#so we get the 70s oil crisis again ? ok
bibleofficial · 27 days
Any candidate that opposes nuclear power is not serious about the environment
so let’s vote for the oil baron party ? the opposition is from the inefficiency. uranium mining ain’t the nicest on the environment ! do u know where MOST uranium is ???? [the global south]
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wigwurq · 4 years
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You guys! Now that the holidaze are over, I finally got around to watching the #1 most hated movie of the holiday season: Wonder Woman 1984! People have so many opinions about this movie AND NOW I DO TOO! I even have some thoughts on the wigs! Let’s discuss.
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We begin in Themyscira, land of Amazons, fishtail braidology, Robin Wright, NO EFFING MEN, and also this weird Amazon gladiator gauntlet that is mainly brought to you by lots of computers. Baby Gal Gadot (nee Wonder Woman) is allowed to compete in this CGI decathalon despite being 1/3 the size and age of the other competitors and almost wins the damn thing but Auntie Robin Wright disqualifies her for trying to cheat to win. About 4 hours later, toward the end of this movie, Wonder Woman also tries to “cheat” at something so this is kinda sorta foreshadowing if you believe that the writers of this screenplay even had that forethought! 
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Moving ahead to 1984, this movie just gets SO 1984. Or really “1984″ in the Stranger Things sense, in that they even used the damn mall that that show takes place in and some dumb criminals steal some jewelry and Wonder Woman saves the day and also comically saves some kids who could have been hurt. I am still bitterly injured by Gal Gadot’s wig, which is not so bent and tangled as the first Wonder Woman movie. Still, the general texture and quality leave something to be desired AS DOES THIS WHOLE MOVIE BUT I AM GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF!! Anyway, other than foiling crimes at malls, Gal Gadot mainly lives a sad single life in DC where she pines away for Chris Pine in her fabulous apartment, surrounded by an astonishing amount of photographs of her late boyfriend, given the fact that the pictures she has of him are from the 1910s when not everyone had a damn photo printer. Absent of course, is the photograph of her and her ragtag WWI buddies which is delivered to her at the end of the first Wonder Woman movie in the present day and therefore hasn’t happened yet and here begins and ends all logic in this movie. 
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Anyway! Gal Gadot works with Kristen Wiig, who does her fabulously awkward Kirsten Wiig thing as a nerdy scientist who is largely overlooked by all of society and who wears upsetting culottes and oversized sweatshirts and drinks Bartles and Jaymes (THIS MOVIE MISSES NO OPPORTUNITIES TO #80s). Her wig, as all wigs worn by Kristen Wiig in movies, is a horrible mess of bad texture and general bentness. Also, together she and Gal Gadot are sifting through the jewelry stolen by those thieves at the mall and there is one particular giant crystal or whatever that seems to possess magical properties. Yes, like the Infinity Stones that came (and then kept coming!)  AND YES I REALIZE THAT THAT IS MCU AND THIS IS DC BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER: EVERY GODDAMNED SUPERHERO MOVIE IS SOMEHOW ABOUT HAUNTED JEWELRY.
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Enter Pedro Pascal in the most outrageous 80s wig in honestly the most outrageous 80s role. He essentially plays Donald Trump - a start-up conning people out of money who is also a terrible dad and has terrible hair. I really wondered for much of this movie if this wig was supposed to be a wig, because it looks as fake and wig-like as Trump’s hair, but no - I think this is supposed to be real hair! Truly truly truly outrageous. Anyway, dude basically doesn’t want to work hard to get rich (again, much like Trump!) and instead wants to just wish his way into success via this dream crystal that Gal Gadot and Kristen Wiig have.
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OH AND THEY ALREADY WISHED ON THE CRYSTAL! Kristen Wiig wishes to be like Gal Gadot (not realizing that she’s actually wishing to be Wonder Woman) and gets the most outrageous makeover into this bleached blonde nightmare. AND EVERYONE IS JUST LIKE WOW YOU’RE NOT WEARING CULOTTES ANYMORE I GUESS THIS IS NORMAL FOR YOU TO SUDDENLY LOOK THIS WAY AND FOR YOUR HAIR TO INEXPLICABLY BE INCHES LONGER IN THE COURSE OF AN AFTERNOON. Also! Although this bleached blonde wig is maybe an upgrade from her mousy wig from before, that really means nothing as both wigs are garbage.
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Gal Gadot’s wish, of course, was for her ain’ true love, Chris Pine, to come back. AND THEN HE DOES! SORTA! Despite being definitely exploded in a plane in 1918 (in the first movie - spoiler?), he just kinda walks into this fancy party like “hey what’s up?” OH EXCEPT FOR ONE SMALL THING.
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HE LOOKS LIKE THIS DUDE TO EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT GAL GADOT. Ok? I guess because Chris Pine’s actual physical body was destroyed in 1918, he has to inhabit the body of this random man credited only as ‘Handsome Man’ in 1984 which really begs the question - what then happens to this handsome dude while Chris Pine shapeshifts into him and does anyone care? ALSO! Plot-wise, this is just the tip of the iceberg in crystal wishes - basically everyone on earth gets a wish before film’s end and all are fulfilled no matter how ludicrous - and yet no other wish seem to have these sort of strings attached EXCEPT FOR WONDER WOMAN! WHY DOES ONLY WONDER WOMAN GET THE PET SEMATARY OF WISHES?!?!?!
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Anyway! Lucky for us all, ‘Handsome Man’ has the most 80s closet ever! As we all know, movies set in the 80s are contractually obligated to provide us with a very 80s fashion montage and this one is ALL ABOUT CHRIS PINE. Somehow, ‘Handsome Man’ owns like 10 different fanny packs?!?! Every single 80s menswear disaster is covered here at least three times you guys.
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About 3 hours later, he settles on this outfit! Mazel!  I’d like to pause this review to now give my definitive breakdown of CHRIS rankings (limited only to the 4 young-ish, blonde-ish Chris actors who appear in superhero movies) so that I might now abbreviate Chris Pine to #2 Chris WHICH HE IS. Ahem:
- BEST CHRIS is obviously CHRIS EVANS. This is because he gets into Twitter wars with racists, he offered his arm of support to Regina King when she stumbled getting her Oscar, and he wears the shit out of a sweater. There are many other reasons also but no other Chris can compare - HE IS BEST CHRIS.
- WORST CHRIS is obviously CHRIS PRATT. This is because he is super Jesusy evangelical and also anti-LGBTQ and married a Schwarzenegger (tho Arnold wishes he was Evans too!). There are many other reasons why but those are the most important reasons. WORST CHRIS.
- #2 CHRIS is a constant battle between CHRIS HEMSWORTH AND CHRIS PINE. Hemsworth is very funny in the lady Ghostbusters, was once on Dancing With The Stars in Australia, and can really commit to a fatsuit. Pine is great at singing on a Wet Hot American Summer roof OR a river, loves caftans, and is loved by the one and only Wonder Woman. It’s an infinity tie between these two and therefore #2 Chris is in the eye of the beholder during whatever you are beholding, and currently we’re beholding Pine. #2 CHRIS! 
Yes, this lengthy roundup was definitely worth it so that I can abbreviate Chris Pine to #2 Chris now. Moving on!
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So Gal Gadot and #2 Chris walk through a very 80s DC while #2 Chris’s mind gets blown by all the stuff that is different in the 70s years he’s been dead. No 80s movie would be complete without of course covering PUNKS!!! This is where this movie definitely lost my husband because one of these punks is wearing a Cro-Mags shirt from an album THAT CAME OUT IN 1986. This offends me, also, not because I care about that band but because this is lazy costuming! Apparently, my husband was not the only one to notice this and become deeply offended - and Cro-Mags cofounder even chimed in to say that this is all ok because they released a demo for the ‘86 album in 1984 (AND WE ALL KNOW EVERYONE DEFINITELY MAKES SHIRTS BASED ON DEMO ALBUMS?) I still find this lazy and stupid costuming and remain annoyed! ANYWAY!
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Back to the “plot”...Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal’s confederacy of bad wigs kinda sorta hook up at this dumb party so that Pedro Pascal can steal that very important wishing crystal! AND THEN HE WISHES ON THE CRYSTAL THAT HE CAN BE THE CRYSTAL. Haunted jewelry plots have never been so dumb as this you guys! AND ALL OF THE INFINITY STONES MOVIES WERE INFINITELY STUPID SO THIS IS REALLY SAYING SOMETHING.
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So basically, after 70 years apart, Gal Gadot and #2 Chris have no more time to waste on fanny pack fashion shows or questionable metro punks and have to follow Pedro Pascal to Egypt, where he has gone to demand some oil from Egypt now that he is the physical manifestation of a wishing crystal. In order to get to Egypt themselves, Gal and #2 Chris steal a plane from the Smithsonian (which apparently just has some jets laying around some random tarmac) and then Gal WISHES THE JET INTO BEING INVISIBLE! This is obviously to fuel Wonder Woman invisible jet nostalgia and also to waste about 45 minutes on shots of them invisibly flying through fireworks. BECAUSE IT’S THE 4TH OF JULY WAIT HOW DID THEY VISIT ANY MUSEUMS OR DO ANYTHING ON A NATIONAL HOLIDAY EARLIER THAT DAY OH RIGHT THERE IS NO LOGIC IN THIS MOVIE. Over in Egypt, the wishing crystal Pedro Pascal hisself somehow creates a water shortage and refugee crisis in Egypt and Gal has to Wonder Woman some kids to safety, but mainly she wears this amazing jumpsuit and is able to find a working payphone to call Kristen Wiig and ask if she has any intel on that damn wishing crystal.
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Kristen Wiig is somehow EVEN MORE BLONDE AND WEARING THIS DAMN COAT. I mean...you guys. WHAT. Like any good 80s thriller, Kristen Wiig researched the wishing crystal on microfiche which leads her to a random record store where she meets up with Gal and #2 Chris who I guess flew the invisijet back to DC from Egypt in a few minutes or something. Anyway, rando dude at the record store takes out some musty old book that has all the wishing crystal information everyone needed and basically warns that it can destroy society AND ALSO it can take things away from the wisher like a damn monkey’s paw. SPEAKING OF MONKEYS THAT COAT THE END.
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But Kristen Wiig’s makeover is far from over! She finally appears as Cheetah herself at the damn White House, where the wishing crystal Pedro Pascal is asking a fake Ronald Reagan (?) if he can please satellite everyone on the earth so he can grow stronger as a crystal person OR SOMETHING? Anyway, Kristen’s lewk is very “punk” but not in a Cro-Mag way, but more in a Meryl Streep in Ricki and the Flash way? It’s a battle of not great wigs, at any rate. Kristen doesn’t want anyone harming her wishing crystal Pedro since that’s what made her Cheetah so there is this huge dumb fight where Pedro and Kristen just kinda glide away (not unlike actual Trump and his idiots last week and omg did this movie foretell that) and then Gal realizes that she has to denounce her wish because the monkey paw’s clause of it all is making her not powerful enough to fight anymore. So #2 Chris is like: I should just be dead anyway and my whole existence is very Pet Sematary and everyone kind of cries in an alley and #2 Chris dies again (?) Also! I think this is supposed to have been foretold by that earlier scene with baby Gal Gadot trying to cheat at that decathalon or whatever because you can’t cheat....death??? Regardless, Gal jumps into the sky and somehow is ABLE TO FLY BASED ON AERODYNAMIC FACTS #2 CHRIS GAVE HER WHILE FLYING AN INVISIJET? SURE!
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Over in another plane, Pedro and Kristen are on their way to some satellite island to broadcast to the world about crystal wishes and dude is not looking so great because wishing that you are a crystal is a terrible idea. This is the point at which I realized that this wig was supposed to be real hair because it looks so sweaty and shitty but has consistently looked like a shitty wig through this entire “plot.” Anyway! He asks Kristen Wiig if she wants another wish which....huh? Somehow Gal Gadot’s wish ended up a Pet Sematary nightmare of possessed handsome man bodies that she had to renounce but Kristen Wiig gets two wishes? SURE! AND KRISTEN WIIG WISHES THAT SHE BECOME THE “ULTIMATE PREDATOR” WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS MOVIE Y’ALL.
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APPARENTLY THIS IS WHAT AN ULTIMATE PREDATOR LOOKS LIKE?!?!?! YOU GUYS. In order to literally become a Cheetah, they gave Kristen Wiig a CGI body and....kabuki makeup? This lewk absolutely looks like a mashup between two dueling community theater productions of Cats and Pacific Overtures and I can’t stop laughing. 
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Meanwhile, Gal finally gets to rock this lewk which was earlier described as the battle armor of the goddess, Asteria, who was the one chick NOT invited to  Themyscira for Amazonian fishtail braidology times, and had to stay behind to FIGHT EVERY MAN ON EARTH but did get this sweet armor out of it?!?! Regardless, despite withstanding all men ever, Cheetah somehow effs up this armor in a matter of seconds, but Gal is still able to defeat her through underwater electrocution (which somehow avoids Gal herself even though SHE’S WEARING AN ENTIRE SUIT OF METAL). 
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Anyway, in the end, the entire world is on the brink of collapse and eveyone is looking at old dumb 80s tv screens because of all the dumb wishes everyone made and I guess I appreciate the fact that this entire movie is about dumb 80s wish fulfillment but also there are so many plotholes that I can’t even, you guys. Gal somehow lassoes Pedro Pascal into remembering his shitty dad and realizes that he is now a shitty dad and everyone somehow renounces their wishes and Pedor Pascal just kind of WALKS OFF AN ISLAND INTO THE DEBRIS OF DC AND FINDS HIS CHILD BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD?!?!?!?! It’s really annoying that this movie somehow rewards this shitty dad but also doesn’t let a woman (specifically WONDER WOMAN) have both a love life and her own damn job and I’m not alone in being annoyed by that. ANYWAY, days or weeks after the entire world almost ended, there is somehow a cute Christmas carnival that was definitely a stolen set from Dolly Parton’s Christmas in the Square where Gal Gadot is reunited with ‘Handsome Man’ who has no knowledge of previously being possessed by #2 Chris and is still rocking ALL THIS 80s FASHION and then a star shaped balloon is released into the sky and I wonder if this entire movie has been a Macy’s ad. 
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BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! In a mid-credits scene which is also maybe the only watchable part of this movie, the goddess Asteria (and OG owner of that gold body armor) is revealed to be alive and well and played by OG Wonder Woman, LYNDA EFFING CARTER!! She is definitely an actual goddess who never ages and whose hair is way better than any wigs on display at any point in this movie and is also the only part of the movie you should watch. THE END.
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kingofthenorth49 · 4 years
Can someone check the GFCI?
When a circuit breaker snaps, it’s because the circuit was beginning to heat beyond design capacity and it’s shutting down to prevent something worse from happening, like fire or damage to a sensitive circuit or device.
It’s a safety device, and we all know how much I love safety devices, but at the end of the day if you don’t take action when a safety device activates, generally the damage can be much worse than what the device was actually protecting.
Folks, our owners have decided that it’s going to be much easier to control the world if they only have to do it from one government, and if you still think this is a conspiracy theory, you need to turn off CNN and step outside your basement. Even the dimwit in Ottawa can no longer keep the secret of where those in lofty chambers have decided we are going, although I sincerely doubt he understands the repercussions, just like 98% of the population. It’s not their fault, they are wired in such a way they can’t see the truth, either by design or programming.
Doesn’t matter which it is (blue dress/brown dress), the damage to our population has started and we don’t have the collective will to stop it, because we’ve been conditioned to be victims. Correction. Most have been conditioned over the past two decades to be victims, to be at the mercy of big government and those who know better than you do.
I’ve a friend who explains it perfectly. He says that most people cannot see past the end of any given month. It’s not a derogatory thing, it’s just who they are. These are the people who live paycheck to paycheck, who don’t plan for the future because they are just trying to stay alive. They work hard to keep up, but are consumed by just trying to cope with what life throws at them. These are the majority of people on this planet. Not a bad thing, but these are the type of people easily controlled by fear.
The next group are the people who can see 6 to 12 months, and they understand cause and effect better than the first group. They understand that payday loans are bad and that you should control your destiny through planning. These are the type of people who run our governments and provide services. They see the benefits to organized approaches to problems and find safety in numbers of like minded people.
The last group, the smallest one are those who can see 3 to 5 years down the road. These are the visionaries, people like Edison and Orwell, Tesla and Rand. These are the Elon Musks and Bill Gates of the world. They drive humanity through aspiration and ambition.
Unfortunately they aren’t always right, for example I would consider Karl Marx to one of the latter.
So why am I talking about Karl Marx and circuit breakers you ask?
Well it’s because my tin foil hat is on too tight, or because I’m not quite right in the head I guess, or any other of the labels those who can’t see past the end of the month would paste to someone like me who likes to think a bit more long term than the end of the next season of the Kardasians.
Shutting down the world for a bad flu wasn’t a decision based in science. It’s not even a decision based in safety, and believe me I know a thing or two about that. The whole “nobody moves, nobody gets hurt” thing really doesn’t work for long. Sure, nobody gets hurt, but no body eats either. This is what your average person isn’t thinking about when they scream “stay the blazes home”.
Yes, you can stay the blazes home. Yes,  you can cower under your bed until the bad thing passes, but at the end of the day the Magic Pantry was just a kids TV show.
Dude’s gotta eat, right?
I’m currently living inside the “Atlantic Bubble”, or whatever is left of it after those anointed in oil decided to take their toys and go home, but in reality we’ve created an interesting paradigm here on the east coast of Canada that’s unlike anywhere else in the world.
We’ve created the perfect culture of fear.
Now for those living outside the bubble, we’ve shut the door, turned off the lights and posted a big “FUCK OFF” sign on the front lawn. We’ve turned our back to the virus like it’s a Trump supporter. This is our plan. We’ve posted guards, created intricate rules around who can go where and why, and basically made it impossible to move anywhere without government permission. All over a bad flu with a survivalbility rate of over 99.4%, with 70%+ of the mortality coming from those 70 years of age and older. You are more likely to die from an automobile accident today than COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, COVID is no cake walk, it’s a nasty disease, but it’s not Ebola. I’ve been battling this virus now for 11 months, I’ve seen how it works, it’s veracity is substantial, and if you have co-morbidities such as diabetes or heart disease, it can take a toll on you, and yes, more people are dying from it than the seasonal flu, but at the end of the day it’s not going to wipe out the human race. The majority of the people who test positive don’t even know they have it.
And don’t get me started on testing.
I can’t talk publicly about it but if you see me out and about, ask me why I think testing is a control and not a diagnostic element. Sorry, the hat’s tightening.
Let me throw one example out for you to chew on, let’s say vaccines. Now the vaccines are the panacea for the masses right? I mean we should be amazed we were able to concoct a vaccine that is 95% effective in eradicating this virus inside 8 to 10 months, hell, we should be ecstatic, right? I mean it took 30+ years to get a handle on AIDS and we beat COVID in just 240 days. We currently linbe up to get an annual flu shot to protect us from the last major Coronavirus (Remember the Spanish Flu?) that has been in development for the last 60 years and it’s still only 35-40% effective, and less than 50% of Canadians get it
We must be freaking geniuses now.
I’ll never understand the sheer amount of dumb optimism that’s out there, but I certainly appreciate it. Without that optimism we’d be more like Lemmings than we currently are.
But back to the “great reset”, shall we?
So dude’s gotta eat, right? I’m going to quote one of my modern day heros, Elon Musk when he says “If people wants stuff, they have to make it” or something along those lines. In other words, there’s no money tree. My parents very early on taught me that lesson, and that if I wanted anything in life I had to earn it or make it, that there was no such thing as a free meal. The problem is most people today have been conditioned to think there is. Trudeau has been giving away our money like a drunken sailor on shore leave to the tune of $400 BILLION dollars in 8 months. Let me put it another way, in the last 240 days Trudeau has spent $10,814.00 per Canadian citizen, or around $25K per taxpayer. That’s debt folks, that’s directly on the shoulders of every Canadian. But it’s ok they say because interest rates are so low we can afford the additional leverage.
Problem is folks is interest rates don’t stay low after a major crisis. Why? It’s called inflation. As money supply loosens, so does the value of a dollar, and when the value of a dollar decreases because there’s more supply of dollars then prices increase. When prices start increasing wages need to go up to keep pace with inflation, and when that happens there are two options. Control monetary supply, otr deal with runaway inflation.
How do you control inflation you ask? Great question. You raise interest rates to throttle spending.
How can anyone forget the late 1970’s? It was less than 50 years ago folks. Remember Trudeau’s 6 & 5? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? JUSTIN? For fuck sakes the kid was living at 22 Sussex drive when his father created the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime.
Wait, check that. Apparently the second wave will be worse than the first.
This great reset is gong to be tragic. Already they are estimating over 100 Million people in 3rd world countries will die next year due to disease and starvation because of the lock downs. In our own western countries the most disadvantages are already our most vunerable populations. Humans aren’t meant to be caged, nor can we afford to be. We need to be free, have purpose, and contribute to a vibrant society.
You can’t govern that. You can’t rule over a captive society for long. History has shown us that time and time again that King’s aren’t benevolent rulers and those who suffer the most are at the bottom the societal ladder.
If you aren’t seeing the end goal yet, I get it, but I do. You only need look as far as the ice cream eating elite who enjoy fine dining when your cupboard is near empty and jet off to Mexico while telling you can’t bury your spouse or child. They make you endure cruel mental anguish while they spend your tax dollars on jet setting and pontificating about a communist world that they rule.
All in the name of a better world, one free of climate change and racism.
Who knows, maybe they are right, maybe they are part of the component of society that sees the future more clearly than the rest of us.
I guess that’s why they get ice cream and can go spend Thanksgiving with their moms while you can’t bury yours.
I guess that’s just our lot in life, to be ruled, to understand it’s for thee, but not for me.
This what we want? This what we deserve? Am I wrong?
I don’t think I am, I just want to be. Can someone go downstairs and check the fuse?
Jim Out
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9or10allgood · 5 years
I love Tumblr.  Far more than Facebook, which has become a seething morass of political partisanship, and while I’m all about seething partisanship when it’s discussed by people willing to engage their intellects, I’m less so when “debate” means posting memes and gifs which are, let’s be honest, the electronic equivalent of saying “nanny nanny boo boo”.
Anyway… Tumblr.  You can, to some degree, control your content.  If you are, like I am, mildly (*snort*) obsessed with a certain tall, lanky, Scottish actor, you can find like-minded individuals and follow them and bask in his glory to your heart’s content.  Likewise, you can follow fandoms based on television shows and movies and plays and music… and you get my point.  You’re all here so, of course, you do.
And, if you are interested in things like politics or social issues or the environment or science or all of the above (and more), that content is also readily available on Tumblr.
Generally speaking, I find the folks on Tumblr to be considerably more relaxed and open and accepting than on Facebook.  I attribute that, for the most part, to the members being mostly younger.  I’m a great believer in young people.  The future belongs to them and I am, present circumstances notwithstanding, mostly optimistic about the future. 
I’m a Boomer.  I was born eleven years after the end of WWII. (Good Lord, I feel old!)  There were no twenty-four-hour television or radio stations, and the internet wasn’t even conceived of, even by the most forward thinkers. Doctors still made housecalls as a matter of course.  Milk was still delivered to your door every morning.   The polio vaccine was still being tested.  Putting a man on the moon was a science fiction fantasy.  
As a generation, we “Boomers” were guilty of a lot of things, beginning with not quickly enough shedding some of the baggage from the generation before us. We were still largely segregated and we are paying the price still and we will until - I don’t know how long and that disturbs me more than I can say.  We were too quick to distrust the other - just ask the immigrants that came to these shores during and after the War.  There was a dear older lady in my church when I was in high school.  A kinder, more charitable, more joyful woman you could never hope to meet.  She was a German war bride - met an American soldier and they fell in love and married and he brought her home to his small, south Georgia hometown.  Their first decade was tough - folks were slow to forget and she was sometimes ostracized.  Even when I knew her, people would sometimes refer to her (in lowered tones) as Leroy’s German frau.  
We were abysmal when it came to the environment.  I mean, look at the cars we drove in the sixties and seventies before the oil crisis forced a turn toward economy cars.  Gasoline was $.37 a gallon - and that was hi-test!  What did it matter that my mother’s 1971 Mercury Grand Marquis land yacht only got 11 miles to the gallon?  Gender equality?  Seriously?  Gender Identity?!?!?  How you came out of the womb is what you were.  Period.  And if your family had that special uncle or the aunt with a Very Close Friend, well, it just wasn’t talked about, was it…
On the other hand, there were things we did do.   That social conscience that drives our society today?  You can thank those who loudly and visibly protested the Vietnam War for a lot of it.  Sure, there were anti-war movements always, but the Vietnam War lit a fire that, with the availability of news cameras and microphones and news cycles, burned hot and bright until the last helicopter departed the US Embassy in Saigon on April 30, 1975.  And when the war was over, there were plenty of other things to get riled up about:  the environment, women’s rights, the right to choose, civil rights, gay rights.  Anger over things that are wrong today didn’t just start in the 2000s.  A lot of us - and I mean a lot!  - have been pissed off for a while.
Putting a man on the moon belongs to the generation before the Boomers, obviously, but the drive to continue space exploration - the space shuttle, the probes that are still sailing toward places beyond our solar system, the International Space Station, the Hubble telescope - belong to us.  Medical advances?  Advances in diabetic screening and treatment, the MRI, treatment of HIV/AIDS… Cancer research was largely theoretical until the ‘70s.  The idea of DNA re-sequencing as a therapeutic treatment?  Late ‘70’s.
And as for culture?  My generation embraced the idea of embracing the accoutrements of other cultures.  Clothing, jewelry, hairstyles, music, food… we were all about it.  I see people commenting on “cultural appropriation” as if it’s a bad thing.  We - my generation - considered it to be a tangible form of acceptance.  
(As an aside, I have a dear friend who is battling uterine cancer.  She has lost all of her hair due to chemotherapy.  On one of her “good days”, she and her family took in an Indian (the country) festival and, while she was there, saw an artist creating henna tattoos.  On impulse, she asked the woman to create one for her scalp.  It was a masterpiece, absolutely glorious, and it gave my friend so much of her joy back.  For the first time, she was proud to show herself without a wig or scarf.  I think if I’d heard anyone say anything about “cultural appropriation”, I would have punched them in the mouth.)
My point to this ramble is this.  Lately, I’ve been seeing anti-Boomer things on Tumblr.  Boomers are rude.  Boomers are backward.  Boomers are outdated.  And while I get that it’s just a thing for generations to complain about each other, it’s the absolutism that I see that bothers me.  When I was young and dealing with my parents’ generation, I didn’t consign the whole kit and kaboodle to the Dark Ages.  And, from my viewpoint as an older person, I don’t heave a great sigh and clutch my pearls over the entirety of the Gen X'ers, the Millennials (raised one!), or the Gen Z'ers.  I may get annoyed with one or two individuals and have a sudden urge to shake my cane and yell “get off my lawn, whippersnapper!” but I manage to contain myself.  (There was the young man in the electronics department at WalMart who, in his most condescending manner, asked me if I knew what a USB port was.   I wanted to tell him that I’d been working with computers since before his father first bought his mother a malt at the chocolate shoppe.  Instead, I just gave him The Look™ and he mumbled an apology.)
Absolutism about anything is corrosive.  I mean, think about it.  It lies at the heart of so many of the evils that are tearing at us now.  It feeds the desire to hate all of the “other” because of a crime perpetrated by one or a few.  Wars result from this kind of thinking.  Down through history, you see it.  And it’s so much more easily spread now with social media.  Again, I would abandon FB altogether - except that it’s how I keep up with the folks back home - because it’s become a political, partisan, largely unintelligent cesspool.  All because those on the Left believe that those on the Right are the Minions of Satan and those on the Right think that those on the Left are Bloodsucking Snowflakes.  And, of course, they don’t all think that, but it’s so easy to click a “Like” or a “Share” without really thinking about the message they are sending, and before you know it things are out of control and we’ve put a dictator wannabe in the bloody Oval Office!
(Sorry.  I’m still upset.)
There are those who ask why boomers are offended.  I mean, “ok boomer” is just a joke, right?  Well, yeah, but that same reasoning has been applied to how many derogatory labels.   (I read one comment that “Boomer” isn’t an ageist slur. Except it kinda is, y'know?)  And, again, it spreads and it gets blown out of proportion and there are those who are just ready to jump on a bandwagon - any bandwagon! - and the next thing you know, it’s trending on Twitter and we’ve got one more thing to get mad about that shouldn’t be anything at all because there are so many other things that we really should be mad about and trying to do something about…
Do you get my point?  
If someone of any generation gets on your last good nerve, by all means, express yourself.  (Short of violence, obviously.)  But ease up on projecting the “they’re all bad" mentality.  It isn’t true.  It doesn’t make anything easier.  And we’re all better than that.
Aren’t we?
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thesustainableswap · 5 years
Raise Your Voice.
I wasn’t originally going to be writing on this but with the general election drawing ever closer I felt it wouldn’t be right for me to stay silent. Now, don’t fret, I am not going to tell you who to vote for but I have a few things that I need to say and I hope you might listen.
The news will tell you that this is the Brexit election. I know that you’re most likely sick of hearing about Brexit. I am too. I uprooted myself to another country to get away from Brexit and to try and ensure I have roots in Europe before our government tries to drag us out. I don’t want it to be easy for me to be dragged out. Luckily, I think Europe is much more accepting of EU citizens making their homes where ever they roam, so I don’t think I will be asked to leave any time soon. Besides, I have my carte vitale and I am taxed like any other French national, so right now I feel safe in the system. 
But let’s look back towards the UK. Unless you’re living under a rock you’ll know that there has been extreme floods in Yorkshire, caused by The River Don’s banks bursting on November 8th. People have been evacuated, have lost their homes and lost their lives. If you needed a sign to say climate change is coming... well we’ve already had many of them.
Exploring sustainability and how the world is affected by climate change has sometimes left me feeling heartbroken and useless. It seems like wildfires have taken over the world and oil spills are killing our marine life. Indigenous people and those who contribute the least to climate change are the most affected. The Amazon is still on fire. Vital forests in Africa are on fire. California is affected by wildfire. So is Australia. If you want a visual of just how many fires are currently raging across the world, head to Global Forest Watch. It’s shocking. Now we know that some of these, especially the fires in the Amazon, can be man made. The Amazon is being cleared for farming, and Bolsanaro gave the ok for people to go in and burn it down, but that doesn’t mean that climate change isn’t helping speed up the process.
And remember from my first few posts, 100 of fossil fuel companies are responsible for 70% of global emissions. So yes I will continue to do my best, donate to charities that need it and live as sustainable as possible, but the big companies are the people who need to change. So how can we encourage that change?
By voting.
In this election we need to see a party come to power that will commit to the climate crisis. We need a Green New Deal. We need to see an end to fracking. We need to see renewables become the new normal with our homes, offices and schools being powered by solar, wind or water, not nuclear or coal. We need to see stricter laws imposed on fast fashion companies so that they can’t burn old stock or send it to landfill. We need a circular economy, where everything is used. We need a plastic bottle scheme like the one in Norway, or a plastic tax to stop companies from mindlessly packaging things (like fruit and veg, does that really need to be in plastic? Waitrose doesn’t think so, and are on their way a plastic free future). We need a frequent flier tax. We don’t need more runways.
Essentially, we need a government who will hold big corporations to account. And while I’m not going to tell you who do vote for I will say this, do you think our current government is committed to the climate crisis? Maybe you think they’re doing enough because they’ve issued some small changes and put a temporary pause on fracking? Think again.
The deadline to register to vote is November 26th. That’s just over a week away. The election is on December the 12th. Really look into each party and their manifestos. What are they saying online? What are their core values? Are they sharing their beliefs, or trying to distract you by tearing into the opposition? Are they green-washing you into thinking they care about the future of the planet while secretly making deals with fossil fuel companies behind closed doors?
(As a side note, don’t take everything the papers or the BBC says as gospel either. Fiona Bruce recently stated that Vote Leave had never broken electoral law on an episode of BBCQT... says it all really.)
Go forth my friends, do your research and most importantly, register to vote! (Click here to be taken straight to the GOV.UK page) The next government will be decided by those who turn up on election day. Make sure you turn up.
Until next time,
The Sustainable Swap.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Is Better For The Economy Democrats Or Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-is-better-for-the-economy-democrats-or-republicans/
Who Is Better For The Economy Democrats Or Republicans
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Which Party Is Better For The Economy
Republicans or Democrats: Who is better for the economy?
Princeton University economists Alan Binder and Mark Watson argue the U.S. economy has grown faster when the president is a Democrat rather than a Republican. “The U.S. economy not only grows faster, according to real GDP and other measures, during Democratic versus Republican presidencies, it also produces more jobs, lowers the unemployment rate, generates higher corporate profits and investment, and turns in higher stock market returns,” they write.
However, rather than chalking up the performance difference to how each party manages monetary or fiscal policy, Binder and Watson said Democratic presidencies had benefitted from “more benign oil shocks, superior performance, a more favorable international environment, and perhaps more optimistic consumer expectations about the near-term future.”
Us Jobs Income Gdp Growth ‘startlingly’ Higher Under Democratic Presidents: Analysis
Nearly all major U.S. economic indicatorsincluding income, productivity, stock prices, jobs and gross domestic product show growth under Democratic Party presidents, reflecting a “startlingly large” gap compared to when Republicans are in the White House.
New analysis and economic research seeks answers for why all six presidents who presided over the fastest periods of U.S. job growth were Democrats, while recent Republicans including both Bushes and Donald Trump saw the least expansion. A New York Times analysis released Tuesday, which draws from vast research, asks the question, “Why has the U.S. economy fared so much better under Democratic presidents than Republicans?” The authors noted that GOP presidents in the past several decades have run up larger deficits than Democrats and party control of Congress has shown minimal impact on growth.
Some economists remain unsure about pinpointing exact factors. But the analysis concludes that Democrats have been more pragmatic and “more willing to heed economic and historical lessons” about strengthening economies, while Republicans have clung to “magical” tax cut and deregulation theories in times of crisis.
As Newsweekpreviously reported, U.S. counties won by Biden in the 2020 election make up a 70 percent majority of all U.S. economic output. Trump counties composed just 29 percent of output and included only six of the country’s top 100 most powerful local economy centers.
Us Real Stock Market Performance: Republican Vs Democratic Presidents
But this is just the picture in the US. Does the same dynamic apply in other nations with similar left-right two-party systems?
In the UK, the appeal of the Conservatives is based in large measure on the premise that they are better stewards of the markets and economy. And the UK prime minister should have an easier time enacting their policies than an American president whose party may not control one or both houses of Congress.
If we look at the data we find that economic growth has been stronger under Labour than Conservative governments. And again, if we filter out the last two economic crises and end our sample period in 2006, Labours outperformance gap only increases.
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Which Political Party Is Really Better For The Us Economy
WASHINGTON ;It seems every four years in the United States it boils down to one question for voters: hows the economy doing? Even during COVID-19, the pandemics impact on jobs and finances remains a major issue, according to a recent poll. So when it comes to Democrats and Republicans, which political party handles the economy better? A new study finds it may actually be better for Americans when both parties hold power.
Analysts at WalletHub have released their review of how the U.S. economy has fared since 1950 under both parties. Looking at times where one side controls the White House and Congress and times where the government was split, analysts find the best scenario for economy emerges when a Democrat is President, but Republicans control Congress.
The study looks at several key factors including the state of the stock market, unemployment, the national debt, home and gas prices, and even the level of income equality across America. Researchers also examined how each administration since Dwight D. Eisenhower has affected the nations fortunes.
Everyone Does Better When The Presidents A Democrat
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The numbers dont lie. The question is why every Democrat isnt talking about this all the time.
Our two political parties have certain identities that are seared into our collective public brain. Democrats: the party of workers, of civil rights, of compassion and fairness, and of higher taxes and more regulation. Republicans: party of the rich, big business , the free market, and lower taxes and less regulation.
And because the GOP is the party of big business, it is universally assumed that Republicans are better at handling the economy. Polls typically find that people trust Democrats more on all the things that government does, which stands to reason, but trust Republicans more on handling the economy. Just last week I saw a poll in which respondents rated Biden as better equipped than Trump to handle race relations, the virus response, and two or three other things; but on the economy, Trump bested Biden 51-46.
Its hard wired, and its wrong. Dead wrong.
Simon Rosenberg heads NDN, a liberal think tank and advocacy organization. He has spent years advising Democrats, presidents included, on how to talk about economic matters. Not long ago, he put together a little PowerPoint deck. It is fascinating. You need to know about it. The entire country needs to know about it.;
The deck consists of about 15 slides, but Ill walk you through just six so you get the idea. Lets start with job creation under each president:
Democrats, you have a great story to tell. Go tell it.;;;
Also Check: Trump 1998 People Magazine Interview
Why Does The Us Economy Perform Better Under Democrats Than Republicans
Since Carter, no Democratic President has had a recession begin on their watch. At the same time, no Republican President including the single term Presidents has gotten through their time in the White House without a recession.
Despite the widely held belief that Republicans are better at managing the economy than Democrats, the history of the United States economy tells a different story. In nearly every metric one might use to measure performance, Democratic presidents have presided over greater economic growth.
Strikingly, this is not even by a slight margin. According to a paper published in 2013 by Princeton economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson, the performance gap is startlingly large so much so that it strains credulity, given how little influence over the economy most economists assign to the President of the United States.
The pair suggests that this is not due to time sensitive matters or partisan fiscal or monetary policy. Instead, they attribute this gap in large part to benign oil shocks, superior TFP performance, and more optimistic consumer expectations.
In short, they chalk it up to one part luck, another part self-fulfilling prophecy whereby consumers anticipate the economy will flourish under a Democratic leader and then drive the economy upward and a third part thats, well, a mystery.
Still, they say that it is highly unlikely that the D-R growth gap was just luck.
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Heres What The Data Shows Going Back To Eisenhower
Who are better for the economy, Democrats or Republicans?
On day one, a;newly inaugurated President Joe Biden;will have to manage a devastated economy much as;he and former President Barack Obama did;12 years ago.
What can the country expect?
Forecasting how the economy will perform under a new president is generally a fools errand. How much or;how little credit;the person in the White House deserves for the health of the economy is a;matter of debate, and no economist can confidently predict how the presidents policies will play out if they even go into effect or what challenges might emerge.
Regardless,;voters tend to believe;it makes a difference. And going into the election, 79% of registered voters and 88% of Donald Trump supporters ;said the economy was their top concern. Given that, historical data suggests that those who are concerned with the economy have reason to be fairly satisfied with the election results: The economy generally fares better under Democratic presidents.
Inheriting a struggling economy
Biden will be inheriting an economy with serious problems. Things have improved markedly since last spring, but the economy remains in a dire state.
And that doesnt yet include the;impact of what some officials; including Biden have dubbed a dark winter, as;severe coronavirus outbreaks;in many regions of the U.S. have prompted new economic restrictions.
See:The Trump economic scoreboard
Democrats have a better economic track record
The stock marketSPX,
Democratic trifecta
Tough road ahead
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Democratic Administrations Over The Last Century Have Delivered Far Faster Economic Growth What Explains That
By Steve Roth
In 2013, economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson no wild-eyed liberals, they ;asked a very important question: Why has the U.S. economy performed better under Democratic than Republican presidents, almost regardless of how one measures performance?
Start with their performed better assertion: its uncontestable. While you can easily cherry-pick brief periods and economic measures that show superior economic performance under Republicans, over any lengthy comparison period , by pretty much any economic measure, Democrats have outperformed Republicans for a century. Even Tyler Cowen, director of the Koch-brothers-funded libertarian/conservative Mercatus Center, stipulates to that;fact without demur.
Heres just one bald picture;of that relative performance, showing a;very basic measure, GDP growth:
The difference is big.;At those rates, over thirty years your $50,000 income compounds;up to;$105,000 under Republicans, $182,000 under Democrats 73% higher.
Hundreds of similar pictures;are easily assembled different time periods, different measures, aggregate and per-capita, inflation-adjusted or not all telling the same general story. No amount of hand-waving, smoke-blowing, and definition-quibbling will alter that reality.
Standing empty-handed after all their work, Blinder and Watson punt. They attribute Democrats consistently superior;performance toluck. Yes, really.
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Cross-posted at Asymptosis.
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Trump Is Right About One Thing: ‘the Economy Does Better Under The Democrats’
Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in the Sun Country Airlines Hangar at Minneapolis-Saint Paul… International Airport November 6, 2016.
Since Im an old Democrat supporting Hillary Clinton, it might surprise you to hear that I agree with Donald Trumps top line view of the economy.
No, I don’t agree with much that hes said since he started his 2016 presidential campaign, and recent revelations have rightly drawn opprobrium. But since Im also an agreeable old southerner, Ill give credit where credit is due. Donald was absolutely right when he told Wolf Blitzer in 2004: Ive been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.
Thats right. Trump said out loud the same thing that Hillary Clinton has assertedand top academics and journalists have confirmed. The same thing Ive been;compiling cold, hard government data on since 1980: By crucial metrics like GDP, job creation, business investment and avoiding recessions, the economy does a lot better with Democrats in the White House than with Republicans. Just one eye-opening example: Nine of the last 10 recessions have been under Republicans.
Watch on Forbes.;Hillary Clinton Vs. Donald Trump: Where The Candidates Stand On Employment And Jobs
Pundits dont agree on exactly why. Some say the common thread may be external factors ranging from oil shocks and warm, fuzzy consumer expectations to economic cycles falling differently from political cycles.
Annual Gdp Growth Rate
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Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans, according to a Times analysis. In more concrete terms: The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades. If anything, that period is too kind to Republicans, because it excludes the portion of the Great Depression that happened on Herbert Hoovers watch.
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In 2016 The Media Extensively Covered Trump Supporters Economic Anxiety Will This Misperception Continue In The Lead
Since Joe Biden became president, several surveys have found a sharp rise in Republican pessimism about the economy.
This might seem surprising considering the national economy which experienced one of its worst downturns thanks to the coronavirus pandemic is now objectively improving. The United States added 916,000 jobs in March, smashing Dow Jones expectations and the unemployment rate is now at its lowest level in over a year. And economic forecasters now predict annual GDP growth in 2021 will soar to levels the country hasnt witnessed in nearly 40 years.
Yet, despite these optimistic economic indicators, most Republicans say the economy is getting worse. On the one hand, this is to be expected, as political scientists have found that how we think about the economy is increasingly rooted in how we identify politically rather than in actual economic conditions.
Take this data from Civiqs daily tracking polls, which has asked Americans about the economy each day since June 2016. Americans perceptions of the national economy have changed wildly depending on whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House.
Why Are Republican Presidents So Bad For The Economy
G.D.P., jobs and other indicators have all risen faster under Democrats for nearly the past century.
By David Leonhardt
Graphics by Yaryna Serkez
Mr. Leonhardt is a senior writer at The Times. Ms. Serkez is a writer and graphics editor for Opinion.
Annual growth rate
Annual growth rate from highest to lowest
Annual growth rate from highest to lowest
A president has only limited control over the economy. And yet there has been a stark pattern in the United States for nearly a century. The economy has grown significantly faster under Democratic presidents than Republican ones.
Its true about almost any major indicator: gross domestic product, employment, incomes, productivity, even stock prices. Its true if you examine only the precise period when a president is in office, or instead assume that a presidents policies affect the economy only after a lag and dont start his economic clock until months after he takes office. The gap holds almost regardless of how you define success, two economics professors at Princeton, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson, write. They describe it as startlingly large.
Recommended Reading: Who Taxes More Republicans Or Democrats
Usreal Gdp Growth: Republican Vs Democratic Presidents
But then GDP growth is only one measure of economic progress. What about the equity markets? After all, Republicans have long championed the tax cut, which should help shareholders keep more of their dividends and capital gains and thus result in better stock market performance.
Here again the data does not support the conclusion. In fact, the outperformance of Democratic administrations relative to their Republican counterparts, in total returns and adjusted for inflation as with GDP, is even greater. Even if we exclude the last two crises, stock market performance under Democratic presidents is still miles ahead of Republican presidents. It isnt even close.
0 notes
kerahlekung · 4 years
Musang King - MCA vs Pemuda UMNO...
Musang King - MCA vs Pemuda UMNO....
Lapan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) menggesa Kerajaan Pahang tidak tunduk terhadap tuntutan kumpulan pekebun yang mengusahakan tanaman durian secara haram di tanah kerajaan sejak sekian lama.  Pengerusi Sekretariat NGO Pemuda UMNO, Muhammad Faiz Hashim, berkata pekebun terbabit ingkar undang-undang dan meneroka tanah secara haram, sekali gus tindakan mereka itu seperti mencabul hak kerajaan Pahang serta rakyat.  "Bayangkan kerajaan Pahang menanggung kerugian hingga RM30 juta cukai tanah dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang jumlah itu jika diberikan kepada rakyat miskin, ramai mendapat manfaatnya. "Banyak permohonan tanah penduduk kampung tidak berjaya. Tiada sebab kerajaan perlu beri tanah kepada golongan terbabit," katanya selepas mengadakan himpunan secara aman membantah penerokaan tanah secara haram di Pahang di Taman Kerang di sini, semalam. Story seterusnya...
At last Pemuda UMNO pun terjumpa isu untuk dibuat skrip jadi hero. Syabas dan tahniah. Sebelum ini Ketua Pemuda cuba bangkitkan isu yang remeh untuk jaga populariti.
Takkan UMNO yang telah memerintah Pahang sejak Merdeka tahun 1957 tidak tahu bekenaan durian farmers di Raub? Kenapa kerajaan pimpinan UMNO tidak ambil sebarang tindakan selama 63 tahun yang sudah? Walaupun sepanduk itu kata 'Tanah kami hak kami' jelas bahawa Pemuda ingin jadi champion setelah penglibatan syarikat korporat. Saya ada sedikit cadangan cepu emas bagi Pemuda. Sila umumkan nama kesemua Pengarah syarikat korporat itu.  "Orang kite" minoriti sangat lah. Majoriti itu pandai cakap omputih kut.  Negeri Pahang memang sudah famous dengan orang besar dan orang kaya terlibat "mengambil balak", ceroboh tanah rizab hutan, ceroboh tanah kerajaan negeri, korek pasir (illegal sand mining) dsbnya. Ramai orang terlibat. Semua bangsa terlibat.  Dan balak itu pun jadi plywood dsbnya yang diekspot ke luar negara. Bukan semua dijual dalam negara pun.  Jadi, oleh sebab Pemuda sudah buat NGO, kenapa Pemuda tidak senaraikan semua kes orang ceroboh tanah kerajaan di Pahang? Be fair lah. Takkan bau wangi Musang King saja terlekat di hidung? Pakai face mask filter Musang King ke?  Ya betul mereka buat dusun di tanah kerajaan. Betul kerajaan negeri hilang cukai tanah, sewa tanah dsbnya. Tetapi farmer itu pun pernah mohon TOL dsbnya. Kalau kerajaan negeri memberi mereka TOL sudah tentu kerajaan negeri sudah kutip banyak duit. Lagipun farmer itu sedia bayar cukai tanah, yuran sewa dsbnya kepada kerajaan negeri. 
Tetapi yang peliknya kenapa pula setelah mereka berusaha selama berpuluh tahun, sesudah mereka berpeluh darah menjaga pokok durian, setelah pokok sudah besar, dan buah sudah jadi, tiba-tiba kerajaan negeri bagi lesen sewa tanah tetapi kepada orang lain? 
Apa rasional nya? Sebab ikut prosedur kalau lah kerajaan negeri ingin halang pembukaan tanah secara haram, the correct procedure is musnahkan kesemua dusun pokok durian yang haram.    Seperti yang telah di buat di Sg.Terla, Cameron Highland (contohnya). Ikut prosedur, kerajaan negeri telah musnahkan vegetable farm di Terla yang dibuka atas tanah kerajaan tanpa TOL atau lesen guna tanah.  Di Terla pihak kerajaan Negeri tidak merampas dan sewa balik vegetable farm yang haram itu kepada syarikat korporat.  So to be fair dusun Musang King pun elok dimusnahkan saja - serupa dengan Terla.  But that is not going to happen. Why? I think I know why. Sebab sayur dan kobis tak ada bau wangi seperti Musang King.  Musang King wangi dia kuat. Boleh sampai ke Hong Kong dan Beijing di mana satu kilo Musang King dijual dengan harga RM300 !!  Musang King memang has very powerful smell.  Ini bukan kes curi balak. Atau kes curi pasir. Yang masih berlaku dalam negara kita, termasuk di negeri Pahang. Tetapi kenapa NGO Pemuda tidak protes dan berdemonstrasi untuk membantah kes curi balak, curi pasir dsbnya? How come?  Tanaman sayur, bunga dan buah-buahan di Cameron Highlands itu adalah harta negara. Begitu juga tanaman halia di Bentong, dusun durian di Raub, birds nest dsbnya.  Cameron Highlands juga sudah menjadi pusat pelancongan taraf dunia yang menjana foreign exchange earnings (pertukaran wang asing) yang lumayan bagi negara. Tak payah sebut lah berkenaan peluang pekerjaan, hotel, bas ekspres dan banyak lagi bisnes yang berkaitan.  Cameron Highlands menjadi paksi "food security" negara kita juga. Jadi jagalah Cameron Highlands itu dengan baik.  Jika tanah vegetable farmers di Cameron Highlands ditarik balik, kita tak boleh makan sayur. Buah strawberi pun akan hilang dari supermarket.  Ringgit Malaysia juga akan jatuh lagi sebab Cameron Highlands mengekspot banyak sayur, bunga-bungaan dan hasil tanaman lain ke luar negara yang bantu ekonomi negara kita mendapat foreign exchange yang lumayan. Bila ekspot sayur, bunga-bunga dan buah-buahan bertambah Ringgit Malaysia pun kukuh. So jangan pi kacau depa ok...
Begitu juga dengan tanaman halia (ginger farming) di Bentong. Pasaran dunia iktiraf halia Bentong antara yang top quality di dunia. Ekspot halia dari Bentong juga menjana foreign exchange yang lumayan bagi negara kita. Ringgit Malaysia pun kukuh. Jangan pi kacau.  Sebaliknya kita mesti fikir cara untuk membantu penanam halia Bentong, vegetable farmer Cameron Highlands dsbnya menambahkan lagi output atau pengeluaran mereka. So that ekspot negara akan bertambah, Ringgit Malaysia akan kukuh, peluang pekerjaan akan bertambah, ekonomi akan maju dan banyak lagi lah.  Saudara Pemuda jangan jealous kalau dia orang dapat pendapatan yang lumayan. Sebarang pendapatan yang mereka dapat pun sebab they work very hard. Di Raub, depa jaga pokok durian sebatang-sebatang. They care for the durian trees one by one. Depa bubuh baja yang mahal, ikut timing yang betul, depa menyiram pokok. Durian farming bukan tidak ada risiko. Begitu juga vegetable farming. Tiada bisnes yang tidak hadapi risiko. Bukan selalu boleh untung. Sekarang (sebab teknoloji pokok kahwin, baja mutu tinggi dsbnya) sering berlaku pokok durian berbuah dengan lebatnya.  Harga durian boleh jatuh sehingga beberapa Ringgit saja sekilo. Durian farmer boleh rugi. Kalau kena serangga perosak depa boleh rugi, kalau tupai makan buah durian depa rugi. Semua jenis perniagaan ada risiko.  So kepada Ketua Pemuda UMNO, you must provide real leadership. Pemuda perlu mature dalam fikiran mereka dan bukan saja melompat-lompat, menjerit-jerit, menunjuk penumbuk, protes dan demonstrasi tanpa faham yang mana ke hulu dan yang mana ke hilir.  Btw,ini bukan soal politik, sebab pekebun yg terlibat ramai juga orang Melayu yang menyokong parti memerintah Pahang. Ini soal integriti pihak berkuasa yang gagal menjalankan tugas dengan mengikut SOP yang ditetapkan sejak sekian lama. Sebab itu kebun durian boleh membuahkan hasil walau pun diceroboh secara haram... Akhir kalam sila lihat nasihat berikut yang jernih dan simple :  Al-Maaidah 5:8 Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu semua sentiasa menjadi orang-orang yang menegakkan keadilan kerana Allah, lagi menerangkan kebenaran; dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan. Hendaklah kamu berlaku adil (kepada sesiapa jua) kerana sikap adil itu lebih hampir kepada taqwa. Dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa yang kamu lakukan. - Syed Akbar Ali
Raub Musang King Crisis 
In Perspective...
It is estimated that 60% -70% of MK(Musang King) supply in Raub district comes fr. growers on "unlicensed" state lands. This phenomenon happened since the 60s when many of the first generation growers, poor and destitute, planted banana and papaya to eke out a living. Later, they ventured into durian cultivation. But durian cultivation was both capital n labor intensive, and was prone to disease attack. Not many succeeded from durian cultivation. From 1980/90s, many of Raub growers had to fell the durian trees n replaced them with Cocoa and later oil palm. The Musang King variety has been around for about 30 years. For the first 20 years, pricing for MK was not attractive at all until the late Stanley Ho, the Macau Casino Magnate air-flown it to HK/Macau......So MK only gained popularity abt 10 years ago n price appreciated a lot only in the last 6-7 years. Raub reportedly produces the BEST MK due to its soil, terrain  and climatic condition. Raub is now well known because of MK. And these so-called unlicensed growers contributed 60%-70% of the MK supply. The global durian market was dominated by Thai varieties.....until MK came along. In recent years, mainland chinese consumers insisted on Raub's MK. It took us decades to break Thailand's stranglehold, but we will lose it back with the stroke of a pen under the guise of a "legalisation " scheme, forced upon the growers by the Royal Pahang Durian Resources Group(RPDR) and a Pahang State GLC (JV). Some principal T and C of the one-sided, onerous and unfair/unjust contract are: 1. These growers have to pay RM6,000/acre annually to the JV company.(note: not to the gomen directly) 2. Contractually, they have to produce 2,000 kg /acre of MK. failing which, they can be penalised. (btw, as a grower, I’m still searching for the magic formula to produce 2 tons yield consistently on an annual basis). 3. Once signed, the growers can not get out of the contract but are forced to toil on the land....even if they incur losses otherwise they can be penalized , again. 4. The fruits can only be SOLD to the JV capped at RM30/kg for grade A. They are not even allowed to bring home the MK for friends/families' consumption! When confronted, RPDR justified by saying that they are paying additional RM10/kg levy to the State. So, for 2,000 kg of fruits per acre, the additional levy is RM20,000(RM10x2,000)/acres on top of the RM6,000 lease rent/acre. This is daylight robbery.
Generally, for MK grading, it is categorised as A, B, and C. (but grade C is not available in the market). Where there exists competition i.e. many players competing for supply, pricing n fair grading system will find it's own equilibrium. This is free market practice. The growers are now forced to sell to ONE party and under this monopolistic condition, there is no stopping RPDR to victimize the growers further thru the MK grading. How? Very simple, just downgrade 50% of the grade A to B fruits.....the consequential loss of revenue to the growers will be enormous. This scheme has been well thought of since several yrs ago. RPDR is building the largest durian processing plant on a 25 acres land, in Tras. Our guess is that the construction cost will come substantially from the levy of RM30 million (RM6,000x 5,000 acres of unlicensed land). Reportedly, the growers will not be paid CASH for their harvest. RPDR's plans are brilliant - construction cost, get it from the levy and working capital from delayed payment to the growers! And they have the cheek to label this as a win-win approach. Three likely scenario will emerge: 1) Price of durian will drop. Why, cos their acquisition cost is capped at RM30. This is of course if they want to pass the benefits to consumers....your guess? Don't count on it. 2) Price will dip initially but eventually will increase markedly. Why you may ask? Very simple ,the growers are NOT taking up the unfair offer. They are prepared to vacate the orchards. Most of these growers have on the average 15 years and above of experience in durian cultivation but without them , the orchards will "rot " 2-3 years from now. Trees will be weakened n die from neglect......supply will dip....but demand will continue to grow esp. in overseas markets. Thailand, our competitor, will stand to benefit from it. 3) When pushed to a corner, they are prepared to take extreme measures to ensure that RPDR will not benefit from their years of sweat and tears... In the eighties, we exported our Proton to China....now Proton is given a lifeline by Geely. What else can we export to China? Musang King....due to the entrepreneurial spirit of all stakeholders in the MK supply chain, not least the productive contribution from these growers. The Government does help in some ways but only a small part in making MK Malaysia's next golden crop. But instead of helping further, someone else now wants to milk the cow. Remember : Govt spent hundred of millions to rear cattle. Instead we now have cow-condo. Millions were spent on fishery projects and failed. We even built a Tuna fish Jetty/port in Penang that did not see the light of the day; and we overpaid a ship building company that has thus far failed to deliver the ship as scheduled. It's very ironic- those who are given the land, refused to work on it; yet those want to make productive use of the land are not given the land. The country /state will suffer, RPDR will not get its intended results, with the biggest losers being these growers.
As reported, these growers are willing to negotiate with the state government BUT not RPDR . RPDR has no role to play in this MK supply chain for it does not and can not value add! It just does not hv the Expertise! Period. RPDR's arguement that it helps to prevent the industry from being dominated/manipulated by foreign players; that it assists growers to obtain Mycap certification are bullshit! The durian industry is a free market. Supply n demand will determine the price. In fact, RPDR's monopoly over 60%-70% of the supply will distort the free market mechanism. As for Mycap, it's a certification process under the Ministry of Agriculture. What is your role in this, RPDR ? Actually, the real motive behind getting these growers certified is so that RPDR can export their produce to China. That's why they are constructing the largest processing plant in Raub. As for the State gomen, instead of leasing out these lands to an inexperienced private company, why can't it leases it out directly to the experienced growers who hv toiled for generations on these lands. It’s hard to convince rakyat that there isn't more than meet the eyes in this MK saga. The encroachment by these growers is not right; but the manner in which the gomen justified its action is worse. How to make Malaysia Great if this rent-seeking mentality is so pervasive? - From the thoughts of a legal durian grower born in Raub.
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scottmapess · 4 years
Today, for the bitcoin price, big, congested, broke down here approximately to the level of six thousand six hundred U.S. dollars. And this shouldn’t come with any surprises. If you watched our last episode with Jeff F15 here in this video where we actually mentioned he at seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars that we are expecting these price levels. However, guys, the question everyone is asking right now is the bounce, which actually happened right here. Going to continue and we see higher price levels all the way up to 8000 U.S. dollars. Or are we going to break down and find lower price targets, even below 6000 U.S. dollars? We will show you a very, very interesting data points. Also, guys, we will be zooming out and showing you the most important bitcoin indicator to consider right now before the Bitcoin half. Because what you can see here on the R.S. I4 Bitcoin on the weekly that Bitcoin has never, never, ever been that oversold directly before the half-inch. We will show you exactly what that means for the bitcoin price here in the immediate short term and also in the Metron and of course, as to towards the end of the episode. We want to show you our favourite statistic to consider during that financial crisis because this one shows you the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns versus U.S. stocks versus gold versus bonds, oil and so on. And it will show you that during the financial crisis, bitcoin is by far the most profitable asset in the world. If you adjust for risk, guys, that this will certainly blow your mind like crazy. And we showed you also here our new position on Phoenix, which you just open up today once we hit the price level here. Also, we will show you our last position. You can see right here where we were stopped out in a profit approximately at six thousand U.S. dollars. We will talk about all of that guy. So make sure you take a seat, make sure you smash up the like button to at least 2.3 trillion. Likes the amount of U.S. dollar printed by the Fed, the Federal Reserve right now. And that being said, welcome friends and welcome back time. I’m crypto. My name is Chris. And as always, we are really pumped to go straight to content. OK, so we are here on the far canvas for the big comprise. And if you remember correctly here in the last episode and this one here with Dave interject 15, we were approximately hovering around here around the seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollar levels and the majority was bullish actually. And even though it was very out for us, we were leaning a little bit more to the bearish side. In fact, we actually sat here at the price levels of approximately seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars, that the odds are more towards the bass here and that we will most likely break down to the six thousand six hundred to sixty US dollar levels. Actually, guys, let me show you this quick segment here. And so as you can see here, right. We are trying to make a decision here. We’re going to go higher or are we going to break down? We can easily break down to thirty eight points two. But most likely what we’re going to do is head to the six thousand six hundred sixty six somewhere around here. That’s probably where we’re going. So how did we come up with this price target? If you zoom out here and you go from the swing low here, approximately at sixty-three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars to the swing high, you can actually see that approximately the level of six thousand six hundred sixty coincides with a twenty-three point six Fibonacci retracement level. And we have mentioned that in the last episode with the vintage 15. And as you can see during the night, I mean, we were already losing the hope here. But during the night, we actually had the breakout. And then also we were rejected. And as expected, we hit the level of six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar. So the question is, what is next? Was this year already the end of the breakdown and the bounce will continue? Or can we expect lower price levels right now? Well, guys, first of all, if we are zooming out here from the macrostructure here, of course, on the weekly, we are in a downtrend on the monthly. We are in a downtrend. But if you zoom out on the floor or the data, you can see that ever since we hit this bottom here, this was a higher low. This was a higher low. This was a high low. This one. Yes. Well, and also this one. Yes. So far it’s high. A low, guys. So the key market structure here on the full hour on the daily has not changed so far. Also, we have put in higher highs, but this one year was a higher high. This one was a higher high. So far, we have to wait here that the key market structure changes, because if we were to go down here on the volume, you can see that still, even though we had this breakdown, the volume was underwhelming so far. So this breakdown so far has not all too much significance since the volume is is still underwhelming so far. We are still on the daily on the four hourly here looking for higher price targets. In fact, the price targets we are looking out for, if we were to go here on the daily, you can see that the V.P. VRD suggests that’s a very, very clearly still the price target of eight thousand US dollars. As you can see it here at the point of control, seven thousand nine hundred eight thousand U.S. dollars is still the next price target. However, guys in the. Immediate short term, we are still kind of dependent on the traditional markets. It’s very, very sad. But the Bitcoin breakdown coincided you also with the Dow Jones breakdown here and which broke down during the night approximately 2 percent. Now it’s 1.2 percent. But that put aside actually right now we are still learning a little bit more to the bullish side here, especially after we hit our price target of 6600 U.S. dollars. So 8000 U.S. dollars. But what is the Barasch price target? What if this black swan event continues and Bitcoin is not able to decouple? Many, many people are really bragging right now and asking what is the bearish scenario? And if we were to go down here on the weekly and we can tell you we are not believing in the bearish scenario. But many, many people are waiting for double bottom here. We hit three thousand one hundred fifty US dollars at the beginning of 2019. And the question is, are we going to hit it again? Because this one has stopped actually way above 20 percent above at 3800 U.S. dollars. Well, guys, Bitcoin doesn’t necessarily on the weekly need double bottoms in the last cycle and also in the cycle before we bottomed out at 150 US dollars right here, as you can see it. And then actually the big countries broke down once again. But we actually have a halt here at night. One hundred ninety U.S. dollars. Bitcoin usually doesn’t need double bottoms on the weekly. Usually, we are breaking down once again to wash out the weekends and then we are just stopping before the previous low to also get all the money from the people who are waiting actually for bitcoin to have the double bottom. And also we are right now not on the Bialek’s, but if you were to go to the big leagues, the 2011 2012 lows have acted exactly the same. And guys, you know what? Let’s stay on the weekly and let’s pull out the hours I hear on the weekly because if we were to pull that up here and we are zooming out, you can actually see the vertical lines of the Bitcoin half-inch events that always when we had the bitcoin halfling in 2012, 2016. And also we will have it here approximately 30 days in 2020. We saw on the weekly RSI always slightly overbought levels for Bitcoin approximately here in 2012 at an RSI of 70. Then once again, an RSA of 70 in 2016. But right now, with that black swan event happening out there, we can see Bitcoin hit the low here at an RSA of 30. This is guys for sure. One of the most oversold values we have ever seen. In fact, guys, you saw in February and January, February 2019 at the low of Bitcoin, this RSI level. Then you saw also circling back to 2015, 2014. Bitcoin hitting the RSI of 30 here, also at the low. And of course, if you were to go back into 2011, 2012, we saw the exact same happening again. So these levels of the RSI actually not unprecedented. They are not mind-blowing. They simply point towards the fact that bitcoin is at historically oversold levels. And this coincides with the timing here one month before the half, guys. You can make up your own opinion. Do you think bitcoin being that oversold before the halfling is more a buy or sell indicator in the mid and long run? Guys, I want to tell you my opinion. I certainly think this is a bullish indicator in the mid and long run here, not looking at the four-hour timeframe anymore because towards the end of the episode we want to show you the risk-adjusted returns. And once we have shown you that, you will finally understand what we are talking about here when we are saying we are bullish, very, very bullish in the long run for Bitcoin. Even with that crisis and especially with that crisis. Okay, guys. And now before we go into this mind-blowing statistic here, before we do that, we want to show you one tree and we want everyone to participate right now. Please guess what we have shown is that there are five ways of spending the 1200 U.S. dollar and one-off that is, of course, buying Tesla ever since a dropped like 60 percent right now. Another one is buying an Apple iPhone. Another one is buying 900 to 10 euros or approximately a thousand euros. With that $1200 or buying night Yeezy. Well, guys, another thing is you could take that $1200 and you can simply go out there and buy 50 million bitcoins at Toshi’s because as you guys know, bitcoin is divisible in 100 million parts and with $1200 you can buy fifteen or even 16 million bitcoins. Satoshi skys let us know in the comments section on below, guys. And also follow us here on Twitter. I mean crypto. Let us know in the comments section below. Which one are you choosing? I certainly think you would choose the fifteen bitcoin satoshi sky, but I’m very interested to know what you guys are choosing right now. And no guys, let’s go into this. This is the most mindblowing statistic, especially in the light of the financial crisis we are actually facing right now. First of all, guys, before we go into this mind-blowing statistic, I want to know from you guys, do you think we will hit the. Three thousand eight hundred US 311 next. Or do you think we will hit the eight thousand U.S. dollar next for the Bitcoin price? Let us know in the poll, which is popping up on top of the screen right now. Are you bullish or bearish? Three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars or eight thousand U.S. dollars for the bid comprise sentiment. This is always very, very interesting. Now, guys, look at this really well. Your big, big credit to Charleston, blue dot com. Really? Well, you’re amazing on an analyst. And you guys know we love on trend analysis. He’s also showing the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns towards other assets. And he’s comparing bitcoin here to U.S. stocks, to real estate bonds and gold and also oil. And if we compare bitcoin here with the stocks, you can see that there was never. And this is the sharp ratio. The sharp ratio actually shows you the risk-adjusted returns. And this one shows you that Bitcoin has never, ever crossed. And if there would be a crossover, there would be one single point of time where investing in U.S. stocks would have been more risk-adjusted, more profitable, rather than investing in Bitcoin. And in all the history of Bitcoin, there was not one single moment. If you adjust the returns of bitcoin with the risk we are investing in stocks would have been better than in bitcoin. And even right now, look at this. The Sharpe ratio dropped down from 2.5 to 0.6 during that financial crisis. But of Bitcoin, this Sharpe ratio only dropped down from two-point eight to 2.4. So in this financial crisis, even though the prices of bitcoin has also plummeted down. Bitcoin was a much, much more profitable investment. If you adjust for the risk and also if he were to pull that out here and now take out gold, even gold, gold plummeted from 1.6 down to zero points eight. This is a 50 percent decline of the sharp ratio whereas bitcoin went down from 3.1 only to 2.4. So Bitcoin was risk-adjusted. Even a better investment than gold because in these volatile times, big plummeted down much more than gold, of course. But once the tides turn, the upside of bitcoin is much, much higher. And this is what these risk-adjusted returns are all about. Guys, we will link you this one here in Dippin. Comment down below big credits for charts Ultrabook dot com Wyllie will because this one actually also shows us once again that Bitcoin is the best investment. If you adjust for the risk and guys, of course, many people have asked us how is it about your bid a trade? You also want us to show it. And yet once the prices are plummeting down, well, guys, we told you we are going to put a stop loss here below the ascending trial or the rising, which, as we told you, bitcoin broke below. And as you can see, we have been actually here, closed out in a profit approximately at zero point nine. But look at the timestamp if you want to check it out yourself, which was only unfortunately six U.S. dollars. But we took the profit here and we opened a new position as we hit the six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar level, as we discussed in this video here. And we opened it here once again, of course, with a lower position, but once again here at a 10x leverage and approximately 10 bitcoin here in margin. Guys, check it out. You can see it here yourself. And of course, guys, we are very transparent. If the price were to break down, it’s fine. I mean, the last trade alone already made up for all the potential losses we can get over here. Guys, thank you so much. And of course, if you also want to trade on BYB it or Phoenix as we are doing it, and if you own experience trader only in that specific case, scroll down to the PIN comment and you can trade on BYB IT and fee mix just as we are doing it here with up to 200 $2 profit PIB. It is the first link fee max is the second link, but it is our main exchange. So make accounts over here by clicking it. And after 0.2 bitcoin deposit you can get to $90 for free and one hundred twelve dollars for free on BYB IT and fee mix and trade there as well. You can, by the way, only treat the trade. The free margin if you want and withdraw the profits from that. Thank you so much for watching, guys. And as always, we are so grateful for all your likes. We are always getting like 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 likes even sometimes. Thank you so much for that. So make sure as much of the like button for that video as well. And we will see each other very soon at the next of mantrip. That as always, guys, click the subscription box right here. If you’re not clicking it, you can be missing out on time-sensitive content in the future and click the button to forages popping up right here. And as always, guys, as always. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-breakdown-as-expected-insane-btc-signal/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoin-breakdown-as-expected-dont.html
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Today, for the bitcoin price, big, congested, broke down here approximately to the level of six thousand six hundred U.S. dollars. And this shouldn’t come with any surprises. If you watched our last episode with Jeff F15 here in this video where we actually mentioned he at seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars that we are expecting these price levels. However, guys, the question everyone is asking right now is the bounce, which actually happened right here. Going to continue and we see higher price levels all the way up to 8000 U.S. dollars. Or are we going to break down and find lower price targets, even below 6000 U.S. dollars? We will show you a very, very interesting data points. Also, guys, we will be zooming out and showing you the most important bitcoin indicator to consider right now before the Bitcoin half. Because what you can see here on the R.S. I4 Bitcoin on the weekly that Bitcoin has never, never, ever been that oversold directly before the half-inch. We will show you exactly what that means for the bitcoin price here in the immediate short term and also in the Metron and of course, as to towards the end of the episode. We want to show you our favourite statistic to consider during that financial crisis because this one shows you the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns versus U.S. stocks versus gold versus bonds, oil and so on. And it will show you that during the financial crisis, bitcoin is by far the most profitable asset in the world. If you adjust for risk, guys, that this will certainly blow your mind like crazy. And we showed you also here our new position on Phoenix, which you just open up today once we hit the price level here. Also, we will show you our last position. You can see right here where we were stopped out in a profit approximately at six thousand U.S. dollars. We will talk about all of that guy. So make sure you take a seat, make sure you smash up the like button to at least 2.3 trillion. Likes the amount of U.S. dollar printed by the Fed, the Federal Reserve right now. And that being said, welcome friends and welcome back time. I’m crypto. My name is Chris. And as always, we are really pumped to go straight to content. OK, so we are here on the far canvas for the big comprise. And if you remember correctly here in the last episode and this one here with Dave interject 15, we were approximately hovering around here around the seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollar levels and the majority was bullish actually. And even though it was very out for us, we were leaning a little bit more to the bearish side. In fact, we actually sat here at the price levels of approximately seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars, that the odds are more towards the bass here and that we will most likely break down to the six thousand six hundred to sixty US dollar levels. Actually, guys, let me show you this quick segment here. And so as you can see here, right. We are trying to make a decision here. We’re going to go higher or are we going to break down? We can easily break down to thirty eight points two. But most likely what we’re going to do is head to the six thousand six hundred sixty six somewhere around here. That’s probably where we’re going. So how did we come up with this price target? If you zoom out here and you go from the swing low here, approximately at sixty-three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars to the swing high, you can actually see that approximately the level of six thousand six hundred sixty coincides with a twenty-three point six Fibonacci retracement level. And we have mentioned that in the last episode with the vintage 15. And as you can see during the night, I mean, we were already losing the hope here. But during the night, we actually had the breakout. And then also we were rejected. And as expected, we hit the level of six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar. So the question is, what is next? Was this year already the end of the breakdown and the bounce will continue? Or can we expect lower price levels right now? Well, guys, first of all, if we are zooming out here from the macrostructure here, of course, on the weekly, we are in a downtrend on the monthly. We are in a downtrend. But if you zoom out on the floor or the data, you can see that ever since we hit this bottom here, this was a higher low. This was a higher low. This was a high low. This one. Yes. Well, and also this one. Yes. So far it’s high. A low, guys. So the key market structure here on the full hour on the daily has not changed so far. Also, we have put in higher highs, but this one year was a higher high. This one was a higher high. So far, we have to wait here that the key market structure changes, because if we were to go down here on the volume, you can see that still, even though we had this breakdown, the volume was underwhelming so far. So this breakdown so far has not all too much significance since the volume is is still underwhelming so far. We are still on the daily on the four hourly here looking for higher price targets. In fact, the price targets we are looking out for, if we were to go here on the daily, you can see that the V.P. VRD suggests that’s a very, very clearly still the price target of eight thousand US dollars. As you can see it here at the point of control, seven thousand nine hundred eight thousand U.S. dollars is still the next price target. However, guys in the. Immediate short term, we are still kind of dependent on the traditional markets. It’s very, very sad. But the Bitcoin breakdown coincided you also with the Dow Jones breakdown here and which broke down during the night approximately 2 percent. Now it’s 1.2 percent. But that put aside actually right now we are still learning a little bit more to the bullish side here, especially after we hit our price target of 6600 U.S. dollars. So 8000 U.S. dollars. But what is the Barasch price target? What if this black swan event continues and Bitcoin is not able to decouple? Many, many people are really bragging right now and asking what is the bearish scenario? And if we were to go down here on the weekly and we can tell you we are not believing in the bearish scenario. But many, many people are waiting for double bottom here. We hit three thousand one hundred fifty US dollars at the beginning of 2019. And the question is, are we going to hit it again? Because this one has stopped actually way above 20 percent above at 3800 U.S. dollars. Well, guys, Bitcoin doesn’t necessarily on the weekly need double bottoms in the last cycle and also in the cycle before we bottomed out at 150 US dollars right here, as you can see it. And then actually the big countries broke down once again. But we actually have a halt here at night. One hundred ninety U.S. dollars. Bitcoin usually doesn’t need double bottoms on the weekly. Usually, we are breaking down once again to wash out the weekends and then we are just stopping before the previous low to also get all the money from the people who are waiting actually for bitcoin to have the double bottom. And also we are right now not on the Bialek’s, but if you were to go to the big leagues, the 2011 2012 lows have acted exactly the same. And guys, you know what? Let’s stay on the weekly and let’s pull out the hours I hear on the weekly because if we were to pull that up here and we are zooming out, you can actually see the vertical lines of the Bitcoin half-inch events that always when we had the bitcoin halfling in 2012, 2016. And also we will have it here approximately 30 days in 2020. We saw on the weekly RSI always slightly overbought levels for Bitcoin approximately here in 2012 at an RSI of 70. Then once again, an RSA of 70 in 2016. But right now, with that black swan event happening out there, we can see Bitcoin hit the low here at an RSA of 30. This is guys for sure. One of the most oversold values we have ever seen. In fact, guys, you saw in February and January, February 2019 at the low of Bitcoin, this RSI level. Then you saw also circling back to 2015, 2014. Bitcoin hitting the RSI of 30 here, also at the low. And of course, if you were to go back into 2011, 2012, we saw the exact same happening again. So these levels of the RSI actually not unprecedented. They are not mind-blowing. They simply point towards the fact that bitcoin is at historically oversold levels. And this coincides with the timing here one month before the half, guys. You can make up your own opinion. Do you think bitcoin being that oversold before the halfling is more a buy or sell indicator in the mid and long run? Guys, I want to tell you my opinion. I certainly think this is a bullish indicator in the mid and long run here, not looking at the four-hour timeframe anymore because towards the end of the episode we want to show you the risk-adjusted returns. And once we have shown you that, you will finally understand what we are talking about here when we are saying we are bullish, very, very bullish in the long run for Bitcoin. Even with that crisis and especially with that crisis. Okay, guys. And now before we go into this mind-blowing statistic here, before we do that, we want to show you one tree and we want everyone to participate right now. Please guess what we have shown is that there are five ways of spending the 1200 U.S. dollar and one-off that is, of course, buying Tesla ever since a dropped like 60 percent right now. Another one is buying an Apple iPhone. Another one is buying 900 to 10 euros or approximately a thousand euros. With that $1200 or buying night Yeezy. Well, guys, another thing is you could take that $1200 and you can simply go out there and buy 50 million bitcoins at Toshi’s because as you guys know, bitcoin is divisible in 100 million parts and with $1200 you can buy fifteen or even 16 million bitcoins. Satoshi skys let us know in the comments section on below, guys. And also follow us here on Twitter. I mean crypto. Let us know in the comments section below. Which one are you choosing? I certainly think you would choose the fifteen bitcoin satoshi sky, but I’m very interested to know what you guys are choosing right now. And no guys, let’s go into this. This is the most mindblowing statistic, especially in the light of the financial crisis we are actually facing right now. First of all, guys, before we go into this mind-blowing statistic, I want to know from you guys, do you think we will hit the. Three thousand eight hundred US 311 next. Or do you think we will hit the eight thousand U.S. dollar next for the Bitcoin price? Let us know in the poll, which is popping up on top of the screen right now. Are you bullish or bearish? Three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars or eight thousand U.S. dollars for the bid comprise sentiment. This is always very, very interesting. Now, guys, look at this really well. Your big, big credit to Charleston, blue dot com. Really? Well, you’re amazing on an analyst. And you guys know we love on trend analysis. He’s also showing the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns towards other assets. And he’s comparing bitcoin here to U.S. stocks, to real estate bonds and gold and also oil. And if we compare bitcoin here with the stocks, you can see that there was never. And this is the sharp ratio. The sharp ratio actually shows you the risk-adjusted returns. And this one shows you that Bitcoin has never, ever crossed. And if there would be a crossover, there would be one single point of time where investing in U.S. stocks would have been more risk-adjusted, more profitable, rather than investing in Bitcoin. And in all the history of Bitcoin, there was not one single moment. If you adjust the returns of bitcoin with the risk we are investing in stocks would have been better than in bitcoin. And even right now, look at this. The Sharpe ratio dropped down from 2.5 to 0.6 during that financial crisis. But of Bitcoin, this Sharpe ratio only dropped down from two-point eight to 2.4. So in this financial crisis, even though the prices of bitcoin has also plummeted down. Bitcoin was a much, much more profitable investment. If you adjust for the risk and also if he were to pull that out here and now take out gold, even gold, gold plummeted from 1.6 down to zero points eight. This is a 50 percent decline of the sharp ratio whereas bitcoin went down from 3.1 only to 2.4. So Bitcoin was risk-adjusted. Even a better investment than gold because in these volatile times, big plummeted down much more than gold, of course. But once the tides turn, the upside of bitcoin is much, much higher. And this is what these risk-adjusted returns are all about. Guys, we will link you this one here in Dippin. Comment down below big credits for charts Ultrabook dot com Wyllie will because this one actually also shows us once again that Bitcoin is the best investment. If you adjust for the risk and guys, of course, many people have asked us how is it about your bid a trade? You also want us to show it. And yet once the prices are plummeting down, well, guys, we told you we are going to put a stop loss here below the ascending trial or the rising, which, as we told you, bitcoin broke below. And as you can see, we have been actually here, closed out in a profit approximately at zero point nine. But look at the timestamp if you want to check it out yourself, which was only unfortunately six U.S. dollars. But we took the profit here and we opened a new position as we hit the six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar level, as we discussed in this video here. And we opened it here once again, of course, with a lower position, but once again here at a 10x leverage and approximately 10 bitcoin here in margin. Guys, check it out. You can see it here yourself. And of course, guys, we are very transparent. If the price were to break down, it’s fine. I mean, the last trade alone already made up for all the potential losses we can get over here. Guys, thank you so much. And of course, if you also want to trade on BYB it or Phoenix as we are doing it, and if you own experience trader only in that specific case, scroll down to the PIN comment and you can trade on BYB IT and fee mix just as we are doing it here with up to 200 $2 profit PIB. It is the first link fee max is the second link, but it is our main exchange. So make accounts over here by clicking it. And after 0.2 bitcoin deposit you can get to $90 for free and one hundred twelve dollars for free on BYB IT and fee mix and trade there as well. You can, by the way, only treat the trade. The free margin if you want and withdraw the profits from that. Thank you so much for watching, guys. And as always, we are so grateful for all your likes. We are always getting like 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 likes even sometimes. Thank you so much for that. So make sure as much of the like button for that video as well. And we will see each other very soon at the next of mantrip. That as always, guys, click the subscription box right here. If you’re not clicking it, you can be missing out on time-sensitive content in the future and click the button to forages popping up right here. And as always, guys, as always. Bye-bye.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-breakdown-as-expected-insane-btc-signal/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-breakdown-as-expected-dont-ignore-this-insane-btc-signal
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Today, for the bitcoin price, big, congested, broke down here approximately to the level of six thousand six hundred U.S. dollars. And this shouldn’t come with any surprises. If you watched our last episode with Jeff F15 here in this video where we actually mentioned he at seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars that we are expecting these price levels. However, guys, the question everyone is asking right now is the bounce, which actually happened right here. Going to continue and we see higher price levels all the way up to 8000 U.S. dollars. Or are we going to break down and find lower price targets, even below 6000 U.S. dollars? We will show you a very, very interesting data points. Also, guys, we will be zooming out and showing you the most important bitcoin indicator to consider right now before the Bitcoin half. Because what you can see here on the R.S. I4 Bitcoin on the weekly that Bitcoin has never, never, ever been that oversold directly before the half-inch. We will show you exactly what that means for the bitcoin price here in the immediate short term and also in the Metron and of course, as to towards the end of the episode. We want to show you our favourite statistic to consider during that financial crisis because this one shows you the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns versus U.S. stocks versus gold versus bonds, oil and so on. And it will show you that during the financial crisis, bitcoin is by far the most profitable asset in the world. If you adjust for risk, guys, that this will certainly blow your mind like crazy. And we showed you also here our new position on Phoenix, which you just open up today once we hit the price level here. Also, we will show you our last position. You can see right here where we were stopped out in a profit approximately at six thousand U.S. dollars. We will talk about all of that guy. So make sure you take a seat, make sure you smash up the like button to at least 2.3 trillion. Likes the amount of U.S. dollar printed by the Fed, the Federal Reserve right now. And that being said, welcome friends and welcome back time. I’m crypto. My name is Chris. And as always, we are really pumped to go straight to content. OK, so we are here on the far canvas for the big comprise. And if you remember correctly here in the last episode and this one here with Dave interject 15, we were approximately hovering around here around the seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollar levels and the majority was bullish actually. And even though it was very out for us, we were leaning a little bit more to the bearish side. In fact, we actually sat here at the price levels of approximately seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars, that the odds are more towards the bass here and that we will most likely break down to the six thousand six hundred to sixty US dollar levels. Actually, guys, let me show you this quick segment here. And so as you can see here, right. We are trying to make a decision here. We’re going to go higher or are we going to break down? We can easily break down to thirty eight points two. But most likely what we’re going to do is head to the six thousand six hundred sixty six somewhere around here. That’s probably where we’re going. So how did we come up with this price target? If you zoom out here and you go from the swing low here, approximately at sixty-three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars to the swing high, you can actually see that approximately the level of six thousand six hundred sixty coincides with a twenty-three point six Fibonacci retracement level. And we have mentioned that in the last episode with the vintage 15. And as you can see during the night, I mean, we were already losing the hope here. But during the night, we actually had the breakout. And then also we were rejected. And as expected, we hit the level of six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar. So the question is, what is next? Was this year already the end of the breakdown and the bounce will continue? Or can we expect lower price levels right now? Well, guys, first of all, if we are zooming out here from the macrostructure here, of course, on the weekly, we are in a downtrend on the monthly. We are in a downtrend. But if you zoom out on the floor or the data, you can see that ever since we hit this bottom here, this was a higher low. This was a higher low. This was a high low. This one. Yes. Well, and also this one. Yes. So far it’s high. A low, guys. So the key market structure here on the full hour on the daily has not changed so far. Also, we have put in higher highs, but this one year was a higher high. This one was a higher high. So far, we have to wait here that the key market structure changes, because if we were to go down here on the volume, you can see that still, even though we had this breakdown, the volume was underwhelming so far. So this breakdown so far has not all too much significance since the volume is is still underwhelming so far. We are still on the daily on the four hourly here looking for higher price targets. In fact, the price targets we are looking out for, if we were to go here on the daily, you can see that the V.P. VRD suggests that’s a very, very clearly still the price target of eight thousand US dollars. As you can see it here at the point of control, seven thousand nine hundred eight thousand U.S. dollars is still the next price target. However, guys in the. Immediate short term, we are still kind of dependent on the traditional markets. It’s very, very sad. But the Bitcoin breakdown coincided you also with the Dow Jones breakdown here and which broke down during the night approximately 2 percent. Now it’s 1.2 percent. But that put aside actually right now we are still learning a little bit more to the bullish side here, especially after we hit our price target of 6600 U.S. dollars. So 8000 U.S. dollars. But what is the Barasch price target? What if this black swan event continues and Bitcoin is not able to decouple? Many, many people are really bragging right now and asking what is the bearish scenario? And if we were to go down here on the weekly and we can tell you we are not believing in the bearish scenario. But many, many people are waiting for double bottom here. We hit three thousand one hundred fifty US dollars at the beginning of 2019. And the question is, are we going to hit it again? Because this one has stopped actually way above 20 percent above at 3800 U.S. dollars. Well, guys, Bitcoin doesn’t necessarily on the weekly need double bottoms in the last cycle and also in the cycle before we bottomed out at 150 US dollars right here, as you can see it. And then actually the big countries broke down once again. But we actually have a halt here at night. One hundred ninety U.S. dollars. Bitcoin usually doesn’t need double bottoms on the weekly. Usually, we are breaking down once again to wash out the weekends and then we are just stopping before the previous low to also get all the money from the people who are waiting actually for bitcoin to have the double bottom. And also we are right now not on the Bialek’s, but if you were to go to the big leagues, the 2011 2012 lows have acted exactly the same. And guys, you know what? Let’s stay on the weekly and let’s pull out the hours I hear on the weekly because if we were to pull that up here and we are zooming out, you can actually see the vertical lines of the Bitcoin half-inch events that always when we had the bitcoin halfling in 2012, 2016. And also we will have it here approximately 30 days in 2020. We saw on the weekly RSI always slightly overbought levels for Bitcoin approximately here in 2012 at an RSI of 70. Then once again, an RSA of 70 in 2016. But right now, with that black swan event happening out there, we can see Bitcoin hit the low here at an RSA of 30. This is guys for sure. One of the most oversold values we have ever seen. In fact, guys, you saw in February and January, February 2019 at the low of Bitcoin, this RSI level. Then you saw also circling back to 2015, 2014. Bitcoin hitting the RSI of 30 here, also at the low. And of course, if you were to go back into 2011, 2012, we saw the exact same happening again. So these levels of the RSI actually not unprecedented. They are not mind-blowing. They simply point towards the fact that bitcoin is at historically oversold levels. And this coincides with the timing here one month before the half, guys. You can make up your own opinion. Do you think bitcoin being that oversold before the halfling is more a buy or sell indicator in the mid and long run? Guys, I want to tell you my opinion. I certainly think this is a bullish indicator in the mid and long run here, not looking at the four-hour timeframe anymore because towards the end of the episode we want to show you the risk-adjusted returns. And once we have shown you that, you will finally understand what we are talking about here when we are saying we are bullish, very, very bullish in the long run for Bitcoin. Even with that crisis and especially with that crisis. Okay, guys. And now before we go into this mind-blowing statistic here, before we do that, we want to show you one tree and we want everyone to participate right now. Please guess what we have shown is that there are five ways of spending the 1200 U.S. dollar and one-off that is, of course, buying Tesla ever since a dropped like 60 percent right now. Another one is buying an Apple iPhone. Another one is buying 900 to 10 euros or approximately a thousand euros. With that $1200 or buying night Yeezy. Well, guys, another thing is you could take that $1200 and you can simply go out there and buy 50 million bitcoins at Toshi’s because as you guys know, bitcoin is divisible in 100 million parts and with $1200 you can buy fifteen or even 16 million bitcoins. Satoshi skys let us know in the comments section on below, guys. And also follow us here on Twitter. I mean crypto. Let us know in the comments section below. Which one are you choosing? I certainly think you would choose the fifteen bitcoin satoshi sky, but I’m very interested to know what you guys are choosing right now. And no guys, let’s go into this. This is the most mindblowing statistic, especially in the light of the financial crisis we are actually facing right now. First of all, guys, before we go into this mind-blowing statistic, I want to know from you guys, do you think we will hit the. Three thousand eight hundred US 311 next. Or do you think we will hit the eight thousand U.S. dollar next for the Bitcoin price? Let us know in the poll, which is popping up on top of the screen right now. Are you bullish or bearish? Three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars or eight thousand U.S. dollars for the bid comprise sentiment. This is always very, very interesting. Now, guys, look at this really well. Your big, big credit to Charleston, blue dot com. Really? Well, you’re amazing on an analyst. And you guys know we love on trend analysis. He’s also showing the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns towards other assets. And he’s comparing bitcoin here to U.S. stocks, to real estate bonds and gold and also oil. And if we compare bitcoin here with the stocks, you can see that there was never. And this is the sharp ratio. The sharp ratio actually shows you the risk-adjusted returns. And this one shows you that Bitcoin has never, ever crossed. And if there would be a crossover, there would be one single point of time where investing in U.S. stocks would have been more risk-adjusted, more profitable, rather than investing in Bitcoin. And in all the history of Bitcoin, there was not one single moment. If you adjust the returns of bitcoin with the risk we are investing in stocks would have been better than in bitcoin. And even right now, look at this. The Sharpe ratio dropped down from 2.5 to 0.6 during that financial crisis. But of Bitcoin, this Sharpe ratio only dropped down from two-point eight to 2.4. So in this financial crisis, even though the prices of bitcoin has also plummeted down. Bitcoin was a much, much more profitable investment. If you adjust for the risk and also if he were to pull that out here and now take out gold, even gold, gold plummeted from 1.6 down to zero points eight. This is a 50 percent decline of the sharp ratio whereas bitcoin went down from 3.1 only to 2.4. So Bitcoin was risk-adjusted. Even a better investment than gold because in these volatile times, big plummeted down much more than gold, of course. But once the tides turn, the upside of bitcoin is much, much higher. And this is what these risk-adjusted returns are all about. Guys, we will link you this one here in Dippin. Comment down below big credits for charts Ultrabook dot com Wyllie will because this one actually also shows us once again that Bitcoin is the best investment. If you adjust for the risk and guys, of course, many people have asked us how is it about your bid a trade? You also want us to show it. And yet once the prices are plummeting down, well, guys, we told you we are going to put a stop loss here below the ascending trial or the rising, which, as we told you, bitcoin broke below. And as you can see, we have been actually here, closed out in a profit approximately at zero point nine. But look at the timestamp if you want to check it out yourself, which was only unfortunately six U.S. dollars. But we took the profit here and we opened a new position as we hit the six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar level, as we discussed in this video here. And we opened it here once again, of course, with a lower position, but once again here at a 10x leverage and approximately 10 bitcoin here in margin. Guys, check it out. You can see it here yourself. And of course, guys, we are very transparent. If the price were to break down, it’s fine. I mean, the last trade alone already made up for all the potential losses we can get over here. Guys, thank you so much. And of course, if you also want to trade on BYB it or Phoenix as we are doing it, and if you own experience trader only in that specific case, scroll down to the PIN comment and you can trade on BYB IT and fee mix just as we are doing it here with up to 200 $2 profit PIB. It is the first link fee max is the second link, but it is our main exchange. So make accounts over here by clicking it. And after 0.2 bitcoin deposit you can get to $90 for free and one hundred twelve dollars for free on BYB IT and fee mix and trade there as well. You can, by the way, only treat the trade. The free margin if you want and withdraw the profits from that. Thank you so much for watching, guys. And as always, we are so grateful for all your likes. We are always getting like 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 likes even sometimes. Thank you so much for that. So make sure as much of the like button for that video as well. And we will see each other very soon at the next of mantrip. That as always, guys, click the subscription box right here. If you’re not clicking it, you can be missing out on time-sensitive content in the future and click the button to forages popping up right here. And as always, guys, as always. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-breakdown-as-expected-insane-btc-signal/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615452277739749376
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Today, for the bitcoin price, big, congested, broke down here approximately to the level of six thousand six hundred U.S. dollars. And this shouldn’t come with any surprises. If you watched our last episode with Jeff F15 here in this video where we actually mentioned he at seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars that we are expecting these price levels. However, guys, the question everyone is asking right now is the bounce, which actually happened right here. Going to continue and we see higher price levels all the way up to 8000 U.S. dollars. Or are we going to break down and find lower price targets, even below 6000 U.S. dollars? We will show you a very, very interesting data points. Also, guys, we will be zooming out and showing you the most important bitcoin indicator to consider right now before the Bitcoin half. Because what you can see here on the R.S. I4 Bitcoin on the weekly that Bitcoin has never, never, ever been that oversold directly before the half-inch. We will show you exactly what that means for the bitcoin price here in the immediate short term and also in the Metron and of course, as to towards the end of the episode. We want to show you our favourite statistic to consider during that financial crisis because this one shows you the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns versus U.S. stocks versus gold versus bonds, oil and so on. And it will show you that during the financial crisis, bitcoin is by far the most profitable asset in the world. If you adjust for risk, guys, that this will certainly blow your mind like crazy. And we showed you also here our new position on Phoenix, which you just open up today once we hit the price level here. Also, we will show you our last position. You can see right here where we were stopped out in a profit approximately at six thousand U.S. dollars. We will talk about all of that guy. So make sure you take a seat, make sure you smash up the like button to at least 2.3 trillion. Likes the amount of U.S. dollar printed by the Fed, the Federal Reserve right now. And that being said, welcome friends and welcome back time. I’m crypto. My name is Chris. And as always, we are really pumped to go straight to content. OK, so we are here on the far canvas for the big comprise. And if you remember correctly here in the last episode and this one here with Dave interject 15, we were approximately hovering around here around the seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollar levels and the majority was bullish actually. And even though it was very out for us, we were leaning a little bit more to the bearish side. In fact, we actually sat here at the price levels of approximately seven thousand three hundred U.S. dollars, that the odds are more towards the bass here and that we will most likely break down to the six thousand six hundred to sixty US dollar levels. Actually, guys, let me show you this quick segment here. And so as you can see here, right. We are trying to make a decision here. We’re going to go higher or are we going to break down? We can easily break down to thirty eight points two. But most likely what we’re going to do is head to the six thousand six hundred sixty six somewhere around here. That’s probably where we’re going. So how did we come up with this price target? If you zoom out here and you go from the swing low here, approximately at sixty-three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars to the swing high, you can actually see that approximately the level of six thousand six hundred sixty coincides with a twenty-three point six Fibonacci retracement level. And we have mentioned that in the last episode with the vintage 15. And as you can see during the night, I mean, we were already losing the hope here. But during the night, we actually had the breakout. And then also we were rejected. And as expected, we hit the level of six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar. So the question is, what is next? Was this year already the end of the breakdown and the bounce will continue? Or can we expect lower price levels right now? Well, guys, first of all, if we are zooming out here from the macrostructure here, of course, on the weekly, we are in a downtrend on the monthly. We are in a downtrend. But if you zoom out on the floor or the data, you can see that ever since we hit this bottom here, this was a higher low. This was a higher low. This was a high low. This one. Yes. Well, and also this one. Yes. So far it’s high. A low, guys. So the key market structure here on the full hour on the daily has not changed so far. Also, we have put in higher highs, but this one year was a higher high. This one was a higher high. So far, we have to wait here that the key market structure changes, because if we were to go down here on the volume, you can see that still, even though we had this breakdown, the volume was underwhelming so far. So this breakdown so far has not all too much significance since the volume is is still underwhelming so far. We are still on the daily on the four hourly here looking for higher price targets. In fact, the price targets we are looking out for, if we were to go here on the daily, you can see that the V.P. VRD suggests that’s a very, very clearly still the price target of eight thousand US dollars. As you can see it here at the point of control, seven thousand nine hundred eight thousand U.S. dollars is still the next price target. However, guys in the. Immediate short term, we are still kind of dependent on the traditional markets. It’s very, very sad. But the Bitcoin breakdown coincided you also with the Dow Jones breakdown here and which broke down during the night approximately 2 percent. Now it’s 1.2 percent. But that put aside actually right now we are still learning a little bit more to the bullish side here, especially after we hit our price target of 6600 U.S. dollars. So 8000 U.S. dollars. But what is the Barasch price target? What if this black swan event continues and Bitcoin is not able to decouple? Many, many people are really bragging right now and asking what is the bearish scenario? And if we were to go down here on the weekly and we can tell you we are not believing in the bearish scenario. But many, many people are waiting for double bottom here. We hit three thousand one hundred fifty US dollars at the beginning of 2019. And the question is, are we going to hit it again? Because this one has stopped actually way above 20 percent above at 3800 U.S. dollars. Well, guys, Bitcoin doesn’t necessarily on the weekly need double bottoms in the last cycle and also in the cycle before we bottomed out at 150 US dollars right here, as you can see it. And then actually the big countries broke down once again. But we actually have a halt here at night. One hundred ninety U.S. dollars. Bitcoin usually doesn’t need double bottoms on the weekly. Usually, we are breaking down once again to wash out the weekends and then we are just stopping before the previous low to also get all the money from the people who are waiting actually for bitcoin to have the double bottom. And also we are right now not on the Bialek’s, but if you were to go to the big leagues, the 2011 2012 lows have acted exactly the same. And guys, you know what? Let’s stay on the weekly and let’s pull out the hours I hear on the weekly because if we were to pull that up here and we are zooming out, you can actually see the vertical lines of the Bitcoin half-inch events that always when we had the bitcoin halfling in 2012, 2016. And also we will have it here approximately 30 days in 2020. We saw on the weekly RSI always slightly overbought levels for Bitcoin approximately here in 2012 at an RSI of 70. Then once again, an RSA of 70 in 2016. But right now, with that black swan event happening out there, we can see Bitcoin hit the low here at an RSA of 30. This is guys for sure. One of the most oversold values we have ever seen. In fact, guys, you saw in February and January, February 2019 at the low of Bitcoin, this RSI level. Then you saw also circling back to 2015, 2014. Bitcoin hitting the RSI of 30 here, also at the low. And of course, if you were to go back into 2011, 2012, we saw the exact same happening again. So these levels of the RSI actually not unprecedented. They are not mind-blowing. They simply point towards the fact that bitcoin is at historically oversold levels. And this coincides with the timing here one month before the half, guys. You can make up your own opinion. Do you think bitcoin being that oversold before the halfling is more a buy or sell indicator in the mid and long run? Guys, I want to tell you my opinion. I certainly think this is a bullish indicator in the mid and long run here, not looking at the four-hour timeframe anymore because towards the end of the episode we want to show you the risk-adjusted returns. And once we have shown you that, you will finally understand what we are talking about here when we are saying we are bullish, very, very bullish in the long run for Bitcoin. Even with that crisis and especially with that crisis. Okay, guys. And now before we go into this mind-blowing statistic here, before we do that, we want to show you one tree and we want everyone to participate right now. Please guess what we have shown is that there are five ways of spending the 1200 U.S. dollar and one-off that is, of course, buying Tesla ever since a dropped like 60 percent right now. Another one is buying an Apple iPhone. Another one is buying 900 to 10 euros or approximately a thousand euros. With that $1200 or buying night Yeezy. Well, guys, another thing is you could take that $1200 and you can simply go out there and buy 50 million bitcoins at Toshi’s because as you guys know, bitcoin is divisible in 100 million parts and with $1200 you can buy fifteen or even 16 million bitcoins. Satoshi skys let us know in the comments section on below, guys. And also follow us here on Twitter. I mean crypto. Let us know in the comments section below. Which one are you choosing? I certainly think you would choose the fifteen bitcoin satoshi sky, but I’m very interested to know what you guys are choosing right now. And no guys, let’s go into this. This is the most mindblowing statistic, especially in the light of the financial crisis we are actually facing right now. First of all, guys, before we go into this mind-blowing statistic, I want to know from you guys, do you think we will hit the. Three thousand eight hundred US 311 next. Or do you think we will hit the eight thousand U.S. dollar next for the Bitcoin price? Let us know in the poll, which is popping up on top of the screen right now. Are you bullish or bearish? Three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars or eight thousand U.S. dollars for the bid comprise sentiment. This is always very, very interesting. Now, guys, look at this really well. Your big, big credit to Charleston, blue dot com. Really? Well, you’re amazing on an analyst. And you guys know we love on trend analysis. He’s also showing the Bitcoin risk-adjusted returns towards other assets. And he’s comparing bitcoin here to U.S. stocks, to real estate bonds and gold and also oil. And if we compare bitcoin here with the stocks, you can see that there was never. And this is the sharp ratio. The sharp ratio actually shows you the risk-adjusted returns. And this one shows you that Bitcoin has never, ever crossed. And if there would be a crossover, there would be one single point of time where investing in U.S. stocks would have been more risk-adjusted, more profitable, rather than investing in Bitcoin. And in all the history of Bitcoin, there was not one single moment. If you adjust the returns of bitcoin with the risk we are investing in stocks would have been better than in bitcoin. And even right now, look at this. The Sharpe ratio dropped down from 2.5 to 0.6 during that financial crisis. But of Bitcoin, this Sharpe ratio only dropped down from two-point eight to 2.4. So in this financial crisis, even though the prices of bitcoin has also plummeted down. Bitcoin was a much, much more profitable investment. If you adjust for the risk and also if he were to pull that out here and now take out gold, even gold, gold plummeted from 1.6 down to zero points eight. This is a 50 percent decline of the sharp ratio whereas bitcoin went down from 3.1 only to 2.4. So Bitcoin was risk-adjusted. Even a better investment than gold because in these volatile times, big plummeted down much more than gold, of course. But once the tides turn, the upside of bitcoin is much, much higher. And this is what these risk-adjusted returns are all about. Guys, we will link you this one here in Dippin. Comment down below big credits for charts Ultrabook dot com Wyllie will because this one actually also shows us once again that Bitcoin is the best investment. If you adjust for the risk and guys, of course, many people have asked us how is it about your bid a trade? You also want us to show it. And yet once the prices are plummeting down, well, guys, we told you we are going to put a stop loss here below the ascending trial or the rising, which, as we told you, bitcoin broke below. And as you can see, we have been actually here, closed out in a profit approximately at zero point nine. But look at the timestamp if you want to check it out yourself, which was only unfortunately six U.S. dollars. But we took the profit here and we opened a new position as we hit the six thousand six hundred sixty US dollar level, as we discussed in this video here. And we opened it here once again, of course, with a lower position, but once again here at a 10x leverage and approximately 10 bitcoin here in margin. Guys, check it out. You can see it here yourself. And of course, guys, we are very transparent. If the price were to break down, it’s fine. I mean, the last trade alone already made up for all the potential losses we can get over here. Guys, thank you so much. And of course, if you also want to trade on BYB it or Phoenix as we are doing it, and if you own experience trader only in that specific case, scroll down to the PIN comment and you can trade on BYB IT and fee mix just as we are doing it here with up to 200 $2 profit PIB. It is the first link fee max is the second link, but it is our main exchange. So make accounts over here by clicking it. And after 0.2 bitcoin deposit you can get to $90 for free and one hundred twelve dollars for free on BYB IT and fee mix and trade there as well. You can, by the way, only treat the trade. The free margin if you want and withdraw the profits from that. Thank you so much for watching, guys. And as always, we are so grateful for all your likes. We are always getting like 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 likes even sometimes. Thank you so much for that. So make sure as much of the like button for that video as well. And we will see each other very soon at the next of mantrip. That as always, guys, click the subscription box right here. If you’re not clicking it, you can be missing out on time-sensitive content in the future and click the button to forages popping up right here. And as always, guys, as always. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-breakdown-as-expected-insane-btc-signal/
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ntrending · 6 years
The EPA is jeopardizing scientific research and privacy in the name of ‘transparency’
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/the-epa-is-jeopardizing-scientific-research-and-privacy-in-the-name-of-transparency/
The EPA is jeopardizing scientific research and privacy in the name of ‘transparency’
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“The science that we use is going to be transparent, it’s going to be reproducible,” Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, told the audience assembled at the agency on Tuesday.
He was describing a newly proposed rule for the EPA, which would limit the kinds of research the agency could take into consideration when making policy decisions by requiring all data be “publicly available.” Those two keywords—transparent and reproducible—came up again and again in the following days, a kind of verbal talisman for Pruitt and supporters of the proposed rule.
On their face, transparency and reproducibility are hard to argue against; they are fundamental principles of the scientific method. But in practice, calls for greater transparency have almost always been part of industry efforts to cast doubt on unfavorable research. In particular, the mandate for public data access that Pruitt proposes would disbar most if not all public health studies that rely on participants sharing sensitive health data, which is protected under confidentiality agreements. These massive, long-running epidemiological studies form the basis of the science of public health—without them, policy makers will have little to no ability to link environmental exposure to human health risks.
“It’s a tactic that has to do with impugning science by saying there’s a lack of transparency or certainty,” says Joel Kaufman, a public health researcher at the University of Washington who studies the link between air pollution and heart disease. Big Tobacco invoked the same arguments for transparency and access to discredit cancer findings, and oil companies casting uncertainty on the science of climate change do the same.
“These are phony issues that weaponize ‘transparency’ to facilitate political interference in science-based decision making, rather than genuinely address either,” wrote the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy group, in an open letter to Pruitt. “The result will be policies and practices that will ignore significant risks to the health of every American.”
Six Cities
“This goes back 40 years, since we started that study,” says Douglas Dockery, an epidemiologist at Harvard’s School of Public Health. Starting in the late ’70s, Dockery led a team of researchers who collected health data from residents in six U.S. cities. For 16 years, the scientists tracked more than 8,000 individuals, recording their lifestyle and environmental risks and collecting death certificates when participants died.
In 1993, they published the study in the New England Journal of Medicine, showing a 26 percent increase in mortality rate in the most-polluted city compared to the least-polluted city. “Mortality was most strongly associated with air pollution with fine particulates,” the authors wrote, in one of the first definite findings linking fine particulate matter—PM2.5, which includes things like soot from coal-burning power plants—to serious health risks for humans.
The study was peer reviewed, but its raw data (including birthdates, social security numbers, and other sensitive information from participants) was confidential. “We had both ethical and legal restrictions,” Dockery said. The researchers had signed agreements with each participant ensuring their privacy, as well as various confidentiality agreements with the states that released death certificates to them.
When the EPA reviewed its air standards, after the publication of the Six Cities study, Dockery was called to testify about his work. “I went up to Capitol Hill at that time,” he remembers, 25 years later, “and they had people dressed up in lab coats saying, ‘give us the data.’”
Privacy vs. Transparency
“The best studies follow individuals over time, so that you can control all the factors except for the ones you’re measuring,” former EPA administrator Gina McCarthy told the Washington Post. “But it means following people’s personal history, their medical history. And nobody would want somebody to expose all of their private information.”
Despite the fact that we live in a world of ever-dwindling privacy, health data is a rare exception. When epidemiologists collect data about mortality rates, they also collect information about individuals’ lifestyles, how much they exercise, whether they drink or smoke, what their diets are like, whether they suffer from other diseases or occupational hazards that might affect their health. The result is an intimate portrait of an individual that might contain details not known to their closest friends and family.
As Joel Kaufman explained, “the devil’s in the details about what they decide is ‘data’.” While there are ways to redact and anonymize personal health data, there are limits to how much an individual’s identity can be protected, especially in small communities where basic identifiers like age and gender may be enough to recognize a neighbor or a family member. And advocates for “transparency” can always say that is not good enough, and demand the original forms and questionnaires participants filled out, Kaufman says.
Pruitt has said that the proposed rule is necessary to give the public more information to consider during public comment periods on proposed policies, as though private citizens are clamoring to comb through multi-decadal data sets to double-check the work of scientists. But there are ways to verify data without making it accessible to the public at large: for example, by scientific peer review, independent verification, or confirmation by other studies. In other words, scientists from disparate institutions and research groups should (and do) check one another’s work.
The Six Cities study was ultimately confirmed by all three of these methods. An independent organization called the Health Effects Institute got access to the original data (subject to the same confidentiality agreements as the original researchers) and attempted to reproduce the findings—which they did. And in the time since the original study came out, many other researchers in many other places have come up with the same connection between fine particulate air pollution and cardiopulmonary disease and death.
“These were important studies at the time, 25 years ago,” Dockery says now of his work on the Six Cities project, as well as the accompanying American Cancer Study. “But they’ve been replicated and validated and shown to be true scores of times by many other studies, and much better studies. To go back and suggest that somehow you could remove the study from the record is kind of irrelevant now—there’s massive evidence that these studies have shown to be true.”
Sowing uncertainty
This week, Trump transition team member—and advisor to the conservative policy think tank Heartland Institute—Steven Milloy told The Atlantic that the Six Cities Study is “the biggest science fraud that has gone on in this country’s history” before making the claim that “China, for the last few years, has had these huge episodes of PM2.5. No one’s died.” (Millions of people have died because of China’s polluted air.)
Milloy’s comments may be a particularly blatant example, but they’re part of a long-running attempt to cast doubt on the integrity of science that turns up results unfavorable to industry.
In 1999, Richard Shelby, a Republican representative from Alabama, introduced a two-line amendment to an omnibus spending bill, stipulating that any federally funded science be subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. The amendment was eventually interpreted to include protections for individual privacy and intellectual property, but at the time science advocated viewed it as an asymmetrical attack that left industry-funded science free from scrutiny.
In recent years, Texas representative Lamar Smith championed the argument that data should be publicly available, through the introduction of the Secret Science Reform Act in 2015 (which became 2017’s HONEST Act). Neither bill was ever able to pass both chambers of the House, and Smith has announced he will not seek reelection in 2018. According to emails acquired by the Union of Concerned Scientists, Smith met with Pruitt in January and made a “pitch” that the agency implement the basic principle of his HONEST Act in the EPA.
“The basis of science is that if you do something, and come to a conclusion, I ought to be able to look at how it was done and be able to come up with the same conclusion,” said Idaho representative Mike Simpson at Pruitt’s appearance before the House Appropriations Committee on Thursday. “Right now, nobody knows how the EPA comes up with a lot of the information that they come up with.”
But reproducibility—the second buzzword linked to the proposed rule—isn’t really a problem in epidemiology, Kaufman says. Any discussion of a “replication crisis” in public health science is likely linked to confusion sown by industry scientists who perform their own studies and analyses of data. Kaufman fears this is one possible outcome of the transparency rule: If industry gets a hold of original datasets, they may be able to slice the statistics in a way that looks more favorable to them.
“If you analyze data over and over again, you can often come up with different answers,” says Kaufman. “Torture the data until it confesses, as we sometimes say.”
He points out that this has been done with the science of climate change. “If you were to say, OK, we’re only going to look at the last six months” of global temperature data, he says, “you might be able to come up with an answer that says the earth’s not getting warmer.” But that would be only part of the picture—a scientifically valid analysis would require you to study the complete range of the data, using tools and approaches in line with the original purposes of data collection. If you start fudging those principles, Kaufman says, “You can often arrange the data to get an answer that you want to find.”
Risky business
“This was clearly an attempt to limit the science that’s available to policy making, and especially an attack on epidemiology,” says Dockery. In the United States, unlike Europe and other marketplaces, industry doesn’t bear the burden of proving a chemical or pollutant is safe for humans—substances can only be proven to be harmful after the public has been exposed to them. That means massive, real-time studies like Six Cities are fundamental for understanding the risks of any given regulation or policy.
“Basically, we’re using the American public as guinea pigs for testing these new products that are out there,” Dockery says. “It’s not that you’re hurting the scientist,” he explained of the proposed rule. “This is not preventing research. What it’s doing is preventing science from contributing to discussions about policy.”
If those studies become inadmissible when setting policy at the EPA, the health consequences could be grave. “We’ve made enormous strides in the U.S. in improving air quality, and that has spelled an enormous improvement in health,” says Joel Kaufman. But those improvements have been driven by the scientific evidence that there are health consequences. “If you don’t permit to enter into evidence the literature that show there are risks of air pollution, you risk turning back the clock.”
“The purpose of this rule is not to increase transparency,” Kaufman said. “It’s to make it harder to regulate.”
One thing everyone can agree on can be summed up in a statement from Joseph Bast, director of the Heartland Institute: This proposed rule “may be the most consequential decision made by EPA since the election of Donald Trump.”
Written By Amelia Urry
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palhachi-blog · 8 years
“I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.
There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”
― Michael Crichton
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Some of you might not know who Carl Sagan is, he was to people of the 80’s who Neil deGrasse Tyson is to people today. In fact Carl Sagan was very influential in the career of Neil deGrasse Tyson as he met with him when Tyson was only seventeen years old and had chosen Cornell University as one of the places that he was interested in studying at (link). Carl Sagan is still one of the most well known and respected scientist of the modern era and is generally a household name (or was) as he hosted Cosmos: A Personal Voyage the predecessor to Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey which was hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
The reason why I bring up Sagan is because he was a huge proponent for climate change in the 80’s. He and fellow scientists had formed a consensus warning us of climate change and how it would have drastic and catastrophic consequences to the world in the coming years. Unfortunately the world did not listen to the great Carl Sagan and we are now in the midst of a nuclear winter as he predicted.
Wait, no that’s not right…
Ok, so Carl Sagan and his fellow scientists might not have been right about the threat of nuclear winter in the 80’s and also the burning of Kuwaiti oil wells in the early 90’s, but scientists today know better. They have a consensus to prove that climate change is real and it is man made. If we don’t make trillions of dollars of changes to the world today and hamper industrialization things will be doomed. We have models that ‘prove’ that this is going to happen and we should listen to the scientists or we will face the same dire consequences of not listening to Paul Ehrlich a biologist and professor at Stanford University in the 1960’s. Just like he predicted there were huge famines in the 1970’s where hundreds of millions would starve to death and up to 4 billion people starving to death in the 1980’s with 65 million of those deaths in the United States alone.
Oh, wait that’s not right either.
So… energy crisis that’s real. We need to spend as much money as possible to develop wind and solar power or we’ll be reliving Mad Max movies. The world is running out of oil and without power we won’t be able to survive. Didn’t you know that scientists predicted peak oil in the 70’s and look at us now we have less than before. Isn’t that why oil workers in the United States are losing jobs? Oh… they’re losing jobs because the price of oil is low because there’s a glut in the market?
Hmmmm…. Something about these consensuses doesn’t seem to be adding up. Scientists can’t be wrong when making a consensus can they? They are scientists, what they do is science.
“I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.” ― Michael Crichton
What is Consensus?
A consensus is when a group agree to something because they think that it is right. Fortunately, that is not what science is. Science is being able to state something is right because it can be proven over and over again and is a fact. A scientist can disagree with a fact, but if they try to test against it they will be proven wrong. The best thing about science is that even when facts are proven wrong a good scientist is able to accept the new fact and give up on old ideas. Unfortunately, scientists are people and get stuck to a certain way of thinking and can’t give up on the idea that they are “right”.
4/11/02 Michael Crichton
The late Michael Crichton gave a great lecture in 2003 at Caltech, one of the leading scientific universities in the world (link). Crichton who is much smarter than I am and also a much better writer and speaker said it much better than I ever can so I do recommend that you give it a read. He is one of the best selling authors in the world so it’s fairly entertaining and well thought out.
“FUCK UNITY! FUCK CONSENSUS! There was no unity or consensus during the American Revolution. We had principled leadership from a small, vocal, minority that refused to compromise on the issue of individual liberty.” ― A.E. Samaan
The truth is that consensus really is just a belief in being “right” than actually being right. It doesn’t mean that consensus is always wrong and in many cases it can be right. However people have always used the power of consensus not in search of truth, but in order to gain and maintain power. It has always been the tool of a bully whether if it was to silence Galileo or to stifle real scientific advancement.
Today with the internet and access to more and more information (much of it false) we tend to form our own ideas and beliefs and push for consensus. As Mr. Crichton says this is the way of religion and not science. Consensus at one point said that witches float and that malaria was caused by bad air. A medical manual from the 16th century showed the conventional wisdom on bathing, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores.  That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.”
The truth is that real science isn’t done by a consensus. There is no election held by scientists to decide if the Earth is still round or if water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Science and the facts when used properly are provable time and time again. One of the great wonders of science is that because it is provable and it is a set of rules that we can use we are able to find better and better ways to do things. Instead of accepting how something is at the moment we can find new ways to solve old problems. The prediction by Ehrlich on starvation was based on the crop models of the time and didn’t take into account the green revolution where advances in fertilization, crop genetics and biology saved billions of lives. For those of you who are against GMO’s then you are against the very science that saved billions of people over the last few decades. These are all people who would have died of starvation as predicted without the advances led by Norman Borlaug.
  Scientific Concensus “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science.
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