#so unfortunately from now on i’m gonna be so slow with updates
dizzyp0p · 30 days
ghost of you(r kiss)
Summary: Some not-so-friendly neighbors make a few warranted threats.
Chapter 2
“They’re loud. Like you.”
Since there was no food in the mansion (much to the shock of everyone, oddly enough), the sextet decided they should all go out to eat somewhere and then go grocery shopping. It gave them an opportunity to explore the small town and they were even able to spot the beach in the distance which excited the girls in particular. And Peter. And James too.
Remus was more interested in finding a bookstore. Really, that was the least surprising thing to James but to everyone else (except Lily of course who was practically Remus²) it was inconceivable.
“I bet there’s one around here somewhere,” James said looking around the town as the group of them walked through the streets.
The town was quaint and quiet. The air smelled of salt from the ocean. From where Black Manor stood in the small town, the ocean waves could be heard and to James, they sounded marvelous . They were practically beckoning for him and the rest of his friend group to go and run themselves into the water. James was all for going to the beach that day but Lily and Remus, ever the voices of reason, convinced the group that their best bet would be to stock up on what they didn’t have in their temporary home.
“We can go to the beach any other day, either way,” Lily offered reasonably, which was met with disgruntled agreements.
Continue reading on AO3!
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speakergame · 7 months
Progress Update - 3/4/24
Hello and happy March!
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 😅 Well, I finally have some good news for you this time: I have some actual news!
I'm happy to be able to announce at last that an update is on its way! I’ve still got some assets to make and code cleanup and testing to finish, but I should finally have something to show you soon.
I’ll put a cut at the end of this and go into more detail about the what and why of what I’ve been working on during this long and unintended hiatus, but the tl;dr is that I hope to have an update out by the end of the month, and that said update will break any saves made in Chapter 4. Unfortunate, but unavoidable, since Chapter 4 had to be recoded from the beginning 😞
I just want to thank all of you once again for sticking with me through my extended silence! Especially to my patrons who’ve put up with me putting everything on pause month after month while I dealt with my real life shit, and to everyone who’s sent me kind and supportive messages to let me know Speaker hasn’t been forgotten. It really means a lot to me.
Okay, enough of that sappy shit! I’m gonna get back to work finishing this up 😁 I’ll put out another update later this month once I have a more definite release date.
Thank you all for reading! I hope you’re having a fantastic 2024 so far, and that the rest of the week treats you kindly. See y’all soon! 💙💙💙
(For those who want a more detailed breakdown on what’s been happening and what to expect, hit the readmore)
I won’t go into the personal life stuff I’ve been dealing with this past year that has slowed down my work, but as far as the actual game goes: 
To put it simply, I just wasn’t happy with it. Some of it could be because of how many times I had to reread the same section while I was coding the scenes that would’ve taken place after the last update, but no matter how much I edited or rearranged it, I didn’t like how that scene turned out. There was something… formulaic that had been happening with the way I always laid out scenes, and a bit of stagnation in the story, character, and relationship development that bothered me.
So I rewrote it. And when I still didn’t like it, I rewrote it again. And I still didn’t like it. I thought about scrapping the whole thing on more than one occasion as I struggled to get out of the corner I’d written myself into.
Inspiration finally struck at the beginning of this year, thanks in part to another interactive novel I follow, and I really like the direction I’ve taken it now. 
Instead of the RO split scenes happening where the last one left off, Speaker, Seer, and Gavin are gonna have a chat about Things™ to move the next story arc forward. Then Speaker will get some downtime, by themself at first and then in an extended scene split with the RO of their choosing. 
All the Big Plot Things that were going to happen in Chapter 4 will be moved to Chapter 5 instead, and 4 will be a bit more of a filler episode. A deep breath before the plunge, as it were.
This split won’t just be a quick conversation/reaction from the RO, but a full on different direction for the rest of the chapter based on who you choose. Most of them will involve leaving the house; all of them will involve actual one-on-one time (or one-on-two time, as the case may be) away from the others. And though romance isn’t required, all of them will have the potential to really move the romance forward if you so choose. One or two might even have a lock-in choice (maybe. I’m not 100 percent on that, so don’t hold me to it) 
These scenes won’t be in the next update, because they’re all very complex, but the update will definitely have the Seer chat and at least some of the by-yourself stuff. The update after will have the rest of the alone time stuff (including the clothes/body CC you’ve all been waiting for), and then the one after will start the RO scenes. I think.
I may actually split the RO scenes into separate updates, and let my darlings over at Patreon vote for the order they’re released. That way I can focus on one at a time instead of trying to split my attention six ways at once.
Okay, that’s enough rambling for me today. Time to get back to work! Still got a lot to get done before this is ready, but it’s so close now.
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sci-fi-disney-prince · 7 months
Garrett Hedlund Mini March Fic Madness
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In honor of March Madness, I created this master list of Garrett Hedlund character fanfics and may update it even after March. This may not be mobile/tablet-friendly.
Note: This may not have all of the stories posted on Tumblr and/or elsewhere since I am only one person and could only find as much as I can and unfortunately get distracted by Garrett along the way.
Also, these do not belong to me. These stories belong to these lovely fanfic writers credited below and to the people behind the original source material. Do keep in mind that many of these fanfics are targeted for 18 years of age and older, so reader discretion is advised.
Tagged: @the-blind-assassin-12 (the person behind March Fic Madness 2024)
Key: ❤️‍🔥 = Smut(ty)/Explicit 🍬 = Fluff ❤️‍🩹 = Angst
Updated as of May 5, 2024
Sci-fi-Disney-prince’s G.H. Corner coming soon
Special Events
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@/triplefrontier-anniversary (A fanfic and art event to celebrate Triple Frontier's 5th anniversary which is run by @romanarose and @for-a-longlongtime that goes from March 1st-March 14th. Take out the slash to go to their page)
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Mitch Keller x F!OC Waitress Oneshot Masterlist by @marmie-noir [Content warning: violence, sex, and 18+ content] ❤️‍🔥
TriFRambles’ Masterlist by @triframbles
Delta Landscaping Mainlist by @rhoorl ❤️‍🔥
Benny Miller Masterlist by @dameronscopilot [some 🍬, some ❤️‍🔥]
Garrett Hedlund Masterlist by @dameronscopilot 🍬❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Benjamin "Benny" Miller Masterlist by @musings-of-a-rose [Some Fluff, Some Angst, Some Smut, some all of the above]
FishBen Rec List by @thirstworldproblemss [Some fluff, some angst, some smut, some all of the above]
phoenixhalliwell Masterlist by @phoenixhalliwell [includes Triple Frontier guys x Gender Neutral!reader]
Individual Stories
Triple Frontier
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"Every Kiss Begins With A Mistletoe" by @kittyofalltrades [Santi and Benny x Reader] ❤️‍🔥
"Not So Silent Night" by @kittyofalltrades [Benny x Reader]❤️‍🔥
"Office Party Love" by @kittyofalltrades [Benny x Reader] 🍬
Sleepy Benny by @pilothusband [Benny x Reader] 🍬
"I’m gonna keep you in love with me for a while" by @pilothusband [Benny x Reader] ❤️‍🔥
"An Unexpected Discovery" by @pilothusband [Benny x Reader]❤️‍🔥
"Benny's Favorite Librarian" by @kittyofalltrades [Benny x Reader]❤️‍🔥
"Before I Go" by @cowboystokes (deactivated) [Benny x Black!Reader (Co-Parents)]
"Drunk Poetry" by @violentdelightsandviolentends [Benny x female reader - Content warning: cursing and alcohol mention] 🍬
"I see my shot" by @writefightandflightclub [Benny x female reader - Content warnings: alcohol, mildly steamy making-out, swearing, “unrequited” feelings and implied possible public sex acts (fade to black).] ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
"I've loved you three summers now, honey, I want them all." by @bullet-prooflove [Benny x Reader]
"Disinhibition" by @busycryin [Benny x Reader - Content warning: Injury, bad words, mentions of sex] 🍬
"Slow Motion" by @miss-beep-beep [Benny x Viet!OFC - Content Warning - some cursing and kisses] 🍬❤️‍🩹
Four Brothers
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"Hopper saves a boy’s pieces, Joyce puts him back together" by @imeanwhynotbruv (Jack Mercer Stranger Things AU/crossover - TW: abuse)
"Number" by @jackmercerenthuiast (Jack Mercer x Reader - Content warning: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, suggestive language, and gang violence)
Tron: Legacy
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"Masks" by @ivorydragoness44 [Sam Flynn x Reader] ❤️‍🩹
"iii. morning kisses. waking up next to your significant other and pulling them up and capturing their lips to yours." by @solar-siren [Sam Flynn x Tron] 🍬
Tulsa King
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More from other movies/shows/projects in the new masterlist
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phlurrii · 10 months
*glances at the you'll never hurt me again animation*,,, *glances at the fact Meau was weaker after having mew needed to rest and you've mentioned Meau will have to rest again and get another redesign* hmmmm....
Either Meaus gonna be so feral she mauls some fools ripping them to absolutely ribbons or unfortunately will be too weak to do so after birth. Either way the this will age well reply to that other ask has me concerned as frick as I get the feeling its a triple bluff could go either which way mauling or physically incapable or a secret third thing (????? I got nothing)
Slow the train, she won’t be getting any redesigns now X3 I’m very happy with how she looks, all she’ll get is natural growth of her fur and maybe I’ll test some things, but her design is staying as is for the most part ^^
As for “aging well” Dw dw, the next update is where that’ll make sense! We are right around the corner!… and also spiraling downhill at subsonic speeds towards horrible, horrible things.
Choo choo, it’s all angst from here on nerds, Buckle up XD
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dogtiber · 5 months
journal update because I haven’t done one of those for a hot minute!!!
vet stuff: vet has Tiber back on a prescription diet following a lack full of improvement in his stools after his last tummy bug treatment.
he’s been on it for like a week and is already doing so much better tho! definitely happy even if getting the food is a pain in the ass and expensive. vet is trying to get us discounts for the food but there have been issues with getting that to go through, so that’s on hold for now much to the dismay of dadtiber’s wallet.
he’s been protesting the Sidewalk Snack Stopper. we did training to make sure he we comfy and happy with the muzzle but he has opinions lol. he’s happy to put it on and wear it around but I get pouty sits and dirty looks every time it actually prevents him from eating trash and poop.
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he just sits down and makes the most affronted faces lol.
he’s also got a new lump we’re keeping an eye on this week, but vet thinks it’s benign and just some inflammation around a possible bruise. unfortunately she couldn’t prescribe the usual anti-inflammatory since last time Tiber had it, it made him sick. and she said he’s a bit young for her to want to put him on steroids. but he doesn’t seem to be in any pain, so just slower recovery time and monitoring for now.
she’s also got him trying a little natural anti-anxiety medication. tbh I’m a little frustrated at having to do the otc options first, since we’ve tried various sprays and calming treats already, but I get that she wants us to try all our options first before SSRIs. and she seems concerned also about introducing a new med to his system while we’re still sorting out the Tummy Troubles.
I am mostly just worried since we’re moving overseas spring of next year, and I think starting anxiety meds will really help with his home alone training, which will help in case we need to transport him via cargo.
I am starting the process of sorting out all his travel paperwork and vaxxes and also looking into options for cabin travel and boy oh boy are they expensive.
he’s just a tad heavier than where most airlines cut off for pets as carry ons, so having to look into either boutique airlines with higher weight limits or booking a private charter. which even if sharing costs with other people flying pets, is still gonna run north of 7k. 😭
the current boutique options are still in the thousands, and looking like I’m gonna have to do some road-tripping with him down to Europe and then fly from there to the states and then road-trip from NJ to wherever we end up on top of that.
and that’s IF we’re in the states lmao. dadtiber’s work might also put him in Japan (which he would love to get and is trying hard for) so we’re still going to be up in the air about where we’re moving for a while.
yay me for having to sort out several different moving contingencies for puppy lmao. it would be so much easier and affordable to send him via checked baggage or cargo, but god I know it would probably traumatize him. and we’d prefer to be able to choose to just pay the expense for the best option for *him* over us. but goddamn. 7-10k$ is. tough.
but I’ve got a year to work on it so fingers crossed either I find a more affordable option or can get his separation and confinement anxiety managed. (realistically trying to find a cheaper travel option is gonna be more feasible even if it’s near impossible let’s face it lmao Tiber is like 17 anxieties and a bad tummy in a dog-shaped trench coat :’))
but!!! time for fun update stuff!!!
he has been learning to bring the ball back reliably when we play fetch! I figured out finally that throwing the ball again was a better reward for him than treats, but I’m too slow to throw it again for him to make the connection that bring-to-me equals ball-goes-again-asap until I tried using two balls that I could throw immediately once he dropped it. such a simple solution lol but he finally got it! we’ve been having much more fun at the park now. I think he’s liking having the high energy activity, and I like that throwing a ball takes less energy out of me than longer walks.
he is learning to be a better snuggler! 🥰 finally figuring out how to cuddle up instead of sitting on you in the most inconvenient and uncomfortable ways. he does still come to sit on you though sometimes. his favorite way of comforting me if I seem tired or upset is still to put his butt on my head.
his recall has been improving lots too, and he’s consistently polite on the lead now too. still having trouble being *neutral* about other dogs, but he’s being much more polite now, and won’t run over without permission. very proud of him! it’s also kind of funny to watch the gears turn in his brain too. he will usually sit down like “mom I’m being so good and calm see sitting down very calm PLS PLS PLS can I go play with other dog now????? if I stay extra still and make good eye contact with you I can go play??”
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reintroducing his crate is going nicely too. I haven’t worked up the bravery on my part yet to do more than just close the door and immediately reopen it on him, but he goes to hang out there frequently and happily now. so glad that at least he seems to feel consistently positive about it now.
it’s just been so nice watching him grow up into himself and spending lots of time hanging out with him and doing Tiber things. I’m loveb him so much. he is the silliest goose.
these last few weeks have been a bit rough since dadtiber and I have both been sick, so we’ve been exhausted by him. but even when we’re run ragged he really is just a good little companion. just the neatest little guy! in my home! licking my knees! dogs are great man. Tiber is best puppy.
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zhounauts · 1 year
one hit is all it takes ; k.gyuvin
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
CHAPTER 3 ! high speed chase
word count ! idk no more
prev masterlist next
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were failing world history. How? You didn’t know, in fact you actually had zero idea. So here you stood in the teacher’s office getting lectured by your homeroom teacher about the outlier in your grades. Amongst all your perfect A’s lay a C- from your history teacher who always gave you horrendous grades for some apparent reason. “Yn you’re smart, and it shows with all your other grades, but your grade in history is quite bad,” 
“I know Mr.Nam,” 
“I’m concerned for you, y/n you’re a top student but this could really bring you down altogether,”
“Yes Mr.Nam, thank you for your concern,” 
“I talked to your teacher about this, and unfortunately if you don’t manage to raise your grade you won’t be able take part in clubs,”
“Wait what? That bi-, I mean what?” 
“I’m sorry y/n, if I could I would try to stop--” THUD! Both you and your homeroom teacher turn around, and your eyes widenin horror.
“YOU!” Gyuvin yells, pointing at you, papers sprawled all across the floor. You stand frozen in front of your teacher as the tall boy points an accusing finger at you. 
“Wha-” Mr.Nam starts.
“You sprained my wrist!”
“Fuck! NO! I mean, Sorry Mr.Nam for my language, no that wasn’t me--”
“I’d recognize the person who assaulted me!” 
“But I--”
“Excuse me you two what is going on--”
“YAH! GET BACK HERE!” Gyuvin yells, as you dash out the teacher’s office leaving the door open and a confused Mr.Nam as Gyuvin runs after you.
What is life? You didn’t know, cause the predicament you were in right now was extremely confusing, scary, and life-altering. You hadn’t run this hard since the track-season had ended.
Your forehead was lined with sweat, blood pounded in your ears, your hands gripped and ungripped, your skirt-uniform blew in the wind (real), and you pumped your arms as you ran like your life depended on it (it did). You ignored the stares from kids, as they poked their heads out of their classroom windows, and pulled their phones out to watch and capture the scene: a tall lanky boy chasing a girl.
Your legs were gonna give soon and you knew it, but the boy who was behind chasing you was relentless. In your school, you had the athletes: the soccer team, the basketball team, hell even the tennis team but you never knew that someone from the dance team could be this athletic.
You look behind you: bad idea, because despite his hand injury his arms are still pumping and his long legs are carrying him distances one could only dream about. The adrenaline rush continues to propel you foward until you crash into something. No, someone. You come tumbling down to the floor at the impact and feel Gyuvin also trip and fall onto you resulting in a lump of lanky legs and arms. As the two of you look up, curses leave both your mouths. There in front of you stood the principal, arms crossed, and eyebrows raised. “You two, office. Now."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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TAGLIST ! @yeolaegi @soobincantswim @zuzushoner @mposkyje @rosinbae @beomibeom
taglist is open, send an ask or comment to be added!
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a/n SCHOOL ENDED LETS GO sorry for very extremely diabolically slow update but it'll be faster now I swear. I like this chapter 10x better than the last one, the last one I was high on studying and out of ideas so my bad
+ my proofreader is in canada come back bitch and read over my stories please
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fitrahgolden · 11 months
Lilies and Soap: Chapter 5 - A Good Hurt
[NOTE: I was going to write a few lyrics for “A Good Hurt,” Anthony’s song for Violet, but it’s literally just “Upward Over the Mountain” by Iron & Wine. Ya’ll, it’s the perfect song for them. Also, it’s one of my favourite songs of all time. The lyrics will be at the end.
An additional note: This is the last of the “once a day” updates. I immediately fell in love with this story and have been compulsively writing it all week. But, unfortunately (for me, anyway), the updates are gonna slow way down, more to a “once a week” type frequency.]
Anthony was happy to find his mother alone in the drawing room of her house. He didn't want an audience for this.
“Anthony, Dear. I didn’t know you were coming by.”
“Yeah, just for a bit. I can’t stay for dinner, but I need to talk to you.”
Concern coloured Violet’s face. “Of course. Is everything alright?”
“Oh, yes. Sorry, yeah. Everything’s fine. Actually, I wanted to play you something.”
He moved to sit at the grand piano situated by one of the room’s large windows and scooted to one side.
“Do you mind sitting with me?”
Violet smiled curiously as she sat next to her eldest son. “Oh, am I getting a preview of the next album?”
Anthony laughed gently. “No. It’s not going to be on the next album, but I would like your permission to consider it for the one after that.”
“Permission?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Yes. I wrote a song about you. Well, about us, for you. And I didn’t want to spring on you. It means a lot to me that you be the first one to hear it in private, and that I have your blessing to share it.”
Anthony wasn’t surprised when tears already started to form in his mother’s eyes.
“Go on, then,” she whispered. “Let’s hear it.”
Anthony began to play the opening notes of a song he’d titled “A Good Hurt.”
After his father died when he was eighteen, Anthony’s relationship with his mother became rather volatile. For the first year, Violet was all but completely absent from the family, including Hyacinth, who was born shortly after Edmund Bridgerton’s death. Anthony became a caretaker to his mother and a surrogate father to his seven siblings overnight. Once Violet recovered, she and Anthony never quite found their footing when it came to each other and their roles as heads of their family.
A couple of years ago, things came to a head, and Violet and Anthony decided that it would be in their best interest, and the best interest of the whole family, if the two of them went to therapy, separately as well as together. As part of his healing journey, Anthony’s therapist encouraged him to lean into his music, to use the tools he already had at his disposal to process the things they were working on in therapy. “A Good Hurt” was one of the results of that labour. Anthony was proud of it, of what it did for him, and hoped it would communicate to his mum everything he’d felt in the past, what he felt now, and what he hoped for their future. 
Violet was silent for a few minutes after the final notes resounded in the air before dissipating.. He wasn’t sure what to expect, so he just sat silently with her.
“Anthony,” she finally said, “I… hardly even know what to say.” She put a hand on one of his and squeezed. “Thank you. It's beautiful. Thank you… so much.”
Anthony had some tears of his own in his eyes as he squeezed Violet’s hand in return. “You’re welcome, Mum. And thank you.” He handed her a folded piece of paper, filled with his handwriting. “It’s the lyrics. I want you to have them. And there’s no pressure to let me record it. I understand if you want to keep it private.”
Violet nodded and pressed the paper against her chest. “May I think about it?”
“Of course, Mum. Take all the time you need.”
The two sat at the piano together for a while, talking and playing a few songs together. Eventually, Anthony stood.
“I’m sorry I can’t stay and eat with you guys. I have plans tonight.”
Violet stood as well and patted his cheek. “Oh, that’s fine, Dear. Anything fun? Are you seeing Kate?”
Anthony furrowed his brows a bit at the assumption. Not because it was unreasonable. It wasn’t. He often spent his evenings with Kate. He simply felt an unfamiliar feeling in his chest. It was as if he felt sorry that the answer to his mum’s question was no, he wasn’t seeing Kate tonight. He shook the thought out of his head and smiled. “No, not tonight. I have a date, is all.”
Violet gave a half smile and nodded. “Right. Well, have a good time.”
Anthony nodded curtly and turned to leave when Violet stopped him.
“And, um, thank you, again. I’m so proud of you. you know that, right? Of what you’re making of your life, sharing your talents with the world. Your father would be, too.”
Anthony met Siena outside of the restaurant she’d picked out. She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek before they headed inside. They were each recognised exactly once before they were seated and laughed about it while they looked at their menus.
The food was delicious and the conversation was easy. It was mostly more of the same as their lunch meeting, talking about their time at the Royal College of Music and the careers that followed.
"Oh, I had a question," Siena said after taking a sip of her wine.
“Alright, here we go. Should I be scared?” Anthony joked.
“No. Believe me, Bridgerton, you’ll know when I start grilling you. It’s just that I noticed at our meeting the other day that you still call Kate Lamb. After all these years. It always got my attention when I would hang out with you guys. How did that come about?"
Anthony sat back and smiled softly at the memory. A few seconds passed. He saw Siena looking at him expectantly and realised he hadn’t actually started responding to her yet. "Oh. Well, we were in one of the practice halls. It was the first time we collaborated. The first thing she did at the piano was play  'Mary Had a Little Lamb.' Completely serious, totally committed to singing and playing each note. And I just…burst out laughing. After she threw a pencil at me, she explained it was a part of her vocal warm up when she first started music lessons when she was six. She liked that it was her stepmum's name, so she stuck with it from that point on. I had to respect that. She's been my la–  She's been 'Lamb' to me ever since."
Siena nodded, her expression hard to read, and quietly said, “Ah.” She quickly moved on to other topics, and the rest of the meal was perfectly… nice.
After dinner, the pair decided it was too pleasant of a night to not take a walk in the nearby park. Siena looped an arm around Anthony’s and they strolled along the paved trail, avoiding the evening runners. During a lull in the conversation, Anthony slowed to a stop and turned Siena towards him. Her hand slid down his arm to take his hand.
“I’m having a really nice time, Siena.”
“Me, too.” She smiled up at him dreamily.
“Are we… Um, do you want to call it a night, or…”
Siena raised an eyebrow as she got on her tiptoes to kiss him. As soon as Anthony closed his eyes, he saw Kate. The same Kate he’d imagined while watching her record “Perpetual Commotion.” The Kate that was brand new to him, while somehow at the same time also feeling intimately familiar. The sudden vision made him falter, and when he and Siena pulled apart, he opened his eyes to find her frowning at him in a sad, oddly understanding way. She shook her head slowly as she looked down for a moment. Then she kissed his cheek and finally answered.
“Yeah, Anthony. I think we should call it a night.”
They hugged and parted on a friendly note, speaking genuinely about how much they were looking forward to working with each other on Siena’s album and exchanging "see you soon"s. Once she left in the taxi that Anthony had flagged down for her, he walked around the park for another hour on his own. His mind was whirring, and he’d hoped the walk would help slow everything down. No such luck. So, he went home and did what he always did when he needed to sort out his thoughts.
He started writing.
The words were pouring out of him faster than he could even think about what he was writing. He eventually stopped to read the stream of consciousness that filled the pages of his notebook.
Kate, Kate, Kate.
The melodies, the imagery, the metaphors. He was writing about Kate and didn't even realise it.
Kate, Kate, Kate. 
It was all there, in the span of ten minutes, the entity, the woman, the person. His person in more ways than he had been aware of.
Kathani, Kate, Lamb. 
He felt lightheaded, looking back at the last few years with all the filters removed, finally seeing everything for what it truly was.
He laughed to save from crying, to stave off the pity and frustration and…anger he knew he would be directing at himself soon enough.
So much wasted time.
Well, he couldn't get that time back. He could only attempt one hell of a course correction.
Mine, mine, mine.
Hers, hers, hers.
It was a wish, a prayer, a vision of his future–of their future. 
Ours, ours, ours.
He stared at the pages again. He needed to find a way to distil them down into… something. He didn’t know what.
Something worthy of her. 
Kate, Kate, Kate. 
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“Mother, don't worry, I killed the last snake that lived in the creek bed
Mother, don't worry, I've got some money I saved for the weekend
Mother, remember being so stern with that girl who was with me?
Mother, remember the blink of an eye when I breathed through your body?
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons are like birds, flying upward over the mountain
Mother, I made it up from the bruise on the floor of this prison
Mother, I lost it, all of the fear of the Lord I was given
Mother, forget me now that the creek drank the cradle you sang to
Mother, forgive me, I sold your car for the shoes that I gave you
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons could be birds, taken broken up to the mountain
Mother, don't worry, I've got a coat and some friends on the corner
Mother, don't worry, she's got a garden we're planting together
Mother, remember the night that the dog had her pups in the pantry?
Blood on the floor, fleas on their paws, and you cried 'til the morning
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons are like birds, flying always over the mountain”
“Upward Over the Mountain” by Iron & Wine.
Lyrics by Sam Beam.]
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vtforpedro · 2 years
general update
Today has been one of the worst days I’ve had in a while. Emotionally, but also with this fatigue that won’t go away. Blegh. Realized I’m less than two months from a year since the lumbar puncture that ruined my life. My mom’s life. I’m able to do a lot more, but I still can’t turn on the shower or help with food. I can’t bend or twist even slightly. My mom has to get the apt ready for me to be able to reach what I need throughout the day. I’m missing all the PT I have left because of this fatigue. Anyway I’ve had a few ‘one year anniversary’ dates that were Not Good but uhh it’s been a decade as of next month since the last one got to me lol What’s with April man My relationship with my mom isn’t the same anymore and I don’t know what to do about that. Gonna have to focus on it later because more than anything else I want to be left alone. I’m tired of being made to feel like I’m an inconvenience and after almost a year of it it’s kinda. Old. Still a lot there that needs to be fixed but some of it is permanent damage. Anyway, I was thinking about my grandma this morning because she’s turning 90 in a few days. My mom came over at lunch and told me she was in the hospital. Thankfully, she’s home and resting. She fell while taking her dog on a short walk to the mailbox and back. She said she waved for help at all the cars that passed but not a single person stopped to help this 90yo woman at least be on the sidewalk rather than in the street. IIIIIIIIII wish I could talk to those people :) just :) a chat :))))) I love my grandma and I haven’t seen her since 2019. We were really close all my life. Now she suffers dementia, anger issues, and isn’t who I knew in 2019. All very normal for aging, as unfortunate as it is, but I wish I knew I was saying goodbye that holiday season. I don’t think I’ll ever see her again. The world pretends covid isn’t a thing anymore but I have to continue taking precautions because it very much is and could very much kill me. And even if covid wasn’t around, IIH prevents me from doing anything, as y’all know. It’s such a weird, shitty, lonely place to be. Got no end in sight for my own health problems. My PCP is sending me back to rheumatology, but they’re booked out until July. Not looking forward to these next few months. I haven’t heard about disability, but one month down. Hopefully it’ll be soon that I’ll at least know. Hoping for good things because they narrowed me down to zero jobs and that usually means disabled so 🤞 I’m sorry for being so slow to respond or not responding at all. I don’t have many spoons to start my days. Love you all. Stay safe and as happy and healthy as you can. 💜
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faofinn · 2 years
DAY 8: panic
Set when Finn's a teenager following his injury. An extension of an unpublished piece, a PE teacher forces him to run when he's struggling with the metalwork in his knee, and the rest is history...
After the state of Finn’s injury from the stupid PE sub, the hospital hadn't let him home. Once they’d got his knee back in place, he'd been left to sleep it off in resus before being moved to the ward. They'd not had a proper conversation with the orthopaedic team, but had been told they'd be up to see him soon. He'd finally got some rest, curled on the bed with Fred’s hand gripped tightly in his. Sheila hadn't managed to get away yet, and Fao must have been stuck in traffic, so the pair were left alone.
Fao hated being stuck in traffic. Fred had kept him and Alex updated, telling them Finn had been admitted to the ward and would be seen by orthopaedics then. Hopefully they were at least managing his pain better, and he wouldn’t be waiting too long. It looked like there had been an accident on the M25, so things were painfully slow so close to home. Eventually Fao managed to find a diversion that took them off the main road, and they could cut through to at least be heading in the right direction. They’d decided to go straight to the hospital, keen to cheer Finn up, rather than go home first. 
At least the pain had become more reasonable, the previously dislocated knee now in a brace and back in place. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the other leg from hurting, and that was agony. In between forced naps from drugs, the tears fell, everything so overwhelming. 
When Fao and Alex finally arrived it was close to evening, and Fao found somewhere to park after some difficulty. The pair of them headed in and up to the ward, where Fred had told them Finn was. 
“Knock, knock.” He said, rounding the corner to Finn’s bed. 
Finn jerked up, staring at the pair. He didn't quite know what to believe, his mind so clouded, and he blinked at them before turning to his dad. Based on his grin, he'd seen them too, so they were definitely real.
Fao grinned. “Hey, Finn. Heard you’d gotten into a bit of mischief. Luckily we were on our way down to see you anyway.”
"You were?"
Alex smiled. “We were, because we had leave to use. What better thing to do than visit you?” 
Finn's lip wobbled. "But now we're stuck in hospital."
“It’s okay. Means we can make sure they’re treating you right.”
"We should have been doing stuff."
“We can do stuff another time.”
"That's not the point!"
“We’ll break you out of hospital and do stuff anyway.” Alex chipped in. 
Finn’s tears started to fall, completely overwhelmed and at the end of his rope. The pain wasn't as bad as it had been, but it was still awful, and he’d just really had enough. 
Fao frowned. “Oh, Finn. It’s okay.” He settled on the side of the bed, and pulled his brother in for a hug. “You’re gonna be alright.” 
Finn curled into his brother, gripping tight onto his top. He struggled to catch his breath, his sobs taking over. 
Fao rubbed his back. “It’s alright. I’ve got you.”
Eventually, his tears subsided, comforted by his brother. He pulled Fao closer to get comfortable, pinning his brother to the bed. It had been forever since he'd seen him last, so he wasn't just going to let him walk off. 
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere, am I?” Fao said lightly. “Sorry, Alex, I’ve been stolen for good.”
"Good. You're staying home."
“Is your pain okay now?” He asked. 
"Just tired."
"Will you stay if I sleep?"
“Of course.” Fao murmured. “You’re not getting rid of me.”
Fao let Finn doze off on him, his brother heavy against him. He was getting bigger and bigger every day, Fao swore every time he came home he’d grown even more. It hurt to see him stuck in hospital again, in pain and upset. Whilst he was more and more grown up, he was still a scared kid at heart. Hospitals didn’t have great memories for him. 
The orthopaedic team arrived after an hour or so, and Sheila had managed to get free, too. The consultant looked young, and friendly enough - he thought it might have been Finn’s consultant, but he wasn’t sure. It had been a while since he’d been to the appointments with him. 
“Hiya. Finn? Mr Daniels? And this must be the brother you talk so much about.” 
“Yeah, I’m Fao. Good to meet you.” 
Finn stayed dozing against Fao, not wanting to move or acknowledge the situation. 
“Finn?” The consultant tried again. “Can you tell me a bit about what’s been going on?”
He sighed heavily, the weight of the world on his shoulders. "It just really hurts. The leg doesn't work and I was made to use it and I dislocated that knee and this one just kills me."
He nodded. “You suffer quite badly with dislocations, don’t you?”
"Especially when the teacher is a dick."
“So, can you tell me what happened?”
"I don't know."
“The report from A&E said you were running?” 
"The dickhead teacher made me do PE."
“Well, that’s no good. And you’ve been having trouble with that other leg for a while, haven’t you? We’ve had a look at your old imaging and the new stuff from today, and we wanted to have a chat with you about it, if that’s okay.”
"What are you going to do?"
“Well, it looks like the screws at your knee have moved a bit more than the last images we took, and the nail itself has shifted too. We’d quite like to get rid of it for you. It should make things a lot more comfortable.”
Finn struggled to catch his breath, instinctively hiding his face against Fao. Removing them only meant one thing, another operation, and he didn't want it. 
Fao stroked through his hair, humming softly. “You were waiting for a date anyway, right? Now it means you won’t have to wait.” Fao murmured to him. 
“I know it’s a bit of a daunting prospect, but it’s a much easier surgery to heal from than putting it in, you’ll be out of here in a couple of days with no problem. We’ve got a slot on our list tomorrow for you.”
“I know it’s scary.” The consultant said gently. “Especially when you’ve been through a lot before.”
“I’m here, Finn.” Sheila said. 
"You can tell them no."
“It’s not that simple, sweetie.”
"It is."
“Finn.” Fao said gently. “I know it’s scary, but once it’s gone it won’t be causing you problems anymore. You won’t have to deal with all that pain.”
He shook his head. "I don't want it. I don't want another operation."
“I know. It’s not nice, but it does need doing.”
Fao glanced at the doctor. “Can we talk about it? Keep the slot, and just talk?”
“Of course. I’ll try to pop back later.”
Finn hesitated. "What time tomorrow?"
“Well, the timings haven’t been finalised yet. Is there a time that’s best for you, that would make you more comfortable? I can’t promise anything, obviously, but…”
"If we have to do it, then I want it done."
“You’ll feel a lot more comfortable with it taken out, I’m sure.”
"Fine. I'll have it done."
“Would it help if you were first on the list tomorrow? Less time waiting?”
He nodded. "Yes please."
“I’ll see if I can get that organised, yeah? Just need to have a chat with your mum and dad and then I’ll leave you in peace.”
"Did you want us to chat outside?" Sheila asked.
“That would be great. We’ve got some paperwork and stuff to go over.”
It didn’t take long to go through all the paperwork and other formalities with Sheila and Fred. Whilst Finn was a teenager now, and definitely took an active part of his treatment decision making, at the end of the day he still needed signatures from his parents on official paperwork. 
Finn curled further into Fao as they finished what they had to, feeling absolutely tiny. It was like he was back at the beginning again, the ten year old facing the world. But still, Fao was there. He was still looking after him, making sure everything was fine.
“Gonna be okay, Finn. You’ll feel so much better for it once it’s gone.” Fao soothed. “I had it done. On my arm, not my leg, but it was much better when they took it out.”
"I just don't want it."
“I know. It’s shit, isn’t it?”
"I wish it hadn't happened."
“It’s crap with what happened at PE, but this needed doing anyway. At least now you’re not stuck on the waiting list for months.”
Finn hummed. "I guess."
Fao and Alex stayed for as long as they could before they had to head home. Fao took his time saying goodbye, hugging his brother tightly. He hated having to leave him. Jess had joined them for a bit once she’d finished school, and that at least helped to perk Finn up a bit. 
After a less than perfect nights sleep at home, worried about Finn and the surgery and everything, Fao felt completely drained in the morning. He’d had nightmares about the accident itself, Finn’s lifeless, broken body in front of him at the foot of the stairs. Just thinking about the nightmares made him feel sick. He arrived at this hospital bright and early, Alex with him, and headed to Finn’s bed. 
Finn was beyond annoyed when the two arrived, hungry and tired and terrified. Being the teenager that he was, he brushed it off as just frustration, but it was easy to see through. 
Fao knew his brother was scared. Who wouldn’t be scared? He’d been through so much, and now he was having to go through even more. He tried his best to keep his spirits up, chatting and joking. Alex did her best too, but Finn was understandably hard to cheer up.  
When the porters arrived to take him, he paled further, his grip tightening on Fao’s hand. 
“It’s okay.” Fao reassured, squeezing his brother’s fingers. “Just a quick nap and it’ll all be over.”
"I can change my mind, can't I?"
“It’s alright. It’s scary, huh? But the sooner this is done the sooner it’s over.”
"Will you come with me?"
“Of course I will.” Fao said, glancing at the porters as if daring them to say something. The nurses and techs in anaesthetics would be a different story, but they’d cross that bridge when they got there. 
"Okay. I can do this." He muttered to himself. "I can do this."
Fao hummed. “Use it as an excuse for mum to give you whatever you want.”
He managed a smile. "I don't want anything else."
“Really? Nothing?”
"I want you to stay forever." Finn said quietly. 
“I wish I could.”
"You could." 
“I know, but it’s more complex. I’m gonna be staying for a while, though.”
"Until I'm properly better?"
“Whilst you heal up, yeah. I’ve asked to extend my leave.” They were at the doors to theatres now, and the porters stopped to look over at Fao. 
“You’ll have to say goodbye here, this is as far as you’re allowed.”
“Can you ask the nurse if I can come with? I’ve gone with him before in this hospital, it really helps Finn’s anxiety.” Fao asked, squeezing Finn’s fingers. “Please?” 
“Alright, wait here.” One of the porters disappeared inside, and after a few minutes, a nurse appeared. 
“We don’t normally allow relatives in.” She said. 
“No, I know.” Fao murmured. “But it really helps Finn to have a familiar face, he’s had to deal with so much. I’m a surgical registrar in Birmingham, I won’t get in the way. Promise. Please just let me stay with him, until he’s asleep?”
She wavered for a minute. “Alright. The anaesthetist today said it would be alright.”
“Thank you.” Fao breathed. 
They headed inside, down the colder theatre corridors and into a small anaesthetic room. Fao stuck close by his brother, as he shuffled across onto their bed. 
Finn squeezed his eyes shut, pretending he was literally anywhere else. The panic had well and truly sunk its teeth in him and he couldn’t breathe. Blood rushed in his ears and he felt sick. If he trusted his legs, he'd have bolted, but he knew the dizziness would have put him on his knees. 
Finn had gone very, very pale. “Hey, Finn?” Fao said, moving closer whilst doing his best to stay out of the staff’s way. “What do you wanna do after? My treat. Just the two of us.”
It took him a moment to realise Fao was speaking to him, but he'd still not managed to make out his words. He shook his head, eyes searching Fao's face.
“It’s alright.” Fao soothed. “I’m here.”
He launched himself at Fao, ignoring the anaesthetist's complaints. "Fao, I can't do this. I can't. Please."
Fao wrapped his arms around his brother. “Hey, hey. I thought you were the brave one.” He said. “It’s gonna be okay, you can do this. I’ll be right with you.”
"I'm not, I'm really not." His lip trembled, tears threatening to fall. 
“Of course you are. You’re gonna be just fine.” Fao said. “It’s just a nap, yeah?”
"I can't do this, I need to go home. I can't, I need Lion and to go home. Lion was here, where’s he gone? We need to go."
Fao dug around in the bed. “Lion’s here.” He said, finding the little toy tucked down the side of the bedrail. “Take him, give him a hug and take a deep breath.”
He didn’t need to be told twice to grab Lion, pulling him tight to his chest. The second part of Fao's instructions weren't so easily followed, but the nurse by his other side gently took his hand. 
"It's okay, Finn. Just borrowing this hand, okay?"
Finn realised too late what she was doing, giving a pitiful whimper as he curled further into Fao. 
“It’s okay. You just focus on me, breathe with me. In and out.”
Slowly, Finn followed Fao's instructions, allowing himself to relax back into the bed.
“There you go, well done.” Fao said. “Think of something nice, yeah?”
A small smile managed to settle on his lips, tear tracks still down his cheeks. "Can we go away?"
“On holiday?” Fao asked, brushing some hair out of Finn’s face. “Of course. Wanna go to Edinburgh? I can show you where I used to live.”
"Yeah." He nodded, feeling so small. "Just us."
“Just us.” Fao echoed. “We’ll book a fancy hotel in the city.”
"And I'll be better?"
“Yeah. This is gonna make you better. Stop your leg from hurting so much.”
“Well done, Finn. I knew you were the brave one.” Fao praised. 
He shook his head. "Can I tell you a secret?"
“Yeah, of course you can.”
"'m only brave 'cause of you."
“Yeah? Still sound pretty brave to me.”
He shook his head. "Just 'cause of you."
“Guess I better stay with you, then.”
"Forever." He murmured, pulling his hand back to scrub at his face.
“For as long as I can.” Fao told him. “Don’t rub your face, hmm?”
"But 'm sleepy."
“Why not go to sleep, then?” Fao said gently, tucking Lion closer to Finn. 
"You'll be here when I wake up?"
“Yeah, I will be.”
"Why don't you give your brother a hug before you go to sleep?" 
Finn sighed. "Okay."
“Big hug, c’mon.” Fao said, leaning over the bed. “Try and squish me.”
Finn tried his hardest, but it was pathetic at best. He gave Fao a squeeze though, falling back onto the bed as he held his hand.
“Oof, big squeeze.” Fao said lightly. “Thank you. Love you lots.”
"Alrighty, Finn. Keep doing those deep breaths, I'm just gonna put this mask on. You're doing great." 
Finn gave a gentle whine, looking at Fao. He batted the mask from his face, taking the anaesthetist by surprise and pulling Fao closer. He tapped three times, telling Fao he loved him as he slipped. 
Fao tapped back, helping Finn to lay back down against the bed. He let the anaesthetist back in, so they could finish what they were doing, the mask back over Finn’s face. He pressed a kiss to his brother’s forehead, squeezing his hand as he slipped off to sleep.
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elendsessor · 1 year
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i got this little reply for my cgi jack frost appreciation gifset and god i need excuses to talk about the devil summoner tv show because it’s actually fucking insane. so @blazescompendium i must thank you because i have some reason to talk about my videya gayme hyperfixations yay.
now i haven’t seen all of it, since i haven’t been able to find all the episodes (let alone translated), but if you want an interesting piece of megaten history and/or are in the mood for an old campy tv drama this is. certainly a show. it is slow bc drama and there’s a lot of not great acting but it has its moments. a warning that the show is nsfw. there’s a ton of fetish scenes (i’m not joking and it’s really uncomfortable i’m not a fan) but it’s kinda funny to think about since megaten is pretty tame for the most part when it comes to suggestive stuff. there’s also some gore in there. some translated episodes are included in this playlist but not all. there’s also no dvd release—it’s only on vhs, so if you’re looking for high quality clips you won’t get them.
(ps i can’t find any way to watch the full show currently but i will probably update this post if i find some way or someone provides a link to all episodes.)
marsh made a quick but great video about it so if you want a basic rundown of what the show’s all about i recommend it.
-actually the cgi was worked on by tsuburaya entertainment, a special effects studio WHO WORKED ON THE OF ULTRAMAN AND SUBSEQUENT SEQUEL SERIES. they still do ultraman stuff too which is amazing to me.
-and no the cgi isn’t the best. the show is noticeably low budget and the cgi especially reflects that. it’s incredibly slow and if you’re looking for a lot of demon appearances i’m sorry you won’t get many. the gump doesn’t show up until episode 5 anyways and don’t think you’ll see it get used. most of the show is just talking.
no translation for this episode that i can find but i’m 99% sure this is the first episode jack frost shows up in. it’s byotiful.
-while it follows the plot of the game for the most part, it diverts in a lot of ways. lore surrounding the kuzunoha isn’t explored much, and it’s kinda a prequel in some ways??? but also not really???? the second season is apparently way different.
-you get to see this shot in the first episode
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-most of the show is kyouji doing nothing and aside from the crap cgi that’s the best part. seeing him be more of an asshole. just skip to those scenes since they’re funny.
literally the only things that are entertaining unless you’re into slow burn drama are the absurd parts but those bits are so amazing it’s kinda worth it. unfortunately that does include the nsfw which yeah. watch the first episode and you’ll figure out if you’re gonna like it or not. also cozy and kaneko make appearances in the first episode as well so the show has their stamp of approval. kaneko has stated his favorite branch of megaten is devil summoner (which same here ngl) and if you know about how he used to be pretty into night life stuff that somehow explains a lot of how the crazier parts of the show turned out. the writers have a lot of explaining to do.
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castletown-cafe · 2 years
Been a month, hasn’t it? How’s the new year treating everybody so far?
I have plans to return to Castletown Café again. The reason things slowed was because weekly was overwhelming, which I learned over the summer, and even biweekly was a lot to keep up with, especially with food or drinks I never made before and needed time to experiment with. Once fall came I had to put it on the backburner, especially as I focus heavily on my main work, art, for spooky season all through the holiday season.
Those times of the year are out of the way, so it’s time to focus again on re-creating food from or inspired by Deltarune, and experimenting with ideas, and practicing things like bread or candy. (Candy is REALLY hard to make at home by the way - I swear I need a laboratory, professional equipment, and a well-experienced candy-maker to teach me the ways).
That’s not all though. I want to try another new thing this year: live gaming. Our current era of the internet is video-dominated - mainly by Tiktok. So much so that Instagram is favoring and pushing reels over images in order to compete, forcing artists like myself to have to make art posts into Tiktok-style reels (Thanks Tiktok, you ruined Instagram).
The reason I want to try live gaming is so that way I can use new mediums to create content and to engage with people in a new way. It can be fun watching people play a game, and I’ll enjoy the company as I search for that shiny Pokémon or build new islands and create another form of art in the virtual world.
I’m gonna be real, I’m pretty nervous about trying this new venture because I know technology has never been all that fond of me. Even after following the instructions to a T and doing everything right, something will still go wrong (either because the instructions/help overlook or don’t account for the tiny details that get in the way and I need every last little detail considered, or because the instructions are outdated). My frustration tolerance will be put to the test. Also, I’m not sure how my laptop will handle live gaming - having OBS and my Elgato capture card software gets it really hot, and in the past, doing live art streams also really heated it up! I got a brand new desk with cooling fans for it, so I’ll see if it can handle going live while streaming gameplay footage from my Switch. It’s all I have right now, unfortunately. I know a lot of streamers use two monitors, so I may need a dual-monitor PC. But we all have to start somewhere!
I know these announcements/updates are almost a month late. I’m just kinda worried I won’t ever actually act on or start these things. I’m tired of wanting to do something or getting an idea for something and then never actually getting to it because of anxiety or other interests/other things taking my attention. I seriously don’t understand what “apply yourself” even means….I don’t speak neurotypical I guess 😅 but I know that ADHD brain and anxiety brain are a big obstacle. I want to finally deliver on the ideas I want to do. And the things I mention or talk about making. Starting, or going back to it, is the hardest part.
If you have read all this, thanks! This was a really long post. I know there’s not a lot of people who’ll see this, but if you’re one of them, thank you for finding this. Any support, even if it’s just from one person, is greatly appreciated.
I hope to continue making content for this blog as well as venturing to new mediums this coming year.
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“Quick” Blog/Writing/Art Update: May/June 2023
Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience! Sorry, it’s been awhile, but I do hope to be back soon! I’ve had a good long rest from the stresses of social media (I wish I could also say life as well, but I’ve learned it does what it wants!), and I hope to be at least semi active again by the time Bleach is back in early July! Thanks again for your patience! 🥰
Now unfortunately when I say semi-active, I really do mean semi-active. I won’t go into detail about my real life stuff, but it causes me enough stress that I’ve realized I can’t deal with it and social media stress at the same time. So I probably won’t be on here as often, and will be posting even less, but I want you all to know that I still love all y’alls stuff and will look at it when I can! I took a peek just recently to try and get back into the groove (the app has really changed in the last few months, huh?) and saw you all were talking about Soul Society Trains awhile back, and I’m so sorry I missed it because OMIGOSH DO I WANT IT TO BE CANON! Like can you imagine if Squad 12 designed one?! It would be a horror show, with a bunch of little feet and eyes and horns and UGH! Or maybe, due to how Soul Society is layed out, it’s a subway instead! Maybe it's an immortal mole creature that travels underground on some well known migratory route, and if you’re knowledgeable and crazy enough, you can just grab its fur and hold on tight to get where you need to go faster! Where was I going with this? Oh, right! You all are great, and I hope to read more of your ideas, and headcanons, and other stuff whenever I’m able!
What else…oh yes, posting content. So you know how I was talking about social media stress? Yeah, posting causes a lot of that. Creating though, causes less of that though, sometimes even decreases it. Like I literally sleep better if I write fanfiction before bed (sad, I know, but hear me out). So what’s the solution? Well, I could just never post, but I like sharing with others too! So what I’ve decided to do instead is post in seasons kind of like a tv show! I’ll work on fanfiction/fanart throughout the year, and then once October hits, I’ll post whatever I finish on a sort of schedule, like every Saturday or something. That way, I won’t feel stressed to get something out every month and I can work on multiple stories at the same time (which is my preferred way to write)! That said, since I won’t be online as much, I may be pretty slow in answering messages/questions/comments/etc, so I want to apologize in advance. Know that I still love and appreciate all of you, and will get back when I can! 
Hmmm…Any last details? Oh yes, fanart and Bloodlines. I’m gonna be honest, y’all, fanart has been slow coming. I wanted to do more fan comics, but I haven’t had a lot of inspiration or motivation lately. I unfortunately might have to save that idea for next year, but if I do, I do have a back up plan that I think you all will like, so hopefully that works out. But for now, we’ll just have to wait and see!
Bloodlines…will be out…this year…or so help me, I’ll- *cough* Anyway, work on it has been going steadily, which should make me happy, but for some reason has got me extremely nervous. Like, is it going steadily because it’s close to finishing? Or is it going steadily because I missed a major flaw? Like will I be about to post it and realize I need to REWRITE THE ENTIRE THING! These thoughts plague me. Current improvements! I’ve learned what chapter hooks are and have implemented them to make the beginnings more interesting! Also, while I think Bloodlines is still a good “series” title, it is no longer a good title for the piece. The new working title is “Learning to Breathe”. I think that better encapsulates the story I’m trying to tell! Current worries! Is the climax “climaxy” enough? Does the build up pay off in the end? Do the dramatic moments make sense? DO I NEED TO REWRITE THE ENTIRE THING??? 
Anyway, I think that is finally, actually it! If you made it to the end, that’s pretty amazing of you! One day, I’ll learn to summarize my thoughts better, but today is not that day! See you all in July when Bleach comes back! I’m so hyped!
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
This is part one of a series I like to call ‘If Chucky had Reddit’. Each post will cover a different movie or season of his show, this fic is about Child’s Play One.
AITA For Kidnapping a Woman and Tying Her Up in a Secret Apartment My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know About?:
I (33M) have always wanted a big family. I’ve wanted kids since I was a little boy, and I’ve wanted a wife ever since I learnt about the concept of love and marriage.
My girlfriend (29F) and I haven’t been able to conceive a child, and honestly, I can’t see myself with her in the long-term. We share some common interests, but she’s starting to grate on my nerves a tad, and she’s not really that pretty if you really look at her.
A few months ago I met a woman who I’ll call Sophia. Sophia (30F) was beautiful, and she had the most adorable little girl who we’ll call Bella. I fell in love with this woman almost immediately, and Bella looked like she could be my daughter, and I knew that this was the family I’d been waiting for. Unfortunately, she was married, and heavily pregnant. But I’m a decent guy, I’m willing to step up and raise both of these babies with Sophia, all I had to do was get her husband out of the way.
After the funeral, I approached Sophia and asked her out on a date. I wanted to take it slow, she was still grieving after all, even if he wasn’t good for her. But apparently, I’d misinterpreted friendly conversation as flirtation, but I was in too deep by now.
I kidnapped her there and then and brought her to an abandoned apartment near a toy store. She struggled a lot and tried to escape, so I had to tie her down for her own safety. I went to pick up Bella from daycare and when I came back Sophia was crying and said that I was an asshole.
I think she just needs time to accept her situation, but what do you think, Reddit? AITA?
BrideofPsychostein: WTF? I know exactly who you are you cheating bastard, stay right the fuck where you are, you’re gonna get a little visit from a close friend of ours. You just wait until I give Mikey a call, you’re in so much trouble, mister!
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: I swear to God Tiff, you always take this shit too far. This is why I’m leaving you, honestly, you can be such a bitch over something so unimportant, it’s ridiculous.
Skeptic372: Is this a joke post? This sub is for serious posts only…
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: Shut up, it’s serious. Doubt me again and I’ll slit your throat. I know where you live, asshole, your location’s in your bio, idiot.
EveryDayBatman: Just got an anonymous tip old Charlie boy, get ready.
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: oh shit.
Hypothetically, could I transfer my soul into a doll?:
That’s just a hypothetical, but say… I was bleeding out in a toy store. No humans nearby, could I go into a doll? I mean, they’re human looking, right? Specifically I’m talking about one of those new Good Guy dolls. Please respond quick cause I don’t know how long I have left. Until curiosity gets the better of me, nothing else I swear.
Never mind, I solved the problem myself, thanks for nothing, guys. Really means a lot, y’know?
I’m so sorry if this comes off as rude or impossible, but does anyone know where I can get a Good Guy doll, preferably in the next eight hours?:
Please let me explain. I’m a single mother on a relatively low income, I have a little boy who’s six today, and it would make his day to have his new favourite thing as his very own on his special day. I’m really beating myself up over not having one now, but by the time he wanted one I’d already spent all the money I’d saved for presents and it was too close to his birthday. I’ve managed to find $50 in case anybody is willing to sell, please help me make my little boy’s birthday wishes come true. 
Magpie: Karen, is that you? You should have just asked, I know a guy in a nearby neighbourhood who’s selling one! I’ll take you there after work, we wouldn’t want to mess up the little tyke’s birthday now would we?
Reply - TheGoodKaren: Oh Maggie, you’re a lifesaver! Thank you, you’re the best friend ever!
Should I pretend that I was sent down from heaven by a dead kid’s father so that he’ll play along with my plans?:
This is a really important question, don’t let me down this time.
TheGoodKaren: Uh, I have a six year old son, and speaking as a mother, that is a horrible thing to do, op.
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: Shut up you stupid bitch, I already hate you, don’t make it worse.
MellowYellowVibes: I’m a child psychologist, and it can be really damaging to a child’s mental development if they’re lied to in such a way. I suggest you don’t do this, op.
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: Why is this sub filled with idiots?
Can you kill a person with their voodoo doll?
Can a six year old boy go to prison on suspected murder charges?:
My best friend died recently, she was babysitting my little boy and he was the only one home. She fell out of my apartment’s window onto a truck below. 
My son swears he didn’t do it and that his new Good Guy doll killed her. The cops are getting concerned and I don’t want to lose my son. Could I perhaps plead insanity and get him off with a lighter sentence?
Truthisoutthere666: Trust the boy, it’s the doll. Check it later for yourself.
Reply - TheGoodKaren: Okay, I’ll do that later then…
ElectricDoc: I’m a child psychologist, Karen, the head child psychologist for your area. I think that perhaps your son should come and stay in my facility for a while, where we can heal his troubled mind. He wouldn’t be considered a criminal and could one day go on to live an ordinary life.
Reply - TheGoodKaren: I hate the thought of not seeing my son for so long, but if it’s what I have to do to keep him safe I’ll do it.
Do trench coats and leather jackets look good on six year old boys?
What’s the legal age to drink and smoke in the US?
Good Guy question:
Hi, sorry, me again. Are the new Good Guy dolls supposed to work without their batteries? I got one for my son a few days ago and it seemed to work fine, but I was just about to throw out it’s box today and realised that the batteries were still inside the packaging. Is that meant to happen?
Guest224: Speaking as a doll collector who’s recently finished stocking up on at least three of all of the different name varieties for this doll, no. Your doll must be a defect. Did you buy it from a reputable source?
Reply - TheGoodKaren: Uh, no. Should I be concerned then?
Is it counted as murder or manslaughter if you kill a sentient children’s toy?
“Chucky did it.” Andy Barclay aged six from New Jersey claims that his prized Good Guy doll is behind recent murders in his local area:
His mother supports his delusions, and claims that her son is telling the truth. Local eye witnesses report sightings of a short figure with long red hair in striped overalls reminiscent of the popular toy being seen near the crime scenes, and ‘Chuckymania’ has swept the neighbourhood into a frenzy.
IronaYitz: Hey, am I the only one who thinks that this would make a great horror movie?
DonMancini: I’d totally make it. I’m gonna see if I can get my friend Brad Dourif to star in it.
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sixie-art · 12 days
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Jolie Mortelle
a puppet I made for my bunny for our anniversary! 🩷🧡🐰🐱🧡🩷
WIP pics and updates under the
I didn’t think to take progress pictures until after I got the base finished, and only just decided to make a post documenting the process tonight lol 😓 But I’m literally winging it- I’ve never made anything like this, and aside from the things I was taking inspiration from and a few quick videos I’ve watched for tips on stringing the puppet and help with the hair, I haven’t been following any specific patterns or anything for it, lol, so I don’t think it would have been helpful/interesting to anyone anyway…
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Update 1, 08/18: She’s coming along pretty well- I started working on her in the last week of July, and it really didn’t take me very long to make the base puppet, though now that I’m doing more of the detailed work, progress has slowed…I’m gonna have to set aside some extra time to sneak working on her at home to make sure I get her done in time, I think; I’ve strictly been working on her on breaks work until tonight; I snuck her home in my lunchbox on Friday, and sat up for an extra 3 or so hours after bunny went to bed tonight working on rooting in some of her hair.
I’m about 1/3ish done with the hair, I’d say; it’s been time consuming, but rewarding, too, seeing the hair slowly get built up and looking more and more finished. I am nervous about it holding up…once I’ve finished, I’m gonna put glue inside the head to hopefully keep it held in. It is pretty sturdy already- combing through the hair with my fingers doesn’t pull the pieces out, but I’m worried about when I have to comb and style the hair eventually…which brings up another question I have to work out: my original design idea was to have her with straight hair, but the hair I got was curly. I figured I would just find a way to straighten it, but now that I’m putting it in, the curly hair is growing on me…I’m gonna have to decide how would be best to style it and everything, either way.
I’ve also run into an issue with the paint on her face chipping off, so I’m going to be thrust into touching up her face…I always kinda wanted to learn how to do faceups on dolls to make ooaks, but never had the confidence to…guess I’m gonna have to now, lol! Thankfully it’s only her nose and lips that have gotten their paint messed up…I think I’m gonna re-do both in black to match her ~goth aesthetic~ more lol, and I want to figure out a way to seal it and avoid further paint chipping, if possible…
After I’m done with her hair, the next step is going to be attaching her ears and hat, then I’ll probably figure out the stringing/sticks situation…the baubles I’ve gotten to add to her shawl will probably go on last, because that’s probably the part I’m most excited for! 😸 I also got a cute little box for her, and I might make up some cushioning and spruce up the inside a bit if I have time to, but I guess we’ll have to see.
Hopefully my next update won’t be quite so long-winded lol!
Update 2, 08/21: hair’s all rooted! Gonna put some glue inside next to hopefully make it hold stronger…Once the glue dries, I’m gonna wash out the hair and try to style it so she looks less like a mix of Sadako and a mop dog and more of the character I had in mind lol.
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Unfortunately, I jinxed myself and a bunch more of her face paint chipped off, so now I’m officially in doll repainting territory; I’m gonna draw up some designs for her new face and see how I wanna do it…hopefully it won’t look awful lmao!! 🤞🏻
I’ll be bringing her home to work on her while bunny’s away, and I have an extended weekend off from work coming up, so I’ll try and sneak in some work on those days, too >__>
Update 3, 08/22: Okay, so that didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would…
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I DID cheat a little and used markers and not paints, because I didn’t trust myself, but I think she looks pretty nice!!
I decided to go with a clown theme, to match bunny when she does her clowning 🩷 I didn’t end up keeping her super cool, dramatic pink eyeshadow across her face, on account of the clown makeup, which made me kinda sad- it’s one of the things I liked most about this doll face to begin with! Maybe next time I’m messing around with doll repainting or anything I’ll try to recreate the look…
I’m letting it dry for now, then I’ll be adding some modpodge to keep it all sealed up!
Update 4, 08/23: Technically the 22nd into the 23rd lol. She’s nearly done!!
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I had to touch up her white paint because the modpodge made the black outlines I drew bleed a bit 😭 but I guess that makes it look a little more like real makeup lol…? and now I know not to use that kind of marker with modpodge next time!
I’m still not really happy with the way her hair is turning out, so I’m gonna try and keep playing with it- for now, I have it pulled back to try and help it lay a little flatter!
I also added in her hat and her ears; I went the super simple route and just pinned them in, which seems to be holding up well enough for now, but I might go back in and attach them more permanently later, if I have time. I added some extra hair in the spots that didn’t quite end up getting covered by the hat, and might add some more- I have to mull it over for a while, not look at her and then go back and assess lol.
I also added her strings, and now have to figure out how to attach her to the control sticks…handles? What do you call a marionette’s controller…? (i looked it up- apparently they’re called control bars lol) I have some ideas, but I’m not sure how well it’ll work out…I’ll figure it out ✌🏻 Then, aside from that and the hair, all I have left to do is add her little charms and things, if I’m remembering correctly…I might not be because I pulled an all-nighter working on her after getting home from the drive-in lolol- definitely worth it, though. 😺 I’m so excited to see her finally, fully coming together!!
Anyway, it’s almost 6am…gotta feed the cat soon, then I’m going to bed 🥱
Update 5, 08/25: Aahh I forgot to take pix for this one, oops 😖 But she’s already hidden away, I’m not gonna pull her back out right now…Anyway, I got her sticks attached! She doesn’t have really good range of motion like I was hoping, but I guess she’s supposed to be kinda simple anyway…
I’m really excited at how she’s turning out so far, and I’m so excited to give her to bunny!! I don’t have too much work left to do…my next update might be the last before her ~grand reveal!~ 🤩
Update 6, 08/31: She’s done!!!! 😸
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I really like the way she turned out, and I’m so excited to give her to bunny next week!! I might make some quick minor fixes before packing her up to be wrapped, but I think that’s about it for her!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Ok after starting to read hummingbird I see what you mean LOL hmmm if you wrote it for bllk would you be changing it into bllk/modern au? My first thought was also maybe Barou but actually thinking a little more I feel like if you stretched chigiri maybe…? Assuming there’s no actual killing I feel like in his most intense moments maybe….as we’ve seen him teasing Barou too he’s not AS serious as some others but yeah idrk LOL maybe that would work better on something more along the lines of rivals/lovers instead of enemies but hmmm OR alternative you could keep it in a similar au to jjk and warp a new universe out of it sorta like how you made hollyhock? I’m also kinda stumped tbh LOL
Your speed is unparalleled LMAO I think this is the first time I’ve seen anyone update that fast honestly
Bro the child neglect running rampant apparently??? To me it’s also even weirder like you had one child and knew you were gonna kinda neglect it and then had another??? Like oh yeah let’s give you a trauma buddy! What’s kinda interesting is how their mom at some point is worrying like “what should I do as a mother…” and the dad just goes “he’ll grow out of it” bro did not outgrow the freak stage
Also so true…I mean I’ve heard that Japan has a relatively good like…job security rate or wtv? Which is why a bunch of people also don’t care too much about grades because they can always manage to find some company to live out the salaryman life or something but yeah that’s still wild to me like say you dgaf about your kids without saying you dgaf?? Also unrelated but I wanna see yukis dad LOL we see a glimpse of his mom from one of the LN visuals but his dad is nowhere to be seen
LMAO the soccer infection from bllk is actually so funny!! I think the most I’ve gotten is like people making TikToks of like tutorials on how to do a certain move from bllk but that’s about it LOL
I’m about to go back to the manga and try and see who has offers from where LOL although iirc they’re mostly all from the same country as the current stratum they’re in but
-Karasu anon
HAHA it’s def a very unique story that’s for sure!! i would def have it in more of an au (kind of like how hollyhock is) to keep with the themes of the story…LMAO it’s a stumper for sure i will think on it more once i’m finished with bfb!! i keep falling asleep when i’m meant to be writing so the progress there has been a bit slow unfortunately 😩 worst comes to worst there is a 7-8 hour plane ride in my very near future so i will DEFINITELY finish it then
FR when i’m in the zone and not too busy (which unfortunately i have been a bit busy as of late) i write super quickly so i usually don’t feel too bad abt not updating super quickly when i don’t have the time 😭
i feel like the itoshi parents weren’t horrible (they seem pretty chill according to sae’s egoist bible once he’s in spain) it just feel to me like they don’t really know what to do w their kids who are so into soccer ykwim…like they were given two relatively abnormal children and maybe w sae it was manageable as he seems to be pretty mature but with rin they just had 0 idea what to do and let sae handle it because it seemed like he could…and yeah i feel like most kids are lowkey freaks when they’re younger so itoshi dad wasn’t entirely wrong they just didn’t handle it well + rin is a special case because he never stopped being crazy 😭
LMAO maybe they just realized early on that sae is not a thinker 😰 whenever people think he’s smart i’m just like…canonically he is the OPPOSITE and same with rin 😭 omg i bet yuki’s dad would be a dilf maybe that’s why we didn’t get to see him 😓 they are GATEKEEPING!!
i can’t escape soccer now 😩 and yeah i agree i think for the most part it’s pretty much just offers from their NEL teams except for kaiser who got an offer from re al!! i hope if they go the club route then they at least go between clubs or smth so we can expand on characters that haven’t had much time to shine lately
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inreallifewithkiwi · 1 year
So a lot has happened I’m not even sure where to start. I’m going to be starting a newer medication called Viibryd. I’ll most like document my symptoms and experience with it.
I’m also taking 2 meds for anxiety & 1 med for night terrors. Might also start an ADHD med but not until we see the how this med cocktail works first. I’m super sensitive to medications so I’m anticipating the side effects.
So the last time I was on here I said I’d catch y’all up. I’m now living in Michigan…I have an Amazing Fiancé that we’re gonna call him LeoSky & We had a Baby together that were going to call Bumblebee.
Our baby is 1 1/2 years old. He’s a Rainbow Quarantine Baby. Born March 6th 2022. 
We are living together & I’m in Christian based Thearpy. I’m now a new but full-fledged Christian. I also made a Christian Tumblr as well not much is on it but like I said I’m a new Christian.
I’ve been going through a lot mentally I’ve found out that I was allergic to the Zoloft and Stratta that I was on even tho they both didn’t do much I was so sick and disoriented and breaking out in hives while on it.
I still unfortunately don’t have my drivers license thinking about trying to get it but scared I might have another seizure like I did last time and end up in the hospital. That was a very stressful & scary situation but I’m hoping to get over the fear of driving.
So I’m a full time mama.
An while I’m beyond happy and I’m in love.
I’m also miserable.
Anxiety, ADHD, Depression, Mania, Fibromyalgia & Everyhing else just make being Happy when your Happy hard.
I haven’t made a suicide attempt or cut in a long time.
I haven’t drank in a while.
An my smoking / Vaping Weed is also slowing down maybe 3x per week sometimes more most times less.
I’ll share some past pregnancy pics later & some other pics from the last 2 years.
Anyways this is just a small little update but I might do a more thorough & detailed update later.
So I hope y’all are doing good & I hope your life gets even better.
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