#so to be older then roman shiv would have to be like close to 40 and Sarah snook just doesn’t look that old
Actually find it interesting that the tomgreg age gap is bought up a lot, but tomshiv age gap (the actual canon couple) isn’t, when Sarah Snook is only one year older then Nick Braun, which makes her 13 years younger them Matthew Macfadyen. Obviously actors ages aren’t the same as character ages especially in and show where Alan Ruck is only 10 years younger then the man playing his father, but still. It’s is somewhat implied that Greg is younger then Shiv, possibly still in his 20s as he was staying in his youth hostel in season one, but it has to be late 20s to be any way believeable, Shiv could be same as snook so middle 30s, so what 5 years older then then Greg?? Which wold still make her about a decade younger then Tom, who surely can’t be any younger than 44.
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vclvetfleur · 1 year
Obedient Chapter 7
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roman roy x fem! reader
Summary: Roman begs y/n to go to a retreat with him.
Warnings: Logan Roy, implied ED, Kendall being a dead beat father
Word Count : 4.8K
Notes: This by far was my favorite chapter to write so far into the series
Chapter 7: French bread
You had got Roman’s order, getting him some breakfast too as you walked into the building. You walked through see Kendall turning the corner. You waved at him despite all the things in your hand. You had worn one of your new outfits today and Kendall took immediate notice to it. “Uh- wow, look at you.” He laughed. You twirled around to show off the details of the new outfit you pulled together. “No more $40 white button up.” He was energetic for the morning. But Kendall was always up early. He went to the gym at 6 am and then got his own green smoothies before work. Roman took notice of this and tried to start working out but gave up after a couple of months. He only kept his trainer for a couple of months because he was nice to look at, but he didn’t even work out most of their sessions.
“No more $15 white button up.” You corrected him, putting an emphasis on the price. Kendall didn’t even know you could buy something for $15. His smoothie was just $1.49 short of how much your shirt costed. And he only got one add on put into it.
You heard a loud repeated banging, seeing Roman trying to get your attention. He put his hands up and shook his head at you essentially asking you ‘what the fuck?’. You said your goodbyes to Kendall before rushing into Roman’s office. “Heeeeeey boss. I got you a little something.” You sang as you waved the breakfast sandwich that was wrapped up in white paper and a bag in his face.  He looked up as if you were an absolute nutcase. You set it down, with his coffee before waiting for a smart ass comment. Or at least a compliment.
He looked up at you after a brief moment of not looking at you. “What the fuck are you standing there for? Are you breaking the news about my parents’ divorce or something?” He questioned you. You would be madder, but it was too creative. You just went quiet before sitting down in your usual spot. You looked over at his desk, looking at what he was looking at. He barely even had anything open on his computer. It was just that opening page of when you opened up Chrome.
“You okay? Are you sad I didn’t text you all day yesterday?” You began questioning him. He shook his head no before opening the bag and undoing the wrapping of his sandwich. He checked what was in it before deciding if it was good enough to put into his body. You think this was the first time he actually ate in front of you. Not a snack, but an actual meal. He usually just had small snack that he had maybe once or twice a day. But never an actual meal. Even at the restaurant. He ordered food, just didn’t eat it. You never really thought about it though.
“I know I tell you to shut up all the time, but it’s kind of unsettling so can you please talk?” You begged. You didn’t enjoy the quietness. It wasn’t like Roman. It felt wrong.
In reality, Roman wasn’t mad, he just felt unseen. His insecurities got the best of him and watching you practically glow around Kendall rather than your usual routine with him. He felt unseen; pushed aside for his better older brother.
“Alright, so uh-fucking what did my emails say?” He turned around to face you, eating the sandwich you had gotten him
“Weeeeell, your dad is trying to close the Pierce deal.” You began. Roman groaned, putting his face in his hands, laying back. It’s not that he didn’t agree with the deal, but he had no way of even getting to them. They didn’t like him, and he didn’t seem to enjoy them entirely either. His siblings have been working the deal a lot better than them. Kendall was a lot more charismatic and Shiv, who had just started, was already ahead of them based off of Nan. One of his hands dropped as the other dragging up his face, trying to think of what to do. It’s a deal Logan has been trying to do for a while now. Logan has been in touch with their network CEO, Rhea. They had taken a liking to one another. And by liking, they were having an affair. And Rhea had been working over timing because of it to get Logan to get a chance to set up a meeting to discussion the terms and what would it take to sell. And Rhea finally established a meeting with the two families to meet.
“Well-uh-fuck what does- what’s the next step? What else did it say?” Roman asked. You just read it over and he saw just the simple writing of ‘Pierce deal tomorrow. Don’t fuck it up.’
You didn’t know how to tell him. You just looked up at Roman, not sure how to phrase it.
“Uh- just he said don’t fuck it up.” You ripped the band aid. It barely seemed to affect Roman. He was trying to prove to his dad he was ready for the CEO position. He had been going on useless fucking trips for his management training, which he had just finished about a week before you had gotten hired. But now Shiv worked here. Or at least she thinks she does. She acted like it. After a trip out in one of their summer homes, Logan offered the position to not just Roman but Shiv too. All just a ploy to make Shiv quit her job in politics and join Logan as a new pawn to play whenever things got too tough for Kendall or Roman to play mind game with their male investors.
“That’s it? What the fuck is the Pierce deal tomorrow? What the fuck is he even-?” He asked frustrated about the lack of details. He never knew what was ever really happening. He went through his phone to see what was happening tomorrow and you did too. You just texted Jess about it. Apparently, there was a family trip that was going to happen at one of Nans houses. Everyone in the family would be there apparently to make them look stable. Even Connor and his paid girlfriend.
“Uh Rome, so tomorrow you and your family are going to Nan’s tomorrow for some kind of retreat.” You filled him in. Roman seemed displeased. He finally remembered about it, but wasn’t sure if it was even going to do a single fucking thing for him.
“Uh-fuck- fine okay. Can you come with me?” He asked you. You didn’t know how to respond, just staring at him as his eyes pleaded with you. They looked like they belong to a sad little puppy. They seemed so desperate. As if he really needed you with him. He couldn’t believe he could do this retreat without you there with him. “Come on- fucking-uh please.” He tried to get the word out as best as possible.
“Alright Rome, I’ll come with tomorrow. Don’t worry.” You offered a gentle smile. You checked for the time that it was going to happen, seeing you both had to be with the family by 10 am tomorrow to come to Nan’s together as if you were truly this happy stable normal family, despite it being further from the truth. But after Kendall’s last couple of stunts for the last couple of months, Logan was really trying to push media coverage on the entire family, posing photoshoots and ‘therapy’ for the only bases being on some magazine.
“Fuck! That means Connors gonna be in the city tonight.” Roman found another thing to be upset about. Roman mainly punched down at Connor because if Roman wasn’t the punching bag, then Connor was. Cause no matter how desperate and sad Roman was, Connor was the forgotten and less involved sibling. Nothing he did for Logan, or the others mattered. He had no say in anything based off of the fact he wasn’t involved. But because of the pushing and shoving the family did to Connors ego, he decided to run for president. Yup. From lonely farmer in wherever fucking state that did nothing all day to president of the United States. Despite not ever having a job his entire life; now he wanted the most important job in the country.
“I met Connor the night of the party by the way, why didn’t you tell me you had another brother?” You asked.
“I don’t. He’s adopted.” Roman lied, but you gave him an annoyed look before he gave you the right answer. “Fuck-fine- he’s my half-brother. His mom went fucking crazy, and dad sent him away to school. Even so, I didn’t grow up with him. I was still shitty my pants by the time he was in college.” Roman admitted. You appreciated the honesty from Roman. You decided to not make him too uncomfortable, editing your notes down. You just decided to keep things that were more important to give him a light enough day before you went into your day with him.
You made plans to meet with Roman by 9 am at his apartment to get ready for the trip. He said he really needed to support. Which was huge for Roman to say since he never willing telling people that kind of stuff.
That evening you spent the entire night trying to set up for the trip. You had to. You were going to be around Logan for most of the day. Along with other high status people. Luckily, you’d have Jess and Roman and Kendall there to calm your nerves. You just planned on staying with Jess for most of it. But something told you Roman was going to need you a lot. You got up early enough in the morning to get ready and pick something nice, but casual enough. This was a chance to really show off. You picked a vintage Chanel dress that you had bought at a vintage boutique in Soho 2 days ago with Jess. You accessorized before checking the time. Fuck. You grabbed what you thought you’d need. Your purse that had spare makeup, a hairbrush, your work iPad, a charger and a portable battery, a spare toothbrush, perfume, your wallet and keys and snack bars in case you or anyone got hungry. You were constantly ready for disaster now that you work with the Roy’s. You packed to make sure you were not forgot anything essential. Your rushed out and tried to make it to Roman’s as soon as possible, but you were gonna be a bit later than 9 like you promised him. You sent him a text to let him know.
You knocked on his door before letting yourself in. He had unlocked it for you. You got him coffee to make up for being late and croissant.
“Hey Rome, you here?” you shouted. You heard him call up from upstairs as you tried to follow his voice. He had already gotten dressed and ready but needed help deciding on sun glasses. They both honestly looked the same to you. You just picked whatever before reminding him of his breakfast.
“Well fucking look at you- “He laughed. You weren’t sure if he was mocking or complimenting you. You looked down at your outfit and up at him worried.
“Is it too much?” You were now anxious. You didn’t want to be over dressed, but you wanted to leave a good impression. Roman didn’t care how ‘much’ it seemed. He liked it but was never able to give a compliment that didn’t also sound like an insult or mocking or sexual misconduct.
“I mean- you look hot.” He shrugged, taking a bite of his croissant. You smacked his arm, him retreating away from you. “Hey! You were asking for it!” He protested.
“Screw you, fucking idiot.” You rolled your eyes. He mocked, putting his hand up and mimicked your voice as his hand closed together.
“Come on. Don’t be so uptight now.” He sat on the edge of his bed, pulling black shoes on. “I mean, you, me, in my bedroom. We have less than half an hour if you wanna bang one out.” He suggested. You chose to ignore his advances to you. But in honest, you would pounce on him immediately if you could. The idea of your bodies on top of one another before having to act professional in a car full of people with the knowledge of what you did earlier was so appealing to you. It felt wrong, but it was just a fantasy anyways. You and Roman were never going to go there.
“Does this still count as work place harassment?” You asked before getting a text from Jess telling you that you had 5 minutes till the car was pulling up to pick you and Roman up. Shiv and Tom were first before picking up Logan, Connor then Roman. There was going to be a morning debrief before going to Nans. Rhea would be joining too. You pulled Roman off his bed, telling him you both had to go. “Come on, we have half an hour.” Roman whined before you showed him the time. You apparently didn’t. You left with him beside you as the car had just pulled up. Roman got in first before you followed. Kendall sat with Shiv and Tom up front with Jess behind him. You sat with Jess and Roman had to sit beside you. Connor decided to just go to Logans early enough, not wanting to cause any inconveniences.
“Hey fuckers, so what’s the move on with this fucking deal?” Roman made his entrance in the car before sitting. “You both brought your assistance? You both are really not capable of doing anything at all?” Shiv judged Roman. You just sat quietly, sipping your drink. You knew it wasn’t a jab at you whatsoever. Jess knew not to. It was more of a tactic to make her brothers feel insecure.
“Just admit you want one and fucking get one.” Roman fired back. “If I didn’t then I wouldn’t of gotten a fucking baguette…” “croissant” you corrected him. “Whatever, some fucking French bread and coffee. Maybe if you did, you’d be less of a fucking bitch.” Roman teased. It caught you off guard definitely. You looked over at Jess, she seemed unfazed by it. Shiv scrunched her face up and rushed her body quickly towards Roman to make him flinch. His hands came up quickly to protect his body before relaxing. “Ha-ha. Fucking good one.” Roman said sarcastically.
The ride was short, like most of their rides throughout the city. Logans house was only a few blocks away from Romans. You stayed behind with Jess as the siblings went ahead of you.
“What was that about?” You asked Jess. “He just called her a bitch?” Jess shrugged it off. “Romans said worse.” Jess was right. That’s why everyone had such low expectations of him.
You both went in about your mornings as Jess had to run to make calls with certain people and do Kendall’s errand before having to break the news to Rava that Kendall wasn’t picking his kids up today. Rava was livid to say the very least, calling Kendall immediately after. Today was Kendall’s day with the kids and he decided to talk Rava into letting him to take another day with them. This was the fourth time in a row.
You walked into the apartment being welcomed by a slender tanned older woman. “Hello ma chérie.” She greeted Jess, giving her a hug. Jess had gotten to know Marcia for a while now. Marcia was truly one of the only people in the family who was careful and sweet. “And this is?” She asked. “Hi, I’m Roman’s assistant. Y/n.” You smiled, giving a hand out to greet her. She put her hands over yours and smiled at your warmly. It felt almost motherly. It warmed your heart a bit. “Do you girls want anything?” She offered. “Uh- I can get it myself. I can get you something though.” You offered, but her hand went up in protest.
“No my darling, I have people for that. Don’t worry.” She tried to comfort your nerves. She knew how scared you were just by looking at you. She could read anyone easily. “You look wonderful by the way.” She was inflating your ego. Your shoulders went up, your smile growing.
“Y/n.” Roman called. He waved you down. You apologize to Marcia and Jess before going to Roman.
“Huh?” You whispered to him.
“So, what about the offer from earlier? My dad has camera around so we could get it on film.” Roman whispered back, a humored look on his face.
“You’re a fucking asshole.” You talked in your normal tone.
“Okay okay. Uh- fuck. I’m gonna actually need you for something though.” He tried to get you to not walk away, grabbing your wrist and forearm. You raised your eyebrows, a way of asking what it was that he exactly needed from you. “You went to college for this shit, right? I need you to look shit up on Nan and just give me whatever notes you can.” He tried to reason. He needed to find a way to connect to the old hag. You agreed before he led you into the meeting. Jess sat behind Kendall, deciding to take notes for Kendall as well.
It was a long hour of planning and organizing a strategy of who had to play to what part. It was like watching a coach talking to a football team, but just about some news outlet. It got interrupted multiple times with Roman making off comment jokes and Shiv and him arguing. During the meeting you were able to dig up enough on everyone to make sure Roman had enough to slither his way into this deal.
You broke off into different cars, telling Roman your notes, going over them multiple times.
Your cars stopped at a landing pad, watching as two men were waiting for you all. You looked behind them to see 2 helicopters on the landing pad. Your head shot to Roman, panicking almost immediately. “A fucking helicopter? I thought we were fucking going to their place just by car.” Roman just seemed to laugh at you. You had no choice, but to go with them. You strapped in as you asked the pilot multiple times if this was the correct way to do it. You went over it with them probably 10 times before asking how safe everything was. Kendall tried to reassure you it was safe, with Jess just trying to talk to you about her first experience and how it wasn’t that bad. You nodded, taking deep breathes. The propellors began to make a loud whooshing sound, causing you to grab onto Romans forearm for a sense of safety.
“Would you relax? It’s fucking 10 minutes.” Roman tried to put up his attitude as if he had an issue with you holding onto him, but he didn’t. He found that you were the only one who he felt comfortable enough to let hold or touch him. He put his glasses on with his free hand before leaning his head on his hand, hiding a smile behind his fingers and they mostly covered his mouth.
Before you knew it you all had landed right after Logan’s helicopter did. You undid your seat belts as fast as possibly, trying to get off as soon as you could. Logan had just gotten out with Marcia and Shiv. Everyone just followed his lead. He tried to pose the family as stable as the Pierces seemed to be. Which you honestly doubted now that you’ve been spending time with the Roy family.
Nan introduced herself to Logan and they both played their roles perfectly. Logan played the happy and proud dad part so well that you even believed him. Everyone was then formally introduced as they tried to network and find something to desperately talk about. But the only ones that truly mattered were Rhea, Logan and Nan.
You just stood back with Jess, knowing you had no part in this. You had no say in any deal. You didn’t even need to speak to any of them. You were just here for Roman’s sanity. 
The house was soon filled, but the party was kept in one room. “Jesus this is fucking pretentious.” You whispered to Jess.
“This is not even the most pretentious part of the night. Watch.” Jess giggled. You just went through your notes with Jess quietly to compare and see if you both had missed anything. Nan interrupted the talking to introduce some stupid bullshit product they had made to get more money. You just joined despite not even having a glass in your hand like everyone before going back to Jess. Whatever the fuck the product was, Logan took a blow from it.
Everyone took this as a way to push some kind of project. Even Connor as he just went on and on about politics. Some others took this to boost their own egos. Or insult the other.
You felt a hand on the small of your back, your body jumping and turning around quickly to see Nan. Logan had his eyes dead set on you from afar.
“Oh hi.” You tried to say in a cheery tone, unsure of why she was even acknowledging you.
“I never seen you around before.” She commented. She had been dealing with this deal for a while, so she had gotten associated with everyone about 2-3 weeks ago. “Oh here, let me get you a drink.” She offered, grabbing a drink off one of her servers tray table. You thanked her quietly before taking a sip only on the bases you needed to. You didn’t like whiskey, but you needed to play a role.
“Oh uh- yeah, I got hired recently. Oh wow-“you said after taking a sip, taking another sip. You took theatre in high school and one or two classes in college. “I understand why this deserved a speech.” You lied. It was disgusting.
“Stop, you’re too cute.” She chuckled. “Who are you in association with?” You didn’t understand. She was asking what your position was and who exactly did you work for. You looked around before finally looking back at Nan. “I-uh-I just do basic stuff for Roman. He wanted to have someone help him around since he started with taking more responsibilities at the company to help manage things around for him. I’m just his assistant. But I just graduated so you know everything from classes are still fresh in my memory.” You were panicked. She just tried to relax your nerves as she seemed to be comforting you. She had the same eyes that Marcia had given you, except more authentic. Like she actually gave a fuck.
“Well the best knowledge you’ll ever get is from experience.” She gave you a tip. You nodded, taking another sip only on the basis of you wanted to calm your nerves down.
“I’m just lucky to have the opportunity to work for the company. It’s truly been an experience for me.” You tried to inflate the company ego. “They’ve really treated me like family here.” You lied. You didn’t even speak to half of the family until today. You still haven’t had an interact with Shiv. You got berated by Logan not even a couple days ago.
“See, and that’s what I always look for.” Nan told Rhea to your face. “None of these other people will tell me anything authentic y’know cause they have more to lose, but you. Thank you. Truly.” She put her hands on each side of your arm. “I will wanna hear your input later on my dear.” She assured me before walking off. You were in complete shock. You assumed you would be invisible today. Roman rushed to you with an amused look.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked. Nan was barely away from the both of you. She took another mental note that despite me being just an assistant, the younger son of the father in the company, my employer, had just tried to check on me. She believed you. You nodded, downing the drink.
“Yeah-I’ll be fine. Just unexpected.” You mumbled, Roman let out a breathe, trying to reassure you it was fine. “It’s gonna be alright.” He tried to reassure her. It probably wasn’t and Roman knew that. She was trying to psych you out and find a reason not to make the deal. But you gave her no reason to. You made her think Logan was more genuine than she thought he was, even if those expectations of Logan were so low for her.
Jess tried to remind you it wasn’t anything serious. You were at a dinner. Sometimes the investors talked to Jess or ignored her. It depended if they saw assistants as people or not. And Nan, despite being massively rich, did consider others.
But she has heard rumors about Logan. She wanted to see how one of his employees had felt. Not in a super direct way, but subtle enough to get hints. Until the very end I guess.
Rhea gathered everyone slowly to bring them into a private room to discuss the game plan once again. Once the door shut, Logan began to interrogate everyone on what they had apparently done wrong. First Shiv on making jokes about Marks PhD and then the entire room for not getting along and going with the original plan. Kendall tried to shush Connor as Connor tried to stand his own ground. “And Romulus, when you laugh, please do it at the same volume as everyone else. We didn’t get you at a hyena farm.” Logan was out to get everyone in the room. “Not even to follow up with the possible end of this fucking deal. What did Nan say to you?” He then stared at you. You couldn’t tell if someone was behind you, looking around before Logan had one more outburst. “Fucking you. The one dresses as if she’s ready for a fucking runway show.” That was a harsh blow.
“Uh-well..” you tried to start trying to remember exactly what was said. “Go on.” He was impatient. His tone was extremely mocking.
“She just asked who I was, what I did. I told her I just started and I’m just helping out Roman.” You tried to be quick not to upset Logan. “Exactly what did you say?” He was really scary like this. You nodded, trying to recount everything.
“Just that uh- well Roman was taking on more responsibilities and dealt with his work usually himself, but now with all the work, he needed an assistant. And that I just finished school. She kind of told me school wasn’t as good as actually working so I told her I’m getting good experience and that you all treat me like a family.” You tried to get every detail of what you’ve said right.
“Oh really? Rhea?” He asked her, knowing she had been with you. Thank fucking whatever the fuck, Rhea confirmed your story. “Nan seems to enjoy her, Logan. She said she trusted her.” She tried to reason. You had no idea why Nan seemed to trust you though. You looked at Logan, trying to keep a relaxed stature to yourself.  Jess was right behind you, rubbing your back to comfort you. She knew you were probably internally having a panic attack. “Nan said she can’t trust anyone else since they’re either 1. Your kids, 2. Someone you’ve known for 30+ years or 3. they’ve known the family too long.” She explained.
“Okay… fine... You, try to butter up Nan more, you too Pinky. Fucking act as if she’s your grandma at Thanksgiving fucking dinner.” He gave you a role. You looked at Jess, but she couldn’t tell you anything in all honesty. She usually avoided talking to investors or people like Nan for this very reason. She didn’t want to be involved. “And Jess, you fix Shiv’s mess.” He appointed her a job. Shiv’s ego took a blow, trying to argue she could just apologize. “No cause apparently a fucking assistant who runs around getting coffee for my idiot children can do a better fucking job than my actual children.” Did this mean Logan appreciated what you did? Is this his way of saying you did a good job? You didn’t see the appeal of it.
Shiv scoffed before leaving the room. “Well, fuck.” Jess whispered to you. You nodded, agreeing with her.
Notes: If you hadn't seen my other post, just like the show, everyone is going to be an awful person moment and have at least one scene of them being the absolute worst. even OC.
Chapter 8
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literallyshiv · 3 years
what r ur main character age hcs 👀! by main i mean your regular hcs
HEEHEE i was already halfway through a draft of this when i got this message get ready for a really long answer. for clarity's sake, all birth years are based on the succesion universe starting in fall 2018 and ending up in summer 2019 at the end of season three
starting with what we know for certain: kendall is 40 (born in spring 1979) and logan is 80 (b. 1938), making logan 40 when kendall was born.
with roman and shiv, i was a youngest sibling roman truther until i found out that the writers actually have shiv as the youngest (and also specifically said in the pilot script that roman is 38 lol), SO, the closest i can get to remedy this making them irish twins, roman age 37 (october 1981) and shiv age 36 (september 1982). they would have been in the same grade of school throughout their childhood.
connor is a little bit harder because of alan ruck's age, and while characters and actors don't have to be the same age, i absolutely cannot see him playing any younger than mid fifties. i like to put a definitive number on things though, so I'll say 55 (b. 1963), so that would make logan 25 when connor was born and i could see logan following the traditional route for when he was raised to marry and start a family early on in life. plus it makes connor about eighteen years older than shiv and roman, which i think works out nicely for him to have gone off to college just as shiv and roman were born and graduate just in time to come back into their lives when they are just old enough to have conscious memories and play a significant part in raising them
where this REALLY gets fun for me is to take ewan and marianne into account, because i think it's very fun to imagine that marianne and connor were close throughout their childhood. so what we know about logan and ewan's youth is that ewan is the older brother, and at some point he enlisted in the military during the vietnam war, according to logan, with the motivation to impress some girl. SO. i think that it easily could check out that ewan saw his younger brother get married and have a child before he did, felt extra motivation to commit to a partner himself, and enlist in the military while he was with the woman who would be marianne's mother.
im making this up wholecloth at this point, but i like the idea of him being with his girlfriend/wife while still serving in the war but occasionally coming home, and she becomes pregnant while he's still active, so she relies a lot on logan's family to help with her responsibilities on top of raising a child while ewan is away. this also provides a really good basis for the rift between logan and ewan because his entire motivation for enlisting in the first place would have been with the end goal of starting his own family, and then he misses out on a significant amount of that because he's on duty while his wife and child are in canada meanwhile logan IS there while ewan's child is growing up. and just for extra pizazz, lets say ewan was still active when logan starts waystar (we know that logan has been ceo of waystar for 50 years, making him 30 when it he started the company) and throw in one more year of active duty for logan to get the business off the ground to really rub salt in the wound.
to sort out the years: 1963 connor is born, 1964 ewan enlists, 1965 ewan gets married and they become pregnant, 1966 marianne is born, 1968 waystar is formally started, and 1969 ewan finishes his time in the military. SO: when ewan returns to canada to stay this time, he missed the first three years of his child growing up, his wife and daughter have spent the majority of the time with logan's family, and on top of it all logan has started a burgeoning business. that'd be a strong basis for ewan to harbor some bitterness for logan i think, even if their actual falling out doesnt occur for several more years, possibly decades, after all of that goes down.
ALRIGHT. MOVING ON. in the pilot script, we get the following ages: greg early 20s, shiv late 20s, tom late 30s. obviously i don't think these are accurate to what the character ended up being, but i do think the age gaps remained relatively the same, with each of them being just under a decade older. i already said i put shiv at 36, and i like to stick with ten years between her and tom, so i have him at 46 turning 47 soon (b. 1972)
with greg i like to imagine he specifically hasn't hit 30 yet mostly because i think it's funny to imagine the ordeal of his actual thirtieth birthday happening. i also already said i have marianne born in 1966 and i imagine she and greg's dad weren't initially together for very long given the whole "he's gay" thing, (timeline-wise it would also check out if his motivation for being with her was the homophobia towards young gay men in the late 80s early 90s), but then she gets pregnant and he feels some commitment to not just abandon her (and, personally, I don't think he ever straight up abandoned her and greg. they probably had a somewhat painful seperation given how greg never mentions him throughout the series but he does mention his mother, but i don't think he was some deadbeat or that he left to 'go to the store' and never came back. again— im entirely making this up lol this is just the version of events that exist in my mind) SO all that said, i think greg turned 28 sometime over the course of the series so far, putting his birthday in late 1990 or early 1991, making marianne 25 when she had him.
AND FINALLY. honorable mention to willa who we have no context for her age whatsoever other than the actress's age. i have her at 31 (b. 1987)— i think she's at the age where she's starting to think about the long term sustainability of escorting for her personally (whether she'll be able to continue making as much money as she does now), which makes the idea of committing to be exclusive with connor much more appealing in spite of the fact that she doesn't seem too excited about the prospect of doing so in season one
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pynkhues · 3 years
Okay so, I haven't had the chance to watch episode yet, (damn adult responsibilities), but I have returned with more thoughts. 😂 I do agree. Sixteen years does sound about right for the age gap between Logan and Gerri. Given what we've seen of how Logan operates, like you said, I don't think he would've even considered hiring her had that gap been too large or too small. As much as he may have liked her. (1/?)
I can't put my finger on why, but I now have such a love for the thought that Gerri was partly motivated to accept Logan's invite for Thanksgiving because her daughters were out of town. Maybe even so they would go? Given the fact that whether we've gotten confirmation that her husband's death was recent. (Not that I necessarily believe worrying about your mother being alone on a holiday would be a feeling that would wane with time). (2/?)
I'm curious too. (Mostly because I'm awful when it comes to guessing specific details, haha) Have we gotten any confirmation of the ages of the Roy children outside of Kendall? Or even someone Roy adjacent like Stewy? If I had to pick a reason, I feel like Gerri would be the type of person who would put a lot of thought into having kids in general/how many she could realistically handle and two just kind of seems ;like a quintessential number for that, haha. (3/?)
Even more so if Gerri was in the process of climbing that corporate ladder/figuring how to maintain that balance. I was saying to someone that I think it would serve as an interesting parallel if they also had amassed their own success in careers that are considered to be male dominated? Say, like STEM focused or even since Succession has dabbled in the tech world, that? I feel like if any show could do the almost constant bullshit those women have to deal with justice. It'd be Succession. (3/3)
I love that idea of Gerri's daughters ending up in male-dominated industries too! It'd be such a great parallel, like you said, but I think also really indicative of the sort of mother Gerri is. The show seems really interested in family legacy businesses generally given the Roy kids, Greg, and the recent introduction of Sandi too. Even Tom and Stewy clearly come from seemingly wealthy and/or educated backgrounds given Tom's mother's a lawyer, and Stewy went to a very elite elementary school, Buckley, with Kendall.
It says a lot I think about the way this sort of life swallows up not just the people in it, but the people attached to them, and Gerri being so firm in keeping her daughters away from the Roy's almost makes me think they work at a similar sort of firm and could transfer in, haha. It'd certainly make a point of underlining why Gerri wants to keep them separate.
And we don't really have much confirmation around ages at all, actually! Logan turns 80 in 1.01 and we know Kendall's now turning 40 in 3.07. Kendall and Stewy were at school together, so I think we can assume he's turning 40 too, but as for everyone else – it's anyone's guess. Alan Ruck, who plays Connor, said in an interview that Connor's fifteen years older than Kendall, which checks out for me (and I'm genuinely fascinated by the dynamic there overall given that would make Logan 25 when he had Connor and 40/41 when he started having the rest of them), and that the golden trio are supposed to be close in age, which is how I read them.
It brings up another interesting question as to how long you think Logan and Caroline were together for too. I'm actually not sure! I tend to think not too long, but they're both stubborn and give off the impression they would've dug their heels in I feel on separating, haha.
On top of that, I like to read into Roman's throwaway joke in 1.05 and think he and Shiv are twins, haha, so I'd put Connor at 55, Kendall at 40, and Roman and Shiv at around 37? Although they have said in a few interviews now that Shiv's the youngest, so if that's the case, I'd put Roman at 37 and Shiv at 36.
What do you guys think?
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