#so yeah viserys remarrying was illogical if he wanted to keep rhaenyra as heir
lemonhemlock · 7 months
If Viserys never remarried do you think the dance of the dragons would be avoided? And do you think that Rhaenyra would be a good (or at least decent) queen?
If Viserys never remarried, Rhaenyra would be his undisputed heir according to Andal Law. Of course, Daemon could have also mounted a bid for the throne, regardless, but he is an unpopular figure that wouldn't rally many lords to his cause, so I reckon he would have to resort to sellswords. Mercenaries vs a (mostly) united Westerosi front - not the best prospects for maintaining the throne even if he won it.
There is also the fact that he is married to Laena, while Rhaenyra is to Laenor. I'm sure Laena would care enough for her brother and his children not to participate in a civil war against his side of the family.
Which brings us to Rhaenyra's obviously bastard children. If we keep that element, then the lords of Westeros do indeed have cause to oppose Rhaenyra as heir. If, however, we keep the same storyline re: Laena and Laenor dying, with Daemon marrying Rhaenyra afterwards and siring trueborn children on her, then the Dance just gets moved down a generation between the strong boys and Daemon's brood.
So, to answer the question, would Rhaenyra make a good queen? Well, how much do we have to change about her character and choices to make that happen? Quite a lot. Bear in mind that she doesn't particularly display a predilection towards diplomacy, politics, general administration or good judgement in the text either.
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