#so we did get coffee together and spoke a little and it was so fun
rainnbepourin · 1 year
Me : *decides to get over a crush because the guy most likely has a girlfriend even though he's kind of flirty with me at work which my other coworkers have commented on and decides to cut all contact beyond the strictly professional stuff*
Also me : *sees him again in the office today after a week away and has a good time with him because he was all happy and smiley and cute and realizes I genuinely like this guy and regardless of any crush I just want to be friendly with him and being strictly professional in order to get over the crush is just not worth losing that*
Also me : *dresses nicely just to be as pretty as I can around him even though I've genuinely accepted the fact that it won't ever happen*
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kombuuuu · 1 year
hii i really enjoyed ur miles 42 fic, was wondering if u could write something about reader and miles meeting for the first time? who was interested first🤭?
For the Soul (and the Heart)
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, i’d say”. “Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
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AHHH meet cute x simpy miles we LOVE
Miles getting comfy w reader and reader getting progressively more combative the more time they spend together bc they luvvvvvvv each other? perfection
please don’t read if you get uncomfy with suggestive content, nothing too bad but still suggestive!
The morning was still. An odd occurrence for a Saturday. The winter chill had settled the night prior and seeped into ever cracked windowsill.
Streets coating in a thin layer of snow and trees dusted with the same. And acknowledging this freezing weather, obviously you decided to go for a walk. Snow crunched under your feet as you followed street signs, the only thing telling you where you were going was which street looked prettier.
Eventually you stopped, hugging your scarf closer to your nose and looking for a stall or shop that caught your eye.
Eventually it did, a quaint cafe stationed between two clothing stores, relatively small and pretty empty. The outside was decorated with white Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers, flower beds filled with the pretty things. Contrasting to the deep Mahogany of the wooden shop. Which looking into the wide window, seemed relatively the same. Deep furniture with white accents and a soft yellow light dancing along shiny hardwood floors.
Swirling cursive words cut into the wooden headboard swinging from a chain outside the door. “Morales Coffee.”
There looked to be seven or eight people in there currently, for how inconspicuous it tried to look, the amount of patrons at such an odd time (10:42 AM, not morning but not afternoon either.), You’d assume that coffee has to be amazing.
The door bell chimed sweetly at your entry, Barista turning to greet you.
The sweet woman gleamed over at you for a moment, turning back to her current customer while he pulled out his wallet. You lined up, looking at the pastries lining the glass displays. The ones catching your eye a Raspberry Danish and a cute baby blue Lunch-Box cake.
The man had moved away, leaving it your turn to order. The woman smiled at you and for once, approaching someone in costumer service didn’t feel as scary as it should’ve.
“Hi, What can I get for you today?” The curly haired woman had a twang of an accent curving her words. And a motherly vibe about her.
“Hey,” You smiled back at her “,Could I get a regular Mocha—.” You paused to let her punch it in. “.—A raspberry Danish and your blue cake.”
You pointed vaguely towards where the blue cake would be to her side of the display. “Yes, of course! That’ll be $18.40, thank you.”
Whilst you pulled out your purse to pay and she began to retrieve the items. She spoke up again. “Someone’s birthday?”
You laughed, not expecting her to speak so suddenly.
“Oh, no!” A chuckle left your lungs “Just want some cake recently. Saw your shop and its cakes. Thought may as well get it while i’m here.”
She laughed along with you, snorting a little as she boxed the small cake in the cardboard lunchbox. “Seems reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
She grabbed your danish and placed it on the counter, putting the cake in a bag and handing it to you.
“Thank you, again.”
“No worries, your mocha will be out shortly!” The bouncy lady turned around, going close to the back of the counter and opened a door you hadn’t realised was there, talking into it.
“Bebé, hay una chica linda ahí afuera que quiere un Mocha. Ve a hacerlo para ella. Y no la riegues.”
"Baby, there's a cute girl out there who wants a Mocha. Go do it for her. And don't mess it up."
Miles glanced up in confusion.
“¿Pero porqué me dices a mi?”
“Why me?”
“Pues es linda, y parece de tu edad.”
“She’s pretty, and around your age.”
“Ma, porfavor.”
“Ma, please.”
“Fine, fine.” He raised his hands in defeat and Rio kissed his cheek on the way out.
You found a seat with a cute view of the street outside and waited patiently for your coffee, people watching to pass time.
There was always a fear of crime in your neighbourhood. The lack of supposed ‘good guys’ coupled with the city being run down by anyone who wanted to escape trouble. Once news broke out of the first robbery in Brooklyn, where no one was caught. It was immediately put on the radar for any criminal looking to live somewhere safe.
The Prowler had been changing that. Little by little the Panther-esc.. Anti-Villain was scraping through the streets of Brooklyn and letting his blood stained claws drag over those in his way.
People feared him, the violence he brought with him.
You thought he was the closest thing to a hero you were getting, so who’s got room to complain?
If he’s not going to do the dirty work, who will?
The chatter of other people in the cafe had gotten slightly louder, four more people walking in while you sat.
“Miles, la chica linda de ahí.”
“Miles, That sweet girl over there.”
“Sí mamá, ya sé.”
“Yeah mama, I know.”
The smooth baritones accent of a boy around your age caught your attention. The way his letters curled giving you a rush of something down your spine. You looked up when you heard feet approaching, seeing probably the most ridiculously handsome man you have ever met bring you your coffee.
The way his jawline sharpened at a point, braids lying on his shoulders just below it. His lips that seemed awfully soft for someone who probably doesn’t even know what chapstick is. Lashes fluttering prettily over his high genes cheekbones, accenting his golden eyes. Jesus christ he’s pretty. His lips curled into a smirk at your face, your doe’d eyes gleaming up at him. He had some sharp canines.
“‘S one’s yours, Miss.” He placed the steaming mug on your table and you smiled. “Thank you!”
“No worries, Hermosa.” He looked at you a moment longer before the sweet lady called him back to make another order.
“Coming, Momma.” He called back to her, turning back to you for a second time and adding.
“I’m Miles, by the way.”
“Miles.. that’s a cute name.”
His lips upturned again at the compliment.
You gave him your name, which he hummed at, repeating it and rolling it around his tongue. His accent was gorgeous.
“Hope to see you ‘round, [Name].”
You choked out a pathetic affirmation, “Mhmma.— Yeah, yep.”
He laughed lightly and dragged his fingers along the table as he left.
Like claws.
Two days later you were back. It was some of the best coffee you’d ever had. And the desserts were the same, most of the cake still sitting boxed in the fridge.
Also there was an added bonus, being the coffee house owner, and her son.
The boy was interesting enough to keep your attention, sweet to you but held a sort of curiosity about him. Like he was hiding something but felt no shame in doing it, that it was righteously excused.
And to be real, you were dying to hear his voice again. Two days and all that had been playing in your head was the way he’d said your name, let the word travel down to his lungs and breathed life into it. A longing into it.
Miles was about the same, probably worse.
You saying his name was cute was probably his new lifeline. The way you had said it so innocently, sweetly to the likes of him. A twisted, wretched man. You had him swooning faster than he deemed safe, his body was going into overdrive. He had watched you while in their cafe, having never met someone so.. untainted by the world. Someone so sweet who carried nothing but a childlike innocence in their curios nature. Nothing done out of bad faith or in vain. You were nothing like him, he adored that.
So when you came wandering back into his Mommas cafe, he hoped to every universe it would be something you didn’t stop doing.
“Ah! Miss, You’re back!” His Ma greeted her, watching as the girl told Rio her name, and his Mom in return.
You guys chatted idly for a moment, your expressions clear as day. He could read you like a grown man could read a picture book, so easy it would be insulting to present him with it, if the content wasn’t you. The brightness and easy nature of you was something refreshing, he would say his Momma was easy-going, but times had been hard lately and his family needed a cheering up. You seemed like the perfect candidate.
Sweet, bubbly and looking at him right now- Oh. He waved at you, shivering at the eye contact and watching as you smiled at him and waved back, hands shaking. He likes how nervous he makes you.
You sniffled a little from the cold, dripping your hand as his Mom room your attention again. She handed you a cinnamon scroll and you paid quickly, dropping twenty bucks in the tip jar and quickly finding your way back to your seat.
“Miles! Un Mocha regular porfavor.”“Miles, regular Mocha please.”
He nodded to his mom, like he hadn’t remembered from last time. Like he hasn’t watched as you enjoyed something he made you.
“Bienvenida de nuevo, Chiquita.”“Welcome back, Chiquita.”
Sitting in the same spot as last time, staring at the idling passer-by’s, the light of a Winter morning danced off the snowy ground and highlighted your face, leaving a soft glow in your eyes.
You turned to him, paying him your whole mind.
“Thank you, Miles.” He placed your coffee in front of you, slightly leaning over you. He raised his eyebrows and hummed. You inhaled quickly, breath caught in your throat. Now realising the proximity between the two of you. Not only that, but there was a sweet smell that followed him around, coffee and cinnamon. How fitting.
His voice had gone deeper, smoother.
“I’m glad to see you back here—,” He leaned back again, hand dragging the same way it had two days prior. Your slow blink and parted lips made a deep rooted part of him begin to blossom once more.
He wanted to protect you the way he knew no one else could, wanted to lay his Soul down for you. Let you trace the veins imbedded in his skin with your teeth and take as much from him as you could. Run him dry, let him owe you his life so he can die protecting yours.
The speed his infatuation was growing probably wasn’t healthy.
“Really?” Your sweet, breathless inquiry silenced that though.
“Of course, Mami.”
“I—,” You paused, picking at you fingernails for a moment “,—I like it here, a lot.”
You leaned a little forward in your seat. Pressing your forearms against the wooden tabletop and leaning on them. He watched your back drop into a small arch, and for his own health, decided to ignore it. “‘S very cozy.” You glanced towards the window again. Watching another lad and her dog pass. He watched you.
“Mm, it is.”
“And you’re here.”
He sucked in a breath, fingers twitching.
Your gaze flickered to him once more and he held it.
He let his hand drift to your shoulder, rubbing it slowly while he peeled himself away from the table.
“I gotta go, Mami, but enjoy your time.”
“You too, Miles.”
“I’ll be working,” He smiled at you, a small thing.
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, I’d say.”
He hummed.
“Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
It had been around four Months since Miles had met you. And he was in over his damn head, not that he wasn’t at your first meeting. But progressively, over time, he’d fallen deeper and deeper for you.
Everything you did had him in a chokehold. The way you were so sweet with his Mom, or how even uncle Aaron liked you when he’d stopped by the cafe.
How you offered to help around with no pay, generosity basically leaking from your heart. When you would come over just to see him because you “missed his voice”.
Or would sit in his room and wait for him. If he ever came home late, injured from things you had no business knowing, you wouldn’t ask a thing. You stayed quiet, and patched him up. Let him rest his head on your collarbone while you softly rubbed his shoulders. Trying to lighten the weight of the world off of them.
Every little thing.
He was done pretending like it didn’t affect him. He could barely go a single day without you on his mind constantly, as if.
He knew you felt the same.
Still just as readable as your first meeting. He knew the frequent outings between the two of you were more than just friendly meet-ups to you. To him.
And when your gazes would catch one another, he’d try and tell you. Express without so much as a word how you were the only person he could do this with. The only one he felt comfortable to walk down the street with, and let you chat his ear off about any new movies you’d seen, books you’d have read.
He would let you sleep in his bed, bring little things into his room and give the bland walls life.
You had made a home in him. Cracked chips in his walls on by one until you’d found a single loose stone and happily let everything he’d built up fall just for you.
Miles had texted you around mid-day that he’d wanted to see you, in which you’d giggled at your phone dreamily.
Laying on your bed with your stomach down, kicking your legs like a girl gone stupid.
It hadn’t even been much to fret over, just a simple:
Can you come over later?
He had phrased it rather questioningly, but for no good reason. He’d known full well the moment he even insinuated you being with him, you’d jump at the chance.
And you did, swiftly replying;
okayyyy !!
I’ll pick you up at 7.
7, [Name].
Don’t be childish.
i’m nvr childish, see u at 6 C:
You got up, threw your phone somewhere on the bed and checked your, admittedly already-packed, overnight bag. Making sure nothing was missing before putting it at your door.
Your phone pinged again.
See you at six.
You smiled.
You spent the rest of that afternoon anxiously waiting for him to pick you up.
He showed up at your door five minutes late, greeting you at the door with a soft apology about the tardiness.
“Sorry, Mami. Took a wrong turn.”
“Don’t apologise, Miles.”
You smiled at him, stars in your eyes. He looked away for a second, a bit guilty for lying to you, but he feels it’s worth it.
“Grab your bag, ma. Let’s go.”
You hummed an affirmation, rushing to your room to grab the pink duffel bag.
You grabbed your phone off your night stand and did a double check for everything.
You walked out again, closing the door behind you. Miles was leant up against your doorframe. Forearm pressed on the wood and his torso stretched. A small sliver of his skin had peeked from under the fabric, you thanked the warming weather. Quickly averting your gaze, you noticed him watching your stare in intent, a curious smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“You good, Chiquita?”
“Uhuh—, yep. Fine.”
You huffed out, pouting and pressing your palm to his chest, his very toned chest, and pushed back lightly.
“Get outta my way, lame-o, I gotta lock the door.”
He resisted for a moment longer, gazing down at you in humour. He trailed his hand up your arm slyly and pried your hand off his chest by sliding his thumb up from under your wrist onto your palm. Slowly pulling you off him.
“Maybe ask politely.”
You gave him an unimpressed stare and flipped him off.
“Oh my god.”
“It’s just a ‘please’.”
“..-Please, get the fuck outta my way.”
“Of course, Hermosa.” He snorted as he did.
You turned around, Miles still close to you in the cramped hallway, and locked your door.
You turned around, noticing his eyes glance up from where they were before and shot him a questioning look. He turned around and led you through you hallway, dismissing the look.
He opened the steel door to the cafe. The scenery of a rooftop garden with the same Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers up here as there were out front of the store.
Shrubbery lined the rooftop edge and the string lights hung from the veranda created an atmosphere that seemed almost cinematic.
“Jesus, Miles. This is beautiful.”
“Mm, thought you’d like it.”
“I do, so much.”
You stated in awe at the mural painted on a buildings wall behind the door. A man who stroke a resemblance to Miles painted surrounded by colours of any.
The moonlight basked against the neon colours, accenting the man’s features.
“My dad.”
Your gaze snapped up to him beside you, brows furrowing in a frown.
“I’m sorry.”
“‘S cool. Nothin’ you coulda known, Ma.”
He sighed at the image of his father, wishing him well rest.
Turning to you, he wasn’t surprised to see the greif in your eyes. He was, though, surprised at the lack of pity.
He was so used to having his far family whisper behind his back at how his soul had died with his fathers. How the light in his eyes had gone missing the day his hand had been forced, unable to get to his dad in time.
There was no escaping his death.
So to feel the understanding coming from you—. The confidence in your sorry but knowledge that pity would do no one any good, it was refreshing. Everything about you was.
He turned away from your watchful eyes, the intensity being unusual for him.
“Come sit, vida mía.”
You followed him dutifully, loyally. Like you had since the last Winter. Like you would continue for the next to come.
A set of pillows had been placed in the middle of the veranda. White wood covered in lively vines and the aforementioned string lights.
There was a layout of his pastries (which you had learned he was the baker of) laid out on a cotton blanket.
You sat on one of the pillows, legs crossed. Miles following short after.
“Oooh,” You begun to tease him “,This a romantic dinner date?” The tone of your voice was in jest, but when he had failed to answer— Your heart rate sped up and your face went hot to the touch.
“Miles? Y’know I— I was just jokin’—“ “If you want it to be.”
You stood stupidly for a moment, not quite reeling in his words like any other person would.
It was his turn for unsurity now, eyes dancing nervously between you and the skyline.
“No pressure, though. Just think it’d be nice.”
“It would.”
He refocused on you again, finding you already watching him owlishly. “Yeah?”
“Mm, we could—,”
He anxiously started picking at the blanket. Who knew someone usually so calm could be this nervous asking out the most harmless girl he knew.
“Try. We could try that, together.” You mumbled a bit, seemingly playing it off. “If you want, or something..”
“I do.” He gained some leg to stand on, finding it easier and easier as you spoke, your nerves somehow calming his own.
“I’ve wanted that for a while.”
“Oh good, cause—“ You placed your hand in your lap, cracking your knuckles. “—Me too, so. That’s good.”
He grinned at your awkwardness, knowing your lack of experience in the relationship aspect of life, this mutual agreement, instead of one asking the other out, probably hasn’t been an experience of yours yet. He liked he was the first.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.”
You puffed at him, punching his arm lightly.
“I’m never shy, that’s for dumb stupid lame people. And I am none of those.” “Oh, sure.”
“Wh— Sure?! Which one are you ‘sure’-ing? Dumb, stupid or lame?!”
“Keep saying my name like that, mami.”
“Oh my goodness!”
And when you both finally got into his bed, you’d slept tangled together like you had dozens of times before. But this time, Miles would grab your waist and pull you closer. Settle his face in your neck and trace his nose down the length of your shoulder, peppering a kiss on every inch of skin he could find, and you’d both finally felt sure.
Maybe people were right, maybe Miles’s soul had died with his father.
But meeting you, something new, something rejuvenating—.
It left him with a light he could search for, a new soul. A whisp of a being you’d taken from your own heart and placed in his. It left him breathless with life.
YIPEEE!!!!! another one 🗣️‼️
thank you to my translation helpers (bbgs) @kissmxcheek and @millyswife
(oh, wrong Miles! oops! 🤗⬇️)
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Gorgeous Girl
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Aaron Hotchner x reader warnings: teasing, alcohol consumption smut, heavy petting, make outs, nothing too kinky this time lol.
For once, being out of town for work wasn’t because you were chasing down some deranged serial killer in a distant state resulting in far too little sleep, far too much shitty coffee and coming home more exhausted than you left. While this week was technically still work, there was far less of it, a week of conferences, an hour or two of speaking and you could dodge all the rest out at a luxury sky resort in Breckenridge, Colorado. Two agents from the BAU were required to attend and you and Emily had pulled the ‘short’ straws (depending how you looked at it, of course). Some members of the team thought a week like that would be absolute torture, others thought it would just be too boring, or that having to socialize with that many other agents while representing the BAU was a walking nightmare. To you, the only disadvantage was that you weren’t taking the jet, the remainder of the team needed it, you’d be flying commercial.
You and Emily, however, were more than well prepared to have a girl’s week together off in the mountains, escaping into the small town to see what kind of fun you could find. You’d even splurged, using a bit of your own money to get a larger suite, one with a hot tub on the private balcony overlooking the mountains. One that you planned on drinking bottles of wine together in while gossiping and trash talking.
Which is why you were so surprised when you rounded the corner to your gate.
“Hotch?” You froze on the spot, confusion taking over your face at the sight of your Unit Chief standing in front of you. “Where’s Em? God, does Strauss think we need a babysitter or something?”
“No.” He chuckled at your instant annoyance, “Prentiss got specially requested for a case in New York.”
“Who has the power to pull that?”
“Her mother.”
“Ugh.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. The surprise was wearing off and you suddenly shifted uncomfortably, pulling your blazer tighter around you, feeling Hotch’s eyes on you.
It wasn’t that the man made you feel uncomfortable, no it certainly wasn’t that. It was that he made you feel absolutely flustered. Nights when you laid alone in your empty bed unable to sleep and your hands danced their way down your body, it was him that you were thinking of, pretending they were his fingers touching you, stretching you out. That it wasn’t a silicone toy but his cock filling you so perfectly while he husked dirty words into your ear. As a result, you generally kept your head down around him, did your work and went about your life. He wasn’t totally sure that if it was that you just didn’t like him, if there was some underlying issue you had with men in power, or if it was simply that you were attempting to respect his authority.
“Sorry,” he suddenly spoke, “for ruining whatever plans you and Prentiss had. I know the two of you are close.”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, staring out the airport window “s’okay.”
“When we get there I’ll see about upgrading, try and get adjoining rooms or something.”
“Already did that.” Your eyes flicked back to him briefly, “got one of the larger two bedroom suites that close off with like, French doors or whatever. We were planning on,” your cheeks flushed suddenly, realizing you were about to admit to your boss that you were going to play hooky, “taking…advantage of as many amenities as we could.”
“Hmm.” He chuckled, watching the way you quickly looked away so you could watch the planes drive around on the tarmac, basically refusing to look at him, “I’m sure that was all Prentiss’ plan.” That earned a huff of a laugh from you but you still didn’t dare look him in the eye, “do you have any idea how many of these things I’ve been to over the years? Guess how many times I’ve ditched out on them.” He smiled softly when your eyes flicked back to him, “places like this always have the best scotch, and the bonus is that it’s free.”
You swore he winked at you, a grin on his face that sent tingles shooting through your body and you were incredibly thankful when they suddenly announced boarding. At the very least, you and Emily had also upgraded to business class, you wouldn’t have to worry about minimal personal space for the flight, there’d be a barrier between you and Hotch. While you were distracted with your phone, he’d managed to disappear and you weren’t entirely sure where to, but you took the opportunity to open your text messages.
‘I cannot believe you.’
‘Oh come on, like I’m happy about this either. A week with my mother?! Who’d they end up sending?’
You didn’t have to imagine Emily’s laughter, you could practically feel it through the phone as the three little dots popped up, disappeared and then popped up again. She, of course, was the only one who knew about your crush on Hotchner, she’d been planning on teasing you about it all week, hoping that maybe you’d find some other brooding FBI agent to get under while out of town.
‘Maybe that’ll work out for you. You can enjoy the view and the hot tub with him, have a nice romantic weekend.’
‘I fucking hate you.’
The first two days of the conference were fine, you stayed out of Aaron’s way, went to the presentations you were speaking at and did the required amount of socializing. You found that he was usually gone before you in the mornings, but there was always fresh coffee in the pot waiting for you. He made sure to respect your space as much as he could, if he swung by the suite to change in the afternoon and you were there he wouldn’t linger, and he’d make sure to change in the bathroom.
Day three was a little more on the tedious side, sitting through a lecture you would have rather slept through, one that was meant more for younger agents but they’d asked someone from the BAU to sit in and help with the question period. You ran into Hotch at lunch and he inquired about your plans for the rest of the day now that the mandatory attendance parts were done, asking if maybe you wanted to explore the mountain town, maybe grab some dinner outside of the resort. You laughed awkwardly, praying your cheeks weren’t as hot as they felt and politely declined, he shrugged, teasing that you would be missing out, but to enjoy your night in. You were incredibly glad he wandered off after that, the butterflies in your stomach nearly too much to handle as you got accustomed to the more casual version of your boss.
Dinner was spent with an old friend from the academy, laughing as you caught up over multiple courses and a bottle of wine. You said an early goodnight to them, making your way back to your suite, happy to find it empty and your eyes drifted through the balcony window, lingering on the hot tub. Figuring there was no better time but the present you quickly stripped, changing into your bikini before swiping a bottle of wine from the fridge and a spare wine glass.
Aaron also ended up running into a couple of old friends while out in the town, friends who had worked this conference in the past and knew exactly where to go for the best meals and fanciest scotch. Free from the responsibility of running a team he had stated to loosen up on this work vacation, a little rougher around the edges, inhibitions lowered and that all remained when he returned to the hotel room. Toeing out of his shoes he hung up his coat before starting to unbutton his shirt as he moved through the room, wondering what was stashed in the bar that he could indulge into now, potentially coerce you into a drink with him at the very least.
He could hear music echoing from the balcony and his gaze got pulled out there where he caught sight of the steam rising from the hot tub into the cool night air. His eyes lingered on you, nestled in the corner of the tub you were fully settled into the padded seat, arms extended across the backs of it, your head titled back with your eyes closed as you relaxed, hair pulled up to the top of your head to keep it dry. He could see the shimmer of water and sweat on your skin and he instantly wanted to lick up the exposed column of your neck. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his eyes sunk lower, not missing the curve of your chest just visible above the water, hot pink fabric clinging to your skin. You were at a complete level of peace that he’d never seen before and he couldn’t help but want to see more of it, want to explore how far he could push your boundaries and began to wonder just how professional he had to remain on this retreat.
Though of course, that had technically been his idea from the start.
As soon as Ambassador Prentiss called, Emily was groaning about how much of a waste it was that she was missing the conference. It only took a raised brow from him to get her to admit the plan was to ditch as much as the two of you could, that you’d splurged for the all inclusive package and a very private balcony and jacuzzi. He wasn’t assigned to take her place, and he didn’t jump at the offer to make it not so obvious, but no one else knew about the extra perks so he simply looked like he was taking one for the team.
Figuring it was now or never he retreated to his side of the suite, changing into his trunks before swiping a bottle of scotch and a glass.
You were more relaxed than you had been in ages, warm water bubbling around your body as the wine sunk into your system. The music soothed through you, pulling you further from reality and honestly, it was pretty nice to not be chasing after some psychopath right now, even if you were still kinda surrounded by talks of crime. You were almost considering calling Emily, checking in on how things were going with the team, updating her on how things were going here, no doubt she’d have mountains of questions and teasing about you sharing a suite with Hotch.
And that was exactly how and why you didn’t hear him come out onto the terrace.
“Think you can warm me up?”
His deep voice shook through the night air and you jumped, water splashing around you as your heart nearly burst through your chest while your eyes flew open.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You swore, chest heaving as you finally took him in, trying not to gulp at his bare chest, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Sorry.” He chuckled, ducking his gaze for a moment, watching the way you sunk further under the water to avoid his lingering eyes, “you mind if I join? Or I can come back later.” He lifted the bottle of liquor in his hand, “just thought maybe we could have a drink.”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” You shook your head, “that’s fine, come on in.” You shifted further into the corner of the tub, turning your back while Hotch got into the water, wiping your hands on the towel to check your phone, unsurprised to have a couple of messages from Em. Once the water settled, you refilled your wine glass, turning back to face him as you sunk into the seat again.
“This is nice.” He murmured softly, letting out a relaxed sigh before pouring out a drink, “you and Prentiss really have a hack for these conferences.”
“Mmmhmm.” You replied over the brim of your glass, taking a hefty swig.
“You get up to anything fun tonight?”
“Ran into a friend. Had dinner at the steakhouse downstairs.”
Hotch frowned lightly, he didn’t miss the way you’d tensed up a little bit once you’d realized he was there, once he was in such close proximity and under the water with you. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come back later? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“No!” You practically yelped, grimacing at how quick you were to keep him there, “I’m fine. Totally fine, promise. I just… you’re… my boss.” Your gaze was redirected into your wine glass, “never really seen you in anything other than a suit and now…” You blindly gestured in his direction and then to yourself with a little laugh, “and I don’t think a pink bikini is exactly business casual and it’s not exactly my classiest one… thought Em would be the only one seeing it.” You muttered and then let out a little gasp, suddenly glancing up, “not that I brought it so she could see it! We’re not… that’s… no… we’re friends, I don’t swing that way.”
This time Aaron laughed, taking a sip of his drink, “it’s fine. You need to relax, alright?” He raised his drink out to you and you timidly clinked your glass with his. “Enjoy this while you can.” He gestured to the view, the night sky painting the mountains in gorgeous colours, “besides,” he smirked across at you, “I’ve seen you undercover and a few of those outfits leave very little to the imagination.”
You glanced up to him, noticing the flush in his cheeks, the smirk on his lips before he took another swig of his drink. There was a gleam in his eye that you hadn’t seen before that you didn’t exactly recognize and if you’d known any better, you would’ve said he was flirting with you.
“Are… are you drunk?” You suddenly asked, nearly regretting it the moment you’d said it and he laughed again, a sight and sound that made your insides weak.
“I think I legally shouldn’t drive anywhere, but I’m still completely in control of myself.” He nodded toward the half empty bottle on your side of the jacuzzi, “are you alright?”
“I’m so sorry sir.” You blushed, ducking your eyes again, “that was inappropriate. And yeah, I’m totally fine, big lunch, big dinner, high tolerance.”
“Don’t worry about it.” His smile softened, “and you can drop the sir, we don’t need to keep up that professionalism right now.”
“Oh..” You sank deeper under the water, taking another sip of your drink. Part of you wanted to disappear while the other part of you wanted to complain you were overheating, pull yourself up onto the ledge of the tub and flaunt your half naked body. The desire to throw yourself at him was only a few glasses of wine away and you knew it. Instead, the two of you sunk into a semi comfortable silence as you continued to drink, watching the night sky.
“You know, your talk the other day was fantastic.” He spoke softly, his voice floating across the water to you, “better than any other profilers have done on the topic.”
“Thank you.” You mumbled quietly, risking a very quick glance up at him before you were staring at the horizon again. Hotch let another few moments of silence pass before he spoke up again, the corner of his mouth curving up when he asked you,
“Why so shy?”
That caught your attention, your eyes flying up to his as you clutched at your wine glass, “what?” He laughed, shaking his head at you.
“I’m just saying, you’ve been so reserved, aware, quiet on this trip. You almost seem to make yourself smaller whenever I’m around and I’m not sure if it’s because you only think of me as your boss or if I’ve done something to make you at unease.”
“Christ.” You muttered, “I thought we weren’t profiling this week.”
“Have… I done something?” He asked, near worry taking over his face and you were quick to drain your drink before jumping to action.
“No, absolutely not! Hotch, please, you’re like, the most respectful guy I know. You make me feel… well, a lot of things, but uncomfortable is not one of them.” The words slipped from your lips before you could even think about them and you glanced up, your cheeks burning to catch his eyes widening slightly before he grinned, his hand catching yours, grounding you from whatever spiral you were about to drown in.
“So tell me.” He murmured, his voice silky soft as it hit your ears, his thumb brushing over your knuckles and he gently tugged at your hand after your glass found home on the edge of the tub, “come here gorgeous.”
The pet name nearly made you melt the instant it had left his lips and you felt the fluttering between your legs as you willingly moved through the water when he softly pulled you to him once more. Your breath caught in your throat when he guided you to straddle his lap, one of his hands hesitantly resting on your hip under the water while the other continued to play with your fingers gently.
“Well?” He asked, glancing up at you with a devilish look in his eyes and you let out a low breath, “what do I make you feel?”
“Flustered.” You managed out, your heart ready to beat itself out of your chest, feeling his thumb rub against your bare skin under the water, encouraging more responses from you, “unfocused, distracted…”
“Hmm…” he leant in, pressing a tender kiss to the underside of your jaw, “is that all?”
“Christ, Hotch.” You muttered, your eyes nearly fluttering shut as his hand let go of yours, moving so his thumb and forefinger could pinch your chin softly.
“Aaron…” He insisted, his eyes boring into yours as you opened them and you nodded softly, nearly whimpering at the way his thumb shifted to trace your lower lip. “What else?”
“Absolutely and incredibly fucking turned on.”
“Is that so?” He murmured, tilting your head to the side so he could kiss your neck, his lips brushing across your skin as he spoke, “is that last part just right now?”
“All week.” You replied, your pulse racing as he continued to litter your skin with tender kisses “all the goddamn time…”
“You think about me a lot hmm?” He nipped at your neck and you gasped, your body jolting towards him under the water, “what do you think about me doing?” He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, pressing a kiss just below your ear, “hmm?”
“Aaron…” you breathed out, your head tilted back with your eyes shut as his lips continued to dance across your skin. His hand gently pinched at your hip under the water.
“Don’t go shy on me now, tell me.. what do you think about me doing?”
“K- kissing me.” You managed out, unsure whether the heat in your cheeks was from the water, the way you were already putty in his hands or embarrassment of admitting it to his face. A gasp broke free of your lips at the sensation of his hand tracing up and down your spine and you automatically arched toward him, “touching me…” The hand he had under the water toyed with the knot of your bikini on your back, his dry one moving back to your chin, tilting your face back to his.
“I want you to look at me when you say the next one.” His thumb traced your lips, “come on gorgeous girl, I know there’s more you like to think of me doing, what is it?”
“Fucking me…” Somehow you were able to hold his gaze while the words floated out of your mouth, it was likely because your brain was already in a haze, first the wine, then the heat and now utterly intoxicated by Hotch’s touch.
“Bet you think about that one the most, don’t you?” He asked with a grin and you couldn’t help but nod, “when you’re alone at night, touching yourself, pretending it’s me. Picturing me naked, my cock stretching you out until your legs are shaking and you’re seeing stars.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Oh no,” he chuckled darkly, “I’ll have you screaming my name by the end of the night sweetheart, just wait.”
You let out a whimper, it was all you had time to do before Aaron sat forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss that swallowed down any further noise coming from you. The kiss was full of fire, Aaron quickly dominating it and you were completely happy to let it happen, sinking deeper into his arms as yours looped around his shoulders. His dry hand slid up the back of your neck, fingers sinking into your hair while the other hand ventured further south, groping at the globe of your ass. You let out a small moan into the kiss, giving his tongue access to your mouth and he eagerly dove in. You could taste the scotch on him as your tongue danced with his, the smallest hint of a cigar from earlier and you couldn’t help but groan, your hands starting to play with his hair.
He pulled back ever so softly, nipping at your lip quickly before his mouth trailed across the side of your jaw, he left a feather light kiss behind your ear that caused you to let out an airy breath, your head lolling back and he felt himself twitch, hardening in his trunks. His mouth pressed lazy kisses down your neck before he made home in the crook of your neck, alternating between kissing, sucking and biting.
“Oh Aaron…” You shifted in his lap, lightly grinding against his cock and he let out a low groan onto your skin, his hands clutching you impossibly close to him. He raised his face, eyes dark with arousal as he gazed across at you before his lips found yours again and you were moaning into the kiss, grinding harder down onto his lap, a small gasp leaving your lips when you felt him getting harder underneath you.
Aaron couldn’t get enough of you, he wanted more, he wanted all of you, he wanted his hands and mouth everywhere all at once, he was drunk on your kisses alone and craved every inch of you. The lingering of your perfume was wafting through his senses, the way your lips moved against his made his cock utterly ache as you brushed against it. As much as he wanted to bend you over right then and there he would be completely satisfied just kissing you all night, the internal battle doing its best to figure out what he wanted to act on while your fingertips scratched as his head. You only broke the kiss when you felt like you couldn’t breath anymore, gasping for air, your eyes half shut, forehead resting against his while his hands soothed up and down your sides.
“Still not the right name.” He teased, pulling a small laugh from you, one that you opened your eyes at, sitting back every so slightly before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. His hands trailed up your arms, coming to rest at the base of your neck, gently tugging at your bikini strings. “May I?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded with a wicked grin while your own hands splashed behind you to undo that knot and Hotch let the fabric fall from your skin, not even noticing it float away in the water as you sat up. His eyes raking down your body and over your chest, letting out a groan at the slight bounce as you settled, the way the water dripped down your tits, nipples hard in the cool air.
“Gorgeous girl.” He murmured, his hands gently groping your chest, squeezing your tits, thumbs flicking over your nipples and you moaned softly. “Such pretty sounds too.” You giggled softly, feeling the heat creeping back into your cheeks as his full attention was on your half naked body. His hands continued to play with your chest, rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger while yours came up to cup his face, ducking to kiss him again, unable to get enough.
Moaning softly into the kiss, his hands squeezing at your chest, you ground down onto his lap harder, feeling the bulge building between his legs. Your tongue dove into his mouth, doing what you could to keep control of yourself as he increased the pressure on your chest, pinching your nipples. After a few moments he broke the kiss, eager to duck down and suck a nipple in between his lips, teeth scraping against the pert bud. Your hands wrapped around his head, threading into his hair as you held him tighter to you,
“Fuck Aaron…” You groaned and you felt his lips curve up into a grin against your skin.
“That’s it sweetheart.” He murmured, blowing cold air onto your nipple before swapping to the other side, “say my name.”
“God Aaron,” your fingers tightened in his hair, nails scratching at his head, “that feels so good.”
He groaned in response, teeth scraping against your tender skin before he pulled off your chest, burying his face between them to leave a trail of kisses all the way up your neck before kissing you deeply again. When he finally pulled away this time his hands wrapped around your waist, lifting you while he stood,
“Up.” He instructed, “out.”
“Why?” You half laughed, finding your balance on your feet in the water as his arm wrapped around your waist.
“Well I can’t fuck you in the hot tub gorgeous.” He husked against your lips before picking you up in his arms, guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist and he was finally able to get you out of the tub.
Lips pressed against yours, tongue sliding back into your mouth he carried you back into the suite, managing to snag a towel from the back of the chair to toss down onto the bed before he let go of your legs. You let out a whine at the loss of contact, staying up on your toes to not break the kiss and he chuckled into your lips, hands groping at your ass. His hand cradled your face, pulling an inch away from you,
“Lie back gorgeous.” He muttered, stealing another kiss before nudging you back towards the bed, “I want to know how pretty you sound when you come.”
You collapsed down onto the bed and Hotch was quick to gently drop over you, catching himself with his hands as he caged you into the bed, his lips kissing at your skin again. Your arms wound around him, pulling him closer to you as your lips found his, tongue easily sliding into your mouth when he deepened the kiss. You moaned softly against his lips, back arching off the bed as your hips rocked up, eager for more friction. He let out a low groan at the feeling of you brushing against his cock through thin fabric, feeling himself throb inside his shorts. His free hand slid down your body, swiftly untying one knot of your bikini bottoms and then the other, pulling them away from your body while you lifted your hips to help before he was tossing them behind him.
Aaron cupped between your legs, palm rubbing on your clit while his fingers massaged your wetness, pressing against you, teasing you slightly as you whined into the kiss. A finger slid through your folds, spreading your juices around your cunt, dampening his fingers before he brought them up to your clit, rubbing slow circles on it.
“Aaron… please..” You whined, hips rocking up to his touch as you clutched him tighter to you.
He chuckled softly, finger dipping back down before it sunk into your pussy, pumping a few times before he added a second one. “Already so wet for me.” He husked into your ear, crooking his fingers in search of the sensitive spot inside you as he continued to pump his hand between your legs.
“Fuck…” you moaned, your body sinking into the lush bed as sparks began to fly under your skin, pleasure fluttering through you while his lips returned to yours, swallowing down your noises. His fingers twisted and scissored inside you, stretching out your warm walls while they skillfully fucked you. He curled them again and you broke the kiss with a gasp, body shivering against the bed as your eyes scrunched shut. You could feel your pussy pulsing around his fingers and you were sure your juices were dripping down his wrist already at this point. His nose nudged at your chin, giving him access to your neck again, nipping and sucking the sensitive skin while his fingers continued to toy with you. “Please…” you panted, “please fuck me already.”
Aaron’s breath was hot on your neck as he huffed out a laugh, pressing a kiss to your lips before he pulled away, sitting up on his knees between your legs, watching his fingers disappear into you for a few more thrusts before pulling them out of your cunt and sucking them into his mouth. He let out a groan at the taste of your juices, his cock aching at the thought of truly tasting you, wishing that he had more time but you were already whining again and he didn’t want to tease you anymore than he already had. Shifting, he quickly tugged his shorts off and his cock sprung free, hard and throbbing, he wrapped a hand around it, smearing the pre cum as he pumped himself a few times, his eyes falling shut while he let out a heavy sigh before a realization washed over him.
“What?” You asked, your eyes flying open, widening slightly at the sight in front of you now that he was completely naked.
“I don’t have any condoms.”
“I’m clean.” Was your immediate response, not wanting to delay things any longer, “and I’ve got an implant.”
“Are you sure?” He asked softly and you nodded eagerly.
“Please Aaron..” you whimpered, “I need you…”
He leant forward, hand guiding his cock, rubbing it through your lower lips, smearing your juices around it as you let out a small gasp before he sunk fully into you and you both let out a satisfied moan.
“God you’re tight.” He muttered, dropping over you again, burying his face into the crook of your neck as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him impossibly deep inside you. “Fuck…” He stayed still for a moment, feeling you fluttering around him, he knew if he tried to move he risked coming incredibly early, he was already throbbing.
“Fuck you feel so good.” You murmured, arms squeezing at him gently, moaning when he nipped at your skin and that was enough to get him going.
He set a steady pace, plunging into you with a roll of the hips, cock dragging over every inch of your walls, hitting the right spots with each thrust. You clung onto him, your hips rocking up off the bed to meet his with every push, your moans getting louder as he fucked you, pleasure soaring through your body.
“Fuck…” you whined, “harder Aaron, please.”
He pushed himself up, sitting back on his haunches while he grabbed one of your legs, resting it on his shoulder groaning when he slipped even deeper into your pussy. You gasped softly, your hands clutching at the bedspread while his hips came crashing into yours, the noises leaving your lips more frequent, your eyes scrunching shut.
“Christ,” he swore at the way you pulsed around him, squeezing him tight, the coil building deep inside his gut as he watched himself disappear into your cunt. His hands grabbed your hips, lifting them off the bed as he continued to snap his hips into you and you cried out at the new angle, your pussy clenching down around him. “Gon’ need you to come sweetheart.” He grunted, “m’not gonna last.”
“Don’t stop.” You groaned, fire prickling under your skin as your body shivered, “oh fuck!”
Aaron reached down with one hand, pads of his fingers rubbing furiously at your clit and your body shook, hips jolting as he continued to pound into you. You felt the pleasure burst, pussy clenching around his thick cock, juices dribbling across your skin as you cried out.
“Oh god Aaron!” Your hips jumped in his hands, body shaking, thighs clenching around him as your peak hit, a chorus of his name and breathy swears escaping your lips, floating around the room just enough to drive him absolutely wild. “Fuck… yes! Oh fuck Aaron.”
He didn’t let up, thrusting faster, the pressure on your clit harder as he leant forward, driving into you harder as he started to chase his own peak. He grunted, hips nearly faltering as your pussy continued to flutter around him, his arm winding tightly around your waist, holding you to him.
“C’mon gorgeous. You’ve got one more in you. Come again for me.”
You let out a whine, your hands gripping at his body, nails digging into his skin and you swore you practically blacked out when your second orgasm hit, letting out a cry as you tensed in his arms, twitching as you whimpered. Aaron groaned, fucking into you a few more times as his hips faltered and he sunk into your cunt with one last heavy thrust, hissing as he came, spilling into your pussy.
Panting, he gently collapsed over you, arms winding tighter around you in an effort to solidify this moment into his memory, not wanting to forget the way you looked, the way you felt wrapped around his cock, the noises you made when you came, how your lips felt on his skin, the sweetness of your taste. Under him you were slowly catching your breath, a happy hum leaving your lips when he placed a kiss onto your shoulder. One of your hands gently ran up and down his back and you felt him relax deeper into you, letting out a soft moan. Finally he pulled his head up enough to kiss you, lips moving lazily together until he gently rolled off you onto his side, letting out a quiet hiss as his cock slipped out of your warmth. You rolled toward him, happily accepting the arm he swung over waist as he pulled you toward him again, ducking down to nip at the tender spot forming on your neck before kissing you softly.
“Well that’s one way to enjoy a conference.” You murmured, your lips curving up into a grin and he huffed out a laugh, eyes sparkling down at yours.
“Fuck the conference. Let me give you a reason to stay in bed.”
“Is that an order Agent Hotchner?” You asked with raised brow and he smirked.
“A direct one.” He kissed you again, lips brushing yours as he spoke, “no way either of us is leaving this suite ‘til Friday. That’s why room service was invented.”
“I don’t think that’s right, but I’m not going to argue.”
“Oh but you love to prove you’re right.” He teased, smiling as you rolled him onto his back.
“Yeah, but I can think of a few better uses for my mouth right now.”
Aaron’s suggestion was exactly the way you spent the next two days, tangled in each other’s limbs, sheets barely covering bodies while you discovered every inch of the other persons skin. By Friday afternoon you knew just exactly how to touch each other so that you would see stars every single time. Aaron was about to suggest staying the weekend for a few more days of bliss when his phone went off and you were both called back to work. The team was already on the jet, meaning you were flying commercia to California to meet them there.
You were immediately roped into a coffee run with Emily, even if it was only to the breakroom and back, she had to get her complaints out about the days with her mother and honestly, wanted to know how things went being trapped in a hotel with Hotch all week. Scooping up your coffee you snagged a granola bar from the shelf, wandering back down the hall to the team as you caught up, you shoved the bar into your pocket so you could pull open the door and your hand hit something metal, your brow furrowing as you stalled in your tracks. In turn, Emily pulled open the door, propping it so Hotch could step through, no doubt on his way to secure his own caffeine, nodding to the both of you as he said a quick thanks.
“Aaron!” You called after him, having now pulled the item out of your pocket, realizing it was his watch and he turned back to you just in time to catch it as you tossed it to him. His head titled in confusion, glancing up at you as he slid it back onto his wrist, “you left it in the bin when we went through security, I forgot I grabbed it.”
“Thanks.” A flash of a smile crept onto his lips before he turned away, making his way down the hall.
“Oh… my god.” Emily quietly gasped, smacking your arm, “you hooked up and you weren’t planning on fucking telling me?!”
“What?” Your eyes shot to her, quickly stepping through the door to make sure Hotch wouldn’t hear you, “no. Em, don’t be ridiculous.”
“Please. When have you ever called him Aaron before? And I did not miss that hickey on his neck.”
Your eyes widened quickly, remembering how you’d made home in the crook of his neck while riding him, his arms wound around you, squeezing you softly as his cock plunged into your cunt. It was the same round he’d lavished your chest, his mouth barely leaving them, under your shirt you had your own set of hickeys and bite marks littered across your body. The memories were enough to bring a tingling down south, desire beginning to flood through you as heat crept into your cheeks. That of course was enough for Emily to confirm that her suspicions were right, trying not to gape as she attempted to form a coherent response. Before she could though, Hotch came back through the door, already hanging up a call from Garcia.
“Prentiss, take JJ and head down to talk to the family, Agent,” he turned to you, “grab your coat we’re going to the crime scene.”
“Yes sir.” You nodded, your cheeks flushing at the use of the title already and a possessive look shot through his eyes lightning fast, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a very brief smirk that Emily caught and did her best to hold back a laugh. He was back across the room in an instant, handing out tasks to the rest of the team and Emily pinched at your arm.
“Well, get ready for round two in the car.” She teased and you turned to her with a smug grin.
“More like round eleven.”
@alexusonfire @svushots @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @emobabeyy @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-ssa-hotch @hotchandspencearedilfs @mina2000alex @telepathay @darlingsfandom @ssamorganhotchner @hotchsdoormat @hopedoesntknow @thehauntingofbasingse @plaidbooks @niyizh @ababanana @tommyriddleobsessed @supercriminalbean @hotchs-bitch @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @emlynblack @ivyflowers13 @ratsnestinmyhair @silversprings-mp3 @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz @ssaaaronhotchnerr @itsrainingreid @speedynana @tgskitten @madamsnape921
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ladykibutsuji · 1 year
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"Treat You Better"
Tsugikuni Brothers x Reader
Chapter 2: The Appearance Of Threat
Yoriichi x Reader x Michikatsu
TIME 8:00 AM
You let out a yawn and streched your arms, You then rubbed your eyes and look over to your other side only to find the younger tsugikuni still asleep clinging onto you.
After the event last night, yoriichi offered you to watch a movie with him in order to forget about your failed confession to the older tsugikuni to which you accepted. you fell asleep while watching the movie with yoriichi. So here you are with yoriichi cuddling you while you are half awake.
You smiled at him and patted his head while he was sleeping soundly. You didn't want to wake him up since he looks so peaceful so you slowly and gently reach out to your phone that was not so far away from you.
After you successfully managed to reach out your phone you quickly click on the new Instagram notification.
Goodmorning Y/N, I heard about what happened TvT
I feel so bad for what happened! So to cheer up your mood wanna go shopping with me and shinobu-chan later? (•̀ᴗ•́)
Goodmorning aswell Mitsu, It's been a while since we went shopping together so why not? :)
Yay! ^v^ we will pick you up at your house at 11:00, How does that sound??
I'm down for it!
You gently woke up the sleeping yoriichi who's clinging onto you because you are going to hangout with mitsuri and shinobu in about 3 hours therefore you have to get ready before 11.
"Can't you stay a little longer" Yoriichi whined as you giggled and gave him an apology "Mitsu and Shinobu will be mad at me if I cancel it now"
"that's sad.." he paused and loosen his arms "Are they more important to you than me" he gave you a sad look a deceiving one
You rolled your eyes at him since you knew what he was trying to do, "I'm just kidding" he chuckled at your expression "Have fun with them! I'll give you a ride home if you want" he offered.
You accepted his offer since you wanted to save up your money or maybe to spend more time with him
Yoriichi told you to wait for him downstairs since he is still getting ready for the day so you decided to go to the kitchen to make yourself coffee, you have been in the tsugikuni's mansion a lot of times so you know where all their stuff is placed at atleast most of them
While approaching the kitchen closer you can smell such delicious foods and you assumed that it was their maid cooking but when you peeked over you found the Older Tsugikuni brother in a purple apron cooking breakfast for himself for you
Without even looking at you, he already noticed your presence. "are you just going to stare?"
Due to the events from last night, it was kind of awkward for you to try and respond to him
"I..uh... sorry I'll be leaving" before you could turn around he quickly spoke "You should eat before you start your day, going out with an empty stomach is unpleasant."
'Since when did he care so much?' you thought, "I'm full right n-"
"I insist."
Leaving you with no choice, you just gave in since you know you couldn't win against this man he has too much pride
You sat down in the dining room while kokushibo placed down the foods he just cooked, it was Gruyère, Bacon and Spinach Scrambled Eggs in one plate.
"..Thank you for the food, kokushibo." You expressed while he turned over to you "Michikatsu is fine in private."
You nodded your head while you stared the food for a while 'i wonder how it taste' you thought, you then took a fork and picked up the food by the fork then you put it in your mouth to taste it
'Oh god, this is heavenly'
You expected the food to taste good but not this 'Good'
You looked over to michikatsu who is observing your facial expression in order to tell if his cooking impressed you or not.
"I know that you can cook but not this good, this taste so good!" you expressed while happily eating the food, It was addicting.
Michikatsu smirked knowing that you were impressed by his cooking, He continued on observing you while you were eating it was silent for a few minutes until he finally decided to talk
"Y/N, about last night.."
He caught your attention and you stopped eating, "What about last night?" You asked while there's still food stuffed on your mouth.
"I made a mis-"
"Y/N, The car is ready."
The both of you turned your heads to look at yoriichi with his car keys on his hand.
Michikatsu was mad because he ruined it again but choosed to hide it and just smiled at you.
You thanked michikatsu again for the food and waved him goodbye while he just gave you a nod.
As soon as the both of you got in the car yoriichi quickly asked you out of concern "Are you okay?" you didn't want yoriichi to worried about you so you assured him "Yes I'm fine thank you for asking."
Yoriichi sighed in relief and began to start the car.
After a few minutes of driving and talking, It finally reached your destination so you got out the car and thanked yoriichi.
"you're welcome, Take care of yourself.. I'll see you soon" yoriichi said as he drove off.
You sighed and reached out to your pockets to get your house keys.
You were about to open the door but suddenly you were greeted by someone.
"Y/N CHANNNN!!! I'M SO SORRY FOR BARGING INTO YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION I GOT SO WORRIED" Mitsuri exclaimed, she quickly hugged the (H/C) Woman as soon as she saw her.
"mitsu! God you scared me how did you get in?" She asked as shinobu appeared behind Mitsuri swaying the keys in her fingers.
"You gave me some of your spare keys, remember?" Shinobu answered as she joined the hug making it a 'group hug'
"You guys... Thank you for being concerned but I'm really okay" she assured smiling at both her friends who seem concerned about her well-being, they both pulled away from the hug.
Shinobu then asked "Oh by the way, where were you Y/N chan?"
You didn't answer honestly because you know these two would go wild if they knew you slept over at yoriichi's room. "I just bought some stuff!"
Shinobu tilted her head slightly "oh is that so? But your eyes doesn't say so~", it was impossible to get away from shinobu's sense so you sighed in defeat "I was at yoriichi's."
The both gasped in surprised, "you get it sis! Take the younger brother when the older one doesn't want you!" Said mitsuri who was cheering while shinobu supported mitsuri "Exactly! Yoriichi is the hotter twin anyways"
You facepalmed at their comments, "Alright, alright calm down now you two. I'll get ready and let's go okay?"
Shinobu hummed while mitsuri responded an 'alright!'
"We should keep an eye out for The L/N's only Daughter. He will probably be after her" The Master and Head of the organization warned
"How are you so sure master?" The big guy in a black suit with a bead necklace asked.
The Master hummed "Instincts."
The Master then gently took the book from the young white hair girl's hand assumed to be the master's daughter "The L/N's company is close to surpassing that man's company. They are now equal but it seems that the L/N's becoming more successful than that man lately. He might use the only female in their family to retrieve information about her mother's company to cause their downfall." The Master explained.
"We promised protection and alliances with The L/N, we can't let them down and we can't let the corrupted win. So please my children, Do your best." He added as they all bowed their head in respect.
"As you wish Master."
You were getting dragged around by mitsuri going on a crazy shopping spree, she was literally buying everything she finds cute while shinobu was trailing behind the both of you.
"Look shinobu chan! This would suit y/n right? Try it!"
"Shinobu chan! This purple oversize shirt suits you!"
You and shinobu were literally struggling to keep up with the pink head's energy.
"She's so energetic, I'm getting tired" shinobu whined while she was clinging onto your shoulders for support, you handed her a water bottle "here drink this"
She took the water bottle from your hand and drank it, "thank you y/n chan~" she said happily while still tired from all the shopping mitsuri did
After a while of buying Clothes, accessories, jewelries and cute stuff, you decided to treat the girls for lunch and mitsuri ordered a lot Rip your wallet
You were gossiping with the 2 girls and just catching up about your life until shinobu's phone was ringing
"Wait I'll be right back" she said as she got out the restaurant to take the call
"So Y/N chan, what happened between you and yori?" Mitsuri asked while smiling widely
You gave her an embarrassed look "Nothing we just simply watched a movie!"
Mitsuri then came closer to your face "Hmm~ really?" She teased while you were literally red in embarrassment.
"I'm back" Shinobu announced as you and mitsuri turned your head to her, "Mitsu, we need to get going. Master is requesting our presence" she informed while mitsuri saddened since she didn't want to be separated from you just yet
"Y/N chan, thank you for the treat!" Shinobu expressed giving you a smile "I'll be looking forward to hangout with you again! But for now we have to cut this hangout short due to business matters. I'll be seeing you soon! I love ya!" Shinobu added giving you a playful fly kiss while mitsuri waved goodbye at you
"Take care you two!" You said as you watched them walk away in a hurry.
You took a deep breath and continued on eating your food.
After finishing your food, you noticed that it was getting dark outside though it was only afternoon so you assumed that it was going to rain.
However this doesn't stopped you from taking a walk at the nearest park, you wanted peace so you just decided to walk at the park near the mall.
You sat on a small bench watching the sky above you and relaxing.
However there's something wrong
You feel like there someone's watching you
You were quickly distracted out of your thoughts by the rain pouring slowly, so you quickly went to the nearest store to shelter yourself in the meantime. The store you went in was empty only the owner is present which is an elderly lady.
"Good after Ms." The elder greeted, as you greeted her back "Good afternoo-"
You were quickly interrupted by a guy who's about 5'9 entering the store, he harshly opened the door and slammed it hard.
"Oi old lady! Is my order ready?" He asked in a loud voice while the elderly lady sweated and answered him stuttering "i-uh..yes! Please give me a moment to plastic it."
You were annoyed by his unpleasant and disrespectful behavior so you decided to speak up "You should show more respect to elderly people.", He then said a 'Huh' out loud
He turned to look at you "And who the fuck are y-" he stopped speaking when your body features caught his attention. After observing you for a while a smirked was formed on the his lips
"How lucky am I to have run into you here.." he expressed while walking towards you closer, "The fuck are you doing?" You asked in a disgusted tone while looking at him as if he was the worst 'thing' ever created.
"Oi Jaru! Don't touch that lady!" The elderly woman yelled trying to stop the Guy who's approaching you. She fears that guy but she doesn't want you to get hurt so she took the risk.
"shut up old lady!" He yelled still walking towards you while you walked backwards.
You took out your pepper spray from your bag but everything happened so quick you couldn't even spray it to his eyes since he tossed it aside from your hands.
He was too strong for you.
He grabbed your chin forcing you to look up at him, you spat at him so he got mad and slapped you.
You tried to look for the elderly lady but she was nowhere to be seen, did she just abandoned you?
"looking for someone to save you dear?~ too bad no one is here." He said as he forced his lips onto yours, you tried to push him but he clearly overpowered you so you couldn't do anything at all
His tongue forcefully entered your mouth and you took the chance to bite it as hard as you can, he pushed you as roughly as he could causing you to fall down onto the ground while he was screaming in pain
blood was dripping from his mouth and he was clearly in pain, you tried to run away while he was distracted unfortunately he noticed you trying to run away so he grabbed your hair and forced you onto the ground making you grunt in pain
"You fucking bastard! Let me go!" You said trying to free yourself from him, you were literally scratching his hands that grabbed your hair but it was no use.
"Oh~ what a nice ass you have there lady" he smacked your ass and you decided to start yelling for help but it was no use. Nobody was around and the store you were in was empty it was far away from the other stores
"say..are you a virgin?" He asked while gripping onto your ass
"I'll take that as a yes, I really hit jackpot this time!" He let out a laugh and hit your ass once again, he was about to start pulling your pants but something caught both of your attentions
"I believe Sexual Harassment can lead to being rotten In prison."
You tried to look at the where the voice came from and when you finally got a view it was a man with black tuxedo, a red tie over a white shirt, black pants and black coat with a red spider Lily design placed on his shoulders, he was pale and was carrying a briefcase.
"Mind your own business!" The guy yelled trying to shoo the Man away.
"The girl is my business." He calmly said as he took something out his Briefcase, "$1,000,000 in exchange you must leave the girl alone."
'a check for $1,000,000? Is he insane?' you thought.
The guy let go of your hair and grabbed the piece of paper out of the Man's hand "I'm finally getting paid for my shit. The girl is yours." He said as he scanned to check if the check was real. It was indeed real.
He left the store laughing like a complete maniac, while you were still sitting in the ground shock and panting from what Just happened.
The man bent over to your height as he put some of your hair behind your ears.
"Poor you..." He gave you a sympathetic look as he stood up offering his hand to help you get up, you took his hand and it was surprisingly soft and you finally managed to stand up properly thanks to his help.
It was still raining heavily outside so he gave you his coat putting it on your shoulders "It's cold outside, I'll take you home Ms."
He escorted you out of the store and immediately opened the door of his Porsche 911 in order for you to not get wet in the rain.
You were in the passenger seat and he was in the driver seat, before he started the car he asked you a question "Where do you live?"
You hesitate to answer at first but then remembered that he saved you from that weirdo "At Taiyō to tsuki hills, street 917". He gave you a nod as he started driving towards the given address.
It was quiet for a while until you decided to speak "Thank you...for saving me from that creep" You expressed while looking down too shy to even look at the man.
"I only did what others would do." He responded, "Because of me your $1,000,000 was wasted. I'm really sorry you didn't have to do th-"
"shh~ a million is nothing to me" he respond while still eyeing the road, He only have one hand on the steering wheel the other was on the hand brake.
You looked over to him slightly and he looked back at you, as soon as you made eye contact you quickly broke it and covered your face. God he's too handsome
"such beauty, it would be a shame if you cover it." He said in a gentle tone.
The sentence he just said made your heart beat faster and your brain go berserk, you were a blushing mess now.
"Oh I forgot to introduce myself." He paused as you finally got the courage to look at him with a straight face.
"My name is Kibutsuji Muzan"
'Kibutsuji Muzan?' his name rang to the walls of your head as you finally recognized him.
He is a famous actor and a child of a famous politician. He came from a very wealthy family, one of the wealthiest in Japan.
But other than that, yoriichi and your mother did mentioned something about "Kibutsuji"
You and yoriichi were eating at McDonald's and you noticed him so deep in his thoughts so you decided to ask him about it
"I can see you are thinking about something, spill it out" you demanded as yoriichi looked at you, he took a deep breath preparing to say what's on his mind
"I'm worried you might meet that guy." He paused taking a bite from his burger "If you meet someone with the last name kibutsuji You must stay away at all cost."
Back then you were still a clueless kid trying to surprise your mother by hiding however instead of surprising your mother you were the one who got surprised.
"Are you meat riding the kibutsujis you fuckhead?! This isn't a fair game! I had a lot of proof that fucking kibutsuji sabotaged me!"
You were shock at your Mother's language, you haven't seen her so angry like this and for you this is the first time you heard her swear.
Remembering what you heard from your mother and what yoriichi told you, The name Kibutsuji is a threat.
However you refused to believe that the man who just saved you a few minutes prior is a threat.
Maybe they were wrong about 'the kibutsuji'
You decided to ignore what yoriichi told you and what you heard from your mother.
After all, you can't just judge a person based on what you heard from other people.
"It's such a pleasure to meet you kibutsuji, I'm L/N Y/N" you said as he responded "The pleasure is all mine Ms. L/N."
After a few more minutes, you finally arrived at your house and the weather have calm down. After getting out the car you decided to ask him if he wants to stay at your house for a dessert just to repay his kindness he showed to you.
"I would love to but sadly, I have a meeting to attend maybe next time?" He said as you nodded.
You exchanged numbers after that he got in his car waving you a goodbye and droved off.
You then looked at your clothes noticing that you forgot to return his coat and he probably forgot to ask for it back so you just decided to return it next time when the both of you meet again.
"What a handsome guy." You expressed while smiling at your own thoughts.
With ???
"my head...did I fainted out of stress?" She asked herself as she rubbed her head gently, trying to remember what happened before she blacked out
"Nope! I knocked you out cold" the elderly lady flinched at the voice, she then looked at the man Infront of her. It was a 6ft tall man with a rare pair of eye colors and blonde hair.
She then observed her surroundings and noticed that she is still in the store's kitchen. "What happened to that lady? She was getting h-"
The blonde guy put a finger into the elderly lady's mouth shushing her "shh~ she's fine now, she's probably with our master!" He said proudly with a wide smile
"who are you?" She asked with hesitation as the man Infront of her chuckled "My name is douma"
"And I am the one who will send you to the after life."
???'s POV
I could hear the loud gunshot from the store, that dumbass douma actually killed the elderly lady.
What did I expect? He literally kills everyone he finds annoying even if it's not part of the mission assigned to us.
I was approaching closer to the dark valley where the supposed meet-up is.
As I approached the dark valley a guy called out to me "Oi! Are you one of that man's dogs?"
This must be him.
"are you the one he sent over to that girl?" I asked.
"Oh that girl? Yeah! Damn I wish I could of have atleast took her virginity before that little girl escapes, God she was really pretty and she had that captivating type of body too!"
These kind of man disgusts me.
I wish he would just dropped dead.
"the money is here" I dropped the bag I was holding Infront of him, I watched him open the bag as he scanned the money.
"That guy is really rich huh!"
I just stared at him with disgust.
"Do you believe in the afterlife?", He looked at me and responded "Are you a shithead? How am I supposed to know I haven't even died"
"Cool, because you are about to experience it now" I shoot his penis first and watched him screamed in pain
Disgusting men like him deserves this kind of punishment before dying.
He kept cussing at me but I couldn't care less.
"you don't even know my name." I looked at him like he was a pathetic piece of shit "But since I'm feeling nice enough today I'll give you my name, I'm akaza."
• Michikatsu was trying to call you the whole time but he didn't realize that your phone was on mute
• Akaza didn't like the idea of men harassing women and making them uncomfortable, he is fully against it.
• Kibutsuji and L/N are Family rivals / Business competitors
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lostfirefly · 5 months
Now hush little baby, don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright
The idea for the fic came to me completely by accident. A friend who has a child talked about how she spends time with him. And I have no idea how to communicate with children. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Buggy and F/Reader - Masterlist is here.
Description: You and Buggy have a little daughter. The ship is moored and you go to rest, leaving Buggy with the child.
Warnings: Fun (I have no experience with kids, sorry if there are discrepancies), Buggy is practically hysterical.
Words: 1815
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from “Mockingbird” by Eminem.
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“Y/N, it’s screaming again!” Buggy growled into his pillow. 
“That's not it, Buggy, it's your daughter.” You muttered into his chest.
“This is your baby, velvet cake.” He buried his face in your hair.
“It’s as much mine as it is yours, Buggy.” You stroked his arm. “We made her together. Remember that night? At the end of sex you yelled that you would become king of the pirates.” 
“It was good!” He reluctantly got out of bed and walked towards the crib that was located not far from your shared bed. 
Inside the crib lay a little girl with Y/E/C and blue hair. Every time Buggy looked at his daughter, he was glad inside himself that she had not inherited his nose. 
“What should I do with her?” He asked loudly. 
“First of all, don't scream. Second of all, rock her first.”
“I'm not very good with children. Can I wait until she turns 18 and then start raising her?” Buggy looked at you as you stretched in bed. “How did I even end up with children?” He scratched his head and took the child into his arms. “So, what is next?” 
“Just rock her. Like this.” You took the pillow in your hands and showed how it should be done. 
“OK.” Buggy swung his daughter one way, then the other, then swung her one way again and the other again. "Seems to work, velvet cake! She cries less.” 
“You see, you're doing great, my love.” You got out of bed, put on your slippers and, shuffling along the floor, approached them both. "You'll learn everything in time, Buggy. Hello, my Lily Gold." You waved to your daughter. 
“It’s easy for you to say - you’ll learn.” Buggy chuckled and rolled his eyes dramatically. “You’re a woman, you know how to do it. It’s in your nature.” 
“Hell, no!” You shook your head. “It just somehow happened that I had to take one under my wing to raise one.” You pecked him on the cheek. “Big.” Smack on his lips. “Capricious.” Smack on his nose. “Child. So, I’ll go wash up and make us breakfast. I also need to go to the store on the island and buy something.” 
“What? Did something happen?” Buggy became noticeably nervous. “Are you feeling unwell? Is there something wrong with the baby?”   
“No, no!” You softened your voice, trying to calm him down. “Don't get me wrong, I love you both, but I want to get some rest. I have a spa appoitnment.” 
While you were making breakfast, Buggy sat next to you, holding your daughter in his arms. He was loudly clattering plates and mugs and yelling at anyone who came into the kitchen and spoke loudly (so it seemed to him, even though everyone was whispering). Buggy and your daughter at breakfast certainly made you smile, but at the same time it was a disaster. They were both constantly dropping things, getting messy in their food, and they both started whining if something didn't go their way. You would just roll your eyes, convincing yourself that he was the love of your life, the love you sometimes wanted to strangle. You got up from your chair, wiped their faces, and continued drinking your morning coffee.
You went to your room, Buggy and Lily followed you. He constantly asked how soon you would return, what he should do and how to get along with children in general. 
“Learn, daddy! You are the culprit of this creature.” You adjusted his bandana and looked into his scared eyes. “For the record, I have no regrets. I love our family. You and our daughter. But since this will be a copy of you, I need to gain strength. That's it, I'm off. Bye, my love. Bye, Lily! I'll be back in three hours.”
“THREE HOURS???” Buggy's eyes widened, but he looked at your slightly tired face, exhaled and kissed your forehead. “Fine.”
“Bye, my captain. I love you!" You pecked him on the lips and left. 
Buggy sat down on the bed, holding Lily in his arms. Fortunately, she was no longer a newborn baby, because that period was a nightmare for you. The baby was screaming all the time, Buggy was screaming all the time. 
“So. What should I do with you?” Buggy took his daughter and turned her over in his hands. She laughed happily and tried to grab his nose. “No, Lily! Not the nose! We don't touch daddy's nose.” He muttered and looked around. “Oh! You're a child. You must love toys, right?”
Buggy grabbed Lily in his arms, walked with her to the toys and put her on the floor. “Who do you want to play, me sweet candy? Pony? Lamb? Pig?" He sorted through the toys and showed them one by one. 
The girl looked at her father with batted eyes and grabbed his nose again. 
“Fuck! Lily Gold! You can't touch daddy's nose!” Buggy leaned back a little. 
“Honk!” Lily said and pointed to her nose. “Dad. Nose. Honk.” 
Buggy looked at his daughter doomedly. “Do you want dad to make a honk with his nose? Maybe you’ll choose the lamb?” 
She shook her head, made a face and crossed her arms.
He rolled his eyes, growled and said a dissatisfied “okay”, squeezing his nose so that it made a sound. “You like your mother, love to do this with me. Well, Lily. What else do you want to do?”
Buggy tilted his head and looked at his daughter. “Thank God you don't have my nose." He took her in his arms and said in a whisper. “But daddy will always protect you. You and your mom. I never let someone hurt you, my biggest treasure." Buggy kissed his daughter on the top of the head. 
Lily got off his feet, took the ball and handed it to him.
“Lily Gold, daddy doesn't know how to make balloon dogs.” Buggy shrugged.  
She immediately made a face again and began to scream, and cry. 
Buggy rolled his eyes and hissed through his teeth . “Mother fuc~. Okay, I'll do it, just stop yelling!" He took the balloon, somehow inflated it and made something that vaguely resembled a dog. He gave it into his daughter's hands, and the balloon immediately burst. And Lily yelled even louder. 
“Fu-u-ck! What does your mother do at such moments?” Buggy grabbed his head. 
At that moment, one of the freaks knocked on the cabin. “Captain?!”
“WHAT?!” Buggy barked and went to the door.
“We are almost replenished, and we know where the Straw Hat's are going.” The freak gave him papers.
“I don't give a fuck about the Straw Hat right now.” He threw the papers back in the man's face. “I'm sitting with the daughter while Y/N is away.” 
“Excuse me, Captian, you're not sitting with your daughter.” The freak shook his head. 
“What? What are you talking about! Here s~.” Buggy pointed his finger at the place where he was sitting a couple of minutes ago. 
“Where? Where's she? Where's the baby?” He grabbed the freak by the clothes and started shaking him. “Where is my daughter?” 
“I don't know, Capta-a-in!!” The freak's head was bobbing like a bobblehead. 
“Oh, fuck!! Oh, fuck!! Y/N will kill me. She will kill me!” Buggy grabbed his head and began to rush around the room. “Get out of the way!” He threw the freak aside and ran out of the cabin. 
Buggy practically ran around the ship, calling his daughter's name in a whisper. He was afraid that you might appear earlier. He turned the corner and saw blue hair flash. 
“Gotcha!” Buggy hugged Lily tighter and picked her up. “How did you manage to escape? For year and a half, you are a very fast girl! Don't scare dad like that again, okay?”
“Richie! Richie!” Lily grabbed Buggy by the hair and began to pull.
“Ouch! No-o-o! We're not going to Richie, Lily! He's probably sleeping.” Buggy carried the girl back to the cabin and sat her on the bed. “I don’t know what to do with you. Do you want to draw? Let’s draw!” He took out pencils and sheets of paper and gave them to her. 
“Richie!” Lily threw everything on the floor. 
“OK.” He scratched his head and looked around, “Do you want to play balll? Let's play ball!” He gave Lily a small yellow ball. “See? Are you happy? Please, my sweet candy, show daddy your happy face!”
“Richie!!” Lily threw the ball in Buggy's face. 
“Damn!” He rubbed his forehead. “What should I do with you?!” Buggy grabbed his head and was ready to scream. “I know! Let daddy show you some chop chop tricks!” He separated his hand and gave it into his daughter's hands. “You see how dad can do it? Cool? Please, say it’s cool!!” Buggy was on the verge of hysterics. 
“RICHIE!!!” Lily stomped her foot and threw her hand at Buggy's face. 
“Fuck!” He attached his hand back. “Okay. Do you want to see Richie? Let's go to see Richie. Maybe he'll finally eat daddy.” Buggy muttered under his breath, took Lily in his arms and walked down the ship. 
They entered the room where the lion was sitting, and Buggy put the girl on the floor. Lily looked at him and smiled. 
“What? Why are you smiling? Finally satisfied, little s~?” He crossed his arms.
“Richie-e-e!” Lily happily ran towards the lion and began to try to climb onto him. 
Buggy smiled and approached his daughter. He helped her climb up the lion and watched carefully to make sure she didn't fall. “That’s my girl! I'm so pr~” 
“What are you doing here?” Buggy heard your voice behind him. “I came to the cabin, and your freaks told me that you were with Richie.” You walked up to Buggy and kissed him on the cheek. “How are you?”
“We’re great. It’s easy to sit with kids. I don't understand why you're complaining.”
“Liar.” You hugged him and placed your head on his shoulder.
“Has it been three hours already?” Buggy wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“No. Just an hour. It turns out that I have a spa appointment for tomorrow. So you’ll have to sit with Lily tomorrow. By the way, I bought you a gift. Whiskey!” You pulled the bottle out from behind your back. “I also thought that maybe we could leave Lily to someone from the crew today and spend some time together? What do you think?” You snuggled closer to him and winked. 
“I like this idea. And you know what I was thinking of, my velvet cake?” Buggy looked at you with the corner of his eye, glancing at Lily.
“About what, my beloved Captain?” You asked softly and ran your fingers along his neck.
“Let’s have another child?!”
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mizutenshii · 1 year
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— pairing ; kaneki ken x human!gn!reader
— summary ; caffeine might not affect him, but it's a whole different story for you. or: kaneki with a very energetic reader.
— cw ; reader is bouncy and talktative, fluff, humor, mention of human consumption, mildly suggestive towards the end but nothing detailed (innuendo), established relationship
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there wasn't much in this world you could share with kaneki.
your diets were completely different – scratch that, they were different and you were freaked out by what his meals consisted of. there was no point in going on fancy dinner dates, and it wasn't fun to be the only one eating when you entertained other date ideas – hence why you often resorted to not eating as well.
it was no fun to be unable to share your xxl popcorn as you watched a movie in the theater, it felt off to be the only one enjoying sweet pastries as you went on a small cafe date, it just wasn't right to visit carnivals together and eat amazing food left and right while kaneki's hands remained empty.
he had offered so many times to suck it up just for you, to pretend that he was enjoying human food. but you knew he would have to throw it all up later or he'd get seriously sick, so you always turned down his offer.
there was, however, something you could enjoy together.
although you would never drink your coffee like kaneki did – black and bitter, as if satan's soul had turned liquid – you had adapted to drinking coffee that was much more to your liking by adding an overdose of milk and sugar. it was a simple but very welcome solution, now you could go on coffee dates and talk sweetly over a steaming mug of coffee!
tonight, kaneki had decided to take this solution a little closer to home, showing up on your doorstep with a heavy coffee machine in his arms. he didn't seem to struggle at all with the weight he had to carry, but you still quickly ushered him inside and helped him install it in your kitchen.
"now we can have coffee dates at home," you said, satisfied as you looked at the machine sitting atop your kitchen counter, hands resting on your hips. "that's a lot cheaper than going out to drink it elsewhere so often."
as soon as you spoke those words, you instantly doubted them. kaneki consumed so much coffee daily that you'd probably lose lots of money on coffee beans. oh well, it was whatever. you didn't want to spoil his intentions. you'd just have to take on an extra shift at work to cover the coming coffee bean expenses.
"i know," the half-ghoul nodded. "that's what i thought."
nope, you definitely weren't going to burst his bubble.
"we should celebrate," you decided, stepping over to the kitchen cabinets to grab two mugs. "let's see how good this thing is."
"y/n, it's ten pm," kaneki pointed out, placing a hand on your arm to halt your movements. "caffeine doesn't really affect me but it's a different story for you."
"oh, i'll just pour a little extra milk to make my coffee less strong," you waved him off. "don't be a killjoy, ken. i'll be fine."
you were wrong.
sure, you were indeed fine, just heavily affected by the amount of caffeine that remained in your hot bevarage, even after adding an inhuman amount of milk.
with shaky hands, you sat on your sofa, bouncing in your seat and talking kaneki's ears off – all while the half-ghoul looked at you helplessly. your feet were tapping a restless rhythm on the hardwood floor of your living room, as you were talking to the male with excessive gestures.
"yoo," you giggled, slapping your knees as you thrummed along to the music that played over the tv commercials. "it's so funny how they're still trying to sell that anti-ghoul pepper spray. it doesn't even work?"
you recalled that moment where you had used it on kaneki in the very beginning, after finding out he was a ghoul. he didn't flinch, only looked you dead in the eyes, all but impressed. it was such a funny memory to you, and you wheezed as you tried to hold back your uneven laughter.
"it's all fun and games until they find out it won't stop anyone from eating them," kaneki muttered, a slight frown falling upon his features as you were still bouncing up and down from your seated position.
the half-ghoul gazed at the empty mugs on the table, wondering how such a small amount of caffeine already had this effect on you – all while he sat calmly, utterly unaffected by the substance he drank. it was quite the irony, since his bevarage contained a way higher concentration of caffeine.
"oh, let them have their blissful feeling of safety," you shrugged. "it makes some of the fear fade away, thinking you can actually stop a ghoul from eating you. i remember when you showed me your eye and i was like, ayooo, i can make it out of here because i have this amazing spray on me and–"
you rambled on and on, hyperactive to a point where you were mentioning kaneki's diet and the horrors that plagued tokyo so casually. sure, the half-ghoul had seen you like this before, but not at half past ten in the evening and not when you were alone. a filter on your words and behavior wasn't necessary, and it was as if you subconsciously knew, acting and speaking more freely.
at some point you jumped up from the sofa, startling the ghoul next to you. he looked at you in confusion and you wailed, "i have so much energy."
"no shit," kaneki mumbled, his mismatched eyes following your every movement as you darted around the living room impatiently.
frankly, he found it adorable – you seemed so happy and carefree, blurting out whatever was on your mind and following your body's desire to move around excitedly. he felt like he took part of your humanity away, always dragging you down with the misery that filled his life, forcing you to betray your kin in order to accept him. so seeing you like that, happy and unbothered, even if it was only for a brief moment, it just brought him a strange sense of relief.
kaneki finally got up as well, capturing you with his arms around your waist. you froze, looking at the male with wide eyes and a silly smile you couldn't keep in. but it vanished when you caught the boy with hair as pale as the moon gazing at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. you tilted your head curiously, wondering what had gotten into his mind.
"i am thoroughly regretting my decision to try our new coffee machine tonight," you admitted, coming to a halt afore the half-ghoul but still wiggling on your feet. you pouted, "should've waited until morning. there's no way i can sleep now."
the ghoul suddenly had a brilliant idea.
"google said it takes about three to five hours for the effects of caffeine to halt," he said, a devious smile falling upon his lips. "there's plenty we can do in that time, hm? time to put your excessive energy to good use, my y/n."
your breath stuttered in your throat when you grasped onto what kaneki meant, but there wasn't a part of you that even considered turning down his invitation. he was right, after all.
"alright," you grinned at the half-ghoul, allowing kaneki to take your hand and lead you out of the living room, leaving the two empty mugs behind on the coffee table.
maybe it wasn't all that bad to eliminate sleep for a night, to be consumed by the rush of caffeine. kaneki was a genius for bringing you that coffee machine, and you already knew one thing.
many good things would come from it.
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mizutenshii — O5.1O.2O23 — masterlist
— a/n ; i'll admit that this was very self-indulgent and i am by no means sorry about that. my adhd ass is just very hyper and when i consume caffeine it gets even worse and i could not help but imagine ken's reaction lol.
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wontheworld · 8 months
you spoke too soon | 21
"Baegjo! Ynnie!"
"Baekgu! Hoon!"
"Bae-Bae!" The two said together while making a heart with each other.
"Oh, Sunghoon," Yn pouted at the camera before looking at him.
He looked back, "What is it, Yn?" He questioned.
"We're not bae-bae today! I'm Barbie and you're Ken!" She expressed.
Sunghoon gasped before moving his arm like a robot, feeling embarrassed. "Oh my gosh, I forgot," he said, moving his arms, trying his best not to burst out laughing.
"Ah, Sunghoon, you're not an actual doll!" Yn said, shoving his shoulder.
He gave her a questioning look, "What do you mean? Who's Sunghoon? Barbie, I'm Ken!" He smiled.
She rolled her eyes playfully before looking at the card in her hand, then back at the camera. "Today we have some special comebacks and stages!" Yn said excitedly.
"That's right, we have Choi Yena, VCHA, 8Turn, (G)I-DLE, RIIZE, and more performances coming your way!" Sunghoon smiled at the camera.
Yn smiled and nodded at Sunghoon before turning to the camera, smiling herself. "But right now, let's enjoy Hui on the stage with his solo debut!" Yn ended as the camera stopped airing, and they waved goodbye.
"You can't even act like Ken without laughing. How do you think I feel pouting all the time?" She said, making him laugh.
"You gotta admit, I ate that arm thing up," he said.
She side-eyed him before shaking her head, "I fear you didn't. You left a lot of crumbs. The plate is still full! Did you even nibble at it?" She teased him, causing him to pout.
"You didn't have to go that far, YN! Come on, be nice to me. I bought you coffee yesterday!" He said.
"Yeah, you buying coffee is causing more rumors to stir up! Oh, I just remembered, tomorrow we're filming a video for the variety show," she said, remembering their task for tomorrow.
He hummed, "I wonder what they're going to do tomorrow," he said. "Do you want to go to your waiting room or mine?" He questioned.
"Mine!" She said, making him smile before opening her waiting room door.
The next day, Yn arrived in one car while Sunghoon arrived in another. They talked to the camera in their separate cars as the staff drove them both to the location.
"I honestly don't know what they have planned, but I'm sure it's going to be fun. But I'm kinda nervous," Yn said to the camera.
"Why are you nervous?" her manager asked.
"Manager Kim just seriously asked why I was nervous... because I'm scared. You guys are spooky with ideas. What if you guys take me skydiving or something? I'll actually cry on camera," she pouted.
They drove into an empty parking lot. "See what I mean? This place is empty. Are we doing a haunted house or something?" Yn whined as her manager laughed before another black car pulled up beside them.
"Okay, Yn, I'm gonna need you to cover your eyes, and I'll lead you outside the car and into the place," her manager said.
Yn squinted her eyes suspiciously at the woman before closing them. Her manager walked her out of the car and into the place. As Yn felt a sudden cold breeze, she started shaking a bit.
"It's cold in here, what the..." she cut herself off from finishing, not wanting to curse on camera.
She heard Sunghoon laugh right next to her, startling her as she still had her eyes shut tightly. "It's not that cold, it feels nice in here," he hummed.
She shook her head. "Can we open our eyes? Wait, Sunghoon, are your eyes closed?" she questioned him.
"Yeah, don't worry."
"3, 2, 1, open your eyes now!" someone shouted as Yn and Sunghoon both opened their eyes slowly before gasping.
They were at an ice rink. "No way!" Sunghoon smiled genuinely.
"No wonder it's freezing in here," Yn said before her manager put a coat on her as she thanked her.
Sunghoon kept smiling at the rink, making Yn a little creeped out. "Icey boy, get on the rink and stop smiling so weird!" Yn said, making Sunghoon laugh.
"Let me get my skates on first!" he said, sitting on the bench as her manager gave him skates. Yn joined next to him, putting skates on.
She sighed, "I've only skated a few times!" she whined to the camera, making Sunghoon smile.
"I've skated for almost a decade of my life. I love ice skating," he said, getting up.
Yn tried to follow him but kept wobbling over. "This is so embarrassing," she said as the camera caught her struggling on the ice rink.
Sunghoon was already skating around, smiling and laughing. Looking at him made her feel bubbly inside.
"Show-off!" Yn shouted as he skated by her.
He smiled, "Come on, take my hand so you won't hurt yourself," he said as she grabbed his hand.
She stayed as close as possible next to him, leaning on him like he was a part of her. "How do you do this shit?" she whispered to him.
"Come on, just do this," he said, showing her. She tried to follow, but she fell on her butt, making him laugh.
They played a few games on the ice and just skated around for fun before wrapping up the video.
"And have a Bae-Baetastic day!" They ended the video, waving at the camera as it panned up to the ceiling before cutting off.
"At least I know how to ice skate a little!" she smiled, trying to skate but ended up falling on top of Sunghoon.
"You spoke too soon," he groaned.
She sat up and apologized to him as he got up and helped her. "Maybe I did speak too soon," she laughed.
He shook his head and patted her shoulder. "You'll never be as good as me, sweetie," he winked, making her roll her eyes.
"Never said I'll be as good as you," she said before holding his hand as he led her off the rink.
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Taglist: @deobitifull @hoonstxr @seulgipage @purennn @haechansbbg @minetaphobe @badasgirlfriend @seunnimg @hyuzaa @ttylxox2 @ariadores @nyfwyeonjun @who-tf-soddhi @nqvgue @mikus-bakery @luvlyniya @akuspic @nxzz1skz
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your-favorite-god · 1 year
Vita nostra aeterna pt 1
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Wednesday's child is full of woe, ep 1
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I’m not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago… but I admire the sadism. 
A monochromatic girl walked the halls of a seemingly normal high school, walking swiftly when she turned and pulled open a locker. Out falls her younger brother, Pugsley.
 “ I want names.”
‘I don't know who they were, honest! It happened so fast…”, the boy panics. He didn't want to witness the outcome of whatever his sister did. 
“Pugsley, emotion equals weakness. Pull yourself together.” As her brother continued to squirm and whimper Wednesday tried to start a sentence but was rudely interrupted. Images of what had happened before, her head thrown back as she saw the horrid jocks jeering at her little brother while they tormented him. “Wednesday?”
I’m not about to confess to my brother that I’ve recently been plagued by visions. They come on without warning and feel like electroshock therapy, but without the satisfying afterburn. 
“Leave this to me”,  Wednesday says as she promptly walks away. “Wednesday? What are you gonna do?” Pugsley questions, now free from his restraints. 
“What I do best.”
Endears POV:
“Wednesday, you know I always love your company. But is now the time? I was just about to tell Christina what happened at that gathering her precious Jonathan attended before class started”
She stares at me with a bag of piranhas in hand,” Cara, do you still have the peroxyacetic acid you made?” I look at her with a raised brow, “Of course I do, why?”. “Those fools hog-tied Pugsley and shoved him in his locker. I intend to teach them a lesson.” 
I can see how this might be confusing for you, allow me to briefly explain. Wednesday Addams is what most would call my best friend. 
Shush ma morelle, anyways, we met a decade ago in the woods. She intruded upon my home and I found her very cute. So I decided to stay with her, my adorable little human. I came with her to her home and have continued to live with her family. I've even joined her in this boring little hovel named school. Or Should I say schools, we’ve been to many. Wednesday has this horrible habit of getting caught. 
It’s more satisfying to watch the looks on my victims' faces. 
As you can see, Wednesday has no appreciation for subtlety. But we’re just getting to the fun part, so let us get back to it. 
“Well then, allow me to raise you a better idea. Thallium in the principal's coffee. I’d prefer to avoid life on the run for now.” Wednesday pauses for a second, then looks at me with her version of loving eyes. “Brilliant mi vida, as always.” 
And off we went.
Non, Je ne regrette rien - Edith Piaf | Wednesday Soundtrack | Wednesday drops piranhas in the pool
We had stepped through the doors of the practice room as I heard the jocks mutter to themselves, 
“ Yo Dalton look, pigsleys sister and her weird ass friend. Hey, freaks! This is a closed practice!” 
Wednesday leveled them with her usual murderous stare as she spoke,” The only person that gets to torture my brother is me.” 
Nothing delighted me more than the fear on everyone's faces as she dropped the bag of piranhas into the pool, blood seeping into the normally crystal-blue chlorine-filled water. And that is how we landed ourselves here. In the Addams family car with Wednesday's parents, Morticia and Gomez. They were singing In Dreams as they doted on one another, Wednesday was brooding next to me. Unsatisfied with being shipped away to her parents' former school. “Darling, how long do you intend on giving us the cold shoulder?” Morticia spoke as Gomez continued to kiss her arm and neck. 
“Lurch, please remind my parents that I’m no longer speaking to them,” Wednesday replies, making me grin. I love it when she's like this, all petulant and ruffled, most of the time it means I’ll get to play around while she's busy thinking and sulking.  Her mother hums as her father tries to persuade his daughter,” I promise you, my little viper, you will love Nevermore. Won’t she, Tish?”  “Of course. It’s the perfect school for her. For them both really.” This irks Wednesday as she replies, “ Why? Because it was the perfect school for you? I have no interest in following in your footsteps. Becoming captain of the fencing team, Queen of the dark prom, president of the seance society.” Morticia looks at Wednesday with a serene face, always ever so calm and poised. “I merely meant that finally, you will be among peers who understand you. Maybe you’ll even make some friends.” Gomez looks at Wednesday with his signature grin,” Nevermore is like no other boarding school. It’s a magical place. It’s where I met your mother.” “and we fell in love.” They look at each other with this mutually infatuated gaze and sigh. Wednesday's eyes darken, if that's possible,” You guys are making me nauseous. And not in a good way.” They looked at her again” Darling, we aren’t the ones who got you expelled. That boy’s family was going to file attempted murder charges. How would that have looked on your record?” Wednesday looked off as her eyes widened slightly,” terrible. Everyone would know I failed to get the job done.” At that I couldn't keep it in, I chuckled as the little family smirked at me. Save for Wednesday of course who was still very occupied with her brooding. 
My my, this was going to be a fun new adventure. I can feel it. 
As we drove through the strong… iron… gates of this new school, morticia made mention od the weather. An admirable attempt at small talk through the thick silence, normally i would be the one to break it but wednesday specifically told me to give her parents the cold shoulder. If I’m being honest i dont entirely understand why but she looked so cutr and annoyed when she asked in her own way. How did she word it again? Oh yes, i was to be silent or else she would lock me in a tower and take all my jewelry. And my tongue. 
3rd POV
Finally the small family unit had made it to the principals office, greeted by Larissa weems.
“Wednesday is certainly a unique name, i'm guessing it was the day you were born?” she spoke with a grin, after everyone had taken their appropriate seat. Save of course for endeara, she preferred to stand. Tall in her red bottom pumps and silk blouse, she had taken her place behind wednesday, gazing at her new principle with a veiled look of boredom and small smile.
“I was born on friday the 13th.” wednesday quickly rectified, as morticia followed, “Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, Wednesdays child is full of woe.” 
“You always had a unique perspective on the world morticia, did your mother tell you we used to be roomates?” Principle weems said  fondly, her welcoming facade staying strong through the addam’s penetrating gazes. 
“And you graduated with your sanity intact? Impressive.” wednesday spoke again. The topic quickly changed as the principle spoke of her and endearas “interesting educational journey.” 
“Eight schools in five years?” Weems questioned,” They havent built one strong enough to hold us. I’m sure this one wont be any different.” wednesday replied with her same bluntness.  Endeara simply smiled as her parents bristled and were about to reply,” Thats just wednesdays way of trying to say she is very excited for this new opportunity. As am i, and thank you for giving us such a gift.” their new principle seemed to fully take in endeara then, all elegance and playful smiles as she dressed in her small red bottomed pumps and silk black blouse. 
“Nevermore doesn’t usually accept students mid-term, but given their perfect grades and your family’s long history with the school, I’ve spoken with the board and we’ve made an exception.” Weems said simply as the addams parents joined hands in satisfaction, “what about their um,... therapy sessions? The court ordered them.” morticia eyed her daughter as she spoke, hesitant to ask. “The school school has a relationship with a therapist in jericho, she can meet twice a week.” they all looked to wednesday as gomez spoke,” did you hear that my little storm cloud? Youre in excellent hands.” 
“We’ll see if she survives the first session” wednesday quipped back, her gaze unwavering to the woman in front of her as mortica and endeara grinned at her as well. 
The principle resumed again, unbothered. Truly impressing endeara as she spoke again,” ive assigned wednesday to her mothers old dorm. Ophelia hall.” morticia gasps and chuckles excitedly as wednesday turns to her and says,” refresh my memory. Ophelia’s the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?” morticia nods happily as the principle leans forward with a plastered grin 
“Shall we go meet your new roommate?’
Endearas POV
We go to wednesdays new dorm and its… something. The family is stunned as morticia speaks,” its so… vivid.” The girl, the new roommate, looks at me and gasps excitedly “Howdy roomie!” and i have to bite my lips from cackling. I mean this is just beautiful, but our principle steals all the fun and introduces wednesday. “wednesday , this is enid sinclair.” Enid looks to from me to wednesday confused, maybe even disappointed, as she asks,” are you okay? You look a little pale.” and mortica smiles as she explains,”wednesday always looks half dead.” “its genetic” i whisper, smiling at the girl. Enid goes in for a hug from wednesday as we both step back, she looks disheartened as she mumbles,” not a hugger. Got it.” morticia pipes up again,”please excuse wednesday. She’s allergic to color.” enid looks shocked,” oh wow. What happens to you?”
“I break out in hives and then the flesh peels from my bones.” this is when our principle speaks again,” luckily weve special ordered your and endears new uniforms. Enid, please take them to the registrar’s office to pick it up along with her schedule, and give them a tour along the way.”
I whisper quietly to Wednesday, ”If they dare put me in cheap, scratchy, suffocating material…i will raze this school to the ground.” Wednesday almost smirks as the Addams look at me in pride and the other two look at me in horror. This tour better be good. 
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lady06reaper · 6 months
Drug Dealer! Kenny x Stoner! reader
This was requested by @mccormickgf ! I hope you enjoy it!
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Kenny never thought he’d be in a situation like this, both romantic and work wise. I mean, yea, he does drugs, but he never thought he’d be slinging them for extra cash to be able to take care of Karen. But he really never thought he’d fall in love with one of his regulars either. You knew he wasn’t doing this for fun, he was doing this because he had to have the extra money, and of course you admire him too much to buy from anyone else. Weed was the only drug Kenny would sell, just straight bud and carts, and that was the only drug you would do. Truly a match made in heaven.
You had been buying from Kenny since high school really, you were the only girl who understood and was willing to buy from him instead of using your body as payment. You thought Kenny was attractive, but you would never stoop as low as that, and you had a good paying job so it wasn’t a problem. You and him had planned on meeting at his house when he got off work at the mechanics shop and picked Karen up from the babysitters, (it was really Kyle who said it’d be a good idea to have Ike and Karen play together). You got off work a little bit early so you swung by your house real quick to put comfy clothes on to be able to use the product as soon as you buy it. 
You got to Kenny's house just a few minutes after he did, you opened the door and braced for impact expecting a little ball of sunshine to come hurling towards you. But it never happened, you looked around and Karen was nowhere to be found, but Kenny was. He was sitting on the couch sorting out product and counting money. It was like an actual drug den but without the hardcore narcotics. There were beanbags and child friendly tapestries, so it could be Karen's indoor playground but also a safe area to get high. 
“Hey there hot stuff! What we looking for today? THC? Delta 9?” Kenny asked, looking up from what he was doing.
“Got any indica carts by chance?” I questioned looking down at the table where all the Devils Lettuce products were sprawled out. Kenny nodded and handed me the cart, I pulled out my pen and twisted in the new indica cart. “Thanks Ken.” I turned on the pen and took a small hit to see how it’d affect me.
“It's on the house don’t worry about it,” Kenny shook his hand to emphasize the no money. I didn’t listen so without a word I threw down 60 bucks on the coffee table, it’s actually 40 but he deserves a good tip. He took one look at it and slide it back over to me.
“I said it’s on the house.”
“And I said it’s 40 plus tip,” I slid the money back to him, he slammed his hand on the money to prevent it from going back to him.
“I can’t take your money right now, it’s not that I don’t need it I do, it just feels wrong charging you seeing as how you’re a dear friend of mine.” Kenny looked me in the eyes when he said that. Dear friend of his? What kinda crack is he on? Kenny never spoke like that, and if he did he was high on something. He didn’t look like he was on something, but he’s also an experienced stoner so it takes a lot to even get him close to a high.
“Well then if you need it then take it, if not for you use it for Karen, I’m sure she’d enjoy some new toys or clothes,” I took my hand off the money and leaned back in the La-z-boy I claimed as my spot for when I come over. 
“You’re not wrong, I’m sure she would, but I just can’t take it.”
“Kenneth McCormick, if you don’t take this money I’ll just give it to Karen and take her on a candy shopping trip so she’ll be bouncing off the walls as punishment for not taking my money right here right now.”
“Jokes on you, I can just drop her off at Kyles and she’ll be his problem when she's on a sugar buzz,”
“Goddammit Kenny, why don’t you just take my money?”
“Because I love you!” Kenny raised his voice a little, he looked down in between his legs away from me as if he was ashamed. I was taken aback, we’ve known each other since elementary school so it wasn’t a huge shock, but it was to my mind. He wasn’t moving, he was waiting for my response to his confession. I got up, moved his arm away from his face, and sat down gently on his lap. He leaned back on the couch to make more room for us, I took his face in my hands to make him look at me.
“I love you too Kenny, and I truly mean it,” his eyes lit up, they moved down to my lips as if he was asking for permission. Before he could with his voice, I moved in and connected our lips. His lips were kinda cracked, but the chapstick I had on helped to lessen the friction between rough and smooth. We pulled away and smiled at each other, he leaned over on the coffee table to grab his pen and the remote to the TV. Kenny turned on a movie, took a hit of his pen, and leaned his head on my head that was resting on his shoulder. I took a hit of my pen and snuggled more into his shoulder, we both exhaled the smoke we were holding in and watched the movie for the rest of the night as stoner lovers.
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garbinge · 1 year
Richie Jeremovich x F!Reader Carmy Berzatto & F!Reader (Platonic) From these August Prompts:  “Tasteless" Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: Cursing, Angst, Kissing.
The Bear Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @quixscentsposts @dadbodfanatic-x @adorable-punk-superheroes @lodeddiperrodrick @isalver @captainweasleybarnes @musicwithteeth Other fics from this universe
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“Do you remember the first time we met?” The question was one sentence in the flow of conversation as you got out of Richie’s car to walk into the restaurant together. 
It had been weeks now of doing whatever you and Richie were doing. There wasn’t any label on it, no discussion of exclusivity, but you spent a lot of nights over there consecutively staying over and on the nights you didn’t, he stayed with you. You were having fun, whatever that meant. Honestly it was the first time in a while that your relationship–or person you were intimate with wasn’t an issue or causing an issue in your life. And not only that but it was providing you with genuine fun and happiness. Richie was a good time, not only in that way but in the way that he was honest with you, you felt safe with him, not only because you knew he’d protect you or stand up for you but because he never lied to you, you never had to wonder or worry what was going on with him. There was a million more things that made your time with Richie enjoyable and you honestly spent a lot of time thinking about it because, well, it made you happy. Your mind got brought back to the conversation when he spoke. 
“I remember when Carmy brought home some hyper enthusiastic friend.” He teased you as he placed a piece of paper in his mouth before grabbing his jacket to put on over his beef baseball tee. 
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the paper out of his mouth. “My brainstorming is not meant to be treated this way.” 
He adjusted his collar and closed his car door, placing the key in the handle to lock it before catching up with you. 
“I think the first time we met you told me to go fuck myself.” Richie tried to recollect back on the memory. 
“I did, because you were making fun of Carmy.” You nodded in agreeance and grabbed his coffee from him taking a large sip 
“I always made fun of Carmy. And give that back, don’t you have your own?” He reached over and grabbed the cup back from you causing a little to spill and just miss the paper full of all the blends of coffee you were thinking to experiment with. 
“And I always told you to go fuck yourself. Just like now, be careful! These are precious precious ideas!” You handed him back the coffee to protect the paper. 
“You wrote them on the back of a takeout flyer in my bed at 1AM because you couldn’t sleep.” Richie knew you were excited but he grounded you from getting ahead of yourself. 
“Oh yea by the way, happy hour at Elina’s this Thursday.” You flipped the paper over to show him as you walked by the side of the partially renovated restaurant to see Tina in the window cleaning it and offered a quick wave that Richie matched. 
As you both strolled into the restaurant and made your way to the kitchen you saw Carmy moving around the floor that had green tape on it and Gary holding a stopwatch. 
“Morning, fam.” You called out and shrugged your jacket off immediately. 
“OooOoOoOo” Gary called out seeing you and Richie walk in together. 
All you did was shake your head and push him slightly as you approached him, also in a way to tell him to move over so you could sit next to him on the old kitchen workspace. 
“What are we doing?”  You asked, letting your legs dangle back and forth. 
“Mapping out the kitchen for efficiency. Need to do this all in 5 seconds.” Carmy was running his hand through his hair before taking his sweater off. 
“What are we at?” Richie looked over at Gary and you looked over his shoulder at his stopwatch. 
“7 seconds.” Gary said, raising his brows. 
“You’re fucked.” Richie said while you simultaneously offered encouragement. “You can do it.” 
Carmy stared at the both of you while you both stared at each other. 
“I gotta take a fuckin’ break.” Carmy said, shaking his head and moving out to the front. 
“Carm!” You called out and jumped down to follow him through the saloon door. 
“Hm?” He asked and turned around. 
“I’ve got a list of potential blends, and honestly could use a second pair of eyes, like a good pair of eyes, that knows flavor combinations, and I know you’re busy with this and the menu and the whole restaurant so like if you’re busy that’s fine, you know?” It was a long winded statement and you were tripping over your words. When you had told Carmy about how instead of a coffee shop you were going to create your own coffee brand, his reaction surprised you. It brought you back to high school when you two would talk about your dreams and plans. He was happy. Supportive even. You remember him saying it was a great idea. 
“No, yes, let’s do that.” His attitude changed immediately. “Uh, is it tastings or?” 
“No, just want to pick your brain, honestly I could text you the list and you could just send me your thoughts when you can?” You wanted to be aware of his time and the fact that he was weeks to opening. 
“No, we should sit down and talk about it. You’re my best friend, you’ve been here helping me, I wanna help you, especially figuring out the best blends, you know. Um, tonight? We can stay late here and chat through stuff, we could even try some things if you want.” 
“Yea, alright. See you tonight.” You smiled and turned back to the kitchen where everyone was. “Thanks, Carm.” You turned around with your hand on the door to thank your best friend who was pulling his phone out of his pocket and just nodded with a smile. 
The rest of the day was spent doing odd and end things for the renovation, there was a break where you took the L home to grab a couple things for your plans with Carmy later which is what led you here now. You still had some time before you figured Carmy would be back so you were sitting with Sugar, Richie, Fak, and Sydney discussing the options you had laid out. 
“I don’t know anything about coffee.” Fak said as he swirled around the one blend you had brewed in Sugar’s office as a taster. It was the idea you were excited the most about, you were nicknaming it the Chicago blend. It was the best regular coffee bean you could get your hands on, nothing added just a great fresh coffee bean and you aerated it, twice. It was you playing on The Chicago Bean and ‘The Windy City.” 
Fak took a sip, “I wish it had vanilla.”
“Fak, I love you, but pass the jar to someone else.” You said in a soft tone because you knew how Fak enjoyed his coffee, with enough sugar and vanilla flavored creamer to give a kid a sugar headache. 
Fak handed it over to Sydney who sniffed it and raised her eyebrows impressed by the simple smell and then took a small swig. 
“That’s light. With a smell like that I wasn’t expecting it to be light.” She said and tossed her head side to side. 
“I know, it’s so light that it’s almost tasteless, it needs something. I just don’t know what.” You watched as she passed it to Richie who didn’t hesitate to drink a big chug of it. 
“This is fuckin’ good and strong without having me think I’m drinking something that’s gonna shoot me to the moon.” He was ecstatic in how he was talking. It made you smile. 
“I’m not gonna try it but it smells good.” Sugar had the jar in her hand and was wafting it. “Maybe it’s fine the way it is?” She said tilting her smile up with a shrug. 
“It’ll come to me in time.” You reached your hand out and grabbed the jar back from her. 
“You got a name for it yet?” Syd stood up and asked you. 
“Carmy said something earlier that stuck with me and I don’t even think he realized it.” You said gathering up your stuff, too. 
You thought back to just earlier today when you two made plans. “You’re my best friend, you’ve been here helping me, I wanna help you, especially figuring out the best blends, you know.”
“So I’ve been stuck on the name Coffee Garden right, playing on Chicago’s whole “City in a garden” nickname, this place, it just raised me you know, it’s home. It felt right. But I think I’m gonna add Best Blends to the coffee grinds. Play on best friends, because you know you want the flavors to mix well together.” You explained your logic. 
Syd had a smile on her face understanding where Carmy shone through in your ideating. Now actually, that you were looking around everyone did. 
“Aright, alright, fuck all of you, let’s get back to whatever the fuck we were doing.” You brushed them all off and moved out to the front. 
At some point arguing had started between the group of you, more Sugar and Richie while you and Sydney just added in your two scents when needed and served more as mediators than anything else. 
Carmy’s voice alerted you when he asked what was going on and that’s when you saw her. Claire. You had known Carmy was going to see her again, it was inevitable, it was also a little hypocritical of you to be mad. You knew it was too much to balance, but yet here you were throwing more on his plate with your own stuff, but you couldn’t help but think that that was different. Maybe there was a little best friend privilege there and you knew there was also way more transparency. You knew Sydney needed him for things and you’d never even think of taking him away from that, tonight was the perfect example, you were going to tell Sydney to take as much time as she needed with Carm before you took your own time with him because you knew there was a lot still to be decided on. But with Claire, you knew he wasn’t telling her shit and she was going to be collateral, and while you weren’t sure who was going to pick up her broken pieces, you knew who was going to be picking up Carmy’s. 
Now Carmy was in the mix of yelling as everyone greeted Claire. Sugar first with a hug, followed by Sydney introducing herself while Richie whispered in Carmy’s ear before giving the girl his normal italian greeting all while you just stood there, staring at Carmy in hopes he would read your mind. 
Obviously that was no dice, so you smiled at Claire and moved forward to hug her. 
“Hey Claire.” Your arm moved around her for a brief few seconds as she raised an octave to greet you back. 
As you pulled out of the hug you noticed Richie was trying to make his point about the whole entire reason everyone was arguing and you went to step in until you heard Carmy. 
“Everybody, thank you for today. It was a great day. Go home. Goodnight.” 
You and Sydney practically made the same face. Syd’s was more laughable, her face had a smile on it as she accepted what was happening, her eyes rolled and she was pretty quick to grab her things and leave. Which left you standing there, a little in disbelief as you processed your best friend's words as Richie continued to argue with Carmy. 
“Richie.” You said cutting him off while staring off in a direction before zoning back in and placing your hand on his abdomen, “come on, let’s go.” 
You felt both Claire and Carmy’s eyes fall to your hand that was resting on Richie and then back up to the two of you.
Richie looked down at you and frowned, at first it was because he was frustrated you cut him off but then he saw your face. Your incredibly sad face. That made his own soften and his hand reached out for your shoulder as he instantly realized what was going on. 
“Alright, yea.” He shook his head yes as you both disconnected and you grabbed your things and started to make your way out the front door. 
“Goodnight.” You were barely able to speak up, but knew you couldn’t be in that room with Carmy without a burst of frustration tears coming out so you opted to step out while Richie grabbed his coat, said his goodbyes and was shortly behind you. 
Richie was lighting a cigarette up the minute he was outside and lightly jogged so he was caught up to you as you walked to his car. 
“I’m telling you that kid, he’s so fuckin’ annoying, I’m tryin’ my best here, right? They need amperage and I went to get amperage, but no one appreciates me, I’m tryna fuckin’ help, be proactive, but it’s what was I thinkin’, I think I’m the only one thinkin’!” He kept going on and on and you let him as your own thoughts bounced around in your head. You two were now getting into his car, letting the engine warm up while Richie kept shit talking. 
“And what happened to silverware with Syd and blends with you? Yelling at all of us to get out, like he didn’t just fuck you both over, and me, because he always fucks me over, it doesn’t matter that I’ve been here longer than anyone and know shit about shit, but still no one is showing anyone any fuckin’ respect.” 
“Richie.” You spoke quietly to get his attention, him mentioning what he noticed about you and Carmy grounded you back into reality. It was so different to have someone who noticed that shit and paid attention to how you were feeling. No one had done that before. Sure Carmy and you had years of history where he’d notice things were up and you’d check in but these last years really had none of that. 
Ironically, Richie hadn’t heard you so you said his name a couple more times until he stopped and looked over at you. 
“Thank you.” You said looking at him, straight into his blue eyes. 
There was probably more you could say, more to what you felt but there wasn’t anymore emotional capacity in your brain left to express it so for now, thank you would have to do. 
Richie’s brows slightly frowned as he shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re thankin’ me for, sweetheart.” 
“Just, everything. Thank you.” You tried to explain but after that sentence Richie didn’t need anymore detail, he nodded and opted to lean in and plant a kiss on your lips instead of saying anything else. His hand cupped your face to bring it closer to his as you both leaned over the middle console of his car. His breath tasted like coffee and cigarettes and strangely enough you loved it. 
As he pulled out of the kiss, he left his forehead to rest on yours, “you’re welcome.” 
It made you chuckle and as you did he planted one more peck to your lips before moving to put the car in drive. 
“C’mon, you can get your coffee lab running at my place and I’ll taste whatever you need me to.” He began to head towards his place putting the radio on low to drown out the silence in the car. “And for the record, that shit wasn’t tasteless, I think it just needs something minorly sweet like air rated vanilla or some shit to balance out the lightness.” 
Your head snapped to him, he might have mispronounced the process but he was right. 
“Fuckin’ Fak.” Your voice slipped back to its normal self thinking back to when everyone was in the kitchen. 
You both let out a small laugh. Richie raised his eyebrows and let out the same sentence as you. 
 “Fuckin’ Fak.”
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disasterbuck · 3 months
Ooh!!! please do 8,13,17,19,25,40 🥰🥰🥰🥰
oh oh oh!!! some really good ones here if I do say so myself! 🥰
cheek kiss
"Make sure Buck doesn't stay up too late," he added, grinning up at the man in question who rolled his eyes in response.
"Go or you're gonna be late," Chris said without looking up.
"Okay, okay." Eddie lifted his hands in surrender and headed to the door which Buck was holding open for him.
"Have fun," Buck said with a grin.
"I will. Thanks again, Buck. See you later." Leaning in, Eddie cupped one side of Buck's face with a hand and pressed a kiss to the other side before ducking out the door and getting in the elevator.
The doors were shut and he was on his way down to the ground floor when he realised what he'd done.
don't say his name
this one is a little bit dumb jskfhes but the idea is that buck and eddie get dared/bet that they can't go a whole day/week (I haven't decided yet) without saying each other's name
Looking up, Chimney opened his mouth to remind him about the week-long dare they had to adhere to, but was interrupted as Eddie said, "Hey, Babe."
"So good to see you, Love," Buck said, giving Eddie's shoulder a squeeze as he passed him on his way to the kitchenette for a cup of coffee.
Chimney and Bobby stared at them in surprise.
"What?" Buck asked as he put the coffee pot back down.
Chimney shook his head and said nothing, looking back down at the magazine he had in front of him.
"Wasn't the dare just that you couldn't use each other's names?" Bobby asked.
"Yeah, and?" Buck asked as he leaned his arms on the counter. "We didn't."
"No, but..." Bobby looked between the two of them before letting out a quiet sigh. "Never mind. Carry on."
fwb no kissing rule
Buck stared up at him. Eddie didn't look horrified or as though he'd just realised how Buck felt and was about to say that they should put some distance between them from now on. So maybe Buck had just been paranoid thinking that his kiss would reveal how in love he was with Eddie.
Giving it a try, he reached up and pulled Eddie back to him. Their lips met again and this time they kissed with a gentle passion that took Buck's breath away.
Eddie pulled back again a moment later, eyebrows drawn together in a frown. "Are you sure? You said… You said no kissing."
"I know," Buck said, fingers playing with the ends of Eddie's hair at the nape of his neck. "I've changed my mind."
hits different - jealous buck
"I have a date this Friday," Eddie said with a shy smile. Hen and Chim immediately starting crowing excitedly, but Buck felt his blood freeze in his veins.
"You what?"
Eddie looked over at him, his smile faltering. "Uh, yeah. Her name's Mabel."
Buck stared at him, trying to swallow down the sour taste stuck in his throat. He needed to say something supportive, smile, tell Eddie that it was fine. He needed to be happy for his best friend, but he couldn't bring himself to.
"Buck?" Hen asked with a frown, leaning over the bench towards him. "You okay?"
"Don't go," Buck burst out.
kiss your best friend passionately
"Would you passionately kiss your best friend for one hundred dollars?" Chimney read from his phone.
"Are you kidding?" Buck exclaimed, slapping a hand down on the table. "I'd do it for free!"
Eddie looked up as Buck swivelled towards him on his chair. Then, before Eddie had time to react, Buck had grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.
to the core
I am honestly so excited for this one but I think it's gonna take me a while to finish because I really wanna get it PERFECT you know?
Switching the TV off, Buck stared in stunned silence. He remembered seeing Eddie talking to the reporter during that call, but hadn't thought much of it. Eddie rarely spoke to the press and when he did his words were usually clipped and awkward.
But this…
What Buck and I have goes beyond friendship and I love him to the core.
It wasn't anything that Buck didn't already know, and yet the way it had been phrased made it impossible for him to shrug off. No one had ever told Buck they loved him to the core before. To the core meant all of him, the good and the bad. The things he wanted people to see and the things he didn't want anyone to see.
And Buck knew that; he'd always known that Eddie saw him and loved him for exactly who he was. But hearing it spelled out like that?
Suddenly it all felt much more real.
Click here for more of my wip snippets
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 4
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Warning: Angst, talks of violence
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
"I'm pissed off," you shouted, finally getting out of the sad funk you had been in the night before. When you slammed a cabinet a little too hard, Jessie's eyes lifted toward you from behind her coffee cup.
"Okay," she said in a way that reminded you of a therapist. "You can be pissed off. You have every right to be but, uh, what did that cabinet do to you?" The end part wasn't an actual lecture. She chuckled as she spoke the last few words.
"I just don't get it," you went on, shoving your own coffee mug beneath the Keurig and reaching for a pod beside it. A part of you feared Joel might actually remove himself fully from your life. You didn't want that.
"I'm not excusing the way he handled things with you, because he didn't have any right to be a jerk," Jessie began. "But I can't imagine being in his shoes. He was so on guard when we were there, like he was afraid to move. And then that asshole had to come in and ruin it when he finally started to relax. I mean, Joel was not charged with murder, or even manslaughter. I don't know why this town demonizes him so much."
"That's why I want to keep this a secret from Winnie and Chrissy. I love them but they won't even think about giving him a chance."
Jess zipped her lips. "I got you covered, girl."
You smiled. "Thank you."
"I didn't really know what he looked like, but he's hot at least." Your friend said, beginning to toy with an LL Bean catalogue that sat on the kitchen table.
"He is, isn't he?" You almost sighed when you said that, but remembered you were mad and your posture changed accordingly as you continued to prepare your coffee. "Nope, I'm still pissed."
Jessie licked her fingers and flipped to the next page. "Well, you go right ahead and be pissed." She looked back at you, pretending to scold you. "Just don't go slamming things."
You giggled and went to join her at the small kitchen table.
"Did you kiss him last night?"
You half-smiled and shook your head. "No."
"Not even in the photobooth?" Jessie wondered aloud. She glanced around. "Where's the picture strip?"
You glanced around. "I.. don't even know. Probably my purse or my car." You shook your head. "Things were going so well. We were having so much fun."
You both sipped on your coffee and from somewhere outside you heard the revving of a motorcycle. The noise grew louder and louder as it approached and the two of you exchanged a glance.
"Is this your boy, now?" Jessie jumped up out of her chair and practically raced you toward the front windows that overlooked the front yard.
"It's him." She turned to you and laughed.
"Shit." You put a hand on your forehead and turned to her. "What do I do? What do I say?"
"Want me to buffer so you can get your thoughts together?"
It was the best idea you could think of, and so you nodded and tried to come up with a plan of action in your mind. When the motorcycle's engine turned off, Jessie yanked open the front door and met Joel halfway on the front porch that lead into the house.
"Hi there." Jessie looked at him with accusatory eyes and Joel immediately put his tail between his legs.
"Hey. I'm sorry to just drop by like this. But is-"
"She's here," your friend cut him off, placing her hands on her hips.
"Would, uh, would it be alright if I talked to her? I'd like to apologize for the way I acted last night."
Jessie looked over her shoulder at you through the open front door and gave a subtle wink, though when she turned back to Joel turned her face back to stone and shrugged. "I'll see if she'll come talk to you."
You allowed Jessie back inside, exchanging a little smile before you took her place outside on the porch.
Joel immediately closed the gap between the two of you and you didn't attempt to move away. Being close to him again felt good, despite still being a bit mad.
"I just want to say I'm sorry," He went on, "For the way I acted last night. I took everything out on you and you're the only person, besides Ron at the garage, who's been nice to me in a really long time."
You shifted your eyes to meet his more directly and he went on.
"I really don't want to push you away. And as hard as things have been for me this year, it's no excuse to treat you that way." He concluded with. "I'm really sorry."
It was genuine. You knew that for certain. Joel experienced a trauma that he was forced to relive and be punished for day after day after day. You were his safety net, and so you felt as though he was allowed a little slip - especially after the incident with the man the night before.
"I'm sorry too," you began but Joel shook his head.
"You have nothing to be sorry for."
"I pushed you to go out with me," you went on. "I didn't stop to think of how hard it might've been for you."
"I enjoyed yesterday," Joel told you, "Like you said to me on the street last night, that was the best time I've had in a very long time. I fucked it up."
"You didn't."
"I did." Joel nodded. "And I was hoping maybe you'd let me take you on another ride? I kind of want you to know.. everything."
You swallowed hard and then gave a little nod. "Let me just go get a light jacket."
When you turned to head back inside, you felt Joel pull you back with a light tug of your hand. You immediately saw the heightened vulnerability in his eyes.
"Thank you," he said. "For giving me a chance. Not just now, today, but in the coffee shop. You have no idea how much that means to me."
Okay, you officially weren't mad anymore. You wanted to cry for him. Not just Joel's words but the tone of his voice made your entire chest cavity feel heavy.
You leaned toward him and wrapped your arms around him, suspecting he hadn't had a real hug in awhile. For a long moment you just stood there, holding him against you with a hand on the back of his head.
Joel sighed and he allowed you to embrace him until you finally pulled back.
"I'll be right back."
"Okay." He answered.
You hurried inside and right away Jessie mouthed the words: did you kiss him? It eased some of the tension and made you laugh quietly as you shook your head and hurried toward the coat closet.
"I'll be back later on," you told her.
"Enjoy." She wiggled her eyebrows and bid you farewell before you joined Joel outside again.
You didn't ask him where you were going because, frankly, you didn't care. When you straddled the bike behind him, you felt content; at ease.
Joel started up the bike and you wrapped your arms around him and rested the side of your face against his back as you left the driveway. This time, you didn't look around like you had the night before. You closed your eyes, embraced the cool breeze and enjoyed the comfort of being so close to Joel. His scent was intoxicating.
You were sure you should have been a little bit afraid, but there wasn't even the smallest part of you that was. You felt completely free on the back of Joel's motorcycle.
He took a turn down a road that was leading up toward the the junkyard, but it wasn't quite that far. Joel slowed the bike down across the street from the lone structure on that end of the street - an old ice cream shop. Aside from the little brown and white building, there was nothing but trees that surrounded you.
A little neon sign on the window of the shop read, OPEN. A pumpkin sign hung in the window above it and the door was covered in fake spiderwebs.
"Why didn't you pull in?" You asked, suspecting Joel was planning on getting you ice cream.
He motioned up to the right corner of the shop beneath the roof. "You see that tiny camera right there?"
You squinted and gave a nod. "Yeah."
"That's the reason I'm not serving a life sentence."
Your eyebrows pressed together. "What?"
Joel turned his head partway around and you both got off the bike. When you were face to face you were able to give him your full attention.
"This is where it happened," he went on. "The incident. I had a flat tire on my truck after I left work one night. I broke down over here and I was changing it."
You had goosebumps already. You had wanted to hear what happened right from Joel's mouth but you would never have pressed the situation. Still, being here, right where it all happened, had you a bit shook.
"A car came rushing up behind me and I kind of thought they were going to offer to help at first," Joel explained. "But Johnny Watkins and Chase Hall hopped out, both drunk as hell, and started making demands. Everything from give me your wallet to, we're going to take your car."
"Holy shit, Joel."
"When I told them to get lost and they ended up ripping my spare tire off the car and Johnny hit me in the face." He ran a hand through his hair, "They beat the hell out of me and then demanded my keys but I threw the keys into the woods so they wouldn't get the satisfaction of it."
You wanted to hug him. How had this town branded *him* the monster?
"That pissed them off even more and at some point Johnny got his hands on a chain from the back of my pickup and started to strangle me with it while Chase recorded it on his phone. He tried to delete the footage later but the police were able to recover it. Between that and," he motioned to the building's camera again, "their security footage, they ruled I wasn't guilty of anything."
Joel went on. "When he had the chain around my neck I managed to back pedal and we fell down this little embankment over here." He motioned beyond the edge of the road to where the thick of the woods began to take shape. "Johnny broke his neck. Other than being a little banged up from them jumping me, I was fine."
"Joel, that's awful. All of it. I'm so, so sorry." You didn't have the correct words to say to him. You didn't know if there was such a thing.
"Even though they did all that to me, I've still had a hard time dealing with the fact that I was a factor in his death."
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"It doesn't matter." Joel shook his head. "That night is on constant replay in my mind. And everyone in town hates me over it because he was a local celebrity around here. Everyone knew Johnny. And to them I'm just some schmuck who killed him."
Joel looked down the embankment and you carefully pulled him into a hug. When his arms wrapped around you, you held him tighter and spoke into his ear quietly.
"You're a great man, Joel," you told him. "And you deserve better than all of this."
"Yeah, well, you saw what happened at the bar last night."
"Well, the whole town could burn for all I care," you told him, glancing up at him now. "And I would light the match." You placed a hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry the world has let you down so badly."
Joel swallowed hard. "I just wanted you to hear it directly from me."
"I never believed the bullshit stories."
His eyes danced across yours, roaming from the left to right and back again a few times. "Why did you offer me the free food that day in your shop? Why do you bother with me?"
"I just thought you looked like a man who needed a friend, or just somebody to talk to." Your eyes never left his. "There was a sadness in you that I couldn't ignore anymore - and I don't know how anyone could."
"I've had a hard time navigating life since that day." He sighed out loud again. "That's why I come in for coffee at night. I don't like to see a lot of people, and I don't think they like to see a lot of me."
"Well, sometimes all you need are a few good people," you told him. "And I don't plan on going anywhere so you better get used to me."
Joel gave half, closed-mouth grin and the mood grew just a tad lighter. "So, I didn't totally blow it last night?"
You shook your head. "You didn't blow it." You took the initiative and perched up onto your toes and kissed him on the cheek, letting your lips linger there just above his facial hair.
Joel's face often gave away the shock he was feeling. That was one thing you had begun to recognize about him. He swallowed hard again when you pulled away.
"I'm sorry," you said again.
"It's fine." He nodded toward the ice cream shop. "You want one since we're here?"
You didn't want to linger there any longer. Getting ice cream at that shop was too eerie of a thought. You were glad Joel had confided in you and told you all about what had happened, but the idea of having ice cream right there in that spot didn't feel right.
"How about if I treat you down at the Dairy Mart instead?" You offered.
Joel nodded again. "Thank you. I know this is a lot."
Staring up at him, you couldn't help it. You leaned in and felt relief when he reciprocated. Your lips met and it was like a release for both of you as your bodies relaxed against one another's.
Your stomach had that rush of excitement, the way it did you went on a rollercoaster. Joel's hand rested on your face and he kissed you a little harder before you parted, both breathing heavy.
He leaned his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. You let yours flicker open and closed them again when you pecked his lips once more.
Joel sighed contently and you pulled him back in for another hug. He held you tightly against him and let out a breath against your neck, sending goosebumps down your back.
"Are you okay?" You asked him.
"Yeah." He finally pulled back to face you and toyed with a strand of hair by your face. "You don't mind being seen in public with me? At the Dairy Mart or where ever."
"I want people to see me with you," you told him honestly. "I'm on your side."
Joel had that vulnerable look in his eyes again and he leaned back in to kiss you once more chastely on the lips.
You placed a hand on his cheek. "Come on. My treat."
"Only if you let me make you dinner."
A smile finally formed on your face again and you gave a little nod. "Deal."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum
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daydream-cement · 1 year
The Interview
College!Miranda Hilmarson x College!Reader
You interview the star volleyball player at your university... and... she's flirting with you??
fun silly lil idea from my pal @booitsrue. who doesn't love some harmless flirting?
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The school paper at your university was small to say the least, leading you to take on some odd jobs writing articles about the school’s athletic program. This led you to interviewing many of the sports team’s best players, and today you were interviewing one of the best volleyball players at the university: Miranda Hilmarson.
You had agreed to meet at a coffee shop on campus to keep the interview informal. Sitting patiently, you tapped the end of your pen against the notebook that lay before you, waiting for Miranda to meet you for your scheduled interview. Double and triple checking your watch, 9:03am, you huff at her being officially three minutes late, wondering if she could have forgotten about the interview. 
You pull your phone from your pocket, double checking your messages to see if you had misread the time you were supposed to meet.
Hi Miranda! My name is Y/n L/n, and I was hoping to get an interview with you for the school paper about the game last Thursday. Do you have any time to meet this week?
➜ I have morning workouts and practice at night. 
➜ I can meet after criminal law at 9am Wednesday! :))
Perfect. That works for me as well. 9am Wednesday at the coffee shop in the library? 
➜ Oh, for sure!
➜ See you then :D
From her messages she seemed eager for the interview, but as a student of her popularity, you assumed, she could have easily forgotten about the meeting. You decided to give her another 10 minutes, filling in the margins of the notebook with more questions to ask in case she did show up. 
Your head shot up when you heard a voice behind you, “Oh my god, Y/n. I’m sorry. The line was so long.” 
Craning your head up, you turned to see Miranda smiling down at you. The blonde’s hands were full, an iced coffee in each hand, and she surprised you further when she set one of the cups in front of you. Your eyes narrow in confusion, glancing from the coffee to the tall blonde who now took a seat across from you, “What?”
“Well, I had to get you a little something to sip on for our interview.” The volleyball player smirked at you with a wink, raising her own coffee to her lips. You could see a thought enter her mind as she stopped herself from drinking when her eyes widened, “I looked you up after you texted me. I really enjoyed your article on the student protests that happened last year on campus.”
“I- Uh, thank you.” Miranda was full of surprises, leaving you stumbling to find the right words. 
Miranda propped her hand in her hand, resting her elbow on the edge of the table as she gazed at you. Her smile soft and gaze adoring, “Also, I swear I’ve seen you around before. Were we in stats class together?”
You hesitate to answer too quickly. She had definitely been in your statistics class, but if you seemed too quick to answer, she might think you were strange or a fan. After pretending to think for a long moment, you give your reply, “Yeah, I think so. I sat a couple of seats over from you.”
“Oh, I remember you! You used to wear the cutest earrings.” It was hard not to adore the way Miranda moved about as she spoke, gesturing about with her hands and the most expressive facial reactions you had ever seen in your life. You watched her eyes scan you, her teeth biting her lip as she suppressed a smile, “It took everything in me to not turn around and stare at you during class all the time.”
“Thank you...” Your cheeks began to warm, wondering if her words were flirtatious or just friendly in nature. 
She let out a soft chuckle, brushing your ‘thank you’ aside with a shrug before she settled deeper into her chair, “Okay, shoot. What questions do you have for me?”
Glancing down to your notes, you decided to start off easy with a bit of a get-to-know-you question to ease you both into the interview, “What made you choose this university, of all places?”
“Volleyball, mostly, but it ended up feeling like home. I’ve really been able to create a loving and accepting community for myself.” You made little notes under the question as she spoke, underlining the term ‘accepting community,’ making you wonder what she specifically meant by the term. Could Miranda be gay? 
As it wasn’t quite relevant to the interview, you moved on to the next question, allowing your curiosity to linger at the back of your mind. “Your reputation even before playing college volleyball was pretty impressive. What drew you to the sport?” 
“You are pretty impressive yourself...” Yet another crooked smile spread across Miranda’s lips as she complimented you, butterflies swirling around your stomach in response. She leaned back in her chair as she began reminiscing about her start in the sport in which she made her career, “It was just what we did. Go to the beach and play for hours in the summertime. Transferred easily when I was old enough to play in leagues. To answer your question, it was initially just a way to spend time with friends.”
You quickly shake off the compliment and take quick notes, the image of young Miranda playing on the beaches filling your mind. After a pause, you glance up at the volleyball player, eyes meeting, causing the both of you to smile, “How much time do you spend training and practicing in a week?” 
Miranda’s face twisted and turned as she added up the numbers in her head, speaking aloud as she walked you through her thought process, “Probably... 3 hours a day... 6 days a week... Give or take a little bit depending on where we are in the season, so nearly 20 hours, but not quite. That includes workouts and practice.” 
You joke lightly in response, “Hardly have time for anything else when you add in your studies, hmm?” 
“I find time for friends... and relationships.” You were taken aback by the way Miranda’s eyes darkened, her voice becoming low and flirtatious as she leaned forward resting her head in her hand once more. “It all takes a bit of balancing.” 
You started your next question, but were swiftly cut off by Miranda, “What-” 
“How do you like your coffee? I wasn’t all that sure what to get you.” Hilmarson’s interruption was accompanied by that same adoring smile and excitement. Her change of subject made you cock your head for a moment, not expecting the turn of informality in the interview.
Glancing down to the ice coffee she had set before you, you lower your head to take a quick sip, offering Miranda a smile of appreciation. It’s great... I, uhm, usually get an iced coffee just like this.” 
“That’s what I thought. You would usually have something in class with you, so I took a shot in the dark to guess what you had.” Miranda’s facial expressions were all over the place as she spoke, her wide grin shifting about as her hands gestured her thought process. If Miranda was flirting with you, you were beyond okay with it. From class and photos from the volleyball games, you always recognized Miranda as being attractive, but never before did you consider her to be a potential love interest.
“That’s very thoughtful-”
“It’s really nothing. Not every day you have the university's foremost... and prettiest reporter wanting to talk to you.” Miranda’s words caused you to blush deeply and her cheeky grin only grew as she observed your reaction. 
“Oh, I-” 
She cut you off once more with a wave of her hand, gesturing for you to continue, “Sorry, I’m getting off topic again. Go ahead with the next question.”
With a shake of your head, you needed to refer back to your list of questions in order to focus on the interview. “Uh, yes. Yeah. The next question. What’s it like being this year’s MVP?”
“It feels pretty good. I’ve been working really hard the past couple of years, so I feel like it’s really paid off with this year’s season.” You were glad the interview was being audio recorded as you weren’t paying attention to a word she said. Your thoughts were far too focused on the desire for Miranda to ask you on a date. At the end of all of this, you hoped this wasn’t pointless flirting, but rather hoping she was intending to pursue a relationship with you. 
When she was done speaking, you moved on to the next question on your list, “Do they do anything special for the MVPs?”
“There’s a whole dinner and award banquet this year for the MVPs for each team... Do you know what would be fun? You should be my date! It’s in a couple of weekends. We could meet up for another coffee tomorrow and I could share the details.” 
You were shocked to hear your daydreams manifest themselves. Had Miranda truly just asked you out? You found it all too shocking that Miranda would want you as her date to the athletic banquet as well as asking you out for tomorrow as well. Glancing up from your notepad, you narrow your gaze at Miranda, unable to help your confusion, “You want to go on a date? With me?”
“Definitely. You’re cute... and intelligent, of course.” Miranda gave you a small roll of the eyes, shaking her head to emphasize how silly she thought your question was. Raising her coffee to her lips, she cocked her brow at you, “Tomorrow morning? I can do it after practice. We could get a coffee and make it a little homework date?” 
“Are we allowed to be back here?” You asked in a hushed tone as Miranda tugged you along behind herself, her arm looped through yours. She had grown bored during the long speeches and had asked you to accompany her to the bathroom, but when you took a left instead of a right, ending up in the banquet hall’s empty bar/lounge, you knew Miranda was up to no good. 
“Ahh, who cares? That party was a little too stuffy anyway.” Your date took a step closer, her arm unraveling from yours to instead wind around your waist. Her eyes were trained in your lips, causing you to look nervously around the room, hoping no one would enter and catch you both like this, “You know, you look great tonight...”
All of your little dates from the past two weeks had been culminating in more sexual tension than either of you knew what to do with. When Miranda kissed you for the first time two nights ago, you were upset nothing had gone further than the lingering kiss at your apartment door. 
Feeling comfortable that no one else was about to enter the room, you turn your attention back to Miranda, giving yourself the opportunity to melt into her embrace. Leaning forward in her arms, you bring your hands to rest at the nape of her neck, brushing small circles against her collarbone with your thumb. “Thank you, Miranda... I, uhm, I like your suit.” 
Tilting your head, you ghost your lips against hers, eliciting a happy hum from the depths of Miranda’s throat. Her hand traveled up your back, fingers stroking at the bare skin your dress left exposed. She dipped in quickly, pressing a kiss to your lips, not entirely pulling away when she whispered, “Thanks...”
In a flash, her lips were on yours and you raveled your arms around her neck, drawing her even closer. You knew your lipstick would surely be smudged by the way Miranda began to bite at your bottom lip, not to mention the way your tongues swirl and mingle with one another. You couldn’t help but smile when you felt Miranda backing you up until your back hit a wall. 
The ravenous making out continued throughout the rest of the banquet, only realizing how much time had passed when there was a final loud round of applause. 
The suddenness of it all caused Miranda to pull away, a wide smirk growing on her face when she noticed the state of your make-up. Her thumb swiped under your bottom lip, her voice low and breathy, “Wanna come back to my apartment?”
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Kinktober Day 21 - Breeding
Pairing: Choi San x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff
CW: Breeding, creampie.
Word Count: 2439
Summary: Spending the day with your niece has made San a little broody, he had no intentions of going further with it, that was until you suggest something. 
Prompt List               MasterList         Kintktober 2022        Buy me a Coffee
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A knock at the door meant your day of fun with Lacy had come to an end. 
“Lacy your mum is here.” 
You call out to her in the living room only to be met with a huge pouty face, and not just from her either but from San too. 
“Can she come back later. or even better we take Lacy home.” 
San pipes up looking over to Lacy who was bright eyed about the idea. 
“I wish we could San but it’s a school night and Lacy needs to get an early night.” 
You hated being the party pooper, you were meant to be the cool aunt but at the same time you still needed to look out for her wellbeing and avoiding arguments with your sister so sadly fun time was over. Walking over to answer the door to your sister you were closely followed by San who had Lacy on his back who was giggling her little butt off from the piggy back ride. 
“Did you have fun?” Your sister asked her daughter who was desperately clinging to San not wanting to be put down. 
“We had pizza!” She yelled excitedly making you and San laugh. With great difficulty San manages to set the toddler down and putting her little backpack on her before ushering her off to her mother. You and your sister continue to talk about your day and all the fun Lacy had and while you were talking San was busy keeping Lacy occupied by pulling faces at her and poking her ribs to make her ticklish. 
“Okay, say thank you to aunty Y/n and San for having you.” 
“Thank you aunty Y/n and Sani.” She waves at you with a big toothy grin on her face as she walks off back to the car hand in hand with her mother. You and San stay in the doorway watching the two of them get into the car and drive off, San’s arm wrapping around your waist pulling you close to his side. 
“She’s a cute kid.” He beams down at you Squeezing you a little as he spoke. 
“Yeah, she’s got her mother’s ways though.” You both laugh at the little harmless dig you had at your sister as you walked back into the apartment.
Cleaning up the apartment you couldn’t help but notice San smiling to himself the whole time, he looked giddy with how happy he was and as cute as you found it you couldn’t help but wonder what got him this way. 
“Babe?” You ask walking over to him as he picked up the small building blocks humming to you in response. 
“What’s got you all smiley?” Tilting his head down even more his smile gets bigger running over what he was already thinking of. 
“Oh you know, just stuff.” Now that peeked your interest. 
“Like what.” You sat down on the couch facing him waiting for him to spill the beans. Placing the last of the blocks in a small box he turned his full attention to you, holding your hands in his as he looked you deep in the eye. 
“Promise you won’t get weirded out by this.” Cocking an eyebrow you wait for him to continue. 
“I was just thinking you’d be a great mother.” You blush at the compliment, the thought of kids never crossed your mind, for as long as you could remember you’d sworn against having kids, you didn’t mind looking after Lacy, you had fun together but at the end of the day you always had to hand her back to your sister and you went on with your own life, that was how you liked it and having your own child would change all of that. 
“Really?” San nodded happily in reply not doubting you for a second. 
“I’m not saying anything has to happen if you don’t want to but maybe one day...me and you can have a crack at this parenting thing, we can get a bigger place, sort our shit out and one day have a mini us running around.” His voice got quieter the longer he went on, feeling a little bit embarrassed by the whole thing, he never got like this but seeing you with Lacy just sparked something in him. 
Holding his face in your hands you kiss his nose. 
“Maybe, I was never really one for kids but maybe for you I could change my mind.” The way his eyes sparkled made you melt, he was the sweetest bean and seeing him all broody made your heart flutter despite feeling a twinge of anxiety over the whole thing. 
“It was just an idea baby, as long as I have you I’m happy, but if you ever decide you want a kid I’ll always be here.” Sealing his words like a promise with a kiss he knelt up to your level cupping your face and pulling you into the most tender kiss you’ve ever experienced, all the love he feels for you was poured into that kiss.
Your night went on as usual, hanging out at home with a homecooked meal and continuing the TV show you’d both been binging for the last few weeks. After what San said earlier that day everything felt that bit extra like home even though nothing had changed. Cuddled up next to San, the dishes left over from your meal left on the coffee table and the TV playing in front of you, you were too comfy to get up but you knew at some point you had to, the dishes weren’t going to clean themselves no matter how much you wished they would. The credits rolled at the end of the episode and you took that as you que to get up and finally do the chore that had been staring you in the face for the last hour and a half. Getting up from your spot you felt San’s hand wrap around your wrist lightly tugging wanting you to go back to him. 
“I won’t be long, just gonna do the dishes and as soon as I’m done I’m all yours.” 
Not even 5 minutes into doing the dishes you feel San’s hands caress your waist before wrapping his arms around you nuzzling his face into your neck. 
“What’s got you like this baby?” He was usually clingy and you were used to it but he was never this bad unless he’d had a bad day, or there was something else on his mind. 
“Just you.” He whispers into your ear, kissing the lobe before moving to your jaw. You smile to yourself, you knew there was a catch. 
“Like I said baby, I’ll do these then I’m all yours.”
“But I need you now.” He mumbles against your skin pressing his hips against you so you could feel his growing erection against your ass. 
“You’re insufferable.” You joke giggling at the way he pulls you closer to him even though you’re already pressed up against him as much as you possibly could. 
“You love me though.” Not bothering to dry your hands you turn in his hold to face him, draping your arms around his neck. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” You joke again watching a smirk curl on his face. The kiss he pulls you into is passionate, but a different type of passionate from earlier, instead of his whole love and devotion being poured into it, it was now filled with hunger and lust it spoke volumes how much he needed you right now. 
Gripping your hips San leads you to the counter away from the sink, pressing you up against it so hard you were sure the hard edge of the counter top would leave a dent. Your soft moan is swallowed by San’s kiss as his tongue dominates yours with ease. You don't know when or how he became so needy but you certainly weren't complaining as your fingers tangling in his hair and tugging lightly spurred him on even more. His hands moving from your hips, gliding slowly past your ass before gripping the backs of your thighs hoisting you up onto the counter.
The sudden motion of your feet leaving the floor made you yelp in surprise but was quick to be muffled again by San's mouth. He slotted perfectly between your legs as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your shorts nudging your nose with his as an indication to lift your hips which you did in an instant. Your shorts and underwear were off you in one quick motion, getting flung somewhere in the room no care given to their whereabouts. A gasp leaves you as your ass and thighs make contact with the cold counter top, you almost didn't want to sit down fully just from how cold it was but from the heat radiating from you and San as the kiss got even more heated and his fingers trailing along the inside of your thighs you soon warmed up to the point you didn't care how cold your ass would be.
Running a finger along your slit, San raises an eyebrow in surprise at just how turned on you got. 
"Soaked for me already baby." Your whole body shudders at the contact, his cold fingers running over your core collecting your arousal. 
"Need you San...Need you inside me." You breathe out pulling him in closer by his hair. A darkness came over his eyes, your needy pleas making him harder by the second.
On a normal night he'd take his time with you, tease you and make you beg for what you wanted but not tonight, tonight he was too turned on and too desperate to feel you he abandoned all tradition. He tugged his sweats down just enough to free himself and yanked you closer to him by your thighs lining himself up with your core. 
"Your wish is my command." He smirked before thrusting into you harshly, knocking the air from your lungs so all that came out was a weak, almost inaudible cry.
One hand around your waist and the other holding the back of your neck San delivered harsh thrust after harsh thrust at a pace that made you see stars in seconds. The position is taking you to new heights of pleasure, the way his cock reaches deeper inside you, the way with every thrust your clit gets just enough friction you have you moaning his name like a chant. The eye contact between the both of you is intense to say the least, the need and desperation all paired with the raw lust is evident in the way you're looking at each other.
The kitchen was filed with the sound of heavy breathing and skin hitting skin, it was like music to your ears, if only your body was able to stay like this then you'd happily do so, but sadly all good things must come to an end at some point.
"Fuck San...I'm close." You cry out pressing your forehead to his, his warm breath fanning your face as he pants. White hot pleasure rips through you when his hand that was holding your waist moves it's way to your clit, working the small nub in the way he knew drove you insane, your walls clenching around him with each little movement. 
"You keep clenching me like that baby I'm not gonna last much longer either." He giggled breathlessly trying his hardest to hold back. 
"Breed me." Your voice was a mere whisper, San didn't know if he'd heard you right. 
"What was that baby?" He asks slowing down a little. 
"I want you to breed me, fill me with your cum and breed me." San's eyes rolled to the back of his head momentarily, the thought of stuffing you full of his cum made him want to cum on the spot. 
"Are you sure baby? What you said earlier..." You interrupt him crashing your lips into his and biting down on his bottom lip as you pull away.
 "Fuck what I said earlier."
As if San's thrusts weren't harsh enough before, now he was rearranging your guys with how fast and hard he was slamming into you, he was on a mission now, he had a goal to reach but not before you reached your high first. His cock abusing your sweet spot and his fingers working their magic on your clit your moans and cries were rendered silent, air constantly getting knocked from your lungs. Your walls clamped down on him as your high drew closer, you could see the effect it had on San from the way his face screwed up in concentration trying to hold off his own orgasm and the way his hips were slowing down ever so slightly. You dig your nails into the back of his neck and your mouth opened to speak only to let out strangled moans. 
"Cum for me baby, I know you're close so cum for me."
You needed no more encouragement, your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave and gave you a brief moment to take in air only for you to let it out in a scream of San's name as your body started to go limp in his hold. San wasn't far behind you only needing a few more thrusts before he filled you, pumping his cum into you further as he rode out his high.
You both stayed as you were for a short while as you recovered and caught your breath. You couldn't help but smile when San's head fell to your shoulder in exhaustion, combing your fingers through his hair comfortingly as you waited for him to come around. 
"You okay there baby?" You ask turning your head to the side a little to see his flushed face buried in your shoulder. He gave a weak nod in response before straightening back up and cupping your face in his hands. 
"Why the change of heart?" The gleam in his eyes showed he wasn't complaining at all. 
"Just what you said and seeing you with Lacy earlier really got me thinking maybe we could do this parenting thing you know, I know it probably won't happen right away but we can always try." His eyes were like saucers and you could have sworn they sparkled but you didn't have time to get a good enough look before he was pulling you into his chest wrapping you in the biggest bear hug he could manage. 
"I promise you I'm going to do everything I can for us to be a family."
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Tag list:   @kpopcrossworlds​ @kpopjust4u​   @littleparkseonghwa​       @whatudowhennooneseesyou​​   @8tinytings​​   @jenotation​​ @grim-adventures58​​   @owjohny​​   @ker1​​   @hellomingi   @ate-ez  @steponmesannie​   @azeret98​​   @queenwiinks​  @wubbster​​ @eternalhongshine​ ​ @sansluvr​  @tinkerbell460
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winter-dayz · 1 year
Eternal Love
Pairing: Lalisa Manobal x Reader Vampire AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror; Smut Words: 3410 Warnings: blood-drinking; dead dove: do not eat; depression; implied suicide; major character death; murder; sexual content (dom!reader, sub!lisa, switching dynamics, marking, thigh riding, female oral receiving, vaginal fingering); strong language; violence
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Well, this is a pleasant surprise…” I purred, staring down the golden eyes in front of me. She was just as I remembered. Her hair had changed, her fashion now matching the times, and her eyes shone with the same supernatural hint my own did. But she was still the woman I had once loved… Or she looked like her, at least.
A million memories flashed through my mind, and I could tell she was going through something similar.
Her glare softened. “I thought you died.”
“I thought I died too.” I paused, a sardonic smile playing at my lips, “But to be fair, I was the one who went to your funeral so…”
“And yet, you don’t seem surprised to see me.”
“Neither do you. I imagine we’re both quite accustomed to the bizarre and unusual.”
She nodded sagely, “Nothing surprises old women like us anymore.”
I laughed, and she cracked a smile at her own joke.
God, I had missed her.
We met in school, as cliché as that was, and we bonded quickly and easily.
It was a necessity for our situations, honestly.
The pair of us were among the first class of the women’s college in my home city. It was 1836, and among being women trying to get an education, making us outcasts to much of the public, we were both rather isolated from our fellow peers as well.
Lalisa Manobal was an immigrant. Wealthy, but “different” nonetheless. And, I was poor. While the other girls at the college came from well-off backgrounds, from families where it made sense for their daughters to obtain an education, I had used the inheritance from my grandfather to attend school. Inheritance that was intended to pay my dowry. Hence, my parents and I were rather estranged.
So when I saw Lalisa eating alone under the sun, whispers surrounding her, I felt no shame in promptly seating myself beside her.
From there, we became the best of friends.
We spent all of our time together in school. We studied together, we gossiped together, we even went on little “dates” together, as many of the city boys had eyes for the wealthy, local girls.
It was simply fun, at first, but it was all too easy to fall in love with her. Which was even more fun. A secret, forbidden love. What more could a girl dream of?
I would pass her notes, always signed ‘with love’ just to fluster her. I would visit her family estate for tea, enjoying that because we were two young women we were left unchaperoned. I would gaze at her instead of working on my knitting, sure of the hearts in my eyes that made her shy, smile smally at me, and gently remind me to pay attention to my pattern.
She was falling for me too; I could just tell.
“So we both died, huh?” Lalisa—Lisa, as she preferred now—settled onto one end of the couch after obviously scoping out the house.
I hummed in agreement, settling myself onto the other end of the couch and setting both wine glasses onto the coffee table. Lisa eyed the crystal. She must’ve recognized it if the sad smile playing on her lips was anything to go by.
“It’s AB negative.” I spoke, changing the topic whilst confirming what we both knew to be true of each other.
“That’s rare.”
I shrugged, “It’s a special occasion. We always break out the finest wines when we celebrate.”
“Are we celebrating?” Lisa’s eyes cut from the glasses to mine.
“I’ve just found out the love of my life didn’t commit suicide one hundred and eighty years ago, so yes. I’m celebrating.”
Lisa’s lips quirked at the edges into a small, playful smile. “You used to celebrate in other ways too.”
She moved slowly, hesitantly and unsure about what was happening but still with a subtle air of excitement and sensuality. She set our glasses down on the table, the crystal clinking despite her gentleness. She was so gentle with the glass as they were the ones I bought with my first paycheck to surprise her.
After refusing the arranged marriage her parents set forth, they had essentially disowned her. I was used to having nothing; Lalisa was not. But, thankfully, we had both finished our education and were working as teachers. She used her first paycheck, and some of her remaining funds from her family to buy a small house. I bought us wine glasses and wine to celebrate.
“Are you sure about this?” She asked me, voice barely a whisper. “If we do this, we will be ostracized.”
Lalisa was hesitant about my confession of love. I could not blame her. Our feelings had always been an unspoken, mutual connection that we held close to our hearts. By breathing the words into the universe, by asking her to be mine, I was unleashing something bigger than either of us. I was cementing the forbidden desires we both held dear.
“Only if anyone finds out…” I whispered back, taking a step closer.
Her fingers moved to the sides of my skirts. “They will run us out of the city.”
“We hate the city anyway.”
“Our friends and family are here.”
I settled my hands on her trim waist, leaning so that my lips caressed her ear. “I only need you, my love.”
Lalisa blushed at the implications of my words, said so sweetly yet so indecent. Her skin flushed deeply from that lovely shade of gold that I adored to a fiery, hot pink.
Before I could apologize for assuming her feelings and making her uncomfortable, I felt Lalisa’s grip on my skirts tighten, bunching the fabric at my hips. Her lips meeting mine was the softest thing I had ever felt.
I admit I had been a bit stunned. Considering that in the entirety of our flirtation, I had always taken the lead, and Lalisa had been much more demure. However, having this beautiful, intelligent, gentle woman come onto me so suddenly, I froze.
When my mind caught up to my racing heart, I deepened our kiss, and the sigh of content that escaped between Lalisa’s lips only made me want to ravage her more.
As I nipped her bottom lip, catching and tugging it between my teeth, and grasped tightly to her waist, she allowed me to manhandle her. She became soft and pliant in my hands, seemingly enjoying being lowered to our couch. Her legs even parted slightly to allow one of my own to slip between hers—both of our etiquette classes had surely been thrown out the window by now, but neither of us could find an ounce of care for that.
It was difficult to maneuver with our dresses in the way; I could not wait to remove them.
I pulled away gently, and Lalisa tried to pull me back in. A wet string connected our glossy lips, and we both broke down into giggles.
What we were doing was ridiculous. Ostracized? We would be lucky if the city did not burn us like witches for how dark the desires in our eyes were.
“You know…” Lalisa whispered to me, my fingers moving to untie her bodice without much thought. “I have imagined us together before.”
I paused. “Have you?” A shaky breath slipped past my lips. “And when have you thought of us together?”
“In the dark of night.”
My own neck and face heated from her own indecent implications. I had not been expecting something so bold. Who was I to be so gentle when she was clearly so wanting?
“We should move upstairs, darling.” Lalisa grabbed my wrist before I could practically tear her dress off. “Someone could see through the windows.”
I wasted no time, no words, before helping her off the couch. We moved swiftly up the staircase, happening upon my bedroom first. We helped each other undress to our chemises and took in the lovely shape of one another’s near-naked bodies.
“You are the most wonderful, my love,” I whispered, hands on Lalisa’s waist and guiding her to perch on the edge of my bed.
Her eyes fluttered as her head tilted back, and my lips granted her wish for a kiss once more.
She leaned away slowly, settling herself on my bed, and I—much like a hungry predator—hovered over her. Her eyes were hazed and dark, lustful and wanting something we had both been waiting much too long for.
I straddled Lisa, who leaned back on my massive bed like a proper queen ready to be pleased. Her eyes were hazy, dark, lustful. We both had been waiting much, much too long for this.
Lisa smirked as I moved over her body, hands sliding up her sides and coming to rest on her shoulders. I leaned forward with a soft smile, placing a gentle kiss on her jugular. My sensitive ears no longer could pick up the sound of her lovely heart racing, but she smelled the same. Nearly two hundred years, and Lisa still used the same perfume scents: vanilla and cedar.
As I sucked a small mark on her collarbone, Lisa whined and rutted against my thigh. I paused, giving a light chuckle at her brazenness.
“You’ve become a lot more bold over the years, my love.”
Lisa moaned, continuing to move her hips up as I tensed my thigh muscle and rubbed down against her to give her more friction. “Not more bold. Needy.” She exclaimed breathily, head falling back.
“Aw~” I tsked, “still so desperate for your own pleasure, hm?”
Despite my teasing, I had moved swiftly to remove both our bras and pants, leaving us in only lacy thongs. Her nipples pebbled against the exposure of cool air, and I couldn’t help but brush my thumbs over the peaks, sending another shiver down her spine.
I leaned down and flicked my tongue over one of the perky buds before gently sucking it into my mouth. She groaned loudly when my teeth trailed over it, spurring me to bite down harshly. I felt the skin break, her own rich blood filling my mouth with her unique flavor. When she didn’t protest, I retracted my fangs and moved upwards to the top of her breast and sank them deeply once more. Lisa screamed and trembled, pleasure wracking through her, as my venom coursed in her veins and I marked her as mine.
I lapped gently at the wound, prompting the bleeding to stop, and moved to kiss down her breasts and abdomen. Her breathing was ragged and hitched when I began to trail the kisses lower down her hip bone and across her thighs.
I hummed, “What is it, my love? What is it you crave?”
“You. Always you.” Lisa rasped.
“And you will always have me,” I smirked into the soft flesh that met between her thighs. My tongue flicked out, tasting the wetness that dripped from her. “Just from a little marking, my love? So, so wet just from claiming you?”
I didn’t wait for her answer, instead gripping her hips to hold her in place while my tongue began brushing against her clit. Lisa cried out, unable to squirm away with my grip on her, and resorted to grinding her dripping pussy against my mouth instead.
Feeling merciful, I removed one hand from holding her in a bruising grip and swirled my thumb around her clit, while I kept my tongue buried in the heat of her, drinking up everything I could.
“Please, please!” Lisa begged. Her head was thrown back, mouth dropped open and eyes squeezed shut in pure ecstasy. Her brow furrowed into a silent scream as I slid two fingers into her. Curling gently, her hips bucked, and she whimpered again, “More~”
She nodded furiously, and I complied. I moved my mouth away ever so slightly, so that I could slip a third finger into her and grind my palm against her clit. We moved in sync: her grinding and clenching on my fingers; me alternating between lapping and swirling my thumb against her bud while my fingers rubbed against the rough patch inside.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Lisa finally jolted as her pussy clamped down, and she screamed as she came.
With the recovery speed expected of a vampire, Lisa grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to straddle her thighs. She smirked as I groaned when my own hot wetness met the soft muscle.
“It’s your turn. Use me, darling.” Her voice was heady and rough from her previous screams. I had never heard her like that; she’d never commanded me like that. As new as it was, I enjoyed the new change in dynamics.
I complied, easily grinding down and chasing my own pleasure using Lisa’s tightened thigh muscle. As I chased the friction and my eyes fluttered closed, I felt her thumb come to circle my clit. I was already so, so close—pleasuring Lisa had always done that to me—but the feeling of her own fangs sinking into the swell of my breast tipped me over.
An orgasm so strong, whiting out my vision and leaving a ringing in my ear, burst within me as the claim she made on me settled into my chest.
“Lalisa… fuck~” I whimpered, falling forward against her. She settled back to the bed, taking me with her, and we cuddled in our post-reunion haze.
I brushed my nose against her cheek, fingers gently circling the claw indents I left on her hips. I felt Lisa’s own hands stroking up and down my spine, barely tracing over the swell of my ass.
“You still look at me like that…” Lisa whispered softly, eyes glistening with tears.
I smiled gently, “Like you’re my whole world, my love?”
She hummed in agreement. “You know you’re mine too, right darling?”
“I should hope so after we just made each other see stars,” I teased. Lisa giggled. I had really fucking missed that giggle.
After a quiet moment, Lisa sobered. She hesitated, her fingers stilling on the curve of my waist. Finally, reluctantly, she murmured out,  “What happened that night?”
“Oh…” I swallowed. That night… Fuck.
It had been a quiet night, seemingly pleasant with only the dim glow of the moon to lead me back home to my beloved. We had just confessed our love and began our lives together. If I had been more focused on my surroundings, on the dark shadow following me through the alleys and the heavy, foreboding feeling in the air, then maybe that night would have turned out differently.
Maybe I would have never been damned to become a monster.
But alas, it was in the cover of the darkness that a man emerged before me. He had been a suitor of mine, jilted without a reason, and apparently, he was angry about such.
The man—his name honestly unimportant—stared me down with eyes dark as coal, the only hint of color was an underlying tinge of red. It was terrifying, reminding me of blood. His steps were silent, yet full of wrath when he approached me. Well, it was more like he was stalking towards me. Like I was his prey.
With hindsight, I realized I was. He had been a predator lurking in the night, and when he happened upon me running late errands—the one who had wounded his pride—he couldn’t resist locking onto me. His hunger was gnawing at his core and fueled further on by his rage.
When he had gotten close enough that the shadows parted from his face, truly allowing me to face his monstrous form, his grin twisted into something only dreamt of in nightmares. Long fangs, sharp and deadly, were revealed. Dried blood sat on his lip, most likely from his previous victim. The red in his eyes burned brighter as the sight of my fear.
“Well, well, well… If it isn’t my precious lady.” He sneered. His body was so relaxed, as if he knew there was no way I could get away. “So you decide to reject me for another whore like yourself, hm?” He spat, red-tinged saliva spewing, “Disgusting.”
I wanted to snap back. Or even question just how he knew that I had refused his proposal for Lalisa. But I was paralyzed, frozen in my fear of this demon.
He laughed. Cruel and harsh. Inhuman. Within a blink, he had lunged at me, and his unnatural fangs had sunken into my neck. My screams were muffled with his hand, his iron grip merciless as he held my silent and still. I could feel my blood spilling, pouring out. He was feasting on not only my flesh but also the pleasure he received from draining me.
My body weakened, my life drifting away, and all I could see was the fountain of my own blood spewing into the alley. I was certain he had ripped out my jugular with how much red there was everywhere.
And then there was nothing.
I awoke several days later, though. I was no longer human, rather a monster myself. A vampire.
His coven leader had explained what I could not recall… After my jilted suitor had attempted to murder me and turn me, a crowd leaving a nearby pub had stumbled upon my supposed corpse. The ruckus caught the leader’s attention, who had been out hunting himself. Although my suitor escaped the vengeful mob, his leader got a hold of him. He was quite bothered that because of his subordinate’s carelessness the whole coven would have to uproot and move. Thus, he decapitated him and burned his remains.
I was taken into the leader’s protection, or custody rather. Taught the proper, careful ways to be a vampire. How to hunt, both animals and humans, and how to not get caught.
I only returned to my home once.
When I heard news that my beloved had committed the grave sin of taking her own life.
I attended her funeral. I mourned.
Lisa explained her side to me when I finished the story of my own death.
She had never committed suicide, despite how tempted she often was. She explained that they had brought her in to confirm the identity of my body the morning after the attack.
I was, apparently, nearly unrecognizable with half of my throat torn away and nearly all of the blood drained from my body. She told me I was blue in the face; it looked like I had been dead for weeks and not merely a night.
Lisa was supposed to arrange my funeral, but my body went missing from the city’s morgue later that night. As we both know now, my former coven leader had taken me out to watch over my transition carefully.
She couldn’t sleep for weeks. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw my corpse, and she thought it was her fault. Loving her is what killed me. I told her she was wrong. Loving her is the only thing that kept me going in life and in undeath.
“I became obsessive…” Lisa mumbled into the crook of my neck. “I didn’t want to live anymore, but there was always something about your death that felt so unnatural to me.”
She sought out a vampire of her own. How she did it, I’ll never know, but she always was driven when she had a clear goal in mind. The vampire had a penchant for drinking from their own kind, taboo but not unheard of—especially in the days when it was so dangerous to hunt humans. Lisa had struck a deal that if she turned her and helped stage a suicide, the older vamp could use Lisa as a blood bag.
It only took a month for Lisa to turn on her and rip the older vamp’s throat out when she was too hungry and weak to fight back.
We both laid in silence, considering our long history and time apart, but eventually, Lisa broke the silence with a soft whisper, “Will you promise me something?”
I hummed.
“Promise me we won’t lose each other again.”
I smiled gently, looking over to meet Lisa’s golden eyes. They looked so sad, but no tears fell. Centuries of tears had been shed over our lost love. No more ever would be.
“I promise you, my eternal love. I will be with you until the end of times.”
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txtaetertots · 1 year
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HOPELESSLY DEVOTED 14: annoying friends
[ synopsis ] you’re trying to get into your dream school. beomgyu’s just trying to pass a class. the only way to ensure you both get what you want is to work together. very closely.
taglist: @heyanonymous123 @flrtsbin @anonella22 @chocorenchin @gyuszie @flowerbe0m @kaikamalover @n034sy @iactaid
send an ask to be included on the taglist! :)
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Beomgyu had been anticipating it all day. Every bell that rang only meant he was closer and closer to his “date” with YN. Was he actually interested? Well, who wouldn’t be? YN was beautiful and he had the pleasure of working beside her for two months. According to his friends, she wasn’t interested in having a relationship before her dreams were accomplished. But, Beomgyu wasn’t really looking for anything serious anyway. Where was the harm in a little fun? Being in drama club doesn’t mean he has to be miserable for the rest of the year.
The time finally came. After rehearsals, YN joined Beomgyu walking to the café across the street from their school. Just as she agreed. But, they were quickly joined by members of their respective friend groups. They hadn’t even had a chance to push through the front doors before Eunchae and Kazuha jumped from behind them and locked their arms with YN’s, cutting between her and Beomgyu. Much to his disappointment, Beomgyu’s friends filed by behind them, pulling him into a group huddle where they messed with his hair and pinched his cheeks.
Chaewon and Yunjin joined them shortly after at the café. It wasn’t the ideal scenario Beomgyu had planned, but at least he managed to secure a seat next to YN anyway. He could hear her laugh and giggle as she spoke with her friends. Almost as melodic as her singing. He smiled to himself as he stirred his macchiato, earning a teasing coo from his own friends.
“So, YN,” Soobin started, eyes still on Beomgyu giving him a playful smile. “How’s it been working with our Gyubear so far?”
YN looked over to Soobin, smile still bright as ever. “Oh, it’s been wonderful!” She confesses, giving Beomgyu a pat on the shoulder. “He could use a little work on his line delivery, but his singing is great.” Beomgyu stuck his tongue out at Soobin, earning a giggle from YN.
“You’re so nice, YN,” Yeonjun snickered. “If Soojung had gotten the part of Sandy she would’ve been on Beomgyu’s ass the second the cast list came out.”
YN cleared her throat hearing Soojung’s name. It left a bitter feeling in her throat. Worse than usual.
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. “Who’s Soojung?”
“The girl who plays Rizzo,” YN said bluntly, playing with the straw of her iced coffee.
“She’s kind of YN’s rival,” Eunchae said, munching on her danish. “They’re always butting heads.”
Beomgyu furrowed his brows, trying to think of the girl who’s playing Rizzo. Ahn Soojung. The short, slender blonde who was constantly snapping her fingers at the ensemble and stage crew.
“She’s always bossing my little sister around,” Kai scowled. “I’m just glad she’s graduating soon so she can leave Hiyyih alone.”
“Did she ever say what school she’s going to? I don’t remember Mr. Kim announcing her commitment last week,” Soobin pondered.
“I heard she got rejected by Juilliard,” Taehyun snickered. “Rumor has it she’s still waiting on her second choice to make a decision.”
YN tensed, reminded of her final rival battle with Ahn Soojung. It wasn’t fair. NYU wasn’t even Soojung’s preferred school, but it was YN’s top choice since middle school. All these years she put into her resume and transcripts, so sure she would be a shoo-in… just to be potentially taken away just like that.
Beomgyu noticed YN’s change in demeanor. Her smile gone and shoulders sunken, she was uncomfortable. He cleared his throat, “I think we should make a group chat.”
Everyone turned their heads to look at him, surprised Beomgyu of all people was suggesting a group chat amongst the cast. He just wanted to change the subject for YN’s sake, and it was the only thing that came to mind.
“I mean,” He continued. “Don’t cast members usually make group chats?”
“Look at Beomgyu,” Yeonjun teased. “He’s settling into drama club pretty nice if you ask me.”
They all agreed to create a Twitter group chat for themselves. Everyone in the main cast, excluding Soojung of course. They exchanged handle names and began arguing over what to call their chat. YN’s smile began coming back, her giggles orchestrating a beautiful melody in Beomgyu’s ears. He smiled, eyes fixated on her once again.
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