#so unless she’s got a car I can use or someone else does until I have the money to buy a car
sharkieboi · 1 year
so I’m trying to move cause this apartment sucks, and my dad suggested I see if my aunt (who is also my godmother) would let me move in with her, cause she’s got a big house and she’s been living alone since her husband (my uncle and godfather) died. and she lives a bit far from work but not terribly inconvenient, and she loves me and likes animals so neither me nor my bird would be unwelcome housemates.
and like trying to move I’ve shifted some priorities cause I’ve realized I don’t actually like living in the city proper and I would like to have trees and nature around and yknow not have my home be a mice-infested basement with no climate control with the entrance off a back alley that’s filled with dead rats and broken glass.
and it is taking everything in me to not just cave and ask her if she wants a housemate asap. she’s retired, she’ll love my bird, and I will be the best resident ever if she would have me.
but she’s also 30-40 mins out of the city with no public transit that goes to the city, and my car just absolutely shit the bed so I would have to get a car and/or figure out borrowing one from her or another family member
but also. cheap rent and guaranteed meals and in-house laundry and a big house with a big yard and a big garden and also I’m genuinely worried about my aunt living alone as she gets older so like???????? I’m very very very tempted.
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“Oh man, Fuck!...  Oh sorry you had to hear that call.  Didn’t mean to interrupt you enjoying your brew.  It’s just that my girlfriend makes me so fucking pissed off….  Get this, she knows I work 14 days straight busting my ass on that drilling rig.  I am about to head home for four days of rest.  That’s a 7-hour drive, each way.  So she tells me that her sister and mother are in town staying with us.  My days of relaxing are shot to shit.  And worse yet there’s no way I’m getting her pussy.  I probably won’t even get head.  Ain’t that shit?...
“Oh sorry.  I forget that I’m not with a dozen or so other roughnecks out in the field.  All they talk about is pussy.  Most of them don’t have a girlfriend, let alone a wife.  Hearing them go on and on about fucking and getting a blow job, I forget that other people might talk about something else.
“My god, I just wanted to get home and kick back with a beer and get some head.  You know the kind of blowjob that goes on for an hour and it relaxes your entire body.  That doesn’t even include blowing your wad.  You know what I’m talking about?
“Oh there I go again.  Sorry if I’m telling too much....  I do that when I start drinking.   Do you care if I talk about getting blown?...  Good.  Thought so.  What man doesn’t want head at the end of weeks of working damned hard? 
“…Here’s to blowjobs!  Cheers! 
“Hey Frank! Get my friend here another beer….  Nah!  Put your money away.  I got this. 
“So your car broke down?...  We are one of two taverns for twenty miles.  The other is by the interstate one mile away.  At this time of day it’s quite deserted.  We typically only get locals in here.  That is, unless you are having work done at Mike Larson’s garage.  There’s not that much out here, just the garage, Frank’s tavern, the lodge, and the oilfield’s main office over there across the creek.  Was I right?  Is it your car?
“…That was not a happy nod.  So, you’re here for tonight… Oh wait, the garage is closed for the weekend.  You are here until Monday?  …Again, that nod tells me everything.  Well to make matters worse, there are no available women for at least 50 or 60 miles.  This is what this hellhole has to offer. 
“I don’t know about you but it looks like it’s going to be an evening of pounding the pud.  And when I get done, I’ll use my other hand to make it feel like I’m getting a handjob from someone else.
“Goddamn my girlfriend fucked this all up.  I only had this weekend off, before I have to report back here to start filling in for a bud on Wednesday.  She thought that I would want to spend time with her fucking family.  Sometimes I wonder why I’m still with her.
“You have a wife or girlfriend?... 
“…Huh!  Well, sometimes I wish I was like you, single.  But sometimes I really need to get my balls drained.  She gives great head though.  She’s the only girlfriend I had who can take my head in her throat.  I have a big schlong, and every woman I dated complained about its size.  It takes her a long time to throat me.  Most of the time I get frustrated, and I wind up grabbing her head and fucking her mouth.  Eventually it ends in her throat.  She has never taken me down to the root.
“But I really have to be buzzed to get into skull fucking the bitch.  The part she really hates is me dick slapping her.  As I said, I have a gigantic dick.  Smacking her upside her head with my cock usually throws her off balance.  So does a face slap with my hand. 
“When I get in the zone, I am all kinds of aggressive.  I am only after one thing, to bust my nut.  If that means roughing up the bitch, then she’s going to get roughed up.  If I’m drunk enough, I’ll not only fuck her cunt, but she’ll take me in her ass.
“Right now, if she were here, I would be fucking her in every position in every hole.  I wouldn’t care if she was enjoying it.  I’m so fucking horny.  I would use any woman right now.  I can’t have a weekend of jerking off.  Hell, if there was a faggot, I would use him the same way. 
“And it’s a good thing that I have a faggot sitting not ten feet away from me, paying attention to every word I say, licking his lips every time I mention blowjobs, and responding with awkward silence when I asked if he had a bitch back home.  No straight man acts this way.
“I would ask you if you are a cock sucking faggot, but we both know the answer.  Don’t we?  So this is what is going to happen.  I’m going to walk over there, to the men’s toilet.  You want my fat hog in your faggot throat, you follow me in.  Don’t say a word.  Get on your faggot knees and open your faggot mouth. 
“I’ll give you until I drain my piss.  If you don’t come in at that time, then you better be out of here and hide in your room at the lodge.
“I really got to piss, so you don’t have much time….
“…Well fuck.  I would have thought you would have taken some time to think about it.  But OK.
“I really have to piss.  While I do that get in the stall and on your knees.  Be ready for me.  I swear, the beers just pour right through me.  Oh, this feels good—
“What the fuck?  I’m not done pissing….  Oh?  So, you are one of those kinds of faggots.  Nasty piss drinking faggot!  Oh fuck, your mouth feels good.  You are definitely getting a reaction out of my hog.  That’s it for my piss for now.
“Faggot, see how big it is?  You think you can take it?
“Jesus fuck!  Right to the root with no problem!  Holy shit.  You faggots know what you are doing.  Oh man.  This is… fuck!  Oh my god! 
“Bob up and down.  Go head-to-root-to-head-to-root.  Fuck!  This is the blowjob I have been looking for all my life.  Lucky me I found me a faggot with car problems.
“Pull off.  I said, ‘Pull off!’  Look up at me.  Hold still…. 
“…What?  Nothing?  I just gave you one of the hardest bitch slaps I have ever given and you just take it….  Wait, what did you just say?  Did you just thank me… for bitch slapping you?
“Get up.  Get your faggot-ty ass up.  Let’s go.  Move!
“We are going to my room at the lodge.  You are going to spend your night with me. 
“Pay Frank your tab and leave a good tip.  Meet me outside…  A fifty?  You know what a good tip is, that or you didn’t care to wait for him to give you change.
“OK faggot.  I have never used a fag before.  But damn, that one minute in the toilet told me I have been missing out. 
“Over here.  I’m the last room.  The lodge is free for us roughnecks.  The company pays for our housing.  My room is at the end.  It’s a glorified motel room.  I have tons of beer.  You won’t get any, at least not without it going through me first.  Never did that before, but fuck I liked it.
“I plan on being here for four days.  You are going to spend your time with me and my cock down your throat.  You probably take it up your ass.  I will definitely try that out.
“Now listen up.  I have no interest in you or your dick.  I ain’t sucking you or getting fucked by you.  You try anything like that, and I will beat the shit out of you.  Understand me?...  Understand me faggot?
“And keep up the ‘Yes Sir!’  I like the sound of that.  Here we are.  Faggot this is all new for me.  But I will tell you this, I am liking what has been done so far.  I’m so ready to do this.  My cock has not lost it’s hard on.  I may never go back.  Faggot get inside and strip!”
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
I’ve had this thought in my mind for awhile, but I think there’s even more lore(?)/more to Haku & Tohma’s relationship. That’s shown I mean! Hear me out: in the first episode MC is unable to find a ride. All of the cars seem to be ignoring her. The trains were stopped bc of an earthquake. MC uses catsmo. Totally not coincidentally, Haku joins the ride. I’m assuming Tohma was behind both the earthquake (stigma) and the cars ignoring her. A part of me is like, what if Tohma had contacted Haku to intervene? Tohma appearing out of nowhere to bring her back would definitely give away that he’s keeping watch. So Haku, the only other ghoul that she knows/that could show up (Taiga being restricted, Jin never leaving his room), is the go to dude.
All of this then leads me to thinking- what if Haku had gotten the skeleton key from Tohma? The other option would be the Chancellor or a Professor. Either or, there’s some level of trust for him to have it. Unless he stole it LOL.
Also… The campus run-in scene between them both is so interesting?? To me at least haha. I’m torn between: Tohma being unhappy to see Haku because he’s the spy/or the main suspect of it hence calling him a snake (dodge viper). Or the comment stemming from Haku transferring out of Frostheilm thus being a snake in that sense. Or both, it could be both fr.
Sorry for the long ask! I’m just really enticed by whatever’s going on
Long asks are welcome here, be not afraid to ramble if my ask box is open you are free to yap.
So first off, I highly doubt that Haku got the skeleton key from Tohma. Tohma specifically says that he got permission to use the key from the school, something he is able to do due to having a good relationship and reputation with Darkwick's staff. It is not his artifact, nor is it in the care of Frostheim; that makes me think it is an artifact similar to the Fox Robe, something that the school keeps on hand for missions that ghouls can either request use of as needed or they have multiple of, but only if it is deemed necessary by the staff. Professor Moby appears to be the one in charge of artifact permits from Taiga's bond story, and he is also the advisor for Hotarubi, so if he is the one you would get permission from Haku might have an even easier time than Tohma does. Haku is also someone that the Chancellor seems to trust, "Have I ever lied to you?" wouldn't be a convincing argument otherwise.
Their relationship seems tense based off of that campus event, but they seem to have been close at one point. Tohma refers to Haku by his surname Kusanagi, while Haku calls Tohma by his first name. Tohma offers him a smoke, but Haku says he's been trying to quit... they still haven't added the damn affection chats back so I can't see what's up but from what I understand Haku also seems to have transferred dormitories and people see this as him "switching sides." Remember! Tohma wasn't in Frostheim until half a year ago and we don't know when Haku transferred. I'd assume it was around the same time as you typically need special permission to transfer, but the fallout of the Clash seems to have resulted in multiple transfers to help smooth over the balance of power. We know why Tohma went to Frostheim, he wants to use Jin for some reason, so why did Haku go to Hotarubi? And what was his previous house? Was he also in Vagastrom with Tohma and Alan? Or was he somewhere else?
While Tohma could have been behind the earthquake due to his stigma, the cars ignoring her felt more like the result of her curse or the sage's ring than anything he could realistically pull off. I doubt he would ask Haku to go get the MC when he is someone he doesn't refer to by his first name and calls a snake to his face... it's possible of course depending on when he begin to suspect him but we don't know enough about their previous friendship, if one existed at all, to make that call. To me Haku finding the MC suggested one of three things: 1) Darkwick is watching MC due to her history of running away and tasked Haku with doing that, 2) Haku has been watching MC of his own accord for his own purposes or 3) Haku knew MC would try to run away because we are stuck in a timeloop and she did this before. I like option 3 best myself, but anything is possible at this point.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, I worry I'm a bit too sus of Haku for my own good that I neglect to think about all the ways Tohma is too. I should do that a bit more, no one wears a monocle that isn't weird af
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kentai345 · 1 year
East Highland's Notorious - Chapter 2
AO3 l Chapter 1
Fezco x reader
Summary: You never proclaimed yourself to be a nice person or a good girl because no one expected you to be one. If someone perceived you as one that was their fault. Life wasn't easy but Fez made it bearable.
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Things had been weird since the whole Mouse incident as (Y/N) was ignoring me still pissed about the money and she was ignoring Fez too. She didn’t hate him she was just putting distance between them to give her time to get over her crush. So it went from talking every day, to every other day, and less and less. If she did respond it was just one-word responses. She missed staying at Fez’s as things were starting to get rough at home. She was depending on the money that she saved over the summer to feed her and her parents since the money they got they used to buy drugs and on nights when they were on a bender she would end up locked outside the house having to sleep on the porch until they got back. She was having a bad week.
“Bitch are you listening?” Maddy said snapping me out of my thoughts. “No stopped listening around long-distance.” I said remembering the last thing we were talking about was Cassie and Mckay.
“What’s up with you?”
“It's been a rough week.” I said with a sigh as I got another text from Fez which I ignored leaving him on read. “Still ignoring Fez.” Maddy asked.
“I’d rather go back to talking about Cassie and Mckay.”
“Stop being such a coward and fucking talk to him, you put up a fight for everything else. Why not him?”
“I’d rather die than put myself in that situation and once I get over him I’ll talk to him like normal again. Besides I have bigger worries right now.”
“Like what?”
“Money problems.” I said glaring at Rue from across the cafeteria and she looks away when our eyes meet.
“Hey do any of you guys know how BitCoin works?” Kat suddenly asks. Maddy and Cassie shake their heads and I take advantage of the situation. “No, but for 10 dollars I can take you to someone who does.”
“You can’t just take me for free.”
“Did you not just hear me say I’m having money problems? I need gas money and you got the friend discount I usually charge 25.”
“Fine.” Kat agrees and I tell her to meet me after school.
After school I call Ash asking him if he was at the store and I was gonna bring a friend who needed information on BitCoin. “Why? You know how it works.” He said.
“Ok we know that but she doesn’t and I need cash, so I ain’t telling her for free.” I said and saw Kat coming my way. “Just do me this favor.” After hanging up we get in my car and after she gives me the money I drive her to the gas station. I was so busy focusing on getting cash I completely forgot that Fez would be here too. Fez was outside smoking when we got here and I avoid looking at him as we go inside and I call for Ash.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Fez said as I sat atop the counter next to the register.
“Hey…” I said staring at my feet finding them entertaining. I was glad Ash had come out from the back and he sat down next to me on the counter to breakdown BitCoin for Kat.
“It’s a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system.”
“I literally have no clue what you’re talking about.” Kat said and I shake my head.
“There’s literally no easier way to explain it.” I said and she looks at me suspiciously. “I thought you didn’t know how it works.”
“I don’t, but I can’t help you if you’re stupid.” I said and she looks at me taken aback. “Shit sorry, I’ve been getting no sleep.”
“Look why don’t you just tell us what you’re trying to do, and we can tell you how we can help you.” Fez said.
“Unless it’s human trafficking. I don’t fuck with human trafficking.” Ash said.
“I’m not human trafficking.” Kat clarifies. “Yeah, us neither.” Fez said.
Kat starts to explain what she was trying to do but I quickly stop her. “First give me another 10 dollars.” I said to Kat holding out my hand and rolling her eyes she gives me the cash. “I was just wondering if it’s like a good way to anonymously get money online.” She explained.
“That’s literally what it’s made for.” I said like it should have been obvious.
“Dumbass.” Ash said and I nod my head agreeing. “What a waste of a trip. Oh wait I got 20 dollars out of it.” I said laughing. “If you give me 5 dollars I’ll drive you home.” I said and she glares at me.
“I’m fucking with you. Get in the car.” I said getting down from the counter. I say bye to Ash and give a half-hearted wave to Fez as we walk past him but he grabs my hand.
“Yo, can we talk for a second?”
“No time I gotta go to work after I take her home sorry.” I said slipping my hand out from his.
I started taking on more hours to make up the cash I had lost which meant getting off later and getting less to no sleep if my parents locked me out. But it made avoiding Fez easier except for when he showed up at the restaurant giving me no choice but to talk to him. I should have expected to do this sooner or later, especially after blowing him off at the gas station.
“How long are you gonna stick around?” I asked him as I came to clear his plate and give him the check.
“Till you get off, didn’t see yo car thought I could drive you home and could finally talk.”
“I’m working late, so no need to wait up. I’m sure there’s money to be made somewhere.” I said and left for the kitchen setting the plate down. I go back to Fez to get his money for the bill and he hands me a 50.
“Keep the change.”
“That's too much for a tip.” I said not wanting to take his money. “Don’t worry about it.” He said not taking no for an answer and reluctantly I keep the change.
After clocking out I go to the bathroom to change out of my uniform and I consider just sneaking out the back to avoid Fez but like he read my mind he waits for me near the bathroom giving me no chance of escape. Once we’re in the car he doesn’t start it right away so we just sit in awkward silence as I find anything to stare at out the window.
“So like what's going on with us?” He breaks the silence.
“Nothing, just been crazy busy.” I said playing with my fingers.
“Can you at least look at me.” He said and hearing the sadness in his voice I comply. He reaches for my hand but I pull it back from his reach “I’m really tired so can you just take me home, please.”
“Can you at least tell me, why you been avoiding me? Like for real.” He said starting the car. “I’m just trying to get things back to how they were, you know before the summer.”
“And like what does that mean?”
“You see me like a little sister and I don’t see you- look I don’t know how to explain it.” I said frustrated and looked out at the passing scenery.
“Don’t do that, just say what you gotta say.” He said and finally taking Maddy’s advice to stop being a coward I decide to just spill. I could always just jump out of the car and hope it kills me if it doesn’t work out.
“Fine. Am I really just a little sister to you? Like nothing more?” I asked looking down at my lap. “That’s what- hold on.” He said and pulled over. He brings his hand to my chin making me look at him and I become even more nervous under his gaze.
“Is this about that shit, I told Mouse?” I nodded my head at his question. “Nah, I just said that so he wouldn’t try no shit on you. Of course, you are more than that to me.” He clarifies but it's still not enough clarification for me.
“Like a friend you fuck around with more or like-”
“Like your my girl, more.” He states cutting me off and I smile. “I would love to be your girl.” I said shyly and leaning in he kisses me.
“Can’t believe you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder over that.” He said in disbelief.
“What did you expect from me? You weren’t exactly defining what our relationship was and I was trying to figure it out all summer.”
“Didn’t think I had to, thought it was obvious. And shit, you didn’t say nothin.”
“Like hell I would, you know what this isn’t about me.” I said kissing him as a distraction. After sharing a few more kisses he continues taking me home and as my house comes to view I see my dad’s car gone which meant the house was empty and I was locked out. I didn’t want to worry Fez so I didn’t tell him and pretended everything was normal. After much convincing, I told him he didn’t have to wait for me to go inside and after kissing him goodbye he leaves. I walk up to the front door hopefully trying the door knob but it was locked and I sigh defeated.
I sit on the ground leaning against the front door and prepare for a long night outside again wishing I could just change the locks and lock them out for a change. However, I would never do that cause even though my parents were practically fucking useless except for somehow keeping a roof over our heads I’d seen them angry and I’d hate for it to be targeted at me. It’s just a rule you don’t piss off a drug addict especially when you have to live with them. As I was accepting my fate I was considering sucking it up and calling Nate and hear a car stop in front of the house and when I look up I see Fez getting out of his car. I should’ve known he was gonna circle around and catch me in my lie.
“How’d you know?” I asked him as he got closer.
“Yo dad’s car is gone which means they’re out doing whatever and you're locked out.”
“Well aren’t you a great listener.” I said sarcastically as I stand up and hug him. “Thank you.” I whispered into his chest and he kisses the top of my head. “Let me take you home.” He said grabbing my bag for me off the ground and taking my hand with the other.
“Your house feels more like home than mines does anyway.” I said as I got back in his car.
“Good to hear, 'cause even though he won’t admit it Ash misses having you around.”
“Of course he does, who else is gonna bother him.”
When we get to his house I go to take a shower and when I get out I realize I don’t have any clothes to change into and walk into his bedroom with just a towel and see Fez putting some clothes down on his bed. When he sees me he looks away shyly with a light blush on his cheeks and I smile to myself finding his shyness cute. “Sorry, can I borrow some clothes?”
“Uh yeah here.” Turning back to me he hands me the clothes he had set down on the bed. It was actually some of my clothes that I must have left behind from previous times. “Thanks.” Without thinking I start to remove my towel and he immediately turns back around sitting on his bed with his back to me. “Sorry.” I apologized for not warning him.
“Okay, I’m done.” I told him as I sat down on his bed and he turned back to face me. We fall into a silence staring at each other before I release a nervous laugh looking away first. “It feels different, now that we’re together.” I said playing with my fingers in my lap.
“Different like how?” He asked scooting closer to me and takes my hand into his. “A good different like I’m nervous because I’m used to sleeping on the couch instead of in here with you.”
“Don’t be.” He reassured kissing me. “We can take it slow or whatever you want.”
“Thank you for everything Fez.”
“No need.” He kissed me again. I feel his tongue against my bottom lip and I open my mouth for him letting his tongue intertwine with mine. His hand goes to my hip kneading at it lightly and I lay down on his bed pulling him with me as we continued kissing until we have to pull apart for air. Cuddling into his arms I end up falling asleep as a week's worth of lack of sleep caught up to me.
I woke up early in the morning to catch up on homework and make breakfast for Fez and Ash. I was working on my homework at the kitchen table when Ash woke up before Fez and came into the kitchen smelling the food making himself a plate. “What are you doing?” He asks sitting with me.
“ Late homework. Help me out?” I said passing him my math homework with a 20. He takes it and starts working on it as he eats breakfast. Fez came into the kitchen smiling as he saw us at the table kissing my cheek before grabbing some food and sitting with us. “You want a ride to school?” He asks me.
“No need, Nate’s gonna take me.” I answered not looking up from my assignment and missing his look of annoyance. “Nah, I’ll take you.”
“And once again no need.” I said not wanting to inconvenience him.
“Just tell him, I got you.” He said and I finally look at him. “Nate already’s on the way. Why are you making this such a big deal?” I asked and my phone rings getting a message from Maddy telling me they were outside. “And he’s here. Thanks again.” I told Ash grabbing my homework from him and putting it in my bag and Fez walks with me to the door.
“See you later.” I said kissing him.
“I’ll pick you up after.”
“Thanks but-” I stop seeing his smile drop. “I would appreciate it, miss you already.” I said kissing him again before leaving.
“Uh are you good?” Maddy asked me as we were walking to class. “Yeah, I need some advice. So you know I’m used to using Nate for stuff like rides to school or getting him to spoil us on our shopping trips and stuff. And I think Fez is like…”
“Is jealous?” She finishes and I shake my head.
“Not jealous more like bothered by our friendship.”
“I get that Nate’s been your friend for a long time and you two trust and depend on each other. But you need to start depending on Fez the same way or it's gonna seem like you don’t need him and you don’t want him to feel like second place.” She explained and I sighed annoyed yet still confused.
“Is that how you feel about Nate and me?”
“No, after you set us up you took a step back giving us space, which is what you need to do for Fez.”
“Why is dating so complicated?” I whined.
“At least you’re not dating Nate he’s even more complicated along with being a dick.”
“Don’t I know. What’s the new trouble in paradise?”
“You’re not gonna believe me if I tell you.”
“Now you have to spill.” I said curiosity piqued and she pulls me aside in the hall lowering her voice.
“Okay, so last night I went through Nate’s phone and…” She looks around and I wonder if she found the messages between him and Jules. “And?”
“He had dicks on his phone.”
“Like his own or…”
“No other guy's dicks.” She said and I can’t attempt to hide my look of shock.
“I actually have no words and that’s too crazy to be made up. You don’t think he’s gay, do you? Cause Nate’s like the definition of straight toxic masculinity.”
“I know he’s like super straight but…” She says in thought.
“I think you gotta talk to Nate about it, he might not like you going through his phone but it is weird.” I advised.
“Ugh, you’re right dating is complicated.” She complained hugging me and I smile hugging her back.
After school I see Fez’s car waiting for me outside and on the way to his car Nate comes up to me to remind me about the carnival. “My parents wanted me to invite you to come to help out at the booth for the chili contest."
“Why?” I whined. I had only met Nate’s dad and brother before and that was enough for me.
“You made a good impression on him and now my mom wants to meet you and you know they both-”
“Hate Maddy.” We say simultaneously and he nods his head. “No offense I’ve met your dad and your idiot of a brother I don’t wanna meet your mom.”
“Look I’m not fucking thrilled either but just do it, just stick around for Maddy I invited her too. Stay for a few minutes and that’s it.” He said then looked at my hands. “And get a manicure.”
“I’m sorry you’re forcing me to spend time with your family and get a manicure.” I scoffed annoyed walking off but he grabs my wrist roughly stopping me. “I’m not joking (Y/N), just do what I say.” He said coldly giving me some cash for the manicure before walking away. I rub my wrist to ease the pain before remembering Fez and rush to the car.
“Sorry about that.” I told him as I got in the car. “It’s alright, what did he want?” He asks gesturing to the money in my hand and I put it in my pocket.
“Just paying me back for something.” I shrugged not wanting to explain the complicated ways of Nate Jacobs.
When we get back I got his room to put my stuff down and wanting to talk to him we sit down on the bed. “I wanted to say sorry about this morning, I’m so used to figuring stuff out myself or having Nate do stuff for me that I don’t want you to feel like I don’t depend on you or need you.”
“Nah, I get that you been friends for like a long time or whatever but I would appreciate it if you let me help you out like he does for you.” He said.
“I swear I’ll try, no I will. I just don’t wanna make you feel bad or anything.”
“It’s alright baby, we’re good.” He said kissing me and grabbing my waist pulls me into his lap. I straddle his lap, wrap my arms around his neck, and bit his lip teasingly and he squeezes my waist in response. His lips trail from my lips to my jawline down to my neck sucking lightly on the skin and I hum in delight. He goes to my collarbone and I roll my hips into his causing him to release a groan but before we go any further there’s a loud knocking and banging coming from the front door.
“You expecting someone?” I asked sliding off his lap.
“Nah, but don’t move alright? I’ma go get rid of them.” He said kissing me one last time before getting up and I nod my head obediently. The banging on the door didn’t ease up until Fez got there and after waiting for awhile I heard yelling and banging coming from the door again and go to see what was happening. As I get closer to the door I hear Rue’s voice.
“Open the door! Open the door! Open the door.”
“I can’t do it, Rue. I’m sorry.” Fez says leaning his head on the closed door listening to Rue blame him for her problems. He faces away from the door and I see the sad heartbroken look on his face and take him into my arms.
“I’m so fucking serious. If you don’t open this door right now, I swear to god, I will hate you, till the day I fucking die.” She threatens and shaking my head I take Fez’s hand and take him away from the door.
“I’m sorry.” He tells her one last time before we walk away and we sit down on the couch together just hugging each other.
“You did the right thing. There’s not much we can do but it's a start.” I tell him attempting to cheer him up. “And she didn’t mean any of it, its what addicts do, she’ll calm down and come to her senses eventually.”
“I know.” He whispered. “Thank you for being here.” He kissed my forehead and I smile at him cuddling further into him. We spent the rest of the day just watching movies Ash eventually joined us later and I can’t help feeling truly at home with them.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Most of these are thanks to the questions from the wonderful @magical-imagination-kgp. If anyone else wants headcanons about Em, Dan, or a point in their relationship feel free to ask!
Em cannot tell if someone’s flirting with her. At all. Dan has pointed out more than once that someone flirted with her in front of him. But when she’s watching a girl flirt with Dan? Oh then she can tell.
Before Dan starts spending the night with her every morning involves instant coffee, and it’s whatever was on special when she went grocery shopping. Once he’s there most of the time he insists on real coffee - and calls it that. He picks up a moka pot for most mornings, but if they’re running late it’s a Nespresso machine in a cabinet that they’ll pull out. Dan’s always the one who makes her coffee in the morning, he gets up first. It’s more milk than coffee with two pumps of caramel syrup, and the constant threat of “I swear, I won’t sleep with you for a week if you use oat milk for mine!”. He doesn’t dare.
She doesn’t have any things she consciously does when she gets dressed. After she gets her underwear on she’ll brush her teeth and wash her face and then get dressed. Everything goes on right side first - her right arm, her right leg, her right shoe and sock.
The way they do chores depends on where they are and what time it is. When they spend some of the winter break in Perth it’s pretty much 50/50, and it’s the same when they settle for good at the farm. If it’s during the season everything tends to fall to Em though. She’s the one cooking because Dan can only cook breakfast, but she deliberately tries to do everything else so he can focus on driving. She wants to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about anything apart from driving and his work. He always insists on loading the dishwasher and he makes breakfast for them. Grocery shopping is usually online and Dan puts it away, but while he’s still racing Em does the rest of them. 
She loves driving. Usually she’ll drive to the circuits unless it’s somewhere that it’s better for Blake to do the driving. If she and Dan are going somewhere she drives 90% of the time, he’d rather chill out and choose the music and stare at her as she drives. She is not a fan of driving his sports cars though. If she absolutely has to she will, but she’d rather something that doesn’t attract attention the same way a blue McLaren does. She didn’t learn to drive until she finished uni, and never bought a car until 2022, but she’s good at it and enjoys it. And she’s so much better at parking than Daniel. So much better. There has been teasing.
When it comes to books Em is a romance novel kind of girlie. Any crappy Kindle Unlimited tropey romance novel makes her happy. Novels in general are her thing, as long as it’s something with a happy ending and not too grim. Historical fiction and fluffy stuff are her go to. Apart from that she loves anything about art, history, comic books or graphic novels. She’d much rather her true crime on TV or in podcast form than in a book.
In case you couldn’t tell, she’s a Swiftie. Taylor is constantly top of her Spotify Wrapped, and she’s proud to call herself a swemo. Apart from Taylor it’s pop punk and classic rock. Dan got her into country but she’s not the biggest fan (although she has been known to scream sing the chorus to Penthouse by Kelsey Ballerini). She’s always more than ok with whatever he puts on the speaker, if it makes him happy then she’s happy (and if she’s really not a fan she’ll put in her earplugs, but that rarely happens).
Em doesn’t watch a lot of TV, all their travel means keeping up with shows is hard. She’s like Dan and finds the news too stressful, so she keeps BBC News and ABC News push notifications on her phone to keep up with big stories, but that’s it. Her favourite show is Criminal Minds, and between that, whatever police procedural she finds a rerun of on tv, and true crime documentaries that’s her usual TV consumption. Does Dan think it’s a bit creepy? Yes. Did he end up loving Criminal Minds too? Also yes. Em ingests a ridiculous amount of knowledge from her documentaries, more than once she can cite exactly what case they’re pulling from the headlines in a tv show. Whatever random comedy Dan’s started watching she’ll watch too.
She rarely turns on the main light on her bedroom. She has fairy lights and her nightstand lamp, and those are normally the ones on. If she needs to look for something then she will turn the other light on, and she has a lightbulb that you can change color with a phone app.
Em is really, really sensitive to textures. Everything needs to be soft or it makes her feel like she’s crawling out of her skin. Whenever Dan’s buying clothes he always asks her if she likes what he’s looking at, and he doesn’t just mean the look but how it feels. When they were finding suppliers for Ric3 they had to go through the Emmy test to make sure that she was comfortable in them. She normally is at least curled up against his clothes, if not stealing his hoodies, so if they don’t feel right then he’s not getting them. Fabrics that are an immediate no are polyester and velvet and silk. Anything that’s cosy and kind of brushed cotton or leggings type material she’ll always approve of. She also loves shiny clothes, but that’s usually because she’ll wear a thin shirt underneath just to make sure it feels good. Dan always jokes, saying she’s shining on her own and that she looks gorgeous whether she’s wearing them or nothing at all.
She loves flowers. They’re one of her favourite things. When Dan’s away at races before she’s travelling with him all the time he sends her bouquets so she’ll smile. At least one from every arrangement gets pressed so she can keep them, and she has a huge box with them in it. She doesn’t have a favourite one, she loves the symbolism behind them more than the look of them..
Em has a ton of tattoos. So many of them. She’s the person with all the tiny little ones, apart from two big ones. Each of them tells a story, but here’s the list. The Kiss by Klimt in line art on her thigh, the number 3 on her wrist, a planchette with a tiny 13 in the centre of it on her inner arm. A teeny tiny heart between her boobs, and she got the letter D on top of it. “Baby girl” written very small. Their wedding anniversary on her ring finger. A snake around her ankle. The quote “Long story short I survived” across her collarbones. A line of flowers from the top to the bottom of her spine. The first time each of her babies wrote “Mama” she got it tattooed as soon as she could. She has so many tattoos because of Dan. A sun, he wrote “I love you” on her foot and she decided to make it permanent. Two teeny tiny hearts drawn by Isaac and Isabella. She and her three Australians have a peppermint leaf tattooed on them. Over time she got the name of their kids tattooed. She also has a bouquet with birth flowers from the months she, Dan, and the kids were born. After she and Dan got back together they got the outline of the Monaco circuit on their ribs. One night when they were ridiculously drunk they did stick and pokes of a tiny messy heart on each other’s hips and they both love them so much.
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lokisivy · 1 year
request for peter quill x fem!reader (personality wise shes a female him.)
Maybe they meet after vol 3 and shes working at a hole in the wall recording studio\record store in Missouri and he comes in one day, complletly confused on what hes looking for till he finds some cassette tapes and goes on and on explaining diferrent music to her (bonus points if she already knows most of it.)
Records- Peter Quill
It was a typical day for you working in the record store, not many people come in here unless it's fans of artists buying the new album. or old people buying vinyl because they don't know how to use a platform to stream it.
You would put in orders for the new releases and classics depending on the demand. you knew every person who walks in here would often come to buy an album for someone or themselves.
until a dark blond man with soft long curls hanging down his forehead walked through the doors of the store. He was tall and buff. I mean, very he looked big and jacked with muscles.
you never bothered customers when they come in unless they look like they are searching for something or need help.
you left that beautiful man to roam the place, but he seemed like he couldn't find what he wanted so you went and approached him.
"Hey, can I help you with something?c you asked the man.
He looks up to you, smiling. "Yeah, I'm looking for Redbone cassette tapes." He answered.
Damn he got blue eyes that melted your heart.
"Unfortunately, we only have LP Vinyls. Most cassette tapes stopped producing a long time ago."
"Why is that."
"Well, I don't really know. Most people collect cds or vinyls, and cassette tapes aren't really worth much if the artist isn't famous." You replied.
Cassettes is still a thing, but no one really buys them unless they have an old car or just to collect them.
"But readbone is famous."
"They are I know but they don't produce them anymore you can try cds."
"But they are big to carry around."
Confusion hits you. Why would he carry around tapes?
"You can find people selling them on eBay, but they are preownd, I can order them for you, but they will be pricey. Besides, you can listen to them on Spotify."
"What's Spotify?"
How does he not know Spotify?
It's been here for a really long time.
"You don't know what is Spotify?"
He shakes his head in confusion.
"Do you have a phone?"
"Yeah, at home, but it's attached to a landline."
"No a smart phone. Like mine." You pull your phone from your pocket showing it to him.
"What's that?"
"It's a phone you can call and take photos, watch videos and stuff." You said
Is he a time traveller?
"Wow thats cool."
"Well you can download this app and you will find all kinds of music; 70s, indie, hip hop, Arabic, Latino and all artists."
"You're saying I don't need tapes I could just play what I want?" You nodded you gave him your phone to check it out. He rolled through your liked songs.
you don't have a specific taste you listened to a bit of everything.
"I should get myself one of these." he laughs he paused looking at the phone. "The chain?"
"Yeah, it's a classic one of my favourite songs from Fleetwood Mac." you chuckled tucking your hair behind your ears. you never really get flustered talking to anyone but he was something else.
his gaze was intensely on you holding fierce eye contact with you
"Alright I got everything I needed thank you y/n." he reads your name tag snapping you out of this enchanted moment
"you're welcome..."
"Peter," he replies
"Well, I hope I get to see you again Peter."
"Me too."
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sag-dab-sar · 1 year
A Mobility Aid Realization
Now that I have gotten to a point where I can personally, without any help, put my wheelchair in and out of the car I think my wheelchair fully feels like it is apart of my body. This is the first day I think I truly felt this emotion. I'm still recovering from the spine inflammation but today was the first day I have left the house since the hospital stay.
I took my chair out of the car. It disassembles and I basically developed a way to put it in the trunk with my abilities. Then after the long day my spine was kicking me in the butt with pain BUT despite that pain when the valet worker was offering to help me with my wheelchair (since its a hospital and he probably puts mobility aids in and out of cars constantly) I had this internal visceral reaction of just "no touchy my chair, don't mess up my process, go away." He was genuinely so concerned, as if he thought I said no because I didn't want to inconvenience him. My step dad who was with me said to him "trust me she does it entirely herself I'm just here to hold things" (he was holding my cup and cane). The valet worker of course didn't insist but he seemed so genuinely concerned. I just absolutely fucking hate the idea of someone else handling my wheelchair now....... its become physically apart of me.
Unless I really need the help just let me do it. For example, ramps that are definitely too steep to be ADA compliant I need help with. But even then, don't help me until I have given you the green light. A family friend who use to push his elderly mom around in her wheelchair tried to help me with my breaks, wheelchair bag, and touching my handle bars before I was all settled— because it was all second nature to him. My mom said "No no, trust me, don't interfere yet I learned that the hard way." I'd tell her no, very angrily, every time she touched my handle bars and my bag until she got use to the fact I didn't want help. She also constantly helped people with their wheelchairs as a nurse as well as her elderly mom in a wheelchair, so it was second nature for her to take control also..... until I like metaphorically trained her out of it by being grumpy at her. She will hold my arm rests though until I have found a way to carry them myself while rolling. Still, her warning to the person helping me had the exact same vibe as my step father's "Trust me, I'm just here to hold things"
It is almost like how a person gets their clothes on by themselves, I don't want help. Again, unless I actually need it from a nurse or my mom (...thank you spine /sarcasm) which I'd be grateful for but if I don't need the help then please let me get dressed myself. That type of deal.
Also today I had to walk a few steps back and forth, for a spine doctor evaluation today and I didn't have my cane. I was wearing sneakers so I couldn't shuffle feet and of course I don't know the layout of walls and counters in that office like I do in my own home via muscle memory. He stayed very close to me for my safety and I used a wall for guidance but even with that....holy fuck roughly 10 steps (5 forward 5 back) without my cane was a big fucking no-no. I did not like it AT ALL. A big ol' nopeville.
Until today I didn't realize just how much muscle memory of my home's layout (which is TINY) helps me with using my cane a bit less inside, its not because my legs are magically better like I thought they were. So... my cane really is just apart of me now too. I'm more okay with someone holding it for me if I ask because its better than the cane falling. But don't collapse it yourself, I'll do that, and don't you dare take it out of my reach.
I remember being taught about service dogs one day at a summer camp as a kid and the woman said "would you like to meet my legs" when introducing her dog.
I don't think this is something a non-mobility aid user can fully understand at an emotional level. Touching my mobility aids really is like touching me. Its so much more than just objects I own.
-Not audio proof read | written June 21 2023-
-my pronouns are they/them but I haven't asked that of my family-
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quillyfied · 5 months
Hellaverse Theories: Helluva Boss S1E3 and S1E4
Welcome to Quilly’s Hellaverse Theories, where I overthink the entire Hellaverse! Moving forward with Helluva Boss this evening, visiting s1e3 and s1e4. I’m on a timetable now, wanting to get these done before the new episode comes out, but since we don’t know when that will be…just gonna have to hope for the best!
Now, jumping into s1e3:
There’s a detail from last episode that I did forget to mention: in a letter that Fizzbot holds up saying Loo Loo Land isn’t copyright infringement, Mammon calls Lucifer “my friend and ruler,” so I guess my speculation on whether or not Lucifer was King of all of Hell or just of Pride in one of my Hazbin Hotel analysis posts can be put to rest! Lucifer is King of all of Hell and not just Pride, I can move on with my life.
Blitzo singing along to dad rock and forgetting half the words: the greatest Mood.
Blitzo and Verosika’s banter is…enlightening. Lots of little tidbits to pick up on. I am SO excited for the opportunity to get to know more details in Apology Tour (PLEASE), because while it’s grade-A vile bickering, it’s the venom and bitterness that drenches their every interaction that really shows that when things were good for them…they were probably really good. As my Hellaverse friend sagely told me, you don’t hate someone that much unless you loved them that much first. Verosika’s BlitzO tattoo isn’t obvious yet, but notice that she’s the only person in the entire show (except maybe Barbie?) whom Blitzo doesn’t correct on the silent O. His choice of opening salvo is petty and gross, just as we expect, but Verosika’s is biting and weird: “and I should have known you’d be here when I heard the Amber Alerts.” Some people have taken that to mean that maybe Blitzo wanted kids when they were together (which could be supported by his adoption of Loona and how he calls Octavia “sweetie” in the second episode, though outside of that there really isn’t much to go on for building a theory about Blitzo wanting explicitly to be a father), and this could also just be a very crass and demeaning joke about Blitzo’s character (calling him a child kidnapper at best, a pedophile at worst), but. I dunno. It’s the first unusual thing Verosika says, but not the last. The second happens at Ozzie’s so we’ll wait until then to get into it more, but here’s the point I’m driving at: Verosika was way more hurt by their breakup than Blitzo was, and she’s still hurt by it. I may posit, given that one of the upcoming episodes is literally named “Apology Tour,” that Verosika lacks closure from their train wreck of a relationship and Blitzo might need to apologize just as much as she needs to hear the apology. Not to say Blitzo is entirely at fault, because I’m sure she gave as good as she got, but she knows about Blitzo’s sister when none of the rest of IMP, not even Loona, seem to know about her (which is funny because there’s a giant poster of her in the office; it was there in the pilot episode so congrats folks this was always the plan, to bait people in with what I’m told is Invader Zim energy and then wallop us all with feels), she gets away with calling Blitzo by his full/former name, and she was clearly someone important enough to him that he still has pictures of from when they were together on his phone. He does feel BAD about how it went down, even if he won’t even admit it to himself.
And how did it all go down? Let’s listen in: “run off, leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room, steal their car and run three rings to Wrath and max HER credit cards on shitty horse-riding lessons.” Ouch. Let’s look at the layout of Hell, which we don’t know yet but will soon: Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth. Three rings away from Wrath? Lust. Not surprising, seeing as how Verosika is a succubus, but think about it. A relationship that is likely on the rocks (or, knowing Blitzo, maybe getting too serious and he’s uncomfortable either way), so they take a night in Lust at a hotel (maybe after a performance for Verosika?), and maybe whatever Blitzo was doing (I have seen here and there that he was doing bodyguard work for Verosika but I don’t know about that tbh, I’m willing to bet the flashback we get from s2.5 involving Millie and Blitzo fighting might give us some insight there but it’s likely Blitzo was either still working at Loo Loo Land or had just left it) would have allowed him to pay for the hotel room or at least help pay, and Verosika wakes up with him gone along with her car and her wallet. After she got a tattoo of the guy’s name on her arm. Verosika’s behavior towards him might lend some viewers to believe she deserved that, but I’m not so sure, actually; I don’t think she’d be so hurt and Blitzo would feel guilty about it if she fully deserved that kind of treatment. Yes, yes, this is Hell, everyone is shitty, but there’s something about that scenario that goes beyond shitty into just…ouch. Couple that with her Beezlejuice addiction and all of Blitzo’s fucking trauma…match made in Hell would be too cliché here, right? I’m probably better than that?
I’m not. Match made in Hell, indeed.
Dammit. The HR joke makes me laugh every time.
“I wasted so much time with a bag of holes like that.” So this was a relatively lengthy relationship, then. Making the whole…leaving and stealing thing…worse, actually. It feels less shitty somehow if it was a fling or a hookup, but something that dramatic probably only happens after a longer commitment and WOW I want to know all the details of that train wreck PLEASE VIV AND BRANDON PLEASE.
Side note that I have finally noticed the stickers on the back of the van, that’s ADORABLE Blitzo you absolute SAP.
Also Tex is too good for all of us. Appreciate him. Appreciate the HECK out of him.
(Blitzo protecting his employees because he cares about them, nbd, I’m sure this affliction won’t get any worse for him at all.)
(Blitzo having the exact same thought process I have when I realize I use the same notable words too close together and already posted something, it’s FINE)
There’s something about how the banter flows with Blitzo and Moxxie sometimes that makes me wonder if they improvise this stuff, at least in the writing stages, because “Why don’t YOU take an art class?” “Why don’t YOU see how EXPENSIVE they are?” kills me dead every single time. It’s just. It’s such beautifully comedic escalation into further absurdity. This show is poetry sometimes.
So I think it’s been confirmed that the scenes in the 2.5 trailer in a fancy Pride room with the Goetia and the Sins is a trial; there are little hints here and there that some sort of unrest is building, that Blitzo and IMP going topside is causing wider-spread issues that are slow-burning but there. I think this is the first episode where we lay the foundation work, beyond the actual first episode where Stolas reminds them that their use of his grimoire is technically illegal: not only is it illegal, but they’re supposed to be in human disguises on top of that. And they’re not supposed to be obvious about what they’re doing. Or causing giant fish monsters to grow out of the ocean and attack humans. It also makes me wonder if the killing of humans themselves is also illegal, but somehow I doubt that; I think they’re just supposed to not be obvious about it. Pretty sure this will be popping up more in future episodes, which I’ll list as they appear, but I think it’s a good bet that what IMP is doing is not just piddlingly illegal, but actually a big hecking deal.
Also a first showing of Blitzo’s surprisingly strategic and smart mind: they aren’t supposed to be seen, and loose shots will cause a panic. Sensible. Absolutely correct to use Loona as bait to lure away their targets. It becomes more and more obvious the longer the show goes on, but the ways Blitzo’s bizarre brain is actually kind of a genius at strategy and violence to get to his preferred outcome are both entertaining and gratifying to see. Until his care for Loona completely overrides his sense, but, y’know. Can’t win ‘em all, can’t fault Blitzo for being worried about her (especially when she has a YEARLY SHOT that she can get only EVERY FIVE YEARS, that feels AWFULLY POINTED, HEIRARCHY OF HELL).
And, yeah, Verosika has SO much room to be talking, when she’s throwing a flask of Beezlejuice into a crowd of humans, and from my understanding, that stuff is toxic to humans. The thing falling into the ocean and mutating a fish isn’t as discreet as humans dying from ODing on a hellish liquor, but it does seem more like giving them a fighting chance. Additional question: succubi and incubi (unsure if there’s a difference in the Hellaverse or not) in lore, to my memory, get something out of encouraging sexual appetites in humans and killing them for it, dragging their souls to Hell; at the very least, they feed off the sexual energy until they kill their host. What exactly is the succubi’s purpose in the Hellaverse? Because it doesn’t seem to be killing humans. And they’re adept at inspiring lust, but to what end? Probably doesn’t really matter, but I’m curious anyway. Wonder if it’s ever going to be explained (because much like the Envy demon who will be showing up in Ghostfuckers, I assume there is an actual reason for them doing what they do, and I wanna know why hanging around and messing with humans is so beneficial to them. Can’t be for their souls; all sinners go to Pride and they have their own issues to be dealing with, and it seems only sinners can own and barter souls anyway).
Listen, I know Blitzo isn’t nearly that awkward around other people, but something about Loona being so nervous around people and stumbling and being adorable (to us, at least) just screams “yeah this is Blitzo’s kid” to me, somehow. IDK why. Maybe the yearning for connection while being kinda hopeless at making any. Especially with each other. Though in a way, Blitzo managed to do exactly what he wanted: he made a stable, safe place for Loona. She relies on him, she cares about him, and while she’s closer to him than almost anyone else, she does have very much a kid’s view of their parent: he’s always fine, he’ll be okay. It was just a dumb fight. He’ll get over it. He’ll be there for her when she needs him (and often when she doesn’t). THAT’S FAMILY BAYBEEEEE.
(Heeee Drunk Possum Moxxie :D :D :D)
“Would be a shame if anyone found out y’all were behind a giant monster fish in the human world.” “Oh Satan! You’d all be so FUCKED!” …yeah that trial ain’t gonna be a good thing, is it, fam. My gut feeling that IMP, or at least Blitzo, is gonna be on trial for everything he’s doing in the human world continues to gain traction in my own head.
“Let’s get you some friends, girl.” TEX IS TOO GOOD FOR US.
Listen I’m more sensitive these days to fat jokes but sometimes…sometimes the fat jokes are just really funny. “Let’s go park our FAT FUCKIN CAR in our FAT FUCKIN SPACE” dammit why is that funny. Why am I laughing. (Maybe because it isn’t using fat in a derogatory way, more a victorious to neutral descriptive way? I don’t know.)
The fact that the chorus of the song that Blitzo is singing in the credits goes into the tune of HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH BY BELINDA CARLISLE ABSOLUTELY *KILLS* ME. MURDERS ME DEAD. OMG.
So, in my first journey through these episodes, the showing of care between Blitzo and Loona helped me get through this. But the next episode…that one was kinda hard for me to plow through. It’s easier now, so let’s go!
To episode 4!
First things first: heeee Cherub Towne and Imp City. My brain does love its symmetry.
Second things second: wow Collin gets thrown into all the crap situations, huh? I’m so excited to see them again in s2.5 (I KNEW CHERUB AND DHORKS WOULD BE WORKING TOGETHER OKAY I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. I’M NOT GONNA STOP SCREAMING ABOUT THAT), because even this early, Collin deserves better and already seems kind of at odds with his teammates.
Also interesting how Hell seems to get Heaven’s commercials. Makes me wonder if anybody in Heaven gets Hell’s, and what that might mean if any of them saw the Hazbin Hotel commercial. (Ooh. Wouldn’t that be fun, if the commercial actually does something in Hazbin Hotel s2? Like…alert a certain spider-shaped winner that her twin brother is alive in Hell and attempting redemption? HMMM.)
I’ve been pondering what to call Blitzo’s gun, since I don’t know gun types. “Flintlock” is what I kept seeing most, but that puzzled me, since flintlocks are single-shot firearms that need loaded a specific way and the show doesn’t do that. EXCEPT IT DOES. RIGHT HERE. IN THIS EPISODE. Which makes me kinda happy, because “flintlock” is a badass and kinda sexy word.
Also, Wally Wackford as a recurring background character makes me happy.
Aaaaaand the advent of the Fat Jokes About Moxxie That Make Literally No Sense Because LOOK AT HIM Train. Lovely.
Y’know, on the subject of Moxxie, actually, which I was maybe saving for a later episode but screw it I’m thinking about it now because of the frame I paused the episode on to write the previous paragraph: he doesn’t have any scars. His freckles are there (and freckles and tattoos are also white on imps, though there is every possibility that Moxxie and his mother weren’t freckled, but…scarred…specifically…), but no other white patches on him. I find that fascinating.
OKAY HERE WE GO, 1:41 INTO THE EPISODE: a nice long shot of the poster of Blitzo and Barbie Wire, the Amazing Imp Twins. Clearly made before the accident. What precisely their show was meant to be, I couldn’t say, because Blitzo is the one in clown attire and Barb just looks sort of normal, but it looks like early concept art anyway so we’ll let them have it. Millie later pops up in this empty space, but the fact that we get such a long uninterrupted view of the background makes it clear that this is important information we the audience are supposed to pick up on. HB does this often, actually, and it makes the rewatch rewards SO GOOD.
“I am eccentric and must therefore do eccentric shit!” Mood.
You heard it here first, folks: Moxxie finds eternal torment hot.
Okay, here’s another building block for my “IMP is in deep legal shit” theory; the “three tacky stalkers about to attempt a Murder” scene. Where there are many pictures taken of them. And their disguises are…okay. Humans don’t typically see the imps and immediately think “devils” (see “possum”), but that’s still photographic evidence that at least one earthly agency and any hellish law enforcement could use against them. Which just makes me question the whole “human disguises” rigamarole, how Loona got one, and how far we can plausibly stretch “IMP doesn’t get any” before it becomes ridiculous past the point of humor or belief.
Blitzo losing his cat sock puppet in a holy explosion: the most poignant story of loss in this entire show.
Okay actually who sent CHERUB to save Lyle Lipton? I know they say “on behalf of all the people benefitted by your amazing technological advances” but…like…who???? Who was the poor naïve person who sent CHERUB to go stop that man from committing suicide? Unless it was more calculated than that, but I doubt it.
“Commit die” should be what took off instead of “unaliving.” Only children’s show animated Deadpool gets to say that word. Heck.
“He’s classier than that!” NO ONE IS CLASSIER THAN A KATANA, COLLIN.
The costumes that IMP is wearing all episode are incredible, though. I know Blitzo’s first one is a character by Brandon Rogers, though I’d love to know who/what Moxxie and Millie were supposed to be (more characters by him?). The second round is pretty obvious: it’s Cats. Which is only funnier given the movie abomination. I know nothing about it but Blitzo as Rum Tum Tugger feels appropriate on a vibes level. But the third round…WHO ARE THEY. WHERE ARE THEY FROM. THEY SEEM SO SPECIFIC BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS. IS IT HEATHERS? IS IT MEAN GIRLS? IS IT HAIRSPRAY? WHAT IS IT.
So imps seem about as mortal as living humans, if a little hardier, and it doesn’t seem as though cherubs come packing angelic steel (…Heavenly classism?), so getting threatened by some golden crossbows seems about as dangerous as anything else; it does make me wonder if cherubs have the same mortality rates as imps, though.
Keenie showing her own bloodlust and rage issues and Cletus going along with it feels…foreshadowy, now that we know they’re coming back for sure. Saying it once again: Collin is not gonna be on board with them and how far they’re willing to go for vengeance (though admittedly getting locked out of Heaven because their fight with IMP caused them to accidentally kill the mark is a pretty good reason to go looking for vengeance; however, a human agency outfitting and working with angels to invade Hell is NOT gonna look good for IMP if and when the law comes calling).
Nice to know that Helluva Boss is just as clueless for what gets someone into Heaven/Hell as Hazbin Hotel, only it matters so much less and their guesses for getting into Hell are much more on the mark, I think :P
Also, is this the only episode where the credits aren’t bloodstained? I haven’t been paying enough attention.
And that’s the end of this batch of episodes! Next batch coming soon!
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dorkydilfs · 7 days
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Hey uh, what if I made a little post about Richard and oral
Starting with giving, Richard loves treating a partner to it. He’s the type of guy to wake a partner up in the morning by going down on them (so long as they’re okay with it.) He’s very good at it, because he’s very communicative. He likes rubbing his partner’s stomach, always looking up at them and asking if they’re enjoying what he’s doing, or if they’d prefer him do something else.
He likes to take his time with it. Lots of deep kissing before he’s moving downwards, trailing kisses down his partner’s body. He’ll use his tongue on their nipples, too. Maybe suckle a little bit if he’s feeling a certain way. While he’s doing that, he’s got his hand between their legs just teasing them.
He doesn’t have a preference for women or men. With women, he loves feeling their thighs squeeze against his face as he eats them out. He tends to wrap his arms around their legs from underneath and only use his mouth, but he’ll use his hands and fingers when he feels it’s appropriate.
He’s very adamant that they finish, too. He’s not satisfied until they’re satisfied. If they just had sex but she didn’t finish, he’ll eat her out until his tongue is sore to make up for it, even if he wasn’t wearing a condom for whatever reason. Richard’s very “who cares?” about tasting himself.
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With men, Richard loves feeling them throb and tremble against his tongue. He always starts agonizingly slow, bringing their tip to his tongue and just waiting for their response. Then he’s taking in every inch, ever so slowly, until his nose is pressed against their skin. His ideal size is a man who’s just slightly above average, because he likes the challenge and being gagged a bit, but only a bit. Because of that he’ll sometimes seem more submissive with a man. He makes himself gag, but, yk. He’s still gagging. Though if a guy wanted to fuck his face he’d let them.
Once he’s satisfied with that, he’ll introduce a hand, and stroke them as he sucks until they’re gripping for his hair (not much to grip, but it’s the impulse). He’d prefer they finish in his mouth, but if he knows they like facials he’ll take one every now and then. Usually with his sunglasses still on. He also swallows.
He likes keeping his sunglasses on and looking up at his partner over the rim of them.
He likes giving pleasure. It heightens his own arousal to know that he’s making his partner feel good. When it’s his turn to receive, though -
Okay to be honest, and please forgive him, Richard does love getting a nice, no commitment blowjob where he’s not expected to give anything in return. Puffing on a cigar while getting his cock sucked is the closest a living man can get to heaven, in his opinion. One of his favorite places to get sucked is in his car, too. Nowhere even close to public, out on some rural backroad, but still in his car.
He’s a pretty easy blow, too. He’s not rough or handsy, though he does like having his hand in his partner’s hair. His size isn’t particularly challenging, either.
Richard’s about average in length, but pretty girthy. He won’t gag you (unless you try), but he might make your jaw a little sore. It’s not beer can thick or anything, but certainly thick enough to savor.
He’s also uncircumcised, and while his foreskin’s not super long, he does find it oddly very arousing when a partner plays with it. Tugging on it or nipping it more than a little bit will have a noticeable effect on him.
Don’t worry, though. He’s a hygienic clean boi. The most you’ll find is that he’s a bit musky after a long day of work, though some might find that as a bonus.
Oh, big, round balls, too. Like, most of Richard’s bulge is ball. He’ll shiver if someone licks them and it’s the same “oddly aroused” feeling he gets from having his foreskin tugged on. It’ll make his cock leak even if it’s ignored.
If Richard is with someone new, he’ll give them a warning before finishing. If it’s an established partner, he kiiiiinda likes the idea that it’s expected of him and he doesn’t have to say anything. They’ll know he’s close by the way he breathes and subtly thrusts his hips. If he’s smoking, he’ll hold his cigar off to the side so he doesn’t risk dropping it.
How he actually cums depends on his relationship with his partner. If it’s just a hookup, he’ll always let them decide, really. He’ll probably have his hand in their hair, but he’s not guiding or anything. If they want to try deep throating him to feel him pump a hefty load down their throat, they’re more than welcome to. If they’d rather just have him finish on their tongue, that’s fine too. He’d be surprised with a facial, but it’s definitely okay. He doesn’t really care if they spit or swallow, either.
If he’s in a steady relationship with someone, though, he’ll either do whatever they typically want, or he’ll do what he likes (if he’s allowed.)
Richard very much likes to give the same treatment he likes getting. He likes using his hand in their hair to guide them down until he’s almost fully in their mouth, and then he likes to cum while thrusting ever so slightly so that he sprays both on their tongue and more or less down their throat. He likes to plant it deep, you know?
It’s usually a pretty hefty load, too. Richard tries to abstain from masturbating or anything when he’s got a steady partner because he just prefers shooting big loads for them.
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matan4il · 1 year
hey alice it’s miya! hope you’ve been good 💜. i firstly want you to know how much i look forward to these weekly meta posts. it’s very rare to find someone who thinks critically about shows in away that goes far beyond a ship and i appreciate all the time & effort you put into these. they always make my day.
TW: self-harm, mention of suicide, ptsd, trauma.
(i wanted to be mindful & put these tags just in case anyone comes across this post. buck’s character has been through it & some people don’t realize just how much so i just wanted to give this warning for those who may not have noticed these things about buck)
now this episode for me personally was a lot & very heavy. It didn’t start out that way but the surprise buddie cemetery scene hit me very hard. i’m still shocked we got it too cause it wasn’t truly necessary that we see buck&eddie visit marie’s grave but the conversation was so important for us to see & get a glimpse at their relationship at play and how much these two truly know each other well.
i wanted to talk about a couple of things. i see people are suddenly saying buck is not the right person for eddie because of his “she really see’s me for who i am” comment & i say to those people that they have no idea what life/death trauma can do to a person. when season 6 started buck was going on this journey trying to figure out the secret to happiness & not wanting to make the same mistakes. he was doing just that & doing well in a sense but then he died. he literally died and came back to life but he doesn’t feel good about that. it absolutely broke my heart and made me cry all last night thinking about when buck said “i felt like i got away with something”. anytime i hear this line or read it, i wanna break down. cause for some people, they might see dying & coming back to life as a miracle but for buck he thinks his second chance at life is stolen almost & that is just so sad. i understand completely cause i was involved in a terrible car wreck where i should have died but didn’t. my injuries are internal & although people can’t see them. i have to carry those injuries with me for the rest of my life. Buck doesn’t have any external injuries but inside he is hurting badly. how can one make sense of something when at one point, they didn’t value their life at all. we know buck has been passively suicidal & self harming in a non-traditional way by purposely putting himself in harms way. so i often feel like that still weighs on him. cause at one point he may have wanted to die & then when he did he came back so now he’s confused.
he thinks his new lease on life comes under terms and conditions. like at any moment a shoe is going to drop if he doesn’t go out & cherish eveything life has to offer. it’s hard for people with self-worth issues to truly believe that they can have exactly what they want especially in a partner. buck has clear feelings for eddie but does not believe it’s possible that one of the most important people in his life can love him/be in love with him for all he is & not solely for his work or what he’s been through. Eddie so badly wanted to tell buck that he’s see’s him verbatim but he opted to tell him by saying he’s been watching & observing him since the accident and has noticed he hasn’t been the same. Eddie is the one to always give buck his space so i love that the minute eddie opened the door to that convo buck walked in and told him the truth that no one else knows. it’s frustrating though for eddie to watch someone he loves so much hurt in this way & it’s hard to express that without almost revealing to much of his true feelings. it hurt more to think that buck doesn’t see that eddie see’s him and i don’t think he will see that unless eddie verbally says i love you, i’m in love with you & this is real. buck is it for eddie and he knows this but how much longer until buck knows it too.
anyways i’m so so so so sorry this is long. i have been thinking about this episode since it aired & have wrote many different things about it. i look forward to your next meta & please know that i’m here if you ever wanna talk all things buddie or anything else ❤️
Hi Miya! Awww, I absolutely adore hearing from you, and I'm so grateful for YOUR kind words, for reading the meta posts like the one for 615 and letting me know that you enjoy them! *HUGS*
And thank you for sharing of your personal experience as well. IDK if it helps, but I know what it's like to carry something debilitating that people can't see. I got vertigo almost 3 years ago, just a constant state of dizziness, that makes every part of wakefulness hard. I only relatively recently learned it's due to a tumor. And people don't see how much I struggle when they look at me. So I understand what it's like to carry that. And I just wanted to give you a hug. I also believe your experience with the car accident is different and unique to you, but so close to Buck that you probably understand him better than most people in this fandom. Yeah, he's been a bit lost this whole season, and the lightning strike only made it worse, it didn't give him any answers, only more questions.
I agree, I think Buck is deeply in love with Eddie. Which, as I mentioned in this ask reply, still doesn't mean he necessarily knows how he feels. In part because of what you said, because how can he have anything romantic develop with someone that Buck looks up to as much as he does Eddie? So when he says about Natalia that she really sees him, IMO he's saying that based on comparing her to his past gfs, he's not comparing her to someone like Hen or Chim. And because in Buck's mind, Eddie is supposed to be in the same category as their other teammates, Buck doesn't even stop to think that the man standing right by him is the one person who is a potential romantic partner, someone who will and does see him for EXACTLY who he is.
Awwww, you absolute gem! I'm so glad you found my blog! I'm currently a bit swamped with life, between work, family and medical appointments, I barely get to my DMs, but as much as I can, I hope I can be here for you, too! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
Rambling thoughts while rewatching Lone Star ep 4x11 – Double Trouble (Finishing Edging the Bet made it so that I am just now getting to a rewatch of the episode (only watched it live))
The pregnancy & dropping out were my two biggest suspicions for Wyatt’s news
Joining the FD was a little farther on my list – but I didn’t expect to see three announcements (although technically – you could combine the dropping out & FD thing together)
So how are along is she?
When did he decide to drop out of school? When were these midterms? Did he complete his first semester then, but quit ½ way through the 2nd?
Doesn’t TK remember hearing about Mateo’s cousin? He was there for the first time Mateo mentioned Marvin
So – he came from the side of the wall – not the door to the bunk room? – that blocking just seemed like a weird choice.
Someone suggested taking shots anytime Mateo or Marvin say “cuz” = 8 shots in like 2 minutes (3 for Mateo & 5 for Marvin)
The “I’d like to teach the world to sing” reminds me of the kid songs videos – it was on the “Teach the world to sing” (we had it on VHS – because I am old).
“I would really suggest that you try to calm down.” Carlos Reyes – to a woman that should be dead
Carlos thinking – “Thank fuck, you guys finally got here for this woman that should be dead, but is yelling at me about the demon spawn children.”
I am not a fan of going to the Dr. either lady
I want an orange tree in my back yard. Too bad it wouldn’t hold up well here.
That is a lot of kids balls/toys
Carlos “dad joke” Reyes
Winston Churchill gave a lot of good speeches – none of them are ones that I would think to watch to get ideas for my child’s wedding toast (and I am a history nerd like Owen) – but it does make sense for him – if he ever gets a pet that he gets to name – that is what I would guess that he would name them.
I am a fan of Tommy in her gym clothes.
This scene is probably the most I have EVER related to Judd. The self-doubt/loathing is so hard to look/see past. At least he has Tommy & Grace.
What does Judd even have in his hand in the firehouse kitchen scene that was alphabetized
“As long as these chimes don’t go off” give “Unless the bells go off” vibes – Owen talking to Gwyn in 2x04 (old) firehouse kitchen scene.
That Mateo is into pokemon – not surprising – BUT – where did all his cards come from? Did he rebuild his collection once he moved in with Owen or was his collection at the firehouse, miraculously saving it?
$24,100 is a lot of fucking money.
If I had been asking my husband to fix something for 4 years – I would have already figured out how to fix it. That is a long fucking time man.
I like clipboard Marj – but I am ready for firefighter Marj to come back
If you have an uninsured porshe (at least in the US) – you are an idiot. Or any high dollar car.
If he got $900 for the pokemon card, and $24,100 from Nancy – how is he tapped now? Wouldn’t it be that he was already tapped?
Also – That explains why he still lives with Owen
Apparently Mateo decided to do the “take a shot for each time Mateo or Marvin say cuz” game
I think that the sitcom thing fits Mateo’s character – but would have been weird for anyone else – with the exception of maybe Owen.
So, did Marvin keep his hair that pink color to keep a guilt trip on Mateo – since he used it to cover for him in the first place?
Also – these are some old looking 13-year-olds.
How did Mateo not know he was a DREAMER until he was 17?
So setting a school on fire made Mateo want to be a firefighter? I can buy that, makes a lot of sense – I like getting the whys of their job choices on these shows.
Who did he move to Texas with at 16? But still not know he was a DREAMER until he was 17?
He lived with his aunt & uncle from 6-16, then ?? from 16- at least adulthood?
Turpentine smells so bad
Did Mateo take over his cousins love of scientific facts?
Who cares about those other milk customers when there is french toast on the table?
I can’t with the mustache
This is the most Buck that TK has ever been. Accepting the french toast, then his ‘boss/partner’ saying ‘no’, then him saying the same, only sad.
“He might get shanked with a toothbrush.”
Milkman Judd just keeps eating his french toast
Guess it is good to have a paramedic in the family
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fadinglights · 1 year
💕 + yisoo/youngjo
send "💕" + a ship for me to fill out this. . . / accepting!
YISOO & YOUNGJO for @evocatiive
first details.
how did they meet? they're neighbours but they really got close after that night they went looking for the missing stray they'd been feeding
who flirted with who first? yisoo though it's taken them a Good While
was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? slowburn :'>
did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? they're friends before! the mutual crush lasted for a good while until any of them dared to end the pretence
what was their first date? maybe it's that kbbq place yisoo made him promise to bring her to as compensation for tending to his injuries
who kissed who first? yisoo, probably at the heat of the moment cause she's done with his emotionally constipated ass
who started the relationship? i feel like they didn't have That talk until much later on, but it's clear that they've been exclusively seeing each other for a while. poor yisoo doesn't have much time to date between her work n her troublemaker neighbour </3
next steps & hardships.
monogamy or polyamory? monogamy  
are they/do they plan on getting married? they aren't thinking that much ahead tbh
who proposed? was it a yes or no? again, it's too early to tell and i don't think yisoo is someone who values the idea of marriage that much anyway, it's the idea of family that she innately yearns for
do they want kids? who brought it up first? yisoo has enough caring responsibilities already lol, but who knows, she might change her mind in five years
do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? none that they know of
how often do they fight? what about? it's never that serious. she'll chastise him about the dangerous situations he gets into, he'll frown about how she's not taking care of herself well enough for someone who's always doing that for others
have they ever broken up? no, unless youngjo decides to pull a disappearing act out of panic at some point... i don't think he will though, they have a fur baby together after all <3333
messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ride or die but let's hope none of them is actually going to...
in the bedroom - vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? they can be spicy, though sometimes it's sweet and tender between them
for applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? youngjo tops most of the time, but ocasionally it's yisoo
for applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? depends on the day
what is their favourite sex position?  lotus or missionary, they like looking into each other's eyes during :'>
do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? not often, but she's open to it
favourite place to have sex? her bedroom, though can you imagine mandu just being confused out by the door worried about his hoomans from the sounds they're making akdsadkhad
most adventurous place they’ve had sex? his car or a caravan cause i can see them taking a trip along the coast
do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? how often? sometimes!! ok but... imagine them bathing together and yisoo just gently running her fingers over his scars 🥺
what are some of their favourite things about their partner sexually? i think yisoo likes how responsive he is.... god knows he's not like that with how he feels in other times, but i think he'll be trying more once they're a couple???
do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? does her patching him up count? they're just looking after each other in their own way
how do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? definitely, yisoo is extremely nurturing by default and youngjo has grown to be so protective over her
who is the better dancer? she's not much of a dancer, but i still think yisoo is better lol
how do they like to spend time together? staying in, playing with their cat, watching movies, going to the farmers' market together, just cosy things
what are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? casual physical intimacy, her head on his lap when she reads, his fingers casually playing with her hair when he's scrolling on his phone
what are some of their favourite things about their partner? she likes how strong he is and she doesn't mean his physique (which... she appreciates as well...), but how he's been through so much yet persists :>
how do they comfort the other when they are upset? hugs and warm meals
who buys the other spontaneous gifts? neither of them is a big shopper, but i think yisoo does it a bit more often
what position do they sleep in? maybe yisoo is the little spoon
what are their favourite things to do on date nights? movie dates, sometimes she takes him to things that she wants to do, ice-skating rinks, museums, bowling, karaoke etc, her interests are quite diverse
do they still go on dates after being together for a while? yes, but they're less planned but more done on a whim
what is their love language? yisoo's dominant one is definitely acts of service!! i think it's the same for youngjo too?
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person? they are both cat person, though i can see yisoo loving dogs too, she just doesn't have the spare time to keep one tbh
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more? yisoo likes the outdoors and same for youngjo
who’s more social? yisoo, for sure, her social circle has grown smaller since she became a full-time nurse, but her colleagues and patients adore her
who makes the bed every morning? neither does, i think
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm? they both like it warm
who takes longer getting ready? yisoo, but she doesn't take that long really
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones? they like both, they probably judge the hell out of dumb horror characters n yisoo will fixate on things like 'no way, that can't kill him. there's no major artery there' haha
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it? neither screams, but youngjo is more proactive in killing it whereas yisoo just avoids it lol
who is more technology challenged? youngjo
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven? youngjo
who talks in their sleep? yisoo does, but it's very rare
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? youngjo probably and it irritates her a bit >:(
who likes getting dressed up more? none of them dress up often, but i think yisoo likes it more than he does
who’s better at tying ties? yisoo 
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone? they just use their mobiles so there's no house phone message
who’s better at planning romantic things? yisoo, hopefully youngjo will catch up???
who takes up more space in the closet? yisoo, i think youngjo's wardrobe probably leans on the minimalist side
who has more of a sweet tooth? yisoo, she has a habit of stress eating lol, which she combats with buying (mostly) healthy snacks only
who drinks more often? youngjo. yisoo is mostly a social drinker.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation? neither does, i think, though it's a bit more likely for youngjo to do it than yisoo
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paperw0rmz · 1 year
Can I show you how I look in a pink thong?
So the basic summary (from memory) of Kyle XY is this:
For some fucking reason we see this home boy nakid int he woods right, bro is wobbling like a new born baby deer. Dude is straight up a baby giraffe. He wanders around trying to figure everything out until we like walks into on coming traffic or some shit????
Okay so then we have this frame change to this family right. Basic white™️ suburban family. This mom is like a cop or some shit right and she’s like rushing her oldest child (some girl) and her son and her husband out the door so she can get to work bc she got a call about this teenager found naked and isn’t like talking or anything.
AND SO the woman goes down and is like “tf you called me in early for hes prolly just fucking drunk” and they are like we checked his vitals and they are weird but he’s not drunk and then she’s like “okay??? He’s prolly slow then???” And they went yeah prolly so she like weirdly gets attached to him already it’s weird but white women love to have a savior or victim complex so like whatever.
Bro also does NOT have a belly button.
Also someone gave him some like fuckin crayons and paper???? Bc development that is delayed = literal toddler for some reason. (I say as I, a delayed person, has a 64 crayon set WITH sharpener)
Bro starts like tapping the crayons on the paper like your art teacher in your sophomore year of high school forced you to do and it’s called #Stippling and you hate it bc all you want to draw is boys kissing
And the woman and some other people are like “lmao idiot don’t know how to use crayons” but then they look over at what he’s doing and it’s literally the most beautiful art you have ever seen but I don’t even remember what it was of, he draws a LOT so it’s prolly like the woods or some shit like a car or whatever.
ANYWAYS they are like “we will take him to juvie” and white mom is like “tf why” and they are like “there’s no room in the foster care system and no one has reported him missing” so she just fuckin takes him home???? Is that legal????
Oldest daughter comes home early bc teenagers can’t be teenagers unless they rebel and goes to shower? Dude is also in there and he was showering or some shit and is naked AGAIN and starts screaming bc why wouldn’t you there is a weird ass NAKED man in your bathroom. Mom comes running saying no no it’s okay he lives here now and daughter goes off cursing saying they can’t ever be a normal family and shit.
Brother comes home with dad, brother thinks it’s dope and he always wanted a brother, dad accepts it bc he doesn’t want to fight I think
Then they like put him in the guest bedroom and is like “you sleep here okay?” And he’s like :) and they leave and then the next day they find him in the bathtub asleep.
Also bro has not eaten ANYTHING
That’s all like episode one I think???
Episode two is them trying to make it about the kids showing the kids life at school and shit and also battling the fact who tf this boy is and why tf he sleeps in a bathtub and why he don’t got no god damn belly button and why he won’t eat.
This episode is like boring
Next episode bro wakes up and is HUNGRY and EATS EVERYTHING IN THE FRIDGE like EVERYTHING and passes tf out like thanksgiving style. Mom is happy he is finally eating even tho he made a mess and like ate everything in site. Dad is trying to figure out the sleeping situation bc the dude keeps sleeping in the bathtub when people like need it. So he then makes a little room in the garage or some shit with a bathtub? Dude sleeps there now and continues his crayon art and shit
I then literally forget everything else other than the fact he realizes he has powers, the daughter and him have weird as shit sexual tension, dude learns about a facility bc he drew it and then did research on it, we then learn that he is a CLONE (shocker) of another dude and that’s why he doesn’t have a belly button and has weirdo powers, we also learn of this other chick who is also a clone who then awakes.
This show was like on ABC family or some shit???? And was cancelled. It was so good 10 year old me loved it
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empty-masks · 2 years
Book Three, Chapter Twelve
CW: Strong Language, Sexual References, Graphic Violence, Fantasy Bigotry, Smoking, Alcohol Use, Light Body Horror
For a little while everything had been remarkably quiet out front, as Fusillade is sorely lacking in what Lucille considers excitement; in the same vein, anything she considers exciting tends not to be enjoyable if she isn’t going to be paid to deal with it. As far as she can tell, there’s no reason to worry herself over the spreading fires a good way down the street. Even a town this far out of the way has its dedicated fire brigade or what have you, so there’s no point to someone like her jumping to action, even as the flames march closer and closer to the building behind her.
Something else does get her attention, however, as it sounds like something busting down a wall. She doesn’t see where it’s coming from, though, and by all means it could be the fire brigade making their own entrances into the buildings to help whoever’s inside. No reason to worry unless the noise gets closer to her, which after the last one, it’s stopped. If the fire reaches the building, anyway, she’s sure Jules can get out quickly enough and they can get back to the car.
Speaking of, as her thoughts begin drifting to what turns the conversation must be taking inside, the Vampire comes barreling out at full tilt, slamming the front door open as he hotfoots it over to Lucille, to whom he says, “Hey, we need to go. Now.”
“Why? It’s just a fire. We can stick around and pick some valuables out of the ashes later,” she replies, slowly standing from her seat on a bench, brushing off her knees. “Unless it’s some kind of trouble with the Carnevale?”
“Nope, we’re all good with them— this problem is different. We need to leave Fusillade right now. Like, now right now, we need to get on our way to Pickman’s Hope, let’s go.” Jules turns and takes several quick steps toward the car, Lucille walking just behind him with her hands in her pockets.
“It’s not like we need to rush, we’re the only ones—”
Lucille doesn’t get to finish her sentence as a blur of a glowing corpse flies past them and into the passenger side door of the car, right between the two mercenaries. She’s dumbfounded for a moment, and both of them spin around to see that there’s a hole in the brick wall, right beside one of the windows, where before she had known it to be entirely and unwaveringly solid. Behind it there’s a big, white shape holding something, a shirtless man.
“Who the hell is that? He looks like—” Lucille starts.
“Yeah, I know,” Jules slides across the hood of the car, followed by Lucille, “we need to go, now! We can talk on the road!”
“Let me get off your car first,” groans Meat against the door, before standing themselves straight and cracking their neck with their hands. “Sorry about that. It’ll buff out, probably.”
Blondie shoulders his way through what remains of the wall surrounding the window, his fist closing firmly around one of the gangsters’ throats with a sizzle and a squelch before an intense crackling. Not a cracking, but crackling, like the sound of still burning wood giving way beneath some greater force. Burnt and torn lips pull into a wolfish grin to reveal a series of jagged fangs, all a patchwork of burnt black and glowing red.
The head of the man stays just above Blondie’s fist as he exits, igniting with deep red flame which swirls and licks at the whole of it, slowly burning away the flesh until little but blackened bone remains. The body falls to the ground behind him, the top of the headless neck burned shut. There’s no bleeding, it’s just a corpse.
“Wow. Didn’t expect you to stand back up after that, hah. You got rocks in your bones or something?” the Werewolf says with a hearty chuckle, gently tossing the skull up and down in one hand. “And don’t you run yet either, vampy. I need to thank you personally for helping me find my way back here. You bat-fucks always were great bleeders.”
“Duck, now.” Jules hits the dirt with Lucille, hauling her along with him as he rolls.
Meat’s late on the draw; their mind’s preoccupied with a flurry of information coming their way in the name of self-preservation, an unwillingness to part with their second life condensing into a solid ball of refusal. Problem is, actually deciphering all of it takes them a millisecond too long, and by the point they’re processing the real world there’s a skull hot enough to burn through steel hurtling toward their own skeletal features.
Two glowing red hands shoot up from beneath the dragonscale pattern poncho, making contact with the projectile. Fingers find purchase inside the eyeholes, and the thumbs hook right below the top row of teeth.
The sheer force of the pitch doesn’t stop on the catch however, and Meat is sent slamming back into the car again, jamming the passenger side door to the point of fusion with the frame before they’re sent tumbling over the top of it and into the dirt a few yards beyond Jules and Lucille, where they finally come to a stop.
For the briefest moment the instinctual fear of fire seizes hold and the miniscule animal inside every soul screeches in terror— the fireball is in their hands! And then, like magic— because it is— the vibrant flames sink inside the red glow of their hands, leaving Meat with a smoking, fire-blackened skull.
“Oh,” they mumble. “Sorry Tommy. I’m sure you were a fun guy.” Their eyes dart up. The hulking shape is approaching the other side of the car and the two mercs are still on the ground just beside it.
In a swift and elastic bound Meat’s back up, over the car, and the skull in their hand is smashing into the side of Blondie’s head with enough force that once it cracks and practically explodes from the contact, the heel of Meat’s palm slams harder against the wolf’s head than the makeshift weapon ever did. In the quarter of a second after the two finally make contact there’s a sizzle and a spark— and then a bang.
It’s not an explosion the way explosions are meant to be understood; it’s more flame than concussive, but there’s enough of a pop that they both separate again. Meat flies back once more, this time slamming their bare heels against the roof of the car, which would’ve put them in a great deal of pain if they weren’t more focused on the ringing sound in their ears or the insane and dizzying spin that the car just put on their trajectory through the air, which culminates in their going through the window of a business across the street.
Blondie’s sent face first into the dirt because that explosion was localized right around his left ear, a bit above his temple and subsequently meant all that momentum was pointed down. As Meat crashes through the display glass of a sandwich shop, Blondie’s got his own crispy snout halfway to six feet under and his actual feet up in the air.
The sound was comparable to thunder, but it fades quickly enough, giving way to a more typical tense silence as the both of them stand back up.
Meat shakes off a rack of discounted turkey sandwiches and several exploded display salads before they haul themselves through the window again and start on an immediate beeline back across the street.
By this point Blondie’s back up, laughing, and swaggering toward them. “Phew, you’ve really got an arm. Too bad I’m gonna pull it off.”
“Bring it.” Meat’s teeth clack as they shut their mouth, arms flexing as they close the distance. This guy deserves it, they think. What he did to Tommy, what he’d do to anybody else, what he tried to do to Roxanne or Brie, oh he deserves it. Head down, jaw clenched, shoulders squared, Meat’s ready for another round and they haven’t felt this good since they woke up. Protecting themselves from that idiot vampire was all business, but this got personal about five punches ago and by God there’s no feeling on this forsaken hunk of rock that even compares to the righteous fury boiling in the back of their skull. There is no high that compares to the living flame of just hate.
Jules and Lucille scramble from the ground and into the driver’s seat as the two fiery combatants start getting closer and closer, but it’s impossible to start driving. Lucille can get her hands on the wheel and the key in the ignition, but the near ruination of the passenger side and Jules’ intense fear had him just about upside-down in the car like a bungling fool, arms down in the way of the pedals. They’re both grunting and cursing like a pair of panicking morons as, from the flower shop Carnevale HQ, there’s a whistle.
“Hey, big guy,” drawls the limping Roxanne, one arm raising a crossbow.
Blondie’s distracted, he doesn’t see it in time. The crossbow fires, and as he blinks, he sees a sharpened section of rebar, threaded to drill deeply on impact, having skewered his palm. As he’s in the process of recognizing the feeling, as he’s walking past the car Jules and Lucille are still desperately attempting to drive, there are two more successive chunk-chunks from the crossbow. It barely gives him enough time to register that he’s been pinned to the side of the car’s chassis.
When he pulls and hardly makes progress on unsticking himself, he roars in frustration just in time for his jaws to be forced shut by a flaming haymaker, capped off by another localized explosion. It’s not enough to send him tumbling this time, though— his head snaps back to focus his glare on Meat again not more than a second afterward, and when his jaws open again it’s not a scream or roar that escapes his mouth but white hot fire.
It’s a straight, focused line of flame, it sounds like the wolf’s got a jet engine in his gut, and despite their own immunity to flame it still feels like they’re going to be tossed away by the force alone. They’re pushed back no more than a few inches, however, and deliver another quick punch to shut him up.
A dog-like yelp escapes Blondie as his jaws were forced shut again, and with his free hand he lands a blow on Meat— sending them tumbling back another time— and starts to superheat himself, the bolts, the car, everything. He hardly manages to unpin his arm before more bolts stick themselves into his back alongside an entire magazine of pistol fire and several full volleys of high-caliber revolver ammo.
Inside the flower shop, Brie, Roxanne, and the remaining Carnevale goons have just fired off their entire salvo into Blondie’s center of mass. With her final shot, Roxanne pins Blondie’s hand to the car again.
In the car, Jules has just decided that he really, really wants to get out of there, and before Lucille can inform him that the flaming wolf monster that has it in for him is currently half-melted into the backend of their car, he jams the gas pedal down with his elbow, flooring it. “DRIVE!” He kicks awkwardly. “GET US OUT OF HERE!”
Lucille’s still grappling with the fact that they’re moving when they’re already halfway down the street rocketing past several gawking bystanders and a notable number of already burning buildings and they are still gaining speed. In the rearview mirror she sees a white gnarl of fur and glowing eyes, as well as the snarling teeth of the beast. “He’s still stuck to the back of the car,” she says, the shock of it all pushing her into serenity.
“What do you MEAN he’s still stuck?”
“I mean we’re about to hit seventy on a residential road and if we don’t crash and die he’s going to kill us,” she replies. This is how it all ends, is it? It’s not the worst way to go out, she considers. Better than being another faceless raider or gang grunt facedown in the muck. Going over seventy, surrounded by flames, probably going out killed by a monstrous fire beast—  at least a few of the idiots back home would’ve considered that a pretty good death. It’d become a bar story if anyone would hear of it. Did you hear about Lucille? The freak with the belly-mouth? Went down in flames with her best friend and a wolf monster that could lift cars. Fucking beautiful, that.
And then they begin to rapidly lose speed. This pulls her back from the high-speed death serenity that had washed over her, and sound returned. Jules is sobbing on the floor beneath her, babbling about how sorry he is, about how things had come to this. In front of her, beyond the Vampire’s legs, the engine’s screaming to keep going— and behind her she hears the creaking of metal and its liquid form slopping to the ground in heavy, sizzling globs alongside the molten drool of the snarling Blondie.
The first moments after the car had taken off, Blondie was surprised. He hadn’t expected it to get up to that speed so quickly and, additionally, he had been a little more focused on his hand being stuck to the damned thing and the corpse-looking asshole who’d been punching him for the past couple minutes. After what was likely about ten to twenty seconds of having his body dragged against the road like a bad bumper ornament, the novelty of the maneuver wore off. So now he’s solving the problem.
Having gotten himself chest to the ground, he raised his free hand to the other side of the car from that which his other hand was stuck to, and then with more might than even the wolf knew he had he shoved his feet against the ground. This has rapidly decelerated the car— and put a long, black trail following each of his feet where the bright, burning claws had shoved themselves through rudimentary gravel and dirt straight into moister earth.
Now the car’s stopped and even Jules can tell because above him none of the buildings are moving beyond the windows.
“We’re going to die,” Lucille says, staring ahead.
Meat’s rubbing their skull and watching as the car peels off down the road when they’re smacked on the shoulder. Leslie, a good amount of his suit burned along with one hand, smiles awkwardly.
“Hey, Mack.”
“Don’t start, Leslie. Only thing keeping me from finishing what he started is that I’m a bit busy right now.”
Leslie nods and raises both hands. “I get it, don’t worry. I’d feel the same if I were in your position. Any of us would. But right now, we’ve got a problem. That bastard needs to go. More than you do. He killed poor old Tommy— ”
“We both know that’s a lie and I’m an amnesiac. Don’t pull that on me.”
As Roxanne and Brie close the distance with the two, Mickey and the remaining still living congregate.
“Fine, I’ll cut to the chase. Guns aren’t gonna do jack to that nudist dog freak— no offense, lady—” Leslie nods toward Roxanne, “—and I ain’t about to send my boys after him when everything’s up in flames. You deal with this problem, you save my boy Jules, that being the Vampire who tried to kill you a bit ago, and we let you go. His life for yours, how’s that sound?”
Meat looks toward Brie and Roxanne, then toward Blondie, who by this point is just getting his free hand onto the car. Their jaw sets and their head tilts. “Fuck.”
“Please be careful,” Roxanne pokes with a laugh. “And don’t forget to save the last shot for me, Meat.”
After a long sigh, Meat turns to the street and starts running after the car.
Jules has decided it might be best to no longer be in this position if he’s going to die, and after taking his elbow off the gas he’s awkwardly making his way up, and with the lack of a passenger seat and the backseats being doused with molten metal, he’s left to straddle Lucille’s lap, facing her, and put his head over her shoulder to stare back at Blondie, who has by this point called them both every humanoid-based slur one can dream up and a veritable dictionary’s worth of ones solely regarding vampires.
Lucille, the moment he was out of her way, puts her foot on the gas again in the hopes of moving them with the jolt, but Blondie holds them tight.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry for how all this shit went down,” he says, picking his walking stick out of the backseat to prepare for the inevitable fight. “I never thought it’d turn out like this, I swear.”
“What, you didn’t think we’d be dying at the hands of a naked, flaming wolfman?”
“No, I thought that might be the end of a casual weekend party, not my death.”
“Is he your type? You really go for somebody like this?” Lucille’s brows arch.
“No! Fuck, no. I mean he’s big enough, but he obviously doesn’t even care about his hair.”
The two laugh, and the laughs become strained, and then the laughs aren’t laughs, they’re sobs. Lucille doesn’t quite cry so much as Jules, who’s back to bawling his eyes out as Blondie’s growls begin developing into barking, choking laughs. The sky’s exposed above them as the roof of the car is peeled back, pulled off by the wolf’s free hand and tossed aside. Heavy tears roll down the vampire’s gray face and into his mustache, down his chin. Lucille’s soak straight into the scarf around her face, with little distance to travel along her skin.
That is, until a new noise enters the soundscape. Jules’ sobs fade, his eyes blink the tears out. There’s something beyond the wolf, something fast and red and it’s screaming— they’re screaming.
Meat has made an incredible underestimation of their own ability before. After all, if someone’s able to stand up after dying they have to be another breed altogether, but despite this the old business habit of erring on the side of caution is kicking in. That is, however, a problem when while you’re estimating you’re a damned fast runner and have little time, a form of post-death adrenaline combined with justified fury and a healthy dose of incredible magical power all coalesces and after a certain point you’re running, your footprints are flaming, every step has the power of a small incendiary explosive, and the world around you’s rapidly becoming a blur. This is not the sort of speed that comes with actually being fast or being meant to be fast, because by no means are they meant to be fast. There are no stories about flaming skeletons running beyond the speed of sound, outpacing Wyrms and perceiving the world in slow motion.
The world around Meat is a blur because even now they aren’t terribly fast about processing anything and they’re going brutishly fast, the sort of fast that is uncontrollable and entirely about force; the will in each step to go further sooner, to put flaming holes in the earth beneath them and gain, gain, gain, like someone’s suburban van being supercharged with an illegal jetbooster. The framework that is Meat is not meant for this speed even after having died and come back. Meat is experiencing a form of speed most would only know if they were to strap themselves to the tip of a missile and let it rip.
So it is that when they’ve closed the distance and the shape of the car and the two idiots and the monster become firm and real, there’s no chance of them slowing down. Behind them the street’s on fire and around the last ten feet or so the ground has stopped being a thing. Now all there is is momentum, and the street feels about as far away for them as the clouds, and whether or not they intend it they’re burning, burning, burning through the air like a corpse-shaped missile, screaming.
Such as it is, Lucille’s not expecting that the car’s suddenly jolting to a breakneck pace with the added force of Meat’s journey to their destination as a guided projectile made of fire and muscle and rage, and that means they’ve moved another twenty feet before she’s aware that this vehicle is under her control. She’s white-knuckling the wheel to keep it from jerking either direction, which is slightly helped by her arms being under Jules’, thus meaning she couldn’t actually turn the wheel all that much even if she wanted to.
Meat’s collision with Blondie is enough not only to lift the wolf’s feet from the ground, but in the process the both of them are dragged into the backseats of the car, where the two immediately begin screaming and punching, clawing and biting like wild animals, all while a similarly screaming Jules is hitting either one of them on whatever parts he could strike with the knobbled clubbing end of his walking stick, coating it in burnt muck and some embers.
“Fucking shit! New problem, Lucille! Two new problems!”
“Care to tell me what they are? The rearview’s out.”
Meat’s head turns as their fist collides with Blondie’s jaws, pressing it between to block a burst of flame with their fingers. “One, assholes, I’m here to help.”
“The corpse is here?” Lucille asks. She’s trying to discern a way out, a path to safety, and unfortunately this long street’s practically all businesses and a hard left turn at the end. That’s hard news to break.
“Yeah, they’re here. To help, apparently, but they also put the other guy in the car with them, so maybe not?”
Blondie coughs out Meat’s fist, then snaps his jaws at it as his hands come up to clap on either side of Meat’s head. “After I’m done with barbecue face, I’m gonna skullfuck you both, mark my fucking words!”
“Shut up!” Meat screams, the glow between them both growing brighter as they slam their fists hard against Blondie, who laughs after each blow.
Jules has stopped trying to intervene in the fight by this point, and turns his head to speak only to Lucille. “We should just leave, right? They’re going to be busy with each other, let’s just go!”
“That’d be the smart thing to do, yes,” she nods. “Unfortunately not in the cards right now.”
“I’ve been trying the breaks for the last few seconds and it hasn’t worked. I also think the gas pedal fused to the floor, because it’s getting really, really hot and my foot isn’t on it anymore and we’re still going.”
Jules hums. “Shit. That’s what I get for hoping, I guess.”
Meat, in the midst of having their head engulfed by a clawed hand as the other continues to strike their side, screams. The back of the car is more molten metal than vehicle by this point save for the seats, which are burning up.
Blondie is growling viciously. One of Meat’s hands has managed to nearly bury itself into his ribs and it’s the sharpest pain he’s felt since waking up. He makes sure to return it in full, roaring, mouth frothing with hate.
Lucille can make out a small crew of men and women in fire-resistant gear wielding an old, basic hose and putting water on fires down the road. However, what she also notices is that the hose runs around the corner. The fire brigade, as she had assumed earlier, were quick to act in the case of fires. Through the already ruined remains of a remarkably small shop she can see their truck and, of course, the massive tank of water they draw from, one of several large reserve tanks filled with water from the nearby river.
“Jules,” she starts, her tone rising, “we’re gonna crash into a water tank.”
“Uh.” He glances behind himself, spotting the tank as well as the hard left turn needed to reach it, which is approaching very, very soon, but there’s still some distance. “Maybe we should just jump?”
“Jules, we either crash into the water tank or we jump and the two assholes behind us just survive the crash and come to kick our ass. Work smart, not hard.”
“You’re really stretching the meaning of ‘smart,’ Lucille, but whatever works, right? Jump right before we hit the tank?”
“Of course, don’t be stupid. Okay, turning left now—” Snap.
She blinks and withdraws her arms, and in one of her hands is the steering wheel, whose connector to the main body of the vehicle is molten orange. It drips between the two of them, and with a sharp, pained whine she tosses the wheel without a thought.
“Fuck, we needed that,” the Vampire says, eyes widening. He turns his head to look over his shoulder again, considers, and then looks to Lucille. “New plan. Really stupid plan. Trust me?”
Her eyes narrow. The seat’s kicked roughly by a writhing wolf monster and a screaming corpse, both of which are on fire. She nods, sighing. “Always, Jules.”
“Good, because this is either going to save us or kill us both. Arm!”
Lucille raises her left arm and pulls back her coat sleeve to reveal the skin, and with a flourish of his walking stick, sharp end pointing out of the car, he bites down into her wrist and starts drinking. Blood, strange blood, coats his lips and chin and mustache as he bulks up rapidly, eyes brightening and muscles tensing. He turns the stick in his hand and then wraps his newly pumped up fist around the club end of it, pointing the sharp end straight down. His fangs leave her arm. He’s planning to flip the car with his arm, she realizes.
“Your shit’s gonna break, Jules!” Lucille screams.
“I know!”
“This is gonna hurt a lot!”
“I know!”
“The turn’s just about to—”
“I KNOW!” Jules screams, and with one arm around Lucille— that hand digging its fingers straight into the seat itself, pressing into the heat weakened metal— his other arm slams downward, driving the point of the stick into the ground.
The vehicle is glowing hot. The back half looks like it’s well on its way to having melted in an oven, the two screaming and clawing at each other in the backseats looking like figurines behind a drawn curtain of light. The two sitting in the front are in a strange way also, one clutching desperately to the other as said other has a wooden walking stick, treated with various methods to make resistant even to the finest and strongest of axes, stuck into the ground. The fire brigade, frankly, has no clue what they’re looking at. It’s a massive ball of mayhem, and it wheels right past them and then around the corner and straight at their water tank. It’s a bolt of flame, blazing an orange-white among the deep and shadowed glow of the daylight fires surrounding, engine, tires, and metal frame screeching in near perfect tune with the writhing dead.
There’s a window of approximately five seconds after the turn’s completed where there’s several sickening snaps, one of wood and several of bone, and there’s an opening. Jules seizes on it, the blood in his system supercharging him. Unlike Meat, in this condition, this speed is his element. He’s bigger than it all, better than he is, better than he ever thinks himself to be. Lucille is pressed hard against him, the arm holding onto the seat going rigid around her, under her arms, as his legs tense and spring.
He jumps, keeping Lucille close, in the opposite direction the car’s going. They’re airborne for an unsettlingly long time. However, those on the ground see Jules’ opposite arm, the one that had been gripping the now broken stick, sagging limply beside him and bent in a direction an arm is not meant to go. He’s wrapped around her like a giant ball of grey, buckskin clad muscle, hat having flown off and his wild black hair whipping in the wind.
And then the two slam into the ground at top speed and go rolling for several meters. Meanwhile, the car slams into the truck and the water tank, which results in the strangest of sequences: first, the car and the firetruck both blow up. The impact’s more than enough to set off the truck’s bio tank and the car is already on its last legs, barely holding out under the heat, not to mention that the melting metal had finally reached the extra bio tank in the trunk.
Blondie and Meat are making no headway during any of this fight, with Blondie unable to properly land a killing blow or get any real effect out of his fire as Meat’s unable to do little to affect the wolf in the slightest, as even their strongest strikes did little but bruise the already dead muscle.
And then the two are slapping, clawing each other when the car strikes the truck and the explosions occur. Neither are affected by the heat, the flame. No, what affects them is the force of it, which sends the smaller Meat flying diagonally up and out of the car, away from Blondie and into the burning building that the fire brigade were trying desperately to put out until the next moment in the play by play.
Blondie, being much larger, does not get tossed far, and since there’s more force coming from the car than the truck’s bio reserve, plus the already extant momentum, Blondie’s trajectory points him like a huge, man-wolf shaped cannonball straight into the water tank, whose metal siding he punches through and into entirely.
It’s a second after that when the water tank explodes not with water but with steam. Everything is white for several moments, the water ceases to flow to the hose, Jules and Lucille are silent on the ground and Meat’s nowhere to be seen. During the whiteout, a few of the fire brigade’s volunteer members swear they could hear panting and stamping in the mist, but by the time that the steam clears Blondie is gone.
Another few moments later, the fires seem to begin to simply disappear, as though called away by something inside. When Meat exits the building, clothes heavily burnt save for their poncho, they walk up to the fire brigade. When neither hide nor hair of Blondie turn up, they head toward other buildings, raising their hands to the flames to begin calling them in. It’s a slow and awkward process, unrefined as of yet, but the locals are awestruck, sticking around to see before one of them runs off to go get another truck and another tank of water.
As this has all gone on, the two mercenaries are also nowhere to be seen. Lucille hoofs it back up the street toward where it all started, the very big and very unconscious Jules on her back, one of his arms still bent the wrong way and one of his legs similarly mangled after their landing. “Dumb son of a bitch,” she mumbles. “Dumb motherfucker. Stupid. Stupid. Fuck.”
An hour or so later, Blondie leans heavily against a building, basking in the shade of the Jim’s Trafficular Jam sign, panting like a dog. His glow is low but returning as he trudges over toward the lot itself. His claws run over his face, dragging long, sooty lines along his maw. It was supposed to be fun, it was supposed to be easy. That was neither of those things. That was shit.
Each step he takes is heavier, angrier than the last, and by the time he gets close to a decently sized van he’s frothing again. Taking both hands he grabs at the roof of the van and peels it back so that he can sit in the driver’s seat without his head brushing up against it. He opens the glove compartment by simply removing the hatch, from inside of which he withdraws the key and starts it. He just needs to go and restock, resupply, gear back up. He needs the best stuff, though. The fire and the muscles aren’t enough, he needs swords, he needs guns, he needs men.
The engine refuses to start, whining like an injured animal as he twists the ignition over and over. He could get it all down south, something tells him, deep in the back of his head. Shepherd. An armory, his bosses, they had it all. With all that and all this, he could wipe this place off the map along with every little insignificant piece of shit that calls it home, and then he’d keep on the warpath until he finds his quarry again. Names float in his head. Hickory. Gilroy. Penny can go fuck herself, he’ll break as much as he wants and Harry’s going to look like the stupidest brown-noser in the universe when Blondie shows back up, alive and well, ready to keep working.
When the engine continues to refuse him, he punches through the dashboard and into the engine block screaming in rage as the other hand squeezes the wheel tight enough to bend it. And then it roars to life, screaming into reality like it’s just woken from one nightmare into a whole new one, so much worse than the last. His foot puts the pedal to the floor and it lurches forward, Blondie beginning on his way south, away from Fusillade and back, back to the start of this shitty, shitty mission.
It’s evening now, and Meat, Brie, and Roxanne sit around a singed table at the sandwich shop across the street from the Carnevale flower front. Brie’s just finished a sub that had been smashed inside its wrapping, while Roxanne’s still in the process of finishing a chicken salad sandwich, and Meat hasn’t bothered touching their “thank you for helping the town not burn down” grilled cheese.
“And you’re certain you lost him?” Asks Roxanne, just having swallowed. “I suppose we’re back to square one, then. And, I’m out of those fun bolts I got back in Kiln. What a shame.”
Brie clears her throat. “I have a feeling that if we continue on this mission as we should, we will be seeing him again. Unfortunately.”
“Yeah. Probably.” Meat’s head tilts.
Roxanne sighs. “Meat, lift your head. It isn’t becoming of a town hero to mope.”
“I’m not moping. This is just thinking.”
“It doesn’t matter what you might be thinking, it’s moping if you look like a kicked puppy while you’re doing it. You’ve just saved a town, Meat. You should enjoy yourself a little.”
Brie shifts in her seat. “I would not think that is the source of their worries.”
“Nah. Just thinking about that asshole. What’d you call him? Blondie? I mean, he’s like…” Meat gestures vaguely toward themselves.
Roxanne laughs. “Oh no, don’t you start with this. You aren’t even a lick alike, don’t even consider it. I might be a Fox, but that doesn’t make me the same as whatever rabid little bastard eats people’s pets around here. Those stories never specify whether it’s the good or the bad that get back up.”
“Actually, if I recall correctly, more than a few state just those sorts of claims though without—” Brie’s cut off by an elbow in her side, followed by a small hiss from Roxanne.
“Don’t you worry your head, Meat. It’s not important to think about right now. Right now, you should just be basking in the good graces of a town well-saved while we handle the heavy thinking. We gotta plot a good route to Pickman’s Hope.”
“Jules, you’re an idiot.”
“I know.”
“You’re the dumbest person I think I’ve ever worked with.”
“I know, Lucille.”
“And I have no idea how, but you have saved my life more times than I can count.”
“I kno— oh, that one was actually kinda nice.”
Lucille’s pacing in a backroom surgeon’s office, hands clasped behind her back. Jules is lying back on a couch with one massive arm all tied up into a position where it might heal well and one of his legs in a splint, all awkwardly done with tightly wound, nearly elastic bandages to anticipate the lessening of his muscle mass as the recent feeding eventually wears off.
Lucille rubs what little of her face is exposed with one hand. The other arm, meanwhile, had been wrapped up tightly when they got there sometime earlier and still stings like hell. “We’re going to need backup. You heal fast, I know, but with that bastard still on the loose we need to have all the prep we can get, we’re out a car and you’re all fucked up.”
“That’s okay, we can work around that. It’ll take a little more time, but we’ve got this. You trust me?”
“Don’t do this again, Jules, don’t, this isn’t the time or place. I was— look, I was all fucked up about that in the car, don’t.”
“Okay! Still, just know that you’re my best friend. I’m not going to let you die on a job like this if I can help it. Plus, we can just try and contact someone who does have a car. Piper’s got one, right?” Jules smiles, his mustache rising with the corners of his lips.
Lucille, sighing again, walks over to him and gets her arms around his broad shoulders. “You’re a bastard. You’re a real bastard.”
“I know. Watch— watch the shoulder, jeez! I just had that popped back in!”
She squeezed him tighter, earning a grunt. “No.”
Book 3 End.
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Blondie & The Smokestone March is © 2020-2022 Empty Mask. All Rights Reserved.
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My really random fruity four beach headcanons
1. Nancy- wears a one piece that’s really high cut (sort of like Karen’s in s3) and definitely has one of the flowy dresses that you were over it but takes it off as soon as they get there.
2. Robin- definitely a bikini but with a really baggy t-shirt over the top that she won’t take off unless she has to swim (usually because she’s racing against someone in the water and she doesn’t want it to “drag her down”). Nancy thinks it’s adorable and also dies a little on the inside whenever she takes the shirt off to swim.
3. Eddie- really baggy black shorts with the skulls on them and a tank top probably (some kind of shirt so that you can see his tattoos but not his scars). Steve teases him about the shorts a lot.
4. Steve- really tight swim shorts and absolutely nothing else. Eddie makes them both leave early to go… do things.
Swimming ability
1. Steve- obviously he’s really good at it and he loves to swim. But I feel like his worst stroke is breaststroke (only bc one of my friends can do BUTTERFLY like a pro but cannot do breaststroke, the EASIEST one and it confuses me constantly). Both Robin and Eddie make some gay joke about it until he gets sick of it and starts listing off all the women he’s ever gotten with until they’re both jealous.
2. Eddie- absolutely no swimming ability. I can’t remember how well anyone swam in the one episode in volume 1 but to me he cannot swim. Like he can but it’s SOOO BAD. He mostly prefers to just splash people and try to drown them. Definitely does the thing where you shake your hair out like a dog when it’s wet. Steve thinks it’s endearing. Nancy and Robin do not.
3. Robin- meh. She can kind of swim, but does like three strokes at once. Definitely does the thing where you try and see how far you can swim without coming up for air. Probably challenges Eddie to try and beat her. Her and Eddie also team up to splash people. However after the first time she splashed Nancy and then got the silent treatment for a whole week, she makes sure that her gf is protected at all times. Eddie has absolutely no such qualms about Steve.
4. Nancy- does not swim. She definitely can, fairly well, and on rare occasions will actually participate. But 90% of the time she will either be lying in the sun with some kind of tropical drink (“Nancy you look like the cover of a holiday magazine right now wtf you’re so prettyyyy”) or will be in the water but will not put her head underwater. She hates the feel of it but also she doesn’t want to ruin her makeup and hair. If anyone splashes her she will go home. She has done it before. Gets Robin to guard her so that no one splashes her and Robin does so very dramatically.
1. Nancy hates the sand. She never uses her own car to go to the beach bc sand gets everywhere. She probably has one of the pool chairs that fold out that you get at fancy hotels bc even when you’re on a towel Robin sand still gets everywhere.
2. Eddie collects shells and sea glass and whatnot. Sometimes he’ll give some to Robin but mostly he keeps it. Steve thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
3. Steve is the type of guy to reapply sunscreen at exactly the right amount of time, put it on the right amount of minutes before you actually go in the water, etc. He does like to tan but he’s also very aware of sun damage and years as captain of the swim team has drilled sun safety into him.
4. Robin forces Nancy to apply sun screen. Nancy wants to tan but Robin is very scared of sun damage and rambles on about it until Nancy lets her put it on (you know the thing in movies when the love interest gets the main character to get their back and they get all flustered? That).
5. Steve will occasionally rest but spends 99% of his time in the water (showing off for Eddie). He’s always loved swimming and it makes him feel “free” or something. Eddie thinks it’s stupid and splashes him with water a lot.
6. They very rarely bring the kids because when they do, they have to do everyone’s sunscreen (“how come Nancy doesn’t have to put any on?” “Wait Nancy wdym I told you to put some on” “wow thanks Mike”) and make sure they don’t drown (because both Dustin and Mike are the worst swimmers of all time, even though the rest of them are pretty good). It’s very tiring and after Max and El ran away to go and look at crabs meaning Steve had to spend an hour looking for them, they’ve learnt that trips to the beach are for adults only.
7. Jonathan and Argyle are often charged with looking after the kids while the fruity four goes to the beach (bc Steve gets nervous) and they are the worst babysitters ever. They let the kids do whatever they want as long as they don’t tell Steve and the kids love it.
8. One time Robin got stung by a jellyfish and Nancy immediately called an ambulance and was kinda freaking out but mostly staying calm until Robin was like “no don’t call an ambulance they’re so expensive” and Nancy (and Steve, except he was busy trying to do all the health stuff like elevate the foot bla bla bla) was immediately filled with rage at the stupidity of the American healthcare system and swore that she would cover all the expenses for it. Eddie was probably the one trying to calm Robin down but was basically doing whet Robin does when someone gets hurt which is ramble on about something and lowkey make it worse.
That’s all and can you tell I’m Australian?
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semisgroupie · 4 years
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Sugar Daddy!Nanami Kento X College Student!Female Reader
Warnings: age gap, dumbification, degredation, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy), creampie, car sex, hints at a corruption kink, daddy kink, use of a vibrator, mean dom Nanami, dom/sub dynamics, public sex, light spit play, use of the word “cunny”, overstimulation
Word Count: 3.6k words
This is my contribution to the Ditzy n Diamonds collab check out everyone else’s amazing work!! A huge huge huge thank you to @aransangel​ for allowing me to participate. Enjoy!
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Kento wasn’t a lonely man. He had his fair share of women in his life but they were always after his money. He would go into a relationship and they expect him to buy them the moon and the night sky after one date. Always wanting to go on shopping sprees and wanting to be spoiled. So he took himself out of the dating scene. 
Until one day his friend offered a sugar daddy website to use. Kento had more money than he could keep track of, being the head of two Fortune 500 companies he had the cash rolling in. So he decided to just join it, not like he was going to find someone worth his time or money until he stumbled across your profile. 
You weren’t like any of the other girls on the website. You looked so innocent, so soft and so pure. He messaged you immediately after going through your profile. You were so open about everything he asked you and you were able to keep a conversation. 
You never thought you’d find yourself looking for a sugar daddy, you were in your second year of college and the little job you had was not enough to pay rent, tuition, buy food and buy textbooks. When telling your roommate you’d be late on paying your half of the rent for the third month in a row she recommended you’d look for a sugar daddy.
She helped set your profile up, putting the right pictures and making the bio perfect for older men looking to spoil a sweet girl like you. It was going well at first then you hit a snag, the men were too old or had too many rules or wanted too much for the first meeting. Then you received a message from Nanami Kento. 
You looked through his profile and he was perfect, being in his late 40s, extremely attractive and his first message wasn’t anything creepy. He genuinely wanted to get to know you. So when he offered to set up your first meeting a week after getting to know each other you jumped at the chance. 
It went amazing and when your allowance started flowing in it was even better. He got you your own penthouse apartment in one of the buildings he bought making it rent free for you. The first night you moved in he fucked you in every room and on every piece of furniture, making you scream and cream around his cock over and over again. 
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That was two years ago, that was when you first started the arrangement. A year in he asked to change the title of your relationship wanting you to be his and only his, not like you already weren’t. He still spoiled you senseless, keeping your allowance and when you were a good girl he gave you a little bonus.
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Tonight you were his date to a masquerade ball that one of his friends were hosting. Kento was helping you into the corset that went with your dress. A dress he bought for you of course.
“You look so beautiful princess and you haven’t even put the dress on yet. Ready for me to tighten this corset?”
You nodded making Kento tsk.
“What does daddy say about using your words?”
“I’m sorry daddy, I am ready for you to tighten it daddy.”
“Good girl, now breathe in for me and let me know if it’s too tight or hurting you.”
“Yes daddy.”
You inhaled and he tightened the strings on the back of the corset, hugging your curves and making your tits pop out making Kento eye them hungrily. His hands moving up and down your waist and hips moving them back to grab at your ass. 
“Daddy! We can’t do this now, the party will start at 8 and we can’t be late. You hate being late.”
He reached up squishing your face between his fingers bringing you face to face with him.
“Don’t tell daddy what he likes and don’t tell him what he can and can’t do silly little girl.”
“’m showwy daddy” you spoke with your cheeks still being squished. 
“Good, now lets get this dress on you.” 
You pouted because you’d have to redo your makeup. Kento slipping the dress up your body, zipping it and grabbing your tits from behind. You sat down in front of your vanity reapplying your makeup while Kento was fixing his tux. Once you were done you slipped on your heels and grabbed your purse while Kento grabbed your masks. 
He escorted you arm in arm to his car, a black Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ the leather interior, a dark cherry red, matching the dress you were wearing. He helped you inside the vehicle and went to the drivers side. 
“Babygirl do me a favor and look in the glovebox for me?”
He would often get you gifts every time you went out, little surprises under your car seat or the trunk or in the glovebox. He watched you open the glovebox and pull out two boxes. One rectangular box and one small box. You opened the smaller box first, your eyes widened at its contents. 
“Daddy what do you want me to do with this?”
In your hand was a small black egg vibrator.
“Are you that clueless my dumb baby? Open your legs and take that vibrator and put it inside you.”
“But daddy my dress.”
“The dress has a slit so use that to slip your hand to that sweet pussy and insert the vibrator inside you.”
You did as he told you, thankful he bought a dress with a slit high enough for you to do it. You turned to him for his next command but you got nothing, just as you were about to open your mouth the vibrations started. 
“Daddy! H-how did you—ah—do that?”
“Is my little baby so stupid to realize I had the remote for it? Now we’re going to see how many orgasms can be pulled from you until we get there—if we get there.”
“D-daddy w-what do you mean?”
“I-if I don’t end up p-p-pulling over to f-f-fuck you. Now open the other box.” 
His mocking would hurt any other girl but not you. You loved when he treated you like a brainless slut. You opened the rectangular box inside a beautiful ankle bracelet with his initials on it and covered in diamonds. He only bought you diamonds because they signified light and it was fitting for you since you’re the light of his life. He increased the vibrations to the highest setting knowing you would cum immediately.
“This is—fuck—so beautiful t-thank you dad—fuck I’m cumming daddy fuck fuck!”
He lowered the vibrations back to the lowest setting after your orgasm you leaned down and clasped the ankle bracelet on your left ankle. Kento started the car bringing the vibrations up again. 
“Don’t mess up the leather in my car, I just bought this last week. You should remember that since you were beside me as I signed off on it. But you probably forgot since I fucked you brainless afterwards.”
You nodded dumbly not even listening to a word he said. About halfway to the party and many orgasms for you later Kento made a turn into a secluded parking lot. 
“D-daddy what are—shit—what are you d-doing?”
“Use your brain princess.”
You stood silent completely forgetting about what he told you at the start of the ride. His laughter filled the car and he shut off the vibrator, a sigh of relief leaving your lips. 
“My dumb little girl, I am going to fuck you now. Then I am going to take you to one of the hotels I have a share in and fuck you in the president’s suite. Got that?”
“But the party.”
“Fuck the party, with the amount of times you squirted and orgasmed around that toy you ruined the dress. Unless you want to go with soaked panties and your slick running down your legs.”
You shook your head no.
“Now go in the backseat so I could fuck you. Hearing your moans and pleas made me so fucking hard.”
Before moving to the backseat you took a quick look at the bulge he was palming over his pants. He followed you to the backseat and laid you down along the cushions. He scrunched the dress up to your hips and pulled your panties off you throwing it to the side. 
“Fuck baby such a mess. What a dirty dirty girl.”
“Daddy stop, it’s embarrassing!”
You tried closing your legs to cover up but a quick pinch to your thigh made you open back up for him. 
“Don’t tell me what to do and what not to do dumb slut” he grabs your face with one hand bringing it close to his, his breath fanning your face the smell of mint filling your senses, “and don’t fucking dare try to keep me away from what’s mine, got that?”
“Yesh daddy” you spoke with your cheeks still being squished a small tinge of pain beginning but it turned you on even more.
He let go of your face and you went back down, as he undid his belt and pants he just stared at your pussy. Your winking hole made his cock throb. 
“Oh my dumb baby’s cunny is making such a mess. It’s going on my leather seats too” his condescending tone made you clench around nothing again, more of your juices leaking out. To say you loved when he baby talked you would be an understatement, “What did I fucking tell you about my leather seats?”
“I don’t remember daddy.” 
“You’re that fucking dense? Too busy thinking about getting stuffed with daddy’s cock to think about anything else. How fucking selfish. Wow you’re selfish, stupid and a cockslut. How lucky am I?”
Before you could say anything back, apologize for making a mess on his expensive leather seats, he thrusted his length inside you. Your back arched and you felt yourself having another orgasm.
“I haven’t even started fucking you yet and you’re creaming around my cock. Dirty fucking whore, all you’re thinking about is my cock. Look at that facial expression so fucking lewd, you look like a pornstar. Is that what you are? My little pornstar?”
He lifted your legs and wrapped them around his waist as he started thrusting into your gummy walls with a newfound speed. You weren’t sure what was turning you on more whether if it was the fact the two of you were in public or the words leaving his mouth or maybe both. 
“Fuck your cunny is so tight baby, I fuck you almost every day but you’re still so tight for me. Like your pussy is molded to my cock.”
“D-daddy feels—ngh—feels—ah fuck daddy!”
“Can’t even finish your fucking sentence, is there even a brain in your head or do you just think with your body? What am I even paying the college for? Obviously not your education, my sweet little dummy.”
“Daddy! Too m-mean!”
Tears were threatening to spill out from a mix of the degradation and how hard and fast he was fucking you. Just using you as his personal toy.
“Oh I’m t-t-too mean? Too fucking bad. Now open your mouth and stick your tongue out for me.”
You did as he told you and Kento leaned down his face hovering over yours as he collected the spit in his mouth to spit into your own. Once you felt it hit your tongue you clenched around him again.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum. I’m gonna fill you up baby.”
“Daddy please need your cum. Need it please please.”
You were babbling pleas as he gripped your hips and relentlessly pounded into you. His heavy balls clapping against your ass over and over, he looked down and the translucent white ring around his cock and it drove him mad. Someone as beautiful as a goddess letting a man like him be with you so intimately.
“Fuck baby I’m cumming—fuck!”
He held your hips close to his as ropes of his cum filled you. He leaned down and kissed you as you both let your bodies relax. He pulled out of you and shoved two of his fingers inside your pussy.
“Don’t want to let any of this leave you, want you to be nice and filled with this load until we get to the hotel. Get your rest because we have a long night ahead of us.”
“Mkay daddy.”
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He pulled his fingers out of your pussy and tapped your cheek. You opened your mouth and he shoved his fingers inside feeling your warm tongue swirl around them collecting every drop of cum. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and adjusted his pants.
He looked at you one last time before going back behind the steering wheel. You looked so fucked out and in bliss.
“Remember don’t fuck up my seats any more.”
The drive to the hotel was quick, well since Kento was going double the speed limit. You brought out this side of him that made him feel like a teenager again. He just wanted to fuck you everywhere and as much as he could.
“We’re here now. Let’s see if you listened to me again or if you were too fucked out to acknowledge what I said.”
He got out of the driver's seat and opened the door to the back of the car. He leaned in and looked at your pussy.
“Tch, messy little girl. I should make you clean this shit up. Yeah make you clean it up like the nasty cum slut you are.”
“Daddy I’m sorry, didn’t mean to make a mess.”
“Of course, now get out. We’re going to the president's suite and that pretty little anklet I got you is going to be jingling right next to my ear as I pound your sweet pussy.”
You nodded and made your way out of the car. You could barely walk from all the orgasms you had, your legs felt like noodles. Kento made his way next to you wrapping an arm around your waist as you both walked to the front desk.
“Hello Mr. Nanami, here are the room keys and the champagne is in the room on ice. Please enjoy your stay.”
As he took the keys your eyebrows furrowed trying to put everything together but your brain was like mush. As you two made it to the elevator you heard a deep chuckle from Kento.
“I can see the gears turning in your head. Maybe it’s a little more than your brain can comprehend but I planned this beforehand. Satoru throws parties like that all the time so we’ll have another night to party.”
You nodded and went inside the elevator with him. As you two went up the floors his hand on your waist traveled south until he reached the curve of your ass giving it a nice squeeze, leaving it there until you two reached your floor. He led you out the elevator and into the room. 
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Once the door shut he was on you, grabbing at the fabric of the dress pulling it down and off of you as he placed sloppy kisses along your lips, jaw and neck. Once your dress was off he untied the corset practically ripping it off your body.
“Oh looks like I forgot your panties in the car. Not like you needed them anyways.”
He took your bra off you and walked you to the king sized bed, gently pushing you on it while he undressed. Your hand roamed on its own down your body to your clit rubbing gentle circles until Kento reached down and pulled your hand away.
“Are you serious? Can’t wait for me to pull my fucking boxers down before touching that messy pussy? If you want pleasure so bad” he pulled your legs putting them on his shoulders as he kneeled on the bed. “I’ll give you all the pleasure you need.”
He lined up with your glistening entrance and thrusted inside you, his cum mixed with your slick acting as lube. He held the backs of your knees and thrusted into you, hitting even deeper than before. Your mewls and whines echoing throughout the room. Your mouth falling open, saliva spilling from the corners of your mouth and your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling his cock enter you over and over again.
“Fuck look at you. Like a desperate whore in heat. When I first met you, you were this cute little thing so innocent then once you got a taste of my cock you turned into a braindead slut. I wonder how your friends would react to you fucking a man that’s old enough to be your father. Your little cunny is leaking all over my cock, all my cum leaving you but don’t worry I’ll fill you up more.”
You closed your eyes and opened them again looking at Kento. Your gaze went to the ankle bracelet he got you, the small charm with his initials dangling and moving with each rough thrust. Your gaze turned back to Kento, his lip between his teeth, his normally perfectly styled hair falling out of place, strands of blonde and white hair sticking to his forehead.
Kento brought his thumb to your mouth and you wrapped your lips around it, your tongue swirling around it, getting it slick with your saliva. You let go of his thumb with a soft pop and he brought it down to your clit rubbing small circles on it giving the right amount of pressure.
“Daddy, daddy please gonna cum! Please please please.”
He gave a particularly hard thrust brushing against your g-spot sending you head first into an orgasm. Your back arching and a loud moan leaving your lips. He kept thrusting into you brushing against your g-spot over and over again your sensitive pussy couldn’t handle all the pleasure.
“Daddy p-please slow d-down, too much too much, too sen-sensitive!”
“Too bad, you’re gonna keep cumming on my cock until I fill you up. I don’t care how s-s-sensitive you are.”
His mocking made you clench around him again. His thrusts were keeping their roughness and speed. He pushed your legs further back and looked down to where you two were connected. The burn from the stretch adding to the pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck baby this slutty little cunny is just swallowing my cock.”
He tapped at your clit a couple of times, the rough pads of his fingers mixed with the continuous brushing of his cock against your g-spot brought you to another orgasm. Your manicured nails running down his arms leaving red scratch marks in their wake. A moan of ‘daddy’ leaving you as the aftershocks of pleasure coursed through you.
“Let’s see if we could get you to one more orgasm before I fill you up.”
You nodded the only word you acknowledged being ‘orgasm’. He rode you through your orgasm his grip on your legs getting tighter likely going to leave marks. Kento leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth swirling his tongue around it, nipping and sucking then moving his head to show your other nipple the same attention.
His pelvis rubbing against your clit with each thrust, the roughness of his trimmed pubic hair sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. Your hands went through his hair scratching at his scalp.
“Gonna cum for me? I’m gonna cum too, cum for me baby and I’ll give you my cum.”
You weakly moved your hips gaining more friction and Kento kept his mouth on your nipples. Your back arched as you hit your peak again that night, the feeling should be familiar with how many you had that night but it just rippled through your body. Your pussy clenching around his cock and your nails running along his scalp sent Kento into his orgasm. He painted your walls white for the second time that night.
Heavy labored breaths filled the room, once Kento finished he pulled out of you some of his cum followed leaking out of you onto the sheets. He laid next to you and held you close to him both of your limbs intertwining with each other. He placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“I’m sorry about the seats daddy.”
“Don’t worry about the seats princess, I’ll send it to get cleaned tomorrow. Just remember while I say those mean things to you I don’t mean a word, you’re a smart, beautiful young lady and I love you.”
You lifted your head to look at his face, worry was spread across his face, his crows feet and small wrinkles on his face deepened as he looked at you.
“I know daddy! I love you too! Love you so much Kento.”
He leaned down, cupping your face with one of his hands as he placed a kiss to your lips. A small smile on his face as he pulled away.
“Good, now rest up baby we have quite a long weekend ahead of us. This hotel has a private pool and I want to fuck you there.”
“Daddy! I don’t even have a bathing suit and I doubt I’ll be able to move without being sore tomorrow.”
“We’ll worry about your soreness tomorrow and don’t worry about the bathing suit, we’ll go shopping for some and you’ll get whatever you desire, it’s not like you’ll need it anyways.”
Kento traced small shapes on your back as you fell asleep and soon fatigue hit him as he fell asleep right after you.
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