yukibana · 1 year
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I haven’t been posting in a good long while. And found this drawing sleeping in my Procreate so i decided that it’s time for it to be seen. 
(Epel’s being punished for being a mess 😭 😭 😭)
(Deuce’s #soadorbs)
(Just Kuragari standing there like a doll)
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light-and-lightning · 4 years
@soadorbs​ ll Semi-Plotted
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⚡ - “...you can’t tell anyone we’re here, okay?” The boy looked to the other girl with a pleading expression; not wanting to be caught in the act of hanging out with his canine companion in the hospital courtyard. With the both of them on suicide watch, it was hard to seize any opportunity for privacy; the only moments allowing it being ones in which the night guards nodded off. 
He didn’t know this girl - nothing aside from her name and the reason she was here, really. That, and the fact that she really seemed to like animals. He had thought maybe meeting his best friend would help cheer her up...it was really the only thing he looked forward anymore himself.
“Koromaru - this is Kotoko.” He introduced him to the girl before he addressed Kotoko again in turn.  “You can come closer. He doesn’t bite anyone unless they’re bad.” 
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blueveines · 4 years
                                                  @soadorbs​  //  starter call  ( shuichi )
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                              “ ...  this isn’t a very safe part of town,  you know. ”
                               spoken as he sat down on the curb near her,  trying to look as calm and non - threatening as he possibly could.  shuichi had dealt with a few runaway children before,  and while no one had approached his uncle’s agency about a girl matching this description,  she certainly looked the part.
                                “ are you okay? ”
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@soadorbs​ ll Plotting Call
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❥ She couldn’t ever remember having felt her own heartbeat before - at least, nothing like what she was experiencing now. She hadn’t started running, hadn’t done anything to demand her body to make it pump faster...but she could feel it,  thundering. Heavy. All while her body remained frozen in place; a hard stare of disbelief being given to the child who lay on the basement floor. Ankles and wrists tided up with ribbons like she was supposed to be a birthday gift ( They’re wired ribbons, aren’t they? She had to imagine that would hurt...) . 
“Well, what do you think, darling?” hearing her mother’s voice nearly made Ayano jump, despite the thousands of times in her life she’d already heard it. 
Her mouth was dry, throat as scratchy as if she’d just swallowed a handful of cotton. There was no way she could answer, it was all she could do not to fall down the stairs as Ryoba dragged her along, feet struggling to keep her upright.
“Wasn’t cheap, buying her off that woman in the studio, given the price she usually goes for with those men...but I think anything’s worth the price for your new little sister-!”
The words are sweet and prideful - like she’d just bought her a new toy off a shelf. Ayano couldn’t bring herself to understand how. Even in her state of constant apathy, she’d...never have thought of this. not ever. She still can’t answer her, the remainder of Ryoba’s self praise over the beauty of the ‘prize’ she’d claim nothing more than a dull buzz in the back of her head after she’d made eye contact with the little girl that’d been ...bought for her. With her arms clutched against a now thundering heart, she didn’t move more than an inch before she’d realized her mother had left the room - stuck in an haze of disbelief. 
Finally, she shook her head, slowly letting it sink in.
“I...I can’t believe this is happening....are you okay...?” 
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cestmoilastar · 4 years
@soadorbs​ 💖’d for a starter
     Claudine hummed as she walked down the hallway, on her way to the practice rooms. Things were quiet; most of the students had headed back to their dorms by now. Just her and probably Maya somewhere and that was it. Personally, this was far more preferable, with less of a chance of someone interrupting her.
     Yet, there was a light on in one of the rooms she passed. Curiosity, more than anything, had her glance inside, and she paused. Pink hair, pink eyes... That was her, wasn't it? Utsugi Kotoko, or something like that. The other girl who had talk of being a child prodigy (technically there were plenty of them here, but many like Mahiru came from towns too small to have the broader impact of her own fame or Maya’s or this girl’s).
     A grin tugged at her lips as she watched. Well, she’d been planning on practicing anyway. Might as well see what the little freshman was made of.
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     Claudine rapped an the practice room door. “Bonjour.” Into the room she stepped, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Do you mind if I join you? That dance would be much easier to practice with a partner.”
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@soadorbs​ ll SC / Semi-plotted
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🎭 - “It matters not if you haven’t heard my name before-! Indie artist in faraway town rarely get the fame they truly deserve....no matter how fantastic their achievements” She was trying to play up her own background, taking advantage of the fact that her roommate knew nothing about her past - like puffed up peacock trying to be a bigger star than she was.
“But that aside, would you happen to need help settling in your things? I suppose I could spare the time...”
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woerended-a · 5 years
* pick-a-fight meme / @soadorbs​
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He shudders to think what kind of ideology one would have to subscribe to, to say that about their own near death. Sure, he didn’t know who this girl was -- not even her name, but he couldn’t have just stood by in the face of something like...that, right?
So he hadn’t really thought hard about it, pulled her aside as a vehicle barreled through - her attention clearly not focused very much on her surroundings. You really need to look out more, you could have died! He’d said it with such earnest vigor, and this...? This isn’t what he expected.
So what? What do you say to that?
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“So what...? So that would be awful, that’s what. Aren’t there people you’d think would be upset if you were hurt...?” He feels his stern expression waver, become a bit sadder as he stoops low with his knees folded and his feet propping him up on the sidewalk.
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hxpelessnurse · 4 years
@soadorbs​ has entered the Nurse’s Office!
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She had been watching the little tykes from afar. How could she not when curiosity overtook? She had to see what her Beloved had seen in them. And so far, she was pleased. They would bring despair to the world far better than the mutilated uterus now festering inside her could. Though Naegi’s sister and the two-faced serial killer posed a very big threat to the Warriors’ plans...
Mikan sauntered through the streets of Towa, keeping away from the various monokumas and creepy children. She knew she’d be seen as a nasty adult in their eyes and she had no will to kill children as of yet. Though the anger that seethed inside her made her think about it more often than not. She followed the pink-haired Warrior at a distance, smiling as she noticed her duck into the old hospital. A safe haven for a former nurse-in-training like her, once inside the dilapidated building Mikan felt at home. A soft sigh pressed past her lips.
Her grey eyes scanned the lobby, looking for the flash of pink hair she’d been following. Why on earth would the cute one want inside a hospital? 
“Hello~” Mikan cooed, her voice echoing through the room. “Little girl~? Don’t run away... I’m a nurse, I’m here to help you...”
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starblossomed · 4 years
@soadorbs​ from Kikyo.
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Kikyo had been doing her duties of making sure everything around the shrine was cleaned and in order. If she didn’t, then who else would? It wasn’t as if many people came to the shrine, but it was even more surprising to see someone as young as this girl coming in alone.
“Can I help you with something?”
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nursinner-a · 4 years
✙ @soadorbs​  has found a remedy ✙
✙ As much as they wanted, the Remnants couldn’t make time rewind and stop the Tragedy from happening. All the lives they helped ruin... The world could only hope and move forward now. 
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Mikan wasn’t sure if she was the right person to look after children. Especially children who ended up manipulated by Enoshima... Her knowledge in medicine was wide but she had little talent to work as a psychologist. Even so, she had vowed to atone for her sins... This step was as good as any other. Especially knowing her fellow ex-Remnants were by her side...
“ H-Hm... Utsugi-c-c-chan... How a-are you t-t-today? ”
Besides the stuttering, the work of actually using the honorific “chan” had already caused an ungodly mess on Mikan’s mind as she never thought she’d use it on such situation.
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hxperdxspair · 4 years
@soadorbs​ Wants a meeting with Despair~
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“You don’t have to be a good girl.”  A few simple words, as her lips spread into a small, not at all in character, smile. She watches the other pig-tailed girl with the calm, blue eyes. She watches her as her hand is placed atop the much smaller girl’s head. Junko said these words out of nowhere. After yet another time Kotoko found herself visiting Enoshima, yet again hiding from the parents that both tormented her on some level. Junko never understood it. This pain and suffering, but she enjoyed seeing her despair. 
Any other normal adult would probably suggest some sort of help or justice. Maybe somehow get both of her parents away from her. Junko wasn’t any normal adult. Junko wasn’t even that much of an adult. She already knew what she wanted to happen. With Kotoko. And with all other kid from the supposed troubled class. A much more sinister grin was trying to break through the calm, soft guise. And yet she held it in. She held it in, slowly ruffling the other girl’s hair with her hand. 
“You know? There’s no need to be a good girl. No need to do what you are told.” She sits at the couch standing close, she grins much wider now, a smile filled with her usual perky confidence, another mask clicks onto her face without her noticing anymore. She wonders if that is her true face? But disregards the thought. Not now. “You know, I totally lived alone ever since your age. No mama, no papa, not even Mukuro, who went away for her army shit. Bet ya didn’t know that. And here I am, better than anyone.” She chuckles. yes, right, Better. Not a lie, objectively speaking. She didn’t care much for being better, though. She continues anyway, tho. “You know why? Tell me if you can guess~”
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mxgicalcxrnage · 5 years
@soadorbs​ Wanted a starter!
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“Oi. Ya look like ya need a smoke. Or a drink. Or both. Somethin’ happened?” It was very late and Kayo couldn’t quite handle the nightmares that plagued her mind so she was walking around. She didn’t really know why the hell would they need to travel to This Towa city for the school thing, but here she was, approaching another female that very much looked like she wasn’t in the best of moods. 
Kayo could understand that. And so she proceeded to sit right beside the other figure, slowly picking out her pack of cigarette’s from her front pocket, pulling one with her teeth, snapping her fingers to make a small flame (a trick that nobody of her schoolmates can either repeat or even understand.), lighting that cigarette and feeling a familiar sensation of the smoke coating the insides of her throat. A pleasant strawberry smell started to spread around herself. alongside the tobacco. 
“Not goin’ to judge if ya wanna have one. by the way.” She nodded at her pack. She didn’t know if others were much into smoking. She didn’t really pay attention to people that much, after all. She shook her hand, making the small flame disappear. Streams of smoke already came out of her nose. the strawberry scent became even stronger now. “Or ya can just talk, I dunno.” Not like anyone will pass by at such a late time. 
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♚ Do you agree with fandom interpretation of your character?
Mun’s Interpretation ll Selectively Accepting ll @soadorbs
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{ Me? Disagreeing with a fandom interpretation of a character? Ha….why would that happen? 
It’s not like I hate how much both the creator and the fandom sexualizes a mentally sick high school girl…
It’s not like -
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Okay yeah the fandom interpretation of Ayano is gross and can burn in hell. } 
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etude-de-personnage · 5 years
@soadorbs​ ll Nurse Mei Fan S.C.
🔮 - It’d been a while since she’d had a case as heavy as this one weighed on her heart. Childhood was supposed to be a happy time, after all - not one where children should be so overpowered with thoughts of inadequacy to attempt something like she had. 
She’d been told the girl had refused to talk to the other nurses when they questioned her about what had happened- and she could hardly blame her with all their gloomy faces and sad eyes. Ah- no matter! She’d been taught before how much pre-made notions about a patient could damage the patient-nurse relationship; and she certainly wasn’t going to fall victim to it here! 
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“Good morning,  Utsugi-chan!” she greeted the child with an eager smile, making no effort to tone down her naturally cheerful nature.  “I’m Liu Mei Fan, and I’ll be your nurse today! Ah, but you can just call me Mei Fan - I’m going to try my very best to make sure your stay here is pleasant and your recovery speedy! And I believe that all starts with a healthy breakfast, so here!” 
Where many nurses would simply start taking vitals, the nurse had half a few, small heart-shaped peanut butter and jelly bites she’d cut out herself that morning in preparation. 
“Just let me take your temperature before you start eating, okay? I wouldn’t my thermometer to get covered in peanut butter!’
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lovelornings · 4 years
@soadorbs​ ll Unprompted
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❥ Throws her a bag of gummy bears. 
You can bribe friendship of kidnapped siblings with sweets, right?
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 5 years
[ sleepy ]  s o f t ,,,,,,,,,,,
S o f t
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It seems their frequent trips to the nurse’s office have earned them both a reputation. And well-deserved though it may be, it’s hardly a pleasant one. Nagito stares down at his bandaged ankle with a sigh – bruised, but not broken, luckily. The nurse was supposed to return in five minutes with crutches so he can get back to his room. That was forty-five minutes ago. It’s not her fault. The poor woman is stretched so thin tending to the forgotten and the dejected, and what a thankless job it is. 
 If it’s not him, it’s Kotoko. It it’s not Kotoko, it’s him. His proclivity for injury isn’t anything new; and so far, nothing has proven too serious. But Nagito worries. Is his luck rubbing off on Kotoko? Has his presence made life harder for the little girl? He’d offered to look out for her, but he never expected her to want him to. The other kids hate him, why shouldn’t she? Not that he minds - it’s kind of nice to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, knowing someone will be happy to see him when he arrives at breakfast. He just hopes this isn’t all at her expense. 
 Nagito has already told Kotoko to go to bed; reminded her it’s well past curfew. But she wouldn’t leave him. She’d refused, and honestly, he’s grateful for the company. Nurse’s offices aren’t scary for him - how can they be, when he’s so used to them? - but they are quite lonely. So they sit in silence, facing the door. Just waiting. 
 Suddenly, Nagito feels a weight against his arm. He glances down to see Kotoko settled against him, her eyes drifting closed. Freezing up, unsure of how to handle this. His fists ball, and he can barely even breathe as she, in her half-awake state, shifts, settles in his lap and begins to doze off. Hesitantly, Nagito raises a hand, intent on shaking her, waking her up and sending her to bed. But that hand finds her shoulder, and he just can’t bring himself to. She looks so small, so peaceful, nestled there. Comfortable, and warm, and secure. With a resigned sigh, he stills, and lets her fall asleep. It’s been a long time since she’s had a single moment of peace. He can’t take that away. 
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