#so we’ll have to get another desk and another chair and take the bed out of there and maybe get a pullout sofa or something like that
spacebell · 6 months
ok my anxiety has decreased since early morning
0 notes
luveline · 5 months
If you're taking request for Spencer and Bombshell!reader I think it would be so incredibly adorable if they were both on the way to a case (or coming back) and their little baby Amanda was face timing them to say hi to them and the team 🥺🥺
“Video call for you, momma,” Penelope says, plonking a laptop down onto the desk in front of you, and then quickly being called away by Emily for help.
You ditch your pen immediately, nail scratching the laptop trackpad as you slide the cursor to ACCEPT. 
Amanda’s face fills the screen, a shy smile like her dad’s close to the camera, her eyes almost cut off by the top of the screen. 
“Amy, babe, you’re too close to the computer! I can’t see your lovely face.” 
Amy sits back in her chair. “Is this okay?” 
You take her in. You trust your babysitter to take good care of her, but nothing is as reassuring as seeing her unhurt and smiling. “Hi, baby.” 
“Hi mommy,” she greets. “Where’s daddy?” 
“He’s in the bathroom. Be back any minute. Are you being a good girl for Mrs. Gamorrah? How’s your tummy?” 
“I’m being good,” she says, ignoring the important question, “did you see my t-shirt?” She brings her shirt closer to the camera. She’s wearing her favourite pyjamas with the butterflies she had for her birthday, “Look, Mrs. Gamorrah got the soup stain gone.” 
You beam at her. You miss her like crazy when you’re not there. You and Spencer take turns staying home most of the time, and so being apart from her and knowing she doesn’t have Spencer to soften your absence makes it easier to worry about her, and harder to concentrate on the work. 
The door opens. You twist your head. 
Spencer’s drying his hands on a paper towel. “Is that Amy?” 
“Quick, she wants to see you.” 
Spencer hurries to the laptop, bending at the waist to see the screen and his impatient daughter. 
“Amy!” he says, like she’s the only person he’s ever wanted to see, voice enthused with his most dad-appropriate saccharine. “Hi, bunny, hi, hello. I miss you so much, are you okay? I miss you.” 
You tap his leg gently. Calm down. 
“Daddy, I am so happy, and I miss you too! We’re doing pictures.” She holds up a sheet of paper covered in crayon drawings. “Are you okay too?” 
“I’m great now I’m seeing you. I really miss you, sweetheart, I’m sorry we’re both away at work.” 
“It’s okay. Me and Mrs. Gamorrah are gonna have pizza and jiffy pop and soda tonight. It would be good with you, but it’s still fun.” 
“That’s good,” you say, putting your hand on the keys, wishing you could feel her soft arm in your hand, stroke her silken forehead. “We’re gonna be home soon. Maybe even tomorrow.” 
Spencer wraps his arm behind your shoulder. “Me and mom miss you so so much, and we’re so proud of you being a good girl at home. We’re gonna bring you a big present for being by yourself.” 
“I’m not by myself, dad, I have Mrs. Gamorrah. Plus, Uncle Morgan said he wants to take me and Hank swimming on Sunday.” 
“I’m sure we’ll be home before Sunday.” You smother your frown. Spencer kisses your cheek. 
“Give one for me, dad!” 
Spencer kisses you again. “That one good enough?” he asks. 
“Another one!” 
When you get home, you’re gonna spoil the death out of her. Like, worse than you’ve ever spoiled her before. Spencer presses another great kiss to your cheek and smushes your faces together, Amy on the screen reaching for you both for a ghost hug. “I wanted to say hi before we go to the store. Can I call you again before bed?” 
“Yeah, baby, call again!” You rush to answer. “Call daddy’s phone, okay? Mine’s not working right. I’ll answer you, we’ll talk all about your day. Okay? I miss you very much.” 
“I miss you too. Bye bye.” 
“Okay, bye bye,” you say, “I love you.” 
“Love you, Amanda,” Spencer says. 
She waves her little hand until it looks like it might fall off of her wrist. Spencer waves back just as hard.
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hxney-lemcn · 7 months
Crushcrushcrush — Ranpo Edogawa x gn! reader
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summery: a simple deal turns into more as reader and Ranpo become closer.
tw: idk if it should be counted as objectification but Ranpo refers to reader as a treat (this is all sfw)
a/n: idk how I feel about this, what do y'all think? (title is a song)
wc: 1.6k
Master List
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“I have an offer,” You stated, dragging a lone chair to sit across from Ranpo’s desk. A bored look painted the young detective's face, mindlessly rolling a lollipop over his tongue. Although he didn’t move, his eyes watched you with slight interest. 
Recently Ranpo seemed less and less inclined to do his work. It shouldn’t bother you, he wasn’t your responsibility…well at least when it came to his paperwork. Yet a nagging feeling tugged at you as his pile of work grew, less and less cases likely to be solved. The closure for someone’s loved ones or the safety of others relied on the whims of a childish detective. It didn’t feel right. So, when you were overthinking this problem only you seemed to have for the past week, you believed  you came up with a bulletproof plan.
“I’m listening,” Ranpo hummed.
Running over exactly what you wanted to say, you brought up a deal he couldn’t pass, “If you solve 10 cases every work week then I’ll treat you to whatever you want as long as it’s ¥4,500 or under. I’ll keep track of your monthly average, and if you exceed 40 cases solved in a month I’ll treat you to something worth ¥10,000. What do you say?”
There was a pause as Ranpo considered the pros and cons of this deal, and skeptically he asked “What do you get out of this?”
You hadn’t considered him to ask that. Either he would have agreed or disagreed, not dive into your intentions. Ironically, you felt that your reasoning was somewhat childish, so you hesitated before coming clean, “I just want to help people.”
Ranpo blinked before a smile spread across his face, “Okay! Nothing the world's greatest detective can’t handle.” He leaned back in his chair, arms resting behind his head.
“Oh!” You blinked, surprised he had actually agreed. “Cool, great. We’ll start next month so it’s easier for me to keep track.”
What became a simple agreement between co-workers shifted into a friendship. At first you thought you’d just give him the cash at the end of the week to spend on whatever his heart wanted…yeah you hadn’t thought that part through. When you tried to give Ranpo the cash at the end of the first week, he whined, complaining about how he needed someone to guide him to his favorite candy store. So not only were you giving him an allowance, but you had also become his go to guide. At first you were a bit annoyed, yes you had no grudges against the black haired detective, but all you wanted to do on a Friday evening was to rest in bed. 
Although it was an annoyance at first, your time together had grown on you. You got to know Ranpo better, and although he was very childish, arrogant, selfish…you get the point, he was also quite entertaining. You two worked together, but you hadn’t really interacted with him except for the meetings or greeting as you’d pass by. You felt yourself glued when Ranpo would tell you of his past cases, hands moving around while still holding his spoon with melting ice cream dripping onto the table. 
It didn’t take long for feelings to start forming. This agreement had gone on for 3 months at this point and you found yourself excited for the weekly outing you two shared. His childishness that had endeared you before was your downfall. Ever since you got to know each other better, Ranpo had begun pestering you more. Whether it be poking you for more snacks, or requesting you to join him during his cases, he never failed to gain your attention in one way or another. Which gained the attention of your fellow co-workers.
Dazai drawled your name, moving his chair to join you at your desk. You barely gave the bandaged detective a glance, continuing the report you needed to finish about you and Ranpo’s last case. Dazai disregarded your disinterest and continued, “Why haven’t you offered me a reward for getting work done?” A pout rested on his lips as he stared at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You quickly shut him down, “You wouldn’t do the work.”
He found a way to make himself look even more pathetic as he whined, “You’re so mean! Ranpo gets to hang out with such an attractive person while the rest of us are just chopped liver.”
You stared at him blankly, unsure what his motivations could possibly be, “You just want free food.”
Dazai leaned back in his chair, hand resting over his chest in a dramatic gesture, “You wound me! Is it really such a shock that I may want to spend time with you, Belladonna?”
You squinted at him, very aware that he only used that pet name when he was trying to woo someone, or in this case to bring your defenses down. And even though you knew he was up to something, you felt yourself give in. It’s been a long week and useless bickering wasn’t going to finish your report. 
“Do you want to join us or something?” You asked exasperatedly. 
“You’re inviting little old me?” Dazai asked with a dramatic gasp, a smile replacing his previous pout. “Oh I don’t know…”
“You’d have to ask Ranpo,” You grumbled, turning back to the half finished report. “And you have to pay for yourself.”
Little did you know, Ranpo was watching your entire interaction, a frown painting his features. He wasn’t sure why, but the thought of Dazai encroaching on your shared activity didn’t settle well. He was a selfish man, and you had become a treat all on your own. He wanted your attention on him, and although he knows it’s impossible for you to focus on him at all times, it didn’t stop him from wanting it. The thought was foreign to him, as he only really cared about the President’s praise or Yosano’s opinions, but you had managed to wiggle your way into his life and now he also cared about having your attention, praise, and opinions. 
When you had brought up Ranpo, Dazai looked over to said man, a pleased grin on the brown haired detective's lips. Ranpo’s frown grew, unsure why Dazai seemed so pleased. No way was he letting the lesser detective spoil his treats. 
“Oh Ranpo~” Dazai sang, only to be cut off.
The sternness in Ranpo’s reply stunned you into tuning back into the situation. You watched in slight shock as Ranpo glared over at Dazai.
“You’re both so mean,” Dazai whined, but finally dropped the subject, sending you a smirk before returning to his desk. 
You glanced at Ranpo once more, only for him to have returned to his normal self, opening a bag of chips as if nothing unusual just happened. That was only the start to his unusual behavior towards you. You knew your doting on him would clue him in on your feelings, but you hadn’t expected him to reciprocate. Yes your agreement had started because you wanted to help people, but it had turned indulgent as you enjoyed your time with the detective. What you hadn’t expected was for it to become indulgent for him as well. 
The next sign was how the seemingly touch adverse man had turned into the clingiest motherfucker you had ever met. You didn’t mind until it started to intrude on your work. It started with small things, holding your hand as you walked the streets together, resting his head on your shoulder while you sat on the bus. Small things you could easily mistake as friendly (which you had), but the gestures started to blur some lines. Hugs that lasted longer than you could brush off, getting piggy back rides from you (if/when possible), cuddling with you on the break room couch when you both had a break. Dazai had found it his new goal in life to tease you as much as possible (it seemed that Yosano had taken up the same practice with Ranpo). Finally you both had breached gestures that clearly couldn’t be waved off as friendly. Ranpo had decided that the best seat in the office was your lap (you couldn’t suppress the embarrassment you felt as everyone in the office stared at you both), or how he’d insist you sleep over (you basically live in his dorm at this point).
The biggest sign of how Ranpo felt about you was when he offered you your favorite snack. Not only was it a snack, something he guards with his life, but it was your favorite, something he deemed worthy enough to know. Such a small gesture managed to warm your heart. There was only one problem…neither of you seemed to be able to open up about your feelings for the other. Your agreement had fizzled, as Ranpo settled for receiving your praises in exchange for his work, but you still would buy him an ice cream or some candy as a reward. 
The lines of your relationship continued to blur more and more. It wasn’t until finally Ranpo had introduced you as his partner, and no, not as a work partner. At first you became flustered, a label finally falling onto your relationship, and soon Ranpo had followed as he realized what he let slip. He thought of you both as together, and a wide grin adorned your face. Hoping to get through to him that it was okay as you wanted the same, you had pressed a kiss to his cheek…which only seemed to worsen his flustered state. 
At the end of the day…none of your co-workers were shocked. In fact, when Ranpo had declared your status to the office (much to your dismay), Dazai just had to quip, “Wait, you weren’t before?”
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aestheticaltcow · 17 days
No Phone Policy 5.0
Trigger/Content Warning: DV themes to an extent, prayers, lots of anxiety mentions, abandonment?
I feel like I got a little too angsty with this one, but remember, y'all permitted it.
Previous Part
The Bear Masterlist
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You were frozen. One of Carmy’s arms was draped around your waist as he slept peacefully. All you could do was stare at the wall and wait for Wolf to cry so you’d have an excuse to leave the room. But the cries didn’t come. The room was filled with the white noise of the overhead fan and Carmy’s soft snores. You swallowed and tried to focus on anything besides the twinge of pain Carmy had inflicted on your wrists. What were you going to do? Carmy had never done anything like this before. All the after-school specials and PSAs you’d seen as a kid said that domestic violence starts small. The abuser tests the waters - see what they can get away with. You were the perfect victim in some way.
A month postpartum, maybe $500 to your name, some family but not many friends… but Carmy wasn’t an abuser? Was he? You racked your brain for hours trying to compartmentalize the last five years of your life. Was Carmy the perfect friend? No. He wasn’t always the ideal boyfriend, fiance, or husband, as evident by how he’d been ignoring you the weeks prior to you giving birth, but he wasn’t that kind of man. He wasn’t the kind of man who had to hurt people to feel significant or noteworthy. He wasn’t the kind of man who had to manipulate or lie to people to get what he wanted. Hell, it took months of you asking before he dared to smack your ass in bed- he wasn’t the type to lay hands on you. As you lay in bed with him, your brain racked with any other times Carmy may have done something subtle, something you missed that could have been a predictor of what happened. You were brought out of your downward thought spiral when Wolf’s soft cries came over the baby monitor. Fear washed over you when you felt the weight of Carmy’s arm disappear. 
Carmy mumbled something before getting out of bed and slowly exiting the master bedroom. When he was gone, you rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling. “1,3,5,7,11,13,17,19…” you counted under your breath as you watched the ceiling fan slowly turn in counter-clockwise circles, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference…” you whispered to yourself. As you took another deep breath, you heard footsteps approach the bedroom. You closed your eyes and rolled back to your previous position. 
As Carmy got back into bed, you felt your stomach twist, “She’s okay, baby. Just needed a diaper change…” he whispered as his arms snaked around your waist. You felt like you were going to throw up when he pulled you to meet him in the middle of the bed. 
“So all it took was havin’ a kid?” Cerico laughed as he read the email Carmy had sent the night prior. “Hey, it’s sweet. He’s growin’ up.” Natalie commented as she scrolled through the email on her laptop, “Also, I don’t know how he spelled ‘special’ wrong four times with spell check.” 
“Okay—updates for the menu… so we are doing a singular special every night. It’ll highlight whatever produce is fresh from the farmer’s market. We'll make weekly menus instead of changing the menu every night. We’re also switching food vendors, so if you want extra hours, we’ll need an additional couple of sets of hands to unload the orders.” Syd explained this to the wait staff during their daily meeting before the dinner service. The sense of relief in the room was palpable; Richie thanked Syd for explaining the changes before taking the lead for the rest of the meeting. 
Carmy was sitting in the office that night when Richie found his way inside. He immediately noticed a picture of Wolf pinned on the corkboard above the computer, surrounded by post-it notes and various unpaid bills. He grinned and pulled a chair to the desk, “What’s good cousin?” 
Carmy looked up from his notebook when he heard Richie’s question. He shrugged, “I’m off the next couple of days… tryin’ help Syd out with some special ideas.”
“How are things at home?” Richie probed. Carmy shrugged again, much to his annoyance. “Y/N still pissed at you?” 
“We’re good. Babys good. Everything is okay.” Carmy answered as he ripped the page from his notebook and stuck it to the corkboard before getting up from his chair. Richie’s brow creased at Carmy’s explanation. There was no way ‘everything is okay’; he missed the birth of his child. While he hadn’t known for that long, he knew there was no way you’d just let Carmy off the hook like that. 
Carmy walked through the front door and heard noises coming from the kitchen. He smiled to himself as he found his way into the kitchen. Your back was turned to him; Wolf sat in her pastel Bumbo seat on the counter, babbling. You laughed along with her babbling as he stood in the doorway watching you wash dishes and continue your ‘conversation’ with Wolf. Carmy came into the kitchen and hugged you from behind, startling you. He felt you swallow hard as your body tensed. He pushed the concern out of his head and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. 
“How you doin’ baby?” he asked as he let his arms fall and turned his attention to Wolf. You clenched your fist behind your back, watching Carmy lift Wolf out of her seat and cuddle against him. You shrugged, “Goin’ great. She napped like a champ, and I got some work done from home.” 
Carmy smiled as he rubbed Wolf’s back softly, “That’s great, baby.” You nodded in agreement and returned to finishing what you’d been doing before Carmy had gotten home. It had been a few weeks since Carmy did what he did, and you still felt conflicted about the entire situation. He was trying to be present and involved with all things parenting, but you couldn’t shake the way he’d hurt you. He pretended like it never happened. 
“How’d her appointment go?” Carmy asked as he entered the bedroom with a towel around his hips.
You locked your Kindle before meeting his gaze. “She’s good. She got four shots and was super pissed at me for like an hour, but she’s good now.” 
Carmy chuckled, “Did Feyre and Rhysand finish rebuilding the night court yet?” he asked as he got a pair of underwear from his drawers. You rolled your eyes at the question, “Not yet. I got to a good part, though.”
“How’d work go?” you questioned as Carmy got into bed. He shrugged, “It wasn’t anythin’ special. Just missed my girls…” his voice had dropped an octave as he scooted closer to you in bed. You felt your body tense as he snaked his arms around your waist. You glanced at the baby monitor, praying for Wolf to start crying. The idea of being intimate with him made you feel cold and clammy.
“Carm…” you trailed off as you tried to wiggle out of his grip, “I-I-I” you stuttered as you felt him press a kiss into the exposed skin of your shoulder. You squeezed your eyes closed as Carmy moved to hover above your body. The hair on your arms stood when you felt Carmy’s thumb run across your jaw. “I miss you baby… I know I fucked up, and I’m gonna spend the rest of my life tryin’ to make up for it… let me make you feel good…” he cooed. 
Before you could answer his demand, his lips were on yours. Blood rushed to your ears as he feverishly kissed you. Carmy was desperate to alleviate the frustrations that had been building since you came home from the hospital. Watching you take care of his baby left him feeling feral. The desire to ravage you had met its breaking point this evening when you strolled into the living room in those silky pajama shorts with the lacy trim. The pastel green popped against your skin; the material was tight around the fat of your thighs and beckoned for him to take you there and then. He just had to wait for the baby to go down.
Your stomach twisted as Carmy’s lips made their way down your jawline and neck toward your collarbone. As he sunk his teeth into the sensitive skin, you felt as if you were going to throw up. “Carmy,” you sniveled as he pushed a hand under the band of said silk shorts, lacing his fingers in the band of your underwear. You went unheard as Carmy sucked a hickey into your collarbone, “Carmy!” you cried as you brought your palms to his chest to shove him aside. 
Carmy was perplexed but concerned when he realized you were hyperventilating. “Baby- baby, are you okay?” he asked as he reached for you. You pushed yourself off the bed, stumbling as you rushed into the bathroom, desperate to get as far away from Carmy as quickly as possible. Carmy’s brow tensed as he scrambled to get out of bed, pulling on a pair of gym shorts that had been discarded on the bedroom floor before he got into the shower. 
Carmy knocked on the door before trying the doorknob. The door was locked, and he could hear your heavy sobs from the other side of the door. “Baby- Y/N, baby, talk to me. Did I do somethin’ wrong?” 
“LEAVE ME ALONE, CARMEN!” you chastised him through the door as your body shook. You sought comfort in the corner of the bathroom by the bathtub. With shaky fingers, you tried to tap against your skin to ground yourself, but the coping skin proved unsuccessful. 
“Baby? Please open the door,” Carmy pleaded shakily. “Y/N? Let me help you, baby.” He rested his forehead against the door as he jingled the doorknob. You didn’t respond to his pleas. Carmy took a deep breath. “Baby, please. " He begged and bargained for you to open the door. 
“CARMY, JUST-JUST GO AWAY!” Your voice cracked as you yelled through the bathroom door. You didn’t care about waking Wolf; you just wanted him to leave. “Baby, let me in. Let me help you,” Carmy demanded as calmly as he could. You took a deep breath before pushing yourself up from the floor. If you did this, it had to be quick.
The door flung open to Carmy’s surprise. You pushed past him and ran out of the bedroom. “Baby?!” he called after you as he tried to catch up with you. “Baby?! What the fuck! Talk to me!” he yelled as you reached the top of the stairs. He reached out and managed to get a hold of your wrist. Your eyes were wide as your mind flashed back to the last time he’d grabbed you like this.
You yanked your wrist out of his grip and quickly blinked away the tears welling in your eyes. You had to get away from him. “Y/N!” Carmy yelled as you stumbled down the stairs, tripping on your way. You landed on your hip hard, as a hiss of pain came out of your mouth as Carmy joined you at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Baby? Are you okay?!” Carmy sputtered as he pushed your hair out of your face. You shook your head and tried to push him away from you as he helped you sit at the bottom of the stairs. “Fuck Y/N! Let me fuckin’ help you!” Carmy protested as you pushed yourself away from him and up from the ground in a swift movement. 
“LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE CARMEN! I FUCKIN’ HATE YOU, ASSHOLE!” you screamed at the top of your lungs as you grabbed your bag from the table by the door. Wolf’s cries echoed throughout the house as Carmy watched you storm out of the house. 
“What the fuck?” Carmy grunted as tears started rolling down his cheeks. He sat momentarily on the stairs to compose himself before getting up to go into the nursery. 
“I’m sorry, princess…” he cooed as he picked Wolf up from her crib. She wailed louder as Carmy brought her to his chest. As he bounced her in his arms, he couldn’t shake the thoughts of something bad happening to him. “Mommy’ll be okay… I got you right now…”
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hold you in my arms tonight [K.Bishop]
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pairing: alpha!kate bishop x omega!reader
summary: kate's spending another late night at the office and you do what you always do best: distract her enough so she'll pay attention to you instead
warnings: smut -> minors, look away this isn't for you! [omegaverse au; pet play is more than implied this time but it's not super explicit {kate calls R puppy multiple times}; grinding; lots of praise; soft kate hours; a very small dash of overstimulation; cockwarming; office sex; kate either has a penis or a super fancy strap, that's up to the reader to decide ;)]
wordcount: 2.4k
a/n: LISTEN- i have no explanation for this, i am haunted by alpha!kate and i needed to do something about it. i'm still NOT an expert on omegaverse au's at all so the worldbuilding isn't as fleshed out as i would like. OH and yes, this is technically set in the same universe as my last alpha!kate fic, it's technically a sequel. anyway, that's all, hope you enjoy and um...drink some water :)
* * * * * * *
“Tell him I don’t care, he better have that paperwork in by tomorrow morning or he’s fired-”
Your eyes slowly open to the artificial lights in Kate’s ridiculously large office as her annoyed voice rouses you from your sleep.
Despite her best attempts at making the space cozier for you, a plan that includes an overwhelming amount of blankets and a special bed, the bright light contrasts too harshly with the pitch black darkness on the outside of the window behind her.
You don’t know what time it is, or how long you’ve been asleep for, but it’s obvious it’s far too late for her to still be hunched over her desk. It’s not unusual for her to overwork herself but she’s been spending far too long in this office and you’re a little sick of staring at the same four walls, no matter how much stuff is on them.
Kate’s phone call isn’t over yet but your need to be near her is more overwhelming than your uncertainty. 
You slowly make your way over to her, the tension in her body getting clearer the closer you get to her. You’re not sure how to help and yet you continue forward with no plan until you reach her chair.
Your scent must give you away because Kate looks down to look at you the second you situate yourself on your knees next to her feet. Her free hand reaches down to stroke your hair while she continues arguing with whoever’s on the other line of the phone.
Despite your curiosity, you pay no attention to what she’s saying, assuming it’s just a bunch of CEO nonsense that you don’t understand. So, instead, you focus on the subtle change in the air around you.
The awful smell of the alpha’s stressed pheromones finally begins to dissipate a little as they’re replaced with the protective smell you’ve learned to associate with Kate.
You lean forward to rest your chin on her leg, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips while she continues to run her fingers through your locks. 
You’re not sure how much time goes by, and you’re pretty sure you end up taking another mini-nap, but eventually you hear the words that you’ve been waiting for. “We’ll sort this out tomorrow, I’ve gotta go.”
You look up at her as she finally hangs up and turns all her attention over to you. Your excitement must be obvious, and contagious, because she matches your smile with a bright one of her own. 
“Hi, baby,” she coos. “Someone’s still a little sleepy, huh?”
You let out a soft hum in response and bring your hands up to tug at her ridiculously expensive pants. It’s a habit you’ve developed over the course of her many, many, late nights at the office. Even though she always tells you to use your words, she can’t deny how cute it is when you get so soft and needy.
“Okay, okay.” She chuckles as her hands drift down to help you climb onto her lap. “Come here, sweetheart.”
You happily accept her help, letting out a soft little yip once you're fully situated. Kate looks down at you with the most breathtaking smile you've ever had the privilege of seeing.
"There you are, that's better, isn't it?"
Your nod of glee is almost instantaneous and it earns you another sweet chuckle. Her hand comes up to tangle in your hair, lovingly scratching your scalp and relishing the soft little sounds you make without even realizing.
Somehow, you end up wiggling enough to feel a certain hardness pressing up against you. It takes pretty much all your self control not to grind down harder against her and instead you whine while looking up at her.
"What?" She asks, her smile turned more and more into a smirk. "Do you not like your surprise? I've been thinking about giving you a treat all day, puppy."
It's not like you and Kate have never messed around in her office before but it felt different this time.
Maybe it was due to your lingering sleepiness or your need for her attention and affection. Or maybe you were simply needier than you thought. Whatever it is that's affecting you so much makes you want more of her.
The alpha's eyes darken as the scent of your growing arousal hits her nose. You've never met another person who is as reactive to smells as she is. It's as overwhelming as it is attractive, especially when her reactions are due to you.
Her hands suddenly move down to grip your waist and it's not until you feel her nails trying to dig into your skin through the fabric of your shirt that you realize you're grinding against the bulge in her pants. "Someone's getting ahead of themselves."
"Sorry," you mumble as a familiar warmth spreads across your cheeks.
"Don't apologize, baby. I love seeing how needy you are."
Her words make you grow needier which makes you feel suddenly shy. Kate's warm chuckle rings in your ears as you bury your face in her neck to hide your embarrassment. You were pretty used to how different the brunette was from the cruel alphas you'd known all your life but some things still caught you by surprise.
Such as her love for turning you into a shy, subby, little mess for her. You still weren't used to all of those things being good. Desirable, even.
You whine against her skin as her hands slip under your shirt, slowly exploring your stomach and the bite marks she'd left behind a few nights ago. Kate was insatiable, though, and going a few days without having her way with you was practically torture for her. Especially when you were around her all day, looking so adorable in her old, oversized shirt, and comfortably curled up in your puppy bed.
"You're too cute, sweetheart," she says, tilting her head back a little when she feels you nuzzling her. "You have no idea how hard it is for me to resist touching you all day."
"Then don't," you whisper.
You feel her laugh before you hear her. "Oh, that's naughty, pup. Is that something you'd like, hmm? Sitting on my lap while I'm in long, boring, meetings? Letting me touch you however I want?"
The idea causes you to moan, the sound coming out louder and needier than originally intended. It's not like it matters much, though, considering you two are the only people left in the office at this hour. And Kate loves breaking you out of your shell like this, watching you slowly let loose until you're helpless against your needy urges.
"Come on," she says, her hands sliding up your body until she's able to cup your breasts. "Use your words for me."
You instantly arch into her hands, the movement causing you to rub against the hardness in her pants again. "I would really like it."
"Good girl, darling." Her fingers play with your hardening nipples, softly tugging and pinching in the way that causes you to absolutely melt against her. "Go ahead, pup, I know what you want."
It's not exactly what you want but your hips instantly respond to her gentle command and you start grinding against her bulge. Even though you'd already desperate for more, the friction feels incredible against your soaked cunt.
"Someone's a little messy," she teases almost absentmindedly. It's obvious you're already too far gone to really comprehend what she's saying which only makes her want to tease you even more.
It took her more than a few months to get through your defenses enough for you to be this vulnerable with her. Your recovery process had been slow due to the amount of bad relationships and cruel alphas you'd been with in the past but she was slowly teaching you what it was like to be with someone who didn't care about stupid dominance hierarchies. She was just as much yours as you were hers.
You still don't have the matching mating marks to prove it, though, much to your dismay. Kate's still set on taking things slow and giving you time to recover before allowing you to make a commitment like that.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Kate asks, choosing that exact moment to thrust her hips up against you.
"Ah-" Your fingers grip the front of her shirt as your body shakes in response to her movements. "Good- Feels so good…please…need you."
"Yeah? You need me, darling?" Despite the teasing tone in her voice, her hand moves down to her pants.
Your brain doesn't fully register what she's doing through the fuzziness in your mind and you instantly try to grind against her hand. She chuckles which causes you to whine and rub your nose against her scent gland.
You know exactly what doing that does to her but you're not doing it to rile her up. Something that, considering her scent, might actually be impossible. Her pheromones are so strong and lust-filled that it makes your head spin but it's still not enough.
You need more.
Thankfully, Kate's just as impatient as you.
She uses one of her hands to lift you up enough for her to haphazardly pull her pants down. The potent smell of alpha musk hits your nose all at once and your whines grow louder.
"I'm right here, I've got you, baby." She shifts her hips and you gasp as the head of her cock parts your drenched folds.
"Please," you mumble, trying your best to stay still and patient.
"I know, just relax for me, okay?"
All you can do is hum in response and allow her to help you sink down onto her cock, gasping and moaning as she stretches you out. You doubt you'll ever get used to her size. To how well she fills you up without even trying.
"You're such a good girl, puppy." She groans as your walls clench around her. "Fuck, you're taking me so well, darling."
A possessive growl builds up in her chest at the sound of you moaning her name. You can smell how aroused she is, how badly she needs to give in to her instincts and just take. And yet, despite her own needs, she moves painfully slow, giving you all the time you need to get used to her size.
All it takes is one shallow thrust before she's fully sheathed inside you. Her head drops down onto your shoulder, her loud pants filling the air between you for the next few seconds.
You appreciate how gentle she's being, especially since your neediness only serves to make you even more sensitive than usual, but you're already teetering on the edge of an orgasm.
You can't stop yourself from shifting against her when she doesn't move. She chuckles, the sound slightly muffled by your shoulder.
"Close already, sweetheart?" She asks, her voice far too sweet for the teasing words she speaks. "We've barely started."
"Please-" You don't care how desperate you sound, how borderline pathetic it is that you want to cum already, all you care about is her.
She shushes you as her hands grip your hips. "It's alright, just enjoy it. I'm right here with you."
"Uh-huh," you mutter, completely intoxicated by her scent and the possessive dominance that coats it.
"You're so cute like this."
The soft praise makes your walls clench around her and your both moan in response to the sensation. It's more than enough to spur her on and she wastes no time in helping you ride her, practically moving you up and down her length on her own.
You try to hold yourself up but then she starts thrusting up into you and you practically go limp in her arms. She notices, the rumble that emanates from her chest makes that perfectly clear, yet decides not to comment on it. Instead, she does what she can to pump out comforting pheromones as she continues to overwhelm you with pleasure.
"Doing so good for me, baby." One of her hands leaves your hips and snakes its way between your legs. She barely holds back a groan as her fingers meet your wetness. "Fuck, you're soaked. My poor puppy's so needy, aren't you, darling?"
"Yea-" Your words give out the second the tip of her fingers tease your sensitive clit. "Kate!"
Her touch is gentle despite the growing sloppiness of her thrusts. "I know, cum for me, don't hold back, pup."
The firm encouragement is all you need to let yourself go. All you can do is moan breathlessly and hold onto Kate like she's your rock. Which she is, in more ways than one.
The alpha in question holds herself back until she's sure you're lost in the throes of pleasure. She doesn't have to, you've told her that at least a dozen times, but she does it every time without fail. Your pleasure will always come first for her.
Something that only makes her orgasms all the more intense.
It quickly becomes impossible to tell whose moans are louder and before you know it, both of you are breathless, panting, and pressed up impossibly close.
"Holy shit," the brunette mumbles, her body shuddering through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
"Mhmm," you reply absentmindedly.
Your exhaustion comes back with a vengeance as you recover in her arms. Kate obviously notices but no amount of soothing phenomes can win out over the smell of musk and sweat and clings to both of you.
"You did so good for me, you're always so good." Her fingers brush against your clit again and you instantly squirm against her.
"Kate…" you mumble against her neck.
"Too sensitive?" She asks even though she already knows the answer. "How about you take a nap and I'll wake you in a bit?"
You instantly huff. "What about going home?"
"In a little while," she promises, the hand on your hip coming up to rub your back. "I have a few things I need to finish up first."
"You work too much."
"You're the one who won't stop distracting me."
Your silence is just as effective at making her chuckle as your pout. She leans down to pepper kisses down your neck and across your shoulder.
"I'm kidding, baby. You know I love you."
"I know," you mumble as your sleepiness mixes with your shyness.
And it's true.
You might not be ready to say it, much less to be fully mated to her, but you know deep in your heart that she loves you.
Because you love her just as much.
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blushk1tten · 8 months
unsafe sex 2 ꨄ minors dni
— nsfw: schlatt x afab reader, injuries, cockwarming, overstimulation, begging, doggy style, enthusiastic sex —
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the first time one of you got injured having sex, you were cockwarming schlatt under his desk while he edited a video. you were entirely relaxed, finding the feeling of his thick, heavy cock in your mouth soothing. it helped as well that he would occasionally play with your hair or brush his fingers along your face. the two of you were in heaven. at least, until you went to adjust yourself right as schlatt’s hips accidentally jumped.
you quickly pulled off with a rough gagging sound, having felt his cock slam roughly into the back of your throat with no warning or preparation. it sent you into a coughing fit, while schlatt quickly slid back his chair and got down to your level. “shit, doll, i’m so sorry. deep breaths, just try t’ breathe.”
while you regained your breath, schlatt continued profusely apologizing and rubbing your back, his pretty brown eyes dark with worry.
“‘s okay,” you eventually rasped out, cringing a bit at the pain in your throat. “water?”
he quickly scrambled for the bottle on his desk, letting you drink your fill before pulling away to have another brief coughing fit. then, finally, it seemed to settle. your throat was still sore and hurting, but at least it wasn’t spasming.
“i think that’s enough f’ today,” schlatt said guiltily, helping you out from under the desk. “lemme save my file and we’ll go watch some tv with the cats. how does that sound?”
nodding in agreement, you watched him finally tuck his dick back into his pants and save his progress. then, the two of you went out to the living room. 
it was no surprise that your throat hurt for the rest of the night, but it was a bit of a surprise when your injury lasted longer than that. both you and schlatt had thought that it would go away much quicker than that. nonetheless, you were stuck having liquids and soft foods to prevent the pain. additionally, schlatt put a ban on cockwarming and blowjobs until your throat healed.
after about a week, you both were relieved when your throat was no longer sore. to celebrate, you went out for korean barbeque and capped off the night with another, more careful cockwarming session.
the second time one of you got injured having sex, schlatt was in the middle of trying to overstimulate you. he already had you cum from his mouth a few times, and had moved on to stuffing you with three of his fingers while his thumb stimulated your clit. you were a moaning, whimpering mess, out of your mind with pleasure.
"jay, please." you begged him with a needy whine, bucking back against his fingers as he searched for that spot.
"i got ya, doll," he muttered, focusing in and speeding up his motions in an effort to make you cum. then, he added a little twist and—
he immediately pulled his fingers out and back to his chest to cradle his hand, leaving you breathless, confused, and concerned.
"john? are you okay?" you asked as you sat yourself up.
he went to flex his hand, still dripping with your cum and slick, then cringed. "no. i think i fucked up my hand."
you gently reached out to touch it, making him cringe. so, you quickly pulled away, then got up from the bed to put your clothes back on. “i’ll take you to urgent care.”
“what the fuck am i supposed t’ tell them?”
“that you were playing sports, that you were fingering me, i don’t care. you’re going to get your hand checked.”
schlatt grumbled and pouted some, but complied after making sure his hands were thoroughly washed. sure enough, a quick check from the doctor confirmed he had a grade two sprain in his wrist that required a splint.
it took schlatt's sprain much longer to heal than it took your throat, leaving him scowling and mopey that he couldn't overstimulate you on his fingers for the time being. luckily, you managed to cheer him up with lots of riding while he recovered.
the third and most serious time that one of you got injured during sex was the headboard incident. it was new year's day, and to celebrate, schlatt had kept you in bed all day. his resolution, according to him, was to have even more sex than the two of you usually did.
"fuck, baby," he groaned, hips slapping against your ass as he had you in doggy. "lemme fill ya up. you're milkin' my cock so good,"
you just whimpered, eyes fluttering closed as his grip tightened on your hips and he began to speed up his thrusts. every movement felt like pure bliss, especially as you began to buck back against him.
"good girl. you really want this dick, huh? wanna cum f' me?"
you opened your mouth to reply, uncertain if you could actually form words, when your head cracked off of the headboard with a sickening smack. instantly, you cried out in pain and collapsed on the bed. meanwhile, schlatt quickly removed himself and went to cradle you.
his hand brushed over your head gently, making you cry out once again. "dont touch, it hurts." you thought, trying to express that to your boyfriend. what came out, instead, was complete gibberish.
"what? i can't understand ya, doll. try again." schlatt replied, his voice filled with anxiety.
your second try at speaking went no better, and upon opening your eyes, the world seemed to spin. you squeezed them shut again, trying to will the pain away as tears leaked from the corners of your eyes.
"okay, hold on baby," schlatt seemed panicked as you felt him lay you back down on the bed. "lemme get a towel to clean ya with, then i'll take ya to the doctor."
despite your head being the injured part of your body, every touch from schlatt was gentle as he cleaned you off and got you dressed. he treated you even more delicately when picked you up and carried you to the car, apologizing the whole way for everything.
at urgent care, you were officially diagnosed with a concussion. apparently, your head had hit the headboard in just the right way to do so. it luckily only lasted a few weeks, but the repercussions for your sex life were massive. schlatt refused to go as rough as he used to during sex, despite your begging and pleading.
"jay, harder, please," you moaned, nails digging into his back as he gently thrust into you.
he shook his head, removing his mouth from where he had been working on giving you a hickey. "no, doll. i gotta keep ya safe. we don't want another accident."
"i'm okay though, and i'm asking for it. you aren't going to hurt me. i trust you." you promised him, moving one hand up to play with a stray curl.
he paused, taking a shaky breath before meeting your eyes. "only if you ride me, baby. i need you to be in control of what happens, okay?"
you nodded, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips as you moved to straddle him. then, you carefully slid onto his cock. it took you a moment to get into the right rhythm, but soon enough you were roughly riding him. the slap of your ass meeting his pelvis echoed through the room, and you were truly blissed out. it finally felt like everything was going back to normal, especially when schlatt began to moan as well and dig his fingers into the meat of your hips.
"fuck, doll. i missed this so much," he groaned, starting to buck his hips up to meet yours and moving his hand to your clit. "just— be careful."
you nodded once again, gasping in pleasure as his cock finally began to hit you just right. in combination with his fingers rubbing your clit, you could feel your orgasm begin to build "jay, please— 'm so close."
"i've got ya, sweetheart. just let go." he grunted, now bucking up every time you came down to make it that much sweeter.
finally, with a silent cry, you came harder than you had since before the incident. it was perfect, and it was everything you had been needing since your recovery.
as you basked in the afterglow, collapsed on schlatt's chest as he played with your hair, you looked down at him with an hopeful look. "so, we're back to rough sex, right?"
schlatt nodded and moved to tug you closer, a cheshire-like grin on his face. "oh, we're definitely back, baby."
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sunafc · 4 months
accidentally in love - 9, don't overthink
taglist: @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @gigiiiiislife @phoenix-eclipses @needtoloveoutloud @azharyy @dearneverland @sleepystrwbrryy @oliwiasworlds
if u want to be added in the taglist just say so in the comments and i'll gladly add u 🩷
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‘Alright,’ Oikawa places his cup on the desk and sits in front of you, ‘Now that we have coffee we can start.’
You start working on your project, you tell him what to write and he types away on his pc. This is going way better than you thought it would. He’s collaborating with you instead of scribbling on the side of your notebook or kicking your legs under the table to annoy you like he would do in class and, bickering for what words to use aside, the work is looking good. A couple of hours pass by without even noticing.
‘I think this is enough for today,’ he says leaning back on his chair, ‘Besides, I have practice soon.’
You hum and get up to see how the project is coming together. You look down at the screen from behind the boy.
‘Doesn’t it look kinda ugly though?,’ you say.
‘What do you mean?’
‘We should add some pictures, also maybe this section would be better in this part right here,’ you say pointing at the screen.
‘It’s fine, we have to do a presentation so we have to speak, people don’t need to see it,’ Oikawa says.
He tries to close his laptop but you stop him, ‘The professor will see it so it matters, it should stand out.’
‘Honestly, only you could worry about such a thing,’ he turns his head to you, ‘We’re not gonna do that, it’s a waste of time.’
‘Fuck you, we’ll do it.’
‘We won’t.’
‘We will.’
He gets up and towers over you, ‘Look, it really is just a waste of time.’
You didn’t even care what the fight was about anymore, the guy would just get on your nerves like no one else could and you just wanted to be right.
‘We are doing it. I don’t care what you think, sometimes you just need to shut up and—’
His lips on yours steal the words coming out of your mouth, his hands on your waist stop any thoughts from forming in your mind. It was just a peck but it still made you feel sparks in your body.
‘You need to shut up,’ he whispers on your lips.
With that, the kiss is long forgotten and you are angry again, ‘You are so annoying,’ you want to hit something, want to say something to get on his nerves more than he does with you but he’s so close, too close, ‘I can’t stand you.’
He gives you another peck, ‘Neither do I,’ and another, until he’s constantly kissing you, until your hand are in his hair, until your lips part, until he seals your lips together and deepens the kiss.
You’re not sure why he’s kissing you. Maybe he really just wants to shut you up but it doesn’t matter because you take it as a challenge and kiss him back. Maybe you want him to be breathless, so he’ll be the one to shut up. Maybe you are liking it. Maybe you don’t even care because your mind is in a thick fog and the only clear thing is his touch on you. You can’t stop and you don’t want to. Oikawa also doesn’t seem like he’s stopping anytime soon. Your heart is beating out of your chest and you’re already thinking about what will happen next. Will he confess he liked you this whole time, will you confess you like him too, will you start dating? Wait do you even like him or is he just a good kisser? What if he’ll act as if nothing happened? And why do you even care? You were pretty sure you hated him. Maybe you should stop, grab your things and leave. Maybe you’ll ask the professor to do the project alone or better yet you could drop the class, drop college and move to another country so you’ll never see him again and if someone has to get hurt it’ll be him.
Oikawa pushes you back until you hit his bed and sit on it. A hand on your neck and the other holding your jaw still as his lips keep moving on yours. You think it’s really unfair that his lips are so soft. You hope yours are softer and are driving him insane. He moves from your lips to your jaw and your neck and, as good as that feels, you kind of miss them nibbling on your bottom lip. He bites gently on your neck and sucks on your smooth skin. It feels like a fever dream but the noise of the front door opening wakes you up. You pull Oikawa’s head away from you as whoever is entering says a loud ‘Shittykawa, I’m back!’
Oikawa takes a good look at you, semi-lying on his bed with disheveled hair and smudged lipstick. He feels himself blushing. He brings his thumb to your lips and tries to clean up the mess from your makeup.
You quickly get up and stuff your things in your bag just in time for his roommate to enter the bedroom.
‘Oh, hi,’ he says, ‘Sorry, I didn't know there was someone over.’
‘It’s okay Iwa, we were done with the project already.’
Okay, maybe dropping out of college and moving to another country is a bit dramatic, but if he wants to act as if nothing happened, you can do that too.
‘I was leaving anyway,’ you reassure him as you walk towards the door, then you turn to Oikawa, ‘And for the project, we’ll do as I say.’
You leave clueless at how Iwaizumi didn’t miss the hickey on your neck and the faint traces of your lipstick on Oikawa’s face.
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y/n’s thoughts are a mess lol
oikawa is basically already in love but he’s scared of rejection and doesn’t want to accept his feelings so he resolves by arguing and shamelessly flirting with you
i hope there aren't any typos in the written portion.. if there are some ignore them :)
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snoozepotato · 1 year
We’ll Be Fine -14- (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x f!Reader)
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the original source material or any of its characters.
she/her pronouns + female anatomy
Category: slice of life, slow burn, mutual pining
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, swearing, eye contact, p-in-v sex, unprotected sex, over-stimulation, multi-orgasm, creampie, soft Ghost, anxiety, scars, tattoos, fluff
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Summary: Ghost shows up at your room late at night, he just got back and has been gone longer than expected. You missed him a lot and things get out of hand (≖ᴗ≖)
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Part 14
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You’ve been trying your best to keep the negative thoughts at bay, it's not abnormal for missions to take longer than expected. But Ghost's vague estimate of a few weeks left you unsettled, even more so as time started to pass. A few weeks had turned into a few months, as life slogged by on base around you. Keeping yourself weighed down with busy work while your mind drifts.
Things take time, hell, you know that from experience. Even so, you’ve been worried about him, it's started affecting your already inconsistent sleep schedule. And dammit, you missed having tea with him in the morning!
You'd been brooding in your room since completing your work for the day, curled up in bed wearing Ghost’s hoodie. You're thankful he never asked for it back, in moments like these it was one of the only things that kept you grounded. Snuggling into the garment and taking a deep breath. It's been a while but somehow his scent still lingers in the fabric, or maybe it’s just some wishful thinking on your part.
Fuck, you're a wreck…
A sudden knocking on your door startles you from your position on the bed. Staring perplexed, why would someone be here this late? There's a sudden spark of fear that shoots through you, with the odd hour, what if it's bad news? You're frozen there for a moment, feet dangling off the edge of the mattress. Anxiety sitting cold in your gut as you just stare blankly through the darkness.
Until another knock erupts from the other side of the barrier, louder this time. You spring from the bed, the fear overtaken by curiosity. Whoever it is better have a good reason for waking you… Well, you technically weren't asleep, but you should be. You hastily unlock the door to peek your head out, only to be greeted by a broad chest.
There in your doorway, looking a little worse for wear is Ghost.
You're struck by the view of him standing there clad in that worn mask with the skull face plate. You've seen him wearing it on more than a few occasions, usually when he's on his way off base for work. It's rather intimidating, you're sure it serves its purpose out in the field. But if you're being completely honest, it's always left you feeling a little heated.
“You’re home,” dazed words escape you, feeling foolish at your choice of phrasing.
“Did I wake you?” He's grasping the door frame with a gloved hand, peering down at you with mild concern. Did he strip his gear off and immediately come looking for you? When did he even get back?
“No, I couldn't sleep… You can sit down,” you mutter, turning on the light and motioning him in. Taking one last glance out into the vacant hallway before closing the entry after him. Leaving you alone in the quiet of your room with Ghost, who's stripped off his jacket and taken a seat at your desk chair. Your frazzled mind is racing while you try to keep your rapidly slipping composure. The space grows quieter by the moment as he sits there staring at the ground between you.
“Everything ok?” You ask, but his mind is somewhere else, “Simon?” Stepping forward you stand in front of his seated form. The sound of his name coaxes his gaze up to meet yours, and fire erupts in his dark eyes.
“I’m fine,” he mutters.
“I was worried about you,” the words fumble from your lips as you take another step forward to stand between his widened legs.
“That why you're moping about your room… In my clothes?” He's smirking beneath the fabric of the mask, very obviously taking in your form before him. You can’t help but feel naked under his heavy gaze despite the oversized garment.
Observing wordlessly as he removes his gloves, and rests a now bare appendage at the hem of the sweatshirt. Your eyes are locked, as he searches for any sign of hesitation. Caressing the delicate skin of your thigh before trailing up to halt at the waistband of your shorts. Heartbeat hammering away in your chest as he dips a finger beneath the thin fabric. Dragging it down till the garment slips, pooling at your feet. A shaky breath escapes you as his lingering touch skims back up your leg to rest on your bare hip.
“Nothin' under those, you waiting up for me?” He murmurs darkly, eyes burning into yours.
“I missed you,” the words slip out as he lazily pulls you down to settle into his lap without resistance.
You reach out to caress the side of his face, thumb brushing over the rigid material of the weathered mask. He's watching you, curiously eyes meeting yours. Embarrassment creeps in as he catches your dreamy stare. Looking away with blushed cheeks and shifting restlessly.
“You seem to like this one,” he coaxes, tugging you further against him, putting an end to your weak attempt at retreat.
“I never said that,” you mutter defensively, caught off guard by his accusation, not that it wasn’t true…
“Don’t have to, I've caught you staring at me,” he pauses, “guess I never thought that was why.”
The dry words only further your embarrassment, as your head slumps against his shoulder to hide your feverish complexion.
Suddenly you’re hoisted upwards, choking down a shaky breath as the stiffness of him presses against you. Your legs braced around him as he makes his way over to your bed, lowering you onto the cot and caging you beneath him. As your body sinks into the thin mattress pad your mind is suddenly plagued with doubt, insecurity sparking in your chest.
“You're sure?… You were gone a while” you murmur awkwardly, propping yourself onto your elbows as you peer up at his looming figure.
“I’ve been waiting so patiently, love,” his words drip with desperate sincerity, that fire smoldering in his eyes as he descends upon you.
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His hands work their way up your sides to snake beneath the material of the sweatshirt. Pulling the garment over your head and tossing it onto your desk chair. Your bare state would have felt unjust if his own shirt hadn't followed suit immediately after.
Leaving you laying there trying not to gawk, while nimble hands make quick work of his belt. Freeing the beast that's clearly trapped within the confines of his pants. To say the scale was daunting would be an understatement, but lying there beneath his toned figure, you were more than willing to accommodate.
“You ready for me?” He drawls, stroking his hard cock as he gazes down at your exposed form, like he's about to devour you.
“I’m all yours,” you coo as he brushes your entrance. Slowly teasing his head in and out of your already dripping slit, taking care to drag across your needy flesh till your thighs are twitching with building anticipation. A tightly coiled spring ready to burst, trembling and desperate for more.
The impatience quickly takes hold, hooking your knee over his hip to pull him deeper into you as he hisses out a curse. Consumed by the satisfying pleasure of being filled to the brim, his name uttered as a breathy sigh escaping your lips. Glazed eyes half-lidded as he admires your blissed expression, all for him.
“Fuck, you're tight” he rasps, the pressure building as your release begins to spill over. Gripping your knee, he pushes your leg up to split you open for his greedy length.
Gasping out in desperation, you arch to meet the friction of his rhythmic thrusts. Chasing that perfect angle, body tensing as you pulse with crackling pleasure. Riding out your orgasm all the while swimming in his murky gaze. The feeling of unraveling in his hands, fallen apart and at his mercy.
It's overwhelming.
Catching notice of your unrest, his pace slows as you try to catch your breath. But your eyes are downcast, suddenly afraid to meet his stare.
Icy doubt licking at your chest.
“Keep your eyes on me love,” hushed words murmured against your ear. You suck in a sharp breath, swallowing down a whimper as his heat leaves you. He grasps your chin with a firm hand, forcing you to meet his sharp gaze. Expecting to face the reaper, only to catch sight of his bare stumbled jaw. Your eyes lock for a long moment, the mask is gone. You're left gaping at him, eyes wide and startled.
“You alright?” His words are short, concern sparking in his stare.
You're so used to anonymity, it's easy to never see someone's face when you're sitting behind a computer all day. There was always that sliver of secrecy with Ghost until this moment, and it had always felt normal. Even so, it's still his eyes that draw you in, his trust in you is so blatant now. Every ounce of anonymity was stripped away, Simon caging you beneath him.
“I’m good,” you mutter through a sigh, leaning into his touch as his hold relaxes to caress your flushed face. His tense features unwinding at the view of you smiling up at him.
“Bend over for me love, I want to look at you, all of you,” he murmurs, your eyes held in his tender gaze.
Pulling you from your lying position, to bend you over the bed before him. Anxiety creeping in again as he admires your form from behind, feeling utterly vulnerable under his heavy gaze. But this heat washes over you, like he’s engulfed you in the fire smoldering in his eyes.
“Pretty little thing,” he breathes, running a hand down the length of your back, thumb tracing along the curve of your spine. He can feel the scars that lie beneath the white of your tattoo, a reminder of where you've been, how you got to him.
“Look how easy you’ve come undone for me,” he teases, an evident smirk in his tone.
Your back arches as he drags the head of his cock over your already sensitive flesh. Entering you again from your position bent over the bed. Your leg lowers to the floor to retain your balance as he presses deeply into your soaked folds. Simon letting out a low grumble of a moan as he thrusts to bury himself completely within you.
“Fuck, you're so wet,” he groans.
A strained wine escapes your lips at the friction, vision losing its focus momentarily. Craning your head to the side, catching his dark stare out of the corner of your sight.
“Your eyes… Do something to me,” you gasp breathlessly, your heated words gripping him as he continues relentlessly thrusting into you.
“Sensitive,” you sputter, bucking against him as the walls of your heat twitch with building pressure. Rough hands pulling you by the waist to meet his pounding length.
“Good,” he pants, “let go for me.”
Snaking a hand around you to rest the pad of his finger on your swollen clit. The action alone causes your hips to spasm involuntarily from overstimulation. Trembling wrists nearly give way as he circles the tender flesh.
Biting back a gasp as you're pushed over the edge again, your walls clenching around him as another orgasm rolls through you. His large hand cradles your breast, arching your back further as his thrusts grow frantic, cock pulsing as your heat spasm.
“Fuck,” he rasps, groaning as he jerks stiffly within you. Release spilling over, your body pressed against him, his breath hot in your ear. You shudder as his cock throbs, filling you with warmth, and you're unable to suppress the soft moan that escapes your lips.
His fingers curl into your side as he buries his face into your shoulder, thrusting sharply into you once more, completely drained.
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You knew he'd eventually have to leave, but you couldn't help but drift off to sleep nestled against him. Simon's back to the door as he gazes down at you, keeping watch over your resting form.
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The mask has returned when you wake sometime later, to a hand brushing the stray hair from your face. He murmurs something but you don't quite catch it through the haze of your slumber. In your foggy state, you completely miss him nabbing the mug off your desk before heading out the door.
The sound fully rips you from your stupor as you sit up in your cold bed, realizing you're once again alone in your room. You contemplate letting sleep take hold, but instead get up to re-clothe yourself in the sweatshirt he'd discarded on the chair. You feel kinda pathetic laying there sulking again in his absence, missing the furnace of a man in your bed...
But your thoughts are halted by a firm knocking on the door. Before you can second-guess yourself, you're already yanking the entry open. And there he is standing outside your door again, but now holding two cups of tea. Changed out of his dirty clothes from earlier, but still wearing that mask… 
What a fucking tease.
“Told you I'd right be back,” he states plainly, making his way back into the small space and taking a seat at your desk.
Watching amused as you settle back onto your bed. It's quiet as you sip your tea, mask left discarded on your pillow. His short-cropped hair lay disheveled, pressed against his head from the long hours of wear. Calling your name softly, he looks so tired but there's this levity in his eyes.
You might have made a lot of mistakes in life, but meeting Simon Riley wasn't one of them. Looking at you with that tender gaze, it felt like home. Somewhere to return after the horrors of the world take their toll, hands to guide each other through the darkness.
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WELL then, I hope you enjoyed (′ꈍᴗꈍ‵)
Thank you so very much for reading, this is all I have planned for this section of their story. I've got a few related fics/oneshots mulling in my brain so be on the lookout for those and more art!
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@tallrock35 @violet-19999 @hypernovaxx @k4marina @sebsbee @d4z01 @ramadiiiisme @embers-of-alluring @enfppixie
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veeluvss · 1 year
poorly girl
jj’s autistic daughter comes to work with her !
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jj grew confused, seeing the time and noticing the lack of her daughter.
“hey henry, is your sister up?” she asked the blonde boy, munching on his eggs.
“snoring,” he said, with his mouth full. jj couldn’t help but laugh then threw a confused glance to will. will shrugged.
“go check on her,” he suggested. jj nodded and jogged up the stairs. she could hear her daughters alarm going off and it wasn’t at all like her to have it going off 10 minutes later.
“hey honey,” jj whispered, pushing open her daughters bedroom door. y/n was sat up in bed, in some sort of daze. “hey,” jj muttered, going further into the room but when she noticed the sick by her bed her heart dropped. she grabbed her daughters hand, squeezing it softly and threw back the covers to reveal even more mess.
“can you hear me baby?” jj asked, she received a little squeeze on her hand and smiled. “would you like a shower?” she asked her, receiving another squeeze.
jj guided her daughter out of bed and into her en-suite bathroom, quickly turning the cold water on. she didn’t like warm showers.
“right, let’s get these off you.” jj said gently, beginning to remove her daughters clothes. the young girl whimpered, looking up at her mum for the first time that morning.
“sick,” she whispered, only managing the one word.
“you still feel sick?” jj asked but the young girl shook her head. she pointed to her bedroom. “you were sick yeah. we’re going to get you cleaned up, okay?” y/n nodded and lifted her arms for her mum.
after she was cleaned up, jj had texted emily, letting her know the situation. she had to head into the office today to grab some files but she didn’t plan on being all day - only a couple of hours. she knew she could take y/n with her. she didn’t have a temperature and she’d kept water down. she had her usual of yoghurt and oats with frozen fruit whilst her mum cleaned up her room. she still hadn’t said anything and jj didn’t expect her to. jj knew her senses were in overdrive, her body working over time to compensate for the sickness. she didn’t know how much she’d slept, she didn’t know when she’d been sick. her daughter couldn’t tell her and that made it hard.
“are you finished sweet?” jj asked, hovering over the bowl. y/n pushed her bowl away. “good girl. socks and shoes and then we’ll go see the team, is that okay?” y/n didn’t answer, just went to find her clothes. however, feeling far too tired, she handed them to her mum and sat down in the chair opposite, handing her her leg. jj couldn’t help but giggle.
“yes baby, i’ll help you,” she sniggered.
y/n clung to her mums hand as they stood in the elevator. she didn’t feel too bad anymore, she’d even cracked a smile for her mum in the car but she was still tired , having been up all night.
“there’s my two favourite girls!” emily cheered as the doors opened. jj smiled and did a shoulder shimmy and y/n wrapped her arms around emily’s waist.
“your mama told me you’re not very well,” emily pouted, moving some hair from the girls head. y/n shook her head gently, “sick.”
“she’s doing better now.” jj reassured spencer who looked on nervously.
“that’s good!” emily smiled.
just then they heard the squeal of garcia from behind them.
“my cupcake!” she giggled, opening her arms for y/n. y/n gasped a little and walked to garcia, letting the older woman pick her and up and sit her on her hip.
“hi my little love!” garcia mumbled, tickling her belly.
“hi,” y/n replied, sighing and putting her head on garcia’s shoulder. garcia held the young girl in her arms whilst the team chatted. she was content in her aunties arms but looking over at her mama, that’s who she really wanted. slowly, she began to wiggle and garcia let her down so her feet were on the floor. jj had sat down at her desk, preparing to do her work and y/n scrambled into her lap.
“hello my love,” jj whispered, kissing y/n’s head softly. y/n reached over her mums desk and opened her things drawer. she took out the rubix cube before snuggling into a ball in her mums knee. her head was in the crook of jj’s neck and her back to the team. in her hands, she fiddled with the cube of many colours and sighed softly.
“mama ears,” y/n sighed gently, hearing the bustling morning in the bullpen was a lot.
jj chuckled at her daughters little request before grabbing the girls pink headphones. she turned them on and slid them comfortably on her daughters head before y/n settled back into her arms.
she didn’t need any music, just some white noise to drown out the voices and footsteps and breathing around her.
it wasn’t long before the young girl was fast asleep in jj’s lap. she gripped her mama’s top and let her thumb hang from her mouth as jj worked on her files. emily came over with a soft, grey blanket from her office which she wrapped around y/n. it was a sweet sight. the bundle of y/h/c lying against jj’s chest and the little hands and feet were too cute.
the team loved their little girl. being the only girl out of the new gen of profilers, she was treated super special and with her needs she was treated even better.
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firelordsfirelady · 5 months
IX. Flash of Blue
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal
Word Count: 870
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story.
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
Zuko and I trained every day for the next week or so, but I found myself struggling to focus on fighting. Zuko had grown frustrated and told me to leave if I couldn’t focus, and that’s how I found myself one afternoon standing on the deck. I watched the endless horizon of the icy sea continue without much variation.
Something deep inside my being whispered to watch the horizon for something.
“Gets boring watching the horizon, right?” I turned to find Lieutenant Jee casually walking to stand next to me. “I don’t know why the Prince insists on this mission of finding the Avatar.” The lieutenant placed his hands on the railing as he spoke his next words bitterly. “Or why he insisted on dragging us all with him.”
“You shouldn’t speak about the Prince in such a manner.” My words were stern. “I understand you’re frustrated, but you truly have no idea how much the mission means to him.” I could feel his eyes staring at the side of my head before he let out a humorless laugh.
“I did not think you’d be the one to have a soft spot for the Prince,” Jee said and my cheeks felt hot at the accusation. 
“I don’t have--” I opened my mouth to speak as a large bright beam of light lit the sky in the distance. The beam of light continued to light up the sky as Zuko came rushing over to the side of the boat. The blue light drew my attention like a moth to a flame as I was suddenly attempting to attack a stranger on a dock in a city up north. The world is void of light as I try to defend myself, but the stranger laughs as he sends a fireball my way. I collapse as the world went black as the fireball made contact with my body.
“The only settlement in that area is a small Water Tribe village in the Southern Pole territory.” When I came to, there was a damp cloth on my forehead and whispers of conversation in the room around me. “That’s where we need to go.”
“Where you think we’ll find the Avatar?” Another voice--Iroh’s--whispered.
“Because of the light?” Iroh’s final question had Zuko go quiet for a moment.
“Do you think I am imagining things?” I recognized Zuko’s voice as he sounded hurt at Iroh’s statement, and Iroh sighed heavily.
“Sometimes, the light beams we see are nothing more than celestial glimmers in the cold winter sky.” I heard Iroh shift his weight in the chair beside me. “Sometimes, caring for those who care for us is the more important option.”
“I’m not worried about her, Uncle.” Zuko’s tone was harsh, and I let out a low groan I slowly opened my eyes to let them know I was awake. Zuko was standing over the desk in my room with a map sprawled out on the surface of it. Iroh sat beside me in the chair from my desk. A bucket of water sat beside Iroh with various rags neatly folded next to the bucket. “I’m sure that was the Avatar.” 
“Take it easy, Y/N,” Iroh said as he shifted his attention to help me sit up in bed. “You gave us quite the scare.”
“Good. You’re awake.” Zuko’s voice was cold to me as he turned on his heel. “We will make haste for the Southern Water Tribe.” Without waiting for Iroh’s response, Zuko added. “Y/N, when we arrive, you need to stay on the ship. I don’t need any weaknesses when go to capture the Avatar.” With that, Zuko left the room and briskly walked away. I gave Iroh an encouraging smile and ushered him away as Zuko left.
“I’ll be okay.” Iroh gave me an apologetic smile as he left the room and closed the door behind him. A shaky breath left my lungs as I laid my head against the cool wall as I had to face reality once again.
It’s a coincidence that the beam of light was the same scenario as my dream. I ran a hand through my hair as I set the damp rag in the bucket by my bed. Something in my spirit was telling me that it wasn’t a coincidence that the beam happened as it did in my dream. I let this internal argument fill my head until I felt the familiar sensation of the anchor dropping.
Sneaking behind one of the crates on deck, I watched from a distance as the crew was lined up before Zuko. The Fire Prince slowly paced back and forth as he spoke to them in an authoritative tone.
“Our mission is to find the Avatar is vital to the future of the Fire Nation.” He stalked back down the line as he continued. “We will prove ourselves worthy to see our homes and our families again, or we will die trying.” Zuko paused to look at Iroh before turning to put on his Fire Nation helmet. The crew all followed suit and marched off the ship behind Zuko. I felt a pang in my heart at Zuko’s speech, but watched as they all marched off the ship.
Tag List @chevysstuffs @puttyly @ginger24880 @night-fall-moon @junieshohoho @0kauy @coolgirl458 @hypnoticbeing @angelruinz @preeyansha @playboygeniusphilanthropist @ssonniiu  @chi-ara @hagridshaircare @dearstell @kyo-kyo1
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villainessprefect · 1 year
~Tell It to My Heart~
title: Late Night With You
Prompt #2: Ending a phone call with an accidental “love you”
Idia x gn!reader
Read on AO3
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Your eyes glide to the clock at the corner of the screen. You watch as the seconds literally tick by and bite back a sigh once you realize how late it's gotten. If the darkness enveloping your room and the main source of light coming from your computer wasn't obvious that it was well past your bedtime.
"It's getting late," you say. It is late, you mentally correct yourself.
"And?" Comes a voice from your headphones. You roll your eyes at his response. "It's not like we're doing anything tomorrow."
"You're not. I am." You fiddle with your mic that's connected to your headset. "Unless if you want to show up to class with me?"
You hear something akin to a huff and can practically feel his eye roll.
"Hard pass. These drop rates are harder than pulling for a limited edition SSR character and we're only given a week to grind for them? An event like this won't get a rerun for at least a year or two. It's now or never."
You shake your head and let out a yawn. Leave it to Idia to find importance in an online game. You don't doubt that he's right, but you're not a hardcore gamer like him. Life calls whether you want it to or not and you have to answer it.
"You make a convincing argument. Think you can get enough for me too?"
"Do you know who you're talking to? When I'm done we'll have enough materials to make a second set of weapons for display," he says with a chuckle.
A smile inches on your face at the sound. A shame that you can't hear it in person. It sounds better compared to the slightly muffled version in your ears.
"Thanks. We still on for Saturday? That's when the drop rates increase, right?"
"Yeah. I'll send you better armor so we can one-shot those raids too."
"Cool." You feel another yawn coming your way and barely manage to hold it back. You rub your eyes and feel a little guilty for not holding much of a conversation. To be fair though, keeping your eyes open isn't easy even with the blaring light of a laptop shining on your face. "Okay, I can't be up much longer. You should be heading to bed soon even if you're not going to show up for class."
"Eh? No way. I can do this all night!"
"I'll message Ortho," you threaten with a grin. Idia falls silent and you can imagine him glancing back to look at his brother. The image makes you chuckle. It wouldn't be the first time you'd manage to get Ortho to get Idia to bed. "Kidding. Anyway, see you later, Idia. Love you."
You pull off your headset and place it on your desk. You log off your account and then the laptop's screen fades to black. A whine escapes you as you're forced to adjust to the sudden darkness.
You stretch your limbs as you stand from your chair. Carefully, you navigate the walk from desk to bed. It's a short path but you don't know what lies hiding in the dark. Thankfully, your mission is successful and you land in bed with a thud.
Grim rolls around beside you, muttering something in his sleep. The monster doesn't wake, surprisingly, and you take a moment to run a hand through his fur. He purrs, getting cozy underneath your touch, and nestles closer to you. Then he mumbles something about tuna.
"Sweet dreams..." You breathe out. With one last yawn, you shut your eyes.
Only to have them shoot open as your body jerks itself upward.
"Oh my god..." You gasp, a hand flying to your mouth. You can feel your cheeks burning, your heart racing a mile a minute.
Did you...Did you really just tell Idia you love him?
You totally did not just do that.
Idia is frozen in his chair with wide eyes. He feels like a cat that's just been spooked as he repeats your goodbye over and over in his mind. Those two little words you uttered could easily OHKO him. And if you were right in front of him, he really would have died on the spot.
Idia pulls his hands off his keyboard to cover his face. His room is enveloped in a soft blue glow that stems from his hair. Now it begins to flash a light pink. His cheeks began to match the new color surrounding him.
"Th-They didn't mean to say that..." He tells himself. "I-It's late and they're just tired. Yeah. Th-That's it. N-No way they'd tell me that. Besides that's not a way they would confess..."
Not that he's thought about you confessing to him. Well, he has. A bit. Okay, more than he's ever willing to admit. And he's not going to go off about how he imagines it happening underneath a cherry blossom tree after school with flowers sparkling around your image.
"They're right, i-it's getting late..." Idia tries to calm his nerves while logging out of his game. His fingers are set on autopilot as your voice echoes in his head.
Even as he finds himself in bed, curling underneath the covers, he can't fall asleep. You are on his mind now more than ever. His heart bounces around his chest, making him feel giddy while his mind fights against it, scolding it and being realistic about your words being a tired mistake.
Regardless of which one wins, he's definitely not going out tomorrow.
Oh. That brings up another problem. Instead of looking forward to playing with you, now he's dreading it.
What the hell is going to happen on Saturday?!
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gaias-space · 5 months
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“Dean we’ve got nothing!” You shout frustrated. “Is Sam sure there’s even a case?” You sink in the chair of the building you were in. Sam was at the bunker with a busted knee, so he assigned the next best person he knew to hunt alongside Dean, you. You were skilled, had years of experience, and smart. You’d known the boys for years, Sam admired you, but Dean…he never knew why but you rubbed him the wrong way. But you too felt the same. Neither of you got along, you were on the brink of ripping each other’s throats at any time you were around each other. But when it came to a job both of you tried putting that aside to get the job done and then wouldn’t have to worry about seeing each other for another few months or for both yours sakes, years.
“Yeah I’m thinking that too, but the mass of deaths in this town…it’s off. But where the hell is the evidence” Dean says also frustrated. It was late, you were exhausted. And Dean, refusing to admit it, was also tired. “Alright well how about tomorrow we head into the town and speak with the local sheriff” you suggest: Dean agrees “yeah. You’re right, we’re going to have to check it out tomorrow because god…I’m so tired.” The two of you yawn. “it’s gettin late. And I want some food, I’m starving”. Deans voice was low, never once looking you in the eye. “There’s a motel not far from here, we’ll have to crash there and tomorrow we’ll look for more answers” you say. Deans brows crease and he hisses frustrated. “oh hell no. No way am I putting up with your ass got a whole night. There has to be someone who can give us any sort of information” he turns around slowly gesturing to the remaining people in the office. Your heart ached and you took a step back. “Ass” you murmur under your breath. “Dean it’s nine at night, we’ve been up since six. Not a person here has given us any- or much useful information. I say we try investigating the sheriffs office tomorrow but we need sleep and we need to do this for Sam.” your voice hopeful. Dean rolls his eyes frustrated. “Yeah…you’re right.” His voice deep and filled with annoyance. Sam had felt depressed for weeks while he was in the mend, seeing his eyes light up knowing there was a case- well how could you not do it? You sit in silence in the impala, Dean blasts his favourite songs with full intention of drowning you out if you even tried to speak. He couldn’t stand your voice, he couldn’t stand your excited rambling when you discovered something he couldn’t stand you. He just wanted this case to be over, and he was regretting taking this one since it’s taking a lot longer then he wanted it to be. The car ride was painfully long, but you couldn’t help the loud sigh of relief when Dean says “we’re here”. He pulls into a small parking lot and a small motel building. He pulls the car into an empty lot, turns the car off and looks at you. “One night, and first thing Tomorrow morning, bright and early, crack of dawn, sunny-“
“Alright, alright I get it Jesus!” You wave a hand in dismissal. “God you really are the worst” you say exiting his car, refusing to hear another word. It was now closer to ten pm, you were tired and exhausted, but now more irritated then ever. The two of you enter the small building to boom a room. In the office was a thin, scrawny young man. “H-hey what can I do for yous tonight?” He says with a squeaky voice. He has to be young, or this is his first job. Dean stands in front of you, dominant like always. “We need a room” he demands. The nervous kid flicks through the motel book and sighs happily. “Ah perfect! We have one room left and it’s perfect for you lovely couple it’s a-“
“Excuse me?” Dean interrupts. The boy chokes and there’s a shakiness to hos voice again. “Well uh there’s one room available. One double bed…”
“No! No none of that! We sure as hell ain’t a couple! Listen buddy we need two rooms or two beds anything else!” Dean slams his fist on the desk, startling the boy. You can’t help but chuckle at the situation, of course this would happen to you. “Oh I’m so sorry sir…I didn’t mean to assume. But we’re all out, that’s the last room we’ve got tonight.”
Dean sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Is there another motel nearby?” His voice lowered. “I mean not for another four hours…”
“Four hours!? What kind of city is this- god…just..fine. That will do.” He says in defeat. The boy nervously grabs the key and hands it to Dean. “C-can I have a name?…for the book I mean”. You couldn’t help. But feel sorry for the kid. He looked like he was about to wet himself. But Dean was an asshole, he had that effect on a lot of people. “Kyle Maddison” Dean says. He always used an alias especially on a job. You sank in the waiting seat you were tired, exhausted, trusted, disappointed now. The one thing you wanted was sleep, and also to get this job done and not see Dean again. But of course this had to happen. As much as you wanted to put up a fight, the idea of sleep sounded marvellous. Dean finishes up and turns around storming out the door not waiting for you. Why would he? You follow along and find yourselves at room 403. “Can’t fucking believes this” he mutters. You enter the room and he throws his bags on the small table. Both of you look at the double bed in the room. Now there was the elephant in the room. “Well what are we going to do now?” You say. Dean takes his jacket off and kicks his shoes off. “I dunno about you sweetheart but sleep sounds great right about now and this bed- oh she’s calling my name”. He smiles at the furniture and falls o to the comfortable looking mattress. “Excuse me?” You say annoyed. Dean just st looks at you confused, as if you should already somehow know the answer. “What?” Your jaw drops and you scoff. “Where the hell am I gonna sleep? Why don’t I get the bed? Ladies first and all?” Dean lets out a choked laugh “ha! Honest I paid for the room. I get the bed. And I sure as hell ain’t sharin’ so.”- he darts his eyes at the floor. A small space beside the bed that could fit your body with a little extra room. “You’ve got to be kidding me Dean” you growl. “Your fucking ridiculous” you shout. “Well that’s not my problem now is it? You’re lucky I even let us stay in here. Lucky I even paid for us to have the room. Speaking of”- deans eyes dart to the mini fridge. “Bingo”. He rolls his body out of bed and raids the mini fridge. “You know you have to pay for that?” You attempt to ruin his joy. But he just shrugs. “Ah fake credit cards, never paid a dollar for these in my life” he says muffled as he shoves chips into his mouth. “You’re actually ridiculous my god”. You couldn’t believe he was making you sleep on the floor. You notice there was a small ensuite. Perfect, a shower. Just what you needed after today. Showers always made you feel better no matter what kind of day you’ve had. And perhaps this would help with this sleeping arrangement. “I’m going for a shower” is all you say as you enter the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Dean continued stuffing his face with drinks and snacks.
The shower was warm and refreshing, the water trickled down your body and the rosy scented soap suds drizzled down you and into the drain. For a moment you had forgotten all about your worries. Just the warmth and comfort of the shower. You had been in there for quite some time and you were now at the brink of passing out from tiredness. You quickly finish in the shower and dress yourself in satin sleepwear, another comfort item. You open the ensuite door and are greeted with the smell of pizza. “Dean. Did you get pizza?” You ask in shock and confusion. You watch as Dean shovelled down a pizza, noticing the delivery recipet hanging on the bed. “Yeah…well, the snacks didn’t fulfill my hunger so I ya know- got food.” You could barely make out his words while he chewed. The smell of pepperoni wafted in your nose and you felt your stomach ache. You too were starving and hadn’t eaten for hours either. And now it was almost sickening. “It was a two for one special so I got you a cheese pizza” deans voice interrupts your thoughts and he points to a box on the bed. With a shocked expression you move your way to the box and take it “uh…thank you” you mutter. “Pfft didn’t do it for you. Almost considered eating that one myself. You just got lucky tonight that’s all” how voice was cold and sarcastic. Would he ever lighten up? Rolling your eyes you sit on a small stool and shovel the pizza in your mouth. More time had passed and it was closer to midnight, your stomach was full, Dean was now lying in bed trying to sleep and you, you were making a makeshift bed on the floor. as you made your bed, you huff and puffed and made all kinds of sounds expressing your annoyance and frustration with your sleep arrangement, hoping it would get a reaction out of Dean. “Look I ain’t happy about it either, the sooner we get this done the better it will be alright? You fight demons and all kinds supernatural beasts but you can’t sleep On the floor? pfft make that make sense” he snarks. Rolling your eyes you finally lay down on the hard, rough carpeted floor and attempt to find a comfortable position. “Yet, you’re too afraid to share the bed” you respond. Dean doesn’t reply he rolls over facing away from you and attempts to sleep. He couldn’t help but feel a little bad for making you sleep on the floor, it was cruel even for him, but he refused to kill his ego and sleep in the same bed with you. Soon he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep. And you, you tossed and turned for another hour trying to get comfortable until sleep finally took you and you fell into a deep rest.
Hours had gone by, it was around 4 am when you felt something touch your arm. It’s little legs tickled your fingers, and then your hand, then up to your arms and finally, you woke to the sensation, thinking it was a dream. Your eyes fly open, and you notice and sensation was real. It was a roach from the floor, crawling on your hand. Your eyes widen and an earth shattering scream bursts through your lips. You jump to your feet waving your arm around, throwing the roach into the air. “FUCK! BUG! ROACH! AHHHHH!” You could barely make the words, Dean wakes up in a panic. Your worst fear was bugs. “What the hell Y/N?!” Dean yells. You grasp your knees breathing heaving trying to catch your breath. “There was a - a bug!…crawled on me-“ you pant. Deans face contorts, annoyance and tiredness reading all over him. “You woke me up over a goddamn bug!?” Dean yells. You were still shaken up “it was Crawling in me!” You scream. Dean signs and falls back onto his pillow. “Go to bed. Fuckin pussy” those last words he mutters, but you could still hear him. You look back at your bed, a blanket and a single pillow. If there was one roach, there had to be others. You were exhausted, your eyes barely focusing. Dean grunts and tries to fall back asleep. But no way in hell could you sleep now. What if another crawled on you? What if it went in your mouth? Or bit you somehow? Can Roaches even bite? Well you weren’t gonna try and find out. With a shaky breath you contemplate what to do. The floor was so uncomfortable you knew your back would hurt in the morning, there was also possibly a family of bugs waiting to dance in your body. But there right in front of you was the coziest looking bed right now. You sigh feeling defeated, you knew what his answer would be but you needed to try. You tiptoe over and stare at him for a moment. The moonlight illuminating his features. He looked so peaceful sleeping. His soft lips parted slightly, his arms hugging his pillow. He looked cute, almost like he could be nice. Something he’d never been to you. You reach out a finger and poke his arm, he grunts but doesn’t wake. “Dean!” You whisper. He could not have fallen back asleep that fast. “Dean!” You say louder. He jolts awake again “huh? What? Oh…for god sakes Y/n what are you doing awake? You’re not still scared about a damn bug are you?” His voice deep and tired. “As a matter of a fact yes, I’m horrified. Can I-can I please sleep on the bed? You won’t know I’m even there? Please” you whimper. He rolls his eyes too tired to argue. He was tired, he wanted sleep. Needed it infact. His eyes lazily look at you “no” is all he says before laying his head on the pillow. “But - but”- he doesn’t say a word he closes his eyes and ignores you. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me’ you thought. Well it was worth a shot. You shakily lay back down in your makeshift bed feeling unease. Dean wasn’t asleep, he couldn’t. Not after the guttural scream that came from you. He felt guilty. Why? He wasn’t sure. But it wasn’t fair for you to sleep on the floor. Dean tried everything he could to get comfortable and sleep but all he could hear was you tossing and groaning.
His tired figure rolls across and he props himself up on his arms watching you. Watching your tiny body shake and quiver. ‘God she’s really shaken up over a bug?’ Dean thought. He knew you were completely terrified of them, it was almost pathetic. He couldn’t help but feel dread and guilt. You looked so frightened, that floor did not look comfortable and after all you hadn’t annoyed him too ouch today. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so hard on you, for tonight. His arm hangs down and he shoves your shoulder, starting you awake. “Cmon. Now” is all he says. He pays the mattress beside him I. A sleepy manner before rolling back over. “Don’t make me regret this”. He mumbles. It takes you a second to realise what he said and you jump to your feet. You knew Dean wanted you up bright and early but with the broken sleep you were having, that plan was going to change. You gently slide yourself into the mattress, trying not to disturb Dean. The soft foam supported your back and the pillow under your head was the perfect fineness. Your eyes shut almost immediately, exhaustion overriding you as you fall into a deep sleep. Hours had gone by and both you and Dean had slept in. It was now 10:30 am and neither of you had woken up. The sun beams on your skin, the sound of birds chirped outside.
The second you had placed your head on that mattress you had the sounded sleep Ever. In fact possible too good- Dean was first to wake his eyes slowly blinking open. But he couldn’t move. Sleepily he looks down and it takes a moment before he freezes in place. Your head on his chest. You were sleeping in a ball snuggled tightly into Dean, peacefully sleeping on his chest and one hand over his chest. Drool escapes your lips and trickles onto this shirt. You looked…peaceful. Deans eyes widened. What the hell would he do now?
(Stay Tuned For Part Two…Coming Soon)
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crybabylulu · 5 months
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Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summery: things get a little spicy between you and Lin and not in the good way (REMEMBER I SAID YALL CANT JUMP ME! YALL CANT BE MAD AT ME)
I woke up to the sound of a door closing. I slowly sat up and Lin wasn’t in the room, I got out of bed and went into the living room and still no Lin. I peeked out the window and saw Lin getting into her car. I pouted then I turned to the kitchen. There was a plate of breakfast waiting for me with some coffee. “She’s so in love with me.” I said to myself then took a sip of my coffee. When I finished eating I cleaned up the kitchen then did some laundry and tried to figure out what to make Lin for lunch.
As the days went by with Lin being stuck in the office she made sure to come home in the morning to take a shower and make breakfast for me. It was sweet but I want her to lay with me! I was laying in bed when the phone rang and I answered it. “Hello.” I said. “She ripped it.” Asami said. “What?” I asked. “I wore the matching outfit we bought last night and Korra ripped it. You need to put yours on.” Asami said. “Y’all nasty.” I teased. “You and Lin fucked in my closet.” Asami said. “That is true.” I said.
“Exactly so you better put that outfit on and then that pencil skirt outfit and go up there and do what you need to do.” Asami said. “You’re right.” I said. “Also are you and Lin coming with the rest of us to Zaofu?” Asami asked. “Why are we going to Zaofu?” I asked. “Because Lin’s sister has invited us to visit.” Asami said. “Her what?” I asked. “Her sister Su…has she not told you about her?” Asami asked. “No! I had no clue she had a sister.” I said. “Well they are still learning to get along so I’m kinda not surprised but I don’t know as her girlfriend I thought she’d mention her to you.” Asami said.
“She’s been busy a lot lately so I’m not surprised that she hasn’t brought it up.” I said. “Well I say get to packing so you guys can come.” Asami said. “Oh we’ll be there, trust me.” I said. “Good, I’ll talk to you later. I love you.” Asami said. “I love you too.” I said and hung up. I sighed then decided to start packing. I packed the new pink lingerie in my bag and a bunch of clothes and other things. When I finished I decided to make Lin’s lunch. When that was done I dressed up then made my way to her office. I didn’t put on the lingerie outfit because I’m mad at Lin.
She’s not getting any from me. I saw Mako and Bolin. “Hello boys.” I said. “Hey!” Bolin exclaimed and gave me a hug. I hugged him back then hugged Mako. “Chief isn’t in her office, she’s in another meeting.” Mako said. “That’s fine I’ll just wait in her office also you guys are coming to Zaofu right?” I asked. “Yeah of course.” Bolin said. “Are you guys going? I know chief has been a little dodgy about answering if you guys are going or not.” Mako said. “We’re going.” I said. Mako and Bolin nodded. I went up to Lin’s office and I sat in her chair.
The more I sat there the more irritated I got. How could she not tell me? Why wouldn’t she tell me? I’m her girlfriend, she's supposed to tell me these things! How the fuck do you not say hey babe I have a sister! Like makes no fucking sense. The door opened and I looked up. “What’s wrong with you?” Lin asked. “So you have a sister.” I said. “Who told you?” Lin asked as she closed the door behind her. “Asami called me asking if we’re going to Zaofu with everyone else because your sister invited us.” I said.
“We aren’t going.” Lin said. “Oh yes we are, I already told Asami, Bolin and Mako we are going and I’ve already packed.” I said. “Well unpack because we aren’t going.” Lin said. “Yes we are.” I said. “No.” Lin said sternly. “I’ll go without you then.” I said and folded my arms. “You wouldn’t dare.” Lin said. “Try me.” I said. “Why are you being so difficult?” Lin asked as she walked over to the desk. “Why don’t you wanna go? Why didn’t you tell me about your sister?” I asked. “Because it’s none of your business.” Lin snapped. “I’m your girlfriend Lin.” I said. “No you are not. Remember your place.” Lin snapped.
“Ok.” I said. I got up and left the room. She wants me to remember my place. I can do that but me remembering my place means her remembering hers. When I got back to the apartment I didn’t even bother to clean up and I ordered food for myself. When dinner time came around I didn’t bother to cook for Lin at all.
The next morning I woke up to the smell of food. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. I saw Lin at the stove. “So you didn’t wash dishes last night?” Lin asked. I didn’t bother to respond and I made myself some coffee. “Am I talking to myself?” Lin asked. I turned to look at her and just took a sip of my coffee. “Really?” Lin asked. I shrugged. “You are being such a brat right now.” Lin replied. That’s the point Linny. I’m back in my place. “Do you think this is funny?” Lin asked. “No I don't, Linny.” I said. “You clearly do.” Lin said. I shook my head.
When lunch time came around I made her lunch and just dropped off the food. I didn’t bother to sit and be with her. The same with dinner. Just drop offs and go. I've been doing this till it was time to go to Zaofu. I made sure I had everything in my bags that morning. “Are you really going?” Lin asked. I nodded my head. “You’re on your own for lunch and dinner. Good luck. Hopefully when I come back your attitude has changed.” I said and made my way out the door. I’m being petty I know but I don’t care! She started it!
When we made it to Zaofu I got introduced to everyone. “I’m surprised my sister got a girlfriend as sweet as you.” Su said. I just laughed. “Speaking of aunty Lin, where is she?” Opal asked. “Paperwork is keeping her way too busy.” I said. “When will she ever take a break?” Su sighed. “Who knows.” I said. I was shown around and of course I went shopping on Lin’s card. She’s gonna spank the hell out of me but I don’t care! I sat with Su outside and we just talked. “You know I didn’t think my sister would fall in love again.” Su said. “What do you mean?” I asked.
“Last time she was in love was with Tenzin and that was years ago.” Su said. “Damn.” I said. “I don’t know if she dated other people after him really but she seems to like you if she sent you to meet me and I’ve heard Korra talk about the two of you. You two seem so sweet. I wish she was here so I could see you two together.” Su said. “She’s dated some other people before me. I believe she made it seem like it was all just casual.” I said. “Well she’s taking you seriously so just try to be patient with her. I know she can be a handful.” Su said and we laughed.
The next morning I woke up to knocking at my door. I got out of bed and opened the door. There stood a pissed off Lin. “Oh hello.” I said. “You really made me come all the way here to get you.” Lin huffed. “Oh no no I didn’t make you come here.” I told her as I moved aside to let her in. “I’m not in the mood for you brat.” Lin said. “Then why are you here?” I asked. “To bring you home.” Lin said. “Why?” I asked. “Because you don’t need to be here.” Lin said. “Why? Your sister seems nice and your niece Opal was asking about you.” I said.
“You know nothing about my sister.” Lin snapped. “Then tell me.” I snapped back. “It’s none of your business.” Lin said. “Lin, just explain please. I just want to understand.” I said. “You just don’t need to be here!” Lin yelled. “Don’t raise your voice at me Lin Beifong.” I said. “I wouldn’t be raising my voice if you just listened!” Lin shouted. “I’m trying to listen but you just keep yelling and saying a whole lot of nothing baby.” I said and sat on the bed. “Pack your things we’re leaving.” Lin said. “You can’t make me leave.” I said.
“If you don’t come with me this is over.” Lin said. “Ok, I don’t need your money. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. In all honesty the reason I’m still here with you is because I genuinely love spending time with you. I love our time together that’s why I’m here but if you don’t care about that then ok. I’ll pack up and leave if that’s what you want.” I said. Lin huffed. “Tell me what you want, Lin.” I said. “I want us to go home. Please let’s just go home.” Lin said. “Please tell me why I just want to understand.” I said.
“Why do you have to know? Why can’t we just go home?” Lin asked. I grabbed Lin’s hand and pulled her to me. “Talk to me. I want this to work Lin and this won’t work if you don’t talk.” I said. She sat down and I straddled her. “Lin, please just let me in.” I begged. Lin sighed. I cupped her face but then quickly removed my hand from her scar cheek. Lin grabbed my hand and put it back. Lin took a deep breath and started to tell me about her relationship with her sister.
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m454d1e · 13 days
charm | t.oikawa - 07 juna
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by m454d1e involves past relationship trauma somewhaat
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yn’s sitting at the oak table, feeding herself scoops of miscellaneous cereals as her roommates look over at her, various perplexed faces on each of them.
“so oikawa’s coming over?” kei looks over at osamu skeptically, “i mean i don’t mind but it’s just a bit of a drastic change in opinion.”
“i don’t think oikawa’s that bad, really.” keiji shrugs, “nice guy, a bit violent but i think it was an appropriate time”
“guys, he’s just gonna be over to work on the project, it’s not like we’re gonna actually have a meaningful conversation.” yn explains, leaning on the back of her chair. she lets out a deep sigh as she sips on some juice, “he’ll be over from 1:30 to the evening or something, you wont even see him.”
“yeah, it’s fine then. i’ll be at uni the whole time” kiyoko nods, “i’ll be in the textile studios from around 12-4 really, so i’ll be home for dinner.. is he going to have dinner with us?” she asks yn, who shrugs.
“dunno, he might.” 
“well i’ll be in the apartment all day, so if anything happens or if he does anything then just let me know, okay?” osamu looked sideways at yn, sighing softly.
“i think we’ll be okay.”
“dunno yn, just being careful is better.” keiji nods in response, looking over at kei.
“we’re adults, i’m sure that yn knows what she’s doing.”
“thank you kei” yn replies, sipping on some more juice, and that was their breakfast conversation over.
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her lectures dragged on all day, the minutes passing by slower every second, every moment blurred into one until she’s sitting outside on one of the benches, eyes closed before she hears a familiar chirpy voice.
“ynn, are you ready to head off?” tooru asks, offering her a hand which she takes gratefully, letting him pull her right back to her feet.
“yeah, we can go now.”
they walk hand in hand, earning a couple weird glances from other students as they walked in silence. she looked exhausted, and tooru couldn’t help but worry, so he would tug her a little closer every now and then, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as she directed them towards her dorm. 
tooru was surprised, it was much tidier than the apartment he shared with his roommates, but then again, she lived with akaashi and kiyoko, who were pretty good when it came to organisation.
“these rooms are so much better than the sports dorms” tooru complains, slipping off his shoes and neatly leaving them next to yns.
“mm, yeah i guess. the rent here is more expensive than in the sports dorms, also aren’t you on a scholarship like tobio?” yn asked, looking up at him curiously.
“yeah, i’m on a half scholarship, so i still pay for my dorm fees.” oikawa sighs, walking with her throughout the apartment as he looks around in astonishment.
“do you want water or anything?” she asks, pouring a glass with some ice tossed inside and passing it towards him, receiving a small ‘thank you’ in return.
“who else are your roommates besides kiyoko and akaashi?” he asks curiously, bringing up the cool glass to his pink lips,
“uhm, osamu and kei”
“kei as in karasuno, kei tsukishima?”
“yeah” she nods in reply, 
“i don’t like him.” oikawa states firmly, causing her to chuckle.
“mm, i see that, i think that at face value he’s a bit awkward and arrogant, but he’s very caring once you get to know him” she nods, thinking about tsukishima. oikawa laughs as well, taking another sip,
“we should probably start our project, are we going to your room or something?” she nods and pulls him towards her bedroom. 
it’s neat, but obviously lived in. with a twin sized bed against the wall with white sheets somewhat done and a large desk with stacks of paper on the ends of it. he sits on the grey carpet, putting his messenger bag next to him and reaching for his laptop. tooru rests his back against the bedframe as he accesses the document, she sits next to him and does the same thing.
“so i did some of the work last week, and i think that we’ve mainly finished our research and can start drafting our abstract.” yn nods, picking at the skin at her cuticle, “have you chosen a question?” tooru nods and explains it to her, gently taking her hand in his. yn feels an unfamiliar warmth form in her stomach as she looks up at him, his sharp jaw as he reads off his document, and he doesn’t realise her gaze until he looks back at her.
“what? is there something on my face?” he asks, bringing his other palm to quickly wipe against his lower face, making her smile from his obliviousness.
“no, it’s nothing. but the question sounds good” she hums, leaning over his shoulder to tweak some parts.
a couple half hours later, yn’s sitting on her bed with tooru working on the ground still, stretching occasionally as he could feel it in his back now.
“if you’re uncomfortable you can come sit up here.” she hums mindlessly, so he finds himself climbing up next to her, sitting shoulder to shoulder as he continues to type away on his laptop. over the hour they find themselves shifting closer, to the point where their laptops are forgotten on the ground and tooru has his arm lazily draped across her waist as they lie close, but not enough.
“are you feeling better?” he asks her softly, using his other hand to gently card through her hair as she gazed up at the white ceiling.
“yeah, i guess so” she mumbles in response, turning to look up at him, a somewhat soft gaze in her eyes, causing tooru to smile down at her. “i don’t know tooru, you make me feel safe in a way” she explains, looking down at his fingers, “like, i can tell you things that i’d usually be a bit hesitant to tell my friends, or anything,”
 tooru hums in response, seemingly in deep thought.
“i’m happy that you trust me,” he strokes her jaw, looking into her eyes, “i really like you, yn” he murmurs so quietly, you’d have to be really listening to hear it.
it’s this strange, comforting feeling. yn wants nothing more but to bask in it, and let tooru into her life fully, but there’s something holding her back. that small, dwindling feeling which told her that it would end up the same. semi follows her everywhere, from the music she listens to, the the posters in her bedroom, to the way her friends would look at her, he’s always there. but this, being in tooru’s arms, that was her sanctuary, that was the only place that semi couldn’t reach, and she wanted to keep it that way. but tooru, ever observant, would pull it out of her eventually.
“you look like you’re thinking about something” he smiles, poking his finger against he cheek, “what’s on your mind?”
“mm, it’s stupid” she replies,
“don’t care, i’d wanna hear anything you have to say.” yn sighs gently, leaning against his chest a bit more.
“i’m just a bit scared, i guess.” she starts, “i like you too tooru, but it’s scary, letting myself be intimate again.” she admits, “i’m embarrassed.”
“you shouldn’t be embarrassed, yn.” he mumbles into her hair, “what you went through is really damaging and honestly, even wanting to try is courageous, in my opinion.” oikawa sighs, pulling her closer, “and anyways, i’d wait for you, a long time.”
she looks up at him, surprise and curiosity written all over her face.
“you’d take it slow with me?” she asks,
“yeah, i would” he replies quickly, “i’d take it as slow as you’d want.”
yn felt the walls that she’d spent years building slowly fall with every word he’d whisper lovingly to her. the warmth and comfort he provided, it was different, it came naturally to her like a second nature, yn would look up at him, analysing his words, and she didn’t want to, but she believed him, he drew her in. she didn’t think she’d fall victim to oikawa tooru’s charms, but here she was. wrapped up in his arms, soaking his affection as she laid still in his arms. she thinks that she’s never felt more complete than this.
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౨ৎ long chapter i'm quite proud of this.
౨ৎ perhaps they confessed too quickly but realistically i don't care
౨ৎ i like this chapter
౨ৎ i also liked the iwaizumi drabble i posted i'm quite fond of it.
౨ৎ i need to expand my vocabulary and spelling ASAP
౨ৎ like it's sooo bad holy moly.
౨ৎ anyways hope u love and enjoy
౨ৎ also there will probably be no charm chapters from tuesday onwards kinda besides queued posts because erm i have an assignment i've had the past 6 weeks to do and i've only written my abtract fml.
౨ৎ realistically the schedule is sunday , tuesday , friday night. prolly not tho.
౨ৎ maybe i'll post a oneshot sometime between that but we'll see cos i'm super busy assessment wise..
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taglist : @meosq , @jtaimeurmom , @strawbeariesei , @meeeepsworld if you'd like to join - don't be afraid to ask ! queued post
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dexiiexox · 11 months
Boyfriend headcanons for Chris Sturniolo🧡
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a/n: here is the Chris version no one asked for but that I give you anyway 🤗 becuase Chris deserves the love tooo💕
Chris Sturniolo x reader
warnings: none I think?
summary: again just headcanons I imagine for Chris :))👍
Unless you live under a fucking rock or you’re a new fan of the triplets, we aaaalllll know Chris is a pepsiholic by now
And with that I feel like he would automaticly decide that you are too, so I can 100% just imagine Chris bringing or buying you a pepsi everytime he gets one as well
You’re sitting on the couch watching a movie with Chris. He’d gotten up a few minutes ago to use the restroom, on the way back he stopped by the fridge, pulling out two cans of pepsi.
"Heads up" he said about halfway to the couch.
I turned my head towards him and a pepsi was tossed at me. I had enough time to react and caught it.
"Thanks" I smiled.
He slouched down beside me again, arm over my shoulder and popped open his drink.
(Sorry if you dont like pepsi😌🫶)
I think we all know Chris is a hugger, even though he’s stated that he is "a handshake guy"
But come oonnn, we all know he loves his hugs, he constantly hugs Nick and Matt, so of course he’s going to hug is lovely girlfriend!
He’ll just constantly hug you, whenever he sees you, before you leave, when you’ve made him food, bought him a present, payed for him when you were out, anything, he’ll hug you whenever, just becuase he can, doesnt need to be a reason. If Chris wants a hug, Chris gets a hug.
It was a late night and you had joined the triplets for a late drive. They were bored and Chris natrually asked if you wanted to join them. You of course said yes, any excuse to spend more time with Chris, you really enjoyed the company of Matt and Nick as well.
You guys had been driving around for a while, just talking about anything that came to mind, you had gotten some food and later on made your way back to their apartment. Nick said his goodnights and went to his room, Matt did the same not long after.
You went over to the sink and got yourself a glass of water. You turned around leaning on the counter, looking back at Chris just standing there looking back at you. The two of you locked eyes and he sighed lowly. He looked really tired.
"You alright Chris?" you asked with a hint of concern in your voice.
He slowly made his way over to you, replying to your question with a simple «mhm».
You put your glass down as he stopped right in front of you. He just simply wraped his arms around you and held you tight. You hugged him back and let your head rest on his shoulder.
Sometimes all he needed was just a hug, and you knew that was something you needed as well
I just know Chris would take everything you say to him very seriously.
We all know he loves to joke around and being all silly, but he would genuenly listen to you and really take in what you tell him.
Wether it’s a concern of yours, something you have on your mind, whenever you remind him of things he needs to do or thing he has planned, he always takes you very seriously.
But of course he still loved to joke around with you, I imagine him loving to tickle you if you are ticklish.
Just having silly arguments and playfights that end with him tickling you.
"Noo Chris, not at all" you laughed.
You were sat on his bed while he sat at his desk. It was another one of your guyses arguments, nothing heated, just making fun of each other and trying to piss eachother off.
He looked at you with a wierd expression.
"Ehmm yeahh!" he exclaimed.
You just laughed at him again. You held your stomach and fell back on his bed, small giggles leaving your lips. You heard him chuckle and get out of his chair.
"We’ll see who laughs in the end!" and before you knew it he jumped on the bed and tackled you. He was now stradling you, his smirk growing wide.
Before you got to react Chris was going OFF, tickling you everywhere. All you could do was try to get him off, using your hands to push him off, squirming underneath him. You we’re laughing uncontrorably, trying to catch your breath.
"Stop! Stop! Stop Chris! Stop!" you kept pleading with him to stop and he eventually did. You let out a few more giggles while cathcing your breath, and so did he, before he layed down beside you.
"You’re such an asshole" you laughed.
"You still love me" he said still smirking.
I just shook my head letting out an airy chuckle.
I feel like pet names are huge with Chris, but not just the regular «babe, baby, sweetheart» and those, but more mocking ones
You’d call eachother things like «idiot, stupid, fucker, dummy» just stuff like that
Neither of you get offended by it though, you both know it’s just jokes
However, protective Chris would appear the fucking millisecond he hears someone else call you names like that
No one gets to speak badly about you, you’re the most precious thing to him! How could anyone even be remotly close to say negative about you. To him you are an absolute angel!💕
Chris had been out with Nick and Matt, meeting some new people they met through social media, two girls and a guy. They were all influencers as well and seemed to enjoy a lot of the same things as the triplets, so they decided to link up.
However, as the night went on he made himself some remarks of things they said and did. He never pointed them out, everyone has their quirks, he just found them kind of odd.
Regardless of that though, they all carried on with their night and talking about diffirent things. He’d mentioned you a couple of times during their conversations and stories. Both him and his brothers had taken notice of the others making slight faces at the mention of your name and seeming somewhat unintrested in the conversation as soon as you were brought up. The three of them had decided to ignore it though.
They all decided to find a place to eat, so they stopped by a restaurant and sat down in a booth.
The three friends had all decided to go to the bathroom, so the triplets sat waiting for a little while until Chris realised he need to go as well.
He walked towards the bathrooms, but he slowed down as he heard hushed voices in one of the hallways. He took a peek around the corner and saw the three friends talking.
He usually wouldnt snoop around like this and listen in on others conversations, but for some reason he did.
"I know right!" one of the girls giggled.
"She seems like such a fucking idiot, have you seen her?" they guy stated.
Chris made a confused face, he was about to leave until he heard his name.
"For real though, how is Chris even dating her?"
His jaw dropped to the fucking floor and he was instantly filled with rage. They didnt even know you, let alone talked to you before and they dare put shame to your name? Oh hell no. Chris didnt even want to give them the time of day. He just went back to Nick and Matt, explained the situation briefly, and they were out of there.
Later that night he sendt the three of them a message, no threats, nothing like that, but just stating how rude it was and how he found their behaviour unexceptable, then he unfollowed them all, so did Nick and Matt.
Chris never had the heart to tell you about the situation though, he just made sure to compliment you a lot, kiss you and hug you extra much after that.
He wants to make sure you know that you’re loved and that you are more than enough for him💕
Well that was all I had right now, I also have school tomorrow, so Im going to bed in not too long. I hope you enjoyed it though! :))
And again, I hope youve had a good day or night and dont forget that youre absolutely worth it!! <3
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silverhallow · 3 months
Benophie Week day 4: Cottage / One bed / “Are you trying to flirt with me?” “yes is it working?”
Summary: When teachers Sophie and Benedict are forced to share a single room with one bed on a school trip, their professional and personal boundaries are put to the test. Misunderstandings and missed signals have kept them apart for years, but a night of unexpected closeness reveals hidden feelings and long-awaited confessions. Amidst the chaos of chaperoning students, Sophie and Benedict must navigate their new-found connection, discovering that sometimes, the most unplanned situations can lead to the most rewarding outcomes.
This was not what was supposed to happen. “What do you mean you only booked one room?” Sophie squeaked at the desk of the Cottage style hotel they had brought their students to.
“We didn’t realise the two teachers wouldn’t be of the same sex… usually when we get school trips it’s two teachers of the same sex and they just share…” the receptionist said.
“Seriously? Schools are mixed genders…” Sophie said
“Well Ms Beckett, normally we get either the all girls or all boys school, and St James’ High used to be an all boys…”
“Yes, 15 years ago!” Sophie practically squeaked.
“Is everything okay?” Benedict Bridgerton asked as he sauntered over without a clue of what news he was about to be hit with.
“No! They’ve not booked two rooms for us and they’re fully booked” Sophie explained, her voice now almost hysterical.
“Oh… but… we told them…” Benedict said, the colour draining from his face.
“I know!” Sophie shrilled.
“We are very sorry” the receptionist said.
Benedict looked at Sophie, “I think we’re just… we’re just gonna have to try and make the most of it. All the kids are paired up and off to their rooms… we’ll… work something out” he said thought he felt his heart sinking.
It had been bad enough that the Headmistress of the School Charlotte Mecklenburg had suggested that Benedict and Sophie take the students on a joint art and english trip… but that Agatha, the head of year for the year 10 students that they had brought had said that the two of them would be enough and she didn’t need to accompany them…
But added on the ridiculous crush that he had on his fellow teacher…this was just… asking for trouble but they had no choice.
Sophie felt her own cheeks turning red as she knew there was no other choice, they had to stop here, they had to stop with their students… and so with a sigh she turned to the receptionist “Fine. but I expect some discount on rooms,” she said glaring at the girl behind the desk who sagged in relief.
It would have been a nightmare to lose that much business so she quickly handed over the key and disappeared from the desk before they could complain any more.
Sophie and Benedict just looked at one another awkwardly and picked up their bags and headed up to the room, thinking at least, most of the rooms were twins so they’d have their own space.
But as Benedict opened the door and Sophie walked in and as her eyes scanned the room she gasped, dropping her bag out of complete shock.
“There… there… it’s…” she stammered
Benedict, who was closing the door to the room and hadn’t seen what Sophie was now panicking over “what’s wrong?”
“There is only one bed” Sophie squeaked as Benedict turned around and saw the double bed in the room and dropped his bag in shock.
“Fuck” he said as he felt his cheeks heating up and parts of his body stirring at the thought of sharing a bed with Sophie.
“We… we…” Sophie stammered as she tried not to look at Benedict’s face as she knew she’d end up bright red with embarrassment. The thought of sharing a bed with the man she’d had a crush on for the last four years was almost too much to comprehend.
“I’ll… i’ll sleep on the floor” Benedict said automatically. 
“No… you’ll break your back. And don’t even think about offering to sleep in that chair. I couldn't even curl up in that… We’re adults… I am sure we can manage, it’s for one night Ben… we’re adults… i’m sure… we… can’t we?” she asked.
They’d always had this easy flowing friendship, it was quite flirty at times but never really materialised into something more no matter how often she’d tried to show that she was interested in him.
Benedict swallowed a couple of times to try and compose himself “I… guess so” he finally said, because what else could he say without hurting her feelings.
They both glanced at one another and then looked away knowing this was going to be the most uncomfortable evening of their lives.
For Benedict he’d always had a crush on Sophie but he’d seen her a couple of times getting dropped off by another man at the school gates and assumed that she was in a relationship, or he had until he’d overheard her complaining to Genevieve, one of the fellow teachers that she was having no luck getting the bloke she was interested in to notice her.
Benedict had been disappointed but figured if the person Sophie was into couldn’t see that she was into him, then he was a blind moron and didn’t deserve her.
They both put their things away and made their way down for dinner with the students. Once they were done the students had free time to use the facilities at the Cottage Hotel and most of them headed off to the pool and because the grounds were so isolated Benedict and Sophie were technically off duty for the evening.
Sophie had headed back to the room and Benedict had gone to the bar, had a beer and rung his brother and when he explained his predicament, Anthony laughed for 20 minutes straight,
“Maybe it will force you to finally act on these feelings you’ve got for her” he said when he finally stopped laughing
“Ant, really?! We’re chaperoning 10 school kids!” Benedict groaned 
“True but let’s be honest, the moment you get into bed with her, Little Benedict will mostly likely wake up and I’m sure it would be less embarrassing if she knew you wanted her as much as Little Benedict” Anthony teased
“Can you please not call my dick little Benedict?”  Benedict groaned 
“Well what do you call it…”
“My dick. But can we get back to my predicament please?!” Benedict asked his voice almost shrill and panicking
“Honestly. Just flirt with her a bit… see if she’s into it and casually mention you want to get married have four kids and a couple of dogs with her” Anthony teased
“How… out of all our siblings are you married?!”
“Sheer dumb luck” came Kate’s reply and Benedict realised he must be on loud speaker “but he had a point. She’s into you Ben! Just be honest!”
Benedict groaned “you two are the worst people at giving advice” he replied and hung up the phone.
But after he had a second beer he realised that maybe they did have a point, if she was single then maybe flirting with her wasn’t a bad idea.
So with a deep breath he made his way back to their room and for some reason he felt nervous, he’d always been good with women, and men for that matter. He had a charm that lent itself to any situation and he’d never failed to pick up a person when he decided that he was interested in them.
It was that confidence that steadied his nerves and as he pushed the door to the room open, it was like that confidence ran away from him quicker than Anthony when confronted by a bee and he felt like a green lad of 16 all over again.
It was ridiculous, he felt his stomach flipping with butterflies and his palms were sweaty just from looking at her, resting on the, to be shared, bed, her dark blonde curls loose around her face, glasses perched on her nose as she read her book.
She heard the door shut as Benedict just looked at her, mouth open like a teenager confronted by a pretty girl for the first time and she placed her book on her knees and just stared at him in return “Benedict? Is everything okay?” she asked after a few minutes of silence as she started to feel a little uncomfortable at his gaze.
Benedict jerked back to attention and blushed “right, yes, no everything’s fine” he stammered as he shuffled his feet, honestly, the way he felt right now was ridiculous. “I was just… woolgathering…”
“Oh right…” Sophie replied with a frown, looking like he had lost his mind.
“What are you reading?” he asked her as he made his way further into the room, fidgeting with his jacket not really listening to her.
“Jane Eyre” she replied, looking at him like he was seriously ill or had banged his head or something.
Benedict, not hearing her properly, decided to try and show off, thinking she’d said Jane Austen and remembering she loved Pride and Prejudice, turned around and using a famous quote decided to try and declare himself with it ““In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and fancy you.”
“Have you banged your head… i’m reading Jane Eyre… not Jane Austen… and besides… it’s how ardently I admire and love you… lord, if you’re going to quote the book i’m reading… at least get the right book” Sophie admonished, shaking her head wondering if he really had lost his mind.
“Oh” Benedict said blushing furiously, realising he’d cocked up and stammered “I… miss… misheard…” he cleared his throat and fumbled with his bag for a moment as he searched his brain for a quote. He knew she loved Jane Eyre, it was one of Eloise’s favourites as well and so he’d read it a few weeks back.
“Are you okay?” Sophie asked after a few more moments of silence between them and Benedict nodded
“I’m fine… i’m more than fine…” he said coughing a couple of times before saying, “All my heart is yours, ma’am: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.”
“Wait…” Sophie said, closing her book, recognising the passage “are you trying to flirt with me?” she asked, her heart beating wildly as she looked at him.
Benedict sagged slightly at being caught out but figuring there was nothing for it just replied “yes, is it working?”
“God no, if you’re going to quote my favourite books to me at least get them right… but… why… why are you trying?” she asked. 
Benedict deflated as she said it wasn’t working but as she asked he had to just tell her the truth “because I like you, i’ve liked you since we met but i figured you were in some sort of relationship as I saw you getting dropped off at the school a few times by a bloke so i just… didn’t say anything but it’s killing me. I really like you Sophie, i want to take you out on a date, I want… I don’t know… i’ve never really had a proper relationship before but that’s what I want… I… ooopffff”
Whatever he was going to say next was cut off as Sophie’s mouth had dropped open at his confession and she’d gotten up and thrown herself at him, from the bed she was at the same height as him and they’d hit the sideboard as she planted her lips on his and kissed him passionately.
He responded in earnest and wrapped his arms around her as he returned her passions before realising that was going and pulled back “what… what…?”
“You are a blind idiot as well as an illiterate one…” she teased “the person dropping me off was Hugh, my step-sister’s husband, my car had broken down and was knackered and he was giving me a lift for all of a week…” she admonished “and i’ve been trying to flirt with you for bloody months! I don’t normally wear a top with half my buttons unfastened to show off my boobs when I lean over your desk… or you know… put mistletoe over my office door in an attempt to kiss you…” she teased.
Benedict’s mouth dropped open as he remembered each of those occasions and groaned, he’d avoided looking, and side stepped her at the office, not realising that they were aimed at him.
“So when you were talking to Gen?” he asked
“I was talking about you!” 
“Oh…” Benedict blushed “sorry” he said sheepishly.
“I guess it doesn’t matter now you’ve actually told me…” Sophie grinned
Benedict just looked at her, his arms still around her waist, her legs wrapped around his “now… now what?”
“Well… we’re responsible adults for the kids, we can’t really… you know… in case we are needed but, when we get home… you’re taking me to dinner and then back to yours” Sophie said brazenly “as i can feel you and i’d like to see if you’re as good as Gen said you are” 
Benedict blushed “I think… I think that can be arranged… and what about now? Tonight?”
“Well, i think we can keep our hands to ourselves… and maybe just a bit of frustrated teenage making out til tomorrow?” Sophie suggested.
Benedict laughed and nodded before kissing her again and walking them over to the bed.
Benedict gently laid Sophie down on the bed, their lips still locked in a fervent kiss. They broke apart, breathless and flushed, both clearly a bit overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.
"Frustrated teenage making out, huh?" Benedict murmured, his forehead resting against hers. "I think I can manage that."
Sophie smiled, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw. "Good, because I don’t think I can handle more than that right now. We do have to be somewhat responsible for the students, after all."
"Right, the students," Benedict said, a bit reluctantly. He pulled back slightly, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling Sophie into his lap. "But still, I’m glad we got this out in the open."
"Me too," Sophie agreed, snuggling into his chest. "I was starting to think you'd never notice."
"I’m a bit thick, I guess," Benedict admitted with a sheepish smile. "But I notice now. And I promise, I won’t be so oblivious anymore."
Sophie chuckled, her breath warm against his neck. "Good. Because we have a lot of making up for lost time in mind."
Benedict grinned, leaning in to kiss her again. This time, it was slower, more tender, a promise of things to come. They lost themselves in each other for a while, the worries of their students and the mix-up with the room fading into the background.
Eventually, they pulled apart, breathless and laughing. "Okay, we really should get some sleep," Sophie said, though her eyes were still sparkling with excitement.
Benedict nodded, reluctantly agreeing. "Yeah, you’re right. Tomorrow is a big day."
They settled under the covers, a bit awkwardly at first, but soon found a comfortable position. Sophie nestled into Benedict’s side, her head on his chest, while his arm wrapped around her protectively.
"Goodnight, Ben," Sophie whispered, her eyes already drifting closed.
"Goodnight, Sophie," Benedict replied, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
As they drifted off to sleep, they both felt a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that this unexpected twist in their trip had brought them closer together. And tomorrow, they would face whatever challenges came their way, together.
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