#so what i'm saying is that when i go home for break all i will be doing is doctor's appointments and dragon age
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andromedicasphyxiate · 2 hours ago
Hello chiljren 😈😈😈 mommy's byaaaaaack 😈😈😈 with a BYAAANG 😈😈😈!!!
Guys this beautiful Pic looks like the view from the back of my apartment (that has more unruly bushes tho(which I still love ❤️❤️❤️)and is a lot less pristine looking than this glorious pic lol) but this pic made me miss it soooo much, so I decided to put it on my blog 😭😭😭😭
Ok so in case anyone was wondering why I've been silently rotting on the Blur (that's what I will be calling tumblr affectionately from now on) and posting only pics and shyet (read that in a valley girl accent) is cuz I just got really fkn bored of my own fkn typing voice and...needed a little bit of a break from myself? Idk, I was giving myself the ick
So anyway, I decided to lie down for a bit. I've been contemplating my language choices too, I swear and cuss a lot and I have since I was 12 but I don't know how I feel about it. Like I thought I'd take a minute and make up my mind about it, but I couldn't. Eeeeeeeeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Honestly swearing is the way I punctuate my sentences with aggressive magnitude and general rage. Like who would I FUCKING be without that lol. And I guess my last aggressive streak died down by like 80% when my mom threatened to murder me but some still remained, and I tend to swear more when that's the case. That's why everything has been so sailor-y around here. Pirate-y actually. Arrrrrr. ☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🦜
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So anyway chiljren, let's see, what HAS little mommy been upto? Mommy's been RELAXING. Don't be too happy tho, it's the calm before the storm cuz your uncle (my little brother) is coming home in a while and we're all prepping for that. He's coming home after a year but he only has time to stay for like 15 days (tech jobs do be like that sometimes xoxo), So my mom and dad and I are trying to pack as much as we can into that!!!
It's mostly gonna be all about food tho, cuz it's hard to get vegetarian food in America outside of Indian restaurants, and he gets bored of Indian food only cuz that's all he gets to eat on the daily, and if he wants pizza or fast food or something...he can't just order it from outside cuz the cheese tends to be non-vegetarian and like...what's the point of eating stuff without cheese?! Or else there is cross contamination with meat, which again, we don't consume.
I mean he can get vegetarian cheese and cook for himself but he doesn't like his own cooking much. It's not too bad tbh, but it...is. 😂😂😂 And I mean mine and my mom's is waaaayyyy better. Indias pretty traditional like that, women cook here for the whole family anyway and the men kind of just lurk gratefully in the background, haha.
So anyway, sorry for the rant!!! Basically now, I'm making a list of all the food I'm going to cook while that ungrateful schmuck is here. He wolf's down everything I make, and then he says it was ass 😡😡😡 and then he sends me memes like this:
Maybe I WILL never find a man 😭😭😭 but that's OK, I forgive my brother cuz he's DUMB. And u can't fkn fix dumb, now can you?!?!?!
Either way, I've been prepping for the cook-a-thon that's about to transpire at my household.
Ok enough ranting for rn, I'll do more on whatever I reblog next. xoxox wuv u!!! 🎀🎀🎀🎀🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🩷🩷🩷🩷🌺🌺🌺🌺✨️✨️✨️✨️
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zepskies · 3 days ago
Welp, I think tumblr ate my earlier ask so happy Friday! You've survived the week! For your random question, because a lot of our fellas have had...displaced lives, what do you think the boys' ideal homes would be? Big, small, grand, cozy, city, country? 🤔
Oh yeah I didn't get an ask before now, but Happy Friday my beautiful friend! Yes thank God we survived lmao. You already know work has been doing my head in. 🙃
Ooooh what an interesting question! I'm thinking by "boys" you mean our favorite Jackles characters...
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HEADCANON: What Dean Winchester, Beau Arlen, Soldier Boy (Ben), and Russell Shaw's ideal homes would be.
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Dean Winchester
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Dean's not one for big cities. Too many people, too much for him, honestly.
So if he ever left the bunker, say with you by his side, I think he'd be happy with a cozy cabin somewhere. It would have to be big enough for Miracle - Dean could do little hikes with him in the woods. Oh, and one or two extra rooms. Just in case you really want to take advantage of breaking away from hunting, and in his words:
"Maybe...you know...start on Phase 2 of this whole retirement gig. Start a family."
There would also be a nice fireplace and a comfy couch for you to hook him into some late night cuddling (and probably some slow, hot sex by the fire).
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Beau Arlen
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I see a lovely ranch-style house for Beau. 🥰 Moderately sized, but still spacious and open, with a nice big living room and a couple of guest rooms, plus Emily's room, of course. If you and Beau get surprised with more kids in the future, you guys are prepared to fill those rooms with more joy and chaos.
And if Friday movie night is going to continue, he needs a nice big TV in the living room (or an old school projector).
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Soldier Boy (Ben)
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Oh, this guy. 😅
We all know he wants the biggest, gaudiest house he can afford. If just because that's what he's used to. He's been surrounded by opulence and the comforts wealth can provide since he was born, and that didn't stop when he got to Vought.
However, provided he went through some character growth through a meaningful relationship with you, he could be hooked into a nice brownstone apartment in NYC. But he would probably insist on having a vacation house somewhere -- like a colonial style house or a nice beach house to escape the city when it gets too much.
(He'd insist on "christening" every room.)
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Russell Shaw
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Hmm, this guy I could see not being fussed about the size of the place or the location, as long as it's comfortable and homey with you. Because the thing is, he hasn't really had a home since he left his family when he was a teenager.
He's spent decades in the service, and years more on the road, bouncing from motel to motel between contract jobs. He would probably say what the other guys inherently feel -- that you're his home. You're his peace.
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AN: What do you think @luci-in-trenchcoats? Did you imagine any of these guys differently? 😘💜
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Dean, Beau, Soldier Boy + Russell Tag List (Part 1)
@kazsrm67 @foxyjwls007 @luci-in-trenchcoats @waynes-multiverse @lamentationsofalonelypotato
@mostlymarvelgirl @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester
@deans-spinster-witch @sanscas @hobby27 @kaleldobrev @spnwoman
@samanddeaninatrenchcoat @pieandmonsters @globetrotter28 @midnightmadwoman @chevroletdean
@lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @spnfamily-j2 @deansbbyx @chernayawidow
@mimaria420 @stoneyggirl2 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords @twinkleinadiamondsky
@my-stories-vault @0ccvltism @rizlowwritessortof @cookiechipdough @mrsjenniferwinchester
@fromcaintodean @k-slla @jackles010378 @deanbrainrotwritings @alwaystiredandconfused
@mrlonelycat @deans-daydream @leigh70 @aylacavebear @kmc1989
@siampie @rubyvhs @winchestergirl2 @winchester-whiskey
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heich0e · 3 days ago
"open the door."
rin's teeth are gnashing. his jaw is tight.
"itoshi-san," your voice is strained when you answer, but it doesn't waver. "you need to leave."
his chest is heaving as he pants.
"open,"—he slams a clenched fist against the frame—"the door."
rin can smell you. he knows you're right there, on the other side of that door. the scent that's been burning in his throat for days. the one he can't stop thinking about. it makes his mouth water, and his pulse spike, and a vicious heat crawl up his chest.
he's dizzy and furious.
you must have taken off that flimsy little scent patch on your nape since you'd arrived home. must have peeled it off and tossed it away once you'd made it into your own space, thinking yourself safe now that you were left alone.
at the thought of your nape, a sound rips unconsciously from rin's chest.
the scent of you intensifies.
"rin!" you gasp his name. a sweet, absolutely wretched sound.
he hears a thump against the other side of the door, low to the ground like you've fallen to your knees. you're responding to his pheromones, he realizes, and a twisted sense of elation wells up in the pit of his stomach. you're succumbing to it.
he can hear you breathing. can almost feel the shaky inhalations. he crouches down outside your door—as though trying to stay as close to you as he can. he listens to you breathe for a moment more. savours it.
his brother's name makes a sour taste bloom on his tongue. his muscles coil like he's ready to rip the door from it's hinges.
"are you alright?"
his brother's answering voice is quiet. tinny and distant. you're on the phone, rin realizes. you're on the phone with his older brother.
you called him.
rin pushes himself to his feet unsteadily, stumbling back until his shoulder blades hit the wall on the opposite site of the hallway. there's a terrible pounding in his ears that drowns out everything else. he can't hear what you're saying anymore. isn't even sure you're saying anything at all.
rin lifts his fist and strikes the wall directly across from the door to your apartment, then fights every instinct in his body and forces himself back down the hallway towards the exit.
"are you there?"
your hand is still clamped over your mouth, your own breath breaking hot and humid against your palm. your head is swimming, but you recognize the sound of sae calling your name.
you lift the phone up to your ear again with a shaky hand, swallowing hard.
"yes, sorry," you manage to say, but your voice doesn't sound like yourself. you hope he doesn't notice. "i... i was going to ask if i left my phone charger at your apartment, but i just found it."
there's a few beats of silence on the other end of the line.
"i see," sae replies.
you slump with your back against your door, tipping your head up to rest against it. rin's scent has receded now. you know he's gone.
"i'm sorry for calling you so late. i know... uh, you've already done so much for me, i hate to bother you with—"
"you didn't bother me."
sae's voice sounds like it always does. cool. steady. familiar.
you feel your pulse slowing. breathing gets a little easier.
sae says your name. you exhale.
"get some rest."
you hum, your eyelids fluttering. "goodnight."
"goodnight," sae repeats your parting words, and then waits for you to end the call.
eventually the line of his cellphone clicks dead, and he stares at the screen for a moment before pocketing the device.
the elevator dings, signalling he's arrived at his intended destination, and the polished doors slide open in front of him to allow him to make his way out. he pauses, just shy of stepping across the threshold.
the hair on the back of his neck stands up.
a knot twists in the pit of his stomach.
sae takes a deep breath. then another.
lifting his hand, he presses down the button to close the elevator doors—so forcefully he hears something in the mechanism snap. he steps back without ever exiting the elevator.
the lingering stench of his little brother's pheromones fades the moment the doors slide closed on your floor.
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lizardho · 3 days ago
The Halloween Story
As with most of my life stories, I have to clarify beforehand: Yes, this is real, and it is real because (and ONLY because) I am stupid. This is not something that happens to normal people because they wouldn't ever get close enough to a situation like this for it to happen. That being said, without estrogen my brain's "keep this idiot alive" switch was not turned on and I was, I think, biologically incapable of making good decisions.
Another thing to know is that I did not have a lot of friends as a kid because I'm terminally awkward; additionally, most of the friends I did have were maybe better described as "people who tolerated me but who I would take a bullet for." This is important for later.
Anyways, I was like 9 or 10 when this happened, and my littlest brother was like...5 or 6? This was his first Halloween where he was allowed to Trick-or-Treat past the end of our block, and he HAD to be accompanied by me or another older kid so he had begged me for DAYS to take him. And while I held the title of oldest brother, I feel like I put my whole pussy into being a good oldest brother, so I of course took the family's babiest of babies for his first ever trick-or-treat adventure!
I went dressed as Dartanian because I've been gay for a while, and he went dressed as a skeleton because he's adorable. We went trick-or-treating only in areas I knew, so mostly within the boundaries of our l'il Mormon ward, and we had fun. About a half-mile away from home, he started saying he was getting tired, so I told him we were gonna turn back and watch "Scary" movies, which was actually just two old VHS Scooby Doo episodes my mom let us watch because she only let us watch episodes where the monsters were fake because if they were real we'd get nightmares. So we start walking back. It's not too far and we know the way so it's going great. Littlest bro's first trick-or-treat adventure went swimmingly, we've got pillow cases full of candy, and we're about to watch scooby doo and eat skittles until we pass out. Life, for us, literally could not have been better.
As I walk around the corner of my old street, the far end of it, by a bush, I hear my best friend whisper-shout at me from a bush:
"Lizard, Lizard, stop, hide, quick!"
In most cases, my thoughts can be summarized by a humble: "Bwuh?" and in this case I'm pretty sure I said something like that out loud. I look into the bush, and I see it is JAM-FUCKING-PACKED with kids my age. Like 6 of them hiding behind this tall oleander bush shaking like they just saw a ghost. I wave to them, because I don't know what's going on, and tell them that Littlest Brother is tired so I'm going home. That's when one of them angrily grabbed me and littlest brother and tugged us into the oleander with them.
I think they thought we were hidden, but this was one shrub currently occupied by like 7 kids and despite how small we all were that was still more shrub-per-kid than the shrub could hide so me and littlest brother didn't actually fit. And I was squirming trying to get away because it was poky and scratchy and smelled bad and also I didn't know why I was being pulled into a shrub to begin with.
The ruckus of my squirming was freaking my friends out, who were all telling me to shut up and hide, and I was telling them I wasn't playing hide-n-seek and Littlest Brother was REALLY getting tuckered out so PLEASE let go so I can go home, when around the corner came three Big Kids on bikes.
These kids seemed HUGE and SCARY to me at the time, although realistically they were like in 8th grade and also dork-ass losers. They were on bikes with handlebar breaks, though, and they were wearing costumes ironically under hoodies, so they seemed scary at the time. They see me thrashing in a bush and correctly deduced that the kids they had been hunting down were in the bush too. This is when I learned that my friends were all scared because they'd been being hunted for sport by older boys. Like, actually, for real, we were being bullied on Halloween by kids who called us "dweebs" and shit, I cannot explain how that was actually happening in the early 2000s, that was a worn-out trope in the 80s, but it for real, actually, swearsy-realsies, happened to me.
They're bigger than us and have at least started puberty so they're a lot stronger than us. They fished us all out of the bush pretty easily and made us all line up. This was all happening on a well-lit suburban street in a Mostly Mormon neighborhood so again, I don't know how it all got this far, but it did.
Once we were lined up, they start quipping about our costumes and harassing us a little bit. Again, this is like STRAIGHT out of a shitty campy overdone 80s sitcom so I get that this sounds fake, but we were literally getting pushed around and called dweebs and nerds by some fuckass 8th graders who were all smoking a cigarette one of them stole from their mom. Finally they were getting bored so they told us that their terms to releasing us were that we give them our candy.
My friends, who are smart and wanted to be alive, immediately started grabbing fistfuls of candy from their buckets or bags to hand them. But I am stupid, and was trying to be a good older brother, and didn't understand the concept of mortality because HRT had not yet flipped that switch in my brain, and I saw littlest brother getting scared. His lips were trembling like he was about to cry, he was clinging onto me for dear life, and one of these kids comes over and is being all mean and calling him a baby (which he basically was, so like what even is the point?) and I got mad. So I took my prop rapier from it's sheath and started jabbing his ribs and head until he rips it out of my hand.
"Jesus Christ, you little faggot. I'm keeping this, you're not getting your sword back."
"K, fine, just leave my brother alone."
"I leave him alone if you give me ALL your candy."
He says it with this shit-eating grin, like he's got the upper hand. But I'm mad and suicidal in the same way a horse is suicidal, which is to say I don't care if I die as long as this fucker dies too, so I tell him if he wants my candy he can have it, and I wallop him with the candy sack. Hard. I put all 70 lbs of 9-year-old rage into that whump, and to my credit it caught him off guard. He steps back and rubs his face and the biggest kid in the group steps into his place.
"You wanna fight?" He's trying to act tough but he's also trying to square up with an unquestionably faggy 9-year-old Dartanian so it's tough. It's also a stupid, stupid question to ask, since I literally DID want to fight and he was just posturing.
So I hit him too. Again, all the rage my 9-year-old body possessed channeled into a pillow case filled with Dum Dums and skittles slaps into his face. I move to smack him again, because he's looking at me all incredulous like he doesn't think I'm serious. He tries to grab the bag but I kick his shin and he has to step back for a second because he was on his bike with only one leg on the ground and I had just kicked it so he was trying to keep balance. I took advantage of the momentary distraction and whapped him in the belly. That, I think, was the final straw for him, because he (seriously, yes, for real) took out an actual knife.
It was a real folding knife, I could hear the little mechanical click as he flicked the blade out and the locking mechanism secured it in place. He looks at me with murderous intent for like a tenth of a second before one of my other friends asks,
"Dude, are you serious?"
And it clicks that he just threatened someone with a real weapon. He takes a step back and tells me, trying to sound brave but now far enough out of his own comfort zone that he's starting to wonder what happened in his life to bring him here (which is dangerous, confused people do confusing shit).
But I'm horse-style suicidal and I honestly didn't think it was real, so I swing at him again. Full-body swing right for the face, and he slashes at the candy pouch and it tears. And I'm like "Oh shit, that's a real knife!" and he's like, "Oh shit, this kid is gonna beat me until I stab her or run!'' And that's when my Knight-in-Emo-Armor arrived!
The kid was like the archetypal "Bad Boy" of my childhood. He wore black hoodies to church and said "damn" instead of "dang" and "shit" instead of "shoot." He listened to metal music and told his grandma (who adopted him after his mom lost custody for drug use stuff) to shut up sometimes. He smoked. He was a moody goth/emo/scene/whatever enigma of rage from his shitty family life. He was also known for being actually real-life dangerous. The kid in front of me was contemplating stabbing me, but my Knight had actually broken someone's jaw in a fight before.
The whole time we were getting held up, he was just walking down the street listening to an honest-to-God MP3 player, stoned as all hell, angry at the world, and watching this all unfold. And he recognized a bunch of kids from church he barely gave a shit about, but then he recognized *me* and although he didn't know *me* super well, he fucking LOVED my dad because my dad was super nice to him at church, and he knew I was my dad's kid. And he knows the kids talking to us are bad news because he's friends with some of their friends and he knows they're all wannabe tough guys. And he makes a decision.
This guy, my knight, was tall, mean, scary, and crabby, and EVERYONE knew that, not just the Mormons in my life. And in all black, with black hair and black nail polish, he had remained almost perfectly hidden as he walked in the middle of the road on the tar-black Arizona asphalt until he suddenly emerged from the shadows right behind the kid with the knife.
"Bruh, what the fuck are you doing?"
This kid whips around and sees my knight and just blanches. Like, all-the-way white-as-a-sheet scared.
"Oh, Knight, h-h-hey, I didn't see you. You know these kids? We're just teasing them!"
"Hilarious joke, cocksucker. That's a real knife. Fuck off."
They almost left a cartoon dust cloud in the shape of their bodies as they left. My friend and "friends" from church all followed suit - Knightboy was BAD news with a capital B-A-D and they were probably more scared of him than the original trio. But I knew Knightboy because he teased me a lot in his last year elementary school and sometimes came over to talk with my dad so I knew he wasn't a bad kid. He bends down and picks up the plastic sword the first kid dropped and gives it back to me.
"This is yours, I think."
I took it, sheathed it, and said, "Thanks! You shouldn't swear."
"Man, I'm too stoned for this shit, just get out of here."
"Ok, thanks Knight! See you at church tomorrow!"
And I toddle off with Littlest Brother. I take him to some of the best houses on our street for a second round of trick-or-treating so he can calm down, and we go home. My mom puts Scooby Doo on and asks me how everything went - I tell her it was fine, it was fun. She said that Littlest Brother said something scary happened, and I said "Oh, I think he got spooked by Knight is all." And she just shrugged and walked off. By the end of the night, I honestly forgot it even happened. I was more invested in trying to figure out how to grow up to be like Velma and lining my skittles up by color so I fully did not even remember.
My mom is friends with all the other moms at church - she has to be because she has a master's degree in a church that teaches that employed women are failing God and their families so she ended up as a high-achieving woman working as a stay-at-home mom and if she didn't make friends at church she would fully go insane.
And at church the next day, my mom is approached by a tiny pack of mothers all saying "Wow, Lizard is so brave, aren't you so proud of her?"
And because she's a Good Mom who Loves Me So Much, she says, "Yeah, totally, why do you ask?"
And they say, "Because she tried to fight off some muggers last night! She hit them with her candy bag!"
And my mom says, "Haha, Yeah, she's fierc-wait what in the fresh hell did you say?"
And they all tell her the story, and my mom is PISSED that I didn't mention, but she also knows I am capital-D Dumb, so she pulls me out of Sunday school and asks me,
"Lizard, baby, did you scare off some muggers last night?"
And I said, "Oh yeah, kinda! Knight was the one that actually scared them though."
And she says, "Lizard, baby, why did you not tell me?"
And I said, "Oh, I forgot."
And she just nodded and tried unsuccessfully to push my little "Alfalfa sprout" strand of hair down, and gave up, and then pushed me back into class. And later that day she made like 3 lbs of chocolate chip cookies and drove them all over to Knight's house to thank him. And basically ever since then I was in Knight-in-shining-armor's good books (although he wasn't very good at showing it for a bit), and I had an undeserved reputation among the kids in my church as a badass for like a year, which I felt pretty good about.
Anyways, the Halloween Story is so weird that sometimes I question my own memory of it, but I am telling it now based on my memory as best as I can recall and after fact-checking it with my mom a few times.
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littlecandyman · 1 day ago
MDNI 18+
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The problem is, Satoru will not go home. And it's driving you crazy.
You beg and plead with Suguru to get him to convince Satoru to leave and he all but refuses, a smile playing on his lips. "Why would I? I get to hang out with my best friend and my girlfriend wants to fuck more often. It's a win-win for me. "
"I-" you start, not sure how to deny his claim because it was true. Your horniness levels had been through the roof with Satoru hanging around. It wasn't your fault! He just kept pushing your buttons just right.
For example: the first night he stayed over, you'd woken up to your pussy throbbing because of the bulge pressed against your ass. Before opening your eyes, you started wiggling back into it in hopes of catching a good morning fuck from Suguru only to be shocked that he was still fast asleep in front of you.
You nearly jump out of your skin as realization hits, rolling over to smack Satoru on the arm. "Why are you in our bed?" You hissed.
"Couch was uncomfortable," he grumbled. "Come back, you were so warm." He places a hand on your hip that you choose to ignore.
Too early and too tired for his shit, you snuggle into your pillows (and Suguru) making sure to put a little extra distance between your bodies before falling back asleep. You let him keep his hand on your hip, though.
Suguru wasn't stupid. He could feel the tension building up between you and Satoru and thought he'd see how it played out. You were sure he was even setting you up at times.
Like day 3 of Satoru's stay, when you stupidly thought maybe he'd actually gone home this time. You were so very wrong.
You stood at the kitchen sink doing the dishes when you heard the front door open and close. "I'm in the kitchen!" You yell out for Suguru, who should have been coming home from picking up the rest of the ingredients needed for dinner.
You feel him come up behind you, one hand wrapping around your waist, the other grabbing a handful of your ass. "You're feeling awfully handsy today," you giggle, shutting off the water, turning to face him, getting ready to wrap your arms around his neck. Your eyes meet icy blue instead of the vivid violet you'd been expecting.
"How could I resist?" Satoru responds, arms wrapping around your waist. "Your ass looks great in those shorts."
A blush heats your face and ears as he places a kiss on the corner of your mouth and then releases you. You lock eyes with Suguru, who is across the kitchen putting groceries away, smirking as you squirm.
"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" you ask him after dinner. He's got your wrists pinned above your head with one of his hands as the other snakes it's way down to toy with your clit.
"Don't act like you don't enjoy it," Suguru whispers in your ear, nipping at the lobe. "I mean look at you, fuck." You were a writhing, moaning, soaked mess. "Practically begging for my cock because he gets you so riled up." His mouth moved further down, lips wrapping around a nipple and sucking harshly.
He slips his fingers through your wet folds and brings them up to your lips, pushing them into your mouth, gagging you on them. "Now shut the fuck up before he hears what a slut you are."
He sleeps on the air mattress with Satoru that night, a good investment if you do say so yourself. It's kept Satoru from making anymore surprise appearances in your bed. You hear them laugh as you close the bedroom door behind Suguru and roll your eyes. It is a little ridiculous and petty to send him out like a child in trouble and you end up giggling with them, back pressed against the door.
Satoru stays a week before the dam breaks. It's been a week of incessant teasing, flirting and constantly soaked panties.
You were supposed to be changing into your pajamas for the night but the second your shirt comes off, Suguru is behind you, hands cupping your tits, running his hands down your torso. He kisses his way from your lips to your neck and as his hands are making their way into the waistband of your shorts, Satoru barges into your bedroom.
That's when the switch flips. "Satoru, please," you say, reaching out for him.
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Dividers by @/enchanthings
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asheyxash · 2 days ago
ever heard of taking a break?
pairing: producer jihoon x reader troupe: already lovers genre(s): est. relationship, slight angst if you really really squint, fluff warning(s): like one f word in the whole thing word count: ~1.6k summary: taking care of a sick jihoon who refuses to blatantly admit he's caught a nasty cold when he's dying and struggling to breathe is not going to be easy, but you'll do anything for him, even if it means getting sick.
wanted to write this because i think jihoon is the type of person who would insist he's fine when he's not and also i MIGHT be getting sick so yeah, just a quick one that took me only 25 minutes HAHA :D
work all mine, no reposting without creds, no stealing of published work, copyrighted:D
pt 1 of jihoon short series, read pt 2, "love is the best medicine" here!
you panicked as you came from the nearby pharmacy, holding a bag full of healthy food and medicine, ready to play nurse to your sick boyfriend, only to be greeted by an empty house. jihoon had obviously gone to his studio even after claiming he would be at home lying in bed, resting. you sighed, knowing he was stubborn like that. like, if it was you, not that you wanted to be sick or anything, but if you just so happened to be down with something, you'd jump at the perfect opportunity to skip out on work, and here you had your boyfriend insisting he could go to work, yeah sure he could, with a massive headache and a 39 degree fever from this morning before you left to buy stuff, you wondered just how much progress he had made. grabbing your things, you rushed out to the hybe building, one hand full of bags for him and the other with your phone.
knocking on the door to universe factory, none other than his studio, you heard the faint sound of someone sniffling. "ji?" you whispered softly, as you heard the sound of the door click before it opened. "oh, babe, hi. what are you doing here?" his raspy voice gave everything away as you smirked, "i should be asking you that question. go home, you're obviously sick." he rolled his eyes and wiped his nose on his sleeve, "i'm fine." his congested voice did not sound, "fine" but you followed him in anyway, shutting the door gently behind you. "hoon, have you listened to yourself? you sound like a dying cockroach." you crossed your arms as he shrugged, "an interesting way to put it , but it's just a little cold. i'll be fine." "whatever, at least eat your medicine and maybe i don't know, rest or something? ever heard of taking a break?" you shoved the bag of medicine into his arms as he hesitantly took it from you. you sighed, rubbing your temples, "baby, i know you don't want to, but it's for your own good." his voice sounded terrible as he went into a sudden coughing fit, making you grimace in sympathy from just how horrible they sounded. this time, you knew it was a bad cold and there was no way you were letting him off. "lee jihoon." uh oh, the full name was out as he glanced up at you, looking sheepish. "eat and i expect you to rest. you need a break." you glared at him, your voice firm and stern as he gulped, pinching forward with a sneeze, making you narrow your eyes as if to prove your point. seeing how he wasn't budging, you smacked his thigh, "hoon, i'm serious. i'm here to take care of you, okay?" your voice softens, "you're not feeling well, i can tell. you really need to rest so why don't you take your medicine and we can go home?" jihoon groaned, "y/n, you know i love you, but i have so much to do, at least let me finish". he paused, his breath hitching as you handed him a tissue. he sniffled after blowing his nose, clearing his throat. "sorry, i said, at least let me finish writing the verses for this new song. please?"
how could you say no to him? you caved in, your tone steady, "fine, but eat your medicine first, you have a max of thirty minutes, and then we're out of here, do you hear me?"
"loud and clear." jihoon's words were so soft as you took out the medicine and spoon fed him. his whines and protests didn't stop you as you watched him like a hawk, making sure he wasn't overworking himself under your watchful eye. your gaze was fixed on the clock and him, as he worked, the endless typing on the keyboard representing every second that ticked by. you were almost certain he had struck up a higher fever, as you saw him delete and rewrite yet another sentence. okay, that was it. his fever was too high, he was probably delirious, and there was no way he was getting anything done.
you stood up, walking forward to his computer and before he could say anything, you used your hands to block his screen. "hey babe, i'm nearly done..." jihoon stopped himself with the urge to sneeze again as you pat him back softly. he sniffled, looking at you as you snapped, your words harsher than intended, "hoon, i swear, save everything. we are going home right now." you immediately regretted your sharp tongue as you pecked him on the cheek, pulling him close to you, "sorry for raising my voice, i didn't mean to get mad. i'm just frustrated you are pushing yourself when your face is plae white and you look like you might collapse of air any second so for the sake of you and me, let's go home now, okay?" to your surprise, jihoon immediately pushed you away gently as he took off his headset,. "okay, okay, but maybe not plant your lips on me when i'm sick? i don't want you to get whatever i'm battling right no....now", he sneezed in the middle of his words, for like the thirtieth time of the day as you clung onto him even more. "i don't care if i get sick, you're my priority, and besides, my immune system is strong as shit." you then flexed your muscles, kissing him on the lips, catching him by surprise.
"babe!" he lets his lips off yours as you giggle, practically dragging his ass out the door. you hung onto his arm as the both of you walked to your car, him practically wheezing and coughing the whole way. in the car, you put your hand on his forehead and immediately retracted it, "gee ji, i bet you can cook a whole ass egg on that forehead! you're burning up!" he shot you an incredulous look as you playfully flicked his forehead, mocking his words in his voice, "i'm fine"!" he huffed and gave you a pout, but when he groaned probably from his fever, your smile dropped at the sight of just how bad a cold had hit him. usually your boyfriend could get through being sick within two days, drinking loads of water and like one pill, but this time round, he was definitely suffering. as the two of you reached back to your house, you ordered him to go to the bed and lie down, and that tone in your voice made jihoon know you weren't joking. reluctantly, he trudged his way up the stairs, you were following behind him. at the last step, he stumbled slightly and alarmed, your fast reaction managed to hold him tight by the waist. "jihoon, bed, now." you pointed at the bed who looked welcoming, as jihoon's face grew red.
"i'll be up there with you shortly, let me just cook you some chicken soup first. go sleep if you can okay? get as much rest because i don't think you're fine." you then shooed him off, planting a quick kiss on his lips making him blush before skipping down to the kitchen to whip up something for your sick boyfriend. usually jihoon would complain, talk back, but this time he just listened, too tired to even speak as his body dived onto the bed under the covers. his body gave in, and when you came back up with the food, medicine, and a glass of water all prepared for him, you smiled to yourself at the sight of your boyfriend sprawled on the bed, hugging your favourite rabbit pillow like it was you. he was mumbling something in his sleep, which made you frown. as you stepped nearer him, you could hear him repeatedly muttering things like, "how did i manage to pull the world's most perfect girl? how is y/n so caring? how did the universe land me with such an amazing girlfriend? i love y/n so, so much. she can control me all day." his words melted your heart, your smile growing wider than ever before as you set the items down on the nightstand. you took a towel and wet it with cold water, before placing it down on jihoon's forehead, hoping it would lower his fever as you snuggled in beside him.
your arms were wrapped around his as you softly planted a rain of kisses on his face, before whispering, "i love you jihoon, a lot." somehow, it was as if your voice was a key to wake him up as he blinked his eyes open slowly, before looking left and right, as if in disbelief you were cuddled in right next to him. slowly, realisation hit that you were there, ruffling and playing with his hair as his weak voice made you notice he was awake, "y/n...i love you too, so much. thank you for taking care of me." you winked at him, leaning in for a kiss as he looked skeptical, "okay, but don't blame me if you get sick."
"nonsense hoon, i never get sick, i told you my immune system is strong as fuck." you waved him off, kissing him anyway, your hands wrapped around his face as you continued, "you know, i've never seen anyone who wants to work when they can call a sick day."
"maybe because i'm actually fine." he replied cheekily, although you knew he secretly adored all the attention he was getting from you. "yeah yeah whatever workaholic, ever heard of taking a break?" the both of you giggled as you hugged each other to sleep. as the two of you dozed off, you gave him one more kiss, before going into your land of dreams.
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deangirlsstuff67 · 2 days ago
On My Way
Beau Arlen x Reader
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Warnings: unprotected sex, p in v, cream pie, cum play, sexting, kitchen sex
Summary: Beau and y/n have been trying to conceive for months now. She takes an ovulation test and texts to let Beau know he has plans tonight. Beau takes baby making very serious.
For three months you and Beau have been trying to have a baby. Between his job taming him away all hours day and night, and Emily visiting you, it's hard to get a moment alone. Like your mother always told you, timing is everything.
Today, you've started to ovulate. At least, that's what the test says. It's a rare night where you actually get some alone time with your man.
Feeling frisky and impatient you decide to text Beau, letting him know what is whating for him when he gets home.
Hey baby. Can't wait for you to get home and fill me with your big, fat cock. I'm aching for it Beau.
Pushing send you leave your phone on the charger in your room. Smirking to yourself, knowing he will be hot and bothered all day now.
Beau's in his office with Jenny and Popcorn going over what they know about the current person of interest when his phone dings with a message.
You have your own special ring tone so he knows when to ignore it or when to answer. Sneaking a glance, his eyes bulge out of his head.
Instantly, he feels his dick twitch to life at the dirty images he has rolling around his mind currently.
"I don't think there is anything else we can do today." Jenny's voice breaks through the haze.
Oh thank God. He can get out of here and surprise you at home. Beau can feel the steady drip of per cum leaking from his hard cock at just the thought.
"Okay, yeah, let's meet back up tomorrow and see what our next move is."
Then he's grabbing his phone and keys and making a beeline straight for the door. No goodbye or anything. His on a mission and the longer he waits the more painful this erection is becoming.
You have your music playing as you are prepping supper. Singing and dancing around your kitchen, in your own little world. So much so you never heard Pedro pull into the driveway, never heard the front door open and close as your husband comes rushing in.
No, it wasn't until Beau was wrapping his strong forearms around your body that you realized your husband was home.
A squeal comes from your lips in surprise to the hard body at your back.
"Y/N you can't send me stuff like that while I'm at work." He pumps his hips into your butt so you can feel his erection.
"Can't concentrate when you do."
Spinning around in your husbands loving arms, you stretch to kiss his handsome face. How you got so lucky to have him in your life you’ll never know. Beau uses the move to his advantage as he picks you up and sits you on the counter top. Working his way down your neck, chest, getting rid of your over sized t-shirt exposing your bare breasts to his waiting mouth.
Using his tongue Beau plays with your nipples as his hands make their way to the front of your shorts. Without skipping a beat you help each other rid your body of your remaining clothing.
There you sit, bare and wet for your husband, “damn y/n I could come in my jeans from the sight of you… always do beautiful.”
A wicked smile graces his lips as you moan his name when he swipes his fingers through your slick pussy. Beau has always loved how your body reacts to his touch. So willing and wanting. Desperate to have his big, thick cock stretch you open until you see heaven.
You were made for him in every way.
Your delicate hands are working his jeans open as he teases your pussy repeatedly with those big fingers. “Beau please… need you so bad.”
“Shh… I got you baby. Going to make this sweet little thing feel so good and full.”
Thats the only warning you get before he is stretching you open on his cock. You’re so wet from his teasing he is able to slide rough to the hilt with one thrust. Buried deep in your warm heat.
Moans and grunts come from you both as he stills for a moment. You’re tight, he could fill that pussy up with his cum right now just from how your walls hold him so well inside you. Nothing beats this feeling. You make him feel like a teenage boy, always ready to cum.
Slowly he pulls back until just his tip is sitting inside you. A wink is all you get before he plows back into you fast and hard.
Beau is a sweet heart but when it comes to sex he loves it rough and hard. Wants you feeling his cock pounding into you for days. The man fucks like an animal and you are just along for the ride as you moan and whine with every thrust.
Big, thick, perfect dick splitting you in half every damn time. You couldn’t be happier. Doesn’t take long for both of you to near your orgasms. Your legs are draped over his shoulders so he can hit deeper inside you.
“Going to fill this pussy up so good baby… you’ll be leaking my cum for days.”
His words send you spiralling into your orgasm. Feeling the tightly wound coil snap in your body as you coat his cock with cum and squeeze him so tight he thrusts three more times before following you over the cliff and he buries himself deep inside your cunt and paints your walls white.
Beau filling you up sends after shocks through your well used pussy. Spasming around his dick as he unloads more cum then you can keep inside. Watching it leak around his cock, “fuck me” he whispers as he slowly pulls out.
Taking his fingers he collects the extra cum and starts to finger fuck it back into your used hole. Little by little he collects it all as well as send you into another small orgasm while he makes sure none of his cum gets wasted.
Kissing you softly as he rubs his hands all over your sore body. Yes Beau fucks like an animal but he loves you like a saint. Gently lifting you into his arms as he moves you to the bedroom and lays you on the bed you share. Cuddling beside you until you’re able to speak again.
“Well if that doesn’t get me pregnant I don’t know what will.”
Softly chuckling Beau stares into your y/e/c eyes, “don’t worry princess, I’ll keep fucking this beautiful pussy until you.”
Tag list:
@spnaquakindgdom @deansimpalababy @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee
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ssentimentals · 1 day ago
May I request 52. Fake death/Presumed dead with seungkwan? You can choose which of the two is presumed dead, but like they show up at the other's doorstep suddenly and the other person loses it (because they thought they had lost them forever, having realised they loved them too late) and it could be a confession scene or something too ♥️
I've enjoyed all your recent works btw 💜 you write so well
hellluuu honey! thank you so much for the kind words, glad that you're enjoying my works! and thank you for requesting, hopefully you'll like it! 💜
prompt: fake death/presumed dead
maybe you should've thought it through better. maybe showing up unnannounced at seungkwan's doorstep is not the most ideal way of letting him know that you're not dead. your legs took you here automatically, seungkwan's address memorized in your brain next to your home road because in some weird way this place is also your home - just like everything about seungkwan. too bad it took you faking your own death and disappearing for a month to realize that. you didn't know what to expect from seungkwan, but him opening the door, taking one look at you and then promptly shutting it right in your face was not it. 'um, seunkgwan? hello?'
you can't blame him. you have no idea how you would've reacted if places were switched, so. the door slowly opens again and this time doesn't close immediately. seungkwan stares at you in silence, moving to the side to let you in. he looks - horrible. 'did something...happen?' you question anxiously. a lot could've happened in one month.
seungkwan shuts the door after you loudly. 'you mean apart from my best friend dying?' he asks with a venom dripping from his voice. 'no, nothing else.'
you swallow. there's so much to say, so much to explain - you came here prepared to tell him everything, but now it all looks pointless. you can say so much, but will it make it better? will it turn back the time? you hesitantly take a step back. 'i'm sor-'
seungkwan chuckles. he rubs his face with his hands, exhaling loudly. 'did something happen?' he echoes your question back to you. 'yeah, a lot happened. for once, as i said, my best friend died. and then almost a month later i learn that apparently she's not dead from our boss. said boss also tells me that i am not allowed to see her ever again. interesting, right? very cool. so-'
'seungkwan,' you calll with a trembling voice. 'i'm sor-'
'so i start rising hell there, naturally. because what do you mean i can't see her? oh, have i already mentioned how during this whole month i learned that i love her? that she's the most important person in my life, that she is my everything, that without her life is not really life?'
you gasp. seungkwan's almost shouting at this point, not looking at you. he looks like he's going to break, like there's a tipping point somewhere there, like one more push and he'll fall. 'kwannie...'
'are you going to disappear again?' he demands, finally looking up at you. there are unshed tears in his eyes and it breaks your heart to see him like that. 'are you going to leave again?'
again. slowly you come closer to him, afraid of crossing the boundary but needing to be close. 'seungkwan-'
'because if yes then i'm not letting you,' he interrupts, angry. 'i will lock you up here, i will leave with you, i don't know, i will do something crazy but i will not let you leave me again. i will-'
'i love you too,' you interrupt him this time firmly, looking into his eyes. these words were sitting on the tip of your tongue for too long. seungkwan freezes and you smile gently. 'i love you too, boo seungkwan. life without you is not life for me, too.'
there's so much to talk about, to explain, to tell him. all of it can wait though, because being wrapped in his arms when he's holding you tight is more important. hugging him back as tight as you can, kissing him, letting tears flow freely - all of that is more important, at least for now.
a/n: i think this might've been the hardest topic to write? i'm very bad with anything death related, so hopefully this was up to your liking anonie, let me know <3 - nini
request your own here
my other seventeen work is here
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starmocha · 2 hours ago
Xiiiiiuuu 💕
it's a brand new Monday, I had a dream with zayne that left me with some searing doubts and i wanna make it everyone's problem:
seeing the guys breaking for being so pent up after days apart from mc is cute and all
but what about a really pent up mc who's also ovulating and she hasn't seen her men in almost a month coz of a silly, classified mission that had her traveling everywhere and put her in a routine where she was too exhausted to do anything else but sleep once she was at the hotel
any kind of text she exchanged with the guys would sometimes get real flirty (initiated by her coz they're all gentlemen and the thing that mattered the most was if she was OK) but she'd end up falling asleep and frustrating herself
so when she comes back, she's pampered by them and they're really just happy she's back and she's ok but this girl is ravenous, and she's climbing on top of them and straddling them and grinding her hips and she's so eager that they have to hold her in place so they can even take a proper look at her face coz really, they can wait, she's tired, they don't have to do anything, they're just soooo fucking happy to be holding her again
and she's looking at them like they're all made of stars and love and she leans in, steals a kiss and while her face is red, cheeks hurting, her voice does not tremble at all when she whispers that she wants to feel them everywhere, and when theur hold on her gets a little tighter, fingers digging into her flesh, she adds that she wants to feel them in all of her holes 🙂
my question is: which of the guys just fucking loses it the hardest? i think all of them would short circuit a bit and almost cum on the spot tbh but they'd fulfill all of her wishes coz they just love her so much
(I'm blaming zayne for this question. blaming him and the desperate way he's always kissing mc. you fall asleep listening to silent poem for the billionth time and this is the result. damn you sexy snowman)
I love a take charge MC. We stan. Get that dicc, girlie. ��
Ok I accidentally wrote more than yap, so............I had a lot of thoughts........ 🙂 this will be on ao3, too.....
I feel like Xavier would break first. She just needs to mess with him a little and she'll get what she wants lol whereas Sylus would probably have the most control. Of course, he would lose it, too, but only after making sure she is truly wet for him. Anyhoo.................................
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tit for tat
Xavier gets hard instantly, because what did his girl just fucking say to him? He knows they've been on different assignments lately and have had minimal contact, but surely that wasn't the reason she came back so... frisky, right? He's stammering, hands on her waist as she assaults him with kisses. It's not that he wants to stop her, but he wants to make sure she realizes what she is asking of him.
He's trying so hard to be a gentleman, but with the way she's grinding down on him, kissing him so hard, and then having the audacity to tease him finally made him snap. Before she realizes she had flipped a switch in him, he had pressed her down into the couch cushions, and he gives her The Xavier Stare Down™. She breathes in sharply. She's familiar with the way his eyes darken. In typical Xavier's fashion, he makes sure her legs are spread for him, and he chastises her, "You shouldn't have teased me so much. I would have been nicer to you."
She acts coy, letting him think he has control over her, but little does Xavier know, she wanted mean Xavier to take over. She anticipates he's going to help her relieve all of her... pent up energy.
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sex on the beach
Rafayel is flustered. She had just said what?!
This isn't what he had thought would happen tonight. He had planned the perfect welcome home celebration for Miss Bodyguard. An exclusive reservation at one of the top-starred seafood restaurants, a walk on the beach, catching up under the stars, slowly reigniting the flame between them...
But she's in no mood to take it slow. She practically jumps him the moment they are back in his studio, and he finds himself dodging her advances, hiding behind canvases and the couch as she prowls to him like a lioness with her prey. He has never seen her like this before, and before things could escalate any further, Thomas calls his phone, immediately cockblocking the poor girl to her irritation. Normally, she likes Thomas, but this time, she is already planning his early retirement as Rafayel's agent.
After hanging up, Rafayel takes control of the situation again, saying with feigned disappointment that since the mood is ruined, they might as well still head out and continue with his original plans. She begrudgingly agrees, but throughout the whole dinner at the restaurant, Rafayel could see how frustrated she is. Not at him, per se, but she seems anxious to speed through dinner as quickly as possible.
Later when they walk along the beach together, his hand intertwined with hers and Rafayel is describing what he did during her absence, how boring everything was without her, and if it weren't for the secrecy of her mission, he would've bought a ticket and flew straight to her immediately. This makes her pause, and Rafayel looks at her with confusion.
She starts tearing up suddenly and asks why he was avoiding her earlier then if he claims to have missed her just as much as she had missed him. Immediately, he starts to panic a little, never expecting her to cry. He starts stammering out an explanation, saying he didn't think she was thinking clearly and he didn't want to take advantage of the situation.
She stops him. Suddenly, Rafayel finds himself pushed back, landing in the water, completely soaked. Before he could react, she straddles him and gently holds his chin up, making him look at her.
He realizes she was faking everything the whole time. He scoffs in disbelief, feeling foolish for falling for her ploy. "Crocodile tears, Miss Bodyguard?"
"How else would I get you to take me seriously?" she purrs against his ear, and his breath hitches. Her arms are around his neck, body pressing closer to him. She is just as soaked as he is now, he realizes, feeling the wet fabric cling to her body, his mind shifting focus to the slow grinds of her hips against him and his heart accelerating with every roll.
"This area is private," she whispers into his ear, noting the way it almost immediately turned red at her suggestive words. "Remember when I ordered a 'sex on the beach' earlier during dinner?"
"...Y-yeah..." His throat is dry, his mind already knowing what she is about to say next.
"I wasn't asking for a cocktail."
Immediately, his hands slip under the skirt of her dress, and he pauses almost as quickly, meeting her seductive gaze with surprise. "When did you—"
"They were already soaked before we left the studio. Seemed silly to change when you're just going to take them off anyway, right my fishie?"
He's going to lose his mind, but he gives into her spell, gladly and willingly ready to submit to her whims, to fall deeply into lust with her and drown in this pleasure.
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on the same page
Zayne is picking her up from the airport and she nearly jumps on him. At first, Zayne thinks she's just excited to see him again. He misses her, too, and just kisses her back as normal.
Or so he thought.
The moment she gets in his car, she's grabbing his tie and tugging him to her into another heated kiss, surprising him with her boldness. He struggles to stop her, reminding her that they're still in public.
"So, if we're alone, then it's no problem, right?"
He knows what she's suggesting, but he doesn't comment on it. Instead, he buckles her seatbelt for her, intentionally ignoring the pout she gives him. During the drive back to their home, though, she notices how his large hand is covering her thigh, stroking and squeezing every so often. She steals a peek at him, but Zayne remains pokerfaced, and in fact, he is just conversing with her about mundane things. Still, she can't ignore the way his hand feels on her thigh in this moment, already wishing they were home now so he could pry her legs apart and see just how wet she already is for him.
The minute they are home and alone inside the house, Zayne drops his gentlemanly act. She is all over him again, more eager than before, because within the privacy of their home, there is no reason she needs to be discreet about her intents, right?
He lifts her into his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist as he presses her to the closest wall and his lips are all over hers as well. They're getting breathless, becoming delirious with desire for one another. He hears what she says, what she wants from him.
How convenient that this is what he wants, too, and if she's giving him her permission, then who is he to deny her this?
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what an honor
Sylus is just delighted, because what did she just say to him?
He hasn’t misheard her, but he couldn’t help but messes with her a little, never imagining there would ever be a day that he would hear such bold, crass words out of the lovely Miss Hunter’s mouth.
"Sweetie, some men might misconstrue what you had just said—"
"You and I both know there is only one man I would say this to."
Fair point. He feels rather honored that she desires him in such a way, and he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about her recently in a more... intimate nature.
He gets pulled back to the present, falling prey to her relentless kisses. He had missed the way her body feels on his, loving how she is finally being greedy and selfish, acting on her instincts and wanting to use him for her pleasure.
What she wants, he will give it to her.
And if what she wants is him... well then, he has always ever been hers and no one else's.
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complete authority
Caleb is going to lose his fucking mind.
With their mismatched schedules lately, it's been difficult to see one another. Instead of arranging a day to meet up in Linkon or Skyhaven or even elsewhere in the world, Caleb comes home one day to find her already in his house in Skyhaven, waiting for him on the couch.
She has a key.
His home is her home.
And Caleb... well, Caleb is also hers. All hers. And she wants him now.
When he approaches her, she is already grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulling him down on top of her. She's kissing him with so much force, not even bothering with the "hello, how are you" small talks. She needs him now. He's getting lost in her, enjoying the feel of her beneath him. He's kissing her back, getting pulled into the same haze of arousal as her. Things get even more heated as the minutes pass, their breathless gasps and moans filling the silence in his home. By now, he is practically humping her, because fuck, he's pent up, too. It's been weeks apart and the company of the Farspace Fleet is nothing compared to being with her.
His hands are tugging down her skirt, but he freezes when she tells him that.
"A-all of them?" he questions back, red-faced, half out of embarrassment, but the other half was complete arousal at the thought that she would let him use her like that, wanting him to fill all of her.
Feeling his bulge against her own arousal, she smiles back to him mischievously. "Did I stutter?"
He laughs and presses his forehead to hers before kissing her quickly. "You little... alright, be a good girl."
He's kissing her back with the same fervor, reminding her, "Whatever you want is what I'll offer to you."
And that includes the authority to command him.
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starkeynation · 1 day ago
The Last Time
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Inspired by The Last Time by Taylor Swift
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Rafe’s pov
It’s pouring and i find myself at her door just like all those times before, I’m not sure how i got there it’s like all roads they lead me here.
My y/n, is getting married in two weeks- how did we get here? How can i just let her go?
Sure, we fought—a lot. But we always found our way back to each other, didn’t we? It wasn’t healthy and it’s not normal for couples to break up a thousand time and get back together again, I know that. But maybe nothing about us was ever normal. And that never changed the fact that I truly love her.
A warm light spills from her bedroom window, casting a glow onto the wet pavement. I figured she’s home.
I ring the bell before I can talk myself out of it, my heart pounding louder than the rain.
A few beats later, the door swings open. And there she is.
"Rafe?" Her voice is laced with exhaustion, eyes widening in disbelief. “Why are you here?”
“I don’t know what’s gotten into me..all i know is i just walked here all the way from my house.” I swallow hard, searching for the right words. "I need to talk to you, okay?"
She exhales sharply, shaking her head. “Rafe,how much more is there to say? I’m so tired of this. We’re done. We’ve been done. I’m literally getting married in two weeks.”
“I know,” I say quickly. “That’s why I’m here. Just please, hear me out.”
“No.” She steps back, her voice firm. “I’m not playing this game anymore. Just go home.”
She’s about to shut the door but I stopped her, “please y/n, this is the last time okay I promise,” I plead, my voice laced with desperation. “I’m not here to fight or ask you take me back. This time i really want to apologize for my wrongdoings and clear everything up, okay?”
She shakes her head, “i think I’ve heard enough apologies over the past years from you, Rafe. I’m not interested in hearing another one,” she says with cold detachment.
“Go back home,” she orders before shutting the door.
I take a deep breath, closing my eyes as the rain continues to drench me.
"I'm not leaving," I say, loud enough for her to hear through the door. "Not until you hear me out. I don’t care if I freeze out here. I’m not leaving."
Silence. Then, footsteps retreating.
She doesn’t care.
But I do.
I know I’ll regret this if I don’t say what I need to say—if I don’t try one last time before she gets married and I lose her forever.
Y/n’s Pov:
He finds himself at my door just like all those times before. He wears his best apology but I was there to watch him leave.
And all the times i let him in, just for him to go again, disappear when he comes back.
This time I’m done.
I won’t buy any of his words anymore but standing right before his eyes after no contact for almost two years, I can’t help it. My heart is aching.
After I shut the door behinds me, I try to ignore it. I go back to my room, force myself to stay still. But the longer I sit there, the harder it becomes to ignore the sound of the rain hammering down outside.
He’s still there.
Minutes pass. Maybe more.
And then, against my better judgment, I get up.
I open the door.
He’s shivering, drenched, his lips slightly blue. He looks up at me with those stupidly familiar eyes, and something inside me cracks.
I sigh, stepping aside. “Come in before you get sick.” This is the last time I’ll let him in my door.
But before I can pull him in, he grabs my hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "Come with me."
He pulls me into the rain “What?” I frown.
“Rafe, I just showered—”
“Dance with me.”
I blink at him. “Are you insane?”
“I promise y/n, this is the last thing I’ll ever ask from you,” he says, his voice quieter now, raw and honest. "Just dance with me."
And maybe it’s the rain, or maybe it’s the way his hands settle around my waist like they belong there, but I let him pull me into a slow dance—right there, in the middle of the downpour.
If anyone would sees us right now, they’d think we’re crazy. Maybe we are.
I know this is wrong.
But in that moment, nothing else exists.
No past. No future. No reasons why. Just us.
The rain begins to slow, turning into a gentle drizzle. And then, in a barely audible whisper, he says, "I probably won’t be there to ask you for a dance at your wedding… so please, let me have this one now."
My breath hitches.
Tears well in my eyes because—God—it hits me. We’ve known each other for so long. Back when we were still friends we’ve talked how we gonna be there at each other’s wedding and how I hoped that I’ll marry him when we were together. He will always be my first love.
Now, I’m not marrying him and how I wish he wouldn’t be at the wedding cause I don’t think I could handle seeing his face there.
"Rafe…" My voice trembles.
He pulls me closer, resting his forehead against mine, his hands shaking. "I’m too much of a coward to look you in the eyes, so just listen, okay?"
I nod, my heart in my throat.
"I'm sorry for everything," he murmurs. "We’ve known each other for so long. We were best friends before we ever dated, and maybe that’s why I couldn’t accept that we were better off that way. Maybe that’s why I kept holding on, even when I knew we were breaking each other. But I want you to know that I’m happy for you. I really am. You deserve a love that doesn’t hurt. A love that’s easy. And I—I hope he gives you that."
Tears slip down my cheeks.
"This is the last time I'll ever come here. The last time for everything," he continues. "Please be happy. And please… please know that I truly love you. Even if we’re just meant to be friends in the end."
I lift my head, finally meeting his gaze.
I don’t know what to say.
Because maybe… maybe a part of me still loves him, too.
But I also know this is for the best.
"You will always be my first love, Rafe," I whisper.
A small, broken smile tugs at his lips. He cups my face, pressing his forehead against mine.
And for a moment, I let myself wonder.
If things had been different.
If we had been different.
If it were this lips in front of me that I’d be kissing when I say “I do” in two weeks.
Then, softly—so softly—he presses a lingering kiss to my forehead.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
And then, he lets go.
He takes a step back.
And just like that—
With my whole body drenched, tears falling, i watch him walk away.
“This is the last time.”
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A/N: FINALLY no more draft angst🥳 also I’ve always wanted to slow dance in the middle of the rain to The Last Time hence, the story😇 and eid mubarak to those celebrating!
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bun-z-bakery · 1 day ago
What Used To Be
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Pairing.  Rich/Dogday x Gn!Reader
 Warnings/Tags. Rich is Dogday HC, slight forbidden love if you squint, short fic
Words. 779
Works Menu | Ao3 | Kofi
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Playtime Co. wasn't like any toy factory. Not only did they invent and create toys in such a massive facility, but within its depths was an orphanage that housed children. Your fiancé was lucky enough to secure a well-paying job as a mascot and you as the children's caretaker. However, there was a slight issue.
Work relationships were prohibited.
After all, you were working around children, so you couldn't argue with the rule.
"Alright, kiddos, it's lunchtime!"
You clap your hands, gaining the children's attention. Your kids were rather well-behaved, and you were forever grateful for that; they would always line up, clean their toys, do their work, and sleep on time when asked. "Dogday kiddos," you called them, as they were just as cheerful and obedient as he was.
The children lined up one by one, and once the headcount was done, you began to lead them toward the cafeteria
"Excuse me!" one of the kids raised her little hand. You and your kids kept walking as you spoke to her.
"Yes, little sun?"
You responded softly.
"Where is Mr.Dogday?"
Dogday would often accompany you to take the kids to the cafeteria, so you figured Rich, your fiancé and the one who brought Dogday to life, might have been caught up with other responsibilities.
"I'm unsure; let's see if he's waiting for us!"  
You exclaimed, earning a smile from the little girl, who was satisfied with your answer.
Opening the doors of the cafeteria, you move aside to let the kids in
"No running!"
You reminded them as you watched them take their assigned seats. With the kids occupied, it was time for your lunch; the other caretakers would take over. Before you could turn around, you felt someone tap your shoulder; turning around, you're met with a giant orange dog head with a grin rivaling the Cheshire cats.
"Hello there, Dogday! how can I help you?"
You turn yourself to face him. Dogday only laughs and places his hands on his hips.
"Lunchtime, my love!"
He whispers the last part. You hated needing to be discreet, but working with the man you loved felt like a dream come true, especially because after work, you can relax at home and talk about work drama and how you both lived for work drama.
"Let's go, Mr.Dogday!"
You take his giant paw and lead him to the break room. A few of your co-workers sat eating their lunches and chattering among themselves.
Rich exhales as he removes the DogDay head and bodysuit and places the mascot on the table next to Hoppy and Picky's.
"Oh crap."
You whispered, earning some "ooo's" from the employees as if you saw the most heinous thing in front of one of the orphans.
"Something wrong?"
Rich asks as he pulls a chair for you, expecting you to sit.
"I forgot my lunch in my locker. I'll be back in a second!"
You rush out. You knew Rich would wait for you before he began to eat. Rich, being the man he was, follows you to your locker.
"I said I'll be back in a second."
You laughed at yourself as he followed you like a lost puppy.
"I'm sorry for not being there with the kids. The boss kept me busy…"
His mood changed. Your boss was an odd one; he never told anyone who was a lower worker what was going on. One day, he'd say one thing. The next is something entirely different. A shady individual, but you couldn't complain. Even though your pay grade wasn't as high as Rich's, it was still somewhat decent.
"Hey, I managed to wrangle our kiddos all by myself. I deserve a reward."
He chuckles as he leans forward, placing a soft and longing kiss on your lips. Sadly, it did not last very long, considering you were both still at work; anyone could've walked in and reported you. Somehow, you both managed to dodge the bullet each time.
As he breaks away from the kiss, wrapping his arms around you and placing his chin on your forehead, he lets out a soft "hm."
You knew he was in his head again whenever he fell silent. Finally, he says in a whisper.
"Once we get out of this hell hole, I promise to give you the wedding you deserve."
You both worked day in and day out to finally have the wedding you both dreamed of: a beautiful reception dressed up in the most exquisite wedding attire. You were each other's goal, and you made sure to strive to reach it every single day you came to work.
Sadly, that day never came.
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A/N Hope you enjoyed! sorry for not posted much, burn out hit me hard >.<.
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shelby-fangirl00 · 1 day ago
The Nanny
Chapter 1
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Summary: Winnie Carter leaves her life in Small Heath to take a job at the Arrow House. While Winnie is secretive about her life back in Birmingham, Thomas is determined to break down her walls and find out the truth of her identity. His odd obsession confuses both Thomas and Winnie and he will go to all lengths to find out what makes Winnie tick. (Multiple parts) (Multiple POVs)
Authors note: Bear with me as I may be a bit rusty since I haven't wrote in over a year now.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI!!! Smut in upcoming chapters, next chapter will be Tommy's POV
I inhaled the cool autumn air that whipped around me as I marveled at the mansion. Arrow House. This place had history, long before the gangster took over ownership. It was hard to imagine someone who was born and raised in small heath, like myself, ended up in a place like this. I glanced behind me as the car drove off, leaving me and my suitcases behind. For a second, I thought of flagging them down to take me back home. But I couldn't. My son needed me to be here. He was the only reason I was here.
I carried my luggage up the steps and awkwardly knocked twice on the giant double doors that seemed to tower over me. An older woman in a maids uniform answered and smiled sweetly at me.
"Welcome! Please come in!" Her tone was warm and kind and I already felt safe in her presence. Her grey hair was pinned up in a tight bun and her black dress was perfectly unwrinkled.
"So nice to meet you. it's Winnie, by the way." I stuck my hand out to shake hers.
"Francis. It's so lovely to have you here. We've all been anxiously awaiting your arrival, as well as Charles. First, bring your bags and I'll show you to your room." I could barely focus on what she was saying as I marveled at the inside of that place.
I followed Francis through the maze of a mansion. The ceilings were so high and everything seemed to be in pristine condition, I was almost scared of touching anything in that museum of a home. We went up a winding staircase. As we walked up and up and up, the walls were lined with family portraits of the Shelby's, from what I assumed. A very beautiful woman with golden hair seemed to be the most notable of the portraits, as there were several of them. I would assume this was Mr.Shelby's wife. There was also portraits of her and a stoic looking man as well, which must be him. He was different than I pictured...
We stopped at the very top floor, finally making it to a row of rooms in a dark narrow hallway, which I assumed were for the employees who resided here.
"There are two shared washrooms on each end of the hallway. My room is just a few doors down from yours and I'm a bit of a night owl so if you need something throughout the night, don't be a stranger." She smiled as she unlocked the door with what looked like a master key and revealed a small room with a bed, a dresser and a small closet. This was similar to my room at home, which was more than I expected already. There was a window above my bed that overlooked the horse stables, which was nice. Francis stated that only her room and this one had a window, so I was grateful. I plopped my suitcases on top of the bed.
"It's lovely in here, thank you, Francis."
"Don't thank me, dear. The head of household assigns the rooms, so you can thank Mr.Shelby when you meet him. In fact, Mr.Shelby will be in tonight and has requested to have dinner with you."
Francis must have seen the panic on my face because she giggled and walked towards me.
"He usually does this with any of the staff that works directly with his son. He is quite protective. You can use the rest of the day to unpack your things and get settled. There is also a small wash bin stored in your closet as well if you wanted to freshen up in here. After dinner, I can give you a tour of this place. We can discuss how everything will work later tonight. Any questions?"
My brain short circuited, because the last thing I wanted to do was sit through a painfully awkward dinner with this man.
"Is there anything I should know about Mr.Shelby before I meet him?"
Francis smiled as if she was amused.
"He aims to be feared. He has a hard exterior but as long as you address him properly and respect him, his house and family, you'll have nothing to worry about. And answer any questions he asks truthfully, because he will find out either way."
I sat at the enormous dining table and almost had the urge to laugh. This place was almost ridiculous. Who needed all of this shit? The table could sit at least 20 people. Francis had me sit right beside Mr.Shelby's seat at the end of the table. I wrung my hands together in anticipation, waiting for him to come in. I knew nothing about him aside from that fact that he is a Peaky Blinder and had made quite the name for himself. Ironically, I was from Birmingham and my son and mother currently resided in a flat there. I remember seeing them around town as a teenager, but mother always cautioned us to keep our heads down and walk on the opposite side of the street when we saw the Blinders. I was always curious though. I did have a friend that used to fuck one of the Shelby brothers, John, from time to time and she would tell me all kinds of horror stories about them. But I always took it with a grain of salt, as everyone in town seemed to be fascinated by them, including me at one point.
I wondered if Mrs.Shelby would also be at this diner tonight. I assumed she would like talk to the woman who would be taking care of her son every day, but Francis hadn't mentioned her yet.
I wore a simple blue dress with black stockings and black heels, hoping this was acceptable enough for a formal dinner, as I had never been to one of these before. I pinned my blonde hair in a loose bun, strands dangling out nicely, framing my face. Just as I took a drink of water (which I wished Francis would've gave me something stronger), Francis came walking in through the foyer with a man in toe behind her. I stood from my chair and waited to be introduced.
"Mr.Shelby, this is Winnie, the new nanny. Winnie, Mr.Shelby."
I nearly choked on my own spit at the sight of this man. Have I ever seen a man this swoon-worthy I thought to myself. His portraits were handsome, but nothing could capture the essence of this man. His jawline was hard and his eyes were a crystal-like blue. Freckles danced across his cheeks. He had an expensive navy blue suit on that made his shoulders look particularly broad. He couldn't have been over 35.
His eyes pierced through me in a demanding way. He stuck out a large hand decorated in gold rings and I placed my frail hand in his, making a point to firmly shake it, trying to not show how weak my knees were at this point. I still saw no sign of his wife, which was curious. I would have to ask Francis about this later.
"Thomas Shelby. Pleased to meet you Winnie...?"
"Winnie Carter, sir." He eyed me curiously, but his face remained uninterested and emotionless.
We both sat down and Francis left to bring out the food.
"I'm glad you could fill in on such short notice. We cut our last nanny loose a few weeks ago." He didn't give me any more explanation as to why she was fired and I didn't dare to ask.
"Thank you for the opportunity, Mr.Shelby. I'm confident I will live up to your expectations."
I tried to remain calm and not stare at him like a lunatic, but he was magnetic and it was hard not to. An uncomfortable silence fell between us and then Francis returned, setting a plate of food in front of both of us. Chicken and potatoes with carrots. Not being shy, I dug into my food. I hadn't eaten a warm meal in days. I could feel him watching me as I scarfed down my food, so I awkwardly put my fork down and looked into his eyes. He hadn't touched his food.
"Do you drink, Mrs.Carter?" I couldn't help but giggle. Mr.Shelby raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Mrs.Carter would be my mother, sir. I'm not married."
He hummed before responding. "My apologies. Rude of me to assume. Anyways, do you drink?" As if on cue, Francis set a glass of what I assume was whiskey in front of him.
"Is this a trick question? If it is, I am a very proper lady who only drinks champagne during celebrations."
He chuckled, downed his glass and eyed me again, his finger tapping on the empty glass. This time, he lingered on my face and I swore his eyes dropped to my lips. "No tricks, you don't technically start work until tomorrow morning."
"In that case, yeah I drink whiskey." Another smirk.
"I should've guessed that. Francis, please bring a bottle out for me and Ms.Carter." I physically recoiled at such a proper way to refer to me.
"Forgive me sir, but I prefer to be called Winnie, or just Win."
"Winnie it is. So, I'm sure Francis told you, but I usually meet with anyone who will be working with my son, Charlie. I need to get to know you and make sure your intentions are pure."
My intentions? Did he think I was a spy or a kidnapper or something?
I nodded my head and poured out a drink for myself after Francis set the bottle and a glass in front of us. I downed the liquid in a gulp and handed him the bottle.
He poured himself another drink for him and I as well. We clinked our glasses together and downed them again.
"You're from Small Heath then?"
For fuck sake. Of course my voice gave me away. I thought about making up an elaborate lie, but Francis warned me to be truthful.
“Born and raised. Me family still lives there."
He tilted his head and smiled genuinely this time.
"Isn't that curious...How old are ya?"
"26 next week."
He nodded his head.
"I think I know of your family. Your father works in one of our coal factories?"
I nodded then. "Yep. Worked there me whole life. Mum stayed home."
"Big family?"
I poured first, trying to avoid any conversation about my son.
"Not big at all" is all I said.
"Hmm." I avoided his eyes and let them fall into the drink as I downed my third glass. I decided not to drink anymore tonight. It felt like he could sense my deception. It's not like I was lying...I just wasn't telling the full story. I am entitled to my privacy.
I finally looked up and caught his eyes falling down my figure, shamelessly. A shiver ran up my spine and goosebumps broke out on my thighs. Christ, I cannot get involved with a married man, let alone my employer.
He placed his elbows on the table top and leaned in closer to me. My heart skipped in my chest.
"Do you have anything you want to ask me, Winnie? Nothing is off the table." My name coming out of his mouth in that low and gravelly voice made my legs shake. I inhaled sharply.
My mouth popped open and his eyes shot to my mouth next, waiting for me to say something. I felt myself leaning closer to him now as well.
"Are you as scary as they say you are?" I whispered in a childlike fashion, trying to stay casual.
The smile that formed across his face was devious and his eyes almost turned black.
"Yeah, I am" he stated curtly and leaned back into his chair, still leaving his plat untouched.
"I'll let you in on a secret, Winnie. I only need to actually be scary if ya cross me. You won't cross me, right love?"
I gulped and shook my head no. "Of course not, sir. I don't have a reason to."
Which is true, I don't. I am here to make money and to support my son.
"You seem trustworthy enough. I hope I don't spook you off too soon. My boy Charlie is a fairly easy child to get along with. He is only 3 years old and as of lately, Francis has been taking care of him. He loves horses more than anything. He likes to be outside as much as possible, so be prepared to be in the stables regularly. Francis will fill you in with all of the details and we will talk again tomorrow night about how your first day went. Any more questions?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat from his sudden change in demeanor. He no longer was flirtatious and interested, he was now distant and professional, so I was too.
"None at this time, Mr.Shelby."
"Good, now go ahead and eat and I'll finish in my study. Good luck with Charlie." He said as he stood and sauntered out of the dining hall, leaving his plate of food untouched and at the table.
What the fuck just happened?
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linkons-most-wanted · 3 days ago
Decoherence reaction 💫🍎
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I had my gems and stamina saved, so of course I had to get both memories immediately and watch them today 🥺 There will be spoilers below but Tumblr mobile doesn't respect the "keep reading" content break so I'm gonna try to make sure this is long enough and spoiler-free before the break. 😅
While I kinda wish the event had a mini game, I love how beautiful and thematic it is. Having moments in the main timeline that sort of quietly mirror the myth timeline is always just, yes, yum.
Alright, from this point, DECOHERENCE SPOILERS BELOW.
Okay, first off, this myth is so sci-fi and I LOVE that we're getting something futurey! I also love the medieval and fairy tale vibes, it's just great to get the variety and I think Caleb's such a good character for it.
First off, the name of the myth Decoherence, specifically references the concept from Quantum Mechanics. I'll dig deeper into it and get the verbatim quotes as I add the myth to my lore database, but for now, recall how the experiment summaries mention issues of quantum entanglement between them and planet-ending consequences if their energy is allowed to resonate too much. Caleb mentions an "interference module", and in quantum physics, Decoherence describes when "interference effects are artificially or spontaneously suppressed". Note here that "interference" in quantum mechanics means that one particle can affect the other. So, poetically, decoherence describes the way that the modifications are preventing MC and Caleb from being together.
Creation and destruction
But it goes a layer deeper. MC and Caleb's power is "from the same source" and their powers are Destruction (destructio) and Creation (creatio) respectively. Creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin, and many religions and belief systems venerate both gods/concepts of creation and destruction. For example, part of what Yin & Yang represents is creation and destruction.
Notably, the "energy signature" of Caleb in CN is 新生 which is more directly translated as "rebirth". I think this is a notable nuance because then both A-01 and X-02 have had "rebirth" energy, which foreshadows their rebirth into the main timeline. I trust the localization in tha I agree that "Creation" is clearest in setting up these themes, but I think it's worth noting that it can also be understood as "rebirth", especially since MC specifically mentions feeling a "sense of rebirth" (iirc during her vision at the end, but I'll have to double check).
Primordial chaos
So, what is the shared source of creation and destruction? Primordial Chaos itself. Creation and Destruction cycle around each other, sustaining life as we know it, and whenever they are truly combined, all that can exist is the infinite void but also infinite potential. I'm pretty sure it's early in this myth that MC/A-02 mentions thinking that she and Caleb are perhaps destined to always orbit around each other--this is a reference to the cycle of creation/destruction, which is also explicitly mentioned in the excerpts from the Philosian history book.
And not only that, but when MC and Caleb have their shared fate of destruction at the end of the Loneroad Together kindled scene, we see a celestial phenomenon begin at their location--something akin to a star exploding. But then MC has a vision right after of new stars being born, and a voice saying "let's go home". So, we see that when Creation and Destruction are united, the world ceases to exist--but the cycle still continues and the world is reborn from the chaos/void again.
It's subtle, but I think this supports the idea that the writers are setting us up to see Philos and Earth as a time loop. By having the events of Philos be in the "future" but also happen "before" the main timeline, you set up the idea of a loop/ouroborus. Caleb/X-02 "remembers" earth but is also heading to earth. The main story also has specific mentions of the Traceback II being caught in an "endless loop" as it attempts to get to Earth.
Power exchange
What I also think is so beautiful about this story is that both MC and Caleb here are vessels for that power. Either can hold the power of creation or destruction--it's not specifically gendered. Though Caleb ends up carrying the more "taboo" power of destruction, he started with the power of creation, and it's specifically because he had that creative, compassionate power that he decided to take on MC's fate of carrying the power of destruction.
We're in this together
On a very personal level, I love that this iteration of MC refuses to let him die by himself. She understands that their fates and their powers are fundamentally interconnected. It's absolutely no criticism of the story, but both of Zayne's myths and Xavier's Shooting Star myth have this theme of the LI abandoning/leaving MC in order to save her, and ugh, it kills me. (They made me cry, they're such good stories, but whyyyyyy) So I loved that MC here was like "absolutely not, what kind of life will I have if I lose my only friend?"
Comparing to other myths
Overall, I think this myth was exactly what we saw on the wrapper. Especially with one of the Kindled moments being pretty clearly the end of the story and them dying together (I say this as someone who's very familiar with the tropes here, not that it should have been obvious to everyone) I got the setup and the arc that I'd expect.
It's an interesting contrast to the other myths, which I felt like kept me guessing more. It may just be the bias of tropes I'm familiar with, or that they kept the story more straightforward here (but it's still very impactful, don't get me wrong).
Notably, we now also have both Sylus's and Caleb's myths seeming to depict Philos's end-of-days, which hints at parallel timelines and perhaps that the 6th LI's Philos myth will also be apocalyptic.
What's in a name?
I immediatley had the sense that something was getting lost in translation when MC names Caleb in the first part of the myth. In EN, they decided to have her basically come up with an anagram that took me like, waaaay too long to figure out: "Calming, encouraging, bright... Caleb".
In CN she just says the name, 夏以書, Xia Yishu. (In simplified CN it's 以昼, Yizhou, per the wiki.) Notably, 夏 (Xia) is the character for the adjective form of summer (!!!) which relates to that being such a key theme for them.
以昼, the simplified CN name, translates as "daytime", literally "by day". (書 can also mean "day" but it has more alternate translations so the machine translation struggles with it)
So, as she stands out in the daytime summer sun for the first time, she names him, "Summer Day" 🥹 Just.... MY HEART.
Brother, where art thou
Saving the best for last--when I first finished the myth, I was surprised there weren't any brother/sibling references. Then I went "hmmm I bet there" and sure enough, here's how Caleb introduces himself to MC the very first time he talks to her:
CN: 我是X-02,你的哥哥。 MTL: I am X-02, your brother.
哥哥 of course being gēgē, i.e. "older brother".
When they're talking about why he wants to take her places, he says this:
CN: 哥哥就是要帶妹妹去她想去的所有地方。
MTL: The brother wants to take his sister to all the places she wants to go.
妹妹 being mèimei, i.e. "younger sister"
Notably, the CN also mentions the AI can only "strip keywords" it knows about--the EN is a little more vague, I think Caleb says it can only "erase memories" it knows about. So, the CN sets it up more clearly that the AI system gives her the two keywords to erase. And those are X-02 and... you guessed it... gege. Brother.
So towards the end when in EN he asks "what does 'friend' mean to you?" yeah, he's asking "what does 'brother' mean to you" 🥺
What I especially like about the brother/sister titles in this myth is that they're clearly symbolic--they're from the 'same source' but they weren't raised as 'siblings' in any meaningful way. (neither of them really had a childhood to speak of.) There's instead this more interesting question of, "with this intensity of love/bond, are we family? what does that mean to us?" and that's a theme that runs throughout their relationship. Notably, I'm of the opinion that couple is a family--so I love the way this theme explores naivety, love, devotion, etc.
Final thoughts (for now)
I'll be eagerly awaiting Farewell Dreamscape as we progress through the event, and will probably have more thoughts when that's out!
For now, I'm looking forward to diving deep into Homecoming Wings as I add it to the lore resource and looking for all the connections there.
Until then...
...Let's go home. 💫💕
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chrryblsssm · 1 day ago
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❝     knowing     you're     near     just     makes     me     feel     that     much     more     comfortable.     ❞     working     from     the     stadium     always     felt     so     much     nicer     than     working     from     home     or     going     into     an     office.     she     could     work     from     her     agent's     office     if     she     needed     to     really     focus,     but     she     found     that     it     was     much     easier     when     she     was     around     quinn.     ❝     knowing     that     you'll     be     there     at     least     some     of     the     time     while     i'm     filming     is     really     nice.     it's     usually     so     lonely.     i     know     the     studio     has     an     apartment     for     us,     they     keep     a     couple     rented     since     they     shoot     so     much     there,     so     we'll     be     able     to     move     in     and     get     it     cozy     for     a     few     months     until     we're     done     filming.          ❞     the     thought     of     decorating     a     cute     little     apartment     with     quinn     sounded     so     nice.     she     was     ready     for     all     the     domestic     things     they     could     do     as     a     couple.     
❝     being     on     the     same     page     about     all     that     is     really     nice.     i     just...     really     want     a     family     of     my     own     one     day.     to     be     a     mom     and     a     wife     and     come     home     to     a     full     and     happy     home     at     the     end     of     the     day.     it     sounds     like     heaven     on     earth.     ❞     quinn     was     as     much     the     family-oriented     type     as     she     was.     it     was     refreshing     to     be     planning     out     their     life     together.     she     wanted     everything     with     this     man     and     she     was     just     thankful     he     wanted     her,     too.     that     he     wanted     all     the     same     things     she     did.
❝     oh,     love...     i     can     take     care     of     your     shoulder     myself.     and     every     other     inch     of     you.     ❞     she     says,     winking     at     him     with     flirtation     seeping     into     her     every     word,     every     movement.     she     knew     he'd     actually     need     someone     who     knew     what     they     were     doing,     but     it     was     too     easy     to     flirt     with     him.     ❝     a     spa     day     sounds     really     nice.     just     holing     up     in     a     hotel     with     you     for     a     few     days     and     getting     away     together.     i'd     really     like     that.     a     couples     massage     maybe?     this     all     sounds     so     incredible,     baby.     ❞     she     didn't     want     to     think     about     the     fact     that     he     needed     a     break     to     let     his     arm     rest.     the     idea     of     career-ending     injuries     had     plagued     her     since     he'd     first     mentioned     his     fear     of     one.     now,     any     time     he     mentioned     any     discomfort,     it     wore     on     her     mind.
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    ❝    i do. i love knowing you're close by, too.    ❞    it's good for her to be able to be there, and still be getting her work done in preparation for her upcoming project. he's going to miss her when she goes to film, even if he's going to be making trips out to see her as much as he can. it's easier for them to see each other when she's in la since he's got home games there and all, but... he loves her. he's going to work to make sure he can be with her whenever he can. he's going to miss her.    ❝    i know when you're filming the show i'm going to miss you like crazy, but- i'm also going to be flying out to see you, even just to sit in your trailer or on the side while you're shooting. just- to be around you    ❞    plus getting to go to bed with her at night, regardless of what time together they got in the day, that's always something he misses when they're apart.
    ❝    i do know. but i'm definitely going to be excited to put our precious little babies first when we have them.    ❞    he completely knows she's going to be protective over their children, and he'll be very much the same.    ❝    i get it. it's two different things. and you're not going to hurt my feelings    ❞    the innocent touch is something that grounds him, grounds her. it's something he's keen to take advantage of being able to have while they are in the same place. just- holding her on his lap, curling his fingers into her soft hair as she leans her head against his chest... she's all his right now. that feels really good. her suggestion lights up his mind as well as his eyes.    ❝    let's do it, sweetheart. take a little vacation together by the ocean? maybe san diego and a nice private dinner, breakfast on the terrace...    ❞    his head's already spinning with ideas.    ❝    maybe hit the spa? i have to get my shoulder worked on anyway    ❞   he loves to spoil her, and while they're not talking about it so much, he's getting the break in part because of the fact his arm needs one.
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 months ago
is anyone still in the mood for a hypmic imagines blog these days lol
#mod rambles#giant ramble incoming ->#the tag seems so..#dead. which makes me sad :(#it’s looking pretty grim for us yumes out there ngl#do the people still yearn for self indulgent romance with their oshis. lol#i am still very much a yume freak. perhaps more so lately. but i never do talk about my own yume ships loll#plus the yume community does not seem.. very pleasant. to say the least#i do kinda want to come back and write here#but not on this account. i’d make a new one#i kinda want to start all over tbh. like a fresh slate#plus it'd kinda force me to try and get back into the groove of writing bc i feel like i've forgotten each and every rule lol#also it's important to have a creative outlet!! even if i most likely do not have the time for one lmao#i do want to provide for the h.ypmic yume community on here though. plus i love to write#even though i'm not caught up on the drama tracks..#idk if i'm emotionally ready for them#yes i did see this is the final drb. i got the news while studying for my final the very next day so suffice to say i was not doing well lo#idk if I’d share the new blog though. but i feel like it’d be p obvious if were me? lol#but i also wouldn’t have the time to write or post so idk.#i have time rn bc I’m on break but#when school starts back up again I’m gonna be packed. esp since I’ll be starting neuro so that’s gonna take all my brain activity (ha)#also will be starting research back up again so that’s a pain#plus. truth be told this year hasn’t been particularly kind to me#i haven’t really been in the mood to write or share it bc of what’s been going on back home#my people are always on my mind all the time#esp my village#🇱🇧❤️#been doing a lot of rambling lately but not a lot of writing. hm#all this to say: i might be coming back but prob with a new blog. lol#i write a lot just to get to the bare basic point (hence the 30 tags)
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scoriarose · 6 months ago
Hi!! I’ve never had a pet snake so this might be a dumb question but is it harder for snakes to see when they’re in blue?
It's not dumb, snake eyesight is different from our own so we can't assume they see exactly how or what we do. For the longest time people believed they couldn't see red, and used red lights to light their enclosures at night- that's bad for them. Please do not light your snake like a rotisserie chicken, they can see it.  Red light can be detrimental to reptiles because it can make it difficult for them to perceive depth, which can lead to mental distress. Red light bulbs can mess with your pet's ability to tell if it is day or night, since a light is always on, and that can cause stress and health and long term sight issues too.
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But back to your original question, yes, snakes have difficulty seeing when they are in blue. Many will stay buried and hidden, not even eating until they've completely shed. That is the norm, and if a snake wants to be left alone, they should be. Sakura will hide most of the time, but I'll sometimes see the tip of her nose near a burrow hole, and I'll dangle something tasty in front of it and she'll eat it- but I won't dig her up if she's having alone time. Scoria will hide unless I'm around- they both know my voice and scent, and Scoria has complete trust in me so much that even when blind she knows I'll keep her safe.
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She allowed me to take her out and feed her today, and then asked for pets. This behavior is unique to her, and if she were not specifically asking to be pet I would not do it after feeding (any other snake might throw up). I'd stop petting her and she'd ask again and again like, "Nope! Need more, come back and pet me." I really don't mind, she's found a way to tell me she enjoys being pet, and that's amazing- and also makes me happy. After many many pets (I guess we had a few days to make up for, I've been leaving her alone for the most part, only saw she was in blue, and then it was food day and saw her looking at me from her mossy hide) she buried herself underground in her bioactive area.
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Perhaps some day Sakura will trust me to touch her while she's in blue too- but if not that's just fine. Sometimes we all need a few days to ourselves.
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Oh, and don't feel bad asking snake blogs questions. It makes us happy when we get nonbot or spam asks! I imagine most of us love sharing about our snakes! And if sharing what I've learned helps lead a snake and their caretaker to a better life or bond then they would have had before, that's such a win for everyone!
#Snakes#shedding#in blue#hognoses#reptiles#Scoria is the most loving trusting baby#She rarely hisses and usually does it to say no#The other day I wasn't sure if she was thirsty and while holding her lowered my hand into her pool so she had an opportunity to drink#She gave a little hiss “no!”#So I took her out. Communication successful. We cuddled a bit before she asked to go back in her enclosure#Sakura wants very much to be social#she is overcoming crippling fear of people#And my goodness she has been so good and so brave#She learns by watching her sister#She saw me hold my hand protectively over Scoria (like a cave) and Scoria nuzzle it#Scoria will often curl into a cinnamon roll under my hand and nuzzle me while we both relax together#our happiest moments are with each other#Sakura saw this and tried to understand#So she asked to come out and actually went into my hand (usually she likes the door open so she can dangle and look around)#And then she went under my hand for about five seconds to try to see what we were doing#She is so shy and skittish so I'm proud she found the bravery to do it at all#She immediately got scared and asked to go back to her enclosure#I did it immediately as knowing they can go back any time helps them feel safer and will want to come out more#Rather than have a scary memory of being trapped and unable to get back home#She asked to come out later and I had her out about five minutes and when I TRIED to put her back she wrapped around my hand!#She wanted to spend more time with me!!!!#She WANTED more time with me#As someone who has been struggling to reach this frightened shy girl#There are no words for what I felt in that moment#I must never break her trust she's worked so hard to get
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