#so yeah i pretty much copy-pasted this from my twitter thread
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The comments I left look out of order on mobile and idk if it’s the same on desktop, so I’ll just copy and paste them here, with a couple additional thoughts (sorry for probably bombarding your notifications OP) asjakfl:
Somehow found this in the donghua tag haha. And well I see a lot of people already expressing their thoughts, but I honestly think this is pretty subjective—as in, if you don’t like them, even when they get better, it may not be enough for you to like them. It’s all a matter of opinion and whether you vibe with this specific character/couple dynamic! For me, I love Bingqiu because of their contrast (the mighty and elegant, cool-as-a-cucumber (haha) Peak Lord is an actual meme-lord who’s constantly panic-yelling inside and pretending to be cool; the (originally) badass shounen/harem hero is now a clingy crybaby lover), but also because it’s a unique love story. Hualian has obsession in their dedication too, sure, but most readers view it as the healthier of MXTX’s couples and thus hold it on a higher pedestal. Bingqiu is like the skrunkly “low-class” pathetic meowmeow of MXTX’s main ships (that lower class, skrunkly feel is also sort of thanks to the fact SVSSS is, from the start, a parody and a comedy, even with the darker elements and implications), but I do think it’s fair to say that their romance gets better overall. Bingqiu’s main thing is learning to communicate but also healing: Shen Qingqiu’s presence in Luo Binghe’s life teaches him there’s still warmth and love in the world, and that he can still trust humanity. This renders our Luo Binghe, Bing-mei, completely different from his original counterpart, Bing-ge, who has gone the route of a successful xianxia hero and harem male lead, yet cannot trust anyone. Meanwhile, Luo Binghe’s feelings help open up Shen Qingqiu’s ability to confront and deal with emotions and also let people in (and to finally acknowledge that he’s come to see this book world’s characters as more than “just” characters) because that man sucks at addressing said emotions. Because of his preference for compartmentalizing all feelings, Shen Qingqiu is arguably an unreliable narrator and Luo Binghe is actually under a lot of mental duress from outside elements during the plot of the novel that makes him act much more out of control and volatile, which you’ll see more of eventually. I’ll also leave one of my old Twitter threads here that explains what is shippable and lovable about Bingqiu despite—or because of—their flaws. If you can’t view it because you don’t have Twitter or something, apparently it also got reposted on Tumblr. 😆 Oh, honestly I have a lot of threads on Bingqiu lol. Here’s another and another (this one is still one of my favourite things to mull over even now) and another. But basically, Bingqiu is about character growth haha. And they do become more romantic at the end (albeit with some HUGE missteps; for example, thanks to the influence of the sword Xin Mo), but if you still don’t like them at the end… Eh. Some of that “unhealthy” vibe is just kind of a classic BL/danmei couple dynamic—in terms of having an easily jealous and even possessive male lead—albeit with a goofier twist here. Also, I just really like Bunhe (little Binghe) KSGJHDFS. And I mean, if someone you loved and admired who was also once quite kind to you—albeit only after abusing you for a while, who even told you that demons can be good too, suddenly hypocritically shoved you into what is essentially hell without explanation after finding out you are a demon and only ever assumed the worst of you and ran away whenever you tried to talk to him after doing your best to crawl out of that hell to get back to him; and although you worked so hard to become a good hero and a strong protector for him, he continuously refuses to explain anything or even try to get to know the current you... Yeah, all that plus the demonic stuff negatively influencing Luo Binghe... It’s no wonder he kind of broke mkfsjfsjfs.
Ok SVSS fans help me out. I’m on book 2, almost finished it. And i’m really really not happy with how Luo Binghe’s character has been set up and i can’t sense any romantic chemistry between him and the MC. I know MXTX often drabbles in toxic/controlling/obsessive relationship tropes but this just feels way too off for me. I’m kinda close to stop reading cuz of how frustrated I am with how it’s been going so far.
My question is, does it get better after? Ngl im kinda exhausted with the main couple rn. Like Hualien have the obsessive trope too but their chemistry was impeccable and very con/dub con. But this just feels forced to me.
Help a girl out? :)
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So I had a second attempt at a Pokémon X nuzlocke and beat it this time
For those who don't know, a nuzlocke is a self-enforced game mode of Pokémon where you can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter on a route, you must nickname them to encourage closeness, and if the Pokémon faint in battle, they are dead: you can no longer use them. I added an extra rule onto the route rule: I can catch the first Pokémon that comes from a rock smash on a route, since that's something that can rarely be done on routes anyway, and also I'm prone to killing Pokémon so I needed a fighting chance at this. With the rules sorted, we can move onto my second attempt at a nuzlocke (with my best friend Mar (@serpentine-fxrtune) beside me to help name my Pokémon and mock my dead ones with bonus friends Bread and Ariel (@catboy5000))
I played as a male named Takehiko because me, Mar, and a couple other friends have a Pokémon fan project thing going on between us and Takehiko is one of my characters who is Kalosian. When I was offered to be nicknamed Big T at the beginning of the game, I could not refuse. I picked Froakie to be my starter and already had naming issues, so I consulted Mar for a nickname. She suggested the French word for frog, and I just went with it because, yanno, Kalos is based on France. And so, I gained my first Pokémon, Grenouille. I go to route 2 and encounter the obligatory Pidgey (which doesn't count as my first encounter, I don't have any Pokéballs at this point) and sit through Serena teaching me to catch Pokémon (who btw I forgot existed in this game) by talking to Mar about something I remembered.
Me: I just wanna talk about SKZ's English names, specifically Changbin's name. Like it's normal, it's just Lewis, but CHAN TRIED TO CONVINCE HIM TO BE CALLED BARTHOLOMEW, THAT'S LIKE IF I TRIED TO GIVE BREAD AN ARABIC NAME AND CHOSE TO NAME HIM ABDUL RAHMAN, THAT'S NOT EASY TO SAY.
Me: Should I name my first Pokémon Bartholomew, for what Changbin could have been?
Mar, ever the enabler: Sure, I can't really stop you.
So I named the Weedle I caught Bartholomew, and proceeded into Santalune forest.
So we move on (and I'm just ignoring rival battles because they're just not it) and out to route 3, where I caught a Fletchling. Following on from my SKZ English names talk from earlier, I named the bird Sky, because Seungmin's English name is cute goddammit. So when I got to Santalune, I ran into a problem: I had no Pokémon that could be super effective against Viola. I head over to route 22 nearby after grabbing the roller skates to try and get Riolu for a first encounter. Instead of that, I got a Bunnelby.
Me: You are not Riolu... so you shall be named Not Riolu.
So instead of fretting over the type advantage Viola had on me, I chose to grind for higher levels to beat her Pokémon up with power instead; this is when the first casualty came in. Sky, the poor child, got killed by a Riolu using counter because peck didn't do the job of making it faint. Sky was the first to join the graveyaed (yes this is how I spelled it in game). Sky, though you were technically not Seungmin since you were female, you will be missed.
Also forgot to mention: Batholomew is a female too. Moving on-
So after spending a long time grinding, being a bit more careful this time, I finally felt like I was ready for Viola, and I was. I swept the floor with her, Grenouille carrying the team as he was a higher level than the rest. Upon reaching Viola's sister, Alexa, before route 4, I got an exp share, and then she reminded me of what happened in my first attempt at the nuzlocke.
Me: *says a thing about something being sad*
Me and Mar, at the same time: Alexa, play Despacito.
Mar: Name the Pokémon you catch on this route Despacito.
Me: Okay *gets a Flabébé*
Future me: *pockets memory for future Flabébé*
On route 4, I encounter a Skitty, but as I mentioned earlier, I am prone to killing Pokémon and end up killing the Skitty before I could catch it, so I just make my way over to Lumiose to get a Kanto starter after beating up all the trainers on the route.
So this was my conversation with Mar about which Kanto starter to pick (I have a grudge against Ch*rmander okay), and through this I chose its name too: Zekrom 💙
So on route 5 I catch a Furfrou that I nicknamed Floof because it floof and made my way to Camphier, where I went off with Shauna to get the Poké flute to get rid of the Snorlax blocking route 7. I collect the item, and on the way back I catch an Oddish that Mar named Pea for me. I got rid of the Snorlax by running the moment I interact with it - there was no way I'd fight that thing. Onto route 7, where I go into the purple flowers in hopes I get a blue Flabébé, but instead I got an orange one. Regardless of the colour, it was gonna be called Despacito.
In the connecting cave, I catch a Zubat that I named Ciel because I wanted to honour Sky by naming a bat the same thing, just Italian. I move on to route 8, where I get Shelly the Bagon, Shinju the Cubone from the Glistening Cave, and Itzy the Amaura from the fossil I got. It was on the other side of route 8 where the first of 2 rock smash Pokémon emerge, and I'm not sorry for killing the Binacle, it was Dwebble or nothing. In the Twitter thread I forgot to mention that I also caught a Helioptile that I nicknamed Frilly on route 9, but enough of that, now to Grant, the gym that killed my first Pokémon X nuzlocke...
Grant scared me a lot because of how I've always struggled to beat him even when I played normally: he's way too strong to just be a second gym leader. However, thanks to way too much grinding, I was able to beat Grant without any casualties.
So I can't remember how it happened, but at some point in route 10, Shinju died, I can't remember what caused it but it happened and ig I wasn't sad enough about it to remember. On route 10 though, I did get a Snubbull that I named Berri (Mar wanted to name it Ugli but I said No.)
So skip over Geosenge and off to route 11 and Reflective Cave, where I got Zappy the Dedenne and I then killed a Roggenrola by accident because, despite its sturdy ability, it still got hurt by Despacito's rocky helmet and fainted. Unfortunately this is where I lost 2 Pokémon. Kumi died to a Wobuffet that, idk what it did since I wasn't looking at the screen, but I'm assuming Kumi just couldn't take the counter, and fell to the same fate Sky did. Then, Itzy died too, by means I can't remember, but tbh it's me I probably did a dumb type matchup.
Either way I started making Itzy jokes to ease the pain of losing 2 Pokémon consecutively, like "maybe she just wasn't Icy, just on fire all along", and Ariel goes "perhaps she was just a wannabe... 💔".
By this point, my team consisted of Grenouille the Greninja, Zekrom the Charmeleon, Frilly the Helioptile, Despacito the Floette, Pea the Gloom, and Not Lucario the Diggersby (I renamed him from Not Riolu since it evolved).
Eventually, I get to Shalour and get the Lucario from Korrina, who I appropriately named Not DiggersB (Not Diggersby didn't fit so I improvised), and replace Not Lucario. I beat her in battle (without trying either I hadn't noticed I won until I was talking to Korrina again).
I gave up my route 12 encounter to get the Lapras the Pokémon breeder gifts you at the beginning of the route if you speak to him, and Mar named him Lettuce (because iceberg lettuce), and quickly grab myself a Tentacool from Azure Bay that I named Booze because it's water poison. It's when I'm grinding on route 12 for Ramos where I get my biggest casualty so far: Zekrom. Zekrom, the fully evolved Charizard, ready to take on the world, got killed by a Miltank that survived 2 hits from Zekrom and was able to land a bide on him.
Mar asked about Zekrom earlier because I got mocked for his death, and idc about it now but like, it hurt when it happened (yes I did threaten murder but my threats are empty, I'm not edgy I just swear a lot).
So I went and got rid of the Pokémon population of route 12 before *almost* going to Ramos. I noticed that I could go to route 13 before battling him, and it was there I could get a Slugma from the second (and final) use of the rock smash rule I had in place.
*over call*
Me: I'm gonna go take a risk and hope that I can get a Slugma on route 13 using rock smash.
Mar: Slipknot?
Me: *laughing* No, SLUGMA.
Mar: Oh, well you're naming it Slipknot now.
Needless to say, I got very lucky and got a Slugma on first encounter, and named it Slipknot. Unfortunately for me, however, catching Slipknot meant even more grinding for levels. Luckily, Courmarine is where you can get a lucky egg, which gives the holder more exp from battles, and with the use of Pokémon Amie, Slipknot caught up in no time (and evolved into Magcargo). Tbh the thing that took more time was bringing up Slipknot's affection on Pokémon Amie since you literally can't pet Slugma, which eliminates the main way to gain affection. The amount of times I played Tile Puzzle and Head It was quite a lot (never liked Berry Picker, stressful).
So I beat Ramos after pulling a risky move to protect Slipknot from Gogoat's ground move by bringing out Lapras and using ice beam to beat it. I bring the lights back to Lumiose city and go to beat Clemont, where the next big casualty happens - Not DiggersB. I had overestimated Not DiggersB's defense and lost him to an Ampharos that used thunder punch a bit too hard. This was a really bad death since I had a whole ground type in my box just sitting, waiting to be used, but nooooo, I had to used the fighting steel type with bone rush.
Not Lucario, in revenge for his counterpart, destroys Clemont's team, and we're off to Laverre. On route 14 I immediately catch a better ground type (Not a Fish the Stunfisk) and Not Lucario is relegated to the box again, the dirty HM slave. This means more grinding, passing the lucky egg over to Not a Fish, more PokéAmie, and more destruction of the Pokémon population (while also tryna level up both Pea and Despacito enough to get giga drain and moonblast respectively before evolving them into Florges and Bellossom).
To explain Pea and Despacito quickly (and Zappy too), they only evolve into their final forms when they are met with a sun stone (for Bellossom specifically and Heliolisk) and shiny stone (for Florges). I did have a sun stone but used it to evolve Helioptile int Heliolisk so I had to wait until I got to Anistar to get another sun stone, and I only got a shiny stone at the end of route 13, so I saved it until Despacito reached the right level for moonblast, then evolved it (thank you Mar for being the one who knew this info, I'm actual shit at Pokémon).
Anyway, I make it to Laverre, beat Valerie (and almost lose Pea that battle gave me a heart attack), beat up team flare in the factory, get master ball and big nugget, blah blah blah, get better clothes for Big T (which isn't much better male clothes in Pokémon is shit). I get a Foongus on route 15, consult Mar on a name because, once again, naming issues, and she names it Amanita for reasons I've honestly forgotten, and go over to Dendemille, where I redeem heart scales for better moves for Grenouille and Slipknot, and beat up more team flare.
Before I make my way over to Anistar though, I quickly go to route 16 to collect an obligatory Pumpkaboo (that I called Jack). I did (or tried to do in some cases) Pokémon Sword runs for my part of the fan project's E4 and on every file, I've caught a Pumpkaboo so it's tradition.
On route 17 I failed miserably at trying to catch a Delibird, which I wasn't upset about. I use the place to grind a bit more before I make it to Anistar. I grab the sun stone there to finally evolve Pea and just completely destroy Olympia with Grenouille.
So the game's plot "thickens" (aka Lysandre outright says he's the one in charge of team flare) so I do my protag thing, saving the world, when I have to deal with the most heartbreaking and stupid death ever.
Xerneas: *appears*
Me: Okay just master ball it.
Me: *accidentally picks quick ball*
Me: it might be okay it's the first turn anyway-
Xerneas, not expecting to battle so had moonblast ready for fun:👁👄👁 *kills Grenouille*
This genuinely hurt me so much I wanted to cry, I was so close to getting Grenouille through it all and he dies to a misclick?! Luckily I got Xerneas in a master ball immediately afterwards. Since it counted as it was the only Pokémon I got in Geosenge, I aptly named it "YOU KILLER".
So I grind a bit more for Xerneas and make my way over to Snowbelle. On route 18 I got a Durant that I named Ditant because I couldn't spell, then got a Sliggoo on route 19 while grabbing sludge bomb for Pea so that she, along with Despacito, can be called the fairy killer.
Despacito the Dragon killer and Pea the Fairy killer honestly sounds so intimidating until you find out they're just a big flower patch and a weed, but they are scary, and can and will kill you without hesitation. I make it to Snowbelle and have to make my way to the Pokémon Village to grab Wulfric to be swept by a heavy metal band, and get myself a Trevenant I named Tree on route 20, and a Zoruark, that immediately replaced YOU KILLER in my party, from the village, and I named him Nuh. Nuh is basically the Muslim name for Noah, as in Noah's Ark Noah, so I did a grammatical joke based on that.
Nuh's Ark = the ark that belongs to Nuh
Nuh's Ark = Nuh is (Zoro)Ark
So I spend my time on route 21 accidentally killing the Ursaring I could've had and then ridding the waters of Lombré and Floatzel for Nuh using Pea. If someone had told me at the beginning of my nuzlocke that my star Pokémon would be a Bellossom, I would've laughed. After a while though, I felt ready. Pea, Despacito, Lettuce, Not a Fish, Slipknot, and Nuh (who I got a heart scale for to learn foul play) were all ready to go down Victory Road and beat the Pokémon League. On the way, I caught a Lickitung, my final Pokémon, that I named Balloon.
(I did have to leave victory road a few times because there's bits where you need to use strength, so I had to fetch Not Lucario because there was no way I was teaching any of my party a HM move this late in the game other than Lettuce learning surf and waterfall).
Going up Victory Road was a breeze (minus the multiple encounters in the caves), and I quickly made my way over to the Pokémon League. I went in, after healing my Pokémon, with an abundant amount of full restores to use freely (I had like P300k the money wasn't going anywhere).
I took on Siebold first, since he's the poetic guy and I wanted to show off Takehiko's abysmal fashion to him first. Needless to say, Pea beat him to a pulp (with Lettuce coming in clutch for his Gyrados by using thunderbolt). Siebold was by far the easiest E4 member.
Next was Wikstrom, whose Probopass had always worried me. It had sturdy, so every time Not a Fish tried to beat it, it'd just survive. Eventually, Wikstrom ran out of full restores, leading to it's untimely demise. Slipknot and Not a Fish cleared out the rest of his team easily.
I took on Malva next, who I legit didn't care about, and just had Lettuce spam surf until I beat her. It worked, of course, so that meant I only had one more battle to go: Drasna the dragon lady who, fun fact, is related to Iris, and is also therefore related to Leon and Hop!
I already knew Drasna would start with Dragalge, a danger to my dragon killer, so I sent out Not a Fish first just to get rid of it. I then sent Despacito out for her Altaria and Noivern, of which Noivern was actually able to land hits on Despacito, getting her in the yellow. Luckily for me, I had Pea learn Dazzling Gleam just in case I needed it, so I switched out Despacito for Pea when Druddigon came out, just to protect my big flower. Pea quickly handed Druddigon its ass as she beat it up without a hitch, and with that, I had finished the E4.
When I was checking if I needed to use my not so abundant amount of ethers and elixirs on my Pokémon, I was glad to find that I really only had to use it for Not a Fish's earthquake: I didn't have to use many moves against the E4, and earthquake was only down because of Wikstrom.
With my Pokémon healed up and ready, Despacito leading the party, I was ready to take on Champion Diantha. Her Hawlucha was up first, of which Despacito beat using moonblast in one fell swoop. She then went to beat up her Tyrantrum, who also fainted to a moonblast. She brought out Amourous next, aka what Itzy could've been, and Despacito used petal blizzard to beat it. The Amourous survived but didn't cause problems. I went to use petal blizzard but Diantha switched out for her Goodra, whose attack got boosted thanks to the grass type move.
Unfortunately for Diantha though, Goodra was a dragon type, so that thing fainted immediately afterwards thanks, once again, to moonblast. She brings back Amourous, who finally faints after a second bout of petal blizzard, and next up is her Gourgeist. It's at this point I finally let Despacito rest, bringing out my newly acquired Nuh, who comes out disguised as Slipknot. Nuh beats the Gourgeist in one move, meaning that Nuh's illusion is still up. Diantha brings out her final Pokémon, Gardevoir, and the battle is almost over.
I think the funniest part of the entire game for me was messing around with Nuh, because when Gardevoir used a psychic move: "It doesn't affect Slipknot..." Which is very funny considering it SHOULD affect Slipknot, it just doesn't affect Nuh, who's pretending to be Slipknot. Nuh takes the opportunity and uses foul play (as Slipknot, which also looks very peculiar) to take down Diantha's Gardevoir, and with that, I had beaten the champion. The nuzlocke was over...
Or was it?
Me: *getting fussy because the other 4 Sycamore pupils were getting credit for me single-handedly beating team flare*
Me: oH
So the nuzlocke was *almost* over.
AZ was very very easy, the only issue I had was Lettuce not being up first to beat his Torkoal. His Sigilyph and Golurk were both very easy to beat, and nothing else really happened in the battle. With that battle over I had truly beaten my second attempt at a Pokémon X nuzlocke.
If you read this far, congratulations! You have read the equivalent of 75 tweets in (possibly) one sitting! Twitter kept capping me off every 25 tweets, so now I understand why Twitter au writers don't post abundantly. This was honestly so much fun, even though I did grieve over my dead Pokémon.
I wanna thank Mar for sticking with me the whole way, even though I was such a nuisance for asking every single time, without fail, what beats poison type Pokémon whenever I encountered one. When I said I'm shit at Pokémon, I wasn't lying: I'm Very Bad™ at the game.
I also wanna thank Bread and Ariel for just popping in during my run every now and again, even if all you wanted to do was mock me for Zekrom's death (which btw I don't get why you're still holding that to me? I'm more shocked you're not talking bout Grenouille lmao).
Would also like to thank my team, Pea the Bellossom, Despacito the Florges, Not a Fish the Stunfisk, Slipknot the Magcargo, Lettuce the Lapras, and Nuh the Zoroark (who, despite being a super new addition, pulled his weight very well). I wouldn't've won of not for y'all (Idc that they're fictional and can't read my thanks, I love them okay???).
Anywho, thank you for reading this if you chose to!
#noona.txt#long post#guess who forgot to taaaaaaag?#but yeah#take a shot everytime i say so#actually don't you might die#so yeah i pretty much copy-pasted this from my twitter thread#it was very fun as much as losing pokemon made me sad
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okay "normie median Biden voter ice" got me. That's funny. But also so true! It prob took him a bit to vote dem too (though I believe that Ice would have never voted for Trump). Would love to hear more thoughts on Ice and Mav's politics. Also the list of who they would have voted for if you're willing to share.
i do worry that posting my extremely in-depth headcanons about some of this stuff will have the JKR “wizard shit” effect on my writing and ruin it a little, but ask and ye shall receive
copy-pasted straight from my list of “unhinged compacflt!top gun headcanons” that ive been keeping since september: on ice & mav's politics
16. Since their friendship began, Ice has always told Maverick who to vote for, since Maverick doesn't care enough to pay attention to national politics. They are begrudging ConservaDems (conservative political views, would vote conservative every election if Republicans weren’t actively sending them to war/actively promoting fascism). Ice’s voting record (and after 1988, Mav’s too) 1980-2020—note that he has always considered himself an “educated moderate”: 1980: Reagan. 1984: Reagan. 1988: Bush. 1992: Bush. 1996: Clinton (reaction to aftermath of PGW. Doesn’t care that Clinton enacted DADT because “I’m not [redacted], so it doesn’t apply to me”). 2000: Gore (refusal to vote for another Bush). 2004: Kerry (Mav votes Bush this year out of spite as he and Ice are going through their break-up). 2008: McCain (Navy loyalty). 2012: Obama (liked him as a person/worked closely with him, didn’t like his policies so much). 2016: Clinton (no other alternative). 2020: Biden (actually liked/previously worked with Biden, and now actively married to another man and therefore had to make some liberal concessions). 2024-onwards they will vote for any Democrat as long as they aren’t a “socialist.”
17. Also, Maverick didn’t vote in 2016. Partially because in my universe the TGM mission takes place that November, very near the election, and he has bigger fish to fry (something Ice will later take him to task for), and partially because I genuinely think he wouldn’t be able to stomach either mainstream candidate and probably would’ve voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson, which might have torn his relationship with Ice to shreds a few days before schedule. “Are you fucking kidding me? Johnson? Pete, this moron’s moronic party wants to abolish the driver’s license—” / “—Yeah, and then I could ride your sweet wheels with no problem whatsoever—maybe he’ll abolish pilots’ licenses, too, I’d like to see that—” / “If you vote for Gary fucking Johnson, I will very happily stop footing the bill for your piece-of-shit airplane, and you can see how useful your pilot’s license is then—” / So Mav didn’t vote in 2016.
35. In terms of what he Tweets: I do foresee, post-retirement, Ice basically becoming a neoliberal military intellectual type on Twitter a la Mark Hertling (look him up on Twitter). Bio: “Retired @SECNAV. Advisor @WhiteHouse and @VoteVets. Contributing writer @TheAtlantic. Interested in geopolitics & modern warfare. Aviator, husband, Padres fan. [American flag emoji]” Only posts pictures of himself and Maverick at three specific annual events: 1. their wedding anniversary (“36 years with this fool and he’s still surprised to find out that I like the F-5 better than the A-4 #happyanniversary”), 2. every EAA Airventure (huge airplane convention), 3. San Francisco’s Fleet Week (which of course they MUST attend, they even headline it in 2018). Informative, analytical, highly-respected. Maybe goes on CNN or NBC all the time to talk about civil-military relations shit (aversion to FOX since the start of the Iraq War). Gonna say he had like four really viral threads about Russia and Ukraine in April or May and so has 300k followers or something like that. He has a personal website that links back to his Twitter and every essay he writes for international publications, with a pretty braggadocious bio (something along the lines of “Tom Kazansky has directly almost started global nuclear war twice in his life, and in the thirty-year gap in between, sold the Swiss half their entire goddamn Air Force and directed an entire Fleet during the Iraq War”). Lots of tweets like “Military aviation hot take: Compared to the F-22, the F-35 is a waste of money. Source: husband with 400+ hours of F-35 experience.” / “[Quote tweet of Russian Foreign Minister boasting about Su-57 production lines] Oh, so you guys finally figured out how to make more than one every other year?” / “Analysis of the failure of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, from an ex-US Pacific Fleet Commander’s perspective: a short [thread emoji] [This thread gets 26k likes and 4k retweets]” / “This weekend my husband & I flew in to @EAA Oshkosh #OSH19 & took home first place for best P-51. Not to brag, but.” (A reply to this tweet: “Sir, you really know how to bury the lede that your husband is Adm. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. I had to look it up on Wikipedia.” / @TKazansky: “What, was it not obvious? Who else could it have been?”) Also, I see him writing a whole bunch of op-eds for international political magazines a la Tom Nichols (look him up on Twitter too). Writing analyses of recent geopolitical/military events for the New York Times, the New Yorker, the Bulwark, the Navy Times, the Atlantic, Bellingcat, etc. Not so much focused on domestic issues (but VoteVets [socially progressive vets’ group] board member, and ardently pro-democracy, yay!). He’s a smart guy.
37. This is not a headcanon, just kind of a… a real-life implication. My Ice was Deputy Commander of Third Fleet in 2003, meaning he’d have been there in command of the USS Abraham Lincoln when President Bush gave his “Mission Accomplished” speech aboard that ship in May less than 2 months after the initial American invasion of Iraq. Very premature & embarrassing. Ice would’ve been in direct contact with Bush/Cheney/NSC bureaucrats many, many times during the war. I genuinely believe this is what pushed him over the edge into firm liberal territory.
#they are the opposite of social liberal fiscal conservative#social boomer and fiscal moderate and foreign policy liberal#as they are straight-passing they are also conservative-passing in that they claim they are conservatives because it upholds their view#of American masculinity (as many conservative men do) but they're not actually conservative#sometimes I do think I stumbled upon a stroke of genius with my 'mav is a libertarian' hc though#im sure im not the only person to have had that hc but still. seriously ur gonna look at that mf and tell me he's not a libertarian#guys. when I tell you I have thought entirely too much about this stuff I mean it#top gun#top gun maverick#top gun headcanons#tom iceman kazansky#pete maverick mitchell#I have more of their foreign/domestic policy opinions but I think if I posted any more of this stuff#you would see me for who I am (insane)#thank you for the ask hahahaha#<3
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Aw man I have so many thoughts on Drill and Scrap Knight. Copy n pasted pretty much word for word from a twitter thread bc I don’t want to resummarize them. Put under a readmore for dialogue spoilers up to Drill Knight’s boss fight.
I was fully prepared to be obsessed w any other Hexcavators, but Drill Knight was surprisingly delightful. You don't understand him like I do.
He has the vibe of someone who didn't really think of his life in the long-term but is also terrified of death.
He likes the infamy gained from his heists bc 1. He's an attention whore.
But like. On a deeper level I think he's desperate to not be forgotten. He genuinely is prepared for the possibility of dying young, but he doesn't want to be forgotten just as quickly.
It's said in camp NPC dialogue that, besides Scrap, the other Hexcavators were pretty new. It's not a group that was around for a long time.
And just based off of the other Hexcavator dialogues, it seems they see it as a temporary thing too, or at the very least don’t plan on staying long-term. (Taken from SK wiki bc I didn’t want to go through screenshots again.)
They just have to do this one heist and they're all set. So it's really neat to see Drill say this line. He cares about this seemingly temporary group and it is so interesting and sexy of him
Anyways. That’s the Mostly canon compliant stuff here’s the fanficcy stuff I wrote about Scrap and Drill based off of their apparent unique relationship.
I would’ve put this under another readmore, but apparently you can only have 1 on posts so now you have to deal with my insane rambling.
I think Scrap is like. Pretty old. Like. 58 or something while Drill's somewhere around his 30s. They're equals for the most part but the age is important.
She’s in no way the epitome of an adult who should be responsible for a kid let alone a teen. She’s like a wine aunt who's kind of a bad influence, but she still has valuable insight on life that Drill very much values.
They met when Drill was like. Some weird scraggly little teen and they've been pestering each other since.
Do you get where I'm going yes yes you do
DK: There's no thrill in a heist without danger ScK: Well, there's no thrill without skill, you little shit. Lemme show you how it's done before you keel over or something.
So that day rolls around and she just wakes him up like ScK: Wakey wakey birthday boy! Or should I say... Birthday man ;D
And Drill is still trying to figure out whether it's a Tuesday or a Friday morning.
ScK: We gotta do something big for your big day! Like... Or or like... Or maybe!!! Fuck it were doing all of the above. We're gonna have a busy day today so LETSGO And then they rob a couple sorcerers and one of Pridemoor's treasure vaults
And by the end of the day they're breathless. It's become dark by then and the only light they have besides the fleeting setting sun is the dim glow of the magical relics they stole refracted in the facets of gems they also stole.
They're trying to keep their voices down, but the excitement is too much. It wasn't a big deal though. They were the best scavenger and the best thief!
Their chatter finally slows down and they just sit there for a moment to appreciate the chilled air. "Oh shit wait. Gotta do this before I forget" scrap breaks the peace to go rummage through their loot and drill glances over, curiously.
ScK: Tada!!
She pulls out an expensive looking bottle of wine and a glass that somehow did not break while inside the bag.
DK: Oh... Wow DK: Let me guess. You plan on getting blackout drunk again? ScK: What? No, this is the fancy shit. Obviously it's for you. DK: Really now? ScK: Yeah, really! I know your standards are high and all so I made sure to get the best of the best for you! Why did you think I dragged you all the way to Pridemoor's vault? DK: The various magical relics? The ridiculous amount of gold? Really, I can't think of any other reason.😒 ScK: Those were also very compelling reasons, but this one's the big one!
And she holds out the bottle and glass for him to take.
DK: ... You do realize that the legal drinking age is 21, right? ScK: What?? Where's the guy who raided Pridemoor's vault with me just an hour ago? Here I was, thinking you didn't care about the law. DK: Obviously I don't.
And then he takes the items from her. but like. listen. listen.
"I didn't think I'd live past 18"
And he's now at that middle point and that fact is just sinking in.
Y'know that feeling when you're overwhelmed w emotion or whatever but you're in denial about it / trying to push it down bc it's stupid?
You're in conflict with what's going on bc by all means it shouldn't be happening, and you're trying to keep it together to not dour the mood bc it's supposed to be fun/happy.
He's like. frozen in place for a moment because everything's just setting in.
"Holy shit. I'm an adult." And he's reluctant at first to actually try it bc he couldn't really fathom the possibility.
ScK: Aww, come on! Don't tell me you're chickening out on me! ScK: Hey.. earth to Drill? Yoohoo! ScK: .......Are you alright?
He then (tries) to chug the whole bottle to deflect the question, which is something you absolutely should not do if you want to be correct about drinking wine.
She knows something is up but just isn't sure how to handle it. She doesn't really bring it up but still tries to lighten the mood.
And she's not exactly equipped to handle something like that bc she's very much someone who pushes down issues too.
Far from an amazing influence.
Recognizes an issue, but doesn't personally address it. “He's a tough guy.. He's not gonna want to talk about it with me and that's fine. He can handle it himself.”
Note: He doesn't, and now Scrap has to reconcile with the fact that she actually has to act responsibly because she does in fact care about this loser and doesn't want him hurt.
It's not going to be as easy as just repressing it and laughing it off later, because the weight doesn't solely fall on her shoulders this time.
Something something she acts mean and pushes people away because she doesn't want that responsibility over another person in that way again. She's fucked up in that position more times than she wished she did and doesn't really trust herself to be in that position ever again.
The convo is important for the both of them bc Scrap has to confront that shared mindset of not thinking about anything longterm and find reasons that would comfort someone about it + acknowledge that amount of responsibility she has over her friend and take that seriously.
And like. I talked about Drill's deal. Actually looking forward for the future. Starting to delve more into the long-term.
DK: The highest quality wine from Pridemoor's vaults... Honestly, I have no idea how I'll top that when I actually reach drinking age. ScK: Well, that'd be a problem for when you get to 21! We could rob Pridemoor’s Castle itself! DK: ....Yeah. Yeah, that sounds cool.
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𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞. ||𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲! 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 "𝐉𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐧" 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫||
❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜᴇʀ
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: On the first days of spring, your friend Holly set you up with a nice photographer at the park. In the beginning, everything was normal, until you began to notice a shadow following you everywhere, and it wasn't your own.
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜/𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: Reader uses she/her pronouns, sorry about that! Stalkish behavior in the end.
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: Hello! First chapter of another fanfic, inspired by the YOU tv series. This also happens in the modern era. Lemme say this chapter alone took days to write because my inspiration lately has been the worse. Hope y'all enjoy! ♡
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: (If you wish to be tagged, please tell me!)
"C'mon Holly, losen up a bit. I know it's gonna go great tomorrow." You rolled your eyes as your friend sighed, but you didn't find the situation weird at all.
"I just...imagine how awkward it'll be if I purpose to Camilla at the same time she does it."
You pointed to a nice seat under a tree after you two finished paying for the ice creams. It was a nice day at the park, spring was finally here, and all of the warm and winter outfits were thrown inside the wardrobe.
"Look, (Y/N), I don't want to be that person, but..." You gaze over to Holly. "Look at that photographer over there."
Your eyes stopped on a handsome man, focused on his camera and the mother nature around him, like he was in harmony with it. His slightly wavy brown hair had threads falling to his face as the photographer kneeled in front of some flowers, camera in action. The stranger was wearing a casual shirt with blue jeans, which wasn't the stereotypical outfit you'd imagine for a photographer.
"Your type." Holly blankly said, looking back at you.
"Holly please," You rolled your eyes playfully, eating your ice-cream before it melted in your hands. You don't want that kind of accident again. "I forgot my book of cheeky flirt lines."
Determined, Holly got up and didn't even glance twice in your direction, so you knew what she was about to do. Wrapped up in her crazy idea of getting you with someone, she strolled her way in the direction of the dreamy photographer, who was still taking pictures of the pretty white flowers.
You chuckled, not even bothering to stop her since it wouldn't change anything. Once something got into Holly-Marie Monroe's head, nothing, and by all means, nothing would stop her.
"I'm sorry-hi, excuse me," Politely chuckling, she touched the man's shoulder to get his attention. He turned around, clearly confused by the interaction. Probably thought this strange woman was going to ask to have a picture of her taken. "My friend over there, (Y/N)," Holly points at you, and you awkwardly wave, "She'd love to meet you. Photography is totally her deal, she finds it an art. What'cha think?"
"Yeah, sure." Okay, not so bad, he smiled. A polite smile, but it counts, right?
Holly rushedly waved for you to come to them, which you did, mouthing a silent 'sorry' to him without your friend noticing. You looked up to meet his eyes, amber brown eyes to be more exact. You were actually expecting them to be darker, but no, they were light amber eyes. With a soft tune added to them.
"Hi, (Y/N) (L/N)." You said, a small smile forming in the corner of your lips. "But Holly already told you that."
The man nodded, gazing over to your eyes as well.
"Danny 'dreamy photographer' Johnson." He winked, placing his camera somewhere on his bag.
"Okay, I'd hate to be a third wheel soooo...I'll go get more ice-cream!" Holly whispered, moving further from you two after giving you a thumbs up from far. You sighed.
"That's a nice friend you've got there." Danny looked back at you, eyebrow raised.
"Heh, she loves to do this. I was the one that set her up with her now bride to-be girlfriend, so she felt like this is her obligation to me." You explained, shrouging your shoulders. Yes, in fact, Holly made it her life goal to set you up with someone, because apparently she doesn't want you to be the single person of the group. Well, you still have your other friend Rose to be single with.
Danny was still gazing at you with his smirk on. He chuckled.
"Hey, what do you think about sitting right in the middle of those flowers right there," You looked to the flowers, pink Begonia flowers, and shyly took a seat in the middle of them, careful not to mess with your outfit. "And let the master do his magic." He winked at you again, smirking.
Of all the people you've dated and flirted with before, none of them was as careful as Danny. The way he gently placed flowers in your hair as he looked for the best angles to take pictures of you, he even said how remarkable you were at sunlight. How good it was for your eyes and skin.
This lasted for twenty minutes, with Holly taking her own selfies for instagram in the background.
Staring at his camera, Danny had his focused yet soft eyes every time he glanced at you. "Hey, could I get your-"
"My number?" You finished his request, but it only made Danny chuckle.
"Well I was going to ask for your email, but sure." He gave you his phone, which wasn't exactly one of the biggest and modern phones to ever exist, and you embarassedly typed down your number. Who asks for emails nowadays? "Thank you. I'll send you the pictures later."
"That'd be wonderful."
You, second child of a wealthy divorced couple with a younger brother who's working abroad on Europe, who's in charge of a bakery and trying to make your way in the world. Danny found you interesting, and naïve of course, who flirts with a stranger in broad daylight? So uncivilized and desperate.
Holly-Marie Monroe, on the other hand, was your rich friend with a beautiful bride, and the owner of a company that produces the finest clothing in town. She lives for instagram and twitter, your stereotypical blogger and ocasional selfies about whatever is happening in her plastic life. Like everybody else, she pretended everything in her life is perfect.
But you? Oh, the background friend. Danny nicknamed you that after a brief search through all of your social media. You finished school and university in arts, but after your brother left to go on a "retire" in Europe, he left you in charge of the bakery. Not that your artist career was going anywhere anytime soon. You twitted ocasionally, but personally, Danny loved your blog. Apparently, you practiced your art talents on cakes. Strangely lots of people loved it, which really isn't nothing much. What happened to the old, simple cakes? Do people really pay that much for food just because it looks "different"? What has society come to?
Even after sending you the pictures, Johnson felt quite disappointed that you didn't seem to post them anywhere. C'mon, they were great, and worthy of being posted. Something that would guarantee Danny that you liked them as much. Something that it would make you remember him.
A copy-paste here and a quick search on Maps, here it was.
Your exact street, building and apartment you lived in. Isn't Internet wonderful?
#dead by daylight#dbd ghostface x reader#dbd x reader#ghostface x reader#danny johnson x reader#jed olsen x reader#danny johnson#dbd ghostface#jed olsen
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Emma’s 2020 Questionnaire!
Your Name: Emma Characters: Phineas Flynn, Tiana Truitt, Aquata Triton, Henry Charming, Evelyn Deavor Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you!) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now? I’m going to talk about Phineas because I’ve had him for the longest and I think he’s the one I’ve been able to spend the most time developing. So basically something I struggled with when I first picked up Phineas was how he deals with people he doesn’t like, because in the show I don’t think he really dislikes anyone. And I feel like this drama with Tony recently has finally helped me crack what Phineas’s deal is when it comes to conflict-- he doesn’t really feel down about it unless he feels like his character is being questioned, and that’s why with Wilbur he’s mostly like whatever while with Tony and Lock (in the past) Phineas has gotten petty and vindictive-- he doesn’t like the role he’s found himself in and he takes that personally if that makes sense. (Also Phineas just way prioritizes his job with Cornelius over getting back at Wilbur, even if he’ll make the occasional jab at Wilbur in Among Us or on Twitter). So that’s been really cool to explore. And I think he’s also gotten a little less finance-bro-y than I originally intended, but I think that side of him will definitely come out once he graduates and goes to uni. I think the thing I’m most proud of with him is kind of maintaining that balance between being totally likeable and fun while also pretty infuriating and obtuse, like he’s a sweet and well-meaning person who’s also really annoying and idk I think I do that balance well.
Pick another character (or the same character if you only have one) and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year? I’m really excited to see where Tiana goes! Ever since I picked her up, I’ve been focused on this goal of getting the restaurant to happen and now that I’ve done that, there are a lot of possibilities. I want to see Tiana burn out from the stress a little bit-- maybe take on more than she can handle because a big part of her arc has been learning to accept help and collaborate with people, and I got to do that a lot with planning Tiana’s Place, but I would also really like to see that continue because those tendencies don’t really go away. I also want LOVE for Tiana even though I keep saying she doesn’t have time for it-- I want her to get a stupid crush that distracts her from work lol I think it could be really fun. And I’m also really excited to keep developing all her friendships, I love all of her Swynlake native connections and PRINCESS HOUSE and other small business owners and now that she really feels like she has put down roots with her restaurant, I want to see her branching out more.
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it. In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths. Ok sorry to keep talking about Tiana I promise I have other characters but I’m really proud of all of the different characters I incorporated into the Tiana’s Place opening. My goal was to make a real community effort to show that, no matter how much she wanted to do it on her own, she still has a whole group of people supporting her and who have a stake in it-- from Nuka and Ratigan in the beginning with the financial stuff to Clara and Toulouse and Laszlo with the music/art to Jun and Al for business advice to all the people who donated to the raffle. And the raffle was so fun and I hope people use that for plots!!
I also gotta shout out one more: writing the pirates AU Phineas and Ferb stuff was so much fun and really pushed me as a writer I think. I was a little uneasy going into pirates because action/movement/fights are not my strong suit and I knew there would be a lot of that. But the generated stuff was really helpful in kickstarting some ideas and Sid was so great to work with on that. I thought we got really creative and personally I had so much fun and I hope other people did too.
In terms of strengths for my writing-- I think I’m good with flaws? Like even characters who are really sweet and nice (I’m looking at you Henry) I think I try to show the different sides of them and explore how you can be both really well-meaning and really misguided at the same time. And I think that’s good because it has the potential to cause conflict and drive forward more plots where there’s no clear ~bad guy~ just flawed people trying their best and that’s the most interesting stuff to me. Of course I also love big bads! I think macro plots are really important. I think my niche though is those petty little conflicts and I think I do a good job with them.
I’m adding another too because you know what why not. I think I've gotten pretty creative recently?? Like I’ve done some really weird fun stuff this year-- Henry and Jake’s acapella audition is up there as one of my favorite threads, and I’m really excited about Tiana and Aurora’s fake date and Greg and Q doing Santa’s Workshop and I think Henry’s first open was one of my favorite opens I’ve done. Idk I think one of my insecurities about RP has always been that I worry I don’t bring enough ideas to the table with plotting and I think I’m getting better at letting my brain dream up weird cool stuff.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
Like I said, plotting is still something I struggle with-- I spent the majority of my early RP experience in a very gif-chat-heavy open-heavy fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants rp, so coming to BDRP even back during round 1 in 2017, plotting was a big surprise to me. And this is also something that I struggle with in my non-RP writing-- story arc and structure is something I have always wanted to improve. But I think I’m getting better at fleshing out ideas and not putting too much pressure on myself. And I think I’m also getting better at stepping out of my comfort zone and messaging people I don’t write with as often which is important because literally everyone here is so fun and talented! So I want to keep doing that. I know I can be a little shy sometimes (this sounds SO weird I never shut up lol but it’s how I feel) and I don’t want that to hold me back
In terms of actual writing stuff, I’d like to expand my vocabulary a bit more? I think I use certain words and phrasing so often that it annoys me and maybe it annoys no one else and my writing will be worse if I try to throw in unnecessary words but yeah. I think reading more will help with that. And in general I just really want to get better at thinking stuff through and building story arcs.
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. (They don’t have to be books, either!)
Ev is the one I feel like I need to do the most development on so here goes!
1. Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, specifically the character Nora
Messy nerd girls! Messy nerd girls! Please recommend me more things with messy nerd girls! Nora is basically Ev’s exterior, the person people know her as. She’s chaotic and fun and relatable, and also kind of a genius.
2. Macbeth, specifically the character Lady Macbeth
This is one I wanna dive into! I’ve seen a heavily abridged version of Macbeth and that’s about it but I have a copy sitting on my desk. I love a villain who likes to stay behind the scenes and pull the strings, and while Ev is in this for “moral reasons” (lol) she’s also in this for #power. I’m not used to playing manipulative villains-- I’m usually more of a henchperson type deal, so the ultimate 4-D chess gal would be some good inspo.
3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, specifically Professor Quirrell.
Ok I am really sorry to bring Harry Potter into this but I think something that’s important about Ev is that one of the things distracting from her villainy is her vague air of incompetency. We know she’s very smart and she has the whole nutty-professor thing going, but she’s kind of a mess and I want characters to underestimate her. I think Quirrell’s vibe of being nervous about everything is similar to Ev’s messy exterior and I would love a good end-of-the-book villain reveal. And now, a wishlist! Jot down a few themes or stories or genres etc that you want to maybe pursue in the upcoming year! (i.e. a good ol’ fashion forbidden romance, maybe you want to dig deep into racial identity etc) This doesn’t have to necessarily be attached to any characters or stories you have now– it’s just meant to help you see for yourself what kind of stories call to your heart.
Oooh so many things. Generally more romance-- I always hesitate a little with shipping IDK WHY maybe it’s insecurity about jumping into what always feels like a bit plot to me lol. But I wanna take that plunge more-- especially with Tiana! But I’m pretty much open to stuff with anyone, especially really silly rom-com type stuff. I also think that my shipping niche is super complicated stuff with villains (the irony and craziness of the Henleigh situation is so FASCINATING and FUN and I want MORE OF THAT) so just saying a I’m-flirting-with-you-because-you’re-a-good-ally-to-have-on-my-side-oh-no-I’m-actually-falling-for-you thing with Ev could be really fun (LISTEN her entire tag is just shipping content. I scroll through so much of it so of course it gave me some ideas)
I’m also REALLY jazzed about the uni stuff going on right now. Like I’ve said before, I think college is a really interesting place and so much weird shit happens there because you have all these 18-22 year olds living in close quarters and they come up with weird ways to entertain themselves. The secret santa/RA stuff has me loling every day and I just love stuff like that. Like, I’d love to have shenanigans like people sneaking into dorms and staying up until 3 am in the library and all that stuff. I just love that stuff.
Also I am really trying to do big bad stuff with Ev!! As I have mentioned... plotting and story arcs are a major thing I’m trying to work on, so it’s a lot to think about, but I would really just love to do all kinds of things-- I’d love to have her enable small-time villains, or manipulate people who are easily swayed, or to trick people. It’s a new area for me, but it’s something I’m excited about and I want to challenge myself.
OPTIONAL: Why do you RP?
Because I literally can’t stop apparently lol. No but the thing I love about RP is getting to collaborate on a story and getting surprised by people, getting to geek out about something that I can also participate in, and having NO RULES. I think there’s something really special about having an interest that I can’t monetize or market, that I can do for pure fun out of my love of creating and writing. And I love having a community of people on the ride with me. It’s so much fun and I’m so grateful for you guys!
I always end with a gif so here’s my favorite gif it legit makes me laugh out loud
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Heya! Here’s my essay about why you should stAN TOO’S CHAN!
SO! I recently stanned TOO because of their legendary Rising Sun cover in Road to Kingdom and because of the man, the myth, the legend… CHO CHANHYUK! Yeah, if you watched the performance already you may know who I’m talking about, but in case you don’t or you just didn’t bother to instigate in some intense kpop boy stalking (but why wouldn’t you?), I’ve made a guide for y’all!!
(Oh, and btw, no, I didn’t just copy and paste this from kprofiles.com - I added some extra facts and actual, CONCRETE reasons as to why you should stan him!!!)
[BASIC INFO aka boring (but important) stuff lol]
Stage name: Chan
Birth Name: Cho Chan Hyuk
Position: Main Dancer, Rapper, Producer
Birthday: December 8th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Element: Fire
YAY! BORING STUFF OVER!! Now here’s some insight on some Chan only tingz~~
He ranked 2nd place on the survival show that TOO was formed from called, To Be World Klass (DESERVED)
He has an older sister
Introduces himself as being “all-rounded” WHICH IS TOTALLY TRUE! He can rap, dance AND produce!!!
Motto: “Let’s move smartly”
He is a former SM Entertainment trainee
He dropped out of high school
HE HAS A TATTOO ON HIS LEFT FOREARM AND BACK!! It’s hard to see them but alas! I’ve found a Twitter thread exposing his rad tats!: https://twitter.com/CHANHYUCKlE/status/1264654817261125632 From what I can observe, the one on his forearm is of a whale and flowers, and the one on his back is of flowers?? (He even once said that he hopes to get another tattoo on his waist!! YES PLEASE SIR)
He is left-handed
He and Chihoon are producers/rappers for the dance group CUROHAKO. They actually have a Youtube channel and Chan is in two of their videos!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uhq2pJA6oQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgTT4bBGI78
His favorite colour is black
His favorite emoji is the fox emoji
His favorite food is sushi
His favorite movie is called ‘About Time’
He can freaking guess pizza by its scent!! This was so cute tho, please watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZHi8aNDTuc
He ripped his pants during a stage but said he was fine with it as long as it’ll get his group views LMAO
His dancer name is K!ZAROO (but I don’t know if he still goes by it)
His Myers-Briggs personality type is ENTJ (extoverted, intuitive, thinking, judging); natural leaders brimming with confidence and charisma. They’re determined when faced with challenges and thinks strategically in order to achieve their goals. You can read more about his MBTI here!: https://www.16personalities.com/entj-personality
Part of the self-proclaimed, “sexies” sub-unit consisting of him and Chihoon
He was chosen as the most fashionable member in the group
He used to have a lip piercing (I don’t know if it’s closed up by now or not)
He hates fluorescent lighting
AYE-- I wish I had more, but that’s all the facts I’ve found about him so far! I’ll update this in the future once TOO ages like fine wine..!
Here are scientific reasons as to why you should stan him!!
IDOL TRAITS (why you should stan him as an IDOL):
His dancing! He’s not the main dancer for nothing! His movements are smooth and natural yet aggressive and passionate..! His strongest point is free styling! Whenever he free styles, you can tell that he’s simply vibing and embracing his element. It’s obvious that he really loves dancing and that he practices a lot.
People say that he’s similar to NCT’s Taeyong or that he’s “the next Taeyong” but I couldn’t disagree more.. Chan is his own individual with a distinct and unique dancing style. He’s NOT “the next Taeyong”, he’s Cho Chanhyuk!
Sorry, I just get a bit annoyed when people say things like that.. Anywho, here are some videos of Chan being a dancing legend.
2. RAP
Tough tone that’s got its own colour! Also really good at free styling his rap!
Chan’s free verse and him bopping with Lil Pump and the bois.
HE.PRODUCES.HIS.OWN.DAMN.SONGS!! It’s actually very difficult to produce music as it takes a lot of patience, knowledge and creativity! Pretty sick beats with more rad raps! Here’s his soundcloud!
Hope he releases the rest of his works!
A born performer! He never fails to give me goosebumps!! Chan is just mesmerizing when performing, he’s like a magnet.. It’s hard to lose sight of him on stage because he stands out so much! He’s an expert with facial expressions and consistently makes sure to fully immerse himself into the performance; it’s his expression of self which makes him shine so brightly on stage.
PERSONAL TRAITS (why you should stan him as a PERSON:
A visionary and true tireless idealist. For most people, being a perfectionist isn’t an ideal trait, yet I still find myself respecting Chan for being one. He’s critical when it comes to creating the perfect performance and works really hard to achieve results which reaches his (high) standards. I think that’s pretty admirable - the fact that he puts his blood, sweat and tears to put on not only a good show, but one that exceeds standards for our sake, his own sake and the rest of TOO’s sake.
I think that the thing that I adore about him the most is his passion. As I mentioned before, he absolutely loves dancing. It’s refreshing to visibly see an idol enjoy themselves on stage. Chan doesn’t just perform, he lives. When he’s performing, he loses himself in the thing that he loves doing the most and relishes the moment like there’s no tomorrow.
Even if Chan isn’t the official leader of TOO, his leadership qualities are quite prominent. He’s determined to reach his goals and get through challenges no matter what. Taking initiative, he leads the group in dance and assists others when they are struggling. This can be seen by observing World Klass clips of the boys practicing All You Need Is Love - when Chan noticed that Chihoon was having difficulty with the choreography he called him over and helped him with it. Another example is when they ranked last place in Road to Kingdom and Chan, motivated to do better and prove TOO’s capability of rising up the ranks, thoughtfully assisted in planning their performance and concept and rigorously practiced while leading the others.
Idea bank! As an artist myself, I marvel at Chan’s creativity. The concepts and choreographies that he comes up with are astounding and prove to have super effective results! He actually came up with the Rising Sun concept in TOO’s Road to King performance. Because they watched the sun set from the rooftop, Chan was inspired to make their concept about them being rookies and rising in the music industry like the sun!! Say it with me: Chan swollen brain, Chan inflamed brain, chAN GINORMOUS BRAIN!!!
Overall, Chan, despite his appearance of being intimidating, is actually a real sweet guy that smiles and laughs easily. He’s a soft boi (especially for Chihoon) and likes to initiate skin ship. Members actually stated that Chan likes to act cute and even refers to himself as ‘Chanhyukie’!! So please don’t be fooled by his cool guy demeanor, he’s a squish if you take a closer look..!
Wow, that was a LOT of writing! That aside, here are some random Chan stuff!
Predebut Chan pics: https://twitter.com/c12c8h__177o/status/1265420652011417601
PREDEBUT CHAN IN BOY STORY ASDFGK (if you squint you can find him in the crowd starting from around 2:48. He’s the one with the yellow hair and sunglasses): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klg8niUUjRQ
Cute clip from World Klass of Chan being all cuddly and cute with Kyungho!: https://twitter.com/i/status/1265176511146934273
Absolutely no context: https://twitter.com/CHANPlCS/status/1264522391008481280
E-BOY CHAN: https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6824848435217304837 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6819342086857313542 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6817551314097016069 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6788981280240454918 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6784186996119145733 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6769724996559310086 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6767461954127744262
Saranghae saranghae saranghae Chan dance tutorial uwu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F4kQoaMljI
Chan humoring some fans: https://twitter.com/i/status/1249025324689453056 (scroll down below the first Tweet)
Chan English king: https://twitter.com/i/status/1251600155578494976
A cutie: https://twitter.com/i/status/1248594397056217088
Chan recommended this song! It’s pretty good so give it a listen!: https://open.spotify.com/track/7iooxPmnLY6wZynSplHUah?si=fBa5ppR0Qd-klOLa9tvnbA
O-kay! I think that’s all the Chan content I have for now! Once again, I’ll update this occasionally while on my journey with TOO! Don’t forget to stan Chan and TOO! Hope this has convinced you!! If it did, then please reblog this to spread exposure for Chan and TOO!
Before you go, please go watch their debut song Magnolia, thank you! Have a great day!
#cho chanhyuk#chanhyuk#chan#too chan#chan too#too#too kpop#kpop too#kpop#please stan chan#you won't regret it#i promise#eeeee#he's great#tbwk#wk#world klass#toogether#to be world klass
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Comments on The Glass Scientists Chapter 7 Page 28 (Discussing Chapter 7 Pages 10-28)
So my comments are being detected as spam on the comment section of The Glass Scientist page, which from what I can guess from searching through various Disqus threads is because my comments are split into paragraphs and are really, really long. And although they automatically have a “we’ll work on getting this corrected” thing the moment it gets marked as spam I hear some comments taking months to get released from spam jail.
Which is annoying, because for one Disqus doesn’t set any clear ground rules for commenting beside the obvious ones regarding bullying and is vague about why things might get marked as spam by accident, and for two I had to go through some threads where people were complaining that SOMEHOW it was the sjws fault that the system was so bad and how its censorship to mark their comments as spam. NO DAWG, ITS A BAD SYSTEM OF AUTOMATICALLY MARKING THINGS AS SPAM WITH VAGUE RULES LIKE PARAGRAPH BREAKS. WHY CAN’T YOU PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT LEGITIMATE WEBSITE ISSUES WITHOUT MAKING IT A BAD FAITH FREE SPEECH DEBATE NONSENSE PARTY GUUUUUAAAAAH
But I’m not here to just complain about that. What I’m here for is to share my riveting and thought-provoking sentiments on Sabrina Cotugno’s The Glass Scientists such as “Jasper is the best” and “Jasper is a good werewolf scientist” and “Did I mention how great Jasper is yet?” and anything else I mentioned in the dark forbidden comments I wrote. I’m not re-writing everything word-for-word, and I’m only doing the for the ones that are spammed. I’ll probably leave my longer thoughts here from now on if I feel like gushing more and leave my comments on the Disqus page to a paragraph.
If you want to see my older comments that range from okay to downright embarrassing here is my profile. I’ll mention putting my blog (the one you’re look at) in my disqus profile next time I comment if people from the glass scientist discussion want to join me in this hellsite. So without further ado...
Jasper’s the Best. The End.
...okay i had more than that to say.
Jekyll and Lanyon were a Thing. Mood of the Day is “We Been Knew”
In all seriousness its nice to have it in canon as it were, but if you’ve ever looked through the author’s blogs and her previous page descriptions it was pretty clear they had some history together. So it wasn’t so much a “oh my gawd they WERE roommates” moment as much as a “oh worm” moment. Its nice to think about the happy time they might have had together, even it did get cut off unceremoniously. Could it be that their break-up just HAPPENED to be in the same year Jekyll decided “Do you know what would be cool? If I just like...plucked out the bad, naughty feelings. Just. Make a nasty little man from my mind and toss my bad no good feelings there. Yeah. That’d be nice.” Hmmmmmmmm???? Maaaaaaaybeeeeee?????
Lanyon the Super Sleuth
Jekyll - “Oh yeah, Lanyon. He’s great isn’t he? He’s the best. He taught me how to dance. Jasper I need tell how great Lanyon is for like an hour. In this room. With the door closed so no one can come IN while I gush about my friend. Just a good...long...chat. About Lanyon. My best friend who would definitely not go snooping through my private paperwork behind my back.”
Lanyon holding a very important page belonging to Jekyll that he’s definitely not supposed to have while hiding behind an office desk -

*silent screaming*
I Can’t Think Straight on the Hyde in Jekyll Gentlemen Jail Part of the Chapter So I’m Going to Set That Aside for Now
I don’t know why. I just can’t have any other clear thoughts aside from “Hyde is a stinky rat man” and “oooooooh pretty mindscapesssss.”
Frankenstein and Jekyll are doing JUST Fine and They are Not Hiding ANY Underlying Issues With Bravado and/or Sparkles (They’re Not Fine)
So the thing that just clicked with me is that Jekyll and Frankenstein have the same struggle with being vulnerable and dropping their guard around others without it feeling wrong. If they realized they had this in common they’d hate it. I’m just going to copy the part of my comment on Frankenstein’s issue here-
She hates vulnerability. I mean, she's definitely not a woman who bit more than she could chew and in the process lost everything she held dear until all that was left was the creature she made that led to her destruction no no no. She’s a legend. She's THE mad scientist. She made the impossible possible. She can't be vulnerable nooooo. For people as brilliant and ingenious as her vulnerability does not exist. Its not an option.
It’s good to know her history (or as I called it, “The Frankenstein F***** Up Real Bad Story”) is relatively the same as the original story’s Frankenstein, because like...Frankenstein did a real bad there. And Jekyll is in the midst of biting more than he could chew with his whole “oh sure just split my mind its fine” thing about to get him in trouble with his best friend/ex and soon with his other friends and probably the cops somewhere along the line so its almost like Frankenstein’s life mistakes and the way she copes with it...is a reflection of Jekyll’s past and future mistakes, and how he copes now and what he might do to cope in the future...hmmmmm... symmmbolismmmm...mmmmmaaaaybbbbeeee....
Okay I Behaved Myself Now Let Me Talk About My Good Good Science Wolf Jasper Please
...okay in retrospect he was there at the beginning of the chapter so it hasn’t been that long since we last seen him. But I haven’t caught up reading for like six months so it felt really long to me.
Jekyll’s been having it rough and his tears are entirely reasonable. Here’s another part of my comment that I was VERY proud of because its almost readable-
TFW you have to care for a involuntary patient who discouraged all of your lodgers to no longer participate in the exhibition which you absolutely need to succeed in order to keep the place open and also you have a part of you that you use to hide "dark desires" locked away and currently attempting a jailbreak in your mind AND YET in what might feel like the worst week of your life you find one good werewolf country boi trying his best for you and the lodgers and he might need a lot of work on presentation and cleanliness but good lord you were able to find SOMETHING to feel happy about.
Its funny because I predicted Jasper wasn't exactly with the Frankenstein IN crowd because he's not a crowd person in general and he's got creatures to feed and large chicken legs to eat, but I was surprised that Jasper is putting effort into the exhibition without Jekyll pushing him. H-he's so good! What a good and smart man he is. I'm so proud. So strong. So sweet.
It also shows that Jasper can push himself to work on projects without outside help, even while the others around him slack off without consequence (for now.) Which in hindsight makes sense, considering he was by his lonesome collecting critters and data for like months before he met Jekyll. Obviously he still needs a push when it comes to socializing, which is good for Jekyll because he really, really needs someone to depend on him that doesn’t hate his guts (You hear that, Frankenstein!?)
It’s like having a class where the professor doesn’t punish anyone for ignoring his lessons so most of the class considers it free time but there’s that one student who not only takes the lessons seriously but actually works on the assignments. Like wow! Someone still cares! Amazing! Miracles still exist folks.
Its interesting how Jekyll is so willing to give away his “trade secrets” when it comes to presenting himself as a gentlemen to Jasper. He doesn’t sugarcoat his philosophy on how people only look for the surface and don’t care what’s underneath. He did this a little during the second chapter when he was trying to encourage Jasper, and he’s continuing it now in more detail. Also between the sparkly lecture on how to gussy up a presentation he like...talks about himself? Like has a chat with Jasper that isn’t exactly following the code of gentlemen sparkle-speak where he either tries to flatter people, convince people of something or find ways to improve his image. There’s a solid line between when he’s just having a conversation and gettin’ along with new werewolf pal Jasper, and when he going into sparkle mode to give Jasper advice.
Also on the author’s twitter she revealed that Jekyll never told anyone about the dance lessons until now, which wasn’t surprising. Jekyll is Tired enough to reveal he has an accent and is Tired enough to let his guard down a little and talk about how he learned to be sophisticated through his REALLY GOOD FRIEND LANYON WHO’S TOTALLY NOT HIDING IN HIS OFFICE. I feel like if you really want to hear his accent you need to knock him out and hope he mumbles in his sleep because I find it hard to imagine him being even more Tired than he is now.
I think it’ll be interesting to see which aspect of their relationship moves further forward - the aspect of a growing friendship between Jasper and Jekyll that could help both of them open up or the aspect of Jekyll continuing to pass down his philosophy to Jasper (which I’m positive will have absolutely no unintended consequences hahaha and teaching Jasper the ways of the sparklemen.
Okay that’s all I’ve got to say from the comments I made. I was going to make a list of predictions but I think I’ll save that for another day. For now I’ll leave you to imagine Frankenstein with a steampunk-style electric guitar in her bed screaming singing heavy metal music about mad science, with a Tired Jekyll behind her going, “Ma’am please...take your medicine...”
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Sunday Summary // 27.01.2019
Now a lot of you were eager to have a work gossip update because you lot are as bad as I am, you want to gossip and eat cake. Well, the source of our gossip last week was centred around Christmas holidays and managers being hypocrites. There was also someone who was using potential lies as an excuse for making mistakes. Both of those are ongoing but are gossiping ways were all good until Friday (it always happens on a Friday) when all the drama occurred.
First off, we totally got paid late. The anthem of Friday is below:
We obviously spent a lot of Friday obsessively checking our bank accounts and waiting for an update on when our wages would appear. Let me tell you, a party was about to be thrown Friday afternoon when my bank balance showed the appropriate amount of 0s… or you know, any money in it really.
My good mood was shattered by certain people being dirty hypocrites (again). Did I ever tell you about the time my colleagues and I were pulled up on apparently excluding others from our department? Probably not because this might have occurred during my hiatus. But it happened and we didn't think we were doing that but obviously apologised and made an effort to make sure folks didn't feel that way... then the dickheads have repeatedly excluded us instead (why yes, they are ugly hypocrites and why yes I am still pissed about it). But we still tried to be friendly and be the bigger people. And then Friday afternoon after we'd emailed asking if they wanted to enter a work charity event as a team they replied saying they'd already entered as their own team and hadn't even thought to ask us. Well, I'm all like hell no bitches I will rip your hair out in the carpark. Considering our supervisor pulled us out like children to tell us off because they felt hurt by our actions I am not even up for their hypocritical bullshit. I don't care that I've descended to playground mentality I want it brought up especially as their supervisor was aware of their actions. I am so done.
So yeah.
I bet you're all now sorry you asked.
But apart from workplace bullshit, I’ve had a good week. I've been buying all the films because it's Mega Movie Week so I've seen a few films this week, including Rough Night and Skyscraper and I have Crazy Rich Asians waiting for me to watch. Have you guys seen the Fyre Festival doc? I watched it Saturday and what is that craziness? How did that even happen? This is the toxic nature of things like Instagram and that. It just reminded me of that Twitter thread I keep checking back up one with that Instagram influencer and her 'lectures'. There are so many scams now where we are promised the lie of the ideal perpetuated on Instagram and social media in general. It’s just sad really and hopefully, this era of social media will end because I am so not up for folks continually selling the lie.
To comfort myself in my ridiculous week I’ve not only been movie shopping, but I have also ordered the prettiest boots which will.hopefully arrive next week. The picture is below so fingers crossed they arrive soon. I can't wait to stare at my sparkly feet.
What I’ve Been Reading
I think I've had a pretty good reading week. I mean, I've genuinely enjoyed everything I've read lately. I was fancying some historical romance at the start of the week and almost reread some Tessa Dare but decided to do a browse of my unread Kindle books and discovered What Happens In Scotland which I bought in April 2017! I am glad I read it because it was a very enjoyable read, I have a few other books by her as well so I need to start those! I then decided to read another book which has been on my Kindle for far too long, Wait For It. I should never put off reading Mariana Zapata books, they may be long but I always love them. The queen of slowburn struck again and it was such a hit for me. But now I’m in that weird ‘I’ve read an awesome book and have no clue what I want to read next’ funk. I did pick up Sandman Vol 1 in the hope that a good graphic novel would cleanse my palate a little. It didn’t put it was good and it’s always good to use my Kindle Unlimited subscription. My luck with two older books on my shelves has made me want to write a post on other books I’ve put off reading and see if I enjoy them as much too.
New To Me
Amazon is doing a Valentine’s Day sale (I know, we’re still in January, but who am I to say no to romance?) and I saw Outlander on there. I have read Outlander, I, in fact, own a physical copy of Outlander, but it’s just easier to read long books in ebook format I think. And obviously, I borrowed a book and actually read it!
There was only one ARC for this week as well. I need to read it before the start of February so maybe I should make this my next read? But as soon as I thought that this instantly became the last book I wanted to read. Sophie Kinsella always writes fun romances, I’ve not read the past few releases from her so I’m excited to come back and read another.
How has your week been? Am I being dramatic and immature about those work colleagues leaving us out? And recommend books to me, maybe I’ll discover what I fancy reading next.
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I found a datamine letter that Theron send you if you romance Arcann and omg my heart it hurts so much to read it! :( though being a datamine in the first place I don’t know if it’ll be released in game but still
I mean it is hard to say, what with it being datamined (although I would love to know where they find that within the game data because I needs me some copies of the letters in-game without having to actually play through 100+ hours of content to get them!)
(Spoilers, as well as a little salt in the wound below the cut)
The letter in question (as well as some others from the Jilted Lovers Brigade can be found here): http://boards.theforce.net/threads/the-old-republic-mmo-the-new-official-thread.50004324/page-239
I can’t focus. I just keep thinking about you. I’m usually so good at controlling my emotions, but I guess you’re my weak point. This is a good lesson for me. Don’t open up. Don’t let anyone in.
I need to be on my own for a while to forget about us. Shake away my lingering feelings.
This is why spies should never fall in love.
Yeah… honestly that letter doesn’t surprise me at all.
And can you blame him, really? I mean, honestly, can you blame any of them? Kaliyo’s is particularly blunt and on the nose, but that’s kind of who she is. They all kind of have a point… if these indeed do appear in game (and, well, we’ve seen them remove some datamined letters that accidentally gave the plot of their current storyline away especially if some mysterious sleep-deprived idiot were to accidentally decode their super sekrit messages)
I mean, honestly? I really don’t ship Outlander/Arcann for a lot of reasons, so I’m kind of with the Jilted Lovers Brigade here. Especially considering these letters appear to only really be sent if the PC is in a committed relationship. And infidelity kind of sucks? But, you know, that’s just me.
(Yes I realize the game doesn’t have a convenient “I changed my mind let me break things off” function built in. I guess that’s what the “Are you sure you want to confirm this romance” button is for.)
People who are a little more dug into the mindsets of the other Love Interests could probably chime in more on their perspective, but Theron’s? Yeahhhh… the game and other ancillary material hasn’t exactly been shy about his attachment and abandonment issues. Considering that the Arcann romance lock-in looks like it’s set post-KOTET (but probably pre-Umbara, maybe pre-Iokath), this comes right on the heels of some pretty big character development for a romanced Theron…
That being he actually said the “L” word, and very possibly it was said back to him. And while this is a bit of speculation on my part, that’s… kind of a big deal for him. A really big deal in fact.
(And if for some reason you disagree with the following statement, fair enough, but I don’t really have the energy to argue it nor the patience to deal with potential character bashing, so please try to be courteous in that regard.)
If you think about the relationships that Theron has cultivated in his life, specifically with the people who he loves and who love him (Satele, Jace, Zho, Marcus, Teff’ith) -- none of them have either been in the position to, raised in a culture of, or in some cases *coughTEFFITHcough* have that sort of dynamic where any of the parties would say the words “I love you” to him, much less have him say it back.
It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t feel deep emotions of affection, or dare I say, love for his family, but they’re all a giant disaster space family with giant disaster communication issues. It makes for great fictional drama, but less so for healthy normal human interactions. But it’s implied in text (Lost Suns, Annihilation), and in the game’s subtext that Theron does care very deeply for everyone he considers family, but also that he’s a man in great, great denial about things that are very important to him. (”Who needs the Force” indeed.)
He makes a pretty big to-do about being a loner, about keeping people at arm’s distance and not really having anything of a personal life in Lost Suns, Annihilation, Shadow of Revan, heck, it’s even kind of hinted in the dev blog story about him and Jonas.
So when he not only enters into a committed relationship with the Outlander (after pining for them for five years where he may have even believed them dead for a period), but he finally gets over his mountain of personal issues and a lifelong practice of self-denial, he’s pretty still reluctant to drag out the words “I love you” -- a phrase he likely has never actually said out loud to anyone before.
And if he hears those words back, probably for the first time in his life, well, prepare yourself for a giant cropped in screencap of Theron’s face, because what’s the point of having the ability to get 4K screencaps if I can’t crop in on minute details that no one cares about?
That’s pretty much the happiest I’ve ever seen him. Even during Shadow of Revan when you first lock in the romance. And maybe it’s just the lighting, but I swear he looks like he’s about to cry.
(I realize they reused this animation on at least Torian too, because reusing assets is easy and saves monies. But come on, it was probably originally worked out for one character in particular.)
So yeah... it makes complete sense for Theron to be kind of devastated after laying his heart out for the first time ever and then just kind of being dumped for the guy who literally stabbed you in the gut and sort of razed half the galaxy because he thought you were his daddy? I’m pretty sure that would change Theron, and if he ever did open up to someone again it would take him a long long long time.
But um, I’m obviously a little protective of my boi at this point so I’m obviously greatly biased. But he’s had a rough six plus months, okay? What with everyone calling him tr8r, losing his beloved jacket, the now-infamous barber mishap that he thought was super cool and edgy guyz but everyone kept insisting looked like a thong, oh, and half of Twitter constantly demanding the ability to kill him five updates ago GAWD DEVS WHY CAN’T YOU RETROACTIVELY CATER TO THEIR MURDEROUS WHIMS. So seeing him all broken hearted just makes me a little sad and mamabear and why can I not hug this stupid idiot yet plz Bioware #HugTheron2k18
(Also, sorry Arcann/Outlander fans -- I know you like the ship! And while I admit it is sweet in its own way, it just kind of has some Oedipal issues built in that I personally can’t look past... but to each their own!)
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a late night rant from twitter im putting in one place, because its a trainwreck of several threads there. mostly copy/paste and still not proofread, but a collection of thoughts on gender, sexuality, personal identity, and love and support within the lgbtq community. i do really lay myself bare here so id like to ask that if you disagree or have criticism you do so respectfully and with that in mind, thank you <3 and if this means something to you itd mean the world to me if you shared it
dunno if ive said this here before but like. if you think you might be bi/pan but youre on the fence cos maybe youve never had a crush on a nonfictional guy or get more crushes on guys than on girls and you find yourself tied up in knots like "well im gay but im also attracted to nonbinary people unless theyre mostly woman-aligned but i dont wanna say im bi/pan because then people will think i like girls and like i like them theoretically but--" let go. just say fuck it! im bi/pan!
try it out and if it doesnt feel right it doesnt feel right and thats fine and in the end no matter what youll have learned a little about yourself. this is actually my advice on any gender/sexuality dilemmas you might be having. go wild. try it out. see how it feels. dont feel like you have to confine yourself to something just because youve stuck with it for some amount of time.
if youre questioning dive right into the deep end! no matter how it goes youll be a better swimmer in the end. its all not quite rigid and a little fluid anyways (for some more than others obv) so if youre unsure, man... go for it. its ok to backpedal
this is important advice to me because ive struggled with it multiple times in the past and this has only recently clicked and i really wish it had sooner. first it was with being... not straight in general. like i was actively dating someone of the same gender and i never considered that that meant, uh, im not straight. always "do you like boys or girl?" "uhhhhhhhhh. uh. UH"
then with being in the range of aro/ace spect. then with being nonbinary! then with being nb but primarily male. and then goddammit im just a boy. accepting that God I Love Men And Only Men (and with it that i *wasnt* aro or ace in ANY capacity) and then, very recently (like up until a couple months ago. like im p sure this year. not 2017), going back on that and admitting i was bi. it is so so freeing to just say "fuck it" and test those waters!
hell, you find something you resonate with but looks a little silly? go for it! use those bun/buns/bunself pronouns. go with stargender! ace-flux demibiromantic? hell yeah rock that shit! it can always change and you can always decide its not right and go back! h4y dudes
all of that especially goes for teens who dont know what the fuck theyre doing. im only 20 yea and barely 20 at that but man i wish id heard this sooner
and please dont take that as me saying "well if youre a lesbian sexuality is fluid and maybe youre actually bi"! hell no. if youre a lesbian and you KNOW youre and lesbian and couldnt ever be anything else then rock on you funky little lesbian! but if you id as a lesbian but are teetering on something like "well im attracted to some fictional and theoretical men but not any real ones and maybe its just compulsory heterosexuality but im not sure and--" dont be afraid to try a different label. its all what feels right to you and theres absolutely no harm
people bash on like. """mogai genders""" and nounself pronouns and the split attraction model and all that and like. yeah! those things can hurt people! personally i struggled with the split attraction bit combined with how broadly people define the ace spectrum. it can be used to hurt. and it is used to hurt. sometimes its deliberate, sometimes its not. but the hurt is there. but its not inherently good or bad.
and yeah, some of it sounds silly. hell, it sounds silly to me sometimes! but to some people hearing that label makes everything click into place, even if just for a little bit, and i take that very seriously. it is one of the best feelings in the world and i want as many lgbtq people (of any age) to experience it.
for some people it feels right to zoom waaaaaaay in and section it into lots of little bits and for others its "fuck it! i dont know shit! im just queer!" and those are both equally valid (that words been thru 12 garbage disposals but i cant think of a better one) maybe you go back n forth and thats fine too! as long as youre open to it changing or being wrong it cant hurt and, like i said, its one of the best possible feelings to have it click like that
as an aside: being bi can *totally* mean "im attracted to men and nonbinary people are long are they arent primarily woman-aligned" or it can mean "im attracted to everyone fuck it" personally? i use bi over pan because i feel like it better encapsulates that i *do* have preferences (i say this all the time but God I Love Men) but ultimately gender doesnt really matter to me cos everyones cute and hot and generally attractive and im not leaving anyone out because im just a little more inclined to kissing boys. but thats me!
as Another aside: i do still to some degree identify with uhh this is gonna sound contradictory but agender boy? or more like boy agender? boygender with left none? i just dont personally feel like its worth taking the time to explain over n over. but it used to be, for me, n i dont regret that a single bit! i wouldnt regret that even if i *didnt* still feel that way in any capacity. honestly?
i dont regret any of the ways ive identified in the past even though feeling stuck and cornered into some got a little harmful to me (and if youve gone through somethin similar and DO regret it and wish youd never heard whatever term you used thats good too. im very strongly advocating for "use whatever labels you want and if it dont fit it dont fit" here but if they did hurt you and youre still hurting about it i understand 100% just dont use it to pull others down. if it concerns you say your piece and let them decide)
this is personally a little hard to admit so bear with me here
honestly? ANY sort of strong identity didnt start developing in me until i was.... 14 or so? and very slowly at that. like gender evened out around 18 and sexuality just a few months ago LMAO. but up until i was a teenager i didnt really feel much of anything re: gender or attraction (and the attraction thing is pretty normal for kids and even teens tbqh!)
and i just.... didnt really think about it! i had This Name and apparently was a girl and i didnt really get what it was like to BE a girl but thats what people said and i didnt know there were other options so i went with it! the name didnt bother me either (except for when people made jokes about a Certain Historical Figure with the same one. just thinking about that i get tired)
and when it came time to actually grapple with the whole concept of being *into* people i just kinda... slunk away! no joke until like 10th grade if someone started a rumor that i was dating x or y had a crush on me i would start to avoid them entirely. lost a friend in 4th grade that way but then in hs hed turned into a TOTAL DICK so no loss there. i think part of that was also people making the assumption that i was straight though? big shrug!
i didnt even realize attraction was a thing i had until i got asked out and just kind of "oh wow??? that sounds so nice??? i feel the same??? yes??" and thats WHY i went thru varying aro/ace labels. cos it unfolded slowly (which again is totally normal if youre a teenager, so dont worry about it if youre going thru that. roll with the punches. and if youre a teen and youve got it figured out? thats totally normal too!)
and the gender thing was similar once i learned that it was an actual possibility (especially being nb, and ESPECIALLY especially being agender) i slowly just... poked at it until i figured something out (fun fact: what set me off to finally go "fuck it im not a girl at all" was being stuck in an awful hair salon chair while my mom got a haircut that took FOREVERRRRRRRRR and i was having godawful period cramps. like i knew not being a girl wouldnt DO anything about them but i made that decision then n there n didnt look back!)
and then i kept pokin at it and watching it like the seed id planted finally started to sprout and i realized i didnt actually know what kind of seed it WAS. i guess ive always been very nebulous in those aspects and its just now forming into something solid. like i said, its a little hard to admit and i... dont think ive actually talked about this in this depth before to, like, anyone?
because the "oh ive always known" narrative is the only one you ever see in popular media and sometimes even from the community itself! and theres nothing wrong with having always known! but theres also nothing wrong with being like me! but i still feel a little anxious talking about it like it somehow means im a sham.
hell, id even go so far as to say i WAS a girl as a kid! i WAS varying shades of agender and nonbinary and ???? as a teen, and i AM, like, 95% a guy right now! maybe in a few years ill be something else. none of those things contradict each other. things like that can change! its not set in stone (but like i said: for some people it is! or, like, set in slime that you left out for 5 years so now its pretty much a rock but if you really try it still squishes into something else?? none of these things invalidate the others! were all unique).
i wouldnt say that at any point ive been cis or straight, cos even when i just went with being a girl and stuff it was always a little ??? but, yknow. even if i HAD been those things at some point it wouldnt matter to me? things just are the way they are and were the way they were
im making myself really vulnerable here and my thought process is a mess and i ramble and repeat myself and my memory and attention span is like 2 seconds and i dont proofread but. its important i think. i dont have a lot of followers and fewer still thatre active but... that really doesnt matter.
maybe someone will retweet at least one of these messy, messy threads. maybe link it to a friend. maybe screenshot it and post it on tumblr [note: LMAO YEAH AND ITS YOU DUMBASS], or to keep for themself. if any of my words help anyone out even a little then it matters and honestly? then its the most important thing in the whole danged world. if even one person sees any of the things ive said tonight and it means *anything* to them, even if just "oh, im not alone in this" then ive succeeded here.
i dont want any of us to ever feel trapped or alone because shit! lifes too fuckin short for that! its goddamn hard being anything but cisgender and straight! sometimes it sucks! like really sucks! there have been so many times ive broken down completely over being trans and felt like, for myself, its the most awful thing in the world. its why prides so important. its why community is so important.
because even when the pressure of the world brings you down so low you think youll never escape theres something or someone there to take your hand and pull you back up, put you on your feet, and say "i know its hard. and itll get hard again. but i believe in you, and youre strong enough for this, and im here with you through every step". that goes for anyone but especially goes for us. and im not just talking about lgbtq youth here. all of us. which is *why* im laying myself completely bare here.
most of this stuff? ive either never talked about or only vaguely mentioned. but im putting it out there. because there was a point where i needed it but didnt have it, and even if its just one person, i want to give someone this advice so at least they dont have to deal with the same stuff i did. and if youre reading this? i love you. im here for you. im my dms are always open and if for some reason they arent its almost definitely an accident and if you say something ill reopen them.
and if youre someone who hates me? maybe even mutually? if it came down to it id let you come to me at your lowest moment, no questions asked, no judgement held, and at the end of it still be the same kind of enemies we were before and never speak again. there are some exceptions of course but honestly ill forgive a lot for someone who needs that kind of support. and if youre one of the people this applies to, i know youll probably never take me up on it. i dont expect you to. i dont expect you to even for a second be comfortable with that idea. thats fine. but if for some reason you ever need it, its there.
i can count on one hand the ex friends that i wouldnt give that to and thats ONLY because theyve legitimately hurt me and left lasting damage (and for some of them? its mutual. and im sorry for that, regardless of how i feel about your treatment of me im truly sorry for my actions. that probably sounds fake and anyway i digress)
and if youre a complete stranger? someone who follows me but has never interacted with anything ive posted? a mutual i havent spoken to yet? im here. and im bumbling, and awkward, and not the best at comfort but you can always come to me if you need someone. im only one man and im under a lot of stress but i swear ill do the best i can, even if its only reading and replying 3 days later and even then just listening and offer whatever gentle comfort or reassurance youll accept.
because thats important to me. thats the impact i want to leave on this world. i dont ever want anyone to feel as small, as scared, as worthless, as alone as i have. im no fighter. im not going to lead any revolutions and hell im too anxious to even go to protests but im here for support. im here to help and heal. and thats important too
and if you listened to that? thank you. if you just skimmed? thank you for that too. if you shared it with someone? thank you (so much). and if you dont? thank you anyways, just for the time
just know this: i love you. i dont care who you are, if youre reading this i love you and im behind you 100%. im here if you need it. stay strong, do something that makes you smile if only for a moment. take that leap of faith. dont restrict yourself for even a second
i meant to go to bed at least two hours ago so goodnight <3 be safe, drink some water, if you have any kind of pet give it some love. take care of yourself. youre the most important person in your own world and never forget that, even if you dont think you are. even if theres something or someone you treasure above everything else. dont diminish your own worth! you are alive, and you are here, and theres nothing more important than that, really. the things you love matter more than anything else. hold them close
#sorry for all the linebreaks i want this to be as easy to process as possible#this is definitely ok to reblog and if you feel even the slightest urge to i encourage it
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ITK Newsletter, no. CII: PUNISHER AMBUSH! Punisher Annual Vol. 1, Issue #2
Loony Readers, Listeners and everything in-between!
It's your vessel from the almighty Khonshu, funnelling to you all the weekly Moon Knight and Into the Knight news for your perusal and ultimate acceptance..!
As you can tell by the awkward and unusual title of this newsletter, our show will be randomly ambushed by a Punisher related issue -
Why, I hear you ask?....Well, technically it's because I have a very entertaining and intelligent guest this coming week in the form of Orion Petitclerc (some of you will know him from the fellow Collective podcast, 'We Are Venomaniacs!', whilst others of you would have recently heard Orion on the Last Sons of Krypton podcast, alongside Connor El and myself, talking all things Spectre!) and he's requested a review of this very memorable Punisher/Moon Knight clash!
It's literally been decades since I've read this (I have a copy of it somewhere in a filing cabinet at my folks' place) but I'm looking forward to re-reading this and seeing how Moon Knight fares against ol' world-weary Frank...they've always had an interesting relationship (of which is most recently seen in the Matt Rosenberg run of the Punisher, re: Vol. 12, issues #14-15) so no doubt Orion and I will have plenty to say about it!
I'm quite eager to post a discussion thread about this and I'll be pushing for comments from you, my fellow dear Loonies! Yes, I'm sure there will be plenty to comment on, so please do not hesitate to pick up your pens (figuratively speaking) and write into us with your thoughts and points of discussion you'd like to hear on the show!
I'll leave this as a stock standard blurb from now on, for all discussion threads...click the links and read the italics below for some pointers in getting your thoughts in!
If you DON'T want your comments broadcast, please just add, "(DNB)" at the end of your comment, and we'll be sure not to broadcast it. We'll pick a few comments from here and discuss on the show!
If you aren't really a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram person, you can always reach us on any of the other platforms below -
Email: [email protected]
Podcast Page: http://intotheknight.libsyn.com
Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast
Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base
Twitter: @ITKmoonknight
Discord ITK Server: ITK Server
We love hearing from you and typically your comments generate thought provoking discussion on the show and allows us to dive deeper into the issues - don't hesitate to give it a go!
Yeah, this one I've been thinking about - you know how I always love to find ways to involve our ITK community on the show, so I thought I'd pursue this idea -
A few episodes ago, I kinda did an overview of some of the posts some Loonies posted up on the ITK Community (mostly from our Facebook Group, but I keep an eye out on all the platforms...). I thought it would be fun to at least shout out some posts from Loonies, and if worth discussing, then will mention on the show.
I'd like to acknowledge and thank fellow Loony Austin Brackett for supplying the name of this segment - keep your ears out for this - there are a few shoutouts to posts from Loonies which I'll share this coming episode...and maybe even a plug again for our Discord Server, as a fair few of us had a right ol' time chatting there with a new Loony...Anyway, all to be shouted out on next episode! :)
Finally, the second part to the Two-Part Predator Retrospective should be up sometime today (Wednesday) from the 20th Century Geek Podcast. Host Scott was kind enough to invite myself and Dave from the Signal of Doom Podcast again to chat about the remaining Predator films of the franchise as well as broadly speaking of the 'Predator Vs. ....' comics released in the past. I have to tell you, that I've never had such an enjoyable and immersive conversation as I had with these blokes...I totally forgot the time, and the Predator fanboy in me had my eyes lit up from beginning to end! Highly recommend you give this a go if you are a seasoned fan or a curious Loony wanting to know what this Predator thing is all about!
That's pretty much it for this newsletter, Loonies! There's a little mention to our online store yet again at the bottom of the newsletter. Be sure to check it out... for a limited time, all items are like 35% off, so it's a good time to cash in on some ITK merchandise!
Hahaha, enough of the salesman in me... be good to one another, and thanks for being part of our community!
May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,
Proud Member of The Collective
Remember! You can buy your official ITK merchandise at ...ITK Store Front @ TeePublic
Check out this episode!
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I suppose it is a both good and bad that Tumblr had so many fandoms and Shippers on its site. People find other people who love a show, character or a couple as much as they do, and then they can talk, share fan art/fanfiction, and support one another. That is the good part of Tumblr.
However the unfortunate bad part of Tumblr is this rabbid fandom sometimes leads to blind hate if thing don't go your way on a show or in a film. I am not going to get in all the ways fandoms can be bad. You can just look around on Facebook, Twitter and here on Tumblr.
One way upset fandoms try to destroy a show when a show or ship does not govthe way you want is to blame the writers saying the writing is terrible even though the writing was really good, and has been good if not excellent for 8 seasons. That is apparently what is happening inside the Game of Thrones fandom with fans of certain characters or ships. I am a fan and a shipper. I do ship or have shipped Root/Shaw (Person of Interest), Jason/Elizabeth (General Hospital), Katniss/Peeta (Hunger Games), Geralt/Triss (Witcher games), Bruce/Natasha or Matt Murdock/Natasha (Marvel Films/Marvel Comics) to name a few and I love tones of characters like Tyrion, Jamie, Davros, Arya, and Jon on Game of Thrones.
However I don't let that love of a ship or character ruin my love of a show or film just because said film or series does not go the way I want it to especially if show or film is still good if not excellent like Game of Thrones. One example is Bruce/Nat. Bruce and especially Nats story arcs throughout the Marvel films were not handled that well, but that disappointment does not blind me to how pretty good to great Endgame was and the Marvel films were. As for the Game of Thrones fandom I guess people have not truly read the books or have really watched deeply into each episode of Game of Thrones or cetain Game of Thrones fans would not be complaining nearly as much. Of course I am not happy with everything on Game of Thrones. Many times in season 7 and 8 the writing felt rushed like the writers decided how can they end the show as quickly as possible. HBO could have drawn the series out for a 9th or 10th season to make itva fuller fleshed out experience to reach the point we are, but that complaint does not change the fact the producers, directors, and writers still have consistently done a good job with the series. Do not let you fandom and shipper disappointment blind you to that fact.
Wow I talked for a long time when all I wanted to do was share a link/review by the A.V. Club that does an excellent job of getting into last nights episode of Game of Thrones. Still it felt good venting a little bit.
Any way below is the full review of "The Bells" I copy and pasted from the link above. Hopefully the fans who are blindly bashing last nights episode will have a better understanding of the episode and series in general.
Westeros faces a disastrous final battle on the penultimate Game of Thrones
By Alex McLevy
Yesterday 9:20pm
Well, this all seems...horrible.
It’s not that Tyrion’s plan worked, exactly. Jaime didn’t make it to Cersei in time, didn’t give the order to ring the bells and surrender the city. But his hopes nevertheless came to fruition; the soldiers of King’s Landing surrendered, throwing down their swords, the bells rang out, and all was won. Or so it seemed. Immediately thereafter, Daenerys Targaryen ignored the sound of supplication and laid waste to the city, burning innocents by the thousands, bringing half the buildings crumbling to the ground, all while Grey Worm led a bloodthirsty slaughter of the populace, far beyond the soldiers forced to abruptly pick their swords back up and defend themselves. It was cruel, capricious, and wholly avoidable. Varys, sad to say, was right.
"The Bells"
“Ask not for whom the bell tolls,” goes the famous paraphrasing of John Donne’s sermon. “It tolls for thee.” The bitter truth of this aphorism—that the loss of any life is a loss for all—gets a brutal workout in the aptly named “The Bells,” arguably the best representation of George R.R. Martin’s deconstruction of fantasy tropes we’ve seen in several seasons. The bells of King’s Landing, it turns out, don’t toll for the loss of Cersei’s authority. They toll for the loss of everyone in the city, quite literally. This story began as a way to invert the cliched stereotypes of the hero’s journey, to twist the traditional narrative of swords and sorcery in a radical way and rethink how such epics are delivered. This episode brings that philosophy home. There are no good wars; any battle that begins with hearty cheering should end with somber melancholy; it doesn’t matter who the good guys and bad guys are in the face of death; nobody wants to die; the chaos of war makes villains and victims of us all.
The simplest rejoinder to all of Daenerys’ justifications is that this bloodshed could have been avoided. She was given a moment to choose, and she chose blind vengeance, the kind that eliminates any benevolence she hoped to bring to the seven kingdoms by burning it right out of the minds of anyone who saw her astride Drogon, mowing down men, women, and children with abandon. It gives the lie to her name for this fight, “The Last War.” There will be another, of course—maybe it will be led by the child who watched as her mother’s throat was cut in the streets by the so-called liberators of King’s Landing. Violence begets violence, and the only people still remaining will do the very thing that the living were fighting to preserve during the battle against the Night King: They’ll remember, and keep the memory of this bloodbath alive.
The progression from exhilarating hope to tragic denouement was skillfully executed by director Miguel Sapochnik, demonstrating a much better command of large-scale choreography here than we got to see in “The Long Night.” Honestly, the pivot from “fuck yeah!” (Daenerys laying waste to the Iron Fleet, then blasting the front gate of the city open from the inside, demolishing the lion’s share of the Golden Company in the process) to “Oh, dear god, no” (Dany and Grey Worm laying waste to everything after) was as solid a rug pull as could be hoped for. The build-up to Daenerys’ heel-turn this season hasn’t been as effective as it should have been given the way its foundation was laid during the mess in Meereen in previous seasons, and it was a bit simplistic to see her pin her sole hopes for optimism on the idea that Jon Snow still wanted to get it on with her (really? “Fear it is, then” because your nephew doesn’t have sex with you any more?), but Emilia Clarke sells the desperation. The younger Targaryen feels as though she’s lost any intimacy that tethered her to compassion and humanity, and so all that remains is the imperious need to rule that has driven her all these years, now bereft of the warmth that previously tempered her. When she hands Grey Worm Missandei’s old collar and he tosses it into the fire, Dany’s last thread of empathy burns as well, snuffed out even before Jon rejects her and ends her last-ditch plea for affection.
Varys would hate to have been proven right, but probably not as much as Tyrion hates himself right about now. After the Master Of Whisperers starts composing his written testimony about Jon being the rightful heir to the throne, Tyrion turns on his old friend and offers him up to Dany. It’s unsettling to see the presumable queen’s first assumption be that someone has betrayed her, but it’s even more telling that her first guess as to the betrayer’s identity is Jon. Varys even leans on Jon to assume the Iron Throne, which means he very well knew he wasn’t going to be around much longer, if he’s openly advocating others commit treason as well. But Tyrion can’t let Varys die thinking it was anything but their conversation, admitting to the spymaster that he turned him in. The moment when Tyrion firmly grabs his friend’s arm just before Dany utters the cue for Drogon to burn the eunuch alive is affecting, because it conveys both how much Tyrion cares for his friend, and also how much this is costing him. He’s pinning everything on his new queen, in hopes she’ll do exactly the opposite of what she does. (“I hope I deserve this, I truly do,” Varys even offers.) Whoops. The best of intentions, and all that.
Instead, Tyrion’s last genuine connection turns out to be his final conversation with his brother. Peter Dinklage and Nicolaj Coster-Waldeau have always had good chemistry, and Tyrion springing his brother free in what turns out to be a futile hope of preventing bloodshed and saving his sibling’s life is affecting in a way that Dany and Jon’s exchange lacks. “Cersei once called me the stupidest Lannister,” Jaime admits, and his world-weary resignation pairs well with Tyrion’s frantic hope for keeping his older brother alive. Commanding Jaime to try and escape with Cersei through the underground tunnels in order to escape to Pentos and start a new life—while ringing the bells of surrender on their way out, of course—gives the two one final chance to embrace. Tyrion’s tears contain the symbolic weight of his whole life; he wouldn’t be here if not for Jaime, as he admits, and his last hope is to give the man who risked everything to help him survive the same chance. Tyrion knows it’s a death sentence from Daenerys to betray her in this way, but he no longer cares.
And Jamie’s arc takes him from the heart of our heroes’ campaign to the arms of Cersei Lannister, with a brief stop along the way to put an end to Euron Greyjoy. The gleefully sadistic killer pushes Jaime into a fight, telling him that he slept with Cersei, and after a protracted struggle, even sinks his blade into Jaime’s side. But it turns out that a metal hand can be valuable in battle, after all, and Jaime uses it to help sink his own sword into Euron’s stomach. The irony of the manic Greyjoy’s final thoughts—“I’m the man who killed Jaime Lannister”—isn’t just that no one is around to bear witness. It’s that Jaime doesn’t die by his hand, but rather the crumbling bricks of the Red Keep.
Those final minutes with Cersei and Jaime are strong, mostly for how they upend the expected revelry of seeing one of the show’s true villains get her comeuppance. Stripped of all bravado, Cersei breaks, and shows the very scared, vulnerable woman who has kept her emotions at bay. “I don’t want to die,” she whimpers, “Not like this.” It’s all the more moving for coming from a character who built her identity on steely resolve and contempt for such hoary conceits as fear. The staging of their reunion is superb: Cersei standing on the map she created of Westeros, reeling as the citadel comes falling down around her, while the one man who actually still cares for her helps her sink beneath the surface of the city for a few moments of closeness before death. The odds were never good she was going to survive, but in being buried under the rubble of her failed ambition, she achieves a kind of pathetic grace in her downfall.
But enough pathos. On the opposite end of the emotional spectrum: CLEGANEBOWL! It’s the match the show has been teasing almost from the beginning, and overall, it didn’t disappoint. The Mountain versus the Hound played out entertainingly, with the elder Clegane still outmatching his younger brother pound for pound and blow for blow. Being turned into a walking zombie of sorts didn’t just amplify his strength; it essentially obviated the need to parry blows, as even Sandor sinking his sword deep into his undead brother didn’t seem to slow him down in the slightest. There’s a tense, horrifying moment when it looks like we’re going to get a replay of the Viper’s fate, as the Mountain starts to push his thumbs into Sandor’s eyes, and I cringed, awaiting the head crunch. But Sandor shoves his knife through his brother’s head, and when that doesn’t stop him, he sacrifices himself to kill his sibling, knocking them from the tower and plunging into the blazing fire below. R.I.P., Sandor Clegane and your malevolent brother.
Better still, all that time spent with Arya and Sandor Clegane pays off in an unexpected manner, as the Hound warns the youngest Stark off her single-minded devotion to her kill list. Rather than heading up to kill Cersei, he brings Arya up short with a pointed question: “Do you want to be like me?” In that moment, he reminds her of everything she still has that he doesn’t: Family. Friends. A purpose beyond murderous retribution. He brings her back to a moment akin to her disavowal of the House Of Black And White (“A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I’m going home.”), pushing her to realize she still has reason to live. It’s in keeping with her character: Arya has always been the one to learn lessons where others might stubbornly plunge ahead (and she paid a serious price when she didn’t), employing boldness and caution in equal measure. Clegane gives her one last gift: Cersei is going to die regardless. No reason Arya should die with her.
Besides, Arya had one more, vital role to serve this episode. She becomes the audience stand-in to bear witness to the horrors of war. For those of us who haven’t read A Song Of Ice And Fire, this nonetheless feels like the most vivid display of the philosophy Martin has been playing with since the start. Death, in the early seasons, was always harsh and brutal and often unfair. For the first time in a long time, it was again. Everywhere she turns, Arya sees scared families, dying in awful ways. The woman who helps her survive, pulling her to her feet, dies screaming, holding her daughter as Dany burns them alive. A more evocative demonstration of the cost of the North’s fealty couldn’t be imagined.
Jon, watching the chaos unfold, is in shock. A Stark in spirit if not blood, he comes to the aid of a woman before she’s raped by a fellow soldier, but mostly, he’s struck dumb by the needless violence playing out around him, eventually able to do little more than exhort everyone to fall back and flee the city. Arya, conversely, springs into action on a smaller scale, as she always has. She tries to save people, even if it’s just those who helped her. As the show nicely mirrors the beats of Sandor and Arya’s struggles, cutting between them as if one body, the difference comes in Arya’s moment of aid: the woman’s hand reaching out to pull her up. Arya Stark is saved by a random woman who then dies horribly at the hand of the woman to whom her brother has pledged allegiance.
As she rides a horse out of the city, Game Of Thrones only has one episode remaining, but the hopes of the future ride away with Arya as well. Daenerys has become the person it was believed she wouldn’t be, and both Jon and Arya observe the terrible results of that transformation. By the end, Arya, half-blind and coughing up the dust of the city’s remains (and the remains of the bodies all around her), gets a front row seat to the carnage wrought by Daenerys Targaryen. Riding her dragon and leveling fire at friend and foe alike, regardless of intent, the Mother of Dragons comes across for all the world like a vengeful deity, a god of death reigning down fire upon the world. And what does Arya Stark say to the god of death?
Stray observations
R.I.P. Qyburn. The most loyal confidante of Cersei Lannister receives the ignoble death of being thrown headfirst into rubble by a grouchy Mountain, annoyed at being told to obey his queen.
It’s a gorgeous shot of Tyron entering the city, the camera registering a static image from behind him as he stands in the blown-out rubble of the city wall, watching the devastation unfold.
Again, Sapochnik’s direction was so much more assured and elegant here. His depiction of the spatial geography of King’s Landing was excellent, ably showing the massive distance between where Jon, Davos, and Grey Worm confronted the surrendering soldiers and the Red Keep far in the distance. Touches like that help to convey the scale and layout of the conflict in a more emotionally satisfying manner.
I quite liked Jaime being denied entrance to the Keep as Arya and Sandor passed through just ahead. Forcing him to go all the way around, essentially missing everything and receiving a mortal blow by coincidence from the unexpected appearance of Euron, helped keep a sense of frustrated expectations to the goings-on—sometimes, things just don’t go your way.
Dany’s words to Tyrion turn out to be far too prophetic: “It doesn’t matter now.”
What do you think the favor was that Tyrion asked for from Davos? My first guess was the orchestration of men sneaking into the city to ring the bells, but I’m far from confident about that.
I’m very pleased to report that I have very little clue what’s going to happen in next week’s series finale. I have some guesses about what could happen, but this episode was a refreshing tonic to the sometimes conservative mode of traditional heroics Benioff and Weiss have been dishing up this season.
#Game of Thrones#danereys targaryen#danerys#Jon Snow#HBO#hbo game of thrones#jamie lannister#tyrion lannister#arya stark#Brutasha#brucenat#Bruce Banner#Natasha Romanoff#Natasha Romanov#Fandom#toxic fandom#good writing#Sansa Stark#marvel cinematic universe#Marvel Comics#jonerys#jon x dany#jonsa#jon x sansa#shaw x root#root x shaw#shipping#shippers#Toxic Shipping
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We live in a Strange New World where society is not necessarily repressed from receiving information but perhaps saturated in it and even drowning in all the news/data. The connectivity of the internet allows us to hear stories from around the world and with it we can see the chaos that has always existed with humanity (or as long as the concept of civilization has existed). It simply feels like the world is going to hell, not because it is but because we are now more acutely aware of news overseas and across the country that we were ignorant too before.
In this tidal wave of information, we would hope and expect the media (and the government) to be honest with us about the facts. Many news organizations (typically papers) hold onto the old values of ethics, accuracy, and honesty but it struggles as a dying medium and is desperately trying to adapt to survive. News Networks inch further into the partisan newscasting to maintain their number of viewers and we see more theater among those channels of people ‘debating’ for the sake of having a fight take place before us instead of providing the viewers the best form of the argument and make us more knowledgeable citizens and voters. Then on the fringes, hundreds of Left and Right ‘news sites’ strip context away and reduce speeches to consumable sound bites to push their agenda. What is terrifying about these fringe groups is not the fact they exist but their memes and stories pick up traction so quickly now, racing to news networks within days or even hours, becoming a popular belief among people and forcing the more accurate news organizations to step in and clarify that the story coming from the fringe websites are false.
We have seen steps to try and stem this tide of progressive and conservative misinformation sites by the rise of fact-checking websites, the slow to move banning/restriction of these groups on Social Media (Twitter/Facebook) and larger reputable organizations taking a moment to sweep away the literal fake news stories and keep people focuses on the real news stories. All of this feels like an uphill battle though with Commander in Chief who is more likely to repeat one of those false news stories on twitter instead of using the comprehensive intelligent reports that come across his desk literally. Feels as though we are kind of fucked until he is out of office, yeah?
This post is a general guide to fact-checking the stories you read and the stories other people post to their walls. It is INSANELY important to have the correct information at our fingertips and build Voter Immunity to false information and be ok with admitting (for a moment) that we were tricked by fake news and correct ourselves for the betterment of ourselves and society. I have read fake news articles and heard false numbers in interviews which I took as fact but was completely wrong about. I am guilty of not fact checking and because I failed to do so for a time I had that fake information orbit my beliefs and sadly when you have one false belief it calls into suspect all other valid beliefs and also opens the door for more false beliefs to take hold. So here is my guide to fact-checking your news sources and the articles from people you might occasionally debate with online.
Fact Checking Sites
These sites are the first/best options for a quick fact check on both memes and false news stories. These organizations act much the same way cybersecurity, they are never ahead of the trend on a fake news story but after a few days, they usually have a pretty accurate answer to the story ranging from true to mixed opinions to downright false.
On a side note, this is a wonderful way to measure someone's credibility and more importantly how entrenched they are in their views. As a pretty Liberal guy, I enjoy posting a fact checks on memes from the Right Side of the spectrum. If their reaction is Snopes, Politifact, and other sites like those are “Those are just liberal lies”. Then you are encountering man (or woman) who is tightly wrapped in a blanket of false information and is so deep in their foxhole that they may never come out. If you have the patience to coax them out with empathy and sensible arguments do so. If you encounter someone who says “Oh I didn't realize that was fake” then you are dealing with someone more open to new information and they should be respected for their honesty and willingness to admit they were wrong (not chastised for it). I am not saying don't try to pull them towards more progressive views but always do so with well-structured arguments and honest political stances. That is how you create a long time democrats... with accurate information and empathy.
Here is a short list of fact-checking websites to utilize.
Fact Check
Bias Check
Bias check is much like fact checking but instead of focusing on the story specifically but the site posting it and their history of posting questionable news stories. Far too many stories now start their life from a non-authority figure (often an idiot with an opinion on Twitter) before its picked up by a fringe site and echoed through the left or right side of the political spectrum. I am not saying we should ONLY consume mainstream or long-term publications but if a site has had a repeated history of posting fake news stories you should be suspicious of anything/everything they post.
Media Bias Fact Check
See how your favorite news sources stack up for truthfulness and where they lean politically.
Following the Thread
Following the Thread is all about working a story from front to back. Taking a post from a ‘reputable’ news service and working out where a story came from and just as importantly who posted it. Take example the Migrant Caravan in Mexico. Recently Fox News claimed that they were being paid by George Soros to come up north and participate in the 2018 election. Working back from conspiracy we found that this claims while ending at a news network and the lips of various right-wing politicians started in a hoax pumping conspiracy website called FellowshipOfTheMinds before Info Wars and various Twitter trolls became involved. It’s like the grapevine if the grapevine was a vine of toxic lies...
Here are a few ways to follow a story back from its end back to its very beginning.
Look for the Timestamps - Most stories tend to have an online presence and a good way to follow the thread is to see who has the oldest version of the story. Anything posted after is either echoing the original post or echoing well... another echo. This ripple effect is why fake news stories move so fast because a news site with no credit, will pass on to a site with tiny bit of credit, to a site with some credit, to a site with fair amount of credit, and before long it comes out of the mouth of a pundit on a network news channel presented as fact.
Look for Repetition of Information - Most journalists conduct their own research and tap their own sources writing a story which is why it takes days instead of a few short hours to present a story. With most fake new stories from fringe sites, they like to basically copy/paste the story from one of the other like-minded sites basically echoing it further. If/when you read an article see if you can find other sites that is relaying the same information. As I said look for what time it was posted to get closer to the first article and the source of the misinformation.
Seek Out Citations - Good journalism usually has a fair amount of citation in their works. They add names, professions, and dates as they comb over information and seek out a story. What you might notice in these fringe sites is the fact they don’t usually have a lot of detail involved. They imply the thing they want, say they have eyes witness but do a pretty good job of leaving out who that eyewitness was and who relayed the information. Devil is in the details or their lack of, so always look for names of organization or groups making the claims so you can google them (or run them through the media bias fact check) to see how trustworthy they maybe.
Build a Trust Worthy Network
I have removed various liberal sources from my wheelhouse of political publications. I no longer watch Now This because I feel like they are posting half stories with a fair amount of context removed. I agree with them politically but they do us no favors by being so blatantly biased. Instead of posting them try using more Vice which has more complete stories Vice News, not the Buzzfeed cultural section that tries so hard to be edgy. Adopt outside looking in news sources like Canadian, British, or Australian News (if you can) to get a broader/outsider view of American Politics. I default to BBC as a fair news source but also enjoy some of the political satire beyond our borders to give a humorous view of how our allies view us as a country. Also build a list of publications that you can read New York Times, Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and so on. Funny enough those are considered left of center which shows you how far conservative commentary has gone shifting the middle to the ‘left’.
It’s very important to be picky about the network of News sources you select. Not only to paint an accurate picture but also because you only have so much time in the day and nothing but news can literally lead to depression and apathy towards politics.
Killing The Political Meme Culture
If it can be put on a meme it's probably not worth saying. Not a bad rule of thumb for the internet culture and how it engages in politics online. Quite frankly I like memes; they can be fun, clever, and even epic. The meme culture in regards to politics has a pretty dark objective of being as corrosive and as reactionary as possible. It’s one of the trolls favorite toys to upset people and just about no political concept can be widdled down to a sentence and a picture. On reflection of my own posts, I occasionally throw a gif in to break my text wall and drive a point home.
It should be noted I am not saying Politics is sacred, in fact, American politics does well from comedy and satire chipping away absurdity of it all. Doubly important to make fun of Politicians on those mediums to keep them humble but memes? Most political memes objective isn't to display an absurdity but rather sell you another absurdity from a different party or side of the political question. They try to rip down the other side with the intent to bring you to their side. Most satire comedians (even the left ones you see on TV) will make fun of anyone acting like an idiot, the creators of these memes have their agendas and quite frankly they are polluting the discourse for both sides.
Other Tools
Here are some other tools to both help you find reputable news sources and fact check the fake news.
World Press Freedom Index - A great resource to measure countries ranking on journalism and factual reporting. Fun fact we are 45th in the world, how fucked up is that?
CRAAP Test - Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. This is a quality way to vet your news sources and information you gather to help establish your political views.
The Wrap Up
As a progressive, I have a biased against the right, to say the least. I feel most of these tools of misinformation are utilized fully on the conservative side of politics. Conservatives (in the 2016 Election) ended up being about 30 times more likely to repeat a fake new story or meme posted by a Russian bots/trolls. I am writing this to nip in the bud the false equivalency that comes from writing a post like this. Undoubtedly more Conservative minded readers would say “Progressive use fake news too!” which is true yes... but sadly the American Red Blooded American Conservative devours this fake new content and even sides with a President who beyond belief seems to amplify and even create false narratives himself.
Truth is for you my progressive readers we need to up our game and fact check better and more importantly apply the same tools that these far right ‘news’ websites do. The moment we apply the same tactics, the sooner we equip them to disprove those false news stories and then allow them to call into question any factual reporting that might have been conducted from new organizations center or left of the center. If we are going to get people to come to our side it must be done through factual reporting and clear/concise data, not fabrications and false news stories. We need to be the voice of reason and the adult in the room when the Red Team has adopted to lying through their teeth. If we play this correctly we can win the long game and they (the Modern Trumpulbicans) will have only themselves to blame by looking like liars for propagating fake news so willingly. Thanks for reading.
Regards Michael California
0 notes
so i finally got around to reading that tizon piece and wondering if i should make a post about it or something. i don’t particularly want to enter #thediscourse but i do have some thoughts on it so i’ll think on it more and for now just copy and paste the logs i typed to my sis
[5/18/17, 9:38:29 PM] Gigahertz: also i'm reading this essay now to understand that twitter thread [5/18/17, 9:38:44 PM] ESC: it's pretty heavy. [5/18/17, 9:38:47 PM] Gigahertz: and this is honestly really heartbreaking and i don't get all the like.... slander against the author [5/18/17, 9:38:55 PM] ESC: omg ME NEITHER [5/18/17, 9:38:56 PM] Gigahertz: like [5/18/17, 9:39:00 PM] Gigahertz: no one else was going to write it [5/18/17, 9:39:01 PM] Gigahertz: you know [5/18/17, 9:39:15 PM] Gigahertz: it's something he didn't manage to do his whole life, which was give her a name and a place [5/18/17, 9:39:21 PM] ESC: like ok yes he was complicit, but he also was evidently struggling with this forever [5/18/17, 9:39:22 PM] Gigahertz: and now he chooses to do that, but to make her above his parents [5/18/17, 9:39:25 PM] Gigahertz: like [5/18/17, 9:39:28 PM] ESC: yes [5/18/17, 9:39:42 PM] Gigahertz: he can't be blamed for this you know like he didn't take her in intending for her to be a slave [5/18/17, 9:39:47 PM] Gigahertz: he learned to disavow it [5/18/17, 9:39:58 PM] Gigahertz: he was stuck in an emotionally abusive environment [5/18/17, 9:40:02 PM] ESC: yeah [5/18/17, 9:40:10 PM] Gigahertz: like he didn't receive the worst of it but this is hardly the same thing you know as like [5/18/17, 9:40:27 PM] Gigahertz: slavery that goes through generations and children learning to utterly dehumanize them [5/18/17, 9:40:32 PM] ESC: right [5/18/17, 9:40:42 PM] Gigahertz: you know. photos of white children smiling next to the lynching of a black man [5/18/17, 9:40:46 PM] Gigahertz: it's nothing like that [5/18/17, 9:40:51 PM] Gigahertz: and honestly what could he have done [5/18/17, 9:41:19 PM] Gigahertz: like he could have done more for her, perhaps, opening the dialogue while she was still alive, maybe connecting to other filipino people who knew of it [5/18/17, 9:41:50 PM] Gigahertz: and like. he might not be "blameless" but he hardly took her for granted [5/18/17, 9:41:53 PM] ESC: yeah [5/18/17, 9:42:22 PM] ESC: x__x the discourse this has started is... [5/18/17, 9:42:27 PM] ESC: really all over the place [5/18/17, 9:42:29 PM] Gigahertz: it is [5/18/17, 9:42:35 PM] Gigahertz: but you know. again [5/18/17, 9:42:44 PM] Gigahertz: if he didn't do this then she would've remained unknown [5/18/17, 9:42:49 PM] ESC: true [5/18/17, 9:42:51 PM] Gigahertz: like. unacknowledged by everyone important to him [5/18/17, 9:42:54 PM] Gigahertz: and when you think about like [5/18/17, 9:43:04 PM] Gigahertz: she couldn't read, she couldn't write, she didn't like talking about her experiences [5/18/17, 9:43:17 PM] Gigahertz: she'd been abused since she was young, couldn't comprehend a life outside of this kind of hardship [5/18/17, 9:43:28 PM] Gigahertz: there is no way to have possibly gotten her story you know [5/18/17, 9:43:33 PM] ESC: yeah [5/18/17, 9:43:33 PM] Gigahertz: definitely not while his mom was alive [5/18/17, 9:43:43 PM] Gigahertz: the other issue is like [5/18/17, 9:44:04 PM] Gigahertz: people expect him to be able to free her but remember, she couldn't even formulate that on her own conception like [5/18/17, 9:44:15 PM] ESC: right [5/18/17, 9:44:19 PM] Gigahertz: there is no point arguing for what you think someone deserves if they cannot advocate for it themselves [5/18/17, 9:44:26 PM] ESC: yes [5/18/17, 9:44:29 PM] Gigahertz: if they don't agree, if they don't say, actually, Yes, Please [5/18/17, 9:44:34 PM] Gigahertz: then like anything you do is going to be meaningless [5/18/17, 9:44:38 PM] ESC: yeah [5/18/17, 9:44:42 PM] Gigahertz: like he discovered, he had to do it through action [5/18/17, 9:44:45 PM] Gigahertz: to let her slowly have more space [5/18/17, 9:44:55 PM] ESC: :( yeah [5/18/17, 9:45:08 PM] Gigahertz: idk i think this story was worth telling [5/18/17, 9:45:12 PM] ESC: for sure [5/18/17, 9:45:17 PM] Gigahertz: honestly i'm like gonna cry and stuff [5/18/17, 9:45:27 PM] Gigahertz: the stuff about his mom is so unfair and so relatable [5/18/17, 9:45:30 PM] ESC: yeah [5/18/17, 9:45:32 PM] Gigahertz: like his mom to lola i mean [5/18/17, 9:45:34 PM] ESC: terrible parents [5/18/17, 9:45:45 PM] Gigahertz: lola's reactions to his mom, sometimes friends, sometimes secretly angry etc. [5/18/17, 9:45:49 PM] Gigahertz: very real [5/18/17, 9:45:53 PM] Gigahertz: very typical of emotional abuse [5/18/17, 9:45:55 PM] ESC: yes [5/18/17, 9:45:57 PM] ESC: 100% [5/18/17, 9:46:16 PM] ESC: i also can't get over that the guy is dead now [5/18/17, 9:46:25 PM] Gigahertz: did he wait until he was dead to release this or what [5/18/17, 9:46:32 PM] ESC: he died in March [5/18/17, 9:46:46 PM] ESC: apparently this was already in progress sometime last year [5/18/17, 9:46:57 PM] Gigahertz: i see [5/18/17, 9:47:40 PM] Gigahertz: you know, the other thing that people are accusing him of [5/18/17, 9:47:44 PM] Gigahertz: that he didn't actually do [5/18/17, 9:47:46 PM] Gigahertz: was make it about his feelings [5/18/17, 9:47:57 PM] Gigahertz: the whole structure, the title of the piece is literally Lola's Story [5/18/17, 9:48:24 PM] Gigahertz: he only talked about himself in relation to her, and because he's the closest approximate to understanding her experiences since she won't talk about it herself [5/18/17, 9:48:35 PM] Gigahertz: like this whole piece is literally an upheaval of his mother's journals [5/18/17, 9:48:49 PM] Gigahertz: it's metacontextually saying "lola was the main character" [5/18/17, 9:49:37 PM] Gigahertz: "and this is what i understood of her, what i think she experienced, and as much as i can describe her in an art, through the vector of myself because otherwise it would've gone untold, as footnotes in my mother's diaries" [5/18/17, 9:49:45 PM] Gigahertz: like just the wording he uses for explaining his mom's journals [5/18/17, 9:49:49 PM] Gigahertz: lola was incidental [5/18/17, 9:49:54 PM] Gigahertz: there'd be like 2 pages of me [5/18/17, 9:49:58 PM] Gigahertz: and he doesn't talk about like [5/18/17, 9:50:04 PM] Gigahertz: what he THOUGHT of the way his mom described him [5/18/17, 9:50:13 PM] Gigahertz: the whole structure is for lola! like! can people not read [5/18/17, 9:50:29 PM] ESC: yeah the vitriol seems based more on like... [5/18/17, 9:50:37 PM] ESC: assumptions made from reading a smidgen of the article [5/18/17, 9:50:53 PM] Gigahertz: honestly his choice in the word "slave" within like the first few paragraphs y'know [5/18/17, 9:50:57 PM] Gigahertz: that he also used that word with her it's very [5/18/17, 9:51:06 PM] Gigahertz: honest and also i guess. contrite [5/18/17, 9:51:10 PM] ESC: yeah [5/18/17, 9:51:12 PM] Gigahertz: not loaded down with like [5/18/17, 9:51:20 PM] Gigahertz: here's my guilty feelings about a house servant [5/18/17, 9:51:29 PM] Gigahertz: like also the fact that he says "and then i had a slave." just reeks of self-hatred [5/18/17, 9:51:35 PM] Gigahertz: because she wasn't actually a slave at his house [5/18/17, 9:51:46 PM] Gigahertz: he did cognitively liberate her from that but he didn't know how to translate it [5/18/17, 9:52:00 PM] Gigahertz: so he felt like he was still using her when really there was a gap in understanding / world views and like [5/18/17, 9:52:11 PM] Gigahertz: that's really not something that could've been helped i mean yeah he could've done more [5/18/17, 9:52:17 PM] Gigahertz: but he did do more than i thought he would [5/18/17, 9:52:20 PM] Gigahertz: when he used that sentence [5/18/17, 9:52:35 PM] Gigahertz: he's basically asking the reader to feel for her [5/18/17, 9:53:04 PM] Gigahertz: idk this piece is particularly well done imo because i sat through that bullshit literature class and i've read this gone wrong [5/18/17, 9:53:09 PM] ESC: l o l [5/18/17, 9:53:13 PM] ESC: scars for lyfe [5/18/17, 9:53:16 PM] Gigahertz: i've read 400 pages of a man describing 3 poor families [5/18/17, 9:53:24 PM] Gigahertz: who could not stop talking about himself [5/18/17, 9:53:32 PM] Gigahertz: who would not stop randomly structuring everything around himself [5/18/17, 9:53:46 PM] ESC: ugh [5/18/17, 9:53:49 PM] Gigahertz: i wrote for one of the journal entries like "he keeps fetishizing them, and also black people with his self-serving guilt" [5/18/17, 9:54:18 PM] Gigahertz: and i brought up ideas of like. consent and stuff and my professor was like "but would they know how to describe themselves" or something along those lines [5/18/17, 9:54:37 PM] Gigahertz: and honestly, i always think more can be done in terms of representing other people, and also in this case, absolutely, because fuck that writer who wouldn't stop talking about his boner [5/18/17, 9:54:43 PM] Gigahertz: but a part of that is true [5/18/17, 9:55:13 PM] Gigahertz: that for some, being chained to a routine like this means that you don't know how to convey your existence if you're even interested in that [5/18/17, 9:55:21 PM] ESC: right [5/18/17, 9:55:32 PM] Gigahertz: like we can't all be robert smalls, fredrick douglass [5/18/17, 9:55:49 PM] Gigahertz: and abuse and poverty wear away at the brain [5/18/17, 9:55:56 PM] Gigahertz: they mean there's a lot of communication skills unexercised [5/18/17, 9:56:04 PM] ESC: yes [5/18/17, 9:56:37 PM] Gigahertz: anyway. basically: yes this man could've done more but his piece is still very important and also it's not about him, if anyone thinks that they can be my guest and read all 400 something fucking pages of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men [5/18/17, 9:56:51 PM] Gigahertz: which was the most pretentious self-serving performance of self-hate i have ever read in my life
[5/18/17, 9:58:01 PM] ESC: do you have any thoughts about the black vs filipino conflict that's happening in the discourse around this piece [5/18/17, 9:58:09 PM] Gigahertz: i haven't really seen much of it [5/18/17, 9:58:19 PM] Gigahertz: if it's filipinos excusing lola's situation then they're wrong [5/18/17, 9:58:33 PM] ESC: it's more like [5/18/17, 9:58:43 PM] ESC: "please don't contextualize this with the lens of US slavery" [5/18/17, 9:58:54 PM] ESC: "please allow this to be a filipino thing" [5/18/17, 9:59:05 PM] ESC: and some black people being like "how dare you tell us we can't talk about slavery" [5/18/17, 9:59:15 PM] Gigahertz: lol [5/18/17, 9:59:25 PM] Gigahertz: well i think there needs to be a middle ground here [5/18/17, 9:59:28 PM] ESC: i think it's pretty absurd honestly [5/18/17, 9:59:36 PM] Gigahertz: because 1. the outside situation is very different from US slavery and it cannot be applied [5/18/17, 9:59:46 PM] Gigahertz: but 2. black people definitely have the right to relate to this kind of thing generationally [5/18/17, 9:59:56 PM] ESC: sure [5/18/17, 10:00:00 PM] Gigahertz: so if filipino people are like saying "it's not that bad" black people can say "fuck you" [5/18/17, 10:00:10 PM] Gigahertz: but they cannot pretend it is on the same oppression scale as US slavery [5/18/17, 10:00:22 PM] Gigahertz: because as you can see, lola's subservience wasn't upheld in america by outside structures [5/18/17, 10:00:37 PM] Gigahertz: also the history given in the piece itself about how this kind of slavery came to be about [5/18/17, 10:00:38 PM] ESC: right, that's true and fair [5/18/17, 10:00:46 PM] Gigahertz: is also something that has to be looked at with understanding of filipino history
[5/18/17, 10:03:59 PM] ESC: =__= i guess a lot of the fervor is just arguing about How Bad tizon is [5/18/17, 10:04:15 PM] Gigahertz: the other thing is that asian and black communities have a history of some friction because we're fundamentally very different cultures [5/18/17, 10:04:19 PM] ESC: right [5/18/17, 10:04:36 PM] Gigahertz: they might all just be boarding the #woke train [5/18/17, 10:04:41 PM] Gigahertz: but anyway i don't agree w/ them [5/18/17, 10:04:45 PM] ESC: i did see a thread that was talking about like.... one of the sticking points is how filial filipino culture is [5/18/17, 10:04:51 PM] Gigahertz: mhm [5/18/17, 10:04:56 PM] ESC: and how based on like... not dishonoring the family a lot of shit is [5/18/17, 10:04:58 PM] ESC: respect, etc [5/18/17, 10:05:14 PM] ESC: which is just something that helps to keep these situations going on longer [5/18/17, 10:05:18 PM] Gigahertz: but i can see why black people, who really are the most disadvantaged in the US, might feel like they want to make everything related to their ethnic history that is so often denied [5/18/17, 10:05:23 PM] Gigahertz: yeah [5/18/17, 10:05:26 PM] ESC: sure [5/18/17, 10:05:34 PM] Gigahertz: that is very true and pretty much 100% all of asia [5/18/17, 10:05:36 PM] Gigahertz: which is almost astounding [5/18/17, 10:05:40 PM] Gigahertz: east asia, southeast asia, south asia [5/18/17, 10:05:44 PM] Gigahertz: we're all filial chained kids [5/18/17, 10:05:46 PM] ESC: yeah -__- [5/18/17, 10:05:48 PM] ESC: it's the worst [5/18/17, 10:05:52 PM] Gigahertz: it truly is
0 notes
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
Yesterday I tweeted a thread with some scary stats (click through to see the whole thing):
I'm going to tread carefully about this thread:https://t.co/HqlJ5XyO0d
— Lars Doucet (@larsiusprime) May 8, 2017
A quick updated summary of some of the things I noted:
At least 249 indie games have launched on Steam in the past 13 weeks
not including VR or F2P games
that's more than 30 games every week, on average
In their first month...
75% made at least $0
10% made at least $1K-9K
7.5% made at least $10K-49K
2% made at least $50K-99K
5% made at least $100K-999K
Exactly one made > $1M
Here's a graph:
What you're looking at is minimum estimated earnings for each game, in their first month on Steam. If a game is pegged at "$0" that doesn't mean it made $0, it just means I don't have enough data to confidently state it made any more than that. (Doing some spot checks with willing developers, it seems that games in the $0 tier make a few thousand in their first month at best).
How did I get this data, you ask?
For the past thirteen weeks I've been playing a little game with a small group of friends I like to call "SteamProphet," and it's basically fantasy football for indie games on Steam.
(UPDATE: we have a website now.)
Every Sunday, I put together a list of upcoming games releasing on Steam in the next week, with a few filters (must be tagged "indie", no VR, no F2P, must have a concrete release date, etc). Each player selects a "portfolio" of five games from the list they think will do well, and selects one game as their top weekly pick.
Four weeks later we score the results and see who did best. We calculate a pessimistic minimum estimate for how much money each game has earned, and a player's score for that week is the sum of each game's individual score, plus the score for their weekly pick (the weekly pick is the same game as one of the five regular picks).
In the first iteration we simply used the lower bound of SteamSpy's "players" metric for each game to count as the score. We prefer the "players" metric over "owners" because it's less susceptible to distortions from giveaways, bundles, free weekends, and metric-inflation scams.
"Owners" counts anyone who has the game in their Steam library, whether that's a paying customer, a journalist who got a free review copy, or a smurf account trading greenlight votes for game keys. The "players" metric represents someone who actually bothered to install and run the game, and although this figure is still gameable, it's harder to do. Most importantly, we're pretty sure that "Players" will correlate closer to actual purchasers than "Owners", especially in a game's first month. To be extra conservative, we take the lower bound, so for a figure like "Players total: 58,263 ± 6,959" we count that as 51,304 players. Since SteamSpy uses a statistical confidence interval of 98%, taking the lower bound means we can be 98% confident the actual number of players is at least that high.
However, just counting players makes it hard to compare differently priced games -- $2.99 easily garners more players than $19.99. To normalize scores, we multiply players by the lowest price in the game's first month, rounded down to the nearest 1,000. This makes it easier to compare the relative success of two different games.
But since we're dealing with estimates rather than hard figures from developers themselves, we insist on being conservative. This scoring method stacks four ruthless forms of pessimism:
Use players instead of owners (players is always < owners)
Use the lower bound
Use the lowest price
Round down
What we're left with is a pretty reliable "hit detector." If a game scores 100,000 points with this estimation method, we can be pretty sure that it's actually earned at least $100,000 on Steam. The only major fly in the ointment is regional pricing -- if everyone who bought the game was from Russia or China, then the actual purchase price could be significantly lower, but as long as western buyers represent a significant chunk (a near certainty), the built-in pessimism should more than account for this.
If we wanted to create a "miss detector" instead, we would probably do the opposite -- go with the most optimistic estimate possible in each case; take the upper bound of the owners metric and multiply by the highest price, and count that as a pretty confident ceiling on a game's earnings (on Steam, at least) -- and a low ceiling could reliably indicate a flop. But that wasn't our chief concern -- we wanted to know which games had almost certainly done well.
The predicting part of the game was inspired by the concept of "Superforecasters" -- a group of people who try to actually get better at predicting future events (a much-needed skill in our age of non-stop punditry). The basic gist of their method is:
Make clear, quantifiable, falsifiable predictions.
Bad: The economy will do better.
Good: The S&P 500 will close higher than 3000 points.
Set a maturation date for the prediction.
Bad: The economy will do better "soon"
Good: The S&P 500 will close higher than 3000 points on January 1, 2018
Keep score.
Go back and see if your predictions came true.
If not, try to figure out why you were wrong.
After a game's already launched it's really easy to say, "Oh yeah, obviously Super Sandwich Quest did poorly on Steam -- it's clearly not what Steam's audience wants." But do you have the confidence to say that in advance? How many games have you been super hyped for that actually did well? Are you sure you really know "what Steam's audience wants?"
Here's a quick example -- which game did you think would do better, Night in the Woods, or Northgard?
They both released the same week. Night In The Woods was a super-hyped, long-awaited indie title that, judging by my twitter feed, all the "cool kids" were talking about. Northgard was some sort of Viking RTS / village sim about to launch into Early Access, by an obscure developer most of you probably hadn't heard of. If I hadn't been a personal acquaintance of the developer, I would have missed its launch entirely.
Night in the Woods did great -- it scored 653 thousand SteamProphet points, but Northgard positively blew it out of the water with 1.259 million points.
Nobody in our group called it.
Heck, even I underestimated it, and I'd been following Northgard's development since the start because I'm a big personal fan of the game's creator, Nicolas Cannasse (he created the Haxe programming language I use every day). Sure, it's easy to look back now and say -- "well, clearly, games like Banished have done well, Northgard is actually pretty innovative, and its production quality far exceeds the typical game entering Early Access, so of course it was a massive hit."
But before it launched, all I could think was -- "sure, it looks cool, but, don't we have enough Viking games already? Is it really what Steam's audience wants? Do people play this kind of game?"
Apparently so. Since we started SteamProphet 13 weeks ago, Northgard still holds the title of #1 best performing game.
And it's an early access game!
Shows what I know.
As it turns out, the most valuable lesson I learned from playing SteamProphet wasn't the predicting part. I mean, I did learn that I totally suck at predictions (despite having invented the game, I routinely score in the bottom half of my group), and that's a valuable lesson in itself.
But the much more important reward is the fine-tuned sense of presentation you start to develop by looking at every single indie game that releases on Steam and scrutinizing their pitches, screenshots, titles, and -- most importantly -- trailers. It's a brutally humbling experience.
One key lesson is how important it is to make a good trailer. So many indies frankly have awful trailers, and it's the number one thing that somebody's going to judge your game on. What makes a good trailer? Here's the secret -- I don't even need to tell you.
ATTENTION: This is important!!!!
Just go to this list of upcoming indie games on Steam. Click on each one. Watch the trailer. Do that for the next 15 minutes. When you're done, I guarantee you will come away with a better sense of what makes a good and bad trailer than when you started. And I bet you'll be a lot more careful when it comes time to make the trailer for your next game.
Making and shipping a game is hard. It takes a long time. Hundreds of hours. Often thousands. Whether you're a grizzled veteran or a first-timer, This One Weird TrickTM will save you loads of grief:
Once a week, spend 15 minutes watching trailers for upcoming indie games.
Not only will you get a better sense for how to present (and not present) your game, but you'll also get a very sobering reminder of exactly how crowded this space is, and how important it is to make sure you stand out.
That's seriously the most important thing I learned from this whole thing. The rest is fine-tuning. That said, here's some other interesting things I learned from SteamProphet:
Case Studies
Thimbleweed Park released the same week as Rain World and Beat Cop. Despite being a huge Ron Gilbert fan and mega-hyped for the game, my heart sank when I saw the main trailer posted on its Steam page:
[embedded content]
Now, Ransome is a funny character, and the production quality of this trailer is good, but -- were they really leading with this? People who had no idea what this game was about were about to come away with the impression, "Pixelated point and click adventure game featuring a weird obnoxious clown who curses a lot," rather than, "Highly anticipated classic-style adventure game by Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert, featuring a large cast of colorful characters, with a distinct 90's Twin Peaks / X-Files sorta vibe."
So, I picked Rain World over Thimbleweed for my top pick.
Luckily, they updated the trailer right before launch, putting their best foot forward:
[embedded content]
Thimbleweed went on to score 674,000 SteamProphet points, beating Rain World and Beat Cop handily.
As for Rain World, it looked gorgeous, was all over my twitter feed, and had an awesome trailer when it came time to make my prediction. It did pretty good -- 147,000 points -- but not as well as I had predicted. This might be post-hoc rationalization, but I think Rain World struggled because many players came in expecting an awe-inspiring exploration game in a dangerous world, but instead found something more like a precision platformer mixed with a punishing survival sim.
Again, this just means that we are fairly sure Rain World made at least $147,000. It probably earned more, but we can't say how much. It also launched on Playstation 4, and we have no idea what it earned there.
Another surprise I had was Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment. It scored only 5,000 SteamProphet points, and pretty much everyone had it pegged for their top pick of the week. This one's a little harder to explain -- maybe it did better on consoles? Maybe new customers opted to buy Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove instead, which includes Specter of Torment? In any case, my intuition failed me once again.
A case where I was dead right, however, was Little Nightmares. Several other players were skeptical of how it would do on Steam, but I stuck to my guns. Its final score isn't even due until next week and it's already up to 8,873,000* 777,000 SteamProphet points. Yes, that's over 8 million*, 700 thousand and it's a lower bound. Seems kind of weird to classify a game published by Bandai-Namco as "indie" but that's a discussion for another day :P
*Don't fat-finger the calculator, kids.
But my biggest embarassment of all is not calling Yooka-Laylee. Not only did I pass it over for the top pick, I didn't even pick it as one of my five basics! Why would I do something like this? Well, the pre-release buzz about the game was pretty negative and I was sure we had another Mighty Number 9 on our hands. Turns out I was living in a bubble and a lot of people really enjoyed the game. Its score hasn't matured as of this writing, but it's already up to 2,051,000 points. Granted, it was kickstarted so some of those are probably kickstarter keys, but -- they're actually playing the game, so that's a sign of real engagement. We're still iterating the rules of SteamProphet and there's some ongoing debate for how to settle edge cases like these.
Now, there's one final thing I want to talk about before we circle back to the beginning.
Jeff Vogel once famously explained How You're Going To Price Your Computer Game:
Flip a coin. If it's heads, $15. If tails, $20. Done!
The data strongly supports this position:
What you're looking at here is a chart of indie games in each earnings tier, color-coded by the lowest price they had during launch. As you can see, games priced below $5 and $10 are strongly clustered at the bottom. Games priced at > $15 did significantly better -- not a single one made less than $10K, and most of them made at least $100K. Games priced between $10 and $15 were spread out across the scale. Only one game had an earnings floor above $1M, and it was priced at $20.
Notably -- exactly one game was priced lower than $10 and still managed an earnings floor of $100K. That game was Hidden Folks, which is an abnormally appealing game for that price point:
It's important to draw the right conclusions from this data. For one, it's not the biggest sample size ever (especially for the $1M+ tier). More importantly, it's a classic mix of correlation/causation -- I'm pretty sure raising the price on some random game isn't going to make it perform better. What's more likely happening is that games naturally fit into certain perceived "production quality" tiers that developers (and players) use to peg their prices.
That said, if you've put in the effort to meet a certain perceived quality bar, don't price your game for pennies. For whatever reason, Steam Players seem pretty strongly anchored around the $10, $15, and $20 tiers, so it might be dangerous to slip outside that range and naively count on an Econ 101 price elasticity slope. I'm pretty sure Hidden Folks could have safely pegged themselves at $9.99 without shedding too many customers, but good for them in any case!
Now, let's circle back to that scary little graph at the beginning:
Each week, dozens of indie games release on Steam, and the vast majority of them will make very little money. And if you don't get that initial boost of traction, Steam's discovery algorithms are unlikely to lift you out.
The /r/gamedev thread I linked earlier features a lot of developers concerned about this. Many of them understandably express frustration with visibility rounds; these were changed recently from giving each developer a free 500,000 impressions on the Steam front page, to only targeting existing customers and those who have wishlisted your game about recent updates. As I detailed in my article Steam Discovery 2.0, Stegosaurus Tail 2.0, this was a huge boon for established developers like me, but a lot of first-time developers feel cheated.
I think Valve should rename "Visibility Rounds" ASAP -- the name is seriously misleading and the broken expectations are not good for the community.
That said, I don't think it's possible to change visibility rounds back to the way they used to be, and simple math can attest to why:
chart source: game-debate.com
In 2016 alone 4,207 games were released on Steam. If every single one of those games was given 500,000 free impressions, that's 2,103,500,000 (over two billion) impressions. And that's just if each game spends one visibility round. In the old system games got as many as five of these. If each game in 2016 spent all five visibility rounds, now we're talking about ten billion impressions.
But hey! There's a lot of Steam users to spread that out over, right? Steam's concurrent users bobbles around the 7.5-14 million range. Taking the extreme high end, let's say 14,000,000 are online at any given time and also assume super generously that all of them logged into the steam storefront at all times, ready to spread out impressions, rather than just skipping the storefront to play CSGO and DOTA2 (which is what most of them are actually doing). Even then, it's still over 150 impressions per concurrent user, for one visibility round per game, for just the games released in 2016. At this rate, the old style of visibility rounds would completely overtake the Steam storefront with indie game impressions. It was a system that could only work in an uncrowded system.
The hard truth is just that there's more indie games on Steam than ever before. Steam's discovery system doesn't actively bury new games as much as being buried is the natural default state in such a crowded environment. And for first time indies, any measure to hard-cull the store front could just as easily exclude their own games. Sure, there were some obvious cynical shovel-ware titles, but the majority of what I saw were earnest efforts by first-timers, even if many were rough around the edges (just like my games were when I first started out).
The silver lining is that if you pay close attention, you can get a pretty good sense of what the climate on Steam is like, and what you can do to improve your chances. I've been making games professionally for almost a decade now, and I've seen lots of developers come and go in that time. I'm still here (for now).
If you want to stay afloat in a storm, it's really important to know which way the wind is blowing.
Everything is hard, good luck out there.
Okay, after getting like a billion requests to join my SteamProphet league, and people asking how to set up their own, I put together a little site with all that information:
If you want to join one of my leagues, or just want more information when it's available, put your contact details in this form:
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