#so yall can be quiet but your engagement is so loud
scarrletmoon · 11 months
i’ll think about posting fic again and then i’m reminded that too many people in this fandom will happily excuse blatant racism from others
POC aren’t people, we’re just objects that get in the way of their fun by [checks notes] asking for basic human decency
like why would i share my work with people so selfish that they’d harass someone out of the fandom for daring to raise legitimate issues
and they’re so incredibly two faced bc the same people who insisted i was being bullied into taking down PB were friends with the person who raised issues to me, and they said the most vile, hurtful things bc that person was anonymous at the time. imagine people who you thought had your back turning around and calling you a pathetic, childish snowflake just bc they don’t know it’s you
like. i know i can’t prevent horrible people from reading my work. so maybe the correct choice is to just never post again? shittier people than me can do what they want, but i have a moral obligation to not share my stuff?
in the grand scheme of things this is some pretty pathetic whining (“waaaah i can’t get my little likes and comments on ao3”) and i should get over it but it’s sometimes a little disgusting and genuinely disheartening that i can try and try and try and white people just……..don’t change. and i’m always the bad guy.
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ashplayz · 2 years
Assasination classroom x reader (you flinch)
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Students -
He's not really loud in arguments but he's cocky he's literally a sadist his own classmates said it. But he's not the physicality violent type with the people close to him he just likes to drag them down if he's not getting his way- (yeah he sucks) but this argument was more heated then they usually were, most of the time it was over childish petty stuff but this time was serious he had that look in his eyes you didn't trust.. And he got quiet and it scared you.. "Y/n just go.." He said in a dark low tone. turning towards you too fast that it caused you to flinch quite a bit.. If literally training to be assassins wasn't enough you guys have had to deal with some real situations you were rather unfounded of.. Mr Takaoka had got the ball rolling on your traumas.. The room went quiet.. Karma didn't say anything, you couldn't read his expression.. Then slowly he walked into a hug with you gently resting his chin on your shoulder… "I am sorry.." He said in a whisper voice..
You two hardly ever argued because you two always found a compromise if you guys couldn't agree.. But we all know how nagisa is when he's steamed up.. The thought that he would hurt you would never have occurred to you normally but you remembered all the times he was in close combat.. That look he always got.. Like he wasn't him.. You're mind automatically went to that.. So when he moved his hand to get the hair out of his face you flinched bringing your arms up as a shield.. When no impact came you finally came back to reality and he looked at you with a sad.. Hurt expression but didn't say anything at first after a moment he offered his hand and you took it. "I'd never ever hurt you.. You know that right..?" He asked sadly. You couldn't help but smile.. "Yeah I know. It was just a reflex" you said as you hugged him tightly and he hugged you back with a smile..
He's a calm person (without the tentacles) he tries not to engage in arguments there are better ways to resolve something than yelling at each other and your not supper confrontational either but sometimes people get on your nerves one time in particular one of the guys in class was being a perv and it pissed you off you started yelling at him and someone had to hold you back because you were going to kick his ass. Then later Itona said you should control your temper better and you were already on the verge of exploding so you just started yelling at him. He was mostly calm and didn't say a thing. Then you realized what you were doing and you started having a panic attack. He recognized this and walked over to you. He was going to put his hand on top of your head because that always calmed him down. But you flinched and you almost fell but he caught you. He released your arm and told you to breathe once your breathing was normal again he said he could leave if it made you more comfortable. You simply just hugged him and yall ended up cuddling.
Unfortunately he does yell a little bit sometimes he can also be a bit of an ass hole. But around you he tries to refrain from acting out. But it's difficult sometimes. You often stand up to him when it comes to him being rude to others in the class. Normally he just huffs and walks away then later it's like it never happened. This time was different though. He did walk away but he seemed more irritated than usual. Later you came to check on him and he snapped. He went off because he thought that you and everyone else looked down on him he was so upset that he didn't realize what he was doing but he did stop when he saw your eyes were filled with tears. He freaked out and tried to comfort you. But you flinched when he reached for you. When you came back to your senses he looked like he was about to cry.. "You know I'd never hurt you right.." He asked in a shaky voice… "of course I know that" you said and you walked up to him and hugged him and he wiped your tears away apologizing a million times.
Koro sensei:
he avoids arguments at all costs especially with you so mostly he's willing to change his opinion so he doesn't upset you. But the one thing you couldn't get him to budge on was safety whether it be yours or his students he takes it very seriously. So say you're arguing because you set the kids up on an assasination plan that you didn't account could be dangerous to the students. It wasn't really an argument, he was just gently scolding you as he normally did.. But you didn't like feeling like he was talking down to you like a child.. So you started arguing with him and he argued back playfully without realizing you were serious. He moves his tentacles sometimes when he talks but it had never bothered you before.. He did it to emphasize his point but something from your past made you deem it as a threat. You flinched but managed to grab his tentacle firmly before it touched you. He took a moment to process what had happened but when he did he noticed you trembling.. "Y/n..?" He asked you slowly.. "Are.. Are you alright?" He asked you, realizing the crushing grip on his tentacle. That was a defense technique Mr k had taught the class. Normally this move would have broken some bones in order to provide you an advantage point and give yourself an opportunity to get away. However he didn't have bones- "Y/n please do not be afraid of me harming you. I would rather self terminate than harming a person I love" he said you hugged his tentacle you had been holding.
Mr. krasma:
He wasn't the type to yell at all; it wasn't effective and normally made things worse. Normally when y'all are arguing one of you (usually him) leaves to go blow off some steam then come back and talk it over arguments never got to the point of screaming at each other.. Until now… you both had pretty crappy days and started talking it out. Most of what you guys were arguing about was something stupid but you two were going back and forth yelling when he finally controlled himself and got quiet.. And you expected to be hit. He went to run his hand through his hair but you flinched.. causing him to stop in his movements slowly bring down his hand keeping it in your range of view. He didn't say anything, he looked emotionless on the outside but inside he was desperately trying to formulate the best thing to say.. "I'm sorry.." you said shakely "don't apologize. I should have controlled myself better. I apologize.. I want to make it clear to you that I will never touch you in anger. I don't fully know what happened in your past but I can assure you it won't happen again with me around" he said calmly. "Can I have a hug..?" You asked him, he stepped forward at a respectful pace and waited for you to initiate the hug. You did and wrapped your arms around him.
Miss yellow Bi-
She yells but not loudly and she's never really serious when she yells or gets mad personally I feel that in a serious argument where she can't joke her way out of it she would just get more quiet and serious about the situation when it comes to actually being in a relationship she's more of the submissive type she hates when you're mad at her so she tries to avoid arguments but sometimes you guys still fight but it never gets too serious you guys don't actually yell at each other. Maybe you said something that struck a nerve and she stopped talking. You didn't like the quiet.. you apologized already panicking. She calmly walked over to you to calm you down because you had panic attacks sometimes, but you thought she was mad. She reached for you to move your hair out of your face and you flinched… She stared at you in shock for a moment then her entire being filled with dread.. she took your hands "Hey baby I'm not going to hit you ever. Okay ..?" She said internally she was freaking out but she tried to play it cool. She managed to calm you down and once you did you guys cuddled for the rest of the day.
He's emotionless most of the time and it scares you during arguments but yall don't really argue most of the time if he disagrees with something you said he doesn't say anything. He knows he's a big scary guy that looks like he could kill someone with a look. It's his worst fear to have you see him as a monster so he's really patient and soft with you. But you have a problem with voicing your feelings or telling him somethings wrong. His way of bringing you up when you're down is to challenge or question you to get your head back in the game. Some tried it this time but it didn't go well. You had already had a bad day so you just started crying due to stress. Bro frose so fast and went statue mode he looked mortified he couldn't think of anything to say either which didn't help he thought you were a touchy person so he decided to comfort you physically which.. didn't go so well.. flinched and fell to the floor covering your face crying even more now.. he wanted to leave but he couldn't just walk out with you like that. He was at a loss so he decided to just sit. He sat on the floor at a respectful distance from you and waited for you to calm down. Once you did he tried to comfort you. "I need you to know I will never hurt you." He said calmly "I know" you said quietly. you guys kinda just sat on the floor for a while because he didn't move unless you did.
He doesn't do arguments he's a pretty chill guy when he's not on work and he's very patient as well (a kid literally put hot sauce up his nose and afterwards he was completely chill) he does get irritated sometimes tho especially when he's insecure about himself his hands specifically and you're being all happy and trusting of him hurting you is what he's most scared of he was having flashbacks of all the times his hands were used for lethal purposes. When you came up and hugged him.. but he seemed stiff tense you asked why but he didn't answer "Honey let go.." He simply said you did so and looked at him confused and worried "Are you alright?" You asked him "Yeah I'm fine I just.. want some space.." He replied. You frowned.. "Did I do something wrong..?" You asked him "no I just want space" he said sounding Irritated you looked sad but nodded and left him alone. Later however he approached you but you were convinced he was upset with you that you had done something wrong. So when he went to reach for you, you flinched. He lowered his hand he looked devastated "I'm sorry.." he said after a moment. You recognized he was insecure and went to hug him "don't apologize it was a reflex." You said "so you aren't scared of me..?" He asked you, looking into your eyes. "Nope" you simply said, hugging him tighter.
He's used to making people flinch he makes a lot of people uncomfortable. But not you, you never seemed uncomfortable with him. He's not the yelling type he's calm and collected. He's logical he thinks a lot. He knows yelling only tends to make things worse. He does get frustrated sometimes though. One day he came back from a failed job and he was frustrated. When you asked him about it he started ranting for like 20 minutes and him being this frustrated put you on edge. He doesn't touch his gun when he's around you but this time he was carrying it around and waving it and you weren't sure if the safety was on or not. He finished his rant and looked at you. He totally forgot about the gun in his hand and he approached you. You flinched and backed up into a cabinet hurting yourself he realized why and quickly set the gun down. But he didn't approach you. "Are you alright..?" He asked you. You brought your arms down from your face "I- uh yeah." You said stuttering slightly. "Can I come closer?" He asked you. You smiled thinking it was sweet he asked you that. "Of course," you said. He then wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your neck. "I'd never hurt you" he reassured you.
(I was going to do smog but I don't know how to write him)
The end-
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Hi, I was interested in doing your ask game if you're still doing it!
I'm a Sagittarius and INTJ (that occasionally types as an ENTJ) currently studying Human Biology at college in hopes of going to med school (wanna be a surgeon!). I've been frequently told by others (so much that it's getting kinda weird) that I always seem confident in everything I do and seem so calm and collected even in the most stressful situations. My friends told me when they first met me they were a bit scared to talk to me cuz of my rbf (and the fact I don't really start conversations) but were surprised to see how actually nice I was when they actually got to know me. When I'm with friends I'm much happier and loud, and my closest friend knows how energetic and chaotic I could be lol. I tend to be quiet but I'm painfully blunt when asked for an answer or opinion on something. I love learning new things and can spend hours just trying to fully understand a new concept that interests me. I'm a fast learner especially when it comes down to something hands on like labs and sports. When I'm not stuck in the library studying for classes I really enjoy doing something sporty like running, skiing or badmin. A bit of a thrillseeker at times (love rollercoasters, making bets, taking on anything that seems challenging, and my friends and I always engage in friendly competition). Aside from science, I love all sorts of art, I used to dance for years and also was in band and I still enjoy playing piano and flute (learning guitar rn), reading, drawing, and writing. Sorry if I wrote too much, it's the first time I'm doing something like this 😅
*Aggressively taking notes* Seemingly confident you say, maybe even a little intimidating? ✏️✏️✏️ mhmm, mhmm, and you say your rbf can be off putting, but really you're a sweet ball of chaos? mhmm ✏️✏️✏️Oh, and you're really sporty? fascinating ✏️✏️✏️ "A bit of a thrillseeker at times" ✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ yep, mhmm, okay I've run on the test, and well
I diagnose you with Sukunas Girl. Welcome to the club bestie 💙💙
If anyone is going to scratch that thrill seeking itch, it's our boy. And I know that your hard exterior and confidence would pull him in like a cartoon character being drawn to a freshly baked pie on a window sill. I also think it's incredibly sweet to imagine him watching you draw over your shoulder cause he's so enthralled by the process of you creating art, even if you hate it when he does it.
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whoree321 · 3 years
I AM HERE TO ANSWER YOUR PLEA FOR REQUESTS!!! How about some HCs for the tried and true love languages of the bad batch 👀
AHHHH YES THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!!! i did these in order of like most to least with their primary one in bold haha.
i also have a tech x reader fic in the works (prob later today) so gird your loins besties!!
the bad batch + love languages
Hunter: words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, gifts
Hunter is a smooth talker and def finds it easiest to communicate his affection with words. like not in a “giant poetic declaration of love” kind of way, but in more of a small but meaningful, regular way
like Hunter is huge on compliments. he’s never shy to praise you, and he enjoys the directness of letting you know verbally when he likes something you do or when you make him feel a certain kind of way.
and he likes it the other way as well. he doesn’t want to feel like he doesn’t know where he stands with you, so verbal affection and reassurance is a clear and concise indication to him that you feel the same
I also just know Hunter is such a flirt and the easiest way to rile him up is to get into a back and forth with suggestive comments. and don’t even get me started on this man in the bedroom. he is the king of dirty talk and you can’t change my mind
Crosshair: quality time, acts of service, gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation
I think when Crosshair loves, he loves so very deeply, but he is total shit at expressing it. like he’s just so aloof and prideful he would probably need to be held at gunpoint to verbally admit he loves you
but if you know what to look for, you can tell how much he loves you in the quiet ways
he will ALWAYS go out of his way to be around you. he might not say a word, but he loves to just sit with you and be near you for hours. like he’s the type of person where yall could sit in silence on your phones for 6 hours and it’s the most comfortable companionship in the world
and it’s not just physical presence. when you’re speaking to him or doing something with him, he is FULLY engaged, and nothing makes him feel more loved than when you do the same and give him your full attention and mental presence
in a verbal sense, you probably won’t get more than extremely rare whispers of “i love you” from Crosshair. but he is so loving in his quiet way, you’re never in doubt of it
Tech: gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time
Tech is the king of giving gifts
he is constantly working on building things for you that would be helpful or that you would like. he always tries to bring back cool things from missions that he wants to share with you. he sees something that makes him think of you and he has to get it for you for literally no reason other than it reminded him of you
I think that once Tech is comfortable in your relationship he’s pretty attentive in all the love language areas (he calculated what yours are and tries to communicate his affection for you in ways that are most conducive to you), but sharing gifts is the way he shows love most naturally
and receiving gifts? oh my god he just melts. like he mentions offhandedly some part he would have liked to make a modification to the ship or his favorite flower or something and you get it for him? you’ve never seen him smile so wide before or stare at you with such admiration
he’s also such a flower guy. like Tech loves getting flowers for you, he tries to bring them back for you as much as possible, but he also loves when you do the same. you always try to find the most insane looking flowers or plants because you know how excited he’ll be to explain to you why it’s so funky looking
Tech is just such a sweetheart and nothing makes him happier than being able to make you happy
Wrecker: physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts
Wrecker is loud and proud about how much he loves you. He is the CEO of bone crushing hugs and he will never let you forget that
I think Wrecker is very openly affectionate in a lot of ways, but it’s def easiest for him to convey it physically
he loves physical reassurance and comfort, whether it’s you holding his hand or kissing his temple or hugging him. that contact is what makes him feel loved more than anything else
there are times when he just gets so taken back and overwhelmed by how much he loves you that he literally can’t express it any other way than holding you close to him as tightly as he can without hurting you
(he’s very worried about hurting you at the beginning of your relationship, and it takes a while for him to feel confident that he won’t misjudge his strength with you)
i think Wrecker is pretty good at verbally expressing his love and showing it in other ways, but he’s just such a big ole teddy bear he’s gonna demonstrate it physically above all else
Echo: acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, quality time
if there’s one thing about Echo, it’s that he is a GENTLEMAN
like he’s such a open the door for you, pull your chair out, carry your bags in the mall type of guy
doing things for you and treating you like royalty is the most natural thing in the world for Echo
like he is such a malewife and i love it. he is making caf for you every morning (exactly how you like), he’s doing your chores for you, he’s filing your paperwork for you. you have to tell him to settle down a little bit because you have nothing left to do all day sometimes
and omg when you do things for him??? he is so heart eyes it’s not even funny. like he’s so not used to being taken care of and for you to care enough about him to go out of your way to try to make his day a little easier is just so incredible to him.
he just loves to dote on you and can’t believe how lucky he is when you dote on him
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
Yooooo tell us about your yautja ocs! What are they like, what are their backstories etc etc I want to know EVERYTHING 🤩🤩
OKAY IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION BC I AM LITERALLY VIBRATING WITH THE NEED TO GUSH ABT MY BOYS (Unfortunately I can't reveal anything abt their backstory as that would be major spoilers for anyone reading my story, but I am down to write abt their personalities!)
Okay so-
·A giant teddy bear. He was always the sweeter of the three, he got teased alot in his past for his big heart.
But make no mistake, he is one lethal hunter and his kindness is shown only to those who earn it.
·He is the messiest of the three. He simply sets something down and tells himself he'll get it later- which he does- after one of his brothers points it out.
(I feel you Ta'thiir, I really do.)
·Easily excitable. Anything as simple as a grin and giggle will have his heart soaring. He is the extrovert. Loves long, loud conversation.
Is a lover of the alcoholic drinks made on his home planet, doesn't drink too often but won't deny if you offer.
·Fiercely protective. If its something or someone he actually gives a damn about, he will tread the fucking clouds and kick down heavens door to fight god if it meant protecting it/them.
·If grisl could be a person, it would be him. He is all rock, thorns and fire. He's got a 24 hr resting bitch face and punches people in his sleep. He dreams of violence, wakes up and chooses it.
·Has the worst temper out of them all. And many people would think he's cold and unfeeling, just angry. This is wrong. For a good reason, Me'Ki-Ta has had to harden his shell.
He is the most emotional of the three, if anything. He trusts his instincts almost to a fault, because the last time he ignored them it cost him nearly his entire clan.
He feels sadness, anguish, shame- it all comes out in an angry manner. The dude doesn't know how to be soft.
·Loves to read. This is not something Elite Hunters normally do, it was only highest ranking Yautja- known as Ancients- who read. Everyone knows how to, of course, but it is rare one would for leisure.
He likes the quiet entertainment they provide. A scene playing out in his head, vivid. Books can be violent and fell of war, or heartbreaking and bittersweet. He finds solace in the pages, able to feel without admiting to it.
·Cannot sit still. You will rarely find Me'Ki-Ta relaxing for longer than 2-3 minutes. This does include reading- he will have a book in his face while he tends to his hounds, or sharpening his blades.
·The most possessive out of the three. Borderline obsessive sometimes- he's got abandonment issues. Dude is just deathly afraid of losing people he cares about.
·The goof of the group. Inappropriate jokes, pranks, its all him. Unless he ropes some poor soul into his games.
Please engage in playful banter with him, he loves that shit.
·Has slight OCD tendencies developed in the past, for example- he sharpens his blades evenly and three times on each side, if he differs he starts all over again until he gets it right or it feels okay to put them away. Look sideways at his knives and you'll get cut without touching it.
(His main fixation is repetition in even numbers.)
·The flirtiest. Dude was a champion during the time before the incident, he was quite the charmer. Now its much more subtle and toned down- but no less effective, believe me.
·Loves to fiddle with technology, he's the most curious of the three. He's the technician on the ship.
Has a bulky tool-belt he wears to repair anything- and yall, its a low rider. The way he wears it on his hips is something I shed tears about everyday.
·The best at expressing himself. He's a smooth talker, and is the best at showing just what hes feeling. He isn't afraid to look like an asshole it means protecting someone over their feelings.
·If you look up 'bad bitch' in the dictionary you'll find her face plastered next to it. Sometimes I imagine her with a russian accent bc she WOULD be the brooding russian bounty hunter lady with 23 knives in her jacket.
"On Yautja-Prime, you either dominate or get dominated. Take that however you like."
·Will never admit it and would in fact die before doing so but she adores plants. So much. The main reason she goes hunting on Earth is for the prime sport and ✨succulents✨
·Dead-face heart-stoppingly blunt. If you have something in your teeth, she will tell you not matter who is there with you. If you made a mistake, she will point it out.
She sees it as helping, but desbite this she sometimes comes off as rude. The bars fights she's been in are legendary.
(Also- if she finds you attractive, she will tell you. And keep telling you until you either accept her advances or reject her. She won't speak word of it again if you say no.)
·Is very passionate about herself. Confidence 101 if it had legs and could take lives. She has a big ego, but she's got the skills and skulls to excuse it. She's just that good.
I hope this is okay! I went WILD LMAO.
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no-droids · 5 years
A Show of Good Faith
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Part Six of the Rough Day Series
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.1k what i fuckin tell yall
Warnings: SMUT, rough sex, dirty talk, creampie, canon-typical violence, slight description of blood/injury
Isn’t it weird that nobody really ever talks about what happens immediately after you have a dead body in front of you?
It’s the part leading up to it that’s usually the most crucial, obviously.  The adrenaline of the actual moment is overwhelming—you react without thinking, danger pumping through your veins alongside your blood and sharpening your survival instincts until they’re deadly.  You do what you have to do to stay alive, nothing more.  So it’s not really until you have a still moment with the evidence of your actions right there in front of you, glassy-eyed and staring lifelessly up at the ceiling, that you suddenly don’t know what to do.
Shocking is a word.
Debilitating is another.
Things… things come in flashes.  You have blood on your hands; it’s thick and cold and electric blue in color, not dark or warm or crimson.  One of them is vibrating violently, clutched around something heavy and clunky and unfamiliar, something with a handle made to fit a six-fingered grip.  The kid is passed out in your other arm after expelling all his energy helping you take down the brutal assailant, choking him with… with some unknown baby shaman toad powers and holding him in place so you could grab this knife and you could… and you could…
The body of the man you just stabbed lays in a bloody pile on the floor in front of you.  It was self-defense, but the reasoning behind it doesn’t take anything away from the gore, the blank state of shock rendering you motionless for Maker knows how long.
Corellia is a fucking shithole, you knew that coming in.  If it was a sewer even with the Empire’s shipbuilding industry boosting the economy, it’s even worse after its collapse.  To circumvent any unnecessary danger or attention, you chose to land the ship in one of the dense forest areas on the outskirts of the tracking fob’s radius.  But unluckily for you, rats like forests just as much as they like sewers, and one of them apparently crawled his way onto the vessel a few minutes ago.
You drop the vibroblade to the floor with a clatter and slide down the hull wall, clutching the baby to your chest and trying to calm your breathing.  There could be more of his friends close by.  What you should do is climb into the cockpit and find somewhere else to lay low, send Mando a coded message with word of your new location.
But there’s a dead body in front of you.
And it’s… it’s dead.
Strangely, you default to something you’ve never actually done before.  Something you probably shouldn’t ever do, in case your companion is in stealth mode or trying to hide from something, because it’ll immediately give away his position.  You could theoretically get him killed, but you’re not thinking straight.
Your wrist trembles as you hold it in front of your lips.  “Uh… M-Man-Mando?”
The sound of blaster fire and grunting crackles through your emergency comm link, before you hear a quick, breathless, “What’s wrong?” come through the speaker.
“It, uh—” you stare down at the oddly-colored blood on your fingers, wondering how you voice is able to come out so calmly, “it s-sounds like you’re busy, I’ll—I’ll just—”
More grunting.  A thud.  “Tell me what’s wrong.”
You’re at a loss for words.  You take a second to look down at the dead body, before lifting your wrist back up to your mouth.  “I’m o-okay now, but I… but someone followed me into the Crest and he tried to… I-I mean he’s—he’s dead now, but—”
“Are you hurt?”  He suddenly sounds urgent.  It’s ridiculous that he didn’t actually sound urgent until now.  “Is the kid hurt?”
“We’re—we’re both fine, but…”  You look down at the child in your arms.  “But the baby did something I—I c-can’t explain—and now he’s… I-I think he's asleep…”
“Good,” he replies shortly.  You can hear him running now, pounding footsteps and heavy, quick breaths.  Another blaster shot.  “We need to get out of here.  Rendezvous Sector-15, soon as you can.  You’ll see me.”
“Do I…”  Maker, you sound like an absolute idiot.  “Do I just… just leave the body here, or…?”
“I’ll take care of it when you get here.”  He doesn’t sound frustrated with you, but for some reason you feel incredibly frustrated with yourself.  You should be able to pull yourself together, but your hands are all tingly and you can’t actually feel your fingers unless you really work for it.  Stars, when’s the last time you actually blinked?  “Can you fly?”  
You don’t respond.  You don’t even feel like you can stand up right now.  The blaster shots scream through the crackling comm link for a second, and then you jump when he barks your name even louder than the gunfire.
“—Listen to me,” he urges, and you blink rapidly, the seriousness of his low growl hitting you right in the chest.  “You can fly.  Understand?  Get the kid, get in the cockpit, put your seatbelt on.  Fly out to me, right now.  We’re leaving.”
His voice doesn’t call for argument.  It’s abrasive and rough and unquestionable enough to get through to you.  Of course you can fly, you can fly with your fucking eyes closed.  Coming that firmly and doubtlessly from him, it’s a universal truth.
“Copy.  Sec-Sector-15.”  You say, adrenaline beginning to pump blood through your veins again.  Just.  Just don’t look at the body, okay?  Don’t look at the body, you can do this if you don’t look at the body.  “I’ll see you?”
“You’ll see me,” he repeats.  And then the noise cuts off with a click.
You struggle up to your feet, heart pounding.  You can do this.  You can totally do this.  You can walk, because you can fly.  Duh.  Mando said so.
You admittedly almost fall a couple steps down the latter while trying to climb up it one-handed, the baby held tightly to your chest, but you’re eventually able to get the both of you into the cockpit.  The kid is carefully buckled into his little booster seat before you’re collapsing shakily into the pilot’s chair and swiveling forward.
Okay.  Flight check.  Now.  To your left, flip down these few switches here—one two three four five—okay, good.  To your right, press those two buttons sitting just above the nav console.  Yep, got it.  Up top now, those two red ones overhead.  Good.  Good, you can do this.  Type coordinates into the nav comp.  Sector-15, locked.  Easy.  This is easy.  That big, knobless lever to your right—yes, the one with the exposed threading at the end, push that long metal stick forward and set thrusters to full.  Okay.  Left thruster, looks good.  Right looks good, too.  Okay.  Seatbelt… seatbelt is… Seatbelt: on.  Hatch: sealed.  Shields: engaged.  Flight check complete.  Now all you have to do is take off.
Now all you have to do is take off.
All you have to do… is…
You stare down at the joystick in front of you blankly.
And then you shake your head back and forth frantically, hoping the rapid movement will jar some sense into you.  Maker, get it the fuck together.  What did Mando hire you for?  You told him you were useful, didn’t you?  This is what you do.  You fly.  So fucking fly, yeah?
You lift the ship off the ground and immediately take her around southeast, taking deep breaths and feeling the powerful rumble beneath your chair.  Yeah, you can do this.  Don’t think about the blood on your hands, the dark streaks of sickly purple now smudged all over the controls.  Don’t think about the dead body in the hull.  Don’t think about how you’re the reason it’s dead.  Just fly the ship.  This is something you can do.
You coast over the thick treetops and into the industrial sector, carefully scanning the gritty streets below.  You don’t know what he meant when he said you’ll see him—until you suddenly see him.  Smack in the middle of the airspace, rising phoenix strapped to his back and hovering a few hundred feet above absolute chaos wreaking havoc in the slums below.  Blaster flares light up the night sky, though the sparks and flash grenades illuminating the dirty Corellian streets have nothing on the beauty of seeing those small twin jets in the darkness, the ones beginning to fly towards the ship.
“Got eyes,” his voice says through the comm link.  Relief pounds through you.  Stars, relief shouldn’t feel like this much of a struggle for your cardiovascular system, should it?
“Beginning deceleration,” you confirm breathlessly, slowing down and pressing a few buttons to open the hatch with your free hand.  You bring both of them back down to swing her around until he’s got a clear path, feeling the ship dip just slightly with the sudden weight of him dropping in.
“Landed,” he grunts.  “Set course for Nevarro.”
You floor it and elevate the Crest up through Corellia’s smoggy atmosphere, punching in coordinates in the meantime.  The ship dips just a touch once more while the computer takes a few seconds to calculate a hyperspace path, and your eyebrows narrow before it quickly pulls back up again.  It’s not until you see the manual hatch override indicator light blink next to the nav console that you realize he must’ve dumped the body before closing the door himself.
Well, that’s one way to handle that, you suppose.
The computer beeps quietly when it’s finished.  “Standby for jump,” you tell your wrist.
You triple-check the positive seal integrity readings before your hand is reaching for the double-reinforced hyperjump control, still trembling slightly.  You lean all your weight forward into it, trying to keep your arm from buckling as the stars slowly shift across the observation shield for a split second, before you’re being hurled into the interdimensional wormhole.
Quiet.  Hyperspace is fucking quiet.  You forget, sometimes.  Not how quiet it is—but how loud everything else is, not until you’re hurtling through the closest thing to purgatory you’ll ever experience in life.  It looks… indescribable, even after the thousandth time.  Empty space collapsing in front of you and expanding behind you simultaneously.  Starlight streaking across the windows, space-time curving around the ship faster than the ship itself is moving through it.  You take a moment to consider it as you unbuckle yourself shakily, before standing up and checking the seat behind you.
The kid is still knocked out cold, but you press the button to close the shield to his crib just in case, setting an alarm protocol to Mando’s remote arm brace should it open.  
And then you slowly make your way around bulky cockpit chairs and down into the hull, shakily climbing down the ladder one step at a time.  As soon as you turn around, there’s a caped wall of beskar rummaging through something with his back to you.
“Did you…”  You announce yourself while looking around, trying not to sound as small as you feel.  This is a such stupid question, you already know what he did with the body.  But you… you should make sure, right?  “You already took care of… of the…”
“Yeah.”  Mando spins around and pulls out the cot from the wall at the same time, and you jump when the bed rattles loudly on its track and ricochets a few inches backwards after reaching its full extension.  He quickly makes his way around it and over to you.  “It’s gone.  Come here, you’re hurt.”
“I’m f-fine,” you insist, feeling your hands shake when he abruptly grabs the left one and turns it over, pulling your wrist out towards him and up to the light so you both can see.  “What about the qua—oh.”
There’s a long, ragged slice decorating the inside of your forearm, dried blood staining the ripped fabric along your sleeve.  You blink down at it, not able to recognize its pain even with the evidence of the injury in front of you.  It doesn’t look deep, but its edges are a little nasty and it’s still bleeding.  Why can’t you feel it?  Shouldn’t you be able to feel that?
He makes a noise through his helmet—something you can’t quite figure it out.  Something between a short growl and a low huff of breath, before he’s grabbing your hips and steering you over towards the bed, lifting you up and setting you on its suspended platform when you’re close enough.
“Didn’t find the quarry,” the Mandalorian says quietly, turning around and looking through the first aid kit once more.
“You didn’t find the…”  You blink down at your injury.  He didn’t even find the quarry?  But then what was all that ruckus about?  And why are you going back to Nevarro to collect payment?  Shouldn’t you be turning around and… and…?
He’s suddenly in front of you again, and this time he’s got a… a syringe in his hands?  An E-bacta shot, you realize with an uncomfortable jolt.  He pulls the cap off and sets it down on the bed next to you before holding out his gloved hand for you, waiting patiently but expectantly.
“No,” you immediately tell him, heart beginning to pump faster as you bring your arm up and hug it to your chest.  You didn’t even know those things were street legal—they heal incredibly quickly but people have been known to abuse them because… well, because they’re supposed to give you a wicked fucking high.  Bacta isn’t addictive and there’s no possibility of overdose, but this shit is concentrated.  You can’t imagine how expensive it was.  “Don’t b-be ridiculous, Mando—you—you almost bled out from a knife wound and we didn’t use one of those.”
“What do you think that is?”  He looks down at your arm.
“It’s a scratch!”  You exclaim, starting to feel a bit hysterical now from the adrenaline comedown.  Maker, that needle is big.  You knew bacta injections were thick but holy fucking stars.  “It doesn’t even h-hurt!  I could’ve… I could’ve done this to myself on accident for all I—”
“This has boosted antibiotics, too,” he cuts you off, quickly losing his patience and grabbing your wrist when you still don’t hand it over to him.  He levers your forearm down, holding it parallel to the floor on your lap.  “We don’t have any bacta kits left, I looked.  This’ll work fast and it won’t scar.  Hold still.”
“No—” you try to pull your hand away, hating the way your voice jumps when you’re aiming for calm and reasonable.  “—I’ll be fine, w-we shouldn’t waste th—”
He tightens his grip.  “Listen.  This isn’t a scratch.  It’s a torn laceration from a dirty Corellian vibroblade.  Now I’m giving you at least a quarter dose, so hold,” he tugs your wrist forward, “still.”
You see the large needle heading towards your arm with determination and you’re instantly going rigid with panic, whipping your head away from him and squeezing your eyes shut as you suck in a terrified breath.
You wait like a statue for the pain, frozen in anticipation and fright, but it never comes.  Slowly peeking one eye open, you look back to find a chrome visor staring intently at you, unmoving.
“I’m—I’m sorry,” you eventually gasp when he doesn’t say anything, and Maker, are your eyes actually starting to water?  “I-I’m sorry, I’m just—that’s a b-big needle and—and I actually just k-k-killed someone and it’s just—” oh stars, here come the sniffles, “—I’m s-so sorry, I’m trying t-to keep it—keep it togeth—”
He carefully places the syringe down on the bed next to you as you turn your head away from him and try to stifle your short, panicked breaths with the back of your hand.  But then you’re being caught and pulled forward, hauled into an iron chest without a single word.
It should be uncomfortable, you think.  You should want to take the armor off and feel the muscles of his arms wrap themselves tight around you instead of cold metal, but for some reason, you don’t.  He feels… right like this.  Like the beskar is a natural extension of his body, like it holds just as much comfort as his bare chest does.
The Mandalorian stands there between your knees and silently embraces you, holding stoic and steady for you, tilting his head so you can calm your breathing into the crook of his neck.  It’s covered in fabric but it smells like him, warm and soft and damp with sweat.  You breathe him in, clutching him tight with your uninjured arm and feeling your heartbeat gradually begin to slow as it’s pressed against cool metal.
“E-bacta has calming properties,” he says quietly after a moment.  “It’ll help more than this.”
“Shut up.”  You mutter against his throat, doing everything you can to drown yourself in him.  Maker, he smells good.  He just got finished bringing down an entire Corellian sector, why the fuck does he smell so good?  “I'm not—not letting you stick that thing in me.”
“Yeah?”  He returns softly, dragging a hand up your back.  “Bet I can make you want it.”
“Not happening,” you grunt, tightening your hold on him.  “You’ll put regular bandages on my arm until we can resupply on Nevarro and save that torture device for another poor soul who needs it.”
“This isn’t over,” he eventually warns you, gently pulling away.  He turns around and starts picking out gauze and tape from the first aid kit regardless.  “I was just blindsided.  Tears don’t work on me, but.  Don’t ever do that to me again.”
You relax, smiley and dopey-eyed and happily sticking your arm out for him for whenever he comes back, so fucking glad he gave in.  You’ll get bacta on Nevarro, that sounds perfect.  “So… so all that fuss and you didn’t actually find the quarry?”
“Someone tried to take off my helmet,” Mando replies shortly, starting to rip open a few packets of sterile gauze strips without looking at you.  And then he doesn’t say anything more, like that should be explanation enough.
“Ah.”  You remark after a second, thinking about how many blaster fires you saw.  Maker.  “I see.”
What a pair you two make.  Someone who went into shock from hurting another person in defense of your life, and someone who brought an entire block down because another person tried to take his helmet off.  
Something he’s done with you twice now.  Without ever being prompted.
Stars, you’re both so different, aren’t you?  Such massively different problems, different ways of life.  You’re suddenly struck with how much you could learn from him, if he was ever willing to share.  How much the both of you could probably learn from each other.  His assertiveness; your humanity.  His decisiveness; your consideration.  His secrets; your honesty.  None of them are true opposites, not in the way people normally think.  They’re not polarizing, they’re… complimentary.  Filling in the gaps neither one of you can fill in yourself.
“Does that scare you?”  He finally asks, when you’ve been quiet for too long.
“No,” you tell him blankly, watching his hands work.  “Just… no.  Not really.  I mean.  It makes sense.  Was just thinking about how different life must be for you.”  You tilt your head thoughtfully.  “Showing my face, telling people my name.  Things I take for granted, I think.”
Maker, maybe you’re getting a little too honest here.
“Is that why you never ask about those things?”  He’s quiet.  You both stare purposefully down at your arm as he begins laying down the strips of white cotton over your cut.  “Because you recognize what it means to give them up?”
“What—like your name?”
“Anything,” he says, and though he keeps working, his hands start to slow down.  “You never ask me about anything.  My name, my past… why I don’t take the helmet off.  Everyone always asks, but.  You never have.”
You shrug a shoulder.  “Figured you get tired of telling people no, don’t you?”
His fingers still, hovering over your injury.  He doesn’t move, so you elaborate.
“I mean… yeah, I’ve thought about those things, but…” you speak slowly, choosing your words very carefully.  Your eyes narrow with the effort, trying to pinpoint and voice your exact opinion without making assumptions.  “But I respect you.  And your creed.  I call you Mando because that’s what you told me to call you.  And if you don’t take the helmet off, then you don’t take it off.”  You shrug once more.  “Some things don’t need explanations.  They just are, and I’m okay with that.”
It’s a while before he goes back to dressing your wound, and even longer before he speaks again.  When he does, he’s almost completely finished securing the bandages and it’s barely above a murmur.  “Nobody usually thinks that simply about it.”
“Well.  Fuck ‘em.”  You blurt.  “I think it’s the simplest thing in the galaxy.  You should be the one who gets to decide who you are and what’s important to you, right?  No one else.”
He stops again, this time tilting his visor up to look you in your eyes.  You blink up at your own warped reflection.
“I think that shit is yours.  Fundamentally.  Doesn’t matter if you want to share it, change it, hide it, or burn it away forever.  It’s your decision, and you’ll tell people what you want them to know.  So fuck ‘em if they don’t respect that,” you tell him bluntly.  “They obviously don’t know anything about you at all.  Else they wouldn’t be asking.”
He doesn’t move.  He just stares silently at you for a few seconds, and Maker, for some reason you wish now more than ever you could see his face.  Even though it contradicts everything you just said, you wish you could see his face.  What color are his eyes?  You bet they’re brown.  You bet they’re a warm, deep brown—expressive and soft and lovely behind such hard, unforgiving steel.  His features are probably just as warm as the rest of him.  Dark hair, wavy hair.  Plush, gentle lips.
His hand comes up slowly.  Gives you ample time to pull away before he’s softly cupping your cheek, tilting his helmet to the side as he studies you.
“Would you.”  He’s quiet for a moment.  And then he clears his throat through the modulator, before he tries again.  “Would you like to know my name?”
You go shock-still, blinking at him and barely breathing.  Why?  Why is he asking this?  He wants to give you his name?  Immediately after you just told him why you don’t need it?
Your throat is a desert.  “Only… only if you want to give it to me.”
He tilts his head the other way and takes a moment to consider you, gently trailing the leather of his thumb along your bottom lip.  Your eyes dip down the length of his body, heat suddenly filling you when you realize how close and well he’s positioned right now, how his hips are at the perfect height standing right between your legs like this.
Mando slowly lowers his helmet to look down at your parted thighs, too.  And then he’s shifting the visor to the side just a bit, eyes catching on something on the bed next to you.  “Want to give you a few things,” he says lowly.
You probably would’ve melted into a puddle if he didn’t immediately hold up the E-bacta shot in front of you in both hands.
Your heart starts pounding though, all the same.  “No—”
“Listen to me,” he tells you calmly, as if you could do much of anything else right now with how much space he’s taking up in front of you.  His size and proximity gave you a thrill just a second ago, but now he’s nothing more than a giant fucking metal wall armed with a needle and blocking your escape.  “I want to give you a few things, but only if you say yes to all of them.  Are you going to listen?”
Maker, your heart is racing, rapid calculations going off in your head as your eyes flick between the syringe and his visor.  Where the fuck is he going with this?  “Y-yes.  I’ll—I’ll listen.”
He holds the shot up between the two of you, as if you didn’t see it the first fifty fucking times.  “First.  I’ll give you a quarter dose of this.  I’ll be gentle and I’ll give it to you somewhere where it won’t hurt, where you won’t even be able to see it, and it’ll make you feel better.  Even good.  Okay?”
You narrow your eyebrows at him.  “You’re not doing a great job at selling me h—”
“Second.  I’ll give you my name.”
Your breath catches.  He continues on casually with the terms of the deal, as if he didn’t just set your whole world on fire with five words.
“You can’t ever use it around other people,” he tells you.  “Only here.  With me, on this ship.  In front of the kid is fine.  But if anyone else ever asks, you don’t know it.  Okay?”
“Okay…” you whisper after a second, your chest filling with flames.
“Third.”  He slowly catches your uninjured wrist in a gentle grip and begins to guide it forward.  “If you… if you want, I’ll… I’ll give you this,” he murmurs, bringing it down to cup his cock.  “I… won’t be gentle.  But I will make you feel good.”
Maker, he’s already rock hard under your palm, throbbing and swollen for you.  Almost as quickly as the urge first came on, you suddenly don’t want to escape anymore.  Instead, maybe you can just… appeal.
“What if we…”  You carefully reach down into his pants, holding his hips still between your knees and beginning to caress his cock.  His skin is like silk under your hand, as hard as the beskar he straps to his body but so warm, and pulsing with life.  “What if we reverse the order, maybe?”
“No,” he grunts immediately.  “You’ll take the shot first, it’ll be a—” his breath catches when you give him a good, rough squeeze.  “—a-a show of—of good faith.”
“That’s literally the only thing I don’t want from this all-or-nothing deal,” you reason, wrapping your legs around him to bring him closer.  He acquiesces cautiously, slowly moving forward.  “I’d be an idiot to give it up first.  Ideally it should go second if there are three terms.”
“I know what you’re d-doing,” he tells you flat out, though he makes no attempt to stop it at all.  He just growls low in his throat when he’s close enough for you to lean up and bite down onto his neck, one of his hands landing on your thigh and locking down onto it tight.  “It won’t… won’t work.  You’re—you’re t-taking the shot first, that’s the deal.”
“I could try crying again,” you proposition breathlessly, squeezing his cock once more and feeling him shudder.
“Ngh—meant it when I—” he gasps when you brush your thumb over his head, dampening the fabric covering his neck with your hot breaths.  “When I-I said that you—you need to w-work on your… your negoti—tiating—”
“What if I just ask you really, really nicely?”  You whisper, slowly starting to jerk him off.  Your grip is tight and strong, and he practically sags and grabs the metal bedframe on either side of you.  “Will it work if I ask you to please fuck me?  Please?  And then I’ll take your shot?”  But then you’re struck by a sudden thought, and maneuver your head away just enough to look up at where his eyes should be.  “But we don’t… we don’t actually have to… y’know, do the other thing, though, if you don’t want to.  It’s okay.”
Mando abruptly pulls back, pinning you with a blank chrome stare.  “W-what?”
“If you…”  You want to find some way to word this to get the correct sentiment across, but it’s difficult with him looking at you so hard.  The last thing you want to do is sound ungrateful.  Your hands stop moving, carefully letting him go and resting on his hips instead, so he knows this isn’t you just trying to find some way out of this.  “You don’t have to tell me your name, y’know.  It’s okay, I’ll—I’ll take the shot, it’s fine.  We don’t need to… to turn something like that into a.  A deal, or anything.  You can still tell me if you want, of course, I just… I don’t want it to be part of like, some sort of… agreement between us, or something.”  You tap a thumb over his hipbone, tilting your head.  “So I’m taking it off the table.  Even if you were the one who put it on there.  No pressure.  I’ll take the shot.  And then you can tell me whatever it is you want to tell me after that.  Apart from that.  A… a show of good faith.”
Mando holds still as a fucking statue in front of you.  If you couldn’t feel the warmth of his skin under your hands, you’d say he looks like a droid in sleep mode almost.  He stays like that for so long, you actually start to worry a little bit.  Was that a thankless, bitchy thing to say to him after he offered to reveal such a big secret about himself?  Should you have just kept your mouth shut?
You suppose he was right, your negotiation skills could use a bit more work.  You did technically just… willingly give up something incredibly valuable in exchange for absolutely nothing in return, didn’t you?  Actually not absolutely nothing, you just agreed to have an actual fucking needle shoved into your body just so he wouldn’t feel any sort of obligation to reveal himself to you whatsoever.  That’s like… rule number one of what not to do when negotiating, isn’t it?  Fuck, what have you done?  Is it too late to take half of that shit back?  Can you start this whole thing over real quick?  How much pressure do you think that glass syringe can handle?  You know you can’t outrun or overpower him, but do you think you’d be able to smash it with your foot before he can stop you?  No.  No fucking way, you would.  Don’t be stupid, don’t be fucking stupid.
And Maker, he’s… he’s still not moving.  You actually start to squirm a little bit under his unreadable gaze, before he eventually brings both hands up to your face and gently cradles your jaw in his gloved palms, bringing you to a still.
“Unbelievable,” the Mandalorian says softly, tilting his helmet at you and carefully brushing his thumbs along your cheekbones.  He doesn’t sound upset.  He sounds truly mystified by you.  Stumped.  Reverent.
You blink at him.  “What?”
“Nobody w-would… but you’re…”  He seems like he’s trying to find the words to describe what he’s thinking, but he can’t.  “You can’t—you… t—?  Not just.  But be—because of.  On—on… pr-prin…”
“I… I do still want you to fuck me, though,” you eventually whisper when he never finishes his sentence.  He’s not the best with words, but that’s okay.  You’re perfectly willing to entertain other mediums.  “First.  Even if it is part of a deal, I don’t give a shit.”
You bring your hand back to wrap tight around him, beginning to pull up and down in strong, steady strokes once more.  The tips of his fingers tighten just slightly on your jaw.
“Please,” you whisper, turning your head to kiss one of his palms.  “Just show me, it’s okay.”
He stays like that for just a split second more.
And then he’s suddenly whipping one of his hands down to grab your wrist.  The other wraps itself more fully around your jaw in its absence and firmly holds your head in place in front of him.
“I won’t be gentle,” he tells you once more, voice coming out hoarse and shaky.  “I—I c-can’t—”
You nod in affirmation as much as you can with his iron grip wrapped tight over your chin like this.  “Th—”
You can’t even get a single word out before Mando shoots both hands down to grab your hips, abruptly yanking your ass off the bed.  Your legs have just enough time to buckle once they hit the ground, but then he’s spinning you around and practically shoving you right back on top of the metal platform, facedown with half your upper-body and both arms hanging over the edge.
Your pants are being snatched over your ass and down your legs as you still work to adjust yourself to the chaotic shift in position.  Holy fuck, he wasn’t ki—
Something blunt presses up against the apex of your thighs, pushes forward, and oh, holy fu—
—oh—holy fuck—
You’re surprised you have enough breath to shout as loud as you do when he slams full-force into you, rattling the bed as he sheathes himself in your slick warmth to the hilt, fully armored behind you and pressing cold beskar tight up against your ass and thighs.  You claw your fingers over the smooth metal surface under the cot and try to brace yourself on something, but there’s nothing to hold onto.  Fuck, he’s so fucking thick.  Forcing you to yield to his hardness, tightening his grip on your hips and keeping you locked in position.
And then he pulls out and then slams back in—starts pounding into you, using your body as a counterweight to thrust himself into and Maker, you would probably be screaming if you could even breathe right.  The inability to inhale just means you can hear him groan through the modulator, shuffle up closer to you and start to drill into you harder.
“Sweet, sweet girl,” he murmurs, and fuck, you would think he was suffocating you if it weren’t for both of his hands being anchored to your hips.  It blazes through you like wildfire, burning your lungs and setting your body alight with flames.  He leans over you and clamps a hand down over your shoulder, and your eyes roll back when he moves up and adjusts his angle just the slightest bit, pounding down into you instead of just into you, and—
“Maker, h-how did I deserve this?”  He whispers quietly to himself, delirious and tight as stars explode behind your vision.  His helmet rests on your shoulder blade, the beskar as heavy and unyielding as his thrusts are as he pummels into that one blinding, heavenly spot, over and over and over again.  “What did I d—where were you when I was—when I was—?”
You finally gasp a ragged, desperate breath in like you’ve been underwater for the last minute instead of under him, taking his cock the way he needs to give it to you.  And then you’re writhing, grinding your body back against his as much as you can, choking on the burning air and trying to put your needs together into a coherent sentence.
“T-take your helmet off,” you finally manage to lift your head up and beg, “please—please, I-I won’t—I won’t look, I sw-swea—” and then your cunt clamps down hard when he shoots up from you and practically rips the thing off his shoulders without another word, the sound of steel clanging loudly on the floor by your feet.
His hand comes around your throat and yanks you to the side before his teeth are sinking into your neck, not a single break in his hard, pounding rhythm.
He probably gets about ten good thrusts in like that before you’re going rigid under him and cumming—hard.
Everything below your waist locks down tighter around him than a fucking vice, and then you explode wet and hot around his cock with a hoarse shout, squeezing him and spasming through each rough, steady thrust as it launches you higher, and higher—
“Fuck—” he snarls into your neck, and then he suddenly kicks up from the rapid slapslapslapslap that got you over the edge to a surging, brutal bam—bam—bam that wrings a sharp, ragged cries from your throat.  Your face screws up and you try not to scream at the sensation, wondering how it was possible that he could make the bliss even more debilitating.  “Fuck, th—your cunt gets… s-so fucking tight when you cum—”
You just whimper for him helplessly, listening to the vulgar sounds of him fucking into you, the loud squelching as he keeps rocking mercilessly deep.
“You hear that?”  He murmurs next to your ear, and the slick sound of it echoes obscenely through the silent hull.  His voice is soft, contrasting blindingly with the way he’s holding you down and fucking you so strong and steady through the aftershocks.  “Fuck—you get fucking wet after you cum, too, don’t you?”
You try to move, try to adjust yourself just slightly, but he locks down around you and holds fast to his rhythm.  Fuck, it feels like he’s fucking the air out of you faster than you can breathe it in, grip like iron and tightening the more you struggle.
“‘M never leaving this,” he slurs, dropping his head to rest between your shoulder blades.  “Never.  Fuck, I’m—you’re—you’re never getting rid of me, sweet girl, I’m—I’m never—never f-fucking leaving—”
“Fuck, I’m—” you gasp, closing your eyes and trying to focus on the spark of a feeling deep inside you.  “Stars, I think I-I might—”
And then Mando licks a slow, warm line up the curve of your spine and a second orgasm is suddenly burning a fucking hole through you, tearing another broken wail from your throat.  You spasm and arch under him, bearing down on his thick cock and trying not to sob.
“Fuck, there we g-go—” he grits against your skin, picking up his speed and fucking hammering into you, completely deaf to your hoarse squeal at the change in tempo.  “Good.  Ngh, fuck—you—y-you want me to cum now?”
“Please,” you beg.  “Please cum, p-please—”
“Where?”  His voice is tight, breathless and shaky.  “Tell me where—quick—”
“Fuck—inside,” you moan, eyes rolling back at the thought of taking his load deep inside you.
Mando’s hips stutter.  For the first time in what feels like an eternity, they jerk back in before they could fully extend all the way out, and your abused lower muscles start to squeeze him in anticipation.
“I can’t—” he rasps, “—I’ve—I-I’ve never—and y-you’ll—”
“Safe,” you wheeze, because you don’t have enough air in your lungs or composure in your thoughts to tell him you have an implant contraceptive.  All you can manage is a shameless, breathless, “Cum deep,” half-tossed over your shoulder.
Your hair is gathered and locked in a tight fist behind your head and if you thought he was fucking you full force, you soon realize he was only at about an eight.  He flattens you against the bed and yanks your head up, arm coming around to brace across your chest and starting to just fucking wreck you from behind.
The change in angle forces his cock to spear up against something that blinds you, something so raw and impairing that you can’t speak anymore, even if you could find the air to.
“Fuck—m’gonna cum,” the Mandalorian grits, the bed rattling on its tracks as his head drops to your shoulder, “f-fuck, s’too fucking good, sweet girl—m’gonna f-fucking cum, I—”
He plows his hips into you just like that once, twice, three—
You lock down and everything goes blurs and goes out of focus, white hot pleasure ripping you apart from the inside as you do scream this time, clamping down and straightening your spine and convulsing in ecstasy.
He snarls and bites down on your neck, grrriiinndding his cock as deep inside you as it’ll go and shuddering above you.  You can feel him pulsing, throbbing as he growls his way through it, breathing heavy and giving you his load just how you asked.
Mando pulls out of you much quicker than you want him to and stumbles backwards, suddenly dropping to his knees on the floor behind you with a metallic clang.  He doesn’t do anything more than that, though; he just stares at your fluttering hole as you slowly start to leak his cum, one of his hands coming up to brace itself on the back of your thigh as he catches his breath and watches.
Fuck, you’re spent.  Panting and exhausted in the same position he left you.  You try to move, but you can’t.  You just sprawl there on your tummy and slowly wait for the feeling to return to your body.
But then he says something.  It’s too quiet—a soft, one syllable word you can’t quite make out.
“Wh—?”  Your muscles feel like lead.  “I couldn’t hear y—”
Gloved hands trail gently over your ass.  And then you feel a small, sharp little prick on the swell of one of your cheeks, but it’s gone after a split second.
And then… fucking bliss.
You sag into the metal bed, feeling the room begin to spin.  Fuck.  He gave you the shot.  The fucker just gave you the shot.  How dare he?  Before you could even work yourself up to the point of tears again?  While you’re still… still fucking dripping with cum right in front of his face?
“Din,” he says softly.  “It’s Din.”
How perfectly appropriate, you think.
Short, simple, and to the point.  No flourishes.  A quick, one-syllable punch of air.  One singular, closed I vowel sitting quietly between two consonants, guarded on all sides.  Hard at first, but then tapering off to a soft sound if you let it.  Din.
“Din,” you whisper, fighting the overwhelming high with every last fiber of your gradually depleting consciousness, wanting so desperately to hear the word out loud with your own voice before you’re pulled under, trying to make sure it’s real.  It comes out sounding that way, too; weak and quiet and straining for these last few precious moments with him.
Both of his hands wrap around the back of your knees and you feel his plush lips press gently against your upper-thigh, just below the curve of your ass.  He opens his mouth and licks hot and warm along your damp skin, pulls both your knees apart just slightly and then starts to drag his tongue to the side a bit, and then—
And then everything goes dark.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
yo here’s an idea for you (just bc i feel like you’ll do this hc justice) a cybersex hc, like a facetime situation with bakugou (or whoever you like) idk how else to explain it
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A/N Welp I kinda did what you asked. ENJOY
Your phone pings in your pocket before you pull it out, a message from someone worth losing your kill streak for.
*"King needs a selfie kitten."*
You smirk down at your phone with a cheeky attitude as you angle the phone to get the smallest glimpse at your cleavage, you lean against a muscled arm beside you.
"Kiri, selfie." He turns to the camera giving it a cocky look as you wink with a peace sign sending it on it's way before the two of you continue to pwn noobs on yalls favorite online game.
"Who's that going to?" He asks, rubies glancing back here and there to see how low cut you allowed your shirt to be.
"Just a friend!" You muse, before he watches your face become a little crestfallen.
"Then why isn't your *friend* here?" He asks, nudging you with your shoulder to engage again. You pick up your controller sticking out your tongue.
Kirishima cannot deny that he wants that tongue to do more than tease him.
"He's working! You know how the hero work schedule is." You sigh openly this time, securing top of the leader board as you get a six kill streak is less than a minute.
"Oh a hero?" Kirishima teases as your phone pings, he hopes to see the name of said hero saved in your phone. Instead he just sees King Sama 💥 as the name.
"Yes. A hero!" You nudge him back, he fights the butterflies in his stomach, he wasn't sure how much longer he could be *just* friends with you if your laugh had him that twisted.
That fucked up over just a normal sound and your smile.
Damn it was bright. He goes for a low blow as he adds
"Yet here you are with me, alone, on *Valentine's Day*." The stats come up on screen after they show the play of the game with you annihilating the enemy team.
"Yea well..." You tuck hair behind your ear, unsure of what to say. Heart clenching as Kirishima comes dangerously close. His breath mingles with yours as his tone deepens causing your stomach to flip.
"I wouldn't be afraid to show you off, Y/N." He says softly, leaning impossibly closer, just as his feather soft lips are about to touch yours, your phone rings. Blaring out the familiar tone of a facetime request. Ruby eyes burn into glass as they read King Sama 💥 coming between you and him once again.
"I uh gotta take this. I'll be right back." You say, standing and mostly pretending as if nothing happened. Kirishima plays along, waving the controller as if waving you away. All the while the plastic groans beneath his steely grip.
You slip into the bedroom down the hall, trying to push the thoughts of your room mate out of your mind.
You plug in the string lights to set the mood before you answer the call, his voice comes out of your phone's speaker like sinful velvet.
"I've been gone barely 16 hours and you're already disobeying me." A threat that has your core heating, "I told you to be in bed an hour ago. Shirt off kitten."
You notice that he already ready for bed, shirtless and in nothing but his black boxers. You lick your lips thinking of the prize beneath the soft fabric.
"And I told you I'd be staying up late in protest!" You half smile, half pout as you tell the truth, pulling your shirt over your head. He knew you always stayed up late with Kirishima on his weekend off from hero work.
You half wish Bakugou had instructed you to go to bed early because he was jealous of you spending time with someone else. Your stomach sours at the thought that he most likely hadn't done it out of jealousy or wanting to posses you.
"What was that? Are you talking back?" He expected this, he expected you to only half listen or fight back more so since he isn't there in person. Still he fights to keep the smile from his face.
"That's how a conversation works." You shrug, half agitated with him for being gone on valentines day.
As if he could help when he was sent to another city for work. Plus it wasn't as if you two were dating anyfuckinway.
Just fucking and occasionally hanging out. A dom with his bratty as hell kitten.
Kirishima's words have got you thinking. Maybe you did need something a little bit more. This one sided love, no matter how hot, was starting to hurt your heart. As if on cue your heart pangs out while the rest of your body ignites beneath his gaze.
"You sure have a smart mouth for someone who isn't standing in front of me Kitten." He says darkly, illuminated only by the soft hotel lamp and the light of his phone.
"You wouldn't do anything anyway." You even have audacity to roll your eyes. Bakugou's heart beat quickens, your banter seems to be less flirty and more stand offish than usual. Not being there in person today has him worried, not only are you alone with your male roommate but he knows he isn't there to force what ever is bothering you out of you. As there is no chance in hell you'll swallow your pride and tell him what's wrong.
"Oh I wouldn't Kitten?" His voice takes a sharp edge, "That's fine I'll remember that for later."
Silence stretches between the two of you for a moment as your gut twists, biting at your lip. Now frustrated with your body for still reacting to him as you feel your stomach tighten.
"For now let's address the fact that you're wearing that pair of underwear I got you." His smile is deadly as your face goes to slight shock considering you've only taken off your shirt for him, "It tells me when you've turned it on."
"I...I..I'm not wearing them."
"Oh?" He asks, thumb tapping the screen to activate the little vibe in the black pair of underwear. You let your phone tilt away from you as it buzzes against your clit, tightly pressed agaisnt you especially with how your thighs are pressed together.
"Keep the phone on your face kitten." You do as he asks, keeping the camera pointed at your face. Your cheeks redden quickly as your cunt clenches on it's own, desperate to have something to fill it.
But that wasn't happening tonight was it?
"Pants off." A command as you prop the phone up on your night stand to give him a full view of your body. He lowers the setting a bit while you shimmy your tight jeans down over your thicc ass and thighs. He groans as he watches, palming himself.
"Bend over, slide your underwear to the side so I can see how wet you are." Your body moves on it's own as you do what is commanding, keeping your moans whisper soft. He groans loudly when you move the fabric and a string of your slick sticks to it.
"What do you think Kirishima would do if he knew you were wearing a vibe for me today while you sat next to him? If he knew how much a slut you were?" He asks cranking it up, you let out a loud moan, "Quiet. Unless you want him to hear."
"Nnnnnn. No King I don't." You feel your body twitch as you press yourself against the bed, reminding yourself that he isn't here to slip himself in you.
"Remove your bra and sit pretty kitten." He commands leaving it on the agonizing steady setting.
"No please and thank you?" You ask with some bite to which he switches up the pattern to very low to shockingly high at unpredictable times.
"A king never asks." He smirks as even hundreds of miles apart you're softly moaning his name when he commands you, "Now help me cum baby."
He strokes himself on camera, the sight of it driving you mad, the little bit of precum you can see before he coats his head has you seeing stars. You'd do anything to have that in your mouth right now.
"Tell me what you're thinking." His voice is sultry, "Cause I'm thinking of making sure you're a quivering mess beneath me."
You gasp at the thought of him having his way with you, closely to how he is now.
"I... I.." But you can't tell him what you want as you can barely thing with how nicely this pair of underwear is pleasing you.
"Pull on your nipples for me." And you palm your breasts before pulling at the perked points, sending you closer to the edge that he has been silently denying. Knowing just when to change the setting lower, driving you completely mad. The vibrations go up and a loud moan escapes your mouth.
"Such a naughty thing." He sets it to the lowest setting as you pout, "Trying to cum without permission and being loud when I told you to be quiet."
"But you...Katsukiiiii." You whine instead as he changes it again but allowing you to continue to back talk.
"That doesn't sound like an apology to me." He says as his hand still goes up and down his length furiously. You follow his hand. Twisting this way and that in attempt to let up some of the pleasure as he ups the ante. The closer he gets the higher the setting.
He watches you twist restlessly as your gasped moans ring out over the speaker of his phone. He thanks God above and the creator for Facetime as he watches your cheeks and breasts flush.
And all for him.
He needed this after such a rough day, pops litter his forearms as he groans from the sight of you holding it in.
The sound of tiny explosions has you biting your palm to keep the moan contained. You love it when he's close.
"Who owns this pussy?" He asks, upping the vibration and switching up the pattern. Your nails dig into your thighs as you cover your mouth to keep from crying out.
"Y....you Sama. You own it." You say breathless as you try so so hard to obey him. To keep your release in, if you ended it on a good note he would allow you your crescendo.
He would also make your in person visit that much better.
"Fuuuuck kitten." He says, pumping hard even as cum leaves his throbbing cock in spurts. By habit your mouth is wide open, but you're holding your breath to keep from moaning.
One slips out much too loud and you bite your hand to keep yourself together. Tears collecting in your eyes as you're pushed closer and closer and closer. You begin to rut into the bed, hoping the extra friction with bring relief, cheeks reddening as you pray he gives you permission.
"Please sama please...." You cry out, loosening your cunt walls slowly to allow for the best release. Scarlet eyes watch you fight and bite at yourself in hopes to please him.
However his mind was already made up. He knows when you're at the very brink of your crescendo, he knows your eyes will start to roll back a few times as you focus on the stars you must see and he knows you're close because you're actually begging him.
You're about to snap, about to bite hard into your hand while the other pulls at your nipple like he instructed before the vibrator turns off causing you to let out a whimper.
"S...sama I think the battery may have died." You say, disappointment shrouding your face before he gives you a level look.
"No kitten, I turned it off. You were mouthy so this is your punishment. No cumming until I get back tomorrow. Got that?" Your face reddens as he expects, knowing full well the tantrum that is about to unfold. You stand as if that would make a difference over the phone huffing loudly.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" You yell, not allowing the heat of embarrassment to creep up your throat or the hot tears forming in your eyes since you are not getting your way. Despite knowing he's the only dom you've met that you actually listen to more times than not.
"It is fair kitten. I've been so lenient with you lately and you've been nothing but bratty."
"You're a brat tamer that's your job!" A hiss as your breathing hitches. He bites his lower lip, almost ready to give in and only because he is not there for the after care.
"You don't seem tame to me." He shrugs, "I'm a dom kitten. Now be a good little one and listen."
"Well I'm not. I'm...I'm.." You think of anything you can just to spite him, to get under his skin, it comes out faster than you can think it over, "I'm going to ask Kirishima for help."
Katsuki goes quiet on the other side, you watch his face harden as his eyes turn into glowing hot embers. Silence passes between the two of you. Both too proud to admit how much that sentence hurts you both.
"That's fine Y/LN." He snarls, "We aren't dating. So go ahead. Use him to cum just be sure to let me know if he's better than your Sama."
You see red as your heart claws up your throat, especially by the use of your last name.
"Fine!" You hiss ending the call with out your normal good byes.
He sends a threatening text that he knows will egg you on, angry with you for wanting another man and himself for not being man enough to tell you that he likes you and has for the past several months.
That he may be in *love* with you.
*"If you do fuck him. Be sure to send pictures."*
The text makes you feel next to nothing to him as you silently scream. You shove off the underwear angrily, slipping in the dicking down shorts Katuski loves so much and the same ones you've caught even gentleman Kirishima eyeing from time to time before slipping back on your tight top.
You had asked for this. You told him explicitly no feelings and not to be light on punishments.
And look at you crying because he did exactly as you asked while you were the one stupid enough to break your own rule. You splash your face with cold water until it no longer looks as if you'd been crying. Scrubbing the towel over it before giving your reflection your best cat like smile.
You were going to eat Kirishima up.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 26
Chapter title: When Youre Home
A/n: Sorry it took awhile and im sorry its shorter!! Ive been really busy but I still wanted to get a chapter out! And ofc cant tell you what happens just yet also gotta let ya suffer. Sorry its bad but enjoy!! PLEASE LEAVE ME COMMENTS YALL! PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AND IF ITS CONFUSING OR YOU HAVE QUESTIONS IM HERE TO ANSWER THEM OK?
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words: 2356
summary: The world freezes as the gang follows the events of the previous night
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, shooting, crying
Ao3 Link  
“Dada!” No, Logan couldn't. His throat closes tightly hearing the sound of frantic children racing toward him. Wiping away his nervous tears he stands, the twins waste no time as Logan kneels to nuzzle themselves into him. Emile and Remy, somber faces, approach from behind. “Where's Papa?” Valerie shakes, her fears from the night only arising.
“Um...Patton is…” Logan cant speak, the words catch in his throat, stuck at some border keeping them down. “He’s…” He doesn't wish to beg for assistance, but his eyes beg  to anyone. Everyone avoids him, except…
“Why don't we go get some food?” Emile offers, the twins attention, tired and worn out, and focuses on the doctor. “We can get something for your dad” Emile and Remy work in sync, taking the pair from Logan. Nothing changes but the smallest glint shows his thankfulness. They set off and just as soon as they appeared, they fade into the rush of the midnight hour at the hospital. Cold and dark, Logan wants them back, the aching his body feels as he no longer can feel their presence.
He could see the crowd move, he could hear their mumblings and the world continue on. But he felt numb, like static surrounding him, nothing was there. Silence in this noisy void. Even when Virgil places his hand on the lawyers shoulder it takes a moment to register, then his face only sends him back.
“Hey we he- Patton” It takes almost no time to identify the ooze of blood and the frozen terror in the center of the courtroom. Virgil steps back, a moment of hesitation, Roman rushing by him sparks him back alive. He had never seen a puzzle so broken, so many pieces lost. Logan couldn't speak, but he held so tightly. But to what? Virgil hated it but it didnt look like Patton.
“Hel..help” Logan manages, something in him however was gone. Virgil couldn't look anymore, the pale face, he longed to see the bright smile, promising love as it flashed to all it passed. The sparkle of his eyes, a smart shine closed as they looked empty. Nothing was there, no one was there….
“Uhm Roman Reial, I need an ambulance… the courthouse on Preise Boulevard” He rushes, his breaths short and scared. “A-a gunshot wound...please just hurry” He pleads, Logan continues staring towards the door. The icy blue that sparked with wisdom and his unsuspected and treasured love had melted. They were empty, devoid of purpose to shine.
“We...we’re engaged” He mumbles, Virgil looks to Pattons hands instantly. The scuffed skin didn't distract from the stunning glimmer of the ring around his finger.
“C-come on” Virgil tries “We have to get him out of here...or apply pressure...or stop the bleeding or-”
“Virge breathe” Roman takes his hand, squeezing it gently. Their eyes meet and the dangerous storm dies down in Virgil, finding a light rain should suffice. “He’ll be ok”
“Don't make promises you can't keep” Virgil whispers, listening to a silent Logan crying ever so gently over a fallen love. Roman cups his cheek, the movement feeling natural.
“I'm not” He takes Virgil to the side, calming him as medics and cops file in. The pair are guilty as they ignore Logan's desperate cries, shunning away while Patton, if you can call his lifeless body that was hauled away. Logan sinks again, unable to move, no one makes a sound, the room falls quiet once more. “Logan…” Roman begins, his caution at a high point. The lawyer shakes his head, searching for the words, any words. A simple croak.
“Dead” Logan mutters “He's dead” He slumps into his chair, Roman and Virgil share uneasy glances.
“What happened?!” The three look up, their eyes landing in unison. A fiery path alight as Barbara marched towards them, Marcy following her footsteps trying to put out the dark. Logan stands, not expecting the rough descent to the physical world. “What did you do?” She spits, desperate as everything falls apart.
“Barb!” Marcy calls, gently removing her from a distant Logan. “Bubbles take a breath, it's not Logan's fault” Marcy assures, stroking ever so delicately to her wife. Barbara tries to conjure an argument but shatters, falling into Marcys arms as she cries.
Shouldn't Logan be doing the same?
Why couldn't he feel the pain?
Had he succumbed...to the dark?
Not too long ago his confusion was riddled with unbearable pain, the sadness too much to feel as it coursed through his veins, practically pumping his breath. He needed Patton, that took something out of him. The name, even the mere thought was too much, a break in his step. Turning rapidly away from this scene, too much of a mirror of his inner turmoil, he walks to the door, and kept going. Ignore, he told himself, ignore the shouts and the concern.
“Patton Hart” He demands, the woman perks up, a note of sympathy accompanies her sweet smile. She dials the phone, hushed whispers before she returns to Logan, the man no doubt seemed insane.
“I'm sorry sir, mister Hart is still in surgery” She informs. “We will send someone out with updates, but please return to the waiting room” She requests, her politeness and formality wasn't something Logan could argue. And it made sense, what was he thinking. Resigned with shame he returns to the group, the moment his sweaty back hits the chair he gives in. The tears just come, you'd think dehydration might be a risk as he sobs with no filter. No one dared move, not even a breath escaped but Barbara's face morphs, she takes his side, clutching hard. If he needed pressure, he was getting it.
Everyone loved him, but these two...it was different. The pain, the absolute grief they felt, couldn't be matched, only sprouted from their passionate love. Even if there's differences between each other, it was intense...and it hurt. And they shared that, how awful…
“I hear kids” Patton chuckles into the pillow, Logans arms remain around the smaller of the pair. It was true, the feet moved rapidly through the house, the wooden floors revealing their location with coy creaks. Logan groans, nuzzling into Patton not wishing to lose this warmth. “C’mon” Patton giggles, a gentle kiss on Logan's cheek before he sits up. His hair falling perfectly into a fluffed cloud. The pair reach for their glasses, preparing for the wave that approaches them.
“Papa! Dada!” The door bursts and the twins spare no one, jumping into the bed as they pounce on the fathers. Both lawyers fall back, laughing through muffled embraces. The twins had grown immensely, and yet they insisted on Sunday morning hugs.
“Where do you attain all this energy?” Logan wonders, adjusting Remus in front of him, the boy bounces excited. “It's eight in the morning” Logan yawns, Valerie follows suit sitting next to her brother.
“Lo they've only been alive for ten years, they have all the energy in the world” Patton teases, resting his head on Logan's accepting shoulder. “Why don't we give your father some space, come on Ill make you breakfast” Patton takes his time, slipping on his slippers as he leads the eager twins to the kitchen. The skip behind him, humming sweetly as they clutch to his hands.
“Cartoons?” Remus proposes, Patton nods and allows them to set up in front of the couch. The shows blare loud but nothing Patton didn't enjoy or was used to, he begins his work diligently in the kitchen. Never could he gain tired of the sweet bouts of laughter from the children.
“Good morning pop!” Patton turns, a giant grin spreads. Terrence stands idle, his cup tight in his small hands, his smile reflects brightly.
“Well good morning sweetness” Patton greets, kneeling slightly to face the young boy. “What can I do for you?” He offers, Terrence holds out his cup, shaking it gladly. “Juice or water?”
“Juice please! Jamahl sleeping still” He replies, Patton obliges, securing the drink into his hands once more. “Thank you kindly!” He beams, Patton hides a sweet chuckle, his vocabulary increasing everyday. “Hello papa” He waves to a slumbering Logan, hugging his legs before racing off to join his siblings, Logan ruffles his hair watching him go. Patton giggles turning back to his work, the stove ready for the delectable delight.
“Mmm” Logan hums, his arms wrapping gently around Patton's waist. His head falls perfectly on the mans shoulder, burrowing with ease. Patton giggles, the tickles certainly help to awake the man. Logan grows impatient spinning Patton towards him, leaning into a gentle kiss, a nice satisfaction as he pulls away.
“What was that for?” Patton laughs, Logan shrugs returning to his position. He enjoys watching his husband work, the careful manner as he prepares food, the unconscious humming that carries a tune. He places yet another kiss on Patton's cheek, wanting to remain as such forever. They both take a moment to turn to the children, each excited as the animation dances across the stage. Patton takes Logans hands in his own, interlacing their fingers as they watch.
“I want another” Logan yawns, Patton continues his cooking. He shakes his head stirring the coffee pouring two even cups.
“Another kiss?” He jokes, obliging by his own manner. Logan pouts and pulls Patton back to him. “Yes dearest?” He wonders
“Another kid” Logan presses, Pattons amused smile remains but falters a tad. “I mean look at them, they're perfect” Logan smiles, his glasses drooping. Patton adjusts them for him but bites his tongue. “Come on...I was looking and talking to Lia and-” Patton interjects quickly
“Lo I don't want another kid” He admits, his brows furrowed with concern. Logan takes a step back, their hands remain connected.
“I….what?” Logan mutters “I mean...you love kids. And you're wonderful with them. I don't understand…” Patton strokes his cheek, calming the anxiety he can see forming.
“I do love kids. I love Virgils son, I adore Thomas and the twins and Terrence are my life” Patton promises, yet something is off. “I just...I don't want another kid” He restates. “Divine, we are both full time lawyers and I'm on the city counsel. We already have trouble balancing our schedules with them. Adopting a child, no matter the age would be difficult. And it wouldn't be fair on them” Patton explains.
“What about Terrence? And Jamahl?” Logan marvels, scouring his brain. “That was even more dire, you were just out of the hospital a-and you were just starting. I was just beginning to learn what it meant to be a father-”
“And you are amazing at it” Patton smiles, Logan can't find the same urge.
“Terrence was a baby, I mean we could take in a grown child...like Jamahl. Statistics show that they are less likely to be taken in and it would save us the trouble of a newborn and it would be easier to help them adjust and understand” Logan rushes, desperate. “We can do it” He assures, Pattons usual determination, his need to please Logan just couldn't conjure itself.
“I-im sorry Lo, I don't want another kid” Patton laments, finally it seems their hands find their way apart.
“Ok maybe not now, I mean maybe in the future we could-” Logan tries. Pattons hands clutch to the table, the spatula could sink into the counter.
“No Logan you're not hearing me” He whispers, wishing to keep this to themselves. “I don't want another kid, We’ve got two ten year olds. Both who have been through more than any ten year old should. Both also very familiar to a broken home, and wishing for nothing more than to keep what stability they have. We've got a little five year old who despite being just a baby was thrown through system and system and didn't know a stable and safe home until he took his first steps on that carpet over there and his over-protective brother finally trusted us” Patton takes a frustrated breath “We have full careers and If I know you, which I pride myself on, you want it go further and advance” He watches the once expression he hated so much, Logans eyes fall hopeless. He takes his cheeks, aweing so gently. “Logan, my starlight, I love you so much. I love you, and the kids and my job and my friends. I like our life. But I don't want another kid, Jamahls about to go off to college, the twins are going to be in highschool in no time and Terrence is beginning school” Patton serves the now saddened breakfast, moving to the table as he sets it. Molly whines at his feet for food, he wishes to coo but his heart feels heavy.
“Patton I-” Logan begins
“I have to go wake up Jamahl, he has SAT prep and Thomas is coming over soon to play with Terrence” Patton gives another look before disappearing behind the wall. Both take shuddered breaths fearing their own ability to stop tears. The house felt tense, hard to move through, hard to breath. Hard to stay still, why was it shaking?
“Logan” The softest voice cuts through, the lawyer sputters awake, his eyes flutter open. Virgil kneels in front of him, his hands gentle as he places a hold on the man. “He's out of surgery” Virgil informs, Logan nods before fully comprehending Virgil's words. He jumps up, rushing to the doctor who was seemingly reporting to Barbara.
“...he hasn't awoken yet but his vitals are stable for now” The man finishes, thats all Logan needed. “As you are immediate family you can see him, the rest of you will have to wait” Logans heart drops, falling below his knees. Barbara rings her hands but takes Logan.
“This is his husband” The doctor checks his chart, skeptical as to who is listed. “Its recent so he hasn't had time to update it” Barbara adds, Logan would be eternally grateful to her later. Especially as they walk through the forbidden doors and straight down to the room…
His room.  
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Title: Battle Royal: America's Ass Vs. England's Ass {Headcanon Kinda}
Warnings: Switched up Headcanon Format, Many Words
Words: 1.7k
Summary: You’re a famous celeb and have dated both Chris Evans and Henry Cavill. The public loved to see you with both, and some were divided between who they preferred you with. You’ve always remained silent over the dispute. Both men have not been quiet with calling you “the love of their lives”. This fuels the debate and the perceived rivalry between the two. The topic comes up when you’re invited to the Jimmy Fallon show.
Note: So, I’m going to do this one a little/a lot differently. Not sure how it’ll work out but let me know what you guys think. I really liked doing this style.Thank you, guys, for reading!! Slightly Interactive.
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Jimmy: Tonight we have the beautiful, talented and alluring Y-F-N & Y/L/N. Welcome her out everyone.
 The audience applauds and cheers as you walk out from backstage. You enthusiastically wave to them and approach Jimmy who meets you halfway with a hug. He thanks you for coming on and compliments your outfit as he walks you to your seat. Before you sit your turn to the audience again and wave.
 The applause slowly dies down and you get comfortable ensuring that the thigh-high split in your dress doesn’t inappropriately show too much.
 Jimmy: Wardrobe malfunction?
You: Ha! I’m trying my best to prevent it. Whoo, okay, I’m good yall. I promise no crotch slips here.
 The audience laughs.
Jimmy: Have you had many crotch slips?
You: Nope. I’ve been lucky enough to never have any slips of any kind.
 The audience now claps and cheers as you nod your head.
Jimmy: Good. You look great though.
You: Thank you.
Jimmy: How are you? I hear it’s been a busy few months for you.
You: Yes, busy, busy, busy.
Jimmy: Are you filming, recording? What’s going on in the life of -F-N & Y/L/N?
You: Uh, not much. I am pretty boring Jimmy. I work then I work some more and to top it off I work.
Jimmy: All work and no play is never any good.
You: Well, sometimes it has to be that way. If you play too much you never get anything done.
Jimmy: True, but if you’re always working you miss out on the fun you can have by playing. There should be a balance.
You: You’re right. There should be a balance. Unless you’re me.
 The audience laughs some more.
 Jimmy: You’re a whole different breed huh.
You: You said it, not me.
 You shift in your seat still keeping an eye on the split at your thigh and the way your legs are crossed. You laugh to yourself.
 You: No, but I was filming in Brazil, we just wrapped last week so that was fun.
Jimmy: Brazil? Wow, exotic. What kind of movie?
You: It’s an action flick, I play a badass woman who doesn’t need a prince or a savior and is, in fact, the savior. It was a great role. I had a lot of fun.
Jimmy: That sounds like a good role for you. You’re a badass.
You: Damn right I am!
 The audience cheers and claps at your enthusiasm. It makes you laugh.
 Jimmy: All the tabloids and fans seem to think so too. You have such a huge fan following. Your Instagram has well over two hundred million followers and it’s growing every day. That is incredible.
You: It is. I have no idea why they follow me. I’m so boring.
 You laugh out loud because it’s true. You post pretty random things, outfits, set pictures, inspirational quotes, astrology, makeup, pictures of yourself, and things of that sort. You’d always been fascinated by how the whole fan and following thing worked.
 Jimmy: You say boring and we see you doing luxurious things like sipping mojitos in an infinity pool with this as your backdrop.
 Jimmy shows a snap from your Instagram and you snort laughing.
 You: Wow, I didn’t expect that.
Jimmy: Or you on a private jet getting pictured as you sleep.
 Again, another snap from your Instagram account comes up. You shake your head.
 Jimmy: And my favorite one, the view from your cabana in Brazil.
 A third picture is shown and the audience “oohs” and “aahs.” The way they do it makes you laugh even harder.
 Jimmy: Come again about being boring.
You: Okay, with the exception of those, I am pretty boring.
Jimmy: Right. Another two exceptions are who you date, for instance, these two incredible specimens of DNA.
Chris Evans and Henry Cavill’s pictures come up on the screen behind you and the audience erupts in applause and whistles. You do your best to remain stoic.
 Jimmy: For the record, you’ve dated them, or dating them--.
You: Dated. Past tense.
 The audience then boos you. You widen your eyes at them and clutch your invisible pearls.
 You: Wow, how quickly they turn on you.
Jimmy: They love them some Captain America and Superman.
You: I can understand why.
Jimmy: So, who did you date first?
You: Uh—I don’t think that’s important.
Jimmy: Was it an amicable split? Are you all still friends?
You: Yeah. It’s just one of the things that happen, things wear their course and things wore their course.
Jimmy: I can understand that. What do you think about the tabloid and fan fodder about the three of you?
 You chuckle because you knew this would come up. You’d somewhat prepared for it.
 You: I think it is what it is.
Jimmy: They’ve actually begun picking sides as to who they preferred you with. As for tonight, there is an equal split. Me myself, I’m torn you looked amazing with both, and they both looked happy with you.
 You shrugged and pinched your lips together unsure what to say. What did you say on a tv talk show when someone brings up your two exes and how your relationship was especially with all the interest in it?
 Jimmy: They’ve been given nicknames too. Chris is America’s ass a nod to the Marvel movies he’s been in and Henry is England’s ass because he is British. They call it the battle of the asses, whose is better? I’d rank it right up there with GOT’s Battle of The Bastards.
 You couldn’t keep your laughter in any longer. Your laughter made the audience laugh and soon everyone was laughing.
 Jimmy: So, whose is better, Y/N?
You: Wow, you’re kidding Jimmy. Who can choose? Look at them.
 The image on the screen came to a close of up both men standing to the side. Both of their asses were amazing, you remembered them well. Henry had a full, shapely ass that was incredibly toned but still felt soft to the touch. Chris has a very well proportioned ass for his slim frame and it was also quite toned and curved. You’d loved touching them both. You got lost in your memories for a few moments before you shook your head. The audience was whistling and Jimmy was giving you an all-knowing look.
 Jimmy: Was someone reminiscing?
 You laughed and shrugged.
 You: You know what they say, Jimmy. With great asses come great responsibility.
 The audience erupted with laughter again, as did Jimmy.
 Jimmy: You had quite the responsibility then.
 You laughed again and covered your mouth hoping to silence it.
 Jimmy: If you had to choose, could you?
You: Nope. Why would anyone? The best of both worlds, American and European.
Jimmy: America’s ass has a ring to it.
You: As does England’s ass.
Jimmy: From the rumors, it looks like you don’t have to choose.
You: Rumors?
Jimmy: For one the supposed rivalry between the two men.
You: Don’t believe everything you hear or read.
Jimmy: And what about both men having openly said that you’re the love of their life and still hold you in the highest regard.
 The audience clapped and cheered while you sat there pinned to the seat as embarrassment crept through you.
 Jimmy: What do you say to that?
You: Uh—um—well, love can be multiple dimensional and cannot be quantified so it can mean many things. I consider Henry and Chris to be amazing men and want nothing but the best for them.
Jimmy: Very diplomatically said. Do you see getting back together with either of them in the future?
 Again, you were caught off guard and you graciously smiled and shrugged.
 You: Who knows what the future holds. Life is a journey not set in stone.
Jimmy: -F-N & Y/L/N everyone. Thank you so much for coming on.
 The audience’s applause followed you out as you walked backstage to take a breath. It had been almost two months since you’d thought about yours and Chris and Henry’s relationships. It was something that took great effort. You took the movie in Brazil to get away from them and clear your head and for the most part, it worked. It also made you realize how much you missed them both.
You missed them both for different reasons and the fact that you were broken up didn’t seem to matter now. You’d almost caved and called them but you knew you couldn’t. It was your fault you were broken up in the first place.  
Two days later as you were going about your day handling business your mind again went back to Henry and Chris. The interview with Jimmy aired the night before and watching it again really had you reminiscing about the past. Your friends texted and teased you about the interview about how awkward you were but how well you played it off. It was true, you were awkward. 
As you got into your waiting car and made your way to your next engagement your phone went off with a message. 
MSG Henry: I’ll be in town tomorrow for a day or two. Do you want to grab tea? Maybe we can talk?
Your jaw dropped. You hadn’t expected to see his name pop up on your phone ever again, not after what he’d said the last time you spoke. You were frozen in your seat unsure what to say.
After a few minutes, you began typing a response when another message came in.
MSG Chris: I saw you and Fallon last night. I feel like we should talk. I’ve been thinking about you. Can we meet up and talk?
“Fuck!” You didn’t know what to do now, especially after what you did and how things ended. You couldn’t be the bad guy again.
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hockeytrashgoblin · 5 years
Take it out on me Part 4
A/N: Hey yall sorry this took so long I was away on a mini vacation and then worked bootkicked me in the ass. But here it is finally. I wanted to give you guys a part that was one of the better days for the two of them since people didn’t really like that he was always mean. So here’s a good day for you guys! I hope you enjoy!
I was waiting for the bus to get back to the arena so I could bring Auston home. He hadn’t spoken to me since he left and that really hurt. But I tried to ignore it and spent the whole morning preparing stuff to welcome him home with. I tried to make myself look presentable in jeans and a nice coat. I curled my hair too which was a fucking challenge with a broken hand but I somehow managed extremely loose curls. I made him his favourite cupcakes and a healthy stew that he really likes for dinner. I had cleaned the whole house to the best of my ability. I couldn’t fold clothes and I knew that wouldn’t go over well but I had tried. I didn’t do any dishes but that was because I got plastic forks and paper plates. The cake dishes were in our rarely used dishwasher. I hoped he would enjoy everything.
I saw the bus pull in and was shocked when I realized I was more excited to see a certain redhead than I was to see my husband. I had been talking to Freddie every night of the road trip. He called me every night to see how I was and just talked to me without getting angry. It was really nice.
The boys started piling out of the bus and I waited excitedly for mine to come out. William was first and he gave me a big hug. Next was Mitch who hugged me a little too hard.
“Mitchy be careful! I’m broken!” I giggled trying to break free from the death grip.
“What the fuck?! I’m so sorry are you okay?” Mitch asked letting go of me immediately. William smacked him in the back of the head. “Hey!”
“Good going idiot.”
“I’m okay Mitch it’s okay. Just hug nicer next time.”
“What happened?” Morgan asked coming in giving me a small hug.
“Oh ya know. I’m just clumsy. It was really nothing. Just hit it against the island by accident.” I said shrugging as they laughed. Auston was still on the bus which was weird but Freddie had just come off the bus and was walking over to me. He hugged me tight around my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“How are you?” he asked quietly.
“Okay. I just had to lie to the boys about my hand. It’s hard lying to them.”
“I’m sorry you had to do that (Y/N).”
“It’s okay. How was the bus ride back?” I asked pulling away from him.
“It was good. Traffic was bad though so it was long. Auston just woke up when we got here so that’s what’s taking him so long.”
“Oh okay. Yeah I was wondering about that.” Freddie just nodded and we were quiet for a few seconds before he spoke up again.
“You look really pretty.”
“Freddie come on, don’t lie to me.” I said rolling my eyes.
“I wouldn’t lie to you. I genuinely think you look pretty.”
“Thank you..” I said blushing before trying to make a joke out of it. “I actually tried to look like a real human today.”
“Well you always look nice, it’s not much different than usual. You shouldn’t have tried so hard though, what about your hand. This couldn’t have been easy.” he said touching a curl.
“It wasn’t. I wanted to look nice for Auston for once so I don’t embarrass him.”
“There’s nothing embarrassing about how you look any other time.” he said meeting my eyes with a really intense look. I couldn’t maintain eye contact though and had to look at the ground. He cleared his throat before speaking up again “Well I should really head back home. I’ll see you later. Remember to call or text if you need anything.”
“I don’t want to bug you on your first night back.”
“Don’t say that shit. You don’t bug me ever. I’ll text you tonight.” he gave me a smile before leaving, waving goodbye to Auston. Auston saw me and walked over a little quicker.
“Hi love.” I said smiling at him.
“Hi.” he said with a big smile, putting his hands on my waist. “You look gorgeous (Y/N).”
“Thank you.” I said blushing.
“I love that you still blush when I compliment you..you’re so cute.”
“You.” I said reaching up to give him a lingering kiss. “Are you ready to go back home?”
“I have a couple surprises for you back at the house.” I told him getting into the car.
“Baby that’s so sweet. Thank you so much.” he had a big sweet smile on his face while he looked at me. This was the Auston I had fallen in love with and wanted to marry. I missed him.
“Anything for you, love.” 
We started driving back and he tried to hold my hand but then realized the cast finally.
“(Y/N) what happened?!”
“I um..I broke my hand.”
“Baby girl how?” he asked concerned. “Are you okay? Does it hurt?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just clumsy Aus, you know that. And I’ve broken the same bone before so it was weak. It hurts a little but it’s more itchy than anything.”
“I’m so sorry that happened baby.��
“Ehh, it was only a matter of time.” 
We were quiet the rest of the way home. It was not anywhere near as comfortable as it was with Freddie but it was fine. We got to the apartment and made our way inside. He took his bag to the laundry room and met me in the kitchen.
“Something smells really good in here.”
“I made your favourite!” I said turning to look at him and the table. I continued dishing out the food.
“You’re the best.” I brought him his food and turned to go back and get mine but he pulled me back to him for a kiss.
“What was that for?”
“I just really love you and I’ve been doing a really bad job of showing it. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay Aus. I love you too.” I gave him another quick kiss and then went to go get my food. I sat across from him and we dug in. “I’m sorry the pieces aren’t cut up very well. I was really struggling cutting stuff with my left hand..”
“That’s okay baby, no need to be sorry. It tastes great, it doesn’t have to look perfect. Especially not when you look perfect.” he added giving me a cheesy wink. 
“Oh my god shut uuuup.” I said blushing and giggling.
“Anywaaaays, how was the road trip?”
“It was pretty good, I think. I wish I could get out of the slump I’m in but that’ll come eventually I guess.”
“Auston of course it will. Everyone gets in slumps. I wish I could make you feel better and fix it for you. You’re still playing incredibly though, don’t discount that. You’re still helping the team win.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“If you weren’t there bringing the puck into their end and setting up chances for the guys the team wouldn’t be winning. You’re still valuable even in a slump. You’re amazing.”
“Thanks, that really means a lot and I needed to hear it tonight.” he said blushing slightly.
“Wow Auston Matthews blushing..crazy.”
“Stop.” he said covering his cheeks
“Cute.” I said smiling getting up and taking the dishes to the sink. Auston followed behind and wrapped his arms around me making me laugh. 
“What are you laughing about?” he asked quietly against my skin.
“You’re just so cute tonight. I can’t help it.”
“I just want to be close.”
“Well I always want you close so this is okay with me.”
“I know you do. Always so touchy.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Not usually.”
I decided to not engage in that fight waiting to happen. I just leaned back against him instead.
“Will you help me put the stew into a different dish so I can put it in the fridge?”
“Of course. Go sit down, I got it.” I sat down watching him move around the kitchen and putting the food away. 
“If you look under that tray there’s another surprise for you.” I said smiling at him.
“You’re too good for me.” he said after getting a cupcake.
“I am not you ween. Do you like them?”
“Yes babe, these are so good.”
“Do you want to watch a movie?”
“I’d love to. You can pick if you want. I got us Disney plus so we can watch one of those movies you like?”
“Oh wow thank you Auston! Are you sure you don’t want to pick?”
“No you pick. I just want to be close to you and spend time with you. I’m going to do up these dishes since you can’t and I’ll be right there.” he kissed my forehead and I left the room feeling slightly annoyed but I didn’t want to let it ruin the night so I got into the media room and sent a text to Freddie. 
‘Aus is doing the dishes’
‘Well that’s nice’
‘It’s the first time since we got married last year that he has. He’s doing it because I can’t.’
‘That’s not so nice.’
‘No it isn’t. He keeps trying to bait me into a fight and it’s getting really frustrating’
‘I can see how that would be annoying.’
‘We’re having a good night and i don’t want it ruined but he seems dead set on ruining it.’
‘Im sorry (Y/N).’
‘It’s okay.’
‘Are you doing anything tomorrow? Wanna hangout?’
‘Yeah sure! I’d like that :)’
“Who are you talking to babe?” Auston said coming in.
“Just Freddie. We might hangout a little tomorrow if that’s cool?”
“Yeah that’s fine. Maybe he can take you to pick out something nice to wear to christmas dinner with my family?”
“Yeah maybe! I’ll see tomorrow.”
“Sounds like fun babe. Now can we please cuddle?”
“Hang on.” I said standing up and getting out of my jeans before sitting back down. “Now yes.”
“What the heck was that?”
“Jeans are too tight to cuddle in. I was tired of them.”
“You’re fucking hot.”
“No funny business Aus. Cuddles and movie.”
“I’ll try my best.” he said smirking.
“You’re a dork.” I put on my favourite disney movie and sat back under Auston’s arm. He pulled my legs over his and put his other hand on my legs. He watched the movie for a little while undistracted but then his hands started to travel. I ignored him when he squeezed my butt which made him stop for a little while. Auston was all about reaction when it came to stuff like that so not getting one made him stop. Of course not for long though and he started kissing my neck. It took everything in me to not give a reaction. He let out a loud groan.
“You need something babe?” he flipped me over so he was laying on top of me.
“Pay attention to me.”
“Come here you big baby.” I said shifting so he rested in between my legs and pulled him in for a long slow kiss.
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Pairing - Drew McIntyre/Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch
Rating: Explicit (Its filth yall)
Warnings: SMUT, Sex Magic, Mentions of decapitation, and a severed head?
Summary: King Sethiel, Queen Rebecca and their loyal General Drew celebrate finally taking back Seth's birthright.
Taglist: @hitory--chan @theworldofotps @finnsauroraborealis @axelwolf8109 @mondaynightriott @sethsevolution @rxllynch @writinglionqueen @swifteforeverandalways @neversatisfiedgirl @lkasapovic @new-zealand-chic
Authors Note: See this picture 🔽🔽🔽
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this man is trying to ruin my entire existence, I swear to God. I am currently writing 5 other fics and this big Scottish motherfucker done totally derailed me. And then these two who just ruin me everyday.
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King Sethiel sat on his throne, Queen Rebecca by his side both monarchs becoming increasingly annoyed with the way they were being spoken to as they listened to the advisor they'd inherited drone on about the state of their newly won kingdom.
General Drew McIntyre stood to the side as he watched his King and Queen become more and more fed up with the way Lord Heyman patronizingly spoke to them.
While yes, his King and Queen were young both Sethiel and Rebecca were a formidable force on the battlefield and not ones to be trifled with. The Mage and Warrior had defeated Sethiel's Warlord grandfather and after his parents had refused to take the throne, taken it for themselves.
'Can we kill him yet?' Rebecca mouthed at him, rolling her eyes in disgust when Drew shook his head.
"Do you really think that you're going to just pull the wool over our eyes as you did my grandfather?" Sethiel finally says in a deceptively quiet voice. "You know, Lord Heyman I do try my best not to use mind spells…they have a habit of leaving a…shall we say lasting impression on the victim's mind….but I find I haven't the patience for my General and Queen to discover the rest of your deceptions."
"My King, I have no idea what you could possibly mean by…." Heyman says trying to find a way out of the trap he could already feel closing around him
Seth simply makes a delicate motion in the air cutting off the portly man's words with a spark of purple energy.
"Please, no more lies Lord Heyman," Seth says rising from his throne and walking towards the man, Drew at his heels, just in case. "Now let's see what exactly you have planned." The master mage says before chanting under his breath as a halo of dark purple energy surrounds the panicking Lord's head.
Drew loved this part. While he and his Queen had no problems beating the truth out of their enemies…his King, who quite frankly was always attractive despite being a bit of a brat at times was even more so when using his magic. Most people found the purple glow that currently filled Seth's normally dark brown eyes disturbing but not Drew. Those eyes meant life to him for his king's magic-filled eyes had been the first thing he'd seen when the then Prince had quite literally brought Drew back from the dead.
Drew, Sethiel, and Rebecca had all grown up together in the kingdom ruled by Rebecca's older brother. Seth's parents had begged King Balor for sanctuary when they had managed to escape Princess Stephanie's father who had tried to stop the Princess from marrying Seth's father who he believed wasn't good enough (or controllable enough) for his daughter. Drew's parents had made a similar decision and followed the displaced Princess and her soldier into King Balor and Queen Violet's kingdom.
The three of them had been inseparable ever since, so much so that when Drew had been killed protecting them from a wolf attack, the Prince, in his grief ripped a hole in the afterlife to bring Drew back to them. That moment cemented them, the princely mage, the warrior princess and their trusted knight as more then childhood friends. They were all they would ever need and as long as they were together? Everyone else should just get out of their way.
"He plans to set his pet beast loose on us in the night," his King says bringing Drew out of the past and into the present as the spell around Heyman shattered and the traitorous Lord came back to himself.
At these words, Queen Rebecca rose and retrieved a blood-soaked sack from behind her throne "Was he now? Too bad I beheaded that monster yesterday then." She says with a wicked smirk as she walked down to where the other three men were standing and dumped the severed head of Brock Lesnar at Heyman's feet to his disgusted horror and her men's awe.
Drew whistled "That new ax I gifted you for yule came in handy I see."
"It surely did," She replied with a smile
"Take him away," Seth told the guards at the door. "And place his beastly lover's head in the cell with him to remind him of his mistakes"
"Do not come back here." Rebecca added "We will come out when we're ready"
As soon as the heavy doors close behind the last of the guards, and Seth locks them with a flash of purple light. Drew tugs his King toward him, covering the monarch's mouth with his own in a rough kiss.
"You know what being so close to your magic does to me, love" he growls
"Why do you think I did it?" Seth replies with a naughty smirk causing their Queen to giggle
"And you, little minx. When did you sneak off and behead Heyman's beast?"
"Last night, while you two were…otherwise engaged" she replies cheekily right before Drew gives her an equally rough and passionate kiss.
"Throne, my wicked ones." He says nudging them both toward the dias. "Let's celebrate. Our last enemy has been defeated and your birthright is finally yours My King" Drew says softly before sitting in Seth's throne himself.
"Kneel, your majesties" Drew commands
Seth and Becky share an equally evil grin and kneel before the general of their armies "But I thought we were in charge," Becky says looking up at him innocently
"I mean really, that's my throne. I could have you executed" Seth says equally innocent
"Silence teases. I have been with both of you for most of my life, and we all know who is in charge when it comes to these sorts of activities" Drew says on a deep chuckle, spreading his legs to create a space for both of them.
Already knowing exactly what their lover wanted of them, the King and Queen worked together to undo the laces on Drew's breeches, freeing his already hard cock.
"Don't," Drew says before either of them could get a word in. "You both know quite well what you do to me. Now take care of it"
Drew looked down and moaned as his pair of pretty royals began to lick at his cock together, sometimes getting distracted by one another and kissing deeply.
"Give me these," Drew says, scooping their crowns off their heads and tossing Becky's onto the seat of her throne, before placing Seth's on his own head.
"You're so cruel, Love" Seth murmurs between licks and sucks at the head of his lover's cock "You know what you wearing my crown does to ME"
"Turnabout is fair play, darling" Drew murmurs in return taking a fistful of raven hair in one hand and one of firey orange-red in the other, moaning as they expertly licked and sucked at him.
"Up, spitfire. Take that gown off" Drew orders his Queen
Quickly doing as her general commands, soon his Queen's perfectly curvy warrior's body was bared to his gaze.
"Seth, go sit on our Queen's throne. You may watch and touch .but if you come you will be punished" Drew tells his King
"Yes, sir" Seth replied quietly before stripping and settling himself in his Queen's throne, holding her crown in hands for a moment before shrugging and placing the Onyx and Silver tiara on his own head.
After making sure Seth had done as he said Drew turned is attention to the woman standing in front of him. "Now as for you. Eyes on me, Spitfire.” Waiting for her to do as he said and look at him he told her “I want this sexy fucking mouth on my cock” he says rubbing his thumb across her plush red lips.
Becky smirked and gracefully kneeling between his legs took her lover’s cock in her mouth, causing his head to drop back on the couch and let loose a loud groan. “That’s it, love,” He said running his fingers through her long red hair, as she started to bob her head taking him deeper and deeper with each pass.
After a few long minutes, he tugged on her hair signaling to stop. “Our Spitfire is so good at that," Drew says lazily looking over at Seth, sitting there stroking his own cock slowly.
"I don’t want to come down your throat right now sweetheart, but I do want my mouth on that cunt." Drew growls standing and in one motion placing his Queen in the seat he was just occupying.
Now Drew was the one kneeling in front of the throne as he placed his Queen's legs over the armrest and buried his face in between her legs
“Bloody Hell your so good at this please baby, fuck you take care of me so good,” Becky said babbling as he slowly fried her brain with pleasure, his thick beard rasping against her thighs adding another layer of sensation to the always overwhelming experience.
“Come on, Spitfire come on my face, then I’m going to make you come again on my cock”
Almost instantly after being given permission, Rebecca wailed Drew’s name loudly as she fell over into her orgasm, not giving a damn who might have heard her. It wasn't like the entire kingdom didn't know that they were actually ruled by three instead of two and that the first decree wasn't going to be making group marriages legal so that their precious knight would be the King he was meant to be alongside them.
Before her pussy could even stop spasming in pleasure Drew reached down and gripped her hips and in an impressive show of strength hauled her up onto his lap and impaled her right on his rigid cock, causing an instant second orgasm as he started bouncing her up and down taking her hard and deep just the way she loved it.
Another one, spitfire, with me.” He said before taking one hand off her hip to rub at her swollen, sensitive clit.
“DREW!” She screamed as she came for the third time, the tight, clenching inner muscles of her pussy dragging Drew happily over the edge with her with a guttural groan of her name.
Both Becky and Drew turned their heads to face Seth, where he was still sitting, practically vibrating as he now gripped the armrests of his wife's throne, a ring of pale purple magic circling the base of his cock.
"Our King was such a good boy wasn't he darling?" Drew says to Becky, licking his lips. "I think he deserves a reward, don't you? Why don't you go…help him out?"
Becky got to her husband first, removing her crown from his head and placing it on the ground before straddling his lap and running her hands through his long raven hair. "Such a good boy, listening to our lover."
"Make our Queen come again, love. Then you can remove the spell and have your own release." Drew says watching them with a filthy smile.
"Are you ready for me, My King" Becky asks kissing him gently
"Please…please use me, my Queen," Seth whispered in a broken voice that bordered on a whine.
All three lovers moan as Becky took Seth's needy cock inside her and she began to rock back and forth chasing another orgasm
"That's it darling," Seth said leaning down to suck a hard nipple into his mouth.
"Come again, sweetheart. Come for both your Kings." Drew growled
Becky's orgasmic scream was so loud Drew knew the maids would be blushing in their presence for a fortnight.
"Can.…I? Can I….please?" Seth begged
"Release your spell, Darling" Becky gasps, still shaken by the aftershocks of her pleasure "Fill me up"
Seth threw his head back as his eyes turned an even brighter purple and every candle in the throne room flared as he flooded her pussy with his seed.
"Don't even think about falling asleep, Darlings we have a chamber for that" Drew scolds them, only to be greeted by twin snores
Drew sighed, realizing he'd spoken too late and after dressing himself went to clear the hallways once again so he wouldn't have to kill anyone for seeing his lovers naked when he carried them to bed.
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satoruvt · 5 years
So umm NSFW todoroki hcs
*chanting* todo! todo! todo!
nsfw under the cut!
hard top. that’s all i have to say
if he bottoms he’s a POWER BOTTOM and i will take NO OBJECTIONS
ok in all honesty he’s a very gentle and loving partner and just loves the idea that he can engage in something deemed so intimate with u
however. some nights. he can go hard. and i mean REALLY hard ok -
will fuck u into next week. next month. next year. its 2020 bitch
kind of like kirishima in the way that he loves to please u and make you feel good and focuses on you a lot
but they differ because todoroki can also get carried away with his own pleasure
not that it doesn’t feel good for you when he does, but he just chases that high and doesn’t focus on anything else
“oh, you feel so good. keep moving like that for me, make me feel good...”
and tbh? when he’s getting lost in chasing his own pleasure? he’s fucking beautiful bye
loves to run his hands up and down your body, loves to touch you
his hands never rest in one place for very long - they’ll start at your hips, then to your thighs, then to your chest, etc
big tease. big tease. BIG TEASE
probably delves into orgasm denial tbh
will get you so close to the edge and then pull away with no problem. just like that. it doesn’t even bother him
he’ll come home after a long day and he’s so tired but at the same time he just needs to feel u 
tends to be more vocal at this time; usually he’s pretty quiet (gentle grunts and gasps at most) but he’ll probably let a few curses slip out and he’ll definitely moan a bit more
and it’s those nights that it’s really soft and gentle; both of you are half asleep and neither of you can get enough of each other - your hands in his hair, his drifting from your legs to your hips
(this also applies to morning sex bc while it doesn’t happen as often it HAPPENS)
speaking of his hair. pull it
not like YANK but if you’re making out and you run your fingers through his hair and give a little tug he will be the closest he’s ever been to being a sub
it makes him moan. like loud. just saying
not very big on marking u with hickeys/bites/etc but he’ll leave a few subtle ones in hidden places
you’ll be showering and then u notice like 3 hickeys on ur thighs and ur like “shouto?” and he’s like “what’s up” and ur like “when did this happen” and he’s like “oh huh idk i cant remember” thats ur life now
i KNOW everyone talks about this but!! temperature play definitely happens once or twice with his quirk
in his mind he sees it as a win-win bc it feels good to u and he also can manage his quirk even more akdhsfkjdh
would never do anything to hurt you, even if you like it. the closest he’d come to it is degradation but even then he’s not very hardcore with it
he just doesn’t want to do anything to intentionally physically hurt you; he enjoys a little bit of pain with pleasure but he’d never spank you or choke u or any of that stuff
back on degradation though: ask and you shall receive all u gotta do is say “call me names” and he IMMEDIATELY appeals to ur needs thats all im saying
doesn’t go very far with it but he’ll call u dirty and almost mock u
“i can’t believe someone so pristine is making such lewd faces because of me... you really like this? huh?” 
he CAN and WILL tie you UP 
uses his ties and it’s the hottest shit ever. he doesn’t like those like fuzzy handcuffs lmao so he’ll just go into his closet, pick out a tie, n tell you to put ur hands out
kisses u a lot when he’s gonna cum, whether it be on your lips or shoulder or back or neck or whatever
and i KNOW that i call every boy pretty when they cum but todoroki is the TOKEN PRETTY BOY so he is literally ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS
it’s the loudest he’ll get all night (unless u pull his hair oop-) and he’ll get really into it leading up to his climax; he’ll move faster, thrust harder, be a little bit more vocal
a sheen of sweat on his body, hair mussed, eyes glassy, and i know he lets out a couple of harsh moans followed by soft whimpers as he basks in the afterglow of it all
aftercare is a must for him, even if it’s not kirishima level u know
he’ll always get a cloth to wipe both of u down if ur feeling extra worn out, but if you feel up for it he’ll run a bath and let yall just kinda soak for a bit
that might lead to a late round 2 but u know -
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emergenciesstory · 4 years
Fighting Family
Pairing: Boxer!Steve x Reader
Words: 888
Summary: Y/n is a former boxer engaged to “The Captain”- a current boxer at her old ring. After getting Engaged, she stepped out of the ring and took on an administrative roll- but now she has a surprise for why.
A/N: I try to be inclusive but I’m female and I picture Myself as reader so here we are. For @star-spangled-bingo square “Pregnancy” The third and final part of my Fight series (But can also be read as a one-shot because hi, I like one-shots). Hope yall like it!
Fight for you - Fight Night
Nat: He’s fighting last tonight. 
Wanda: I’ll let you know when the Locker room is empty.
You: Operation Boxer is a go.
You closed the office door and entered the viewing box, making checks on your board for tonight. Steve and Bucky were warming up in the field room, Nat was placing the lineup on the board to the far side of the viewing box. You threw out a quick text to Sam, making sure he was still able to come in right before the matches began. He confirmed he was rolling into town shortly- finishing up his move to the city- and would be on time. 
“Tony!” You hollered, seeing the older man leave the visitors tunnel. You sprinted down the steps, flipping pages on your clipboard. “Here's the projection for upgrading the visitors wing. Just needs your signature and I’ll get it started this week.” 
Tony scanned over the document before signing at the bottom. “Any projection for the next Charity match?” 
You pulled out your calendar doing some quick calculations. “The last one was seven months ago- we are still on target for the end of July again. I’ve reached out to Brocks, Banners, and Clint about which fighters they would like to have participate.”
“Any response?” 
“Clint threw his name in as a “returning legend”. Brocks asked what cut their fighters would get and wasn’t happy when I said nothing because it's charity- but two of his guys reached out as independents. Banner was going to get back to me tonight when he gets here.”
“Good, good. Man, hiring you to do the office stuff was well worth it.” Tony patted your back, and made a gesture to Vision who was waiting for him.
“Don’t forget- you actually have to coach your fighters this time, Tones.” You rolled your eyes at the man, moving on to his next adventure.
“Y/n, how are we looking at the entrance.” Wanda came over the comms.
“On schedule to open the doors at 6.” You confirmed, moving to shoo the boys out of the field room, getting ready for the doors to open. 
“Barrel shot. Right-hook. Duck.” Bucky was calling out the shots and holding the bag in place, Steve focused on his hits. You came up behind him, did a swift sweep kick, and looked down at your fiancé sprawled on the floor. 
“Don’t forget to listen.” You said simply with a grin, offering your hand. “It’s time to suit up.” 
“Remind me why I wanted to marry you again?” Steve shook his head, removing the training gear and placing it in his cubby. 
“Because you love me.” You mocked, slapping his ass. Bucky's laugh rang out loud in the room as you turned on your heel heading for the door. Soon you were upside-down, squealing in laughter as Steve ran out of the field room, you slung over his shoulder. He ran into the locker room, dropping you on top of the lockers as he ran down the steps. 
“Stevie! Let me down!” you whined, reaching out towards him. 
“Nope. Payback, babe. Guess you’re stuck.” He shrugged. The door opened from the hold and Wanda and Nat entered, both looking between you and Steve laughing.
“Oh, yeah. It's soooo funny.” You crossed your arms and legs, pretending to ignore the jokes and comments. The exterior door opened, precisely on time before the first match should start. Sam froze, looking up at you and then at everyone else ignoring your presence.
“I’m making sure everyone is on task.” You mused, enticing small chuckles. 
“Really?” Sam asked, eyebrows up in question.
“No, get me down.” You held your arms out, Sam rolling his eyes as he dropped his bag and helped you jump down. “Finally, SOMEONE who cares about me.” you mused, grabbing your clipboard off the floor and tossing your hair. “If you’ll excuse me, I have visitors to check on.”
“Last fighters in the hold. Locker Room secure.”  Wanda’s voice called into your ear.
“Well, Bruce. Here's to the last fight. And thank you for the names for the Charity fight this year.” You marked on your clipboard the last of the details, pulling the table off. “Here’s what we’re thinking for that night- if you want to let your guys know.”
“Thanks y/n. I’ll get it out and see if anyone else is interested.” Bruce gave you a hug and followed his last fighter into the hold. You moved around the back hallways, entering the locker room without being seen. It was time.
“What’s this?” Steve's voice could be heard from where you sat in the office. 
“Oh, be careful, some crazy fans have come back here.” Bucky teased, knocking into him. The room got quiet and you moved to your doorway to watch. Steve took the lid off the box and looked down, pulling out miniature boxing gloves.
“I don’t..” Steve looked up and locked eyes with you.
“Read the card. Dummy.” You said softly. Steve fumbled for a minute before Bucky took the box from him, opening the card- a magnet falling out into Steves hands
“Welcoming a new boxer to the ring,” Bucky read with a smile on  his face.
“Little Lieutenant.” Steve quietly read the magnet, and looked between the objects in his hands, then back to you. “We’re Pregnant?”
“You’re gonna be a dad.” 
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ritualmichael · 6 years
in your nipple-sucking blurb you said that once a meltdown happened when he slipped into his headspace in public; could you write something about it??
oof yall really pay attention to little details huh? 👀 this got out of hand aka really long 
It happened on a night out with some friends. You had all met up at a bar, somewhere that you could easily all catch up at - the drinks definitely helping. Michael hadn’t been in his headspace for a while and honestly, you figured he could handle the night out. It wasn’t a common thing for the both of you, you’d rather spend it on the couch watching your favorite movies, but you were both excited.
About an hour in, you noticed Michael hadn’t even touched his drink, it sitting completely full on the table that you were all gathered around.
“Does it taste bad?” You asked, grabbing the drink and taking a quick swig. It seemed normal to you and he shook his head at your question .
“Just don’t want it,” he shrugged, his voice almost too low to hear over the drunken chatter of your friends. He gently pushed it your way, offering it to you which you happily took.
You quickly thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and went back to the conversation you were having. It wasn’t like Michael was shy, far from it around your friends actually. You figured he was tired and you mentally noted to not stay out too late for his sake.
More time had passed and Michael still wasn’t engaging, instead his arm had found its way around your waist and he stood at your side quietly. You tried to involve him in the conversations but all he contributed was a tired shrug or small “yeah”s.
Thinking back on it, you probably should’ve noticed the signs. The quietness. The subtle touches and closeness. The refusal to sip from his drink. It didn’t hit you until later though.
Excusing yourself from your conversation, you turned to Michael and told him that you would be right back, just a quick trip to the bathroom. When you tried to step away, he quickly grabbed onto one of your belt loops of your jeans, shaking his head.
“What?” You looked at him in confusion and then down at the gentle hold he had on you. “It’s just the bathroom, Michael,” you laughed, trying to pull his hand away.
“Stay,” was all he weakly muttered and you could see the nervousness on his face.
“I’ll be right back. 2 seconds,” you said, prying his hand away successfully. “2 seconds,” you repeated, throwing up two fingers as you walked off to the bathroom.
The trip took two minutes tops, but it was enough for Michael to have a full breakdown during your absence. He sat at the table your friends were gathered around, crying into his hands with his knees pulled to his chest. Rushing over, you crouched down to his level, gently tugging on his hands but it was no use, he wasn’t going to let anyone see even though you could hear his audible sobs.
He had gained your friends’ attention and they all looked at the two of your worriedly, not knowing what was happening. You couldn’t blame them, Michael slipping into his headspace was something that only you and him witnessed. He didn’t like anyone knowing, which only made this worse.
Your friend reached out to rub his shoulder in attempt to console him but it only made him jump, leaning away from them like they were the most dangerous person he had witnessed.
“Just give him some space,” you told them and they took a few steps back, innocently raising their hands in the air. “Hey, baby. It’s just me,” you whispered to Michael as you slipped your hand beneath his shirt and ran your hand up and down his back. From his position in the chair, you weren’t able to wrap your arms around him and it killed you to know that you couldn’t hide him from curious eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he sobbed into his hands, shaking his head. “I tried to stop it but I couldn’t.” You watched as he curled up into himself even more, starting to rock himself.
You softly shushed him, slipping your fingers into his hair - anything to get him to calm down the best you could.
“I’m going to give you three directions, okay?” You said softly but firmly. You knew you had to get Michael out of this loud, crowded bar where everyone seemed to be watching him.
He quickly nodded, sniffling behind his hands at he let out small cries. You quickly took off your jacket, silently applauding yourself for grabbing your hoodie before leaving the house.
“Take your hands away from your face and breathe, baby,” you whispered, your fingers still running through his hair so he knew you were close. He pulled his wet hnds away but quickly ducked his face into his knees, trying to hide himself from everyone. “Deep breaths, baby boy.”
You watched as he took a few shaky breaths, quietly praising him with each one.
“Now, help me put this on you,” you said, standing up and drapping your jacket over him, helping him slip his arms into the sleeves and you lifted the hood over his head, shielding him from some people’s view. He quickly wrapped his arms around his legs again, hiccuping on some of his remaining tears and hiding his face in his knees again.
“Can you stand up for me? We’re going home,” you said but he quickly shook his head, whimpering at the idea of having to get up and be led through a crowd of people.
“I can’t,” he cried.
“Yes, you can and you will,” you had to be firm with him if you wanted him to ever get out of this bar. “I’ll give you three seconds.”
You began to count and you watched as he let out a shaky sigh before standing out of the chair and eagerly going to your side, his arms wrapping around your waist and burying his wet face into your neck. You were finally able to hold on to him and you gently tugged the hoodie over his face a little more as you began to leave the bar, Michael tripping over his steps a few times as you lead him out.
As soon as you got outside, it was quieter and the cool air hit the both of you. Michael pulled away slightly, looking at you with big, teary eyes.
“I’m so so so sorry,” he whimpered and you watched as his eyes welled up again. Wiping his cheeks with your thumbs, you shook your head at the sweet boy who clung to you.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him. It was out of both of your controls and you never wanted him to feel guilty about slipping. “You’re always safe with me, baby boy.” And you made sure he knew it once you got home, taking care of him the best ways you knew possible.
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hobimysun-shine · 6 years
bts as billie eilish songs
I love both artist so much because they are so diverse, so driven and in love with their art, so here’s what my mind created at 2am when i actually gotta study for an exam, but anyhow, enjoy
Jeon Jungkook - Ocean eyes 
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“Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind Careful creature Made friends with time”
- color scheme: Venice lavender; purple rain; valor blue 
- grey clouds, quiet ocean, salty air, cold sand, bare feet, long sweater, careful wind, watery eyes, 
- angelic, naive, trusting, incapable of stopping emotions
- a feel of uncertainty for the future, because you still have so much to experience in life, it’s hard to know who to trust, where to go and what your tears mean, who you should give them to 
- young love, pain
- it basically speaks of someone who is impressed by another human - love based on instinct and intuition, when you’re young you just feel things, even if you don’t know where these emotions come from (jungkook-namjoon relationship) ; 
- trusting someone by the feeling you get around them, without being able to trust your common sense,
- have you seen jungkook’s beautiful, ocean, doe eyes ?? (if not, then wth you doin’ with your life))
Park Jimin - idontwannabeyouanymore
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“I just wish you could feel what you say Show, never tell But I know you too well Got a mood that you wish you could sell
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before I don't wanna be you anymore”
- color scheme: pale smoke; scotch mist; apple blossom 
- cold air, morning dew, raindrops at the bottom of your window, the fabric softener your mom uses to wash your sheets, soft breathing on the side of your neck, white mirrors 
-  self-persuasion, self-critique, inner conflict, serenity, content, libra’s aesthetic approach
- if you have listened to lie and looked at the lyrics, you know why i chose this song for jimin 
- you basically get the feeling that the person is speaking to himself in this song, trying to find an answer, as to why he puts himself through all these hardships, when he could break free from this vacuum of perfectionism he created for himself
- let’s be real, we all know what jimin had to go through and maybe is still going through with being too harsh on himself, with his body image and his appearance on stage, i hope he is doing well now and is content with himself, cause he is a 100/10 and we all love him so much 
Kim Taehyung - hostage; my boy 
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“I wanna be alone Alone with you - does that make sense? I wanna steal your soul”
“ My boy's an ugly crier but he's such a pretty liar”
- color scheme: concord purple; red wine; aurum gold
- big windows, night sky, city view, studio apartment, dark walls, smell of acrylic paint, ripped jeans with that paint splattered on them, acoustic guitars on the walls, quiet jazz music, film paper smoke, deep laughter, strong arms around your waist
- artistic freedom, no fear of judgement, mutual understanding, chest butterflies, assurance, hope, soulmates, in tune with your emotions, who cares if the world doesn’t get us, we get us
- hostage just reminds me of two people, who connect on a soul level so much, that what happens is their love turns into mutual engagement, similar to keeping each other as hostages in their hearts, however i wanted to turn the meaning of that song less toxic for taehyung,, 
- i believe that if there’s a member that would want to connect with people in such level as the song suggests, it would be taehyung
- as for my boy, idk it just gives me a similar base line as in singularity, and i don’t know it’s just probably my fave song of billie and i feel like it is just taehyung’s vibe when i listen to it 
Jung Hoseok - bellyache
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“ Everything I do the way I wear my noose Like a necklace I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere Like I'm wreck-less
I lost my mind I don't mind “
- color scheme: marigold yellow; apricot orange; candy red
- summer heat, tan skin, blushed cheeks, endless roads, loose shirts, scratched knees, rich kids away from home, one backpack and a shiny red ford convertible from your bf’s dad’s garage, loud music, lips, swollen from kissing, night fireworks
- fed up with everything, escape from reality, that one summer you will never forget, vibrant love, point of no return, rhythm, gut intuition, boldness 
- i don’t know exactly either, it’s just these are the connections i make when i hear this song, and all of that screams hobi to me (aries moon) 
- also am i the only one who imagines he would make a killer dance routine to that song (but again he could probably dance to a water drops going down a pipe, so,,)
Namjoon - bury a friend; copycat 
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“What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go? “
“ Perfect murder, take your aim I don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name”
- color scheme: pearl river; silver fox, steel wood
- empty stage, burning projectors slowly being turned off, microphone heavy in your hand, as the words that went though it start to make sense, sweaty hair, footsteps echoing in the vast space, feeling of falling down, unexpected, but comforting hug, security, the calming scent of someone you know in this new environment, tears of fear and excitement at the same time, new life, new beginning
-  words said out loud, revenge, mixed feeling of content and fast approaching emptiness, always racing thoughts, insomnia, trying to fill a void, searching for an overall meaning, 
- so bury a friend is just has all these questions man. they remind me of rm’s mind. i feel like all of them are things he had already asked himself, or themes he implies in his songs too 
- copycat is for namjoon swiftly leading a group that got a ton of criticism in the beginning and is still getting hate, but regardless he manages to stay on top, write what he feels, be a real artist and throw everything people said about bts failing back at their faces 
Min Yoongi - lovely ; you should see me in a crown 
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“Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here Even if it takes all night or a hundred years Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear”
“ You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by one by, one”
- color scheme: marble white; smoke ember; royal silver;  
- dark room, cold hands, shaky breath, unable to look at each other’s eyes, fear of the outside and the inside, pocket money, long fingers pressing the out-of-tune piano keys, weary smiles, small steps
 steady hands, marble walls, scent of freshly printed documents, looking through a box of old photo albums your mom sent, turning the pages a larger hand stops you from flipping the next page, two teenagers than look awfully like you two are staring back fearfully, low chuckles, eyes full of love  
- strong minds, growth, stability, strength, control, prosperity, hard work, passion, ambition
- lovely is in here because i feel like it portrays struggles with mental health and depression very well. you feel trapped and you feel like there is no one else who understands your personal hell and you are the only one who has to find a way for yourself to get out of that place. yoongi has been in such places before as we’ve heard from him and his lyrics, so i though lovely represents his struggles when he was younger
- you should see me in a crown. literally that’s all i can say, he worked for his success and he got it and he deserves it and he is killing it right now
- yall don’t know the amount of respect i got for this man and everything he has been through and i feel like these two songs portray his lowest and his highest in life and take account every struggle along the way and how he truly deserves everything he has right now 
Kim Seokjin - when the party’s over
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“ Don't you know I'm no good for you I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
Don't you know too much already I'll only hurt you if you let me
Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that”
- color scheme: night snow, onyx black, muddy grey
- smell of liquor, messy steps, blurred vision, flood of thoughts, the darkest time of the night, dried streams of tears on your cheeks, your boyfriend’s hand quietly holding yours, but them you have to split ways, walking alone on the dead street, cold wind air hitting your face, but you find comfort in it, you reach home, but you can’t seem to go in; so you sit on the sidewalk, looking down; you hear distant steps; he sits down in the snow next to you; the sky slowly, but surely becomes lighter 
- quiet sadness, deeper understanding of the world, human relationships seem harder, yet simpler, timeless feeling, a sense of maturity
- this song is just a masterpiece. hear me out, i don’t think i would understand this song as well as i do now, if i have listened to it a few years back. I would have been like “oh yeah it’s sad”
-But like. no. It’s not just sad. It’s a song that shows so much maturity and experience with life that first of all, idk how billie is so young and is able to create music like that. Second of all i don’t think anyone else of bts would fit better to it, than jin 
- people tend to overlook his deeper emotions because he tends to distract from them, he always acts “silly” and tells jokes, but i feel like in songs like epiphany and awake we can see that jin really sees the world and his abilities from a much more mature point of view than other members. And i get the same vibe from billie’s song, so i feel like it would fit best for jin. 
So actually this was way longer than i planned, but yeah, this is just strictly my opinion and it was just an idea i had at 3am now, as i said, hope it’s fun to read :))
im off to bed, because i’m so sleep deprived i will start hearing colors soon 
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luboytn · 6 years
rami’s thoughts about you
a/n: wow. hi there, yall! if you have any ideas of story that I should write about-jus tell me bout it! I’m writing about rami n all characters he played. hope u will like my work! thx tysm
pairing: Rami Malek x reader
summary: you work at the café. rami is having crush on u and after a long time he finally decided to ask u about your number.
warnings: -
word count: 1500+
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I watch her long, tanned legs as she heads towards me. Y/N is wearing a white dress today with various colorful flowers; it reaches almost to her knees. She has ordinary white converss on his feet, which are already slightly damaged and dirty. Her hair is once again associated in a ponytail, which is decorated with a sweet, small bow. At the waist, a black apron with a logo of the apartment is tied.
   I'm asking myself; How does this girl withstand this weather in this outfit? How aren’t her legs freezing when the north wind blows outside the window, which is like a breath of arctic cold, and every other day it is raining?
   I look out the window for a moment. I see many people outside, half of whom are already wearing large, down jackets, prepared for the winter and frosts. What's wrong with this girl?
   I bite my lip and tap my fingers on the table top. It's so annoying to have someone absorbing your thoughts. It distracts you from everything, because it is so unattainable, and at the same time literally, at your fingertips.
    - Good morning. - I hear her velvety, sweet like candy, voice, so I look at her. In addition to small freckles, today her face is also decorated with a wide, snow-white smile, which sends in my direction when our eyes meet. My gaze goes down to the notebook, which she holds in her hands; I stop my eyes for a moment, focusing it on her long nails. Each of them is painted in a different color, which seems to me quite an interesting solution.
   I do not know how long I watch them, but when I hear the girl grunt, I go back to the living and raise my head, looking her in the eye now.
    - Welcome to "Lucky Strike" - she says again - Can I accept your order now? - she asks, and I am correcting myself in my chair.
   I grab a card of dishes in my hands, although I know well that I am going to order what is usual. I am reading letters on paper again, and then I say:
    - Classic Italian espresso. - I smile at her, what she reciprocates, and then sketch something on the notebook sheet.
    - Anything else? - she asks without looking up, and I shake my head denying. - I'll give it in a second. - she says.
   Y/N turns around, hiding a small notebook into the only pocket of her uniform, and then goes away. I suspend my eyes on her perfect hips, but it only lasts a moment.
   I watch her enter the counter. She pushes under the cup shelf one of the crates that lie on the floor and then climbs onto it. She is too small to even now calmly reach for the desired dish. A pretty, charming sight, standing on tiptoe like a ballerina and trying to take off one of the cups. When she succeeds in a moment, involuntarily a creepy smile sneaks into my face, because I can see that it is the one with blue flowers.
   I wonder why she is still giving me coffee in it. I mean, in this specific cup. Literally all the other espresso cups are completely white, and the one that stands out is the one that goes to me every next time.
   Did she bring her it here? It is quite distinct, because it is the only one that is different. Maybe it's a kind of message? Is Y/N trying to tell me something? Oh, what am I saying. What would she want to show through a stupid vessel? That she likes blue flowers? Absurd.
   I shake my head, fleeing my thoughts back to the brunette. I watch her turning on the coffee machine, doing two neat turns. It looks like she really loved this job because you can always see a smile on her face. She comes here every day joyful. She does pirouettes from time to time, for no reason, and laughs at herself, like a small child. It is such a delightful sight that you would like to come here just to see it. It is the best attraction that I have seen in my life.
   I do not even know when, and I start to grin with myself and I have to look a bit strange, but I'm not really caring about it at the moment. I have such a sweet view in front of my eyes, I cant help how my body reacts.
   I feel my heart beat faster when the brunette finishes making coffee and walks with the t towards me. She looks like a kind who intends to show off her drawings.
   She leans over the table at which I sit. She puts a cup in front of me, saying kindly to "enjoy your coffee”. Then I pay attention again to her hands, and more precisely to the fingers that run gracefully through pure porcelain, when, after a really short moment, they disappear from my vision, I raise my head.
   Unchecked, I get up on my feet, almost pouring freshly ordered coffee. I make a bit of noise, so the couple from the neighboring table looks at me, but after a few second they return around.
- Can I still order something else? - I ask, one hand raising slightly upwards, as if I was a student in a school bench. Penny turns to me, then with a smile, returns to me and stands at the table, leaning on it.
    - Of course. How can I help you? - after asking questions, she reaches for a notebook and a pen, waiting for my next order. I begin to feel a slight anxiety and stress and suddenly, immensely strong, I am tempted to drink.
    - Could I get your number? - I say before I even manage to mentally prepare for possible rejection. My eyes widen because I'm shocked that I've gotten the courage to ask her about it.
   There is a somewhat awkward silence between us that echoes in my ears. Believe me, even when you hear no sound, this kind of silence can be deadly loud.
   - My number? - Asks brunette, frowning, and I feel my face paler. I want to break the window next to us and run outside; run and run ahead, so no one would know where I am.
   I'm starting to rebuke myself for my stupidity. Why did not I think she could have a boyfriend? She is so beautiful, kind and young, who would not like it for their self? Who would not want it to be their property? She may even be engaged or, worse, she has already got married; she has a child or even a bunch of them.
   My hands are prone to itch because I really want to smash something. I'm mad at myself. Why didnt I thought about that I may be not her type? She probably already noticed that I come here five times a week, at the same time, and order the same coffee; and when I do, I start to observe her. I don’t exclude the possibility that at this stage she considers me a murderer or a pervert. If I was her - would have thought about myself that way. What normal guy, approaching up to fourty, looks at the same woman, in addition younger, for a year, grinning like an idiot, while drinking coffee?
   - I think it would be better if you were to give me yours. - I hear Y/N’s voice, which pulls me out of the momentary state of reflection. I am slightly confused and try to understand her way of thinking. I raise one eyebrow, remaining quiet.
   Does she not want to hurt me by giving me the wrong number, but she still has no heart to reject me?
   - I do not have a phone, I'll call you from the booth. - she explains, probably seeing my embarrassment.
   - Oh - I say - Yes, sure. Give me a piece of paper, I'll write it down for you - Im trying to sound natural, although I have a panic attack inside.
   The girl pulls a piece of paper from her notebook and hands it to me with the pen. I enter my phone number on the card, trying to preserve the cute character of the letter. When I finish, i give it to the brunette, she puts it in her pocket, after folding it in half.
    - What happened to your cell phone? - I ask, hoping that I do not violate her privacy or I do not enter delicate topics. Who knows if her phone has not been stolen recently, along with other valuable things? Or maybe she has no money to buy it?
    - I just dont have it. - she answers briefly, seems slightly embarrassed. She has her head down and the pen in her fingers. Oh, if you could see her now; how sweet she is. I bet I assigned her this epithet at least fifty times today. However, it fits perfectly with her, she could be a definition of this word.
   At this point, it does not even seem strange to me that she does not have a cell phone. Well, I admit that in the twenty-first century, it's harder to find someone without a phone than with it. Especially when it's a person, more or less, my age, and Y/N seems even younger.
   Then I start to wonder how old she actually is? She looks like she is twenty-one, plus I've seen her drinking alcohol more than once, so she can’t be younger, right? I would not call her older than me, I'm sure. Therefore, I estimate that she may be about twenty-two years old. However, her low height and the clothes she used to wear make me puzzled, because if I look only at it, I would call her a teenager, maybe even a preschooler.
    - I'll call you before I start work. I hope you are not asleep before eight. - she says with a smile that I reciprocate.
    - No, I'm not sleeping. Relax, you have nothing to worry about. - I'm lying, because I usually get up at ten o'clock, but I would pick up my phone even if she was going to call in the middle of the night.
    - That's good. - she smiles, hiding the card with my number in the pocket of her uniform. - I need to get back to work - she says, in a sweet voice, then moves away from the coffers in a lively step.
- I’m Rami, by the way - I'm screaming after her before she can get far away from where she would not hear me anymore. She only turns her head, and from her mouth movement I can read - "I know."
It does not take much to wonder how she knows my name. In fact, I immediately reject the idea of ​​divorcing myself.
   I sit back in my seat and let it out of my lungs. I'm still watching Y/N, until she finally disappears from the field of my vision as she enters through the dark door to the back.
I want to jump around the whole café; just shout and run around the tables, ignoring the others. I cover my mouth with a hand when a stupid, pride smile sneaks into it. With the fingers of the other hand I hit the table top, because my body is not able to behave calmly now.
Joy, excitement permeate all of me and I have the impression that any moment i will explode from the excess of intensity of these emotions.
I punish myself in my thoughts for procrastination with Y/N’s approach. She is so nice. Who knows, maybe if I started talking to her faster, we would be in a relationship that would bring us closer till we’d become a boyfriend and girlfriend; or at least friends with benefits.
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