#so yeah a special spring indeed
childofsardior · 2 years
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❀ Golden's favorite season ❀
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Hey, read your work on kento having a partner at a dessert shop, can you do a follow up where, gojo finds out cuz yuji is a loose mouth and blurts it when talking about kento and gojo rallys up everyone he can get to kento and demands a meet up at the shop. And kento has to agree to the masses.
If you are taking in request its ok. Or else ignore it. But the work was soo good.
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[part i]
Leaving the sequestered chambers of the higher ups after his meetings always left Nanami breathing a sigh of relief.
Even after all these years, and well into his adulthood, it felt like going to the principal’s office. Being called in to be scolded or told his deficiencies, then told how he can help the situation, before being metaphorically patted on the head and sent on his way. It was infuriating, and demeaning.
“Nanami Kento!”
The special grade stopped in his tracks and turned towards the courtyard. Seeing Gojo Satoru standing there was an accusatory finger and a more serious look than his normal, stupid, gleeful expression. Perhaps he was actually being serious for once. Which would be a surprise to Nanami, and a change he hoped for. “When were you going to tell me you were dating someone who owned an ice cream shop!?” Hope springs eternal…..
“How is my dating life any of your concern?” He asked. Heading down the long set of steps now that he knew it was safe. “How do you know about that anyway?”
From behind Satoru, the sad, pitiful frame of Yuji poked out from his shadow. “I’m sorry Nanami-san, he got it out of me….”
“Meaning that Yuji gushed like a middle school girl about his day with you and spilled it out.” Nobara corrected. Crossing her arms as she stood beside the other men. “But seriously, why didn’t you tell us?”
“Again, how is my dating life any of your concern?” Nanami repeated. “Am I not entitled to my privacy?”
“That’s what I told them.” Megumi said. But seemed a little disappointed in himself that he did press further on that point.
“Privacy, shmivacy!” Satoru replied. “When you’re dating someone who has an ice cream shop, it is your moral duty to tell everyone?”
“I also didn’t tell you because I knew you would take advantage.” Nanami told him. “Despite all your money.”
Satoru looked wounded. “I would never!”
“You literally threw a temper tantrum because you found out Yuji got free ice cream and you didn’t.”
“No I didn’t Nobara. You’re being dramatic!”
“I’m being dramatic??”
This exchange went on for a moment before Nanami eventually broke down. “If I tell you where the shop is, will you leave me alone?”
Satoru thought about it for a moment with a long ‘hmmmmm’. “Nope! Not good enough. You have to take me there.”
“So that they know I’m your friend and can get discounts.” Satoru flinched a little at Nanami’s glare.
“Yay! Group outing!” Yuji cheered, before Nanami could say no. And he didn’t have the heart to break his spirit.
“Fine.” He agreed and took them to the shop.
[Y/N] took it in stride. Actually, excited to meet his colleagues. “Who knew you were so popular Nanami-kun?”
“Yeah, Nanami-kun.” Satoru teased. Grinning behind his strawberry parfait. “Who knew indeed?”
Nanami didn’t respond. Instead, he paid for everyone’s ice cream and told [Y/N], “please see to it that this one does not get any more free sweets or samples.”
“Oh come on Nanami! Not even samples!”
Satoru followed after Nanami as he walked out. Their students in toe.
[Y/N] just waved to them happily as they left. “Nanami was right. They are a bunch of weirdos.”
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glamaphonic · 6 months
Hey :) Had to say something because I appreciated your posts about the trajectory of Rick and Michonne’s feelings for each other so much. Especially Rick’s, because I think we are pretty much all in agreement that Michonne did not recognize it until the couch. The timing on Rick’s part has always been more the question mark. And ever since the I was in love with my son’s best friend line, I’ve seen so many people say that Rick knew since the prison (/even since the moment they met). And like… no. Lol. Was there an instantaneous connection and *something* going on there? Yes, obviously. Was he falling in love with her all this time and was already head over heels by the time the couch happened? Again, yes. Did he *know* that though? No! We can argue about when exactly, some people will place it here, some place will place it there, but come on, it was definitely not before Alexandria. Like, that he knew-knew. And unless I’m completely misrembering right now, really, from the time they arrive in Alexandria to 5x16, we’re talking, maybe 2 weeks? And of course 6A is only 2-3 days. So we’d be arguing over a few days, really. I *think* for me, I’d say, by the end of season 5, Rick has reached a state of clearly there IS something going between us, or more acurately, from me towards her, but not quite being able to fully recognize; like, until then he knew that he cared (a lot!) for her and that she was indeed special to him but by then it’s almost him being no, but what IS this thing between us, if you will. And it’s not until a few days later, so after 6x09 and during the timejump that he can fully recognize it. Like, yeah, I’m in love with her, it’s so obvious it’s crazy that I’m only now reaching that conclusion.
And about your post about Michonne, you mention 3-4 people basically telling her she is already with Rick and I wondered if you could say who you meant? It’s been way too long since I’ve watched those old TWD seasons to remember. Sasha, obviously. You probably meant Deanna as well? But other than that, I’m coming up empty 😅
Sorry sorry for the message ending up being so long 🙈 Didn’t intend to. Lowkey ready to drop a dissertation on Richonne at all times, apparently 😂
I more or less agree with your timeline, but I also don't really mind whatever timelines people want to come up with. I mean, I think the only things we can really argue are firmly canonical are that a) Rick knew he was in love with her sometime before 6x10, and b) them on the couch was not something springing into being but rather the consummation of what had already long since existed between them but was only then actually being acknowledged. Everything else is up to interpretation imo because the show is so allergic to relationship conversations prior to people actually being in a relationship.
re: people telling Michonne she's already got something going on with Rick
Sasha and Deanna, yes. Spencer also tells Michonne she has a life in Alexandria. When she’s hiding outside at that stupid dinner party (bcs the writers were desperately hiding her from Rick lol) Abe also pushes her to stop holding back from life. And special shoutout to ole boy from Alexandria who got bit and was telling her about his post-apoc marriage. He didn’t realize he was telling Michonne about herself and her relationship with Rick, but that is literally the only reason that scene existed lol.
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soraarchives · 1 month
yukimura x reader
you find him cooking
0.7k words
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You know how Yukimura is. He and tact never go along together. What can be expected of Yukimura is bare minimum in everyday life, lots of training and strong survival instincts. Yet when you found him in the kitchen it came across as a shock to you.
"You made this?"
"What, you don't believe me?" The evidence spoke for itself. Vegetable scraps, a knife on the countertop, some pots which he also cleaned after using and no one else in sight. It's clear as day he was the one who made it.
"No, it's just that... You and cooking isn't something I can imagine."
"Feel free not to have it then," he takes on a sulky tone at your hopelessness of him. He starts walking with a food tray in his hand, his dish sitting on top.
"No, wait. I want to have it." There's a hurry in your voice, afraid he may take his dish away because you're sceptical of his cooking. You start following him and end up at your shared room where he has set up the tray and is ready to have his meal. You settle down beside him taking a good look at him and then his creation.
It isn't gourmet-style cooking. Doesn't seem basic as well. Home cook level? Yeah, that's the way to put it.
You take the chopsticks and pick up the first bite slowly lifting it towards your mouth, your eyes analyzing the bite. Yukimura's gaze, too, is on you. Though you notice neither his stare nor the intensity with which he's staring.
He had made houtou nabe. Various vegetables sat along with flat noodles in a miso flavoured broth. If it were anyone else, they would've taken the effort to plate the vegetables in a more presentable or appetizing way, placed the spring onions in the centre, and the radishes, carrots and such in an array. It seemed as if he added the cooked vegetables blindly to the soup and noodles.
Enough with how it looks. A better job could've been done with the plating but it didn't look so bad. It looked as if someone had made it in a hurry, or without a care in Yuki's case, and that is fine.
With the first bite came the aroma of the stewed vegetables, the broth, and other condiments which he had used for flavouring. You take the first bite and immediately acknowledge how good it is. A hum escapes you along with a nod and Yuki knows that you love it.
"Not that bad, is it now?" He says with a smirk now but you know he was anxious about what would you say of his skills.
"How did you manage to cook something so good?" Not only are you surprised he made something you're more so surprised it tastes so good. It isn't as good as something Masamune would make but it is delicious.
"Don't talk as if it was a fluke I made something tasty." He heaved a sigh. "I know how to cook."
"You indeed do." You take another bite of his nabe smiling at how good it is.
"I've never seen you cook though. When did you learn to cook?" Your curiosity tumbles out of you.
"It was long back. It's a necessary skill to have during wars. You have to look out for yourself and all that." That's a typical Yukimura answer you're satisfied with it.
You almost spoke while the bite was still in your mouth. "And how did you decide on making something today?"
"Figured we could have something special once in a while."
Your face lights up at that. "Does that mean you'll cook often?"
"Look at you so impressed by my cooking. And here I thought you were sceptical of me being in the kitchen. Want me to cook for you from now on?" He has a smirk playing along on his lips. He is getting back to you for all your questions from before.
"I'm not impressed or anything." You suppress the blush on your face. The idea of him cooking for you has butterflies flying in your stomach.
He swiftly takes your chopsticks from you before diving in for a bite of his own. His actions catch you off guard. "Is that the reason why half of this bowl is empty?"
Damn him for noticing. You think he's gonna take the next bite for himself but he ends up feeding it you. That suppressed blush has furiously made its way back now. He sees his victory in that and offers his smile.
"No need to be shy. I won't mind cooking for you."
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a/n: it was a spur of the moment kind of thing that i started writing this. i don't remember whether it was someone's route or a bonus story where yuki and mitsunari are cooking together and yuki gets in charge because mitsunari is clumsy. it was mentioned then that yuki can cook and personally i was surprised at that. i'm happy with how this turned out
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true-blue-megamind · 2 years
I have a question. I don't know if this has been asked this before. Why does Roxanne fall for Megamind? I'm crazy happy they end up together but I still wonder why? Most people were scared of him until he saved the day. He kidnapped Roxanne all the time. She was super pissed at him for a while there. He's also not human. How does the whole attraction thing even work when you aren't the same species? Because, yeah, Megs is cool af, but an ET with blue skin and a big head probably wasn't the star of many Metro City girl's wet dreams. Maybe after he started the hero gig since people are just like that but not before. But Roxanne kind of flirted with him before he turned good or anything. So I guess she had to see something in him other people didn't. What do you think it was?
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Yes, I’m back again with another Megamind Fan Theory Thursday! Special thanks to this week’s anonymous contributor! I appreciate you, whoever you may be! I also want to express my sincere gratitude to all those who read, like, and reblog these posts… Knowing that you share the love for this fandom is the reason why I continue dedicating time, whenever possible, to researching and writing about these theories. This blog wouldn’t exist without you. Thank you!
If, however, you are that one individual who has inexplicably insisted upon reading two years' worth of articles about a film you still haven’t watched… I continue to have faith you’ll one day see the light. Or at least the movie. Hope springs eternal.
In the meantime: SPOILER WARNING!
We’re all human—at least, I assume most people reading this probably are—and that means we’re imperfect. One of the sadly common flaws of our species is a tendency to be rather judgmental, sometimes without just cause, and we certainly see that occurring in the film Megamind. After all, the alien genius was left to be raised in a high-security jail among presumably dangerous inmates simply due to his appearance and was pressured into supervillainy in part because he was different. Given that fact, along with the fear and ostracization many apparently showed him, there is reason to wonder exactly what first attracted Roxanne Ritchi to the blue man. After all, as today’s contributor pointed out, most humans, if asked to describe their perfect match, might not immediately default to “an alien with a large head and a complexion of a popular primary color, as a random nonspecific example.” Yet Roxanne is most certainly attracted to Megamind. Of course, many fan suggest that she must find him handsome—it’s doubtful she’d be in a romantic relationship with him by the end of the film if she thought him ugly—but they also contend that, given her disinterest in Metroman, the attraction must be more than physical. The question is: what qualities made her fall for him rather than an ordinary human or the supposedly perfect former Defender? Can fan theories shed any light? Let’s take a look!
Not Your Average Damsel
Some may be tempted to suggest that this is merely a typical case of the damsel falling for her rescuer. After all, that’s one of the common superhero tropes, isn’t it? Even Megamind himself, while talking to Titan after training, said that saving a lady was the way to her heart. The problem with this is that, in that particular instance, the blue man was completely and undeniably wrong. His love interest’s attraction had little or nothing to do with him whisking her out of Titan’s murderous clutches.
There are three reasons why fan theories rightfully dispute the concept of Megamind and Roxanne sharing a stereotypical hero/damsel romance. Firstly, the movie itself is well known for subverting superhero genre norms, and indeed that seems to have been one of the major themes of the narrative. Given how much effort was put into turning such conventions on their heads, sometimes even lampooning them, it’s extremely doubtful that the film’s creators would have suddenly adopted such stereotypes in this one case.
Secondly, there is Roxanne herself. This character is spunky, independent, and not easily cowed. During Megamind and Titan’s second fight, we see her holding a broken street sign, preparing to join in the fray. That’s a far cry from the expected behavior of a supposedly helpless damsel. Furthermore, despite being rescued by Metroman multiple times—hundreds, in fact, according to the prequel comic The Reign of Megamind—she states outright that they “were never a couple.” That alone clearly dismisses the idea of Roxanne swooning for the blue man simply because he rescues her. If she were the sort to do that, she would have fallen for Metroman as well—especially considering that most of the people around her apparently believed him to be Mr. Perfect.
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The third and final reason is one we’ve touched on before. It bears repeating, however, as it truly puts the proverbial nail in the coffin of the Typical Damsel argument. As our contributor mentioned, Roxanne canonically was attracted to Megamind while he was still a supervillain. During the kidnapping scene, when the blue man draws close and practically purrs a vaguely suggestive line—“such… tricks won’t work on me”—in the reporter’s ear, rather than showing reluctance she asks him to “please talk slower.” Megamind, of course, responds by calling her “Temptress.” Tellingly, while she doesn’t acknowledge it, Roxanne also doesn’t object to the epithet. Fan theories suggest that this obviously indicates there was already attraction on both sides, although its extremely doubtful either would have ever acted upon it. (As a well-known television reporter, Roxanne may have been too well aware of the potential destruction of her career, and Megamind, despite having her at his mercy numerous times, was obviously too goodhearted to make a move without invitation. You can read more about the latter in Megamind and Masculinity.)
Smart is Hot
This, then, leaves us with the question of exactly what did attract Roxanne to Megamind. Does she simply have a thing for blue aliens, or is it something more than that? One fan theory suggests that the answer lies in a line that was cut from the final version of the screenplay. Initially, after telling Megamind, who was then disguised as Bernard, that Metroman had never been her type, she added that she’d always preferred brains over brawn. That is interesting because intelligence is certainly something the former supervillain has in abundance. In a previous Fan Theory Thursday post, Why Kidnap Roxanne, we explored the likelihood of Megamind’s clearly ingenious species being naturally attracted to intellect. The thing is that he may not have been the only one. Merriam-Webster defines the term sapiosexual as someone who experiences “sexual or romantic attraction to highly intelligent people.” As you can guess from the mere fact that this word exists, it is fully possible for some humans to possess this inborn predisposition. Many fans believe that Roxanne Ritchi is, indeed, a sapiosexual, and this may be one reason why she would fall head-over-heels for a super-genius, alien or otherwise. In fact, as discussed in How Smart is Megamind, the blue man may quite literally be the smartest person on Earth, making him extremely alluring to someone already attracted by brilliance.
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Indeed, according to fan theories, several things about Roxanne’s character support this idea. She was originally imagined as an investigative reporter, so she’s obviously not stupid. She appears to dislike Hal not based upon his appearance but rather due to his lack of intelligence and his constant harassment. Perhaps the most telling evidence, however, comes from comparing her reactions to Megamind and his former nemesis. As mentioned before, Metroman is supposed to be most people’s idea of masculine perfection. Simply look at the way his fans, especially the female ones, behave during the opening of his museum. Add to this the fact that he is largely based on Superman and Elvis Presley—both of whom were, at one time, considered extremely handsome—and we can safely assume that Metroman is supposed to be some sort of Adonis. He’s also wealthy, famous, and powerful; three qualities that many people might consider great advantages in a potential boyfriend. Nonetheless, Roxanne Ritchi shows no interest at all in him.
Conversely, while dating Megamind in his guise as “Bernard,” the woman’s attention—and perhaps her heart—seem to be captured by his conversation, intellect, wit, and humor. She initially begins spending time with him because she believes him to possess expert knowledge concerning Megamind as well as enough intelligence to help her decipher the supervillain’s plan. She clearly enjoys having long conversations with him, laughing at his humorous stories, and reading books together in a library. Granted, the last was done for research purposes in the film, but the Bad Blue Brilliant comics show Megamind and Roxanne planning a date at a library after the blue man has become a hero. Obviously a shared love of books was something Roxanne liked about him. It appears that such traits attracted the reporter while riches and model-perfect looks couldn’t.
Of course, Roxanne rejects the former villain after she learns who he really is, but one Megamind fan theory suggests that that was almost certainly not because of him, but rather because of his actions. It makes sense. She is hurt and infuriated that he lied to her, and she makes her objections to some of his past behaviors known in no uncertain terms. However, when considering the charges she lays at his proverbial doorstep, it’s clear that what she cannot abide is his criminal behavior. She accuses him of murder, taking control of the city, and tricking her. Furthermore, she seems convinced that his only purpose in disguising himself was to toy with her emotions for his own sadistic amusement.
As the film progresses, however, she realizes that he did not actually kill Metroman and that he was sincere about their relationship. That, in turn, removes many of her objections and creates room for her love to grow once more. Indeed, when Megamind, obviously upset, mentions their breakup while they are driving to Metroman’s hideout, Roxanne briefly displays a sorrowful expression before apparently hardening her resolve and slamming on the breaks. (This was likely because she still thought the former villain guilty of murder.) Furthermore, during this unused clip cut from the final film, while taunting his captive, Titan refers to Megamind as Roxanne’s boyfriend, and she doesn’t correct him. Moments later, when he tells the woman to summon her hero, she doesn’t hesitate to issue a heartfelt plea to Megamind. When she sees the blue man make his grand entrance, the look on Roxanne’s face says clearly that she knew he would come. When she believes Megamind to be wounded, Roxanne weeps, and when he, at last, takes up the position of Defender, she kisses his cheek. It seems the woman has grown to trust and love the former Master of All Villainy.
It’s What’s Inside That Counts
Megamind’s intelligence is likely not the only reason Roxanne finds herself falling for him. Many fan theories suggest that his personality was also a driving factor. As mentioned before, he is funny and likable during their dates. When they ride bikes together, he’s clearly having fun, and that makes him fun to be around. While dining out, just before the kiss and the holowatch’s malfunction, he obviously charms her. Even before that, however, the blue man seems to display some very positive traits. His mourning his nemesis, laughing with Minion, and playing with the brainbots all evince a kind heart hidden beneath the black leather and spikes. That same trait continues to appear throughout the film. Later in the narrative, during Titan's attack, Megamind displays a concern for the people of Metro City despite those same people having ostracized him all his life. He is manifestly not as evil as he tries to appear. In fact, his treatment of his damsel offers further proof of this. While he has Roxanne tied up in his Lair as bait for Metroman, it becomes obvious that Megamind’s so-called doom devices have been carefully calibrated not to actually harm the woman, and she seems to know it as she shows no fear. She even seems to enjoy her situation sometimes. When Megamind makes a veiled Star Wars reference, Roxanne smirks as if she’s trying not to laugh.
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Thus it appears extremely likely that, from the start of the movie, the reporter already knew Megamind was too good a person to actually hurt her and it seems she appreciated his geeky humor. This is hardly surprising. According to the prequel comic, The Reign of Megamind, he has had more than 600 failed plots and Roxanne has been his compulsory guest of honor for many of them. Consider how much time for interaction that must have afforded them before the cameras started rolling. Even if Roxanne was only awake for an average of half an hour before each actual battle began, that would still mean that she spent roughly 300 hours alone in Megamind and Minion’s company. To put it in perspective, that’s twelve-and-a-half days! It seems nearly impossible that Roxanne could spend the equivalent of nearly two weeks in Megamind’s company without some of his charm, kindness, and humor showing through. This is quite possibly another reason for her evident attraction.
That’s not all. As mentioned in the post What Sort of Hero Will Megamind Be, the blue man lists several qualities necessary for a Defender while discussing the topic in the Metroman Museum. Although he doesn’t seem to recognize it at the time, he actually displays all of them with the exception of his former adversary's DNA. Strength? The fact that Megamind breaks a saw on Titan’s face while punching him indicates that the former villain is far more physically powerful than he looks, and his ability to remain calm and think under extreme pressure suggests that he has serious willpower. Determination? Megamind talks about learning from his many defeats, and the simple fact that he continued to get up and try again after losing more than 600 times shows that he certainly doesn’t give up easily. Courage? The alien genius goes to Roxanne for help in finding Titan’s weakness rather than fleeing despite Titan’s attempt to kill him. Afterward he puts his life on the line to save Roxanne from the new villain—and that’s after facing a superpowered foe for years. Whatever else he may be, no one can argue that Megamind isn’t brave.
Finally, there’s also Megamind’s industriousness. Imagine how many inventions he must have constructed over the years… There would doubtlessly be hundreds! Everyone one of them had to be not only built but also designed and tested. How many hours of plans, calculations, schematics, calibrations, and labor go into each one? It's unclear, but what is certain is that, despite clearly knowing how to have fun, the blue man just as obviously understands the value of hard work. It’s doubtful that laziness is a vice he has ever suffered from.
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So, why is Roxanne Ritchi attracted to Megamind? While we may never know how physically desirable she finds him—although fans speculate that, based on their relationship, she must find him handsome—the blue man possesses plenty of other beguiling virtues. Alien or not, Roxanne obviously finds his intelligence and personality too alluring to ignore, and as soon as he embraced goodness rather than behaving in destructive ways she could not condone, she gave him her heart. If you consider it, that really isn’t shocking at all. If any one of us were courted by a person who was smart, funny, courageous, kind, charming, hardworking, fun-loving, and strong, would we remain unaffected? Or would we, like the movie’s heroine, tumble head-over-heels into love? In the end, it’s little wonder that Roxanne fell for the new Defender of Metro City. It would have been more surprising if she hadn’t.
That concludes this week’s Fan Theory Thursday! I hope you enjoyed it!
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evalevaeva · 11 months
Rose | Fuma
this was because a certain someone made me scream over fuma at 4am :"
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That morning wasn't anything special. The toast didn't burn and the jam didn't taste strange. The sun was up and the radio blasted boring songs as you yawned. You couldn't help but feel the exhaustion engulfing you as you took a bite of your toast. Mid-terms weren't the best, and with your entire academic career betting on pathetic results that would be released that day, you couldn't help but feel tired from the lack of sleep.
The ringtone of your phone made you flinch as your droopy eyes widened as you took the phone and saw your usual alarm to wait for the newspaper boy. Your parents never liked buying newspapers from the convenience store, and the neighbourhood council recently hired a new paperboy. Rumours spread like wildfire at school that the paperboy was good looking, and tall. That interested you as you shifted your weight on your heels, hands behind your back as you whistled quietly. You couldn't help but feel a little excited as you waited outside. Your school uniform had several wrinkles, but that wasn't the main concern at the moment.
"Your paper is here miss!" A mature voice could be heard as you looked up to see a boy in a cream coloured school uniform on his blue coloured bicycle. The basket at the front of the bicycle contained many rolls of newspapers, making the boy's job a breeze.
The boy grabbed one of the rolls as he rolled it on the pavement to you, not wanting to throw it as other paperboys traditionally do, not wanting to accidentally hit you.
You froze. It felt like a K-Drama moment as your eyes were glued onto the boy that passed your house for a maximum of four seconds. He was indeed good looking. That seemed like an understatement. Beautiful? Gorgeous? Ethereal? Yeah, that's the one. He seemed ethereal as he passed on the bicycle and it almost felt like love at first sight.
"Woah," you couldn't help but mutter as you placed a hand on your chest, feeling your heartbeat. It felt like drums banging in your ears as you turned to the side, only to meet the stare of your elderly neighbour, who watched in curiosity at your weird behaviour.
You smiled awkwardly and waved as you ran to pick up the newspaper and ran back into the house.
To say you had an interest for the boy was definitely a true statement. You found yourself sitting on the steps earlier than the given timing, not wanting to miss him, almost every single day.
He didn't go to your school and that was a bummer. All you knew about him was through the network of gossiping girls in your class.
Your forehead was practically glued to your desk as your classmates began whispering, or loudly talking about their personal business.
"I heard that newspaper boy has a girlfriend," One of the girls finally changed the topic from the boring subject they had been talking about from the past four days. This made your head spring up from the desk as you leaned to your right, not turning your head from facing the board, but close enough to the point you could hear them without much difficulty.
"His name is Fuma. Aw~ what a cute name! No wonder he's so cute," One of the girls giggled back as the group giggled at his name.
"Gross, even a name could make them burst out giggling," You mumbled in annoyance as one of the quieter girls began speaking.
"He's from Hybe Academy. He's smart and good looking?! He's bestowed with all the gifts of this world!" The quiet girl spoke, VERY LOUDLY, as that statement began making you wonder about something.
You sat on the steps of your front door as you sat, waiting for Fuma while deep in thought. What you didn't expect was to be greeted with a newspaper to the face. You couldn't help but yell as you fell backwards, head hitting the wooden door as you groaned in pain. The back of your head felt like it was throbbing as you heard the loud sound of bicycle brakes squeeking.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to throw it at your face! I didn't see you because you were usually standing, so I threw it thinking you weren't waiting today, I sincerely apologise!" A guy's voice was heard as you opened your eyes to see Fuma in front of you, in his usual cream coloured uniform, and his bicycle parked on the road as his eyes darted around your face, checking for visible injuries.
Your faces were inches away as you suddenly stood up and dusted of your skirt, adjusting your hair with your hands as you reassured him, "I'm alright, it's not your fault. It's okay, I won't report you for attacking me on the job or something,".
That joke went right over Fuma's head as he began worriedly looking at you.
"I was joking..." You said awkwardly as he sighed in relief.
"If you're alright, then I'm relieved. My name is Fuma, and I'm... your paperboy? I know your name, since I see it on my list everyday" Fuma introduced himself as he held out his hand.
You looked at his hand as you smiled, taking it, "So you're my paperboy? Specifically?". Fuma laughed as he tilted his head, putting his hands in his uniform pants as he joked, "Why not? I'll only give you the most perfect paper, no wrinkles and no tears,".
That encounter was enough to start a whole friendship. Soon, Fuma would send newspapers to every house before making a turn to your house and talking to you before you left to school.
That didn't last long.
You twisted the key to your house door, hearing a click as it locked. You turned to walk to the road, placing one earbud in your ear as you walked down the steps of the pavement until you heard the sound of a bicycle bell. You looked up to see Fuma on his bicycle, basket empty.
You were confused. He already came by for his usual morning conversation, why was he here?
"I'll give you a ride to school. I know you usually take the bus, but my bicycle is faster, and you have a cute rider to accompany you! That's like a two for one deal," Fuma explained as he motioned you to sit on the back seat behind him.
If a doctor were to examine your heart rate at that current moment, you would either be diagnosed with High Blood Pressure or a heart attack. You swallowed your saliva as you walked up to his bicycle, pulling your leg over the seat.
"Give me your bag, I know it's heavy," He told you with a smile as he turned his body slightly. Your face was heating up, and it wouldn't be surprising if he had already noticed. He was making your heart do bzckflips, your brain yelling and hollering as you handed over your purple bag to him.
"Let's go!" Fuma said excited as he pushed on the pedal, making you nearly lose balance as your hands instinctively wrap around his waist. The wind was blowing on his face as his hair bounced. You leaned your cheek on his back as you tried to calm yourself down from the excitement of being with him and the jumping of your heart rate.
"Do you... want to listen to music?" You asked as Fuma nodded, a smile plastered on his face as he made sure not to make any sudden brakes that could make you shocked. You reached for the second earbud as you placed it in his ear. Your cheek was on his back once again as the other earbud was in your ear.
"If you need a lover, let me know. I could treat you better, steal you roses everyday." The lyrics of Rose played in the both of your ears as Fuma made a turn down the road, passing the various cars driving into the school as students on the pavement began gasping at the sight of you and the heartthrob newspaper boy, Fuma, on a bike together.
"I might not have a fancy car, but I fancy you, so give me a chance, if you need a lover, baby" The song ended as Fuma pressed on the brakes, placing his foot on the ground.
"We reached so quickly, too quickly for my liking," Fuma muttered as you released your hold on his waist and got off the bicycle.
"Thank you for the ride Fuma. Maybe you were right, I arrived way earlier than usual," You smiled as you laughed, covering your face as Fuma simply stared.
His heartbeat quickened as he coughed, looking away, trying to cover up the pink that was climbing up his face. He grabbed your bag from the basket in front as he handed it to you. He reached to pat your head as he said, " Good luck today, study hard!".
You smiled as you waved at him, expecting him to leave but he seemed as if he had something to ask you.
"Hey, did you remember when I accidentally threw that newspaper at you?" Fuma suddenly asked, his eyes glued to the ground. You nodded, how could you forget? That was the first time the both of you had a conversation together.
"Remember how I said I was your paperboy? As in, yours?" He continued as you responded softly, "Yes, well what are you getting at?".
Fuma inhaled deeply as he looked up to look at your eyes, "Go out with me,".
That was the last thing on the spinning wheel of, 'what does Fuma want to say?!?!?' , and it was enough to send you into a coughing fit, choking on your saliva as Fuma soothed your back, trying to save you from dying after his confession.
"Go out? As in, dating?" You questioned as he nodded.
"Dating. Boyfriend, Girlfriend. Together," He stated as you couldn't help but break into a smile.
"Fine, but only if you send me every day!" You teased as Fuma put his forehead on yours, your noses touching, "Anything for you, dear. "
why do my endings always suck absolute ASS BRO 'lets go out' WHAT AM I GETTINF AT ITS SO DUMB anyways fuma brainrot
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darkthingshappen · 1 year
Merry Whump of May, Day 3
“You're not looking so hot.”
As always, thank you to my whumperful crew: @whumpcereal @oddsconvert @quietly-by-myself and @sparrowsage who did a fantastic beta job on this and tomorrow's entry. :-)
Warnings: BBU Universe, human trafficking, predator and prey, kidnapping, drinking, noncon drugging, drunk whumpee, whumper perspective
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The Handler lingered in the shadows of the alleyway.  He knew that any minute the back door of the club would open up and his prey would tumble out of it and he would pounce.  The tension built up inside him like a spring waiting to be sprung, a bomb ticking towards the explosion.  
The lightbulb above the back doorway flickered slightly, causing the Handler to nearly jump out of his skin with anticipation.  But he didn’t.  He held himself in check, waiting, waiting, waiting.  
The door opened and still he waited.  His prey did indeed stumble out of the door and curl over by the wall, retching.  This was going exactly as planned.  The target was alone.  Alone and pathetic, just as the Handler wanted.  Still he waited.  He waited until the metal back door slammed shut, locking the target out of the club and in the darkened alleyway.  The Handler smirked and waited for the realization to hit the ill young man.  
His prey swayed heavily as he straightened back up.  He groaned and reached for the nonexistent door handle.  
“Aw, fuck!”  the target glanced around at the dark alley and then up at the single lightbulb over the door.  “Shit!”  He squinted down the alleyway first one way and then the other.  
The Handler had done his homework.  He was a student of psychology.  In one direction, the alley went on for several dozen meters with no light, so much so that by the time the alley ended, it was completely obscured in inky blackness.  The other direction, the direction that the Handler had hidden themselves, was only a few meters long with the bright lights of the populated square beckoning to them.  Only an idiot would choose the other direction.  
As he predicted, his prey took a deep breath and stepped towards the lighted street and the Handler lying in wait.  
The Handler waited for his target to pass. When he did, the Handler, quick as lightning, stepped behind his unsuspecting prey, wrapping his arm around the man’s middle and pulled him against him.
“Where are you off to all on your own, darling?”  His words distracted the mildly struggling drunk young man as he slipped the needle into his prey’s neck and depressed the plunger.  
The Target grunted and tried to pull away from the sudden prick of pain in his neck, as well as the man holding him
“Shhh, darling.  You don’t look so well.  I’ll take care of you, don’t worry.  You just let go.  Rest now.  When you wake up, you’ll be snug as a bug in a rug.  Don’t you worry.  All those pesky choices that life keeps pushing on you, you won’t have to worry about it any more.  The WRU’s got you.  We got a home already all picked out and waiting for you.  You’ve been specially requested.”
The Target moaned again and slumped against the Handler.  
“We got you, little trainee.”
The Handler turned his target slightly so he could see the last moments that the prey’s eyes were open.  Wide with panic and fear, though fading fast.  The Handler thrilled to it.  That was the exact look he was hoping for; it was his favorite part of the job.  
Once he was sure his target was out, he dragged his prey to his waiting vehicle near the entrance of the alleyway. 
“Hey man, is that dude okay?” a random person passing by asked.  
“Oh, he’s fine.  My buddy just had a bit too much to drink.  I’ll get him home and make sure he’s okay.”
“Ah, so you’re the sober friend.  Glad he has you.  You may want to tell him not to get passed out drunk next time.”
“Yeah for sure, though I think he’s had enough this time.  I’m gonna help him dry out.  I don’t think there’ll be a next time.”
“Good for you.  You seem like a great friend.”
The Handler waived at the bystander as the man walked on, a friendly smile stretched across his face that could fool his own mother.  The Handler laid his target out across the backseat, faced down.   No one noticed as he slipped the handcuffs on nice and snug around the young man’s wrists, rolling him onto his back to hide the evidence once he was certain they were locked on.  He locked his prey’s ankles together in a similar fashion before covering him up with a blanket.  
Moments later he was in the driver’s seat, driving off with his new trainee sleeping in the back seat.  
Tags: Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @darlingwhump @hold-him-down @quietshae @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
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twilightmalachite · 22 days
Timbres of Heaven - Two For One 3
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Shu, HiMERU, Kohaku, Mika, Rinne
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I wasn’t telling you that, Rinne-senpai. I mean, why’re you even here?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: CosPro Office (Discussion Space)
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A couple days later. At the CosPro office’s discussion space…
Kohaku: Hinata-han, Yuuta-han. Congrats on getting the double leads in Timbres of Heaven! ♪
I brought a cake specially made by Niki-han.
Hinata: Yaay! ♪ Thank you, Oukawa-kun!
Kohaku: The red part of the cake here is real spicy. Niki-han said it’s “Yuuta-kun only”.
Yuuta: Looks yummy~! Thanks for doing all this for us!
Rinne: Gyahaha! ♪ All’s good, you and I are close, aren’t we, Yuta?
Yuuta: I wasn’t telling you that, Rinne-senpai. I mean, why’re you even here?
Rinne: I get to use the celebration as an excuse to eat a lavish meal free of charge! No reason for me not to come, right?
If there’s a party, I’ll be there! It can’t start if I’m not there, right? ♪
Yuuta: Ahaha, it can even if you’re not there, don’t worry~! ♪
HiMERU: —Is Shiina not coming, Oukawa?
Kohaku: Nope. Apparently, the manager at the restaurant he works at part-time has a cold, so he was made to run the kitchen all by himself.
Hinata: Wow, that sounds tough…
Kohaku: It’s probably fine. He looked strangely excited over it.
Congrats on your supportin’ roles as well, HiMERU-han, Shu-han.
It may not be the leadin’ roles, but they’re still important ones, ain’t they?
HiMERU: Indeed. HiMERU’s role is a senior in the same brass band club as the older brother Amane…
And Itsuki-senpai plays the role of a student at the piano class that the younger brother Neiro attends.
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Mika: Hmm? Does that mean there’s gonna be a scene where Oshi-san plays th’piano?
He’s so cool, ain’t he? I’m excited fer it. ♪
Though, it’s a bummer Oshi-san wasn’t chosen fer the lead role… He’s not the best choice fer someone to play as a supportin’ role.
But, I also don’t like it when other people call him “Onii-chan”… Hmm…
Shu: Kagehira. It is annoying when you grumble.
While I do think they lack the eyes to see I should have been chosen for the lead… As long as I stand upon the same stage, I will give it my all.
As then I can have my presence be felt with my profound performance, and they will regret not choosing me for the lead role.
HiMERU: HiMERU also agrees. It is essential for a masterpiece to have an outstanding supporting cast, after all.
Let us surprise the world with a performance that surpasses those of the leading roles.
Yuuta: Our seniors look to be motivated. We can’t lose to them, Aniki!
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Hinata: …
Yuuta: Aniki, what’s wrong?
Hinata: Yuuta-kun!
It’s nothing! I’m just so relieved we were chosen for the leads, I was in a daze!
With this, my promise to you has been fulfilled at last!
Yuuta: Promise… Right, the one where I told you to find me a job.
Hinata: Did you end up forgetting?! That’s cruel!
Yuuta: I didn’t. But it’s here on from where the promise gets fulfilled, right?
Shooting the drama, shooting the MV, featuring in a magazine… We’ve got a lot of work regarding Timbres of Heaven in store for us—
The lead actors are the faces of the production, so we gotta take everything in earnest. Whether we succeed or not is up to us.
We gotta do our best for the sake of those not chosen in the audition.
…No, it’s a bit different than that. We gotta do our best to convince those who were not chosen in the audition.
Hinata: Convince… Yeah, I agree.
To summarize the judge’s comments, the deciding factor was that it was “because we were twins”.
It is a valid reason, so we are grateful, but..
That means the reason was surface-level, not based on content—At least that’s what it sounds like it was evaluated that way. It was a competition of skill, at least I thought…
Yuuta: Yeah. It’s not a fun outcome for those who failed the audition. They’re probably gonna complain that they should’ve just asked for twins in the application guidelines.
So, I’m gonna give it my all so that they see the value in my acting.
Hinata: Yes! Let’s surprise them with a level of expressiveness that exceeded our audition!
Let’s aim for the award for best actor…♪
[ ☆ ]
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aeoki · 1 year
Primavera - Prologue
Location: Shadowy Road Characters: Touri, Yuzuru, Eichi & Wataru Season: Spring Writer: Seitarou Kino & Akira
< April. After the opening of the new ES performance venue. >
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Touri: Wow, the cherry blossoms are gorgeous~♪
Look at the cherry blossom petals! It really feels like spring is here ♪
Yuzuru: Hehe. I remember you were also quite excited last year in the Yumenosaki courtyard. It’s been a year since you started high school… Time flies too quickly.
The opening performance with “Trickstar” was a huge success as well. I wonder what sort of exciting things will await us at ES in the future.
Wataru: It is indeed an Amazing turn of events! My heart was also thumping and pounding. I'm reminded of the trouble Eichi went through to draw this map…☆
Eichi: I feel a bit embarrassed hearing you praise me again. But it’s an enormous industry – I’m not the only one attributed to the realisation of this “ES Project”.
The reason why the project was achieved within a year was all thanks to Suou-kun, who took responsibility on behalf of the Suou family, and Saegusa-kun, who convinced the owners of the land.
Yuzuru: Hmm… would he lend a hand in a project from Eichi-sama out of goodwill? I feel as though he may be hiding something.
Eichi: Hehe. You might be a bit too wary of him, Yuzuru. He wouldn’t lend a finger if it didn’t benefit him in some way.
Both our interests coincided this time. Saegusa-kun turned the tables on the error the CosPro higher-ups made during “SS” and it seems there’s been quite a change of structure and turnover of staff.
Yuzuru: A turnover of staff… you say?
Eichi: Yeah. CosPro is a soon-to-be idol agency powerhouse. In exchange for clearing out the parasites, they’ve lost a few connections to the entertainment industry in the process.
ES is a coalition of agencies so its establishment must have been a bolt out of the blue, seeing as how Saegusa-kun has now lost his business connections. Thanks to him, the project had finished much earlier than I'd expected.
Wataru: It truly is your magic. Amazing! You must continue to show me even more of that magic if you don’t wish to bore me…♪
For example… Oh, it’s “dango over flowers” at times like these! Would you like one as well, Himegimi?
Touri: Woah!? A dango appeared out of my pocket!?
Wataru: Hehehe. Surprised you, no? There’s a little trick to this~ I shall guide you with this three-coloured dango in the mix ♪
Touri: No. I don’t need it. …It’s dirty!
Wataru: I’ve paid special attention to the hygiene, you know~? It may seem as though it’s been directly taken out of your pocket…
Oh, I was very close to revealing my tricks there.
Touri: It’s not about the hygiene but how I feel about it! Geez and there I was, thinking how ES was so impressive.
Anyway… it’s amazing to see how many facilities there are just for idols. I’d love to see the four of us in “fine” fly to even greater heights.
Wataru: Now that we’ve already overcome the event by the name of graduation, we need a new stage.
A stage capable of garnering even more attention than before – I’m getting excited just imagining it ♪
Don’t you think so too, Mr Butler?
Yuzuru: I shall accompany you all.
It is my duty to grant the Young Master’s wish, after all.
Wataru: Hehehe. I share the same sentiment, Mr Butler.
I shall recreate the picture you have all drawn the way you wish.
That is the aspiration of I, Wataru Hibiki…☆
Eichi: Based on your reactions to this, I’m truly glad the “ES Project” progressed as it did.
There will surely be happiness and difficulties that we’ve never experienced before waiting for us.
But it would be wonderful if we could say with pride a few years later that despite that, we chose to continue being idols.
The many seeds I sown in Yumenosaki will flower and blossom from now on.
The god of wind that heralds the arrival of spring – in other words – this ES will let the country, no, let the entire world know that a myriad of flowers have come into blossom.
Let us sing and dance resplendently – Just like how the goddess of spring once did.
A new history of idols will be born from ES.
You’ll all follow behind me, won’t you?
< That day, my dream had truly become a reality. >
< The “ES Project” progressed smoothly and despite encountering a few obstacles in the process, it became a stepping stone as well as sustenance for growth, and those things made it possible to create an even stronger foundation. >
< However, we would be faced with an unexpected headwind, as if it was something the god of wind conspired against us. >
Next Chapter →
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cant-get-no-worse · 11 months
i know that barça screwed m/ssi over and that his fans have every right to be pissed at that but i can't help but feel that the number of m/ssi fans and the number of barça fans is so disproportionate.
i love him but a part of me didn't want him back because of his fanbase, particularly the ones who hate barça. our youngsters are already under so much pressure and i don't want them being blamed and hated on for not being like the prime teams that m/ssi had in the past.
I believe you're far from being alone in this stance, anon! The sheer number of internet crowd that Ronaldo or Messi can drain is akin to the swifties or other internet phenomenon : it's lot of users that can together act quite dumb. Any crowd existing erases any nuances the people composing them, as individuals, could bring to discussions. I myself consider that what happened in those years is nothing less than disgraceful - from Luis Suarez's treatment and how Neymar's millions have been handled by Bartomeu, to how one of our biggest club legend has been fucked over by the board, and more specifically Laporta - who remains first of all an ex-lawyer and a politician - in an utterly shameful manner. Meanwhile, I believe that Laporta genuinely cares about the club (I might be wrong since as mentionned previously, he's a politician, but being from the city itself and everything, for now I do believe a genuine care to exist, mingled amongst politics, personal ambition and co) and most probably saved it from a dire wreckage ; so there you go.
Essentially 1) indeed that'd have been a problem, esp with the youngsters being more connected online and more susceptible to stumble upon those senseless criticism springing out of twitter 2) the outweight of what he could have brought to the team, being an experienced football player, having grown up within the club and knowing it as well as he does, good relationship with the coach and being the at the level that he is. Thinking specifically about the passes/vision dev. with Pedri, relationship with Gavi whose rage/energy about the club/on the pitch reminds me a lot of young Messi, Yamal, etc.
So yeah, valid thoughts! At the end of the day though it's chill, a done deal : he's not coming back as a player, probably will for a farewell match and later on as a board member, and eventually all that "true culer" vs "solo stan" discourse (it bears repeating that this is a majorly online discussion - cf the chants for him all throughout last part of the season - and that, as we know, the contrast between online and reality is a crude one lol) will mean nothing down the line as time erases those asperities. At the end of the day whenever there's talk about Messi and Barça, I always like to step back and hightlight that beyond the brand the name "Messi" has become and all the anger/frustration/annoyance that can legitimately spring out of culés/others from the massive cult-like following that gravitates around it, there's a guy who, like Iniesta, Xavi, Puyol, Guardiola and other beloved players, came from our very own academy, repeatedly chose to gave said club - not without rocky moments btw, let's not romantize there - 95% of his career/talent, while standing at times surrounded by "prime teams" and at others seemingly utterly alone in shameful XI sides hanging on by a thread. His coming back could've been beneficial on some plans ; it could've been a disaster on others ; and honestly, talking about the multiple issues there comes with being associated to such a worldwide persona and the consequences it has on his relationship with the club/its fans is quite interesting and unique, since it's a phenomenon that I believe spawned from the social media age, and of which the only equivalent to Messi in that cult-following is CR7, who changed clubs quite regularly and didn't forge such a special connection with one. Thus LM10 really seems to be a quite specific case. Messi's stay at Barça was far from being a steady, quiet journey too, and I think it's always healthy to critize it as it's never alright to idolize anyone, as long as the bottom line - which is why I have a slight irk at some self-proclaimed "true culer" - remains : this guy is as much a culer as anyone sitting in the stands or watching on the TV, and for the amount of things he gave that club, probably more.
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bisluthq · 3 months
when did she stop wearing the rings and the bracelet? Even before they broke up in like 2022? Or right after? We also didn't see her as much in 2022, she could have still been wearing them in other occasions. Specially cause in 2022, was when his own rings were constantly appearing aswell and he never took them off. Until the breakup that is
I also have other question. Taylor said TTPD was in the works for two years, like she started right after Midnights. That would put us in 2022. And like yeah her and Joe probably weren't perfect by then, but until like spring time at the very least and specially if they were indeed doing engagement parties and all that seems like they still had good moments right? So like given that no positive songs about him or them are in there, do you think that half of the time she says she spent working on TTPD was just her writing about Matty?
That she wasn't writing anything that she ended up scraping, because her and Joe ended up by going south and eventually break up?
She started wearing Joe's Meaningful Jewellery less frequently towards the end idk because I guess Matty was taking the ring off her middle finger ring off and putting it on the one people put wedding rings on. And idk yes I think she was confused and like didn't want to leave Joe but also really wanting to fuck matty and a whole ass mess happened and the lyrics for TTPD got written idk.
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taiyaki-translations · 4 months
Autumn Cafeteria - Fall for All 3
Season: Autumn Characters: Yuta, Koga, Shu, Tsumugi, Tsukasa Translator: taiyaki-translations Proofreader: raspberrytls
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Tsukasa: —So that’s what happened. We’re working as Volunteers to find a way to save this café.
Yuta: I see, so that’s the reason.
But I'm a bit disappointed to learn my seniors also frequent this place~ No matter when I came, there weren’t many customers, so I thought it was a secret spot only I knew about.
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Shu: That’s what I thought too. Precisely because there are so few people, it has a calm and comfortable atmosphere.
However, when I put myself in the position of the café, I realized that the number of customers is proportional to its profit.
Even though it's a holiday, this current situation—the lack of customers— is simply terrible... It's not viable for a business at all.
Koga: Even if you’re just volunteerin’, seems like you guys still have time to talk to us, the customers.
I mean, don’t ya gotta work? Is it okay for all three of you to be relaxin’ like this?
Shu: As much as I hate to admit it, there’s no issue. Currently, you two are our only customers.
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Yuta: Oh, that's true. But wasn’t there a couple here just now?
Tsumugi: By the time I brought the food to you two, they'd already paid and left.
Even though it should be busy during lunchtime… It’s a lonely sight, isn’t it~
Koga: …So, how's this workin' out for you? Did you guys come up with a solution?
Yuta: Why is Oogami-senpai suddenly acting like he's in charge?
Koga: I ain’t trying to take charge, I’m just curious after hearin’ this much.
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Tsumugi: We've been looking for ways to help the café while we were working, but we haven't come up with any feasible ideas so far.
The menu has a wide variety of options, the food and prices are perfect, and the customer satisfaction is high.
The only problem is the location. If only this café could be moved to the front street with a "bang," it would be an immediate fix, wouldn’t it~
Tsukasa: It is indeed a difficult situation. We don't have any more land left to move it to…
Tsumugi: No no, I'm just kidding. Please don't take it seriously.
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Shu: What are you doing, teasing a serious child like this, Aoba?
Tsumugi: I was just trying to lighten the mood~ Well, like this, we’ve pretty much hit a roadblock.
Yuta: So that’s how it is. Even though I found such a great hideout, it’s going to close…
I’d hate to just stand by and do nothing while this is happening…
I don’t really have any solutions either. But can I help out?
Shu: Yes, you are very much welcome to. This place means a lot to me, too.
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Koga: …Tsk. Somehow, this reminds me of the "Special Music Zone."
Because of ES, seems like the number of closed shops and buildings in disrepair have been increasin’.
Yuta: So does this mean Oogami-senpai will be helping out too?
Koga: Haa? Why would I?
Yuta: Eh, did I get it wrong? Back in spring, I was making a fuss about helping the live music clubs in the "Special Music Zone"—
You were all like, "I'll help ya." So I was expecting that you would cooperate with me again this time.
Koga: Ah~… Well, since I've stuck my neck in this far, I can't just ignore it, huh?
Yuta: Really? Fufu, all things considered, Oogami-senpai is very good at looking after others, isn't he?
Koga: Shut up~ Don't get so comfortable just cuz more people joined. There’s no point if we don't have any ideas.
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Tsumugi: Even if we get you to work as volunteers like us, there aren’t any customers—it’s so quiet in here that you could hear a pin drop.
We were already not doing much, and now there’s five of us…
Ah yes. If you don't mind, Yuta-kun, Koga-kun, and Suou-kun, can you three do an inspection of the area?
Tsukasa: Inspection?
Tsumugi: It’ll be a waste of time if we all just stuck around here, so a better idea is for you to visit other stores to gain some more insight.
Leave the café to me and Shu-kun.
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Tsukasa: O-Okay… I understand. Oogami-senpai, Yuta-kun. I'm looking forward to working with you.
Yuta: Yeah, me too! What are you wearing out? Are you just going as you are?
Tsukasa: No, I'm going to change. Would you give me a moment?
Koga: Sure. We'll wait for you outside.
Yuta: See you later~!
Alrighty then, let’s check things out!
Tsumugi: Take care~
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Shu: ...How regrettable. I didn’t expect to have to stay here with you, of all people.
Tsumugi: It’s because I’m worried about leaving this café to only Shu-kun and Suou-kun, who have little to no customer service experience.
Even if you went too, would you be able to mesh well with them? You’re not the most cooperative person, you know? 
Shu: How rude. I'm more used to cooperation than I was before. In Paris, I'm always surrounded by artists who tend to be free-spirited people who do as they like.
Tsumugi: Oh~ Being there must be having a good influence on you, then.
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Anyway, Paris, huh…? When I was still a student, I remember making the "France Special Corner" (1) even though I’ve never set foot in the country myself.
If I come visit sometime, will you show me around?
Shu: Non, I refuse.
Tsumugi: Even if Natsume-kun and Sora-kun came along?
Shu: ……
…I am not in Paris to act as a tour guide. 
However, it'll be troublesome if someone gets lost, so I'll lend a hand.
Tsumugi: Fufu, thank you very much.
Shu: Sigh. I feel like I’ve been talked into it. 
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Tsumugi: Shu-kun is kind-hearted, after all. 
Shu: Hmph. Praise from you doesn’t make me happy at all.
Tsumugi: Aw, how cold~♪
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Translation Notes: 1. Referring to the story Blood Banquet.
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toestalucia · 7 months
Kou: What? You don't…have chocolate for me this year? Can I ask why? >I heard that you can't give foxes chocolate.
LOSING MY MIND CUZ 1) <-person who literally sent that question (but seriously) to venom IM GONNNAAAAAAAA 2) captain bullying a 12yo AGAIN is so fkng funny to me. but also kou who at this point is ssooo honest.......no wonder he's getting teased LOL him & you are both so cute
Caro: Whether you're an artist or not, it's important to nurture your heart.
Lu Woh: Even more so if the purpose of such practice is meant for one who has piqued your interest for reproduction. I repeat—I am one of the Six Dragons.
THIS ONE MADE ME LOSE IT. LIKE FIRST HES ALL 'we 6 dragons dont need stuff like food etc to survive this is wasted provisions' THEN HE SAID THIS AND IMMMMMMMMMMMMM LMFAAOOOOOO would u like to speak with helel ben shalem about the bees and the flowers i think itd be hilarious af & hell for captain. lu woh who was too honest about vyrn to the point of pissing of captain (rare moment) to lu woh who says this i dont think i can do this anymore chat
Ragazzo: Wha? Ch-chocolate? For me? Ah… Well, I mean, it's not like I didn't notice your feelings for me or anything— Huh? You're…handing them out to everybody? R-right, yeah, I knew that. Yep. In other words, you're giving chocolate to all the crew members as a token of friendship. Thanks. I appreciate it.
ragazzo playing tough only to be hit with the 'actually i give everyone' IS SSOOOOO FUNNYYYYYY LOLLLLL GOD let this turn into captain teasing him every year. i need terrible pranks. i miss captain & seofon 'u give/get chocolate to/from other ppl?:(' shenanigans (pls read seofons vday & white days, comedy deluxe). that but onesided, considering ragazzo......
Freyr: I see. So you slipped off a cliff while trying to pick that fruit. That was rather reckless of you in such poor weather.
fullkawa honpo's alice mention !!!!!!! (its not)
Balurga: What? Your hand slipped because you were tired from staying up all night making chocolate? Skull: You stayed up? After spending the past couple days busy with requests? That means you've barely slept at all… Do you got chocolate for brains? Go to bed, right now! I'll tuck you in and sing you a lullaby if I have to! Balurga: Can't believe I'm saying this, but Skull's got the right idea. You don't gotta push yourself like that! Huh? You wanted to make chocolates for us that badly… Thanks for caring, but… I'd rather not have chocolate with your blood, sweat, and tears in it.
out of all of the new ones ive read so far this is the sweetest captain-wise,,,like...u absolute fool (endearing). also skull & balurga being so ????? go to BED!!!!!!!!! about it is something i rly like too. excellent. glad to see units & characters i rly like get seasonals i rly like
Lobelia: Let's make this a day to remember. Je t'aime, Captain.
Utsusemi: I know that this emotion can bring no joy to a courtesan, but I can't bring myself to throw it away. Therefore… I would leave it in your care. This savage, fiery emotion… You will find it in this box. If you doubt me, then witness it with your own eyes. Captain opens the box as if in a trance, only to let out a short cry when a spring propels something out of it at high speed. Utsusemi: He… Hehe… Hahaha! Well that was a cute reaction indeed! To think that a jack-in-the-box would be so effective…
Meg: Ehehe. Truth be told, Mari, the one I gave you has special ingredients and is different from the rest. I hope you like it. Mari: (Wow, you were so upfront about that, it may as well have been a wedding proposal!)
me when i read mhyk
Meg: By the way, Mari, did you happen to have any chocolate for Captain? Mari: Mm-hm, sure do. Here you go, Captain. A little thank-you for all you do for us. With all the delight of the proud victor of an imagined love triangle, Mari places a miniscule piece of chocolate on Captain's pinky.
LNKADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLDNKLA?!?!?!?!?!?! MARI...CMON....................i actually was surprised she had choco for captain THEN SHE HIT ME WITH THAAAATTT................I KNOW U LOVE MEG BUT...........god im so thankful for the megmari unit. mari is excellent. the seasonal where shes like 'ill make sure the kitchen width is just right so our shoulders brush when we cook' ??????? u r my favorite person. also when mari thought deliford was in love with sandal. lord. u need to be in every single event
Cosmos: Thought one thing Satyr said remains a mystery to me. She mentioned that skydwellers "put their love" into the chocolate. I followed her instructions to whisper my feelings to the chocolate while making a heart shape with my hands. But I remain uncertain as to whether that affected the flavor.
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night-garden-fic · 7 months
Chapter Eighteen: The Next-Best Wish
(Read on AO3)
Chapter Eighteen: The Next-Best Wish
     For the first time in over a month, Russell sat behind his desk at the Library.
     In an exhausted haze, he rubbed at his tired eyes, then ran his hands down his slack face, as though coaxing it to snap back tight over his bones.  He hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night, though it wasn't for lack of trying.
     Indeed, he'd done everything he could.
     His preparations had started the minute the Library closed, and the very second Tori shut the door behind her.  He'd enlisted Cecilia, and of course Sabrina, who'd in turn enlisted Nicholas and Neumann.  Edward even came over after the Clinic closed for the night, with Camus and Melody trailing curiously behind him.  Raguna, Lady Ann, and Zavier all declined, citing plans of their own, but that was just as well.
     As it turned out, Russell's plot had been a bit elaborate.
     Even with the long evening and seven pairs of eager hands on his side, the work lasted well into the night.  The kids eventually fell asleep under the desk, and Edward—who had to wake up early and let Lara into the Clinic—headed home to bed soon after.  Neumann, too, was an early riser, and bid his wife and son goodbye after a few hours of admirably steady work.  And as for Melody and Camus...
     ...Well, they were also in a hurry to get to bed, albeit for completely different reasons.
     Sabrina, as expected, held out the longest.  She and Russell worked together until just past midnight; at which point Sabrina realized what time it was and hurried home, a fast-asleep Nicholas balanced on her strong hip.
     And so, for nearly three more bleary-eyed hours, Russell worked alone.
     Yes, it was all quite the undertaking.  But as he looked around at the pale pods of origami dolphins, strung into long garlands that decorated every edge and surface of the Library, Russell knew it had been worth the effort.
     He also knew it wasn't his opinion that really mattered.
     It was Tori, after all, who was having the birthday.
     (...Gods almighty.  Twenty.)
     Considering all he'd put her through that winter, Russell had wanted—needed—to make this one special for her.
     The dolphins were the first thing he'd thought of, and he'd almost dismissed the idea as either too silly or too much work.  But now, seeing how impressive they were when it all came together, he was glad he'd decided to trust his instincts.
     He hoped all his accomplices felt the same.
     They were here now, having returned first thing in the morning.
     Sabrina was in the kitchen, steaming pumpkin pudding after pumpkin pudding.  Melody sat on the counter and cracked the eggs, but was proving a somewhat distracted sous-chef; gesticulating boisterously as she rambled at length about the herb garden she was planning for the spring.  It didn't help that Camus was leaning on the cupboards with his arm around Melody's waist, playfully nuzzling her neck and making her giggle wildly.
     And if the kitchen sounded rather raucous, it still paled in comparison to the main room of the Library; where Neumann gawkily thundered around on all fours, pretending to be a dragon.  Cecilia and Nicholas had tamed him, and were currently riding around on his sturdy back, laughing and shrieking all the while.
     Edward watched them as he leaned against Russell's desk, shaking his head bemusedly.
     "...Your friends are all crazy."
     Russell propped his heavy head in his hands and shrugged.
     "Well, they're your friends, too...  And besides, you hang out with me, so you're not really one to talk."
     Edward laughed.
     "No, I suppose not.  You are kind of a handful."
     Russell smirked slightly, thinking of Sabrina and remembering the sting of his ice-torn knees.
     "...Yeah.  I get that a lot."
     Neumann roared past Edward's feet.  Edward merely shrugged.
     "Well, hey...  Better a handful than a bore."
     Russell's smirk shifted to a proper—if somewhat one-sided—smile.
     "I guess so."
     He didn't feel like ruining the moment by suggesting that he was, somehow, both at once.
     And besides, he'd already heard the key jitter into the lock.
     Russell leapt out of his chair and dashed to stand in the center of the room, clapping his hands exactly once, the way they'd all discussed.
     In an instant, his friends gathered around him.
     Neumann stood upright and became a man again, the children bouncing excitedly at his feet.  Sabrina rushed into the room, carrying a wobbly, unstable pyramid of puddings on a huge platter; a lit candle stuck precariously in each glistening top.  Camus carried a laughing Melody out of the kitchen, like a knight who had just rescued a rather silly maiden.  Edward simply stepped out from behind the desk.
     And, when the door opened, casting the room in harsh snowblind light, they all called out in unison:
     The shy girl staggered back like a stunned woodland creature; breath panic-rapid, eyes wide.  She stood still as a statue for a moment, as her face turned an almost fluorescent red and a few tears ran down her burning cheeks.  Then she started giggling hysterically, bent double at the waist.
     Sabrina's grip on the platter was beginning to waver, and the topmost pudding slid off, falling to the floor with a messy splat.  In their rush to stomp out the burning candle, Camus and Melody completely obliterated the pudding, sending orange globs flying.  Sabrina let out a slow breath through gritted teeth.
     "...Gods' sake, girl, can you please blow out these candles before the whole place goes up?"
     Tori bounced to attention, braids whipping around her.
     "...R-right!  S-sorry about that!"
     Then she took a deep breath, releasing it in a great gust that extinguished every flame.  All her gathered friends and neighbors clapped, which nearly sent her into another paroxysm of shyness.
     While everyone's attention was on Tori, Nicholas took the opportunity to pick up a clump of trod pudding and gleefully shove it in his mouth.  Sabrina carefully lowered the platter onto Russell's desk, barking at her son as she plucked out the burnt candles.
     "...Nicky!  Don't be disgusting!  Camus walks through poo, for heaven's sake!  We're all going to have pudding in just a minute.  Pudding nobody stepped on.  Melody!  Plates!"
     The witchy young girl raised a hand to her forehead in a cheerful mock salute.
     Before Russell could stop her, Cecilia picked up a pudding glob of her own.  She seemed to consider eating it for a moment, but decided to hurl it at Nicholas instead, and now it was Russell's turn to bark at an unruly child.
     Just as Nicholas began to kneel for another handful, Edward and Camus stepped in to clean up the mess with—rather bizarrely—a spatula and a dustpan.  Russell turned to Tori, just to see how she was doing, and was cheered to see that she was laughing.  Not in anxious hysterics, but musical and genuine.
     Then she finally noticed the dolphins, and her face went slack in awe.
     Russell grinned.
     Tori's clear blue eyes were wet and shiny, her voice breathy and hushed.
     "...Th-they're beautiful..."
     Russell practically glowed with pride, running his thumb across the shallow paper cuts on his fingertips.
     "I'm glad you like them...  Anyway, do you think you're ready for another surprise?"
     Tori looked somewhat stricken again, but the smile never left her face.
     "I-I...  Oh my!  I g-guess so..."
     With a shy, lopsided smile, Russell threw his arms wide.
     "Well, then...  Surprise!  I'm coming back to work!"
     With a startled gasp, Tori threw her arms around Russell, burying her red face in his coat.
     "...Oh, th-thank goodness!  A-are you all better now, sir?"
     Russell slung his arms loosely around her trembling shoulders and shrugged.
     "Well, Ed told me that all-or-nothing thinking is discouraging...  But I've had a little more energy lately, so I figured it was time."
     Tori's voice was choked with tears.
     "...I-I'm...  S-so...  G-glad..."
     Suddenly reminded of the quivering thirteen-year-old who could barely spit out her request for a job as a page all those years ago, Russell held her protectively.
     "I am, too...  And thanks for all your help this winter.  Seriously, the place would have fallen apart without you...  Now, come on!  No crying at your own party!"
     Tori shyly laughed away her tears, dabbing at her eyes with her sleeves.  Then she jumped slightly as Sabrina clapped loudly and shouted out to the crowd.
     At her command, everyone gathered around the jiggling orange tower.  Melody passed out plates, and Camus carefully slid the puddings onto them with the spatula, which Russell hoped he'd at least taken the time to wash.
     I did it.
     Unable to partake in the feast, Russell simply sat next to the dwindling platter on his desk; his feet dangling lazily, the way Cecilia often did.  He watched the room, feeling his heart swell as he basked in the world he had created within its walls.  Dolphins swimming through the air, and pudding for breakfast.  The towers of books that had taken years to build.  All these laughing friends.
     I really did!
     His reverie was interrupted by Sabrina, who had come to stand beside the desk, gently prodding him in his good side with a surprisingly dainty elbow.
     "...Here you go!"
     Russell flinched, shaking the dreams from his head.
     "Ow...  What...  Oh.  Thank you!"
     Sabrina had handed him a miniature loaf of warm, orange bread.
     "I had some extra pumpkin...  And did you really think I wouldn't make something you could eat?"
     "You're in my heart."
     Russell suddenly felt like crying.
     "I guess I didn't think either way, but I certainly appreciate it!"
     Smiling as he blinked back the incipient tears, Russell positioned the bread for a bite.
     "Wait!  Wait!"
     Sabrina quickly grabbed his wrist, then produced a candle from the desktop and stuck it in the bread, lighting it with a match from her pocket.  Russell let out a small, stunned laugh.
     "What...  Sabrina, it's not my birthday."
     Sabrina shrugged.
     "Just thought you could use a wish is all."
     Russell gazed into the tiny dancing flame.
     "...Sure.  I guess I could."
     What could I wish for?
     There was, of course, one obvious answer.
     But, as he watched Edward leaning against the far wall, eating his pudding and making Melody laugh with embarrassing stories about Camus, Russell knew he'd never want to trap that man with a wish.
     He had, after all, worked so long and hard to be free.
     So instead, he looked around at his merry library full of reveling friends, and simply wished that every day could feel a little more like this.
     Russell blew out the candle in one swift breath, then began munching the soft, sweet bread as he watched the party roll on.  It would roll all the way into the early afternoon; the cheerful guests laughing, carrying on, and showering Tori with gifts.
     Russell, Edward, and Sabrina all opted to give her new books.  Cecilia, of course, made her a handsome set of butterfly bookmarks from the fancy paper.  Nicholas handed her a perfect spiral shell.  Melody had meticulously assembled a basket of teas, soaps, and sachets, all spiked with fragrant pink flowers.  Camus and Neumann had both piggybacked on their partners' gifts, and were looking a bit embarrassed, but Tori—being Tori—was too flustered and grateful to notice.
     The party was a roaring success, but it was soon time for them all to part ways and get back to work, which they did with little hesitation.  There was still, after all, the main party at the Inn that evening, and everyone would almost surely be in attendance.
     Strangely, it was Neumann who lingered behind in the Library, calling out to Sabrina that he would catch up in a minute.
     "...Hey!  Russell!"
     Russell stepped back into the main room, having just placed the remaining puddings in the refrigerator for Tori and Cecilia to enjoy in the coming days.
     Neumann looked terribly awkward, and seemed to be taking a long time to figure out what he wanted to say.
     "Um...  You know I'm not much of a reader, and...  Well..."
     Russell nodded encouragingly.
     "Go on."
     Neumann took a deep breath, collecting himself a bit.
     "It's just...  If I wanted to start reading more books, what are some good ones?"
     Though he didn't know Neumann well enough to guess his general tastes, Russell knew immediately what to recommend, and hurried over to the shelf where it sat.
     He was thinking of a particular series of seafaring adventure novels, penned by the same author who gave life to Tori's beloved Dolphin Prince.  This particular saga focused more on adventure than romance, and one of the main characters was a beautiful pirate queen, of whom Russell was quite fond.
     Though the Pirate Queen was quite beautiful, she was not everyone's cup of tea; a hard-drinking ruffian who tended to say whatever came to mind.  She joyfully lured endless friends and strangers into her bed, and preferred to go barefoot if the situation didn't call for her grubby old boots.  Her hair was choppy and rugged, because she cut it in fistfulls with her saber.
     And, through all her triumphs and misadventures, it was her zest for life, along with her deep care for her crew, that made her as lovable as she was wild.  More than any treasure, she wanted her friends to love life the way she did, and to love themselves and one another as much as she loved them.
     She was Russell's favorite character in the whole series, and he had a hunch that Neumann would love her, too.
     He pulled the first volume off the shelf, and handed it over with a smile.
     "...Here.  These are a lot of fun, and pretty easy to burn through, too.  Please, let me know how you like it!"
     Neumann turned the book over in his hands, shuffling through the pages.
     "...I sure will!  Actually..."
     Suddenly, he seemed a bit awkward again, though Russell wasn't really sure why.
     Neumann tucked the book under his arm.
     "I...  Well, I'd like to get to know you a little better.  My wife likes you a lot, and she's pretty great, so I figure you must be a pretty great guy yourself!"
     Russell was somewhat taken aback, for he and Neumann had never gotten along very well.  Whether it was a territorial issue with Sabrina, or a simple personality clash that would have existed in any circumstance, he was never quite certain.  Either way, it was strangely touching to see him try.
     "I'm...  All right, I guess.  Honestly, I don't know why someone like her bothers with either of us."
     Neumann laughed.
     "I hear that...  We're just lucky men, I guess!  Anyway, thanks for the book.  I'll bring it back when I'm done!"
     Tipping the book as though it were a hat, Neumann loped out the door, with Russell calling after him.
     "...You better!"
     With another laugh, he was gone.  Cecilia trailed after him, eager to play with Nicholas for the remainder of the afternoon.
     The door banged shut, leaving Russell and Tori alone in their paper sea.
     As Tori cracked open one of her new books, Russell took his place behind his desk.
     At long last, it was time to get to work.
     The first day of work—as first days often did—barely counted.
     Though the mood had grown quieter after the guests left, it remained a day to celebrate and relax.  Russell and Tori left their duties joyfully undone, choosing instead to bury themselves in their books and make a fractured, cheerful sort of conversation until it was time to close up and leave for the next party.
     To Russell's mind, this was just one more reason to knuckle down hard on his second day back.  He took his toast and tea standing over the kitchen sink, thanking his lucky stars that the thought of alcohol still turned his stomach, making him refuse the previous night's festive drinks.
     He would not, at least, be starting the day hungover.
    Russell took a deep breath, watched the kitchen window cloud as he exhaled, then set to work rebuilding his world.
     So far, it was taking a bit more effort than expected.  While Cecilia certainly had an impressive understanding of the card system for such a young child, she had perhaps been exaggerating the extent of her knowledge to impress him.
     Tori, of course, understood much better, but there were a few intricacies of the catalog where she seemingly preferred to await Russell's judgment.  As it was, it was mostly usable.  But it wasn't quite how he liked it, so he spent the first hour of the morning setting it straight.
     As he shuffled through the cards, he realized that, though it was grey outside and sleeting intermittently, Lynette hadn't been in to seek refuge from her drafty house.  Of course, he knew exactly why this was, but thinking about it made his stomach hurt, so he chose to feign ignorance to himself.
     Shaking the bad thoughts from his head, he gently slid the last drawer of cards back into place.
     You're still on track.
     With the cards back in order, Russell could begin his primary task: handling his correspondences.
     While he was laid up in the Clinic, and as he slowly recovered at home, Tori had carefully squirreled away any incoming letters in the top drawer of his desk.  There was, by now, a fairly impressive collection.  And, if Russell didn't know better, he would have sworn they'd started breeding in there.
     There were all the usual offers and requests, which gave way to reminders that he hadn't replied, and then to inquiries about his well-being.  Towards the top of the stack, the latter seemed to dominate, including many letters signed with names he hadn't seen in months.
     With a sigh, Russell sorted the letters by sender, took up his fountain pen, and tried to think of a way to explain himself.  Eventually, he settled on "I've been sorting out some health issues," figuring that was as true as it needed to be.
     "I spent most of the winter intoxicated, until a local ghost found me face-down in a ditch" just brings up more questions.
     Predictably, by the middle of the afternoon, Russell honestly wished he'd chosen something else.
     But then again, what phrase wouldn't one eventually come to hate, if they had to write it fifty times in a row?  Especially if there was, seemingly, no end in sight.  With only an hour until closing, the pile of letters had dwindled by less than half; the redundant vowels of "health" and the squirming triple-s of "issues" beginning to look like soundless nonsense in Russell's overworked mind.  His fingers stung with pins and needles, and his wrist had begun to crack and ache.
     The sooner you sort this out, the sooner things can get back to normal.
     Russell took off his glasses for a moment, rubbing his burning eyes with a groan.  Then he slipped them back on, slid the latest apologetic letter into its envelope, addressed it, and sealed it with his stick of blue wax.
     Briefly, he paused to study the design.
     He used a seal with an insignia that was supposed to be a globe, in the same way his tattoo was supposed to be a compass.  It had come in a cheap set of office supplies that he'd gotten from Ivan shortly after opening the Library, and he hadn't thought about it much since then.
     I should really get a custom seal made.  This is so unprofessional.
     (You're such a mess.)
     That isn't important right now.  You can think about it once everyone knows you're not dead.
     (What image would I even choose?)
     Once again, he reminded himself that he could handle it later.  For now, Russell set the completed letter aside and began work on the next.  He was so deep in concentration that he didn't even hear the door swinging open.
     He did, however, hear the visitor's familiar voice.
     "...Wow.  Working hard already, I see!"
     Russell looked up from the paper, where he had been preparing to sign his name.
     "Hey, Ed...  Yeah.  Just catching up on all these."
     He gestured at the piles of letters with his pen, before touching the nib to the paper once more.  Edward nodded thoughtfully.
     "I see...  How long have you been at it?"
     Russell blew on the wet ink of his name, held up the paper until he could see that it was dry, then folded it neatly.
     "Since...  I'm not sure.  Around ten?"
     Edward gaped slightly in disbelief.
     "Russell, it's almost six!"
     Russell's eyes trailed from the molten blue Earth before him to the small brass clock on his desk.
     "...Oh.  So it is."
     I still have time for two more.  Three, if I keep things brief.
     Russell curled and uncurled his stiff fingers a few times, cracked this thumb and wrist, and went for a fresh sheet of paper.  Before he could reach it, Edward had grabbed his hand.
     "Did you take any breaks?  Did you even eat lunch?"
     Let go of me so I can get on with this!
     He supposed he could have simply jerked his hand away, but it was no use.  Russell—as he suspected he would if he stopped for even a moment—had hit a wall.  He felt his shoulders slump in exhaustion.
     "...I didn't want to break my momentum, you know?"
     Edward gently cupped both hands around Russell's cold, aching one, and began to work the stiff joints with his thumbs.
     "I know.  And I also know it's not good for you.  No one should work like that, even when they're in perfect health...  You're still recovering, so that goes double for you.  You need to pace yourself, all right?"
     As Russell looked around at the papers on his desk, he swore he saw them multiply again.
     "The more I pace myself, the more work I'll have to do later.  I'll be able to take it easy once I finish this."
     Edward continued rubbing the life back into Russell's hand, paying special attention to his knuckles and wrist.
     "...Or you'll crash, and you'll end up behind again.  Then you'll have the same amount of work, and no energy to do it, so you'll fall even further behind, and..."
     All this talk of falling behind just made Russell want to snatch his hand back and resume writing, but whatever Edward was doing felt too good to stop.
     "...And you're exaggerating.  If I keep my pace, I'll be done by tomorrow."
     Edward pressed his thumbs deep into Russell's palm, loosening the joints with a series of tiny satisfying pops.
     "Well, why's it so important to have it done by tomorrow?  If you slow down, I'm sure it'll only take one, maybe two extra days.  I can't imagine much more would pile up in that time."
     Russell rested his head on one of the few empty spots on his desk, hoping the coolness of the wood would slow his racing thoughts.
     "...Because I've already been so unreliable.  Why should I have the right to leave everyone waiting even longer, just because...  What?  My hand hurts a little?"
     Edward shrugged.
     "You've been ill.  Anyone even halfway professional would understand."
     Russell thought of the cheap, blue globe that finished each and every letter.
     "I guess I'm not much of a professional."
     Edward laced his fingers with Russell's, slowly rotating his stiff wrist.
     "...Could that be a start, then, if you need an excuse to be less hard on yourself?"
     Russell sat up again, propping his chin on his fist.
     "I don't know...  Probably not.  I think I'll be hard on myself until I'm done here."
     Edward laughed bitterly as he cradled Russell's hand again, checking every tendon and joint for tension.
     "...With these letters?  Or on Earth?"
     Russell sighed.
     "Good question..."
     Having found one last sore spot at the base of Russell's thumb, Edward began gently working it out.
     "...Russell, has anyone ever told you that you have a mind like a briar patch?"
     Russell felt the thorns tightening around his tired brain; both horrified and relieved that, finally, it seemed like someone else could see them.
     "No.  I think that's probably an Edward-ism."
     Edward ran his thumbs along Russell's wrist a few more times, then released his grip.
     "Well, I meant it.  Anyway...  If you're going to be hard on yourself, can you at least be a little less hard on your body?  Take breaks to eat and stretch once in a while?"
     Russell crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.
     "When I stop, all I can think about is how much time is going by, and how little I'm getting done, so-"
     Edward cut him off, apparently having heard enough.
     "...So you're going to do what you're going to do.  I understand.  Really.  And you know what?  I've been here, too.  Back in med school, I did paperwork like this, and I got the worst writer's cramp you could ever imagine.  Eventually, I started taping up my hand, and that really helped.  I could show you how tonight, if you want."
     Russell flexed his fingers and wrists.  His right hand was now so warm and limber that the left had begun paining him by comparison, and what he really wanted was for Edward to even them out.
     You just want him to touch you.
     (I do.)
     He wanted Edward to touch him, and he wanted Edward to come around and hold him whenever he started overworking himself, to calm him down and force him to rest.  But Russell knew that was a lot to ask, so he simply shrugged.
     "If you think it'll help."
     Edward shrugged in reply.
     "It's a good short-term solution."
     As he spoke, his eyes seemed to be insisting that this had better be a short-term problem.  Russell nodded, though he himself couldn't be quite sure.
     "Okay.  Yeah."
     Edward smiled.
     "...Good!  I'll see you in a few hours.  In the meantime, go relax.  And please eat something...  Your hands are shaking."
     Russell tucked his hands under his upper arms, out of sight.
     "I will...  See you."
     Edward waved as he stepped out into the chilly evening.
     Russell glanced at the clock.  Seeing that it was past closing time, he dismissed Tori with an apologetic shake of the head.
     And then he was alone.
     ...Well, not entirely alone.  He could hear Cecilia fooling around upstairs, and was grateful for the percussion of her small feet on the old wood floor above.  As he listened to it, Russell considered what to do next.
     On one hand, he had nothing to do until his nightly appointment, and could easily knock out more letters in that time.
     On the other, he was still at least trying to follow Edward's directions.
     (Because I love him.)
     In the end, love won out over drudgery.
     Love, and the pulsing headache that had snarled together behind Russell's eyes while he wasn't paying attention.
     Wearily, he stood up from his desk, cracking his sore back and neck.  Then he walked into the kitchen and hastily spread some jam on a slice of bread, folding it in half as he stood before the window over the sink.
     Somehow, it had gotten dark.  In place of his barren back garden, Russell saw only the shadowy reflection of his exhausted, hollow-eyed face.
     He wasn't sure which one depressed him more.
     Face stinging from the cold, hand and wrist still snugly wrapped from Edward's demonstration, Russell stepped back into the dark, sleeping Library.
     This'll be a long night, won't it?
     (Don't ask if you already know the answer.)
     At first, his nightly dose was enough to knock him out almost instantly.  Then to make him feel slightly numb, then pleasantly drowsy.  Lately, it wasn't enough to do much of anything.  His eyelids were a bit heavy, but it seemed he was always tired these days, so that could have been unrelated.
     Soon, he supposed, the night would come that he'd receive nothing at all.
     I can't do this.
     You have to.
     (You love him.)
     Russell paced the floor restlessly, then turned on his desk lamp.
     If he couldn't sleep, he could always read.
     But what should I read?
     He considered diving into the backlog of new books that had accumulated while he was unwell, but he figured he owed those more concentration than he could currently muster.  Then he ran through his old favorites in his head, but they all sounded tedious.  Of the assorted books he cracked as he aimlessly wandered the shelves, none of them had held his interest.
     Russell sighed as his hand gravitated towards the one spine he knew he shouldn't touch.
     Don't do this.
     (The thing almost killed you.)
     It was too late.
     He had the book of military history in hand, and was already thumbing through the pages, searching for himself.  He knew what he was doing wasn't good, but he thought he finally understood the compulsion.
     You just need to prove it to yourself.
     When Russell was at his worst, he sometimes forgot why he felt so bad in the first place; as though the pain was so great that it swallowed its own beginnings.  He had his memories of the war, of all those bad years.  But the memories were all he had, and they were slowly fading and distorting, as all memories eventually did.
     With each passing year, they seemed less and less real; his suffering more and more devoid of context, until he began to wonder why he hurt so much in the first place.  And so, whenever he got lost in that vague pain-fog, all Russell wanted was something to point out and say, here.
     You went to the place where young men die.
     You walked out alive.
     (You did not walk out intact.)
     He had Cecilia, of course.  But, though she had come from the battlefield, she was not of it.  She definitely belonged to his current life.
     He had his awful tattoo and his painful scar, both of which he had carried for so long that they were simply parts of his body.  They were no different from his bad eyes, or the grey spreading through his hair.  His list of slightly-embarrassing physical defects was so long that they tended to get lost along with everything else.
     For a while, he'd had his old utility knife, and even used it often around the house.  Until, that is, he impulsively threw it into the ocean; during another long-ago bad winter, when he didn't quite trust himself not to open a vein.
     And he'd kept his tattered uniform pants around for longer than he probably should have, just because he knew they drove Sabrina crazy.  He loved how she'd sneak up on him and grab his hips, and the feeling of her clever hand sliding under his unfastened waistband.  Of course, inevitably, they started falling apart, so he cut them into rags and gave those to Leo to use in his blacksmith's shop.
     Russell, now, had only the picture.
     He found himself; a bewildered-looking slip of a boy, standing hunched and blank-eyed at the very edge like always.
     It made him sad that he could read the pain in his shoulders better than the emotion on his face.
     How was your day?  How are you feeling?
     He couldn't tell, beyond the reasonable assumption that his younger self had a hard day and was pretty tired.  But then again, he might have been projecting.  Either way, he wanted to somehow reassure him.  To tell him that everything would, eventually, work out.
     In a year, you'll love someone.
     (He dies.)
     A few more, and you'll get to rest for a long, long time.
     (Because you were nearly killed.)
     Just two more after that, and you meet your daughter.
     (She's wonderful.)
     You get out for good that same day.
     (For good, but never completely.)
     You will love again.
     (She goes back to her ex-husband.)
     And again.
     (It's a different sort of love.  A silly game.)
     ...And again.
     (You're not the one for him.)
     For the most part, you'll be happy.
     (You'll fall again and again.)
     I will let you down.
     (I'm sorry.)
     Russell snapped the book shut, heart pounding.
     This isn't good for you.
     (Like that ever stopped you before.)
     He briefly thought about drinking, but found that the thought still nauseated him; still called up the image of those four drinks, swirled with blood and steaming in the snow.
     There was, it seemed, nothing to do but go to bed.
     Russell went upstairs, dressed in clean pajamas, and crawled under the covers.  He was still wide-awake, but at least he was warm.
     In the blue moonlight, he held up his right hand; studying the clean white cloth, wound tidily from wrist to knuckle.  Edward had been painstakingly slow and careful as he wrapped him, making sure he memorized each movement.
     He had also, Russell recalled, told him to take it off before he went to sleep.
     But he didn't feel like he would be falling asleep any time soon, so he figured it would be okay.
     Just a little while longer.
     He turned his hand over and over, wondering if he'd still know how to do it in the morning, and if he'd be able to do it even half as well.  Then he laid his hand on the mattress beside him, still feeling the wrappings without seeing them.  The light compression soothed and stabilized his mind as much as it did his wrist.
     Ed's pretty good at this.
     Russell imagined how it would feel if those wrappings bound not just his hand but his body; twining around his nervous bones with surgical precision, holding him fast and ready for the one he loved.
     I'd let him do anything to me.
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (8/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: It’s breathtaking~.
Homare: A magnificent view, indeed.
Azuma: It’s great they’re in full bloom right now.
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Tsumugi: Yes. This is the place, alright… It hasn’t changed at all since back then.
Hisoka: …You’ve been here before?
Tsumugi: I came here with my grandma when I was a child. And I wanted to visit this place one more time to take pictures of the peonies.
Hisoka: The flowers I saw before were spring peonies. But the ones this time of the year are winter peonies called tree peonies.
Tasuku: I’m glad you were able to remember.
Tsumugi: Yeah. Hisoka-kun, it seems you have some special memories attached to these flowers. But these peonies were close to my heart too. …I totally forgot about them until recently though.
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Hisoka: …Really? That has happened to you too?
Homare: Perhaps it would be wise to take some pictures before you forget.
Tsumugi: Oh, right.
Tsumugi: There we go.
Tasuku: Are you sure they’re not blurry?
Tsumugi: They’re alright… I think. How do they look to you?
Tasuku: I’ll give them a pass. Should I take the pictures?
Tsumugi: No, it’s okay. It’s meaningful for me to take them by myself today, so this is fine.
Azuma: Is anything coming back to you, Hisoka?
Hisoka: …No. But recently, whenever I’ve recalled the past, there was always a scent that served as a trigger… … (There’s a faint fragrance… so these are peonies…)
*flashback starts*
Hisoka: (There’s so many flowers on display… Is this a flower shop…?)
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Clerk: Up we go—.
Hisoka: Ah… (One of them fell… I wonder if I should pick it up…) (I might get told off again if I touch it… But it’ll wither and get trampled on if it’s left there…) Excuse me… this one fell.
Clerk: Hm? Ahh, you’re right. Thank you. What a kind child you are.
Hisoka: … (Thank God. They didn’t get mad at me…)
Clerk: Ah, yes. Please wait a moment.
Hisoka: ?
Clerk: Here you go. This is a present as a thank you for your thoughtfulness. You can call it a paeonia. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Hisoka: (Flowers aren’t edible, so I’m not interested… Yet…) …I think it’s pretty. (It’s pointless to receive something I can’t eat… But, it’s strange. I feel so happy, I’m about to cry…)
*flashback ends*
Hisoka: …
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Izumi: Are you okay, Hisoka-san?
Tasuku: Wouldn’t it be better for him to rest on that bench over there?
Guy: Shall we carry him?
Hisoka: …No, I’m alright. …I remembered. A memory of peonies. …When I was little, the very first flower someone gave me was a peony. I never thought that I would receive a flower, so I pretended I wasn’t interested when they handed it to me… To me, that was one of my most precious memories that I never wanted to forget… So why in the world did that happen?
Tsumugi: Sometimes, even I forget times that were happy. I only recently remembered that Flower Park was the place I visited with my grandma. You’re not the only one, Hisoka-kun. We’re only human, so it’s natural to forget both good times and bad.
Tausku: I barely remember my childhood either. That’s the way it is.
Guy: Just like you, Mikage, I am sure there are still things from my past that still lay forgotten. I understand how you feel.
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Azuma: Human memories are fickle things, aren’t they? You can’t recall them clearly forever. I have had times when I’ve felt lonesome about forgetting too.
Homare: That is why I think they can be preserved by reminiscing from time to time on how things were in the past.
Izumi: Even if, let’s say, you do forget, then I’m sure all of your memories are just sleeping inside of you Hisoka-kun. Just like how August-san certainly existed, the time we’ve spent together will never disappear. Besides, right now, you have loved ones you can share all your memories with. That’s why there’s no need to be afraid.
Hisoka: I see… (…I’m not alone now. Even if I do forget, I’m sure that someone—everyone will remember…)
Tsumugi: I also felt a little taken aback when my grandma forgot that we came here before. Earlier, I said that it’s natural to forget things since we’re only human. But that was self-serving of me, wasn’t it…
Hisoka: …That’s proof that you care about your grandma, Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: I appreciate it, Hisoka-kun. The reason I was able to recall my memories of Flower Park was because of a souvenir bookmark I gave to Tasuku. When I laid eyes on that bookmark, this exact view came back to my mind. It would be best to preserve your precious memories in a tangible form so you won’t forget them, wouldn’t it?
Azuma: Make the memories you don’t want to forget, tangible… that’s a wonderful idea.
Homare: Then let us preserve today in a tangible form as a reminder. Hisoka-kun, you’re in the charge of the camera.
Hisoka: Why…
Homare: I wish to capture this moment right now on film.
Hisoka: …What a pain. You can do it yourself.
Homare: You won’t budge, will you? I ask you then, Guy-san.
Guy: I do not mind.
Hisoka: …Ah, I’ve decided what I want to do for our next play.
Homare: Right now!? I was going to record a VLOG.
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Izumi: What do you have in mind?
Hisoka: I want to use flowers.
Guy: Flowers? That is certainly a motif we have not done before.
Izumi: That sounds great. If it’s Winter troupe, then I’m sure the play will end up having a different vibe from Summer troupe’s “Prince in Full Bloom”. “Actors are flowers”, after all.
Homare: I think that theme is perfect for Hisoka-kun to show his family what a fine actor he’s become.
Hisoka: …Also, I have a request for Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: A request?
Hisoka: …But I feel kind of tired from reminiscing about the past. I’m sleepy.
Tasuku: Hey, don’t just fall asleep. And he’s out like a light like always.
*dream starts*
*blink, blink*
Hisoka: …Huh?
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*blink, blink*
Hisoka: (It’s the market I used wander around all time when I was young… But the one here is present me.) … (And the kid in front of me… is me when I was young.)
Young Hisoka: …Who are you?
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Hisoka: …You don’t need to know, trust me.
Young Hisoka: …Hmm.
Hisoka: …Are you lonely by yourself?
Young Hisoka: Not really…
Hisoka: …I’ll give this to you.
Young Hisoka: …What’s this?
Hisoka: …A paeonia. I was overjoyed when I got one of these in the past.
Young Hisoka: Why are you giving one to me…?
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Hisoka: …I thought it’d be nice if I could cheer you up with this flower.
Young Hisoka: …
Hisoka: …It’s going to be alright. Your time alone will come to an end, I know it. (And after that, so many precious memories are waiting for you.) So, for now, keep living…
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ichinisankaku · 2 years
Backstage Translation - BIRTHDAY VLOG: Homare (Part 2)
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Homare: Greetings, esteemed guests. Are you enjoying my birthday event?
We'll be watching my vlog now. Chikage-kun is the one filming.
Chikage: Spring Troupe's Utsuki Chikage here.
Homare: In order to entertain you all, I'll be guiding you to a special location.
Chikage: ...I'll stop here for now.
Homare: Ah, thank you. Well then, shall we be off?
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Chikage: What a large villa.
Homare: Oh my, is this your first time here?
Chikage: Yeah, though I have heard about it before.
Homare: Since we're here to film, I can't give you much hospitality, but do relax.
Chikage: I don't mind. We have plenty of time, so how about we continue filming now?
Homare: Ah, that's right. The items I got Takao to prepare in advance should be... yes, they're here.
Chikage: Could these be...
Homare: It's as you assume. Chikage-kun, could you resume the filming for me?
Chikage: Sure thing.
Homare: Ahem... now, here we are at the Arisugawa family villa.
My usual vlogs are mostly comprised of events occurring in my daily life...
However, rarely do I delve into my childhood memories.
This villa is packed full of the remnants of my youth.
Here we have a pot I made, a vase I made, and various other things I'd made.
Chikage: So that's it.
Homare: However, these are all from before my talents as a genius had bloomed...
As you are all my fans, I wished to exhibit failures from before the birth of the genius Arisugawa Homare.
This is a vase I failed to make. Chikage-kun, could you focus the camera on it?
Chikage: Got it. ...This vase has a rather unique shape, doesn't it.
Homare: Indeed. No matter how I remade it, it never took the form I wanted it to, which I found vexing.
Chikage: I see. ...But I can feel the sensibilities of the current you in it.
I think it has an atmosphere that you and only you could bring out.
Homare: Ooh...! Chikage-kun, so that's how you feel about it!
Thank you. If I'd heard that at the time, it would surely have become a thought that would save me.
Everyone, how do you feel when you look at this vase...? I do hope you'll let me know on the day.
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Chikage: Good work on the vlog.
Homare: Likewise, good work Chikage-kun. Now then, I'll brew you some tea as thanks for filming.
Chikage: Thank you.
Homare: You really helped me today. I appreciate it.
Chikage: No, I'm glad I could be of assistance. I was able to hear about your "failure" first-hand, too.
Homare: I must say, I'm interested in your failures too.
Like myself, you come across to others as someone who'd never make a mistake, after all.
I'd love to hear about them sometime.
Chikage: I'll tell you eventually, if there's an opportunity.
Homare: Ah, I'm looking forward to that day.
Part 1 | Part 3
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