#so... for the longest time all my video games and DVDs and shit were just sort of in a pile.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 year ago
lol I wanna show y'all smth but it's so stupid
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scottymcgeesterwrites · 4 years ago
Some Goddamn Curtains
When I was in college, I kept getting the compliment, “Wow, your room is really nice for a guy.”  I never understood what that meant for the longest time.  Then I actually paid attention to how most guys kept their dorm room. I once waited for a guy to get ready to head down to an event. I realized that I had never actually stepped foot in his room, much less even glanced inside of it. So when he stepped out and said he was ready to go, I leaned to the side over his shoulder and oh my god it was like downtown Baghdad during the worst of the Iraq War. Damn bruh, you live like this? I liked all my college roommates but the most untidiest one was in sophomore year. He left his toothbrush lying around in the open in a sock drawer, and it would end up somewhere else each night. Maybe he liked to play scavenger hunts to keep himself on his toes? He never put the DVDs back in their respective cases. I once couldn’t wait to watch Iron Man with a friend at their dorm, only to open the case once I got there and realize that my roommate had replaced it with Season 1 of Martin. He would also do this thing where he would drink a can of Coke (that I bought), not finish it, put it back in the fridge, then later open a new can of Coke that he didn’t feel like finishing, and rinse and repeat. First year roommate wasn’t that bad. Third year roommate was nearly as tidy as I was. Then in my fourth and final year I lived alone,  so my sense of the idea that “guys were messy” didn’t really hit me because I’ve only had one bad experience and chalked it up to “It was just that one guy”. I’m 31, and by now I have noticed people saying things like, “Oh my God I was actually thinking about what curtains I liked and I’m such an adult. This is what adult thinking is like. I’m adulting now.”
I hate hearing shit like that. I grew up blithely admitting liking things that an adult would “normally like”, such as curtains. The curtains thing came up in high school when I hung out at the senior lounge. The senior lounge was this bare room that looked like it was meant for old people to sit and play bingo. It was boring and dull and I hated it. It felt more lke a prison cafeteria really, with some worn out couches. I would bring my video games to that lounge, namely GoldenEye 007, to play with friends during our free period.  The room didn’t have any curtains, so at a certain time in the afternoon, the sun would beat down directly onto the screen, making it difficult to see properly. A lot of us would squint and move closer or lean forward.  I then said, “This room needs some curtains.”
A pause, and then someone replied, “Did you just say this room needs curtains?” And I was like, “Yeah. Maybe something blue. Something dark.”
And he looked at me and scoffed, and all the other guys did the same - they gave me this funny sideways glance and scoffed. I asked what the problem was, but they mostly shook their heads in disbelief. I was frankly annoyed by their response. So I said, louder, “This room needs some goddamn curtains”, because I thought it was perfectly fucking reasonable that a person would logically do something about the fucking glare from the fucking sun. Maybe they liked blinds better. Who knows? But it took me ages to fully realize two things:  1. It’s not socially acceptable for boys to be interested in style - whether it be about living spaces or clothes. I was fiercely made fun of for the clothes I wore as a kid throughout young adult life. I hated all kinds of t-shirts. I think growing up thin and gangly made me too self-aware of my arms. But I never specifically wanted to wear anything that had a band name or a company logo or even my favorite video game or movie. I would feel like a walking advertisement, and that would piss me off. I often liked ties, long-sleeved shirts, and sweaters. I never left the house in sweatpants or pajamas. I always had to comb my hair and put on a good shirt. Sweatpants were when you worked out or worked around the house fixing things.  I grew up in Catholic school, so we had uniforms. On dress down days, my classmates would come up to me and say, “Eddie, you were supposed to dress DOWN, not up” or “I can’t believe you’re wearing that on a dress down day!”.  I didn’t have a problem with people dressing how they dressed. Sure I was never into the goth thing, but I didn’t want to judge. I just wanted to dress how I wanted to dress. And maybe I was influenced in some way by how my parents dressed me up, and maybe other times I did feel embarrassed, but I knew that at the end of the day I would wear what felt most comfortable to me. Sometimes my mom would give me a sweater that was a tad too bland, so I went to the bathroom once I got to school and took it off. I would like the polo but untucked it and unbuttoned the top buttons. Half-and-half. Right idea, but lemme wear it like this instead. College was really when I started to develop my everyday style, my “main outfit”, like a video game character. I always wore some untucked button-down shirt with a tie, jeans, and sneakers. I liked it. It was this weird blend of dressing up and dressing down. People my age thought I was overdressed but my parents and people over 50 complained that I was underdressed. It was great! It feels so special to piss off both sides! My parents still remember the time I got an award at college and I went up the stage wearing that getup. You look at the picture and see the students standing side-by-side in nice dresses and dockers, and then there’s me wearing jeans and sneakers with a shirt and tie.  There always seemed to be this false dichotomy for how men should look and be - either the dapper “metrosexual” man who was slightly effeminate or the rough-and-tumble strong man who didn’t need to use an umbrella when it rained and never cared to fix his hair because that’s some “gay shit” for silly city folk. That false dichotomy is always played out in media. There’s a million buddy cop movies about the book-smart guy who is suave and sophisticated teaming up with the street-smart guy who is all muscle and manly and goes for the more practical route. Yin and Yang. Hot and cold. Good cop and bad cop. Lucky and Wild. Tango and Cash. But growing up I thought, “Why not both?” I loved watching James Bond as much as I loved watching Indiana Jones. Why couldn’t I be both if I really wanted to? It fit me best to play both roles. I AM GOING TO MIX THESE TWO THINGS AND YOU CAN’T FUCKING STOP ME! I WILL BE BOTH BOOK-SMART AND STREET-SMART. I KNOW THE QUADRATIC EQUATION AND HOW TO CON SOMEONE. THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM.  The fucking worst though is being an adult now and hearing women wish they knew a guy who “dressed properly”, and men complimenting my clothes saying I look sharp.
Fuck all of you, honestly. 2. Young people are afraid to admit they like things that adults like. I grew up with extended family members living in cozy homes. I liked to admire their grandfather clocks, their decanters, their entertainment center, their offices and their chairs. I liked to wander around their houses during the holidays and poke my nose into their closets and admire old things. Maybe it’s something that an only-child might relate to the most. I wasn’t required or asked to be upstairs to attend a younger or older sibling. The adults just did their own thing and so I wandered off. Ikea always tickled my fancy as a kid. I would wander through the model rooms of offices and bedrooms and bathrooms, and I found whatever felt coziest to me and pretended that I was home. Better yet, I sometimes daydreamed that the entire Ikea facility was my home. How about that? Tired of sleeping on the bunk bed? Go to the next room to the big bed. I feel like cooking in that kitchen today, not this one. Some days I’ll feel more serious and work in the wooden office desk and other days I’ll feel silly and be in the kids room. I’ll take the whole building, please. This is where I live now. Swedish meatballs for dinner and creamy European chocolate bars for dessert every day. Young people fear being old and facing responsibilities. That doesn’t mean you liking these things makes you older. Taste and style is part of who you are, and there’s no shame if you have an interest in some bath mats or a nice decanter when you’re 20 or 17.
When I lived in my single dorm back in senior year of college, I realized that I was truly living alone for the first time. It brought some sanity to me that I didn’t know I needed. I was able to organize things how I saw fit, and hosted parties whenever I wanted. If I felt like something needed adjusting, I didn’t need to ask anybody’s permission. I really started exploring my sense of style and taste. As I grew up, I developed really specific tastes about where I would live: 1. Everything has to make sense. The placement of shelves, TVs, desks, dressers, paintings, pictures, all have to feel like they are easily viewed and accessible without needing to awkwardly turn to face them or reach them.  2. Symmetry is not always necessary but still good to fall back on when you don’t know what to do. 3. I never liked to sit with my back to the window(s) or the door. I always needed to see who or what was going to approach me or look at me.  4. TVs should never go on top of fireplaces.  5. Always have some kind of drawing room for guests to wait.  6. Never put your keys or sensitive documents in the foyer, drawing room, or wherever else strangers can easily find them the minute they walk into the house.  7. Open concept is pretentious.  8. It is far easier to cook if you have an island in the kitchen.  9. McMansions are the bane of style. Fake balconies, fake shutters, brick facades - everything about them is evil.  10. Get some goddamn curtains.
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surveys-at-your-service · 3 years ago
Survey #474
“nothing flashed before my eyes  /  no pretty angels, no bright lights  /  all i saw was the devil’s soul, & it looked a hell a lot like my own”
Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to? My dad. He can be a challenge. He says whatever comes to his mind the moment he thinks it, and it's not always nice. What is the most exciting thing about your life right now? My relationship, honestly. It feels like the one thing that's going right, but I'm concerned if I don't take care of the things that aren't going so well, that they will creep into my relationship and start breaking it down, ex. not having a job. What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school? To just keep pushing and not give up on life, and that it is full of phases, be them good, bad, or bland. Have you ever had a job that deeply affected your personal life? How so and do you still work there? No. Do you have a “one who got away”? I don't feel like that anymore. If you were in a supoerhero movie, would you be the hero or the villain? Because I like to help people, I'd like to be the hero, BUT villains are waaaay cooler. If you found a mouse in your house, would you be frightened? Frightened, no. I LOVE mice. I'd of course be startled and concerned about it getting into food, but I'd just calmly find a way to get it outside. Have you ever tried to perform magic tricks? I used to LOVE getting those little magic kits when the Scholastic fair came around! I had I want to say three and was pretty good at a lot of tricks in them. Can you do more with a yo-yo than just "go up and down"? No. What is one form of technology that you wouldn't be able to live without? The Internet for sure. Did you get an allowance, growing up? Why or why not? No. An allowance for three daughters was something my parents couldn't afford. Would you rather go to a water park or an amusement park? Why? An amusement park. They're more exciting to me, and somehow water parks seem dirtier with all the little kids and just alksdjlfa;wjke What is one instrument you wouldn't mind learning how to play? The violin. What's the longest amount of time you've had to wait in line for something? Probably something at Disney World as a kid, idr. What is something that you would like to learn more about? I ALWAYS want to learn more and more about meerkats. What is something that one of your family member collects? Mom collects owl stuff. Have you ever moved to a new school before? If so, how did it feel? No, except obviously when transferring from certain age ranges, like elementary to middle school. Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework? Yes, at least once in middle school. I felt SO awful and had to go outside of the classroom to do it while they were reviewing the work. Do you enjoy autumn leaves or spring flowers more? Why? I really, really like both. Each are just very pretty in their own right. Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? Hurricanes or like the mere chance of a centimeter of snow. At least once, we've even had such a severe heat advisory that school was called off. If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be? Can dragons be real? 'Cuz then I wanna meet Clay from Wings of Fire if we could talk, lol. He's so wise and I'm sure would have great knowledge to share about looking at my life from new perspectives. What are some common places that people tour when they come to your city? Um, people do NOT tour this city. It's trash. What's one food that you did not enjoy as a child, but do as an adult? I'm not sure. How would having no electricity affect your daily routine? Everything would change, given I'm always on the computer. Would you rather have a mermaid tail, a fairy's wings or a unicorn's horn? Fairy wings, for sure. What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed? I wish SO badly that opossums were domesticated animals, alsdkjfkaljwe. I say enough that I do want to rescue/foster one, though, but I would obviously need a license for that. I would absolutely never just snag one from the wild. What are some things that you do to make the world a better place? We recycle here, don't dare to litter, and I always try to be a decent person that spreads love and hope to other people. Has the last person you had sex with ever had sex with someone besides you? Yes. What’s your favorite store at your mall? rue21, I suppose. We have a small mall. Have you ever done a workout DVD? Oh my actual god, this is a THROWBACK. When we were really little, my sister had a BARBIE workout DVD that we watched sometimes. Who usually takes out the trash in your family? Usually Mom, but sometimes me. What song are you currently obsessed with? Absolutely "Bath Salts" by Highly Suspect, ahhhhh- When you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook? When I used to go fishing, my dad would always unhook the fish. Do you take any prescription meds? A lot. What happens if you don’t take them? I very rarely forget to take my medicine, but when I do, I experience anxiety and my tremors get worse. Who was the last person you dreamt about? I don't remember. Do you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened? I hate tea in any way. How often do you honk your horn? I don't really drive, so. I'd be very hesitant to though because I wouldn't wanna piss someone off. Do you have any children? If so, names and ages? That's a hard pass from me, bro. Have your parents ever witnessed you doing something inappropriate? What? No. Did you get babysat a lot as a kid? I don't remember how frequently, but we did have a babysitter. Both my parents had jobs. If you were the principal of a school, what would you do differently? Actually pay fucking attention to bullying and do shit about it. Are you doing anything fun tomorrow? "Fun?" Don't know her. What is something you'd like to receive as a housewarming gift? I dunno. How old were you when you first experienced the effects of puberty? I don't remember. What is your least favorite holiday, and why? St. Patrick's Day because I worry about getting pinched, lol. Pinching even very lightly is surprisingly painful for me. What were some outdoor games you played as a child? Hide-and-seek was my favorite, then my sisters and I made games for on the trampoline and in the pool, etc. Did you accompany your parents on "Take Your Child to Work" Day? I never remember doing that, no. Are cemeteries peaceful to you, or do they freak you out? They're humbling, more than anything. A reminder of how equal we are and that we all end up the same. It's a nudge to cherish life while you have it. Which ancient civilization would you be interested in learning more about? My favorite is Ancient Egyptian. Do you have better long-term memory or short-term memory? Long-term. My short-term memory is absolutely frighteningly horrid. What was the last situation that made you cry? Describe. I was very frustrated with just life in general and how horribly I'm failing at it. Which forest animal would you be most afraid to encounter? A bear, probably. Do you believe in anything supernatural? (ie: spirits, etc) Yeah, like said spirits. Has anyone close to you ever gone to war? No. Have you ever experienced altitude sickness? No. Is there anything, any event, you wish you could remember more clearly? I don't know right now. Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet? EW you couldn't pay me to. If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to? My boyfriend. What was the last new food/drink that you tried? I recently tried jalapeno-stuffed grilled chicken, and a couple days ago I tried this orange/strawberry V8 my mom bought. It was noooot good, which I figured it wouldn't be. That's not a good mix. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? Today was fucking awful, and yesterday wasn't exactly peachy either. Have you ever played Sudoku? Yeah, I enjoy it well enough. Do you ever take surveys for money? No; I once signed up for a site like that though because my mom used to do that, but I literally qualified for no surveys with how inexperienced I was and still am with grown-up stuff. Do you like Barbie or Bratz better? I don't have an opinion, and I didn't really as a kid, either. Do you prefer purple or green grapes? I go back and forth, but either way, it has to be a crisp grape or it's just gross. Who was the last person that made you laugh? I was watching a John Wolfe video. Where does your best friend live? Illinois. Who did you last confide in? Girt. Does your car have an alarm? Mom's doesn't. Where was your mom born? New York. What can always make you feel better no matter what? If I'm being completely realistic, nothing. Not every single tactic is fail-proof, especially these days. What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? Crab legs came to mind first. They are SO mushy and just gross. What is currently happening that is scaring you? My life, bro. Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say? I mean maybe at some point accidentally? I don't remember a specific occurrence.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years ago
5k Survey XVII
801. How often do you change your mood in a day? >> It depends. Sometimes I can actually stay pretty stable. Other times, more like a seesaw. Throw an emotional flashback or three into an otherwise-normal day and you’re in for a ride. 802. When you ask people how they are doing you actually care about their answer or is it just polite? >> If I, personally, ask how you’re doing, I literally am asking for the real answer. I rarely ever ask that, because that kind of “politeness” strikes me as particularly pointless and I generally don’t care how most people are doing anyway, so you know I mean it when I do ask. 803. Would you consider yourself to be very polite? >> No. I’m courteous in the sense that I say “please” and “thank you” to customer service people, and I hold doors for people directly behind me, and I say “excuse me” and shit like that. But I don’t make generic small talk, I don’t smile like a loon at randos (I’ll do a brief smile back if they smile first, but that’s the limit, and if I’m in a Mood it might end up looking more like a crazed grimace so be ready for that), and I’m not performative about looking “polite”. I’m just not interested. 804. Do you like movies and books that involve nuclear holocaust? >> Sure, I mean... the Fallout series of video games is one of my favourites, after all. 805. Have you ever had a lucid dream (a dream in which you knew you were dreaming and had complete control over what happened in the dream)? >> I’ve come close -- had the awareness but not necessarily full control.
806. Have you ever had a flying dream? >> Nope. 807. Have you ever had a lucid flying dream? >> Obviously not. 808. What’s the oddest law you ever heard of? >> I don’t remember. 809. What is the ultimate way to connect with another person? >> Good question. 810. Can you be intimate with someone without touching him or her? >> Of course. But different people prefer different intimacy styles. Maybe that kind of non-tactile intimacy wouldn’t feel the same for some people. 811. Can men and women ever really be ‘just friends’ with no interest in anything more? >> Shut up. 813. Are you addicted to this survey like drugs? >> No. It’s really just convenient at this point -- I don’t have to go through the whole process of finding a survey to take, because this one’s right here. If I happen to catch up to Elizabeth, I might have to wait a few days for her to post more sections, but other than that I’ve got my work cut out for me already. 814. If your significant other wanted to wait for marriage could you hold out or would you leave them (or would you cheat)? >> --- 815. What’s the longest sentence you can make using only words that start with the same letter as your first name? >> I don’t want to. 816. If you had a theme song what would it be? >> --- 817. Are you cranky? >> Not right now. 818. Which group generally annoys you more, people older than you, or people younger than you? >> There’s no rule with this. People can annoy me at any age. 819. Do you refer to older people as old farts? >> No. 820. Do you refer to younger people as the kids? >> Yeah. Nine times out of ten I’m not being condescending, I even call myself “kid” sometimes. 821. Which is better: Poems that everyone can relate to or poems that are intensely personal to the author? >> Both can exist. Sometimes the same poem can fit both criteria. An intensely personal experience can still be very relatable to a lot of people, and sometimes you find that out when you create art. 822. Is it worse to be too hot or too cold? >> I just don’t like being in extreme conditions of either kind. 823. Are you so flexible that you can put your feet behind your head? >> No. I’m very inflexible. 824. Would you enjoy reading fairy tales written about robots? >> Yes, very much. 825. Is smoking a turn on or gross? >> It’s neither. It’s just a thing people do. 826. What is the one way you wouldn’t want to die? >> Oh, you know. Most ways. 827. Which would look sillier on you: A cowboy hat or a Rasta hat? >> I don’t know. 828. Would you rather have a job doing something indoors or outdoors? >> Indoors. 829. Would you rather learn more about human nutrition or meteorology? >> Fuck, both of those subjects are interesting to me. 830. Have you ever taken honors courses? >> No. 831. What do you think of crop circles? >> They’re fuckin cool. 832. Where do they come from? >> I don’t know, and that’s part of what’s cool about them. 833. When was the last time you screwed up big time? >> I don’t remember. 834. You have a choice. What do you eat - A veggie burger, a turkey dog, or a cheese sandwich >> Veggie burger, absolutely. I eat those almost every day anyway. 835. Do you get a lot of random instant messages? >> No. 836. Do you have a paper journal also? >> No. 837. VHS or DVD? >> Streaming. (DVD if I must choose, but I really don’t care about owning physical copies of things, it just... doesn’t matter as much to me as I guess it matters to a lot of people. I tried to grok it and even adopt it as a practice but my brain just doesn’t work that way.) 838. Vinyl, cassette tape, or CD? >> Streaming. 839. Have you ever seen the video/heard the song Days Go By, performed by Dirty Vegas? >> I think so. It sounds familiar. 840. MTV: should it play more videos or more shows? >> At this point, I don’t even care anymore. The heyday has passed. Also, Catfish and Ridiculousness are fun shows, so fuck it. 841. Name a band: Dream Theater. Do fans of that band tend to share any characteristics with each other? >> I don’t know, I’m not going to stereotype progressive metal fans or anything, lol. I do have to admit that the first thing I thought of was the whole “girls don’t like Dream Theater thing” that Mike Portnoy said that one time, because when me and a girl I knew went to see them, we went for a bathroom break and the line for the women’s bathroom was literally nonexistent while the line for the men’s was a mile long. (That almost never happens anywhere else, lmao.) It was just funny at the time, I don’t actually think that’s a solid representation of listener demographics or anything. 842. What does the expression 'touch and go’ mean? It means being uncertain of a desired outcome. <-- I guess that’s what it means. 843. Caffeine or alcohol? >> Alcohol. I can sleep after drinking alcohol, and alcohol doesn’t make me anxious. Can’t say the same for caffeine. 844. Betty or Veronica? Archie or Reggie or Jughead? >> I was a preteen the last time I even held an Archie comic in my hands, I don’t remember anything about the characters. (And I don’t watch Riverdale either, lol.) 845. What book are you reading right now? >> Well, I was reading Wolves of the Calla but I haven’t picked it back up in at least a week. I’m struggling with wanting to continue this reread -- there’s some stuff I definitely want to reread (like the whole Castle Discordia bit and the part where Roland and Eddie go visit Stephen King), but I’m having a hard time remaining interested in the other shit. Also, I’m tired of Roland. I’m always tired of Roland, but, you know. 846. Is the news too depressing? >> Don’t ask me, I don’t watch that shit. 847. Would you rather have a stuffed lion, elephant, pig or duck? >> Lion! Oooh, I might get one, actually. To represent King Crimson. :B 848. Are you late for a very important date? >> No. 849. Ever use star 69? >> No. 850. Is everyone as smart as you? >> ---
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sambart93 · 7 years ago
2017.10.30 Captain Tsubasa Fan Kanshasai Event! [Second Show]
I ended up going to this because they still haven’t confirmed if we’re getting a DVD or not of the stage and they said the whole cast would be there and that they would show footage from the final performance and also it was going to be my very last time at Zepp Blue Theatre so I went ahead and bought a ticket.
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I was super excited and it got even more exciting when we walked it and it just said ‘自由席 / Free Seating’ which meant we could sit practically anywhere. So I grabbed 8th row and center! It was a good view!
The event was so much fun you guys!! Where to start...
So the MCs were��Katou Mao and Kiyama Ryuu, they were both great and they both looked damn fine in their clothing. Esepcially Mao. It’s so easy to forget how much older most of this cast is when... well no reasons really. Captain Tsubasa was a pretty energy intense stage so you kind of image them hiring a crap ton of young, early 20s guys for the stage, but most of them are nearing (if not already) 30(!) But I guess the production company really wanted to focus on experiences acrobatics and dance people (shhh my English went bad here, I know) than getting in young people with lots of energy but possible having to spend a lot of time training them. Which makes sense and I think they made the best choice.
The event went; Cast Greeting, Watching the Final Match of Captain Tsubasa (it was a good 20ish minute clip) with Cast Commenting Throughout, Questions (What’s your favourite scene, what’s your favorite part of this final match etc.), Quiz (with prizes), Lottery (with prizes), Concept Contest, End Greeting, High-Five.
Guys, they are ALL SO pretty! No, seriously, just look!
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And they all seemed to genuinely get along; a lot of them were having private conversations without the mic between themselves while the Final Match Video was on. Matsunaga and Doi spent a lot of time just talking and laughing between themselves. Matsui made Seiya laugh a lot. Nakamura was like the MVP of the mic and was making everyone laugh. The most vocal on the mic were Nakamura, Seiya and Matsui. Doi kinda didn’t need a mic, his voice is laugh enough xD
I’m so in love with Nakamura even more now too after this event!! His comedy is EXACTLY the type of comedy I like; he’s a balance between being mean, pointing out the obvious and then able to also make fun of himself but it’s all in a ‘we know he’s not being seriously mean’ kind of way. He’s so funny!!!! There’s one part where Tsubasa and (I think) Carlos are running down the pitch and Nakamura just went ‘look how long this pitch is! This is the longest football pitch ever! .... and we’re still going!’ everyone lost their shit at this point; he was so right and it was so funny!
Tanaka was interesting... he was quiet throughout the entire video part but whenever he got direct questions he kind of took center stage and had a lot to say and he showed us some moves as well - he was talking about what parts of the stage were his favourite and of course, with everyone being so athletic and the fact that he choreographed a lot of the stuff they did, that doing the moves and stunts were naturally a favourite part of his -- how he was able to do those high kicks and everything in those jeans though! xD
Hirono Ryouta was freaking adorable! It was so easy to tell that he was the youngest because he was so awkward and so quiet and just wanted to not stand out, but because he was so adorable, he caught everyone’s attention xD
The best part about watching the Final Match final performance was that, funnily enough, some many things went wrong in the final show and it was all caught on tape and shown to all of us. But the boys (and fans) are all such great sports (pun intended) that they were all able to take the piss out of their own and each other’s mistakes in good humour.
The most obvious one was Isaka Tatsuya who, for ALL of the other performances, jumped to the correct side of the goal when a ball went in. BUT in the very LAST performance, he went to the WRONG side of the goal and even made an unintelligible noise when he realised his mistake. It cracked the boys up so hard that they got the staff to reply the mistakes 3 or 4 times and we all died every time, especially at the incoherent noise he made xD
When they got asked what their favourite part in Captain Tsubasa was, we got shown a variety of clips. We got Matsui’s Hyuuga scene where he had to change his shirt on stage in the space of like 1-2 seconds; we also got the scene where Doi’s character Hayada gets a yellow card, and in the final performance he actually storms off stage yelling ‘kimasa = (I guess it could be translated to) mother fucker’ to which Nakamura was like ‘can we replay that one more time to confirm he really said that *replays* that’s red card right there!’ and Doi agreed. He explained that he got way into the moment and it just came out. By the way guys, Doi is a fucking idiot but he’s one of the best idiots. 
OH! At one point Matsunaga went back stage and then came back smoothly, but then minutes later Doi went back stage but when he came back Nakamura was like ‘Where did you go?’ and he’s like ‘ah...ummm... toilet?’ and Seiya was like ‘you’re in the middle of your job! Why didn’t you go before?!’ Doi is just way too blasé about everything xD
And then poor Koki got center stage when one guy said his favourite part of the final match is when Tsubasa approaches Carlos and says they should play again, and the video so perfectly stopped on Koki’s crying face and everyone cracked up laughing. Koki explained that at that moment, he was playing himself; his character was gone, he was honestly crying ‘it was not only my character’s final game with all his classmates, but all my final match with this cast, so at that moment I am Koki here. That is Koki crying, not my character.’ And then one of the members remembered the Final Show Curtain Call and the staff brought the video up and again Koki is just streaming and trying to give his greeting; everyone was laughing but also saying how adorable it was. Koki was just yelling at the staff who were in charge of the videos going ‘DON’T LEAVE THE VIDEO ON MY FACE! WHY YOU REPLAYING IT?! AGAIN?! STOP IT! STOP FOCUSING ON MY CRYING FACE!’ and then throughout the rest of the event, the staff and cast would ask for the picture of Koki’s sad face to be brought up on screen and Koki was just like ‘fuck my life’ xD
They also showed Nakamura’s final curtain call moment too because apparently he rarely messes up but he did this time and because it’s so rare they kind of wanted to see the video just to confirm that they weren’t dreaming the mistake. I think he accidentally had introduced himself as Wakakazu xD Nakamura just sat there like ‘yeah that’s me! Wakakazu! It’s sticks now okay!
OH! Going back a bit to the Final Match video; it was great that every time a goal was scored or when a really cool or difficult stunt/move was performance, all the boys would go ‘woooooah *claps*’ You can tell the boys enjoyed doing this stage so much and were into what they were doing. The audience would clap too whenever a goal was scored.
Then we had the Concept Contest. Doi and Matsui were the leaders for it. They had to write a concept or idea in answer to a question. I remember the first question was ‘What type of Captain Tsubasa would you hate?’ and one of the answers was ‘every character having Doi’s current hair’ xD Unfortunately, I don’t remember the second one but it ended with Koki’s answer being ‘everyone saying GUUUUUA!’ << the incoherent noise that Isaka had made during his mistake xD
Towards the end quite a few of them mentioned that they hope a DVD and a saien/re-run and/or second stage is made and everyone in the audience was like PLEASE!!! So looks like everyone who was there was hopefully for SOMETHING to come out after this. Seriously, give me my dvd!
And finally we get to the:
The High-Five
There’s too many of them to tell you what damn order they were all in but to be honest, only the last four mattered because it went: I GOT TO HIGH TOUCH DOI, MATSUI, NAKAMURA, AND SEIYA IN THAT ORDER!!!! OMG THEY HAD SUCH BEAUTIFUL SMILES!!!! *dead* Aahhhhhhh I’m so dead I got to high five like 12 very attractive people in a row... *deep breathes*
Also, I didn’t freaking know until AFTER the event that it was Matsui’s birthday!! Kinda wish I had known beforehand so I could’ve said ‘Happy Birthday’ instead of ‘thank you’ during the High-Five -_-
And that’s all! It was so funny, such a blast, they all seem to get on very well and I really do hope we all get our wish of another stage or something!
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introisms · 5 years ago
* wong yukhei. he/him. cismale. ╱ i am pretty sure i saw ashley ’ash’ huang at manon’s party that night. the twenty one year old is in their  second year at west bridge studying film. i hear they were at manon’s party because he always went to manon’s parties or out with her/her friends. i wonder if they got the same restricted call as us. will they comply? + worn down denim jackets, messy stacks of dvd cases, bong disguised as a travel coffee mug . ◜ blue. 18+. est. she/they. ◞ ( yogi bae ex connection + extra cirriculars: track team, newspaper, gaming club )  
[ P I N T E R E S T ]
good at running theyre definitely very good on the track team yeah he’s not got the longest legs in the world and also has definitely aged his lungs from smoking too much so he needs someone with his inhaler at the end of the track but thats okay you dont need to worry about that. sometimes he skips meets though has probably been threatened to be kicked off once or twice but somehow managed to keep himself on.
also good at dining and dashing. you guys want to go to mcdonalds? yeah he’s not paying and by the time you realize its either your wallet coming out youll have to catch up with him about a block away. yeah he has sticky fingers and yes he does realize thats its like morally wrong but he does try to say its morrally grey more than anything else
hes easily youre every day burn out if you need someone to give you weed hes your guy at a party hes the first one to offer up a joint and if youre really feeling like it shrooms. he doesnt do anything too hard but he likes to have fun. hes definitely very loud and obnoxious hes always the centre of attention or at least tries to be even if that means he has to do multiple keg stands and spend ten minutes in the bathroom just to go back out there. its not exactly what you would expect because he’s definitely a lot quieter in the day.
he loves movies that are so bad his extensive film collection has it all and then some seriously he has enough dvds in milk crates that he could make a whole new bed frame out of them from texas chainsaw massacre 2 to return of the living dead hes a walking film encyclopedia hes definitely the randy from scream meets much cooler marty from cabin in the woods. yeah he spouts off crazy ass theories all the time yes he listened to 40 hours of true crime podcasts and creepypastas last week and yes he submitted his film history assignment about 30 minutes late because he was too busy writing an alternate theory to the candle cove or some shit.
hes an only child with a single mother she worked her ass off for them since she had him very young and he couldnt be more grateful for the life he was given. he learned how to have fun with the little things and yes he defintiely suffers from the only child weridness but its kind of fun.
loves a good night out while he loves to party he can try and make any dumb situation fun. whether it be stealing a shopping cart and ending up with a broken arm or at the skatepark thats really on you if youre willing to follow him. honestly he lives by a if im going to die if im going to taken down it will be on my own terms by my own hands. or you know youre just going to skateboard over to the 711 get a couple slushies and maybe spray paint a cop car. LMSDLMSLM
runs a conspiracy column on the school news paper offers out advice and started a conspiracy theory that the grading system is backwards hes really just trying to convince that so he can get away with barely making it.
makes bad horror films for class hes really hoping one day he’s going to stumble on the next blair witch except its actually interesting and good and he treats them right instead of making a terrible walking simulator movie with a shit ending.
bisexual and very proud of it hes very flirty and just overconfident in what he does stupid idiot thats all i have to say about him. hes just a goof and a lot of times that shit comes off as super flirting and most of the time it actually is.
makes friendship bracelets. he will just give you one he thinks theyre really cool yeah maybe hes got some vsco girl traits whos seriously gonna clock him for that.
nintendos whore has over 3000 hours in animal crossing new leaf actually planned his own funeral when lucky moved out.
doesnt show up to class sometimes actually a lot of times yeah you know that cliche of a student skateboarding down the hallways to make it ontime from the early 2000′s movies thats him. fell asleep under the bleachers at a track meet and almost got kicked off the team and just said that he had diarrhea  
makes too many jokes about jacking off doesnt even mean it most of the time has used it as an excuse to get out of hanging out with people really was just drinking a third can of monster energy drink and dipping a oreo in it to see how far to the edge he could push his body.
loves synth music and movie soundtracks has a playlist of just five hours of vaporwave
doesnt really know what hes doing usually just talks and thats it hes bad for interrupting and talking too much  forgets a frozen pizza in the oven and almost got his dorm burnt down because of it.  
listens to only emo music and punk music from before 2008 and says vibe check constantly about anything. vibe check
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
party friends
they stole your muses bike and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before ash kind of gets crushes really easily and they kind of just dissapear out of nowhere as well but like we could work something out
exes any gender is good uhhh ash probably has never been in a serious relationship other than his high school one after that he was like uuuhhhhh we just dont know anymore dudes.
snuck them into a concert with them and maybe they drank when they were too young and ended up almost in trouble with the cops because they got caught. or just generally they dine and dash together or movie hop or go and do dumb shit together.
someone who they ‘tutor’ hes dumb as shit hes not tutoring anyone but really he just stolen answer to exams for them he doesnt always ask for payment but like usually free weed or maybe buy him a pizza or some shit
been in his films before he covered them in really bad fake blood and its probably a horror comedy
idk maybe a good influence makes him eat like... idk a salad at mcdonalds instead of two boxes of 20 chicken nuggets
share his bad films with him watches movies with him and gets high they made friendship bracelets together and put each others names on them they play video games they shoot the shit and yup thats that
camp friends/childhood friends
party friends
someone who thinks hes annoying as all hell
just friends/crushes/fwb idk
a roommate??? do we do those here i need to read the housing bit again
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