#so why am i posting such banger content and LOSING followers
geddy-leesbian · 2 months
Trying so hard to not have a mental breakdown on main over something stupid
#a while ago a very beloved mutual unfollowed me and i dont know why#and just realized a more recent mutual unfollowed#and i know it shouldn't bother me so much but it does. especially bc i feel like my recent content has been extremely high effort/quality#so why am i posting such banger content and LOSING followers#and ofc this is bringing back the dumb re fandom insecurities ive had before#i just feel like an outsider in the serrennedy/re fandom. ppl like my posts occasionally but wont follow me#or interact at all beyond liking my posts. despite the fact i see them Frequently interact w some mutuals#i know it's stupid. no one is obligated to follow me/interact.#but it still upsets me and makws me wonder whats wrong w me since others get interaction and I dont#like if i stopped posting abt re entirely i think maybe 2 ppl at most would even notice. why do i bother w high effort posts#no one will notice if i abandon my details series. no ones waiting for part 2 of sw lab. no ones waiting for the post w luis's island lab#i dont regret all the hours i spent taking screenshots bc i personally enjoyed it. even tho it was tedious i loved doing it#i love scrolling thru my unorganized google drive of screenshots. looking for specific ones. using em as references while daydreaming/writin#but i dont enjoy the process of sorting and selecting pics for tumblr posts. ive just done it hoping others would appreciate them#so like if im getting like 20 notes that are mostly likes/reblogs w no comments#why should i do the hard part
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transandersrights · 1 year
happy friday! :3 for dadwc, some song lyrics! maybe they'll spark an idea for you. "You settle down, where you runnin' to? / What else can you prove? / How many, many more until you lose?" from Carbon Leaf's Desperation Song
(I take prompts! See info here)
Ty for the prompt!! 1k of post-DA2 Anders & Fenris for @dadrunkwriting, based on this song (which is a BANGER, Carbon Leaf is so good). Rated T, content warnings for: references to slavery and injury.
“You’re here again.” And oh, for fuck’s sake. Anders knew that voice, and how had this happened again?
Anders gave himself a second to collect himself, another to suppress the sigh, and a third to thread the needle for today’s third patient who’d refused magical treatment. Then, without looking up from his work, he replied. “You’re here again too, Fenris.”
Fenris’ chuckle was as dark as usual. “I suppose I am,” he said. “Yet one of us has half a continent out for our arrest, and the other does not. I thought Varric was moving you to somewhere safe again?”
“I did move again,” Anders answered. He didn’t shrug — his hands needed to be steady — but he was sure Fenris could hear the gesture in his voice. “Varric knows better than to ask me to stay idle.”
“He moved you under the supervision of someone he could bribe again,” Fenris surmised. And sure, that was fair. True, probably, but the healing set of hands helped — that was why they kept meeting, after all.
“What kind of injury did you get fighting someone outrageous this time?” Anders asked. Last time they met, Fenris had taken off his armour miles out of the town, removed his shirt, and stemmed the flow of the bleeding with that. He’d stumbled into Anders’ infirmary shaky, probably only alive because of the force of his will.
Fenris hadn’t moved to sit down yet, though, so it probably wasn’t so bad this time. Hopefully.
“It’s not me this time.” And that was a surprise, at least, but a concerning one. Because when Fenris wasn’t just out there killing people…
“How many?” Anders pulled the last stitch through, tied the thread, and cut the last of it. His half-grateful patient didn’t smile, but he did seem to be paying attention when Anders rattled off his usual instructions (take care, don’t remove them without the approval of a healer, don’t put too much weight on it, keep it clean, come back if anything at all seems wrong).
“Four,” Fenris replied, voice tight. “None on death’s door, but they need attention. I think one or two are just very hungry, but I didn’t have enough water for them, let alone food. Safer to give them all a check-up.”
“On your own again?” People did these operations in teams for a reason, damn it. Fenris was the only one Anders had seen actually follow through on the threat that he ‘worked better alone’.
“They’re back safe.” Fenris was bristling. In his defence, in all the times they’d encountered each other in various Tevinter border towns, Anders had never known Fenris to lose someone he was protecting; even if it meant he had to let one of their pursuers live. “They need your attention, if you’re done.”
“I am.” Anders ignored the twinge in his knees as he stood; he’d been working since dawn, and it was nearly dusk now. But there were still people who needed him, so he’d keep going. “Take me to them.”
Recent arrivals rarely came straight to his clinic, preferring to stay in guarded safe houses. Staying put was a skill Fenris — and Hawke, and Varric — would rather Anders learn too, but he preferred it like this. Eventually, he’d have to move on if someone with a little too much curiosity and far too much loyalty to the Chantry decided to look too closely, and this would begin again.
For now, though, there were four people who needed his help in a house a district away, and nothing was going to stop him. Definitely not Fenris, who was eyeing him with his usual mix of exasperation and barely-concealed concern.
“I hear things are getting tense down south,” he commented. Anders didn’t know if it was an accusation or not, but it was something.
“We get our news from the same people,” Anders pointed out. Fenris huffed out a laugh.
“We do. So?”
“So what?”
“Will you be joining them?”
Anders paused. He’d been thinking about it for weeks — months, even. From the moment he learned that news was spreading outside Kirkwall. News of the truth. He still didn’t have an answer. “It depends on how things play out. I don’t think they’d want me.”
Fenris scoffed. “You are rather a liability,” he said. They were unkind words, but not said in an unkind tone. He held an arm in front of Anders when he checked the street they were about to enter, then let him proceed. “You have skills they will need.”
“They need those skills here, too.” Healing skills were needed everywhere. If there was someone who decided who was rich and who was poor, there was always another someone who didn’t get what they needed. Someone who worked too hard. Someone who got hurt and couldn't get help.
Anders was needed in all of those places — and here, it didn’t matter if an escaped slave associated with the man who blew up a Chantry. They were already facing down desperate conditions with unthinkable consequences if they got caught; what was one more crime?
“The mages are your people.” And he said it when no one was around, just as Anders always insisted he did in Kirkwall — even though half the people in this district had the name he was using these days, and magic couldn’t get him hauled anywhere around here.
“Justice has no people,” Anders reminded him. “Just those who suffer and are in need of aid I can provide.”
Fenris sighed. They were nearly there, and in the low light of evening, Anders noticed that he looked tired, too. He was running himself ragged out here, in the hopes he’d save just one more person.
They’d never been all that dissimilar. Now, there was more that joined than separated them.
“I see I cannot help you make up your mind,” Fenris said. “I think they will be desperate enough to take you, but you are your own man. Run yourself into the ground wherever you please.”
Anders laughed loud enough that someone looked over, seemingly concerned. “And the same to you, my friend. It’s good to see you again.”
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ignitification · 3 years
@stardabi this is so cute, thanks for the tag)) I enjoyed doing this ✨
Why did you choose your url?
I had an unhealthy obsession for raspberry flavoured chupa-chups in middle school. I still do have one for raspberries (they are just a banger fruit).
Any side blogs?
Yeah, two. One I use to reblog everything that I like which might not have any relation to whatever I post on main. The other one is just a small writing blog.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Way too long, I think it was around 2011/2 and I never once changed my url (lmao) - but this is actually my second blog with the same name, because I accidentally deleted my (almost) 10 years blog because of a distraction (rip) - and then I created this one around 6 months ago.
Do you have a queue tag?
I do, (q), but to be honest, I forget to tag it like that like half of the time.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because I came back on here to post for anime/manga/kpop but the other blog got deleted, so eek - but so many years ago because it was the site that everyone who wanted to feel edge had. I needed a place to vent.
Why did you choose your icon?
Because I honestly unfollowed few blogs because of anti Baku posts, and I needed to make a statement that I will never let go and stop supporting my favourite feral gremlin.
Why did you choose your header?
I honestly wanted to change the face of the blog, and had a craving to make it look red (dark red specifically), and that day I discovered that I had that picture saved, so I just polished it and put it up.
What’s your post with the most notes?
I have no damn clue on why this exact post got so many notes (and still does, like dudes stop liking this) because it is literally two pictures. (also look at those tags, jeez).
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How many followers do you have? 
I literally lose around 3 followers (averagely) a day, so not many, really, 325 (as of June 9, 19:34)
How many people do you follow?
197 Tumblrs.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Lately a lot because I feel more comfortable about doing it on main lmao.
How often do you use Tumblr?
I’m usually here twice during a single hour, I don’t have a life - what do you think.
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
 Big ass lmao. Only once? I receive hate comments, or just shit anons everyday - and I usually try to avoid discussing but sometimes the bs is too much, so yeah few times (and I blocked them afterwards lol)
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”?
I think it’s up to the person if they want to rb or not, no one should be forced to do anything (yes, I understand that for content creators is necessary - but people will rb even without you telling them to).
Do you like tag games? do you like ask games?
Absolutely yeah. I tend to rb a lot but they usually get ignored, and I am kinda afraid to tag people - but it’s always such a pleasure to see that people tagged me (even though, sometimes I just don’t feel up to do it).
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
As long as they are famous on my Tumblr, the rest is irrelevant. 
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, but I admire every single one of them and their absolutely giant brain everyday.
tagging: @todomitoukei @tcuya @todosiblings @hamliet
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My album rate/first impressions of Lover:
Or, in which literally nobody asked me but I like pretending my opinions matter so I’m going to ramble about this album. I typed this all up as I listened. Buckle in, folks.
I Forgot That You Existed: Fun intro to the album. Kinda has some Hayley Kiyoko vibes tbh. This song has such a beautifully peaceful energy. I want to reach a place in my life where I feel as content as this song sounds. 7/10. Favourite lyrics: "in my feelings more than Drake, yeah" or... the entire chorus actually.
Cruel Summer: This makes me want to run around a city with a pretty girl while the sun sets and kiss her 'round the back of a building. The lyrics are Emotional and have a very sapphic energy. 9/10. Favourite lyric: "And I scream 'for whatever it's worth / I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?'"
Lover: I have, of course, heard this before, but: It's beautiful. So soft and, well, lovely. If I ever get married, I think I want my first dance to be to this. 8/10. Favourite lyric: "Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover."
The Man: I love this one. The music is so good and danceable, and the lyrics, while not Taylor's /best/, are good. Also "what's it like to brag about raking in dollars / and getting bitches and models?" is a very interesting lyric to me. (If you know why, you know why.) 9/10. Favourite lyric: "When everyone believes you, what's that like?"
The Archer: I believe I've said all this before but it 100% bears repeating. An absolute masterpiece. Undeniably one of Taylor's best songs ever. The music and lyrics are both total perfection. 12/10. Favourite lyrics: All of them. But particularly "And I cut off my nose just to spite my face / then I hate my reflection for years and years" "I see right through me" and "All the king's horses, all the king's men / couldn't put me together again".
I Think He Knows: Cute love song. She sounds so happy in this one and it's adorable. This is the sort of song you drive through the night with your friends and lover(s) to. 7/10. Favourite lyric: “Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh / we can follow the sparks, I’ll drive.”
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: I fucking love this song. So good. I wish I had some sort of deep insight to give, but I don't, so I'll just say this is a fucking anthem. 9/10. Favourite lyric: "Boys will be boys, then where are the wise men?"
Paper Rings: This is New Year's Day if it were an upbeat-sounding pop song. I'm not complaining. It's very sweet. 7/10. Favourite lyric: "I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this."
Cornelia Street: I am /so emotional/ right now. This is an absolutely beautiful song. I want a relationship like this. So intense and romantic. 10/10. Favourite lyrics: "I get mystified by how this city screams your name", "Sacred new beginnings that became my religion".
Death by a Thousand Cuts: I don't even have words for this one. But I love it. 11/10. Favourite lyric: "You said it was a great love, one for the ages / but if the story's over, why am I still writing pages?"
London Boy: It's cheesy as hell lmao. But I'm not complaining. I like cheesy. 7/10. Favourite lyric: "They say home is where the heart is / but that's not where mine is."
Soon You'll Get Better: A beautiful song, but very, very sad, especially taking into account the meaning. :( 9/10. Favourite lyric: "I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky / I know I'll never get it, there's not a day that I won't try."
False God: This is like, the sequel to Wildest Dreams. Actually it's Wildest Dreams mixed with Halsey's Heaven in Hiding with a side of something else I can't quite pinpoint. 8/10. Favourite lyric: "We might just get away with it / the altar is my hips / even if it's a false god / we'd still worship this love."
You Need To Calm Down: Taylor Swift said gay rights. And she did it with a banger. Fuck yeah. 9/10. Favourite lyrics: "Why are you mad, when you could be glad/GLAAD?" (yay for wordplay) "CAUSE SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY!!" "Can you just not step on his gown?”
Afterglow: I wish I could honestly say I didn't relate to this. I can't. Great song though. 9.5/10. Favourite lyric: "Tell me that we'll be just fine / even when I lose my mind."
ME!: Taylor Swift said gay rights again, and this time Brendon Urie joined her. The camp energy of this song is through the roof. (The video, of course, is even campier.) I must admit, though, it jarred me that they cut the “spelling is fun!” bit from the album version... 8/10. Favourite lyric: "'Cause one of these things is not like the others / like a rainbow with all of the colours." "Living in winter, I am your summer."
It's Nice To Have A Friend: *looks at the title* God, I wish that were me. *bum-da-tss* This is a cute song but I can't quite get into it. Maybe I’m just bitter because I have no friends and no girlfriends and I am very lonely and therefore I can’t relate to this. Maybe I’m getting too deep in this post. 7/10. Favourite lyric: "Church bells ring, carry me home / rice on the ground looks like snow."
Daylight: This makes me Emotional. 10/10. Favourite lyrics: "I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked / clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke / maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down / maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town / threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now."
Overall, I’d give the album a 9/10. Some songs are kinda weak, but that’s to be expected from an 18-song album - as a whole, it’s pretty fantastic.
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Top 10 Favorite Albums of 2017
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#1- This album starts with a track titled Down and it is everything that represents a calm before the storm. It is smooth and reminds us all that the two geniuses behind Run The Jewels are back. Then track #2-6 happens and our ear drums don’t have a second to calm down or recover from what happens next. I wasn’t sure if Killer Mike and El-P could top RTJ2 AND BOY WAS I STUPID TO THINK SO. I think it’s safe to say this is my favorite Run the Jewels album and if you know me that’s saying A LOT. Track #4 Call Ticketron is undeniably in contention for my favorite song of the year…or possibly the track before it Legend has it. Once I listened to this album I was sure there was nothing that would even come close to entertaining me and making me as happy as this album did listening to it. As with its two previous predecessors, Run The Jewels 3 continues to make you automatically transition from any mood into a crazy “I want to smash walls and conquer the world” kind of mood. These two play-off of each other so well and having seen them live this year I can honestly say it may be the most genuine and true rap duo out there right now. This album is pure GOLD as it would seem the hands depict on the cover. Maybe they knew they were making the epic conclusion to this history making album trilogy that have become tied for my favorite rap albums of all time. And just for those saying this came out in 2016, the physical copy dropped in stores January 2017, so shut it.
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#2- The fact that this album and RTJ3 came out in the same year makes this one of the best years of releases I can remember in recent history. These two albums cannot be touched and this is by far my favorite Kendrick album since his masterpiece GKMC. DNA may be one of my favorite tracks ever and if your mood doesn’t automatically change as soon as that song comes on then there’s something wrong with you. It’s amazing to say that I am alive to witness the greatness that is Kendrick Lamar and how he just continues to demolish anyone else out there trying to be the best. He is the best and has been and after this album it’s once again proof how close no one is to him. I mean what more can you say other than Kendrick Lamar has done it once again. I mean the album was so liked that it was re released in backwards order because that’s how he said it was really supposed to be listened to. Only Kendrick could do such things. We are witnessing one of the greatest and in an age where so many are losing their likability for me and should stop (Eminem), this is refreshing. 
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#3-  I was not a fan of the song Bounce Back or Moves when I heard them prior to this album releasing. That had me worried about this album. Not sure why I still doubt Big Sean so much because now his last two albums have landed at the #3 and #4 spotson my top ten lists, which is pretty damn good. Now, when listening to the album I don’t mind the two songs previously mentioned. They fit well within the album but I honestly still am not a fan of listening to them solo (I know I’m weird). Bigger than me is this album’s One man can change the world but honestly I think it’s even better. It’s such a great song and so is Jump out the window and Halfway off the balcony and I guess I could go on and on. This album surprised me because Sean’s previous album was by far his best and my favorite. After listening to this I can honestly say I may like I Decided just as much and unlike most artists these days, Big Sean seems to keep getting better with his albums and I will never doubt him again unless he makes another extremely underwhelming album like Hall of Fame again but I don’t see that happening after the last two great albums he’s released. Sean’s one of the best and still underrated rappers in my opinion but he’s definitely in my top ten of favorite rappers these days and this album showed me why and that’s why it’s all the way up at #3.
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#4- CONGRATULATIONS to the 2017 Stay Trippy Award Winner. You should know what this means whether you know me or have read my previous post. Before last year I had never really listened to Dave East at all so my first real listening experience of him landed him at the #4 spot with his debut album. Impressive. And also more than deserving of the Stay Trippy Award. I first really noticed Dave East off the song Olympian from the album that happens to be up next on this list. I loved what I heard and decided to go see if there was some music of his that I could listen to and sure enough his new album had come out, which was perfect. I was very impressed and am looking forward to listening to much more of Dave East. From a song like Phone Jumpin, which is a high volume type song I love to Maneuver, which is a little more low key, Dave East is already a rapper I can say I like a lot because he well….raps. These days with the way this music is evolving and changing and becoming it’s getting hard to discover true genuine rappers like this. Instead we’ve got the Playboi Cartis of the world who quite honestly just suck, don’t even try saying they don’t.  Anyways, quite a debut for Dave East as he comes in at #4 in his first appearance on one of my top 10 lists. 
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#5-This would have been the Stay Trippy Award winner but everyone knows how obsessed I am with A$AP Mob and all it’s eccentric members. A$AP Ferg is no exception and while his first album had some awesome hits, he really has never delivered at the album level for me. I expected this album to be no different. There are a lot of features on this album, which is usually a component of most A$AP albums but they all worked great like Dave East on Olympian or Cam’ron (who I did not see coming at all) on Rubber Band Man. The ultimate BANGERS on this album include Mad Man, Nasty, The Mattress (a song about fucking on a mattress and other kinds of stuff, only on an A$AP album), and East Coast Remix. I didn’t anticipate this album even making my top 10 let alone to come in at #5 but this album is the Ferg album I’ve been waiting for and I feel like what everyone else should have been waiting for if they are a fan of him. That’s’ really what it came down to with this album and I found myself listening to it more than most albums this year, which is why it was up so high on my list.
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#6- This album came out later in the year without warning…sorry had to do it, and I’m glad it did because it’s pretty much all I listened to for the weeks following its release. The first two songs of the album are Ghostface Killas and Rap Saved Me and they are two of my favorite songs of the year. The combination of Metro Boomin and 21 Savage had become hit or miss for me. Their debut project Savage Mode I loved but Issa Album really didn’t do it for me. The fact that Offset (my favorite Migos member) was also a joint artist on the album made me enjoy it that much more. This is what you would expect from a Metro Boomin, 21 Savage and Offset album and that’s always a good thing to me. I listened to this album probably the most or close to the most for the last two months or so of the year. This was a fun album, had its bangers on it (sorry for using that word a lot but I do love songs with good beats and that are noisy) and definitely surprised me at how much I ended up liking it because I’m honestly not the biggest 21 Savage advocate but on an album like this I don’t mind him and am a fan of his music and hooks. 
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#7- Oh Logic. He’s probably in my top 5 for favorite artists right now. His last album The Incredible True Story is still my favorite but if you’re looking for an album where someone is trying to send a message than look no further than Logic’s Everybody. Racial discrimination and civil rights issues are becoming more prevalent than ever once again and whether it’s a guest montage from the amazing Killer Mike or the many many claims that he isn’t ashamed to be black and white, this album is a movement and it’s a movement towards trying to make the world a better place. While this album wasn’t everything I hoped it would be you cannot deny appreciating the powerful message that Logic depicts and as I listened to it more and more I began to realize how great this album really is. Logic does not shy away from his feelings about race and the problems in the world right now and it’s one of the greatest displays of that from an artist on an album that I’ve seen recently. A great album with an even greater message, which is why there was never a doubt whether this would or would not crack the top ten. I mean c’mon, whats better than having a song called Black Spider-Man on your album? And it’s a fucking awesome song.
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#8- My girlfriend Alexis wouldn’t stop telling me to listen to Khalid. If I didn’t credit her for my listening to this album she probably would take my head off (She actually just texted me saying “I better get a shout out”). Now not only did I enjoy this album but it was also the official Stay Trippy Award runner up. American Teen, Young, Dumb & Broke, Another Sad Love Song and 8Teen are some of my favorites off this album but the album as a whole from top to bottom is great and it just gives off the feel that the title of the album looks to embody. Let me just say that I do still hate the song Location. I wish that song wasn’t on the album but it’s whatever because I enjoy every other song very much. After listening to this album I’m very excited to see what we get next from Khalid and if I will like his next album as much as I liked his debut one. One of my favorite things every year is trying to discover new artists and finding new music and albums to listen to. This was one of my favorite examples of that happening last year and with all that being said it had to make it into my top ten list. 
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#9-  Now because of how much I love A$AP some might think this is another interesting pick for my top ten but to be honest on a weaker year this may have made it much higher up on my list. What held this back from being higher up on my list was that is that while it was an impressive debut effort from one of my favorites A$AP Twelvyy, it wasn’t anything that stood out as exceptional. To be honest this album did meet my expectations and in some ways exceeded them. It has the feels of an A$AP album between the typical skits or fellow appearances from the other mob members, Twelvyy does a good job of establishing himself as a good artist. However there are many songs that depend upon some heavy features like one of my favorite tracks A Glorious Death featuring the Flatbush Zombies. There are also a couple songs here and there I found myself not too fond of, which is another reason this album ended up towards the back end of my top ten list.
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#10- Last time Jay-Z released an album was in 2013 and it was Magna Carta Holy Grail. The album really wasn’t anything memorable and that hurts saying that considering we’re talking about one of the greats Jay-Z. Perhaps that was the beginning of the end. 4:44 definitely proves otherwise. Now I feel like a lot of people may be wondering why this is all the way back at #10 barely making it into the top ten. This album is great and definitely has some great songs, I mean it starts off with great back to back tracks in Kill Jay-Z and The Story of O.J. Everyone was so awed by this album going “OMG Jay-Z admitted to cheating on Beyonce”. I mean he admitted he did something wrong and while that seems to have gotten the album a lot of its initial attention, I think people began to realize the heart and soul Jay-Z sort of lets out in this album. While this wasn’t an album I listened to nonstop throughout the year there’s no denying it was one of the ten best rap/hip-hop albums to come out in the year 2017. 
2017 had A LOT of music come out from many of my favorite artists. It was honestly one of my favorite years for music but there were still come anticipated albums that did not come out that has me looking extremely forward to 2018. Let me finish by giving my top 5 most anticipated albums for 2018 as of this moment. 
1- SremmLife 3
2- Untitled A$AP Rocky album 
3- King Push (But I’m pretty sure this is the new Life of Pablo that will take years to come out because he’s already said it’s coming out two years in a row) 
4- AstroWorld
5- Untitled Schoolboy Q album 
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vortexofemotions · 3 years
Mandalorian questions game
Here’s my answers for the Mandalorian questions game made by @ spoiler4you on Twitter! I’m doing them over here on Tumblr so I don’t have to worry about the character count. If you’d like to play along here is the original Twitter thread and go make sure to give Ly a follow: https://twitter.com/spoiler4you/status/1401578764660707330
1: How and when did you become a fan of the show? I’ve been a fan of Star Wars since 2015, but despite this I was really sceptical on whether or not I’d actually like the Mandalorian when the first trailer dropped since I wasn’t really liking the direction the sequel trilogy was taking. But then Chapter 1 released and the entire internet exploded overnight over that Baby Yoda reveal. That’s when I knew that I had to check this show out for myself. I didn’t actually get to see season 1 until it was only a month away from season 2′s release date but it was well worth the wait. And now here I am with the show living rent free in my mind constantly.
2:  Who’s your favourite character? Is it a cop out if I say Grogu? But I also love Din, the Armorer and the return of Bo-Katan, Ahsoka and Boba Fett. (I actually didn’t get the appeal of Boba until his reintroduction in season 2 and now I can see why everybody likes him so much)
3: What’s your favourite season (so far)? Season 2! I know some people didn’t like how fan servicey it was, but I’m weak for that kind of shit. Season 1 is still just as good though.
4: What’s your favourite scene from each season? Season 1: I’d have to say the scene where Din earns his Mudhorn signet in chapter 8. Couldn’t tell you why, I just think it was a really neat moment. Season 2: The goodbye scene in chapter 16. Need I say more? (For real though, season 2 had so many great moments that it’ll be difficult for me to choose)
5: What’s your favourite episode (so far)? Chapter 15 The Believer! I was on the edge of my seat (well, my bed lol) the entire time that I’m honestly surprised I didn’t come crashing down onto the floor. I could honestly talk all day about the scene where Din has to remove his helmet in order for the machine to scan his face and just how well Pedro managed to portray the anxiety and sheer discomfort Din must have been feeling in that scene. Also, the little details of Din having to move his entire head to survey his surroundings or to glance at other people? Chiefs kiss 👌 Uggh this episode is so good!
6: FAVOURITE DIN AND GROGU MOMENT: Why must you make me choose? Apart from the obvious goodbye scene in chapter 16, I’m going to say the scene in chapter 12 The Siege where Grogu is trying to swap the two coloured wires and his tiny baby brain can’t comprehend what the hell he’s supposed to do, but Din is so patient with him? Makes me ugly laugh every single time.
7: FAVOURITE DIN MOMENT: I’m just going to say the entirety of chapter 15 The Believer and call it a day lol
8: FAVOURITE GROGU MOMENT: The blue cookie scene in chapter 12. Him begging the kid for the cookies and then taking it anyway, to him waving his hands in the air and throwing them back up. It doesn’t matter. Just Grogu with his blue cookies. A truly iconic moment.
9: The scene that made you cry the most: I think I speak for all of us when I say the goodbye scene. It’s the only time Star Wars has ever made me cry and I’ll never forgive Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni for that.
10: The scene that made you the most hyped: When Din tries to give Bo-Katan the Darksaber back and Moff Gideon’s just sat there with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, taunting her. I was honestly waiting for her to slap the shit out of him right then and there.
11: Moment you’d like to see most in upcoming seasons: 👏 VILLIAN 👏 BO-KATAN  👏 That bitch is mad she hasn’t got her Darksaber back and the rights to the throne. I’d also like to see King Din of course. BUT, I’d like to see him struggle to fit into the role, none of this ‘he’s so good at his job and he’s only been King for half a day bullshit’ let’s see him not have a clue what he’s doing and watch him grow into a better king, just like with his father role to Grogu. This could also lead into the villain Bo-Katan subplot as this makes her even angrier that she isn’t Queen, and are now stuck with this pathetic King. And then a reunion scene with Din and Grogu, but only at the end of the season. Make it a cliff-hanger to lead into season 4 or something, let’s have their separation be meaningful to the audience as well.
12: Favourite camo role in season 2: Bo-Katan. Now that I’ve watched the Clone Wars and making my way through Rebels, her first appearance to live action has a much bigger impact on me now. Ahsoka’s too.
13: Star Wars movie character you’d like to see in season 3: Honestly? I guess Chewie, only for the fact that the Jawa’s said that Din’s Jawaese sounded like a Wookie and now I want to see Din talk Shyriiwook.
14: Animated character you’d like to see in live action for season 3: Any of the main cast of Rebels characters. I say any as I’ve only seen the first two seasons so far and I don’t know if any of them d-word’s at the end of the series. I know Ezra’s already been rumoured for supposedly the Ahsoka series so I think Sabine would be a nice fit here since I know she also once wielded the Darksaber.
15: What do you think is the most underrated episode? 👀 I’d say Sanctuary as I’ve heard lots of people calling it the weakest episode of the series. I personally really enjoyed it.
16: What do you think is the most overrated episode? 👀 Don’t crucify me for saying this but I’d say The Gunslinger. I often forget about it’s existence, I’m so sorry 😂 And it’s not even my least favourite episode!
17: Given the chance, what would you change from the previous seasons? I honestly have no idea lmao. I guess have some more random scenes of showing Din and Grogu bonding? Let’s have some cute father and son moments please.
18: Favourite Mandalorian/Grogu merch that you own? My Grogu plushie
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Or my Din Funko Pop
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Yes I keep my Funkos out of their box, I literally do not have the storage space to keep them in their boxes, sue me.
19: Favourite behind the scenes fact: It honestly boggles my mind that most of the scenery and environments are behind a green screen and needs to be drawn/animated in? Like, they all look gorgeous.
20: Favourite actor/actress from the cast: Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin and Katee Sackhoff as Bo-Katan Kryze.
21: Favourite fandom moment: Not sure what this means but I guess all of us losing our absolute shit because we were afraid something awful happened to Grogu in chapter 15 since we didn’t get to see him, not even as a prisoner. That was a terrifying week lol. (Despite us getting a banger of an episode)
22: SEASON 3 PREDICTIONS (I’m excited to know what y’all think!!) I think I’ve basically already answered this in question 11, but to save you guys the trouble of scrolling all the way back up here’s a very basic rundown of what I think will happen in season 3: Villain Bo-Katan A struggling King Djarin Din and Grogu reuniting at the end of the season as a cliff-hanger for the opening in season 4.
23: ((Take this time to appreciate and tag some of your fav Mando moots)) Not gonna tag anyone as I don’t know anyone over here lol, but I’d love to see some of your guys answers! A massive shout-out to all the fanfic writers, fan artists and video makers out there who create for this fandom. All of ya’ll are making the wait for season 3 a lot more bearable by giving us more content with our favourite clueless space dad and his adoptive son travelling around the galaxy.
This was a lot of fun to do, here’s a special thank you to Spoiler4you for creating this game for all of us to play. In case you missed it, the link to the original Twitter thread is at the top of this post.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to write some more Din and Grogu fanfiction. Good night ya’ll!
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Donato Digging Minny, Crosby Not Done (March 3)
Jake Guentzel can give much of the credit for his breakout regular season to Sidney Crosby. About 95 percent of Guentzel’s even-strength minutes have been with Sid the Kid on his line. The two linemates each earned four points (Guentzel 2g-2a, Crosby 1g-3a) in the Penguins’ 5-1 win over Montreal. Recent acquisition Jared McCann was the third man on this line, scoring a goal and adding an assist of his own. McCann has four points in his last three games, and he might be a player to watch if he can stick on this line.
Crosby has scored goals and multiple points in four consecutive games, and he has scored at a two-point-per-game pace dating back to February 9 (22 points in 11 games). In case you think Crosby is on the decline, this recent run puts him on pace for over 100 points. Point inflation has been affecting many players, but it’s still worth mentioning that with all his accomplishments, Crosby has not reached 100 points since the 2013-14 season and only once after the 2009-10 season. He’s also fifth in NHL scoring with 83 points (29g-54a).
Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl each recorded three points in the Oilers’ 4-0 win over the Blue Jackets. Draisaitl’s goal was his 40th of the season, which makes him the third player (after Alex Ovechkin and Patrick Kane) to reach that mark. Draisaitl also has 16 goals in his last 17 games, and he is on a 10-game point streak in which he has scored 15 points (8g-7a). The Oilers have missed on many players over the past 10+ years, but Draisaitl is not one of them.
The Oilers have tried numerous forwards with the McDavid/Draisaitl combination, but to no avail. At the moment it’s Zack Kassian’s turn, and at least there seems to be a spark. Kassian has now scored in back-to-back games and over his last 21 games has 13 points, including eight goals. At age 28 Kassian isn’t going to be much more than what we’ve already seen, but he’s been providing a little bit of value in “bangers and mash” leagues. Kassian’s 82 PIM places him in the top 10 in that category, while his 154 hits places him just outside the top 30. This is the time of year for roto leaguers to make ground in certain categories, and Kassian might be a sneaky option that won’t hurt your scoring too much.  
Mikko Koskinen recorded the 30-save shutout in this game. Koskinen has started each of the last 10 games for the Oilers, meaning that newly acquired Anthony Stolarz has yet to start a game as an Oiler. Stolarz has appeared in just one game, which was in a relief appearance. As long as the Oilers still believe that they are still in the playoff race, expect their newly signed goalie to start every game.
Dustin Brown scored two goals in the Kings’ 6-3 win over Chicago on Saturday afternoon. Brown is now up to 16 goals and 37 points, which is nowhere near his 61-point comeback season last season. To a lesser extent, his downturn reflects that of teammate Anze Kopitar’s. And like Kopitar, hopefully you looked further back than last season’s numbers and didn’t draft him with the expectation that he would repeat last season’s numbers. 
Jeff Carter recorded two assists on Saturday. This isn’t usually big news, but Carter had been held without a point in his previous nine games and is still without a goal in his previous 12 games. I was hoping that Carter would have been traded out of LA at the deadline to a better situation, but rumor was that he was threatening to retire if he was traded. It’s still possible that Carter could rebound to some degree next season, but there are a ton of other better options at center if you are pushing to win this season.
When I talk about “a better situation”, I mean that only the Ducks have a lower goals-for total than the Kings this season. Also, the Kings’ win on Saturday was their first win in 11 games, so these are lean times in LA.   
In a losing cause, Brendan Perlini scored two goals. He had been held without a point in his previous 12 games, so it’s unlikely many fantasy leaguers were affected.
Tuukka Rask made 20 saves to backstop the Bruins to a 1-0 win over New Jersey. Rask has not been tagged with a regulation loss since before Christmas, having gone 14-0-3 with a 1.88 GAA and .933 SV% during that span. The Bruins were Flip Livingstone’s gold game pick in his Saturday game picks, so hopefully you were able to take advantage.
In his first game as a Leaf, Nic Petan scored his first goal of the season, which was his first goal in over a calendar year (February 23, 2018). Even though he’s now with a new team, he’s still not in a spot to produce with the Leafs’ big guns, having played just 7:45 in this game while lining up with Frederik Gauthier and Trevor Moore. It might take a trade to a team not in contention for Petan to receive the opportunity that he needs.
Mitch Marner and John Tavares each scored a goal and added two assists for the Buds in their 5-2 win over Buffalo. Tavares was welcomed back with a loud cheer from Leafs fans after taking a lot of abuse from Islanders’ fans on Thursday.
The NHL handed out two suspensions on Saturday. Adam Lowry was suspended two games for a high stick on Filip Forsberg, while Kurtis Gabriel was suspended one game for hitting Nolan Patrick from behind.
Since James Reimer is out of the lineup due to injury, Sam Montembeault made his NHL debut on Saturday. The rookie made 22 saves in an eventual 4-3 overtime loss to the Hurricanes. His AHL numbers (3.16 GAA, .901 SV%) aren’t serving as proof that he’s NHL ready yet, so keeper leaguers should exercise patience. If the Panthers shop for another starting goalie in the offseason, then Montembeault will be in the AHL another season or two anyway. Having said that, I wouldn’t be surprised if the worn-down Roberto Luongo “retires” on LTIR before his contract expires.
Henrik Borgstrom scored two goals and added an assist for the Panthers, which all happened in just eight minutes of icetime. The Panthers’ prospect had been held without a point in his previous three games and without a goal in his previous 11 games. He’s also been held to less than 10 minutes in each of his last three games, so his icetime hasn’t really improved even with Derick Brassard being traded to Colorado.
From this game, why I like 3-on-3 overtime. What an incredible sequence.
That’s now seven wins in a row for Darcy Kuemper. I’ll just reiterate what I wrote about him on Friday’s Ramblings. Somehow he’s still unowned in about half of Yahoo leagues.
For about the past two seasons, Oliver Ekman-Larsson owners at large have likely been left wanting more. Yet he’s been instrumental in the Coyotes’ current six-game winning streak. With a goal and an assist on Saturday, OEL has multiple points in back-to-back games and is now on a five-game point streak. He’s also been a plus-6 over his point streak, which is a bonus given his usual plus-minus numbers.
Jamie Benn’s return from injury to the Stars’ lineup was a successful one. The Stars’ captain posted a hat trick in a 3-1 win over the Blues. Benn had entered this game with just two points in his last six games and just two goals in his last 12, so this should at least keep the CEO happy for the time being.
John Klingberg also chipped in a goal and two assists for the Stars.
Ryan Donato’s fantasy value has immediately improved with a move to Minnesota. Including his third-period goal on Saturday, Donato now has at least a point in all five games he has played for the Wild, with seven points over that span. Donato had averaged just 12:30 of icetime this season in Boston, which is a number that has jumped to over 15 minutes with the Wild.
Here’s Donato’s goal in the third period. I’m as impressed with the amazing quality of the Twitter video as I am with the goal.  
Ryan Donato with a cannon shot beats Smith five hole pic.twitter.com/W9vrQvSuSq
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) March 3, 2019
To compare, Charlie Coyle has been held without a point in his four games as a Bruin. Dating back to his time with the Wild, Coyle has now been held without a point in his last 11 games.
Although Kevin Fiala hasn’t recorded a point in his two games as a Wild, he was elevated to the Eric Staal/Jason Zucker line in this game. Fiala averaged just 15:03 in Nashville this season, but he has been on for at least 17 minutes in each of his two games with the Wild.
Just when you were losing faith in Devan Dubnyk, he has now strung together five wins in a row. Over that span he has a 1.59 GAA and a .950 SV%. It seems safe to use him again now that things have settled down for the Wild after a bad stretch.
Finally, congratulations to Jarome Iginla on his jersey retirement. It was amazing to watch him all the way back to when he was a junior player with the WHL’s Kamloops Blazers, a powerhouse junior team during the early to mid-1990s that during Iginla’s time also included the likes of Shane Doan and Darcy Tucker.
Here’s the jersey retirement ceremony from Calgary on Saturday.
Of course, my favorite Iggy moment isn’t with the Calgary Flames (I’m a Canucks’ fan, you know). It’s the incredible pass to Sidney Crosby for the game-winning “golden goal” in 2010. Listen for Crosby yelling “Iggy!” You'll have to watch it on YouTube, though. The IOC won't let me embed it apparently. 
For more fantasy hockey information, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-donato-digging-minny-crosby-not-done-march-3/
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