#so we’re all rulebreakers here I can’t be blamed
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Ty @phanboyo for the tag!
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
“Because every time you say being with me is “logical,” all I can think of is how many things I hate doing but do anyways because of logic, like being civil instead of punching jerks cause I don’t wanna spend a night in jail! I just worry…that you secretly resent being with me…”
(Oof, I am not going to be able to tag that many people but I’ll give it my best shot)
@warlock-pan-astronaut @pandorasparad0x @asterism343 @lenacraft @roundaboutnow @charmps-you-grickly @hopeful-bat @kelpeigh @zephyrwrites @dyinggirldied @ghostface3100 @daxsleftshoe @zero-way-out @chickenlover-19 @vivacia-18 @reveriewings @madametamma @magicalprofessorsludgedeputy @reckless-desire-to-live @bllbabaggins @kaisspamblog @mystic-fairy-tame @auroraborealis95 @harley-rose25 @mango-meister @candyheartdoe @ghospectr @easilydistractedandamused @ashoutinthedarkness @quetzalrofl @screamingrunawayzombie @they-meme-well (giving up here cause I’m a quitter 😭😭😭)
#maybe I broke the rules but in my defense no one was following the rules before me anyways#it says make a new post and instead everyone was adding to one thread#so we’re all rulebreakers here I can’t be blamed#no fandom#well.#there’s obviously a fandom you can all guess what it is#but I’m not too attached to this specific work and I think I’m gonna scrap it actually#at the very least this scene is being deleted#anyways#writing#it really doesn’t help that tumblr is doing NOTHING to help me tag y’all#was hoping I could start with @ and it would show me a ton of familiar blogs I can tag#nope! having to remember blog names from my incredibly crappy memory#y’all can ignore this btw if you don’t wanna play just disregard this post!!#could I have chosen a smaller line?#no because that would involve tracking down my laptop#so instead we’re doing the quick thing in my drafts that I’m probably going to delete soon
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Written In The Stars LXXXIX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m sorry for the last chapter, I’m not tho
P.S. I made a spotify playlist with all the songs I’ve put so far in the story, I’ll leave the link here :) -Danny
Words: 1,992
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: Catch Me -by Demi Lovato
Chapter Twenty-Four: Misconceptions.
She hated that she cared so much now, everything was relevant, every mistake felt like a missed opportunity.
She'd almost kissed him merely a month ago, and she would've kissed him tonight if it weren't because he'd chosen to blame her for the attention some boys were paying to her.

For Harry, it made sense that Mel would rather spend time with a Quidditch celebrity or a popular Gryffindor than to spend it with him. He was jealous of the Slytherin that managed to change her mind about their least favourite house, and if that wasn't about enough, Erick also had a very attractive cousin, in case Mel needed more options.
She surely had the talent to befriend good-looking boys, she had to at least admit that.

Mel was always changing plans, giving him the best presents, defending his bloody honour! What else does she have to do to convince him that she will always choose him?!
"I saw it this morning, Severus!" An angry voice exclaimed over the bushes. "It looks almost fresh like they just tattooed it in my skin!"
"Really?" Snape's voice came out with disinterest. "Must've been a trick of the light..."
"You know it wasn't! It's an omen! A terrible omen!"
"Quite honestly, I don't see what there is to fuss about, Igor."
Mel realized she'd get in trouble if they were to find her eavesdropping on their conversation, so she tried to flee. However, she crashed against someone's front, Mel grunted and turned around quickly, "Sorry!"
Harry blinked in surprise, probably not expecting to see her.
"Severus, you cannot pretend this isn't happening!" The voice was getting closer. "It's been getting clearer and clearer for months. I am becoming seriously concerned, I can't deny it —"
"Then flee," Snape replied. "Flee — I will make your excuses. I, however, am remaining at Hogwarts."
Mel jumped out of Harry's grip, fearing that Snape could find a fitting reason to take points away since he seemed to be registering the bushes in search for rulebreakers.
"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fawcett! And ten points from Hufflepuff too, Stebbins!– And what are you three doing?"
"We're walking," Ron told Snape. "Not against the law, is it?"
"Keep walking, then!" And with that, both men were gone.
"What's got Karkaroff all worried?" Ron muttered.
"Dunno, he was talking about some mark on his skin," Mel kept her eyes on them until they disappeared. "Said something about bad omens..."
"Since when have he and Snape been on first-name terms?" Harry asked in confusion.
"Is weird–" She shared a look with the boy, then remembered she was mad at him and turned hot on her heel without a second glance.
"Wait!" Harry called after her.
Unfortunately, she had to stop a second time when she heard Hagrid's voice coming from the bench ahead of them. Mel hushed him and indicated both boys to be quiet before pointing at the bench. Harry turned to see if they could go back and tapped Ron's shoulder to get his attention and tell him to go back. Ron strongly refused when he saw Fleur there with her date and pulled them closer to the shadows so no one could see them.
"You better hope Snape doesn't find us here, Ronald," Mel whispered angrily.
"What did you know, 'Agrid?" Madame Maxime was saying.
'I hate this, I hate this, I hate this,' Mel echoed in her mind, eyes fixed on a beetle slowly crawling up the reindeer statue where they were currently hiding.
"I jus' knew... knew you were like me... Was it yer mother or yer father?"
"I — I don't know what you mean, 'Agrid..."
"It was my mother. She was one o' the las' ones in Britain. 'Course, I can' remember her too well... she left, see. When I was abou' three. She wasn' really the maternal sort. Well... it's not in their natures, is it? Dunno what happened to her... might be dead fer all I know..."
"Mel," Harry tried a second time. "Mel, I'm sorry about what I said before, I didn't mean–"
"Are you really trying to do this now?" She hissed. "Shut up!"
"Me dad was broken-hearted when she wen'. Tiny little bloke, my dad was. By the time I was six, I could lift him up an' put him on top o' the dresser if he annoyed me. Used ter make him laugh... Dad raised me... but he died, o' course, jus' after I started school. Sorta had ter make me own way after that. Dumbledore was a real help, mind. Very kind ter me, he was..." Hagrid blew his nose loudly.
Mel jumped and Harry pulled her back quickly, she noticed his hand lingered on her waist afterwards. She didn't try to push it away, for now.
"So... anyway... enough abou' me. What about you? Which side you got it on?"
"It is chilly," Madame Maxime stood up. "I think I will go in now."
"Eh? No, don' go! I've — I've never met another one before!"
"Anuzzer what, precisely?"
The hand on her waist tightened and her shoulders tensed, they were preparing for impact.
"Another half-giant, o' course!"
" 'Ow dare you!" Madame Maxime gasped. "I 'ave nevair been more insulted in my life! 'Alf-giant? Moi? I 'ave — I 'ave big bones!" She stormed off into the castle, after a minute of dense silence, Hagrid walked slowly in the direction of his cabin.
"C'mon," Harry's voice startled her again. "Let's go... What's up?"
"Did you know?" Ron asked. "About Hagrid being half-giant?"
"I didn't," Mel replied.
"No," Harry shrugged. "So what?"
Ron grimaced, he shook his head, pushing them forward. "I'll explain inside, c'mon..."
Mel didn't want to go back inside with them, but the curiosity was killing her and she needed to know, no one talked until they reached a table.
"So? What's the problem with giants?" Harry was the first to ask.
"Well, they're... they're... not very nice."
"Oh, I understand everything now," Mel said sarcastically.
"Who cares? There's nothing wrong with Hagrid!"
"I know there isn't, but... blimey, no wonder he keeps it quiet, I always thought he'd got in the way of a bad Engorgement Charm when he was a kid or something. Didn't like to mention it..."
"But what's it matter if his mother was a giantess?" Harry insisted.
"Well... no one who knows him will care, 'cos they'll know he's not dangerous... But they're just vicious, giants. It's like Hagrid said, it's in their natures, they're like trolls... they just like killing, everyone knows that. There aren't any left in Britain now, though."
"What happened to them?"
"Well, they were dying out anyway, and then loads got themselves killed by Aurors. There're supposed to be giants abroad, though... They hide out in mountains mostly..."
"I don't know who Maxime thinks she's kidding," Harry grumbled. "If Hagrid's half-giant, she definitely is. Big bones... the only thing that's got bigger bones than her is a dinosaur."
"Are we sure is not a misconception like several from around here?" Mel inquired. "Take muggle-borns, for example..."
"Oh no, not at all. Giants are awfully violent and let it very clear during the last war... wonder how Hagrid's dad got one interested..."
"Let's not talk about Hagrid behind his back, all right?" Mel looked around. "More so when there are so many people that could hear."
Five minutes later she was considering to go find the twins and join their table when Harry tried to apologize once more.
"Mel?" He inched just a bit closer. "I'm sorry, I really am– I didn't mean it."
"I know that," She scowled. "You said it anyway, and it hurt."
"That's why I'm sorry," He seemed truly repentant. "I didn't mean to make you cry–"
"I didn't cry."
"I saw your face when we found you," He turned his body, now he was fully facing her. "I felt awful, even before I saw you... I don't want to stop being friends."
"Me neither," She grumbled. "What d'you suggest, then?"
"I want to know if you'll forgive me first," He said with a hint of hope. "Will you?"
Of course she would, she wanted nothing more... She also wanted to yell at him that he had no reason to be so rude. Blimey, why did he have to be so stupid?
"Yes," She glared, "but don't ever talk to me like that again, I'm not the type to take advantage of nice boys and you know it. It's awfully rude, and I have enough of that."
"You won't hear a word of it again."
"Okay... What now?"
Harry smiled shyly. "I can offer you a dance before the ball ends? I know I messed up the last one..."
She could've refused and kept her chin up for the rest of the night, she could've even said she'd rather dance with Goyle than to give him the satisfaction of saying he got to dance a third time with her... but she really wanted to dance with him.
"All right," She stood up and walked without waiting. "Just one. I don't feel like holding hands with you for long periods of time."
"What about short periods of time?" Harry asked, happily following her like a puppy.
"If you find a way to get away with it," She replied with the tiniest smile. "You may certainly try."
By midnight the ball was coming to an end, it wasn't the perfect evening Mel had dreamed of, but it had been nice, even educational. She saw Hermione walked past them without a second glance. Ron had it coming, he and his need to be in a bad mood about everything all the time.
As they started their way upstairs, a voice called Harry. It was Cedric, he rushed over to meet them halfway, leaving Cho Chang at the foot of the stairs.
"Yeah?" Harry asked in confusion.
Cedric looked at Mel and Ron with mistrust, both kids gave him a weird look and kept walking, understanding the message.
"He sure acts like he's worth a lot, the idiot," Ron scoffed.
"Cedric didn't do anything to upset you."
"Cedric?" Ron replied as they got to the second floor. "I wasn't talking about Cedric."
"Then who?"
"Krum! Strutting around the castle, going to the library and talking to Hermione like he has the right to... to interrupt your study sessions."
"Are you jealous?"
He looked scandalized, "Why would I be?"
"I honestly don't know."
The rest of the walk was quiet until they entered the common room, Hermione was waiting for them, arms crossed and a stare that Mel knew all too well.
"Well?" She asked.
"Well, what?"
"Are you going to apologize?"
"Apologize?" Ron gaped. "I did nothing wrong!"
"Yes, you did!" Hermione stepped forward.
"Godric, have mercy..." Mel groaned, walking up to a chair and sitting down heavily.
The Gryffindors that were arriving paid no mind to their argument, most of them were too tired to even notice what was going on.
"I was only telling the truth!" Ron continued loudly. "This has to be another way to get more points on the next task, I don't like it and neither should you!"
"Well, if you don't like it, you know what the solution is, don't you?" Hermione was shaking in anger, her hair was slowly falling down from its bun and her face was getting redder.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Ron yelled back.
Harry arrived then, giving her a puzzled look.
"Just let it happen," She mumbled.
"Next time there's a ball," Hermione continued, "ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!" The girl walked out of the place and straight to the dormitories.
"Well," Ron said, blinking a few times in confusion, "well — that just proves — completely missed the point —"
Mel stood up.
"Get over it," She patted his back and went upstairs.
Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere @t-rexs-world
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Dream of Love, ch 1: Non-Murdery Destination Wedding
Bellamy is charged to keep Harper's favorite cousin company during Harper and Monty's wedding, only this favorite cousin turns out to be his first love from High School, who left for the other side of the country and he'd never heard from again.
Turns out, Bellamy never really got over her. And seeing her for the first time in ten years? He knows he's not over her now.
So, it's nanowrimo and I am stuck on my novel, and while I'm letting it percolate in my brain, I needed to keep writing to keep up my wordcount (I am a rulebreaker) so I started this little wedding fic. I figured I'd post the first chapter so I have incentive to keep writing it. I'm already working on chapter two. It is going a lot faster than my novel, tbh.
Chapter 1 Read on AO3
“You think you can handle that?”
Bellamy took a big swallow of beer and eyed Monty. “You really think I’m going to have trouble picking up five people from the airport?”
“Seven. And I know you’ve had a tough year at school, what with all the upheavals in the district, and the protests and all.”
“Yeah, well, we brought it all to the end and no one lost their lives, so I consider it a win for Bellamy Blake, high school counselor and history teacher.”
“And then the mess with your sister.”
He took a bigger swallow of beer. “Yeah well. No one lost their lives there, either. So that’s better than the past has shown. BESIDES, this is your wedding! To HARPER! Who I LOVE! And we’re here on the beautiful Ark Ring Island, where everything is perfect and no one is making you eat meat because meat is murder.”
“That is not the description of the resort. It’s vegetarian. Okay. Harper and I think it’s important and we wanted to make our special day special to us. That’s why we’ve kept it so small. And that’s why we invited only the people we were closest to.”
“Oh yes. And my cousin.” Harper added. She was drinking something in a fancy glass with some fruit garnish and a tiny little lantern dangling off of the side. It was fascinating and lit her pretty face with a pink glow. Or maybe the drink was what had her glowing. Or maybe it was Monty.
“Oh right. And your cousin.” Monty smiled at her, like he couldn’t believe he was getting her for the rest of his life. They way they looked at each other made warm feelings happen in Bellamy’s chest until the words caught up with him.
“Your cousin?” Bellamy put his bottle down with a louder thunk than he meant to. “No. I know the guest list.” He counted off on his fingers. “Murphy, Emori—“
“They’ve broken up again so we need to play interference.
Bellamy rolled his eyes because of course they had. Again. “Raven and her new beau. Hey, why did she get a plus one?”
“You could have had a plus one. Was there someone you wanted to bring with you or are you still hung up on—“
“No I am not hung up on Echo. We are not together anymore. And I do not want to be with her. I might have wanted to marry her once upon a time, but it didn’t…It wasn’t right and we agreed on that.”
“Did SHE agree on that?” Harper asked, the lighted drink casting her eyes in shadow.
“Well she told me she agreed. I’m not interested in her like that. Okay? She’s still one of my best friends but…” he shrugged. “Something was missing. And if I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with anyone, I need it to be a relationship like you two have. You’re just right. You fit together.”
“We do, don’t we?” Monty put his arm around his fiancée and kissed her temple. The light of her drink softened their features. Made it so their glances, catching each other, were liquid, and warm.
Bellamy looked away with a pang of something, not jealousy, he was happy for his friends. Longing. He saw them and he knew he wanted something like that. He’d never had it with Echo. She was hot and they got along well, but after the sex, sometimes he just wondered if they really had all that much to talk about. And he wanted more than just hot sex and getting along. Everyone told him his standards were too high. But he’d rather have high standards than just…. Settle for something that wasn’t quite right. No matter how his friends tried to convince him otherwise.
“Hey. Are you trying to set me and Echo up again? You should know that it’s not happening anymore. And it’s not something we’re looking to rekindle, okay?”
“Well that’s good, because Echo is bringing a plus one, too. Roan. And he paid for her ticket.”
“She is? That’s great. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard. Good for her. So wait. Does that mean I’m the only one who’s going to be solo here?”
“Well there’s my cousin.”
“Right. The mysterious cousin.”
“Yeah. She recently moved back to town and I know I haven’t seen her in years and years, but we bonded again and she’s had a really hard time of it. I wanted her to come out. It was kind of last minute, but we made room. Her mom is watching her kid and I practically forced her to come.”
“Wow. So she can’t wait to get here. And you’ve got me paired up with her all weekend, don’t you. Wait. Are you trying to set me up with your COUSIN? That’s what the prying was about Echo? Everyone else gets a plus one but me?”
“Emori and Murphy are coming alone.”
“Emori and Murphy? They’ll be making out by cocktails and you know it. Come on, you guys. I thought this was a low stress destination wedding at your isolated non-murdery—“ he caught Monty’s glare and changed his word, “vegetarian resort. Now I find out you’re playing matchmaker?”
“I told you Harper. You’ve got to let him come to it on his own. This man does NOT like being worked.”
She huffed. “I am not working anyone. She had a bad break up and has been alone a long time and her adoption of her kid just came through and I finally convinced her to come home because she always loved it in Arcadia. She was psyched that you’d be here. Monty told me you actually liked her when she went to school with us.”
“Wait. I know her?”
“Yeah. My cousin. She lived with us for a year after her dad died.”
He shook his head. He still had no idea.
“Clarke Griffin. My cousin.”
Clarke Griffin. The blonde princess who had been the center of his senior year of High School. She’d been a junior and they had been bitter rivals in just about every class and club they were a part of, and they always seemed to be drawn together, until they wrote and starred in a one act play for their drama class, and from then on, they were actually inseparable. He was sure he was in love with her. And he’d kissed her, that last night, before her mother called her home to the other side of the country, but he hadn’t told her how he felt. He never believed that would be the last time he talked to her. He never thought that was it for them.
But it had been. He’d never heard a word from her again. It was like she had fallen off the face of the earth. Or he had. And it had always been the thing, that thing he wondered about. That “could have been.” But it never was.
“Clarke Griffin is your cousin.”
She nodded.
“I… didn’t know.”
“Well, you didn’t pay much attention to me then. I was just a kid on the soccer team who kicked your friends asses. I didn’t really rate investigation into my family ties, you were too busy being king of the campus. But I see you remember her. You think you’d mind keeping an eye on her? Keeping her entertained.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Monty said. Harper glared at him.
“I may not even like her anymore.” He said, fumbling for his beer bottle again and taking a swallow. Why was his hand shaking? “She might be a dick now.”
“My cousin is not a dick! How dare, Bellamy Blake. If you are rude to her because you don’t trust my motives we’re going to have a problem.”
“Of course we’re not.” Bellamy tipped his bottle up and emptied it. He really felt the need for something stronger now. “It’s your wedding. If you want to give me the job of fetching people from the airport and keeping Clarke Griffin company, then that’s my job for the wedding. Hey. Everyone else is going to be paired up anyway, so at least I won’t be third-wheeling anyone. As long as she doesn’t think I’ve become a dick.”
“Impossible, you could never become a dick,” Harper said. “You’ve always been a dick.”
“Ha ha, very funny. Listen, I’m gonna turn in now, since I have to be up at dawn to go meet the plane. You picked an awfully remote island on which to get hitched, with a completely inconvenient airport.”
“Of course we did. That’s how we kept everyone else away and limited it to only the people we love.”
“And your cousin.”
“And my cousin.”
Bellamy left them then. Harper was busy finishing off her fancy drink and Monty was dispatched to get her another. He slipped out of the little bar area but Monty caught him before he could make it back to his cabana.
“Hey,” he said, putting a hand on Bellamy’s shoulder. “Are you okay with this?”
Bellamy let out his breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He should have known that the name Clarke Griffin had hit him pretty hard.
He shrugged. “Yeah, it’s no problem. I can drive a minivan. I can drive anything.”
Monty looked at him like he was disappointed. “I mean Clarke. Are you okay with her being here? I didn’t even make the connection when Harper was talking about inviting her cousin. I kind of forgot that Clarke Griffin was the same person as her favorite long distance cousin.”
“Yeah. Why would it be a problem?”
“I mean, you kind of had a thing with her back in high school.”
“It was high school. That’s ten years ago. And I don’t think what we had actually qualified as ‘a thing.’ We were friends. We liked each other. That’s all.”
Monty was quiet a while as he stared at Bellamy. Too long actually.
“What. Spit it out.”
“So you don’t remember that after Gina left you, you got drunk and blamed yourself, because you could never love Gina that way. That you thought Clarke Griffin was the love of your life. And you’d lost her forever so you were doomed to be alone forever.”
Bellamy ground his jaw. “I was drunk.”
“And I thought you were over it. But then you broke up with Echo. And we all thought she was it for you. And she told Harper that you had an ideal for love that she could never reach and it just wasn’t worth it for her anymore. She could never be as perfect as some sort of fantasy.”
Bellamy didn’t respond this time. He just shook his head. But that didn’t put Monty off. Nothing ever put Monty off.
“Is Clarke Griffin that fantasy ideal love?”
“Come on, Monty. Be serious. Do you think I’m some sort of love sick kid? I can’t get over some girl who moved away when I was a teenager and I never heard from again?”
Monty cocked his head and just looked at him. “I don’t know. Are you?”
He sorted. “No. That’s not what’s happening here. Just a girl from the past. I can keep an eye on her just fine. We got along. We were friends. It’ll be nice. It’ll be great. Tell Harper not to worry. Or was that you being the worrywart?”
“All me. She’s excited for everyone to get here and glad to have Clarke around. I don’t think she thought you’d have a problem with Clarke. She’s hoping you’ll get along.”
“So she is matchmaking.”
Monty nodded and stuck his hands in his pocket.
“It’s okay Monty. I’m a big boy. I can handle one small woman. And if I can’t, I’ll have Raven run interference. She was great friends with Clarke before she took off. Okay? So don’t you worry about anything. Just enjoy your wedding.”
Monty sighed and seemed to want to press further but Bellamy shooed him back to his fiancee, and what other frightening alcoholic concoctions she might be getting ready to drink.
He strolled the boarded pathways through the beach, off under the trees. The music and lights from the bar faded away as the path twisted and he found himself back at his cabana. The little room was calm and soothing. Simple with wide windows and a sleepy fan circulating the tropical air. He could hear the waves crashing on the beach and only an occasional back beat or whoop from the bar.
He closed the door, slipped out of his shoes and threw himself on the bed.
Clarke Griffin.
He groaned and rolled over, covering his eyes with his arm.
She was the girl he had definitely never been able to get over. The fantasy that no other woman had ever been able to live up to.
But there was no way that she was the “love of his life.” That was just a fairy tale. There was no such thing. He was a grown up, adult man who did not believe in nonsense like that. Relationships were hard, that was all, and the first girl he’d fallen for had grown in his mind to be more beautiful, smarter, deeper, and more enthralling than she could possibly be.
This would be good. He could get to know her and then he’d realize she was just another girl. Just like anyone else and not nearly as perfect as she seemed in his memories. And then he could let her go. Move on. Maybe find a real relationship and stop hoping for some impossible dream of love.
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Friday I’ll upload another requested Jace imagine. I’m sorry for being awol, but life has been crazy lately, but I’m back. “Is this a joke?” Jace asks. You raise your eyebrow. “Why? What is wrong?” You ask innocently. “We have been a shadowhunter longer than you have. Why would they send a rookie to watch us?” Jace explains himself, only adding to your amusement. “Maybe because you question claves orders and I don’t.” You give him a wink and then focus your attention on Alexander. “Do you have any questions? Or are you not as anoying as your brother?” You give Jace a quick glance. Alex hides a smile. “I guess the clave send you for a reason.” Alex says, earning an annoyed glance from Jace. It is clear that Jace is not happy with the Clave sending someone to watch him and he's really offended that it’s you, someone that has not earned as much credit as him. If only he knew. “Let’s not make things difficult, gentlemen.” You say smiling before you walk away. Leaving them flabergasted.
“What is she doing here?” Jace asks Alexander who just shrugs. “I’m here to watch you fight.” You say chipper. You sit down on the table, waiting for them to continue their training. “I get that, but why?” Jace rests the point of his sword on the floor. “It's not like we're doing anything special.” You laugh. “You really are the obnoxious one, aren't you?” You cross your legs and rest your hands behind you on the table, leaning back. “They warned me that you would give me the most trouble.” Jace looks at you, irritated. “But to answer your question. I've never seen two parabatais fight.” You give him a gentle friendly smile. “I’m out.” Jace heads for the door. You jump from the table and haste to block his way. “Alexander.” You hold up your arm asking for the sword. Alex contemplates for a moment and then throws you the sword. You catch it like it’s nothing. “What are you doing?” Jace asks. “You really didn’t think I was going to let you get off so easy, did you? It’s time you're going to show me some respect.” Jace laughs and looks over his shoulder at Alex who is just as puzzled as Jace is. Jaces laugh slowly fades as he looks at your determined face. “You can’t be serious.” “You aren't scared, are ya?” You laugh and swing the sword in your hand. Jace does the same and slams the sword right at you with some hesitation. Without any effort you deflect his offense. You laugh teasingly. “Is that all you've got?” Your words really seem to trigger Jaces pride, because he spins around swinging his sword at you. Quickly you duck, saving your head that would otherwise have been rolling on the floor. Satisfied you let out a chuckle. Still low to the ground you lock your legs around his ankles and tackle Jace. You get to your feet and hold the tip of your sword to his throat. Alexander watches astonished, but amused. It’s fun for him to see his cocky brother get his ass kicked by a younger girl. You think that the fight is over, but Jace proves otherwise. With a swift movement he tackles you to the floor. With a backwards roll you get back on your feet in no time. Jace laughs breathing heavily, before attacking you again. You run away from him, trying to get enough speed to run up against the wall making a backflip, landing behind him. Breathing heavily your sword rests on Jaces shoulder. “I was the best in my class.” Jace slowly turns around to face you. “Oh, and I also am named the best fighter of the shadowhunters since 1973.” You give him a teasing wink. Alexander applauds you and you smile at him giving him a courtsy. You hand him his sword back. “Thank you for letting me borrow this.” You return to your spot on the table. “Okay, so you’re the best fighter.” Jace says walking toward you. “And that is why you're supposed to watch us to make sure we don’t break any clave rules?” “Well..” You lean back on the table. “You’re both also supposed to follow claves rules.” You say grinning. “But you don't. You understand what I’m saying?” Jace grins. “What is this? A plan for the clave to catch us doing something they can take our runes away for?” Jace is suspicous. Who can blame him? Why should he believe that the best fighter is send to watch them, but is in fact herself also a rulebreaker. You tell them your story, how you got here. It all started at school. You were the best of your class and because you were way ahead of everyone, you became bored. You broke the rules, hopped from one boy to another and became somewhat cocky. They knew your potential and seperated you from all the others and gave you private tutoring to rehabilitate you. Now, a few years later, they think you're fully rehabilitated. And send you on your first mission. “That is how I got here.” You end your story. “So I do really hope it’s not as boring around here as the places I've been stuck in.” Alex smiles and gives Jace a pat on the shoulder. “Come on, Jace.” Jace turns around to look at his parabatai. “Let’s give the girl a show.” He winks at you. Jace sighs, but complies. He does some tricks with his sword and then the fight begins. And right at that moment you know. This are going to be some amazing times.
#shadowhunters#shadowhunters imagine#jace wayland#jace lightwood#Jace Herondale#jace morgenstern#jace wayland imagine#jace#jace imagine#alex lightwood#alex lightwood imagine#imagine
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