#so yeah! ty for asking!
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treviso-nights · 3 months ago
can you elaborate more on your thought process here?
“in a shocking and completely predictable turn of events, felassan is actually the revolutionary solas thinks he is”
yes! (forewarning: so many ppl on here are actual analytic geniuses and i am 10000% no such thing.)
so, to me, solas thinks of himself as an anti-hero when i would say he's an anti-villain. he reads himself as "tragic" but ultimately thinks of his goal as "good", and will proselytize even the most uninterested party (such as varric, sera, and iron bull) in demeaning and often racist ways (for example, see solas repeatedly calling the qunari "savages" and "brutes" to iron bull's face).
he is quick to abandon, betray, and kill anyone as long as he deems it necessary, and imo, there is a profound lack of loyalty and integrity "true" abolitionists/revolutionary leaders need to possess. after all, despite a lot of people ignoring epler telling us that solas abandoned his army of freed elves (and fine, that's fair since this is all fiction anwyay) bc he realized he wasn't "management material", i personally think it's a perfect characterization of who solas actually is—that of a distorted, warped spirit who no longer resembles his original ideal but attempts to convince himself and those around him that his ultimate purposes are still that ideal... which is why i think felassan is such a nice counterpart to this idea—
bc in veilguard, when we see flashbacks of felassan's growing alarm of solas's disregard for the lives of their soldiers, he is unwilling to part with his friend out of a sense of loyalty and general hope that the ends will justify the means. ironically, i think felassan was saved from corruption by solas entering uthenera because this could've easily led to him forever excusing away solas's actions, just as solas did for mythal for thousands of years.
so now we have felassan, wandering the world and watching it evolve first-hand in a way which the ancient elves did not get a chance to do. idk if we ever got confirmation that he also entered uthenera at some point (if we did, i missed it), but in time, he got to bond with the "modern" elves in an authentic manner which solas decided was counterintuitive after waking (although how he ever thought walking up to a dalish clan and pronouncing his godhood was EVER a good idea is beyond me, tho i forget if that was actually the case or if i'm making that shit up), leading him to come to the conclusion that the elves are actually people after all, which solas could not do without help from the inquisition.
i could keep going, but basically, felassan's capacity to form and experience real friendships (and not rely on abandonment, manipulation, or outright murder as a foundation or last resort for those friendships), TEACH (not convince) those willing to learn (instead of proselytizing), and evolve his own personal perspectives (and then stay ACCOUNTABLE to those perspectives and act in alignment with them), are all antithetical to the actions we see solas take in inquisition, trespasser, and veilguard. only when you trick him in veilguard's ending scene does he begin to understand his own foolishness (tho i have no doubt he will never understand the depth of that foolishness unless he sheds his mortal body and somehow regains his true essence) because even if you choose to redeem him, he ignores rook's/the inquisitor's pleas to just stop until mythal comes out to "release him" from his service. (which i'm sure he would also use to excuse his actions.)
to me, felassan is the archetype of the empathetic, considerate, loyal, and steadfast revolutionary. not solas. his ability to learn, trust others, and take responsibility for his actions are what makes me think so. and i wish we got to see more of him in veilguard :(
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chloesimaginationthings · 9 months ago
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The worst man ever 💜
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demonic0angel · 4 months ago
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hi they occupy my brain space
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Holy shit it's beautiful
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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Dishonourable Demonstration
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arolegos · 6 months ago
im way too scared to say this on main but icl i love lloyrumi n' i love ur lloyrumi art ... can u draw them more for me ... maybe dr harumi meeting sora and jordana like 'damn lloyd they js like us fr fr ???'
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i love when the relationship dynamic is "kiss marry kill? all of the above"
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batbabydamian · 3 months ago
Who - in your opinion - is the superior bat?
Cass! also, she has a new series with 3 issues out atm!
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15 🤩
i am MORE then happy to share more self indulgent head canons with lil to NO promptin!! AGH TY FOR THE ASK LOVE!!
1.) Almost the entire gang has had at least one piercin' at some point or another. Soda has his left lobe, Steve has his right cartilage, Two had his snake bite, Dallas had his eyebrow, 'n Johnny has his tongue. They TRIED to pierce Pony's nose but Darry came home halfway through to Pony with just a needle through his nose BAWLIN'. Two's got infected 'n Dallas got aggravated with his. Johnny 'n the gang forget about his all the time until Johnny sticks his tongue out 'n they're like AGH WHAT IS oh never mind that's right. For a while though that man was in the TRENCHES. had to relearn how to talk entirely.
2.) all the boys have what's called a 'special' that refers to a certain behavior. The Ponyboy Special is retellin' a story 'n leavin' out all the parts that make him look bad (specifically when he's in trouble) the Darry Special is pushin' too hard when he's already beat. They'll catch him tryin' to do laundry asleep on his feet 'n someone'll shout HEY THE DARRY SPECIAL IS ON 'n they'll all manhandle him down into the armchair (he claims he's fine 'n is asleep in 5 minutes). The Two-Bit Special is drinkin' before noon. 'N so on.
3.) Darry 'n Dallas are the only early risers. Dallas will fall asleep at three 'n wake up at five 'n somehow beat Darry into the kitchen in the mornin' meanwhile Darry is goin' to bed PROMPTLY at ten. Ten thirty on the weekends that man is an early bird 'n he is takin' his ass to BED. Dallas just runs on three hours of sleep 24/7. They're all waitin' for him to pass out in the middle of doin' somethin' one day.
4.) Dallas manages to be a pseudo brother to both Pony 'n Curly 'n is as much a freeloader at the Shepard's as he is the Curtis' but where Pony brings out a softer side in him Dallas has NO problem sendin' Curly through a wall. They scrap ALL the time. Dallas has scars from where Curly has bit him (the fucker) 'n Curly lost ('n swallowed) six baby teeth as a result of Dallas. Picture Steve 'n Pony but significantly more feral. They always go out for Dairy Queen after.
5.) If Soda had never torn his ACL he would have made it out of Tusla. He would have joined up with a rodeo 'n made it pretty damn far as a bronc rider. 'N he loves it. Really he does. But there's always a part of him that doesn't fit right. Soda is a stayer that went. Darry was supposed to be a goer that stayed. Even in another universe there is a tragedy there.
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harbingersglory · 6 months ago
Thoughts on transfem Ningguang with a fem!reader whose her bodyguard? Fem!reader whose like a loyal, protective dog out in the world when they're out and about together, but an utter submissive puppy behind closed doors for the Tianquan?
literally shaking like a chihuahua oh what i'd do to be the Tianquan's lap dog..mean femmes are so attractive its like putting my brain in a blender.
It's not surprising the Tianquan has a bodyguard. She's a key political figure in Liyue and anyone aiming to dismantle the carefully curated hierarchy has her at the top of the list. To the public, your just muscle to intimidate the lesser crooks from even thinking about it and deal with those who get too bold.
Behind closed doors, though? Your nothing but the Tianquan's lap dog at her beck and call.
She isn't fond of public displays, but she does like hiding it in public just for the thrill. Knowing you wear your collar under your uniform so you'll always remember who holds your leash is a thrill she can't beat.
She's a bit mean and sadistic, really, but she's the Tianquan. She has the money to spoil you like a good puppy afterwards..so long as you behave and exceed expectations. Whether you lean more dominant or submissive doesn't matter, since you'll probably be subbing whether your top or bottom. It's a different kind of thrill to make you sit on her lap, stuffed full of her cock, while she works. That or she has you under her desk, one hand fisted in your hair while she uses your mouth instead.
She has to be at the top of her game, after all, and her position is a stressful one. What better way to de-stress then to put her little puppy to good use? You're just so pliant when she orders you on your knees.
She keeps it tame if thats more your thing, but if you give her the go ahead she will buy you muzzles. Some just the standard muzzle, others with gags, plenty of collars and leashes for all sorts of occasions..she might even get you faux ears and a tail just for a little finishing touch.
She's just as big on aftercare, though. She puts her money to good use spoiling you, partially because she knows she can get a little rough with you. That and as much as she likes to call you her puppy, she won't have you smelling like a wet dog. Get in the bath.
You won't stay clean for long, especially because she absolutely goes all out on her tub so it's more then big enough for some extra activities, but it's better then nothing.
Sometimes, though, she just needs to be pampered herself. She adores body worship after a particularly stressful day. Just lounging in half tied silk while you worship every inch of her.
And if anyone notices you limping the morning after..they say nothing. They just chalk it up to a fight with some assassin or similar. And if they do know, they know better then to bring it up.
Bonus for being shared with Beidou when she drops by Liyue harbor. Nothing like a rowdy pirate to shake things up and make a mess of you on the Tianquan's bed while she watches.
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rottiens · 10 months ago
Stepmom Yuki has severe breeding kink 😔✊️
she fucks you nice and deep, putting her hands on your belly looking adoringly at the way the cock separates your slippery folds and she would love nothing more than to fill you to the last drop. she in fact, debates whether she would love to cum in your folds or so deep inside you. her thumb moves from your belly button to your clit and strokes it sweetly as she takes the leg above her shoulder and kisses your calf, moving her hips in such a way that she manages to get even deeper.
the idea of her seed inside you, your tits swollen from pregnancy and her lips on your sweet sensitive nipples is what makes her cum silently, calling your name as she bites your skin.
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vulptalia · 3 months ago
re: ur last post with the videos, i’d very much be interested to hear more on ur thoughts abt alfred and arthur’s relationship — the good and the bad — when alfred was growing up if you feel like sharing!
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Anon, I could speak for hours on this (under the cut)
I’ll start with a blanket disclaimer that this is all my head cannon based loosely on real history and personal preference, and very very sparingly based on the actual Hetalia Cannon. Oh also TW for verbal/physical abuse.
The Nation personas, as I see them, are human-adjacent manifestations of a society under one sovereign nation. This is very open ended, I have no specifics on what quantifies when a persona is “born,” but nonetheless as far as humans are concerned: they know of these personas and have their own complicated relationships with them.
In blanket terms I think these personas were often deified by their cultures prior to the renaissance. Personas like Ancient Rome, or China, or even Japan were probably seen as immortal gods for long periods of their nations’ history. I’m no theologian so I can’t speak to how their existence would influence real life religions of the time, so for the most part I just say they go hand in hand. But nonetheless, to put it simply, the personas have always been seen as others. As I mentioned they are (practically) immortal, and age at an indiscriminate rate (more or less related to the existence of their nation), so pretty non-human in that regard.
I head cannon that Arthur was born in the Dark Ages, perhaps late-800CE. Because of Christian beliefs of the time he had multiple attempts on his life as a baby, as he grew slowly compared to other new-borns, and (evidently) couldn’t be killed. Eventually left in the woods to die, Arthur managed to survive, and grow, and spent decades away from people to avoid violence against him. However, come the establishment of a unified England under Athelstan (? Forgive my English history knowledge) and the establishment of other nations in Europe around the same time, with their own personas (HRE), the English began searching for their nation’s persona and Arthur revealed himself. He was around 200 years old at this point but physical appearance wise he was probably 12-14.
From there on out Arthur was an established figure of the monarchy and lead, (for the most part) a very luxurious life as the English established themselves as a hegemony in Europe. Ofc there’s things like the Hundred Years War, etc, but at this time I think Arthur was becoming very adjacent to his people; power hungry. He enjoyed the life of conquest and empire. Come the age of New World exploration and the knowledge of native tribes along side English and Spanish colonies in the Americas, Arthur most likely advised the English that another persona was likely born, and should be found as part of the race to claim North America.
I head cannon that Alfred was born in the Roanoke Colony (I found this fic shares the same interpretation and I love that!!! <3), and come whatever happened to the Roanoke settlers, Alfred was taken in by a local Native American tribe. I’ve done some research into local tribes during the time period but, in wanting to respect culture and get my facts right, I haven’t settled on a particular tribe or nation. Though I lean towards the Paspahegh. Alfred was of course a unique baby as well, taking years to grow into a toddler, however in alignment of Powhatan beliefs, I believe the Paspahegh would’ve seen Alfred as more akin to an offering: an example of healthy land, a healthy child. This to say, they had no interest in harming him and were not dissuaded by his slow aging.
Of course, as history would go: following the settlement of Jamestown and the Paspahegh Massacre, Alfred was given directly to Arthur (at his request) to raise and tend to. Alfred would be around 20 but physically he was 4, maybe 5. He doesn’t really remember the Massacre, and Arthur doesn’t talk about it.
Initially in the conquest for the New World I believe Arthur was very head strong and goal oriented, but actually meeting Alfred changed that for him. He had of course planned to raise this child for the sake of the English empire (a loyal colony), however he didn’t anticipate actually caring for him. Arthur falls for him hard and having Alfred actually causes him a great deal of anxiety. He fears Alfred will be attacked by people like he was, and he fears what the future holds for him. At this point in history Arthur had seen hundreds of battles, had fought in bloody, brutal wars, and worst of all had seen what people were capable of doing to things they feared. So, Arthur has a house built outside of Jamestown for him and Alfred, and he begins to raise him in solitude.
He’s strict, and of course very English. Alfred is raised in silks and taught piano with a private English education. He’s not allowed to leave the property and he certainly isn’t allowed to speak to anyone who isn’t Arthur, or the rotating house staff. However, Alfred is lively, and very American. He wants to play in the dirt, he wants to be anything but sheltered. From just the first few years together this sparked Arthur’s harsh parenting (to put it simply).
Think, aristocratic. Children should be seen, not heard. Slouching at the table got a slap on the wrist, dirtied clothes? A harsh lecture. “You should be grateful.” Alfred would misbehave, Arthur would yell.
Arthur was often called back to England, and thus spent months, if not years away from Alfred. During these trips Alfred learned to sneak out, and met Davie. I’ve mentioned this “rotating house staff,” who are obviously human, who serve for a time and then change their post (aka return to England). As my “cannon” goes Alfred grew from ages 4/5-16/17 from 1607 to 1770: meaning he grew about 11 years over the span of ~170 years. This to say Alfred was around different humans, though they were all trained royal staff, aka not personable. They guarded the land, fed Alfred, taught him his lessons, but never stayed longer than 3-4 years before being replaced; to a child living life-times longer than them, those few years might as well be a matter of minutes. So, growing bored and antsy whilst Arthur is away, Alfred escapes the confines of his home and meets colonists. The first human Alfred actually got to meet and speak to on his own, as far as I’m concerned, is Davie.
He visited Davie throughout his life, so presumably at least 50 years of watching what would one day be his nation, begin to flourish. Being "America" he probably not only felt a kinship with the colonists he met and observed, but also longed to be living with them and quickly grew tired of his English life-style, and the selfish rules Arthur imposed on him. I can't recall what the show states is cannon, but I don't think Alfred ever tells Arthur about Davie (at least, not while he's young). When Arthur returns from trips abroad Alfred acts as if he never left the house, and the staff don't snitch out of fear of capital punishment(lol). Instead Alfred spends years attempting to gain his own freedom from under Arthur's strict control of his life, attempting to persuade and getting in numerous arguments. He insists the world is not as horrid as Arthur states, and Arthur doesn't buy it for a second. Under duress of the Seven Years War their relationship fractures even more, and conveniently at the same time the American people are beginning to dread colonial rule.
In his own personal act of rebellion against Arthur, and as a final straw (running away from home) Alfred sought a seat at the First Continental Congress, solidifying himself in alignment with the American people, and revealing himself publicly as the nation’s persona. (Educated folk of the time most likely knew of Alfred’s existence but probably hadn’t considered him a contender this early in the revolution). From there of course, independence in declared, the nations go to war. As they say; the rest is history.
Alfred was the first chance of a normal, human life Arthur had ever been given. He loved him, he loves him, more than anything but he didn't know how to care for him in a way that wouldn't smother him. Arthur had an ideal version of Alfred and Alfred's life in his mind and he would do anything to make that vision an reality, even if it meant ignoring Alfred's wants, even if it meant yelling at him, or hitting him. However, Alfred couldn't know this, he was a child, he loved Arthur, he loves him still, but he resented him for forcing him into a life he never asked for, and punishing him whenever he rebelled against it. The Revolution is the first of many small steps in mending their relationship, and it takes literal centuries of growth on both their parts until Arthur is willing to admit wrong doing and Alfred is willing to forgive.
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fauchart · 9 days ago
If you’re still taking requests can you draw some Legs? (/nf)
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ABSOLUTELY!! Legs I love you so much Legs, coolest of all mobsters... I love the mob so much ♥
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valhallavalgrace · 6 months ago
Have you used your powers at all since getting to Hotel Valhalla?
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Leo hasn't used his powers once in battle and it's probably costed him a couple losses. (The dreams are likely both from the gods and also from genuine demigod PTSD.)
I've posted a flashforward in-universe valgrace fanart about this arc here... he'll be happy again one day I'm sorry
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 7 months ago
chapter 12 said something about damian going bird watching…. is he gonna realize how many pigeons are robots….
You will simply have to wait and see <33
But until then Damien is an excuse to insert as many pigeon facts as my heart desires and have it be plot relevent
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lenichque · 19 days ago
Under what circumstances Cherik shared a bed the very first time? Was is "there was only one bed" trope durning their roadtrip? Was it bc Charles crawled next to Erik when soothing him from another nightmare and they fell asleep like that?
they got drunk and passed out on top of each other lmao
jokes aside, i can totally imagine that during their roadtrip charles at some point started wishing that "there was only one bed" scenario happened to them because his shameful little crush was driving him mad but he was to scared to be the first to confess his feelings because he was sure erik would never like someone like him 🥺
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tibbycaps · 4 months ago
Is it just me or does everyone collectively agree that you're cool and funny and awesome and want to be friends with you, like obviously your friends like you but I've been following you for like a month at most and already saw two people asking to be friends with you, at least two people sending asks just to compliment you, and I also think you're cool so I think this is just a fundamental truth?? So-called free thinkers when tibbycaps
dude i dont even know man im really bad at responding to nice messages and take them to heart so i just am like. oh thanks!! but internally im like oh i have to jump down a flight of stairs i dont deserve all of dat. but its very kind i do appreciate it i just. do not understand where all of the positivity is coming from 😭
so called free thinkers when tibbys cap ..
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wikitpowers · 11 months ago
Hey I keep seeing people say that ty thinks kit is in love with livvy, how do we know that? Did I miss something?
hey! so! the reason why i have been saying this a lot on my blog (and i'm sure others have as well) is because kit and livvy kiss in los and although it isn’t shown in the book bc we don't have ty's pov, cassie actually confirmed that ty does know about the kiss and that he possibly could have even seen it.
here is an ask that cassie replied to in 2019 which confirms this:
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-> side note: the fact that the question was whether livvy and kit's kiss will have an relevance in twp and cassie didn't say no is causing me to go fucking nuts
additionally to confirm this tho in qoaad, there is a quote which goes; “don’t worry,” ty said quietly. “we’re going to get her back. i promise.” which i think heavily implies that ty is not only bringing livvy back for himself but also in a way, for kit as well bc he believes him to be in love with her.
i truly think that this will be brought up again in twp and i just know it will be so fucking angsty and emotional and honestly even just thinking about it has me shaking like the drama, the DRAMA.
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