#so wtf is this then why does reed have memories of ailette too why is he not alternate tesilid aka OG tesilid
thinking about Status Screens in S-Class Heroine for the non-Ailette characters.
Tesilid's Seven Virtues and Seven Sins restrictions manifest as computer-like words, but no one else can see them.
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At first I thought that maybe status screens were reserved for those favoured by the TM gods. But when he receives the Defend Partner skill, he casually references and reads it out.
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This confirms that it's really normal for there to be status screens, and it's also taken for granted that no one except the owner can see them.
Basically. Tesilid probably has access to some kind of skill list, like any gamer in a system like this would.
So headcanon that during his bad days, he pulls up the skill list screen and stares at the Defend Partner skill. His macaroon would be ten years old by now so it's probably gone, so the Defend Partner skill would be the only momento he has. As a reminder that she exists out there and he'll meet her again, the one person he can be himself around. It was probably a source of comfort.
Then he realises she doesn't exist in the world and no one even remembers her and like. The skill becomes the only proof that he hadn't hallucinated her, all those years ago. Every time he regresses he opens up the skill list, because as long as the Defend Partner is listed there, then maybe she'll be in this regression, if not then the next one.
But no one else can see his screen and confirm for him that the Defend Partner skill is really there; so did the skill and its associated memories really exist or not? He can see it there, but is it really?
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