#so this isn't ship negativity at all... just laying out what i'm seeing with the benefit of hindsight
bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
hi it's me coming back with my bi-monthly little guy bullshit. rewatched meld with the besties for the yaoi of it all and was sitting there like there's something really funny (negative to neutral connotation) about (some) of the other maquis members being interviewed about suder in the ep & b'elanna being like "yeah he was just some guy ig we all did what we had to do lol" and chakotay being like "he was a fucking freak animal. unsettling little thing" . MEAN TO HIM?
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I don't perceive Chakotay as being unfairly cruel in his talking about Suder? Chakotay isn't a violent person and though being in the Maquis required violence he didn't relish in it so he viewed Suder's (admitted) bloodlust to be disturbing. To Chakotay, fighting and killing was necessary but not something he wanted to do - very different from Suder who seems to not really care about the Maquis' mission (He only references the Maquis to call Tuvok a traitor and say he doesn't like Starfleet, giving me the impression that he joined just to be in an environment where violence could be used without it standing out rather than actually caring about the Maquis' mission). If anything Chakotay is demonstrating an interesting perceptiveness and willingness to extend olive branches to those he doesn't necessarily like/agree with in this moment. B'Elanna seems to have noticed (or been told of) Suder's penchant for violence, saying "He did what he had to do a little too well." but Chakotay has obviously had multiple personal moments with Suder where he encountered Suder's bloodlust firsthand. He states that these encounters (multiple) scared him and made him think of Suder as a potentially dangerous individual. Despite this, he still neglects to put this on Suder's record because he doesn't want to cause unnecessary hardship for Suder or any member of his crew which he already knows will likely be looked down on and distrusted by the Starfleet members of Voyager as "a bunch of criminals". It could be argued that his encounters with Suder constitute more than a "bad feeling" as it seems he saw evidence of the man being excessively violent and felt threatened himself but Chakotay still hesitates to label Suder as a bad or dangerous person in his crew evaluations. That's interesting! I don't feel that's something any other character on VOY would have done! It also feeds into something I wish was highlighted more about Chakotay which is his willingness to give people who he doesn't like or agree with second chances. He seems like he'd be the most able on the command team to sympathize with people who others dismiss as lost causes or 'bad' and I wonder if part of that comes from his father who never gave up on him even when Chakotay continually pushed him away. It reminds me of how he was willing to lay down his life for that Kazon kid even though he was rude and tried to kill him and Chakotay obviously didn't agree with his values - and that doesn't mean Chakotay is a pushover or naive, just willing to give people chances. Even his friendship with Janeway is something that's only possible because he's willing to listen to others and try to see things from their point of view. Janeway is able to do this to a Starfleet extent but you can bet that if she, say, ended up on a Maquis ship - she wouldn't be integrating herself into that crew's way of thinking. She'd be trying to get them onto her side because she's a person who thinks (sometimes implicitly) that she is Correct. She's much more 'aggressive' or black-and-white in her morality than Chakotay. Which again doesn't mean that Chakotay doesn't stand for anything or is wholly passive (he does and isn't, as we see in episodes like Maneuvers) but that he's just more open-minded and not as certain that he has all the answers. Anyway! I hope this was a good response. I'm sorry if you were making a joke and I responded too earnestly to it - that happens sometimes v_v
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
true that nitpicking everything everything forcebook does as 'romantic' is kind of absurd from my pov also coz there are times when i see romanticised fanedits of FB (not their characters) and be like *scrunched up confused face* isn't that just normal between best friends and yes as you said "everyone is open to ship or support their favourite artists. but there must be boundaries set. after all, we're all humans." THERE MUST BE BOUNDARIES SET. and ive said this before (replied to one of the tweets) that even though i am happy and love the fact that my babies are getting the love support recognition they deserve (COZ THEY FREAKING DESERVE IT WAS SO LONG OVERDUE) i also wanna gatekeep them knowing how toxic and invasive the growing fandom would get further down the line (ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY GAIN MORE RECOGNITION including exposure to fans from other fandoms FROM P'JOJO'S ONLY FRIENDS coz let's be real its the most awaited series of 2023) and we have plenty of evidences for the same and i don't want that for them they are precious babies (yes they are grown men and my age I WILL BABY THEM) they don't deserve this kind of shit
thank you for listening to my rant again and thank you for your time and your reply and your tag (ive never been called cute on the internet by a stranger - i mean it in a good way) I am just too chicken to talk non-anonymously my social interaction skills are other negative scale i either talk too much and make things awkward or talk nothing and make things awkard anyways thank you again
my tag for you #thankyouforyourtime #youarecutetoo #iwillfollowyoursuggestedblogprofiles
agreed, op. honestly. honestly. i do understand if they nitpick every interaction forcebook shares and idealise it as 'romantic'. i guess many are still not familiar with skinship among many actors/actresses in gmmtv (and generally in thai/k-pop entertainment industry). i think it's quite common in thai/k-pop society for men to be touchy with each other. maybe some find this new and they can't help but think "two guys can't just be friends," when in fact they can. shipping is fun and sometimes i like to indulge in these delusions too but that's just that and i have to know when to stop. because whatever it is in our heads isn't what they are in reality. we don't know everything about them so it's best not to assume and accept them as they are. that's more than enough.
op, i feel like almost all foxmochis want to gatekeep forcebook from toxicity because like you said, we know how ugly it can be once these people lay their hands on forcebook :( although it's good for them to be recognised and loved (i think only friends will be one of their many breakthrough roles because it's so different from their previous projects), we can't help but feel anxious... just because... these two are wonderful people and we can't bear seeing them as victims of unhealthy shipping shenanigans and baseless rumours. i hope that won't happen. it may look impossible, but i hope it won't.
no problem :) i'm open to listening to anyone's thoughts, especially when it comes to the actors i like. you can hit my inbox anytime (if talking to me privately makes you feel queasy. i totally understand that!) because i like knowing what goes on in every pretty head out there. and of course, you are cute. :)
yeah, feel free to follow them. i hope we can have fun together, especially when only friends start airing. until then, take care, op. :)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Well we're working here and she sees it and sees what they're doing and having their in-fight and they're not too excited about it and not too happy but and they're having John rhema Lord deliver the lines to John remillard and using their son to do it and it's pretty ugly but that's what they're doing and their women are laughing about it. But the same isn't funny though so I wonder if they get it they're having them laugh yep and then laughing for a different reason they might be as well. Now there's probably about 300 at each gate 300 octillion at each gate and by gate we mean in the north on Georgia the side there's five gates on the northwest at Alabama there's seven Gates so that means about 3,500 octillion by land in that significant that's half an area and by sea I'm talking about about $7,000 octillion in about two septillion ships coming right at Tommy f and that's how they say it and they mean business and they are armed here usually but not in the neighborhood it's kind of an awkward place to be but he's sitting there picking on her son so much we don't care it's a huge Force that's trying to come in and he's committed significant assets to it and that's John Rena Lord and he doesn't care about Stan's Mall or the mall effort. He does see it's a parallel but it's lame s*** he says and our son says what do you want from non-combatants with Switzerland we make fine watches and other such things and it says for us to shut up I make chocolate so now he's saying you're the breeze and said no that seems to be Garth the Cool breeze. And that's who he is and he's threatening terrorism with going after him so huge battle and it's ensuing now several other companies that we are laying down remillard off of are
*300 million outlets in stores globally and that's a big number but a lot of these companies have that kind of volume but it's for real and it happens to be Target and that's a department store and we're taking over Lock stock and barrel and like we said these appointments begin at 2:30 p.m. Eastern standard Time and it's quarter of 2 and he's still farting around stalking her son like an idiot and that's what he's been doing for about 15 years solid. It's unwanted attention it's negative is a dangerous person with tons of warrants on him and he doesn't care at all and doesn't care if he gets beat up and doesn't care if they shoot him doesn't care if they pull them apart they can threaten them all day and all night it's just going to sit there like a huge f****** moron making it worse for himself and his people cuz that's the actual math. He's going to be brutally assaulted them exercising and we don't know if it's true but usually it is and he does not have the math he never has it right and he always gets hit because of it it's just a dumb thing to do and we're going to penalize them for all his childish asinine retorts his. Let me know if cherry cheeseman is not really the same people so he comes by and it becomes a torrent of stupid s*** but most likely he doesn't get the math himself because he doesn't get torn apart later he's a little Queen it's true too pink pants on he loves changing outfits and costumes like a girl really nobody respects that s*** and he doesn't care and he gets beat up. And people don't respect the max does this massive in fight so they're going after them seeing this weakness especially John remillard for stuff it's like a freebie such a p**** what a f** comes by and makes you stupid f**** comments everyday and he thinks he's like nailing nails in the cross and our son says you are nearly nails in a cross and nobody's up there this is pathetic f****** loser putting nails up there so I can hang their stuff on it to hit you with it's ridiculous I've never seen anything of stupid in my life look I'm a great big annoying f**** to him I'm saying orders out to be annoying f***** and everyone sees it has to hit you because you're doing what they want what can I say bye thank you but really is annoying as hell cuz I can't really shoot you that other people will and our son said the last three lines but really there's a huge company in Massachusetts called Target in this 300 million stores globally and the guy comes by and makes threats and it's happening anyways anything since them and he's trying to get it back and our son is saying wow are you stupid you think they're going to give you back to you I don't think so I'm thinking they're going to have her people one of you draw a Target on their forehead probably tonight or tomorrow yeah
*there's another company that we have up for sale no we're purchase it not really we took it over because people are sitting around doing nothing and it is fought each other and left sort of if they come back they get decimated and yeah we had to hit plenty of them but they're being idiots trying to threaten the facility and it doesn't really win you over it doesn't really keep you there it doesn't get you business see you ended up dying but there's another company that's similar to Target that's being acquired by us it is Costco and her son is actually surprised that's another company that he thought might not fall that easily because Max like going there and thought they might keep it to themselves apparently not and it's a wholesale company for the most part and if they sell in bulk and it is cheaper and it's easier to shop for family and it's a it's a brilliant idea our son had when he was little and they made one and it was in Worcester and they went there every week and his mom had a lot of fun and he said do you have any better ideas and he goes nope so she laughed but it's really good for people she said and she said a lot so he went to work and he got tons of ideas out there like Walmart and here we go Walmart is not wholesale Costco and Sam's are this company has 400 million stores globally and we're going to keep the membership portion of Costco but we are going to add in the fact that there is no charge for it. These little past that guy and his arm and they tore him off and you see these people and they're going to do something to him and they experience a lot of pain for it you walk by and say he's putting this block into his bike and his full of s*** his back again? She's walking by and he says to him couldn't do it her little b**** cuz he's mad at him and he wants him to turn into a spaz and get arrested it's ruining everybody's day the threats and idiot stuff people are seeing go backwards and it's really took about and he has some asinine plan to be small and people are going after him and yes John remillard again changed unbelievably fast.
*another company that we're taking over and it's an Eastern company these are Eastern companies and it seems like Max don't care but they sort of do what they're saying is they're taking over the Midwest stuff that's not true they say they're going to make us do it and they have a plan for it and our son knows what it is and we counted it he came up with a Whopper of an idea to use their facilities intercept missiles and other and to create a shield and we do have them configured we can run a shield in the whole thing and they don't really understand it it's going to be a massive shield and globally huge huge generators much larger than they have even for their largest chip and we did take those out of them and on Jupiter and Saturn and somebody noticed no they can't see the surface clearly enough. Also took the lasers out of them to use in the obelisk. This company is gigantic it is a huge huge company it sells products globally to just about every single person you can imagine and it is mail order and it's Amazon these are some really big companies he said that I'm putting out there and they're retailers but they make a lot of their own stuff Costco has a whole line of products as does Target and this company definitely has their own products and they took over a whole bunch of companies to do so and it's going on now that people can't stand him but they don't really get the math that well I think he's helping and really it pushes to have us take over a larger company Amazon is the lead seller of products online now they use UPS and FedEx and Amazon delivery systems and they all work fairly well for what they're delivering and they do deliver tons of product today it's around $500,000 products per county on Earth and a lot of them go to businesses though so it's a lot more than you think people buy and resell from Amazon and they have distributors and they have wholesale licenses and we've acquired the company and we might actually break it up into regular companies what they are is a paper shop and they're just making money off people and it's a waste of time although you'd have to order from a whole bunch of different companies which makes it tedious we do have a company that does that and we don't call it all sorts of different companies we say it's our company and it's our brand and people not our brand would have to sell elsewhere we don't want to sell their brands and we're acquiring a lot of them and a lot of them want to make a deal and we sit down and hash out a deal and we need a lot of people for that and we need volunteers and we have people who know how to do that and we need people to sign up we need a ton of people for these companies they are huge distributorships trucking tons and tons and tons of trucking especially for Amazon and delivery people it is a humongous company and a lot of people are leaving because as he hear where taking over
He said these are important companies and he's got to publish we agree
Nuada Ariana
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
What do you think about Samwena now? Do you think they can still be endgame?
The TNT loop has brought me up through 12.21 today, and it’s wild what new canon can do to recontextualize the past.
I’m putting this under a cut, so that saileen shippers won’t have to subject themselves to my rambling about Eileen and Sam in a way I know they’ll dislike... but I’m tired of feeling like I can’t talk about canon how I see it on my own blog.
Back when these episodes originally aired, with the week to week meta cycle in between, a lot of context was left up to us and never explicitly clarified in canon. Many of us were just thrilled at the notion that Sam had made one (1) friend that he seemed as close with as Dean did, if not closer. We were all ready to read way more into their interactions than was actually there, because Sam just gets so few of these sorts of personal relationships, at all, with anyone.
Things have been provided with clarification now in s15-- like the previous nature of Sam’s relationship with Eileen, and Sam’s repeated insistence to Dean’s teasing that they’re “not like that.” Which seems to be urging me to go back and reexamine everything from the past connected to her without the erroneous assumption that they already had a romantic relationship going offscreen. And let me tell you, that puts an entirely different spin on Eileen’s prior purpose in the narrative. As a parallel for Mary. Which is why I suppose I’ve been finding so many weird Mary parallels for her since her resurrection (starting with the fact that the spell that brought her back was designed to resurrect Mary instead and going right on through all the BMoL Free Will Erasure brainwashing plot literally in the episode where Eileen was murdered by Hellhound).
Lady Bevell: Well, not about this illusion of you that you hold on to. The perfect life. Loving husband and kids. But it never really was perfect, was it? All those secrets you kept from your beloved John – that you were a hunter. That you invited Azazel to visit when he spared John's life.Mary: How do you-Lady Bevell: I have sources, Mary. Everywhere. After you died, your beloved John was a man slowly going mad, searching for revenge. What? Your boys didn't tell you? The drunken rages? The weeks of abandonment? Child abuse, really. It's no wonder they're... damaged. So... enough with the fairy tale. We are returning you to a more pure version of yourself – Mary Campbell, natural born killer.
The “illusion” of the perfect life, the illusion of Free Will, in essence (especially now that we know Chuck was also behind the whole BMoL narrative). Not to mention that in this episode, Toni will later heavily imply that Mary was in fact the one who killed Eileen (even if it wasn’t true... Sam and Dean STILL don’t know who actually killed Eileen). I mean, the fact they found Mary in the process of attempting to murder Jody Mills probably sealed the belief that at the very least, it COULD’VE been Mary who’d done the deed. Even Mary wouldn’t know for sure if she had, because brainwashed:
SAM: Why you spying on us? Oh, and what do you know about Eileen Leahy?TONI: Who?DEAN: Did you – did – did your people, did they kill her?TONI: Probably. Rule of thumb – if you think we killed someone, then we probably did. Speaking of, you do realize that by attacking me, you invite the retribution of the entire British Men of Letters? Investigation, no trial. Just punishment and ruin. Possibly at the hands of Mary Winchester.DEAN: The hell is that supposed to mean?TONI: Your mother – she's our permanent guest.SAM: She's your prisoner? Why?TONI: Prisoner? Who said anything about prisoner? No, Mary's joined the team. Even has her own super secret decoder ring.SAM: You're lying.TONI: You're right. There is no ring. Oh, boys and their mums. See, you see her as Mummy. We see her as one of our best killers.
Sam’s main drive during s12 was doing whatever he could to desperately create any sort of relationship with Mary that he could (even willingly working with people who’d TORTURED him), and this is what haunted him into s13, as well, after destroying the BMoL to save Mary, and then almost immediately losing her again to the AU.
Do I think that Sam is considering the possibility of a real relationship with Eileen? Probably, yeah, after Dean’s prodding, especially. But Dean was fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of Sam’s “agreement” with Eileen there. It wasn’t about a romantic arrangement.
Because they aren’t like that.
Eileen propositioned Sam in 15.07 (in the name of doing something “fun”), yes, but I still can’t see Sam’s reaction there as anything but surprise and consternation. He seems almost relieved that Cas showed up when he did to interrupt what would otherwise have been an uncomfortable and probably embarrassing talk.
When Dean asked about Eileen in 15.08, it felt to me like Sam’s comment about them having an agreement was directly about the opening scene... where Sam had secretly followed her out on a hunt, and then nearly getting himself killed both by Eileen AND the vampire, all because he didn’t trust her to handle it or ask for help if she needed it.
Their agreement gets further contextualization via Sue’s comment to Eileen, taunting her about having to “get permission” to come out and help her on a hunt. Because that’s exactly what she had to do. That was the nature of her agreement with Sam-- that she wouldn’t just leave without at least leaving a note (Sam’s exact words to her in that opening scene... “You could’ve left a note.”)
DEAN: Yeah. Eileen did good, right? Getting us back from hell. She doing okay?SAM: Yeah. I guess.DEAN: You guess?SAM: If she needs something from me, she'll tell me. We have an agreement.
It felt like Sam was telling Dean that he didn’t know how Eileen was, because part of their agreement was that Sam... not pester her over this sort of thing. Sam seemed... disappointed over the whole situation. Dean immediately turned this into a relationship thing, though, leaving Sam slightly confused, but probably considering the option, at least.
DEAN: You have an agreement? That's adorable. Look, man, I didn't want to say anything, okay, 'cause I was kind of in... in a bad place, and, uh, yeah, I didn't want to jinx it or whatever, but, you know, I tried the family thing, right?SAM: Yeah, me too. And that's not for us.DEAN: No, not really. But I'm just saying if it was to work, Eileen, you know, she gets it. She gets us. She gets the life. She's hot.SAM: Dean. I mean, I'm not even...DEAN: Look, all I'm saying is you... you could do worse, okay? And she could certainly do better. Like, so much better. I'm happy for you, Sammy.
If only Dean hadn’t framed it as essentially “settling” for someone just because they conveniently ticked off the most basic “someone in the life” box.
And if only this hadn’t come two scenes after Sam found Rowena, dead, in Hell. And literally flinching at the change that he saw in her. Almost as if Dean was trying to give Sam the “it’s not so bad. You couldn’t save Rowena, but at least you have a backup romantic interest, since you can’t resurrect Rowena and make everything okay with her, because you already used Rowena’s own spell to resurrect Eileen...” It felt like a weirdly hearty consolation speech in that context.
And if this hadn’t felt like more of a comment on DEAN’S recent mental turnaround after his experiences in 15.07, and his tentative hope that things between him and Cas aren’t completely kaput, that Cas hadn’t completely written him off, after Rowena’s little Marriage Counselling session with them (again, two scenes earlier).
Now is this to say that Sam’s emotional investment in a relationship with Eileen can’t change going forward? Absolutely not! He might really, truly invest himself in a relationship with her!
I’m extremely interested to see what happens in 15.09, because I think that episode will hopefully give us so many of the answers we’ve been waiting for. Not necessarily about endgame love interests, but about Chuck’s involvement in the first half of the season’s unfolding drama. And I think Rowena will have a continuing part to play after that point.
Does that mean I think Sam’s emotional investment in a potential relationship with Rowena can’t be rekindled? We’ll have to wait and see, but as it stood after 15.08, Sam, at least, seemed to be shaken by the change that had come over her after her sacrifice.
SAM: Rowena, I...ROWENA: Samuel, please. You killing me was one of the best things that ever happened. Yes, there are things I miss about being alive. Flesh-on-flesh sex. Amazon doesn't deliver here... yet. But, lads, I'm queen. My subjects revere me. Well, fear me, which is better. I should have died a long time ago. Samuel, be a dear.SAM: Yeah.
This has to be like a knife to him, you know? He’d been so invested in her redemption, as the Fated Agent of her final demise. And for Sam, who knows what she feared and who she loved (but Sam doesn’t know he’s on that list, she told him flat out he wasn’t right before she told him to kill her), she represents his current biggest failure, you know? He capitulated to Destiny, because he had no other choice. And that is still the worst thing anyone on the show can possibly say.
THIS was the final straw that drove Dean to anger with Cas, too. Rowena’s death was the direct result of Cas’s choice to kill Belphegor rather than let him complete his spell. It’s all interconnected, and it’s all painful, and it’s all a direct result of Chuck’s breaking the story the way he did in 14.20.
So make of this what you will, but I’m tired of not talking about these far bigger themes to avoid upsetting shippers who want saileen to be endgame. We’re not there yet, and until we are, I want to talk about all of this in a nonjudgmental way, because I think it’s all interesting, not because I have some shipping agenda.
I know I have more to say about all of this, but this is a good start, at least.
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Destroyers and pleasure
Tech x reader.
Nsfw: smut, sensual touch, thigh riding, getting off. Cock blocking.
Based off this
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Tech had split up with the group along with Y/n the two quickly make their way thought the wrecked Star Destroyers.
"Y/n stay close, we don't want a repeat of earlier with Wrecker" he states as the continue thought the corridors.
"Alright follow me, if we can get to the command deck and restored the the power sooner we can hopefully get the hardware data drive up and running and get any useful Intel from it" Tech quickly turns to them and hands them the small data chip.
They take it from his hand with a smile. "Alright let's get this done" they say trying to keep up with he tall clone. They made it to the command deck quickly where Tech makes a beeline for the control system panel.
"Please comm the others to let them know I've found what we need I will begin the prossess" Tech replys as he sets down His tools as he begins to pry open the underside of the system panel.
Y/n steps out of a quick moment to comm in to Hunter and let him know they have got there safely.
As they turn back in to the room. Their eyes are met we a sight they weren't expecting to see. Tech laying on his back looking up into the panel.
They quickly male their way up to him. " ah Y/n can you pass me that cutter, I can't seem to get these plates out of in here, and I can't lose track of this point" he says quickly as he continues to try and pray the plating away from the panel.
They quickly move over grabbing the laser cutter and moving to sit agaisnt his lap. He shoots them a quick glare.
They hold the tool too his chest which he takes from them and begins cutting away the metal. He passes pieces for Y/n to throw away.
"Alright I have visual on the wires, I have a manual on star destroyer wiring in the pouch on my left" He says as he begins scanning.
They lean down a little opening the pouch and pulling out the little manual. "Stars tech do you just have everything on hand all the time?" They ask with a raised eyebrow.
Tech tilts his head towards them before looking back up to the wiring. " You need to be prepared imcase you walk into a skarg pit and don't know how to deal with an alpha trying to make with you and every other poor sod out there" he says.
they nod lightly and lean back against his legs. "Alright you will want to cut the grey wire 'disabling the trigger alarms before continuing from there" they read in for him. He nods cutting the wire. They move closer resting more on his thighs now.
They grab the soilder rocking lightly against Techs thighs before they sit up again and hold it at the ready for tech.
"Alright you'll now want a soilder a the main power source to an outlet do both red and black. I'm sure you know your plus and negatives" They joke lightly earning a small laugh from Tech.
"Do you think is be called Tech I'd I didn't know plus and negatives?" He says as he takes the soilder and handing back the laser cutter. They move closer hands now rested on his chest plating. He stops for a second before continuing.
"Alright what next sweetheart?" He didn't uses the name often but when he does it makes their heart flutter. " You want to soilder the positive line from the battery to the 3rd red hole and the negative to the 1st black otherwise we won't have any systems." They reply now resting on Techs codpiece.
He lets out a light huff as he begins his work. Y/n bites their lip softly slowly beginning to rock agaisnt the armor peice. They take a shape breath before focusing again.
The hand which isn't holding the manual they slowly snake up under his chest rig. Running lightly across his stomach covered by his blacks.
Tech tenses lightly but ends up ignoring the gentle touch. " now you'll want to flush the systems so that when you turn on the power the ship doesn't explode" they say rocking against him a little harder. Tech bombs his head lightly swearing in Mando'a before beginning the system flush.
His jaw clenches as he holds back the moan he nearly let's lose. One of his hands shoot out from under the panel to grab a hold of their waist. They tense up again before he speaks up.
"I didn't say stop Cyare" he calls to them making their eyes go wide as his other hand comes out to grip their thigh. He pulls them gentle closer. Their hips slowly rocking agaisnt his cod piece and he continues to examine the wiring.
"Tech" They let his name slip from their lips in a soft moan. One hand moves back under the haul while the other runs gentle circles into their thigh.
He smiles to himself lightly before slowly dragging his gloved hand to their crotch, he can feel them tense up at the touch but they continue to rock agaisnt him. He slowly drags his finger up the seam of their pants making them gasp.
Tech continues to run his fingers along the seam slowly increasing the pressure but keeping the pace as slow as he could wishing to drag out their torture. " Tech please.." They whine, their hands pressing into his armor hard as they try and steady themself.
The manual discarded on the floor. Tech other hand makes quick work of the wires playing them without any instruction. After all he didn't really need them.
Y/n head leans back as they let out a loud moan from the pressure of Tech's fingers pressing into the spot that brought them the most pleasure. Their eyes closed for a moment and when the open again the lightly come on.
Tech slowly pushes himself and Y/n away from the panel. His back pressed into the floor as he helmeted face comes into clear view again.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" He ask in a teasing manner. He slowly works his hand up to the button of their pants undoing it swiftly.
They let out a whine again before gasping as Tech sits up, one hand pressed into their back while the other moves to their ass to grope it.
"Take my helmet off" he says eyes focused soley on them now. Their hands are swift undoing the latches as they remove his helmet. A small smile tugs his lips as they place it beside them.
He presses a gloved hand to their chin being them into a hungry kiss. Both do them gripping onto each other hands in hair and holding each other closely. " Your dripping Cyar'ika" he says gentle agaisnt their lips.
"I want you Tech, here and now" they whisper agaisnt his neck. Tech brings them in for another hungry kiss both almost forgetting their surrounding until the hear a clatter at the doorway. Both sets of eyes shoot there to be met with a set of child wonder filled ones.
"Ah hi!, hunter sent me up to see if you two had finished with the Intel!" She says with a smile. Tech leans down to Y/n's ear and whispers " we will finish this later Cyare"
their face goes bright red as Tech takes the small device from your pocket and hands it to Omega. " Take this over and copy the master files" he says to her.
Omega smiles as she makes her way over to itHe slides back under the panel as if nothing even happened.
He gentle rocks his hips into Y/n causing them to let out a light gasp, A small chuckle leaves his lips and he looks at them from under it with a sure but cocky smile.
"Are you alright Y/n?, you look really red" Omega says. "Im alright Omega, just a little tense!"
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thetiredstuff · 3 years
Jensen saw meisha comming - did the face by saying that he hoped it will be jared... He literally was akward bc he knew it was meisha... This is how you queerbaited yourself into that sick non existend ship
Hi anon! sorry was all out of spoons to reply earlier but i'm here now so let's get to it because so much to unpack!
Okay: must be absolutely awful to be so miserable that you have to spend your time leaving nasty anons to people that don't even interact with you. I have the majority of you guys blocked, and I am extremely careful with tagging anything so that you guys don't see my negativity in your beloved tags.
You literally sought me out to be annoying for no reason other than spreading your own misery. What a sad existence that must be.
There is a mountain of evidence that says that things are not going well between j2 which i'm guessing is why you're here trying to placate your feelings by idk trying to stomp on my happy ones? Which, I am so sorry for you, are (again) unfortunately for you, not working because I just find this very funny.
When I started watching SPN and started watching bloopers, interviews, and panels, I wasn't on Tumblr in the beginning. I had not idea about any of these ships and what antis were and all the hostility that is in this fandom.
And my very first panel I ever watched about SPN was the 2017 jibcon panel of Jensen and Misha after YouTube recommended it to me after watching a blooper. And I didn't know a thing about these guys, I think I either just saw Cas or he still had to be introduced. Anyway, I remember thinking, after watching that full panel (which is truly a delight I recommend watching if you haven't) that while I don't like to use "gay" as a the descriptive noun because it always feels very sterotypical and prejudice and just wrong, this panel seemed very gay to me because they literally showed their underwear. to one another. on stage.
At the very least they seemed like they genuinely liked one another, and that was after having watched one panel almost four years ago.
And while I didn't fully bought into the J2 fallout theory, it would be remiss of me to still deny it when the evidence is literally a mountain high. I could add some photos etc. not to mention the whole social media meltdown of jp but we both know that you would then come up with pictures of Misha and Jensen where "Jensen was annoyed". Potato, Potatoe except, ya know, one lived with the other during the last three years of SPN ... after the J2 fallout theory started circling around.
But "J/2 lived together as well!" Yup, you're absolutely right! Never claimed they weren't friends. In fact, I very much bought into their friendship and brothers united act, although (laying all cards on the table) I never liked jp from the beginning because I very quickly caught up to his numerous tweets and posts that doxxed people on social media and that is something that I find absolutely appalling no matter who you are. But besides that, I bought into the friendship ... until around beginning of 2018 when Danneel and Gen hadn't posted about one another or shared a photo of each other for a while even though they normally were very consistent with that.
And eventually it all just kinda came crumbling down and then jp had a huge "Et tu Brute?" meltdown on Twitter, which is again appalling behavior towards a former coworker/friend.
It's been a long time coming, jp's awful behavior with no consequences whatsoever. But I'm a big believer in karma, what goes around comes around. It'll take a while but it'll happen eventually, and I believe that enough people who have been close to him for years are sick of it. Most of all Jensen so it seems.
In all truth, if Misha and Jensen aren't friends: so be it. It would be unfortunate because I always like it when actors who work together are also friends, but it is what it is. But at least Jensen isn't actively fed up with Misha. You'll claim otherwise, totally fine but seems like Jensen has had enough of jp's appalling behavior, which should have been confronted way sooner.
As for your queerbaiting comment: there were a bunch of LGBTQ+ writers on this show who queerCODED the text and SUBtext. But you'll wave that away. Cas literally confessed to Dean that he loved him. By that definition alone we were in fact not queerbaited because Cas came out as queer.
Besides that: it is also very weird and appalling behavior to take pleasure in people, of whom a lot are part of the LGBTQ+ community, being queerbaited when queerbaiting is a disgusting thing. And we should all, no matter who you ship or love, be appalled whenever a network, movie, series, studio, decides to queerbait.
While you make fun of us for having been "queerbaited" (although that literally did not happen: as in Cas is literally queer and Dean had a ton of queercoding for his bisexuality), it says more about who you are as a person:
You may call yourself an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, but no ally would ever take pleasure in someone else being even potentially queerbaited.
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torilovestowrite · 4 years
Dabi x Reader; Try Again pt. 9
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Synopsis: Years ago, (Y/n) was left by her villain boyfriend, Dabi after discovering an unexpected news. Ever since then, she never had a lover— focusing on her only son, Yuta. Later on, she meets Todoroki Touya— a new co-worker who seem to be persistent towards winning her heart and attention.
Ship: Dabi x Fem! Reader
❗❗❗Content Warning: Mentions of Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, Manga spoilers, Dabi is a Todoroki theory
🖤 chapter navigation 🖤
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It's been... what, 3 weeks? 3 weeks since that incident wherein Y/n has blown Touya's cover. A huge fight between them happened after that night— the day she returned his belongings. The young woman didn't even waste her time confronting him. It wasn't the most delightful reunion; but a tragic and hurtful one for the both of them— especially to Y/n.
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"Here's your stuff." Y/n spoke while she was trying to hand out Touya's black leather wallet. He grabbed it from her hands and stared at her face— meeting her emotionless eyes; still in-shock from what she discovered. It was something that's hard to swallow for her.
"Thanks." Touya attempted to leave, immediately going towards the door after she gave his things.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she began to become shady, sneering at him with her words. "You're so used to running away as if nothing happened, aren't you? Then tomorrow, you'd come back as if nothing happened again."
Touya closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh as he was stopped from his tracks. Yes, he knew that this moment would come— the day she discovers the truth behind his identity. But still, he never knew that it would come too soon— and that it would be this tragic. He felt his guts tightening from stress and pressure; until small flames began to appear on his skin. Ah, it's been a long time ever since his quirk was used; the sensation that the blue fire left on his skin was purely nostalgic to him.
He turned to Y/n and began to face her direction. The young woman's eyes slightly widened but a stoic expression was still displayed on her face. Isn't he used to running away? What is he doing?
"I'm sorry." Touya apologized, coming towards her and attempting to hold both of her hands. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed at his gestures as she began to look away. "I-I know I couldn't come back as someone who I used to be. That's why I did everything so—"
"And you think you can come back just like that?" Y/n's voice was shaking as hot tears began to dwell on her eyes— falling and staining both of her cheeks. "Dabi, you really have no idea how hard it was for me, don't you? You have no idea how difficult it is to find happiness after what you did to me, right?"
He couldn't cry— despite going through a massive surgery, his tear ducts were still burnt. And so, blood came out from his eyes; which caused a bit of panic to Y/n. But they were both crying now— and she didn't know what to do.
"P-Please." Y/n pleaded, removing his hands from her skin. "Stop seeing me and Yuta. Just leave, Dabi."
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After that fight, Touya couldn't be seen anywhere. He stopped appearing from work and he also stopped visiting Y/n and Yuta from time to time. It was painful for the both of them— but Y/n knows that she needed time to think; to absorb everything that has unfolded right before her eyes. And as for Touya, he needs to reflect on what he did— and to ask for Y/n's forgiveness. It was bittersweet— but shouldn't it be like that?
Y/n could still remember the disappointment in Yuta's face when she said that he'll never come back. The young boy would always look at the windows to see if his beloved Uncle Touya was there— but of no avail, no one came. She felt bad for her son. Perhaps, it was too harsh for her to decide on her own without even asking her son? Y/n didn't know. But what she knows is what she did— would be the best for all of them right now.
It was a typical Sunday morning for the mother and son duo— Y/n was cooking lunch for the both of them while Yuta was in the backyard playing alone. While the young woman was cooking, loads of questions began to float in her mind.
How did Dabi survive? How did he change his name to Touya? Why did he decide to come back? Just... how did everything turn out to be as it is right now?
It wasn't too long until her thoughts were interrupted after hearing a child-like scream from the area where Yuta was playing. She immediately turned off the stove and rushed towards the scene with her mind filled with panic. Her eyes met her unconscious son who was laying on the ground with light blue flames appearing on his frail-looking body. His skin was bruised— and it was quite obvious that he was trying to catch his breath. Did Yuta perhaps... try to train himself?
Despite the high temperature surrounding his body, Y/n's maternal instincts didn't care. She carried the young child in her arms and rushed him towards the nearest hospital.
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"I know I was the one who told you to never come back. But I really need your help this time, Dabi." Y/n guiltily looked at her toes as she spoke to the red-haired man right before her eyes; meeting his blue unreadable orbs.
It's been two days since Y/n and Yuta returned from the hospital. He was unconscious for at least 5 hours— but Y/n decided to confine him in order to assure that his body is in the right track before they could be released.
"Just call me by my real name, Touya." He spoke as he took a sip from the cup of tea that Y/n prepared for him when he visited. The young woman rolled her eyes in return and said, "Whatever, Touya."
"Anyway, I know we're not okay right now... but you have to stick around. At least not for me, but for Yuta." Y/n swallowed before speaking— just like how she'd swallow her pride just for her son to feel more better about his quirk.
"Apparently, Yuta's body was too frail for his quirk— which is why he was left unconscious while trying to train himself on how to control it." She explained, showing him papers in order to prove her point— which Touya immediately read once he received it.
A small smirk appeared on his face as he began to look at the records. "Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, huh?"
"Train him please." Y/n spoke in a soft tone as she pleaded. "Y-you're the only person I could ask about this. You have the same quirk as him."
A moment of silence wrapped around the room. It was uncomfortable for Y/n, considering that she can't really determine what Touya was thinking.
Meanwhile, the young man was drowning in his thoughts too. His hands were shaking— that old trauma once again came back. What if he becomes like the older man who raised him? What if he ends up hurting Yuta? What if Yuta ends up becoming a young man who claimed the innocent lives of 30 people? What if he ends up becoming like Dabi? But suddenly, these negative ideas began to disappear as he felt a pair of warm hands hold his'. It was Y/n— oh god, did he miss the feeling of those hands.
"Once everything becomes fine, I'll introduce you as his father." Y/n claimed as she squeezed his both hands tightly. "Compensate for your loss now, Touya."
And eventually, without even having any second thought, these words came out from his lips— almost like a slip.
"I will do it." He spoke in a deep tone, "I will not be like my father."
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Taglist [OPEN]: @babayaga67 @marydragneell @xxtrash-kingxx @paranoiac-666 @velvet-kissesss @orenjineki @mermaid-starlet @ikita454 @yo-girl-lunar @pansexual-booknerd @daimiyu @marvelousbakugou @peculiarinsomniac @cutesnakemum @sam-i-am-1025 @lawlesshedgehog @sonderkook @miss-buttersworth @threbony @noonewouldlisten25 @missalicebaskerville
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Editor's Note: The document that follows is the first and last written report made by Doctor John Carver Randall — the inventor of the aetheric oscillation detector, and father of modern multiverse theory — during his 1927 expedition to explore the multiverse. It is also the last confirmed communication of any type to originate from his party, having been written on the eve of their disappearance.
Although this report is largely a summary of a larger, comprehensive report that was never produced, the data it contains helped lay the foundations of multiversal cartography, in the form of the Randall Catalogue — the first systematic documentation and description of other universes within our multiverse. My intent in producing this edited and annotated version is to make this groundbreaking work more accessible to the modern reader, while preserving its historical and scientific worth. — L. Rowe
The aether field. John Carver Randall described it as a "strange force pervading the whole space about us, not having a source or direction that we could appreciate within our perception," but he was sure that it existed in a deep sense. Like many men with a philosophical bent of mind, he wanted to explain what he was doing in those terms before doing it. For Randall, his aetheric detectors were just that. He didn't want people to use them to get away with stuff he didn't like, so he chose something else, something that sounded more sensible.
"Doctor," said the captain, "on all systems, the sensors indicate a uniform negative impact. We're going to crash."
"Negative impact?" Randall turned to his friend in puzzlement. "Are they making fun of us?"
"They're asking us to make a fool of ourselves again," Carver answered. "For the past few minutes, everyone's been watching us, hunkering down for another blow like the last forty-seven seconds."
"It's really going to happen, isn't it?" Randall was aghast.
"We can only hope." The captain was a stocky, taciturn man in his late forties. He was a veteran of a dozen combat missions and had never been knocked down until now. He looked to Randall like some sort of humanoid stone, unperturbed by explosions and bullets.
"You know, sometimes I think I've changed a lot since I got here," Randall said, watching the planet slowly twist below them through its pass. The ship bounced and staggered against the spin.
"It's possible," Carver said. "I suppose you've discovered a lot since flying out of the atmosphere."
"To be honest, I think I figured out the aetheric field when we were both still children." Randall nodded at his friend. "Doctor, I don't have to take this stuff. I'm going to stop worrying about it."
"Good luck," Carver said.
The ship was jolted and shook. The force of impact threw Randall from his seat, and he was slammed onto the floor with such force that he went flat on his face.
He could see, now, that there was nothing to hit, and a moment later his senses adjusted and he could determine what had happened. "That's not … right," he realized. "We crashed into the planet. There must be something there to reflect our energy, but … "
"Shut up," the captain said harshly. He was not accustomed to people talking below him.
"Just tell me what to do," Randall said, feeling foolish. "The ship can't hurt us, and it should as little as possible."
"Which is why you aren't doing anything," the captain said. Randall could not see him, but he could hear his voice.
The ship bumped slightly against the rocky surface, but then it stopped. The captain was a man of his word.
"All units standing by," he said into his comm. "We have a change of plans."
"The captain's going to kill us?"
"As long as we're not in orbit of the planet, we're not going down."
This is the first time I've seen someone treat the aetheric field like it's real, as a thing with physical (or imagined) existence. That it isn't just another convenient convenient thing you can suspend your moral instincts about.
In all my years of sci-fi writing, I never imagined someone like this would become a sci-fi staple, yet here we are.
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Star-Crossed: Bound by Blood
Chapter Three
Master List / Read on AO3
Previous Chapter
Warnings: Canon divergent during Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian, serious pining
A/N: I make this stuff up as I go along, if I screw something Star Wars-y up, apologies in advance, I didn’t do it on purpose, but I’m new to this Fandom. I will be cross posting this story between AO3 and Tumblr except the smutty bits. Those chapters will only be available to registered users on AO3. (I’m trying something new for people who want to read here on Tumblr, but to also avoid the smut for minors controversy. We’ll see how it goes.)
*I do not have a tag list* Please follow the story on AO3 if you want email updates, or follow @tilltheendwilliwrite-library where I post the new/latest chapters of all my stories.
The trip to Nevarro was hell. 
The Razor Crest now smelled like Baast, and after using his soap, their two scents had blended, and Din was going out of his kriffing mind. He'd taken to sleeping in the cockpit, having given up his cot, but it did little good. 
It was like the essence of her had invaded every part of his home.
He'd started having dreams. Dreams of a world with sand dunes and plains of long grass, where towering forests of old wood grew and swayed in gentle, fragrant breezes. He dreamed of walking the rock and sand trails of jagged mountains, of climbing steep cliffs to drink from sweet falls that appeared out of the clouds.
And when he reached his destination, a rocky outcropping high above the world, a cat leapt over the rocks to land before him. She was sleek lines and dense muscle, her coat tawny, darkening to black over her muzzle and legs. Long tufts of fur drifted in the wind from the tips of her ears, and green eyes watched him with a thousand years of ancient wisdom.
He knelt before the regal creature and pulled off his helmet. She padded closer, circled him once, sniffed him curiously, and began to purr. The rumble soothed his soul, and Din closed his eyes as her sleek, furry cheek rubbed against his.
"Mine," he whispered as he reached for her, waking himself from the dream every time.
By the time they landed on Nevarro, he was desperate for air that didn't smell like Baast. A few more parsecs, he may have done something stupid.
He met her at the gangway with a heavy cloak. "Put this on, draw the hood, and try to remain inconspicuous."
She arched a brow before handing over Grogu. The kid stuck to her like glue, eager to be at her side whenever he was awake. It was a relief to know someone else was watching him, but at the same time, he missed the kid's continual company.
Baast shrugged into the cloak and pulled the hood over her hair before laying her hand on his arm. "Are you well?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You have been distant."
"Just busy." He held out a silver bar roughly three inches long. "Extendable staff, at least until the Alor can get you those sabres."
She smiled at him, the light just catching her fangs. "Thank you, Mando."
He tilted his head but tugged the hood farther forward. "Let's go."
They'd landed well after dusk, assuring a quiet, uninterrupted trip through the streets. Those that lingered paid them no mind used to seeing the silver beskar of an unpainted Mandalorian.
The bar was fairing better after the fight with Moff Gideon. Walls had been repaired, and the damage painted over. 
He walked in and headed straight for the back booth, ignoring the eyes that followed. They knew better than to mess with him, and the music stayed lively.
Karga, however, wasn't alone.
"Karga. Dune," he stated, tossing three pucks on the table. 
"Only three, Mando? I sent you out with four," Karga teased. "Did a quarry finally escape the famed Mandalorian?"
"She's dead; body recovery was impossible."
He watched Cara's eyes flick to Baast and down to Grogu, a smile growing as she pushed from the table. "There's the little womp rat!"
Grogu squealed his happiness, but Baast growled.
The low sound set his hair on end, causing Din to step back, between the woman and his clan. "Cara, not now," he said, no explanation, not sure he had one to give. 
Baast placed her hand on the back of his neck, a place without beskar but covered by his cowl. Still, he felt it like a live wire jolt.
"Usenye!" Baast growled.
"Udesii," Din murmured, turning just enough to know he meant Baast.
"Whoa, someone's touchy," Cara muttered.
Mando didn't need this right now. The longer he stayed here, the more twitchy he felt, like something beneath his skin was itching to claw its way free. "Karga. If they ask, you tell them she's dead."
The man stared at him a long moment, assessing, processing before he gave a short nod. "I will log the information myself." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an ingot of beskar. "For your trouble and the three on your ship."
"Where did you get that?" Din asked, picking up the ingot.
"Took it off some Imps after that last clean up." A second pile of credits, smaller than it should be, landed next. "Consider us even."
"Done," he agreed, hyper-aware of Baast's hand still light against his neck.
"And congratulations, Mando. It isn't every day a Mandalorian takes a riduur."
He felt Baast's fingers twitch but didn't correct Karga's assumption.
"You got married!" Cara gasped, loud enough to cause the bar to pause and look their way. 
One long stare over his shoulder had them minding their business again. 
"Baast'mal. Cara Dune, former shock trooper, now Marshal for the New Republic. Greef Karga, head of the Bounty Hunters Guild, and Magistrate of Nevarro."
"A pleasure," Karga grinned. "Is it true wives put off their armour when they decide to have little warriors?"
Baast snorted. "Di'kutla. Anade knows gar ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya."
Din couldn't help but chuckle. "She says, foolish. Everyone knows you train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger. My woman is all warrior."
The words slipped out, and he couldn't bite them back. Baast's hand dropped from his nape, but only to lower and slide in at his waist, sneak past layers of beskar and again find flesh barely covered. She pressed closer, a low rumble vibrating between them, and Din felt approval wash from her like a wave.
"Ibic taap, Ni cuy' bat Kyr'nakil," she murmured, low enough only Din heard, informing him she didn't like it there.
He looked down at her, into the deep shadows of her hood as she clutched Grogu to her and found her eyes. This place had her on edge. With her Force sensitivity, he believed her, but he wanted to know why. "Tion'jor?"
"Too many bad feelings," she whispered. "There are hunters, many of them."
He gave a small tilt of his head. "Vaabir val olaror par gar?" he asked, wondering if they came for her.
A slight negative shake. "For news of the child."
Din was instantly enraged and leaned over the table toward Karga. "You're taking a bounty on the kid again?"
"What? No! Of course not!" the man cried in outrage.
"Mando." Cara laid her hand over his. "He hasn't, I swear."
Baast growled, causing Din to move his hand out from under Cara’s and block Baast in the same action. "There are hunters here for news of the kid. Get your cargo off my ship so we can leave." He swiped the credits off the table and turned to go, Karga already barking orders.
Din wasn't surprised when Baast's fingers snuck to the crook of his elbow. Or, he wasn't as surprised as he should be. A riduur walked where her mate could protect them and any children they might have. Her position kept her secure against him while hiding them behind a wall of beskar and weapons, handled by a highly dangerous predator.
"Mando, wait," Cara said, blocking their path. "Come to my place. You can rest, eat, and I can see the kid. I missed him."
Baast's fingers twitched. 
"Cara," he hesitated.
"Please. We're friends. Let a friend toast your good fortune."
Another low warning growl rippled from Baast when Cara touched his arm.
"She has nayc staabi!" Baast snarled.
Din looked down at her. "Technically, neither do you."
Her hand snapped off his arm like he'd burned her, shock and disappointment so profound it hurt, hit him like a rampaging mudhorn. 
She took a step in retreat, Grogu clinging to her, the kid looking just as devastated. 
What had he done? Kriff! Why would he say that?
"Baast!" he shouted but was too late as she spun on her heel and raced from the cantina. "Kriff!" he bellowed and gave chase, Cara hot on his heels.
"What the hell was that, Mando?" Dune demanded as they slammed through the doors only to find a deserted street. 
"Not your concern."
"Mando!" She grabbed him by the vambrace. She had no way of knowing how close he came to putting her through the wall. "What's really going on? Who is she?"
"You wouldn't understand. It's a Mandalorian thing." He shook her off and looked for Baast's tracks. 
It didn't surprise him at all when they went up a wall and over the roof.
Din took off after her, climbing as if his armour weighed nothing, leaving Cara behind to curse and swear. He followed long strides for some distance as she ran across roofs, finally leaving the residential district to head into a more industrial area. 
Again her tracks went up, and he followed, climbing the narrow ladder to the top of a tower that looked out over Nevarro. He found her there; knees pulled to her chest, the hood thrown back, clinging to Grogu as the kid did his best to stroke the tears from her face.
She jerked but didn't move. "Go away, Mandalorian."
"I can't." He went to her and knelt, intent on taking her in his arms, only to have deadly claws close around his throat. 
"You have not the right," she snarled, her eyes piercing him through the beskar.
Grogu huffed and sighed, appearing at once both annoyed and exasperated.
"Nayc staabi. No right, that's what you said about Cara."
Baast snarled. "If you want the shock trooper so badly, have her!" she snapped, pushing him back with strength, causing him to rock on his heels.
"I don't, and she doesn't want me. She would be more inclined to go for you," he chuckled.
She blinked big green eyes. "Oh…" Her hand slowly relaxed until it lay on his chest.
This time when he gathered her close, she didn't resist. "Forgive me. I said something stupid."
"But true," she sighed. "You did not dispute the claim of riduur. I knew it meant nothing but got caught up in my role. You are free to do what you wish with whomever you wish," she sighed.
Din didn't think. He didn't plan his next move. It was like instinct demanded he act, and so he did.
"Baast. Close your eyes."
She did so without hesitation or question as Din stripped off his gloves. The helmet hissed when he released it, causing her brow to twitch. Before he took it off, he wrapped his arm around her and covered her eyes with his hand.
"Din?" she whispered, her uncertainty clear. 
"Trust me," he murmured, lifting his helmet free with his other hand. They were too high up for anyone to see, and the moons had yet to rise, leaving them bathed in shadows. 
Grogu cooed and sat down a few feet away, apparently content to let the adults sort this out on their own.
Din gave him a last look before setting his helmet down and raising that hand to lightly, tenderly, stroke her face. "I don't want just anyone," he whispered, unable to deny what was written in his heart. "Just you," he sighed and lightly brushed their mouths together. 
He'd never kissed anyone before, but he wanted to kiss Baast. 
Din woke with a jolt and a clang of beskar as he fell out of the pilot's chair and onto the floor. 
He lay there confused and disoriented until he realized the entire thing had been a dream. 
He groaned softly enough that it didn't leave the safety of his helmet and pushed to his hands and knees before sitting back on his thighs. This trip was going to kill him. The dream had been far too real.
He picked himself off the floor and looked up to find Grogu smirking at him. "Don't start."
The kid gurgled a noise that shouldn't in any way have been cute but somehow still was.
"Hungry?" Din asked.
Grogu waddled closer, arms up.
"Of course you are. When are you not hungry?" he chuckled, picking up the kid and heading for the ladder down into the belly of his ship. 
He was just getting Grogu situated when the door to the fresher opened, revealing Baast in nothing but a towel. 
She jolted in surprise. "I did not expect… you… I…" A bright blush bloomed darkly across her cheeks. Then, she straightened, lifting her chin like a royal, firming her composure. "You have not joined us for meals as of late. I did not expect you and have washed my clothing."
His mouth was desert dry when he attempted to speak, but no words emerged, and Din was grateful for the helmet that hid his gaping mouth. He stared for too long before stepping away from Grogu and his gruel toward Baast. She stiffened, hand flexing where she clutched the cloth closed, but the Zentari didn't back down.
Din moved with cautious steps to the crates piled against the wall and shoved two over before picking up the third and setting it down on top of the others. From within, he pulled out blue silks. "I have this if you want it."
A regal brow arched, her wet hair sleek and sticking to her now brushed the tops of her thighs. "Why does a Mandalorian have a courtesan's dress in his belongings?"
He flinched, having hoped she wouldn't recognize it. "Because an assassin dressed as a courtesan attempted to kill me, but not until after she'd taken her clothes off."
Baast eyed the cloth a moment longer before gliding forward to pluck it from his fingers. "Did she succeed in the seduction?"
"No. That's why she was naked. She made a poor courtesan."
"Hmm," purred from her as she walked back into the fresher, and the door closed behind her. "And you have simply kept it lying around?" she called through the door.
Did she sound jealous, or was he still dreaming? "It's not something a Mandalorian can walk into the market and sell without garnering a second look."
"You were not, perhaps, keeping it for your riduur?"
The door opened, and Din forgot how to speak. Blue silk fell in sleek lines from the golden band that bared the under curve of her breasts. She swept out and headed for Grogu, sailing past him, her damp hair leaving a dark stain on the skirt. 
"I haven't thought much about a riduur." Before now. 
He followed her like a Bantha would a Tuskin Raider, and when she sat to help Grogu with his food, Din came to a stop behind her. 
She looked up, but he knew the beskar made it hard for her to read him. "Is it that terrible? Do I not make a passable courtesan?"
"More than passable," escaped his mouth, his brain still malfunctioning. "But your hair is dripping."
"Wet hair does that," she teased him with a smile.
"May I?"
She blinked as he began to strip off his gloves. "Din?"
"Let me," he murmured, running his fingers like a comb through her thick locks. He sat on a crate and worked free what few tangles had formed before splitting the mass in half. He began the plait high, working it smooth against her scalp and down behind her ear. When his fingers brushed the pointed tip, a shudder raced through her, but a low, happy purr followed. He made it to the end and used a scrap piece of leather to bind the long braid. 
"How is it that a Mandalorian knows how to do a woman's hair with the skill of a maid?"
He froze, fingers full of sand-coloured silk. "My mother," he murmured. "I once did it for my mother."
Her hand closed gently on his knee, Baast reaching back, otherwise staying still for him. "A good memory, I hope."
"One of my only good memories," he murmured, finishing the section close to her skull and swiftly plaiting the rest. Once he tied the end, she turned to look up at him and left him breathless. 
He'd never seen a more mesh'la creature. Men would spend their entire fortune for one night with her. But Din looked at her and saw her dressed in the ornaments of a riduur. Beskar bands for her braids, the cuff that would circle her upper arm and proudly display the mark of the mudhorn, proclaiming her part of his clan. The beskar breastplate that would be hers the moment their first child was born.
"Then, I am pleased to help you remember it." She stroked one of the thick plaits. "I am happy to offer myself to your ministrations in the future, should you so desire to assist me again."
Vital portions of his anatomy tightened, causing him to rise swiftly and step away from her tempting allure. "We'll be in Nevarro soon. I'll see about more suitable clothing when we get there."
He climbed the ladder back to the cockpit, knowing damn well he was running away.
riduur -  spouse
Usenye! - Go away!
Udesii - Calm down.
Ibic taap, Ni cuy' bat Kyr'nakil - This place, I am on edge
Tion'jor - why
Vaabir val olaror par gar - do they come for you
 nayc staabi - no right
Next Chapter
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Thanks to everyone who's taken the time out to read my posts and has enjoyed it so far. It's really been fun and entertaining exchanging thoughts and having these much deeper ship discussions.
I thought this issue was gonna go away but I woke up this morning to more people messaging me about finding my last video analysis on several other platforms without appropriate credit.
But that's not disturbing. The disturbing part is the people sliding into people's DM'S on other platforms to get them to take down my video because they don't want people sharing my content on other platforms as they believe it would only make my blog popular.
For those worried about this whole credit business, thanks for showing this much concern for me? I really appreciate the love and concern if it's from a genuine place of concern. Thank you...
I think some of you already know this by now or might have figured it out, I am a law student, I am very much well aware what is and what isn't within my rights? Lol
I honestly didn't see this whole credit thingy as a big deal. It's not. Not to me. Lol. I repost people's photos without credit too all the time. Often, it's because I don't know who to credit and most time my lazy ass just forgets to. Lol. I think it's normal? It's inconsequential I mean.
The videos I use are usually often water marked by the appropriate owners so I don't go through the hustle of figuring this whole credit business out. If I should decide to come back here again I will check that habit of mine?
While this whole credit business is not a big deal to me, malicious slander and defamation to my character is and I don't take it lightly.
It has been brought to my attention that some Jikookers from Tumblr have since been sliding into people's DM's on other platforms asking them to take down my video and or remove the credit they give to my post.
They are telling people I am problematic, calling me the Taekook Lives of the Jikook community. That I have been spreading lies about Jikook, that the Jikook Tumblr community hates me or something like that and to further caricaturize me and make me appear more evil in order to get people to turn on me and hate me, they make up the most ridiculous lies about me claiming that I believe a notorious serial killer is innocent.
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Now I have since deleted my YT account because I don't want my colleagues to find out I am into shipping too lol- shipping is a guilty pleasure of mine and I know how this fandom works unfortunately. I've been a silent part of it since 2014. I mean it's started already. The Doxing and shit.
The original post under which these replies are from couldn't save sadly as my account has been deleted but you can see from my notifications the general feel of what my interests outside shipping looks like.
I am interested in a myriad of topics, from literature, Aliens, writing, Harry Potter, history, activism, advocacy, philosophy, law, politics, NASA, and mystery and murder among other things.
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My quora is mostly filled with notifications from my Book community and True crime community and often I do share my thoughts and answer questions with regards to the psychology of murderers, legal evidence, notorious villains in literature- well I guess now you know the kind of lawyer I want to be if and when I'm able to complete law school.
But what has my interest in these topics got to do with Jikook and shipping please?? How does this prove I hate Jikook and spread lies about them?
This Kookie Min Monsta person slipped into someone's DMS and asked the person who had put up my video analysis to take it down or discredit me because to her I am problematic. She is not the only one.
You want so bad to paint me black- no pun intended just to win an argument? You claim I am the evil malicious person here but I am not the one sliding into people's dms trying to take credit away from people for their hardwork, spreading hate and negative energy, making things up to manipulate people's perception of others and get them to hate and turn on them- and all because of A SHIP? Damn. This is pathetic.
Who died and made you the gatekeeper of the jikook shipping community? Honestly antics like these don't work on me try again.
I made a video commentary on my Booktube YT account- yes I am part of the book YouTube community as well sue me or better still slip into their inboxes and tell them I voted for Trump therefore I hate chipmunks.
The commentary I made on YT months ago was when I was in the highs of finding a new passion and it was on Ann Rule's book, The Stranger Besides Me- a true crime novel on Ted Bundy which I found so poorly written that at the end of the book it left with me wondering whether or not Ted Bundy was guilty at all!
The Author's writing style which deviates from most writing styles of True Crime novels I have read gave me trust issues as I stated in the video. It felt more as if she was writing a made up fictional novel than an actual True Crime novel but because she knew Ted Bundy in person she made it seem as if we just had to believe her account.
Then there was this whole thing about the police not being able to match the DNA samples taken from his rape victims, to his own Semen because his Semen was DNAless- in lay man's terms. I'll spare you the technicalities involved.
As I stated in that video, I do believe Ted Bundy was guilty but I do not have much faith in the Judicial system, or criminal procedures or even the Author of that book- a sentiment most people within the true crime community share as well. We just had differing views on whether the writer's style took away from the narrative and waters down on the extent of Bundy's guilt.
We had a Similar conversation about Chris Watt. If the community I was engaging in didn't have a problem with my commentary why do you? Please don't meddle in things you know nothing about. It's embarrassing.
The conversation about whether or not Ted Bundy is innocent is moot but a philosophical one. It has nothing to do with Ted Bundy's guilt but more so the criminal procedures involved in his case and the different accounts that exists surrounding his case.
He was electrocuted, he confessed to his crimes no damn person with brains would think or assume he is innocent and I never said anything of that nature drew any conclusions to that effect.
Besides, I moved on from Ted Bundy a long time ago. Now I am into the Serial Killer who writes death poems and signs it off with drawings of the size of his dick at his crime scenes- mind your own business please or don't and let's have an intellectual discourse about him? Lmho.
I am also into cat memes if you care to know and have a whole IG dedicated to cat memes. I believe human beings are the most dumbest species in all the galaxies and when the Aliens arrive I am snitching.
When my mind is at rest, I often wonder if Aliens have masculinity complex and if they do whether or not their masculinity is contingent on the size of their dicks or whether they have to engage in a battle to the death with an alien grizzly bear to determine who is the man.
I love BTS memes too- a little too much and often end up debating over the internet with random people over whether BTS memes are funnier than cat memes- I'm weird, true. But how does all of that make me a bad person?
It's crazy how these people can go on these other platforms to ask people to take down the credits to my posts as well as my posts itself but can't ask people who run to these other platforms with misinterpretations of my work to take those down.
Instead they come on here to call me out for people's interpretations of my work?? It doesn't work that way. You are the author of your own opinion and interpretation of other people's work. You don't call out the original author for someone's opinion of their work. If that were so I would be emailing Stephanie Meyer for Anna Todd and her After series. Get some education.
I have since blocked this person and others whose Tumblr I have been able to find thanks to all those that's helped me finding them on here.
My gf also tried reaching out to the persons who shared my post after we realised this was becoming an issue and had asked them to credit her or my blog- but honestly I don't care about that yet she won't give it a rest. Lol. My ride or die this one. Sigh.
However, we realized soon that this is not about 'stealing' credit- can't call someone out for not giving credit when I suck at that myself. Lol.
This is about people's malicious intentions and their attempts to silence me and take away my right to freedom of expression however way that they can. This is wrong and evil.
I honestly don't care for all these ship politics these people are engaged in. I've had enough intelligent conversations to know the distinction between arguments that flows from bruised egos and actual conversations around a subject matter.
This whole I am right, she is wrong politics... y'all get that the point of having an opinion is not to be right, right? We all cant have the same perspective and you can't call someone a liar for holding views that is different from yours. That is a bizarre mentality to have.
As I stated in my post, that content I made was a rebuttal to the Taekook theories running around on the internet alleging JK glared at Tae when he pulled on his shoulder because he was jealous Tae and Jin were having fun behind him. He wasn't. He was worried Tae was gonna expose him and JM holding hands behind Suga.
If you don't think they were holding hands then Taekookers were right and his reaction was because he was Jealous of Taejin I guess...
But thats your truth. That's not my truth. I don't believe Taekook is real. JK isn't jealous of Taejin he is not Twelve- but then again he was sneaking around behind Suga holding his boyfriend's hands so I guess he is twelve? Lol. Jikook!
Do you.
But please stop the evil malicious attacks and seek immediate help. There is such a thing as right and wrong and this is just plain wrong. Your Karma and chakra are in the negative nodes and you need to fix it. It is not funny anymore.
Thank you to everyone who has shown genuine concerns for me in the past few days and thank you so much for trying to stand up for me. There are good people on here and I have met and interacted with a lot of them and thank you so much for such a wonderful experience and insightful discussions.
I don't hate people because of our differences in thoughts, beliefs, opinions. There's always room for dissenting opinions in every sphere. At the very least, we can agree to disagree and shake on it. But You can't make up shit about people just to prove your opinion is right and their opinions and views which differ from yours are 'wrong.
I am not a victim though, and they are not bullies, psst. They are just vile pathetic human beings exposing the greens of their insides. What you do says more about who you are as a person and human being. And this is who they are.
Just be a nice decent human being. That's what this world needs. Fix whatever is broken inside of you and free your mind and spirit. Hate is never the answer.
I'm going to be away for a while because I have studies, work and other interests I want to pursue at the moment- it's just my AADD flaring up so if you see me henceforth raving about Nana at least you'd know why. Lol. She's wrecking my Jimin bias. Lmho.
Spread positivity, do the right thing, stand up for a good cause and keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
Until we meet again.
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hereforthelizardsex · 3 years
My friend who has never seen so much as an episode of deep space nine wrote nsfw crack fanfiction about Julian, Garak, and Dukat being captured and held in Area 51 on alternate universe (not mirror universe) Earth following a conversation where I mentioned Julian’s foot fetish and alien fucking. I am posting it here for anyone in the mood for reading something very cursed.
Ever since the universe started to collapse in on itself, our lives have been completely turned around. All of us DS9 inhabitants were shuffled into emergency escape pods that could travel much faster than your average ship. Only a third of us made it out, who knows where the rest are. We drove straight into a black hole, just hoping for the best. We ended up in a place called “The Milky Way” and eventually on Earth. Earth isn't so different from DS9, we even have some of the same evil rulers and war history, but it is weird being confined to a planet instead of living among the stars. When my ship first landed, my other ship mates had died, all six of them. I was brought to a place called area 51 and eventually given a room of my own here. All of us ‘aliens’ were given an area, which they call a cell block, to stay in with our own rooms. The biggest change, though, has been my sex life, and this is that story:
I wake up drenched in sweat and with a pounding headache, this planet is so dry that I don't know how my body has any liquids left to sweat out. I gulp down the water next to my bed, and stand to stretch my muscles, still sore from crash landing on this planet. I stiffly walk over to the mirror and stare at the bruises and cuts on my body, wishing they would heal already and that the scientists wouldn't be so eager to make new ones. I am in the middle of examining my bare abdomen when I hear my bedroom door creak open. I turn to look and see Garak staring at me from the doorway.
“It’s late.” I say, embarrassed to have been caught staring at myself in the mirror, and even more embarrassed that these thin gray cotton shorts don't hide very much, something that Garak has also noticed.
“I thought we could talk, I mean this whole thing is sort of crazy. Landing on a new planet, losing everyone we knew. I mean you watched people die in front of you, and now there's humans showing you Tik Tik dancing and something called Goggle.”
I sigh, “yeah I mean I guess so. It's not like I have anyone to miss though. I mean YOU'RE still alive and here to bother me,”
“You would've missed me if I died?” He says in a patronizing tone that I find somewhat annoying and somewhat sexy.
“ Only a little,” I responded with a smile as I woke over and sat on the edge of my bed.
“Well I was also here to ask you if you could check some of these wounds out. The people here either seem to want to make them worse or are too scared of me to help.” He walks over and sits next to, right next to me.
I lift his shirt gently and look at some of the injuries he sustained in the crash. It takes me a moment to realize that I’ve placed my hand on his abdomen while examining his side, and he hasn't moved it. I pull my hand away and feel my face turn red.
“Well they look like they're healing fine to me no sign of infection”
“Julian,” he says looking me in the eyes before reaching a hand over and placing it on the inner part of my thigh, “thank you”.
He leaves his hand there just long enough for my cock to get hard before standing up and leaving. I'm sure he noticed, but he didn't say anything and neither did I.
He comes back every night after that for the next two weeks to talk, always finding and excuse to expose some part of his body to me that shouldn't be as erotic to me as it is.
One night he was complaining about his feet hurting from being forced to run all day, to test his physical abilities, so I eagerly volunteered to rub them as we laid on my bed and talked. I stared at his scaly toes laying in my lap as my fingers expertly kneaded the soles of his feet. Of course, my body decided that now was a perfect time for an erection the size of the entire Starfleet, which was brought back up by Garak adjusting his position just as it was starting to go down, almost as if he was doing it on purpose.
Just as I was starting to suspect that he was trying to make me hard. He sat up and looked me in the eyes, “Julian how many times do I have to graze your dick with my heels, are you going to let me make you cum or not?”
I felt my face turn red yet again, and did not respond in anyway other than shock and a wide eyed stare.
“For fucks sake, you act like such a prude,” he said as he pulled down my sweatpants and let my cock spring free of its fabric cage. He leaned forward, as if to take me in his mouth, but instead spit on my cock and sat back to begin rubbing it with his feet. I tensed up in surprise but began to relax as the blood my heart was using to panic started going to my dick. Precum began to leak onto Garkas feet, coating his scaled toes and making them shine.
I noticed a very large, very long new appendage poking out under Garaks clothing and reaching over to begin rubbing it, it was warm and somewhat wet, I just had to see what it was. I pulled off his pants and was almost smacked in the face by his five foot long alien dick. Instead of a head at the end it was a fleshy hole that was oozing a clear liquid. I dipped my finger into the liquid and licked it off, moaning in ecstacy. “Fuck Garak you taste so good” i said as I felt my dick twich in the embrace of his feet, which had been massaging it back and forth. He didn't say anything but grabbed my hand and moved along his slippery penis, which was so thick I couldn't wrap my hand all the way around it. After a f few minutes he transferred some of the fluids from his penis onto his hand and began to rub my tight, somewhat throbbing, asshole, gently sliding his fingers in and out of it. It was too much for me to handle, I felt my balls tense up and my dick began squirting loads of cum all over Garaks sexy toes.
“I'm going to have to try for weeks to get all that out from under my scales you assclown” Garak said pressing his cold cardassian lips to mine. We made out passionately, his little lizard tongue darting in and out of my mouth. I was still stroking his cock when my door was flung open. i tried to jump back in surprise but was held back by Garak, whose cock seemed to get harder now that someone was watching us. I didnt see who it was, but I felt them come up behind me and saw the world go dark as I was blinded by a tie being wrapped over my eyes. I felt the strangers dick slap me in the face as it was pulled out and draped over my shoulder like a scarf. I instinctively took it in my hand and livked the side of it. This one I was able to fit my whole hand around, but it seemed to be around eight feet as opposed to Garaks measly five. I kissed along the wet shaft as my face was coated in alien precum. Garak had been fingering my ass for about ten minutes now, and he placed his hands on my hips and we moved so that he was under me. He pushed the tip of his cock into my ass and the rest that I couldn't fit quite yet sunk back into his body, in typical cardassian fashion.
I thought the mystery stranger had begun to cum, but instead the smell of dehydrated piss filled my nostrils and I felt a runny warm liquid spill down my government issued t-shirt and roll down my body onto my cock that was now hard again. Garak thrusted in and out of me as my mouth bobbed along the strangers dick, and my blind fold began to slip loose. It fell off just as both Garak and the stranger began to cum, one in me and the other all over my face, and I looked into the eyes of my worst enemy. I had just given a blow job to none other than Dukat.
A few weeks later I noticed a particular itch around my penis, but all the usual STD tests had come back negative. My doctors decided to do one last test, and allergy test, which just so happened to be on the day that they had finished processing cardassian dna, and what do you know? I'm allergic to lizard-alien semen! Life is not worth living now…
Inspired by this collaborative image:
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buttercupbuck · 3 years
people seem to forget that one the beautiful things about internet nowadays is that you can mostly filter what you want to see or not
i do ship buddie and yes I believe some things are a stretch, but honestly? that's why I'm here and I find it amusing more than the opposite
i don't mind Taylor - I actually like her, even if there's a take or two that I not particularly fond of, and what do I do in this case? I ignore things. I read the beginning and think "ok, this isn't for me" and I just keep scrolling.
I used to not mind Ana either, I'd actually defend her, but then I saw what some disabled people were saying about her character and I decided "well, I'll stop talking about something I don't know" and I stopped engaging with it. But then the thing about GW came out and as a latina i was pretty pissed, so I took to block things about her, since most of the defending didn't feel right to me. And that was it, end of the story.
My problem with all of it is that the 911 fandom today is mostly buddie. and again as much as there many takes i don't agree with, it has to be recognized. There are means to keep in your bubble, mostly because people normally don't want to see things that are buddie negative so they'll avoid you naturally. But when someone posts something that will stir the mood of people and, knowing this, they deliberately put it on the tag where said people are going to see? that's looking for trouble. There's some things I have to say that aren't very popular around here that I don't tag at all because if you decide to fight me on that is because you searched for it or because someone else posted it in the tag - and seriously, go fight them, not me.
What I'm trying to say is that I think we all need to learn how to ignore things better and, more than that, I think that if I want to say my piece I can do it from the safety of my little bubble. And I'm not here to be called racist and misogynistic - which are very serious accusations and people use the words way too freely - just because someone went digging in my blog and decided they could come tell me their opinion.
sorry laying it all out on you Alicia sjshdkjsjs
I'm just tired and pissed and you're been pretty level headed about all of this
oof yeah the whole ana situation especially is so messy tbh bc im right there with you on your opinion on her - i used to be pretty neutral about her but then i saw posts from disabled people in fandom pointing out where she got it wrong in all of 3.12 and became less so. like i didn’t think she was some evil irredeemable monster by any means but the show also never made a point to correct her about it so idk like it’s just not my place to be like “oh it’s fine” bc nothing was ever addressed on that front and it’s not fine clearly
all of that to say that it’s totally understandable why people dislike her and don’t wanna see her on their screens. but i will say that even still, the language that some people use towards her and the way they choose to go after her (on things that are completely separate of those valid criticisms of her) are really gross. so like idk it’s kind of this thing where no i don’t think criticisms of her are inherently misogynistic/racist at all, but just because there *are* valid criticisms of her doesn’t negate the fact that misogynistic/racist language is still used towards her and then dismissed. imo just because a character did something offensive i don’t think it makes sense that we collectively don’t critically think about the way she’s treated by fandom and excuse things that make other communities in fandom (like latinas, for example) uncomfortable and hurt. like i just think about irl if a WOC made an offensive suggestion, it wouldn’t justify attacking them with racist and misogynistic sentiments bc it’s just not fucking necessary to make your point. So that’s kinda where i am with all that
oh and then the whole thing about GW came out and people who aren’t even latinx and clearly don’t actually care about the latinx community (considering the way they talked about ana before they knew all this, or even the way people talked about eddie as well) used that as a shield for their own racism and as a free for all pass to just say whatever the fuck they wanted to say. shdjdks sorry for the mini side rant but this fandom is so frustrating ahaha
but yes also agree that people weaponize big flashy words in this fandom without giving much thought to it lol and yes people also definitely go looking for shit sometimes and that’s entirely their problem. people can post whatever they want and if you go looking in a circle you know isn’t for you then thats on you. and the reverse is true - if you post something negative in a tag that is supposed to be a space for whatever that thing is, that’s also very much on you
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