#so you chill out have dinner with him and cuddle on the couch and watch shrek
melonisopod · 1 year
Love that Myra's toxic trait is immediately spotting a red flag and then going "Yeah that's probably a bad sign, but I'll just roll with it for a bit before doing anything,"
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plathfiles · 9 months
Felix loves being soft towards you in any way
we need more fluff with felix <3
i hope you enjoy xx
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i feel like felix would be the softest boy towards you. he would stay in bed with you as much as possible before having to go down to breakfast with the family. you two would walk into the dining room with his hand on your back.
he just wants to spend all his time with you and he never wants to be parted from you.
felix likes to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. especially if you two are cuddling. on the couch you lay in his lap, his arms wrapped protectively around your waist. you are comfortable, laying your head on his chest.
you are both watching a film in the library, letting the days of summer pass by. during the day, you lay on a blanket and read while felix smokes a cigarette and admires your beauty.
at night you lay out underneath the stars and watch the night sky. felix is on his back, smoking a cigarette. you’re head is on felix’s chest. while you are admiring the night sky, felix is admiring you.
“it’s so breathtakingly beautiful, isn’t it?” you ask, wondering how a sky could be as vast as what you’re looking at.
felix is only trained on you, “it’s gorgeous,” he says softly, not taking his eyes off you as he takes a drag of his cigarette.
you cuddle into him and he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer.
“if you’re cold we can go back inside? im sure my bed is warmer,” felix smirks.
you look up at him and smile softly, “it’s nice out here, im not cold.” felix kisses your forehead softly
felix wants to please you, so he’s always doing something to make you happy. he’ll buy you a necklace with your name on it, pearls, fancy dresses for dinner with his family, etc.
when you and him are at oxford, he takes out on the best dates. you want to chill, grab a coffee and look at books? done. he will take you out.
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thefunkfactory · 2 months
The Orders
Wyatt and his boyfriend Tate were watching the 2020 election results on TV as they cuddled together on the couch. They both believed that the election would be a landslide for the Democrats but after they had dozed off they had heard a loud announcement from the news anchor waking them both up, “It’s official! Donald Trump will continue serving this country as President of the United States of America!”. A sense of dread came over the two, “How could this have happened?” Wyatt sorrowfully asked, Tate just sat there in silence and held Wyatt closer.
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Over the next few months life stayed practically the same even though Trump was acting like a dictator, all news channels were banned minus FoxNews and other right wing stations, Trump forcibly created the 28th Amendment which repealed the 22nd Amendment making it so that term limits vanished, and he had somehow managed to make it so that one of his children would take the Presidency if he ever stepped down or died. One day as the boyfriends were making dinner together the TV, which was playing the news for some background noise, ran a segment that sent chills down their backs. “Trump just declared that homosexuality is now criminalized in the United States of America. All homosexuals must go to their nearest police station and turn themselves in, immediately”. Hearing this they knew that they had to flee the country as soon as they could. Running to the bedroom Wyatt began packing up a suitcase for both him and Tate. While his boyfriend was rushing to pack in the bedroom Tate heard a knock at the door, he looked through the peephole and saw police officers standing on the other side of the door. “wyatt! what do we do? there are police at our front door!” Tate whispered to Wyatt after he ran to the bedroom. “ummm uhhhh I dont know!” Wyatt said fearfully as he heard a louder and more aggressive knock at their door. The two boys decided to hide in their own apartment and wait until the police hopefully leave.
The knocking continued until eventually they heard an officer yell at the other police officers “Alright thats it!” Thinking this meant the coast was clear Tate got out from under the bed even though Wyatt begged him not to. “Babe it’s fine they are leaving, didn’t you hear them?” Tate said to calm down his worried boyfriend. Tate walked out of the bedroom and into the living room when suddenly the front door was kicked in, “OH SHIT” Tate yelled out. Tate tried to flee but he heard a voice from the front door yell “THERE’S ONE! GET HIM!”. Before Tate could take more than two steps, 3 police officers ran in and took him down to the ground. Two held down his arms flat on the ground and one officer who was especially buff held down Tates legs. Tate heard someone slowly stepping into the apartment. He watched as this big, masculine police officer, obviously the leader of this mission, stepped over Tate’s restrained body. “What do you wan-?” Tate was cut off as the officer began to monologue, “Know what I hate? I’ll tell you what I hate, I hate people who bring down this beautiful country we have. It’s a shame that you were able to be such a stain on this great nation for so long, but now that Trump has given the orders, you and your…friendsss” the officer made a disgusted face as he said that last part “Well you all won't be a problem anymore”. “FUCK YOU!” Tate proclaimed with fire in his eyes. “Hahah awwww it’s cute when they have this much fire in ‘em it makes it so much more fun to see it drainnnnnn out” The 3 other police officers all laughed in sync, the same monotone laugh. The officer standing over Tate looked annoyed “We’re still working out their old personalities, these ones were fixed early this morning as soon as we got the order. Whoever made them “better” didn’t do the procedure right so we had to wipe their minds and start fresh.” The officer rolled his eyes. Tate was puzzled and asked “What do you mean “fixed”?”. “Huhuhuh oh buddy you really don’t know do ya? Police and Military across the nation have been given these” The officer held up a baggie with a bunch of red pills that looked like M&M’s and shook it, “to get rid of the gayness plaguing this nation. Some of my officers gave them to your “friends” this morning but they came out…wrong” As he said that he placed his right palm down on one the officer’s head who was holding down Tate’s arm. “This dumbass and the idiot behind me used to be a gross married couple. Good thing my men got to them before they could indoctrinate some kid or something” Said the officer standing above Tate. “No…no what did you do to them?!” Tate cried, “Oh don’t worry my dumb little gay boy, you’ll see”
Wyatt, with his hands clasped around his mouth, watched as the officer above Tate pulled a little red pill out of the baggie he held up earlier. He squatted down and pulled apart Tate’s clenched mouth and forced him to swallow the red pill. Wyatt watched as his boyfriend began to seize on the floor as the 3 other officers continued to hold him down. Wyatt was forced to watch as his boyfriend’s hair became shorter, thinner, and lighter, his fluffy brown hair had just dissolved into the dirty blonde mop now on his head. Wyatt watched as his boyfriend’s face gained some softer features, a rounded nose, a soft round jaw, but his brow bone became more prominent and his lips grew thinner. His boyfriend stopped shaking and calmed down but was now making animalistic grunts every few seconds. It was obvious he was trying to resist whatever was going on in his head. The officer looked down at Tate and saw that no progress had been made past his head, “Tsk I hate having to do this, you should just give into the right side”. The officer untied his boot and took it off, he gave it a whiff and recoiled his head “Oooof huhuh you’re in for it now!” the officer swatted over Tate and placed the boot right over his nose and mouth. Wyatt heard his boyfriend’s animalistic grunts get louder as the boot approached but as soon as it covered his face the grunts died down, becoming sparser than they were before the boot was lowered. This is when the real changes happened, Tate’s arms began to bulk up and his already hairless armpits stayed that way but still being able to proudly pump out pungent B.O., his chest grew two soft pillows as his pecs exploded with muscle. Tate’s stomach stayed lean while gaining some muscle and his thighs began to get girthier and girthier. Tate began to grunt loudly as he tried to push off the mindless officers holding him down, the officer who had been in charge of all of this removed the shoe and mockingly said “Awww you were doing soooo good.” He grabbed another red pill and forced it down Tate’s throat.
Tate quieted down quickly as his body continued transforming. Tate felt his ass twitch and tingle when suddenly it ballooned up like a life raft and was now a nice soft cushion. His legs grew a nice layer of hair that spread to his newly minted ass cheeks. Lastly Tate’s feet began to expand, “Ooooo this is the best part!” the officer in charge proclaimed. Tate’s feet grew bigger and meatier, a soft wafting stink began to float off of them which quickly evolved into a rotten smell of pungent cheese. Wyatt watched as his sweet sensitive boyfriend was left a sweaty and smelly mess on the ground. The officer said to himself, “Time to clear out his block, gotta make sure we get all that homo stuff out”. The officer bent down and placed his hand into his own armpit and then proceeded to place his hand right under Tate’s car, “Yea…smell that manly stink. Thats what you smell like now. You are a stinky, straight jock; nothing more, nothing less.” Tate began to grunt even more animalistic now but it wasn’t him trying to escape…Tate was moaning… Tate was thrusting the air and flip flopping between moaning and grunting as the officer continued his speech about Tate’s new form. Tate kept going and going until a wet spot appeared in the sweatpants Tate was wearing.
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He was gone, sweet, innocent Tate, the guy who would always go along with the love of his life, Wyatt, the guy who accepted everyone, the guy who was a proud gay guy, all of that was now just a damp stain in his sweatpants, right in the crotch region. The officers turned the TV station to an obscure channel no-one would flop to on their own, it was just a looping video of a hypnotic spiral. It taught important truths about how evil gay people are and how much better it is to be straight as an arrow, and now Tate’s mushy, brain-drained mind was being forced to watch it. The officers stayed in the apartment for an hour as Tate was indoctrinated into the Republican party, the entire time Wyatt kept hidden under the bed. Once the officers left, Wyatt emerged and saw Tate still staring at the spiral and drooling, the officers had left him to sit through the spiral even longer than he needed to. As drool dribbled down his chin, Wyatt couldn’t help but feel awful for the smelly himbo that used to be his boyfriend. He grabbed a tissue and went up to the brainless giant to wipe away the drool when suddenly Tate looked at his and said “What do you think YOU are doing GAY BOY?!” his breath reeked something awful and Wyatt tried to back away. “Nah come here bro!” Tate lifted his armpit and grabbed Wyatts head and forced him deep into his noxious B.O. factory…
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To Be Continued…
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luveline · 9 months
Please a Hotch (new girl dad LMFAO) little fic where he discovers the joys and wonders of being a girl dad 😭🤍 like dressing up and playing tea party, or ‘honey, what do I put in her hair?? A bow? A ribbon?? A headband?? A clip??’ Or something about their baby girl always running to him when she bumps her head or falls!! I think it would be really cute
“Do you mind?” you ask through giggles. 
Aaron rubs his hand up the length of your stomach. It tickles in a strange way, but you’re laughing because he’s cornered you on the couch. He takes up the entirety of your view, the air hot between your close faces. 
“No,” he says simply. He has big hands, warm hands. They leave heat in their wake where they touch you. 
“No, come on. I can’t see Jane.” You’re mostly kidding. You really can’t see Jane, but she’s about three feet away, and your living room is baby proofed.
Aaron peeks behind his shoulder. His smile says more than words —he must have caught her smiling herself. “You okay, honey?”
“Yes. Okay. Okay?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’m okay, I’m just giving mommy some kisses.” Aaron strokes your stomach with a loving thumb. “You want to come over here for a cuddle?” 
Jane doesn’t answer. Aaron turns back to you with a glowing smile. “She’s very happy. Now let me kiss you–” You’re laughing again as he kisses you, your cheek, the high point and the end of your brow. 
“I can’t believe you’ve cornered me,” you say, nudging him away to hold his face in your hands. “It’s too warm in here for this, you need to give me some space.”
“I don’t want space from you,” he jokes, matching your playful tone.
“Daddy!” Jack calls from somewhere deeper in the house. “I need help!”
“With what?” he calls, sitting up and away from your touch. He squeezes your leg as he leaves, his voice echoing against the hallway walls, “Jack? What’s the problem, buddy?” 
He waits for an answer he doesn’t get before heading upstairs. You weren’t lying when you said it was too hot for kisses —the winter chill is pervasive and Jane is vulnerable to the cold, so the heat is high and the Hotchner boys are pink in the cheeks every time you see them. You fan your face, tracking Jane’s clumsy waddling as she ferries a pink teddy bear next to her baby doll beside the picnic blanket you’d laid out for her. 
“Having fun, Janey?” you ask. 
“Baba,” she mumbles. 
“Alright, that’s fun. How about I go make us some dinner?” 
“Bababa,” you say back. 
You set about cleaning the mess she’s making before it can explode and prop the door between the living room and the kitchen open to watch her while you peel some potatoes. She plays happily for a while, and upstairs you can hear the celebratory shouts of the boys having figured something out. “Come have some juice before you do the next part,” Aaron says. 
With a sudden bump and a telling silence, Jane falls over. You drop your potatoes and wipe your hands on your front, prepared to sweep her up in your arms and coo away any tears. Her crying rings like a storm siren, so loud you miss the rush of footsteps down the stairs. 
“Baby,” you say softly, holding out your arms as you approach. Aaron and Jack trickle into the room behind her. “Let mommy see? What did you do, huh?” 
She climbs onto her feet. You don't even realise she’s looking away from you until she’s running at her father’s legs, completely ignoring your offered embrace. “Oh, sweetheart,” Aaron says, bending down to meet her. “What did you do? You hurt yourself? Let me have a look. Let me see.” 
Your chest is a pit, that falling feeling as though you’ve missed a step, but the open joy on Aaron’s face soothes any jealousy quickly. “What did you do?” he asks again, lifting his head to accommodate her little body as she wraps her arms and legs around him. He picks her up. She looks small under his chin. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” 
Jack weaves around him to hug your thigh. “Did she fall?” he asks. 
He can come to you for anything, big or small, just like Jane can go to her father. You ruffle his soft hair with a smile. “She’s just shocked when things don’t feel nice because she’s so little. It probably didn’t hurt very much, okay? Don’t worry.” 
“Don’t listen to mommy,” Aaron murmurs, patting what looks like the entire span of Jane’s back with a barely opened palm, “I’m sure it hurt lots and lots.” 
“Dad,” she mumbles tearily.
Aaron gives you the look. One he does all too often when he’s feeling grateful for the things he has, his brow pinched into a gentler furrow than usual. “I know, honey. That floor is so mean, always hurting you. I think we should get some soft carpets instead, what do you think?” 
Jack tugs on your hand. “Can you make me some apple juice, please? I think he will be here for a while.” 
You’re thinking there’ll be carpets fitted in here within the month. “Sure, babe. You wanna help me make some French fries?” 
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yeonzzzn · 6 months
Can you write any stuff about Jungwon obsessed with your tits, like, I can't stop imagining him grabbing your tits anytime, even if it doesn't mean anything sexual, he just loves them. Imagining him just cumming on your boobs and spreading all of it over them, I just need him :(
jungwon is sooooo a tits guy, I don’t make the rules here I just follow them 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤭
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jungwon being titty obsessed would be an understatement. specifically obsessed with your tits. he has to have his hands cupping them literally all the time. in sexual ways and non sexual ways. it doesn’t matter the time, day, or place, he wants or has his hands squeezing them.
he doesn’t care who is watching either. he’ll walk up behind you in the middle of you talking to your friends or the other members and just grab your tits as if it’s completely normal to grab your girlfriends breasts in the middle of a party as you speak to whoever it is.
jungwon makes cooking hard. he’ll stand behind you, resting his head on top of yours as he watches you cook with his hands pressed against your tits, softly squeezing them. it almost always ends up with you either sending him out of the kitchen with a pout on his face so you can continue cooking or you bent over the other side of the countertop as he fucked into your cunt with his hands still very much on your tits as lunch/dinner is forgotten about.
cuddling with jungwon ends up the same way. either fucking on the couch/bed with his hands squeezing your tits tightly or him just sleeping peacefully behind you hands still wrapped on your tits. even cock warming is the same. you’ll be making out and straddling his lap with his cock deep inside you but neither of you moving, yet his hands are still up your shirt squeezing the fat.
it’s way worse when sex is involved. it doesn’t matter the position he has you in, one hand always has to be on your tits. if one hand is working on your clit, the other has both titties in the other hand. one hand squeezing your ass? the other is squeezing your tits. he has you in doggy? hands on your tits. cowgirl/reverse cowgirl? hands on your tits. missionary? hands on your tits. bend over any type of furniture? hands on your tits. pressed against the wall? you guess it, his hands are on your tits.
you love it even more when he grasps your titties when he’s wearing rings. the cool of the metal against your skin makes the sensation so much more pleasuring. making goosebumps on your skin and sending chills down your spin.
jungwon’s personal favorite is cumming on your tits. he’d be fucking into you until the point he’s about to bust, sliding out of you so quick to pump his cock a few extra strokes until his hot cum is dripping onto your breasts, making sure every last drop of it was landed on them before both hands are back on them. his fingers and palms spreading his seed every inch of your tits, loving the way you look so fucked out with his cum covering one of his favorite parts of you. it would always be enough to get him hard as a rock again and shoving his cock back into your pussy just to repeat the process again and again.
so yeah, jungwon being so obsessed with your tits is an understanding. there’s no word possible to describe how much he loves them.
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
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word count: 7.2K
paring: Bokuto x fReader
warning(s): panty stealing, male masturbation - in several locations (shower, bedroom, laundry room), scent kink (wasn't my intention but it's in there), hint of obsessive behaviour oral. Bokuto is a perv in this, so be warned.
authors note: well, it has finally arrived - this darn fic I have been spending way too long on; to put it into perspective I started this in July. But anyway, what started as self-indulgent fluff morphed into something completely different and I am pretty happy with it! Hope you all enjoy this new side to our favourite volleyball playing himbo~ 🔮
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Life always had a way of making itself just a little difficult, no matter what you did; even if the answer led to the best possible solution and outcome for you; you had to make sacrifices so you could succeed in a world that was always trying to see you fail. This was one such occasion.
You just moved to a new neighborhood, one that was far away from family and friends for your career. In order to move ahead, to gain the comfortable life you always wanted for yourself, you had to move away from all that you knew. It wasn’t easy, the decision taking you weeks to accept. At least you had your move, the unpacking and organizing of your new apartment, and your work to keep you busy; to keep your mind occupied on things that didn't revolve around how alone you felt. 
But that could only last for so long, a temporary solution for an abiding problem; you knew it wouldn’t last. And after all the boxes were unpacked, all your furniture was properly arranged - and rearranged, and you finally found your stride at work; you couldn’t distract your mind any longer. That getting up and ready for work became a task that grew harder and harder to do every day. After a few months of adjustments, you just couldn’t bear the loneliness you felt whenever you came home; to emptiness and silence.
It wasn’t something you were used to and you knew you would never become. It never happened before in your life, never was a constant, even if your family was away you could always hop onto chats and spend your nights laughing with your friends.
And now? Well, you were halfway across the world. When you got up, your friends were fast asleep, and when they finally sent you a message you were on your way to bed. There was no real way to quell the ache that you felt in your heart in the traditional ways you knew how; you knew you needed a different solution.
 And there was really only one solution you could think of.
You got yourself a dog.
A little lapdog with a goofy, but sweet, personality from the shelter nearby. A scruffy thing who couldn’t contain the hopeful wag of his tail as you walked by his kennel; one that couldn’t help but jump on the chain link barrier that separated you both, and then onto your legs when you went to greet him. One that filled your face with almost desperate kisses when you finally bent down to say hello; to give him a chance at a new home.
And it seemed you both were made for each other. Out of all the ones you saw that day, this one looked almost as lonely as you. But now? Well, the loneliness that etched across your sweet dog’s face no longer showed, just as the heaviness that clouded and weighed your heart down started to fade away.
No longer would you come home to emptiness, instead you had a ball of fluff and fur to greet you with enthusiasm as they wagged their tail and jumped on you in excitement to see you once more. And no longer would your little friend ever have to worry about sleeping all alone on a cold cement floor, with only a thin bed to keep him from getting a chill, wondering when someone would take him home and give him a warm bed to sleep on.
A match made in heaven, you joked as you snuggled up together each night on the couch to watch your favorite TV program after enjoying a nice dinner. Though your little furry friend always broke up your cuddle session, and your show, in the middle as they whined to go to the bathroom.
You would always oblige, and soon it became a part of your schedule. You began to enjoy the fresh air and routine it gave; to where 5-minute walks would turn into 10 and then into 15. Now your evenings consisted of 30-minute walks with your best friend by your side, trotting along as you mapped out all sorts of new paths to take, new sights to see, and new parts of the city to explore.
You finally, after a few months of exploring with your enthusiastic little friend, found a route that fit both of your needs. Lots of beautiful scenery for you to enjoy with limited hills and roads to cross so your aging dog didn’t lose steam too quickly. 
Every night you did this little song and dance, to the point where if you ran even a few minutes behind your little friend would start giving you attitude. You also surmised that the time you did go on your walks was perfect as you never really ran into anyone, or their own dogs, or had to worry about anything else in the world that would break your stride. For all you knew, it was just you and your dog - no one or anything else mattered.
Well, turns out there was one other person in your world, though he had yet to make it be known.
Besides, Bokuto had not meant for this to be a daily occurrence.
He noticed you a few times whenever he got home after practice, your walking figure catching his eye whenever he moved about in his apartment. He never really gave it, or you, much thought.
That was until he injured his leg and had to be on bed rest for two whole weeks. Not being able to move, not being able to practice and play volleyball - the one thing he loved most - was nearly unbearable. But that doom and gloom would be alleviated, just slightly, whenever you would walk by.
Bokuto wasn’t sure why, maybe it was the consistency? The reassurance then whenever your recognizable figure crossed through his window meant that he got through another day. Maybe it was because it gave him something to do, he did find himself casually watching other dog walkers that passed by throughout the afternoon and evening. Or maybe it was because it was specifically you. Bokuto couldn’t put his finger on why, but something drew him to you.
“Probably because she’s new around here.” That was his reasoning. Made sense to him, a new person in the neighborhood would cause some added curiosity.
But he knew that wasn’t the case. It’s not like he knew anyone in his neighborhood, let alone his apartment building.
Bokuto truly had not meant for all this to escalate out of proportion; to peer out his apartment window every day until you showed up. And now here he was, weeks after being healed, rushing to get his shoes off and throw his stuff to the side so he could watch you pass by. It was pathetic really, to be so enthralled by someone who walked across the street every day, but his heart kept pulling him closer to the window.
His friends had teased him about it, one day after practice as he rushed to get home with them by his side so they could drop their stuff off at his place before going out for the night. Watching him as he got all flustered at a person across the street.
“Dude, it’s kinda creepy, ya know!” Atsumu laughed, arms laying across the taller man's shoulder as he leaned on him - peering out the window to see you obviously unaware of their stares “Watching this girl obsessively.”
“That’s textbook stalker behavior~” Kuroo would join, also laying his weight on him, poking his flushed cheeks in a teasing manner.
“N-no it’s not! I am just making sure she passes my block safely! It’s dangerous to walk at night, you know!” Bokuto would shoot back.
“Ya’live in the safest neighborhood in the whole city!”
“Yeah, and besides whatta gonna do from all the way up here?”
Bokuto just shrugged them off, mumbling more to himself some sort of excuse for his behavior - some sort of made-up plan he had in place should the need to rescue you arised. But he knew, as much as they did, that there was no plan - or excuse - he just liked knowing you walked by him every day; that you were in his life for a brief moment.
At the time, he didn’t think much of it; at how alone he really was. Thinking that when he caught your eye briefly and grew a little bashful was out of embarrassment and not because it made his heart flutter. But it happened once again when they were hanging out, a little get-together before leaving on tour, how Bokuto would keep looking out his window with worry in his eye before they would soften into a form of sweet longing, that same woman walking by.
“Just go down and ask her out!” Hinata's bright voice would encourage him.
“Not like she’ll turn you down!’ Atsumu would add with a wink
The teasing would continue, even after you passed, of how much of a love-struck chicken he was for not talking to you. About how he was a little creepy for just staring at you and your dog as you walked by without a care in the world.
“I know,” Bokuto would sigh, longingly, in agreement “I’m just waiting for the right moment is all.”
Then, months later, after the winter tour had ended and the world was in the warmer, but rainier, spring weather, Bokuto would finally get that opportunity. When you accidentally dropped your pair of gloves that were stored in your pocket; an accident you didn't notice as you were too busy getting, and opening, the doggy bag that also resided in your cute little coat. Quickly, without truly thinking, he ran out to grab them. Waiting until after you had turned the corner off his street to make his way to where they lay, his bare feet becoming frozen on the concrete as he trotted over. He didn’t want them to be stolen or swept away with the wind to be forever lost. Gloves were expensive after all! And besides, given the cute design they had, he could tell you would miss them. A small sense of victory filled his being, as he now had the perfect chance to talk to you.
But that chance never really did come.
You came by the next day, earlier than normal, making Bokuto curse as he contemplated running out of his apartment in nothing but a towel; figuring against it as it would not be the best first impression or look good on his character or reputation, and he knows Iwaizumi would kill him if he got sick doing something so idiotic.
So, he figured he would get the chance to meet you tomorrow. That he would make sure to be ready early just in case you decided to pull a stunt like that again. But as he eagerly waited by his window, gloves in hand, the next evening you never did appear; you figure never walking down his street. He waited until late that night, just in case, but you never showed. Not the next day, or the day after that.
Soon days turned into weeks and then into months, and you had never once appeared in his window, walking on that sidewalk across the street. The gloves, tan in colour and with bright pink pom poms, lay untouched as they would greet him by his door every day, waiting for you as much as him.
Bokuto wondered where you, and your little furry companion, had disappeared to. He hoped it was somewhere good. Couldn’t help but have his mind wander to where you were and to all of the things you were getting up to, and couldn’t help but dream that it involved him as well.
Maybe you were in the countryside, enjoying the vastness and peace they gave as their winds swooped over the wheat fields and across your cheeks. Or perhaps in the mountains, enjoying their trails as you hiked up and down them, your dog in tow trying to keep up with a tree branch in their mouth. Or maybe you were in some onsen, inhaling the steam with a happy sigh as you soaked in the hot, soothing, waters.
Bokuto always had to stop his brain from continuing when he thought of you at hot springs; ignoring the strain of his cock as he thought about how soft and warm your skin would be - how he wished to be bathing right next to you, to feel every curve of your body.
He had to stop, he didn’t want to defile you like that; not without even knowing your name.
Bokuto just wanted you back. Even if it was only for the mere moments, the few seconds he got when you strolled on by with your happily trotting dog; strolled on briefly through his life with that pretty smile.
You hadn’t meant for your trip back home to last as long as it did. What started as a simple voyage home early for the Easter holiday extended considerably to having you stay. With your family’s urgent needs overtaking any reason you may have had to leave. You were lucky the job you had was flexible, able to accommodate you in your time of need, and that you had your dog with you; unable to bring yourself to think of what might have happened if you left him in a kennel all those months.
Now you were just lucky everything ended well and that you could finally get back to your cozy apartment and the routine you had made for yourself and your sweet dog; the one you neglected for a long time, and were sorely wanting to get back to.
You sighed in delight when the fresh air you longed to return to, that only this city could provide, hit your face as you made you trek out on your usual route once more; the sereneness you felt was like seeing an old good friend after years apart, as your feet began their first steps on the pavement while you enjoyed the late October breeze.
It was a long and grueling practice and Bokuto truly couldn’t think of a better way to end his day than crawling into bed and forgetting it ever existed. Kicking his door open with a groan, practically throwing his bag by his coat closet with a loud thud, and placing his keys in the bowl on the little table he kept nearby. He eyed the gloves too small for him briefly, eyes and body filled with a sense of sadness as he regaled at how he let his opportunity go.
Kicking himself internally he sighed, hands rubbing his face as he groaned once more, this time in frustration, as he walked further into his home.
“Why didn’t I just go out there? Not like I was naked…” he grumbled as he began shrugging off his coat, slowly making his way to his bedroom and walking by that cursed window.
His eye caught movement, one that made his head turn slightly out of impulse. But never fully, he knew it was of someone walking by, so he ignored it at first. Assuming it was someone just doing a late job, running an errand, or stopping by to get their mail. Whatever the case was, he didn’t want to think further of it - to have those thoughts lead to you.
But something inside him told him to take another glance; compelling him to go to the window like he once had many times before and to take a proper look, his heart aching at him to try just one more time.
And there was you. Appeared at long last when all hope seemed lost, leaving him dumbstruck as he stared out at your form with his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
It didn’t take long for him to break out of his surprised stupor, rushing out of his apartment as he fumbled with his coat, falling with little grace as he tripped over his duffle bag but with no care about the poor downstairs apartment that had to endure the loud thud or his now aching knee or whether he had grabbed his keys to prevent him of being locked out. All that mattered at that moment was you, and the tan gloves that you had lost and which would grant him the opportunity to finally talk to you.
Bokuto called out to you, his voice he was sure louder than expected as you jumped in scared surprise, as he dashed across the street to where you stood in a stupor. He was out of breath, he knew, and he also knew that while he stood there panting to try and regain it was not helping his case.
This was truly the last thing you were expecting, normally your brief counters with people were a polite smile as you passed each other, briefly sharing the sidewalk. And it was so far and few in between that you never really thought much about it or the people you passed; them always being a blur in your memory.
But this? Well, you would be sure never to forget this moment. Not only was your heart racing, the loudness of the man’s shout before you startled you to the point you were sure you would keel over with a heart attack at any moment. But that he was incredibly tall and imposing and…..handsome.
You couldn’t help the way your face warmed at the sight of him, both out of bashfulness over how close he was and how his golden eyes bore into your own, and in embarrassment at how little your fight or flight response acted; just allowing you to stand there frozen with a dumb gaped look on your face.
“I- I’m really sorry for scaring you!” Bokuto apologizes, moving his open palms up to showcase he meant to harm “You just um - uh you dropped your gloves a while ago and I-I uh grabbed them, which I guess sounds bad, but I just didn’t want them stolen or anything, and I- I have been meaning to give them back to you so um…..”
Bokuto gently, but with little grace as he fumbled for a moment, pulled your gloves out of his pocket, holding them out for you to take “Yeah… here. Sorry, it took so long to give them back…”
You found his eagerness, and nervous fumbling adorable, as you timidly laughed; gingerly reaching out to take your old gloves from his grasp.
“Thank you…” You mumbled, your voice unable to break higher than that “But I suppose it wasn’t your fault. I’ve been gone for a while, family stuff ya know? But um, again, thanks. It’s really sweet of you to wait so long to give them back.”
You had a hard time meeting his gaze, embarrassed even more over the fact that you not only lost your gloves, but that you forgot all about it and that the poor man before you had kept them for months, waiting to get rid of them and back to you, and that said man was staring so intently at you - you had never been looked at in such a way and you didn’t know what to do.
“Of course, it’s only the neighborly thing to do, right?” Bokuto smiled, making your knees buckle more, “I’m Bokuto Koutaro, I live in this building here! And who is this?”
“I am so sorry!” You squeaked, trying to gently pry your dog off his legs “His name is Rufus, he’s so terrible about jumping on people, he just wants pets, I’m so so sorry!”
“Hey, don’t we all?” He laughed, crouching down to give your dog the attention he so cutely asked for. “Aren’t you a cutie! So, Rufus, are you new around here? New to the neighborhood maybe? Cause I have seen lots of cute dogs but never seen you before!”
“Kinda,” You giggled, laughing at how your dog had thrown himself on his back for belly rubs and the cute way this stranger - well not technically stranger anymore - was indirectly asking you questions “We moved here almost a year ago, but only really started walking this route for a few weeks before, well, we had to leave for a bit.”
“Yes…. I see, that’s very interesting Rufus, thank you.” Bokuto nodded, sticking his chin out further to get some of the kisses your dog was trying to give “Now tell me, what’s your pretty owner’s name, hm?”
“O-oh uh um!” You fumbled, caught off guard by the compliment, but still managed to provide him the response he was looking for; giving forth a shy smile to his more bright one.
“Well, that’s a pretty name, isn’t it Rufus?”
“T-thank you, um we-we um should get going, the sun is starting to set and stuff… don’t want to take up more of your time.” You mumbled, tugging your dog gently, and successfully, away to slowly start walking your route once more.
“H-hey, wait!” Bokuto called out, taking a few steps to close the small gap that was made between the two of you “Would… would you like to grab a coffee or something sometime?”
His request caught you off guard, your gaping mouth that you had to shut quickly (and loudly) proof of that, but not in a bad way as you nervously cleared your throat 
“Y-yeah, that sounds really nice,” You smiled excitedly, almost giddy as rummaged in your pocket for a moment to pull out your phone “Give me your number and I’ll let you know when I’m next available.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, his eagerness once again making you giggle and his bright smile making your knees buckle, as he grabbed hold of your phone, waiting not a second to input his number along with a cute nickname before handing it back.
“Text me soon, okay?”
“O-okay!” You agreed, your smile almost mirroring his own as you gave him a final wave goodbye, tugging your dog gently off his legs one last time to resume your walk.
You both felt weightless as you walked back to your respective homes. You were unable to weaken the dumb, broad, smile that was glued on your face as giggled to yourself over your encounter with that handsome man, as you kept glancing down at the gloves he so kindly returned to you - whispering your thanks as you held them to your heart.
Bokuto’s legs felt like jelly as he sauntered back over to his building, fumbling with the intercom to try and gain access to the complex; his own dreamy and dumb expression never leaving his face as he almost incoherently asks to be let back in. Stumbling his way back up to his floor and through the threshold of his home, he thought of you and your cute smile; how he wants to see it again and soon. Excitedly he broke out of the trance you left him in to furiously type his text to you; the same one you receive as soon as you walked through the door
‘Please tell me I can meet you tomorrow!’
How interesting it was, how time could move so slowly and so quickly at the same time. How hours seem to fade into days, which fade into one another, and then all of a sudden a month will have passed and you never even realized it - like a blink of an eye.
It’s a combination of things, for time to move like this. For if it was just passing by quickly it would mean either life was so dull that things just blended together and time would then be wasted; or it could be the opposite, that all sorts of fun and excitement were happening at once that you could barely keep up. But if it is both, those days seem to drag on but weeks seem to end swiftly, then it’s a mixture of the two.
And really, that was the perfect explanation for it all.
During the day as you worked the hours seemed to drag on, but in the evenings whenever you had to walk your dog, or on the weekends, it was like time was doing everything it could to make the day anew again; to subjugate you to the long and drawn out hours of boredom work provided.
But whenever you weren’t at work, you found yourself crossing paths with your handsome new friend Bokuto. That was probably why time seemed to pass on by, it always seemed to move fast whenever someone was having fun. And you couldn’t lie that you were having the most fun you had in months while you were around that exuberant man, His positivity and brightness were contagious, and no matter how run down you felt, no matter how bad the day was, once you saw his smile it was like nothing bad happened at all.
Ever since you took the leap and replied to his enthusiastic text with one of your own stating a time to go out with you the next night to help you walk your dog, it has been a whirlwind of that bright fun.
Going to cafes to get coffee, trying out new restaurants that popped out of nowhere, trying out the hiking trails that you never knew existed, and exploring hidden corners of the city you had yet to explore. All while he held your hand tightly and dazzled you with his beaming smile every time you went out with him.
On top of it all, every weekday, after you finished work,  Bokuto would try his best to meet where it all began. To wait out in front of his apartment building in hopes to catch you, to then continue on walking with you for the remainder of your trip home; taking hold of your dog’s lead as he happily tucked your arm underneath his instead - his excuse was always  “gotta make sure you make it home safe” smiling down at you if you ever tried to complain.
Before you knew it a month had passed. A month filled with good morning texts, evening walks in the cool autumn air, and weekends filled with little dates. Your days consumed with the attentions and affections of a man you never thought you would meet, let alone be romanced by so energetically. It was all so sudden, almost overwhelming, but so welcomed all the same.
Though, with all the affection and time spent together, you couldn’t definitely say what you were; if you were his girlfriend or not. You couldn’t say there was nothing between you both, not with the small nervous gestures he gave you, like all those lingering kisses he would press to your forehead whenever he dropped you off. Never actually pressing his lips to yours, as if he was afraid of overstepping a boundary.
Due to this, you couldn’t claim to be official, that he was your boyfriend, that you were going steady. Which made butterflies form in your tummy when you asked him for a large favor; not sure if he would be okay with it all. After all, you hadn’t even kissed yet.
A work event was approaching, and it was mandatory that you go to it. Which meant you had to leave for an entire weekend. Normally, weekend trips were fine, as you could bring your furry companion with you. But you couldn’t bring your dog with you, the hotel your work arranged for you to stay at wouldn’t allow it. And you didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to send your dog to a service, or allow a stranger into your home to take care of them; who knows what they might look at or steal.
You decided to bite the bullet when the week of the event came up; figuring that the worst-case scenario was Bokuto would say no - but given how close you had gotten over the past month you had high hopes.
Besides, he was the perfect option. You would feel comfortable with him in your home, he had been over a few times before, and your dog adored him. And, he lived close by too, so if something were to happen or if he didn’t feel comfortable staying at your place for a few days it wouldn’t be the end of the world; he and your pet would just a few blocks.
You asked him, on a particularly warm Tuesday night for October, and he said yes without hesitation. You didn’t know why he agreed, perhaps it was in the bashful manner you asked, or maybe he could sense the quiet desperation in your tone. But, overall, it didn’t matter to you, just as long as your home and precious pet were safe.
But just as your life had started to slowly be consumed by him in all those little ways he had woven himself into your daily routine; Bokuto’s was completely taken away by you.
He couldn’t help it. Bokuto found himself thinking about you all the time, at almost every moment of the day. While grocery shopping he thought of what you might buy, and what dishes you might make yourself. At practice when he was supposed to be listening to his coach, or paying attention to the plays happening before him, all he could think about was having you sit on the bleachers cheering him on. Even late at night after you had sent your last text of the day, wishing him goodnight, he was thinking about you, almost obsessed by you, though he figured it was inevitable given how borderline obsessive he was before he even knew you; when he would just watch your figure pass by his window every day.
That was probably why he said yes to your request; not wanting to say no to your cute face or to possibly jeopardize his future chances of being with you. Besides, he loved your dog, and the chance to be in the place you called home, for longer than a moment to drop you off, was far too tempting.
“My goodness, again, thank you so much for doing this!” You gushed once more as you rushed to get the last of your things together, pushing Bokuto further into your home.
“No problem at all! Happy I could do this for you” He beamed, still holding onto the bag you had practically thrown at him when you opened the door to greet him.
“I know, I know…” You took a breath, finally taking the proper moment to actually acknowledge him “But still… figured I would let you know how appreciative I am; so, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He responded in kind, his smile was so gentle that it made your heart skip a beat.
“R-right! Um… I wrote a list of what Rufus needs. His feeding schedule, walk schedule, all that kind of stuff. It’s on the kitchen table, so take a look.” Your voice went faint, though Bokuto could still hear you, as you walked away from him into your bedroom “It, it also has the passwords to my streaming services, should you want to use them.” You let out a small huff, as you dragged your suitcase from your bedroom “You are also free to have whatever you like from the kitchen! Nothing is off-limits, so go nuts. And um… you know if you wanted to bring your girlfriend over to hang out that’s cool with me too!”
You took your bag from Bokuto’s hold, taking a moment to peer inside to double-check you had all you needed in there. As well as looking at your suitcase to take a second to recall all you put in; trying to see if you had forgotten anything; doing your best to try and play it cool over what you just said.
“Well, that won’t be necessary,” Bokuto mumbled, doing his best to look at you but not stare. a hand fiddling with one of his hoodie’s drawstrings “The girlfriend thing I mean… don’t have one so… yeah.”
His nervous chuckle made you follow suit making you pause your tireless item shuffling to glance up at him; your smile was small before growing wider alongside his and you shared a brief moment - on that you both couldn’t really put a name to, but knew it was a good one all the same.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go!” You bit your lip, taking hold of your suitcase; extending the handle for easier use.
“Safe travels, okay? Text me when you get there!” Bokuto asked, opening the door for you to avoid any further struggles
“Don’t worry, I will!” You leaned up, placing a quick peck on his lips before walking through your threshold  “Thanks, again! I’ll see you in a few days!”
Bokuto watched you leave, down the hall, and into the elevator with a dumbstruck look on his face; if you weren’t in such a hurry you might have laughed at that. But as soon as you were out of sight that shocked look turned into one of dumbstruck love as a goofy smile crossed his face as he closed your door with a goofy-sounding chuckle.
‘Our first kiss’ was all he could think about as he wandered over to your couch, plopping down on it as he absent-mindedly pet your dog as he relived the way your lips felt over and over again. Hoping that when you came back, he would be graced with another one.
The first night went without a hitch. Due to your late afternoon departure, all Bokuto had to do was put Rufus out for the last time, and then enjoy the night in. Ordering food and choosing a movie to play in the background as he absent-mindedly scrolled his phone - sending a good night text your way once you confirmed you made it to your hotel safely. And given that Iwazumi was so hard on him, and his team members, in training earlier that day, he didn’t think twice about hitting the hay once he got back from that final walk with your furry friend.
However, the next morning would prove to be his downfall.
Though it wasn’t like it was his fault really. It was just, sleeping in your bed, being surrounded by the smell of you - the whisper of floral from the shampoo that you use lingered on your pillows, the faint smell of your laundry detergent that comforted him as he snuggled deeper in your blanket, and the scent of your faded sweat the clung the deeper he sunk into your sheets -  all of it was so uniquely, perfectly, utterly you that his body acted without thinking.
And maybe it was because he was laying in your bed, surrounded by the same sheets that clung to your body in ways he could only imagine, could only dream about. That such an innocent act was something far more intimate than he, and more than likely yourself, thought it could be. It was something that got to him more than it should.
No matter how much he tossed and turned, tried to think of anything else, his body betrayed him. And as the sun’s rays hit his eyes, signaling a new day, his stiffened cock stood proud, barely contained by the fabric of his boxers, just as it did when he first crawled into your bed.
“A cold shower would do the trick,” Bokuto whispered to himself as he dragged his body into an upright position, keeping an eye on your dog to make sure he was still asleep. “Always works before a game….”
And it did. Well… whenever he was about to play a game, or away on tour and needed to get rid of his morning wood before meeting his teammates. This was proving to be a different case all entirely. And he was only a man.
A weak, weak, man too easily trumped by temptation.
He would apologize, and beg to whatever god that was above, for your forgiveness and understanding but he couldn’t help but stroke his cock to the thought of you. How your skin would look all lathered in bubbles from the body wash he was currently inhaling; never once thinking the smell of hibiscus would make his eyes roll to the back of his skull. Imagining how he would bend you over, pressing you against the cheap tile wall, and fuck you so hard that your neighbors could hear the sound of your moans over the water; how pretty your pussy would look after he came so deep inside, how his cum would slowly seep out and down your pretty legs before being washed away down the drain.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Bokuto hissed, as his hipped jerked into his hand, his release overtaking him making a mess of his hand, chest, and your shower wall; silently, and shamefully watching it go down your drain - disappointed over the reality of it all.
The rest of the day went decently enough. Bokuto avoided your room and everything in it, even your bathroom for most of the day in fear of having to take another hour-long shower. Instead, he occupied his time by taking your dog out on a nearby, local, hiking trail; one that traversed close to and alongside a river. Your dog loved it, and Bokuto made sure to keep a mental note to take you out here soon before the weather got too cold and the river would freeze over.
He also spent his time, the majority of his evening, catching up on the latest TV drama Hinata was begging him to watch; keeping the younger man updated on which episode he was on, and taking small breaks to feed your dog or to take him on his needed walks for bathroom relief.
But Bokuto knew he couldn’t avoid it forever; that when night fell, he would crack once more. He knew he should have slept on the couch, to deal with the aches in his joints, the soreness in his muscles, and whatever back pain he would inevitably have by huddling and sleeping in such a still position on your too-small couch. But the allure of sleeping in your sheets - to be surrounded by the same comfort you allowed yourself to enjoy every night - was too enticing.
It was a sleepless night, once again.
Though this time it was not spent like the night before, where he was tossing and turning to try and settle down to get a proper night's rest. Bokuto knew that it would be pointless to try. Instead, fueled by the faded smell of your shampoo that lingered on your pillowcase, he took hold of your fluffiest pillow, and slotted it between his legs; against his weeping and aching cock. No longer able to help, or ignore the heat that coursed through his veins.
His whimpers, though muffled, echoed within your empty bedroom as the sound of your headboard softly hitting the wall behind accompanied the sinful symphony as his body crushed your favourite pillow; hips desperately trying to keep that wonderful friction it gave to get him over the edge. Bokuto thought about how you would look folded into a mating press as he pinned you in place with nothing but his weight; how sweet you would look with tears in your eyes as you babbled on about how much you loved his cock.
“Yeah, just like that…. fuck, you’re such a good girl….nngh!.... You like taking my cock, huh? You like how my fat cock stretches you out? Come on… come on say it, please?”
It went on all night long, and when the morning sun finally hit his tired eyes did Bokuto finally feel spent; finally felt like he got all his pent-up frustrations out of him. Though his body screamed at him to not move, to lay down and rest, he had to ignore it. Had to take your soiled bedding - pillows, sheets, and blankets - off your bed so they could be washed. If he had more energy he would wince in shame over how much cum he managed to spill out onto it all; but right now he couldn’t give a damn. It was more than worth it to him.
Bokuto blessed the gods above that you had a washer and dryer within your cute apartment; how thankful he was not to have to take them all the way down flights of stairs and possibly run into one of your neighbors. He quickly went to put a load on, knowing he had to take care of a few last things around the house, for your little dog, and place some new sheets on your bed to dissuade any suspicion before you got home.
And oh what a blessing your little laundry room was.
There, sat atop your dirty laundry within the hamper you kept so neatly tucked away, sat a pair of pretty pink lace panties. He knew you had worn them, knew that they were meant to be washed, knew you had not left them there to tease him but instead discarded them like anyone would with used clothing, and he knew he should have just walked away from them. But they were so pretty, Bokuto couldn’t help but grab them for a closer look.
Couldn’t help but enjoy the way the soft fabric felt against his calloused fingertips. Couldn’t help but bring them up to his face, couldn’t help the way his mouth watered from the musky smell that greeted him, and certainly couldn’t help what he was about to do.
He knew it was wrong; he only has a few hours before you came home for Christ's sake. But this whole weekend was a perfect example of how little control he had when it came to you. That despite how wrong it all was, how he was violating your privacy and taking advantage of this situation, he couldn’t quell his lust as he took another deep inhale of your scent that stayed on that flimsy piece of fabric; his loose athletic shorts slipping past his hips as his angry-red cock sprung free once again.
“Gotta be quick…. gotta be quick - fuck!” He kept muttering to himself as he furiously pumped his hand up and down the length of his cock; doing his best to finish quickly and move on to what he was supposed to be doing.
He thought of you on top of the washer; sitting like the good girl you were as he knelt before you and ate you out like his last meal - your moans and mewls shaking in rhythm to the vibrations of the machine below you. The whole image being brought to him in a clearer focus in his mind due to the constant inhale of your fragrance.
Bokuto came with an unexpected groan, finishing much faster than he anticipated; not realizing just how effective those pretty panties of yours were. He collapsed against your wall with a deep and satisfied sigh; doing his best to calm his heart and breathing down. He could hear his phone go off from the other room, the specific chime meant it was you - clearly texting him that you were almost home. Bokuto sighed one last time, knowing he was not in an even bigger hurry to clean things up; starting with the panties he had balled in his fist.
Maybe… maybe you won’t notice if they are gone….
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or perhaps maybe you will
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azzo0 · 7 months
His World
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Summary: Bakugo's teenage daughter has been acting suspicious for a while. He keeps shrugging it off until he finds her cuddled up on the couch with another boy. Let's just say he's less than happy to find out his daughter is dating Kaminari's son.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
tw's: A lil angsty
Not proofread. Go easy on me <3
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You yawned, scratching your bedhead, as you walked into the kitchen to see your husband, Katsuki, already making breakfast. You walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, "Good morning.~"
"Mornin', beautiful," He replied, flipping a pancake onto a plate. It was fluffy, just the way you and Mizuki liked it. He turned around and pressed a kiss to your lips. Your good morning kiss. You smiled, pecking his cheek. 
You took the plates with the pancakes out into the dining room, Katsuki following behind, holding a tray with cups of coffee. You put the dishes on the table and opened your mouth to call your seventeen-year-old daughter down for dinner but stopped when she entered the kitchen, hopping on one foot as she put on her socks. 
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. Surprisingly, Mizuki had been waking up early for a few weeks now. Previously, you had to turn off all her alarms for her and aggressively shake her awake. 
"Morning, mama, papa." She greeted as she pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail, crimson eyes shifting up to you and Katsuki.
"Someone's wakin' up surprisingly early." Bakugo commented, "Now come on, food's runnin' cold."
"Oh. I have to be at school early today." Mizuki took her school bag from a chair, throwing it over her shoulder. Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows, watching his daughter run out of the room in a hurry. 
"Oi, get yer ass back here! You ain't leaving without breakfast!" He yelled, his head snapping at you, asking you to say something. You shook your head, raising your hands up. Only a Bakugo could tame a Bakugo. 
"I'll get somethin' from outside, chill!" Mizuki yelled from the front door. 
Bakugo looked at you, baffled, "She's got the time to eat from out but not to eat from home?!"
"Maybe she's not in the mood for pancakes." You replied, taking a seat at the dining table, pulling a plate towards yourself, and pushing another towards Katsuki. 
You smiled, watching him pout as he chewed. He was just like the Katsuki you met in high school, yet he was so different. His muscular arms and torso were littered with little scars, with one big scar on his chest. It was proof of years of hero work. His hair was slowly starting to grey. When he put his head in your lap, you liked moving his hair around, counting the little grey hair. 
"D'you think she doesn't like my cooking?" Bakugo asked. 
"You know that's not the case, Katsuki." You give him a pointed look, "You don't have to be upset about it."
"I'm not upset..." He huffed. You sighed, smiling at him. He clearly was upset. You were going to add that she might have met a special someone, so that could be one reason why she was in such a hurry, but decided to keep it to yourself since you knew the reaction your husband would have. He'd flip the table over. 
"What if she's seein' someone?" He narrowed his eyes, his fist clenching on the table. You reached over, putting your hand over his closed fist. His hand relaxed, lying flat underneath yours. 
"It's possible. She's growing up, it's expected." 
"I'm sure she's got better things to do than bothering with some lame-ass guy." He confidently shoved a piece of pancake in his mouth. A drop of sweat appeared on your forehead at his sudden change in demeanour. 
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Katsuki's suspicions of Mizuki going out with someone did not stop there. 
He'd just come home from patrol, sweaty and tired, hoping to take a nice long bath and then eat dinner and spend some time with his two favourite girls. He stepped inside the house, kicking his dirty boots off and padding into the living room. 
He found you on the couch, your face lighting up when you saw him. You hopped off the couch to give him a fat kiss on the cheek, "Hi, babe. How was work?"
You laughed, wiping a bit of grease from his cheek with a thumb, "I've already run the bath for you."
You caught a naughty glint in his eye when he turned you around, hugging you from the back, his chin on your head, stubble scratching your scalp, "Join me."
"Why the fuck not?"
"Mizuki's home, Katsuki." You rolled your eyes. 
"It's just a bath." He teased. 
You stepped away from him, giving his chest a playful push, "We both know it will end up being not just a bath." 
"Mama!" Mizuki rushed into the living room, holding a hairbrush in hand, wearing a pretty blue dress you got her a while back, "Mama, can you do my hair?" Her eyes fell on Bakugo standing behind you, brow arched skywards. She visibly froze. 
"Where are you going?" He asked, noting how she was dressed a little nicer than usual. 
"With friends, duh," Mizuki replied, handing you the hairbrush. You brushed her hair, putting up into a neat bun for her. 
"Thanks, Mum." 
"Oi, don't forget to leave your location on and-" Bakugo began but got cut off by Mizuki. 
"And don't forget to be home before ten, blah, blah, blah. I know. You need to stop worryin', Pops." Mizuki looked up at her father as she put her heels on. 
"I'd stop worrying if you weren't dressed like you're going on a damn date," Bakugo said.
Mizuki cleared her throat, rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm not. Can I leave now?"
Bakugo moved aside, letting her leave, eyes not moving from the door until it was slammed shut. "I'm tellin' ya, she's seein' someone. And I'm fuckin' finding out who it is-" He made a move to leave after her, stopping when you put a hand on his arm. 
"Let her go, Katsuki. If she finds out you're stalking her, she's not going to trust you with anything." 
"But what if-"
"You wouldn't want her sneaking out and lying to you, would you?" 
"No..." He mumbled. 
"Exactly. Now go hop in the bath, stinky." You smacked his arm. He gave you a devilish smirk and threw you over his shoulder.
"You're gettin' in with me. Mizu isn't home now."
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It was the weekend, and you were out doing groceries with Katsuki. You watched your items get scanned at the counter, making sure you guys had everything you needed. You reached to carry some of the grocery bags, getting your hand slapped away by Katsuki. He carried them all in one go, his muscles flexing in the process. 
Before going back home, he got Mizuki iced tea since he knew she liked it. He parked the car in the garage, helping you carry the grocery bags inside. 
"That's the last of it." He grunted, dropping a bag on the floor by the shoes. 
"I'll go ask Mizuki to help me put stuff in the fridge." You said, removing your shoes. You went into the living room, freezing when you saw Mizuki sound asleep on top of a boy you recognised. Kyoka and Denki's son, Ryuu. He had plum-coloured hair, just like Kyoka.
"Oi, Mizuki, come help ya ma with the groceries," Katsuki yelled, walking into the living room. He saw you standing by the couch and came to stand beside you, looking down to see Mizuki asleep with her head on Ryuu's chest. His yelling made Mizuki stir a little before she nuzzled into his neck and went back to sleep. 
You glanced at Bakugo, watching his jaw clench, his upper lip twitch in fury. You could swear you saw steam blowing out of his ears. Before you could stop him, he stomped up to the two, "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He yelled.
Startled, Mizuki sat up upright, falling off the couch. Ryuu opened his eyes wide in confusion. He looked down at Mizuki and then at Dynamight towering over him with deadly crimson eyes that promised to skin him alive. Ryuu gulped, his face draining of colour. 
"Katsuki, don't-" 
Katsuki grabbed the boy's T-shirt, pulling him off the couch. Ryuu raised his hands defensively, trying to step away, but Katsuki had a death grip on his T-shirt, "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
"Dad, leave him alone!" Mizuki tried pushing Katsuki's hand away. Katsuki ignored her, simply pulling Ryuu closer and narrowing his eyes at him. 
"What is your relationship with him, Mizuki?" He growled, still not looking at her, giving Ryuu a death glare instead. 
"Katsuki, leave him alone. How about we all sit and talk about it calmly-"
"I ain't talkin' calmly!" Bakugo yelled, scaring Ryuu. "Who the fuck does he think he is, trying to snuggle into Mizuki?!" 
"Dad, can you please stop?!" Mizuki gave her father a firm push. The push had little impact on him, given he was built like a tree, but the flash of hurt in his eyes did not go unnoticed by you. Mizuki freed Ryuu out of Katsuki's grip, standing in front of him almost protectively, her hand intertwined with his. "As for your question, he is my boyfriend. What are you going to do about it?" 
"Really, Mizuki. You're fuckin' joking." He glowered at Ryuu, his fists fuming, "You ain't datin' spark plug's son."
"Why do you have a problem with everything I do?!" Mizuki yelled, "I'm not a little girl anymore, Dad! You don't get to decide who I date and who I don't."
"You don't need to date some stupid boy. You know you're better than that!"
"Ryuu is not a stupid boy." Mizuki seethed through gritted teeth. She looked like she'd blast the house to bits if Katsuki said another word. 
"I-I'll take my leave so you guys can talk. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused..." Ryuu dared to pat Mizuki's shoulder and glance up timidly at Katsuki. Katsuki took a step towards him but got stopped by your arm.
"You're breaking up with him right fucking now," Katsuki ordered. 
"I am not!" Mizuki shouted, taking Ryuu's hand again, making him stay put. "What has he ever done to you?! Why do you have to act like he committed some crime? Ryuu is the most perfect and sweetest person I've met, unlike you. Why do you have a problem with everything?! When will you leave me be and stop pretending im five?! Gosh, I really fucking hate you."
Mizuki's chest moved up and down, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, staring at Katsuki, the air thick in between them. She glanced at you before she turned around with Ryuu, silently leaving the house with him.
Katsuki fell onto the couch, head thrown back, hand over his eyes. You silently sat beside him, putting a hand on his knee. He glanced down at his legs, a defeated look on his face. You cupped his cheek, making him look at you in the eye. You could see tears forming in his eyes, his nose red. 
"She said she hates me." His voice cracked. 
"Shh," you brought his face closer, kissing his eyebrow. "You know she doesn't mean it. She said it in the heat of the moment."
He let himself lay on top of you, nuzzling into your neck, arms wrapped around you. He wondered if this was karma for all the times he told his mother he hated her even though he didn't really mean it. He wondered if this was life slapping him in the face, pulling a reverse card on him. 
"You remember how old we were when we started dating, Katsuki?" You asked, running hour fingers in his hair. 
"Fifteen." He mumbled. 
"Hm. Mizu's way older and more mature than we were back then." 
"She's mature. Spark Plug's kid isn't" He propped up on his elbow, arguing back with you.  
"Are you doing this because he's Denki's kid? He's a good kid, Katsuki. He didn't even argue back when you got mad at him. He's rational, and from what I've seen when Mizu brings her friends over, he's really shy and sweet, too."
"What if he's not good enough for her. What if he breaks her heart?" He tried reasoning. You smiled, cradling his face.
"She's got her big strong papa if he breaks her heart." 
His head dipped low, pressing a long kiss onto your lips and then a little one in between your eyebrows. You switched positions, with you now lying on top of him, head on his chest, eyes shut. He kissed your hair, hand running up and down your back, deep in thought. 
As he lay there, he thought of the time when he held newborn Mizuki in his arms for the first time, immediately falling in love with his little girl. The moment Mizuki was in his arms, he swore he would protect his daughter with his life. He recalled her first footsteps and her first word, 'Da!' He thought of the time when she got her quirk, running into his legs, crying, overwhelmed by the loud noises and the recoil. 
He sighed, eyes drifting shut.
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When Katsuki's eyes snapped open, it was already midnight. He felt a blanket over you two. Mizuki was home. He skillfully slipped his arm out from under your head, getting up. He adjusted the blanket over you, kissing the tip of your nose. Light on his feet, he went upstairs, standing outside Mizuki's room. 
He cleared his throat, knocking on the door, "Hey, kid. Ya in there?" 
He was greeted by silence. He turned the knob, opening the door and peeking inside. There she was, lying with her back to the door, pretending to be asleep, blonde eyelashes fluttering on her cheeks. He crept up to her bed, taking a seat on the mattress, the bed sinking down with his weight. 
He leaned over, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. He put his forehead on her head, "I'm sorry, Mizu. I know I was an ass." He murmured.
Mizuki lay on her back, crimson eyes shifting to her father. His eyes, the same colour as hers, almost pleaded with her to talk to him. She sat up straight, putting a hand behind her neck, looking down. 
"It's alright... I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean anything I said back then." She felt her father's arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer. In his strong arms, she felt safe. Even though they often fought and argued, she adored him. He meant the world to her. 
"I'll break up with him." She said. 
Katsuki pulled away from the hug, shaking his head and taking her hands, "No. If he makes you happy, you can date him." 
"What's the point if you're not happy about it?" 
"I'll be happy about it as long as he keeps you happy." He held her face in his hands, looking into her eyes, "But the moment he breaks your heart, I'm breaking his legs, and you're not stopping me." 
He watched a shit-eating grin take over her face, scarily looking like him, "If it ever comes to that, I'll join you." 
"Atta girl." He smirked. Mizuki threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. Katsuki smiled, holding his daughter closer. 
"I love you, papa." She mumbled. 
Katsuki held himself from crying right there and then, "Love ya too, Mizu." 
Katsuki held Mizuki for a while longer, enjoying this rare moment of peace with his daughter, running his hand through her long hair. He felt a pair of eyes on him and glanced back to see you leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed across your chest, a soft smile on your face. He held an arm open for you to join him and Mizuki.
You crawled into bed, kissing Mizuki's cheek and then Katsuki's jaw. He pulled your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you two. 
While you and Mizuki slept peacefully, Katsuki stayed awake, his heart brimming with love and bliss. Lying on the bed with his world in his arms, he wondered what he did to deserve you two. He considered himself the world's luckiest man. 
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julilovesyou444 · 1 year
ok first of all your writing is so good i’m literally in love????? anyways, could i request a tom x reader fluff with them cuddling but like tom doesn’t rly know how to do it bc he’s used to hook ups and stuff and so it’s diff for him?? i feel like that’s super specific but i think i wld be so cuteee idkk. anyways tysm pookie 💗💗💗
show me how ~ tom kaulitz
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AHHHH thank you love!! you are so sweet💟 I’ll try!!! thank you for requesting, this is my first time doing one of these so I’ll do my best!! if you have a request, feel free to do it in the little thingy on my page, this was so fun !! ALSO, if this isn’t what you were expecting or anything, I’ll write it again differently, no problem ☺️
background ~ you and your boyfriend had just started dating not long ago, and there were a lot of things in the relationship that were new to him. he hadn’t been in many relationships at all, so he isn’t sure on everything, for example, cuddling and affection. you show him how :)
warnings ~ none, just fluff and cutesy stuff, tad bit of angst too
I’m Montenegrin so please forgive me if my English is messed up !
you had been at home all day, just picking up and relaxing. it was a pretty chill day though. you’re boyfriend, Tom, was at the studio all day. At first it was just a couple days of the week for a few hours, but lately it had been everyday for the whole day. You could tell it was taking a toll on him. He was tired and more irritable. You knew it wasn’t his fault, and you honestly felt really bad for him. When he would come home, he wouldn’t want anyone to bother him. After dating Tom for a week or two, you came to realize he was not an affectionate person. You thought that he just needed to warm up to you, but it had been almost a month. Besides kissing and sex, he rarely touched you. You couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so you tried to ignore it for the main part.
today was another long day for him. you weren’t living together yet, but he just slept over at your place all the time. you had made dinner for him tonight, not something you always did but you wanted to be nice. you were sitting on your bed, scrolling through random websites on your laptop when you heard the front door open and shut. Tom didn’t call out to you like he usually did. You knew today probably sucked for him. The fear of him rejecting you as he sometimes did made it hard for you to leave your room, but you did anyways.
You walked down the hallway to main room of the apartment to see Tom sitting on the couch, watching tv. He looked angry. The dinner you made him still sat on the table, untouched, and probably cold now.
“I made you dinner.”, you spoke softly. His eyes darted from the screen to yours. Tom looked so upset, almost as if he wanted to cry.
“I know. Thanks, but I’m not hungry.”, he replied coldly.
You took a step closer to him, almost testing the waters.
“How was the studio?”
“Shit. It was shit. Do I need to pause this or…?”, he replied rather harshly, referring to the television.
“Tom…”, you trailed off, very quiet. He saw the hurt in your eyes and immediately hated himself for taking his anger out on you. He grabbed the remote and turned off the t.v.
“I’m sorry, I’m just in a bad mood. I’m really stressed and tired and I don’t know how to get rid of it, but I shouldn’t take it out on you.”, Tom said, sounding genuine as ever.
“come here.”, you said, putting your hand out for him to take. You could tell he was very hesitant, but he took your hand and let you pull him up from the couch.
before he could argue or protest, you pulled him into a hug. you usually didn’t hug, but it felt like he needed it. You wrapped your arms tightly around his torso and pushed the side of your face into his chest. At first, his arms were just outwards, unsure of where to go. When he became more aware and comfortable, and put his arms around your neck, hands on the side of your head as he placed his head on top on yours. you could feel him relax into the hug, and it made you so happy that you were finally able to do that for him.
“I’m sorry for being rude, today was just so so bad, and these long ass days are tiring me out.”, Tom said, his voice muffled into your head. He left a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
“I know, and I’m sorry. Let me help.”, you pulled away, looking up at him.
“Help how?”
“Y’know, help you relax and stuff. Make you feel better.”
“I’m not really in the mood to fuc-“
“No, Tom, not that. Like just get into pajamas and I’ll rub your back and cuddle you, yea?”
“Please, trust me, you’ll feel so much better.”
Maybe it was your pleading eyes, or the fact that he secretly wanted to be intimate with you in this sense, but it didn’t take a lot for him to give in.
“Yea?”, you beamed. He couldn’t help but smile back before playfully rolling his eyes.
“Okay, go get changed into something comfier.”
He nodded and grabbed some of his clothes from your room before heading to the bathroom.
You quickly went into your room and started trying to “set the mood”. You dimmed the lights as much as possible and lit a few candles. You grabbed a bunch of really soft blankets and some water too. You wanted him to feel comfortable around you. He wasn’t affectionate or that touchy with you, and you wanted him to be.
Tom walked into your room, looking around, admiring your dedication.
“Lay down.”, you instructed.
“So bossy.”, he jokingly muttered.
He laid down on your bed as you walked over.
“Lay on your stomach.”
He groaned but turned over onto his stomach.
You climbed up onto the bed, and then put one of your legs over him so you were straddling his lower back.
“what are you-“
“shhh just relax.”
your hands found their way under his shirt, making their way up to his upperback. You began to slowly massage circles into his back, feeling him instantly become less tense under you. You gradually added pressure in places that felt a little more stiff. You began to knead the knots out of his back too. There were a lot. No wonder the poor boy was so upset, his stress was causing him to get strained.
You went on massaging him for a bit more, and you could tell how calm he was getting.
you climbed off of his back and laid on your side next to him, facing him. His face was towards you and his eyes were shut, but you could tell he wasn’t asleep just yet.
“did you like that?”, you said softly. he opened his eyes narrowly and nodded.
“yes, thank you. you don’t even know how much I needed that. I’m so tired now.”, he murmured.
you opened up your arms. Tom watched you intently.
“for what?”
“pleaseee don’t fight me on this one. I just wanna hold you.”
“what, like cuddling?”, he questioned, looking doubtful.
“yea… is that okay?”
“um… yea, yea it is. its just that… fuck, this is embarrassing.”, he rubbed his eyes, trying to hide his uneasiness.
“listen, all of the girls I’ve been with before, I never really did anything like that with them. usually we would just hook up and they would leave. what im trying to say I guess, is that I don’t really know how to cuddle or anything like that. I sound so stupid. its kinda just like hugging, right?”, he rambled.
at first, you couldn’t even say anything because you could believe that your beautiful, beautiful boyfriend had never been shown love and affection like that before. he so clearly deserved it, even though he had his moods, he was the sweetest thing. You felt bad for him. That was probably why he hadn’t shown or done anything like that for you before.
“I’ll show you how.”, you responded with a small but sweet smile. his eyes sorta lit up and he picked up his head from the pillow.
“show me how?”
“mhm, c’mere. don’t make me wait any longer, im tired too y’know.”, you teased him a little. Tom scoffed before scooting over to you, waiting for your instructions.
“put your head against my chest, under mine.”
he listened to you, putting the side of his face against your chest. You took his arm and wrapped it around your waist, and he quickly got the memo and snuck his other arm beneath you so that they were both wrapped around you. He pulled you closer, forcing you to smile. you entangled your legs with his.
you two were finally cuddling. you had wanted to for so long, but you didn’t know how to ask. you could feel Tom’s slow breath blow out against you as he got closer to falling asleep.
“thank you, baby.”, he sleepily mumbled.
“of course. I’m sorry your day wasn’t great.”
“it’s definitely better now. I wish we would’ve done this earlier.”
“I thought you didn’t really want me to touch you, or for you to touch me, in this way, I guess…”
“I’m sorry, I wanted to but it was just unfamiliar to me and that kind of scared me, I didn’t want to do anything wrong and I’m not used to this kind of affection.”
“I’m sorry, Tom.”, you said, gently stroking his hair. he breathed deeply, showing you how relaxed he was becoming.
“it’s okay, I have you now.”
You continued to play with his hair as he cuddled you, and you could tell just how peaceful he was. He ended up falling asleep pretty fast. You were so happy that he was able to unwind and open up with you. You reached over to the candle and blew it out. You flipped the light switch off and let yourself fall asleep in Tom’s arms.
a/n ~ awww this is very sweet to me😭 I love doing these cutesy little stories, they are my favorite to write. I’m in my home country right now so I’m sorry if my posts are very inconsistent or posted at a weird time, thank you for the request!! all of the comments are so sweet too, and they make me feel a lot less insecure about my writing. have a good day !!!💋😽
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jxckchxmpi0n · 9 months
can u do something where reader has a cat and ethan is meeting it for the first time!!
RAHHH!!! this is so fucking cute omg......
Cuddle Buddie
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Ethan Landry x Reader || m.list
Warnings: it's just all fluff
word count: 1.1k
the urge to write this week is so high right now!!!! (tumblr fr fr giving me a hard time while writing this)
did not proof read (im so stressed this wont save again)
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You haven't seen your boyfriend in about a week, with his classes and your scheduling time together seemed difficult. So, you both agreed that he would come over Saturday after he was done at work.
It was Tuesday and you were already done with classes, sitting in your shared apartment with Tara, Sam, and Mindy you sat on the couch mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Your eyes landed on a post about someone giving away kittens, the post had said they would give the kitten the shots it needed and would give them away for fairly cheap.
One thing led to another, and you stood outside the ladies' house with Tara. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Tara shared the same excitement as you did, she stood next to you jumping up and down as the lady brought the kitten out.
it was a small gray cat asleep in her arms, and your heart melted the second you saw him. All curled up, what an angle. "He is just a babe" You reached in and held him yourself. "Ethan is going to flip when he sees him" Tara was right next to you softly petting the top of the cat's head.
A few days had passed, the kitten was getting used to the apartment and exploring the place. You and Tara both realized that he was in love with biting people's feet.
Ethan was supposed to come over today and meet the kitten. He actually had no idea still that you had gotten him.
He was eventually on his way; it was after his econ class so it was already late. you were getting some dinner ready for the two of you, Tara was out with Chad and Sam was out with Danny. you were excited that it was going to be just the two of you.
You had left the kitten in your room not wanting Ethan to walk in right away and see the little fur ball.
After thirty minutes the front door lock clicked, with the door opening right after. Ethan came walking in with a huge smile on his face. "hey, baby" he was towards you, his hand reaching your waist pulling you in for a sweet quick kiss.
"hey, how was econ?" you smile as you watch him set his keys, and backpack down. He comes back to you standing next to you as you stir the pasta sauce.
"It was pretty good, we got a pop quiz which I was not excited about but I feel like I passed it" you held up the spoon for him to taste it. He gladly took the spoon humming at the flavors.
"Wow, that's-" Right as he was about to speak a loud crash came from your room. Your heart picked up thinking what the kitten had gotten himself into. "What was that?"
"OH, ow you faked touching the pot which caused him to jump. He rushed to you to make sure you were okay, as you held your fake burnt hand, he took it from you to look at it. The sound from the room was long forgotten.
time had passed and you were both down with food, you were finally ready to show Ethan the kitten. "So actually, I have something I wanted to show you" you got up from the couch leaving him alone, running to your room you found the kitten sleeping in his tower.
"I honestly didn't fully expect this, but you know why not" Ethan was listen to your talk, his brain was running miles while trying to figure out what you were going to show him. Just as he had given up you came walking out with some weird lump in your arms.
As you got closer, he realized it was a kitten "Oh my god is that-" he sat up so fast, shifting his body so it was closer to you as you sat down. The kitten was awake, he was just chilling in your arms but once he was Ethan, he started to move so he could smell him.
He slowly but surely got out of your arms and into Ethan's lap, he looked at him for a moment before he started to mess with Ethan's hand as he was trying to pet him. "Yeah, I got him a few days ago, I went with Tara. I saw someone post about them and I just had to check it out."
Ethan was so lost in playing with the kitten he almost didn't hear you. "This is adorable, babe oh god I love him already" You smiled at the interaction between the two. "I just know for sure we are going to be fighting for your attention" Ethan looked at you smiling as the kitten kept biting his hand.
They played for the next thirty minutes, the kitten jumped around as Ethan threw his toys around, and moving to the floor the kitten would hide under the couch and bite Ethan's feet. Staying out of it your heart was so full seeing Ethan play with the kitten. You just knew it was a good idea to get him and you can't wait for the late nights like this to come in the future.
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vynlqwv · 10 months
Could you do denji and itadori with a reader who is insecure about their body? Fem or gn please
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a/n : Hello! thank you so much for requesting! I will be trying to answer/ make more fics but it might take awhile since its almost exam week D;
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DENJI & ITADORI w/ an insecure genderneutral! reader
warning(s) : nothing!
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• Itadori Yuuji
so basically, you and yuuji are dating he loves you so much! he praises you everyday and makes sure you are healthy!
he loves to cuddle you and tell you that everything is alright and you guys just fall asleep together
yuuji always hypes you up when you try out a new clothing style that you have been wanting to try out!
yuuji is defo the type of guy thats "my s/o can wear whatever they want, i can fight" type of guy
It was a sunday morning, you and yuuji had decided to go shopping for clothes to an upcoming christmas party that gojo had set up. You had been thinking to try out a new style in awhile since you have been seeing it in social media and you wanted to add more clothing variety to your closet. "hey yuuji, can we go and try out some clothes on this store? i have been wanting to try out something new but i think i won't look good in it.." you tugged on the hem of his shirt and turned you head to look at him. "of course we can! but honestly, i think you have a great sense of fashion and you'll look good in anything so don't worry too much!" he kissed your forehead and assured you to not worry too much which has made you feel relieved and confident to try out the new style that you have wanting to try out. You and yuuji had walked in to the store and they staff had assisted the both of you. You started to go to the fitting room and try out the clothes that you had picked out and you looked at your own reflection at the mirror. You looked at your own reflection and you can't wait to see yuuji's reaction to your new style that you've tried out. You went out of the dressing room and yuuji literally ran up to you and hugged you and started praising you. "babe you look so good! i knew that you would style it perfectly!" you giggled at his antics and you guys proceeded to check out while holding eachothers hands.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• denji hayawaka
you're probably denji's first actual serious relationship and he loves you so much to the point that whenever he wakes up in the morning that you're the person he always tries to find in the morning
when you tell him about your insecurities, i just kind of gets confused because 'why?' he dosen't get why you're insecure of your body cuz he literally loves everything about you but he dosen't question it
he will become your personal hype man and tell how amazing you look
if you're insecure about gaining weight, he will give you your favorite snacks where the nutritional facts are crossed out and there would be a little note that says "hi babe! take a lil break ok? i love you" attached to it, you laugh at the messy handwriting to it but also appreciate his actions
overall, denji would do anything to make you happy and distract you from the thoughts of feeling insecure
You and denji were just chilling on a friday night, you guys just finished eating dinner and you both were cuddling by the couch while watching whatever gameshow thats playing on the tv, the silence was comforting and you guys enjoyed each others embrace. "you know i really love you right?" denji said randomly while turning his head to look at you. "yes denji, i'm aware" you placed a kiss on his cheeks while playing with his hair. "honestly, i think i don't get to say how much i appreciate you cause i think im not that good at words but i just wanna say that i love every part of you." he kissed you by the lips. The both of you just stayed quiet the whole night and you feel appreciated and happy. The both of you cuddled and fell asleep and woke up by the morning.
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yeostars · 7 months
𓆩♡𓆪 ateez kissing your hand out of their affection for you <3
{hyung liner ver.!}
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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ᯓ★ hongjoong
• hongjoong LOVES kissing the back of your hand a lot. It's something that is so natural for him whenever he is endeared by you, and it leaves you to be a blushing mess !
• One Friday night, you decide to visit your boyfriend at his studio to bring him some homemade dinner; his favourite dish. Since it's the weekend later anyways, and you were missing him a lot so he invited you to come over to his studio because it was going to take him quite a few hours to finish his work.
• you told him that you had a surprise for him & the moment you entered his studio, he didn't even properly glance at you but snatched the bags from you & started searching whatever his "surprise" was. A delicious aroma spread in the studio & hongjoong was THRILLED to see his favourite dish in a tupperware, cooked so lovingly by you.
• You said jokingly, "wow, I guess food is more important to you than I am, joong.... you didn't even glance at me & started digging in the food..." You were now pouting, crossing your arms. Hongjoong came to your side, still chewing happily on his food like a literal squirrel & pulled you in his arms. After he pulled back, he gently took your left hand and placed a kiss at the back of your palm. "Thank you so much for making such amazing dinner for me & coming to visit me. You never fail to make me feel so loved, y/n, and I'll have to work harder to make you feel loved, too." The both of you smiled shyly at each other & enjoyed the night at his studio.
ᯓ★ seonghwa
• you and seonghwa were out for a night walk, one fine weekend. you just came out of an amazing Thai restaurant and the both of you throughougly enjoyed the food there. You decided to take a walk on the way home instead of calling a cab because you wanted to let the food digest & wanted to chat with each other under the faint moonlight and chill breeze.
• you were both holding hands, walking down the curb and chatting happily about your week, your colleagues at work and how delicious the food at that restaurant was. it was always fun, chatting with your boyfriend. you both never ran out of things to talk about & even gossiped like a pair of best friends.
• suddenly, seonghwa cracked a pretty bad joke at something you said & you pulled your hand out of his grasp & playfully slapped his arm. he giggled, and smoothly took hold of your hand again, now quickly kissing the back of your palm. you were a uncontrollable blushing mess, now. "What was that for?" You asked, still blushing. "Nothing. It's just so good to be with you here, right now. I'm so happy."
• "Me too, hwa. Spending time with you like this, is my most favourite thing ever. I love you." you said, intertwining your fingers with his again. "I love you too, babe." he responded. Your blissful night with seonghwa continued, yet another memory for you to cherish.
ᯓ★ yunho
• a new blockbuster romance movie had just released and you decided to watch it together with your boyfriend, yunho at the weekend at his place. as yunho was setting up the movie on his TV, you went to his kitchen to quickly prepare some snacks for the both of you to munch on while watching the movie.
• just as you were in the middle of watching the movie, you and yunho were basically cuddling on the couch at this point, with a cozy blanket wrapped up around the both of you. you leaned your head against his shoulder all this time.
• suddenly, a scene appeared in the movie wherein the male lead affectionately took hold of the female lead and kissed the back of her palm. you stared dreamily at the TV screen during that time, thinking how sweet that scene was. Yunho immediately glanced at you and noticed the big smile that had formed on your lips, during that scene.
• and ofcourse, what was next? he searched for your hand under the blankets and bought it towards his lips, kissing them not once, but twice ! that took you off guard and you laughed, saying "no way you just did that because of that scene" and yunho replied with "i couldn't help but notice you wanted someone to kiss your hand like that, too. And ofcourse, no one else can do that except for me." He smirked. You caressed his cheek, kissing him on the lips now and well ..... the movie was long forgotten now.
ᯓ★ yeosang
• you decided to visit a nearby beach when the both of you had a day off work. It had been a long time since you spent some peaceful time outdoors with your boyfriend, yeosang and nothing was better than listening to the soulful ocean waves and watching the beautiful sunset together.
• just as the sun was about to set, you and yeosang were taking rounds around the beach side-by-side that never seemed to end, with your feet in the sand. Yeosang wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. You were a little taken aback by this, because he rarely ever showed physical affection for you. But you enjoyed it thoroughly, ofcourse.
• "The sunset is beautiful, isn't it, love? It's just as beautiful as you." You said, leaning your head against yeosang's shoulder, suddenly stopping in your tracks to witness the beautiful shades of orange and pink hues unfolding in the sky. Yeosang suddenly took hold of your hand, and it boy wasn't it the most beautiful moment ever: both of your faces were covered in the golden rays of the setting sun, and he placed a chaste yet tender kiss at the back of your palm.
• You blushed furiously, your smile towards your boyfriend unfading. Your silent yet overflowing love towards each other remained, just like the endless cycle of tides & the eternal dance of the setting sun.
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
For that club AU you just wrote, how long does Daniel wait to call? And what’s their next date? Do they have a thousand babies one day lol.
completely forgot earlier but this is part 1
I think Daniel texts him right the next day just a "Hi it's Daniel" to test the waters and Max, who has never been chill one day in his life, texts back "Hi Daniel when are you free next?".
I think that for a little bit they keep up the "we're just having sex no feeling involved" thing because they're both a bit scared of how strong and sudden those feelings are? Also Daniel is famous (I would say he's still an f1 driver but it feels like Max should be interested in racing in every universe, even the ones where he is not racing himself, so maybe something else?) so he is worried about draggin Max into that.
They have sex a lot, but then they start hanging out before and after it too, always at Daniel's place because Max has roommates. Max brings take out sometimes, other times they end up cuddling on the couch after showering together, or Max stays to watch whatever Daniel had been watching before he arrived. One time Max comes over to study/do some work because it's bigger and quieter than his shared house and Daniel finds it so comforting to just, have him around? To see him in his space and offer him a drink and bother him when he gets bored. Max gets this little frown when he's focusing and Daniel stares at him for a solid minute, just taking him in.
And one day they're in bed after waking up together because Max slept over and Max asks if they're dating and Daniel freaks out for a second but then says well, yes I guess we are. But he refuses to be dating when they never had a proper date, so he takes Max to dinner. He gets a bit in his head about it and he chooses a way too fancy place and they both feel a bit awkward until they start giggling and ignoring everyone else around them. They leave after the entrees and go get kebab and then Max takes Daniel to the park and they sit and talk and it's so nice.
The next date, Daniel takes him to a petting zoo.
And yes far far in the future they have a cute little wedding and many chonky babies.
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astroyongie · 3 months
Mingyu angst please :")
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-> warnings: Mingyu x Reader, angst, harsh words, established relationship, mentions of smut but no smut.
You could feel it in your guts, in your heart, in your soul, that something was wrong with Mingyu. A burning sensation at the base of your throat as you had tried to ask him about details that he always brushed off by saying that you were being delusional. But as days grew, the more you felt like your boyfriend was slipping through your fingers and you didn't know the cause of it.
No matter your efforts, it seemed like he was simply... detached.
It all started 3 weeks ago. You started to notice how Mingyu would arrive home late. Usually, he was always home for dinner, a home routine you two had established. But now, he would only arrive past midnight. When you asked him about it, he simply explain he had loads of work that he couldn't ignore. 
You found it strange, but didn't pushed it. After all, he was a busy man.
But then, you also noticed how he spent more time on his phone. Constantly, even during dates with you, or when you were both chilling. That device was glued to his hands and he would spend most of his time looking at the screen. It’s like you weren’t even there anymore. You had tried to peak over it, but Mingyu was way too tall to allow you that favor.
However what really set you off was during the intimate nights with him. Mingyu would fuck you mechanically. His moans are turned into soft breaths, his groans and praises in simple grunts of pleasure. He wouldn't look at your face, but at your body. Even stopped fucking you missionary so he could do it through doggy style only. Mingyu stopped holding your hand when you were cumming or even caring at all if you had finished. Usually after a session, he would cuddle up to your side, whispering sweet nothings. Now? he would roll over and grab his phone before going to shower. 
“He is cheating”
One of your friends had told you but you couldn't believe it. Not when you had confronted him about it twice, and both times he had dismissed your fears by seeing you were just insecure and paranoid. The way his anger would raise and you argued, made you believe that he was genuinely upset for you to believe he would be capable of such thing.
One night you are both sitting down on the couch, cuddling. The day had been rough and you wanted nothing more but to spend some quality time with your boyfriend. As you are looking at the movie in front of you, you notice that Mingyu had his full attention on his phone. 
"Are you having fun?" you would ask bitterly.
“Yeah” He said without removing his eyes from the phone, not even taking in your words. You stood up to a sitting position, glaring at him. 
“What are you doing on your phone that is so damn important that you can't even chill out with me?”
Mingyu doesn't answer and instead you watch as he rolls his eyes. He put his phone in his pocket, sighing deeply. 
“You are overreacting”
“I am not!” you said upset. “You have been spending your whole time on your phone even when we are together. You don't pay any attention to me” He looked at you uninterested which only fueled your anxiety. "It's like you don't even care about us anymore"
“Y/n, I swear you freaking overreacting for nothing”
“Am I?” you asked, biting the inside of your cheek. “Are you cheating on me Mingyu? Is this what this is about?”
Mingyu looked at you with a dumbfounded expression, as if you had committed the most stupid crime. He barks a mockery laughter at you, as he stands up from the couch. 
“You crazy”
“Mingyu'' you called, standing up as you felt your body boil. He always tried to run away instead of talking things out. You hated his lack of communication.
“I am not going to stand there and listen to you accusing me of something I didn't do” he said, annoyance shining in his eyes.
“Show me your phone”
At your demand, Mingyu looked at you with a disbelief look as if he was even more disappointed. He seemed to be conflicted, as his own anger started to flick underneath his skin. He rubbed his temples in annoyance
"Do you really think I'm the enemy here?" he asked not masking his anger. "if I wanted to fuck someone else, I would have already"
At these words, you felt your heart clench in your chest. But it was how his eyes avoided you, how he was looking for the nearest door to leave. How he scoffed, calling you out for being, completely paranoid. But you knew. You knew from the moment he turned away back to the room, a small smirk on his lips that he had indeed been with someone else. 
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twodogs-twocats · 4 months
Sleep Token as Roomates
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For whatever reason, my Sleep Token fixation has chosen to lodge itself in my brain in the form of a New Girl-esque scenario…
Translation: You and all four band members are roommates. Annnd there is definitely romantic tension with every one of them.
Content Warning: very little justification for any of this. Just my 🌈imagination🌈
POV: fem reader
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- the one everyone thinks is in charge.
- the most fun one to do chores with. he will get them done, but have a good time along the way. car karaoke on the way to get groceries, dance parties in the kitchen while cooking, playing the floor is lava while vacuuming. he will always try to make you smile even during the most boring of tasks
- workout gear everywhere. he’s got a pull up bar installed above his door, where he does shirtless pull-ups every morning. you only watch sometimes…
- honestly, probably always shirtless in general
- the best smelling of the bunch. lights incense and candles on the reg
- always doing little things to impress you. like as soon as you come home, he starts playing piano, or doing pushups. and then will pretend he didn’t know you were home when he catches you watching
- likes to come up behind you. if you are standing at the kitchen counter, he will reach around you to grab something, with his chest pressed up against you. he uses his size to his advantage, and he gets the sense you like how big he is
- paints your nails sometimes. and sometimes wants you to paint his. black polish only
- a very good cook. often cooks family dinners
- a bit unhinged, but I could see vessel borrowing your clothes and jewelry. like going to bed in your tshirt or stealing some of your rings for his shows
- honestly, I just picture roommate vessel as a generally soft goof
- the one who’s actually in charge
- very clean and organized. keeps everyone else in line (if you know the show new girl, to me, II is a quieter, scarier Schmidt lol)
- he’s the best listener. when you have had a rough day, he will listen to you vent for hours. or if you need help making a decision, he will help talk you through it. he gives 100% attention to everything you say
- he will surprise you with finishing little chores for you. you’ll come home to a freshly washed car, or your laundry already folded
- a plant guy. always brings home plants and takes very good care of them. runs your little family garden
- morning person. this man is up at the crack of dawn and has already accomplished about a dozen things before anyone else is even up
- enjoys learning about your hobbies. if you are a reader, he wants to know what you’re reading. if you’re trying to learn something new, he will help you practice
- toxic trait is that he would be the most jealous if you ever brought someone home. like very openly hostile
- light touches. like he tries so hard to keep it platonic, but you’ll feel his hand on your back when he walks around you, or his fingers will linger on yours just too long if he hands you something
- the messiest of the bunch. like he will help out with cleaning, but if anyone is leaving laundry or dirty dishes around, it’s this man (often causes little spats with II)
- loud and fun. he is always singing, dancing, playing music. when you get home he will greet you with a big hug. his goal in life is to make you laugh
- likes to braid your hair. and you help him with his space buns
- takes the longest in the bathroom for sure. He enjoys regular bubble baths, and often teases you that you are welcome to join him
- when III’s energy has come down a bit, he is a master at chilling. Im talking movie nights with popcorn and candy, building blanket forts with lots of pillows. (he will sometimes try to sneak an arm around your shoulder. Not unusual for you two to end up *platonically* cuddling on the couch)
- the best dancer. You always bring him when you go out dancing or to a concert.
- the most openly flirty. will always compliment your outfits and tell you how beautiful you look.
- he will also find any way possible to touch you, even when it’s completely unnecessary — hugs when you come home, putting his hand on your knees when he’s talking to you, and occasionally even kissing you on the cheek. he especially loves to see you blushing and flustered
- tinkers with his guitar into the late hours of the night. the sound often puts you to sleep
- the most “bro”-y of the roomates
- like the only one of you who will ever put sports on tv (and you all complain and tell him to put on something else)
- the house barista. makes great coffee and is very particular about his process.
- you like to take naps with IV. You both will pile on the couch and fall asleep watching some stupid comedy. you often end up with your head in his lap and his hand resting on your waist.
- has a bit of a staring problem. he is the most obvious one about checking you out, and he does not seem to care if you notice. when you get dressed up, he will give you a full head to toe scan, and then proceed to stare at you like he wants to eat you (and he probably does, of course)
- enjoys going on walks with you. might not say much, but he always has a good time
- adds lots of artistic touches to the home. buying art or cool knickknacks to add around the house. this man has excellent taste
- the most protective of you. makes sure he knows where you are at and who you’re with. installed a lock on your bedroom door so you could have some privacy. (but he kept a key for himself, you know, just in case)
- you definitely have a black house cat, and II is definitely the cat’s favorite
- your living room has been taken over by musical instruments. there is always, always music playing in the house
- all the boys are great at comforting you when you are sad. I could see any one of them holding you while you cry
- big family movie nights. all the boys love movies, so you will all regularly get together to watch something
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alzvxs · 8 months
~🪷 a/n: Hey yall!! nice to hear from ya again. im back with new headcanons since they carry my acc LMAOO😭. i hope yall enjoy and if you want you can..subscribe 😏😜🤭. take care🫶
‼️TW: pure fluff.
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when out
• will compliment and hold your hand while hes
"surprising you"
• will take you to a beautiful flower field that has a picnic placed on it
• "i know its not a lot but i tried my best!" bro needs reassurance :(
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• my pretty boy LOVES at home dates<3
• will cook, make snacks, set a romantic table and write letters for you to read later
• after the dinner, both of you will cuddle on the couch while watching a movie, while he big spoons you, hiding his blushy face in the crook of your neck >~<
• in the morning you will find the letters of him thanking you for everything you have given, poems and even kisses on it (he stole your lipstick to make them hehe)
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• fancy dates like boy has money he will spoil his girl
• will buy THE MOST expensive things on the menu
• will probably order the same as you
• then he will drive you home and pamper you at home ^^
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fancy BUT MEANINGFUL dates. (bro notices absolutely EVERYTHING you like/dislike)
• will probably just take you to a chill coffee/bar so he could spend time with you
• While you talk about your day he will probably wait for you to finish so you can give you a necklace :3
• if you get drunk he will help you be okay and not hit yourself (will take you home, give you medicine and sleep on the couch since hes scared not to take advantage of you)
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• my silent prince will definitely do cook/music
• baking with you is a MESS but he loves it
• while the food is cooking or baking he will ask you to dance to love songs <3
• the food ends up delicious and you had a BLISS
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• library/chill restaurant dates
• will compliment you a lot
• dress the way so he can match you
• probably a car ride after the date to spend some alone time
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• beach dates or study dates hehe
• cuddling sessions while listening to yall's shared album
• will whisper sweet nothings in your ear
• all smiley (his problems disappear when with you)
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• take away.
• he tries his best tho
• pampers you with affection and diy gifts!
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• at home dates
• it feels more romantic to him, prepares everything
• makes the best ramen possible
• will absolutely adore you the whole night and blush at your compliments
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• study dates or chill dates like that and PROBABLY KARAOKE
• sings his ass out just to cheer you up/make you laugh
• hugs you like crazy (he loves PDA)
• “such a cutie that i have all to myself” cheesy pickup lines as well, only to see you blush and smile.
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ahhnini · 1 month
Imagine this Spider-Man rafe x reader (she’s kinda like Mary Jane with the dress sense)
omg yes!! thank you for this anon 💕💕 wrote this while #procrastinating
gonna refer to this reader as mj!reader!!
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✧˖° mj!reader who is an absolute fashion icon. outfits are out of a magazine cover. smells like crisp apple and warm cinnamon all year round. kind of a gossip, amazing photographer. spider!rafe lowkey found mj!reader annoying at first jejdje
so these two would be the cutest ever. rafe would tease the hell out of mj!reader and she would take it so seriously sometimes. like when mj!reader is having a bad hair day rafe would twirl his fingers around her hair and say something like “what’s up with you?” she’d pout at him and then he’d feel bad.
she’d have an internship at her local news station, writing up articles for people to read on their phones. she was obsessedddd with spider-man and would never fail to mention him in all of her articles concerning crime. but when she found out spider-man was actually her own boyfriend, she stopped the antics right away.
she found the thrill of being with spider-man fun. the secrecy, knowing that she’s the only person that knows who he truly is. it made her feel special. of course rafe loved it. he loved seeing that twinkle in your eye, how you would feign surprise when you watched the news together, reporters on the hunt for who the person behind the mask was.
takes the best photos of rafe!! he jokes that “these could be my headshots for when I make it big” ofc mj!reader rolls her eyes at that. rafe would let you take “exclusive” photos of him in his spider-suit so you’d be able to secure a job at your internship.
during days where rafe isn’t fighting crime, mj!reader drags him to bath and body. he doesn’t last long cus of his heightened senses, so he’s holding your big, snoopy tote bag outside of the shop. he gets bored eventually, and when you’re done shopping he’s holding a spider plushie underneath his arms and handing you a chocolate croissant.
when the hunt for spider-man becomes so intense that rafe can’t even go out anymore, you two chill in your little shoebox apartment, having a romantic candlelit dinner. you both end the night cuddled up on the couch, you in rafe’s arms while legally blonde plays in the background.
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