#so yeay?
amehlee · 2 years
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In order to be able to make good art, I have to make lots and lots and lots of bad art. I am not gonna hide it. Enjoy.
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sualne · 4 months
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cyellolemon · 2 months
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Mithrun redraw of a panel that made me feel things
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harundraws · 8 months
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Vampire Taivan Vampire Taivan Vampire Taivan Vampire Tai--- the comic is based on @novelconcepts vampire au yj fanfic !!
👉🏼the link to novelconcepts’ post to the fic ✨
SOOO since i couldn't finish this during halloween (it was a spontaneous decision... i didn't even mean to draw a comic, the pages just started appearing... !!!!) i decided to not rush w/this and wow would you look at that, the pages doubled (4) but right now here's the first 2!
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pitruli · 7 months
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mixing up hyperfixations-
i think i liked OP's dressrosa arc a bit too much and somehow my brain thought these duos had similar vibes, which is probably not the case... but still a swap could be fun
so hm, dressrosa desert duo au i guess, they're on a watcher hunt, i'm just doodling a bit for fun, will force myself to not go overboard with it in my brainrotting haha, but the backstory could actually work well for watcher angst haha
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anteroom-of-death · 2 months
Peter Capaldi's old man stomach pooch. Reblog if you agree.
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miusato · 4 months
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I realized I never drew them in anything other than their canon clothes so I took their clothes and send them to the laundry so they can get out of their musty uniforms for once heehee :3
It's not 80s enough (i just dont have the brain capacity to draw that detailed lol) but still shout out to @canaryinacoolmine for suggesting me to draw them in cute clothes hehe
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vellichorom · 2 months
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speedrunning my own fandom experience
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crowingoverthis · 1 year
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Skyrim comm for @GreedDotExe on twitter
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lesbiangiratina · 7 months
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I dont like the quality i scanned it in sooo ill do it again later but um theyre kind of cute theyre kind of like so so cute And awesome
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fioweress · 1 year
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happy hwasa month ⏳
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dailykugisaki · 5 months
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Day 117 | id in alt
I think Kugisaki would like to hold Maki's hand again idk tho.....
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cyellolemon · 2 months
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what if they were both men and emo...
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boypurse · 7 months
i was actually so scared Logan was gonna get a bad gift i was crazy for a minute i was about to eat virgil istg BUT HE SWITCHE UO
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 month
tumblr blogs are so scary on desktop..
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violentdevotion · 8 months
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