You owe me nothing.” I said defiantly, “That meal was promised.”
“I can also get more!” Minor chimed, pushing me back to the stool, “Anything for my new boss! And a friend of Gavin’s, of course!” Minor’s words took me aback. I looked to Gavin to see if he was going to correct him. Gavin was already looking at me, smiling softly. He handed me one of the drinks.
“Friend?” I asked Gavin softly.
“Yeah.” He answered wearily, “... Is there something else that would better describe this?” I paused.
“I’d prefer ‘partner.’” I joked, taking the cup from his hand.
“Same thing.” Gavin insisted, his smile becoming wider. I rolled my eyes and felt the corners of my mouth rise. Gavin gasped. “So you can smile! I thought that was just a legend!” He teased. My smile fell and I playfully karate chopped the top of his head. “Hey, don’t get angry at me because you dropped your guard.” He chuckled as he gave me a soft punch on the shoulder.
“You’re one to talk.” I smirked as I took a sip of the drink in my hand. Gavin dropped his smile, his ears slowly reddening.
“...I feel like I’m missing something.” Minor spoke up, causing both of our attention to go back to him. Gavin grabbed a pillow from behind him and threw it at Minor’s face. He started yelling at Minor for interrupting our conversation, but I didn’t catch a word of it. The only thing that was going through my head was one word. 
Gavin was my friend.
Ares trudged down the empty hallway and to the conference room, face blank and stare empty. When he entered, the room of people became silent and watched him at the door. Ares didn’t address them. Instead, he took one of the empty seats silently. He looked around to the room expectantly. The man one end of the table cleared his throat.
“Now that we are all here, we might as well get started. As you know, a man, who declares himself as Montu has targeted Ikamara Bikira. We have information that Montu unleashed an attack on her last week with a bomb in an abandoned warehouse.” Murmurs circled around the table. “As you know Ikamara is essential to our plan. As the Rook to our Queen. Our plan revolves around the Queen’s survival. Without the Rook to protect her, our plans for the advanced evolution of humankind will come to a screeching halt. It is crucial that we keep Ikamara alive. We must find this Montu and put a stop to his plans before he ends up killing our Rook.” As the man spoke, Ares’ attention shifted to the man that sat directly across from him. His eyes were down and his brows were ever so slightly furrowed. “Ares, you have been keeping a close eye on the Queen, correct?”
“That is correct.” Ares’ voice was emotionless and plain as he dragged his attention back to the speaker.
"Is there anything that points to her life being endangered by this 'Montu.'"
"None that I am aware of. The Queen and our Rook have yet to meet so the danger that Montu brings is minimal to none."
“And what of the Rook? Is there anything you can tell us about her life that could help us find Montu?”
“No. Ms. Bikira, though stagnant in emotions, has a close connection to the people in her life. Everyone she associates herself with respects her.” The man in the corner tensed as Ares spoke, “Rest assured, Black Swan’s plans with the Queen will not waver. I  also have plans for the Queen, and her Rook, of my own. I will personally see to it that this ‘Montu’ is taken care of.” The air of the room ran thick as Ares spoke. It was obvious how much power that man really held over everyone there.
When the meeting adjourned, the man across from Ares briskly stood up and left without making conversation with anyone around him. Ares watched as something fell from the man’s back pocket. Instead of stopping the man, Ares walked over to the object and picked it up. It was a slip of black, metallic paper that had calligraphic words written in a bright green ink.
 “Meet me if you want revenge. Hills, Warehouse, Wall.”
Ares turned the paper over in his hand. A flash of emotion brushed his eyes. Etched into the paper, was a shining, green scarab.
Chapter Two End :D
(Chapter Three to be posted soon!)
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MDZS ch.84
you people are beautiful. just, i love it when you comment my screams, but hurrying me to READ CH.84 BECAUSE YES, MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN HEARD, THE CHAPTER C A M E O U T WHILE I WAS SLEEPING, I’LL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN IN MY LIFE TY ERS
now that’s here, though, i’m less than ready for this and at the same time i’ve been dying to read it so- HeLp
Lan WangJi wrapped his right arm around Wei WuXian’s waist and took up Bichen. Mounting the sword, the two of them landed on the boat.
Wei WuXian was just about to speak again when Jin Ling suddenly broke into tears. 
[...] Even as tears streaked down his face, Jin Ling still shouted, sobbing, “This is my dad’s sword. I won’t put it down!”
EXCUSE ME WHAT??!?!?!?!?! MY SON IS CRYING?!?!??!!??! HoW dArE yOu Do ThIs To Us MxTx sdingfpwiorjgw okay but, how heartbreaking is it that he doesn’t want to drop that sword? i can totally picture why jin ling would be so frustrated and couldn’t hold back anymore, can you even image what kind of battle is going on inside of him? how much he misses his parents and wants to get revenge only to realise that killing wwx is not what he wants and probably feeling guilty about stabbing him and secretly looking up to him even if he knows he shouldn’t do that and wishing things were different WHY DOES HE HAVE TO SUFFER LIKE THIS. WHY-
The one who called was Jiang Cheng, who stood near the edge. Still teary-eyed, as soon as Jin Ling saw his uncle, he immediately wiped his face, sniffing. He looked here and there and finally made up his mind to fly over, landing at Jiang Cheng’s side.
Jiang Cheng grabbed him, “What happened to you? Who did this to you?!”
(UNCLE JC TO THE RESCUE boy, does he care greatly for him. he is all he has left of his family *cough* jc-wwx-is-also-there-pls *cough* and i love this jc/jl moments, makes my heart really warm. i just wanna wwx in the picture, that’s all)
Jin Ling rubbed his eyes roughly, refusing to speak up. Jiang Cheng lifted his head, casting a nasty look at the fishing boat. His cold glare passed by Wen Ning, just about to land on Wei WuXian as Lan WangJi stepped out and blocked Wei WuXian’s silhouette, whether intentional or not.
(oèdkgoewigvp0wri LWJ STOP BEING PERFECT.
EDIT 3: disciples protecting wwx is- 
okay, i know i always say this, but it’s so, so, so good to see these disciples taking up to them to defend him. i LOVE the relationship that mxtx built between them, full of trust and spontaneity and loyalty and feeling secure in each others’ presence, and i love that it came to be like this after many hardship and doubts. the disciples came to know wwx for who he really is, and finding out about his identity made them more alert, sure, but their affection is still there and it burns in scenes like these when they just argue against sect leaders and adults and protect him like that. it’s so important and beautiful and i want wwx warm and loved by all of them-
Sect Leader OuYang hurried, “ZiZhen! Come back, come over to Dad!” 
OuYang ZiZhen was confused, “Dad, weren’t you the one who told me to get on this boat so that I didn’t annoy you guys?”
Seeing this, Wei WuXian let out a long sigh of relief. As soon as he relaxed, heavy exhaustion suddenly passed over his face. He fell to one side.
It seemed that he didn’t waver because he couldn’t balance himself on the boat, but rather because he really was so tired that he couldn’t stand steadily.
E X C U S E  M E ODSJGIOWJGIORJ OMG OMG MY LOVE IS SO TIRED HE FREAKING FAINTED. WWX FAINTED i can’t even- i need him somewhere safe with his husband and their sons, not on a bOaT.
However, without requiring their help at all, Lan WangJi bent down slightly. With one hand at his arm and another behind his knees, Lan WangJi picked Wei WuXian up at once.
(of course he would. of course. LOOK AT HIM CASUALLY PICKING UP HIS HUSBAND. lwj you are a star in the sky, the moon of my dark nights, you give me hope and joy and you’re so perfect and caring pls just marry wwx now)
Carrying Wei WuXian just like this, he walked into the cabin. Inside the cabin, there wasn’t anywhere to lie down, only four long benches. Thus, Lan WangJi held Wei WuXian’s waist with one arm, letting his head lean on his shoulder, and with his other hand he pieced together the four benches into a platform wide enough to lie on. He gently laid Wei WuXian on the benches.
(i- just- wwx needs to stay comfortable, so lwj provided a makeshift bed for him and my heart can’t take all this fluff without crying a bit. they are an example of love and beauty. THEY ARE ALL I WANNA READ ABOUT. I LIVE FOR THEIR HAPPINESS)
Lan SiZhui suddenly realized that even though HanGuang-Jun was drenched in blood, the bandage that Wei WuXian tore from his sleeve and wrapped around that tiny wound of his was still knotted properly, tied around a finger of his left hand.
(did lwj purposefully tried not to ruin the bandage during the fight? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANNA SUGGEST, MXTX?)
[...] Right now, Lan WangJi finally took out his handkerchief, slowly wiping away the blood clots on Wei WuXian’s face. Soon, the snowy handkerchief had been dyed with red and black. Although he’d finished wiping Wei WuXian’s face, he hadn’t wiped his own yet.
(omg. *sobs* one knows how much lwj loves and adores wwx but is always taken aback in front of the extent of that feeling)
Lan JingYi was amazed, “I thought that Senior Wei would never get tired!”
(don’t you feel extremely happy whenever jingyi appears? i do)
[...] However, Lan WangJi shook his head. He only said four words, “We are all human.”
They were all human. How could a human be tireless? How could they stand forever?
(there. four words and he gave them a life lesson. this-
is so importan. for anyone, even us irl, this is so true but- can you think about the fact that the upstanding, renowed lwj is talking by experience? can you imagine how broken he was when... sorry, i can’t-)
EDIT 8: dfmoiwjgiowr the disciples eye-talking with each other is GOLD-
Suddenly, Wei WuXian wrinkled his brows, his head tilting to the side. Softly, Lan WangJi moved his head back where it was, so that he wouldn’t end up with a stiff neck. Wei WuXian murmured, “Lan Zhan.”
Everyone thought that he was waking up. They were ecstatic, but Wei WuXian’s eyes were still tightly shut. Lan WangJi, on the other hand, looked just as usual, “Mn. I am here.”
Wei WuXian was quiet again. As though he felt safe, he shifted closer toward Lan WangJi and continued to sleep.
OMG I AM SCRYING -yes, scrying, like, screaming and crying at the same time and i needed a new word for this- SO HARD I CAN BARELY TYPE THIS SHIT)
The boys stared at the two blankly. For some reason, their cheeks suddenly flushed. Lan SiZhui was the first to stand up, stammering, “H-HanGuang-Jun, we will go out and get some fresh air…”
Wen Ning, “Young Master Lan, may I call you A-Yuan?”
[...] Lan SiZhui replied gladly, “Sure!”
Wen Ning, “A-Yuan, have you been well these years?”
Lan SiZhui, “Very well.”
Wen Ning nodded, “HanGuang-Jun must’ve treated you kindly.”
Hearing him speak of Lan WangJi in such a respectful tone, Lan SiZhui felt even closer to him, “HanGuang-Jun treated me as if he were my brother or my father. He even taught me how to play the guqin.”
“a brother or a father” i can’t believe i’m alive to read this.
EDIT 10:
After some thought, Lan SiZhui responded, “I cannot remember either. It was probably when I was around four or five. I do not have many memories of the things that happened when I was younger, but when I was younger, I doubt HanGuang-Jun was able to take care of me. I think HanGuang-Jun had been in secluded meditation for many years back then.”
He suddenly remembered that when HanGuang-Jun was doing secluded meditation, the first siege on Burial Mound happened at the same time.
W  A  I  T
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dr-gloom · 6 years
Someone Help Me, Ch 3
Because I’m exhausted but in too much pain to sleep, here’s more
Chapter 2 Chapter 1
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9
Fandom: Sanders’ Sides
Pairing: Anxceit, Platonic Moxiety
Warnings/Tags: abuse, abusive relationship, implied/referenced non-con, Logan is in here but not much, swearing
Read it on AO3
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@metaphoricalpluto2 @bunny222
Virgil sat across from Patton at a small table in the dimmest corner of the coffee shop. Patton could tell the moment he saw Virgil that something was wrong, so he didn’t hesitate to let the other choose where to sit. Anything to help him feel more at ease. Patton taps the side of his cup with his index finger, a worried frown on his face as he observes Virgil, who hasn’t once looked him in the face since they met up almost half an hour ago. “Is everything okay, kiddo?”
Virgil huffs lightly, using the stirring stick to give himself a distraction. “You’re only a few months older than me.” Patton shrugs and Virgil sighs softly. “Everything’s fine, Pat. I’m just tired.” It wasn’t exactly a lie; ever since... That Day, Virgil hasn’t had a full night’s sleep. It’s been almost a week, and it was wearing on him. Patton hums in thought and takes a sip of his hot chocolate, sighing happily. “Well, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. You and Dee must be keeping busy.” He jokes, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Virgil hunches in on himself, drawing his hands into his lap and looking at his knees, face burning red with shame. Patton frowns. “Virgil?” 
“It- it’s fine, Pat. Everything’s fine. Dee and I are fine.” Patton doesn’t look like he believes him. “Well... You’d tell me if you weren’t, right?” Virgil nods. He won’t tell Patton about this; he doesn’t want to worry him. However, that doesn’t mean he can’t make his friend feel better. “Of course, Patton.” Patton nods and grins, launching into a story about his and Logan’s latest escapades. Virgil tries to forget about what’s waiting for him back home and forces a smile for his best friend. 
Virgil’s hands shake as he tries to dial the phone. The screen is a white blur behind his tears, and he’s trying his hardest to muffle his sobs behind his hand in case Dee were to come home and notice. He hits the green call button and jams the phone to his ear, listening to it ring. 
There’s a murmur and then Patton’s voice comes out clearer. “Virgil? What’s wrong, kiddo? Are you okay?” Virgil sobs, his whole body trembling now, gripping his hoodie tightly. “I-I-” His crying is making it hard to take a deep breath. “Virgil, listen to me. You need to breathe, okay? Can you do that? Just like I showed you. In for one... two... three... four... Good. Now hold for one... two... three... four... five...” Virgil lets out his breath in a quick gust, sobbing. “I-I’m sorry-” 
“Hey, no, it’s okay. Let’s just try again, okay? In for one... two... three... four. Now hold for one... two... three... four... five... six... seven. Great, now let it out. One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight. You’re doing amazing. Let’s do it a couple more times, alright?” Virgil nods even though he knows Patton can’t see, and they repeat the process until Virgil’s stopped crying and is breathing calmly. “Now, what’s the matter? Why were you so upset?” Virgil takes a deep breath. “It- it’s nothing. I’m sorry I bothered you.” Patton makes a displeased sound on the other end and for a moment a spike of fear shoots through Virgil before he reminds himself this isn’t Dee. “Virge, kiddo, ‘nothing’ doesn’t make you upset. Please talk to me.” Virgil looks at the door to his and Dee’s shared room. Really, it was Dee’s room, but Dee didn’t want Virgil sleeping in his own room unless he was being punished. 
“I... had a nightmare.” Virgil can practically feel the sympathy through the phone. “What about?” Virgil bites his lip. Should he really tell Patton? What if he laughs at him? Tells him he’s overreacting? It’s been a month and a half, and it happened two more times since he had coffee with Pat, and the nightmares are just getting worse. “Virgil?”
“Sorry, Pat... I... It was about... Dee... fucking.. me...” There’s silence on the other end, and Virgil feels cold. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything. Oh god, now Patton was going to tell Dee, and Dee would be mad, and-
“Virge, you know Dee loves you, he would never...” Patton can’t even bring himself to finish the sentence, and Virgil laughs brokenly. If only he knew. “Virge? Virgil..... Oh god, Virgil, I... Where are you?” Virgil hugs his knees to his chest, the phone between his shoulder and ear as he stares into the lifeless eyes of his reflection. “Our place.”
“I’m coming to get you right now, okay kiddo? Just wait there. Do we need to go to the police? We probably do, shit... Or a hospital?... Is that even-? Lo, where are the keys?” Virgil’s heart jumps. 
“No, no, Pat, stop, please. It’s okay, I’m fine.”
“You- you’re not fine if he- he- and you- you’re just- Logan I swear to god why are the keys in the fridge???” There’s more murmuring and what Virgil assumes is the fridge door opening and closing. Virgil is shivering like he’s cold, watching himself start to crumble in the mirror. “Patton, please, Dee’s going to be back from the store soon, you can’t-” 
“Like hell I can’t! I can’t believe he- and I- we-” Virgil whimpers as Patton’s volume increases. “Sorry, Virge, I’m just... God, what a monster! And we trusted him.” Virgil gets off the bed and sits on the desk. “He’s still the same Dee. Nothing’s changed, it’s okay.” 
“Really, Patton. Please. Please don’t make this any worse than it is.”
That makes him go quiet, and it’s a moment before Virgil hears a sigh and what sounds like Patton throwing himself onto the couch. “....Fine. Let it be known I don’t like this- but, I trust you. If anything else happens - and I mean anything - you call me, and we’re getting you out of there, okay?”
“Okay. Love you, kiddo.”
Virgil smirks. “Love you too, dad.”
He’s banging on the door, he’s furious, and Virgil can’t even remember how this happened. He can’t breathe; he’s so light-headed that he can’t think, can’t concentrate, all he knows is Dee is screaming angrily and pounding on Virgil’s locked door and Virgil is going to die if he gets in and he is so scared. Dee kicks the door and shouts something and Virgil curls into himself, hugging his knees and tucking his face against them, making his sweats damp with his tears. He’s shaking - always shaking, maybe he’s cold - and praying that Dee will just drop it and leave him be. He pulls on the sleeves of his shirt, pulling them over his hands, and bites his thumb hard as Dee swears loudly and punches the wall next to the door. Virgil’s heart is beating so fast and hard he feels like it may stop or burst at any moment.
Without thinking, he grabs his phone and brings up Patton’s number. Can’t call him, have to text. 
He doesn’t bother fixing it - how can he, with how bad he’s shaking? - before he sends it. The reply is almost instant.
Virgil? Where are you? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? What’s going on?
Virgil whimpers when Dee rams into the door. 
He can’t bring himself to type any more. He doesn’t know if it’s because it’s hard to type, or if he’s scared to type it, but either way he sends the text and that one word seems to be enough.
On my way. Are you somewhere safe? Where are you?
my rooM
Logan is driving as fast as he can, we’ll be there soon, I promise. Don’t move. Get under your bed or lock yourself in the closet, okay?
Virgil scrambles on his hands and knees into his closet and locks it, curling up as far back as he can go, pressed into the corner and covering his ears while clutching his phone. After what feels like an eternity, the banging finally stops and there are voices outside of his room. He can clearly make out Dee’s angry and annoyed voice, but the other (others? Is there more than one?) is too quiet to make out. Is Patton finally here? The door handle to his room rattles and finally opens, and Virgil’s breathing stops. He doesn’t dare make a single sound as footsteps make their way into his room and stop somewhere in the middle before making their way over to the closet. The person knocks on the door and Virgil shrieks, curling up tighter and pressing painfully into the wall. There’s a voice, but Virgil can’t understand what it’s saying and he’s yelling at it to just please go away leave me alone I’m sorry. The door handle rattles and a moment later the door opens, and Virgil swears he’s dying. His heart is beating so fast and he can’t breathe and- 
And there are hands on his shoulders, making him scream and thrash, fighting to get away, to make them stop, and they’re gone almost as soon as they’re there. Virgil grips at his hair painfully tight, his breathing shallow and ragged, and he can just barely hear a soothing sound. Is that a voice? He tries harder to hear. 
“-s okay. He’s gone, he won’t hurt you anymore. We’re here for you, kiddo. You’re safe. We won’t let anything happen to you. It’s okay.” 
The voice continues like this for a few more minutes until Virgil’s calmed down, but only slightly. At least now he can kind of get a decent breath. He doesn’t dare move, too afraid to look up and see Dee playing some sick joke on him before hurting him in a whole new way. He whimpers and draws further into himself. 
“Virgil, Dee has left the house. We informed him that-” A soft sound of impact, and a correction, “He will not be coming back any time soon. We want to take you somewhere safe, where he cannot hurt you. May we do that?” Virgil shakes his head. He doesn’t want to move, doesn’t want to leave doesn’t want to be touched- “No one is touching you, and no one will touch you if you don’t want them to, okay? We just want to bring you over to our house. Like a slumber party.” The voice is still soft, but chipper. Virgil slowly, so slowly, like he needs to oil his joints, looks up at Patton’s smiling face. They stare at each other for a moment, Patton warm and bright and concerned, and Virgil afraid and frail and an absolute mess. Virgil launches himself at Patton then, hugging him like if he lets go Patton will disappear, and Patton only hesitates for a moment before hugging back just as tight, one hand on his back and the other on the back of his head making him feel safe. Virgil cries heavy, broken sobs, and it takes Patton a while to finally calm him down enough to where he’s comfortable to stand. 
“You’re going to live with us for a while, okay? Do you want to grab anything before we leave?” Patton leads him out of the closet, Logan already standing at the bedroom door, and Virgil walks around his room slowly, grabbing a couple of things like his charger and his hoodie before walking back over to Patton, gripping the other’s shirt like a child. Patton smiles at him and turns to Logan, following him to the front door and out to the car. 
Virgil doesn’t stop shaking until the door to Patton’s apartment has been locked behind him.
Patton hums happily as he cooks lunch for the three of them. The past two months have arguably been the best of his life, with his best friend now living under the same roof as him, safe and sound, and his other best friend visiting nearly every day (Logan won’t admit it, but Patton knows it’s because he’s worried about Virgil). Patton breaks up the ground beef with his spatula, humming Beauty and the Beast. It’s been on his mind a lot lately; maybe they could all watch it tonight? Patton hears a thud in the living room area and leaves the kitchen to check it out, his smile fading into a concerned frown at what he finds. 
Virgil is standing in front of the couch, one hand holding his phone and the other outstretched like he’d just been holding something. After taking a couple steps closer that something appears to have been a glass of water, which is now spilled onto the carpet. Virgil looks small and frail in the large black hoodie that he’s refused to take off since he moved in, and his face is pale. He looks terrified, and... sad? No, something more than that... Patton walks over to him, frown deepening when he notices how Virgil’s shaking and tears are forming in his eyes. Patton feels his heart ache and gently reaches out to touch Virgil’s shoulder, making him flinch back violently. 
“Oh, I’m-” Before he can even apologize, Virgil is doing it for him. “I-I’m sorry! I- I’ll clean it up! I promise! Sorry!” He rushes to pick up the glass, setting the phone on the couch and scurrying off to the kitchen. Patton wants to object, to reassure Virgil that he’s fine and Patton isn’t mad at him, but he pauses when he notices the phone. It’s open to a text conversation, and when Patton picks it up and sees ‘Dee <3′ at the top of the screen, he feels a molten rock drop into his stomach. He reads the latest message, sent by Dee about five minutes ago. Before that, it seems like their last conversation was almost three months ago. 
It’s over. I can’t sit around forever and wait for you to come back; you’re just not worth it. You make a mess of everything, you can’t do anything right, and frankly I’m getting tired of all of your crying and shaking and stuttering like a goddamn infant. No one will ever love you like I did, and you decided to throw all of that away because you don’t want to have sex with me. If you didn’t love me back, you should have just said so. You’re a useless, pathetic excuse for a human and you’d be lucky if I ever took you back. Don’t bother replying, I’m blocking your number. 
Patton was angry. No, more than angry, he was outraged. How dare Dee, a man he thought was kind and sweet and supportive, treat Virgil this way. Virgil didn’t deserve any of this. Patton turns around just as Virgil comes back with a dishtowel for the water, and he freezes when he sees Patton holding his phone. “I- I-” Patton notices that Virgil is still shaking, maybe even more now, and he realizes he has a rather uncharacteristic scowl on his face. He doesn’t like scowling; it’s scary! He relaxes his face, hiding his rage. “Oh, Virgil, I’m sorry, I should have asked before I-”
“N-no, it’s okay, you uh-... You can look through my messages, it’s fine. Dee used to do the same thing, it’s okay. Really.” Virgil hasn’t looked up from his feet the entire time he was talking, and he walked past Patton - careful not to accidentally brush against him - to start dabbing at the water soaking into the carpet. Patton wants to scream and cry and hug Virgil forever. This poor sweet innocent cinnamon roll didn’t deserve any of this. Patton puts Virgil’s phone on the couch and sits next to it, watching Virgil with a frown. 
“No, Virgil... The phone is yours, and these are your private conversations. I don’t have the right to look at them without your permission, and I’m sorry I did.” Virgil pauses what he’s doing, but doesn’t look up. “...You’re apologizing to me?” Patton smiles sadly. God, how had he not noticed how much his friend was changing, how much he was hurting? “Yes, kiddo. No one has the right to control you, or go through your things, or do anything with you or to you without your permission. You are so very special, and important. You deserve to be treated like it.” Virgil doesn’t respond, just going back to dabbing at the water. Patton sighs sadly and kneels next to him. “Let me do it. Why don’t you go tell Lo that lunch is ready?” 
“Are you sure? I-”
Virgil hesitates for a moment before he nods, standing up and heading down the hallway. Patton pretends not to notice how he wipes at his eyes. 
So that’s the last chapter for Someone Help Me. I wanted to get all of the Patton Interactions for this story in one chapter, hence the time skips and shiz. Hope you enjoyed! Next part coming soon
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justsomewhump · 7 years
All Sin Comes from Within Ch. 3
I realized I kinda dislike this title. I don’t even know what I was thinking, but I don’t want to change it a second time. Anyway, a third chapter of my captain pan/golden hook mpreg fic. It was supposed to be four chapters long, but it got way out of hand, lol, it’s probably gonna be six or so, but for now I won’t keep track of that. Enjoy.
Content Warning: Rape, mpreg, mentions of abortions
Word count: 3.4k
Ch. 1: Tumblr / AO3 Ch. 2: Tumblr / AO3 Ch 3: AO3
Some long minutes passed, and when his whole back side hurt too much for him to handle, he unwrapped himself and started the car.
He drove away. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was going, only that he wasn’t going back home.
He drove for many hours, having no idea where he’d ended up, and pulled over at a motel when he started feeling his eyes close. It wouldn’t do good to fall asleep while driving.
From the looks of it, it probably wasn’t the best choice. But he was tired and he needed to get away. He got the cheapest room available and collapsed on the bed. He set an alarm for six hours and fell into a troubled, nightmarish sleep.
The next day he filled up his car with gas, not pitying the decreasing amount of money on his bank account. Having quit a week ago, he didn’t really have much to spare, but he couldn’t care less at that point. He drove on as far away as he could, again until he felt too exhausted to keep on.
Deciding that it would be better for his pained body to sleep on a bed, even a cheap one instead of inside his car, he rented a room in a worse-looking motel this time.
He woke up in cold sweat the next morning. It was Saturday. He had less than twenty-four hours before Pan and Rumple would come looking for him. Desperate, he ran to his car and drove away at full speed. He only realized hours on the way that he had barely eaten since Thursday morning, before he went for the ultrasound. His stomach was growling audibly, and he wondered if he indeed was supposed to be eating for two now.
He kept driving, only taking a three-hour break once to rest in the car.
At eleven in the night - or was it ten? Or nine? He had no idea how many time zones he’d crossed - he finally gave into his hunger and pulled over at a diner. Exhausted, he sat down carefully on an uncomfortable chair and looked around. There were no clocks in the room. He silently cursed the lack of them, but also felt relief at the fact that he wouldn’t have to think of the tick-tock. His phone had been dead for almost a day now, so he couldn’t use his GPS either.
Finally, he spotted an old woman reading a newspaper in the table next to his. So, unless that woman was a tourist or enjoyed finding papers from other places, they were in Idaho. Killian shivered. He’d driven all the way from New York to almost the other side of the country, and he’d be willing to drive all the way to Pacific Coast if he could. But even if he was trying to avoid reaching midnight, he doubted he’d make it to there before the demons came for him.
Would they even come now? He didn’t doubt they could find him, they were demons after all and he was carrying their offspring-
He looked up, and seeing the confused look at the waiter’s face he realized he’d been probably calling after him for a few times before Killian even heard him.
Killian ordered and stayed tucked in his chair as he waited for his food. The waiter finally arrived with his burger, and even though he was late he dropped them on the table gracelessly and looked at Killian with bitterness before he walked away... and thrashed around, frantically tapping his feet on the floor to put out the flames that had erupted in his soles.
“Shit,” Killian whispered and looked at his stomach. “Please don’t do that.” Instead the flames only got stronger, and a waitress walked in with a fire extinguisher, spraying white foam onto the poor waiter’s feet.
Killian put a few bills on the table with a shaky hand, and without bothering to check the amount he picked up his food and walked to his car. He didn’t dare look at any passers-by around him, he only focused on eating his food and calming his extremely tense nerves down.
About an hour later he resorted to renting a motel room. He couldn’t outrun them forever, and if they came to rape him, he’d rather it happened on a bed.
A shiver ran down his spine at the thought that he was already accepting his cruel fate.
Pan found him sitting on the bed, face in his hand, crying softly. Killian already knew he was there before he felt his thin, bare arms hug his torso from behind.
“You should have known better,” he whispered in his ear. “I should punish you for thinking you could get away.”
Killian trembled to think what a punishment from him would include, considering everything Pan was already doing to him.
“What do you think?” Pan said and left kisses on his neck, sucking at a few places. “Do you think you deserve forgiveness this time?” Killian didn’t respond as Pan kept kissing him. “Answer me,” he said and bit down on his neck. Killian gasped, his lips trembling, but he still kept silent. Pan’s hand reached up and grasped around Killian’s neck, not hard enough to steal his breath but enough to cause discomfort. “Answer me, my dirty whore.”
“Yes,” he whispered shakily.
“Yes what?” Pan didn’t remove his hand.
“Forg- forgive me, pl- please.”
“Huh. You really have a way with words, don’t you?” He drew back his arms and walked around, positioning himself on Killian’s lap. Killian hissed at the pressure their position put on his ass. “But why would you deserve my forgiveness?” Pan closed the distance between them and left a chaste kiss on Killian’s trembling, wet lips. “You were considering murdering my spawn, your own daughter, before she even got a chance at life, and you ran away from your little brothel and forced me to come looking for you.”
“I’m sorry,” Killian said and sobbed.
Pan kissed him again, a little longer this time. “Hmm. Why is it that you ask forgiveness only after I accuse you of your crimes?”
“I’m sorry... please...“ Killian managed to look up at him as tears fell from his eyes.
Pan shushed him softly and wiped away the tears. “The things you do to me... if only you knew... if only I knew why the hell I allow you to...“ He then kissed him deeply, pushing him down on the bed and pushing his tongue into his mouth. Killian had no willpower to not allow him the move, he only cried against him, his tears running down his temples to the blanket and his sobs echoing in Pan’s mouth.
Pan moved, positioning himself in such a way so he could rub his genitals against Killian’s. Killian whimpered in response to Pan moaning against his mouth. Pan simply kept kissing him, assaulting his mouth every way he could. Killian felt the demon’s member grew hard against him. He started shivering, and then Pan stopped kissing him and pushed him to lie normally on the bed. With one swift move, he removed all of Killian’s clothing and winced.
“You haven’t taken a bath since you left home, have you?”
Killian squeezed his eyes closed, suddenly becoming aware of his bad hygiene but not finding himself to care.
“You’ll definitely need one after I’m done with you today.”
Pan grabbed Killian’s legs and threw them over his shoulders. Killian gasped and looked at him through his tears. He hadn’t... done that before...
“First time for everything, I suppose. I just want to look at your face today.”
He wasn’t lying. Whenever Killian gathered the courage to look at the demon’s face, he was staring back at him and smiling - over the ecstatic pleasure on his face. A few times Pan threw his head back as he groaned, but then he brought it back and looked back at him. He had wrapped his arms around Killian’s legs and despite his initial disgust at the smell, he was running his hands up and down on them, occasionally kissing and biting on the skin there.
Killian could hear someone hitting at the wall behind the bed and shouting at them to keep quiet. Pan ignored him, but after a while Killian heard Pan say, “Fucking pest.” He then felt him pull away, a disgusting popping sound accompanying the relief of the pain. Pan rubbed his sweat-soaked face with his hand, then stood up and walked out of the room, still pantless and his cock still hard. He left the door open and Killian felt a terror settle over him at the idea of being seen like this.
It only got worse when he felt something warm and more solid than blood leak from his ass. He immediately clenched and gasped, mortified tears leaving his eyes. But the damage had already been done.
He gasped again at the sound of shrieks from the other room and inadvertently relaxed his lower muscles, allowing more shit to leak onto the blanket. He then heard a loud thump against the wall, and then silence.
More tears fell and this time he didn’t know which feeling of all prompted them. Pan returned, cock still hard and bouncing with his step and a satisfied smile on his face.
“You’re lucky he bore the brunt of my anger for you,” he said and startled at the sight. Killian drew his arms close to his chest, his legs still hurting too much to bring them together and cover his mess.
Pan simply shook his head and dragged the blanket out of under Killian, then threw it to the floor before he took the same position and entered Killian again.
Killian could see the sun starting to rise by the time Pan finished for the last time. He threw Killian’s legs off his shoulders and let his sweaty body fall on top of Killian’s, breathing hard against him.
His hand caressed his cheek absentmindedly as he spoke.
“Would you like me to take you back home? I can also get your car there.”
Killian couldn’t think. He was too tired and his mind was too numb from the assault. Pan turned and raised a little on his elbows so they could look at each other, even if Killian’s gaze went straight to the ceiling.
“I’m just thinking, do you have the money to rent this room for however many days you’ll need to heal until you can drive again? Plus, trust me, you don’t want to be called in as a witness for what I did to that fucker in the next room. Also plus,” he dropped his head on Killian’s chest again, “I’m pretty sure even in a motel as dirty as this they’ll want an explanation for what you did to their blanket. And sheets, to be honest.”
Killian simply closed his eyes. Any moment that demon wasn’t raping him was a moment to be treasured by him, even if he could feel every inch of his member still inside him.
“Please,” he whispered.
Pan reached over and kissed Killian’s unresponding lips, biting a little at his bottom one. Killian didn’t even react when Pan drew blood.
“You were a good boy today, I must admit. Plus the whole ‘fucking in a dirty motel in the middle of nowhere and murdering a random guy’ thing made the whole night quite an experience. So I guess you deserve the favor of getting you back to your warm bed. And since I’m feeling a little generous, I’ll also remove your name from the motel’s records. You can thank me later.”
Pan kissed his lips again, and then Killian was on his bed back in New York, alone. Still dirty and hurting, but alone.
The last thing on his mind at that moment was gratitude for the demon. He painfully turned on his side and hoped nothing more would leak out of his ass while he tried to rest.
He couldn’t help but cry at the sound of the morning bells and the tick-tock of his clock.
Pan wasn’t kidding. A few days later, Killian found the courage to search for the man Pan had murdered at the motel - unknown attacker, no witnesses - and there was no mention of himself and no calls from the police.
He shivered. If nothing else, that meant it would do Killian no good if he reported the weekly assaults. It would probably only lead to the demons getting angry at him and punishing him harder.
That night was a quiet one - that meant, he just lay still in his bed, feeling empty and lifeless, instead of crying his heart out until his exhaustion got the best of him.
And Rumple still came that Saturday.
After he was done, he turned Killian on his back, then started caressing his still flat belly. Killian saw the demon’s face change from one of ecstatic pleasure to one of sweet care, and that change was enough to make him squeeze his eyes shut and start crying hard.
Rumple had left long before Killian ran out of tears to shed.
Sometimes Killian looked at his phone and silently begged for someone to call him. The majority of his friends were ones he’d made through his work, and giving up on priesthood, no matter the reason, was not something people like them looked upon with approval. Killian knew that once he’d used to think like that too.
So he was left without anyone to call him and ask if he was alright.
Not even David.
But then, what would he even tell them? How would he explain his absence, his cautiousness, the way he flinched away at any kind of touch, the way he could barely walk normally most days?
He kept track of the time. It creeped the hell out of him, but his mind couldn’t help it. But something else creeped him out even further, around the time the thing inside him must have been ten weeks old.
The bump in his stomach.
He nearly passed out from the shock, coming down on his knees and staying there, looking at nothing as he tried to realize what was happening to him. A bump... he was actually going to look the part...
It shocked him so completely that he forgot it was Saturday, so he froze in his bed when he felt a warm hand reach under his shirt and rest over his stomach.
“The perks of visiting you once a week,” Rumple said as he started running his palm around Killian’s stomach. “I get to see the change a little more clearly.”
Killian still couldn’t move, he only felt tears escape his eyes. Rumple grabbed his shoulder and pushed him on his back. Killian’s arms flew backwards and were secured to the wall with chains, as Rumple dragged his pants off him and pulled his shirt higher, revealing his stomach.
Killian looked at his naked body in shock. The bump wasn’t clearly visible, yet, but he still felt the difference when Rumple’s hands rested on it.
“Oh, baby,” Rumple murmured and leaned over, leaving a tender kiss to Killian’s stomach.
Killian couldn’t take his eyes off him, he could only feel tears spill from his eyes as panic took over his mind.
Rumple exposed himself quickly, then threw Killian’s legs over his shoulders and entered him hard. Killian threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut and crying in pain. Rumple picked up pace quickly, his pleasured gasps sending Killian’s mind reeling.
Rumple’s hands stayed on Killian’s stomach the whole time. When Rumple finished he pulled out, spilling cum on Killian’s genitals, then grabbed his legs and turned him on his side, releasing his arms from the chains. He lay down behind him, put his one arm above Killian’s head, his free hand on his stomach, then entered him again.
Killian’s mind was too numb from pain and misery to realize how softer Rumple was actually taking it this time. Thrusting slowly, still painfully but significantly less than earlier, he caressed Killian’s stomach with such care and softness it made Killian sick. Rumple leaned his head closer to Killian’s nape and left slow, lazy kisses.
That time, Killian felt it fully when Rumple finished. With his body against his back, he felt him shivering from his orgasm and sighing heavily between his shoulder blades. However, he stayed inside him, and simply kept kissing his nape and shoulders as his hand was still caressing his stomach.
Killian wanted to vomit. He felt the disgust run up his throat, but nothing came, even as Rumple stayed like that, inside him and caressing him, for hours, until finally the ominous toll of the bells was heard and he disappeared.
As Killian struggled to wash later, he realized he couldn’t get warm enough even though the water was almost scalding hot. He lay uncomfortably on the shower floor, his legs and hip too weak to support his full weight, and shivered as he waited for the blood and Rumple’s fluids to be washed away.
The only warmth he could feel was the one of his tears as they ran down his cheeks, quickly to be replaced with the freezing feel of the shower water.
When done, he crawled trembling to his bed, and struggled to climb up - falling down two times - before he managed to settle himself on it. He carelessly folded his comforter in two and nested himself under it, starting to sob when he realized it wasn’t enough to warm him.
Feeling too cold and too much in pain, he didn’t manage to sleep for many long hours.
The beginning of his weeks were always like that, him waking up at odd hours and having no idea what day it was, and even if he did know, he usually couldn’t get up and walk until at least Tuesday evening.
And then, of course, he had to get himself something to eat. He didn’t dare look too much at his body, let alone in the mirror, but only by the way the sleeves of his shirts and the trousers of his pants felt bigger around his arms and legs, he knew he was losing weight. No wonder since he spent at least two days of the week eating almost nothing.
However, a true shock overtook him the day he realized that he couldn’t button his pants as easily. He finally took a good look at his stomach... and froze when he saw that the bump was definitely visible.
He stayed there, for many long minutes, staring at his unnaturally changing body. He felt an impulse to touch it, to feel the creature beneath. But he drew his hand back, then went straight to his bed and cried silently.
When he woke up, it was late morning, and he suddenly felt full of a strange determination - he had to do something, finally. He couldn’t just sit by. He rose from his bed, buttoned his pants despite the pressure it put on his bel- stomach, and walked to the kitchen, picking up the longest and sharpest knife he had. He gripped it tightly, then turned it to touch the tip on his skin. His hand started to shake.
No, no, he couldn’t do this. He was too scared to die, even with how horrible his life had turned out. He knew that he was going to Hell anyway, so perhaps he could avoid it for as long as he could…
He wrapped the knife with some kitchen paper, put it in a plastic bag, then finished dressing and walked out to his car. He knew of a clinic nearby. It would be a quick, clean stab, then he would scream, and they would find him... besides, he wouldn’t be hurting any internal organs, only that... thing…
He parked the car outside the clinic and stared at the bag on the passenger’s seat. A quick, clean stab. That would be all, and he’d be free.
He picked it up and walked out. The thing inside him, it couldn’t be human... with those powers and that lineage and... it wouldn’t be a crime, would it?
He walked around the corner, where no-one could see him. He pulled the knife out and pulled his shirt up with his stump - he barely wore his prosthetic anymore, too much of a hassle to put it on, and for what reason anyway? Why would he have to pretend he was less broken than he really was?
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he touched the tip of the knife on his stomach. A few more breaths.
He’d just have to push the damn thing in, and it’d be over.
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